##VIDEO ID:70iCS6oy0To## e e e this is a test of the city of Palaca audio system M attach to the e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this is you know me more than any of good evening everybody Welcome to the city of Palaca special call City commission meeting December 18th 20124 5:00 P p.m. I'm calling this meeting to order Miss CR oh madam cler could you please read the special call meeting notice thank you madam mayor to Commissioners Tammy mccal Justin Campbell Senor will Jones and Rufus borm you're here by notified a special called meeting of the Palaca City commissions call to be held on December 18th 2024 at 5:00 P p.m. at City Hall 2011 north2 Street Palaca Florida 32177 the purpose of the meeting is to cover some of the agenda items from the cancel December 12th 2024 meeting please govern yourselves accordingly sign Roberto MCA mayor thank you we are going to stand for the invocation from chap chaplain malberry and the Pledge of Allegiance from commissioner Jones good even everyone father we give you thanks and praise for your goodness tonight we thank you dear God for all your many blessings thank you for how you blessed us all day long you stayed the hand death you rebuke diseases you kept us Lord by your stripes and we thank you healed we pray thy blessing upon this service God that come this special session meeting we ask God for your directions your guidance your wisdom and all that we underg to do for your glory father we pray for the furtherance of this city being moved forward the way that you would have it to go we look to you and trust you now in Jesus name amen amen flag and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call please mam City CL thank you so much commissioner Tammy M commissioner Justin Campbell pres commissioner will Jones present commissioner Rufus boram absent for the record mayor Robbie K present Madame mayor you have a quorum thank you um we're going to go on to the minutes has everybody had an opportunity to read minutes from November 14th 2024 to approve second a motion and second all in favor I any opposition thank you public recognition presentations Employee of the Month Miss Jones Madame mayor commissioner as we um in um 2024 um recognizing an employee each month for um performance and um outstanding performance as well as just doing exceedingly above their job description for the month of December the city of pela would like to recognize Miss Jackie Papas hi everybody I'm Da bruo I work one onone with Jackie and I just want to let everybody know if you don't know her she is amazing when the entire grants team left she literally held that department together and we cannot say thank you enough for everything she's done for us all the teaching she's done so that's why I nominated her and dapne is one of our new employees our grant writer Grant administrator and you're doing great thank you thank you on to city manager administrative reports update airport land swap m c um yes uh with the airport land swap we are making significant progress uh we have figured out um well first of all we did have a meeting meeting at the airport Advisory Board level and uh the direction that we had been given by the Commissioners was to take it back uh for their input their input is that they approve it primarily because um once we had a better understanding of the swapping of the land the size of the land we realized that it is in the city's best interest to proceed as The Advisory Board itself did recommend additional the internal transactions that had to be completed between the city and the airport we have done that as well uh because the city did in fact purchase land that was owned by the airport so that has also been completed thank you and the airport it also benefits the airport not just the city yes it benefits both it does sorry thank you um any questions miss Connie okay um update in the former employee investigations um with with that we have two employees that are under the investigation uh one of which the uh attorney that was conducting the investigation uh has issued a final report um and basically said he's completed um he also did transferred the report to two state agencies so that the agencies themselves can consider whether or not to take it to another level the other uh investigation is substantially starting now uh there was a transition and during that transition um the attorney did not actually start so at this point the attorney is starting and we expect to get some a visit from the attorney to meet with the various employees I'm done you're done on that one yes sir um Madame mayor for the record commissioner Rufus boram has joined via telecommunications that was the noise you just heard thank you go ahead commissioner Jones as it relate to one of those investigations of the former employer employee um are are all of the complainants still employed with us as well I know the the comp the person that was complained upon is no longer here neither one of them in both cases so but are or are there still victims I guess or complaints I'm not going to say victims but the people that alleged complaint forward are they still here okay I'm going to ask human resources to come up since she's been charged with the responsibility um after commissioner MCO did transferred that to her some of the complainants um because there was some some names listed are still here however all of them are not signed by it with names so I cannot say whether they are here or who they actually belong to so all of those documents was given to the attorney for her review and she has not yet come back to say um if she's going to be able to put names behind all of those the complaints well the purpose of me asking not that they don't have the liberty of doing so but the cost that's associated with the investigation and they may not be able to reach the individuals um just was a it was ask and I wanted to ask it publicly so that we know where we going with us and if I if I would just say since um the leaving of Mr Bale um and the employees that have been termed I I would say not knowing all of the names that the majority of them is still here I that's what I would sayk mayor yes goad can just to um commissioner um commissioner Jones's point I know that at one point we had the conversation as to if we were looking to go forward and we made the decision to move forward so that in the event uh the names would be able to be cleared or and that was in both investigations so I wanted to make sure that that was put out there that this is something that we decided to move on as a commission so that the investigations would be able to be complete and whatever the outcome would be the outcome would be thank you any further questions or discussion thank you m [Music] Jones at this point I'm going to open the FL up to public comment Sam Deputy please give your um city or town of residence in three minutes black of Florida uh I want to just say thank you for the Christmas parade we had an agonizing time the weather report it got worse and worse and worse and it was supposed to pour Rain by 7 but the good Lord saw fit to see us through again and it has never poured on our parade uh in 21 years and I had confidence that the good Lord was with us and he was but I want to thank the mayor and Mrs cardi for their financial support in that parade because that helps out a lot and the leadership is is wonderful I want to thank uh chief Shaw and especially officer or Sergeant Toby uh to Sergeant Toby is Williams thank you is a true Community servant and he came sailing through again this year and we're just pleased to be able to work with him uh Jessica with Mr Eddie and the event department and U and Mr Joe with Public Works to do help with the cleanup Etc and we're making some changes on the cleanup issues so that we can be easier on our city staff uh but I want to say thank you for everything and great turnout in spite of the rain and uh and just thank you thank you Mr deputy and thank you for organizing the parade for the last 20s something years mayor yes go ahead can I say I'm not sure if Mr Deputy was going to leave but when it comes down to the um comment section I have I want to address something to him um as we move forth Happ do that right wait um tarence clar Lo of floor I've been coming down here for a year and a half I only wanted one question to asked a whole year and a half it's problem where y'all say I'm making allegations against the city right here ma I have a fire inspection for 10923 business Lan CT LLC that's my business but y'all supposed to trans y transfer for the ownership on June 26 but y'all say I was out that business so it's I'm lying is the fire chief line or is you line I've been going through this problem y'all transfer the ownership of my business y'all know y'all transfer the ownership of my business y'all committed fraud y'all know y'all committed fraud to all the city commission commissioner cam commissioner Jones commissioner mastle can you ask the city since I'm making allegations against the city can you ask the city how was I arrested for a business not registered with the state of Florida only person know about this business is the city of p p Police Department it ain't registered with the state of Florida it's still under my name so yall committed fraud and Corruption my business is gone and y'all transfer the ownership the paperwork right here miss car know this business not register with the state of Florida that's a charge right there by up all together and that's allegations to fraud to show fraud has been committed by the city of Paca I'm not no criminal I'm the victim of the city commit fraud so what do I have to do I come up here I'm disrespected I ain't allowed to talk somebody always overt talking me where my rights at every time I'm up here I can't get no questions but every time this West every time anything come up about Mr Griffin you pull it up left and right you pull it up quick and you'll get a sitting your legal representation but when you it's me you give legal opinion so is I'm a criminal or am I'm a victim I got all the paperwork showing that made y'all wrong y'all gave my business away your paperwork ain't adding up y'all say I was out of there 12:31 I got two fire inspection one for 222 that's 60 days after y'all say I was out of there June 26 transfer the ownership of my business 1019 the business still in my name so okay what I like to can I get the question as how can y'all how can I get arrested for my business it's still my business can you answer me how can I get arrested for a business not registered with the state of Florida where y'all say it was transferred and not transfer your time is up excuse me I'm going put this for your