##VIDEO ID:Ch0aJ9EKROo## this is a test of the city of P audio system e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everybody Welcome to the city of palaka City Commission meeting on August 8th 2024 thank back we''re going to call the meeting to order with an invocation by Pastor malberry and Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner Campbell please good evening everyone father again we thank you for this day we thank you for how good you've been towards us we thank you for how you blessed us to come together once again in the meeting pray God your blessing to be upon this commissioner we pray father that you will lead guide and give directions remind us of who we are and whose we are in the name of Jesus God that we may represent you well in all that we do pray God that you will move the city forward in the direction in which you would have it to go thank you now for every participant we pray thy will be done thy kingdom come it is in Jesus name we pray amen please y aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please miss CR good afternoon thank you so much commissioner Tammy mcal commissioner Justin Campbell president commissioner will Jones president commissioner Rufus Borum present mayor Robbie kah present all members present and accounted for you have a quorum Madam mayor thank you um has everybody had an opportunity to read the minutes from July 8th 2024 special call meeting July 9th 2024 Workshop July 11 2024 regular meeting and July 12 2024 Workshop motion to approve minutes A through D second the motion is second all in favor I I any opposition position thank you on to in the spotlight employee recognitions Miss Jones thank you madam mayor and Commissioners for another opportunity yet another month that we get to recognize an employee for outstanding performance um doing their job duties and the nominee and recognition we like to um Spotlight on tonight is Lieutenant Darren Denmark I will have to admit that I did sneak up on him with this didn't expect it at all um so um Madame mayor commissioner staff and citizens I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to recognize the hard work of our employees Lieutenant Darren Denmark has been a source of inspiration for this department Darren has been a dedicated leader in our department who has pushed the culture and quality of service to new heights his crw love and respect him Denmark's ability to teach principles and Concepts continues to get better each year we appreciate him for his selfless determination to create better firefighters through training and instruction again I thank the commission for allowing this time to recognize our the true leader in our department Fighters coming up and wait wait wait Chief Taylor on to fire department recognition so tonight I'm happy to celebrate a milestone anniversary with two of my best employees and Friends Captain Philip Smith deputy chief Chad Branford so this is 20 years of service it's not often in a career that you get to celebrate 20 years of dedicated service and I mean dedicated it is this is the kind of job that tests you every day you put on the uniform a career that serves a different volley every shift there's no place for complacency or lackluster performance both men have dedicated themselves to the city of Paka and to the fire department especially the these two men are well respected in our organization and have set good examples of what it means to wear the uniform I again thank the city commission for using this time to celebrate people who have shown their true character through action and service thank you for allowing us time and venue to thank these men and their families for their service thanks was that 20 years together they 10 20 and then they kind of split it work 10 10 years another another 10 together it's just 20 for each all right we appreciate that is anybody else coming up for the [Music] photo yeah there you go oh man thank you guys thank you thank you you better hurry up okay yeah it would be nice if we don't lose them first they're already heading out the door no they have to back please that's 20 years of dedicated commitment service sacrifices want a picture of just them first no you can get in there thank you 2024 summer interns recognition M Jones Madame mayor and Commissioners um at this time we just want to recognize with um certificates all of our summer interns um that we had this year we had um even more than we were normally allotted for thanks to the generosity of some of the Departments that wanted to bring on additional interns so we were able to U Mentor more students this year than even last year and so as I call your name if you would just come to the front and receive your certificate and the department heads that um the summer interns were a part of please come with them Kion session Riley Blackmer Reagan Blackmer Tommy Robinson Trenton Williams Sena Edwards Janiah Perry relia Phillips byan Wright Bo bat Brianna Gibbs enah James Annabelle lamb Helen mcginness de Marian stin Kendall low Dante w and toon Adams thank k but got the whole program y [Music] than [Music] okay we're going to start the meeting back up um city manager and administrative reports utility assistance presentation Miss CI thank you Madame mayor Miss cardi and Miss esaret SAR do you see her okay so anyway uh first of all good evening mayor and Commissioners and everyone that is here on behalf of uh the city of Palaca and also Christo aacar uh we would like to present the successful uh administration of the grant with arpa funds and so this is a PowerPoint is she here okay all right so I'll keep it moving go ahead please next fight a special thank you to City of Paca mayor City commissioners City staff PGA Clay Electric and fpo the background is that uh we partnered with a sarte a sakar Consulting Group to administer the utility assistance grant uh to alleviate utility debt and burdens caused by the covid-19 pandemic and uh it basically covered past through utilities for water Gas and Electric Services with three firms Palaca gas Authority Florida Power and Light and Clay Electric um the results of that next FL uh next screen whatever so initially our goal was like um $60,000 or to help this many people at least a 100 families and we were successful we exceeded that goal we helped 126 families um our goal was to recover at least 60,000 and P you debt from p PGA and instead we covered more than 990,000 with PGA specifically so in essence the um we were able to cover to help uh PGA 126,127 and um CL electric was 78476 so the total assistance that we were able to provide the city utilizing ARA funds was 194,000 700 uh the average benefit per individual assistant was uh 1,19 37 cents and finally um we included some testimonials the next slide and these are just a few we even uh she even had uh video as well oh good she's here come on come finish oh all right well why' you come Stand By Me you do that all right so in essence uh we have testimonials right and uh so these are just some individuals and you also had some uh we we we received videos as well uh that were made and so basically you know help get my lights back on uh without your help I lights would have stayed off uh living through the toughest time getting back on my feet and and the most the best one I think was uh Tyler well they're all good but city of Paka and a zar karate Consulting have done it again thank you so much for the partnership so we were successful if you would like to say anything on behalf of your mother you can um yeah we um we helped a lot of people um this program was definitely needed um the testimonials really just reflect the need for this program and people just you know how much Lifesaver this program really was oh how much of a lifesaver this program really was so yeah very good yes sir all right and uh you know the uniqueness of the mother daughter team I think was all an added bonus could you could you could you say about P you mentioned about PGA can you uh explain to the um audience what P you know PGA yes sir PGA uh stands for palaka gas Authority so they're not confusing with the pro golf associ all right thank you and a future initiatives uh Miss um crystal is saying that she helped that she has the opportunity to help more families Miss K you might as well stay there um June 30th 2024 quarterly financial report yes ma'am um so our quarterly uh financial report reflects uh that as of nine months of operation uh our actual revenue is 35 milon 823 and our actual expenditures 28,6 79,000 and we're operating as of uh the end of June where the revenues are in assess of the expenses by 7 million and so uh I've identified with the revenue streams uh for instance property taxes the budget was 4,245 th000 as of June 30th we had U received 3, 83 and um the general fund expenditures um the 11,440 th000 on page two the largest uh two departments would be the um police department and Fire Department uh police year to date has uh spent 4 million or incurred obligations of 3,8 111,000 and their budget was4 million n and fire has incurred liabilities or paid expenditures 2, 319,000 so general fund has spent as of June 30th 11,440 and if you look at the golf course generated 105 spent 152,000 on page two so it's operating at loss at the moment of the 35 37,000 however there's other activities by the time we get to year end we expect it to be a more positive circumstance and then if you go to page three which should be the better place uh generated 4, 228,000 of which 3 million was that loan in order to proceed with different uh items in the budget and we incurred expenditures of 2,1 147,000 so better plan that's operating at a profit of 2 million $80,000 and then we have a utility funds 11 million was generated 9 million 694,000 so again we're at a profit of 1, 380,000 as of this moment and uh sanitation generated 3,2 37,000 a profit of 600,000 and then we have Tiff and with Tiff we've generated 1, 14,000 uh but we have not our expenses were only 202,000 as of this time and so if we go on to page four it's just identifying uh a picture of the breakout uh we can see that the bulk of the expenses as I mentioned for general fund is at 3 mil8 and that's the property tax next it would be the 1,895 and that would be most likely the um assessment so um going to page five uh our Citywide actual revenues just for the whole city uh 31% is coming from our general fund well actually 31% is coming from utilities and 38% is coming from General fine so um on page six we are still uh holding on to our budgeted Reserve balance we have not decreased it as of June 30th for the budget um any questions please anybody have any questions what is your what is your reserve rate right now well if we were to take the 14 mil and compare it to our budget of 75 but then this is um it would be perhaps about 19% well no I I don't know it off hand I would have to calculate it but if you can that breakout right there that 19% right you mean I've already calculated 19% thank you yes sir okay a little bit low lower than where we were were at 26 so if you would allow me to research this a little bit thoroughly for you and confirm and maybe one of the things I can add on is put the base that we're applying it to and then we'll know what percentage we're referring to okay I'll add that on any other questions uh with the Tiff funds being 1.1 million uh and you alluded to a meeting or two ago that we need to actually think of areas we could spend that money on for the people that's in the Fifth District have you come up with anything to present to us on the spending or suggestion let me take it I would like to know okay well yes sir in our uh meeting that we will be having shortly which I believe is August 12 uh we have identified different projects and so forth so yes sir we're prepared to speak more IE example also the C director position was funding for that that was one thing as I understand grant funding and some other the manager please if you may sure so you you have like the mayor said the um the manager's position we have several programs that funds have been identified for but that but have not been expended such as the building Improvement Grant um there was a significant amount that was allocated for cost share programs which the largest is building Improvement Grant and so even though um you see a large balance there that should not Bell the fact that we uh the CRA I should say has allocated money towards that fund unfortunately we haven't had enough individuals come in and qualify for that the utilization of those funds and that's the purpose of my question and question in this form because if we don't tell the people they won't know those funds are available so the purpose was to get it out let them know that we're going to have some building Improvement money yes and we must spend it so best our constitu and and and definitely in Monday's meeting we will be able to give you much more detail thank you yes sir thank you any addition any additional questions I did have a thank you comment that I wanted to make I wanted to draw the uh commission's attention to the documents that you received um one additional document uh in addition to the quarterly report and the monthly report is the uh monthly check register so in your package uh um you have the quarterly report the monthly report but also what was emailed out was the the check register and that's something that's a little new so I wanted to draw your attention to that it identifies those items that we have spent uh funds on um via the uh bank accounts over the last 30 days June 1 to June 30th is uh what was included in that so that's something new for you to take a look at and if you have any question on any of those items please reach out to me and let me know would that be something that will receive on an ongoing basis or was it just how we thought what we thought