##VIDEO ID:E_HCUM77rHs## e e e this is a test of the city of pacque audio system I know why is it not getting it though good afternoon everyone hello they can hear us but we can't see them they can also talk with us okay but for some reason the feed isn't working okay well I'll have to make the best of it welcome everybody we're going to um start the Community Development agency meeting on October 14th 2024 at 5:00 p.m. I'm calling this meeting to order beginning with the invocation and then the Pledge of Allegiance is um Pastor mberry on zoom and then the Pledge of Allegiance led by Miss cotti father again thank you for another day we give you praise and glory and honor for your goodness towards us you yet brought us to another storm Lord we thank you pray for those who've been affected pray God for help let it come right early we pray God that you will bless this gathering this evening as they come to do the business of the city we ask for your Divine guidance your purpose your will and your manifestation of your glory that be revealed God remind us of who we are and whom we are we come before you this day bless us Lord I pray in Jesus name amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand stand one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please miss CR commissioner Tammy mcal here commissioner Justin Campbell present commissioner Rufus boram present commissioner will Jones present mayor Robbie kah present representative Teresa Jackson she said present it was kind of low uh commissioner Terry Turner present all members are present and accounted for and seeing four members in the commission Chambers we have a quum in the chambers thank you has everybody had an opportunity to read the minutes from August 12 2024 Motion Set sub minutes is written we have a motion do we have a second second all in favor I I any opposition thank you at this time I'm going to open the floor to public comments I have a couple of yellow cards here miss roach please just give your name in your town or city of residence Cheryl roach patka Florida um just wanted to bring to light a few items that have been discussed in the past and um never had any updates pertaining to them uh number one is the flower pots um the $ 30 to $4,000 that were spent on those I understand they were delivered I don't know where they are um the question of the maintenance of them uh what's going to be put in them to make them aesthetically pleasing um and to kind of tie that all together um I was told that um the sidewalks may be delayed because of an inspection about um electrical for lighting I don't know if that is true if it has been uh done completed where we stand um uh there was a suggestion about possibly using um solar for any kind of Christmas lighting which I think would be a very nice thing um also pressure washing I have brought it up more than once pertaining to uh cleaning up St John's Avenue um I see that a lot of the businesses are hiring out um and doing their own but the city still could really do some cleaning on St John's Avenue would make a big difference and also a follow up on the brick intersections and the wire brush cleaning of it um since the new as asult has been uh done secondly the Krill the baby little Krill closure um there was a presentation pertaining to it um it was done at the same time that the um re Street one was done and um I've heard nothing about that so I don't know if that is happening or if it isn't happening um at some point would like to uh get an update if that is a DOT situation or if that is something that uh the is um putting the kabash on um thirdly the revamping of the building Improvement Grants um it was discussed that uh matching funds is really not fair nor feasible for many residents and businesses alike especially if um you know it's been up to possibly $15,000 um to possibly um wave that and and and go back to a situation where if somebody does uh qualify they can get the Grant and thirdly um all of our blighted properties in the CRA whether they are City owned or privately owned brought up more than ones why are they even here um you know this program has been in existence since the 80s and uh there's are still too many bladed programs excuse me bladed um properties and and um it shouldn't be just Band-Aid fix this is something that we need to address thank you okay thank you it was just clear question um something when you came up Mrs roach um what was delivered you said something was and you they I just want to make sure heard okay thank you um I have Miss po please give your name and city or town gers east PL um I'm with um art leag we know we are so grateful that we were were given funds to do the house were just wondering what has happened we don't know if there's been anyone taking the bids if it's going out what's what the outcome is we're just thank youbody else comment see comment um hopefully get some answers to those questions in the future or near future [Music] soon like to say is first of all good evening everyone and the fact that I'm just kind of sliding in uh I would like to have an opportunity to follow up on every item that has been brought up most of which I'm I'm not really sure of the status so if there's any staff here here that can assist with responding I'm requesting that they do so Mr Joe Mr can probably help I noticed that some of the Planters are downtown but some of them some of the new Planters are downtown and others are not yeah uh so first of all in the putting of the planters out um we just really haven't set an actual date to put them out we do have them we have them with the dirt and everything we are prepared to put them out um I guess we're just looking for some direction and a time and a date to do so we can just move forward also go ahead I'm Sor Sor that's okay when were they delivered about three months ago to go they wanted to wait ma' for after the asphalting was done and completed and then the question came up of when we're going to do the sidewalks because when these are filled with dirt they're very heavy and very difficult to move around yes ma'am and was it Vault before the commission when they when they came in did we know three months ago that they would deliver and had not you all were looking for Direction no okay I just no ma as I recall from a previous c meeting revitalized historic pla requested the Planters and said they would take responsibility for suggestions location suggestions plants maybe working with IAS right place right plant right place concept and get volunteers to help plant and then hopefully have the business adopt them we've done this road show in the past um but that was kind of RP yes ma'am yes I will talk but she does have a plan of where she wants to put them so I did start the conversation within the last couple weeks with her um so trying to get them in before the iselia festival was the big thing so we're working in that direction uh if it all possible uh please provide weekly updates uh to what's going on because we're really caught caught off guard with this absolutely the status of the project when we voted on this sometime back and we hear it from the community that you know they know that they're delivered but they're not um being put in place and so we didn't um invest the money and it just sitting so with with the timeline schedule um roll out yes sir not a problem of course yes the Cy go ahead no commissioner Campbell has his hand up yes sir commissioner Campell go ahead thank you Madame mayor and also thank you to miss roach for bringing this to our attention but my question is when those Planters were they were going or were they was were they just purchase to find out once we got that no they they did have an idea sir we do have a map where they want to put them all top of tripping hazards currently like on 8th and nth we put them on all four corners um as we also painted them to try to handle where we want to put them yes sir okay I would request prior to speaking to the organization plant them I would like to make sure that we carry out or staff has decided for them season but I would like to see that happen prior to us um giving freedom to a organization to place somewh they desire good sir we can do that thank you madam mayor yes commissioner yeah sorry I don't know how to make this thing rais put a hand on there like commissioner Campbell they came before the CRA they being I think it was downtown pacal or some I think I believe it was Mr hner that was representing the group came and said that they were going to that they were going to plant the flowers and the Planters and they were going to furnish the labor to maintain them I I'm almost certain of that so you know find out if that's still the the plan to do that because that's what they said for us to vote for spending the money on the planers and that's why I said it's Kathy Griffin Mr after is no longer a member of RHP so it have can we address anything else such as pressure cleaning or the part pressure cleaning goes on the bricks it is still part of the punch list um they're working on getting back to it there's really nothing other than time that's been causing it not to happen and Staffing on their part so they are going to get back out here they will scrub them they're gonna use some stuff on them they have a whole plan for that rough IDE wi no ma'am but I have that email in looking for that answer so hopefully I'll get a response and I can put it in update for yall to know as well back toback storms which hasn't helped the situation um and the sidewalks so I think what they're overall trying to do is put some new electric ballards in but that's going to come with the project of the sidewalks that's all part of that project coming at the beginning of the next year you know we're really not that far enough along on it to really start pinning dates down to it but that is part of it right now we have the electrial as it is and we will be able to operate our Christmas lights and plug them in and we'll work on that so I don't think we're G have and the F do short Krill closing off short Krill I thought they said that wouldn't happen or start until after January 2025 is that what I heard is that correct sounds right so did we finalize that the closing of sh CR did we finalize that we I didn't think we voted on closing that road they they kind of finalized it in their minds but I don't know that this commission the commission not this commission the actual commission did we did not right so we recommended it we put out the recommendation and it didn't come before us so maybe that can be on our next agenda the next agenda we're kind of getting away from CRA so but yes for the next a question yes it was a question and that's that's why we're going to put on the next commission agenda um so any anything else that were opposed uh if you would allow us to have an opportunity we will follow up and respond absolutely I want him out of my yard too so love to get him out looking what about the aing of the you asked I think someone asked about um some funds were awarded and we have no idea where they are um actually I think she was speaking about the building and Improvement Grant um and how we basically determined the The Matrix for funding uh previously we required that applicants for the grant have matching funds that they could uh verify uh when they made the application for the funds um the way that I read the the grant terms I was of the opinion that that was not necessary for them to have the full match Grant um and there are some polic policy considerations there too if we didn't require that full match Grant um we would be able to extend that building Improvement grant funding to more residents within the city of Paka because it's a pretty high hurdle to be able to demonstrate that you have $15,000 cash in the bank before you can receive any funds so we um we're in a little bit of a difference of opinion from previous administrations and my opinion on how that should be applied I believe we should be lowering the bar to make it more accessible for more residents um so that's going to have to be determined so that that um committee can have some guidance on how they're going to proceed with uh awarding grants and there was some discussion about making the grant more user friendly again people read it and go well you know so they have difficulty completing that process and again my I agree with you my opinion has always been if they had that kind of money theyve already done the work right um that's why they're seeking grant funding and so when we had the whole Improvement program they didn't have to jump these kind of hurdles um and I think it is intimidating for folks and thank you for answering Cheryl's question but I was um referring to hers as well I think the um other resident the tman house and wanted to know where the 30,000 is like it's been awarded but what's the update on that that's a great question I'm going to have to surcle back um to Miss Powers and obviously the CRA Commission on that I I don't have an answer ready for you on that I don't know what the status is thank you thank go ahead commissioner B well um just circling back around on some of the uh in in terms of uh the what you read on that is if you can write that up and kind of present that to us what you read and understood that you think would be a better process but we did go through that whole thing as a related to vetting that we worked on that um I I don't know if you was here or not during that time um when we made that I think was prior to but uh it was just prior to you getting here so um again when we when we have people in the C District that's a that's a special district district that um is the benefit to the people in in those areas and generally people in the C districts um have funding have lot and and this what was was brought up as it relates to people being able to afford their uh homes and the various improvements and so when we start beginning to make uh the bars so low to degree to where some of the request that comes in uh because I've seen some things come through that the money's being applied to should not be on the C to improve so that's my that's my concern around that particular thing but present your piece we'll look at it and I'll be you know be happy to entertain that but we we we certainly want to make sure the money is is going to be used to the improvements that need to be made and not for um certain types of Improvement that that doesn't fit the bill because mainly for blight you're not doing anything on the inside of the house you're mostly doing things externally so that's what the C is designed for to help remove light I can make sure that that's on the next agenda so you can provide some guidance to that committee correct okay and then um I think did they uh address the um the bilding Improvement Grants um Rie that with the um the lady that just mentioned about the funding the 30,000 money was money was granted okay or awarded but uh somehow there's no more communication around that's what I understood so um if we can get her to kind of at least speak to that if if you don't mind please the monies that was awarded I want to try to help on tman house for the tman house in the southern historic district um we were told that it was out short thanks um it was out for bids the last time I met was some gentleman from B Brazil they said they were putting in a bid to get the work done um I explained that we have our open house November December it's our busy time um I never heard back from them the funds were C funds that came from the S proceeds of the sale of hammock Hall that were it wasn't a big Grant it was the the hammock H sale funds that want to be used or invested back into tman correct the the funds were actually pretty significant was I believe I thought 12 something thousand 125 I yes so we don't know where 125,000 we know where the money is the issue the issue is where are we in the status of uh soliciting the bids to make the improvements that we and are we going to lose the money is our concern okay well they said it had to be done by September 30th with Finance being here can you answer that question well some of this has been done strictly with us the with the prior individuals that were here that aren't here now so what I'm forc to do as I hear issues is to go back research it and get the information and follow up I don't want to say anything that I'm not certain about yes so therefore uh the RFP uh you know we we've had to reschedule even some of our RFP because of new Staffing we will follow up as I mentioned and we will communicate can you miss power's concern about the money that's earmarked for that project was is carried over into this fiso year it's not going to go away it's not goingon to go away I want to confirm I want to confirm it okay to be sure okay I appreciate it so do I need to make an appointment with you or as long as I have your number we'll communicate with you okay we'll be proactive I appreciate it yes sir and just yeah like you say I I can see how things could have um slip through the cracks as it relates to that because when you're talking about the um U the grants uh Administration they normally handle that piece and that position has turned over you know in addition we're we had two vacancies two V and we we have now filled them they will both be in starting this week so that's part of the reason why we we're having this yes slight bit of an issue thank you is there anybody on Zoom that has the hand raised since I can't see no okay thank you speak real briefly on the tman house if needed um the city did Issue two itbs 201414 as well as 20249 no responses were submitted okay thank you thank you go ahead I have something to say on the C matching funds um M West when you you do your research I want it to be clear on clarify matching funds because why would you know how do we verify if person have spent the money to match because if you're saying you guys are saying have the application process easier and I agree with that um more user friendly however what are we matching because it sound like you're saying let's do away with the verifying up front so can you clarify that what you what you you mean the requirement is let let's use $115,000 as an example that they're seeking through the building Improvement Grant they need to demonstrate that they have 100% matching funds in their bank account and that is verified in the application process they have to provide bank statements that actually show those funds in cash before they're even going to be considered for that Grant opportunity um the way that I read it that threshold could be dropped 50% so they would have to demonstrate still that they have funds in the bank but 7,500 instead of the full 100% And that that would basically be the essence of the proposal and I can WRA that in memo uh pursuant to commissioner boram's request so they would have enough to meet the match they just wouldn't have to cover the whole poost set no 50% is not meeting the match correct the match is 50% correct I am proposing 50% not a 100% match what I'm saying but what is it now as it's written as written there's an a difference in interpretation working previous administrations had interpreted as a requirement that you verify 100% matching in the bank I don't happen to read it that way that is what I'm going to explain in the memo and we can go to I agree with commissioner B just get it to us so that we could look at it we make that determination as well I mean we wanted to be uh we want to take down the barriers of people getting these funds but we also want to make sure that we're all on board with the change before you make the change anybody else um we'll continue on Direction recommendation Small Business Development Center memorandum of understanding yes U i' like the well basically we have an agreement here um that is now uh 25,000 as opposed to the prior year was 20,000 the agreement with the Florida Small Business Development Center and Mr Paul you can come up please out of Mayor Commissioners yes hello oh go ahead s uh Rick Paul 1100 Reed Street yes okay uh you can just explain your agreement if you like oh okay so it's a a $5,000 increase over previous year it goes to uh costs that have risen due to inflation and other uh such factors Mr Paul how much is the county contributing to that okay so the county had an increase also what we were trying to do is match the $50,000 uh buyin Per County that the Florida Small Business Development Center is now um implementing uh so the county went from 12,000 to 22,000 so an increase of 10,000 and what we did with the city CRA was request 25 so an increase of 5,000 so that gets us just shy of of the 50,000 but we're expected to pay more percentage than the county and we're 10,500 vote and the county is at least 75,000 vote so math and I think this okay yes so we we talk about this before there was a $5,000 increase with the CRA in the city and then 10,000 for the county so it's almost even commissioner B uh Mr Paul with all due respect uh we would love to do something like that if if it deemed that from our budget but I'm not sure if our budget can actually uh manage or handle that again the county is again much larger than we are and their budget is way larger than ours and so to come up and match their because we were we were talking about our previous project we were going to do the um the lighting for the bridge and um we was talking about how we wanted to do that a a portion that and so we were going to ask the county and they were going to be an agreement to um the city pay uh uh a certain percentage which was a lot less than what the county they wanted 50/50 but we we I think we're looking at around 2575 because or or or or 40 60 something along those line but our we I don't see where the city should have to pay as much as the county in in this regard and also uh I think when I read in there right up there the agency uh funding they're not funding you uh as they like they should I think the funding was decreasing there was another uh that was part of the University but that's been taken care of in the meantime but my my my question was the was that correct that the agency was reducing some of the funding associated with the program uh not really uh that was what they were expecting to happen but it did not happen well it was in right so that yes sir that's that was in the email that I sent out to you yes sir I got to highlight it so with that being said we I'm just speaking from