record thank you is everybody else here for public comment at this time I just want to say U could you please give us your name and city of residence yes my name is tar gibons I live here in Pica I've been coming since March 23rd of 2023 um just want to share some good news concerning um Cent historic Cent Academy's property I don't know if you're aware but um we have a tenant which is epic cure they'll be making an announcement soon um they're currently working on the bus garage building I stood before you last last year and with the hopes of the city backing us and supporting us in our Endeavor to actually restore that property which is historic it's on the national register it's been there since 1998 on the national register we're also um for those who don't know historic cental Academy is the first accredited black high school in the state of Florida it's also the first accredited public school in the state of Florida so it's a big deal and it's right here in Pica so I just want to give you guys that information and let you know we are making progress um what seemed to be impossible is possible I'm living proof of that um I also want to add to what Mr Clark said um just want to give you hope and encouragement with your case Mr Clark what seems impossible it is impossible last year when we started out or when I started out it was a walk of faith I had no idea how we were going to do what we were set out to do but I trust the God that I serve which is the god that's the true and living God I serve him I believe him and I know that whatever is hidden in the darkness it will always come to light so if there's anything that's going on concerning your case we know without a shadow of doubt look at my story look at historic cental Academy look at what God has allowed to happen so I'm back like I never left I'm here I'm not going anywhere I'll continue to come forward I'll continue to sort support Mr Clark and any other citizens that have concerns and they just want to be heard um if I didn't come last year I don't know know where we would be in this progress of restoring historic Center Academy but I also want to thank um our mayor Mr Terell Hill um it was him who actually brought us the um the client for our property so I just want to encourage those that may feel a little overlooked or may not feel like you're being hurt don't give up keep fighting Keep Your Hands Clean do right by God and he will open up the door and bless you in a mighty way thank you thank you um commissioner Campbell you want to make a comment in regards to Mr Deputy yes Mr deputy I wanted to I'm not sure if this was brought to your attention but I want to know the process of the tenants that stay along the parade route along the parade route once we got to a certain point you had a citizen that turned out in front of commissioner mccal and I in their personal vehicle which almost caused some major issues um along the parade route so I want to know the not how are if citizens along that route are notified or to say hey move your cars to a certain area but I did want to bring that to your attention that a citizen pull it out in front of us along the parade rout and thank you uh we have those things one year in the in the aelia festival we had a lady that turned her car on the sidewalk and drove down the 300 block on the North side Sidewalk until we stopped her um you know we have all kinds of things yes everyone is notifi and we go through the neighborhood uh you know to make sure on the on the Oak Street side uh to make sure and I hand out notices a month in advance and then the week of to remind people not to park on than John's Avenue and then we usually have and I'm sure we did this year that the police department puts someone at every corner um to ensure that people don't break into because the twerking group that we had from Jacksonville you know for two years broke in the parade from a side block and and did their twerking and so we're we're really trying to make sure that that does not take place but there's I just wanted twerking and a vehicle are two different things two different things I don't want to bring light I just want to make sure as we move forward that that was a safety concern safy we had a vehicle in the parade and then commissioner mascal and I we were walking and so we were waving and doing all of that thing and next thing you know we had someone literally turn directly in front of us as we are paying attention to the citizens I want to focus on that and not I will check with u Sergeant uh Williams to make sure how that worked but we should have an officer at Each corner to make sure that does not take place because my concern is people as soon as the parade gets started people cross the street and and you know they're sitting across the closed streets um to view the parade so I want to make sure because safety is my biggest concern at the lineup time and during the parade time so I will check into that and make sure with officer Toby that we had it someone at every corner okay I haven't gotten the bill yet which would tell me how many officers we had and the hours they were there but thank you for raising that because we need to know those in advance thank you thank you also um to Mr Clark's Point um I know it seems as if this is something that has been before us quite some time and again I don't want him to feel as if we are not he knows I'm one of the ones who actually asks to give him the presentation that he desires but it appears every time he comes before us there is some additional information that is brought to us that was not brought to us before my question would be with the uh Records or documentation that he has brought before us tonight with regards to the inspection how does that tie in um to this entire situation was that information that was provided before that I just want to know how that is and what can we do if there is anything that we can do to uh move forth with this again I was not aware of the fire inspection I don't even know if that plays A Part in the entire thing but again I do believe that that's something that should be addressed because he has asked a question um and that's what we're here forced to answer questions even though if it's uncomfortable or hard so I want to make sure that we operate in complete transparency and Trust as we move forward with this matter I would like to respond commissioner if I may what we will do with this additional information about fire inspection I did meet with uh at least twice I think with Mr Clark and tried to go over as much as I could understand chronology events uh everything that I could so the fire inspection I don't think I knew that at the time I met with him that is uh that is relevant because if we did a fire inspection and it's under his name you know I would like to see that as well uh I think he also brought additional just now showing that the business is under its name so what we would like to do is review this information again so there's anything that we did not consider that he now brought to us again and also I'll get with lethal you know and chief Taylor is here so I would like Leal also to V this out in public um because again our main concern is making sure and I do know time is of the because he is moving forth with a trial that could potentially uh lead to some time so I want to make sure that this becomes a priority because he has been very much before consistent in the eyes of commission he has asked several questions and again every time we have returned it back to staff staff has brought us something but again this information was not provided to us before and I just want to know if the information that he brought to us tonight would that have a say or would that have a way um await in everything that has transpired so again I want to make sure that this becomes a priority because I do know time is of the essence because there is a trial or some potential uh stuff through the state attorney's office so so I would like to offer Mr Clark to please come back again on Friday and let let me go through it again well you want to set that meeting up with Mr Clark for Friday she just wants to set up a meeting with you for Friday if that's possible no please no no not at this time we need to get more information gathered and that's what your intent is in meeting Friday so we have more information so we can I'll actually have Fire Marshall there as well okay Madame May if I may commissioner fors hands raised commissioner boram yes um thank you Madame mayor for um acknowledgement but again I I I also supported Mr Clark with his um ability to be able to have a meeting and we have um spoke with him in um in ly and so but I think we probably need to get guidance from the our and our City attorney to be able to kind of because we're elaborating a lot on something that we don't have all the facts uh we get new facts as um you know day by day so I believe um it would be best if we heard from our City attorney get some direction sure I have provided guidance on multiple occasions regarding this incident uh the fire inspection report is new information but to address commissioner Campbell's question it would have no bearing on the criminal allegations that have been brought against Mr Clark um if they have any bearing at all he can provide them to his defense counsil in the criminal proceeding but that was uh Grand Theft um and it has nothing to do with a fire inspection that being said we'll be happy to meet with him again but we've been meeting with him on a regular basis over the entire course of my employment over the last year and a half and that's fine and I believe that's what we're here to do when we have citizens who have concerns when we have citizens especially when we know that there were some things done on our end that were not done properly um so again I want to make sure as we proceed forth that all options all teas of GS and our eyes have been dotted but what we can do on the city's end to make sure that when Mr Clark or whatever transpired that we know that we have done absolutely everything that we yes sir thank you any additional comments responses to public comment yeah well I I just had just just want to follow back up on the I guess the comment that our City attorney made is there should we even be meeting again in terms of that I mean because you just said it won't it doesn't have any bearing so we're gonna meet again um as it relates to that I mean that's that's just a question that's my request absolutely we're happy to meet with citizens about concerns that they have at any time okay I mean I just I understand that your request my my concern was the fact that you know the city of attorney made a statement about it had no