about it if you think that it's valuable information I'd like to continue it so I'm looking forward uh Direction one way or the other from commission once you had a chance to review it well I I think it's important that the commission received those on a monthly basis those reports are very very important um as it relates to swings and spending or what have you so if we get them on a quarterly basis it might be um it could hurt us pretty bad if we if we're pulling um down funds from these various funds so we just like to see it on a monthly basis I think okay good feedback thank you thank you thank thank you thank you at this point we're going to open the floor to public comment it's limited to three minutes and no action will be taken on the item public common is an opportunity for citizens to voice their thoughts and concerns on non agenda items specific agenda items we'll address that later this will be done in a respectful manner without personal defamation and it's not an opportunity for discussion or debate please give your name and address for the record so is that the only St report we're getting that's what it says is that the only staff report that we're getting yes excuse me go ahead commissioner went first go ahead Mr I don't know if anybody heard everybody heard you that's well I was asking you is that the only staff report we're getting yes that's those are the only uh reports on the agenda I am prepared to provide an update on the status of the inquiry process uh at some point in the agenda there was a um request that with regards to um getting more of our staff reports in a meeting form so that not only we are informed but the citizens are informed um we are receiving some of the information uh thank you to the Department's heads department heads who are sending out um the information that we request but I believe that these meetings should provide our um audience and our constituents the information that we receive so that they are um pretty much in the know as well so again I would like for us to reconsider the method in which we present our um reports because at one point there were reports at every meeting um by all department heads um but again I would like us for us to consider the method of making sure that that information is provided to the general public thank you for that feedback um I I will say that we have begun uh providing the weekly report that was requested at the uh at a previous commission meeting uh of those uh things that were going on during the week in addition to the newsletter but we can also bring a report to um to this meeting to the regular scheduled meeting of all the items if that's the desire of the commission all I think it heard it was the desire to have those so that again the community could hear as well commissioner boram yes thank you mayor um again we had also the affordable housing that we were supposed to been getting a an update on Mid July and we know that the RFP went out whatever is supposed to been completed so where are we with that we got a number of other things that we need to be taken off of that arpa list um that um we have to spend that money before for a Time certain so where are we with the um RFP process I believe that is item it's on the agenda on the agenda okay okay I'm sorry the oh wait just let number eight y you okay commissioner Kell just piggybacking off of what commissioner borm stated with regards to some of the oper funding I would like to see that come before us more consistently so that we don't lose focus of what's on that oper list and the possibilities of making sure that we stay on track with that um not saying that it needs to come before every meeting but at least once a month that information or an oper check-in list or checkin should be provided in an open form so that we're able to discuss if we're looking to reallocate or do some things with regards to that making sure that that funding is spent by the time it needs to be spent okay do that c man may I go ahead um it's not so much spent but obligated that correct by December 2024 that's our deadline obligated and then 2026 is actually spent by it has to be spent by yes are we all set um move on to public comment we do have some people who submitted public comment cards Miss Duke I think city manager did say he had an update so did you want to go before that did you I'm sorry go ahead sure I can provide an update I wanted to to share with the commission that uh when the information was provided to me in hard copy concerning a uh an employee of the organization I did review the information and uh determined that uh it did have a level of validity that warranted further uh inquiry and based on that and several phone calls that I made to multiple firms to determine their uh ability to provide um their services to do an inquiry based on their resources available uh the cost associated with with it and the timeline for them to um be able to provide uh a response the an inquiry a firm was selected um that firm is actively engaged now um the last over the last two weeks they have been doing uh public records request uh seeking information reviewing the existing documentation I provided an update to the commission about the status of uh their activities within the next next two weeks they will be conducting uh interviews uh with uh former employees current employees and members of the community um and so we expect within that two-e period that they should be in a position to wind things down depending on scheduling those uh interviews any questions Mr just wanted to upate back to public comment well what was we I didn't hear the cost Associated oh I didn't mention it the maximum it was uh not to exceed 10,000 uh the the agreement uh um requires that they provide notice if they're approaching five and then again if they're approaching 7 7500 then finally 10 sh any additional questions thank you Miss du oh sorry go ahead Mr commission any was there any government agency uh contacted or inquir yes uh the uh um the Florida Ethics Committee was also contacted and uh they are pursuing a parallel I'm assuming that they're pursuing a parallel process with that there was some talking going so can you clarify what you just said because I didn't sure so the Florida Ethics Committee was also contacted uh the um documentation was was sub was submitted to them uh for their determination to pursue additional parallel uh inquiry okay any additional questions of Mr B thank you Miss Duke please come up give your name and address for the ref was a test I'm Vicky Duke I live at 105 Gage Terrace Paca Florida um I had I rode down St John's Avenue and as our world is improving and it looks well but I'm concerned about the black top work that was done from 8th Street down to where it stopped that was actually City I know that was City the black tar or whatever surfacing they used has almost completely covered the the Brit okay especially at the corner of 8th Street in St John's Avenue along with looks like some kind of Grease or something got poured on it looks terrible and when you go to each one of the intersections I don't know whether the company that did it attempted to protect the brick in some way or was there a problem with the product that they put down didn't cure in at the time that they thought it would and that's why I got tracked all over our beautiful brick but who's going to clean it up we paid a lot of money for that and now it looks terrible thank you thank you Miss given good evening Madame mayor our commissioner City staff everyone I try to write down what I need to say because it's a lot so bear with me I know only get three minutes and startop with your name and address please well I have a question on that my name is t given I live at 225 stilla Avenue here in Pica I was wondering is that City policy that we have to state where we live because I woke up uh at the last City commission meeting last month to a flat tire and my tire didn't have a nail in it it didn't have a puncture in it it was just bone flat and so for my safety I'm wondering is this a good idea of course I'm not afraid I'm going to continue to come forth and use this opportunity to share my public comments um so I don't think it's a good idea for us to give our address and if that's something that needs to be updated or changed uh can it be considered I do live in the city and I've been I'm born and raised I've always lived here in Pon County um so in case I'm not saying that someone did it I'm just shedding light on this if someone is trying to retaliate or intimidate me I just want that to be on the record I'm not afraid I will continue to come forth and speak about my concerns um I did want to share that on July 16 2024 shortly after one of our city commission meetings I turned in my request to be placed on the city commission agenda as you can see I didn't make it on the city's agenda tonight so here I am doing public comment um the difference between public comment and being placed on the city the city's agenda is we get an opportunity to present information to our commissioners and they get to decide you know they can take action they can vote and take action well unfortunately I was not given that opportunity tonight um some of the things that I wanted to talk about of my subject matter was code of ethics conflict of interest personal games brownfields and Florida department Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency I will I want or I plan to come forward and present some facts because I know we like to deal in facts and some information um but unfortunately I was robed that opportunity um another thing I want to share is the fact that if we go to the website the division of Corporation sunbiz.org we can actually pull up some of this information for example some of the businesses that are in question in regards to the assistant city manager and his personal B business dealings uh next door real estate the public you can pull that up you can pull up jjjt1 LLC you can also pull up redesign Pica you can go to sunbiz it's public information uh 900 limit Street LLC and actually I can go on and on but what I want to say is um we would like to have an update on that investigation because I recently attended a meeting Tuesday where we talked about Mr Bell who I guess is also on the inquir or investigation but I don't understand why we don't hear about the assistant city manager who is also on the inquir on or investigation and to comment to commissioner Campbell from the meeting last month I didn't mean any disrespect when I said wasting our time my point in saying that is notice okay if I can just wrap up what I notice is there seems to be some bias when it comes down to discussing certain topics for example the ones that I wanted to present on the agenda I didn't get that opportunity in addition to that uh G please finish okay I just wanted to share that um no disrespect to you as far as wasting time but of course you are an elected official you signed up for this job or this duty to serve us the community and um and that I want to pretty much point out the fact that um it just seems like if it comes down to a scale the scale is tilted we hear more about Bild and we hear about the facts and the information that has been deemed public record and I do have a question on that the information that I requested from the city attorney that was emailed to me is that actually public record or is it supposed to be kept confidential because I have a copy of what was left in Campbell's mailbox it's also not a debate we're not going to answer your questions right now there will be an opportunity Please wrap it up okay well I think that I think I pretty much touched based on the things that I want to share but I will I've requested from the city uh updated version of the request to be placed on the city uh commission's agenda this time I will fill it out I did turn it in and I made a hard copy for myself so I have a record of it but this time I'll make sure I fill it out I scan it and I send in the electronic copy so that we both have a record and hopefully hopefully maybe I'll make it on the next agenda thank you yeah please no applause please no applause um miss scroggin my name is Sher scroggin I go by Tony scroggin good evening Council I'm here to address the fact of the road that goes up St John's Past St John's Auto Body we need an address I'm sorry 16009 St John's Avenue we were told before any of it All Began that we should only take a month's time to do it began on June 6 June July August 6 is already it's two months at this time when we were talked to before anything started we were told that there would be signs put out on 16th Street showing people that we are are open and instead the only signs that are out there on 17 is detour a straight a arrow not to turn there on 16th but to detour it if you come up St John's Avenue coming up towards um excuse me Mosley and there's barrels there and you're looking I I was trying to get pictures for you but I didn't know how many people was going to have to have them but if you're driving up St John's going towards me Mosley it looks like it's closed and I'm closed every day I have customers calling my phone wanting to know what are you closed what's going on I don't know how to get there I was promised signs I was promised that we would show that St John's Auto Body was open this has just done harm to my business is that I don't I know you don't have to ask answer question but I think it's very wrong that me as a business woman and a business here in pla who pays very very much tax this could you please talk to very much taac this well I tried to call you I've called you twice and still I haven't had any response from you have a very nice lady talk to me on the phone yes ma'am I got very explicit about it but no no no return phone call so I decided to come here tonight I didn't