just my my point of view I can't speak for the rest of the board but I don't think that's a fair shape for the city to have to take on um that additional burden we're paying 20,000 right now we've been paying 20,000 for on our second year and so I think U if we can just hold a line there and see if can do something maybe in the in the future but uh right now at least from my perspective it's it's a it's a tough pool buy more grand for that okay anybody else have any input thoughts that Miss Jackson This commissioner attorney go ahead hadn't this already been agreed upon previous to now so now we're back pedaling y NOP no we never told them we were going to give them no 25,000 we we bounc we just recently bounced it up from um what it was before was we B bumped it from was it 15 to 20 it was 20 so we bumped it from 15 to 20 it wasn't even three years ago I think it was longer than that but I don't know for sure it is in the C budget and the budget was approved I will just say that not that it can't be amended but it was the 25,000 for Small Business Development Cent Center is in the CRA budget so the budget if I'm just saying it's in there it's in the budget we approve the budget yes approve the budget correct the expenditure we oh we need to look at let's let's take a look it is approved and the understand what we got going here okay so in the fiscal year budget that we're living in now 2425 uh the line item is in the budget for 25,000 so that is the amount that is in the budget for okay but what we did not know was the contribution coming from the county that's what we did not know you know saying know that and that's that's where I have a pause at I mean if if it was Equitable it would make make more sense but they got a big budget over there we kind a small we we're 10,500 people we all have a lot more expenses too commissioner I understand yeah but uh with all due respect I'm just trying to speak from the city side and this is coming I'm not taking sides either but it's coming out of the CRA budget not the general fund C we do have the funding to do this and we do have to allocate those funds and not leave them unencumbered um so but do they have to go there that's the question not necessarily I'm just saying we are but we did put in the budget and we did approve the budget but does it necessarily have to go then no of course not and and here we are so next so we were seeking um we wanted the discussion we also seeking direction as to what amount there is an attached memorandum of understanding however the amount is at that 25,000 amount so we do need guidance on how to complete it well do we have a recommend then does anybody have a recommendation of an amount he drinking now we have to wait I recommend the 2500 not 5,000 I mean we shouldn't be giving more so we can go half rather than the 5,000 do to 2500 I mean it's up commission okay we were already doing 20,000 prior yes and so what the commissioner is saying is instead of going we we do the 25 half of that okay I see what you're saying I'm sorry 225 yes ma'am is that do we want to make that a motion it's help to I mean I'll I'll Mo I'll put that as a motion and second if they want to do it for discussion anybody want to second that for discussion discussion my discussion would be if you're gonna go 2500 you might as well do the whole 25 to the 5,000 so that's that's just my point don't let's not just you know if we want to fund it fund it if not not let's do the whole let's do the whole five or don't do nothing at all so we just had a discussion saying that we we didn't want to do more we didn't want to do that amount we need to help in some way so I recommended that the m madame mayor asked and said 2500 if we don't we we either want to do it or we don't we just said we didn't want to do the 50% the match I made a I made a motion so it's either we're gonna now on the table the motion's on the table we're just in a discussion we're just in a discussion so that was just my portion of the discussion to say Hey you either going to fund it or you're not and in the 2500 I it still is not meeting the the requested need the 50 the 50 the five isn't either I think what commissioner Masco tried to do was come up with a compromise so that we won't walk away with nothing and give them something so thank you uh commissioner MCO that's the reason why I second it because of her compromise bringing it in we would hate to see them walk away without having anything and I think uh due diligence is is not a All or Nothing it's a give them something um prior to just having him walk away with anything so again thank you commissioner Cas for that compromise thank you did Miss Jackson or somebody else want to speak I thought I heard Miss Jackson maybe not yes yes Madam may hear me can yes okay um I I I kind of second the motion for it to be up for a discussion um but I would say if we have it in the funding in the funds and we don't have any other need for this money to be shift right away I mean if it's in the budget why not go ahead and do the 25,000 but I also understand where commissioner um mastle is coming from it gives a compromise on both ends so that makes sense so any further discussion Motion in a second well let's we're still in discussion I just like if commissioner Masco is to this uh how about withdrawing your motion and we can restate the motion and do the 42 due to 45,000 and not fragmented how about voting and if it fails we move forward or if not we make another motion so all in favor I I opposed nud okay I make a motion that we go ahead and fully fund the requested amount second to the C from the C we have a motion a second all in favor I any opposition okay thank you Commissioners um request for extension of C building Improvement Grant project deadline SP back yes uh this is I'm not certain how to pronounce the name but Mr bacon or backin 608 Oak Street has requested an extension of his CRA building Improvement caare Grant to March 2025 the history is that the grant was awarded April 27 2022 and uh the application was submitted April 11 2023 uh it was approved on June 22nd 2023 so what that means um he had 18 months from I guess the time of anyway the gr expired October 27 2023 and miss the bacon um is asking if it could be extended to March 1st 2025 could you please give us your name and town of residence for the records and pronounce your name so we all pronouncing correctly yes s bin yeah okay and you live in Paka correct I live in Paka in Oak Street do you want to explain why you're making this request for an extension yes I can well uh first of all uh I've been coming fulltime from to to Florida to palaska in March so I've been back and forth to Norway um and uh I applied for the grant and I got the C a to actually execute work about a year ago and by then basically the time of the grant was expired so when I got here this winter um well I've been working this summer and I would like a little more time so I can finish it yeah any question questions so when you was awarded to Grant you were not a resident of of the State of Florida or the city of Poa I have Visa now but I didn't at the time when you did not at the time at the time I was Final just have to have the res for to be a citizen or a resident of the State of Florida or just have a property within that given District I I don't know what the requirements were at the time but I believe it's just to own property but I can verify that for you so let me ask this question what are the um if we do not Grant and I'm just asking out of curiosity so that citizens um would be um in the know if we were not to move forth with the granting of the extension what would be the consequence or the as a result of not moving forward well the the applicant could always seek additional funding in the next Grant cycle with the building Improvement Grant um we just had one that expired this past September another cycle um and there will be another one that uh presumably comes up in the spring so there is another opportunity uh there are some concerns about the presedent setting effect that and that was going to be my next question have we done it before with anyone else we have not that is what I have been informed of and we we did then you would know better than I because I was informed that we have not we did um I think St John's Avenue to a property and it was some similar circumstances but um I think we have it in this report and it was a well I don't know what you're talking about yeah there was we did Grant an extension previous so there you go concern so the precedent has already been set first of all I asked that question about residency because that's the first thing that we need to clarify was that a prees requisite so if that's not an issue I think that um and he has just stated to us he now resident here he's went through the requirements we granted him I think we should go ahead and allow this I agree to yeah we're fixing buildings not people and also I think if I'm correct you had a death in your family as well which is why you had to go back to Denmark uh I I did but that's kind of not I won't put anything on that okay okay just just checking go ahead commissioner B so so my question would be when you when you're getting um these these grants and um in order to execute I thought the um it has I thought it had to be already they had to already be in the in the building yeah is that correct you you already have to be living I been I live there yes I I thought I read that you weren't you you didn't have the power on and is that is this the right property he's 31 of 97 right because in the right up it say there's no power there's no is that still not at the time I was applying but it came shortly after my question is I'm I'm just saying what I read this is what I read that there was no power and water at the location so is there power water you're living there right now correct yeah okay that's but in here in the wrer it doesn't it doesn't say that you have power and water and that you're living there because you said that you would move you would move in uh once I you say you move in once um you get the the power and all turned on you go ahead and move in and you start your construction base after you get after you get the grant yeah so but here's here's here's the thing I have when I looked at your itemized your itemized thing as it relates to because you said 15,000 on a 64,000 project right it's a $64,000 project correct um probably more but uh it's showing on page 34 of 97 I think that's when he did the application I just want to make sure that the applicants we it's two years since I wrote it I can't remember make sure I don't know what has happened I don't know I didn't know what you had yeah that happened a while ago so if this not up to date what what we're looking at here that is the original application that's it original application that's quite done quite quite some time ago did didn't anybody work with the applicant to make sure he's he was communicated with and understand what he was when he was filling out the application and the criteria that he needs to meet in order to get the Grant I don't think that's his fault that's our fault to put that on him I don't think that that's fair I think we need to go ahead and move forth with I wasn't finished with my statement though that's F uh and and so you're I think yeah that's for 15,000 of 64 so just looking at what I seen in terms of the request it looked like there're more interior work than external work what I see some interior also yes right and and you're asking for like um siding with sidings that's fine but when you got structural wood that's fine you got foundation repair leveling that's fine but then you got things like nails um all $3,000 um Bath and Kitchen 3,000 so a lot of that runs up the cost to um things that look like a lot of accessory stuff to where it's like we're paying a portion a lot and I don't know how much the 15,000 be going to that but based on what I see it's tough for me to say yes on what I see here because it LO like there's not a lot of actual Improvement for removing the BL piece of thing you air conditioning Ro and all these different things electrical all of those things those are you say building Improvement but I don't think the C should be Restoration reabilitation in order in order for us to move forward because it's already been approved and he's asking for an extension right now mayor I would entertain uh if you're friendly to entertaining a motion so that we can I I hear saying just like you said you weren't finished with your statement I'm not mayor in order for us to move this forward in order for us to move this forward I like to make a motion I like I like to move forward but I like to move forward with some form of clarity as to what you're approving I'm approving the extension extension that's what he's asking for today is an extension he's not asking for the application to be approved the application has already been approved back some years ago he's asking for an extension from the time that's on there until March of 2025 so that's what my motion is going to be and then after that I have some followup it may be an opportunity for us to bring these programs back to us so that we can make them current and so that we can address any concerns that may have come up tonight but again in order for us to move forward he's asking for an extension he's not asking for an acceptance of the application which if it fail or anything is in there that's the fault of us and not his fault it was approved dirty this whole packet was approved understand but here here's what we got when we when we talking about setting precedents and all okay yes we did have another application that okay fine if we going to do that but going forward this board should not ever um deny another individual who whether if they do this thing uh by um mistake or on purpose because you're setting a precedence as it relates to how we move forward with um applicants not meeting time time frames on these things so I'm just saying from a from a consistency standpoint we need to make sure that whatever our our our policy we need to follow that if we're going to continue to do that let's make that put that into the policy that it's okay for people to pass their line need to make sure that our project managers are educated on that process as well yes again just want to be consistent and fair so if that's a motion I second it yes it is we have a motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you prior to us we have this as an item on the next meeting so that we're able to um give a little bit more direction as pertain of course deadlines are important but we must take in consideration life does happen um so we that's something again that we want to make sure that's a part of the policy um not that we're setting a precedence we want to make sure that we meet the needs of our people and it's a case-by case basis so again I want to make sure that this is an actual item that is properly placed on the agenda so that we can have the necessary time to discuss and weave in and weave out any that we would like to see a part of these programs yeah I think I hope is that we have a program Vision once we have the grant of Min trator in place and some of the folks to really look at this and give some recommendations yes thank you thank you thank you um next Direction hiring of the CRA manager yes should also be in this case the reason why I'm bringing that up um well number one from a budgetary perspective we did budget a c a manager but more importantly number two operationally as we are discussing all of the items that we've discussed thus far almost every item that has been brought up pressure cleaning Little Grill Palaca artley Tha house I mean all of these items if we had a a CR manager someone clearly responsible for the successful operation of CRA it would be very helpful uh I'm just bringing the matter up because in budgeting it was stated to put it in and um we do have it in the budget broken out between all three districts however before we move forward considering the conversation that was discussed I wanted to be certain that it is the the commissioner's preference for us to move forward with hiring a person that will be responsible for CRA successful development and implementation you keeping up with all of the projects number one number two uh making sure that whatever the goals and objectives are of the Commissioners are really being adhere to followed monitored managed and accomplished and following the C plan yeah so therefore um what I did do to try to bring the conversation back to the Commissioners is the last time we discussed it or you all discussed it I'm sorry was December 11 2023 and in that discussion there was uh one pager about the essential functions and also the performance Matrix so I just wanted to bring it back so you could consider it and give us guidance I did put the job description there as well thank you commissioner boram uh yes and and I certainly agree that you know uh some um cities have um CRA managers um but in the past we have had some pretty bad uh luck with that um okay it was suspended and we we reconsider it right so look like the responsibilities that I'm looking at and see it's still overlapping a lot of what the the the project manager some of the project manager things in terms of trying to like you were saying the different little projects in the C Zone then we had um another piece of it where see the project manager then there's uh other areas where is overlapping with um The Code Enforcement where it's talking about the the blight removal and giving stats on on those things so a lot of when we look at this thing we need to really look at how this position will be paid how responsibilities may have to come back from other positions and how we're going to shape this thing and how we make sure that these positions um really are working in the better man and not overlapping and who who owns whatever that responsibility is and so I don't have a problem with it but the thing with that is out here to who's doing what okay thank you commission Jones yes ma uh I understand the importance of that role as well but I would like to stay that a role that important I would like to wait until we hire or get some permanency at the position of a city manager so that's a position that I would be opposed of hiring while we have an interum at at your post right now okay I understand commissioner Campbell I think we have someone that's currently in the seat that has the vast knowledge not only is she from the outside she is sitting um in our Financial uh role as our Chief Financial Officer so what better person uh to have helped us make this decision as she is the person who is pushing behind the money um and as we talk about what we have done previously I think a lot of things in which we have done that we can improve on is making sure kind of hitting on what um commissioner Bor stated when we create these positions making sure that whoever oversees them are holding uh staff accountable for what it is that they're supposed to do um again putting this on staff and other departments that Al already have a vast a lot of things to do and of course there has been a lot of change within um the city as of lately but again there's a lot of things that we're pulling people away to do other people's job and if this would create an opportunity for others to fully be able to do the role that they're currently in I think it's something that we really seriously should take in consideration I will admit I was on the council during the time where the uh thisposition was alleviated but then again from that time frame until now I can also see there's not been any major movement um within the CRA and again I think if we have an administrator who solely focus is to uh administer the CRA again I would think that's something that we need to take in consideration moving forward the money has been set aside this discussion has been before quite a few times I think it's time for us to really move forth as a whole um it's time for us to move forward do do we have um commissioner Turner or Miss Jackson have yes ma'am um You Ready for Me Miss mayor yes please okay I I agree with commissioner Campbell on this one I we have the money budgeted for this and I I I think that you're setting up CRA for failure if you're just trying to take somebody who already has a full plate and try to just pile more on that plate and try to make them a success I think that's actually the recipe for failure um I I have to agree with commissioner Campbell on this one I think that we need to go ahead and uh and try to get a CRA director on board especially I mean we've got our budget officer who's running the city right now you know her plates completely full um your project managers are completely full with other projects I just I just think we need to go on and move forward and try to get somebody on board to help out this situation thank you thank you before we go on I I have to concur I honestly and I haven't been on this commission as long or on this board as long as other folks here I never remember having a CRA Direct dor or administrator we had a Main Street manager which was a different role but we never had a c director or C that was always rolled into somebody else's job whether it was the assistant city manager or whomever so but I think it's a crucial need for these funds to be used for the rest of the amount of time that we are allowed to have a CRA we're already finish we're in the midst of our 30 second thir we're not going to be eligible to do that again so I think we need to manage our money wisely and have somebody that's going to follow our c plan and I think we need to have a focus on that commissioner Bor than commissioner Jones you up first you had yours up first I thank you thank you but again like I said I'm not against the project or the CRA uh manager I want I want to be clear that I see a lot of duplicate in this in the job description and you look at what all is covering is in well into Del and two so let's clear that up and because if somebody come on board and they they don't have CL and a lot of people don't know what they need to be doing so we need to clear these job rolls up so people know what they're doing R responsibil expectation and yes so um currently I think that the city has about 61 projects I understand I really am not prepared to say what portion of the 61 are strictly C but it is an enormous task and