bearing so my question was to the City attorney as to would that be would be prop but thank you I appreciate that thank you any additional comments or questions we're going on to the consent agenda I'm sorry go ahead prematurely interrupt it but and ask a question about the the investigations so we answered one gave us answers to one but this happened before we didn't get the answer about secondly could you reiterate it please just go back to the her reports C so the first investigation um has been completed um that was with the assistant city manager that is already been completed um the second one for the city manager we that is almost actually starting because the attorney said that she did not receive any information so we confirmed we sent it again last week and uh now she is starting leave the investigation so in summary one investigation is complete to the extent that we can complete it and it has been to two other state agencies those State agencies will then make a decision or determination as to whether or not they should do anything F can you me so so my followup question to that is I think we all received those documents or the final report that report have indicated some actions activities that legal need to actually guide us upon how we need to go forth uh so it's not just you can just give us that a report and we just like okay now it is going to a state agency or another agency yes but going forth there's some dealings that we have that's coming before us and they have conflict all through it so we're not going to sit back and act as if we haven't seen what we saw so we were about to go through this agenda without addressing it on our end and I don't know if we're going to go public with it but I don't feel comfortable consenting some of these things out of here that I feel a conflict I say going forth um and I would like for you guys I don't know if it was known before or after this agenda is made up were made up um but I I sure hope that these things are covered prior to we're seeing it No pre- Agenda meeting I had no information about it prior to the agenda being made I don't know if any other commissioner there as well but legally I want to know are we okay to go forward a move forward with some of these requests as only agenda now in going forward because some of the things I think we instructed uh we said that we were going to push off some things on the agenda and have on the table until we know the facts according to miss Carter what we Reed was the fact was the final report yes final final report mhm of fact finding but that's the same fact finding that we received for me I think around in the initial report so and the attorney was on audio and said there was some more and we gave additional time but we didn't receive any more that's why I asked you for before you sorry that's why I asked you for the complete report final with everything in it so we won't have to revisit and won't come up later um May I respond please do okay so um in September the investigator gave us this first initial report and in that report he indicated that he would like to do more investigation and he would go as far as he could to finalize it um December no November 28th somewhere in that area he did actually send to us a final report November 27 somewhere in November yes and I I did send it out but today I said let me send it one more time because there are some items that I know want to be on the agenda that uh the Commissioners has a whole word concerned about so that that is the final report that we know that's him closing it out he's done and um he's made all of his findings and disclosures and he also made he actually gave an opinion as well he did do that too now he did not give us any additional steps or guidance and therefore yesterday uh we legal and I had a meeting and I did ask her uh legal our City attorney to issue to me so that I can send it to the Commissioners a sum a summation a synopsis and what is her recommendation for us to move forward so I just ask her to pursue that yesterday if you would like to respond you may yes and I have complied with your request um yesterday um in terms of the report by attorney Rossman there were three main items that he investigated the first was the Kelly Smith Road the second was the River Center land swap the third was the airport land swap um in terms of uh matters on this agenda I'm not aware of anything that would touch on any of those subjects but if I'm wrong please let me know um in terms of moving forward we are under contract for the airport land swap as you recall because you read the report uh he was unable to find that there was any basis for any kind of wrongdoing on behalf of Jonathan Griffith when it came to the airport lands swap transaction um so I think the city should feel some level of assurance now that this has been fully investigated to proceed with that particular transaction that is a future transaction the River Center lands has already occurred the Kelly Smith Road issue the rezoning issue has been tabled by this commission until pending the investigation report in addition uh the interim city manager and I have requested we met with Council um for the property owners last week and we we requested a very specific chronology from his client's perspective of exactly what happened and the interactions that his client the property owners had with every sort of interaction that they had with Public Works um any sort of utilities the city manager the planning department including with Lisa Walsh and the current planning director uh Lorenzo Amo that chronology has been submitted um by Council for the property owners and should be considered and taken under advisement by this commission when they move forward with that rezoning matter which I do not believe is on this agenda and additionally okay when was that information that you just spoke about received we just got it that's that's what I was just readying to tell you that we just I I actually just received it yesterday so I have not actually read through it internalized it so I can send it to you but my intention is that you will receive it Friday when I send that heads up report so I just got it what of the two agencies do we know that the um attorney that did the investigation what two agencies did you send the report to I'm assuming sure the Florida Department of Law Enforcement FDLE and the state attorney's office okay so will any contact be made with them to it is solely within the discretion of those agencies on whether or not they feel that there is a basis for further investigation and bringing charges the question was will we make contact with them or would they make contact with us I I wouldn't even know who to contact at this point um but I I can look into that further um I I don't have any guidance from the attorney that made this report so maybe reaching out to Mr Ross yes that information right because we really had not even taken care of some file obligations with that particular attorney so I would like to at least get him paid and I'll will be doing that hopefully this week and uh we'll be contacting him in reference to is there anyone that we can contact at both of the agencies just say get a fill I think it's our responsibility first of all secondly um there is also for me there was another piece to that those were two law enforcement agencies the other one was one of the findings was something else I mean wasn't a different finding that made me not um it was another find I do believe you mentioned two three three and the third was ethics right isn't it the other one is e ethics so it's a commission on ethics that would look into I raised that as an option for this commission to pursue in the beginning and that option was declined is what I had recommended that this matter be brought to the commission on ethics that is the regular course for conflicts of interest and it's also free um through the State of Florida but that is not the option that this commission chose they chose to uh follow the advice of then city manager Troy Bell to hire um an independent investigator Greg Rossman to conduct the investigation rather than send it to the commission on ethics I think is rather than in addition to I I don't recall I we're here now I think he could do a we could ask this commission but I requested it that it go to the commission of Ethics because I thought it was more of an ethical uh we didn't know about anything deeper so how would we Leap Frog into a a law enforcement ethics was that's the number one uh path that we were going with this from what we learned here in this Comm commission so is that something we can take action on now um so the comp a complainant needs to file their complaint with the commission on ethics and that's what launches the process so as the attorney for the city of P thank you we're requesting that this happen so is that just tell me because I don't know what legal actually do other than give us guidance do you also take any action if not that mean city manager and so I guess city manager answer to this board that request I think and I think commissioner Bor is ready to talk on we requested that that happened okay so we're requesting now I am now happen U Miss given's actually asked in the middle of the meeting to just for fresh memories okay so now that we have gotten finally more information we do now have the final report all of this has happened within the past say two three weeks we do have additional information that we got from the meetings and so forth we will follow the recommendation made by the Commissioners and that we fow the appropriate paperwork with the commission of that we can do that right can we do that at least we'll find out if the complaint if not I guess I would sure I can discuss this offline with you there there are risks um for bringing allegations that uh do not result in terms of attorney's fees Awards they recently enacted a provision the commission on ethics for prevailing party attorneys fees so unlike an independent investigator and this may be why Mr Bell opted for the independent investigation because it avoided that risk um there is risk involved in pursuing it without knowing the allegations of the anonymous complainant so the question is what could you discuss in person because again ultimately the decision would be made in the open with regards to all of us being able to weigh in and again if this is something that we've asked and required before I don't understand what meeting would happen Offline that could not information that you could not provide us in the open that would allow us to make the decision that we've already made prior to and it is exactly what I just told you that is what I would inform my