e at the of it look to the east I straightening this morning 5 minutes hello everyone there's agendas for the meeting up here as well as a signin sheet and if e I don't think anyone wants to hear me I they our actual I think so e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are we live and in color in color all right so let's call this meeting to order do we have proof of publication yes we do okay and can you establish a quorum for us please certainly so we've established a quum with four board members present we have did you pull your microphone over we've established a quorum with four supervisors present as well as land owners and proxies the only supervisor not present today is Lou LMA and consider adoption of election procedures Ruth I would look to you for that are we good yes um so yes Madam chair if the uh board wishes they can adopt the election procedures that are published in the agenda so moved second all in favor I I any opposed motion carries thank you very much now we'll take election of chair for land owners meeting I nominate commissioner Marino second all in favor I motion carries election of secretary for land owners meeting I'd like to uh let yes uh I would recommend nominating myself so that I can do the minutes and tab everything up perfect all those in favor of Andrew C CIS hi hi I I motion carries 4 Z thank you very much okay can we have approval of the minutes uh do we need to take these separately Ruth or together is fine um the minutes from last land owners meeting you can take now um in in total okay so we had the landowners meeting and then we had the reconvene land owners meeting so may I get a motion to approve the June 1st 2023 and July 13 2023 meeting minutes so moved second all in favor I motion carries 4 Z all right election of Supervisors determine number of voting units represented or assigned by proxy Andrew I believe that's you yes so I've just tabulated on our signin sheet we have 16,1 163 votes I'll go through the list so we can read out where those votes are we've got commissioner Marina with the palom Beach County proxy with 360 votes commissioner herd with the south Florida Water Management District proxy with 1, 12,320 votes we have Zach Gaza with 2,640 votes and a proxy that Zach also has with one vote then we we have commissioner herd with the Martin County proxy with 825 votes I apologize if I butcher any names um we have David Mika with one vote Kevin cting with one vote George stokus with one vote Tammy Crow with one vote August Zera with one vote Jean Whiting with one vote Mark Garrett with one vote and Casey Duff with one vote Mr CIS I've been advised that I do not vote in these soes off by one so that total would be 16,1 62 okay thank you now I will take nominations for the one seat that we have available I'd like to nominate Mark Garrett and do we have any other nominations nominate Zach Gaza and I'd like to not to nominate George Whiting okay so we have uh George Whiting Zach Gaza and Mark Garrett I'm sorry Jean Jean Whiting Jean I apologize I'm sorry any other nominations nominations are closed let's cast our ballots please bring your ballots up here that was Jean [Applause] Madam chair yes before the um votes are tallied uh the chair um needs to ask each person nominated if they accept that nomination oh thank you very much good reminder all right so we have three people that have been nominated and I need to make sure that they would be willing to serve in that Duty Mr Whiting is that a yes for serving in that Duty thank you Mr Gaza yes and Mr Garrett yes okay so we have three yeses thank you those so you just okay we're going to be updating that system here we are we have we have I can't tell when who presses their button that's perfect they're labeled but it doesn't give you order whereas ours don't either where is that at Solid Waste Authority ours gives us an order nice yeah see put that in your not put that in your notes B the usually I'm down there tomorrow commissioner her will be there and then I'll are you chair no who chair Jenkins do you have a re-election this year who get who has re-election this year Jenkins except he's not running Smith you go to fact I'm running for second BP I know I'm crazy put AER I'll scan it and then I'll give it back to SP for [Music] should designed must [Music] we could probably continue the meeting couldn't we okay if we if we needed to I tabed it up okay um first of all I'd like to make a correction to the total number of votes I misspoke earlier it's 16,1 153 and I just double checked that math after reading all the ballots as well so at this time should I announce okay so we had Mark Garrett with two votes Zach Gaza with 2,645 votes and Jean Whiting with 13,56 votes thank you so Mr whing when we have our reg is this on yeah it's on okay when we have the homeowners meeting we will swear you in so at this time we'll continue the with this meeting here and what do we need to do to certify the results um well first uh Madam chair you have to ask if anyone contests the election does anyone contest the election okay seeing no okay um that's good and uh then um the oath of office uh Mr whing needs to take the oath of office and be seated oh now not in the next meeting uh no this landowners meeting okay perfect that's what the election procedures say all right oh okay Andrew is that what you read too I I had it in the regular meeting on the agenda for the regular meeting but yeah it was it was noticed on page 19 of the regular agenda I don't want to do anything that's not in the rules of procedure so if it says in the rules of proced procedure that we swear them in now let's do that and we can amend the minutes I mean we can amend the agenda [Applause] yeah are you waiting for me M um you madam chair you can amend the election procedures uh to reflect um the procedure to have Mr