uh if we are going to be successful meaning that we stay focused until we complete projects not just started and then oh my God what happened that is the that's the syndrome that we're under right now uh there's so much you know dropping it just dropping it go so far then drop and uh we just need to be more focused strictly focused on cra cra only our agree with you that perhaps the job description needs to be written more succinctly and any assistance that we can get our guidance we will accept it we will rewrite it and bring it back if that's okay with you that's all I asked I didn't say anything against the project make happen I'm sorry rep Jackson has her hand raised okay Miss Jackson okay I I have to agree with commissioner Borum in reference to the overlaps that it appears to be and maybe with more collaboration and communication these things won't fall through the cracks um I also agree with commissioner Jones um we you you I would I would suggest that you have a permanent city manager in place uh hiring somebody with out that can you know create a little bit of a a chaos with the different changes so getting some stability before you bring in a key person such as the CRA manager not not opposed of it but I I think it's just too early for that right now did you have something to say yes I did go ahead so to clarify the reason why I said what I said is because you're gonna have someone that's going to work beside the city manager and we need to have some stability there first because good fit is important I hope you understand what I'm saying so it's not about whether Miss cter is doing a job right now what she's doing she is doing a good job at a position and as an in right now but that is something that we as a city commission that's our only hire we're about having that person work well with the c director so it's important I think to have a good fit with those two people to work in cohesion so if you want to create more chaos you're going to have two people that can't get along Al you think about that so I would like uh that person to to to be in the Pro uh excuse me say I respectfully disagree because again miss col is in the process of hiring or has hired the grants administrator and the projects administrator and this is another position we can wait till then we wait till then we're waiting a while it's going to take several months to put a new city if we do it right so I think we just have to keep moving the city along we can't keep to go ahead commissioner B go ahead one minute commission turn let Commission because again you got to think about this this the city manager is the person that the CRA manager reports to so if you have somebody else appoint a newly appointed CRA manager and there's not good chemistry between the two because generally that POS the you know the the the city manager that work because you're having a chance to help pick the individual but what if uh you know you're not the city manager and then the a city manager comes in and there's not there's no chemistry there that things things don't work out you're going to have more turnover and that's what we're trying to do in the city uh right now to make sure that turnover is not where we live and I've asked for data is this is outside of this meeting because I'm I'm truly interested in making sure that people are happy there's a healthy environment for the people who come and work here and so I'm asking for information so I can better understand why people are leaving the city so I've gotten some of the information and I'm going through it and I want to make sure that people understand these things because when you have other people select who you're going to be managing things might not work out so uh we need to really make sure that we're doing this thing and I do know and understand in our meeting tonight that there is a timeline for to the hire of a city manager so all of that is in place so the board can can do whatever it wishes but I like to say let's what's the immediate need uh right now as opposed to maybe two three months down the road that's my question thank you mad mayor I certainly understand everybody's position on this I really do but you know when you have people working there and you change city manager those people don't get fired and starred over again they come in and they still continue to work there so you know I I really think that we're messing up by not letting the the uh the interim work off her plate you're setting her up for failure if you've got 61 projects going in the private world you're talking about maybe 5 to 10 projects on somebody on a project manager's plate not 61 so you know I understand the concern but there's no telling how long it's going to take to hire a city manager in today's environment we all know that and and you have your interim city manager that's doing the best job she can with the the the hours that she has that she's got to spend on her current job her interim job and her current job that that uh I I just think that when she's reaching out for help that we need to pay attention and give give her the help that would help her become successful in her Venture as as what she's taken on uh at the bequest of the city thank you may any further discussion comments do we have a motion we have I think you have cards mayor oh I but if you want a motion I got a motion let's do a motion in a second then I'll call it public I would make a motion that we move forth with the um implementation of the C manager director whatever it's second manager we have a motion a second we do have CS Miss Roach excuse me sh R pla uh firstly um Miss cardi is more than qualified to probably do uh everything that you have put on her and more um I I find it um a little belittling to question or categorize her as interim uh I can quite respectfully say that our next meeting will be after the election and we may be looking at a different board secondly this is approved in the budget um there is more than enough money for it and there has been for years and years I have been asking for years and years for a CRA manager um there is absolutely no reason to not move forward with this hire uh to use the lack of a city manager as an excuse once again a look internally as to why we are in the position we um this individual could be the liaison that could talk to the historic board and code enforcement and the planning department and we would maybe not have our citizens so confused as to how to navigate the better uh Spen um pertaining to trying to get uh more time to U Better his home that was beyond dilapidated you hear it constantly about why people don't try to deal with the city because of the difficulty so a the attorney could work with the ma the city manager they receive a new boss at some point as it was stated you adjust that you treat Miss card as a professional she certainly deserv it and number two it is time to have a c manager thank you madam mayor yeah one we have some other folks public comment one minute commission Annie sweetle 511 North Third Street patka I just want to mention that years ago when I received CRA funds we had a very good functioning CRA program and um one of the or the most important reason was that Elizabeth V rensburg was adamant in helping us filling out the paperwork together with her husband we did um one job after the other after the other without any problems the money came in um it was then still 100% funded for people with very low income and it it went practically seamless and this was probably like 10 years ago I'm talking about and if you think that you know you cannot do without the CRA manager then maybe you can hire a cray manager who also at the same time could maybe be the mainstream manager so you know two functions uh then that might save you some money there but there are capable individuals that could form a task force and help people with their uh paperwork and help streamline it it has been done in the past thank you thank you and there is already a Main Street program that's privately funded so the city is not a part of that right we are a part of it but we don't have any okay just okay thank Youk Miss Davis I'm not going to Bel labor because some of the points I wanted to make have already been made I want to thank commissioner Campbell for making the motion I hope you guys approve it um I think this is an awesome opportunity to show what you want from everybody in this city we know we've had some instability I think the city is moving towards stability I believe that some key things are being addressed um and again the amazing staff that now has some place the key is hiring a person who is qualified and who has the skills needed to effectively follow the plan and execute and do the work if anyone accountability consequences to action or benefits to be celebrated so thank you and I hope you pass this motion anybody commissioner you going yes ma'am I did um I didn't know if Miss roach was referring to my comments or not but if she was there's nothing further from the uh I have all the utmost respect for the interim city manager and I think she's doing a heck of a job and and I think that moving in a good direction so I'm telling you straight up that there was no disrespect men on my part for her thank you madam may have a motion a second all in favor I any opposition thank you we are running quite late we're running into our other meeting so let's try to keep this moving um next request to Plum funding Madame mayor they have provided a presentation unfortunately due to technical difficulties I'm unable to show it but I do have copies free if you'd like okay thank you good evening my name is benjie Bates and I'm honored to stand before you as the co-chair for Elevate putam and the incoming chair for the putam County Chamber of Commerce first and foremost I want to address the concerns stemming from previous CRA meetings budgets and requests I've personally reached out to many of you to express my dis of how funding requests was handled in the past our our organization was unaware that we are in the budget or even under consideration before had we known we would have been here much earlier with a full presentation ready to have a conversation and eager to work collaborative the comments about something being slid in or rushed through deeply bothered me both personally and professionally that's not how I conduct business nor how I intend to do business for moving forward I apologize for any misunderstandings that said I want to shift our focus on the future many of you met with us back in June when we introduced Elevate putam in those meetings we laid out the key pillars to our initiative job creation and business expansion attracting new businesses a focus on Workforce Development to better equip our residents for the future enhancing the quality of our community served as the chief economic development arm for the community historically this effort has been largely supported by the putam County Board of County Commissioners however through Elevate putam Capital campaign we have right sized that support now the majority of the funding comes through private contributions the private sector is truly stepping up but we are also coming to the city for additional support currently most community ities fund their Economic Development efforts at a rate of $9 to11 per capita whereas our funding is significantly lower the city's contribution to Economic Development has historically been $5,000 we are seeking an increase in that funding after one-on-one meetings with several Commissioners the previous city manager proposed allocating $50,000 in a budget that's where that number came from We're optimistic but honestly we didn't discuss whether there's an appetite to deepen our partnership and work towards shared goals Martin Linton will discuss the return on investment that increased Financial commitment would bring We'll outline the positions we want to hire the retail strategies that we're implementing and the overall impact to our community the city stands to benefit signif significant toown Redevelopment through our partnership R executed with retail strategies we've identified that retail jobs are the largest exports from this community if we can capture and retain those jobs here it will have a positive ripple effect keeping more residents employed locally and supporting our local economy more however we've already partnered with the city on obtaining a grant for downtown Redevelopment we're eager to assist with implementing that Grant and maximizing its impact Elevate putam is already delivering benefits and what acknowledge that while the process leading us here hasn't been our deal our focus should now be on how we move forward together our goal like yours is to elevate this community um we're here to meet with you regularly of foster collaboration to driving Pro progress thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working together to move this community forward I'm the vice president of economic development at the Chamber of Commerce and just to follow up on some of the things that that that Benji just me putam County um strategic plan and capital campaign was built on return on investment um as Benji mentioned private sector has stepped up the county has been the lead source of funding and we appreciate that commissioner Turner um over the years and now that we have the private sector engaged and active in the economic development process we're going to move this community forward um couple items where there's a return on investment for the CRA and the city is downtown Redevelopment lot of empty storefronts we all know that um it's a three-year agreement and we're hopeful at the end of that time that we see increased um retail commercial operations restaurants Hospitality tourism it all works together um and then the key factor is Workforce Development we have to attract and develop Talent we need more people to move here there got to be jobs for him so um that's our Focus over the next five years 2020 follow here we've got Laur pavas our new Chamber of Commerce president uh one of our great investors Rick Cy from the putton county school district and if you have any questions we'd be more than happy to try to answer those thank you um just to clarify with C funds which I know you all understand they could only be used if the position or any of this funding is granted to elevate putam they can only be used within the CRA District not not necessarily just want to clarify yeah they can be targeted okay commissioner B and and to in terms of um any I think most of the requests as it relates to CRA funding generally CRA has to be in the plan and budgeted before is dispensed so is that was that budgeted or in the plan let Miss cotti speak to the budget first no sir um it wasn't budget I think during the budgeting process uh what I remember is um the prior city manager did have uh an amount moved up to Professional Services but at that time the commissioner wanted more information you said professional Serv but what what we're saying is for the CR the CR is was it in the we approve yes sir let me go back because in the total budget amount there is um a line item that the there are some funds that were sitting there that could have possibly could so originally the Mr Bell had put in the budget 75,000 and that was both for the Small Business Development Center and Elevate Plum then it was broken out 25,000 for small business to Center and 50 and we put the 50,000 back in capital outlay correct so initially capital outlay and our current budget for this year it reflects 133,000 for that particular district downtown district and um but initially we had it at 80 something, and 75,000 was sitting in the line that's for Small Business Development Center and that included the 25,000 for small business and 50 County so it is in the budget so the amount is in the budget but it's not in that line it's in capital outlay fion was too um again as the for city manager explained it was going to be used to fund a position I don't know if that was ever the intent of elevate platinum and I think it could help us I mean part of our plan mayor is um to hire um help in the economic development area of the chamber because right now I'm it um would that person I mean who whatever that position is fulltime yeah we're in a process of to the C we're in a process of it it's not out there on the market yet but we're revising that but part of their duties would be involved in this okay and it would be tied to our and also I don't want I don't want to minimize but entrepr DC who's housed in the chamber yeah component or address a component in the C plan and has to be used specifically so that that would need to be really Spilled Out to be doing it correct sure anybody else commissioner Turner Miss Jackson do you have any thoughts comments U Madam mayor the only thing I have to say is that the the uh economic development in our area is probably the most important thing that we can do for the long term um for the long term in the community and I just I I to the level that the the uh private partnership has in the community I just think that the the government side of it needs to participate at some level and and I can tell you right now that the county participates in economic development at a high much higher level than what they're requesting in this request so I I think that it would behoove everybody to try and and support this this endeavor thank you I would like to proceed um market for this so I motion to move forward have a motion do we have a second to move forward motion a second all in favor I I any opposition thank you thank you thank you we appreciate your support we need that we need that cleared up in terms of what need to happen as it relates to the specific specifically be geared towards the C yes right now is it's all cloudy so you do have that that way the funds there to come back with the more Det speci I'll work with you none of the funds we will be in breach of Florida Statutes if we expend C funds for any anything that is outside the CRA District so you're going to have to be exceptionally detailed in how you Dr job description and Report backs to the C board to demonstrate that those are benefiting the C because that's that's here here's the thing well he did say in his um that he was going to come back with a very detailed and we did it's already approved it's already in the budget however we can come back right if they don't come back what we asked for a detailed Report with more clarity and not do it am I right it's already in the budet funding purpose so yes I I just think we just want to detail description of how this funding is going to be used in specific to the CRA that's all and and I'll just say too that we'll put the funding in restricted funds so that it'll only be allocated for very specific projects related to the CRA we will not put it into the general budget so that's easy thank youate necessary documentation for for auditing purposes because the C is separate um next discussion recommendation along the eastn west sides in the amount of 62120 BS I'm gonna ask Mr come up please directo come up please this particular section or block from Oak to Laurel is all the granite curbing it runs out it's also Brick Street so to pull that Granite curving out the 4 foot it starts at two inches and three inches so when they pull out the curving it does a lot of damage to the brick so which would explain elevated cost um the sidewalks are in pretty bad shape and they need to be replaced as well so any anybody have okay isable yes go ahead you're citizen just for clar I mean just for as a citizen just removing herself from the city manager position and from the thank you Jane West Paca um I'm asking for this opportunity to address this because it specifically addresses my Street South Forth Street I am one of the few people on that street that actually has that's all thank you the granite curbing is historically accurate to the street and the district and the neighborhood so I I get that um any further discussion so fourth and what is fourth and what uh yeah between Oak and Laurel sir Street between Street South was it any reason why you need it to remove it there's no reason whatsoever no sir okay so this was uh the previous city manager project we're just finishing it up here so make the neighborhood happy and keep it historically accurate instead it doesn't have to be removed I got question how do I get on the gym sorry correct this was u a request from uh Miss Patty the HPB board went to uh Mr Bell and requested that it be an agenda they came to the last c meeting again like us taking one them steps to be taken away know y won't put that on me city manager he's not even here so he didn't make this agenda so how did he get on the agenda so I want you guys to understand what we just did thank you sir thank you let's try to finish up report Small Business Development Center report good evening Rick Paul 1100 um in front of you you should have and if you don't I've got a copy of it current impact um this is a fiscal year not a calendar year accounting uh but it shows the entrepreneurs consulted over 200 number of workshops in the county and in the city well in the city's 18 County was 29 for a total of 29 attendees almost 57 business startups is a little bit low but I've got a couple reporting units yet to come in in capital formation at 3 million that's actually up to 3.2 now those projects are still at the lending institutions and I want hear back uh you know depending on on when they get approved or or not get approved so I think we'll probably be 4 million for the year for capital projects um also coming up uh as you know we have a lenders Round Table this is for lenders only you pass that I don't know I think I handed this time that the SBA has been to Paca this year uh the previous Workshop that we had was for individuals trying to get the lenders together and on the same page as the SBA also coming up begin on the first is on customer service which we could all use and then the second one is artificial intelligence with we I just have one question um sustainability um I think we and and their needs or whatever even if they do get started some of the business get started uh sustainability is one of the U things that is is a concern so what are y'all doing around the sustainability piece for the businesses that they area uh yes sir when I have a client that comes forth um I'm doing everything I can to work with them to make sure that