e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the meeting is about to commence please take a seat well I will do that in a minute we a three minute warning please have a seat thank you welcome everybody to the city commission meeting on April 11th 2024 at 6:00 p.m. I'm calling this meeting to order we will start with an invocation by Pastor mberry good evening everyone father again we thank you for this uh opportunity we thank you for this time of sharing we thank you for this time of coming together God we pray that you would touch the minds of the leadership here give directions give wisdom give Insight give what to do and how to do God that will bring you glory let there be no hidden agendas but God we pray that you will grant your purpose to be manifested your glory to be revealed it is in Jesus's name we pray thank God Amen and amen amen we're now going to take have a moment of silence in honor of Miss anim spell who passed away on April 7th she was a beloved educator a pillar of the Palaca community and a recipient of the city unsung her award in 20123 please bow our heads thank you the Pledge of Allegiance is going to be led by commissioner mcco please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please Mr gr certainly commissioner Tammy mcal here commissioner Justin Campbell pres commissioner will Jones not present for the record at this time commissioner Rufus Borum present mayor Robbie CA present Madame mayor we we have a forum here in the chambers thank you Miss crance we're going to move on to the approval of the minutes for March 27th 2024 workshop and March 28th 2024 regular meeting do we have a motion to motion to approve second all in favor I I any opposition thank you on to public recognition presentations St John rram Frolic week commemorating the 250th anniversary of William Bam's visit to Palaca April 24th through 28 2024 M CR thank you presenting to you the proclamation um in recognition of the St John's river bam Frolic week and commemorating the 250th anniversary of bartram's visit to Paca now therefore I Roberto mraa mayor of the city of Paka together with the members of the FL of City commission do hereby endorse and proclaim the week of April 24th to 28 2024 as St John's river Barum Frolic week commemorating the 250th anniversary of Bam's visit to Paka in the city of Paka and we urge all citizens to attend the baram Frolic and take part in the celebration of putam County's Heritage and relive and relove our River's Heritage and history thank you do we have a motion so move second all in favor I any opposition thank you this would like to say a few words the mic is on sure thank you um you know this is our eighth annual bar and Frolic and the uh the uh barart from Frolic actually started in this room um uh 10 years ago and um so it's really been a a pleasure to do this we consider this to be a um an effort with the city of Paca because it it did literally start in this room uh back back when we did we uh we uh have now made it part of uh uh We've conjoined with the U the putham county school district and we have a educational program and we will have educated 4,000 second graders and Pac given them their first boat ride and on the St John's river and educated them about our River Our Heritage and our nature and it's just a wonderful thing so I want to thank uh the commission and and mayor Robbie for having us here and um in this Proclamation it means a lot to us and um just so you know it also means a lot to um to the city to the account to the State of Florida because now we uh we'll leave on Saturday and go to Nassau County and in Nassau County we'll be celebrating the 25th 250th anniversary up there and we'll also leave go from there to Clay County we'll out be celebrating it there with the Clay County um folks and then we'll be moving uh we'll come in here on the 27th as we said and then we'll go to uh alacha County on the 3D of May is that amazing just amazing so what we started here in this room is uh is becoming a Statewide project we really appreciate it we have invitations for you for the uh the Frolic or the VIP Frolic which is on Friday night at 6 o'clock in the River Center and uh we would like to have all of y'all there uh to uh to join the County Commission will be there and we'll have representative BBY pay and some other folks there and we will be celebrating the uh the start of it that's how we kick the prod off as with the uh is at the uh at the River Center on Friday nights so thank y'all very much for that and we'll leave those invitations with sun all right thank you it's part of thank you as part of that we're also going to do um on the 26th at 6 prior to going inside for the VIP event we're going to do a dedication or rededication of the River Center it's opening and also The Pedestrian walkway that's awesome please come on down folks it's it's it's a really cool thank you thank you so onto city manager and administrative reports update on the Jenkins Community Center Mr Bell thank you madam a um so our first item is the update on the Jenkins Community Center so good evening commission Madam mayor um so from what I understand uh we had requested an update by 1M today from the Department of State as to a status update regarding any movement at all regarding this project uh they had not replied to us by 1 pm though unfortunately we are still proceeding under no update we are at hold but everything else is ready to ready to move um we're still expecting the delivery of the air conditioning equipment in May about mid Monon so obviously that that's approved already and we can install that once it's here thank you does anybody have any questions thank you thanks for an update and then the second item that we have is the update on the Hank Brian Park progress well it's me again um Sunny if you wouldn't mind putting up the uh the PDFs that we've got so we've been working with the uh the county draft person and engineer to come up with a preliminary um concept uh in specifications I think there's another page to that um for the the actual design of the restroom itself um we've also issued basically a PO to um execute a a topographical survey and site survey for permitting for the site as well so once we receive that that site survey what you'll see is the concept if we get the other page up here overlaid on that in several location so that we can discuss the uh the best location based on the needs of the the public and um probable costs associated with its location within the park any questions I you to I'm sorry did I inter sorry no you're fine um I was going to say so this is the general layout of the restroom it's a single story uh block building struck face block um with a Ada restroom and a hot water and mechanical room storage area off the back um there'll be lighting and a water fountain in front um if you've got any feedback or if you would like to see something else included in this design we're still in the preliminary stages so these can be modified fairly easily any questions no I think our estimate the timeline on this is um sometime in November to have all of this pulled together if we can stick to the timeline yes sir thank you appreciate the update thank you sir thank you Mr MC and Madame mayor if you will there was one other item that I wanted to update the commission on um Miss Jones this is in reference to the internship program so uh there was a message that was sent out to the commission but I think um it would be valuable for Miss Jones to talk a little bit about where we are with that program Madame mayor Commissioners um as it pertains to our summer intern um ship program that we do every year we will begin advertising um this Monday April 15th and it will continue um through May the 3 um for advertising giving all of our applicants and our students times to apply it will be on our Facebook um page as well as the City website um so we were going to announce it at this meeting and we will also announce it again um at our next commission meeting to give the public time if they have children in school that would like to apply for an internship here so it can be out um in that area as well we will notify all of our department heads um will be notified um the week of May 13th um of the interview dates once we get everything um in place and get all our applications in and we will be interviewing all the candidates that come in on the week of May 20th and the internship itself will be be from June to 10th to July to TW to July 26 um which is a seven-week period thank you any questions I don't have a question I have a recommendation okay other side of the methods that you spoke about the uh Facebook as well as the website I would recommend making contact with the school okay and actually setting up during the lunch hour several organizations go out to make themselves known and provide information that would allow the opportunity for students to ask any questions that they may have with regards to the internship program that may eliminate some of the phone calls that come through here um so I would recommend setting up an opportunity to be present during the lunch hour um to either one pass out in pass out the applications as well but also to be able to be available to answer any questions that may arise yes sir we can do I think we also want to include in our discussion is uh the Yap program too and an opportunity for students to um to enroll in and participate in that program even though that program will not be uh starting as early as the internship program I think the opportunity to get the word out and have that conversation um in the school system would be valuable for that program as well thank you you with that said I'm going to open the floor up to public comment for items not on our agenda um please limit your time to three minutes and give your name and address for the reckon Miss kitchens alra kitens 1027 South TR Street Paca Florida I just wanted to take this time under public comments to tell you how very blessed I and you and the entire city of Pat is to have Miss Jane West as our City attorney she is not only brilliant she is very honest she knows what she's doing and she's a darn good City attorney and we are really lucky to have her and I hope we keep her for a long time to come thank you Miss West for being so diligent and taking care of the city's legal business thank you Mr Taris Clark Mr Clark okay CL 601 North 16th Street I like to hold um emergency um on the agenda for the city of P of violating 78166 transfer ownership M you admitted that the city made error your City attorney admitted that they did not follow the proper told for the thing I lost my business behind this I'm going to up to go into prison behind y'all mistake I ain't do nothing wrong y'all took