e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome everybody to the Palaca City Commission meeting um special call Workshop actually we're going to call this meeting to Autumn is CR thank you so much to Commissioners Tammy mccal Justin Campbell will Jones oop sorry we have an echo that's me that's me much apologies you're I notified the special called work was you special called Workshop by the Baca City commission is hereby call to be held on the following dates at City Hall 2011 north2 Street Paca Florida 32177 the purpose of the workshop is to discuss the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget June 7th and June 20th and here we are July 12th City commission budget workshop at 3:30 next one is August 9th at 3:30 following that August 29th at 3:30 please govern yourselves accordingly sign Robert MCA mayor thank you Miss cren is Pastor mberry zooming no um commissioner Forum could you please give the invocation a brief one and commissioner dear Lord thank you for this day thank you for your grace thank you for your mercy most of all thank you for your unconditional love they go as we go through our budget cycle here please uh allow for us to make the best decision that's going to help our city continue to move forward and provide the necessary services that our citizen will be satisfactory I mean be satisfa to our citizen we ask these things in your son Jesus name amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation undergone indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please miss France commissioner Tammy mcal commissioner Justin Campbell present commissioner will Jones pres in Chambers commissioner Rufus Forum present mayor R present thank you a in the chambers thank you um we're going to open the floor up to public comments is there anybody here for public comments seeing none we'll close public comments and on to three the discussion of the FY 20242 budget Miss cotti Mr Bell thank you mayor uh CER um we're going to go the overall objectives of this meeting is to have our um it I mean I'm sorry it I'm thinking it have our uh department heads go through and provide you with uh presentations um fielding all of the feedback that we've gotten from the one-on-one budget meetings but I'd like to start off with u m cardi yes good afternoon mayor Commissioners and all that are intendance theart city manager um so the most important thing to start out is knowing this is not about the budget being balanced at this juncture that is more about you know letting you understand the various um needs that are being projected and presented by the department has and with the inclusion of anything that we understood of the commissioner's U initiatives thoughts and comments uh it's important if you were Miss um France if you could go all the way down to the very last page of this big old budget thing placee report just so that the Commissioners can get a feel that very last page uh you almost yeah so with this uh particular version as of July 8th uh we have expenditures included in this budget of 78 Mill 683 658 and revenues are at 76 million 508 386 so we have a budget that is not imbalance because of course the revenues have not yet been completed that that process but it does at least delineate the needs that the department heads have projected the next thing to be aware of is these new uh proposed new positions that's that next page please right so this is just the salaries themselves and um this is what we understand thus far there is a minor change that I'm sorry whenever you refer to those pages can you please say page 76 of the budget or or the packet or so that we can kind of keep along along I feel difficult yes ma'am I will so what we were discussing previously was page 76 and so now we're going to page 78 okay thank you and uh at this moment it reflects total direct cost of 75,000 for uh really 12 positions the reason why it's 12 is because the Tiff position is broken out into the three districts U there has been a change like this morning that we figured out and that's pretty much still with the city clerk area where the cost is going to be 11,000 more at this point however there is an offset to that of about 29,000 just to have some understanding and if we were to go to page uh 79 that is a summary sheet of oh oh okay 79 is not that as the commissioner is just showing you uh some detail about the results of the conversations with the one-on-one with the Commissioners page 79 I know you were trying to make it decision unit summary is that what we're looking at page9 thank you that's where I no but go go I like where you went to page 79 which is the Commissioners that allow them to understand that we did take the information that they gave us and uh where we could include it in the budget that lets you have an understanding of what department the initiative is included in and that's on page 79 here it's 129 okay so I'm just reading if I may I'll call out the page numbers from the book yeah but in the book it's 129 okay so in the book it's 129 so if you wanted as Commissioners wanted to have an understanding of what did we do we being the city manager and myself and even as we met the oneon-one with department heads anything that we could understand that you were bringing to the Forefront I'm letting you understand where it is included the initiative and what department is included in okay and so now we can go to the decision units and what page number is that 79 start 81 okay so the decision unit summary I'll I'll wait until you have it decision unit summary on page it starts on 80 thank you 799 well 79 is a summary I'm sorry ision summary is 79 the rest the individuals are on scy okay so just so I just want to just give you heads up all right so these are the decision units that we have put together as of July 8th okay and so it's in order alphabetically uh also trying to give you an idea what the decision unit is for the city clerk position is the one that I just gave you an updated I was say excuse me so this is the updated summary sheet right uhuh the one I just gave you and there's there's not a major changes but I just wanted to give it to you because the city clerk may bring it up in her presentation so it's the very first line and instead of it saying 32,000 it now says 44,000 okay change because the legislative Aid is now being combined and so now it's reflected as a combined uh position which she'll explain in her uh presentation and then uh we also reduced where this where your section said legislative he that's when reduced Excuse Me Miss M commissioner mcal has a question okay and it just to keep us flowing easily I see that um the one that was included in our binder um said for the line item one city clerk new position was 32,000 and then the one that you gave us said that you said there was a change and you did let us know know and it says 44,000 and I do notice that the um the summary at the bottom didn't change so can you kind of guide us and let us know what other number a line item change so that we can kind of make sure the numbers match so there's no other changes that I'm aware of for the decision unit and you're correct that um okay so mine says oh so the formula didn't work so I just want my my intent today was to just kind of give you heads up that when the city clerk come up and start speaking that her position now has that Deputy clerk in there that's what I was trying to do I just want to make sure that that's it nothing else changed that the numbers at the bottom also didn't but the numbers at the top did so the formula is not working at the [Music] bottom if I can add to um the idea behind and we discussed this in the one one says uh the position that was previously there is uh uh for the legislative Aid is the our recommendation is to combine that with uh the request for records Clerk um and the result would be a deputy clerk position that would do both the records legislative and also be part of the succession planning uh for the clerk's office and so you'll see an increase in the position for Deputy clerk but you'll also see a decrease in the uh decision unit for the records position because those are combined okay so go ahead that a separate line I'm sorry madam mayor oh no that's fine go ahead is that a separate line on there because I'm it's a $112,000 difference that I just saw so right is this somewhere thank you that's a 12,000 I mean we don't have do you feel like print it out again would that change no I mean it's up to them I'm just writing mine down good mad okay commissioner part of the process that we have here at the city is that a department head asks for something the department head will then meet with the city manager the city manager will will put this kind of their thoughts to what the department head is thinking and then comes up together with something to present to the Comm my initial thought had been that I wanted a records Clerk or maybe someone that would eventually grow into a into a deputy clerk that's why I put a $32,000 number there to begin with however after speaking with the city manager he said hey why why don't the city clerk's office continue to do the legislative task for the commission because you like doing that stuff it's just there's not enough time in the day and then same thing goes with with me and and me trying to find a work life balance at this time he said why not we create a deputy clerk position it makes more sense from a from a perspective of longevity for your department so when we applied the salary study to that the salary study actually has a minimum range of 44,000 for the deputy clerk position so that's how you get a higher number than what I had initially put there and and I'm rightfully so but I do kind of want to reprint it I because well where I'm going suay you did Sunny you did a very good job but the thing is it doesn't match the number at the bottom it's different from so if you can get us a new one if it doesn't take that long just so we can all be on the same page and making sure that we're making okay commissioner boram did you have a question done okay thank you I actually have a statement and it was done in 101s and I mentioned it so I want to make sure I mention it here among up Mission um when we have a department of two we have one person supervising one person uh I think that I think that and sunny just talked about it when we start talking about the the pay grades so we going to name this person a deputy thir so along with that the salary and the benefits goes up okay but someone is just going to be filing I mean really I would like to see the job description that you have it's just says a a CSR so CSR that's going to be answering the phone and filing that's a lot of money $44,000 a year for I don't know how much of your work as far as cler they're going to be able to do or learn in that time when they actually have a full-time job to being a legislative I can a legisl legislative Aid and a clerk so they actually have two duties and so um it's twofold one is for the manager you could answer the second one about the job duties but about one person supervising you got you got one person to being supervised by another I mean that that's not a department I say okay to clarify the customer service role what it's talking about in in the description is the customer service role presently as a customer service records Clerk um last year when I came before the commission I told you that I believed that there was enough work within my office to have a customer service person and a separate records Clerk I was told combine the two what I've found in the last year of having a combined role is that the majority of that person's time is spent answering the phone so what I'm saying in the job in that in the writeup that you see before you is that the customer service role is really is really a role in and of itself I'm fill that person's additional time with record duties because obviously the phones they're not constantly on phone 247 there is some gaps in between calls of course um and that time I'm giving them records related duties to do I'm asking for a third position okay you're asking for a third position yes and uh wanted to add to that um typically across the uh the state you have the deputy and the uh you have the clerk and the deputy Clerk and it's not really um a manager of a manager of somebody it's somebody that can step in in the event that the clerk is not available and this is not something that's unusual uh to have a clerk and a deputy Clerk or somebody who's identified as a deputy clerk to be able to step in that role in this case what we're looking at is the the position that was already approved for the legislative Aid uh along with the idea of uh the uh the records Clerk Community um CSR role and combining those two together um and the combination of those two together is a cost savings o overall instead of doing a legislative Aid uh part-time and doing a uh part part-time uh CSR records Clerk we combine them to the two of them and reduce the total costs by putting them together that would seem to be more efficient to me and because the city clerk also functions as a city M as administrative assistant and then if if the city clerk is out the minutes for every board every meeting there is nobody to cover at this point yet and that would be another function I think that's crucial so that the business of the city continues to move on whether Miss CR is ill or whatever happens so um and I'm not saying not to have a succession plan matter of fact I I was an advocate for that it's the matter in which it's structur okay so who supervises Miss CR city manager okay so manager also be supervising the depy CL I will that's that's that's the point so you see my issue that she would be supervising the deputy clerk yeah you got one you got a one person two person Department a supervisor and a a deputy clerk I don't think that makes sense but I just wanted to say it in this meeting because I said it in our oneone meeting uh secondly because we never had a dedicated uh legislative Aid I think that some input should have been from from the commission due to the fact of what our needs are what we really want done uh Sunny has been doing a good job but I think yeah I think commissioner Bourne was going to hit on it there's other duties and responsibilities that hadn't been being done for the commission uh aside from her other duties that I think that Trump does to ask for a legislative am I right on track or not commissioner I think commissioner he's turning to you to clarify no no I mean not not to clarify but that was something that while we even came up with the legislative Aid uh in the beginning because a lot of times uh we have a number of different things that we deal with within the community whether it's uh Town Halls