they survive uh that they have their funding needs met which is one of encourage them into expand you said when they come forth is there any way that you can do a campaign to reach out to some of those businesses because if a lot of lot of from a proactive standpoint if you can kind of put The Campaign together to try to reach some of those businesses and let them know where you are what resources you have I think that could answer some of the question that they might not understand enough that would be fantastic and if the city would be so indicative to you know public fantastic AB all us we can distribute it too thank you so much any further questions on to the last item Tiff c financial report for the year ends September 30 30th 2024 good evening everyone for the year ended September 30th 2024 uh for the year we brought in 1 million 4,548 of which 185,000 was other Revit call um in district downtown district we spent for the year 157,000 uh the and also the downtown Christmas lights um 4,461 with the larger amount being land purchase of 26 financial report on page four we looked at the North historic district and we spent 37,000 for the year of which 30,000 was General Capital Improvements so for the entire year we spent that U of that million we had a million 4,000 so we have a net of about 800,000 that we did not spend so thank you anybody have any questions in this body okay thank you do we have a motion to adjourn do have any other issues or discussions for the C right into the next meeting you have five minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e which 14 2024 I'm calling this meeting to order Miss Ken could you please read the special call meeting notice yes ma'am to Commissioners Tammy mccal Justin Campbell Rufus moram and will Jones you're hereby notified that a special called commission meeting of the pla City commission meet this year by call to be held on October 14th 2024 immediately following the community redevelopment agency please govern yourselves accordingly signer MC mayor thank you commissioner Justin Campbell commissioner ruus moram pres mayor Robie all members of president in count for we have for in the chambers thank you we're gonna move on to recognition presentations sorry I thought I did I sorry commissioner will Jones commissioner will Jones is present thank you sir usually not um we're on to proclamations domestic violence in Paca Police Department Miss CR we do have um Lorie slaven from the Lee Conley house manir as well as CAD BV from our Paca Police Department commissioner Justin Campbell as well yes ma'am Robert mcrea mayor of the city of pla 2024 as domestic violence Awareness Month in the city of PLA and urge all citizens to participate in plan socially distance activities benefiting the Le Conley house violence and their families and support its goal of creating a community with zero tolerance of domestic violence in witness were I he to set my hand and call be fixed official SE of the city ofan this 14th day of October in the year of Our Lord 2024 thank you motion to do you have a motion motion a second all in favor I any opposition thank you Pat and I would just very briefly like to say um thank you on behalf of survivors domestic V it's about the survivors and uh on behalf of them we thank you for standing up with them recognizing them and letting them know that they're uh that their local government we thank you thank you thank you next I would like to present to the commission a proclamation and Rec therefore I Roberto mcrea mayor of the city pla together with the members of the pla City commission Methodist Church in recognition of the church's years of unwavering service spiritual growth and support of the community and winess where I day of October in the year of Our Lord 2024 so second anything well thank you very much I am the pastor uh does live out of town so I'm representing Emanuel along with a couple of our members and I just want to invite everyone everyone come out after the program so anyone in the audience not just the commission that are you're definitely in we did have it at three but we had to move it so it's at 4 pm and I'm sure several people I I received several phone calls and text messages where the tree fell on the church and now I found out that it was even in the paper but we are still open okay for one institution to be here in Bela for 150 years right there on the corner of 7th in Maine it didn't start there but this is where we have been for very much I just remember the day when we used to have backal art Ceremonies for Central Academy as well as commencement exercises were held at Emanuel so we have a really long Rich history and we just want everyone to know it but also come out and and just fellowship with us are we able to get it up working on it well thank you sir I you to do city manager and administrative reports presentation good evening Commissioners um first the uh we're having a couple of IT issues so we're working on trying to upload the power presentation for the legal department update in the meantime we can talk about the agenda request form uh pursuant to the request of commission that going on to the city commission agenda is at the discretion of the city manager this some research on this and talk to the city clerks and those other uh jurisdictions and we comport with their procedures as well in many cases it's a much more casual Endeavor where they just sit down with the city manager but we do have a procedure where the applicant needs to at least confer with the city manager to see if we can resolve whatever their concerns are internally with staff so the really the only substantive change is adding the questions about the form any any questions you have any question commissioner Campbell commissioner MCO any questions go ahead um even though it's I do think that there still needs to be a level of um something that allows us to know because again if we're contacted by someone that said that they went through the process of trying to get placed on the agenda and it's been months down the road and there's been no resolve or there's been no answer I still think there should be a level um of with those requests are simply to let us know that things are being addressed we know that some of our complaints in the past have been with again in the past so I take no offense to what I'm saying the lack of professionalism or the lack of um consideration for what has come before us so again as long as the process is fair as long as the process is concise as long as it is something that is implemented across the board I have no problems with it being um at the discretion of the city manager but again I want to make sure that any person that comes and make the um because again our citizens are the reason why we're here and it's important for us to be able to have or for them to have that access to us if they think that it's something that's worthy of being presented to the commission as a whole that they at least have that opportunity totally blind that a request was made and it wasn't adhered to in any way sh form I completely agree and and on our part um we will make certain that whether the city the interim city manager or whoever is sitting in that position position I I would think that the commissioner should be notified of everyone that made that request whether the city manager agreed to put it on the agenda or not it's only fair so I completely agree and concur regardless of what our weekly update please commission yeah you answered it because I was going to say make sure it's a recourse um so that it won't be anything it can be personal and uh the recourse of a person if there is a conflict between the city manager and individual they can have a process Mission come for okay uh with that were we able to upload the presentation by any chance no okay well you do have the hand out no no whatever I also had uh printed copies available for you so it's just been a little over a year since you made the decision to hire a full-time in-house uh legal council for the city thank you for best management practices for in-house litigation services so that the litigation arm of the department functions much like a law firm with a case management system I've developed Case Files I've created maintained the pleading indexes drafted and responded to all pleadings diar the deadlines with help from Mark Clerk and propounded and replied to Discovery um in terms of the litigation if you go to the next page you can see when I came on board we already had a slew of state and federal cases what I have done is digitalized all those pleadings to date we have a couple of uh slip and Falls uh these go up to Marks gray uh through our insurance provider with the Florida League of cities we have several um Federal cases that are pending in bankruptcy court opioid litigation which which is class action and then also past class action litigation where the city settlement in addition um I had to wrap up some loose ends with the water taxi sends that needed to be finalized with that litigation we uh were the defendants in a couple of cases uh Matt Reynolds clerk versus Court versus the city of faka city of Waka and Verona I defended that inter pleader action successfully to obtain a financial judgment with no Financial liability for the city and maintained our lean right 17th Street we um also had a couple of quiet title actions that I was able to success F resolve amicably with opposing Council while maintaining our lean position on the property if you turn the page you can see the I initiated foreclosure litigation on the city it's called the city of Paka versus Diversified returns parcel if you're traveling north on North 17th Street it's the parcel on the left right before you hit that Bikeway path that intersects the road um we have a lean on that that now and it is vacant but it's overgrown lot with a lot of trash and debris on it it's an Institutional Investor that bought the property at a tax sale deed for pennies on the dollar never add any of the lean violations basically ignored them it got sold at so I have filed foreclosure on that one the second one that I filed the Foreclosure an embarrassment to this community and it still is um it's a foreclosure action city of pla versus John's medals located at 1819 Madison Street you can see some images there on how disgusting and tragic this property is um I filed the answer so I was able to get a default judgment in the amount of $ 44488 we received a check for the full amount back in February um Nam are going to continue we're going to have to get a little bit more creative on how we saying that he is cleaning things up but as you can see he is not the next foreclosure that I filed was the city of Paka versus Maria Corporation historic property also you in the community who aren't familiar this is the one with theong I'm Philly I'm bummed we don't have a PowerPoint um at any rate uh the foreclosure on this is seeking 100 of driven by the property recently um you will see that it has greatly improved uh but that is a very high lean amount and so we are going to be uh working hopefully uh towards a settlement agreement that would obviously Lally enter into that without your authorization work with me on the pronunciation of this one the city of fla versus kostova valenova 314 yeah and um Laurel it uh is a dilapidated we've received just a ton of complaints consistently about this I did file foreclosure action seeking 23,8 in Russia so that has made nerv of process would have to go through the ha conventions so I'm looking for alternatives to effectuate service on that the next one is the city of Paka versus manafa Holdings LLC this is located at 221 South Fifth Street this is a $450 if you've driven by the property lately the property owner is working to make improvements to the property but still a pretty significant lean amount um and that foreclosure is is pending now next on to abatements you'll take a look uh at the abatement action that I filed this is city of Paka versus Joshua Henry for 1700 Eagle um parts of it were burnt out it's pretty scary um we were able to recover 10,000 I'll get to that issue in a second but then in addition we we went for the abatement had the property completely demolished we were able to fully recover our demolition costs and to fully recover our court cost in the amount of $415 so um we were able to come out whole on that and now if you look at it basically is a vacant parcel yes sir so now is this considered to be city property no no um the the property owner to do it anyway he was uh just kind of taking a little longer than we wanted so uh this kind of pushed it along we have been utilizing a sumry and throughout the city um to effectuate demolition of structures that are considered hazards to public health and safety and one of those that's very high on my list because it's another that I think is just um extremely sked um is is just a terrifying structure we're we're huge parcel lots of structures but as you can see it's got a lot of Ingress and egress um again you know I think about a kid walking by and things could just go fires exactly and this has been brought to my attention by both our police force and our fire department notified opposing Council up you can see some of the basically covered the litigation side I'll Circle back in a couple months with an update on what uh the legal department other facets um but foreclosures Surplus tax sale proceeds um that those Surplus proceeds so that's a new initiative that we embarked upon uh lean reductions and then also grant funding through the Florida bar um the legal department was able to uh obtain Revenue in the amount of 87,000 I look forward to providing you an update on the other work sides litigation that our department well this this is not the exhaust this is uh all the L together it's bankruptcy class actions right a year ago to so that the commission know and understand where we are at times when this information doesn't come um before us and and people in Authority have this information that's that's very dangerous and and we we can't afford to have those type things happening this has been happening for years and so going forward and like my request wise or otherwise come before the Comm as Community know the other key thing we're on that the insurance risk rating that we also talk improve in that area and that has else thank you on to update from hurricane Helen after thank you um Mr come real quick and just give us an update but I did I'm sorry so uh basically both is their cutri Community Affairs and just both go out into the community and assess the dages and basically me street there's some D there um there's some we do have pictures we're so sorry you but with the planning in the northern quing the and from first today I I'm follow bring to alert about the doct and um that's going that insurance coverage with that what about MC about I have a question this is a better way to say it what can we do to better notify citizens of roads that flood and I'm speaking more specifically towards 13th Street I had to get out and help somebody because that road floods and it literally was up has their tires and so is there a map something that identifiable that kind of help because again we can't those that live in those areas know but then then again those even if it's some kind of signage that goes out that piercing to flooding or something that would ow us to properly identify because again what I don't want to happen is anyone to get stuck but I don't want it to become a liability issue of any finally um just wanted to to do team building update because today what we have for you was a big gift we're we're all of effort and we wanted to show you the video of all of the team building projects that we're doing even in the midst of the crisis us to grab that team building report that was conducted in February of v head meeting and therefore uh we now have something called the city of Palaca team building club that is Miss Jones Miss West and Mr doing you can come up to the front and explain that and and we'll be fast go ahead this is our team building Club what we're doing is our first for Friday November 15th we've come up with a to be able to De order shirt um that says Service first um with the city of Pica they up and clean up the city in areas so that we can encourage the citizens that if we are cleaning up your area this is certain way we're just saying Service First we're going out and we're doing it and then we're sponsoring a lunch in at the Jenkins facility for our employees afterwards um the second thing we have is Friday on December the 20th our plan was um Christmas um with the city um which is going to conflict with jingle jam which we were employees were going to bring in gifts and we're going to try to give out at least two 300 gifts to the kids at the riverfront um and call it Christmas with the city so they would get to meet the Departments and the people handing it out here at the city employment um employe it's the same time that Sunny has jingle J to come together we're gonna work on it but that was yeah do like the concept of something new as city um Christmas with the city and then in January all other the Departments so we're going to do a chili um cook off for um prizes and trophies with the chili and all of that and then we're gonna Mr Sean can I at least hear your voice well along with this the chili cook off we're we could get you Commissioners to be all our judges so the mayor the Commissioners you guys will make the final decision for us and we'll know what and HR so we got to keep it fair who's better than you guys thank you so much thank you guys well have you have you have you opening up for other departments too so you can have us Department Department what I was saying was that from when you built your committee because it's just three so far I mean uh opening it up to for every Department to have a representative so I think it'll be fair and if they don't want to be part of it that's that's fine but just that's just an offer up list than just trying to show you that we're making efforts to really follow the recommendations and guidance that you give us and we want our team we learned a lot it may not have seemed that we learned but we really did that y'all made us go no no no no I just but anyway we really learned a lot we learned so much about that word determined to break that and so that's that's what you see the result thanks for picking that up but yeah you want to give on credit to commissioner you got it rolling in and we just need to keep it moving yes sir candle did you want to say something please I do um and it's I don't know if it can be tied in of the um employees who wanted the opportunity to go through the leadership program that we had one time before that was um specifically for um to take that in consideration um because if there is a want for it I think that it's of our advantage to um try to implement that and then i' like to take it a step further I the commission each commissioner as well as the mayor be able to identify someone that we think would be beneficial or someone that would benefit from that leadership course um for consideration so I think that'll be something if we can look into that I think again I've been contact quite a few times in it but I I want us to try to see if that's something that we can keep that was Dr savak okay and there's also an opportunity besides that the chamber every year and maybe coming up twice a year just finished a cycle where they did a Leadership Academy too that's an option for some employees I know you want I know you want house City driv but there are other opportunities that people want move forward thank you for your it uh so with that um not I'm going to open the floor to public comments is there anybody here for public comments on any general items not specifically listed on the agenda three minutes name City and residence nobody here for public comment we close public comment and therefore commission staff response there's nothing to respond to we can move on to the consent agenda does anybody want to pull anything from the consent agenda any items commissioner Jones C see oh I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry sorry I'm sorry no no see okay agenda is printed second motion is second all in favor on to regular business discussion Direction city manager sir I would like to request that human resource manager comes up and discuss this place uh we are following um the agenda and so we did work together we came up with a plan and we would like input from the Commissioners please get we outlined there's an outline sheet um so if we were to move forward and doing the city manager search inhouse um this is just an outline move forward um which would start and I would Madam Clark If you would just so during the month of October um the object of this I'm something together to and then to create a brochure advertising the city of Pica with the commissioner's input the brochure with the information that is being passed around right now was already created um when we were doing our search so we can have different pictures in there or different um wording if you all would like with the input but we if you guys want to do it in house we're not sure if you want to search for them but this is just outlining from this standpoint um two as is outlined for the month of November and December and that's placing all of the ads as well as forming a community Advisory Group I thought it would be advisable or just a recommendation that we would get um individuals random individuals to fill out a form from the community to meet the candidates that you all may select black for out of this and so they would also be and then at that four they would be able to give you guys input on what they thought um so the community would be a little bit more involved into the search of the um New City Manager um phase three would be in January so that process is going to take through for November to December that's placed in all of the ads through and forming The Advisory Group phase three would be the applicant screening process so that you guys would have all of the applications um of course Human Resources would scann to those that are qualified or the best but you all to make decisions on and in during the month of January as well we would do Zoom interviews so you all could create a short list onto who you want to bring in for inperson um moving forward to a phase four um is where you