e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and just let the board know um I got a call from your District engineer he's just a couple minutes late he said go ahead if you guys are ready to start go ahead and start without him he shouldn't be here very long I don't think Lou is coming today uh Andrew told me that he got one that couldn't come but he didn't tell me who it was so I was going to wait to see who all showed up and then I know the one who wasn't coming all right by how do I turn this one on is it on it's okay meeting it's 9:31 let's call the meeting to order do we have proof of publication yes we have proof of Publications in your books on page one thank you we have a quorum you want to take roll yes uh commissioner Marino Mr stokis commissioner herd Mr LMA is absent and Mr cting here thank you thank you any additions deletions or modifications to the agenda I have none um next is approval of the minutes I actually have some comments I was not at the meeting last month but I did watch the meeting and there were a couple of things that that are not reflected in the minutes that I think are important that should be okay um under page two of the minutes uh under new business when we're discussing adopting new policies and procedures there was a the minutes don't reflect a statement that Ruth made which I think is important which was that illegal structures on the works of the Palmar water Control District should be taken care of by Palmar water Control District and any anything additional would be under the purview of the counties so anything outside of the works of the district is the county per Count's purview Martin County and Palm Beach County but anything on the works of the district is our perview it wasn't in the minutes but it was you were very specific about it so I'd like that to be reflected okay and also under new business um the board book shows the board also asked to remove three of the bullet points in the RFQ that actually isn't correct it was number three um got solution here is to confirm that they only meant to clarify number three of the criteria when we were talking about geographic location do you remember that yep okay but um there was also a bit of information omitted in the M omitted in the minutes about the water quality report Mr cting was concerned about the impacts to water qual quality from camps damage to Palmar um this should be suggested for inclusion as it captures a valid concern of one of our supervisors and that was what part was that again that was the water quality report water quality report um Mr cting was concerned about impacts of water from camps and damage to Palmar works so this because it was one of his concerns I think it should be reflected in the minutes okay um and also just um the easement Maps included in the meeting packet are not fully accurate I realize um mostly small legal details but they should not be accepted as absolute truth and I think we that was reflected but at the meeting but not in the minutes so those would be my additions to the minutes and I don't know what else anyone else has motion to approve with the adopted change uh suggest Ed changes second all those in favor I all those opposed that motion carries thank you any old business uh no we don't have any old business today okay new business discussion on adopting new policies and procedures so this begins in your books on uh page eight and um you'll notice I dropped a loose leaf um we got something from Ruth but we had already just printed the books so rather than um and with that I'll turn over to Ruth for for discussion thank you um supervisors as you'll as you'll see uh we have prepared um policies and procedures manual which the board had asked that we do um if you recall the last meeting uh I had brought to the board's attention that we found um a an an older policies and procedures manual from I believe it was 1991 but I could not find that it had ever been officially adopted so we don't know but this one um I I took some of the 1991 uh policies and procedures that I thought were still relevant as well as uh some of the um uh relevant and applicable uh policies and procedures that are um that exist in the two counties uh policies and procedures for meetings and and things like that um I also looked at uh just a just a number of policies and procedures uh from other special districts around the state um especially the landowner election procedures so we make sure that we have that in here so it's very very clear going forward um uh um Palm Beach County's uh attorney's office uh had a few comments on the draft which uh is in your booklet today and um I I made some of those changes um if I could if I could uh Madam chair if I could just kind of briefly tell you what those changes are [Music] um let's see okay in section 2.0 um Palm Beach County brought to my attention that um the when there is uh a vacancy um of one of the county appointed supervisors um it should not it should not be up to the Board of Supervisors to vote and replace that um that seat uh so it should be by the county um or the respective counties rather so I just included that um the uh under Section 3.0 is uh discusses uh what kinds of documents the district manager ought to maintain and how long they ought to maintain it's basically reiterating the records retention schedule that's set out by uh the State of Florida and uh one of the items that I thought was incorrect was uh and I changed it was the adopted budgets I believe that the adopted budgets are are maintained in perpetuity by the manager is that right Michael so the I would have to go back and look at the because we have um that same retention schedule from the state that's what we use I don't remember if the adopted there's different words there's amended budget adopted budgets I'd have to see which one we're we're maintaining okay um now I do know this District I believe like a lot of districts about a year or two ago went through and adopted an updated Pol um retention policy that allows for the change in the statute for electronic copies being the official copies of the district so I don't know if that comes into play in anything that you've got in your policies and procedures it it doesn't that may be that may be an outstanding item that we take a look at um you know after today's discussion um the the last uh change that we made was to section 4.0 um and this is something for the board's discussion um originally I had it in there that the the chairperson uh reviews and approves every single um a change in the agenda and um that may be too much of a burden for the chair I mean because we're on a time crunch once these things get published uh so but I did change it in the the latest version that I sent around to the supervisors um as a red line so you know I don't know if it's something that that you you all want the chair to approve each and every agenda change um if so then we'll keep it the way it was if not then uh we'll make that change and those are those are it um and but the the resolution uh you in the policies and procedures manual um this District um like most districts most Special Districts can make these types of um actions can do these types of actions by motion or by resolution but I thought in abundance of caution here's a resolution in case you want it part of the elect or part of the record uh going forward so we can do a re resolution accepting the policies and procedures but any point in time in the future if we want to amend them we can do that as a motion from the floor correct okay Madam chair um good question do we I know with certain policies um in other districts we actually have to go through like a public hearing process does this not does this fall under that I'm not sure what it is for um usually that's more like rul making but I didn't know if policies and procedures fall under that kind of Ru making right so um the the way I see it is that for Community Development districts that are organized under chapter 120 they they have to go through um chapter 120 rule making procedures okay um 298 uh nothing in 189 or 298 requires that okay and most of the districts we do are CDD so that's why I had that on my head okay great okay one General comment the procedures reflect very well to how we would conduct ourselves in a meeting Etc and speak Beyond any experience I would have but the void that I see as a property owner is um do we have a published um set of procedures rules desires guidance whereby