transferred my business to somebody else and I ain't signed no paperwork I went to jail behind this and y'all still telling me the paperwork that y'all received that I'm liable for I ain't liable for what y'all did but on my end I lost my business because of what the city did and then I um y'all violated me twice y'all don't trespass me from the city hall two times with less than six months and commissioner Campbell for me being a manto man where them allegations come from that I threaten you I'll never do nothing like that and this ain't right thank you Mr PK but y' post um can I get on the agenda for y'all violating 78166 um we're not going to add that to the agenda it's not an emergency item that we will add one of the the Commissioners would have to make that recommendation at this point this is public comment and it's not a dialogue so thank you may I like May goad I like I like the uh City attorney to readdress this again because I thought we was at the end of this whole thing with all of the communication that's gone out and um so I like for the City attorney to readdress what we what we arrived at um from our last uh communication of course commissioner Borum um this matter has been concluded and thoroughly analyzed with significant staff time not only by our chief of police but by myself the previous City attorney the interim city manager the previous city manager this item has been fully analyzed and vetted and determined that the city did not uh do anything improper here um I'm more than happy to Circle back and provide the memorandums that I have previously provided to the Commissioners uh to get up to speed on this issue uh via email if that's acceptable to the Commissioners thank you is there anybody else here for public comment seeing n close public comment commission and staff response are there any other the commission staff responses to any or any other information okay we'll move on then ahead I do mind doing commission uh comments I'll wait till the commission come and the end okay that's fine that's fine um consent agenda is there any items to be pulled from the consent agenda I like to see i k and l k and l i i k NL okay the door shut at the same time okay anything else a motion discuss second we have a motion in second all in favor I any opposition thank you I miss CR than you just bearing with me Madame mayor presenting to you in the commission item um I but it's resolution 2024 r77 a resolution of the city of Palaca Florida authorizing the execution of a local agency program called lap agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the 2024 Memorial Bridge pedestrian peer replacement and Rehabilitation and providing for scers a thank you Mr commissioner Mor do you have a no I just want to U get a little background on the project because it's m complete okay yes sir so this is the execution of the agreement that designates us as a local area partner essentially a representative for fdot to manage and accept state funds related to the Reconstruction and renovation of the Memorial Bridge um recently with in the last year we've done close to $80,000 worth of repairs to it um it's at a capital level of replacement and repair now so this is the state kind of stepping in that it's allowing us to manage the repair of that infrastructure any additional question Mr I just want the community to kind of understand and know how all of this works as it relates to the the bridge um or what have you as it relates to the bridge and that we the city uh do not own um or maintain the full scope of the bridge but we we we we work with the state in order to be able to get funds to try and help with what we have to be able to keep the bridge uh operation so this kind of FYI thank you do we have a motion so move second all in favor I any opposition thank you k m c resolution 2024 r79 a resolution of the city of Mala granting reduction of the code enforcement daily and accumulated fines and fees and leans assessed for the code enforcement complaint case number 1741 on 720 St John's Avenue Paca Florida providing an effective date authorizing a release of lean upon payment and providing for scries thank you Mr cutright uh this is a lean reduction that Mr goldes came in apply for back in January uh the can you show the pictures there Sunny uh the the property he bought was uh had about a $150,000 for fines but he was not aware of that and due to a a search that his title company didn't do due diligence uh but when he did what was aware of it he took uh that's the wrong one Su this is 404 South you said item okay I have that as 2024 hour 79 okay so all right so then uh this is 720 St J Avenue uh this actually was uh brought to you uh for lean reduction back in 2023 uh they had a compliance date to uh finish it uh they didn't meet that time frame uh but since then they have brought the property in compliance for us the C violation that we had on file for and then they uh reapply for a lean reduction and while my the City attorney and myself recommendation was to go with the original judgment that you gave back in 20133 of $110,000 question and they and they meet all of the um administrative costs associated with that is all included all included okay I'm good I just want to make sure that we're out in the public all right thank you any additional questions do we have a motion motion to approve second motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you Mr cutright on to l s resolution 2024 r81 a resolution of the city of Paka granting reduction and release of lean assess to 44 South 13 Street Paka Florida for complaint number 2022 d011 authorizing the reduction of the lean and release of the lean upon payment which is attached to the effective property and providing forers sers all right that this is the one we started with earlier uh this is Mr Gomez leine he bought the property about four months ago five months ago uh when he brought the property he was on understanding there was no leans on it but his title come in do due diligent once he was aware of the property having Lings he took action of making sure brought the property in compliance can you show the picture Sun maybe next time I put so as you can see the top was the issue of the property when he first prowed the bottom is what it looks like now uh my my opinion to this is this is what the black the black program is actually put in place for uh as you can see that he had done a wonderful job he has put excess of $52,000 into the property to bring it up to compliance and I think if Mr griffiny can remember his I think that brought the the tax roll of the 39 to4 $1,000 so yes I can appreciate that okay yeah the picture says a th words so we appreciate that thank you all right I just want to make sure that you know I see I see that you know he is an investor as well and a lot of time we have people sometime investors they'll go out and grab properties and don't maintain them and we put in a lot of work with trying to make contact with them to bring them up to their status so again you know I commend them for that so I I appreciate the work that you guys put in and where we at right now thank you commission yes I think the with the program the blight to Bright I think these are the stories that we need to highlight um beyond our commission uh meetings and hopes of sparking a fire for those of for those that have properties that are in this condition um I think again these are the stories that we should put out a lot more often we do commissioner c i I actually did a presentation about four months ago on some of the uh black the bright properties that went from where they are to where they are now uh we definitely add that to our website and other places so you can see the difference of how they have bought some of these properties in the city to to compliance and actually doing a wonderful job bringing the property back up just try to keep that as you're running collage I mean as a Continuum just even time frames or whatever so we just want to make sure that we capture all of this because that's what the community need to understand and see what the city is trying to do to help remove the blight in the city thank you positive outcome thank you sir do we have a motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to regular business discussion Direction requests from annual rescue Consortium for a funding commandment for low clost Spain neuter capability thank you very much um just about how much time do I have do you mind my asking five minutes and please give name and address for the reckon sure Diane Kelly 123 Lakeside Lane Crescent City Florida uh you may recall I was here speaking about two weeks ago regarding and you do have a uh some information in your package as well from us but I did speak to the fact that we really desperately need in putam County a low spay and neuter capability it is something we do not have today uh and most surrounding counties do other than Bradford and the purpose of Jenny Oakwood who is the president of animal rescue Consortium uh she and I did present two weeks ago and what we're really trying to do is set up that capability actually in Crescent City but it is a mobile capability so it would be for just as a recap a fully equipped surgical trailer that can be moved to different parts of the County uh span neuter is critical to help control better control animal population reduce the demand on animal control and certainly to help with affordability in our community so I did want to just kind of recap um at that point I did want to also remind the group that right now animal rescue Consortium does provide some lowcost services for folks in patka and other areas in putham County that's largely vaccinations heartworm testing feline leukemia testing and uh vouchers we do provide vouchers when we can get grants uh where possible so that folks can get other services done including intermittently some spay and neuter services at a low cost but we need a capability where folks where it's readily available to folks and we don't have the tremendous demand that we have today and we don't have as many uh feral cats Etc in our community when we presented last time one of the things that the group asked for and I believe you all have a copy now I it tonight is an outline of the cost of the trailer what's included in the trailer what are those key elements uh we do have that and you'll see uh that the trailer itself is about 151,000 uh does have some um other items that were discretionary items and also the estimate of the total grant that we're seeking it's 171,000 is what we're looking for not from you but 171,000 total uh but you'll see a summary of what those key uh costs are for the actual trailer itself and you'll notice that it does include the actual physical