supervisor of that there is risk involved in forward with that complaint going and being aware of that and you still feel that course of action right what are we gonna do so course of action is that we're going to follow the recommendation of the Board of Commissioners it's real simple I mean we work for you so you have made a request and we will follow it and I will take note to whatever legal advises whatever she let me understand as a function sou City attorney I will take note of it at the same time I will proceed with what has been requested and if there's something that we need to communicate to you we will do so commissioner Borum I would you like to say something speak um I'm walking in the door right now just give me a second wh while commissioner born is coming in I would like to say we always refer to what this commission says but when this commission says what direction we desire there's always there's always uh hesitancy or reluctant uh Behavior as we desire um our needs and this is not just with this specific case so again if we're not giving clear direction if we want additional information or additional Direction please ask us at this time because again we're revisiting a subject that we've talked about numerous of times requesting the same information and then again if this was something that you knew at the beginning that information should have been brought to us at the beginning but now that we're asking the same question again probably for the fifth time we're now getting this response and again the information that we received outside of the formal uh investigation report was information that I provided in my initial giving it from when I received it from a concerned citizen so again I want to make sure that as we provide direction if the direction is not good enough for you or you need to have it a little bit more vetted please do so at that time so that we're not continuously King cans down the road and we can get some of these matters addressed the way that we really need to get them addressed so that we can continue to move on with other matters that the city is being faced with any further discussion on this item no I know that they was talking about the U commission uh not having that one option Avail well had the option and chose not to uh I don't think that option was a because we said run them all parallel we said run all the the deals parallel there was commissional ethics as well as the other avenues we went with the um ethics not well that's the commission on ethics then the the private the independent the independent attorney and then what other what other agencies we said run them parallel okay um so I just want to know what based on what we got final it says final but I don't think is final because the attorney stated that he had everything he touched he kind of it touched something else and and so he didn't have enough time based on the um the time that he was given because I think when you when when Mr Bell departed and you took over I think you heard you thought you heard that the commission said that we wanted to close it out that's not what we communicated so they would have had more time to be able to do a full third investigation he said that he didn't want to waste taxpayer dollars because it costed 300 and something dollars per hour for him to continue and he said that everything he touched is propagated to something else so U so again so there's a lot more he probably could have well what happened is after you are clarified uh to me that you wanted him to go further you know I did communicate with him and he did restart and he worked like another two months or so uh from September until yeah a good two months so he feels now that he did do the additional time that he needed to completely finish a report that that's that's really what happened so that's why November at the end of November he issued an additional report and that was after he did more work so his mind he's done I understand that but the request was that he finished what was in the initial request and and there was four things in the initial request and so he had finished only like a couple of them he had think one he had he had to finish up the airport he also came up and I think there was another one to do with the furniture right yes so those were the things he needed to finish up because they weren't finished and he had not reported on that until the final report okay so all I can say is that I did um communicate to him very well uh because also uh a commissioner had contacted him so when I contacted him he said I just spoke to someone on that Saturday and I said well they want you to work more to the end and so what he did send to me he believeth the end I will contact him again um he said he's finished and he's finished with what was in the contract he he stated he stated everything he he could find more I mean he based on what I understood he said that whatever he touched he find we was finding new things he did say that okay so but outside of that we we have what we think to We Believe is a final report from independent study so but with all of that I like to get some guidance from I City attorney as it relates to all of the various things that we have in there what should we do exactly and that's why Miss at this point Miss West has just been assigned yesterday the assignment of given us some recommendation I have also actually written to him yesterday too to say what are we to do what other things do we have to do but um he feels he's done I'll call him I think generally when we hire someone for a service the proper thing to do is to come before us and present what the matter is just in case again because I don't want staff to feel as if we are bombarding or going after them for things that we should directly be able to ask the attorney so I would ask that you ask the attorney would he Avail himself for a city commission meeting so that we would be able to guide or direct these questions to him directly and not have to deal with speculation or putting staff in a position to deliver something that we can deliver him to direct directly and him being able to respond um with his expertise in the matter that we asked him to do so that would be my request in order to move forward so that we could get all of our questions answered by him directly I will follow through thank you any further discussion thank you on to consent agenda are there any items to be removed from the consent agenda consent agenda anyone um item I think item H if it's still there is uh and I S it something to that I can speak to that go ahead Madam CL unless the city manager would like to um the item he's referring to it's not on this agenda right we pulled it item H the one that yes we did pull it a different now it's a different agenda yeah so that's po now yes sir okay why just all right so I'm just trying to catch up everybody I was in something I'll make a motion that we accept the consent agenda as printed we have a motion do we have a second motion is second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to regular business do we want to take a recess I want to keep coming okay um discussion Direction American Rescue plan act Opa funds uh yes consistent with the uh federal state guidance uh the city of Palaca must encumber any Opera funds that have not yet been actually spent and so um this is our final amount we Haven encumbered 111,000 I don't know if you can make it even larger would be great so we've already encumbered 111,000 uh we have the remaining 1.4 million that we will encumber before December 31 and um and in our encumbering we we do need to have like names of the vendors that you would like uh the funds to be encumbered for so um what we have so far is for the other Public Health Services um we encumber met MedEx which is used for covid testing and so forth uh for the housing or homeless uh we have a total of 50,000 so we have putam County caring Coalition Bread of Life part of putam Christian Service Center New Creation and that equal uh 50,000 for the housing assistance we have 49,1 15 that is at St John's with Bill Lazar um for emotional mental health we have SMA Healthcare mental and this is you know this is just for your input this is not final but at least it allows us to encumber so if you have like another Mental Health institution that you'd like us to do please communicate before December 31 because that would be our deadline to encumber for educ assistance St John River College and pal for the um the DW transmission Palm to Mosley 170,000 of the gis Paca Heights okay we've completed that lead and copper we're almost done with that we should be done within the within this month so that's 167,000 left uh provision of government services that's the sports complex vacant property purchases abatement we don't actually have vendors but we know that we're doing it through the division of code enforcement and road maintenance uh that's chw Halifax Paving pns Paving and so we do need you to uh we need action on this item in order for us to encumber c um yes ma'am and I would also mention that you do have an a sub item to to this the Pam County caring Coalition Miss Marvin is prepared to present today um you said some items have been changed on here earlier I saw um South 15th and Oak being addressed know I saw I believe that is included in Rogue maintenance that's where it is so phw the numbers are different right because we we've been living and we've been spending money so that's so what is the difference yeah so that so tell me what's some 15th in um o right now what what we have in Mark for that area in in Opa uh I met with the grant people today and it's uh we have a remaining balance that was included off a funding of 51,000 that we had to spend so that's that chw and that's the portion that's included in that 165,000 number so that was the part that was opened no it was larger than that earlier maybe they've already paid some of it but that's where they are now um is any project manager here I don't see anybody Carlos you think he might be in overflow area yeah I think he was here um and we have him maybe he can help but uh but this is just strictly the OPA funds portion I know but so that because we I know we're about to spend that money and start um engaging in these I want to make certain that the areas that you and I I looked at also going to be included in this also with other sources of funding so discussing referring to that amount that's in the budget this year uh the portion that's in oper is 114 14,475 and that is included in that 165 the rest of those funds are not Opera funds the rest of them are in streets you know you have one point I was working with that today but they are in other funds