Property Owners um use the works of the district either um walking along Canal Banks driving Etc have we actually published something that is available to our property owners in that respect and the one additional comment I'd put on there in the engineers report we also say the policy of the district um is basically preservation for some purpose and we leave it very vague and very general which um perhaps could be better defined well the the second issue um Mr cting is easier I I took it directly from the um enabling statute I think it's um Florida law 200537 I believe that established the palar water Control District um so you know we I if the board desires to make it a little more specific that we could probably do that but we just can't conflict with absolutely the statute but I'll tell you something the you know the the issue of um how the works of the districts are uh the BMS and whatnot are are accessed and utiliz is a um it it's a very good issue that you bring up um and that's something that you could if the board desired to um have that be become Incorporated in the policies and procedures but also as you know it's kind of a uh it's um a controversial issue because of some of the um you know allegations uh that have surfaced in ongoing lawsuits against the count against Martin County so um I I would say that might be something that the board might want to take up by Motion in the future to amend if you know after these lawsuits get concluded and after after those types of things um after we have some direction from the circuit court or the pellet Court whichever understood and putting forth a statement that suggest this is how we desire the district Works to be used um without legally defining that it is our position does help Property Owners understand um where their financial resources are preserved or best spent and that seems to be a problem is it well again the legality of who can go here or there may be a question the impact of how money get get spent let's just say it's $100,000 to restore the first four miles into the property I think that's something that property owners should be aware of thank you you're welcome any other comments so at this time Roose what do you need from us um I think what what we would need if if you if you're satisfied with the policies and procedures manag that you have in the agenda right now um you could move to adopt the the resolution that uh that we have it's 20241 and you'll notice that it does have in there um that you would be adopting this policies and procedures manual in the substantial form that it is so there we may make some there may be some other typographical errors that we didn't catch or some minor changes non-substantive minor changes and and then uh as far as um the land owners access um my suggestion and you know it's up to the board but my suggestion would be just to hold off on that for now but I but I do think it's an excellent it's an excellent um issue to bring up and to include in the policies and procedures for the land owners Define for now a year 6 months 3 years uh well that's that's up that's up to you all I I think uh I think that maybe it's something that the board could bring back in a a a couple of months and see where the lawsuits are um I would offer a comment that these lawsuits in Discovery now as I understand could continue for years um depending on the financial investment or whatever you want to call it which the counties or um PLS decide to spend on them so we have an immediate issue where um you know vehicles are being abandoned on properties um other illegal activities are occurring on District Works everything from shooting to you know ski throwing to a racetrack you name it there's a general public um issue as well where people are unhindered allowed to enter Palmar right now and do basically whatever they feel they can get away with and there is plenty of it going on out there without any sort of guidance so the procedures as a guidance document would at the very least establish what we feel is correct use of the district easements and I would hope that it would help to Shield us from the liabilities that are occurring or that we are going to be faced with as the general public if you can just put it in the aspects of the general public continues to go out there with no guidance whatsoever so I I think that waiting could be very detrimental to us we might end up with a pile more cars in the canal or parked on the ditches or we might end up with a legitimate injury or we might end up with further wear and tear to the districts Works easements roads Etc whatever you want to call them so Madam chair I mean the way I I think I'm perceiving this is I I would like to today at least adopt resolution 241 and begin the process and and I hear my other um supervisors on the Das I think that dealing with that uh that Public Access is probably the biggest issue and we can really you know refine and look at that specifically but I'd like to at least get this move forward to create the form of which we operate and then have further discussions even today if we want under uh our uh board member comments or so forth uh to address both what commissioner herd and Mr cting have uh proposed so with that I'd like to move for adoption of resolution 24-1 do I have a second second okay all those in favor say I I I motion carries 4 Z so I think we've covered one we will come back to yeah that discussion of what is allowed on the works of the district um my suggestion would be for all of us to um put together in their thoughts what they reading the documents that we have um and also what is allowed by Statute and what verbiage has been put in mistakenly in the past uh that might need to be cleaned up and come back with with uh suggestions next month right next we have um new business item number two discussion regarding the district maps for the district website um I know several months ago um we kind of went through the website live here at a meeting and and chose to remove some items um I don't know what prompted bringing it back I wasn't at the the meeting when this happened but we have in in the book just a couple of the ones um uh that Andrew supplied um so with that I'm not sure I believe what what the indication from last month was that we need to do some disclaimers on these Maps because they're not 100% accurate is that did I get the takeway correctly yeah you know because I mean one was supplied by Burman realy yeah it's a so it's a sales map it's not necessarily so um I did get a chance to look at these Maps Madam chair and you know of the three I I I have some concerns about the legend in the first one uh and and this potential access slant canals I I didn't like that I found the second one very difficult to read and a little bit confusing but I thought that the third one um probably was the most informative and and probably the most generic and by all means I'm open to hearing what my other supervisors have to say but I I thought perhaps this might be the the one located on our agenda page 24 it's um I'm getting older I have to go to the progressive Reading part of my bifocals here the Higgins engineering I can't see the date uh but the the one that says chimney middle and East that one to me seemed to be provide the S the the same information on the previous two maps however um it it seemed to be pretty simple uh as to what it was and maybe that needs to just be the map that we put on our website well considering it was done by the district engineer yeah yeah let me let me describe each one of these sorry it's origin and the first one is basically Burman realy did that that was not ever anything formally done for Palmar the second one is important to me and it's not a survey but it describes the O book and page for every one of the easement within palar very important because questions come up okay what about this parcel over here I refer to this map and then look it up in the big book of easements and read the legal description the third one was prepared for at the board's directive because there was many many times when a new board member or person from the public didn't know where gate one was or when we say the chimney Etc so that was a special purpose graphic to end up saying here are all of the features that we referred to in Palmar so those are the three maps of the three uh map two and three have' gotten importance to at least me the general public doesn't know book and Page um right so I think and I think um