it's 9:35 we're going to call to order the Palmar water Control District regular board meeting proof of publication is in your books we've established a quorum with four board members present uh commissioner Marino is not going to be present today are there any additions or deletions to the agenda hearing none first item we have on the agenda is approval of the February 1st 2024 regular board meeting minutes those are in your books pardon approval there's a motion on the table do I hear a second second there's a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed uh the motion passes four to zero with commissioner Marino absent thank you the minutes are in your books on page three if you want to take a did we just approve the minutes or the agenda I'm sorry I missed that we approved the minutes oh okay I'm sorry you you went so quickly okay moving on to new business the first item have is on page eight and it's this the discussion regarding adopting new policies and procedures for Palmar so everyone should have a handout in front of them and at this time I'll turn this over to your attorney to discuss good morning everyone uh so what we've what we've uh provided for you um in in the way of a draft uh working version of the policy and procedures man Manual of the pal AR water Control District um I already see a typographical error on page one uh this is just um a a very simplified working version of the policies and procedures um of the uh the board meetings um who signs what who has the authority uh to sign um what happens if the chair is not here things like that so and the chair not being here today we thought that the best thing to do is give everybody a copy of what we've got look it over um there may be items that you want to see in the policies and procedures manual that are not in here um I will tell you that um in going through this with Andrew what we did was we looked at um several other manuals from various districts every you know from from uh cdds that are uh organized under chapter 190 to uh County uh um meeting procedure guidelines and other water control districts just to kind of get an idea of what uh everybody else is is doing uh rather than having to create the wheel um and so this is a combination of uh a lot of what we thought was pertinent from the other uh manuals I will also say to let you know that um in this effort I came across uh an old Palmar uh water control um dist District policies and procedures manual from 1991 um so it predated your District manager's office being involved with paulah I don't know if Mr Higgins was involved back then or not but it it I I couldn't find that it was adopted so it's much more detailed in what the district should do with respect to um the the Investments of funds and things like that so so what we want to do is get with um SDS and Mr woodraska and find out if any of that is pertinent anymore um and bring that back to you at the next meeting with a proposed final version um and if if any of you have thoughts on what you want to see in here just let us know we'll make sure that it is um may I have a can I have this copy sent to me electronically so I can do a um yep so I can look at and then type in the all right I'll send everybody an electronic copy of it miss her yeah if I could add the this topic policies came up due to a landowner that approached me and I gave it to Andrew to put under the agenda what the policy was for this board in regard to agenda items was not necessarily to wait until the board meeting and have the landowner request an agenda item it was strictly it could go to the board and funnel up to the chairman and the chairman decides whether or not put it on the agenda that was the previous policy it's up to the board to change it or keep that thank you Mr her yeah it's become increasingly clear to me that there needs to be radical steps taken in order to enforce um the uh activities and the structures in palar um there are I want to enforce every illegal structure there and I want to prosecute every uh person there who's breaking the rules and I think that in order to do that we're going to have to hire two full-time law enforcement officers and one full-time code enforcement officer um so what ability do we have to hire to fill those positions and do we fill them independently of Martin County in other words is is it are we contemplating a a sheriff's employee or a Palmar employee are we employing a a Martin County Code Enforcement officer or a Palmar code enforcement officer so um we have to look at what the water control plan says and uh so you know can a water Control District hire uh an hire a contractor to patrol and ensure the Integrity of the water Control District assets so the works of the district um you know off the top of my head it's kind of dangerous talking like this but I think that we can um you know and who the water Control District wants to hire um and you know the number of hours and and all those details we can work out later as far as code goes obviously that's that's a Martin County Palm Beach County matter and we can't do anything with respect to that so if there's an illegal structure for example on a on a water Control District work of the district the the water control district is able to remove that illegal structure or do what it needs to do to um eliminate that that structure from its from its works of the district um that's what that's what we can do if there's damage um we should be able to go after who we think the offender is but like we've talked about in in previous meetings the problem is finding out who who did it and that's that's the issue so we can spend the money to REM you know Patrol uh