and it is still in the budget right so so the Oak and those other streets are just included with the 114,000 that okay so 51 remain over an oak yes 51,000 was for Oak but the to go ahead it's three numbers that's what I'm saying it's 165 here 165,000 then you mention 51,000 and then 114,000 so so tell me what one what do you want me to explain do you want me to explain where's that 2.4 million you want me to explain that no no it is this talking Opa funds only that's right so you mentioned 114,000 out of opa funds that go through the uh to Halifax pavement right that's what we are encumbering yes okay so and the 51 is just that Oak uh portion so of this 165,000 51,000 belongs just 50,000 belongs to the Oak we have an actual purchase order for the Oak Street yes ma'am so it's 50,000 yeah just say 50,000 not thank you and then that difference that there is a 114 that's referring to that's included in that 2.4 million in this line okay because the breakout is in three funds of the 2.4 or the rest of that stuff yes so 1.4 is in better place and one mill is over there in streets and anyway when you add it all up it'll come to the 2.4 for our city streets project our city streets in the north section yes sir thank you okay any further questions so we have to take some action on this yes ma'am Miss city clerk we need action right um I would recommend you not hear action until you've heard the presentation of the person on the agenda to present please come up thank you give your name Andy Marvin with the putam county caring po ask her to give her name for the record no come on come on up she's a different item on the agenda okay come come on up here please miss Marvin Georg Mitchell who is our director is going to present our proposal okay and you'll be happy because she's much more organized than me okay thank you please give your name and city of residents and your organization hi Georgia Mitchell city of Paka uh with PC3 putham County caring Coalition um we're petitioning for $25,000 in order to provide beds for unhoused individuals within the city um our average cost for bed runs about $30 much less than the cost of jailing and provides our folks with a warm safe place to sleep with an overnight attendant in order to ensure their safety and uh the hours run from 7: am. to 7 7 P p.m. to 7: am. uh open 247 any questions um where is this located uh this is at 126 South 2 Street in Paca first first Minister Hall is this and this is considered a temporary situation correct just clarification for those people yes that's a great question yes our goal is to find a more permanent location where we can expand services and uh work toward helping unhoused individuals find a way to be a value to the community uh find jobs um re-educate themselves uh Prov get the other services they need the wraparound Services um of which we will provide uh uh connections to those resources as they exist here while we're still operating as a temporary overnight safe space um but would love to be able to expand Services as time goes on because as much as and I do want to support this and support your effort I do know also the that downtown businesses and Merchants do have a lot of reservations they also have compassion and want to see something happen for these folks but they are concerned because they are hanging out downtown after 7 am. and I share that concern I'm I live in the North District and I'm a business owner as well um the goal is to be able to provide these folks a path to Independence um and and connect them also to to resources that are closer geographically um where we're at right now it's not ideal okay thank you any questions go ahead I do have a question you said it's 24 hours but you said the operation hours that people would be able to be there was from 7p to 7A what is done in those additional 12 hours um I apologize if I misspoke our goal is to provide 24hour service uh currently we're only providing service from 700 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. go ahead commissioner bar do you do you know when you'll have the other 12 hours covered are you like you going to phase it in but do you know what's the plan for that um our goal is to provide another location once we get a new location we'll be able to phase in additional Services um but right now at Westminster we most likely will stay 700 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. so once we get a new location that will provide us with the room that we need in order to expand Services you guys doing good work I just want to ask this question so how are y'all being housed there is there a lease agreement with the church is there it's through the the gracious um do uh donation and generosity of the church um it is a handshake agreement um but they're committed to allowing us to stay until we can uh find something permanent so you got so you don't pay them any no not at this time we pay um uh no rent uh utilities or have administrative or management costs these are just operational costs any additional questions thank you thank you very much so are we allowed to allocate funds before advertising how much are we allowed to allocate before we have to go outad and advertise 25 20,000 I don't know I'm asking I have to search that point so we'll need to know that right before we allocate funds because we have to advertise if we go over a certain amount and and you mean advertising if in order to actually give the money to them yes I would say that we would have to do that at 25,000 what what we have to do tonight though we have to have a foundation for issuing the encumbrance and we're just going you propose names at this point so naturally before December 31st we have to we have to make commitments and com and at that time anything over 25 has to be advertised am I right yes of course do we have time for that well we're just this is just encumbering this is not actually awarding um the only thing um these are just names that we are seen we current we already have the relationship awarded to St John's housing and we already have relationship rewarded or awarded with SGS um you know sensible water anything else before it's actually awarded we would have to go through our entire RFP process so this is simply for incoming only and it has to be done by December 31st it does do you have time for this I have to yes ma'am for advertising for advertising not not to award this is just proposed these names can change and that was GNA be my question because I was the Nam can change interested in how some of these names came about that's just us putting names here to get feedback from you to let you understand that we must encumber by December 31 well in order for us to move forward because Sunny made the recommendation that we hear uh the proposal as if if you would if take action and that was actually independent of us preparing this when we prepared this that was before this um the request for so what action do we need to take the action that we need to take is to give management the authority to encumber 1, 517,000 in the various categories that we have established here I'm in agreement with the categories yes and then as it relates to the actual uh award uh that would have to go through the RFP process in order to be actually awarded these are just suggestions only except for where it's already been awarded such as the St John's housing that's been awarded the S sjs contracted award but any place where it's not awarded then these are just suggestions so so there there are two areas on here that we know service our community bread of life and the Heart of putting them and they kind of like have the lowest amount and uh we know that it takes a lot of money to do what they do could and I no discredit to mental health counseling but we're giving a company SMA and that's for profit company right remember this is just a suggestion we're not giving them anything so yeah well okay so could we give more to I would like to see more going to the works of what bread life do do and the Heart of putting them uh maybe to 10 or 15,000 each yes sir out of that out of that pool of money okay so out of that 50,000 for housing out of the 100,000 oh that you have allocated for or yeah SMA okay and SMA may not be the actual person that line item makes sense right yes sir sense yeah and how much more would we like to put to bread of life maybe 15 a piece okay 15 not much more up to 15,000 we're encumbering the whole number so we can move forward and then move things around correct ex any one of these lines okay I thought but I thought we were okay except for those that are already under contract I still would like to see this yes mayor if we may if you're go ahead please so that we can move forward I uh make a motion that we give or allow staff to move forward with the encumber with the line items that are presented bringing back the opportunity to have discussion to move funding and venders around as we move forward thank you that's precisely a second and motion Motion in second all in favor I any opposition thank you um report supervisor of elected elections official election results is Mr over Madame May I'll be reading the report today if you allow me just a second okay thank you mayor commission city manager for the opportunity to read the report into the record for the city of Paka commissioner group one the whole number of votes as reported by the putam County campusing Board was 3,419 of which Annie Henderson Davis received 2,244 votes alra kitchens received 1,175 votes for city of Palaca commissioner group three the whole number of votes cast was 3,494 of which Willie Jones received 1,961 votes Elizabeth Van rensburg received 1 1533 votes um in accord with the city's Charter we will plan the inauguration ceremony of the Commissioners to be held January 6th 2025 at 7:30 p.m. at H thank you for the opportunity to present the report thank you um D request Episcopal Children's Services request for $3,000 for Grant match for School Readiness program please give us your name thank you for the record my name isang I am programs my is to you director all the contact information I do have a PowerPoint um that I wanted to shareid with you as children services serving under served children in noreast FL um we provide Cru support for guidance for family seeking high quality Child Care educational opportunities through our school residance which is subsize child care and volun the department of education division of early learning is where our programs come through they have 30 early learning poition that they are contracted with uh ours happens to be the Early Learning poition who oversees six counties IA Baker Bradford puam and St John's and we are the contractor for the Early Learning