having this information at our disposal is good I don't necessarily think it needs to be on the website but I do believe that the last one is a really good accurate frame of reference page 24 only and pretty much exclusively I agree with so I'd like to make a motion that the only uh graphic that's Illustrated on the Palmar website is the one Illustrated on page 24 of today's agenda all in favor say I I thank you okay hopefully we don't have to have the map discussion in again but the last that the one on page 24 is very specific very well done and it was only last year I think you did this or was because I see two two newon yes so I think that that covers what we're looking for okay um commissioner herd at last month's meeting and that's what our discussion for I think our number three discussion is you brought up having code enforcement and also um off-duty detail and I know our caution was we can only we as a district can only do that for the works of the district and code enforcement would be Per County so if if Martin County wanted to hire an extra code enforcement officer just for Palmar you know that would I'm not sure if that's doable or not but I'm having those discussions with our County Administrator right now as we prepare our operational budget for 2025 um so but I think that there's overlap I think that Martin Martin County has responsibility and I think that the palar water control district has responsibility too so I want to see where those are distinct and where they overlap and what we might be interested in doing in order to protect the works as does Palm Beach County yeah and Madam chair I think it it would be interesting to see if the respective counties could provide what what would be the actual cost to have those code enforce folks provide those similar type services on our property and and knowing that we you know similar to how we deal with off-duty deputies maybe we need to look at uh further further deput uh not deputies but further code enforcement action on our Palmar property okay and this also overlaps somewhat with uh G1 on policies and procedures so we we have our work cut out for us I I understand um Madam chair I can let you know that um we did reach out I know that there was discussion several meetings ago that they're um to see to check with FWC to see if they had anybody who could provide services um we check we do have officer uh Dillan Hudson here in the audience he does provide um private um uh security and he's here to to either present or answer any questions that you guys might have please come on up thank you sir how are you today good how are y'all well thank you um so just foremost we this is outside of FWC so anything I say is representative of the officers that you would hire um not necessarily standing for what FWC would their policies and procedures is just outside of that you know y'all would hire us as an independent contractor to come and do security for on your works or um you know we do things like private events weddings and uh Security on the side of the road blue lights behind the officers and then we do other Securities for defense contractors and stuff like that so um we did submit the proposal to you guys and uh was reached out I think about a couple maybe a month ago now that y'all were wanted to ask questions about all that and if y'all have any questions you know we're here to answer that or if you need any additional information questions I I have a question for Mr Higgins Mr Higgins can you give FWC if we if that's if this is within our Authority and and if it's our desire to uh hire off-duty FWC officers to patrol can you give them definitive maps of the works a pretty accurate one yes um but you you presently have an RFQ out for a survey or to that will do a better defined map of works of the district so but I'm 90% comfortable with um the map you just suggested putting on the uh website um that one's fairly accurate so it has always been a question you know when you're standing there out in the middle of nowhere am I standing on somebody's property or am I standing on pal Mar's easement that's unknown manam chair I'm not too worried about being in the middle of someone's property as much as I think it's pretty easy to Define what the works of the district are our maintenance supervisor I think that's what TJ's title is you know where people are going into the canals and those type of things are things that I'm concerned about those type of Crossings as well as the car there a general rule Thum Palmar works are confined to primarily the canals and levies around the perimeter everything else is access easements and they've got nothing to do with pmar if I may is again General understanding of what trespass is and what can be enforced and what can't are you comfortable with being able to tell somebody that hey you're trespassing right now on the district here's your warning please don't do it again and if that occurs is that sufficient um ability for you to ticket that person and say you know you've been warned uh or do we need better definition of where District works are survey Flags Etc yeah it if you guys have a a a survey that says this is the district property and this is not an easy and stuff like that then we would we would look into that more and it would also need to be defin or posted per the stat State Statute before I would feel comfortable and this is a me personal um before I would feel comfortable making an arrest because if we're going to tr some trespass somebody you know you're effectively saying if you come back you will be arrested so before we get to that step you know we would definitely need some clear definition like you mentioned earlier about what the works of the districts what y'all allow on the levy or not whether foot traffic or that that would have to be something published before we could say from a legal side of it saying hey we're not allowed to you know you're not allowed to be here but we would need something from you guys saying that you don't want them there and then here's the legality of the surveys and all this stuff saying that no one can be here it's ours and ours exclusively so that would be something and then the other thing would be what exactly would the district want from the Off Duty Officers there would they want us there just for primarily trespassing um and then the other you know or do you want just police presence in the area checking people while they're on the works of the district um doing our normal jobs out on the district property you know and we could Patrol for reckless discharge and stuff like that uh but those are all state statutes and that would boil down to the discretion of the officer whether he issues a warning a citation an arrest or a notice to appear um Even in our day-to-day jobs our agency doesn't they can't tell us what our disc is so that we would be using the same thing on your District property we would use our own discretion um the board could tell us what they would like but it always down to the officer that's there on the scene as to what his enforcement actions are that day that time um and we run it our price is normally pretty high I know yall had Martin County at one point um we do things a lot different than Martin County we actually like I said we have to get insurance on our state vehicles to come out there U and work we had to pay mileage back to the agency so if y'all want people driving around you know patrolling your District property our cost is going to be higher than what Martin County normally is because we are paying back to our agency and stuff like that I have an odd question is there a speed limit on the works of the district has one ever been established that would be Martin County's purview and nothing to do with us we have no ability to enforce traffic as I understand [Music] um well those are private those are private they are those aren't roads they're not County so um I I don't know that Martin County could have ever established a uh speed limit I don't think that question has ever come up before not since I've been here we're talk I mean obviously the works of the district we need to be driving at a a lower rate of speed right um and if there is illegal drag racing and not going on in the works of the district um you know speed is one of the deciding factors of what you can and can't do on the works of the district and again I'm not using the word roads because they are not roads they are works of the district um is there a