whether it's research whether it's when we are doing our travel uh among other things and so uh again and sunny knows uh this very well when she's booking our travels and everything it takes an average of two to three hours per commissioner and granted there are changes or anything along those line that can get heck of a lot worse I think she was just booking one of my trips before and I think it took about three to five hours somewhere in there to just just try and it and it took multiple days well that was just one day but sometime it take multiple days so I think um with the number of things that we need as it relates to research and everything else and it could really uh we we need we needed to dedicate it in order to be able to accomplish those things a lot of the research that we have to try and run out and do in our in our spare time uh as it relates to visiting Properties or whatever else we have to go and do reone you for just all the different things that we do um I don't think a lot of people understand and know what our job is is and that's 247 in my opinion so um we just need we we we need uh a dedicated we need a dedicated um person and when I looked at that um the fact that we had the legislative Aid and and there was a quest for the and a need for the records I I looked at as an opportunity to save money by combining the two as opposed to having two independent part-time positions by having one full-time position that was at a lower rate than the two individual pieces that would still perform the same functions that you were looking for in the legislative aid but also be available to to deal with the records and be backfill when the clerk wasn't available I thought that was a way of optimizing the requests that were there I appreciate that but I think you know when you go and do things like that you need to communicate with us first well that was why we did the the one ones and we got that feedback yeah for that proposal Ian we just I I I I do whatever but I just know that we we need whatever we're going to uh need to in order to serve the community better so if if if if you want to travel that road make sure that the the budget can um uh support what we need if we need to make adjustments and if I I remember correctly when we did our presentation at the last work budget Workshop we presented this item of the proposal for the deputy Clerk and we were told to go ahead and proceed so that's why we incorporated it in this one um I also think since we haven't had a legislative Aid up to this point doing it this way if if there's a need indicated for full-time then we will have to look at the budget and consider making that in Standalone position but maybe this is a way to enter into it since we have it yet and also accomplish a couple of other goals yeah that's a good point but I think what happened when we did um uh decided to move forward with the legislative Aid um the commission wishes weren't granted and it was drug out and so this is where we are now and it put a lot more burden on sunny and again so and that's where I mean that's where we are and we should have been had that a while back it would have taken a lot of load off Sunny agreed if I can mention one last thing yes one thing that I would would just say that that would be a benefit to having a deputy clerk is that we can ensure that it's someone that would be educated if it becomes a deputy clerk my goal would be to get them to become a certified clerk if they're a certified clerk then they'll be able to provide additional support to the commission because they'll have the knowhow to do it and I'll make sure that they have the knowhow in the education to support the commission and however they they possibly can for you guys whereas a legislative Aid I wouldn't know what track to assist the manager to put them on and what education what what classes to have them take whereas if they run the clerk's track I can make sure that when they go to conference or when they go to to webinars and things like that that they they're taking things that would guide them to be be able to better assist the commission any more question any further questions of Miss CR no thank you than thank you Mr CR okay and I don't know I haven't really has anybody calculated or estimated how long this process is going to take for every Department because at some time I think before businesses Clos for other businesses a couple of us have to make phone calls so maybe we could take a recess a quar a past or so and then just come right back and keep keep moving thanks thanks for that comment but as well I mean we got a a big budget ahead of us a number of different presentations um last year last year we we broke it up and did it in two sessions so uh to not belabor this thing and make it long and drawn out we might want to consider we might want to consider that again if if you wantan to yeah I don't disagree with that so if we can just take a brief five minute break at quarter past and then be right back right back at 20 p but thank you go on Miss C okay so basically I was just giving a kind of overview and I'm going to sit down and let the departmental uh budget presentations begin okay thank you the first one you that up informational technology yes all right believe we have the PowerPoint presentation up that's there you want to Quick BR next SL it'll be easy afternoon commission afternoon Miss mayor Brent mcf with inspired Technologies my pleasure to stand before you all today uh we've had a great year in it I want to cover some of that stuff with you all as well as a few things that we want to kind of move towards give you a bit of a road map you can go ahead and hit it Miss Sunny uh so this year a couple things that we've done uh we built out the network for the Jenkins facility um that was pretty early on in the year we also implemented uh EDR for antivirus um that was a a very quick implementation and uh we very much appreciate y'all's attention to that uh we also implemented uh annual cyber security awareness training for all staff um as you all are very aware and everybody's had to take it every year so um definitely good thing to have uh and we've also uh had approval and begun our implementation of uh new firewalls for the city police department uh and all satellite offices uh that require them uh that was the most recent thing uh we're currently in process of scheduling that deployment um as well as we enhanced uh this is kind of just a fun fact but uh we put a a temperature sensor in your network closet because we were having some AC issues so we want to stay ahead of that um you go ahead and hit it sunny uh some goals we have for this year uh they're fairly lofty but um I think that they're very important um and I want to go ahead and just start having the conversation uh to to start us moving in this direction um ultimately one big goal that we have is to separate uh the city uh Network architecture from the police department um this is based upon compliance requirements that are coming down the pipe and some that are already currently in play um that is what is somewhat supported by well it is fully supported by uh the firewall implementation that y'all just approved also we'd like to implement multiactor authentication for All City staff um similar to when you log into a bank account or anything else you get a text code um very similar thing these are the lwh hanging fruit of cyber security um and a very easy easy implementation for us very low cost to the city um and a a very big benefit to cyber security stance uh and we'd also like to implement our MDR stack for the police department uh these things are going to be required for sieges as well um there's a few things that we can go into detail but I wanted to kind of keep this somewhat top level uh you can go ahead Sunny can you explain to people MDR uh so yes um so our MDR stack is more or less cyber security stack uh the compliance requirements by siis are as most law enforcement I'm sure that you guys are very aware and I know I've been talking to Mr Bell about it a good bit too uh have increased a substantial amount over the past few years and are continuing to go in that path uh it's very difficult for a lot of municipalities to keep up with this stuff so that I I definitely want to make sure that we stay ahead of it as possible um so the MDR stack would include things um such as a seam product so so let's say a an agency of law enforcement for some reason is um is made vulnerable for some reason they're compromised uh they're required to report logs uh via this new compliance and in order to gather these logs you have to have a tool in place or one full-time job person sitting there compiling them every day so um that's part of the stack as well as a vulnerability assessment Tool uh that most cybercity insurance is going to start requiring uh pretty soon so stuff that I want us to just know it's on the horizon I want us to just go ahead and start talking about as we go and MDR if you have AR familiar with that term is manage detection and response yes thank you yes sir so current Personnel is the same as it has been over the last few years we have Mark Hayes we have James bdet and myself uh and then we also have the many Services of our team back in Tallahassee all there to support you we don't propose any change in Staffing list but we do know that the contract for it support will be coming up RFP in February um so it's just something that we're keeping on our radar you can go ahead miss sunny and then for Capital I kind of took some things because it looked like everything was lumped into the operational budget so I took some project things and some amounts on the highend that I think it's going to take to get some of this work accomplished that are our goals for this coming year um our proposed total is on the highend because as we all know technology uh the market rates for that change and also sometimes the solutions themselves there are better solutions that come out while we're vetting a current solution and so we want to be flexible um so ultimately I I generally plan for you guys about eight or so computer Replacements every year um the servers will be hitting end of life uh in the next few years uh I I believe it's in about a year and a half give or take so we want to go ahead and start looking at getting those replaced or thinking about another solution what last time youed 20 2026 yes what was the last time they were replaced the last time they were replaced I believe it was before my time um they've had their support renewed a number of times and now they're end of life so they're out as far as they can be supported currently yeah thank you commissioner Bor yes I thought at one point when we first started with um Inspire that there was a a roll out plan to replace all of uh the hardware oses that we had at the time and move from I think at one point was at Windows 7 7 and you move into Windows 10 server I think you even had server 08 and server uh 2010 so um so we got 12 which is being outdated and so we're moving into 16 and 20 so uh where are we as it relates to the os's and the hardware that we have throughout our organization because as you know some of those older equipment they uh they they pose a significant um oh yes risk critical Vil and so if if we looked at a hardware inventory if we can get that to kind of understand okay the replacement cycle uh and then you know the life cycle is three to five years on these on systems so yes if we've already started that I like to know kind of like where where are we and as it relates to when we first started into Where We Are now because that was built into that first contract I absolutely um so yes we've done a full wash of of all machines that were outdated everything's on at least Windows 10 um all servers are compliant and up toate within support um that has been iterating over the last few years as the city can afford um you know I if I could wave a magic wand I'd have everything replaced immediately but I understand um things sometimes have to be slow rolled but yes we're fully up to date we actually had a a really big push last year to ensure that um all of your servers were at least on 2016 um but in the replacement here uh that would be allocated for next year or afterwards um we would obviously be getting to the latest and greatest to get you you know as far down the road as you can so yes sir I hope I answered your question there well me I just I just would like to just see what's in our inventory to kind of understand and know um when we when we push out U 20,000 a year U for replacement of uh computers and not every system uh requires uh that level of cost because you don't want to put a um Yugo on a track the trailer job and you don't want to put a track the trailer job on Yugo so I think we need to just look at and we also deal a lot with um looking at how each and every Office Works uh we don't we certain things you might not need and you can use you can use um things like uh appliances any Appliance or Thin Client or whatever else own those devices and it'll it's going to produce the same thing better faster you don't have the risk associated totally agree with you um and that's what we generally try to do the reason I say eight computers is because that's what we've seen over the last few years that you guys generally replace I do have a a full inventory I can give you if you'd like Chrome books you got Chromebooks and all these things so and I average I mean because there are computers like your skating machine and other things that get well beyond the average there um so I just wanted to make sure that I had everything accounted for yes sirate thanks yes ma'am miss m any other questions just a copy you asked about the roll out plan the original roll out plan if we can get back kind of gauge where we are and what we need as fast possible right okay cuz I know there was a I think mattt Matt was here either not Matt but um Logan Logan was here at the time I think when we first started the process she was the finance director so we want to see um what we currently had in that plan moving forward to make sure that we're a little bit more fiscally responsible absolutely happy questions can you speak about the MFA uh yes multiactor authentication so um it's we don't the main reason we're pushing for that ultimately is because of the PD um but that would be either a text message to your phone or I think actually Microsoft's moving to an installed Microsoft app wherein you go to log into your email it'll pop up a notification on the app you have to accept it and then it'll let you in your email now we do do these with uh licenses from Microsoft that prevent you from having to do it on premise as long as you're here um for a certain time frame makes it a little bit