po us so that's how is um I have a couple of programs we have three programs that we you see is the Readiness program which is the assistance program for families who are um actively working or go to school and needing assistance with pay for child care we have the voluntary for program foury olds from the state of Florida that is a free program and we have a childcare resource and program which is a program that is free to anybody regardless of income household size um and that is where we help families uh find Child Care needs or any resources within the community um that their households may name such as F pantries um to pay the rent hous this today though my reason for being here is because we are requesting for our School Readiness program um your support with a contribution of $3,000 or any amount that you would be able to contribute to us for our 2425 budget to help us meet our matching so perfect slide um in your packets you're going to have larger IMS on this slide and I wanted to kind of point this out because one of the first things that we talk about is when you look at household expenses overall um more often than not Child Care is the highest household expense and it is a needed expense for families to be able to work go to school or support their fam when you look at the charts um this is for the State of Florida but it's not just in Florida it's everywhere for a infant or a toddler to go to child care and either a center or a family child home for one year is actually more expensive than it is for for a year to at State College so when you put things in a perspective that way and trying to find care to meet the needs for your child work and support your this is what it needs that's why we need your help and why the city of blacka families need your help um unfortunately the school riness program is not only a good program for uh donors who just like to um do like a one time gift or fullan gifts because this is a program that is ongoing and is a needed program annually it's not a one time gift project that you see an end result right away this is a continuous Mee this regardless of this um we always and will continue to serve Pam County and continue look for any type of funding so how your funding will help us um basically the main source of our funding from the federal government they do require a 6% match again that's why I'm here tonight and your funding will Sol solely be used directly for child and their services and again this is directly for those families that are working or going to school and need assistance in paying for child care so it's not a free program it's assisting them with the pay for child care um in the Department of Education and on top of that any donation any amounts that you donate they will then match it for one toone basis so the 3,000 that we're asking the state would match it and give us another $3,000 so again um just like I said it's for the families who are um working on to school they have May mayor yes um are you are you done ma'am okay thank for to move forward I think this is a worthy cost I know the cost of child care because I have a 15mon old uh 15mon old 15 I've been I've been taught to give that extra detail but I do believe that this is a worthy cause and I'm willing if I can from my funding to be able to give a certain amount and I'll get with staff um to determine the amount that I'm able to give but I do believe that this is something as aw the cause if we can't give it from the city's perspective I'm willing to give from my funding to make sure that this happen you I know that she has copy of the PowerPoint if you want to see the rest because we also support all of our child care programs within the city which are the small businesses so they also benefit from that program thank you um thank you commissioner Campbell anybody else the same whatever Avenues we need to take in order to man get the 3,000 I'm in support of it so if we can't get it from the commission as a whole I'm willing to if we can't use a special events fund let's find a way to do it I'm suggesting likewise I share the same sentiment it's not a lot of money and them I think we important it's so important need so we're willing to do it just help us find the best source of funding and we we agree so do we have a motion I'll make a motion that we uh allocate uh this request of 3,00 for Grant matching um for School Readiness program through epis children services second we have a motion second all in favor question oh go ahead question sorry so Opa funds also have education piece ladies and gentlemen that we could actually get those funds from there as education okay all right how about can we restate your Mo no because they're okay sorry but that's the Avenue go ahead commissioner B well I guess this not the right time to do this right now because we're going pass the budget season but we'll just look at um maybe adding that to uh our budget line item for that particular thing because it's going to be an ongoing deal and it's going to assist uh people who U live in live in our city so we have a motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you mayor mayor yes prior to proceeding forward there we missed um to accept the official 7 C results election results I read the report but there wasn't a motion okay do we have a motion to accept make a motion that we accept second motion to Second all in favor I I thank you um next request blue crab Productions request for sponsorship for New Year's celebration December 31st 2024 misused do you want to read the resolution Madam Mary if the commission does find that commission special event plans are appropriate um we have prepared a resolution for your review um if you'd like to hear the presentation and then I read the caption we can do it that way fine thank you go ahead misses hi good evening Madame mayor commissioner City staff I'm Aon Hughes with bluecraft Productions and I'm excited to come before you today to talk about our New Year celebration event that we're doing uh which includes a of excuse me exciting things to share uh we'll be offering a community event with a vendor Market Fue trucks and um a dazzling drone show with some custom things that are local landmarks and be very familiar to our community uh we also have a headliner of the hit boxer band uh which will definitely get you moving on the feet and dancing on the dance floor with us so um I actually come before you today to extend the opportunity of a sponsorship and request that um the um participate and and invest alongside of us in this spectacular event and this is the first time that we are holding a drum show in this community I've already heard questions about are we doing fireworks and things like that so um I'm excited to to tell the community that we are having something for new this year and that is a first time um inaugural thing that I hope that we can continue so again I'd like to extend that opportunity for you to partner and sponsor with us um and see if that is the will thank you any discussion any thoughts that's for something that's for later not for that okay I'll get with staff with regards to um special ADV Community event so as it relates to do I make a suggestion that we should fund it and in what amount um what are they ask it yes um what was they ask what is the amount that you ask for so so we I sat down with your inter city manager and and initially proposed 5,000 um it was suggested 2500 was the the amount suggested and discussed in the end um so it's the the so the options are 1,25 5,000 10,000 and 20,000 uh if the commission desire to assist with this anywhere between the 1,000 and 2500 um if we were to look for funding I was looking for funding and I believe that I can find um some funding if you desire it I was thinking special event funds if if that was up to each individual commissioner obviously to make that decision whether they want to use their funds for that purpose or not um I'm willing to discuss using some of my funds I want to see what my balance is I have lately but we do have a special events fund right we do and since the city isn't putting on a or are we are a new year event no sir and the has been approved yeah so city is not putting on an event so take it out of special events fund and we do have uh under Community Affairs a line item for special events so you you recommend between a th000 and 2500 I was say not to exceed 2500 anybody else have any thoughts again B what you suggest you like no my light is on for something else oh okay okay turn off okay thank you it's confusing um anybody else done okay um no okay I mean we're beling the point we St between submission and if we're going to do it from the city's perspective or we going to do it from the individual perspective I'm willing to give to the event from my personal if we are not as a collective looking to move forth with it so that we can move forward and it comes from my and who can resist a dazzling drone show so yes um I I said the same thing basically so whatever seems to be the best option okay going forward do we want to do City sponsorship or individual from our special events that's the question and you want you want you mean on you to make that decision no I just made a point that we have a special event fun right it's a special event we should go ahead and allocate the money between we already put the par I'll make sure so with 20 go ahead did we ask the C board about this no no think she but for entertainment um the CRA statute remember we had the 20 the review of the 20 AG 2019 um Miss West you can answer better than I 2019 ruling that um basically it wasn't to be used for entertainment that wasn't that was actually here when Miss Val was here she gave us that information so C funds may not be an option I said let's give make motion to give them 25,000 $2500 $2500 out of the special event fund uh for this event it's inaugural motion is second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you m madame mayor do you want to vote down the resolution if I read the yes quickly please thank you um resolution sorry 224 r261 a resolution of the city PL authorizing the Spiner of commission special event funds for the bluecraft Productions New Year celebration on December 31 2024 in providing first governor sers thank you um next are you entertaining a motion to vote that to a motion to approve that resolution motion to deny second motion to deny um okay second all in favor I any opposition thank you not I like that but I was gonna ask a question Sun within you said commissioner funds how did that come as a request for commissioner funds and not just a funding from the state I mean from the city my supervisor told me to do it where is this I don't see it what