do does the district have the ability to set a speed limit on its owned and maintained properties which are private in essence we South Florida Water Management does have a uh statute for their property it's uh all drivers must drive in a safe and prudent manner um that is something we enforce but it's backed by Statute for us to enforce and then we can't do selective enforcement if if it if it's to the the general public it would also apply to your workers as well so if we stop somebody and they're like oh I work for the district it's still that law would still apply to them as well so um that like I said South for water management that is what they do on their property um and we there's an administrative code that we would site if somebody violates that I don't know y'all could do something that similarity um but anything that you guys do pass or create like a a law it would have to be backed by Administrative Code or statute for us to be able to enforce it well I guess it's direction for our attorney to do a little research on that um and also I I'm I'm interested in in hiring off-duty uh FWC officers to do enforcement so how what are the next steps to I would agree with the um the term enforcement is going to be a little bit subjective but even if we said as a courtesy to the land owners to the district to have law enforcement available as an authority to just kind of provide a little bit of guidance keep people respectful until such time as we have the enforcement question answered I think we should budget the item and have him out there a certain amount of hours per month per year however you know we all decide to do it but the courtesy of having that officer present keeping things safe people behave differently in the presence of law enforcement they generally do um I think it is purely nothing but benefit regardless of the enforcement angle so Madam chair I I from my perspective I thought we had a lot of good success with when we first implemented the off-duty sheriff's officer and I'd like to just kind of continue continue that type of program as well as the second part of I apologize I forgot your name uh I'm Dylan Hudson uh uh what's your title officer officer Dylan um I'm also agreeing that we should probably hire some the law enforcement unfortunately we we're going to have to revert to the higher cost option but I I believe we owe it to our land owners to provide you know they want the works of the district to be protected and so forth so I I think we should just start off with a program like we did with the sheriff's department and just substitute it with FW you see okay how many hours a week I think we were hiring I think they were doing 30 hours a week M you remember right so they had um under their program and I'm not sure about yours if yours is the same they were required to have two people at a time they weren't allowed to be out there by themselves so it was two people um 4 hours each so eight hours total per day and I think we were doing two or three days a week something that so 16 24 hours a week think they were mostly Saturdays and yeah a lot of weekends maybe in holidays and stuff like that but it was it was that having to have two so it kind of split everything up but yeah I want to say it was either 16 to 24 somewhere in that range a week um for for two people four hours each day officer Hudson do you have can you uh do you have the Personnel to uh have that much off duty and I we normally work alone on our on our own jobs I don't think two officers is necessary it's going to be double the cost for you guys um if you want it we can certainly get it for you but I think one officer like I said we work hungry land right next door and we're by ourselves and stuff like that so um I don't think you would need two officers to do that I think you know one officer and then whatever hours yall want we can fill so if you want you know three days a week you want every day um the just the minimum is four hours so the officers out there for a minimum of 4 hours just to get them out there and in the door we could do this randomly at your discretion if we decide every other Saturday night or something you guys could do that and how about ride alongs with TJ is that or having TJ ride along with you is the supervisor you see things that you could point out I have I I report exactly TJ come come and sit in front of the mic so it can be picked up I report what I see to officers what I need is backup when I call caught the guy grading I forgot to tell you that was that was Christmas morning this is what I do I go out there I catch them they don't know nothing they don't say their name they don't I'm not a cop and I I'm not getting in nobody's space but if I had backing to here's a guy out here grading these this Levy down or grading on our works that's what's done all this damage out here is this grading I need to have backup I need to be able to call somebody I could take pictures and get whatever I can get but nobody talks to me but they have to talk to an officer so what would be our procedure then I I think we just use we say okay we're going to have hire FWC off officers 20 hours a week whatever it is is that reasonable and they can work with in tandem with with TJ if TJ needs maybe if if TJ could get uh I have his number now I gave him my number today we wouldn't be able to have him ride along with us but any information he gets he pass it along to me and I can pass it along to my officers as well uh but again we in order to make somebody identify themselves to us we have to have reasonable suspicion that a violation of the law has occurred so if there's not a violation of the law then we can't force them to identify themselves so we would still be operating within those boundaries it might be something that the district wants but it may not be something that my officers can legally force them to do you know what I mean so my officers may tell you no we can't make them identify themselves if they want to they can but if not well if they're doing illegal works of the district they need to identify themselves CU they're doing something that is not within legal bounds right and that's why I say it's not just it's going to be a caseby casee basis when that officer shows up and he's going to look at his law and Law Enforcement Training to see whether or not he can force them to identify themselves or not whether there is a VI Reasonable Suspicion of violation has occurred of Florida Administrative Code or Florida State statutes but yeah whatever hours y'all want we can definitely um set it up I think I don't know if I think Andrew CIS yeah yes he's the one who afforded everything to I can refor it I think he still has my proposal we just need that signed contract and then we can start pretty much immediately um I suggest doing like a a window so like if y'all want weekends or weekdays and an hour give us a window and then my officers so it's more sporadic Patrol they don't be like okay every Saturday at you know 2 p.m. the officers are out here we know we we kind of vary our our enforcement of the area so it's a general you know deterrent as whether they know we're out there or they don't know we're out there and I know with Martin County we specifically asked them to randomize when they were out there for that purpose and we would I would like to see this be a regular item on our agenda again where we get a a report that that is a question we had before we had the officer from Martin County who was in charge of the off-duty program would come to each of these meetings to just kind of give an update of what's going on out there would you be able to do that it would also be a bill time but I could definitely do that yeah because like I said again it's an off off the you know I can come and give a report I can have my officers how many contacts and what they observed while they're out there and then I can come and present that if that's something that you guys would wish MH now whether it needs to be a specific item or not but TJ having the unhindered unhindered the managed ability to call FWC and spend a dollar on the part of the district I don't think we need to tie your hands but you know we have our own budget we'll say it's 10 hours a week 20 hours a week do we also establish um um a boundary for TJ to say hey call anytime regardless of how much money the district has spent this week up to 50 hours a year up to something let's give TJ the ability to just make that call on his own well I