easier uh to deal with yes Commissioner mcco of course this is my area of expertise we do have a commission up here but did I hear us at one point possibly think of talking about real share app the G um maybe the G fence um yes um yes so if this would would this be the time to talk about that um kind of elaborate on that we have that later in the process thank you thank you any additional questions BR thank you just only other question about the multiactor M multiactor piece is that um have we decided um um are we going to use what what what tech which technology are you going to use Duo uh so we typically go to the duo route um because it's what we're familiar with but there are some Microsoft offerings as well uh that you can have a city if let's say your network architecture is separate from the PD then we can actually have a more affordable option that doesn't require a hardware dongle or anything like that unless you actually need it and then to from a cost Factor standpoint of uh if they have any token device or whatever or could they use it on their phone but then at the same time now we're asking staff um to use uh what would require we we got to figure that piece out in terms of from a call standpoint and then giv give you know putting it on their phones and all right so we just got to figure that piece out yes sir I'm happy to assist that we've implemented this across a number of other organizations and run into the exact same question so it really just depends on how you all want to handle it and I'm happy to help out during that whole thing commission Casco and this will be my last one sorry um that kind of you know uh help with that process if anybody has a city issued device or you know cell phone PR MacBook or whatever that can be mandated but they would shouldn't be required to put it on any of the personal devices okay thank you um commissioner Campbell do you have any questions you still there okay I'm good mayor thank you thank you thank you thank you all and with that we are going to take five five EXA five five 1 2 3 4 five and come right back e e e e e e e e e around yes madame mayor Commissioners city manager staff just a presentation of the budget for the fire department you can move on Sunny thank [Music] you back one yeah there we two so just some of the achievements this year um I've actually got about 20 pages of them but this is some of the highlights we received the Firehouse Subs grant for 39,000 got new new extrication tools those allow us to actually work in water whether it's saltwater or freshwat we can actually submerge the tools which actually helps us with plane crashes and other vehicle accidents um we have had the budget uh increase approved for hmgp to replace the bay doors and windows at the Karin station we've applied for the USDA grant for um ladder truck and a new engine applied for the afg grant for a special ops truck uh completed and hosted social media training for the Department of City uh we painted the stations um hundreds of hours of leadership training operational training I received the State Fire Marshal grant for the exhaust capture devices and much much more if you would like a comprehensive list I'm happy to send it to you okay the I iOS rating too was pretty significant yeah Theo yes ma'am yeso okay sunny we can move thank you um so for operational changes as we talked about in the 101s or 101s um we're asking to apply for the safer grant to get three more firefighters we know we have hundreds of new houses coming on um and we have lots of changes with our industrial Partners out in the county which we have contracts with uh we need to replace the roof at the main station the plumbing at the main station and uh the bathroom at Karin um we're continuing to train new people in in operational tactics we have several registered in the fire academy so we have a new hire this week or last week started we have a one Personnel coming out of the academy completed he'll start in two weeks and then we have another one that will be finishing the academy star in September we have two more applicants ready to go in September as well so if they get registered we'll have two more ready but we are only down essentially one firefighter at this point um we've updated our standard operating uh guidelines and the rules and regulations of the department so we've started that those haven't been updated completely since the 90s so we are moving through them and trying to to bring things up to date um we're continuing to add leadership training and Specialty training uh we're building on our cancer prevention program we're also looking into health and wellness mostly mental health uh can uh and we're continuing to work with our local partners for training and trying to get them to grant us to help with that training and protection of their facilities um and we're applying for more grants diminishing uh general fund dollars and also trying to build community engagement programs thank you so on the Personnel side currently we have 12 firefighters six Engineers three lieutenants three captains a fire marshal Fire Chief and administrative assistant our contracts for service are as you see there Georgia Pacific Simo electric St John ship Builders and we have a couple small local churches uh in contiguous to the city that are in the county that ask us to to make sure we uh respond to their needs as well so proposed Staffing which we have in our decision units um so the first decision units were was the roof at the main station the second one was the plumbing at the main station the third was the plumbing at Karin station and then for personnel we're asking for a deputy chief of operations and also an administrative assistant for the fire marshal uh the plan review just continues to grow as things are being developed and built here in the city and so that he needs the help there for scheduling we have inspect annual inspections BTR inspections and also construction inspections so this becomes a lot for him he's also in charge of risk reduction and Community engagement so we're asking for some help there as we move to the operating budget as we went through in the 101s we have just a few small changes we're asking for about 27,000 and small changes um adding cameras to our trucks or accidents and stuff like that so we have also as a training tool um we have to add the extra 5,000 to our pre-employment this year because we do the full inpa physicals that'll drop back down to 10,000 for the next three years after that um we're asking for a little more in electricity as things continue to go up a little more in Building Maintenance and vehicle maintenance we continue to have tons of trouble with all of our trucks they're staying on the road but it's constant we're constantly having to fix something um and then there was a couple things with um uniforms and a couple thousand dollars in uh operating so a total of about 27,000 um with the capital I think we can go on Sunny to the next would be the capital yes so that adds about 300,000 that's with the plumbing and a few other things that were mention in the CIP so a few um hoses and nozzles some Hazmat equipment some other small updates we're also the in the better place fund we have the hmgp that'll be reimbursable through FEMA once it's complete but it is a reimbursement program and we also have the match there um so we're we're waiting on that stuff to be completely um approved it's been we've have a verbal approval on that we're waiting on the contract um and that's about it for us there any questions on any of that Mr yes thank you Madame mayor if you could go back and spend a little bit of time talking about the community engagement programs and the challenges that I put to you about uh diversifying and working to diversify the uh staff yes sir so we we've we've done everything we can we try to go over to the colleges we're on the a list we advertise wherever we can we've been talking so we're trying to get out into the community a little more and offer that out but the scholarship has been pretty full we have a couple females um and we've not been L uh too lucky on local people most of them are in the county so far but they are at least in the county um we've tried to work with some here but what we found is that we have a problem with Transportation so getting them to the college over in St Augustine has been a problem so even though we updated and now we're hiring them at minimum wage until they're done they're still not able to get to the college to get the academy they can't ride Drive possi no our vehicles I think Police Department we hir the people on on the scholarship or a grant fund or whatever did so it's one of the things the city manager and I talked about so that was some ideas that came up that and and having some sort of uh stien to help them get there so but we haven't work through those details we're we're beginning to look at that because it's it's been a it's been a that's been the issue is getting people who they are appreciative of the help to get to school but they can't get there so that's a great idea to to try and hire them and and send them in our vehicles but we don't really have that many extra vehicles to send them in at the fire department but we could find we could try and find something city yes sir I think if that's a challenge I think to try to help people to get on and get that concentrated effort to diversify I think that's small thing to do because they are our employed so absolutely and and that's that's some of what we're we've been trying to think about because that has seemed to been our problem is trying to get them from here to there I I think it's important I'm sorry commissioner go ahead well yes I I'm pick back off of commissioner Jones I think that's uh super important and I think it will help your program um um a lot and so I'm I'm friendly to you know making sure that we can help grow the fire department in that regard and going AB above and beyond for the diversification on I think it yeah and we're in favor of it we would want to try and work out the insurance issues we may want to have some sort of driving some sort of uh test or something to make sure that they're qualified to drive but once that's in place that may help quite a bit because that has seemed to be the biggest problem yeah and that was one of my concerns the insurance P yes sir I was going to say say that uh it's important to note the efforts that have been made thus far uh within the department but also to be intentional about looking at those obstacles that may exist and in recruiting a more Diversified uh staff at the department uh looking at ways that we can overcome some of those obstacles and I think you've got some great uh suggestions in terms of vehicles but we've also uh are exploring the idea of creating incentives for those people who live within the city limits to uh to go through the academy and uh join the department so um I I think uh there are a number of things that we can do but first we have to be intentional about pursuing those objectives yes sir any further questions of Chief Taylor thank you all right thank you thanks sir Airport Mr mcneir good afternoon I guess right you know you got you guys got me I'll mix up here a little bit um you'll control slid if you don't mind let me close this presentation I had to open a presentation a different way for uh Chief Taylor and it appears to have frozen so if you would just give me a moment take your time and then if I get through that we should be at you there we go thank you so much for your time yep again good afternoon mayor City commissioners um it's good to be here uh is if I had to give give you a short um comment about where we are at the airport you know we we are progressing really are so I'm a little bit over 24 months in uh I would say the last eight months or so nine months has been a serious tester and we faced some serious challenges but you know as with all organizations that look to take it to another level we work through it you know um and our challenge our primary challenge obviously was was the tanks our two 12,000 gallon tanks being inspected issues being identified and being offline for quite some time uh those tanks are the self serve is is your number one Revenue Source um set aside facility rentals you know that's your number one source self- sered so as one of our achievements you know working with Finance other members in the uh organization we were able to complete the maintenance items on the tank so we're back up and running folks that uh kind of left us for a period of time you know they are reconnecting with us and we're rocking and rolling so um in addition we had a number of other achievements uh we we actually just completed one of the largest projects of this year which was repaving um and upgrading the west side of the airport so you come into the entryway to your right there all of the taxi Lanes all of the fueling apron areas were rehabbed so about 1.11.2 million uh project so um completed last week or so um excited the customers love it uh we also um finally got rid of The Loner jet a truck you know we we again we've been struggling but we got Grant dollars you know we got a brand new truck in um and it's working flawless um part of the mobile operation I will tell you not the digress but um shifting to a mobile service during the time where your main storage tanks were off you know saved us I believe because you only reduce your revenues by so much versus no sales so um we also initiated a very very much needed program and I secur the gate and access control I'm ring initiated here because we started the RFP process we'll identify a company to come in and essentially upgrade the access control ways we got three primary one alha Moody uh one Skydive gate and one main entryway there next to the terminal building to the West uh going to prop key fob type um uh technology uh we adding more camera systems I think we have four now probably going up to by 16 so game Cher but looking at the level of assets we have airide we need to protect our customers assets but also our our assets as well but it's also driven by uh the security program with the FAA 1542 um continuing on we also were fortunate enough to secure dollars from fot to bring in emergency generators one uh replacing the one at the main terminal building two adding a mercy generator uh to the F form of SE serve uh so it's just not hurricanes it's not enough power around here you know there's many other things so uh essentially one of the drivers for us being so fortunate to get these dollars we support more of a regional responder as well not just the local folk you know but the state if they're moving around the state they want to identify different airports to come in service and keep it moving and help