whing take the seat in the regular meeting thank you as she said see any a motion for that yes so moved first staff's recommendation second second all in favor say I I motion carries 4 Z thank you very much for the clarification if anybody is interested it's page B it's p page Four B and page five on the top of the page where it says supervisor position shall thereupon take the oath of office but we will do it as it's written on the agenda thank you all for that so we will receive the treasures report which on P which is on page 17 of your books yes that report is in your books on page 17 um if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer if not we can move on move to receive the treasurer's report second all favor I I thank you 4 Z carries Engineers report do you want to do your report now or in the next meeting oh we're we're receiving it now this is just a re receiving file right okay I have a motion to receive and file so moved second all in favor I I I motion carries 4 Z I thought this went away consider approval of payment for supervisors this may be a hold over from previous meetings this is as far as I know this is null and void going forward understood thank you very much do we have any landowner comments none at this time okay so we will adjourn this meeting so moved second thank you all in favor I not that we need that for an adjournment but okay no no worries so at this time we will reconvene as the Palmar water Control District I will call this meeting to order at 11:46 we have proof of publication yes proof of publication is in your books and at this time we will seat our new board member Mr Whiting please come on up and the O oath will be administered by by me okay perfect mer you can come on over here I can do the oath up here raise your right hand I state your name a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America and being an officer of the Palmar water Control District and recipient of public funds as such officer do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida who will Faithfully honestly and impartially discharge the duties involing the P right thank you sir I have a seat all righty so we now have a quorum of five officers welcome how are you I'm doing very well thank you okay at this time we'll take election of officers I move commissioner Marino for chair no second any other any other nominations okay great job oh geez all right I will since there's no other nominations nominations are closed I'll accept the office of chairman and who do I have as uh nominating for vice chair who's current Vice Chair George yep move uh Mr stokus as Vice chair any other nominations okay Mr stokus will stay as Vice chair secretary treasurer I believe Andrew that is you that's correct move Andrew second no other nominations okay and I don't assistant secretaries I don't even that's the rest of the supervisors okay there you go so do we have any uh now that we're done with election of officers do we have any additions deletions or modifications to the agenda none at this time any any typo you want to correct that would be under H okay and under H approval of minutes do we have any additions or deletions or modifications to the previous minutes yes ma'am chair page 24 Section 3 first line It should read commissioner herd not commissioner here okay it's the only correction I saw move approval with a correction second all in favor I I I motion carries old business do do we have any old business no I I have some old business and it concerns the um FWC enforcement officers and also the Code Enforcement Officers could we put that on the next agenda please sure all righty um new business then yes um new business today is the first item we have is a consider resolution 20241 it's adopting a fiscal year 2024 2025 budget I apologize on your agenda there's a typo in the date but this is for the upcoming year starting October 1st the budget itself is on page 32 you'll see the yellow column on the far right shows the actual budgeted amount and then in the middle you see the current Year's budget and the actuals for the prior year in the farle column okay I'd be happy to answer any questions but as you can see there's not many changes the biggest change is under the security detail where we've upped those line items to account for the new the the off-duty detail that is now out there we have a separation though of 120 for security and 20,000 for security detailed correct so that was a hold over from previous so we just added it down at the bottom there U we can combine those if it's the board's Direction I think it would be easier reading that way okay okay do you need a motion to app yes if if there's no questions we would need a motion to approve and set the public hearing for the final budget move approval of resolution number 202 24-1 second all in favor I I anybody opposed motion carries 5 Z let me just confirm the public hearing we have to have at least 60 days I believe we we're going to aim for the September 4th meeting okay so now let's go over the meeting schedule that's on page 33 of our program books yes so the next item is consider resolution 20242 and again we have the wrong years in there was not updated but it's for 2024 2025 and the schedule itself is on page 34 I know historically we don't usually have a July date um I added a July date the following week after of July again we can always remove dates but it's it's easier if we advertise for the full year and cancel meetings as opposed to advertising for special meetings unless anybody has any uh conflicts I move the meeting schedule for 20 2425 understanding that we can we can delete meetings we just can't add them easily second all in favor I I anybody opposed motion carries 5 Z discussion regarding regarding the RFQ for surveying Services yes let me pass this out so I can discuss it with you