realize that to get on the agenda I will do that and then I will have the pictures of it because it's wrong my business is being affected and no one cares um I also is that in the county portion or is that anfor Mr B responsibility it's City it's in the city however it's in the city but it's a county project it's the county project I know that's what I was asking and I did want to let I didn't receive a call but I'm sorry if I get two calls but anyway yes go ahead finish ma'am I'm done thank you I just I would like somebody to at least get a hold of me and explain to me why there's no signs nothing to to prame that we are an open business even though I've lost a lot of business my and thank you Mr Bell can we get her in touch with the county yes can we provide signs I don't know if that's possible absolutely and I did visit the business and had a lengthy conversation with one of the owners there uh to explain the circumstances so it wasn't uh so he didn't feel as though we were not understanding of the situation circumstan as far asides I think overall um what she's really asking for from what I just gathered is at least the courtesy of receiving the signs yes and I explained that to him and I did reach out to the county and reference to signage as well so that's uh something that we're waiting on for the the V the contractor for the county to provide commissioner who did you speak to may I ask I can't do that yeah we'll get you that information though um so she did mention that the project started on June six and it was supposed to be one month I do know we have we had some inclement weather in there for a a brief period of time so but from the city side of things is within the city but the county is running the project is there anything that we can do internally to make sure that we are addressing our residents needs because that's what we need yes and uh short short of what I mentioned as far as uh contacting the county and expressing those concerns from the city's perspective uh the discussion with the business owners in that area and I went door Todo myself personally um and spent time with the uh businesses in that area uh the county ran into a unforeseen issue with the gas pipe that was crossing the road and wanted it to be lowered and that's what was the delay in the process so can we get those updates as well to commission and we also need their pri to residents do they know do they know that there was a delay because of that the specific delay I discussed that when I went door to door okay yes just we need to keep them informed I'm more I agree but I think again we have the capabilities of getting signage as well right yes um is there a way that we would be able to communicate with the county that as a courtesy that we would at least try to get that done so that we can show um that she I mean I wrote by today and I I know exactly what it is that she's talking about and again if that was something that they were promised and if there's something that we can do to intercept to just get that part corrected while everything else goes through that channel I would love for us to see what we can do to make sure that that is dy I agree because it's it's the business still is in the city even though it's a county project that portion of the road that's why I was asking that I want a confirmation but I think since it is a city business it would be a nice courtesy if we could do that and it it is not something that we budgeted for but it's something that we can address yeah thank you is there anybody additional here for public comments on non-agenda items I'll go ahead I I did Sam Deputy 917 car street I did turn in a form uh I have two thank yous and then I'll save the third comment for uh issue later in the meeting I I walk my dog at night uh down St John's Avenue and 9:30 last night I was shocked and so happy I could hardly handle it there was our city crew uh sweeping the sidewalks spraying the weeds and cleaning the street at 9:30 at night and so when we came down this morning we had a clean downtown and with our new pavement uh sorry to because we we've been six and a half years so we understand that but you know we can drive downtown with our coffee in our hand and not wear it and so the days are looking good and I want to say thank you to the city crew for working so late at night to make sure that that we were taken care of because it felt extremely good this morning uh and I also want to say thank you to commissioner mcal her Clarity on our issue that we've been dealing with her eloquence of speech the way she's taken that leadership and for what I feel that she has compassion for the entire staff has been a wonderful addition to this process that we're going through and I want to thank her because I have been able to keep up with it and actually understand what we're talking about and so thank you commissioner mcco because you've done a great job with that leadership so thank you thank you is anybody else here for public comments on non-agenda items being n close public comments on to commissioner and staff responses if any I have a respond okay go ahead I just want to respond to miss given with regards to the comment that was made with reference to what was in my mailbox I'm not sure how that information was received but I want it to be made clear to the constit my constituents as well as the commission I directly provided that information to Mr Bell and outside of that no additional persons was in recipient of that information directly to Mr Bell so I just wanted to make clear that I did not provide that information to any other citizen I provided it to our city manager thank you any other Mr Bell do you have any other responses or information share that um that the commissioner did provide that information to me I was made aware that that whomever placed that in the mailbox also had provided other copies to other IND uals in the community I don't know any names or who that would be um so it's quite possible that circulated in areas outside of of that um sorry that's my baby it's got you voice it's she's in training go ahead one other thing I was say and response to one of uh comments I Believe Miss Duke made about um the the brick work um so the the work that we've done on St John's uh highlights now because it looks nice the areas that still need attention and we are not complete with that project yet because there's still the development of a punch list there's still some areas that need to be addressed and uh the uh contractor is responsible for the cleanup of the uh uh debris and residue that they left behind so that will be addressed in the punch list thank you you mentioned that signs were not in our budget it wasn't budgeted for but if the contractor is responsible for the work or any damages wouldn't that be within this scope to pay for some signage that would so but I understand that TR to with the county but I think they could have collaborated that some kind of way a little better than what they had right and that's a discussion that we have to have I believe the commissioner was asking what we could take it upon ourselves to do it's it's seemingly the responsibility of the contractor under the county contract included in that price if we uh took care of it um we would have to negotiate repayment for that from understand I mean how much can a sign cost and nothing that expensive it GES tops ands to buy a one thing just one but it it if they're running the project and they should be putting signs up in those particular areas notifying the public of how they need to navigate that should be covered under their project so just make sure that they're performing to the contract as it's written I have a solution maybe we should have some of those signs made for the city that we can just put out um in the different areas when we're dealing with stuff like that so it may be something that we need to have inhouse a few signs three or four signs that we can sit out as a courtesy just that we have inhouse I think that may be something to that's an investment because of course we're always going to have um progress being made in the city and I think that's something that we should take in consideration of having in the house any further discussion no just just hold them accountable just just make sure we hold them accountable thank you consent agenda is there any items to be pulled from the consent agenda item I I would like item I be full for discussion Clarity is that it yeah for me anybody else have any items I'll make a motion what with item J and item uh e e e andj e andj okay just need the clarity I'd like to make a motion that we accept the consent agenda excluding items e i and J for discussion second we have a motion is second all in favor any opposition thank you you item e Miss CR thank you so much presenting to the commission item e um which is resolution 2024 r158 a resolution of the city of Paka Florida um approving the 2020 Federal Highway Administration adjusted urban area boundary for the PAC urban area Florida and functional classifications for puam County Florida prepared by the Florida Department of Transportation thank you Mr Griffith yes mayor Commissioners um this was requested by the Florida Department of Transportation uh over the past year uh they worked with the city and the county basically they amend the map to show our boundaries uh they also ask about potential projects that we're aware of they talk to both planning departments and this map is useful uh it helps in roadway planning efforts and as you probably see from your description it changes the functional classification of each one of the roads so it helps do uh at a a federal and at a a state level allocate funding based upon the service levels any questions Mr I just wanted to make sure that we some of these Maps dated back to 2013 so what I guess question would be to me what what would bring this up now and talking about the urban boundaries tell me what impact it would have on us as a community at this time while we have to bring it forth even though I didn't pull it but that's my question yeah so it's important that we make sure the map is current uh commissioner uh if we don't include those areas for the expanded urban area uh boundary we may miss out on potential funding um or it may affect Department of transportation's funding for certain projects for different roads they're going to look at these roads and make sure that they have the capacity uh for the number of vehicles based upon this map do this H have anything quite sure just asking for clarity for uh Urban infield for the city it's no sir this is strictly a transportation tool used by Florida Department of trans okay so it wouldn't have any impact on on City Urban infield okay that was a re one of the reasons why I put because I seen the urban service boundary and I know that we are working on squaring up our our boundaries for the city so we can get rid of a lot of the enclaves I know that's one of the priorities that we have as well all right so all right commission C and how often should these Maps be updated they do it every 10 years okay and this is in 2013 so we're at 11 any other questions with it nothing okay I'm going to open the floor up to public comment does anybody have any com any need to make a public comment on this particular agenda item seeing now close the public comment do we have a motion motion to approve second a motion of second all in favor I any opposition thank you Miss CR um item I thank you presenting to you resolution 2024 r150 a resolution of the city of Palaca authorizing Award of ITB 202 412 an execution of a contract with ER rder Inc and an amount not to exceed 73,000 using fiscal year 2023 to 24 budgeted funds for the Hank Brian restroom project and providing for scrier airs thank you Mr bar hi good evening everybody um the intent is to award to ER rder of course like she said uh 73,000 do you have any questions yeah I thought we C it at 50,000 no sir that not 50,000 we did yep we kept that project at 50,000 not only that we ask that before we say okay to these projects we want to see what we're going to get uh some rendering or something we want because uh it just takes me back to that riverfront in the amphitheater it just didn't look like what we approved so before we approve it we asked that a rendering be included I don't see a rendering so I don't know what we're going to get for 73,000 or for 50,000 but we did cap it at 50,000 uh so commissioner you originally budgeted at 50,000 we had one solicitation that went out the bids came in over 100,000 at that point you may recall we actually reached out to the county and they offered to assist in the Engineering Services a facility was designed uh when Mr McMillan was still here and it was presented to you that was what was put out to bid and that's what came in at 73,000 uh in the budget we have an excess of the 73,000 so this technically came in under budget again uh this is up for your consideration if you don't want to spend $73,000 just have to tell us I think that's relatively High I mean on a a one tallet sink block building uh at the park and and I I guess that's what it looked like because we don't have anything to look at but we don't know what we get so being as uh commissioner Bourn would always say we got to be fiscal responsible for these taxpayers dollars and I would like to know we're getting so Joe is that a big issue so you can bring something and show us what we're getting if we're going to approve this I don't think it should be on a consent agenda we don't know what we're getting I absolutely can sir of course okay so can you bring it back on the next I would say let's bring this back to us for approval absolutely yes sir excuse me was that your motion yes second okay a motion a second all in favor I I any opposition thank Madam mayor I'm so sorry I didn't