others the throughout the state uh we completed a wildlife Hazard site assessment so for the non- outdoor folks essentially that is bringing a professional in to assess the wildlife hazards at the airport we do have some most airports do in this case Birds Cotes um and you know every once in a while you may you may get into uh deer something like that but this is required to set up a larger plan you know so this support the plan that we're going to have in place going down the road um and one unique one on on the achievement list here was the abandoned aircraft auction which if you never experien it you need to find one to go to it it can get very interesting thank you uh City attorney for your assistance in that um and last but certainly not least both of these inspections we successfully got through them even through the challenges one was obviously the Airfield compliance you know so that check there that determines if you're going to get your operating certificate airports every year or either issue the your operating license or you're not they identify issues you have to address the issues they come in you work through it and you either pass or fa successful with ours uh we also have a similar system with our automated weather observation system so that's kind of like our weather man or woman uh so that gives aircraft operators real time information about the current atmosphere conditions at the airport all it's probably better than your local we folks uh but it's it's a it's a tool that that is required for us so every year the fa will come in and make sure that that tool is operating though uh good year so far you know uh even with the challenges you know we really the team and I really um kept things moving next so coming up so some of the projects we started today will carry over to next year or the upcoming year fortunately working with Finance you know we are headed this game with the budget cycle so you know we have projects here that are primarily Grant projects Grant well all them are Grant funded projects which is a good thing um for the airport however there are a couple of projects on this list here I think it's really worth bringing to your attention because it's critical for us one deals with you know operation um well a couple deal with operations specific the other deals with more of the business development or Revenue generation inside the house so the two that's dealing with operation are dealing with the tree obstructions on each approach end of the airport you know you look at the airport the imaginary imaginary lines when the rural area the airports Back 40 over there and the pine trees have gotten too high so f. faaa say hey come in clean them off so the pilots can operate a little bit more safer we have dollars for that and we're working we've initiated this project but this is going to carry over because it's a fairly large project the second operational uh project and got some BD or or revenues uh to it but it's a little bit longer term is initiating the airport Master Plan update so this is a requirement that takes place every 10 years or so we're a little bit behind with ours but this is our road map you know if if anyone ever ask you what's the plan for the airport you can take this one map here and you can look at where are we looking for this to be 10 years down the road um The Unique Piece about this particular project here is this year they're requiring a little bit more detail about what are you working with in terms of your hazards so they're looking at it from a 3D standpoint it's not just your airspace it's not just a surface but it's also underground so we have funding secured for that and we've initiated this project it also includes updating the airport property map so that property map is our official footprint for the FAA as well as F do okay if that property map doesn't match what they have that's an issue so we want to make sure that we are in compliance with them um last but certainly not least on this particular list here the Jet Center design so you you know we secure dollars for this you know some people blame inflation I guess I'm going do the same thing things have changed we need to really gather some more dollars but this particular project is a signature project that's going to allow us to accommodate more um non based operators it also will allow us to to accommodate jet operators that come in they going to stay overnight they don't want the $5 million jet sitting on the ramp we can push it in charge them you know 300 bucks a night and they'll come in and get in a nice cool aircraft next day you know so so that's a revenue generator and that's also a grant project so we're trying to go Grant project only for that so you know these are things really taking it to another level because that's the kind of customer we're using and and and and looking for in targeting next so our approach in light of our struggles uh is to approach this year with the same budget we had last year okay I think the timing of this is is smart I think it's perfect because we got about we've been running about five months or so with the tanks being online uh for the next five months or four months is going to help us to really become stabilized and by the time we hit first day of physical year we should be priming very well in terms of activity marketing marketing plans being in place so I would prefer and this my recommendation to you guys let's go flat you know last year's budget was fine uh last year I was able to get the supporting staff that I needed uh and the next slide will show you uh the Staffing um component of this will not change a whole lot as well next you know so no change in Personnel the team that I have in place um I come into this year with we got one vacancy we're trying to kind of slow walk that because we have a space issue also in the terminal building so you know we we are and we're hoping to get there uh but you know it's something that we just got to work through um one unique component to the airport Enterprise fund is we have a huge you can look at it a huge yard okay it's a huge Lawn Service uh requirement specialty Cuts those kind of things for Airfield lighting you know um you know inside the fence as well as outside we have a really good contract in place if I had to replace the equipment and the labor for that there's no way that I could afford it nor could the airport make any money for its operating um cost so you know we do have that third party that's providing that service um that comes into the next year uh whether we put it out there or we extend it it it really doesn't matter long as we keep it in that structure next capital capital budget is going to be a little bit different today okay because some of the projects we've already accomplished in this physical year some of the other projects tree obstructions master plan that's going to carry those Capital dollars over into the next physical year so that is today a reduction of capital dollars next all right anybody have any questions of Mr mcne oh thanks for thank you yeah presentation yeah Clean and Clear well you know I will welcome all of you guys out you know don't come out all together just come out one at a time but don't come as a set yeah yeah yeah don't do that but but you know you know it's it's really worth it's worth coming out and getting schooled on what you guys have here as a community you know um I meet some people they don't even realize you have an airport and that's sad uh but we're there to help you know I'm here to help um and no questions uh just come on and see us thank thank sir on to the water treatment plan Sean Commissioners mayor city manager all right water treatment budget 2425 achievements so far we've actually got a lot accomplished this year um starting new as your new superintendent we kind of walked in a little blind to it but we did get to do chlorine injection approved and that's already installed waiting to go um we reab all the DU generator hookups out at the Wells so when we have a storm we can actually keep them Wells running uh we replaced a lot of the pumps and upgraded all the electrical on well two so we can actually move more water now in case of fires and other issues uh we rehab the high service pump too in motor so they're up and running at Peak Performance now uh last year's Capital item was the compressor room we're going to change that into a second office presently we didn't need a second office anymore I F so we just saved a lot of money and turned it into a storage room but all these new parts we're going to have for this GAC system there's a lot to come we put the dollars where we needed it instead uh as well as that we did purchase the new lawn mower this year so we can cut our grass and keep the wells looking good finally and the elevated tank we did have to purchase two new computers for scada ours were old and had failed so that cost us a little Penny there as well uh I had to hire and I'm training four new employees all operators right now we have no licenses besides me and one other gentleman so our hiring budget is got hit a little bit this year because we had to take in a few uh we have internet and Wi-Fi installed through all the buildings now so we don't have to have a computer here a computer there a computer there everybody can just walk around swipe and it's done now next goals coming up it looks like skada is actually going to be done hopefully within the next two weeks so it's not going to make it to next budget year which is even better thank God uh GAC hopefully will be done next year and online now our water will be nice and clean and smell better and look better more polished if you will um we're doing a full rehab of well8 to get it up to Peak perform yes sir what what's your GAC some of the acronym uh the granulated activated carbon the new filter systems I'm sorry skater super r oh jeez now you put me on control and data acquisition there uh let me see where uh servicing of the elevated tank that has to be done we are under contract for that it hasn't been done in a while um and that is a larger hit to us uh rehab of the two feed pumps and motors is coming up to keep them up to date so we don't have to completely replace them we can just rehab them save ourselves some money there we do have to replace this year the vfds get rid of all that dirty power that's costing us um and I like to paint the building in all the facilities this year we're looking a little shaggy over there and we could use a nice little touchup BFD variable frequency drive so so what does that look like from a call standpoint replacement of those varable um varable frequency dri uh depending on the size of them they run between $5 to $8,000 a piece and right now I'd be looking at changing between anywhere between four to eight or nine and how many do you have total I mean that that in your whole Suite of you needed about 14 14 14 you got some work I have some work right there but we got a lot of them working really well and some of them are just older and it's that time for them to go we did upgrade some last year and I believe they were upgraded the year before so our electric bill has gotten better right and I'd like to make it go even further so question on you know because when you when you when you're struggling trying to um maintain and hold on to Old equipment it's costing you a heck of a lot more money so you're you're you're taking good money you just you just wasting that sunk cost so look at what your call are and um let's see if we can figure something out as it relates to your electrical stuff I mean because we want we want to save dollars that make sense absolutely I agree with you 100% we can do that uh next please all right our operating budget currently is 577 the proposed is 71646 the reason for that is with the new system coming online we have a lot more to do with it a lot more stuff that has to be done such as testing we're going to have to run a lot more tests on the water we have more parameters to check now with the new standards and regulations uh electricity we did put a bump I don't know what the electricity is going to be yet the plant hasn't run full capacity in over a year so two years so it not going to lie it's a guesstimate to you I'd rather hopefully have a little bit too much and then have to dig around and try to find money from you guys Building Maintenance 20 to 25,000 our buildings taken hit we got a lot of corrosion there it's nature of the Beast you know we just got to fix it and stay on top of it and not let it get to be a major issue uh equipment maintenance 75 to 100 again we have a lot more equipment we got to keep up on it we can't let it go like it did before and now had to build a whole new system so small tools went from 2,000 to 4,000 I have to have the tools to work on this stuff I mean we just don't have it there yet and chemicals and fertilizers is the biggest increase it doubles but this process now requires the double amount of chemical where before we'd only um dose it with chlorine once now we're going to hit it with sodium hypochloride twice same chemical but we do it at the beginning and the end it helps grow that bacteria those tthms that we want to get out of the water and that's the best way to remove them so we do take a hit on that Personnel wise oh I'm sorry um we're pretty much fully staffed down we me as the superintendent I do have one class a operator left I have a mechanic two operator trainees and a mechanic training we have two openings of one of the assistant which I'm not currently trying to fill there's not enough work that I have to actually have to worry about that right now and a fourth water operator which I got to stick on because these trainees all have to be licensed then we're banking that they're going to get it but I always want to have a backup plan just in case we don't um next please all right capital budget currently 1524 079 proposed 13 16109 out of that Capital money already we purchased a new riding tractor we went ahead and replaced all for the chemical feed pumps we remodeled the air compressor room the big changes coming into capital is the $100,000 for the new operating system the skater system to run the plant and there's a big note in here here for the elevated that's $330,000 but that is a push from last year we already have it in the budget but we didn't able to get it done this year because the pl's been out if I take that offline you guys are going to get phone calls all day long so so it does look like it's a big jump on the decision units but it's really not it's just that one line is really boosting that number and that is all I have for you you have any questions now thank you presentation I would just like to add on that $100,000 for the scada item I mean obviously that's a critical