think that they've said that they are going to cooperate yeah we can operate within a within a budget if you know he calls us and says now we're not I can't if he says I have a guy out here grading right now I can't guarantee get an officer out there right then and right there I will try um if if that's something that you guys want but like I said if youall set a budget we can stay within the budget um regardless if you know we get called out or whatever as long as we're not putting the breaks on because TJ calls on Saturday and you've already spent your money on Friday okay okay that's all I'm trying to say give TJ the ability some flexibility yes we can always take it off the next week if possible whatever youall want we like I said we we're very flexible with the way we do it and um you know yall you know set the hours yall are paying the officers once they do take enforcement action that goes back to they work for FWC any law enforcement Action Falls they go back onto their regular job um for the legality wise um and then second they go off they come back to work for you guys perfect just 20 hours a week random hours a week start Good Start Good Start that's a motion second all in favor I thank you very much I'll wait to hear from Andrew y yes I'll let Andrew know and he'll he'll get with you on whatever the contractor or anything he needs to sign cool sounds good thank you do we need an additional motion for our attorney to investigate um enforcement issues I think that's just direction from the board right good enough thank you okay any additional legal status legal reports uh we have nothing else to uh let the board know but if the board has any questions of me I'm uh outside of the policies and procedures manual or anything else um I will be here to answer any questions there was a um a line item regarding ethics training what is our date for that to occur yeah I'm sorry that that uh memo was from from our office um so the the way that this is set up is um it has has to be done sometime during the year and what will happen is the there's not like a certificate you have to turn in or anything like that what will happen is on your F1 your form one um there is a box where you will check saying I did my ethics training um so this is the first year that the ethics training is required which means the F1 the form one where you'll check that you did it is actually next year's because the form one that you do this year is for last year so the form one you do next year is for this year and that's where you'll check um so you just have to do it sometime during the year um this calendar year this calendar year the um the memo in here is so we started talking to various Attorneys at you know we have different attorneys that we deal with with our different our various districts um and for you know for you guys for some of you guys ethics training is nothing new but for most of our cdds these are just residents that had that have no know nothing about it so we actually posted to our website these two um these were cleared by an attorney uh at a different firm not ruse firm but a different firm that works with us on different districts um these qualify for the 4-Hour ethics training that's required um for you guys um each each one of these two links is um is a 2-hour video um not terribly enthralling videos but um they qualify so if you were to to go on our website right now under links on our website the those are there for for anybody and these are free um we also were contacted by fasd who is producing their own um um material to qualify for this ethics training they however are going to charge um it's at the discretion of the board members themselves this is going to fall under a similar situation to form 1es we as staff can't do anything for you as board members when it comes to your form ones that's totally your responsibility we can remind you you need to do it but we can't help you in any way again ethics training is your responsibility as a board member we can do things like give you links where you can go and and watch the videos for yourself for free but if you choose you want the fasd videos and you want to pay $50 out of your pocket for it you're more than welcome to it's just you have to get your four hours in each year I think I did the $50 last year but if it's free and you have a link that's valid and functional then we'll use that yeah these two there's two different videos each one is 2 hours so if you do them both and they end up being the 4-Hour requirement um we're looking into seeing if we can find a couple of more just so we have some options because it's going to be repetitive to have to do the same two every year but um right now these two we know the the other attorney's office actually sat down and watched them and made sure that they would qualify and uh and so we know these two are good very good and and it um since there are two members that are appointed by the counties um you both requireed probably more counties um Mr stokus may be in a different situation he may have to sit through those videos over the weekend I can you send those links to us electronically please yeah yeah we've got them we've got them posted on our website but I'll I'll uh send out an email too thank you look forward to it and um and like I said we may update our website over the year if we get some more options but right now at least anybody wants to get it banged out now can can go in there and do it now anything else Ruth uh no just just say that um you know the um our firm because uh we represent so many local governments um we have uh we are going to different local governments and doing those presentations to the boards um in one Fell Swoop it has to be a notice public meeting all those kind of things but we do off offer that um it obviously it's a lot um it's a lot less expensive for the members to that have to do it on their own to um go to the website that um Michael is mentioning so but just so you know options are out there yeah Kevin there's a their firm is doing an an um iners one for the Children's Services Council like on April 14th or 13th or something like that it's in person so a 4-Hour sitting it's free get it out of the way you know which is really really nice all right thank you uh engineer anything to report only thing to report is that this year's Bap program did conclude just this this this week I continued to report the same information as last year which also included that there's many private landowner destruction of wetlands within Palmar but other than that there's nothing that Palmar needs to do to U satisfy the Bap requirements thank you that's it okay I do have one concern there and uh we all look at Trails going through the property as Pathways but when I look at them from an overhead view and the rainy season what I see is Rivers interconnecting various slews and ponds all throughout the Palmar properties and where drainage pipes have been randomly placed and often with no approval by The District No oversight by the district no information to the district Engineers what we've now done is interconnected virtually every single Pond and slew in these sections via a little tiny River or drainage system that is up to 16 18 in deep in places and at least 6 Ines another another and run them to the corners of all these properties where people come and go that water then drains into our Canal system now try to get too um nebulous in the direction but Wetlands need to stay wet for a certain amount of time time after it rains in order to support the vegetation that lives there and the species that live there when we have this interner connection inside the private properties it's beyond our control that I can pretty much understand nothing we can do about it but when a ditch or a drain is provided into the canals we're kind of facilitating a change in that area that uh should not be so we should not facilitate that change that's my personal opinion now from an engineering perspective is that occurring do we have the potential to change to degrade water quality in the canal uh to deposit silt sediments organic materials you know transport uh um pollutants from Human sources Etc and is that something that we need to include going forward as a water control plan or water quality um plan in our Engineers report it's a large work effort to assess all of the cover connections however after seeing many many swamps in my day palar has got some of the prettiest we do in natural areas