remove the illegal structures um um uh address any damage to the works of the district but going after somebody we would we could do it but we would need to know who it was and finding that out is is the issue do you want that in the you want some of that to be addressed in the policies and procedures Manuel I don't know where it should go I just want to to pursue this okay if I may yeah I was going to wait M Mr cutting you're recognized yeah and I'm sorry Sarah were you yeah okay the um one policy that we do have published and available to the public I'm going to paraphrase and it just says the purpose of the district is to maintain the surface waters within the district so as to render the land suitable for some use ful purpose everything that the district has right now if I understand correctly was inherited they were just basically ponds as we call them were ditches and canals that were dug in advance of any input from Martin or Palm Beach County would that be a correct assumption well what was done first was water control plan and the The Works of the district was was initiated underneath that water control plan the first one was rotunda that's why you see the big round circle in the middle but it never got completed and so what you've got for works of the district is probably less than half of what was contemplated okay and if I further read 292 my interpretation that a district Works in concert or in conjunction with counties to implement a water control plan that is consistent with development or land use policies Etc in the case of Palmar I think what I see is a shortcutting of that process um and when we look at how the district functions going forward the purpose of the district may be more considerate to preserve the land in its present State than it is to uh enable or um render that land change render that land suitable for development dry it up basically so when we look at the works of the district when we look at ditches when we look at changing CTS structures that are put in to drain legally or IL legally I think that District policy should address that as Sarah was saying I created a little draft and if I may I'll pass it out with uh no um intent with anything other than for us to review on our own time and comment throw it out whatever you wish legal you have any I think that's allowable yeah that's fine okay there's one I'll send one your way oh and I'm sorry I'm going to probably have to make another copy for oh wait a minute I don't because Sarah's not here I have my own M Marino's not here did I get one for you or did I miss you I oh I can email it to you either way sure all I'm basically saying here is that anything we do going forward ought to be in concert with with the counties and the governing agencies if a drain pipe wants to go in please so in 2005 um there was a special law that was passed um I I actually have it in section 1.0 um of the draft policies and I I took it verbatim out of the special law but it it says what the purpose of the Palmar water control district is so um un you you can't change that agreed understood so I just want to just let you know that it's more than just 298 you really have to look at the special act from 2005 and I could give you a copy of that if you'd like yep I'm I'm not suggesting that we go outside of the boundaries is that would create a legislative approval or change not you know alls I'm saying is we adhere to the policies and make sure we work in concert with the counties if we want to put a CT pipe then consult with the county is the elevation correct basically is it going to affect the change to uh private or um Property Owners basically Mr George may I Y absolutely commissioner heard question on what you just said a few minutes ago you um you were addressing illegal structures and stuff like that which I sympathize with you with my drive-thru yesterday surprised me um your question you said want to do something are you are we trying to see if there's any way that right now we're not affiliated with private property at all strictly The Works of the district so any illegal structures out there are beyond our reach true illegal structures on a on a work of the district is is your responsibility got that but as far as private property private property count County okay no once you step off from the works of the district it's up to local government additional comment there in regards to our uh bmap and FD I believe we have basically a procedural review of water qualities that would be consistent with um River Flow River acceptance what you know yeah palar is included in the bmap program with FD that's best management Basin management action plan action plan there you thank you thank you um and I do a report every year to FD and what I state for palar is there's no change and there's no change projected in the future and so what is the water quality of Palmar it's actually probably pretty good um due to the Natural filtration but it's certainly not contributing to the pollution at the St Lucy River or Lo hatching okay I read that that June 23rd said no damage to works of the districts I I would presently um dispute that statement um vegetations in what condition leave that for TJ to report um additionally at what point do we address um perhaps occupancy or residency is not the correct term but camping I mean within South Florida in Florida now we look at septic tanks whether it's one two or a community of dozens and we fund changes to a septic system to make it more friendly to the environmental areas where and what point do we say okay is it a thousand campers is it you know 500 campers do we make an impact I've personally done um cleanups and FWC managed