hear a date associated with that motion to be brought back with a picture as of what date next meeting next meeting if you have it next meeting thank you so that's the September 12th meeting for clarification J sorry just recording that motion thank you I'm Switching gears to item J presenting resolution number 2024 R11 her resolution of the city of Palaca amending the fiscal year 2023 to 24 budget to fund the golf course contract Capital Improvement projects and providing for scers airs thank you questions well I just need I want to hear a little bit about the issues that they're having as it relates to the 13,000 we already in they lose about they kind of going backwards with 52,000 um from a underperforming standpoint and then we got another tack on another 134 I just need to kind of understand and know we're going the wrong direction here Mr Bill Mr C uh M card yes uh it's my understanding uh per meeting with the Department that is uh managing or assisting with the golf course course that they have unforeseen irrigation additional expenses that they want to cover the the real uh reason for the budget amendment is that the profit sharing franchise has earned more Revenue than we had uh budgeted and so that was the real reason for preparing the budget amendment so this additional Revenue would then cover the additional expenses okay [Music] so this is the city portion or their portion this is them uh giving us money from the profit sharing agreement okay I'm I'm good and with the intent to use it to improve the irrigation at the um gol course so this expense is offset by a revenue all right that'll that'll work appreciate that and we and we have paid it off correct the golf course pay it off yes the U loan correct corre did we pay the loan out last year just asking for clarity my understanding is that it was paid off last year okay I just need Clarity okay yes sir and I'll confirm if it is not but I'm pretty sure that it was thank you much is there anybody here for public comment on this consent agenda item excuse me seeing none oppose public comment a motion to approve second second second all in favor I any opposition thank you we do have a recess added into the agenda do we want to take a 10-minute recess is that the wish of the commission I think that we will be able to get through thank you though for some go um on to regular business Miss CR M presenting to you item eight resolution number 2024 R 164 resolution of the city of pan Florida authorizing an agreement with the St John's Housing Partnership for administration of the city's affordable housing renovation program adoption of the program document and providing for scers SS you Mr Griffith thank you mayor um so Commissioners you have two documents in your packet the first is the program document uh which you've seen before we made uh the requested amendments from the last time you saw this i' just like to go over some of the high points here so we did include a Target area uh where applicants would get additional points this target area was developed by mapping out all of our active Code Enforcement cases and looking to see if we had a pattern for an area of the city uh that could benefit from this program and we did and it's generally bounded by Reed Street to the South US 17 to the west north Fifth Street to the East and the city limits to the north uh the income limit is um um at or below 80% of the area median income for putham County as published by Hud and you'll notice that is an exhibit to this and that is subject to change they Chang that frequently this is a forgiv forgivable mortgage in lean uh it reduces every year from one uh to 5 years and on the sixth year it's uh fully forgivable um the receiving party can transfer the house to a relative uh and we would not enforce that lean the project budgets are not to exceed 40,000 uh for total expenses um but there is an ability um to go up to 50,000 with the city manager's approval and in addition to that any project over 20, 000 that's a requirement of the program that it shall address visual blight Andor an exterior code violation um I was going to go over the contract and then we have Mr Bill Lazar here from St John's Housing Partnership Inc and he can talk about the proposed program roll out all of this is assuming that we get the Department of Commerce at approval on the contract and the program and uh following your approval tonight uh we would be transmitting to them tomorrow um Mr Lazar so while he's coming up I'll just give you the general terms of his agreement it is a three-year agreement commencing on October 1 2024 and ending in September 30th 2027 his compensation is capped at $303 per household that is comprised of two numbers the first is 1,870 for the inspection and 1,133 for the program administrative fee and with that I'll turn it over to Mr Lazar to talk about the roll out if you have any questions thank good evening thank you for this opportunity um Jonathan and I were just looking over but basically right now depending on how long it takes the Department of Commerce to review and approve it it'll probably roll out in October we've done a little bit of preliminary work got a list from code enforcement and kind of went through that and screened as best we could the homesteaded property because your program is designed to help people whose property is hom Steed so we've got a number of folks there and then depending on however else it's marketed we'll start probably in October and do the income verification everything else and then we'll do inspections and scope of work and then we'll be putting out the bid to local subcontractors or contractors depending on each each house is going to be different we don't know until we get started what kind of work will need to be done um but we understand what y'all are concerned about both in terms of health and safety issues and issues related to sort of General making the outside you know fixing it up for the neighborhoods that sort of thing so this is what we're prepared to do our first phase is just going to be 10 homes the idea being it's it's for all of us to sort of work out the Kinks if you like what we're doing we'll continue if you don't we'll learn from it try and figure out what next steps are I'll be glad to answer any questions if y'all have them thank you commissioner BL yes uh I have uh one question as it relates to the areas that was called out uh one thing we we call call out Reed Street and we gave a location and then we said north Fifth Street and um East so that would be going away from going toward Sixth Street and and further uh as it relates to houses that uh from an affordability standpoint I I would think that some of those houses uh would also qualify for that F Street to the West it's not exclusive the idea is y'all have a a priority system we're going to score points based on income location and everything else so if someone is in those areas they'll get a few extra points as far as y'all have selected that as an area to focus on but it's not the only area we'll be focusing on is that what you're asking you said you said north F Street to the east that's going that's in that's in the north historic area is it no I believe there the East boundary is north hist actually that's a scrier eror my apolog what I'm saying is it is in the north historic area so so the the area would go west from okay that's what I'm saying that's why I understood what we read out and so I picked up on it and I'm coming it thank yes sir I'm sorry no I'm asking if he's all set go ahead commission Jones Oh I thought you um and it also say going by the hood guidin if we going by Hood Guin most people that qualify for hood are in subsidy housing no sir I hate to say it but there's a lot of people in Florida that fall under what HUD considers 80% of the area medium there are working class families that their their income essentially it's it's income based by family size so it may be $665,000 it sounds like a lot of money until you realize it's for a family of five say 80% 80% of the Ami and in the OR US USA right give give me some n please that's 30 what so the medium income right now is what um a year median income um for putham County for a family of four is $59,400 so when you say 80% Ami that means if there's one person in the household they can't make more than 36,500 they can make a lot less than that and they're eligible but they all have to be homeowners and so generally speaking that's the guidelines that affordable housing programs use right so what I'm saying usually if a person's making that kind of money they can't even afford a house right now that's what I'm saying so won't go ahead I agree so it's almost like a mute point so they're going to be they're not going to be eligible to people that really need this program no I I think this is this is exactly what you're trying to do these are people if if they make if that person making less than $52,000 if they own a house they probably are struggling to pay the bills and take care of everything else this program is to help them if they're under 52,000 they are eligible for it if they're over 52,000 they're not eligible but it's for current low-income homeowners so let's go to a three person unit house uh family unit so you're saying 29350 would be their median income for eligibility no no that's 50% go down to 80% 80% is the cap you will find a lot of families that are making 50% that will apply they need help too but the maximum income a family of three can make is $6,950 okay all right so with with the uh I think we talked about this in the workshop where um insurance companies are cracking down on folk that uh yes sir to have a new roof by certain time certain um and a lot of people I don't care what they Mak they don't probably have 10 15,000 set aside right to get a new rout are we going to be able to help those folks those are the folk that kind of like between those are the people that really that that are in a predicament that need this kind of help I I can tell you right now when y'all took a list about two years ago you had 200 people show up in less than 24 hours asking for help so we will be way over subscribed just simply because and if I count the number of just seniors that I know of who own their home they paid off the mortgage and the insurance company doesn't want to do it without a new roof that alone would spend your entire pot of money they will be eligible they will be prioritized so that's why we fought hard for a program like this and when we're going out coding folk housing the property we need to try to have the best if even if we use all the money doing those things that's more important because that's the big Bill that right so if you go in and you fix the the kitchen cabinets front doors and windows but they need a roof they won't well I'm sorry why would I fix the kitchen cabinet if I don't fix the roof first and and I'll tell you what I normally do if I put a roof on I put a metal roof on because it's the last roof that house will ever need it's it cost you a little bit more but it protects them for the rest they're not going to have to argue with any insurance company about how long the roof's going to last so you've got to always fix the roof if the roof roof is not leaking and it's 5 years old I wouldn't worry about it if it's 10 or 12 years old we're going to tell them we need to replace the roof because your insurance company is going to throw you under the bus before long I got exactly what you're saying I want you to hear me out okay can we and I know we talked about in the workshop but I have talked to countless people looking for help with the group problem can we concentrate on helping those folk with this program some kind of way do both maybe just a roofing a roofing project yeah I I think you can I mean that's at a certain point that's y'all's discretion the idea behind it is is right now there's a scope of work saying look at the entire house trying to address any health and safety starting with the roof okay and and the way I look at things is you start with the roof and then you look at the electrical panel because if it's a fire hazard we want fix that you may not ever get to the kitchen cabinets because the major mechanical things the things that somebody can't pay for on their own is the roof the HVAC the electric and maybe major plumbing and then whatever else is in the yard so those that's the big priority you could start and you could you could say with this money if you like what we do after the first 10 and you say you know what we got 40 people that have called and are qualified that need help just with a roof you could say we're just going to change our focus and we're going to run a two-tiered pro we're going to do just roofs with this pot of money and we're going to do the rest of the house with this that's exactly what I just asked you yeah I think you can that's not the way it's currently set up but there's nothing that says you can't do that right so the way things change and climate change is just kind of like identified what's a real issue right now so can we commission think about changing this program to to be that way well I think I can help out a little bit because I think that's one of the focus areas that we discussed when we had the workshop and the first item on the list of repairs is the repair or replacement of roof from roofing materials and then it says that any uh visual blight and exterior code violations have to be addressed uh if the grant goes over $20,000 so a roof would be an exterior condition that would have to be addressed on the front end if the total amount expended is over $220,000 and so the roof itself is going to be on average how much depending on here 101,000 maybe right so that should be one of the first items exterior conditions that need to be addressed I just want to make sure that we are concentrating