building itself it does include the um the examination table the surgical table the lighting the electricity the air conditioning and heat and other critical supplies for a medical facility uh we do have a grant that we are attempting to seek and that is with the USDA it is not final yet um it does look positive but until it's fully authorized we're not going to count our chickens before they hatch uh we will know by the end of this month if we do not get the Grant from um USDA we will get it from somewhere Pet Smart is another area that we're looking at but we want to see what happens with the USDA first because it does look very very positive so I do have that outline in your uh what was handed out today in terms of the costs of the trailer as well as a building we have a building located on the facility at ARC which is in Crescent City so that we can do pre- and posts surgical preparation when we run a lot of animals through in the course of a day because we can do 20 to 30 animals each day uh for spay and neuter and the cost will be about 25% to a homeowner uh or excuse me to an animal owner about 25% of what it typically costs at at a Veterinary practice today retail so the building upgrade is about 20,000 the trailer is um 151,000 so we're looking total for 171 you also ask that we let you know what funding has already been committed um and in in that information I shared today uh we do have 25,000 committed by putham County uh Board of Commissioners and this is all contingent upon securing the grant it's not we have not we're not asking for a check right now uh we're this is all contingent upon securing the grant but we are asking for a commitment we do have a commitment from putam County we do have a commitment from Pomona park for 5,000 we have presented twice now with Waka it does look positive but they need to see what kind of funding they have how much they can contribute so that is not finalized yet and interlock and that's something that we'll be meeting with them in a couple of months because they want to wait until we get closer to the next fiscal year budgeting process so so far nobody has said no but we don't have yeses from everybody we don't have a yes yet from patka patka is a key your residents are a key beneficiaries because of the 11,000 plus residents you have and the amount in poverty uh who really need this kind of help so I hope that helps I hope I'm uh you know at least touching on some of the key points and providing the information that uh you were seeking thank you and I hope I stayed within five minutes you did you're thank you okay but that's that's what it is I'm asking for a commitment thank you okay discussion well you mentioned the7 the total cost which is the 171,00 Right Touch on that 43,000 right there that sure part that you omitted yeah that's a good question I didn't specify that the the grantor funds about 75% of the total cost of the capability so that 42 43,000 would be the balance now they have not said to us go out and get commitments right yet but it is coming um so that's why we're trying to do homework now trying to SEC secure commitments not checks um so that's where the 42 or 43 comes up it's about 25% of the total cost good question anybody else have any questions any thoughts discussion looks like that leaves 13,000 that they will be seeking if the grant is approved what's that I'm sorry so basically 13,000 left over if the grant is approved because they'll pay yes yeah because we've got 20 what yes because we've got 30,000 committed yes absolutely now Crescent City did say the the mayor did suggest to me and Jenny that once we meet with the municipalities come back to them when if we have a gap and how much so that we can uh hopefully but they didn't say we're going to write a check when the time comes but hopefully we'll be able to get their commitment as well but um so far I mean Waka has been very positive but money's tight um so we understand that and the other thing that we did share with them is and we would share with you is you know right now it's Midway probably through your Finance cycle and you probably have money committed and you might say well I don't have any money this year it's all committed um in that case it would be fine if a commitment is made for a payment in your new fiscal year in October for example if this trailer assuming we get approval for it it's going to take it's a it's build to order so it's going to in fact I talked with a company just the other day who's who would be on our radar screen but it would take about four months to build it so once we get the approval for the grant we write up the um outline of what our commitment is to the grant tour uh we have to put about a third down and a third Midway and then pay the balance after thank you okay thank you any further questions okay did you have a question Mr B yes if you don't mind Madame mayor um so this trailer would be mobile would it be something that could be brought here to the city of Paca yes yes yes it would be um and the TR in fact putham County we made agreements with putam County and we would do the same with you um and we made agreements with them because they said they wanted the same thing but you know it wasn't like it's going to be all the time but that it is a mobile trailer so it can be pulled by a large truck um so that's not a problem and putham County said yes we will prove it but here are a few things that we're it's conditional upon that was one of them that we periodically we made a commitment that every quarter we would stop by two or three areas within putham County and schedule these days and do 20 or 30 animals Etc they also ask that we commit because this would affect Paca or benefit Paca as well that we commit to um handling um I think it was 30 animals a quarter at you know just a co-pay rate like $35 or $45 um but even and so we're going to do that uh but even beyond that uh you might be wondering well what would the cost be when business is operational typically a dog depending on weight would probably be between $60 and $80 and a cat between maybe 30 and 40 versus like my dog just was just neutered and he's a big guy it was almost $400 at a retail veterinarian that's a good question but yes any other questions discussion I'm not opposed to um us supporting this I just would like to wait to see what other municipalities are going to commit to and then coming back so that'll give us time to look at our our finances make a better informed decision yeah and I think it's just a matter of talking to miss kotti and just seeing where uh or what line item we could use to to contribute to this because I think it is important we all know we have a lot of feral cats in our neighborhoods people are not neutering their pets and it's just it's a real issue here so lot of suffering go ahead um we've actually stated that at our last meeting that we wanted to wait until um we've heard back from other municipalities I would like to give her some assurance that we are willing to make a commitment um that would be wonderful so I mean because I of course we still want to wait but I want to walk away with some form of assurance the amount not given but I would like to make some kind of commitment to just let her know that in we are that you're in that's wonderful that's amazing I believe everybody here is in favor of that matter how much yeah we was in favor of the last meeting so yeah so thank you very good well I'll definitely come back okay thank you so much I met the time commitment this time huh almost give her take give her take take care give her give her take do we need to put that in a form of a motion uh Miss W yes I think that would be PR I would make a motion that we offer a letter of support uh to the organization to the arc organization uh with the intent of providing funding at a later date once it has determined the help me out here the the grant pending pending other commitments and conditional on the grant receip correct very good second a motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you all very much got thank you got it okay thank you yeah sorry this little convoluted um we're going to make a slight change in the agenda and um city manager requested this and we're going to go to item C before B so discussion Direction FY 2023 24 resurfacing program probable cost and segment section Mr McMillan good evening again um so commission this is the next step in this year's Road resurfacing program um and this is the product that chw has provided as a result of the last work order you've issued with them to do geotechnical evaluations and a probable cost for the segments that were selected um two steps ago um so we've got a couple of things that we can discuss um CH here chw is actually here with a very highlevel presentation or overview of their report if you would like to hear that we can go into that and then begin discussion um regarding potentially making a selection and then a potential secondary selection for future U programs um but at this time I'll ask would the commission like to have a short presentation from chw a high level overview okay um that's fine okay Miss Grant believe chw is here hey there they are good evening Madame mayor Monique heathcock with chw um I'm here this evening to give you this short presentation also have with me Lana kette from our office and between the two of us will answer your questions about this project um the next slide please so the project scope was to perform a geotechnical investigation that gives us the information that we need to know for cost estimating and later for design it helps us to know what is present with regard to the asphalt and the structure underneath also prepare preliminary construction cost estimate that can be used to assist with budgeting and prioritizing which project is done first and then we summarize those results in a report for your use and you can see on the right there the different zones and the different roadways are listed That We examined for these project scope items next slide so we have a an analogy here um the roof analogy and everybody probably is familiar somewhat with their roof it needs to be replaced every 15 to 20 years the shingles protect the wood base underneath when the base starts to fail the roof or when asphalts fail the shingles I'm sorry the roof fails faster and leaks develop the longer you go without replacing it the more likely that base that wood base underneath becomes damaged leading to more repairs and more costs the shingles are like the asphalt layer on the road the road is made of multiple layers and so the goal is to protect and replace that asphalt layer in a timely fashion to prevent the lower layers from from being damaged there should be one more slide I think thank