we just okay now hold up you had recommended commissioner special event funds for the item and I prepared the resolution in accord with your with your request okay so therefore now that we've had the meeting no I was just asking it it doesn't have to gave okay we don't have to D cool thank you thank you discussion Direction um lease agreement at Jenkins Community Center Mr cutright is that what your questions let let him come up and explain it first and then got to you all right Eddie cutright uh 1900 Napoleon Street um back in September uh about really back several commission meeting y'all gave us Mr B and myself opportunity to reach out to organizations and try to bring people come to utilize the classrooms and office rooms that we had at Jenkins uh back in September Miss links from Epicure child children services reached out to me expressing interest to give Epicure children services Epicure children services yes uh reached out to me to actually utilize the Episcopal I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry long day Wednesday I'm usually on point on Thursday so Wednesday is a a down night they reached out to me to uh try to to rent the facility rent the the office space on the guidance counselor side of the building right across from the multi-purpose room through several dialogue conversations with Miss link and at then Mr bail and also also the inter Center manager Miss C and Miss West we we negotiated some things and came up with conversations about the new the facility uh they asking for the three offices and the joint share space of the conference room uh through that point we came up with some uh the actual office space for all three offic is 30 rated 3677 square footage uh we ran it up to 75 375 it came out to be about, 1400 and something the dollar amount came up to $300 per office $1,200 a month uh their lease they was in the last biding as they leaving which they was paying the same amount so we try to make sure we keep it the same amount of less um in conversations uh we was looking at trying to get them in uh we have had a couple snags with the construction uh right now from dealing with M they're not slated for the that side of the building to be finished to late January mid mid-February uh at best and I have compared that to miss lengths um to come up with the square footage we reached out to a couple ples Maple Palace and their square footage was $9 spare footage uh the office of Westgate Palace we looked online there and they have $850 get the Set uh square footage so we uh and then we reached out some in Jacksonville and there was 1050 so became more happy medium 960 to give us the $300 and that's how we came up there thank you way off uh I mean again the numbers we looked at with different places that's what's the number we came up with I mean I'm willing to change I'm willing to work out the numbers y'all want us to put in place but these are the numbers that we seen the we came up with so you said I'm sorry about that go ahead [Music] Jes [Laughter] were the square footage came from where different relatives relative officer different relative officer yeah we just uh I did a a Google Search and it came up with a good number that we could find again I'm not saying this is sketch in stone but we were trying to get a starting point and that's what we came up with you stayed at the starting point look like so there's a average at least a national average and then State of Florida for those and I didn't come up with the same just as we were you know as I was looking through this and and trying to figure out where you get them from and it's very important that we get those themers right for each lease agreement because we do supposed to be reviewing all am I right yes throughout city um and I think we mentioned this one time before about uh we we do want to be a good Community partner and and in service let people use our facilities for service of the underserved but what what tend to happen how do we pick and choose who's going to actually be in our spaces and be able to either afford them or can't we don't want to price them out but I think the market R are going to be necessary because they're going to be able to get funding from other places to pay those Market rents and if they paying rent are they also paying any type of utilities what's included in there I mean and and and and I know you bring this up here for us to proof it but um it's the first time hearing of it so what we get um I I didn't I didn't know about the uh we sent Mr Bill out and asked for this neighbors or uh partners for the for the uh jenin Center I didn't know about that I didn't know we were at that point I thought we were told to get the numbers what are the cost to lease all our buildings that's that report supposed to came back to us and I think K said in the last meeting that we did get it he mentioned it but I I haven't received it we got that information and we gave information I haven't received it yeah we did it was something do you have it so I mean you have it in your packet could you just up here I don't have that in my package because I've been giv all my conversations and dialogues went through the city managers and acting city managers so I didn't bring that package with me this act conversation started back in SE September and so uh I was assuming or hoping that that's information was said to y'all as we had these conversations Okay so my point and I let Campell commissioner Campbell speak so my point is the amount for fair market lease is at least at least $15 square foot um can I show you you well but this for palaska in the region what he said it wasn't for Paca so no I mean I didn't mean to say some of the places you told me you reached out that you just said that you Palace Paca Florida what's the name of the place Maples Palace and Westgate Palace yeah these are just we these are relatives that uh at contrail and Morgan and these just places like Google just to get us get us a starting point to try to find a fair market value to bring them in and keep them at the price they was paying at the previous place that they was leaving from again the the square footage price can be Chang it's definitely up to y'all but this was R up the chain and hopefully that it will dialogue to Y well so let's consider also just putting out here to be fair because couldn't it be fair they not if that are they paying also water and soup not is the original contract that we came up with but we can add that or subtract that or put that in there right now again these was a started conversation to give you people that was calling me trying to utilize the facility to pay utilities that would have to be calculated out of our city that would be really challenging let's just put it that way it should be because they're going to use it it just should be included into I understand what you're saying I understand what you're saying I also I guess my question is what is the purpose of Jenkins in leasing these spaces is it to make money or is it to make some money and provide a service um and I guess we have to decide that I tonight we're not going to decide so in order for us to properly have the conversations and bring forth everything that the commission has requ which are the the spaces that are available the square foot of the places that are available in that facility the recommendation up that you brought to us tonight with regards to square footage giving the commission the opportunity to submit their request for square footage so I think that this should be a matter that is PL properly placed um on the agenda or Workshop so that we can take in consideration I know at one point this we got to realized that Jenkins is not anything new so this has gone through a lot of different phases not only with the facility but with different leadership leading Way Beyond Mr Bale so again there are a lot of things that have been communicated to uh to our uh department head at that location that has changed so in all fair all honesty and transparency let's give him the opportunity to really regroup refocus and really get this building and facility um the the attention that it needs at the point of where we are now I don't think that it's going to be anything that's hindering even in the event that the area that they are looking to have done won't be done um anytime soon as of now and there's a potential that it would not be done even at that given time frame based on what we've seen traditionally happening over at that facility so again let's give him the opportunity to refocus regroup and let's really move forth with a true vision of what we want for that location and not speculations here speculations there let's really Workshop this let's really get this down to pack so as we go forth because that's not the only tendon that has come and wanted to be housed at that facility there are several individuals and personal businesses that wanted to be housed at that facility so let's really get this right so when we do advertise when we do put it out it's not there's no room for confus usion there's no room for Det let's trust and transparency I think that's what we need to give Mr cutright the opportunity to so he's clear and not going off speculations of what has happened with past administration and with that said you're suggesting a workshop yes okay yes I I was just trying to comment on that as well but the thing with that is even at so we we don't want to look at locking people into any market rate um rent because a lot of times the services that the city cannot provide um like maybe example be the Social Security office or some other um agency or entity uh it would be pertinent that the city could provide that even if it's free because those uh services are not here and there are so many people who need that service and so we need to look at what actually need to go in into that facility and I've mentioned it several times about the Social Security office and I don't know if anybody come back yeah we did um and there's other places but again we supposed to had a suite of um um submittals and we just haven't circled back around to that yet so again the workshop would would help clear up some of this so and while we're on allocating fun I'm I'm done um while I'm on allocating funds there was a requests from uh Calvary um from the arpa funds from the presentation that was submitted uh to the commission I think it was back in um November 11 somewhere around that time frame but they were asking um for 35 ,000 from arpa and also um see 35 from arpa for mental health and 15 you know 15 from mental health and 35 from public he that's what they were asking at the time so the presentation was sent and we just we need to make I guess get some