would have in-person interviews parment heads would meet and greet the candidates in a form where they can you can just sit down you can ask questions you can talk it would not be on the same date to a lot enough time for everybody to be able to ask the questions so that would be like on a Friday night I'm sorry Thursday night and then a Friday would be this would be the next day and then that all of that is taken care in February so by March you guys should have what you would need to select y a new city manager and so this is the process that we kind of came up with and wanted to present we also attach the uh job description of the well commission Campell I'm actually for the phase it's not rush thing that I would make a recommendation that we change in addition to the individuals that you made for the um me and greet I honestly think that should be completely but I think that should be something that's open to citizens of Pala just as a whole because not on of the city but they'll interact with our constituents and citizens as a whole so I think those that may not have been interested in interested in meeting um perspective city managers so I would just make sure that we have a venue or a setting that's uh conducive to allowing residents of the city of Paka to be able to come in hear and greet um meet the potential city managers yes sir anybody else have any thoughts so I have a couple of questions you said this is the an in-house process so okay and that's if we decide to go inhouse but what about if we decide to go out outside we will thought about we will look at that and bring it back for that with that input okay and this is a six month process um at least yes so five six months so we'll bring it back with the input of a search agency I'll wait to hear my other fellow Commissioners but I have a suggestion go ahead commissioner so if it if it does go do the inside which I think we had issues on last time we went ahead and just did the uh search firm and had everything to come to the commission I mean I still like that process and then using a Review Committee then that the commission um have each commission have an option to uh select uh commit member yes house this this plan in general is a good plan and opportunity if it doesn't succeed then we go to the executive Search but in both cases fire commissioner Jones any thoughts go ahead I'm gonna I'm end it's a six-month process that we reach out to former mayor Hill as the interim city manager doing that six-month process and Miss cardi can go back doing her job that she's grown in that process I think we miss c um do you feel comfortable doing the full six months until we actually put somebody in place I I think we should give her the courtesy of asking that of her since she's doing the job and doing the job well six months or does she want to go back to position as soon as possible and I think it's the courage of the board that we can recommend that as well and I think she's doing a great J but I think it's out of CT we also need somebody qualified and yes and I think that the mayor is well qualified as he Ser administrator as a municipal I don't know about that he knows about our he was involved I don't know I don't know other than him and come back in C to entum so that's my recommendation and I hope that my fellow Commissioners entertain that yeah um I'm not opposed to the recommendation however to even see if that is is a possibility but again we have someone that's currently sitting in that particular role I would like if that is for consideration it's not only the agenda tonight but it is um for a direction of where we want to go with the search of the city manager this moment so I won't I don't want I prefer for us not to lose focus for us to handle the matter at hand and then let's move forward to quickly for the city manager search the outline of if we want to do in-house or if we want to do search so we're gonna keep this on the how we want to do it and not what we want to do see we still have a process exactly so the process is to get this started so that whomever is to sit in that seat whether it's whomever whoever that process and individual so again what's on the agenda tonight is city manager search outline so I want us to stay true to what we're here to talk about at this particular moment so that we will be able to better give staff direction as to what we would like to see moving going forward hey and I so with that being said to the process as well but I want on agenda because I feel that cardi Mr cardi does a great job with this but the other position we got to consider that that position can be be potentially sub R we just talked about it with the um C manager and and the um duties and responsibilities so I want to see if we can get that on the agenda for the next time right that's what I was I wasn't shotting down the point as a commission and I'm speaking generally speaking once we get on the topic we tend to ve off and once we ve off it brings in a whole lot of unnecessary conversations and dialogues that kind of steer us away from the thing at hand in order for us to properly get this agenda so that we can move this process forward it's not about the interim it's not about it's about who we want to serve in the capacity of our city manager and in order for us to get that ball rolling and started to feel that position as an intern then do so at that time but as of now what we have here presented to us is this the direction we want have on agenda for us to consider mayor Hill or someone else in that role as inter manager while we're doing this this is a six Monon process who Jonathan griffi who said it somebody just said it anyway so anyway I would like to see that on the on the agenda for the next time this process is good I'm friend to what I love it in house but I would like to see the one point about some of the flaws that we did have um I think some of the flaws that we did that we didn't go with a recommendation and so I think overall the recommendation that came from those who we interested to provide a recommendation to us we probably would be okay with all of that said um we're okay with starting this process and having an update at every meeting as to where it's at yes but and to to make sure that we whatever we last time before any seek changes any for before any seat change in that seat understand and know what what we're what looking for as a commission a lot of sensitive situations going on right now in as it relates to investigations s information all these different things could potentially contaminate process that we current I have but that's just something to think about and also to give the um the city manager whoever sits in that road where there's two weeks four weeks to be moved forward without our vision mission strategy and all these different things that we work so hard to get in place now commissioner Jones we know what to expect we need to know that Miss cardi her position is she actually interested in the full-time job or not because she cannot be and want the position so we need to make that we the commission need to make that clear and be concise about if if that if that's where we're going that's correct I think again we're losing at that time with regards to this process we have to get the ball rolling before we can step to the next level and the next level that follows if we want to go with what we have here presented today once we get to the next level that's when we're able to lay out I don't think that this level is we're not there yet yeah well but I think it needs to be said at that time it has to said certain point she's already involved in the process so we we've already been to that we we got to that bump in a road before and we didn't address it in time and manner so before we even get there we could ask that question we we just had a a meeting where we talked about salary and and what we did for playing the roles I think commissioner Borman spot on about capacity and we just had issue and we spoke on them about dual roles and commissioner Turner in the c meeting he he made it clear as well it is it's tough for someone to do two jobs those are two full-time jobs her capacity because we we will be set on Monday we say one thing do and where we going with this so I'm saying it now so when it come up down the road you ain't GNA be of this process the process that that M Jones just eloquently laid out is first we're putting Miss cardi in a bad situation where she may be she may want to do this to her it be us how is the how would the process be tainted versus this because it would be in a committee hand so even I think it's a little bit this right now um given that there I mean if there is any that need to be made to this or moving forward again I think I'm not in disagreement with saying if she wants to apply or she's interested BL blaz blaz lay out we can lay out everything else it has the phases well let me maybe I miss something Mission so I'm G ask you now because you may be privy to something that I don't know have that question been asked rather Miss I'm just asking just be yes or no and just make want to make it I want to Miss and I have had with regards to I'm stating about what we haveed in front of us and the steps in order to keep us and the citizens in line so that it does not appear as if there is any back room dealing that's why I want the level in complete transparency of this whole conversation to come to us and say that she is interested in that position I don't think it is our to I don't think it is proper for us to put her on the Forefront right now when we're trying to do a process she is interested she would have to go through that process and I think that's what we we need to stop the process we need to start the process in order this is what I was trying to allude to earlier again we have these conversations and we go in a whole different direction when we just need to start the process let's start the process and let's trust the process and we ask that this be something that's on the Forefront but if we do not start the process if we don't start the process it's going to further October so everything that they have in phase one needs to be happening from now until the 31st so that gives them little to know things so if we're in agreement with the different phases let's move forth and then our next taking in consideration because taking in consideration the recommendation we cannot sweep that up we can address it but in order for us to get the tonight so I'm in agreement with the process again understand that you explain that very well and it doesn't however her position that she's of appli the process keep it on the agenda and as you said it doesn't matter who is to entertain a constant update and that we can have the proper discussion I just want to move forth with giv the ability to move forth with what they got to do in phase one doesn't matter who sits in that okay so go ahead got Jones sorry s again my question is will the person that sits in the interim City manager's position be eligible to apply for the city manager job that's that's the question and it should but will that person be able to apply for the city man's job that wasn't your question your question I'm asking ask a different question so can it be answered commission mayor right now will that happen so I'm not take miss cter out of it will they be able to apply and go through the process yes or no that's a good question so that's that that lies the power lies in our hand we made that determination and we process looks like and make sure that person is able to apply for the world so we're talking about going forward so that's a question that should be answered before we move forward we can try to that question commissioner want to say something as well go ahead well I just want to commend her for the job that she's done she's led us through Helen she's led us through Milton um she have um done just a got a lot of chemistry and again you don't want to continue to bring in new people new people introduce him if he can wait the six months uh she said that her stamina was good and she would come back to us if she needed to be to try to swamp her out because whoever comes in still don't know what's going the dayto day KN of how the city run not saying that you know whatever the commission decides to do but we need to take all these things in consideration as when we're shuffling around this position because here's what I got I got a problem with certain things we need to make sure that every time that position turns over that we have a audit of that position is in the remnants right now that we're dealing with so as it related to turning over of the guards with various so we constantly changing people at the ham we going to have to bring back in HCT we need them to clean up some other stuff that's already is just in the playhouse right now we can't keep doing we just don't want to keep doing the same thing over and over we just don't want to do that but whatever the commission we so this process can stop that's all we need to resolve right at this minute and then your question is something we will have to answer we can have on the agenda for the next time but I don't have I don't know that we want to answer the fact to whether somebody can apply tonight oh we can answer it's going to be on the next agenda so like you said it doesn't matter we start this process and that can be discussed during the process I agree thank you on to the next agenda item adopt resolution 2024 R 209 Mad May commissioner get a motion on Ming forward I don't think we have a motion so this we we didn't get a motion get ation move forth with the process that has been Ved um for us and that we add to our next agenda the ter second motion is second all in favor I any opposition thank you we also had one public comment from Miss Kitchens on this item before Miss Jones starts Miss kitchens and this is about the process Le of kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida and I think that Mr Campbell said it pretty well and answered it pretty well but I was just going to suggest that first of all there's an old well first of all let me say for the record Terell Hill is a friend of mine he's been a friend of mine since 1998 I support him and I like this has got nothing to do with my how I think of Terell Hill but you got Marsha card in here for the first time in years the city staff is Happy everything's working well don't rock the boat do you want to go back to what you had two months ago I don't think so so I would say keep Miss Miss cardi in place and Mr Jones brought out a good question does she want to run for in for regular City let her decide that if she does then she can get out of the process and as to whether or not the interim can run for a city manager I suspect the answer is yes or you may have a big federal law suit on your hands by restricting somebody's rights but that's an attorney to say that send out the RFP and if Mr Hill wants to apply for city manager at that time then great but right now keep Miss cardi as long as she wants to get rid of her as inum and let's go with it and you already voted to continue this process that you tonight and I think you made a good move and I appreciate it thank you thank you on to the next item Miss Jones and I'm gonna let Miss prin read the resolution please okay thanks uh resolution 22429 resolution of the city commissioner of the city of P 19 the personel policy and providing thank you m Jones um last commissioner meeting mayor and Commissioners we B this um the new updated policy um as it pertained to our appendix 19 with additional information added within um the request of the commission what they would review and um commissioner borm and see if there was anything that was out of place as to whether or not we needed to move forward um I didn't get any response as to changes that needed to be made and so we have it here before you for adoption any questions Insurance about yes issues with the internet policy or violations that we had or don't about AR vague if you look at the highlighted yellow portions that's all that's in there the only addition the white the other additional things just outlines it more in detail so staff would know um it would assist staff in making stronger passwords and this type stuff that really is not required in our other policy so it really if you're looking at this it really just adds a layer of prote C for the city for our staff and it prevents you know um the possibility of somebody just coming in hacking our system because we're protecting ourselves um which wasn't outlined before we just had a very vague internet email policy so to be pointed was there was there not any violation of breaches that's my question no there were not okay questions have a motion to adopt so move second motion is second All In implementation M yes um this is um we we just found out more about this item uh within the last three weeks or two weeks uh there is there has been a change in the lead and copper rule uh in 2021 there was guidance provided to municipalities to implement um maintaining the inventory going out and being certain that lead was not going through any of the pipes um I do have one of my directors here who could voice this better than I I would like him to explain it thing that we do because if we do not do this U this is a very critical item that should have been done over the past two three is October 16th 2024 and this has not been done um in the future Federal funding tied to it once this whole inventory process is done Mr M go ahead please um I think it's all so I think like Miss Cy said this um something that the EPA and theepa requires to be done it involves um first of all determining which houses have to be which which meter boxes have to be looked at any houses built after 1989 or exempt because lead the lead rule came into effect in 1989 it was illegal to be verified um visually which involves going to each each met boxing a cover seing the connections on both sides of the meter um Utility side and customer side and documenting this with a picture um signifying which side is which and the address for the house this has to be done for every single connection built thousands of connections ma'am and then when this is is done they want this put onto a spreadsheet with a a bunch of other questions answered and submitted to DP yes um if this is not done well the horrible part is if it is not done then we will the fines are the least of our concerns yes there are fines it's $1,000 per day but what's what's even worse is the fact that we would be required to S house that hold that has children that they must go get tested for that that is not something that we I I just don't think we should do that I think we should try very diligently to meet this deadline to the extent possible uh I have met with several uh State officials Etc I've met with EPA I met with the leison from fwa and as a result I've been able and I read all of the RS and so by reading all the RS I also found out that even the feds are really not clear on how to calculate the penalty but there's an estimation that it will probably hopefully be ,000 a day so the this has been a group effort uh I've had uh public works I've had PGA public G Authority uh Miss West with legal also Miss Jones with human resources and I brought everyone together uh to figure out how do we address something that has such a short turnaround uh we must be able to show that we are doing something we cannot turn this in and and have done nothing so um what we're going to do um there are contractors Mr Joe could possibly Vero could explain it better or yourself but we do have contractors that fwa has vetted and if we contract with those contractors it will the benefit of it they'll wave that daily penalty of ,000 a day if there is a contractual relationship with one of the contractors so what what I've decided to do and I'm presenting that by October 16 which is only two days so I I will prepare and submit the initial right noting all addresses that are unknown if before so I um on Sunday I worked on it and we have by working with PGA about 5 some of them have multiple so it may in fact be 6,100 um the first assessment has shown that prelimin that are not a penalty that will be negated it'll be what's that word you use eliminated eliminated it'll be eliminated so it's that net number and get them done so once I submit that uh initial water service line report and also the lead service line replacement plan both of those must be sent in by October 16th additionally we need to contract with one of the contractors that they have real simple this is a huge familiar with it he will service our that's training all of us uh Our intention is yes to contract with the contractors that have been vetted so that we can get any possible penalties problem is that all of the contractors are already committed because it is the so we have uh had conversations for that be here tonight but she's out there in the field digging those things up but in the meantime the earliest that we can contract is probably the end of this month and that's precious time November 1st it is but Prov the documentation that we're in this process does that help us in what we have to do is we have to go out there and dig those meters up okay we have to stop asking would you consider about six to eight temporary of two of our supervisors which would be under Public Works and also Mr Mr R and so and yourself because Bryant is experienced he has the expertise he has the actual experience so he is the one that's going to be churched with dig it up put it like that put the Whiteboard take out picture inut the address then we have to upload that remember on the USB we got to upload it to this incredibly huge worksheet the worksheet is about all the way to you is huge so uh I've already started it you know so we will get the report done um but I just wanted to stop for a moment give you an understanding of the intricacies that's involved to get this done this is something that should have been being done on a routine casual daily basis for the past two to three years but it has not so we we we don't have a choice we have to do it so I'm asking for permission for you to consider allowing us to bring in uh temporary laborers to have to bring back to you the agreement with a contractor and as of November 16th we have to turn in one more report on November 16th to tell them how many meters did we get done between today and October 16th uh