aspect of being able to operate the plant and what you will get with that is um a system that is now integrated with our it that uh has backups that we have control over and we don't have to worry about losing it if we get a lightning strike or uh some other type of catastrophe absolutely what about SK good um so I'm sorry I had actually pulled that one from it skid steer is with right so there there wasn't a I'm sorry did you want to speak that absolutely um after I looked at it I only really need it one time a year when we do make the change over and the city does have one so they've made it available to me to use when ever I need it so instead of spending that money we can just leave that there and go ahead thank you thank you thank you any additional questions thank you all set we'll move on to the Reclamation facility Mr mccan good afternoon commission city manager as you all are aware this is my favorite part of my job is public speaking all right so this is the budget for the Reclamation facility um the things that we have accomplished and I'm sorry I didn't bring my glasses so I'll do the best I can to read this um we are nearing completion of the Dig project we started a couple of years ago um there's been a lot of delays and a lot of challenges in keeping the facility in operation and meeting our demands of our permit with the delays that we've experienced with this project um we spent a lot of time this year um doing our best to keep this place in compliance without a working digestor as designed um we are right at the point of getting them online and starting to put the bad things into them um we have also been working on the upgrades at uh lift station 16 at the corner of St John's and Zigler um the bar screen was completely refurbished and reinstalled this year that's been in place place for a couple of years I mean I'm sorry a couple of months the the change is astronomical the amount of debris we're removing from their treatment process with this new bar screen is is awesome uh it's night and day difference um we've also replace both of our bar our Ras pumps which is return activated sludge um we replace the pumps the motors the base plates and the concrete structures that supported those these have been in place for close to 40 years and it was way past it was time to replace them um as far as Staffing levels we are short one mechanic um we do have some applications in and looking forward doing some interviews next week um excuse me okay okay so with the digester project we've had to um the challenge that we had was was digesting our solids without a Digest so we converted a thickener tank that we wasn't using no more um into a digestor which involved putting a blower and diffusers and air pipes to create a digestor um to digest this St properly and meet the treatment requirements through that D put on us um with that that has kept us in our permit restrictions requirements um we also started with process of cleaning out our drying beds replacing the sand drying beds are used when you when your Bel press has issues you you you dump the biosol into a drying bed it dries we physically shovel it out and hold it to the landfill over time the sand needs to be replaced um we did train several new operators and maintenance staff they are doing a great job um I can't speak more for the job that these guys are doing especially with Air Raider it's a lot of hard physical work and the Heat and they was all Troopers in getting this job accomplished um we are in a waiting period for our control panel for the main plant generator we've ordered that a couple of months ago it was a 3 to four month lead time for the C panel to come in to upgrade that portion of our generator for the main plant um that was part of our one of our capital projects from last from this year um we are also in the process of replacing one of our service trucks um I should to bring out to you the budget this this Commission meeting last night but I missed a step so I'll try to bring that to you next month um we also assisted several construction Crews or projects around the city as far as manhole relinings or um um lines work work being done on St John's Avenue with with the removing the water lines and the Wastewater lines um our permit is up for Renewal next year so I've also been working with the engineers to any special sampling that's that's needed to facilitate getting our permit renewed uh for another five years next SL please so with next year we're hoping to hopefully finally complete the digester project and get everything online which would include a new dodor new bell press new conveyor um and then provide training for all of our guides for the new processes that we have the new digestor is aerobic our old pattern was anerobic which is a big change in in operations um they have been taking classes and going to school to learn this process so hopefully it's going to be a smooth transition in the process change of the plan um we want to get some of these new operators trained up and and have their license um from the state we are working with Grant Program through to to purchase more generators for some more list stations we did some a couple of years ago we put ra at six Li stations it's been great during this inclement weather it's really helped us it's time to do some more um complete replacement the sand and dry beds with the new bar the new bar screen it's it is it behooves us to clean out the rest of the plant from the debris that was stacked up when the bar screen wasn't working properly we cleaned one airor out got it back online here a couple of weeks ago it's working great and the amount of debris we've seen in there crues to the point that we do need to clean is plan out um and this debris is not coming in no longer with this new bar screen so we have one done we're going to work on treat doing the other one um next um including that we are looking for for the next big project which would be the headworks at the plant and the secondary clarifiers um again our plant is going close to 40 years old these are parts that have not had major work done to them um concete structures a grd equipment which is for sand removal um it's just time to to start thinking about replacing those equ that equipment um additionally is replacing the existing irrigation system at at the airport um it's been in place for several years now um it's between Mowing and Strikes and and the ground it's it's time to replace that system which is going to be in the capital projects for next year's budget um we had slated to replace to upgrade frenches list ation and windx list station this year in capital with the struggles we've had with the Dodge project we were not able to accomplish that so that is part of the money in capital we're pushing forward to next year to get those those list stations upgraded um we have a third pump for River Street it has been ordered it is again another long lead time this is the main liist station for the city of Paca um it's located on River Street um the two pumps we have there are working fine it's just if one has to go out for service that LE there one working pump and that's a scary pos position to be in especially with the anticipated highly active hurricane season this year I did not want to be in a position if only had having one pump over there and something happened to it um then of course our excellent filters it's time to replace all of our filter panels on those on those filters there are I don't know maybe 70 filter panels on each filter and this is what it's the last stage of of treatment before it goes to chlorination um so we look and replace all of those and get those back to Top Notch uh next slide please uh current operating budget is 758 532 we're proposing a small increase 824 um and those increases are mainly due to chemical price increases chlorine goes up on a regular basis um every three months they increase their prices um the good not the good news is it did go down one quarter last year uh before it went back up um increasing equipment maintenance to our equipment is getting 40 years old it's we're spending more time fixing things and replacing things to get them back up to current in today's world with new new Motors less more efficient for electricity usage our lab fees have gone up numerous times um it's it's something we can't live without we have to send our samples off five days a week and a small lab fee increase of $5 a sample is a lot of money throughout the whole year when you're doing so many samples um and we're going to anticipate increase electricity due to our new blowers in operation the new blowers are for the new digesters going to aerobic they have to have air to treat the biosolids so those blowers will be having to let additional electricity cost that um I'm not exactly sure what that's going to be to the end of the year uh next slide please um this is our current situation as far as Personnel um we are fully St except for one mechanic I don't anticipate trying to increase the staff next year just want to get that one last mechanic hired and trained and and get back to work next this is our capital budget um for us I think you all was told last year we go up and down there's years that we have a lot of grant money projects that keep us going we don't ask for much in capital and other years we have to increase our Capital request um we have been doing a digest project for a couple of years now and it was a a 4.4 million doll project um I'm asking now to spend some money at the ReUse station at the golf course we have two pump stations over there they're both in need of of work replacing the coach control panels for both the golf course irrigation itself needs a whole new no unhold new pump station um it's been repaired over and over again it's just not economically feasible to keep pumping money into repairs it's just time to replace um so we can provide good water for the golf course which is doing great things you work really hard to turn that place around and we would hate to be the cause of it going backwards um so I would like to get that station replaced um it gives us a lot of controls over the irrigation system um quicker response time for when things are are wrong same thing with the city's irrigation um side of that the the control P the pumps are good the control panel is not um getting that replac would give us better control and um better control of our irrigation for reclaimed the third part of that is replacing irrigation lines at the airport that's a $55,000 cost the lines get hit with lawn mowers sprinkers heads get cut off uh lightning strikes numerous times they've been repaired again it's just not it's to the point we can't keep spending money repairs and patching you patch this part this part blows out you you patch that this part blows out it's just time to replace that system um the lift station upgrade Pump Station upgrades like I mentioned before was Kelly Smith and franchise shortcut um that was Capital money from this year that's not going to be a big hit for our budget we are asking for money for monitoring equipment these are Omni beacons so what happens is when a station has an issue it it tells us assistant to give us a call it it it calls my plant it calls my assistant and it calls myself to let us know there's an alarm condition at this Li station which speeds up our response time so we don't get many sanitary sewer spills U we're able to respond before it gets to the point of spilling out of the liation onto the ground um these are not that much money and they they work really good um they have different inputs and outputs to tell us whether we have an alarm condition on a lag float or a second popup is running or a power issue um it's very good tool to increase our response time for liation issues um and then i' would like to have some money for replacing the vfds variable speed drivs for our our current blowers for irration the ones we we have are a little dated is a a heat environment and they wear down in this heat U we've had an incredible summer last year and this year as well um and this components just tend to break down over time in heat and vibration um I think it's going to be more economically feasible for us to replace those bfds instead of waiting for failure and then repairs uh next please I think that's it that's my presentation I'm welcome to hear any questions that you may have right I mean I mean sound like you have quite a quite a few challenges in terms of uh age aged equipments uh uh so do you have like um a list of all of your things with some priorities as it relates to uh if these things happen how does it impact the maybe the environment or whatever else it may be or public health safety kind of thing we want to make sure that some of the for and for business continuity um I think all of those things will be uh super important if you have that if you want to share that so we can kind of understand and know um what we're potentially looking at if it's not budgeted um in the potential for uh and then whatever priority you want to put around the areas that you're trying to uh do and accomplish um so those that do not know my middle name is redundancy um I preach redundancy on a regular basis this is why I'm asking for the third pump at River Street we've lived 30 years without one over there I feel it would be better for the city to have that pump over there so this is the things that I do um is to create a situation where if a pump's offline we still have two yeah one for service and one for backup in case there is another problem um replacing the control paddles for the generators um at the at the uh main plant it's another thing that we're doing to offset potential problems that are coming up up we have a very good plan in place for and contingency is in place for any failure um if a digester fails or I'm sorry if if if a elicitation fails we have bypass pumps we have generators to ha out there we're asking for beacons to to respond quicker to those situations um we have plenty of generators and equipment on hand to go out and pump these stations down um at the plan itself we always have capability of if we have we have two air Raiders if there's a problem with one we drain it shut it off we have the other one which is how we M that's how we clean the other one out and a plan is to clean the other one out and these two would be back to full service like brand new um so we we go through a a process of maintaining our equipment we drain our tanks we clean our tanks and repair equipment um the air Ritter the baffles I have pictures I can show you the baffles were pitted from from from r and and deterioration I put new panels up I had new P panels installed had the welders come out cut them Dr holes we we installed those U we are very proactive and looking for