you commission don't take them yet might be early there we go back go back one okay so these are photos of some of the worst areas but a lot of times it doesn't look quite this bad but what we did was we took uh the do Florida do has a um pavement evaluation program um we modified it a little bit to kind of better suit the the local streets here and we gave all of the streets in this project a rating so that we could kind of prioritize or understand with numbers what the condition of the roads were so like I said the photos are kind of the some of the really bad ones but they're also representative uh next slide um other direction go down one more okay so there are different ways once you know the numbers once you know the costs there are different ways to prioritize how do we spend the money which roads do we select first ultimately it's up to you um one option is to always pick the worst first uh those also take the largest amount of money per length to repair if you want to have a pavement preservation program that's another way to prioritize the funding that really involves investment in um a thorough evaluation of the condition of the roads and then getting to that top layer the shingle layer if you want to call it that the top layer before it gets too bad it helps to reduce the amount of money that has to be spent redoing the lower layers of the pavement then I'm sorry go back okay so then the third is a subjective selection and and that can be like any number of things you might say we should not be doing the roads in this category because we know we're going to replace the water lines in two years or some other utility uh ideally you would not cut open a road after it's just been paved um so that would be one reason to prioritize one way or another um it may be that certain neighborhoods in the city have received a lot of improvements and so you want to spread the the budget Dollars around and select somewhere else that could be something that drives prioritization um and also budget limitations and expedience for example if there's four roads but only one of them fits within your budget you know that would be a reason to pick the one road regardless of its condition because it fits within the budget and next slide um these are the totals in the four zones uh the cost of the roadway Rehabilitation and then we added a cost for for some minimal drainage improvements um so those are totals so that's a lot of Roads together the report breaks everything out and I think there's also a table available that kind of itemizes the roads but those are the the total numbers for everything and I think that's the last slide is there one more slide there yep so if you have questions um more specific than that between us and we will answer this commissioner yes I had one um you had the numbers up but what do you have like the linear footage on those categories yes sir actually later in this discussion we've got a segment table that we're trying to pull up now that has a breakdown of both the rating the length and cost per square yard and total cost of of those sections along with some additional information we can walk you through to make a decision anybody else have any questions on this part of the presentation go ahead Mr M um well while sun is still trying to get that up Miss kmar would you share that spreadsheet please so um in chws report they've gone over the entire um zone map that that was suggested to have this study done on it and uh it's approximately 3.57 miles and a total Rehabilitation cost of nearly $12 million um that's not necessarily something that's attainable at this point in time and that we have approximately 500,000 left or $499,000 left more specifically and the road resurfacing budget for this year so we've broken down every segment within that study that was done um by cost uh by rating by length and foot or mileage and um staff is requesting that the commission make a selection or selections that total up to 400 to $425,000 and that would leave us $75 to $100,000 to execute a work order with chw for design for that segment that You' selected um and so we've got this table here and I've got every single segment uh with an aerial view and some pictures of what it looks like in the field so that we can go through it um I'd like to point out a couple different things within this table for you so specifically that rating uh next to or between area and Zone um that is a condition assessment that was assigned by chw um the higher numbers are roads that are relatively good condition um roads that are five and below are showing signs of significant distress and would I guess is if you would assume a roof is starting to fail you're starting to get infrastructure or or base failure underneath so the the cost for that reconstruction is a little higher and the condition for rideability is a little lower so that's a rougher road to drive over um you've got uh you know your your costs obviously and these are are preliminary um and they do include some uh storm water improvements and and again these are they're rough we get a more refined picture when we do design uh but that's what we would use to kind of come up with that $400,000 total we're asking for selection um to the far right for your consideration we've got kind of a breakdown and if you see something with a a y or or it's red those are roads that are in areas that are receiving or will be receiving funding for Capital from Grants so as we were stating before there are some roads that it might not necessarily be wise to select for resurfacing if we intend to do heavy reconstruction of Utilities in the very near future most likely 24 to 36 months um and then the far right we've got a breakdown of some types of utilities or Underground Construction that would be necessary potentially yes sir you can blow you can blow that up um with the in the bottom right where we you got your your more from outside of sharing because I don't have the capability of doing it oh she's sharing this technical difficulties I apologize yeah cause she you can blow that up is pretty tough to see make larger yeah that's that's what I blow it up so again that that the three columns to the far right just outlin some of the Underground Construction that would be necessary um and those aren't necessarily things that would prohibit us from doing work in these areas um specifically for storm water some of those costs are already built into this cost table um for some of your utilities such as pable water or sanitary sewer there are additional funds outside of the road resurfacing line that we could use to address some of the issues in these these smaller segments um and I guess I would like to just request you know some discussion as to which sections you may like to get more information on and we can kind of go through an explanation for them were you looking for that right tonight well we we were hoping to get direction as a selection to to move forward into um actually design so that we can get this awarded out in in to the bid circuit um for beginning reconstruction right right so um and keep in mind you have uh four zones that you're looking at so correct correct so with with with all of that being said um I'm not sure if want like I like to look at it a little little bit more just a little bit more time on it before ibody get one of these I mean I had it previously and I brought it with me well here comes another one I've got one thank you thank I got one so uh pushing through another meeting cycle may end up pushing us outside of this fiscal year and resulting in a carry forward for funding um and again other issues there um and there's the other option if if you would like staff to make a selection we're prepared to do that as well question with the legend the legend doesn't tell me anything I think you said that some of them with the you you just said the uh percentage payment pavement distress you saying some had like a rating a rating of five or below or yes sir so we could have like a legend that can help see a legend but it don't it doesn't well if we move to the next tab the legend is broken down there you go um so on the top left that Legend is a a range of numbers obviously uh I think the key ones to if we could zoom in on that a little bit the key ones to note are again Five and Below um typically are fairly poor roads um six would be marginal 8 to 10 um you know they may be showing signs of distress but not necessarily rideability issues like see all that same same house same place I apolog this is a lot of information to try to take in and it's a fairly detail oriented process these are one of the things that um caus me some gray hairs so I I understand um you know this is a quick decision but um you know I'm here to help and and provide any color that is necessary any thoughts I mean we have people that have the expertise and we do not I frankly don't I won't say about anybody else but this is not my forte so I at least can honestly admit that and and keeping in mind what what mayor just said um if I had to give some type of Direction tonight I would like us to try to focus on some of those areas that are extremely horrible um if we are in a position to do so I do understand that um you said there are some phases that in the years to come there may be um some other construction so if those are within that site I would yield to those who are a little bit more well vered in that but I I I do think it's time for us to address some of those areas that have been um neglected for so long in order to try to bring some kind of compliance um because essentially um it's costing our residents when they have to continuously drive over those um horrible horrible roads and sometimes if it cost them that means it costs the city as well um with whatever kind of claims that may come forth even if there not Ved claims that still take away from time from our staff um that has to go through all of that kind of stuff so again I would like to address some of those areas who have been neglected for a while if at all possible yes sir and if I can even narrow us down um if you go back to the first tab please um just for discussion purposes U the ones that are in zone three that are highlighted green on there those cumulatively contain the some of the worst score boring areas within the city um most of these areas here are full reconstruction there the brick roads um is staff was to make a suggestion it would most likely be Oak Street from 17th to 15th that nearly fully encumbers the um the allotment for selecting a segment for reconstruction and that it's not quite $400,000 but it does allow for a little bit of additional contingency um for any unforeseen regarding storm water in that area that's an area of poor drainage um I've