Mr Bryant can address how many meters possibly we could get done with a crew of about eight to 10 how many you think a day we could get done and two supervisors most likely you can probably get 120 to 150 done a day and uh we are also thinking about they must work six days not five did we get this in April I just want they they got it excuse me sorry uh it was received in the environment um I did have an email but I I this is me doing the research that I did with you have yes ma'am so um there was an email that I was able to track yes ma'am and it was back in like 22 23 something like that 22 so that answer one of my questions so that's 35 that's they don't take 35 days between 35 and 40 days and so again yeah where um held that responsibility and put the city in a very very vment I want to thank you for helping to um bring the team together to move this forward because these are the things that we're facing we we're learning things on on the Fly here and so we just got to have people in the right roles doing the job they need to be doing and not bringing the city back to the um in the Forefront week after week after week and we got to have somebody in the role that's making sure that things are getting done I want to thank you for what you what you've been doing with the city over the past several weeks commiss Campbell just questions for point of clarity we're two days away so if the application or the submitted when does the Thousand fine begin because what I'm hearing is and I want to make sure my thought process is clear will be out of compliance simply because we did not get it done period we're trying to get into comp well at least Grace being that all of the ones that have been all of the contractors who have been vetted by the authorities are currently occupied doing this and there's the posibility that we can't get an agreement in place until the end of the month at the earliest within that time time frame is there $1,000 per day which we will we will comply that don't doubt that so we will submit the report that's required by myself and also another staff person and with Mr Bryant reviewing what we're doing so we will submit the report and we will submit the plan by October 16th there will not be $1,000 penalty the penalty potential that's don't really understand how they're going to calculate the penalty so the penalty begins when we they just submitting that report is compliance that's October 16th with the plan and the inventory so that's number one number two November 16 we have to resubmit the the listing the inventory able to see that we have like out let's say we have now we we know that we have at least 1,50 that we don't have to go out and dear go all so we can submit it with big old thing that spreadsheet right exactly um that then brings us even more into compliance let's say you don't keep working so we keep working because the um Water Association that's the layers on that I'm working two months before they even look at the November is we intend to get them all done to let them understand our status so PR much we're sending two we're sending October 16th and November 16th and what we're hoping but what we're going to be working towards say that we can at least without team that gives we have have now brought into we need you to give us permission which we don't intend to keep longer than 8 weeks you need us to come back to packet the kind of agreements that they've submitted to us so by the time we have the ne come back with Miss no the the individual you referenced that you were waiting to see a g on with sensible Water Solutions she is here thank you Mr miss jul me but I am here a little rundown about what's going on with the lead C please only thing that would interject is um whatever connection looked at they they're saying to that letter does need to be sent out but just as Miss kti said um them getting that report in on the 16th of October even if it's unknowns it's just it's got to get in that gives FD a good faith that you are going to complete this that you you know you're working toward it um and then like I said as many as you can get done before November 16th will definitely um alleviate some of the letters going out so um here thank you so much so the plan hopefully is to get an expert a vetted contractor like yourself on board so that we can work simultaneously doing so perhaps by the time we get to November 16th we will have a small number absolutely not a large yeah absolutely and that's and that's your goal you know that's your goal is to whittle it down to you've got some expertise you know with the gentleman that was speaking before you know being I'm sorry I don't know um but making sure ensive form this is not just filling out just a few things and the fact that you're trying to get this done before the 16th on your own I applaud I mean I have you know 10 people that work on these lists and so getting through 6,000 addresses is quite the Fe like I said this is this is tedious um out in the field is tedious um we've been successful in other cities because we've had a really good working relationship when we can't find a meter you know but it's categorizing that it's it's a lot thank Miss Julie can I ask you a question are we going to be informed that we have to send out the letter and how long will it take for them to tell us that the agreement in this submitting it on October 18th is that you have to have a plan um a plan of how you're going to get these unknowns to a place of of knowing what they are um there is an agreement in there on the one we've been sent that if you do not out that letter that does not mean you need to stop working and over and over again because according to you every year you know you're going to constantly sort of reassure them that you know Leed service line is up to date and and different things like that so this issue is not going away um and that's why you're required to keep it for again so I mean again with the hurricanes and everything I've understood it from fdp because like I said we're in this with a bunch of other cities fdp by the 16th of November they have to promise by not getting it yeah the letter is that lead letter has to go out on November 7 if you did not do that right commissioner candle I understand everything and I appreciate every that media gets thing that I don't want to happen is the media to report do we do from to get the I'm not sure what that letter letter entails I'm not sure um but again I think side we're actively working towards a plan that will get us into compliance again I I I hear everything I'm I'm with the plan whatever we have to do um let's do it but at the we get the appropriate and accurate information out to our citizens and be proactive and do it as soon as that's a good point I think something should have already already drafted and ready to go out and not waiting until a newspaper is printed and then we're on our Hills and so um we shouldn't St have this wait until we met with you all tonight byebye the morning it will be good point but since I would can we give direction to staff to go ahead and do whatever you all you all know we're just sitting here receiving the information but so it doesn't belabor the point whatever you all have to do I don't been shook a lot of time sitting up here but this can I interject because there's some factors here that are going to try to do this is is is it's difficult and you're in someone's y you have a tendency um and my team because we are in your yard they wear bright purple vests and we have you know the truck has a lot of these put out in their social media like hey this is what's happening look for these people you know encourage them because they're doing such a Wonder don't mention the November 16th don't mention the 18th just these people want to spin it but definitely get out in front of it that also help and refer to people when they do come out in the yard to say hey why are your website and say look see we're supposed to be here we're supposed to be doing this we're helping you so that's what we've had several of our cities do and C A little small recommendation as it relates to that I mean get some if if these are going to be other contract City logo name on or anything or with the city um information on there now to the community that we need to use every uh media stream we have every channel we have to be able to get that out in addition to so guess follow it another recommendation that I would make is probably getting with the police department hey C will be in your area blah blah blah so or where wherever they post it but again whatever way that we can thank all the recommendation Joe was Miss Julie Julie yes yes helping us with this matter but uh we one of the contractors that are you know is grateful for her Jo go ahead because if you've had an experience with a municipality we haven't because the October 16th deadline has from you know the city tests for lead and copper orderly um so you all have you know we're just doing it sort of at a nitty-gritty Now by actually going out to the meters or Le um ever in the past I could be wrong on that foreign it's a form letter it's gone out every time you know every time lead or copper do come up um and I don't for I said if you do have lead forgot that um this ended the possibility to get working with the person that is on this Mission couple years ago so uh we do have the possib to spin right now mentioned today that people will be in with two or three months very important and maybe like a safety yes yes followup to our um legal department so what is your take on that miss m w as far as against the EPA uh which is currently in AB bance the court has uh been asked by the new burough Clean Water Project versus the uscpa American Waterworks Association but as I mentioned it's currently Advance right so the fact that it's a delay of a couple of years would that have any bearing is what I'm talking I'm just talking your legal opinion I my legal opinion is to fully comply with the requirements so we don't incur any it was fairly new rule making that was prated by the EPA um so there aren't any test cases of non-compliance and what the ramifications would be for noncompliance but we're talking about what AAP would do what about probably shouldn't even ask that up here for that yeah yeah I got you I'm available offline anytime question can I also interject real quick questions um I know that this this really honestly does turn out to be a really good thing for you um in the fact that we are pictures of them um they're categorizing them they're telling them if it's copper they're telling them that if it's you know plastic if there's a problem now in the system a Le computer and they can pull up this inventory which will be available to you because obviously you get a copy and you keep a copy you can now before if it's LED um you can tell if it's in a Swale if of information is it Galvin fix something it's it's really honestly I think being used more is in a city um and and helping you because sure um on the inventory and it will take you right to that house that meter and it'll give you three different perspectives on that meter so like a back um but it's going to be a really unbelievable tool that you're actually gonna enjoy and like once this is all done okay I think move forward and get this done in a timely fashion required timeline fashion we're behind it and we will bring the update right and and the um ARA funds because it can go for infrastructure as well so that's Avenue no good idea what's your is a motion required for any of this financial keep it clean and it's easier to track okay I like to make the compliance that um the city manager or the inter city manager used the op oper funds infrastructure funds to um once money comes available yes sir you have a motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you code section 78166 requested to vence Clark um five minutes Mr Clark um violation I need to know if the city has transferred uh ownership to a business the city must have the business tax receipt my business tax receipt the bonfi sell um of my business can I get those paperwork in the city you're here to give us five minutes of a presentation Miss say Miss CL Miss cotti um what was the discussion in terms of Mr clock I'm not sure okay so uh good even miss together uh with Mr Peter and uh we sat down and really tried to get an understanding for what was going on in the chronolog chronology and um matter fact I did um send you something to kind of dates that were not in the prior U chology that we had sent you previous like I realized that U Mr Clark um as of September 30th 2022 he um that BTR so everything happened to him um on the date of June 26 2023 and um but as of that moment he really didn't have a BTR under his name at that time because also his lease expir December 31 2022 but um May 1st they did do a different lease with another individual what Mr Clark kind of made me understand as we sat there and talked and went through everything the best we could um was that there were two major concerns he have one and if I'm wrong you correct me yes sir but one was um that he had lost his Revenue earning capability because of the machines that as far as he was concerned he owned the machines and therefore he didn't get an opportunity to go in and pull the machines out and that's thing that he alerted me to the other thing was um that um he he contacted the police to go in with him so that he could get what was his and he walked in and pulled funds out that he felt were his funds so um those were his primary uh concerns that he was expressing to me and after sitting with him for quite a while and going over lots of information from the new uh planning director and also with Miss Wes um and with the chief of police I met with him as well the understanding that I can give is the BTR was not renewed for that period of October 1st 2022 to September 30th I did question like where was he pretty much like the day before everything went down and uh he he had gone on a July 4th holiday but he still felt that that was his money and also I wanted to make it clear that the city Paca does not have the authority or right to transfer a business we don't do that the only thing that we can do is give him the license to operate at the premises um I do believe that the city um I'm not certain who did the ticking but the Rome box was ticked um but um the point was that the locks were changed he didn't have a lease and nor did he have a valid BTR in place uh I don't think that we gathered the city all of the transfer of ownership our ordinance or code section it does tell us specifically the information we're supposed to gather if it's a transfer we didn't do that and again you know because we said oh it was a mistake but again to Mr Clark he did not renew his LLC so uh the planning department did a search they could not find his name on any documents to evidence ownership when this event occurred and um I did ask him about well do have receipts to document ownership of the equipment I believe he's in the midst of securing that but the recommendation from city is that uh Mr Clark really does need legal advice particularly for the equipment if that equipment was owned by him and the other situation used it then you know that's something between him and whoever used his equipment I do believe the city should assist Mr Clark at least with helping him to secure legal services to help him uh we did do that Peter and I on October 7th and possibly we can help with the uh charges that you know he's facing I believe five years or something like that maybe there's something that we can write to better clarify what happen on this day and perhaps that will motivate the state to consider revising the church from a fell come up with that's all I can say that's the best I know Mr Clark yeah you saying that I had my b my BTR was paid on June 26 it was already paid for the business was up and running the day that this paperwork was signed over the transfer ownership this business was up and running U Matt Nukem your assistant chief he he got all three btrs or all internet CAF when I talked with him and the mayor he even let the may know this business what they never closed so how can you say and so that's and so that part that he's saying that's what we couldn't find right away so I will follow up with uh I I did ask planning to go back and check for me got you got the paperwork I'm talking about uh the one that we saw was where it expired September 3 2022 we I didn't see the one that did you say my incident went off the building 9:30 last year so you have a BTR then that were you paid for that year yes ma'am October 22 yes ma'am okay so that's you know I will search for that too then I didn't find it but um and then you signed the paperwork you got a transash for ownership well I keep asking the city for the paperwork but the ownership of my gaming equipment go went to goldbert scene so I I don't know what's really going on so the city does not have equipment and that is where his biggest losses being experience legal help that's why he really needs legal assistance uh Chief is here if he wants to chief chief Shaw is here who I did meet with also Chief Matt n is here as well I'm interested because again there was a conversation well there was mentioned uh Mr Clark mentioned having a conversation with the mayor as well as uh assistant chief I mean assistant chief Nukem that because you're saying you told say that part again the conversation that you had with Miss I as to speak to to the may she told me to meet her to the um police station when I got to to the police station M um when we sat down having the conversation he told the may this business ain't never closed he asked me for he thought I leas my equipment he said let me get lease to uh did you lease the equipment I said no sir I'm the sole owner of this business and he from nothing I'm trying to I'm trying to wrap my the pro because if you had the information then why is is it available now come up may I want to hear from you to okay yeah that's fine I was going to and I can he called me I would say Mr clar pal new come at the police station I don't even have the date it's in this summary by the way Mr clar did not bring in any documentation that could have copies anything assistant chief please so when the mayor and I met with Mr Clark he had his lease we did not look at any BTR not that I can remember um we went over the lease I then contacted the Lei I guess is what you would call the property owner and I spoke to the property owner the property owner said that they were renting to M inside the business belonged to the Le not to Mr Clark that gentleman that owns the property sent the a second copy of the lease uh to me it was not signed by Mr Clark it was never renewed and then he sent me the existing or let me let me back up the existing lease that he had at the time to the person that he was running it to then after Mr Clark and even that lease was identical showing that he was the owner of the equipment inside the business so based on what my portion of this was is that Mr Clark never owned this equipment he his lease expired I believe in December of 2023 um and then there was another lease that he was that's what our meeting was with the mayor and then the things that I did to yes assister Chief new followed up and so far there's been no rece substanti that he actually owned it so I you are I'm the so owner of of the bid go ahead commissioner the business but we never said anything about the equipment so are you the so owner of the equipment for everything and owner I got the BTR I got my my LLC and the EI I'm the only person Nam on ownership of that I can't dispute that because I don't I don't have all the information so again if you can produce any your legal um direction if that's the way you decide to go um but again I don't know if we can make a r to do anything s but how the city gonna transfer ownership of my business don't have any we don't do that we don't have any in that sun yeah go through some B but your off [Music] we don't have the authority ability to do that go ahead so miss Carter you're recommending that we assist him with a legal at least try I got a question about that yeah me to but oh maybe I need to hear your question question because the recommendation was that you said consider writing a letter I I I now I'm going to pull up commissioner Jones I need to refer to legal to make sure that that is something that because again we don't want to and we don't want to put ourselves in a position um that may come back to bite us of course if we can help out any way but I'm curious to even know or consider what that letter would even say that we have to get to that extent in terms of the legal services we can make a referral to Legal Aid and in terms of a letter to the state attorney's office we would be able to provide this chronology that is based upon document review and in my opinion uh the effort should stop at that point this is just a factual based chronology so the state attorney's office would have an idea of what transpired commissioner Jones um Mr Clark have been up here several times to kind of like piece all this stuff together looking at is confusing here's something I feel was a civil matter talking about ownership the confusion that I see and I I see discrepancies okay so I don't know if we're gonna if we're gonna yeah I just because I can't I'm G tell you I've seen it um we do have some controls and either we going to we're going to say we're going to do the right thing or we just going to sit by say well you know it's a gray area we don't want to really touch it and we don't want to be held accountable and I'm not saying right or wrong okay but I want to I want to put these points of emphasis out here because if I'm wrong I'm own it and I expect others to own their wrong so number one the BTR it was checked in the own box and that's one of the first things we need to se for of ownership okay so that's number one number two what I noticed it was some discrep in Mr Clark was charged three $4,000 almost for the business tax receip in the same business that somebody else went back leased out got a BTR and they was charged like $300 so let me finish so there's some some things that we need to address that happened even before police which he did to try to take care of a disturbance okay then he turned out got to get arrested for if we if we could be again transparent and we go and sometimes remember law