issues that may arise because I don't like being behind the eightball um I take pride in not having many sewer spills in my career with the city I'm not going to say none just not many right and I pride myself with that and it's because the diligence of myself and my crew right that keeps this happening for you guys um I can't speak enough of the the work that my crew does for me they are the ones that are out there middle of the night when they get a phone call 2 o'clock in the morning they're the ones that are losing sleep um if something happen em mergency arises they are all Johnny on the spot to want to work to correct this before they go home it's it's a testament of of these guys it really is on keeping you your city nice and clean I can't speak enough about them I can't do nothing that I do without without the crew I have um we try to train we try to talk on a regular basis scenarios this is what's going to happen when the rain comes this is what's going to happen when the storm comes if trees fall this is the next step this is the plan that we're going to take to fix this we are in constant communication with our guys to express to them what's going to happen if this scenario occurs and what we have to do to correct that certain appreciate that sound like a good strategy again I don't like being under the eightball when you're wearing waste water you don't want mistakes I'm the mistakes means you get bad stuff on you yes sir so we're very diligent to make sure that doesn't happen and we thank you for that very much very much so Mr B sure I just wanted to add that I got a chance to visit the uh Riverfront um station and um if you ever have an opportunity to to to take a look at that it's a critical uh station for the system and having those two pumps uh um functional and one backup uh make sure that we have a contingency in place and the massive amount of work that those pumps do is it's phenomenal so it was a pleasure and I think the um uh Mr mccan and the department for giving me that tour and allowing me to see what they're they're doing with their bare hands in in many respects thank you well we need to get them equipment no not with the bare hands we got to get them the right tools to do the job and that was part of the conversation ex we have it we have safety equipment we have gloves we have uniforms we have hover I will say that sometimes the equipment is a hindrance when you're working with some of this equipment and my guys are great that they're not going to refuse to do a job just because they're going to get dirty yes Safety First yes we always safety first thank you thank you very much thank you Miss CR he's tall I gotta bring this down it's another wonderful sunny day in Paca sunny sunny day wanted to go over some of my achievements um real briefly um as you know my goal from this past year for this year was to stay on top of everything and I have continued to do my best to stay on top of everything we've had 22 City commission meetings and workshops seven CRA meetings three airport Advisory board meetings 10 historic preservation board meetings seven planning board meetings and all that to say in the meanwhile I've been trying to cross train some of the admin assistants from some of the other departments so that if I'm ever unavailable hopefully they can kind of step into my shoes and and try to help out so um kudos to to those admin assistants in the planning and the airport departments um of course miscellaneous other stuff of course we have a bunch of other smaller boards that meet maybe once or twice a year so all right process 34 ordinances so good job guys because that's y'all um 202 resolutions 122 contracts and change orders we've brought on a new position in my department the customer service records Clerk Miss Kiera we've migrated to a new agenda software that you guys let me bring on this year so I'm so happy that we were able to roll that out for our citizens I'm hearing a lot of good feedback from the citizens that it's more user friendly so it's kind of helped Miss Miss West with some of her public records requests that that information all at their fingertips going back this entire year um there is a I wouldn't mention that there's that there is a board portal portion of that software and I would love to give you individual demonstrations if you're ever interested in that interested um and this the city has allowed me to Mentor some of the great youth here in our city I've continued to be the coordinator of the C use ambassadors program which will kick off another year here soon in August or early September um you've allowed me to facilitate student of the month which been awesome I always enjoy doing those and and uh this year I was assigned two interns for the summer instead of one so that was pretty nifty all right so Department name well clerk okay I've been telling everybody they needed to fix that I guess I didn't fix it oopsie uh my goals remain the same from last year rolling into this year stay current with everything number one because it's very very easy with when you have meetings back to back every day to get behind in your minutes and I know some clerks I won't they may be watching so I'm not going to name any names but I know some clerks that are behind three months four months and it's very very easy to get behind in your minutes um goal two is to work towards organization historical City Records and guys that is uh goal two rather than goal one because if I don't stay on top of the new stuff it's going to become that mess of old stuff so that's why my priority is to continue to maintain the new stuff coming in all right so operating budget 31587 is where we were operating a proposed total 3850 uh some of the increases that you're going to see are in the decision units in front of you you um as you may be aware munic code is the um folks that maintain our our uh code of ordinances for us here at the city and our Charter um they make it available to the citizens um so that they can easily access and so staff can easily access it I would like for the comprehensive plan to also be under munic code so it's under that same ease of access that the citizens enjoy with our code of ordinances we're getting a lot of public records requests for comprehensive plan and even amongst staff it's kind of hard to get all the elements together and know which element was last updated when uh because it spans a lot of a lot of uh the years here in the city um so you'll see that decision unit in front of you um and you may be wondering why it's in this department so the planning department just because the munico cost is paid out of my budget so rather than making it messy for finance just let's just keep it all in the same budget um contractual services um we did we did switch the agenda software and as you all are aware there is a there is a a 9% increase for that software per year so that's living my budget Personnel I'm grateful that I've served the city for the last four years as your clerk um and y'all know about me so I won't brag much but um I am a member of the Florida Association of city clerks um and I'm member of The International Institute of Municipal clerks um and and last year I got my certification as a clerk and this year going into next year I'm working on uh the Florida certified professional clerk program I am one of the first 20 clerks in the state to be a part of that program thanks to the city for allowing me to participate it it uh it's great program and I'm happy to to be one of the guinea pigs of of that of that first inaugural class uh this year we did bring on Miss Kira kmore as the customer service and records Clerk she's going on her fifth month of service with the city she's presently on a leave of absence and we're looking forward to her returning to us shortly all if I may who is the lady that's filling in for her out there yeah the lady filling in with us is Pam Butler Hughes Miss Pam you may be a familiar face to some of you she served last summer as a temporary person at Public Works and she's back with us this summer in the clerk's office so glad glad that she's a familiar face to some of you and during the school year she works in school district uh which is what allows her to be a temporary employee during the summer um and of course we've maybe talked enough about the deputy clerk position um any questions on Personnel all right moving forward uh the budget um trying to think what is different between this and the other one we um the the only other decision unit that you really see in your budget is going to be for storage equipment um as we bring in folks and and get the education of our staff up to actually properly organizing files and Records you also have the need to properly store them which leads to needing shelves needs to Leading filing cabinets things like that so I did put in a decision unit if you guys would allow me to either buy some shelves or filing cabinets to help organize I think you did you already have a plan uh conceptual drawing for that at one point did you present that um last year you may remember our store we brought on a storage unit at us climate controlled facility that's owned by the St John's River State College um we've got shelves according to that plan there and uh there's there's room for a few more shelves if we want to put a few more shelves in there to kind of organize the older older records from the 1800s that have to be in a climate control uh climate control facility because they're very brittle um is why we moved them there um as far as records here we it's it's a slowly bite at the chunk uh because as you destroy old records there's constantly going to be new records that take their place so that's that's kind of what we deal with here at City Hall okay thank you any other questions of M CR thank you thank you and I will turn it over to Madame Attorney Jane West would you like the clicker or next slide oh I'll do the clicker okay thank thank you Sunny than uh good afternoon honorable mayor commissioner city manager um this is really small font so I do apologize about that um as you know I I'm heading into my one-year anniversary here as your first full-time in-house uh City attorney for the city of Paca and that basically gave me the opportunity instead of being outside contract Council um I basically kind of had a a clean slate coming into the city which is a great opportunity in terms of I can design programs to be the way that I I like but on the downside there was a lot of work um in terms of paper files dating back quite frankly decades that needed organization so I'm proud to say that um I have created on the one drive folder a legal file that is accessible to all the Departments I view my role as basically a crutch for every other department here in the city and um I'm I'm happy to say that many people do reach out to me on a a daily basis um for assistance on whatever they might be dealing with whether it's contract review or what have you um so we have now thanks to the help with the uh summer interns Annabelle in particular have completely fully digitalized the entire uh legal department so that that has been a huge undertaking because some of our class action lawsuits have been pending for years and the pleadings on those some of the pleadings just one pleading alone can be you know 8 to 10 inches thick um I've taken on the responsibilities of your rmlo your records management liaison officer reporting to the State of Florida on the disposition of records for the state um and and there's a lot that I do for public records requests um and managing all of that and it's it's a lot um let's see where's the down button here okay litigation I love litigation I love being in court um haven't had enough of that since I've been here um I am currently overseeing about 18 cases uh ranging from uh federal case load to Circuit Court to even County Court here in putam County I have initiated uh numerous cases on my own primarily foreclosure and abatement cases to uh assist the blight to bright team in terms of making all those outstanding code enforcement leans some of which are in excess of $400,000 actually come to fruition uh in in terms of translating into money um in the coffers for the city of Paka I'm proud to say um that I have assisted in recovering a little over $75,000 for the city of Paca some of the not big ones were the over $40,000 final judgment um which was a default by the way against John's medals um that was paid up um I'm also very proud of the fact that um we've been able to identify and capitalize on a kind of a new untapped stream of Revenue which is the Surplus proceeds from the tax sale Deeds um according to the tax collector's office we have not been filing notices of claims on those excess proceeds so to date I've uh been able to bring in over $117,000 um just by making claims for those excess proceeds um we have been able to successfully defend with no liability no Financial liability on an interpeter action brought by the tax collector's office um and so that that kind of wiped out our ability to uh make claims against uh this one particular Institutional Investor Verona V which owns over 1,400 properties in putham county and let me just say that they are a very derelict bad owner um and so we've been really trying to hit hard on recovering um some of those Lan um finally able to take care of some loose ends on your outstanding uh city of Paca versus Poseidon case uh dealt with some quiet title issues and I'm continuing to uh very aggressively make sure that we maintain our entitlement to those tax Surplus proceeds on outstanding um leans next I don't know it's not moving Sunny uh legislative I think you guys know especially you commissioner boram um my engagement uh on the lobbying efforts and that is uh continuing on my my previous stent as a lobbyist in Tallahassee and been able to capitalize on my connections with lawmakers there next um kind of already touched on this uh really enjoyed working with Mr cutri over and code enforcement um to be able to clean up the city and uh if you take a little drive by 1700 Eagle you'll see uh one of the abatement actions that I brought in Circuit Court resulted in Demolition and that that was a huge win that was a really bad piece of property with uh homeless people living um in the carport next please uh planning um we've had a lot of transition in the planning department um I have extensive experience with local government land use law and so I've worked closely with the previous planning director and the current planning director to make sure some things don't fall through the cracks um we've had a lot of things come online within this past year in terms of impact fees which is uh very complex in terms of statutory interpretation so just making sure everything stays on