been in that system myself it's a terracotta system with root infiltration it's begun to collapse the inlets are not up to standard in fact many of them were cast at the Paca Foundry there was a Paca Foundry here so the the throats are about as large as a brick we get far more water than those those inlets can handle so um if there would be an area that is at least a candidate in that it has already received pable water rehabilitation in that area um and again we've got monies that we can use out of utilities per capital to address some of the sanitary sewer issues um in this segment as well and that makes sense if the utilities obviously as we've as you've said get addressed first and then those areas in such poor condition that it's so difficult to drive I think we're all agreeing and we're relying on your expertise to make some of those calls based on all the effort you put into this to date there's one other suggestion that I might offer since we're work working with uh 425,000 uh the Bronson Street uh item has a rating of five yes which is to stress that is in zone one if you go back and look at the zones and the projected cost is 425,000 and it's not going to involve sanitary sewer poble or storm water because you don't want to have to cut into a road that you've already repaved to go back and do sanitary poble and storm the only challenge that you have if you were to select that one would be that there's potential grant funding in the raise area and there's potential grant funding for FD pable we are that Grant potential stuff I don't want to hear no potential yeah understood that's only further delays right right and so if you were looking at the zones that you wanted to impact that's the only one that has a low enough uh Paving rating that it makes sense to address it in the range of funds that you have available okay so obviously we've been presented with two possible options um if you'd like to pick either one is is perfectly attainable then you got Oak Street as well with a rating of a two yes sir that would have uh that was an original suggestion right in that section zone three and that's within the price I mean that's within the range 3,000 yes yes so full reconstruction either I mean either one of those would really us um help in that regard step recommendation was Oak Street right that's your recommendation that would be yes in favor of that either or but more so with staff recommendation of Oak Street what anybody else's thoughts I I concur does anybody else have any other thoughts about one or the other or again I I thr the Oak Street option to at this CH would we like to make a motion Oak Oak Street from 17 to 15 yes sir yes yes and Bronson go from how far um it is approximately well double the length you got 1350 feet there um and if if we're interested you know there's pictures available on the tab listed Bronson or Oak Street um in there might be difficult to slide through there but okay there you go so that's the segment of Bronson that's being addressed in that um and if you scroll down there's some pictures of various imperfections within the roadway itself that would be addressed um I believe there's some speed bumps on this road as well and that's coming in from 19th Street yes sir yeah 425 so that would mean that area is horrible that this for reconstruction either one will be fine for me can I just see the oak um car listen all the way to the right you'd have to scroll to the right with the tabs or you could click and based on this assessment up street so this is um it's got some overlay asphalt on top of brick um it's a fairly narrow road with no actual curb or gutter in it um you've got several utility Cuts active utility work that's taking place in the area where we've got unpatched segment there's actually a piece of construction equipment in that picture um and again it's it's the worst and if you used the method methodology within the report it's the worst first methodology so I'm I'm with it I just wanted I think a visual um especially when we're talking to a room full of people I think the visual uh kind of helps see the direction in which we want to go in so I'm in favor of the recommendation that has come from staff commission I mean you'll have 30 30 something thousand left so you can just put that toward put it toward another I'm sure it'll get used in the future there's no worry that that would actually be um my my second request if we would like to make a motion on this to select it I've got another discussion point I'd like to bring to you motion to approve staff recommendation second Oak Street yes a motion all in favor I any opposition thank you go ahead Mr MC well congratulations we're going to go do that um decision so um within within this request there's a resolution essentially requesting that the city manager be authorized to execute a work order with chw they will work to create a proposal for design for this segment not to exceed $100,000 um but the real discussion is for future planning and so chw has provided this report we've got a lot of color and we've got a a fair estimation of some of the costs here and if we're to carry forward a road resurfacing program into the future and that you've got a decade or more worth of work outlined in just these four segments for funding and that's if we were very generous with funding um I would request or you may just request staff to make selections but if if we can go ahead and maybe select a zone or even other segments just for um and staff can facilitate the the of funds or finding those funds but to consider for design in the future because what we've got right now is we've got our budget cycle coming up and what I'd like to come to you with is a preparation or decision unit um for you to be able to either fund or select uh the next resurfacing project for next fiscal year and we can build it into the budget um at the conclusion of that exercise and we would bring that proposal for design back to you at a later meeting probably the next meeting so if you have a Zone specific typically or or any any I guess Direction based on this table um and you can pick up to $2 million but um you know we can work to create a design to have shovel ready projects either for Grant applications or for budgetary purposes going forwards idea go ahead I have a question before I make a recommendation for that so if you're on 19th and you're heading south you cross over St John's and you get to that brick road that is completely completely completely horrible um a lot of us have had to go that way with the rerouting it's right there with the greenhouse that sits on St John so 19 crossing over is there any type of has that been brought to your attention or is there anything that we can do to possibly bring that into um some of the scope of work because like I said it's I know one of the main things of it there's a tree root that's growing in the middle of the road yes um so has that been brought to your attention or is there any I'm actually happy you brought it up um it makes us look like we're very prepared we're actually prepared to start reconditioning the segment where the tree was removed by the homeowner um to smooth that out when we close that segment um related to the actual utility work we've got going on now so when they when the Cy's project goes through and reconstruct St John's Avenue through there will be able to piggyback off of their maintenance of traffic and start rebuilding the Brick Road segment there to smooth that out and that could be another section that we kind of outline for design in the future um but we intend to address that and we've already got the quotes and the vendor is ready to move on that project I'll put in a request work request on that that may have been what SP it thank you okay do we have any ideas about or recommendations discussion about moving forward so there is I think we've gave something to give us some time to buy in so give us a little opportunity to you think about I think we gave you enough to move forward with something and then gives us gives us a little bit more time to kind of think about is this something we'll bring to the next meeting or do you want I make that recommendation okay they done they've done a a wonderful job with putting this together so they put a lot of uh time effort in it and it's some something that we really have to um commend them about and keep it moving forward thank you for this thank you we'll make sure we make some decisions at the next meeting absolutely I appreciate in the meantime if you've got any questions at at all regarding this this this table specifically or anything relating to this reing but please feel free to reach out I'm available at all times we're good we got the Taps we're good just we're good thank you thank you uh Yes actually one more item that's the resolution actually to authorize the execution of the design proposal if if you would like to move forward with that that would allow us to actually accomplish what we've selected tonight okay okay um to read the resolution certainly and I need a number at apologies that's not there but a resolution of the city of Paca Florida authorizing the city manager to execute a work order with chw for roadway design and CI services for an amount not to exceed of $100,000 based on commission Road segment selections and providing for scor errors so move second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you we're going to move on to um what was the discussion Direction land swap the St John's river Environmental Center at 102 North 1st Street for 10102 re Street request to Blue Crab Development Group North LLC Mr dou is coming up okay well while they're setting up we're GNA everybody set up it's going to be a couple minutes so hopefully this m goes quick wait no you got to wait please I think by the time they set up moving J be back I'm kind of hoping we'll just um wait a couple of minutes for Miss mcal to return and then we'll continue stretch e is there somebody here that is going to present on behalf of the blue crab Development Group Mr Douglas please give your name and address for the record five minutes Charlie Douglas 117 North 2 Street Madame mayor Commissioners Mr manager Madame attorney and fellow citizens of patka we here tonight for further discussion about the future of the 100 block and the River Center first I would like to address commissioner Campbell's question from the last meeting how did we get here the short answer is that I saw a need and an opportunity which led to an open discussion with numerous stakeholder groups and individuals who collectively Envision a revitalization of patka our gym city of the St John's many of us can remember a time when preservation of the historic buildings on the 100 block was in