on those things it is a problem right yeah that should and then again this is the first phase of it and we got uh one or two other phases that is coming so this I think I'm sorry based on the money you've got you're probably going to help 50 to 60 households right so but um also on the amount I thought we agreed during the meeting I think it was around 35 40,000 when 40,000 that we this this says 40 and we can cap it to we can go to 50 with your city um I I guess with the staff's permission city manager would say there's a reason we want to go above 40 but everybody the target's going to be 40,000 they didn't say that in the meeting yes sir did they say in the meeting we said 40 ma that we said 40 max I don't recall with staff permission we said 40 we need to stay to 40 okay we were all there so I think I have a picture of we said 4 any other questions M while you look that up no okay I don't know what you're we just said 40 thank you thank you yes ma'am oh go ahead miss m sorry I just want to make sure we're moving forward with Clarity we said 40 and you you you say you beg to differ no no I agree okay thank that's what it was said 40 I think that the interest was to build flexibility in if if it was needed but clearly the commission is saying that we want to draw the line at 40 and so I will not approve anything right over 40 that's the easiest way you don't have to change the thing that's what it says not a problem thank you anything else so thank you um uh it was just brought to my attention um in speaking with City attorney that the terminology that we have here in terms of the limits the way it was expressed is intended to point out that the eastbound uh eastmost boundary would be Fifth Street which is what I think you were saying Oh you mean the East most bound will be right okay great okay so we won't be going east of F Street we' be going west okay okay just need more clarity because yeah anything else thank you that's good thank you ma'am thanks as you all know um received an email number nine has been pulled we haven't acted on that item oh I'm sorry yes do we have a motion to approve what we just discuss what we just discuss motion to approve second motion second I'm waiting for Madame mayor may I ask if the motion is to take out the language regarding the 50,000 piece to cap it it need to be capped at 40 C at 40 um it need that well we need to correct whatever's in writing well not tonight scri there I think that the I think that it's clear that he said he will not be approving they stated that it can remain the same but we've given Direction not to approve anything over the 40 but we just don't we want to make sure that everything is clear just in case if some of our people may not if if they're not in place we need to make sure that if anybody else read that document that they know that it's 40 well so there's no it's it's clear pleasure of the commissioner we can go ahead and do that and that's also on another section page 280 if we're going to do it we might as well do it completely remove the any references toing corrected here as well and just uh go with 40 ,000 right okay remove that section where it says and total expenses for any specific project and not exceed 50,000 we just get r that so who made the motion initially I'm sorry commissioner Bor but I'm not sure who's seconding sorry can you could just make sure specific in the motion please i' like to make the motion for the affordable housing to not exceed 40,000 per instance let me make sure as far as protocol there was a motion that was already on the floor you'll have to remove your motion for reconsideration or amend because there was a motion already on the floor that was proberbly a second IID like to resend the motion the initial motion and I would like to correct that motion by stating that for the affordable housing project that the each instance is not to exceed $440,000 per second your motion is second all in favor hi any opposition thank you um number nine was pulled correct Mr Bell we received that email I'm sorry yes that was correct uh request to remove uh number nine from the agenda so we're going to 9B now right are you going to speak to 9 a Mr speak I'm sorry speak to it if it's been removed that's what I'm saying but he's up was sure a was removed now we're moving to 9 to I believe that I thought she said did he want to address no I well I didn't I wasn't sure that he was going to speak to 9B or Miss so go ahead yeah Madame May Commissioners we receive a request to postpone this item so the motion would be to to continue the item to the next city commission meeting September yeah and I and I have a copy of the written request if you want a copy yeah so we're going to 9B then okay N9 B this is a second reading for your procedures for judicial proceedings which you do not have um FAL part and legally requ stat CH we establish a procedure that's cified in our code it willc only C commission but St thank you second reading is there anybody here G to read it I'm sorry what would you like me to read it yes please okay ordinance number 22409 an ordinance of the city of Paca Florida creating municipal code sections 541 through 546 establishing procedures for the qualifi judicial proceedings providing for severability providing for an effective date and providing for scers SS thank you is there anybody here for public comment on 9B seeing n close the public comment do we have a motion to approve have a motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you well we can we just for a question question moving kind of fast we are moving fast because the second reading I didn't realize you well it was second reading but how did we vote the last time that's I need to understand this a little [Music] bitov but was there was a there was a was there an issue with what we had and we said we would go ahead and move forward with this was that correct when we when we say that we would approve it until we came back to this meeting I understand that we're talking about okay the we know this is a second reading because we initially said that we would approve it on the first reading if there were any issues or whatever was was though all of those things taken care of and for the the commission understands what was all in this particular yes there there were no issues that were raised at the first by any of the commission yeah maybe I got that confused with one the the other the other problem okay well thank you I do have a question so in the past when we talk about uh establishing procedures and doing future land use stuff what what procedures were done in the past and if not I mean what's was really kind of tough me to to read and it says we lack those procedures when we actually had a mayor that was an attorney city manager that was an attorney and an attorney staff attorney uh serve in the last eight years I know for sure at least four what were they doing and what were they doing in the past and what was either wrong with it or or tell me what's needed apparently previously rezonings were not considered quasi judicial proceedings um which basically I I have done the extensive amount of land use law here in the State of Florida they are statutorily required to be t on judicial proceedings so I'm not sure why that was the case um but now we have a policy that we can follow um you may recall we've had some instances um in the fall and and winter where you've had appeals from your lower boards uh specifically your historic preservation board this is going to provide a clear process so it's not on a case-by casee basis you know what to expect the parties know what to expect find allocations and this is um a format that is based on my years of conducting CI judicial proceedings um on behalf of municipalities and as an opponent to particular resoning matters I believe the planning director also is strongly in favor of having a set process for POS so this would be basically all of your rezonings um all of your development orders would come in performance of Cl judici heing it doesn't include future land use map just with legisla uh in the words of commission MCO I got some unreadiness and there's a lot here to look at it be well depressed on definitions uh and uh I want to actually know what I'm approving at this point and it's just me if everybody else is okay with it in their breast and they they're well versed in this uh I would like some some time to actually to look over this because we're agreeing to start conducting business in a different Manner and uh there some things that I I have questions about that I don't think it take a long time for you to answer right now I'd like to make the recommendation that again these are matters that have been before us so anytime for question questions or things of that magnitude they could have been asked prior to tonight's meeting so that we would be able to properly move forth understanding that this is not the first time we've seen this information okay so if I ask you a question right now I'm not up pertaining to this any questions that I've had I've made sure that I've asked my questions so again I I it's clear that commissioner boram is probably in the same it's not clear but he had the same concerns but I really do have these concerns I just want to put it out there now if the rest of the board don't feel that way that's okay so it was time for discussion and that was my part of this when you start talking about impeaching Witnesses and Rebo evidence uh cross examining that is sound like a uh court of law and I probably spent more time in court of law than everybody else up here um but so that doesn't mean that doesn't mean you understand this facet of the law and so if everybody else so hearings are basely are based Loosely on the Porta Rules of Evidence you do have an opportunity to call Expert Witnesses you do have an opportunity to cross examine that is all laid out in Florida law there are no surprises here it follows the strict requirements of of what Florida Cas law and statutory law present that being said you've been functioning for years without a policy in place if you have questions and you want to uh postp this to the September hearing I'm more than happy to speak with you commissioner um oneon-one to address any questions that you may have but there there are no surprises here we're strictly following for I would love that opportunity so everybody else is okay with it I I want to take that opportunity I like to do the same thing as well so go ahead motion's been passed just we know the processes to allow them right let so we go to a vote then all in favor what was the motion was there I was in question she said motion been pass we had already passed the the current the one before this is the second reading I think it's the point before commissioner Bor spoke yep we moved fast and we already passed it I want to know the process no we have we have not voted yet we haven't passed we hav did we not say and then commissioner Bor said am I right no we have not pass we have not voted we didn't vote I would check with the clerk just to make sure that she did the reading recorded the vote yet but then again I had to stop and take minutes of the discussion okay so there was not a vote there was a motion second how do we want to proceed I can call all in favor I I no okay I'm I you lost me he for a minute I would ask the clerk to reread the motion please please motion to approve okay and it was second it and so if you uh want to push this to a later meeting then this motion needs to fail if you don't want to push it to a later meeting this motion needs to pass okay it needs to pass to push it to leg no it needs to fail it needs to fail in order to push it meting okay n so n nay commissioner mccal nay commissioner Campbell um commissioner Jones nay commissioner boram nay mayor Robbie C yay yay motion failed 4 to one now we need a motion to push this to the next meeting to table this item 9B until the September 12 202 meeting second we have well table is fine as long as you you can table as long as you table it to a date specific okay so table it to September 12th a second and motion it's the 12th right 2024 we have a motion a second all in favor I I opposed n motion pass 41 on to number 10 emergency item discussion dire you are you going to read it m CR or do you want me to read it discussion Direction resolution 2024 r153 authorizing the execution of a retainer agreement with the firm sniffin and Spellman PA from Investigative Services and amending the FY 2023 202 for Budget accordingly commissioner mcal do you want to speak to this yet again to see if anybody has questions I'm sorry anybody has any questions anybody have any questions of commissioner mccal about this that's whated to estimated call commissioner as you see it what what do you think of I know it's up to but what do you if you're talking real numers what do you think it would probably be if we can uh continue with this invation question well I did consider what you all asked me to do as far as cost efficien cost efficiency I reached out to the commission of um of ethics and to see if they would be willing to help us out and take on this they said that they cannot um provide services unless they receive a referral from FDLE the State's Attorney's office or the governor I did call the Florida League of cities and speak with our ambassador Aaron Russell to see if we can get support from the league she informed me that we would have to have our attorney because they have bylaws that they can't advise us on anything that we would have to have our attorney to call their attorneys and identify herself as an attorney and share and then they will let us know whether or not um they would talk with share with they can you know what they're able to do with our attorney but they can't advise us I did call the senior advisors with fcc.org and explain