properties before where camping is allowed and I can't tell you um some of the things that I have seen on those properties including raw sewage discharge on surface waters gray water is fine but we do have a pending potential use issue here with water quality or not that's really not in our purview water quality is not in our purview or well yes to a certain degree but only to the extent if we're contributing to the impairment of a water body but palar isn't and our um neighboring water bodies or neighbors water bodies say the FWC area versus the privately own sections um if water quality is compromised in that area it's not an issue versus water quality in a small Canal I would have to report it y yeah okay sounds like uh we we've got some homework to do and we need to get back to our legal councel so are there any further comments on the policy and procedures manual okay hearing none uh let's move on to consider approval of RFQ criteria and authorization for engineering survey service yes this is in your book starting on page nine um so this is the survey they we're requesting Engineering Services for the survey which we've discussed at previous meetings um you'll see on page N9 we set the date for April 22nd as the due date that's 45 days if we approve it today the reason we did 45 days which is a little longer than the norm is the next meeting is scheduled for April 3rd which is only 27 days from today it's it's really not enough time to get the ad in the paper and and actually get enough responses to present something to the board so we're suggesting that we have the respon is due by April 22nd and then we'd be able to present those responses to the board at the May meeting will we be able to get the responses sent to us prior to the meeting for us to review absolutely so part of the requirement is we're asking for an electronic copy on a flash drive so that we can send it out to the board wonderful uh does the board have any comments just one the boundary right away the perimeter path we'll call it around from gate one all the way to the rear section are we calling that um works of the district or do we call that uh a right of way and is it being surveyed that is works of the district it's a levy and that's what's used to access the northern part of the district um it's not a well there's what I consider a scribner's error in the dedication that also lists it as an access for Ingress ESS to the public and so it's no different than seminal Pratt Whitney Road I can't block it um but it is works the districts in to the extent that it's a levy as a um a functioning protective structure of some sort you would want to keep it okay all right I for some reason had some past thought as to whether that pathway was a works of the district or not but we're saying it is absolutely y okay um do we have ation um set in the survey for that as well well that question was asked there's nothing in the water control plan that dictates the elevation of the levies and really the purpose of levies is to keep water from the outside from coming in it's not to contain water we don't we don't have any liability for containing the water on our side of the levy I take right right but there's other portions of that same Levy let's say on the North Boundary that is truly a levy it's not used as an access rout okay parts of it is M Smith or um sorry Mrs her this this scope looks really broad really comprehensive to me how long do you anticipate that it might take someone to perform this scope it's probably at least a month's worth of fieldwork I would think that the research would take a year okay um my only comment is on your proposal the competitive selection criteria geographic location we're waiting at at 20 points I don't know if it would make sense from a perspective that you give higher points to firms located in Martin and uh Palm Beach County based on the the location distance mileage from within Palmar that should be in there I'm just looking at page 11 and it's saying consider the geographic location of the firm's headquarters I think you know or at least add the note that higher points will be will be given to firms clo in closer proximity to Palmar item three three in in the criteria is geographic location mhm that's the intent of the of the criteria is that if they are located closer they would get a higher score I think you guys should be obvious and put that in the put that in writing in there okay so it's not you know that's my only comment at this point any other comments from the board okay uh looking for a motion for approval move approval have a motion to hear a second second okay all those in favor signify by saying I I I motion of passes uh four to zero with commissioner Marino abson we'll move on to status report legal thank you uh Mr Vice chair uh other than the policies and procedures manual uh I don't have anything further from the for uh legal report okay wonderful uh does the uh uh the board have any questions for legal at this time no okay moving on to engineer staff's report when I was reviewing the minutes I realized that the board asked to remove all of the maps from from the web page just as a reminder and I think it's part of the graphic is shown on page 12 the board asked for a graphic that showed all of the components of Palmar and that's what that's what I generated from my office it's not a survey and so what I can do on some of these maps that are useful is label them clearly that they're not a survey that it's just a graphic depiction of of various comp components and Gates and canals and and in Access easements um but it's up to you and it's also up to legal as whether or not we should keep those maps