serious question question fortunately Redevelopment of the historic buildings occurred in conjunction with the construction of the River Center four years ago it was my privilege and honor to move our offices to the 100 block my personal office faces toward the river and through my office window I look at the River Center every day it is no doubt a jewel in our downtown but I think we can probably all agree that it is significantly underutilized so I found myself asking what can I do to help how can I help awaken the River Center help it reach its full potential and help lift our community as a whole along the way Mr Alfred entrusted me with another local Jewel the radio station that has served this community for over half a century delivering local content to our citizens bass Capital Radio would like to broadcast live from the banks of the St John's river inside a portion of the River Center and this will serve as a place for locals and visitors alike to come in and hear about local events participate in all the happenings and learn what is special about patka and it will keep the building open and fully staffed we have already mobilized bass Capital Radio podcast trailer and we have begun capturing the incredible stories of our citizens that have woven the fabric of our history for Generations we want to activate the building itself so it is open all day with programming and wayfinding so people can learn about the rest of our community and launch out to explore all parts of the city and county we want to activate the riverfront by leveraging one of the greatest Assets in our town the St John's river most importantly we want to activate the hearts and minds of our youth create a reason for them to stay to plant their careers and families here at home if you are part of the 100 block team will you please stand and be recognized thank you thank you collectively you have our commitment that we will do right by downtown and make the city of patka proud that is what led to the proposal that I have presented we have prepared a contract for your review with the particulars from last commission meeting that has been reviewed by your attorney and has a built-in four-month due diligence period as for the price it will be decided fairly independently and transparently by a neutral third-party appraiser the city would gain a larger footprint to increase its available options whether that include expanding city hall or pedestrian bridge or even Revenue generating streams of income while planning longer term development the land proposal before you follows the legal and established precedent of the city supporting adjoining property owners for economic development interests which is in the overall Public's interest Municipal cooperation promotes real estate assemblage unifies space for larger and bigger development that increases the tax base ensures stability of business activities and private investment while at the same time it prevents Discord and turmoil of unsavory uses AB budding existing property owners who have tried to do good and raise the bar for our community as you know at the last meeting there was a request to allow another potentially interested investor to submit an alternate proposal I was able to have an extended conversation directly with that interested party I'm happy to report tonight that as a result of earnest dialogue and open communication they do not stand in opposition to our proposal as we continue to collaborate and make progress towards alignment that unites the business Community we ask for your support to join arm and- arm to activate the River Center Bridge our City's past with our future unite all voices in our community and continue the positive economic revitalization of our downtown we ask for your help to see a community lifted a Renaissance realized and a vision fulfilled thank you for your consideration thank Youk we do have a number of public comments on this item Miss kitchens mayor would you let me go last after the other people have spoken you're on time I'm come up I'm sorry you're number one here on this SP you're number one better than number two alra kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Palaca Florida this is a win-win for the city in blue crab development the city gets the rock property that's what blue crab owns right now adjacent to city property adjacent to City Hall for free and blue crab development gets the rest of the 100 block squaring off both properties the city gets paid the difference between the appraised value of the River Center and The Rock property which according to the putam County Property Appraisers records is $821,000 total a private appraiser never comes in lower than the Property Appraiser's assessed value having the River Center area in the name of blue crab development will make the total City and County taxes be $247,700 increase in total taxes of $240,745 plus the over $821 15 in cash winwin don't forget that the total taxes coming in will mean more tax revenue for the Central Business Tiff which is also a win for the city and the citizens and the city is not selling the River Center just swapping there are no laws nor rules of Ethics being broken beex loone Properties LLC owns the buildings facing St John's Avenue from second to Third Street and the hotel James but look at the difference between what they have done with their buildings compared to what Charlie Douglas has done with his Charlie are the Showplace of downtown so the question is do you want to get the rock property free and clear plus over $821,000 coming into your coffers by swapping the River Center with blue crab development Rock Properties or do you just want to kick the can down the road and do business with some other person who hasn't shown himself to be a really good partner with the city I'm asking you tonight to put the question of swapping The Rock property for the river Center property along with accepting the $821,000 plus to a vote tonight and vote Yes for the swap offers like this and from a reputable person Don't Come Around Every Day I'm asking you to put it on the agenda tonight and vote for it thank you thank you um Mr George do please please Don't Clap I'm sorry Mr George Doo please name and address good evening I'm George Delo address is 7300 CR Avenue number 11 PKA Florida I am very much interested in what Mr Douglas is doing one I'm a part of the radio station there but first and foremost I was a businessman and invested in patka what happened in downtown patka when the Badcock Furniture Store my in-laws decided we uh ually agreed to build a new building we looked around and uh we had the opportunity everybody was moving out to Highway 19 that's where Walmart was that's where everything was happening but I was born and raised in Southside historic district and my investment I thought ought to go in downtown patka and so um with my in-laws we talked about it looked around to see what property was there and you see Badcock Furniture where it sits at 1000 St John's Avenue it does that because we made an investment there that store became the number one gross selling store in the entire Badcock Corporation of over 429 stores right here in downtown patka downtown Paca is a place for it to be you have a man here that I've watched grow up he went to school with my daughter Heather I watched Charlie grow up from the time from kindergarten all the way through High School I see him become he was a man on a mission in elementary school he's still a man on a mission right now and he's a man on a mission to do the right thing for putam County and for what happens in downtown patka you cannot make a better decision than what Charlie Douglas is proposing to you right now as a former business owner in downtown patka as a person that has grown up in the historic district I implore you to make the right decision and make this happen thank you thank you hold the Applause please Dr fman please give your name and address well thank you mayor and thank you Commissioners for allowing me to have a couple moments to speak in support of the land swap deal that's before you um a few years ago not quite three years ago my wife and I Donna hery fbl and um had a bit of a dream about elevating The Culinary experience and the and just the overall downtown experience and we had the idea of putting in a restaurant which we didn't know a lot about but um my wife by the way Donna hery is a native pacen and her dear parents Don and Charlotte hery are my great Heroes of all time but uh if you don't know Donna she's the cute blonde and the teal scrubs in the back but don't look but um anyway about the same time we were we started this we were looking for really an Renown Chef we didn't want to do the usual we wanted something special and I don't remember if he found us or we found him but we were able to come up uh together with a gentleman called Caleb Blake uh Caleb is a culinary genius I would have to say and um and with his expertise and his Blessing uh we have been able to do some incredible things down there and also I want to thank you guys for all of your support and encouragement over the last couple of years as we've been growing this this endeavor which we had no idea what would what would happen um by the time we were putting this together Charlie excuse me I call him Charlie I also knew him when he was just out of diapers um but you know he was he was um at at six years old he was able to car on an educated conversation with an adult so and he's growing up now so I better be quiet he's bigger than I but um anyway what an incredible man and so he offered us the opportunity to come into that environment and at the same time he was renovating and putting his dream into place with that 100 block um we have been so blessed to have that opportunity and with that now the um the restaurant there and the area shares um um a place where uh we employ over 50 people now um that's probably I don't know how to verify it but one of the higher employers of the county probably and I mean not the county but the downtown district and we have a troll Vision just as everyone else here in the room does to make this a very very special place we know that you have a great opportunity here in Paca and uh the riverfront is just primo and primed and ready and actually happening I know that uh Mr Douglas will be the same kind of incredible landlord for that River Center building that he has been to those of us in the other historic building that he renovated um he's just put um his heart and soul into this thing um and uh not messed around he's actually making it happen thank you so I want to thank you for all the opportunity please do the right thing win-win situation for us all thank you can you please give us your name and address