to them and ask them for um support and guidance and they said they do not advise on related issues so it looks like we're left with the company that I reached out to um when I did speak with her again the first time after you all talked about the $30,000 she did inform that it definitely would not exceed she didn't expect it to exceed 30,000 but because of the time frame that was given they were going to use three attorneys which would be like 10 not to exceed 10,000 a piece so now if um we're not pressed for time it would maybe just one attorney and not exceed 10,000 but at that time it was to require them canceling court dates three attorneys working on it and trying to get it done expeditiously to make sure that we um that they had a a scope and finding you know some findings and um conclusions by you know a date certain so so we're looking at we're looking at T like round if it's on yes if we're not pressed for time the initial um fees that she gave was not to exceed $10,000 because it would only require one of them to be utilized and she would be the senior attorney ring on the case thank you I do have a question um and then just once we approve or deny um speaking to if we approve where does attorney elderly delete uh is she still a part of the process absolutely not and if she if she's on here I would like for her to speak to that if I I'm I'm comfortable with your answer absolutely and the reason that I am stating that I some of the things that I heard at the last meeting drew a concern um and I think and for this to be fair and impartial I think that it would be to the Ben benefit of her not to have anything dealing with this particular matter and if there's something that needs to be referred to an attorney that it be brought to you and we consider having someone who is not associated with us in any capacity to give us that fair and impartial um information I believe there are avenues for us to get that but I would not like for her to have any more dealings with regards to this particular particular matter as it pertains to the inquiry or investigation of our city manager yes sir I agree with commissioner Campbell I agree I agree any other questions of commissioner mccal about this not I have some public comment CS Miss kitchens and in addition if there would be um so friendly to and I'm not sure and maybe legal I would like to have something documented in writing um expressing this again I wish not to have any dealings have her deal in any capacity um as an advisory uh to this particular injury Miss kitens allegri kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida uh at this point I don't see any reason to continue to investigate uh Mr Bell I don't see any reason to hire an attorney's firm to investigate him I thoroughly checked him out in December 2022 uh no legal charges were ever held against him uh you all know what his background is as far as I know he's got no criminal record I would be highly surprised if he did and the only thing that would let you fire him basically would be a criminal record I don't think the man is a is a criminal so I think it's a waste of taxpayers money to pay a firm to investigate him looking for some kind of a legal thing against him I don't believe he's a criminal in any way shape or form and there's no saying about closing the Barn Door after the horse is out he's already hired now he's out of his probationary period why investigating he's not a criminal I'm sure of that I'd be highly surprised I'll buy every one of y'all coca if he turns out to be a crook but I don't think he is and I think this is a total waste of money at this point the only complaint against him is him mishandling abusing employees and you all have already passed that over so why waste taxpayers money investigating the man for what I think it's a waste of money drop the investigation on him thank you Mr wegs thank you Madame mayor and uh City commissioners um I agree with Miss kitens wholeheartedly give your name and address for the record oh okay yeah I don't live in the city of pla Richard weeks 103 Riverside Boulevard East blacka I agree with Miss kitchen wholeheartedly and this has been going on for quite a while and maybe there is a problem perhaps it there could be something done internally where where some of the people talk together maybe have a a whole staff in meeting or special meeting with uh Mr Bell and the city commission I'm not sure the pro protocol of anything that could be done but I think it's really to turn the table and do something positive the Paca Daily News has been loving you guys you know they're writing the Articles they're taking the pictures it's going on and on and on and most of my experience in the last 25 years was a company where I was a businessman and entrepreneur but before that I had a lot of corporate experience about 30 years experience where I ENC counted new CEOs new managers new supervisors and there was always somebody and there's usually a group that didn't like them so all emotions can flare and I'm not seeing that as a situation but I think uh um get together putting our big pants on men and women and having a talk or discussion is the only way to do this and give something to the pl of daily news so the taxpayers see something positive about what's going on Mr Bell is qualified and I didn't know that he didn't have any previous uh type charges or anything like that but he's very professional he has the requirements and the education in the background to handle this if something did happen and we hired a new city manager that process takes maybe six months and then you're paying $330,000 to a company then you're paying Mr Bell 70,000 um to me it's a no-brainer but I wish you guys would and women would think it through thoroughly and please consider turning what's been very negative into a positive situation I believe we need a little resolution thank you very much mayor is there anybody else here for public comment on this topic Miss given good evening again my name is Tara gens my address is 225 still Avenue here in Paka Florida in my opinion this bogus investigation is a waste of our money and our time we know uh we know who owns the newspaper and unfortunately this whole process to me this is my opinion seems to be quite biased we have two people supposedly on the investigation but we only hear about one and I like to know why that is now we know when we get a new city manager you know you have a crew of people that have been here and they may have a relationship with that existing city manager but at the same time we need to be dealing with the facts and you all have the facts but we waste time on speculation this could have been handled I Believe In A Better Way um it's been quite draining that we're constantly brought to to special call meetings things that nature in relation to Mr Bill when our focus should be on your assistant city manager you have that information you have those facts but I noticed that even today when I made some you know presented some information on that briefly it seems like people want to hush me up but we have a right of citizens here in Paka to know what's going on I agree with Miss algra Kitchens on what she shared and uh Miss you know L she comes here and she speaks her mind quite often and I feel like every citizen should have that opportunity where they can come out and share their concerns my concern is I would like for us to move forward as a city I feel like we have so much potential PL is a beautiful place unfortunately one of my questions too is a lot of these employees that um turned in their information which of course is going to be kept from us so we won't be able to read or find out what they're saying about Mr Bell could it be or is it possible that some of these employees actually left or resigned from the city because it turns out that they actually purchased property and didn't disclose that as an employee with the city is that a possibility is it a possibility that things are being uncovered that has uh been quite controversial that I don't know it seems like maybe someone doesn't want the public to know about but it is public information so sometimes people leave for specific reasons and it'd be nice to get down to the bottom of that why some of these employees are truly leaving are they in violation did they violate the code of ethics are they um doing things for personal gains is their behavior a conflict of interest as they were employed with the city those are questions that we would like to be answered as well thank you anybody else here for public comment please come up you please a Cod afterwards and give your name and address for the record I'm K duban I live at 1322 Kirby Street I've been there since 2003 so I'm a fairly long-term member of the community I retired about 12 years ago from the health department here I managed to program for 11 counties through our putam County Health Department I know little little bit about management and trying to get along with a lot of different people and I have to say I was so disappointed in this article that came out the other day um I feel like we have an opportunity here to make some apologies and that is a two-way street Mr Bell um the woman who stood up and vouched for you said that uh Miss uh Shelly shinker is not even a resident of patka she lives in East PKA so I'd like to set that straight it was in the Paca daily news that she was a resident of paca I pay taxes here I've been paying taxes I pay all your salaries and I've learned how to speak Magnolia I'm not always good at it but um you've offended a lot of people and a lot of those people work for you a lot of those people are tax payers and um I really think you need to do some apologizing to your staff to the public for your um dishonesty with the car and the tracking system that you disabled without permission and without talking with anyone okay dishonesty that was the first thing that registered when I saw that in the paper about removing the tracking thing from the car we used to get cars from the health department we had to turn them in when we got done with them they knew where we went they tracked our mileage there was no problem I wasn't worried about anybody following me and I'm sorry if you're so paranoid that you're worried about somebody following you you need to be thinking about where you were and what you were doing so um it's time to to do some serious apologizing you've created a bad atmosphere here in the um city hall and uh it needs to be made up to the people of patka and to the city employees thank you Mr Deputy name and address for the record please fill out a yellow C afterward please no in our F Sam Deputy 9917 car street in our family we call those come to Jesus meetings uh where we we talk I agree because I am with a lot of being said I'm concerned because of the brain drain when when nine people or whatever leave the city um we don't know where the pipes are we don't know where things are because those that have worked on them are gone the gas line that they have to move who knew it was there The Brain Drain as people leave and you don't leave the black notebook is deadly so our city is suffering on two levels we're suffering from employees who have left and we're suffering because we have a city manager who is got his hands tied at the same time and so it's the citizens that end up suffering you know what I'm talking about so if we can work this out let's work this out if we can't work this out let's make a decision and that's up to the to to those of you up there to make a decision and not keep kicking this C down to the next meeting uh we want to move on because this is the time for Paca to shine this is our moment and I firmly believe as you've heard me say before our moments are yet to come I'm not looking at the glory of the 50s and 60s and 70s I'm looking at the glories of the 20s and the 30s coming up so let's make some decisions and see what we can do thank you anybody else here for public comments on this particular item see n closed public comments I do have a question about something if someone wanted to make a public comment on this issue or any issue of the sort do they have to be in the room or could they had have done it on Zoom they have to be in the room okay and is that their policy on that just okay want to make sure okay so we have as the agenda item says a decision to make about whether to hire this firm to investigate Mr Bell we made a commitment to do the investigation um as it since it's an open inves tigation those complaints remain confidential with this commission but we do have them and I think we need to make a decision as a commission how to move forward and acknowledge that our employees have rights as well right so the the question is um you commissioner did you say ELC was would could not take it no yes sir I call yes commissioner so with with all of those things being said the commission on ethics all of these different things we have to find some way to address uh the staff's um issues and our concern so there should be something that we need to move forward with as it relates to that now the other option I thought I heard was that we we we if we had our City attorney to reach out to the the City attorney I mean the for the Flor cities to have them to do it and that would be at a no cost they she did reach out and they wouldn't they can't do it so so sound like all of our options are out of the box as it relates to uh somebody coming in and and inquire investigate this whole thing so I don't think the $110,000 would be now if there were other options yes but we we do we would like to have some form of inquiry to kind of understand what is you know what is going on in the city so that we're addressing everybody's needs commissioner oh okay well I want because I want everyone to remember when I first um brought the concerns to the