to me as an engineer they're very useful and just to add to that the the maps have been taken taken down from the website but we still have them all on file at the manager's office so we have the maps but we have taken them down per board Direction that's all I have to report Okay I uh may I go ahead Mr C only comment is that any map that shows the works of the district is good it's informative and helpful but maps that show confusing easements that may or may not exist should not be on the website and that's all just that any other board member have comment I think that like you gave me that map at the last meeting that that was dated February this year the the one that this is what's the date on this one yeah it's somewhere around there so I looked at as far as just knowing what palar is which I think is important we represent it we have to have something there visual that people can see if they're on our website this is a good start if we want to put the other maps on I think we might consider reviewing each one of them and if we're all in a consensus that any particular map can be returned we would do that it's not something we can do today but we we we are palar we need to show people who we are how many maps are there well there's a second one that's very important at least to me it's the key map that shows all of the recorded easements throughout Palmar and It List It by o our book page uh but if people are looking at that thinking that it's a survey of access roads no it needs to be clearly labeled it's a reference map and not a survey map that's the only only two can we review those at the next meeting and determine whether or not we're going to they're appropriate for um the web site or not sure I would agree with that yeah think so Mr commis if you could add that to the agenda for next month that'd be great Miss Holmes you had uh comments I know I think that's a it's a good idea to look at the each of the maps individually at the next meeting and just go through it you know are the disclaimers um uh broad enough so people know that they can't necessarily rely that if there's an easement there that it's their right to use that that Levy things like that um but you know if if it's the board's desire to have some kind of um map or depiction of the area that shows where palar is um I I don't see a problem with that legally okay anything else so I think Mr CIS if you could have the agenda item for us tomorrow to discuss that and then or not tomorrow I apologize yes tomorrow at the next meeting thank you very much all right with that um district manager Mr Camaros yes uh the item we have is a discussion regarding moving the June meeting date So currently your June meeting date is scheduled for the 6th and it's also going to be a landowners meeting um District Council is unavailable that date so we would like to see if the board is available to move that date to June 17th if you could if that would be okay with the board and also this would not be available on the 17th but the library next door is available right so that's those things work for me I'm available available all available um okay so you need a motion in there that would be great uh so we're looking for a motion to move the meeting to June 17th move the June meeting to the 17th and also acquire um the Blake Library for the meeting there's a motion on the table do I hear a second second by Mr L Lou all those in favor please by vote by the same of I I all oppos passes 4 Z with commissioner Marino absent is there any other items Mr CIS the only other item I had was prior to the map direction and that was that um the April meeting is 27 days away and it was a candidate for cancellation but we can we can keep that meeting on the schedule I just didn't have any other staff items that would need to be brought um the policy and procedures we would we were hoping to have that to you and approved at the May meeting so that we could have them in place for the land owners meeting in June that was my only comment but that was prior to the map agenda item any comments from the board is there a May meeting pardon is there a May meeting yes okay everybody you think we need to have a April meeting Mr cting Mr Lou I don't see any pressing matters the maps can wait till May the May meeting is scheduled for the 2nd May 2nd and the April meeting is April April ail 3rd so 27 days from today 4th April 4th because we have them on you're correct April 4th sorry need to get that recorded no just joking I'm good with either having a meeting or canceling me I'll leave it to the board we can keep the meeting on the schedule and then I can send an inquiry um prior to the meeting in case something comes up from now to then okay perfect all right wonderful um anything else Mr CIS so you're good none for me but this time we'll we'll turn it over to TJ field maintenance Mr TJ please come on up to the podium good morning morning sir how are you very good I don't have a button there what uh the this is some of the stuff as far as the uh coverts out there that I've found and I like to do an inspection after they're done mowing about the covers because I've had the mowers do the damage in the weight of them and everything like that I found that this this covert here is at gate 7 South and as you can see the gate the covert is over probably five or 6 ft making that unsafe for an emergency vehicle to get through and uh I cut these Palms away there was Palms there because it hasn't been mowed and it's on the property of The Game Commission and it's about a 30ft covert that whole covert needs to be moved over at least 6 feet or so so an emergency vehicle like a fire Tru or something you can