guys okay and then what I was going to say um being that Mr Whiting is new to the I think we maybe um a discussion but not a vote today certainly this way you can get acclimated get I don't say I got a lot to learn Ruth can become your best friend very good okay uh thank you Board of Supervisors what we're asking for today is If you recall at the March meeting um there was criteria approved for an RFQ for surveying to be done within the palar district there were a couple issues if you look at what I just passed out on the last page um there's a line that I highlighted under the willingness to meet time and budget requirements that States including rates and it was brought to our attention that this may be a CCNA violation um now we weren't requesting an actual price to do the work just what the rate schedule was uh but we wanted to bring it to the attention of the board as well as there was some confusion by some of the respondents on the scope of services so we wanted to bring it to the board's attention to maybe narrow the scope a little remove that rate line item and then reissue an RFQ so we wanted to bring it for discussion today well Madam chair my my history of dealing with CCNA and my other position is that you're allowed you actually have the rate schedule you just if I think legal council should apply you just can't make your decision based solely on the rate schedule you have to base it on who has the best [Music] qualifications we thought it was in the best interest of the board to just republish it without the language and there asking for a rate schedule and because um you know like Andrew said there we we may want to um narrow the scope anyway so we thought it would be best thing to just pull it back and let's see if we can work on a a much narrowed scope and just a a very basic RFQ that's to be published so on the second sorry on the second page you have the scope of services you're feeling that we should be narrowing this correct and I'd love to see what our district engineer thinks about that as well sorry to put you on the spot I had a question to scope as well for the engineering have we established even an approximate a budget of some sort where we think the scope as is will come in well ideally it'll be individual work orders to the surveyor so that he's got to define specific task rather than just hand them whole big Lum suum right right yeah so this is not intended to get the whole ball of wax it's to give them specific tasks okay and the way that we would propose obtaining the service can we stage it along in part and parcel say for example we decide to survey only three of the Lots or three of the areas where uh Palmar Andress erress easements occur um and that's it we throw up our hands and say we don't want to spend any more money can we do that yes in fact Andrew is included a line item for he's calling it engineering survey and that's specifically the funds that will be earmarked for this coming fiscal year to be sent spent on specific survey tasks and you don't have to spend it all but that's the intention got you I'll sum up my position real quick and is that um it's not just the survey that we're looking for it's the survey the wording of how easements are used Etc so so at some point maybe it's it's best for us to just take a small parcel of land understand what is written valid or invalid um identify where those easements occur whether they're prescriptive or whether they um the other term for a written easement right clarify those points that's our primary objective and we don't need to spend a half a million dollars on surveying to um understand that let's do that as cost effectively as possible and that's about all I have to say on the matter Madam chair just to point out we just passed a budget that said engineering survey $20,000 so $20,000 is what we budgeted and that that would cover about five Lots maybe I I don't know no it depends on which surveys you talk to today my last quote was $2,000 for a 5 acre property it's not it's not much yeah but it's a start okay let's it sounds like this would be a procedure in steps and I think that's what Mr cting was getting at so we approved $220,000 so right now we're not to exceed $20,000 yeah so where does that leave us right now anybody else have comments scope narrowing well right now it's got to go back out with the new RFQ and and get it'll probably be the same surveyors that responded last time and then it'll be up to Andrew Ruth and I to make a recommendation to the board and you may select two Ser three service yeah that's basically all we're trying to do at this point is qualify and pick a surveyor the scope of work is relates to what the surveyor will actually be doing comes at a later date as we deem necessary correct y okay mam chair I'm just confused can staff explain to us what was the what were the changes that the previous sub submitters had with the scope was it bullet 1 2 3 4 five or six sure no it it was just that it would it needed to be narrow and and like um Ruth mentioned before we thought it'd be best to re reissue the RFQ without the rates we were worried about the the term and the rates for the criteria as well just to avoid a possible CCNA violation um but I was I was hoping today we could narrow some of these bullet points unless the board wants to resubmit with the same ones that you see before you now which it sounds like that's what what you want to happen does okay looking at you know locate section Corners that's understood prepare a certified survey drawing RightWay boundaries that's huge and location RightWay improvements covers Etc that that's fairly huge too if we throw that out there as a blanket survey does that eliminate anybody from wanting to do the survey work no no so then if we said for example survey lot 22071 141400 that's not going to encourage or discourage