for the Richard Richard fman my address is 110 Lakeshore Terrace interlockin thank you thank you Kevin shaba hold the Applause please you're not okay thank you an attorney passing up I know really Jimmy Simons Simmons please give us your name and address for the record my name is Jimmy Simons address 244 Port Comfort Drive East patka Florida 3 321 31 I've been asked to be read a letter of support from Dr Brian El Bordeaux PhD associate professor of marketing Raymond J Harvard College of Business Auburn University president and CEO of the street of the River Street Group LLC um he was a student in petam County went through the school system for several years and participated in the PAC Youth Athletic program um he probably participated with some of your children those of you that are in this room uh the letter began City commission members and mayor Korea I am writing to demonstrate my support for the blue crab Development Group proposal being a native of patka the downtown area is near and dear to me I grew up on the corner of 15th and River streets I made countless trips down the hill from the top of the River Street on my bicycle to the riverfront downtown as a boy I fondly remember Western Auto MC's milkshakes from Moore's drugstore and getting my haircut by Bill the barber I will be discussing the value and assemblage in planning for future growth of municipalities and developers I have been a marketing professor at Auburn University for the past 18 years I hold a PhD in marketing Ms in demographic and apply de demography and applied statistics and then Ms and marketing all from Florida State University I also obtained an AA from St John's River Community College while playing on the baseball team I likewise own a consulting company named The River Street group I named my company after the street I grew up on in patka as a homage to the place where I was raised as a professor I teach marketing strategy this course focuses on financial aspects of Market Marketing in my role as a consultant I specialize in expert witnessing for business damages cases corporate marketing strategy and patent and trademark litigation thus I feel confident in my ability to speak to the benefits of assemblage based on my academic and Consulting experience assemblage in the context of real estate refers to the process acquiring multiple Parcels of land in order to create a larger more cohesive development this can be done by either purchasing individual part Parcels or negotiating with multiple property owners to combine their land for a larger development by combining multiple property Parcels of land developers can consolidate infrastructure utilities parking and other amenities reducing overall costs this can make the project more financially feasible and attractive to Future investors in addition to cost savings assemblage also presents opportunities for develop ERS to create more cohesive and integrated development by assembling multiple Parcels of land developers have a greater control over the design and layout of the development allowing for better integration of amenities open spaces and other features that enhance the overall quality of life for the residents furthermore assemblage can also increase the marketability of a development larger more integrated developments are often more appealing to buyers and investors as they offer a wider range of amenities and more cohesive living environment this can help Drive demand for the development and increase the property values over time was that five minutes yeah it's been about that no it's you're really un okay I'm sorry finish up please okay it's quite all right it's quite all right it's it's pretty lengthy the letter is but it's quite impressive as far as the strategy of assembling and impressed me I only got this letter today but also included in your packet is Mr bordeaux's extensive and most impressive resume and I was honored to be able to to be asked to share this with you thank you thank you for the opportunity Lara Wallace name and address please I am Lara Wallace my address is 1428 St John's Avenue in Palaca Madame mayor commission and all those who make this possible thank you for the opportunity to speak I was born and raised in putam County now with my husband who is also a part of the 100 block team uh raise our four children here I worked with Charlie in many capacities for the last six years now with bass Capital Radio I sered bass Capitol radio as the podcast host I have a great passion for this community and its members I always said if I could talk and Network all day my dreams would be fulfilled and through bass Capital Radio and podcasting my dreams have become a reality I'd like to take a moment to share with you our endeavors thus far in this short video e is it on the web or is it is it [Music] on suffering and it's not right but the question is is it is it web or is it on the media on different it's on a on a YouTube channel a private link so it is on the web not on a media it would have been probably better would been on media it's it's our that's our system okay well no worries uh you guys all have the opportunity once that is Live on YouTube but uh I believe in partnership with bass Capital Radio podcasting and the work Charlie Douglas has done not only there but many areas of our community we have an opportunity to share the history future perspective from community members and events in a way that speaks to not only our radio listeners but to our future Generations thank you for your time thank you Patrick Kennedy ier for getting a lot of the good points without mine okay thank you Cindy Curtis give your name and address Cindy Curtis 325 Round Lake Road Paca um I'm just gonna be brief I think um just want to share my support I've known Charlie probably since he was about five years old known him growing up um I believe as Mr Delo said um he's he's always had a lot of vision dreams um but the interesting thing I've seen is that Charlie makes those dreams come true um with the passion he has for Paca he could be in other places doing other things but his home is PLA and his love working with him daily I see his love for this city I see what he wants to do for this city and how important it is the education um he pours back into our schools he pours back into events in our community he is um it is his mission to make City great and I just thank you for considering his offer um and I believe he could do right things with River City or River Center um as he's done with the 100 block and I'm privileged to be a part of that group thank you thank you is there anybody else here for public comment on this item please fill out a yellow C and jum but give your name and address okay I I don't have it my name is Audrey wise I reside at 1610 Edgemore Street I stand here here as a person that feel that the riverfront is an ideal spot it's a gym for this city I totally am in support of anything that would enhance that but my question as a GQ citizen is I don't know Charlie like that so my question is I'm not sure what is exactly he's proposing to do that's why I came to this meeting so my question is are you going to bring businesses entertainment and whatever to that site that's a plus but my question to the board what are you going to do with the property that he's swapping I don't understand this swapping stuff how does that work what is that going to do for us as a citizen after you do this swap can you answer those questions if it's possible to get a feedback from the council what is your projection if you accept Charlie's offer what are you going to do with the property that he swapped will that enhance you trying to build on it improve or bring something to the city or do we have the funds to build on it once you do receive it and how is that going to look to me as a citizen of Poa that is my question to the board and I know my time but I would like to have feedback from you as well as Charlie I want to see you to see what you're going to do um because I think it's important for us to know what is going on how is going on if you're projecting to do anything and again the first time I heard about this I saw it on the agenda and I have no idea I don't know Char like that like I said and I don't know what you're projecting and if it sounds like what I think you're saying that's a plus for us but again on the other hand what are you going to do with the swap can we afford to do anything with it or will it continue to look the way it is so that is my question and if it's possible to get some type of feedback from the council thank you Mr Bell would you like to speak to the property question in terms of swapping as to what the city might project to do with that so it's my understanding based on uh the proposal that there's a due diligence period that would allow us to look at the values of either of the uh properties uh it's at the discretion and pleasure of the commission as to whether or not they see the value in that uh that swap now uh as far as what the vision is for the property that would be received uh I don't have any I have not seen any documentation as of yet that shows what that vision would be that has come from the city or the commission so that Still Remains to be seen as far as I understand understand that so you're saying you're going to swap for something that you don't know what you're going to do with is that my understanding I think we have not discussed it go ahead Miss West right with the public I understand that how as a citizen we'll discuss it and hopefully shed more light on it but we can't have that dialogue during public comments but my question is and I do chair I I I I agree with that but I have a lot of people yield so I figure I got a couple more Mo moments my question to you is aren't you going to discuss what you might want to do with it before you do a swap yes obviously and also as um city manager Bell mentioned there will be a due diligence period for us to investigate the structure that's there and the property to make sure but again we're not dialoguing with you and public comments no we need to dialogue but I just want to make sure it's on public record that you're going to check and see what you going to do with something that you're swapping and that the citizens we just have a property and nothing to be done with our financial obligation to put something on it and if it's going to be like Charlie says I'm sure Charlie would like something nice on that other side that would enhance what he's going to do that is my question as a citizen and I will be back to ask you this question again thank you thank you is there anybody else here for public comment on this item seeing none we'll close public comment discussion Direction I I have a question about the land swap