get through it with a truck which Mr TJ can you uh just clarify for me the Culver is on state property or is it on our property it's on it's on FWC but it's still the works okay it is a it is a works of the moving pardon me TJ but um is it actually uh listed surveyed that's part of the works of the district somewhere wasn't just survey wasn't just well yeah right is it presently included as works of the district or was this an incidental pipe that was just well in this is another item I'm going to take up Bob Burman used to come in with a big big picture of these you know where I could sit here and show you where all this stuff is at I I think we need to do one of them I don't know Office Depot or whatever I really like this thing what's in the book it's don't have so much clutter we just need it from West of uh PR I mean west of the palar property line that they own from the Jupiter Indian Town Road down to beine we need to put that on it and go over just west I mean just east from Pratt Whitney Road there so we got all these so I can say this is here this is here and you know it's a lot easier than not a a big poster board big yeah yeah Burman used they know Burman used to have one was huge well once again we return to depictions whether in their accuracy so yeah I think I agree that that TJ needs to have a frame of reference for us and we need to have a frame of reference but we need to to either either acknowledge that these cannot be relied upon or else we have to have confidence that they can be relied upon yeah this is just a visual for T just for a visual to show you where I'm talking about it's not going to be you know this is so perfect that we there just too much stuff going on with all these flat ponds and stuff here hard copy 36 by2 yeah something like this you know and I'll you know I'll go get it done if I get reimbursed for it it just go to the Office Depot and have it done but I I don't have a map big enough like this okay this one but here's that same here's the same covert right here I just you know here's my four-wheeler that's when I found it because usually I don't go down to this end because I don't have a key to this gate and it and uh I just happened to go down there before the Mowing and this where that Stak is in front of my side by side is where the cover is you can see the hinges right there that's how far that covert is over blocking that access to go on to Longs side of our canals that's at the end of the canal and this is about how much room you have to go through there I've taken my truck there but you had to go through at a bad angle like a big emerc like you know a somebody putting out a fire wouldn't be able to go through there I don't believe safely and that's a real big thing safely was was that excavated or is that erosion that I see no no that's been excavated I believe it was put in that way I don't know what reason because I used to drive through that before I've drove through there before now I ain't been there for 5 years there's a lot of things that used to be different maybe the district pulled out a piece of cver no no they there's no seams in them there you can't have a seam for one thing if we move that we're going to end up putting a new one because it's very hard to move a cover without punching a hole in it well if it's excavated then it then plugged it one time yeah we opened it up and created a new flow way correct yeah yeah but I mean it's the the covers 30 in all the coverts out there were the biggest ones were 24 all these coverts have been changed this is a sign that I put up many years ago at the end of the canals and now now they're starting to go missing pretty much over there at gate one where all the camps are and all the people and everything like that they were up most of them were up there two or three weeks ago but somebody's come through there and started yank gone disappeared the pole still there but sign's gone these are the trees that are in the gameel land along the canals I have my bank mower out there now because the flats of already been mowed I had three giant kodas four-wheel drive big flat things they've already mowed the tops now they're doing the canal Banks and this is what they look like some of these trees are 15t high these P Pines here's another covert what's out and that's that whole covert has been blowed out that's been like that for long time and uh I used to drive through there but you know as I was going through there inspecting for the mowers I found that and I just blocked it off and had them mow up to it and that's uh the game land is on the other side of that here's my mowers here's a car that was abandoned out there and as you can see you could get around around it pretty good it wasn't in my way or my mower's way or whatnot and I called uh Bobby Smith about uh having it towed off and he says that's not his private property it's not us this that and another thing and no just got a flat no on it you know it's no longer there I can tell you that no I know I saw it out there I saw that Monday when I went out there but it wasn't out on that road when I left there Friday from work and uh I have pictures of that too and uh I I called our legal and and she got with the engineer and said you know they talked and said that we could have it towed off you know and just get reimbursed for it and whatnot but I've been busy with the mowers I had to ride out in front of them to put Stakes you know big six foot Stakes flag the ends of coverts and this that and everything else and you know so the whole week i' week and a half I've been with them and I said well nobody's doing anything and so going home Friday nothing was moved out there I