direction from the commission I did I did meet with them a couple of times actually okay um there were some more information that we were requesting okay so we'll we don't mind meeting with them again things involving status of nonprofit and that kind of stuff okay so you're waiting on on them to come back and hopefully give us more information okay all right I just want to make sure that while we're allocating we need to um we had some previous requests already Yes any further discussion um on to commissioner comments I commissioner Campbell yes I want to apologize to uh Comm commissioner pelier um he I was Ill informed I know he had something on the agenda and so he was here tonight um that was on the original agenda yes and I was Ill advised I thought this was going to be a full run through of what was on that previous agenda so I wanted to publicly apologize to you because you did clear your schedule and I did say that I would bring it before the commission but I was I did not know until after we had our conversation on yesterday so again I wanted to apologize publicly because you did show thinking yes I know people have lives and life goes on situations and all that but I would think it would be going forward in the future very handy that the someone and your Command Staff here contact me so I wouldn't be here tonight because I have no other items on that agenda and this is delayed my project five weeks back C me S F thought and I would like to have been contacted and notified so I would be here tomorrow thank you and we all apologize for that thank you um any other comments commissioner commissioner Jones no okay commissioner boram I just want to uh thank the community and the commission for putting up with my absence the last time I was uh at the Florida Municipal Insurance trust board meeting and so I was there uh we have quarterly meetings uh and it's it is to do with City business so uh something that we certainly need to make sure that we are working looking out for our workers comps uh claims among other things and so that's where I was on last meeting this meeting uh was a special call meeting which conflicted with an exam I had to take today I had be in there for three hours so um so I finished my exam in Jacksonville and was successful at that and so I'm certified in another uh area cyber security certified system all so just want to just thank you guys for putting up with me for my my absence and this was all not BL that's all I have thank you commissioner mastco um I was expecting an item on the agenda tonight and it was concerning a major decision that was made I just need some clarification and it was concerning the interim city manager position and the term dead contrite explain the process of how that happened and what inail can we talk about that is is it proper to do it tonight but I just need some happened Thursday evening and not having qum Thursday evening for a variety of reasons that were all legitimate on everybody's part we had to reschedule the special call meeting and we tried to trim it down a bit so that that so so we decided to that very important we took several things it wasn't just that and it was it was just a discussion to take several things off that were not urgent or emergency and the things that like Mr Pia's issue um has to require another legal notice go ahead but it also goes back to his point that's what I was just saying but Mr pelia once we reschedule the meeting Miss West can you speak to that about noticing I don't even think it's about noticing I think when we said we were going to have a meeting we were prepared to tend to the business of everything that was on there that last meeting we had a full house of individuals that were here with regards to wanting to conduct business we understand that life happened we have we're moving forth but here yet again major decisions that have to be made are or have been pushed off again that's why I gave my public apology to Mr pelier because I told him yesterday that it was going to be a full meeting as if it was the one that we missed so again we were not informed until after I got the email that it was amended but again it goes back to that point as we move forth the determination of what's on the agenda if we were having a special call meeting the special call meeting should have covered everything that was on that previous meeting that we did not cover because because again it hindered the business and again now that we are all here we are all in the chambers we still have business that is on accounted for and it's going to be pushed off into our January meeting so again the determination of who made that from entire commission okay and I guess now I should say something to address it uh we did meet being transparent we did meet and try to go through we being the mayor and myself uh going through the agenda saying is there any way that we do we need to change anything or keep it the same as we went through that process there were a number of items that were taken off so it's safe to say you and the mayor decided what was going to be on the agenda tonight safe to say that I don't go to any pre- agenda meetings but here we were after Thursday didn't know if we could even get this meeting called um We're trying work on get it called as soon as possible and before the end of the year and with that mind thought of streamlining it would make it more um people feeling they wanted to get out it's a holiday season did not want to keep you late and thought maybe if we helped do that and took some items that could wait off which is what we did I'm s so it's safe to say you and the mayor you in the inum city manager decided what was going to be on the agenda city manager you know I work and I will take responsibility as the chair of this board yes I will take responsibility so I want to ask about dead contract can we can y'all explain that to me I just W to I'm sorry understand what a dead contract means leg will address that sure um in the context of this particular negotiation what you have is a offer that was submitted by HR to Mr Hill based upon a salary range of figures that the Commissioners conveyed to the HR Director and that offer was extended to Mr Hill he counter offered with a different number and please recall that you had a liais on here on the board uh commissioner Jones and so if you do have questions about this process he has uh personal knowledge as well that counter offer uh was basically a rejection of the offer that was extended and at that point you could choose to negotiate further um or it is a rejection of the offer that was made and you no longer have a contract just as in the context of a real estate transaction when you submit an offer on a house and it is countered if you don't accept that counter you no longer have a contract I have to do things in chunks so you say we decided whether or not we wanted to negotiate who decided that was it brought back before us to negotiate or make that decision who made that decision I would direct your question to your liaison for this particular matter commissioner Jones commissioner Jones so if you recall that meeting that meeting said I mean your request at your request commissioner mcal that we present a number that we all agree to to the candidate candidate heill so that's what Mrs uh Jones did in an email I was there when she Au of the email sent it out um uh so at that point your directions here say I was named liazon and just for the record didn't really understand what that position is about because I cannot come back with any information to give to the council so that position wouldn't actually work in this kind of situation because talking to you guys offline or sharing any information would be a breach of sunshine so this commissioner felt compelled after after well I didn't feel comfortable so after uh the offer was given the counter was also given and this commissioner as I stated uh I put in the email form there was offer there was not a counter offer from this side it was off counter off from attorney Hill per Mrs Jones uh get into it my instruction from this dice was to give the offer from the commission to Mr Hill that's that's that's all authorization I had so at that point communication was given back to to me and Le and uh legal through Miss Jones and at that point that term came up through legal it well it's dead it's a dead contract so that's where it ended so my communication to Miss Jones too legal and Miss cardi was my services in this particular process is over because there's no negotiating I wasn't authorized to I wasn't auth just like you just said yes I wasn't authorized to negotiate a contract we presented from this this side we presented that number that number was basically it was denied and at that point that was over on my part my job was done I don't want to ask a question pertaining to that how was that number offered was it offered in the contract in the in the email the way we received it how was it offered to how was it presented Miss Jones yeah she's the professional I and keeping again I want to make sure because we're in commissioner comments and you do have that this is appropriate for us to have this conversation at this time I just versus an emergency item added or correct because I motion to add because and I want us to be mindful of we have Mr pelier here that we didn't take this matter on as a item because I just want us to be mindful as we move forward and have that in consideration as well motion to add this as an emergency item to speak on please to discuss tonight regarding we have a motion do we have a second motion died due your lack of second thank you for Mr Hill um can you just for my sake Miss no Miss West for clarification in regards to Mr pelia with the meeting not happening Thursday how much notice had to be provided there's no difference than what Mr Hill so I don't even think that's that's not fair to him and the reason I did what I did was because we did not extend that courtesy May no we're g to be fair and we're going to be transparent we it's nothing against uh what the conversation that was at hand if we're going to be fair we're going to be fair and we're not going to we're not going to circle and we're not going to give opportunity for something that we didn't address at the time because again he's here just like Mr Hill is here and I will publicly apologize to Mr Hill as well because I thought that this was going to be a full-fledged meeting covering everything so don't think that the decision that was made tonight means that it's over I want to be fair and consistent in our dealings and moving forward anybody have any additional comments comments okay thank you do we have a motion to ad motion to