the up and up and basically making sure we do not get sued so it's my job next um it's just me uh one full-time uh in-house City attorney we did have a summer intern he's going to continue as I mentioned last night continued for a pro bono hours I'm hoping um that we can continue to capitalize on the fact that all these low law students do have to fulfill a pro hour requirement um and we're very close to uh Gainesville um that has been a source of my interns uh for years and years now I have good working relationships with the career service office over there and the professors so hopefully we can continue to get a free source of uh legal interns there um next please so you can see the there's obviously been a significant change in the budget um going from 2023 because you did not have full-time in housee um to the 2024 budget and the proposed 2425 my I don't have any decision units for you guys what I would like to do much like uh the airport is keep things um just consistent right now I want to see how things are going and you know reassess a year from now I haven't even been in the the job for a full year so I just want to keep it the same and then re-evaluate um next year when it comes up on the budget cycle uh next please and there you can see just the the totals um we have worked in the the expense of the intern because we if we aren't able to secure pro bono hours hopefully we can secure an intern and pay for it going forward but that's really all I have any questions question Miss West thank you thank you planning and zoning m again you need glass Mr can you pronounce your name from commissioner Jones we're working on that yeah yes Italian name m mayor Commissioners um I'd like to start with the achievement for the department and I have listed things here for this year because I've been got employed by the city uh almost at the end of February but anyway this is this is what we have so far this year we processed and review 26 building permits we had 27 preservation applications 33 planning board cases uh we review 13 sign permits we did about 42 zoning verification letters and thus far in 2024 uh we just did a little calculation we had 110 working days and we processed 141 files which give us an average about 1.28 files per day uh in 2023 that average was 0.65 so we basically doubled the production of the department in 2024 uh one of the one of my uh goals when I first started working for the city was after previewing uh our application forms and what we had in the in the web page uh one of my first goal was to update review rewrite a lot of the application form so what we did was to reconfigure and rewrote about over 44 40 application forms and we also replace all the updated forms that we have in the city web website so you can get any application form in our website which is a uh and a lot of the public are using that we get a lot of application through through the website we also uh I also modified the mission statement for the Department that also is in the website uh since February of 20 of this year the department collected over $370,000 in Impact fees and we expect that this year it's going to go over a million dollars uh if we take just the fiscal year 23 24 since October to today we the department collected 9,77 we also generate fees the department uh obviously collect fees you know for the service that we provide and as of for March 31st we collected almost $50,000 in building permit fees and in the BTR we collected about $20,000 the next please our operating expenses remain basically the same except for Professional Services which we have file an application with the state for a grant in the amount of $75,000 and basically that is to develop a Gis for for the future line use uh map and the zoning so we could be in control of our data in the gis as you know we now depend on the apprais office and and the county and most of the time they're not accurate and creates a lot of problem uh because it's a diservice you know to the to the residents of the city and it makes difficult you know for staff sometimes you know to rely on that information so we we hope that with that Grant and with this operating expenses that there is in our budget to do that the gis and also to start the update of the comprehensive plan as you know um the the visioning plan is coming to a conclusion uh probably the end of August and right after that we going to have to start initiating the process for the update to the comprehensive plan so our operan budget release said the current total is $454,000 and7 and 791 and the proposed total is $5 13,695 but this total includes $75,000 for a grant so if we get the the grant uh our oping budget will be reduced to lower than this according today will go down to $438,000 uh regarding the Personnel the current staff Staffing for for the Department is the planning director position uh we have one planner full-time position one planner halftime position which currently is vacant and actually the planner position is also vacant as of today and we had a planning planning clerk uh our proposed Staffing is to continue having the director and what I asking in this budget is that we we take the part-time planning uh planner position and make it a full-time so we will ended up with two planners the planning director two planners full-time and one planning clerk uh regarding the contract we have an ongoing contract with the Northeast planning Council which is uh in charge of preparing division plan for the for palaka and we also have a ongoing returning contract with acon consultants and they do perform you know inspection for storm water for construction sites uh we anticipate contractual Services uh to update the comprehensive plan like I mentioned to you before and to do the gis we don't have any capital budget in in our budget thank you does anybody have any questions to Mr yes um thank thanks for the presentation um thank you I like to see if I can get a a legible copy couldn't really see it in the presentation from the print it's very you can't really see it super so uh as well as the um the legal the legal um presentation both of them were uh unlegible you can't read read it very you want me to email what I know yeah you can but I mean this it's just it's the gray font of the template yeah I think it has to be bold I children to to read so to be quick uh the uh hear a lot of people around the city and uh County uh you know giving the city u u a bad name as it relates to uh processing permits and different things of the nature saying that we're not efficient and different things of that nature but I do know the city Pride itself on um working um efficiently with the U uh applicants uh among everything else so again I I checked I checked in with Wawa and I also checked in with Longhorn when they did their grand opening and um all of their representatives said that there was no issues relating to to uh being held up by the city uh with any of their permitting processes in fact they were ahead of schedule so uh I just like to make sure that you know whatever we have in terms of our process I know U there was a downtown uh individual made a comment about uh our process not being friendly and they need to understand how it works so I think from an educational standpoint um if we can just just kind of show what our process looks like and um also from an educational standpoint have that information available um to these individuals so when they make these um claims that um we can kind of help refute that and I can with I would like to if Poss go ahead I'm sorry commissioner Campbell yeah I would like to just kind of piggy back off of what um commissioner borm said I think that's um very much to our favor to um highlight our process but I think it's um as we move forth as well taking in consideration possibly getting testimonials um from those individuals um or companies that have come in and deemed that our process um has not been just so that we can you know have that as well thank you and I just happened to call hookline and sinka the new restaurant at Crystal Cove because they brought those free pizzas we finally figured out was them and they were very compliment they were raving about Renee and the planning department and thus brought the pizza so again they were more than willing to say something positive so I think we need to capitalize on that I I think I think maybe in the past you know maybe was complicated the process and maybe the response was not was not prompt you know as a customer service for the applicant and that was because it was just they didn't have enough stuff you know but since I got since I got to the city you know one of the first thing that I did was because our process is complicated because the bill on permit is issued by the county and we have to review for Zing compliance and that's what the the public gets a little bit confused that's why we say we need to educate the public and we have we've been doing that and we have put in the website there is explanation more or less what the process are and uh one of the first thing that I did after I started working here was to have a meeting with the county because there was not a lot of coordination or I saw that we could improve the coordination uh so we went to the we went to the county and we had a meeting with them and I can guarantee you that since then our coordination with the county has been really really really good and I'm recently heard it at a forum as well a recent Forum that they had you know they keep um putting the city and the county out there is you know it's hard and difficult to work with we uh we're not open and amable for people to come into our city and so we got to refute that I mean we we we we do our due diligence and make sure that we are welcoming people open arms to our city at least absolutely it's important development it's important for the city and and we know we like to to help in that process absolutely right so if the commission is friendly to trying to at least Let's uh get those testimonials from those I know the individuals I spoke to I have their their C so I think um we need to um get those testimonials from them and that way we can at least and put even up on the website thank you thank you um assistant chief new good timing on Chief Shaw taking a vacation oh he he's not he's not he's not a dumb man I'm gonna say that so good good afternoon or good evening what whatever we're going to call it this today but um so just like last night today you guys are stuck with me um but uh our achievements we had several just like all the other departments and we tried to uh just mention the the ones that we were um proud of um one being the Promotional and organizational chart changes um one of th one of which brought my promotion so thank you for that um on top of multiple other supervisory promotions that were done throughout this year so we were really busy this year between dealing with the shortages that we had the promotional opportunities that we had preparing line staff to be able to be um line supervisors and some schooling and things like that for them so that was uh we felt that was one of our um achievements for this year we also are proud to say that in 2022 we had a reduction in crime and then we had an additional 3.8% reduction in crime in 2023 even though we've had all of these different violent crimer related issues last year we are still able to have um a reduction um Staffing levels uh just touched on this but touch on it again uh we work very diligently uh we are 32 strong as I speak right now which is our maximum number uh the only position that we do have open is a civilian position which is the Police Service Aid that is a combination of being a police service Aid and the Animal control officer um our Major Crimes unit uh was able to utilize our new flock system which is going into its second year which are the License Plate Reader cameras that we have throughout the town um the detectives were able to solve quite a few of our homicides through the use of those cameras as well as several other cases um in fact yesterday if you looked at the pass along that was sent out we recovered a elderly gentleman that was dedicated as a Silver Alert in our community and within two hours we utilized the system tracked him through our toown into Clay County and into St John's County and when he went over the bridge from Clay County into St John's St John's was sitting on the other side of the bridge waiting on him so those are uh those are good testimonials for that system um we invested into utilizing grant funding we investigate uh we invested equipment into our investigative equipment uh a new recording system in our interview room it's called um I record it's a really good system um really good audio and visual uh video recording we purchased um some software for our victims advocate which assists me in making my job easier because I manage the Voca Grant and all of her numbers and everything she does goes into this program and then is immediately uploaded into the grant so we're not sitting there excuse me we're not just sitting there counting numbers it's already there in the system so it really um that's really helped us and then this year through 100% Grant fund we are able to secure [Music] Ed to a lot of different meetings to attend throughout the community that Chief and I or Captain Williams or Captain foresight um attend if Chief Ry are unavailable to do so the 800 megaherz radio system is scheduled to go live at the end of July or the middle of August um that is a program that we are engaged with with the county um but they are working out a few minor Kinks right now so we're hoping to go live at the end of August and then the other thing that we find to be a big achievement is finally getting our roof repaired at the police department so we're very thankful for that could you go to the next one oh I'm sorry to elaborate on the 800 megahertz radio how um it they work and the uh significance of them so folks that don't know yes ma'am so the 800 megaherz radio system is the new radio system for all emergency services throughout the entire putam County um the entire County and right now we're operating in on the same radio system that we had when I got hired almost 30 years ago so it's a VHF VHF system um and we if we go into Walmart dispatch cannot hear us if we go into if I go into your office dispatch can't hear me if I call out on the radio matter of fact the last time you and I were together I had to walk outside for them to to hear me um on the radio with this 800 megahertz system um during the testing phase with the system not being Fully live yet we were we took one radio a portable radio had it at the police department and took another portable radio and went to the X-ray area of the hospital and could hear