anybody else from wanting to participate in our process okay then I'm not sure that to me it's necessary to further refine the scope of work as it's written I don't think there's a need every qualified surveyor is fully or LIC survey is capable of doing all of the items listed okay sorry so Madam chair I'd like to make a motion that the staff put out the RFQ for Engineering Services and surveying with the existing scope as submitted and the removal of the uh the highlighted rates uh under the third page under the CCNA competitive selection criteria second we have a motion a lots of seconds everybody in favor say I I any opposed motion carries 5 Z so we're just going to reissue an RFQ okay thank you very much all right status reports legal do we have any anything to report uh no Madam chair um just so the board is aware um we did receive a public records request from Mr Gaza on behalf of be a man by land um last week um Andrew and I are working on um responding to that um from the records that we have um we may need to um ask you each um uh supervisor individually if you if you have any uh responsive records and we'll we'll continue to work on that uh with you or your assistant thank you engineering yes at the last meeting um we were asked to take a look at the East boundary of the chimney area for culverts letting water into the district we out of the district in the pacon Park area There is five covers four of which appeared to be letting water in to the district that is ultimately collected and goes out the nor northernmost Culver into pacon park and then into the c44 it's a question as to whether or not those CS should be removed or just left alone I personally don't see a huge issue unless there's an individual landowner that's aggravated by outside water coming in the land owner adjacent to that East boundary is Charles Armstrong and it's not pacon Park he made a land swab wood Pac and park Armstrong owns a very large piece south of pacon Park all the way down to Palmar um it's part of the original box Ranch um but he did that land swap so that he would have access all the way up to caner Highway makes sense I guess the question is how long have the culbert's been there and are they permitted that was my they're not permitted they've been there at least four of them have' been there a long time one appears to be relatively new within the last 5 years they're not large culverts um but again this is an example of people putting in culverts without notification and permitting yes it's up to the board from a engineering perspective have you reviewed what the coverts would or would not do to surrounding properties they actually connect ditches going across East West going across pacon Park and it goes into palar but immediately is captured by a ditch in Palmar and directed North and then East to the c44 so those Waters never make it very far into palar is the ditch uh part of the works of the district no that's outside of the Town bar so this is somebody's privately owned ditch that occurs in the Palmar who knows who dug it within P it's not ours though it's not a works of the district okay so we have really I I mean do I understand correctly it's not our liability it's not our concern and it is not our responsibility from an engineering perspective to consider what that ditch does or does not do this is I'll repeat what I said if there's no aggravated land owners and there's no harm no foul okay okay report received anything else that's it thank you district manager nothing at this time okay field maintenance that that area that you're talking about where the coverts are and everything I brought pictures in and showed you where that section there needs to be surveyed where they were running that fence at pacon Park out the caner highway that's a deep Canal there that's not a little ditch that's things 10 15t Deep and it runs in if we went by where they ran the fence it's probably 30 foot into Palmar and it and it looks like when pacon was draining their property was draining to that ditch and that's where it needs to be surveyed by us is right there at caner highway to make sure when they put that fence in and put that ditch into Palmar that's their survey is going to match up to what we have and as far as anything else as far as that matter and everything like that that's that's a important place that we need to take care of a survey is coming off the caner right there at the side of Pac and park and find out whose problem that Canal is and as far as I me personally I took a couple of people out to look at you know the the wash outs and whatnot they told me they sent in bids because once I show them what I'm want and everything I wash my hands I don't want to know what they they're paying or nothing I don't want my name part of MoneyWise and apparently nobody sent in a bid and I talked to them last week and they said oh I sent it in Friday night nobody sent in a bid so it's been the everything what's wrong out there has been there for years I I'm kicking myself for even bringing it up you know because it it's turned into a real headache it's very hard you know if I was a guy had that equipment I wouldn't even want to do it because it's so spread out and it's and it's a it's it it's kind of a pain in the ass which I can live with you know and uh and what I can live with is all that matters to you all I I flag them out any dangerous spots I put stakes in flag them but apparently the landowners like to use them as targets with their buggies and four-wheelers and stuff like that and they just like to run them over they don't understand it's for their safety I do that for their safety nobody asked me to do it I do it because I feel responsible to do it and you know I'll keep looking as far as you know as much as I can you know if somebody don't want to come out and look at it I can't