wasn't mowing over there I was already in the Gamel land and going into the west and so going home I didn't see it out there coming to work on on Monday this Monday it was out there I stopped and took pictures and it was more or less here's trees along the side these are all being cut out these my mowers are cutting these out they were never there before this is five six years of growth of and I talk to the biologist who's out there I asked I told her about these trees and I was having mowers come in I said they were never there before I'm mowing them and this and that I'm going to cut them and I said if there's a problem with it let me know she said well I'll go talked to the Head biologist I said well here's my number have her give me a call I never heard another thing so I do as I did the these are the trees too these are this is a lot of extra work for these guys and they're doing it this is on the Jupiter Indian Town Road up what's over by pal Mar's property pal Mar's property goes right up to the Jupiter Indian Town Road there I always mowed that when I worked here before and I I do what I always did here's a gate that somebody keeps on taking my lock off and I just put two brand new locks on there saying palar drainage I got the okay from Mr Higgins about mowing that I I got with him just because I haven't been out there for five years and I I see that these locks are leaving and I'm not paying for these no more I'm just going to cut that chain and Let It Fly they're on Martin County's property the South part of the Jupiter Indian Town Road there is fwc's property they have 180 Acres there and that goes right to Pal Mar's property pal Mar's property hits that Jupiter grade road that gives me the right to go down that road and I have the right to go down it as an employee of the drainage as maintenance supervisor so so that's what's going to happen when these locks disappear I put them on there put palar on both of them I had had a witness my mower because I I did that once before all a sudden I'm getting letters saying TJ cut a lock there and this and that and it was all but you you probably remember it was a long time ago and I don't think we should be letting people bully us and I I I I don't let people bully me I do what's right this is right this is what the Mo's looking like right now uh that they've already done the flat they're still going to come around they're going to bring people in with weed whackers to cut around these corners and stuff I mean I'm real happy with these people they're they're just like my last Bowers and I told them I will put in when you're done with this I'll put in the word for you because they were a good price and once they get those trees off of that game land it's going to be a lot easier for them and they're they're willing to they're out there working right now mowing those trees out and they're not easy it takes a little time to do that once they get on this game uh private property we don't have a bunch of pine trees so they're going to be over there probably maybe middle of next week just doing the game land and then they're just going to move over to the North part and then over to the West part this is this is the burm around the outside edge where they went around the burm this is the other gate going up to Jupiter Indian Town Road at the end of at the end of uh that burm this is I'm I'm sitting on the burm right there going to Indian toown Road and as you see that gate over there what you see in the background goes into uh Frank Frank sardinos and Chuck Russo's 300 something Acres they owned of uh they run with cattle on it and everything right next to it and the other end where I go goes as far as uh palar properties here's the car what I looked at after I came came by this is Monday morning when I was heading out there I drove by it but I was running to the mowers I I knew I was going to be coming out of that gate so uh I just when I came back I took these pictures of the car this is what's I ran across some turkey hunters in there who saw that car out there Saturday morning early I mean when turkey hunters go out they go out before the sun comes up and they said it wasn't damaged like this so whoever drugg it out there they were saying that it wasn't damaged so this was done after it was already put to the road but I don't know what damage they did to it by dragging it out there but they you know apparently it was done Friday afternoon or Friday night I don't I don't even take these pictures those those photos were provided by commissioner herd okay all right well uh that's that's what it is there it's uh I'm going to get get somebody on these coverts the one that's Offset you know that's that these coverts are going to have to be ordered it ain't like with we got them you know and I want to go back to the same what we had in there because there's coverts have been put in there where there's not enough dirt on top of them that it's washing away real easy and I I to me I would like to take those 30 in out there go put a 24 back in there and put enough dirt on I don't know Mr Higgins on a big covert like that how much dirt should you put on I do not know where he's talking about I have to look at where that covert is to determine whether or not it's supposed to be there um so I didn't say it's not supposed to be there I'm not talking about I'm just saying before we talk about removing it that's fine let me let me find out where it is I'm talking about replacing idea of after the mowing is done do an inspection of the culs yeah I I'm talking about replacing I'm not talking about removing it and just filling it in yeah TJ agree that the point is to determine what should