just by portable radios the handheld radios could hear it loud and clear yeah so it's it's very important for Public Safety as well as active ellence in schools that's what they it's and it's just as important for our community because if I come in here Chief Taylor comes in here on a medical emergency and dispatch can't hear me say that the person's not alert they're not conscious this is what the symptoms appear to be then they're not able to relate a rescue as rescuees coming in what the problem could be so the radios are very very important did you how you change I'm sorry so notable um operational changes again our staffing levels we work diligently to get our staffing levels where they are um our promotional process that we went through and the realignment of our charts the victim's Advocate software but then goals for this year is we're going to continue to work on our community engagement um we're pretty excited and hope that we get the Staffing study done through UNF um Chief and I met with the um professors that will actually do it and it's it's extremely in depth it's there's Community surveys that have to be done um they don't just look at calls for service they look at do we have a homeless population issue do we have a mental health issue and if you guys see our pass alongs every morning you see we do a lot with with Baker acts and a lot with mental health calls so and those are very time consuming so that stuff is taken into account for this so that Staffing City could really be beneficial to the city as a whole for future planning um we're also with y'all's approval and and us going forward we've applied for the cops grant for those four positions so that's one of our goals and then the other one is again continuing to find ways to reduce crime um through developments of um programs and um policing and then um building Community Trust so for our operating budget our current operating budget is $ 55,78430 and our proposed budget is going to be $ 525,600 of our body camera program we had to get more terabytes for the um server system for that uh to hold our recordings and then the other part of the increase is our flock camera program we are ending year two of the grant that we had for that and the increase of 15,000 is for that and then we had a decrease in fuel expenses at 18,000 but that was basically a line transfer we transferred money from gas um from what we've dealt with for this year and then increased our vehicle maintenance line out of anticipation of some things for the um police Union cont contractual offense um and then we had an increase in membership subscriptions of $650 for our um down I'm sorry oh there goes for our um accreditation stuff this is the new organizational chart um Chief wanted that to be a part of our a presentation for tonight SP came from but it's all over me it loves you it likes me I don't know why must be the aftershave I don't know um could you go back to the organization get rid of that cap oh if I click on something else and he can't click on the slidey thingy so I'm trying to minimize my clicks we going to go back again though you want the organizational chart yes please there we go so every one of our positions that is up here right now excluding this animal control position is filled so all of the law enforcement positions are filled um looking at that if you see on the uh far left side our street crimes detectives positions their pictures are not on the board just because they do a lot of survey B work and undercover work but those positions are um active I think we all like the or charts I'm a visual person and it's very helpful to me so the reserve program not and if I yes Miss yes ma'am if I may Madam mayor that's what I've been asking for and um we had that at one point during my 101 and I think it's significant that we have these as we go along to help with with our conversations and decisions so one thing and Mr Bell just noticed this and we when we proofed it we didn't even realize it or I didn't realize it but our Reserve officer program is not up there and that actually falls under um Special Operations which is Captain foresight section so where that says CST and volunteers um volunteers should have a box below that that would say our Reserve officer program volunteer yes sir so we'll get that we'll get that fixed when Chief gets back next week any questions on that one any questions thank you so our Personnel um again were 32 we are at 32 and that includes one PSA and we have the one PSA position that's available but our proposed Staffing levels will go up to 36 and that's because of the cops grant that we've applied for for those four positions everything else will remain the same and that Grant is a um 7525 split um our capital budget our current capital budget is $71,900 and our proposed um capital budget is 147500 and those are all under our I'm sorry I forgot what this what we're calling the discussion decision thank you decision units um and that's for the $75,000 for the UNF study 30,000 for the ranged bathroom um we were looking at um doing a standalone bathroom out at the gun range um but when we started paying attention to the numbers of what the bathroom is going to cost at the parks we decided that that was way too much and we were G to uh build a bathroom into the existing um building that we have out there that does not have a bathroom uh $115,000 for uh the parking lot Paving 17,500 to replace the flooring at the police department and then $10,000 to um set up electricity out at the 4 Bay garage that's in the back of the police department you helping the um fire department with the P Parking Lot pay are you guys doing that Chief tayor oh we're probably gonna have to talk about that because it's because of their trucks that go up and down you know what I'm saying um we are looking at uh some additional vehicle purchases this year and the budget for that would be $58,700 34 to go along with the USDA funding that we got which is 250,000 so that's the 580 yes or those two equal to to the 580 yes sir and then that's all I have thank you questions I do have one question yes ma'am you said 32 strong yes ma'am explain that because am what do I do not count on the or chart because I think I may have counted 42 but I'm I we should swor officers sworn officers yes ma'am I'm sorry yes ma'am I got yes ma'am I'm sorry yeah that doesn't include our part-time civilian employees our full-time civilian employees and that's the max thank you so much yes ma'am thank you one question I got one question though the uh does our budget reflect uh some of the a lot of the things that come up like um um this Chief was um mentioning about the mental health I mean we you said we got a position in there for that this year for mental health no sir that's just the mental health um is a part of the and the staff study that UNF would do so UNF evaluates all of those other things that we deal with um they'll do a community survey they will do a um survey within the within the with the employees I'm sorry with the employees at the police department there'll probably be if I'm if I'm accurate a survey for the commission and the city manager to do um there's a bunch of interviews that they will do it's not just based on numbers as far as employees compared to numbers of calls for service compared to hours work like it used to be it's it's extremely in depth that's just that's just for the for the employees but I'm talking about like when you when we see the Telemetry come in from your reports and we certainly thank you guys for those continued reports we get because it kind of helps with um to to to to tell the story of of needs or what have you and I see a lot of mental uh where you say having the Baker Act yes sir and then the cost associated with taking these people um to uh um transporting individuals over to gangs Ville or St Augustine or wherever you know that's that's that's that's huge so if we can keep that local here and maybe also uh have a a position that deals with the me you know being able to connect with these people the mental ill mentally ill people because not all officers are truly TR really trained to deal with mental illness individ so with the Florida Baker Act we have to transport someone to a mental health facility and not every hospital is deemed a mental health facility right what I'm saying the engagement piece oh yes sir oh yes sir because you a lot of times you know they they can go from zero to 100 whatever and a lot of time when you're and I I was we used to have issues where they they they didn't know how to deescalate the situation or know the the state of health that um that person in the state of mind that person is in whenever a call uh came in for from the from the community that there was a issue they didn't know that some of the people had any me mental illnesses and so we used to have some um different kind of results that came out of that because the officers didn't know how to deal with those situations I let commissioner that yeah you but then too then we got I'm going to move on to the dog bites All U the Dog bikes that we see uh uh as it relates to that and I know around the state and we've been having a lot of animal bites um we see that and so we certainly need to try and do something along those lines within the budget to try to help in those regards whatever we could potentially do um as a Rel that because we don't have a animal control per se we haven't had it for a little over at least a position field we got the we have the we have it we have it funded but we have F yes sir we're hoping that the new Animal Control shelter will right will help with that correct once it gets open hopefully should be if we can make sure that the budget reflect the help in those areas because we see the numbers up in uh the other thing was the weed and seed and we talked I talked to uh Mr cutright um the other day about that and how we can help in uh areas that present um repeat um calls for service uh and putting programs in that Aid with uh some of those uh different things as it relates to that so programming something something like the weed and seed which we got a number of different things I think they already have but we're missing a few components in anything that we can do to reflect in that area I think we want to try to help in that regard as well yes sir and you didn't mention about your smart coock you just put that in like was it last year before um yeah actually there was I think there was there I we' have to double check but I know that we did something with it last year and I think we ended up having to do a little something this year okay um and that was because the server at the Sheriff's Office had to be upgraded and with our mou that we have all of the municipalities have a little a little piece of that pie um to to help them with the cost because we share one large server or the reports um that's at the sheriff it's actually hous at the sheriff's office so we VPN to that system appk thank you okay just a question about the when we have when you all have Baker EGS kind of like when you have someone that comes in in a negotiator when certain things happen um and the bakerite situation do you all have a person that's trained that comes on the scene or is it that you all get trained yourselves as officers so the the officers receive training the deescalation training and then the the observation training and everything at the at the Academy level okay and then they receive additional training we do additional annual training every year that but it's it's all based on the state statute of what we have to do and what we can do um and if someone makes a threat and the threat is deemed to be credible to hurt you or to hurt me or to hurt themselves and they're not taking care of themselves then we have to take them into custody for the Baker Act and then by law we have to transport them to the nearest receiving facility and for us it's UF flag I'm sorry UF St John's now used to be Flagler and um St Augustine and then if it's a juvenile we have to take them all the way to Halifax which is in Daytona so you're talking a a solid two two and a half hour drive time there and back it's one of the um outcomes perhaps of the UF study to to see if in fact we do need more resources in that area yes ma'am okay what can that's do it stay on that so you can ask that question what whatever we can do you know to be able to kind of help in those regards because that taking I mean an officer having to um how many how many ever hours to take care of that situation multiple times I mean you see the reports as they come in so I mean whatever we can do to kind of help in that regard just kind let us know yes sir thank you and also with the uh weed and seed I think that Miss Sero fail is very Savvy in that and yeah so I think we're aut a cut ahead on that process too thank you that's it guys no sir no sir it would it would be a it would be a new program a new weed and seed program and go ahead one other thing in the uh increase in the operating budget that uh was noted during the one-on ones is the uh bicycle program um re reinvigorating that program is included as part of the expenditures and the crease of that so I know it was one of the things that several of the Commissioners asked about and that's actually one of the that is I was on the bike unit for a few years yeah a long time ago um when we when we had a full-time unit and the amount of interaction that you have with the community is amazing so it's a it's a big plus once we get get some of these young men and women in training on out of training and on the road we're going to implement the bikes and and get that rolling again one of the reasons I'm partial to it because that's what I did as all um and I know you guys are real season up at the top um I would like to see some of your younger guys start um par ipating with the power for I see I know Toby is like a fixture but succession planning is important and there's some young guys you guys have and then I think it'll be beneficial to rotate some of those guys in that in that program because of one one thing to do to expand it where you got younger people that's GNA attract absolutely and I'm just being honest with you you need Diversified as well needs to be um would love to see that that's important I think to kind of broaden Horizons of what P about yes sir makes sense great thank you yes ma'am thank you thank you Madame mayor yes Mr Bill I know you had alluded to the um the length of this program and the fact that we had divided it into two previously so this might be a good uh a point at which we can segue to a subsequent meeting if that's the pleasure we all in favor of that since we were up late last night so so with that said do we have a motion to adour motion to adourn