in at least Palm Beach County and Martin County um very pristine and as a result the water coming out of palar it's pretty clean it's very clean and the bmap program is Basin management action plan that's where they identify these are areas that need attention and they need to do Cleanup in order to protect the lock hatche River as it stands now palar is not affecting the lock hatch River or St Lucy River okay we can pull B map out how about obligations to other property owners within the district whether that be Martin County or fwc's value of the property as you know Recreation do we impact them negatively by allowing this interconnection and drainage Prim people that have that perview is South Florida Water Management District period if they want to go out enforce Wetlands destruction they can and whether we have a water quality plan in our um Engineers report or not where where does that come into play at what point do we dictate the necessity for that I don't know if that's our purview oh it is it is is clearly on the engineers purview to dictate or not dictate a water quality control my knowledge there's not been any water quality testing within Palmar that's some certainly something the board could request a onetime water quality testing but I don't think you're going to find any issues Ruth did you have a question I do um thank you madam chair uh so I'm glad that uh Mr Higgins brought up the South floor Water Management District because wouldn't they don't they have jurisdiction to look at the empowerment and and uh diverging of surface waters and then the water quality issue would be a d issue and so um a lot of times we do have a representative here at these meetings from South Florida um and maybe we can reach out to that person and find out let let them know what's going on because sometimes they don't know um is it isn't that the way that it should go yes and Mr cting I I think it's I I I just want to say just a point of clarification for the record that the Palmar water Control District isn't isn't facilitating degradation of water quality because somebody's doing an illegal activity and they're using our coverts to achieve their end results agreed as long as we're diligent on our Engineers report and understanding where interconnection to the district Works have occurred and you know where uh uh canals are placed where coverts are placed absolutely when we do not have a good understanding of those and they are obviously present I think we have some liability and again just not get too carried away I'm going to finish this up real quick if somebody wants to go fishing in the FWC section of Palmar and their experience is substantially degraded because of a simple thing like tur coming from activities that occur within pmar that may not impact water quality flowing out of the district but it does impact Property Owners within the district and how they perceive and and Achieve value or enjoyment of their property and I personally believe we are there right now we do have issues that impact Property Owners within the district and I've have yet to hear more than a half a dozen people complain about out you know I was trying to fish the other day and it was too muddy or you know the bass population's down this year because the sediment was too high during um nesting season or whatever but these are real impacts as far as I'm concerned no question okay any other member comments on this no okay TJ brief oh yeah well I'll tell you no I watched the meeting last month and like half meeting was you so brief well I have pictures but I won't put them up if you don't want but uh all right well my mowers they're using the bank Mower and it's breaking down so it's broke down now they had to take it to the shop they're waiting for a part but they only have about two or three days and they're done out there soon as it comes back I talked to the owner of the company yesterday and I told him on the last day of the motors there I wanted him to ride with me to ride to works and you know I have a couple places I want it taken care of and I want him to you know to go to his guy and uh I had a lot of pictures I saw some action I went to Indian Town last night and I was going to I was going by the chimney and apparently they're running a fence on that pacon and there's a big span there it comes to my attention that that's part of Palmar now because apparently somebody palar when they put palar there nobody surveyed and when pace and went in there and they have a huge ditch there was 15t deep that's running right outside of what I thought was palar the wood lines is now in palar and it's flowing into the uh the the river out there a long caner and it's being fenced off and uh apparently when we do get a survey we'll be a lot more of what what's what and what's where you know but uh and I'm guessing you do have a picture of that I do can we see that well if you want to turn this on here we all enjoy your pictures TJ well I wanted to show some Mowing and stuff that how how the it's on the desktop you know there's see right above the see where my DOT I think that's his presentation you did the PowerPoint oh wait no that's not nope that's not it okay then it would be under uh is it in the um I where they put I just got plugged in right here yeah it's just it's just there on the on the thumb drive yeah be on this PC top left corner and then it'll be the uh USB drive e above and low keep going up there you nope down there you go all right these yeah the how do you move that here there you go these are workers they had you know over 12 workers out there doing around everything go ahead on move on well yeah go ahead and move on these this these are the canal banks these workers went around all these corners ERS and they weed whack the corners where the bank mower couldn't get that good go ahead and move it this is before it was B go ahead this is where a landowner brought a bunch of tires on his property I don't see them no more but they might be back on his property uh but that's the kind of pollution that we don't need out there that we don't need uh tires like that all over the place and uh that cut extends from the Canal bank or from no that's that's where somebody dug through the burm to their lot along the they had yeah along the Canal bank yeah they dug through the BM to get lot and they you know they they've just moved in there maybe a month ago but they've already started bringing stuff in and this is this is stuff that don't need to be out there Manel do you have like GPS coordinates of this no I don't and I was going to go over because I Patrol on one side of the canals I don't go to both sides and I was going to go ahead and go see what they did with it I don't walk on the property but I can get on the BM last time I went by there they weren't laying there I don't know what they did with them back in there they might have set up for a shooting range you know to shoot into tires or something think in the future Mr Manel if you're able if you can give us GPS coordinates I'd like to give you our code enforcements phone number cuz I'm pretty sure you need a permit to do this type of land excavation and so forth so we we I if maybe you can give with Mike Houston in the back there uh at the end of today's meeting so we can get you the right code well I just wanted you yeah I wanted you to see what what on any circumstances shouldn't be hauled out to these Woods I don't care if it is their property you know it's it's it's pollution you know you can go ahead and switch it these are these are the banks on most of most all of it these mowers really did a good job in hungry land there was a lot of pine trees there I had a heart stamp put in on on the 12th and my Widow Maker was clogged up 80% and I was cutting pine trees on the 11th out there cutting big ones off of the banks go ahead and switch it go ahead and switch it I just want to show them how good of a job these this guy's done go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead all right here they are going down see the trees this is that that bank mower this this is all over what was all over in hungryland over that 5 years that it wasn't never mowed and when I was there it was mowed every year and if those Banks were just as clean as the rest of the property you know we didn't have myrtles we didn't have nothing they were nice clean so this is what they've gone through here go ahead this is uh W's area the water yeah yeah yeah well it's in hungry land