be there from an engineering perspective versus what just kind of showed up over the years yeah and what detriment that may be doing to land owners properties well when he went out there with you I should have been there too because I could have showed them other things out there you know and I'm the man out there when it comes to this stuff I need I need him to get with me and he's been with me before out there and I've showed him this that and other thing and I know where everything's at out there everything and I'll be glad to take them out there when the Mo's done and they'll be done I think and it's going to maybe take them two or three weeks to do these Bank moan especially you know know where that where uh in where all those trees are and uh I don't know if the board has to approve them getting paid or whatever because I inspect it and I come in and tell you all that they've done what I've asked and it looks good and because you're talking about deleting next meeting if something like that has to be approved by you all then somebody needs a because I believe they'll be done 100% out there by next meeting okay do they have any kind of a progressive payment or are they just collecting everything when they're done they haven't asked nothing and I thought about it too I said it probably wouldn't be bad you know I'm completely happy with half of their money going to them because all they have is the bank mowing I agree with you I drove it yesterday they they're doing an excellent job yeah and they're quick oh they're clean they got the equipment and they're bringing people into I'm real happy with them and and I for their price and everything that they gave us I think we got a really good deal you know we haven't gotten any invoices yet I can see it no no no I'm just saying you know I'm just saying if we we need to be approved it'd be pretty bad to cancel next meeting and then he's got to wait till the following month to get paid doesn't sound like we're canceling next month's me we have policies and procedures probably a mowing Bill and sounds like you and Mr Higgins are going to get together and discuss some covert stuff with us probably in April as well so I don't I don't think we should worry about that so any other items Mr uh TJ no I got a couple questions for TJ yes go ahead Mr L the two gates that meet Old Indian toown Road you said you put a lock on one of them but you I did lock on both of them I had a lock on one of them when I took biders out there because I got to show them where they're going and the one road what's right here going up is six I know where you're at T 610 and I'm not going to back down a levy Road what only wide enough for it's unsafe for one thing and it's not my job to back up I need to go forward and I don't need no no private land owner out there anywhere putting a gate on our Levy that's and what the reason I'm asking is this if you do put a lock on a gate in Palmar where the district meets a district in my opinion that should be a combination lock all your locks should be combined the same and not combination should be registered with our manager so that if I'm out there with a situation and I cannot get a hold of you then I can call and get the lock and to go through as I I had a combination on they just cut it off and I just went and got a regular pad because my eyes aren't that great for combinations I can't hardly see the game wardens because they put them in boxes sure and trying to look in there you know I can't they're they're tiny numbers on there you know and I'm trying I can swap them out I put a lot of money in what I got in there I got a key to them and uh like I said I I I feel strongly about Gates denying you know being put on our work we just need to be sure that we as a board understand where we're taking where we're putting locks on and stuff like that anytime you do anything like that a key makes it Comon but if it needs to be it needs to be but we do need to know where where you make changes I just bring a building and I can go get because there's another place I need to put a couple of combination locks because the game land has water water Management's lock on one of the yeg gates which they they're going to have to weld something up where two locks can get on it and then at the other side uh the game lands Master Lock didn't work it's been screwed with so bad somebody screwed it up real bad I reported it and I put a lock on that one they told me I told them I said I can cut a link out of that little chain and put one of my locks here so my mowers can get through and uh you know I my mowers have got to go through these Gates so do I just in case we have somebody come in here we are aware of where our locks are at but if you want I I can go buy a four pack of combination locks and I'll let you know what it says that's up to everybody I I don't have any preference on the combo locks I figure they're going to be cut off anyway so I think they'll be gone in a week anyways what I got I'll give you a combination into a link that's fine what's going to be laying on the ground and that Gate's going to be swinging okay all right any other questions any has any more questions Mr Mr TJ nope thank you very much sir look forward to your report uh administrative matters financial report page 12 Mr Caris yes the financial report is in your books if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer if not I would suggest moving on to consider the invoices on page 14 okay uh move we pay the invoices motion on the table is there a second yes I'll second that all right uh we have a motion a second all those in favor say I I all those opposed passes four to zero with commissioner