commission and the purpose of the investigation was to make sure that we were fair and impar of Mr Bill because in the process he would get to know what the allegations are and be able to respond to them and the attorney wanted to make sure that if he has any Witnesses himself that they can interview them as well so I wanted to make sure that we're fair and impartial to Mr Bell as well as address the concerns of the employees that were brought to my attention commissioner Jones so my question is U as it relate to commissional ethics in EOC those type of complaints tically to employees relations things like discrimination things of that nature so did they not take or deny taking the claim because it doesn't meet the criteria good question I'm glad you brought that up the claim has to be made so if individuals have claims they can call them the claims have to be made so I wasn't calling for a claim I called for direction in this process you have another question well I mean I just got a comment I so claims have to be made by each individual person directly to the commission on ethics yes so well if if that if that could happen and it could still save us money then those those statements would be private between the individuals and the commission on ethics and that way we can not even be part of any of it because they the the individuals already submitted their statements statements or what have you so I I think that would be a clean way to go Masco let me hear what you okay commission C I want us to be mindful of the standard that we set as we proceed and we go forth with this inquiry we are not in a position to delegate what staff is to do we have one hire that hire is the city manager so as we proceed we have a duty to make sure that we do what we're supposed to do to protect those who have come to us now that we have received that information we're not at Liberty as stated in our last me meeting to do our own fact finding of any sort us providing direction to city employees I believe we outstep our boundaries am I correct legal if that was to be the case of them individually or we make the recommendation that those employees who have come before go the route that was just mentioned by commissioner Bor we don't have that Authority do I didn't give not a single staff commissioner Bor this is my opportunity to speak and not have the floor yet I said with the I didn't say that you gave it as a Direction but it was a suggestion if it was to go that way we don't have that Authority exactly so we have a duty to do with the information that we have been provided and I feel that if anything comes out of this inquiry or investigation it would allow was to be able to better serve those or the city manager would be able to better serve um those that report directly to him based on some of the information in which I received when I read the letter I would like to force to continue to move forth with this investigation when we say a waste of taxpayers money we're saying that some of the things that were brought to us are not of great concern and we have a duty as an MR Bale being our employee for him the ability to have his name cleared um and I think this process would allow for it to either be cleared or for information to be brought to the attention of a feral investigation or inquiry or whatever way word that we want to say but again we have to take in consideration although we have one Higher we have individuals that report to Mr Bell that have concerns that may either further complicate the work environment for citiz for our employees which may cause us to have other things that happen as a result but at the end of the day I believe the inquiry or investigation will only allow us to operate in a better capacity for not only Mr Bell but for our employees commissioner Bor okay I just I just want to set this record straight um I did not give any staff directions I to proceed to EEOC or any other agents I never said you did I got the floor you please please one at a time please I know you I wasn't telling you I was saying time technically I wasn't done speaking but you jumped in commissioner Forum please okay so but anyway I I just want the staff to know and understand that I have fought for staff ever since I've been on this commission and and and most of even some of the ones that's left know that and the ones that still here know that what what I do for staff um but again I was looking at the options that was on the table and trying to save the taxpayer dollars if we had another Pathway to go that's that's my only uh uh that was my only um issue and concern if we could save the dollars let's do that but let's use an agency that is qualified to do the investigation I was not in no way saying don't look into St the staff's issues and concerns no way put that on the record um the other thing that we have here is we know we need to do something because there's uh with with people bringing things forth we know that we might need to do some things around our policy as it relates to employee relations um uh and strengthen those policies and looking at what we currently have in place and understanding what the concerns are for the staff and as well as we need to also look at Mr Bale's concerns as well so we got to hear from everybody once we get that information we need to use that information to strengthen our policy so that we can have a healthy environment that's what I'm looking for thank you thank you commissioner mcal I have a question um given that we don't have the same timelines did the this sperm give us an idea of when they could conclude an investigation approximately two weeks two weeks no it was 10 weeks 10 weeks 10 weeks um 10 weeks that's quite a length of time but we want a thorough investigation completed conducted and I agree yeah so I mean we reached out to The Experts and allow them to tell us what they can do so I just want to make sure that we reached out to the firm and that's what she said that they would need at least 10 weeks to do a thorough investigation and in the meantime well in the meantime the situation is what it is the environment is what it is some people are uncomfortable whether right or wrong whether it's their perception or its reality um the atmosphere is difficult for people to work in and it's not feir to the employees nor Mr Bell frankly um that is a long period of time commissioner B well mayor we did say in our last meeting um to ask um our City attorney or whoever to reach out to the Flor leag of cities who they can provide somebody as it relates because I remember trying to put together some options as it relates to the people who were having issues our staff who was uncomfortable with communicating or getting direction from Mr Bell to put that layer of protection in place and I asked to have them to report to HR and so what we came up with that they could go and and they you would reach out to Florida Leal cities to get that individual uh uh whoever represents um human resource needs as it relates to that that they would be um the the proxy am I correct and commission I spoke to two Attorneys at border of League of cities and they cannot be the basically the whole ER of all the investigative material they don't offer that service to the 41 CI he asking something but ask that's not no no that's not what I asked what I asked was I thought we were trying because we we wanted to make sure that the employees we I was trying to put a layer of protection in for their employees not to have to go directly to Mr Bell so that they wouldn't feel in uncomfortable or intimidated so I request I asked could HR and then I think we came up with that they could be potentially uh routed through the floor Le CI through somebody from that agency that that they could provide those Services that's what I that's what I thought I we and they cannot neither company so with that being said we need to leave here tonight with something in place that the employees do the ones that submitted issues and concerns report to somebody else until this investigation is over whatever that means we just need to make sure that those things happen so that the environment is not toxic that my concern though is that would make it evident any anamin any any autonomy any not knowing who it is that would be pretty evident if people several people going to somebody else besides Mr Bell for the subties actually referred us to yes okay to the company that we already have okay that you that the the yes the The Firm I'm sorry that we already so can they they they can do that right during the process they yes okay well yes well we got two in one commissioner Jones you say I think y'all came to a resolution just in that conversation but I was going to say and I am going to say is excuse me as a deals with employee relations everyone up here is capable of reading documents analyzing them and coming to a logical conclusion that's what a investigation is just fact found it so either the facts it's like draget everybody know about draget just the facts you read what the facts are as they're presented and we can decide if it had the legal grounds or definition to meet the criteria of what's been alleged just like EC mission on ethics there's going to be a threshold if those things we have identified as there is there are issues young lady was saying get someone in here to mediate the situation we could try and and there's nothing saying that we can't do both have a mediator come in and mediate the situation to make a a different workplace and I'm gonna say this it's not gonna be popular but in this setting here at the city this is about the only place place in the city of Paka where you have African-American leader that's leading a majority Caucasian Workforce so I think this is an opportunity to have some cultural diversity bought in so that we start understanding each one's culture and background this would help us understand maybe a person like me who talks with my hand not meaning to offend anyone it's a cultural thing there's other people say yes ma'am no ma'am because it's a southern thing got other folks didn't come from the south and to them it's offensive so if we start learning how to get along as people it would help us understand how to work along in the workplace um I think we have to start there I'm I'm okay with the investigation that goes along but we all have read the same documents and we probably I I hear different tones about how far we want to go with it but if you reach down and you read yourself everybody up is a prudent thinking person and we could see what the issues are based on those statements but I think that if we reach out and we really want to help the the totality of the situation because as commissioner borm said we're still going to be working together and it's going to be uncomfortable no matter how the investigation goes there going to be some bitter people so we need to learn how to move forward so I would also suggest I would like to make a motion that we bring in a mediator someone that can actually be that work between because it's going to be it's not going to be good with everybody for 10 weeks everybody's going to be on edge and there's no person to to actually lead the troops we have to revert to Chief police be in the next in line to actually be the person who's who everybody's going to answer to so folks we really have a problem and you talk about if we're going to look into it I think it's going to take some outside eyes and ears to listen and see what we have here it's a Melting Pot right now but this is the only you guys tell me this is the only place I could say in putting them counting that have this unique makeup so I think it's too prone we do look into it because we do value our employees that answers to the city manager but we also need to take this opportunity to look at the totality and how we going to move forward those would be my suggestions to try to do both um commissioner B commission we both put up about the same time commissioner Campbell go ahead I'll just say I'm in agreement with uh commissioner Jones that was one of the things that we actually did when we sat down and had the meeting and gave Direction um was for professional development or something of some sort and I I'll be just candid when there was a discourse amongst us as legislators sitting on this dis we took it amongst ourselves to Humble ourselves and we had training um as well and at the time I even had the conversation that we may have wanted whoever the city manager um would have been to should have been a part of that um particular training that we had but of course it was prior to so I'm in total agreement um with uh commissioner Jones with regards to having someone to come in and the almost immediate to help correct or to help steer the ship again 10 weeks is very much a long time for those who have brought forth um allegations or their concerns with regards to um but there's a whole lot that can be done in 10 weeks that will help this city move forth and help this city shine and again I want us to be mindful as we move forward that we don't want to create a hostile work environment for Mr Bell as I previously stated as well which I have some comments that I would be making doing my my um personal comment time but again we have a due diligence to make sure that we look out for all of our citizens and I think something almost immediately would be the recommendation of commissioner Jones to bring someone in to help us correct what appears to be um an issue um and that's just my support for what commissioner Jones has recommended commissioner B yes I I I too share that same sentiment again when we when we did have that Retreat where staff and commission um learned about the barriers that was of that meeting there's a lot came out of that meeting so we have uh some some some learnings that we could truly Implement and um once