enforcement are peacekeepers and I'm ex- law enforcement I support the blue i w say that but we're human we all are human all he's getting is the the facts that's presented to him sometimes it's not Crystal Clear what's going on he have to decipher what's going on here and try to make the best decision based on the facts that's presented to him he probably had two different parties going saying one thing one saying one thing another one saying something else and all he could do is say well in a civil matter here the other gu pres a document that's not even signed I'm not again I'm just I just when this man saying he's facing five years for something that is a civil dispute started out as and I do understand the action of going compelled to say hold it before I leave I'm going to take what's mine now that area and here's gonna be something a mil question if this is money right here and I just took this from I put a few of these I gave a few of these to the mayor from Camp so who own them there's no my name ain't on it her name is not on so what I'm saying is if it was who owned the currency it could just half of it could have been his half it was a judgment call the officer made judment there or not when you took the money or when you got possession of the money but again that is a I look at it from up here I'm not the officer I'm not the prosecutor or defense but when it's a gray area and the magnitude of the consequences is five years in prison and it don't have to be a letter it could be you know what my support how can hey maybe tricky told we don't know who money that was now the the person who supposed to own this St it's look like we Prosecuting the guy the guy the the victim where's the victim the thing about the um thing about that that internet cafe is not registered with the state of Florida is ran illegal in the city of Paca for a year and a half straight I come up here and I say it numerous times and and Mr VZ do not have conf can't do conference with the state of Florida I saw some shaking of the head yeah Chief sh please I just want to speak on account of the and we understand where the um is issues the criminal case had no issues there was no great area in a criminal case we were called on scene to dispute a civil Clark went and decided to leave reached out to Mr Clark to ask him to return the money his answer was he belongs to at that time is not on behalf of the police department when you have access to so it wasn't discrepancy it was already in the process of an established building with the lock being changed and Mr Mr Clark decided not to return the money so it could have been settled at that time he decided not to therefore charges was p is within the law letter by letter and I think I need to have and yes Mr Clark he should seek civil assist arms to do that but had nothing and no bearings on the legal that's the missing piece again that we don't have up here because all we had is what we just pce by piece we never got that entire story after chief sh come up for though and no he have not I think it was in right up and he has said he has before because jury but I appreciate you clarifying that and only how I can know is you we get a reporter you tell us that by law enforcement um but we still got some going going back to the cost associated with the the application submitted for that particular business I thought they used to charge for the number of uh machines that's in the um area and so that I'm not sure if that's how the charges were assessed or are put in place and then for all the machines that was in there um the the city was supposed to get a percentage off of the revenue that was generated from that and so that's why I um I did have a planning director to look at it as well and um we did realize so really um the second person was charged sub subsequently for the additional funds uh didn't happen until uh November 22nd 2023 that he was charged an additional amount of 3,225 forly uh he was only charged $300 right and uh they went back and charged them 3,000 you want to say anything else or I'm good because my understanding of it each each machine is supposed to be registered with the state and and that's how wrap it up so um appropr time but but is that type of business legal or illegal business was waiting me St commissioner Jones is legal it's what you do in the in the operation of the business that makes it illegal and one of the actions that we find over our inspection is the giving of in the state of Florida so it's how you conduct the business which makes it ille and that's what our so when they did bring the machines in I think your cash amount could not the cash value of the prize could not be over something five bucks $5 something of the whatever the winnings were it would be a value but cash wasn't supposed to be given tell of what the statute but that's basically correct thank you thank you Mr clar so let him wrap it up I got two more questions how y'all just gonish my BTR without my knowledge you know I still had that business was up and around and then second of all and Rene Brown the process of closing this business they told me to go close the business and come back and sign the paper you got that paper Miss West we were supposed to five minutes and five minutes he didn't talk five minutes I know he didn't I know we've had a long minutes to present right and I've been looking at the clock Mr Clark actually had about two or three minutes left on his time that's he interrupted him so if we gonna be fair let's be fair but at the end staff how do we wish to proceed because again the more I sit the more I hear the more first thing I said when this first came above came before us was we made a mistake what are we gonna do to correct it exactly from that point to this point we did nothing to correct this issue and had I not pressed at our last meeting to give Mr Clark the opportunity to come before us will still be sweeping this the more is being unveiled and I appreciate Chief Shaw but on the administrative side because we owe this man something and it's more than this is a silver matter no this is our matter and this is a matter that we need I'm quite sure a solution would be formed and it would be something that's done we made the mistake we made more than one mistake we didn't even go to the extent of collect what it was that we were supposed to collect we made those mistakes not Mr Clark and the fact that instruction from a city employee regardless of if they're here or if they're no longer here he was advised by I properly bring it to a close or to a resolve to my understanding from what I just heard he did it so if we can't send a letter if we can't do all of those things what are we going to do to make sure that he has some type of resolve to the issue we don't have anything to do with the arrest that's made that's been made clear but what we do have a duty to make sure that the errors that we make what goes back to Legal saying what we can do as far as providing Finance was to refer him to the legal a okay so that was good that was done am I right okay that's done be benor to the St so and that's that's that's the recommendation full part that's the recommendation to get him something that's saying what not not in there it states our erors like that we're get if us it still doation and to to be clear this is everyone after the fact trying to piece together what previous employees did none of us were here when this okay so this was all document but at the time when I brought it up those people were still here um so alleged mistake was the checking of the transfer of the BTR versus a new owner of the BT made by Mr Nev not by City staff so if I can get a little bit more clarification as to the mistake up a little bit more because what documentation the city ask for do I I've been asking since I've been coming here I for the sell documentation for them to show me where I sold my business they asked Mr TR for the sell documentation I got y the pap last commissioner me he said he was going to bring the document documentation to the city um did you lock the building up or was it locked up when you went in no employee my night employee lock it and then when I went that day to the business on July the 6 when I went to the business they locked the door I called another emergency number they contact me with placa Police Department Lao laio came I showed him my paperwork he say he told them he can it ain't nothing he can went in the business I got the money I left to go get a U-Haul when I went and got the U-Haul Lao when I met him to the city post police station he said you no longer have ownership of that business and I asked him I said how he say it's new paperwork and then he said you either can give the money back or you can I say well I a't sign no paperwork over and he said well transfer the ownership or C and ask Miss Lisa was and Renee Brown about the situation and they say she said it was a scri that they kept saying about the lease about when I came here and got the BTR I ain't sign the back of the lease paper cuz sound like I heard the door was locked you went in and you went into the business got the money no the officer was right there when I went was switched over and I was going to get my gaming equipment and stuff out the business and he called me and told me the ownership of my business was transferred and I told and then he said you either get the money back or let it go and I told him I said how I'm G get the money back to something that that's mine I said I ain't transfer no ownership to nobody and he said well you got to go to jail well they operating when you went there yes sir business up and running to the back get money and come back out yeah they open the door L told they cannot lock me outside the business he seen my paperwork he said he got proper paperwork to ENT this business I got the money out of there I was going to get a U-Haul to get my equipment out of there at that time he called me and told me to meet him at the police station as I met him to the police station he said you no longer got ownership of that business I say how and he said well we got new paperwork B Chief going to come up again please I just got a quick question on the own sh question who fill out the application to even check a box who fill that out this for the BTR because the city don't do the city do the city get involved with filling out BTR I just want to know who filled out the paperwork for the BTR that was the business transfer so it was Renee Brown and Lisa was so so that it was the applicant and that's the business tax receip that is not changing in business I know but what was said what was said that the city check the box that's what was it how did we even get to the point of it being a scri if we didn't make the mistake how can we own up to the mistake oh it said when we originally had this conversation the only reason I said something was because they said because that box was not checked properly someone checked the box of a trans City I've been under I would have shut up a long time ago I was under the inclination it was why we constantly coming back because I was under the inclination that it was our error Chief show is gonna say something else as well this I think it needs to be pointed out the locks were changed that's why he could not access the building the second thing is while M while sergeant lzo was reviewing that he did not have ownership is when Mr Clark went to the back got in safe took the money and on his way out said that's okay I'm closing it you ain't got to worry about then he came down here and wrote the letter that's the letter of closing his business when he tried to find out how do I written and he turned it over to Renee Brown I think those are key points that need to be included that you guys that was left out to help you understand how it Happ 60 years ago and today you could have this conversation the direction I we following the advice of our City attorney and city manager which was to assist him to obtain legal aid which they have done and providing that Quant so that is what we're going with is there any other discussion thank you on to public hearings a adopt ordinance 20242 Miss CR thank thank you so much presenting to you um for adoption ordinance number 20242 an ordinance of the1 through 596 revising Municipal Code chapter 94 section 9429 Bing internet cafes and other unlawful simulated gaming devices for commercial promot promotional or pecuniary gain or loss providing for exemptions enforcement and penalties providing the date providing fors this is the second reading so does anybody have any questions of Miss W if you have a public comment on this topic please come up this woman's coming up first and then you Mr clock hi Crystal Rockwell from Hawthorne Florida um I just have a couple comments because kind of like a slot machine simulation game in these gas stations like the Chevron Express located in Paka they have four of them they're open 24 hours a day and they have gaming there all night long so why is only the I mean I can ask Chief sh come speak up to speak to that please but it's encompassing all of it okay because according to what she just read it just said the inter Cafe thank you Mr Clark please give your name again Clark I still want to know how BTR must respond we're talking about this to this issue well how do how do the city let internet cafe run for a year and a half where on the internet cafe 104 North 19 Street it ain't registered with the state of Florida never been registered with the state of FL but at this point we're talking about this particular ordinance and do you have any comment about the ordinance we can't really respond to your question because it doesn't pertain to this particular topic thank you moot second all in favor I any opposition thank you speaking of motions and internet cafes if we could please get a motion on the previous agenda item with Mr Clark to motion providing direction to staff on thank you do we have a motion on that particular a specific item previous item I'm sorry that Mr Clark raised which following the to make the motion following the recommendations of the City attorney and city manager inter city manager can somebody make that motion can I ask a question 166 because that's what it addresses I would like to know say 66 my make a motion help him out should we make it keep it clean and make a motion and said yes okay I I skipped over so I'm happy to read any part of the code so let me ask this question with this allegedly sending to the state attorney will he be able to get that yes this is so what courtesy are we doing here by the way um took a considerable amount of time not Tak away from that is it public record of course it's public it's a letter to them himself okay we were just facilitating that effort of trying to so so now we're going back to the original recommendation recomendation they came to us we we asked to hear exactly but the mayor recommended so mayor I did not make the recommendation I just repeated the recommendations made by the insance we asked to give him the opportunity to what was going on as far as us making a recommendation what why are we making recommend what what recommendation did we make so when I asked legal should we make that in the form of a motion the response was yes because there was a recommendation made and it appeared that we all agreed so here we that's a good question what but I don't understand why we're making a motion out of this why did we what recommendation did we agree to we didn't necessarily I just I just reiter I just reiterated what was said clarify that let's clarify it okay on 2 B ordinance 2024 13 1114 Miss CR thank you presenting ordinance number 2024 uh 13 an ordinance of the city of Palanka Florida providing that the official zoning map of the city of Palanka Florida be amended from commercial neighborhood C1 to City of Paca multifam residential R3 with a plan unit development overway for the following property located at 6 2011 St John's Avenue Paca Florida 32177 parel 10126 40130 0060 providing for severability provid for scri and providing for an effective date thank you Mr M May Commissioners um this is the second hearing you heard this before there have been no changes since your last meeting since your consideration just to recall this is a a request for annexation for future L use map Amendment and resoning of two Parcels that combin is about close to 31 acres and with intent to develop a residential community of 248 D units thank you any questions Mr demos is there anybody here for public comment on this item sing post public comment do we have a motion have a question question go ahead so UMO yes um I would like not on this particular 30 St Acres however it's adjacent to right now it's County popular right we're annexing this is an enclave it's an existent Enclave so it's right next to County property on one side of it as I understand it it's surrounded by by it's surrounded by City boundaries by the city but it lays right in the county well yeah the whole city is the county but well this is an enclave and Florida statue requires you to eliminate two Parcels that they have no control over but it is consistent with the Flor statue okay great I just want to make this comment on it um could we get your your office to work on a plan to square off City boundaries we love to in inclusion because we have so many places within City that's County especially like the Roman Hills area Okay um you have part of the street is in the county part of the streets in the city and I I want this to be a project that your your department your office take and square off our boundaries so we could have inclusion those areas this is going to be County and uh I being City to include those because it gets a bit confusing and if we do that I think uh we won't be in here doing this picking and choosing where we are um annexing why we're doing it because it's getting to be questionable why we're doing it for certain reasons because kind of feel bad we had a a church that actually wanted to be annexed in and kind of and have nothing to do with you folks so I want you to know annexed in and now I see that land up S and what was suspected is they were going to get it and extend they would have to pay those taxes and then they were going to sell it for someone who was going to benefit from it so if we go ahead and kind of square out these boundaries and I don't know if the entire commission feel this way um but I think it'll be better for future land absolutely and there is a process in the Florida statue he calls the is implies you know having a a plan to indexation in the future that we have to coordinate and agreed with with the count it will take you know this city commission and the County Commission to sit down and develop this plan we can do that prepare all the documents for you and have that meeting together and adopt the isba but that is the process establishing the Florida statute yes please yes that something work on with the county and maybe achieve which would be positive personally have so we've been working on that long commission trying to get boundary squared off but again we got to have consistency at the city manager level now when we we had um D homes in place that was the most we've got uh done in terms of moving forward and then we finally had gotten a planning director in place because we used in a contracted position so if you don't have those two positions in place you're not going to move a whole lot of things forward so commissioner C is trying to get this thing done working with the county I'm a big afate or squaring off people don't need to be worri they got they're in the county or the city if they next door to each other across the street or need to give some direction around that if y you know in terms of put some dates around this you know with the county so you will come back to us so maybe this is one of these things we have to have updates regularly about what the status of this right Miss Lisa Walsh was supposed to been working on that but then she she left so we did have something in play at one point so we need to go back on board it's aent can we invite them to our house we've asked to come into their definitely yes successful making it happen and again there's too much stuff on the table that we need to have conversations about and I know I've been the one asking for this basically since the last time we met and it's been a year if if they are not allowing us to come into their house let's invite them to hours because again we can set the agenda of what we want to talk about um as it pertains to the city of black okay and before we do that though the we had a list of things that we were already working on in place that we wanted to work with the county on so we need to utilize what's on that and if we need to add or take away anything before we before they come into the house so we're clear on what we're um trying to go to the table for because some things might have changed since that time we just want to make sure that we do our check and balance yes and make sure follow you can have access to that list prii okay thank you um do we have a motion to approve so Mo second a motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to um the next item ordinance 2024 13 M CR thank you part of this did you say 13 that was 13 I believe we'd be on 11 now okay it says on the agenda it says 13 so it just me but anyway that's fine okay ordinance number uh 20241 an ordinance of the city of FL of Florida annexing into the corporate limits of the city of Paca Florida certain adjacent territory identified as partial number 10126 41310 located at MCL Drive Paca Florida 32177 continuous to the boundaries of the city of Paca amending the future land use map with respect to set parcel of land from Pam County urban service us to City of P residential medium density providing for scer SS and providing for an effective date just recommend approval and that you adopt the ordinance any have a public comment on this ordinance seeing n public comment with a motion move second a motion second all in favor say I I any opposition thank you did we miss okay B1 or that was B2 correct that was that was 2 a now we would be on to B just want make sure okay no so moving to ordinance number 20244 an ordinance of the city of Palanka Florida providing that the official Zing map of the city of Palanka Florida be amended from Pam County residential single family R1 to city for the following property located mcclory