Marino uh absent Mr Caris can I also um I apologize I went a little work can I get a copy of these pictures uh either on flash drive or email to me yes of course or if we can do them at the end of the meeting today that'd be great okay uh now we're at this time in the agenda for landowner items are there any land owners who would like to come forward and provide comment to the board uh see none comments from the public that are not on the agenda any public comments come on please approach the Das let me get the timer ready we're going to give you three minutes please start by stating your name Linda Smith Jupiter Florida representing the Sierra Club lahache group I did follow up a little bit with some residents out there on regards to the car and um they confirmed that they did talk to Bobby uh the deputy Jason the other EG Deputy ran the VIN contact the owner the owner said it wasn't stolen I think this was discussed just confirming and and it must have been her son and friends that condoned it there she was informed that it was her responsibility to retrieve it and that's where it sits so Jason may know the contacts of the owners I guess um I wanted to ask if I I plan on attending this afternoon the D Florida forever cycle project cycle one project proposal public meeting today and um if there's anything that I can relay to them I know there's been discussion about we need more funding from Florida forever for Paar things like that but anything specific please see me after the meeting I suggest more signage I find it very disturbing that TJ signs are being taken down um also I also agree that requiring re Realtors to disclose restrictions across the board not just in Palmar but you know all property owners are constantly coming to boards whether it's your board or County Commissioners going I didn't know I couldn't do this you know and they just claim ignorance um I would suggest whether it's in your board's prevy or perhaps the County Commissioners to perhaps double the penalties um some of these um they just consider it to be laughable I guess or it wouldn't continue um I understand that part of the issue out there is the government can't take away uh private land owners rights um which government domain is used all the time um it's for the Public's benefit um and again if that's something you don't want to do just double the penalties we have to engage all the individual lawn land owners out there in my opinion um we don't know until we ask some might be willing to swap to get larger family Parcels or something like that and I'm wondering if the government can sweeten any kind of a swap deal not um in regards to reducing conservation easements but perhaps other sweeteners that need to be discussed and I'm open to discussing them um we all know that undeveloped land requires a lot less government services and um I'd also like to discuss there was some talk about what Sierra Club can and cannot do we are limited we're a nonprofit um ma'am your time is up oh I'm sorry thank you very please see me after the meeting if you're thank you for your comments any other uh public that like to provide comments for items not on the agenda okay seeing none let's move on to board member comments Mr cting thank you very much um I believe uh one of the things that's evidenced by TJ's observations out there is we do have a lot of public uh use of the lands um I don't know who that vehicle happened to be registered to is it a land owner or not I did note the sticker on the back was a 524 so it's a current registration at one time there was a financial barrier as well as a physical barrier to entry in Palmar you had to buy a lot and spend the money to do it now you don't you just drive through look at the social um information that's available whether it's Facebook or whatever there's pictures the guys Raising Cane out there having a wonderful time uh we've lost the semblance of control perhaps not that it was ever our responsibility to do it but uh when it comes to protecting the works of the district I think the FWC proposal even though it was perhaps expensive I I don't think we have any choice we don't get to decide whether protecting land owners properties is Affordable or not we kind of have an obligation to protect those properties where our easement occurs as well as the works of the district so maybe next meeting put it on the agenda let's talk about signs again let's talk about a big one out front talk about restoring the canal signs and some sort of public information campaign that tells people hey please be respectful or I understand respect is is what it is some people will honor it some people will absolutely not honor it but it should be an improvement and a step in the right direction whether that's signage or whether that's an FWC officer extending that I'm seeing head nod sounds like so Mr Caris let's if add that to the agenda for April looks like we're having an April meeting if you could invite FWC maybe to come to the meeting as well and obviously let's let's probably invite the Martin County Sheriff's Department as well all right anything else Mr cting I don't believe so wonderful Mr Lou um I don't expect to be here for the next meeting if I return early I will be here but uh it's not expect okay thank you very much anything else no commissioner uh Miss herd nothing else all right I do not have anything on M I'm sorry uh I don't have anything on mine um Miss um Holmes you had your light on that was just an error oh stop pressing the light Miss Holmes okay Mr CIS anything else Mr Higgins no with that uh looking for a motion for adjournment so move uh second second all those in favor I meetings Jour thank you