if we can get that um mediator in here they can use that that because there was a lot in that meeting it was some real feelings that came out of that meeting that told you about how we work with each other how you respect each other how you treat each each other and so that is the footprint that we can we can really spin off of to to help make us better as Leaders help make staff better as in in their capacities and help us all work together like we supposed to be working together mayor commission is there an opportunity for us to and I'm not and I want to make sure as far as process wise so uh legal if you would just be ready to kind of help me navigate through this um of course we know we had the company that provided us our Retreat um and I believe that there is still an opportunity for us to extend and ask to see if they're willing to come in because I don't believe that first um everything was to a resolve um so that's an option or can we go back to that pool of individuals um to see if there's individual that we would be able to because I believe the the our pick was very very close and I know that there may be an opportunity for us to work work with individuals who we already have information for to come in and provide those services so I would make the recommendation if it's something that we are allowed to do and doesn't have to go out for an RFP that we take in consideration now I'm again we do have that information and some of and I I really don't even think the scope of it has to really change that much um it's going from what we did as a commission to departments or whoever um are were in but I think it's an opportunity for us to bring that information back up so that we can move rather quickly and get some answers versus us trying to as many say pick this thing down the road or drag it out because again it is very much um something that when I go home I take it home and I desire not to take it home anymore because it's affecting my mental capacity when it comes down to um trying to rectify the situation and making sure that I am protective of not only our employee but all of our employees and again I wish to bring this thing rather quickly commissioner Campbell Mr witson he was the facilitator for the team building exercise that we had and he has a standing offer to meet with us again um and offer those services so I don't think that would have to go back out I I don't think he meant for that team building exercise to be a a oneandone um extend that and that is an option that's available I I would like to use someone else um and and the reason as we just clearly pointed um because I it's just the to diversify the situation I think we all got something out of it and U I think it's just been a great benefit and you mayor mam mayor did I think it was a great benefit yes yes do I think yes so we we all agree on that so I gota make a motion that we bring do we want to finish the emergency item motion first oh yeah yeah let's finish this item first well I include that okay you want to add it to this let me ask the question first what was the cost associated with him and then and yeah it wasn't over included the facilities it was up at so I don't know what just his use our facilities orer I think we need to use some place close just F we have we have have various plac okay let me go um as far as um item 10A do we have a motion to approve I think commissioner Jones was going to make a motion that was motion you want to you want to add to that motion you still to approve going after this the investigative services to include bringing in a mediator to conduct regular business and be a liaison between the city manager and staff and also bringing someone that can conduct human diversity training or in or Retreat second was that motion clear we have a a motion in a second all in favor any opposition thank you commissioner comments oh I don't know if I need to add it as an emergency item but Madam um the resolution that I believe we approved um just now with amendments um had blanks in it for Budget amendments is there a budget amendment a part of that that 10,000 cap yes not we would need Miss for the lines unless you're just going to tell her to return it to reserves or we're going to use our own building our own buildings for the well we're talking about the this attorney not see 10,000 I just if I say something I may I disagree with using our facilities and this is the reason why I disagree because some of the incidents may have happened within those facilities and it may trigger certain things so if we want to stay local that's fine but utilizing our facilities I would just air on the side of caution simply because we want to remove our indivi we want to remove our um employees from the environment and hopes of them being a little bit more open I don't disagree with that I didn't know in thinking of say the golf course for example I don't know if anything given that yeah anyway I'm in agreement with Campbell I think that's a good idea and that was one of the reasons that we wanted to get out of the facility and do it in a different um in a different atmosphere right what was the name of the the one that we went with won's company um I'd have to look it up I'm looking it up because I wanted to make sure um one of the questions if we could have possibly answered it um prior to leaving okay yeah we're trying to remember the name of it's actually I think it was local government Visions off top of my head okay so are we okay with that sun you got so we we have the maximum amount as far as which line item and the budget coming from I think we're Wai out so I don't know so the workshop option A was $2,275 Workshop option b was 1,900 and I believe that we went with the option A which was the 2,000 but that's just for records okay I I believe we still can proceed yeah yeah we good we good we got it okay what's that commissioner comments oh I was saying that um I know that they're doing the backpacks or the cousins are doing the backpacks or fun this weekend I think at Jenkins facility I have a science guy nonprofit that would like to do a demonstration that I spoke with he did come in and do the paperwork and I was wanting to know if the commission was okay if I use my funds some funds to help um to pay the science got Steve Wilson he does goes into the going to the schools he would do a demonstration and he would provide some kits for the kids to have if that's okay that's your money okay yeah so I think we had already approved that um like as a blanket me is a community event and so you just give direction to um the finance director and go through the city manager to say hey allocate these how it yes anyway has that vendor been used before he no he came in and did his paperwork okay so what you would need if I'm not mistaken is to add an item to the agenda on emergency basis no not in this case Commissioners don't need to come back and check with us discretion um there is a special events policy that I'm happy to pull up if you'd give me the moment but I think the policy was with with the paperwork that's something because I had to go through it when I did my um my event that they were not a vendor but as long as that vendor information is provided to miss Jill and it's properly done with the insurance because there's several components that they would be able to be paid right it's just making sure that getting what Finance is the layer that we need if I'm not mistaken though we have a policy of how we expend those funds um that are in that line item for Commissioners and it can be uh expended by the commissioner but the uh vendor needs to be approved by the commission and once the commission approves it then it's okay for it to be used for that lineup that's what we have done um in the allocation of previous did you just pull the sub not my yeah it's a new if I may speak I'm sorry yes goad um in commissioner MC's situation this is a brand new vendor that the city's never used before so as per the policy a motion would need to be made by the commission to allow her to expend her funds yeah that's good kid not say it can't be done it's just that that's the the process right I would like to add um using Mr Steve Wilson as a vendor to do a science demonstration as an emergency Adam have a motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you any other Commission of comments yes was that a motion to addit as an emergency item or was that a motion for the it was add it make a motion that we allow the approval of a vendor to be utilized for commissioner mastel's request thank you all in one second second all in favor I any opposition thank you commissioner Campbell um and this is with a great deal of respect um it was stated earlier with regards to the article that was written in the newspaper um I have some heartache with regards to some of the quotes that were um mentioned and I want us to be mindful as we sit here as legislators we have to be mindful of what it is that we put out in the atmosphere because um we know that a great deal of people L look um to the media for their news and I want us to be mindful as we sit on this Das um there were termin there were terms or phrases used as far as train wrecks and things of that nature there was also um things that were alluded to that we as a commission seemingly are not working together but I want to make sure that we are mindful of when we are engaging in dialogues more specifically with the media and I'm not just speaking solely with regards to Paca Daily News I'm speaking just in general we have a duty to protect those that work for us and we want to be mindful as of now the city of palaka has been and is under a microscope and they are looking for any and everything to make us appear as if we are dysfunctional um in our dealings and our workings and I want us just to be mindful as we begin to move forth as we begin to seek progress that we be mindful of terminologies those we be mindful of adjectives and things that we are using to describe staff or describe the commission um again I'm not speaking solely with regards to the Paca daily news I've been brought to my attention from just in conversations with individuals that a lot of things are being said and those things that are being said is not a reflection of the entire commission and I want that to be known I want that to be put out there that again we have to be mindful of our employee and our employees of the city yet again train wreck is not what we are not what we have nor are we dysfunctional or not working together by any stretch of the imagination there are opportunities that or there are times where we may disagree but we've always walked away with the level of respect that allows us to come back here and continue to do the work that we do so once again with a great deal of respect to my fellow colleagues I want us to be mindful of how we utilize certain terminology and phrases with regards to any working relationship there is with our city employees any other commissioner comments oh I totally agree with um commissioner Campbell on that um I I don't well I'm not reading the paper a whole lot but um thanks for that um comment again everything that um people read they need to know the full story as opposed to sometimes what's written and the best way you get that is if you're either watching this thing live in YouTube land or if you're in this meeting any other thing that you get you might want to put question around it because you never you you don't know sometime there's uh other narratives that's trying to be um painted so again if you're in the room you understand and know everything that what's happening transcribed M Mas comments any com yeah you gonna let me close out I'm sorry what let me close it out absolutely can I make a comment being mindful of the time yes I understand go ahead Mr Bill thank you I I just want to be um mindful of the time but also say um I I sit here often and people come in and they and do things that or say things that may impune my character and there was some terminology thrown around today about dishonesty and I want to clarify that what I did was in uh alignment with my contract and in alignment with uh the policy um and when uh and I did not do it dishonestly I advised the mayor in advance of doing it um now the commission did decide that they wanted me to do something different but that is something very different than being dishonest and so somebody imputes my character and alleges that I'm dishonest I do want to clear that up that's not accurate information thank you and that holds true of everybody um because also other people have disparaged other people's reputation have stood up here as well and said that they felt they needed to say which is fine in public comment but it is involving a person and whether it's factual or not has yet to be proven so I think again we all need to temper what we said but I think it needs to be addressed at that moment and being that you are the facilitator of this meeting the meetings go literally um according to how they are governed so if at any time and I know I find myself trying to be the person to uh try to make sure that we stay the course but again uh actions of whoever it may be whoever it may be if they are addressed at the immediate I think that may dummy down some of those um comments and I I've been also very careful and try not to respond to public comment because that's not not its design but again that's when people feel free to say whatever on their mind and sometimes it is disparaging to an individual um and I think that's an inappropriate action but it's hard to correct people when we aren't supposed to respond to public comment responding versus giv dire so being mindful of the time and what we say commissioner Kimel didn't mean dummy down dumy no not D terminology that we use I just wanted to get you so all Ms are clear but