Drive black Florida 32177 personal number 10126 413010 providing for severability providing for scrier erors and anybody here for public comment on this ordinance seeing none close public comment all second you have a question go ahead question yeah so um do we have people here president the applicant yes yeah we got a representative from the applicant so I I do have a question okay so we we're when we start um annexing in partially start expecting to have some type of uh ground bre breaking in some construction going on do we have uh have any dates or we going to start construction in that area um oh go ahead thank you please give your name first though Shen Estus St Johns um we don't really have dates yet um you know the next just kind of pining how long that would take um during my last our first hearing I had kind of given you some speculation um what typically looks like um I can pull that I can go back to that real quick um but it's going to continue to move forward as fast as we can move it forward with the city and the county because it takes County review as well um so if we were to get that done in the next couple months then as soon as that's spish shovel goes in immediately it's very quick so would you say like second quarter oh absolutely yes for sure yeah you're welcome I apologize for the glasses no we had a motion do we have a second second you said you said second I thought somebody had already second I didn't hear a second no I didn't hear a second okay motion a second all in favor thank you on to the next ordinance Miss CR you so much ordinance number 20 2407 an ordinance of the city of pan Florida providing that the future Lane of the adopted comprehensive plan be amended with respect to the following parcel of land less than 50 acres in size from City commercial com to citya residential L with the following property located on Kelly Smith School Red FL Flor 32177 partial numbers 9126 0213 0000 1 0 9126 0213 402 91026 0213 40030 con to the boundaries of the city of Paka providing for script and providing for an effective date M May Commissioners this items this request been for you many times uh basically for small scale future LS Amendment and a resoning for the newly created lots that are located on Kelly SM School Road uh the three lots to about 0 point about half an acre and they're asking to change future line use map from commercial or residential and to resol the lot from commercial C1 to single family R1 District thank you uh the application meets all the requirements of the city code and uh the comprehensive plan and we still recommend you to approve this this one commissioner Campell had asked that not be brought back before the commission and I thought that the commission had a a pretty uh solid note not to bring it on until after the investigation was over because this and so we had that's why I kept getting getting pulled off the agenda put back on the agenda pulled off the agenda put back on the agenda and the request was to keep it off until the investigation was over because it's still under investigation yeah it was continued to the last commission meeting that didn't happen last week because of the H and this special meeting today they they put up in the in the agenda Miss West the request the request from commissioner Campbell and it was cleared with the commission that this piece of property was a conflict of interest and it was on investigation and I put it back on the agenda and that's what um was was given direction to right city managers and it keep appearing back so there's some issues here because I did ask sta to go back and listen and review the video to give me real Clarity I know I've been doing a lot but I'm happy that you've made it plain that you do not that the commission as a whole has fled to not have this on the agenda until the conflict of interest matters resolved that's that's where we were slightly it was in it was in the video I mean it was in the the when it was pull when it was put on there that's why off and on off and on so that's just my my you're correct commissioner so okay so the don't put it back on correct okay the um representative from the applicant is also here if you would like to correctly say something please give us your name city of residents for the record good evening Patrick Kowski Jacksonville Florida I was here here about a month ago I heard the comments um we have addressed those the the individual that from my understanding that no longer works for the city is not involved in this project they have no ownership interest that's been filed with the state of Florida we've provided that documentation none of that information relates to the applicant application it doesn't relate to the crit IA that the applicants provided the application is complete your staff doesn't need any more information your City attorney doesn't need any more information it's right to be voted on because we have removed that ownership interest from the project they're no longer involved in this project at all and so we would ask that you vote on the merits of the application and Miss West what is the reification of us table continuing to table this until such time as investigation concluded so I have provided uh an attorney client privilege memorandum that I hope you my concerns we wouldn't be here if you guys would have put us in this position tonight we wouldn't be here you wouldn't that so um I think personally if if weisl and tell you a direction and a directive it should be followed from this diet let me ask you this question with regards to that property sense witherly regardless of who was on there was it done correctly it was and as I indicated in the memorandum delay is a form of denial we can't just forever because staff did not listen we made the recommendation and we voted against it at the beginning that's why it keeps resurfacing and this is our the first time of us hearing of any removal was at the last meeting so again even before that was brought before us I asked that it not be brought before us until the investigation was complete so it should not have even come to the last meeting regardless of who stood before us because there was representation from another attorney that came before us and said a whole lot of things that's the reason why I stated my position with because of that attorney and I told him at that moment he was confused so therefore I made the motion that it dot come before us until all of that was concluded and we knew because again on the back end I don't care of interest I'm care of if there been done to push this to be where we are today that's my concern and that I'm care I'm I care about and nothing was done to push this project group because the concern that came from the gentleman who brought it to our atten attention from that par as a neighbor he was the one who brought all of this to our attention had he not come to the meeting and brought it to our attention this probably could have been pushed through a long time ago but the mere fact that a citizen brought this to us the mere fact that we ask for a whole lot of stuff the mere fact that other uh other lawyers stood before us and St stated certain things that's where my concern came from so it's not about the it's a part the application but I want to make sure that on the administrative side that nothing was pushed through commissioner thank you for clarity uh we will not put this back on until we are given guidance to put it back on and I I would hope that gentlemen and I thank you for coming in but I would hope that you respect that decision because again we sit us I understand your position I understand what it is that you have to do but I ask that you respect our position in the given state of what we are to allow us to get the proper closure that we need so when we do make this or we don't make it it's done clear it's done precise and it's done that on nothing that can come back and by us our position hearing I don't know when you came in at what point you came in but this discussion has been lengthy this discussion has been in depth our request has been in depth and I'm sorry that you're falling victim to person of something that you had no inkling about but again this happened long before you came into the picture no I'm I'm not a victim here I appreciate what yall are are talking about I've watched the videos I've read the documents um I have a client that owns property that wants to develop the property they're not going to wait indefinitely um and and they asked for they asked me to pursue getting a vote tonight that votes no then we know what to do with that um there there is nothing in the what's required in the application that warrants um an unlimited delay that you don't have legal grounds to do that I'm not your City attorney but I'll speak to my client they're I'm sure they're watching the video right now we'll talk about what our next steps are this is pretty clear because I mean commissioner Campell said that on several occasions and the commission did um agree to make sure understand the direction that we gave because a lot of time we hear staff is saying that we we're not giving clear Direction so we have given clear Direction multiple times on this particular it and so it's just constantly coming up and I need to understand why I did ask to look at the actually did not look at the video myself so they came and told you something different well they obviously did not misly by the commission not to put it on the agenda I will because I should have went behind myself and checked it out and I did not but I will make certain that uh I clearly understand right now that the directive from the Commissioners is to not place this on the agenda actually can I get a little clarification do not place on the agenda until the I understood until the investigation was complete concluded is that the investigation of Jonathan Griffith is now been referred to FDLE so we're waiting on a state agency's resolution of that investigation before this application can proceed the matter is completely done and we get a finding of whatever the finding is that's when it should be brought back before us because within those findings there may be some other things that we have to take in consideration that we don't have now and also the referral process has not really been completed I haven't confirmed that yet I hasn't gone to FDL yet yeah I I will confirm that attorney but he hasn't called me back yet and if you turn it over the FDLE that you should also turn over to the state's attorney that's what his recommendation was in his right based on the number of things that he was Finding so that's for clarity and he did mention that he would actually turn it over and so that's why but I will follow up myself and be sure okay any further discussion on these this agenda item okay on to the appeal of Mr preservation it is just need minut e e e e e e e e e e e e recess Miss West sure um this is an appeal of the historic preservation board we have been through this uh before so you kind of know the process now but basically back on September 5th of this year the HPB denied a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of the structure located at 426 Kirby Street it's owned by Mr Sheffield and he is a member of the HPB he did recuse himself for that that item and the HPB ultimately ended up deny are you okay commissioner yeah okay okay his request for demolition so uh Mr Sheffield has filed an appeal so you are now sitting in a quasi judicial capacity which means you are acting basically as the judge here unlike in times past you only have two options here you can affirm the decision of the HPB which means he cannot demolish the structure or you can overturn the decision of the HPB which means he can demolish the structure you are no longer um able to remand the matter back to the HPB that option has been eliminated thanks to the quad judicial hearing adoption ordinance that just went into effect as of the first of this month and with that I'll uh hand it over to Mr Sheffield he will be presenting his case in Chief he has a maximum of 10 minutes I will try to make this uh very very brief Allan Sheffield Paka Florida um yes and Shanah Sheffield Florida just in case I gotta get up uh I know you have a lot before you I will try to make this very brief but the the the matter is is that I I feel up the um historic preservation board did not uh fully consider um uh the guidelines that are before us as you know there are rules that we need to go through uh in order to make a decision on a case and so really uh in that uh section there criteria for uh HBP HPB decisions really going through the couple things that I thought were critical to this to this case really making sure that we're in conformance with the secretary of in interior standards so we've got to consider um consideration of historic significance of the property and so this is defined in their criteria as talking about key events happening there or really uh the place having distinctive architectural uh value in in history that we want to preserve and and and have moving forward uh another thing that's supposed to be considered is really the existing physical condition of the property whether it has any nons surviving with um and then it gives information as to what you do with that the third thing here is really it actually says to consider the economic and Technical feasibility of each project okay so those things are should weigh heavily in terms of the the decision or consideration the other piece um whether the the number the removal of such structure and I'm going to walk you through just a couple pictures uh I know you have it before you but I want to highlight a couple uh structure would be detrimental to the historic or architectural character of that District uh and then the last thing I wanted to point out here was consideration of reasonable interest of the city and prevert preserving the Integrity uh of the that I really like you to with that backdrop take a look at a few of the pictures I I guess in your in your document uh there because I want to start off with the actual Structural Engineers report that we had D we initially bought the property uh so that you look at the condition there because really as the board discussion the historic preservation board discussion went on uh that then I wasn't able to speak to afterwards it really Ed on a couple things in term in the four years that we held on to the property but in fact the property has been sitting vacant for 12 to was sitting vacant 12 to 14 years prior to uh Shannon and I buying the the property so really if you take a look that you have there this is really the front of the home and there's a picture at Below on the side view and remembering the historic significance distinctive architectural features um when we when met 3 years ago when it came before they in that report even stated that there was nothing architectural significance with this property and so if you go to page eight here the picture at the top of page eight is pretty important because when we had the structural engineer go out and coming before the uh planning director at the time uh and historic board we were not able to really see what was um the condition the existing condition of the property uh because we were ER because we brought it before them and saying we is it was it was gutted uh when we bought it in the inside and look at the bottom of of where where you see this is what the structural engineers saw that's the only thing that they could really the additions that were on because what's to the right is really the original structure was when we got permission to demo that 277 of 407 and so when I when you look at that um you can see we didn't remove in in in in compliance with what the historic preservation we we didn't remove the bottom boards I am so sorry okay let me try try this again all righty so this is okay look here I want you to look at this here what problems really were so I'm sorry we were we were we were not able to show the structure engineer get to the things that really were underlying on the other side of the property you could see some evidence of uh the seal and so once we got this part off and we decided to take a look because of what it reveal okay we're all set we're good good oh this is okay it's it's the same it's just it's printed out with different page numbers when items were taken off of the agenda and so what we have what I want to take take you through uh then and this will be really so you can see through the pictures the the de deplorable condition of the of the property when we when we purchased it and so that's after sitting for 12 to 14 years and so that are that are in the the um uh the report there and now this is somewhat of the same picture and if you will I I like 47 I'm sorry this is that picture where we remove the bottom and then under those SLS we remove remove SL this is what we saw and this is what this is what we saw and so that we didn't want to we bought this to to renovate it that's what we really wanted to do but this then became a horrific dollars to do uh this and then what was happening at the time when we we bought the property in 2020 November 2020 we weren't able to get before the historic preservation board until September if you remember the price of wood tripled uh and what the historic preservation board wanted us to do they didn't want us to do Hardy back they didn't want us to and so we were it just became too much of a detriment uh to us it's just not feasible to go to go through and do this and so what then instead of rehabbing or uh you can actually do a reconstruction and so that's what I came back to the historic preservation lines again and the secretary interior's guidelines you really have another option if you have non-surviving members the the the rot that was not visible before that was clearly visible you saw offer there changed what we thought we'd be able to do with this thing to request that we go the Reconstruction route um this where it's going to cost us so much more money it's just just Justice and in equity and balancing the interest of of the city and then the thing that I kept asking the historic preservation board because I said on it myself when we go through these guidelines we're supposed to be asking ourselves what historic architecture are we trying to save and use that to help make make our decisions and guide look at this home what there there aren't any historic this is one of the most vanilla uh uh homes that are that are there and what the commission not the commission the the the board came back and really spoke to was saying well when I said well what are we saving here and what what historic events took place no one could could bring anything to to to to speak to that and and so then it's it's like well what are we doing here but needed a cin event or uh Aral uh uh significance or historic to make it uh it just needs to be how old it is and it was built between 1882 but you can't just hold someone if we're going to do that we need a separate policy in this in the city to say well we're not going to for rehabing we're going to go A Step Beyond because the comments I heard during theist not someone following the actual standards that we are supposed to be making these decisions by and then they a lot on it I I I I I went back and watched the video and so you have the verbatim conversations there as to really they were saying it's neglect uh by has having at these couple years now it took us a year and a half to get through City processes the property sat for 14 years before we bought it if you're saying that we're in neglect well who was for three four owners from out State and this that other okay that's the that's the clock I did not pick that sound I hope you're getting the gist in that one we didn't have a fair look to look at the existing condition of of the property we've done everything we can we can to Think Through how can we possibly save this but it's gotten looking at this too much and we love to proceed with what we were asking for in terms of what it looks like we know what it should go forward and so we were asking CA prohib prohibitive to go through a full renovation because every one of these boards has to be sistered replaced all and it's just incredible I had one contractor say well I can't give you a we don't know what what we're gonna um run into I can't give you a bit on this so that's okay before we go any further um we do need to disclose any conversation that any commissioner may have had just want to make sure um now the city presents yes go ahead M West uh so this is a non-contributing structure to the South historic district the city has no evidence or testimony to contradict the assertion that the renovation is economically unfeasible the city has no evidence or testimony that would show that the removal of the structure would somehow be detrimental to the historic or architectural character of the city and finally the public safety issue uh that we heard about during the historic preservation board demonstrated that there were concerns for the adjacent property owner and some the city concurs with the appellant completely yeah well would you have one one minute I do have a public comment card so please would you like to come up and open the floor to public comment on this topic please M Davis Annie Davis Baca Florida I'm the adjacent property owner it is a health it's a it's a hazard to not just the community but to me and my family who live next door I would like to say that until we can incorporate timelines or whatever that look followed in other words when somebody buys something the time you have and with um the homeowner offering to reconstruct the house for the record I am not a proponent of historical buildings being torn down at all however there is nothing left to restore it just needs of your citizens who live next door and those who live in the termites and we have had to put an additional barrier on our house that we otherwise would not have had to overturn this decision I personally don't like to overturn the preservation nut we did it with the church church and I'm very big in preservation but I Haven known this house for a long time and there's very few that I would say demolish structure to the ever was so I actually concur motion go ahead Bo decision we're seeing this stuff and determination maybe they need to have some kind ofation legal and ramifications when I say that but if they saw the same