it's our works go ahead this is our signs over there where most of them been taken down in the last month go ahead at the ends of the canals go ahead all right this is that this is that covert that is offset too much for my my looks for emergency vehicles to come through that gate as far as fire trucks if they have to get through there you know that because soon as they pass that covert they got to make a right hand turn it ain't like they're going straight in and you can see how far into that gate that covert is so Mr TJ you you came last meeting can you can you go ahead and get a quote to exp extend I got a guy coming to Tom me and him's going to ride through there and I called to your guy and uh as far as that I'm going to have him give me some quotes on rip Raff you know the bags because there some of these coverts are so short they're washing out when they put a bigger covert in there they didn't lay grass on top or whatever that has to be done out there because there's just too much action out there if you don't put grass over let it let it take cold then you have wash out all right go ahead uh just a real quick question was were we investigating whether this covert was actually open as part of the works of the district it's open is it part of the works of the district or was this a in in one of the district canals that this is this is at the end where the where the farm used to be and this is this this is coming out of where that farm is this is at gate 7 South yes not north south you go out there lot you drive down to that gate it's right there it goes in the end of the canal and and it's just been shifted back too far I used I've gone through that a few times back when I worked there before and it wasn't like that there was plenty of room remembering from history it was filled in I didn't think there was flow going through that one they they had they had they didn't have that big of most of the coverts out there were 24in covers and and you can make them as big as you want because all the water runs to those wears and once those wears get down the water's not moving but move on now this is the this is where all that property you see that fence over on the right what's been put in the newer fenes that is a piece of property that's owned by Zach that he's it looked like it's about four or five acres that he's uh cleared the brush off of there and put some bees on there but that's what the old line for Palmar and apparently Mr Armstrong the Rancher next to it did a survey because he just require you know got this property here which Zach when he gets up can tell you a lot more about it but this go ahead and flick it over that's a ditch what's coming around that see how it's up against the woods and that ditch is about 15 ft deep and it makes a turn right before caner highway go ahead hit it again this is the covert what goes under where the road goes in and which is only from the road to that drop off where that cone is maybe 6 foot right there and uh when that fence if it gets completed right there going straight through that Co right that section is going to block that whole area off right there but go ahead and hit it again hit it and then you went it backwards go the other way all right go ahead and hit it again all right this is where I walked on down and there was another drainage there but this is how big this thing's huge this is probably to me probably 60t I'm sure Zach knows how much it is that's me parked out side hit it again I'm trying to that's where you got to drive around to get to the other side of where that W you know where that covert's crossing the road there but that covert and that ditch goes into the Port St Lucy River it it goes over into pacon and apparently Pac you know palar didn't dig that that that was done for drainage off of pacing it's a to me you know it but where they come up with a survey being that far off from Palmar both you know I know things weren't done back in the 60s that great but I still think you surveyed back then go ahead and hit it again this is looking down pacon Road there but you can see how far of a distance that is go ahead hit it again there are no more pictures there isn't no more well anyways this covert goes across that road opens up to a ditch again and then it turns in to go across caner Highway and more or less Zach can tell you more about all this because I rode out to Indiantown and I saw that I knew about where he was clearing his lot there but that was a couple weeks ago when I went out there and now this is there and uh I feel that he knows a lot more about it than I do and uh but like I said the mower will be done soon as he gets his stuff done he'll be out there and I'll inspect it and everything and I let Mike or Andrew know that you know it's to my satisfaction and everything like that and uh but everything else has been fine you know and thank you I'll let you move on sorry oh no worries I'll take this out actually TJ can you leave that in there because I'm going to send some pictures to myself as well if you don't mind sorry no no worries thank you sir thanks okay administrative matters financial report the uh financial report is in your books on page 26 um at this point of the year we've collected the majority of the assessments that we expect to collect um this particular Financial reports through the end of February um so um yeah it's uh for many years years it wasn't the case but now we're collecting on kind of a normal schedule we're about 80% collected through February the last you know 20% or whatever we expect to to come in you know the last couple of months here so um and then the expenses are down there um uh and the box at the bottom basically goes over the cash balances um as of the end of February we're sitting on about 200 or 2, 112,000 um pretty much for the rest of this year we won't really be receiving that much more revenues we've received the majority of our revenues so for the rest of the year that balance will just be kind of going down as we pay bills each month until we get to next November December when we start getting assessments again if there's any specific questions I'd be happy to answer them if not um there's no action needed on this item thank you and any invoices the ones on page 27 yep um just normal normal invoices I'm not quite sure why it's portrait instead of landscape makes it a lot harder to read that way um but if there's any specific questions about any of these um invoices I'd be happy to answer them if not we' just look for a motion to approve so moved second all in favor I thank you mam chair I do have a quick question on page 26 the Mowing and the security Mr Miguel are the 100,000 the 60,000 is that what we budgeted that's not reflecting actual correct yes that that second column is the budgeted amounts okay so the First Column are the actual amounts through the end of February so we haven't actually paid any of the mowing bills yet through the end of February I'm assuming like TJ said they're a couple of days away from being done then we'll be paying that invo so is it correct to say that we have a budget of $60,000 to work with with the FWC based on our adopted budget yeah for the yeah thank you and and to be umder of this 20 of this budget right which goes through the end of September 30th but I'll remind the board that um while these are your budgeted amounts um you have available funds so if we have um these type of districts we have a process called the amended budget process that we do at the end of the year usually around October um at that point if we do overspend any anything um we can amend the budget at that time as long as you have the funds available and clearly the $2 million you have the funds available so if if say security were to come in higher than 60,000 for the rest of the year it's not going to ding us on like an audit or anything like that it'll just be amended at the end of the year at the amended budget process Mr Miguel got did was the last year's uh expenditure with or I don't know if it was last year's but was the uh the expenditures with the Martin County Sheriff was that under this budget year or the previous budget year I believe all those came in under last budget year I think they stopped working before we turned over all right thank you very much thank you J and our next item would be land owner items any land owners like wish to speak good morning Zach Gaza land owner uh a couple things one I sent everyone an email that no one responded to