force them but everything's fine in my book thank you all right financial report yes the financial reports in your books on page 35 I'm happy to answer any questions you may have and you'll see the total fund balance as of May 31st at the bottom there okay any questions from the board invoices the next item we have is to consider the invoices which are on page 36 and we would need a motion to that effect I have a motion to approve the invoices so moved second all in favor I I motion carries thank you all righty landowner items we have any land owners wishing to speak Mr Gaza good morning um Mr Higgins I am an aggravated land owner um the Pac and Park drainage issue that you speaking of the water drains onto property that I own all also owned by other land owners that are not represented in here um I believe the water also drains on to properties owned by The District South Florida Water Management District and Martin County um if there's no permits required to drain into palar water Control District and that's the board's new policy that's fine but I would be very curious as to how that how that works um I'd hope that your board would give drainage into palar a little more consideration as it's likely going to happen more often with development surrounding the district thank you thank you any other land owners can I ask a question give us your name and you have three minutes um my name is Juan almanzar I own three 1 acre lots in Palm Beach Heights I wonder if I can do a trade with the county for equal size lots I'm willing to tray thank you I will you can see the young lady in the back of the room with the silver hair she can help you with some discussion on that thank you you're welcome hello Tammy Crow um land owner in Palmar um I have a question a couple well first a couple of meetings ago um I asked about road maintenance out there the maintenance of the surrounding Road of Palmar I was told by Maria Marino that um I don't don't quote me I'm not quoting her but there was something along the lines of if Martin Andor palmach County paid their taxes we could afford to maintenance maintenance the roads so yes um I can look up the minutes um then last land owners meeting when we had to vote for a chair um when Mr Gaza was voted off Martin and Palm Beach County were able to vote therefore I assume they paid their taxes so my question is when can I expect the roads to be maintenanced in Palmar thank you for your question you're welcome I I will contest that that's not what I said um because Palm Beach County has always paid its dues so uh and also as for road maintenance there are no roads in Palmar there are works of the district that's what we are able to maintain as for roads there are no roads so I'm sure Mr Gaza is probably saying you're wrong and that's fine um that's fine the minutes are posted online right they are all right I'll pull those up thank you you're welcome do I have any other land owners and I don't either so thank you um comments um Madam chair I think we accidentally skipped over security status report we did because I have an FWC note for FWC so okay um if we don't mind going back to security status report that'd be great someone from FW you see here sir sorry I was wasn't even looking on that side of the room P um I just have the stuff for April and May we're still waiting for the end of June stuff to come out um we contacted 221 total people whether consensual or you know with a enforcement um actions in April we wrote 31 warnings citations verbal warnings just educating people um in May we saw more people but we had less uh issues less issues yeah we I think we wrote six warnings citations total um the general public out there is happy that we're doing a educational approach especially out there um you know we've heard lots of good feedback from people out there we've had one Reckless discharge uh incident that we've came across um subject was I believe the officer wrote a warning for that it was in from Hungary land into Palmar um um and then a lot of the fire you know discharging of firearms out there have a proper back stop and stuff like that is what what the officers are seeing out there so a lot of you know safe gun practice out there um one abandoned truck was removed um land owner came out and removed it on their own um a bunch of illegal camping on South flood water management property um there's a party on one of them that's where um a lot of the warnings in April came from just educated them to move on to their own property and off of the South FL Water Management property uh a couple underage drinking incidents um and then a lot of violations that are when hunting season rolls around would probably be something that we'll catch but we're keeping our eyes on it right now but that's all we have to report nothing nothing too crazy that's great all right anybody have any questions no great to have eyes on Palmar all right thank you thank you sorry for that uh skipping over that so we are at board member comments any board member comments welcome to the board Kevin you have anything you'd like to say um just one uh with Zach's comments as being an upset land owner um potential for water flowing on his with me it's the opposite I don't like water flowing off mine I don't like it when people turn my Wetland into a Dryland but I do understand your position and does that need to be researched further by our engineering or are you solid in your opinion that we have no liabilities no future concerns that it's a well I do think we now have to respond to uh Zach so maybe an agenda item for next meeting I I will look at it closer and I think we too have to we do have to be consistent on how culverts are put in how they're permitted so we need we need some consistency there any other comments seeing none we are adjourned at 11 at 1220 is thank you all thank you