and nobody put on the agenda uh not surprising I guess land owners can't put things on agendas anymore and can't talk to staff that's your board's new way of squeezing land owners out but I'll use my 3 minutes cuz I guess that's all I have left uh the water control plan that really governs you calls for certain things to be installed and maintained um one of which are Crossings across the canals uh you are missing Crossings uh there was one that I emailed you I know you all received the email um it is on Canal l4d another reason why Mr Higgin map um could be useful to all of you even if you don't want to put it on the website uh I'd like to know um if you're planning on abiding by the by the water control plan or not if you choose to abide by the water control plan I think uh a discussion and an agenda item should be um put on the agenda for next meeting to discuss if you agree with me that there's the water control plan does call for these Crossings and ones that are or are not missing and what your board plans to do about it if anything at all that's number one number two following up on TJ's uh pictures yes that's my property in the northeast corner of palar uh that fence corner is on a monument which is on a section line for those of you who know where section lines are um the fence line uh runs South down the section and yes that 50 approximate 15t ditch is within 50 ft of the fence and the section line and that's important because that 50t area is a drainage easement um Palmar has drainage easements throughout the map not just works of the district but that ditch does lie within pal Mar's boundary and it does lie on a 50t Ingress egress drainage and utility easement um the water comes in from property owned by Charles Armstrong it also comes in from property owned uh or PAC and park I guess the new owner Pac and park the water comes West onto Palmar Northwest onto Palmar and then drains back out east into Pac Park and into the c44 which means that there's water passing through palar entering into the c44 which I believe Mr Higgins would know more is regulated by the Army Corps um and water quality is important um and with this water flowing through Palomar I don't don't know if palar wants to get involved um palar has made a big deal of nonpar property owners draining into the district in the past um and my question would be is this something that the district is concerned about neighboring land owners dumping water into the 298 District go ahead and finish up Zack on number three as far as code enforcement I think that's great code that place my question is how are your code enforcement officers getting out there there's no work of the district that extends to Pratt and Witney Road it's only an Ingress egress easement which from my emails with Martin County they don't recognize the easements does Code Enforcement have a helicopter yeah they do but that's all I got um Zach if I can just ask you a quick question if the informality of Zach is okay with please very good um the specific verbage on that description of where the canal passes is it incidental drainage Ingress egress or is it specifically as drainage sorry which location is this the The Crossing issue or the the new issue that you brought up with the Pac and park ditch so the the language of the easement Ingress egress drainage and utilities um drainage incidential incidental too or don't have it in front of me okay that that particular location it's likely to be a levy easement but they're written up with such broad descriptions that it includes everything under the sun be anything okay thank you thank you Zach thanks any other any other land owners wish to speak any comments from the public for items not on the agenda any board member comments um I I think Zach always keeps us on our toes but uh couple of questions that come to mind do we consider if that drainage does in fact drain uh Mr Armstrong's property or for that matter the drainage that comes off Cory beaton's property do we consider that a service that we are providing to properties and Facilities external to the district well I'm just learning about this it's something I got to investigate I don't know if it's another South Florida Water Management District fupa that permitted drainage into Palmar but I need to look at it and report back next board meeting because yes if it's lands outside of the district that's not permitted then they're getting a service without paying their fair share y okay then respect to the one other one other point is the North End of the chimney there is a single cover under caner that goes into the c44 canal that's the only true positive outfall for palar and so somebody is actually taking advantage of that Culvert okay the um Culvert Crossing that he put up as being part of the works of the district again go back to this um for some given purpose comment you know whatever it was to be historically speaking uh water control districts were about draining every drop of property there was and making it suitable for a development period we were created under that philosophy okay the structures that exist were created under that philosophy it is my feeling at this point that for a couple of reason the works of the district are not necess necessarily sufficient to support a preservation of the properties in the states they exist and in addition to that we have this fiveyear review program that we're supposed to be considering I guess that you're supposed to be considering and the board is supposed to approve I think there's a lot of questions that are coming up and again is the works of the district sufficient to um protect and preserve what we have and that's not just physically that is financially um are we limiting liabilities are we protecting our works are we making sure the banks aren't going away um five-year review I kind of think it's time and I think an agenda item needs to come forward for perhaps the next meeting to say is $28,000 a year sufficient for you to do the job that you have been doing in the past in sleepy Hollow or do we look at what is happening in our district and say what changes are taking place do we need to evaluate the condition of the properties do we need to evaluate how we may inadvertently be affecting development and drying of lands Etc that's it I'll put that out as a question for a future agenda item do we explore it do we open it up what do we do with it so so Madam chair I I did receive Mr gaz's email I did forward it to our legal coun IL and I believe Mr C had and my thoughts were I I was under the understanding that we're under an RFQ uh portion right now and and we were trying to accomplish at least inventorying what we have where we have it and then the condition I think this is a much longer discussion um that you know to to try and answer one land owners question today I think would just be kind of an injustice it's more of where do we have to have a somewhere to begin and I thought that's what we were having the RFQ for was to start that process uh um the fiveyear review is it's called the facilities report and I've never felt that palar needed one because there's nothing new that been built it's intended to address districts that they've got new facilities being built um but the RFQ is is not a engineering facilities report it's a survey and so that's something that the board requested um certainly you could ask whether or not the board wants a facilities report um but I don't know what to write about you know what's new I think we're I think we're taking on a lot of new at this time so I I would like to put that on the back burner let's let's work out what we have on the table already and not add too many too many things to it so I think that with with that I think we're we're headed down the right path agreed we're doing it part and parcel of what a 5-year view would entail but we are headed down the right path I will look at Armstrong in pacon park draining into pal report back thank you any other board comments no okay so before we adjourn our next meeting is scheduled for so your next meeting your May meeting would be May 2nd so unless unless you are unless we know that there's going to be Quorum issues at this time I mean technically there would be time to change it if not May 2nd would be your scheduled the meeting that's already been scheduled would be May 2nd okay so we'll see be everybody May 2nd and with that we are ajour thank you thank you thank you Ruth can you hit the R button please e for