versus putting it out for bid just making sure I just that we're not we don't have no legality legal issues coming as a result if we did the land swap versus putting it out for bid for others that are possibly interested go ahead Miss Wes right so there is an attorne General opinion on this you don't have to put it out for an RFP um as a matter of fact the city just engaged and is currently undergoing a land swap as you know out at the airport for property there so that did also did not go out to bid is perfectly legally permissible to engage in the land SL okay very good anybody else have any questions um I don't have a question but I'mma t i we know that the the conversation or the stunt that was pulled on last meeting um I would be remissed if we don't allow the individual to step up and show their support like they did against them um prior meeting that will give me some ease that nothing won't come up um I would love to hear them verbally support this endeavor that Mr Douglas has spoke about Mr Triano do you want to come just come up and speak and read that regard or your attorney his attorney wasn't here when he spoke up the last time but I just if there is hesitation and and they had a mutual conversation they had came to MRE anding now be yeah I think I can you have please come to the podium and give your name and address for the reckon my name is Josh woy uh my personal address is is sealed um I'll give my work address it's 203 Fort Wade Road in Pont ofra Florida so Charlie and I have talked um the last really yesterday and today today um and where we're at is we're not here currently verbally supporting this but what we've decided to do because of the short amount of time is we're going to meet next week the group that I'm here on behalf of and Mr Douglas's group have a plan to meet likely Tuesday of next week and there's a very likely possibility that at the next meeting we're standing up here in full support of what's being requested by Mr Douglas um as of today in good faith and conversations with Mr Doug Douglas we decided to sit and not make public comment as you saw um but we want to have a meeting next week with Mr Douglas's team and think there's a high likelihood that we will be able to stand here in support what's being requested we just haven't had the time to all get together to have those lengthy discussions because there's a lot involved and there's a lot of questions on the side that that I'm here on behalf of and I don't I don't know if that specifically addresses your question I wasn't here at the last um the last meeting so commissioner Campbell does that address no um and I say that simply because he was bold enough to get before us the last time without seeking counsel and again if he's bold enough to do it then he's bold enough to do it now on his word that again we don't want anything to come that will bite Us in the behinds for lack of better words but then again I've also got from what you're saying be slow to speak next time well I think I think the issue is is nobody wants a necessary litigation it's done you don't have to say anymore sure thank you sure thank you thank you what direction would the board like to take commission I'm in favor if if we have if there's no legal legal issues or concerns about this land swap I mean we've had we got a lot of support in the community Charlie has proven to to uh substantiate his his his stances you know justify you know make moves and move forward with projects that he puts out um if y'all they had conversations I I trust that they did I don't I'm in favor I'm in favor moving I'm not saying that I'm in favor I'm just making sure my stance is say I'm in favor of moving forward if there are no legal concerns related to it if we need I think we have a 4mon due diligence period I'm not objected to it so commissioner Bor well I gotta look at the values and look at the entire package on both sides what what the city's given up and also what we're getting and uh how could the city use that and also maybe some things that it could be potentially put in the contract as it relates to um you know know Staffing and our our um staff was I guess occupying that that space in addition to the um volunteers that's over there so I need to see all these things in a concrete um contract um put before us well because we'll be voting on something that we don't have nothing in hand to be able to make a good sound decision on in my opinion so a lot of that would be accomplished during the due diligence period exactly that would be my question that's four month due diligence period a lot of that information would be obtained and researched and hopefully have because of course that due diligence period allows us if it doesn't work out for the city to say no thank you exactly before that ends correct um mayor and it's an excellent point commissioner boram um as a matter of fact we have a due diligence period for the airport land swap what for so we could get all the permitting and all the designs uh for the new buildings uh under under contract and the same would apply here um we have an opportunity a four-month period to gather that information and make that decision at the end of the four-month period if we want to proceed or alternatively we can also have the commission make a motion to extend the due diligence period if you feel like you just need a little bit more time but this provides Direction go ahead commission entertain a motion I will make a motion you you I'll make a motion goad commission C I'll make a motion that we move forth with the um land swap with the four month uh due diligence due diligence with the ability to extend should the city see fit second we a motion in second all in favor hi any opposition thank you we have one let's see let's go on to the next item on the agenda holding Applause thank you um adopt resolution 2024 we'll let everybody exit first in rockus I kind of liked it locking my face don't know who it is bu we have to continue our meeting if you're going to exit please s please be quiet we head out um on on to our next item adopt resolution 2024 r84 authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute and attest all documents necessary for the s of 512 emit Street Paca dear and how Bliss offer received prior to listing agreement being executed in the amount of $35,000 thank you madam May I'm pretty much gonna repeat the same thing 2024 r84 resolution of the city plaque authorizing the sale of 512 em Street authorizing the mayor and the clerk to execute and attest all documents conveying the transfer of the real property on behalf of the city amending the 2023 24 budget accordingly and providing for scers thank you Mr Griffith yes mayor Commissioners um as you're aware at the last commission meeting you authorized entering into a listing agreement with Coldwell Banker Mark Spalding specifically for the sale of 512 imit Street the listing price was set at 30,000 uh prior to authorizing that listing agreement we had a party reach out to the city uh and make an offer for the property and as his customary in the industry if you have a party Reach Out prior to being in um in an agreement with a listing agent you can exclude that party uh from that agreement so that was done that first party Mr and Miss Hollis or not sorry what's the last name BL Bliss Hollis is with us tonight so thank you yes she does yeah um so the blisses made an offer that offer was for 35,000 uh they subsequently agreed to additional terms which was a reverter clause uh their intention is to build a single family home of which they uh want to reside in uh they asked for five years to do that and if they do not start construction within that 5year time period the city retains the right to purchase the property back at market value um once we had that we put it on your agenda um and between the time when the agenda was published and tonight we did receive another offer from the listing agent that offer uh came in at 36,000 and they also included what's called an escalation addendum where they agreed to go up in increments of $500 over the purchase price of the competing offer up to $40,000 so the main difference between the two is the reverter Clause that they agreed to the second offer stated that they intended to start construction of a house within one year and would agree to a one-year reverter so the city would be able to if they decided uh purchase that property back at market value if the second party doesn't start construction um I also want to point out uh that the difference between the price is not that much but under the second offer we are obligated to pay the broker's commission which equates to $2,160 so if you take what appears to be the higher offer the city actually Nets a couple thousand dollars less get you get more or you get quicker activity in terms of uh building because you got a one one one year to start construction and get it done and one reverter so that's quicker as opposed to five correct sir I I can actually make this conversation a lot shorter The second contract is actually not a viable offer um the city of FL is not listed as the seller it's Daniel gorto he's no longer the owner of the property uh because it is a real estate transaction everything must be in writing um common law so why we even a review of the contract I I believe that's just a scrier error I believe that the person that drafted this contract went and looked at the tax appraisers record and they're not reflecting the city as the owner yet because the appraiser doesn't immediately change the owner of record once upon or once the contract is actually taken into recording so okay excuse the attorney but maybe that's a simple white out and change it to the appropriate seller city of Paca it is is there another is there only one agent involved is it only Mr Spalding mayor I honestly don't know it was transmitted from Spalding okay just because my my thought on that is that Mr Spalding does know the city owns it versus somebody else but it's just a state I just have a problem with what just transpired with with our legal uh and our staff legal is here to advise us and if she has advised us as of now it's not a VI viable option and staff has combed including mayor I am at very much a place of unreadiness to move forth um with regards to that I am just I I don't think it's a good look and my apologies I just have an opportunity to review the contract I mean I mean it is what it is but the key the key point is um I think I'm not sure if I don't know how long they had to um I guess adverti or whatever the probably to be able to allow for people to be able to bid on the pro um the property and I don't know what methods they use so with with that being said with the interest I mean would it be proper is there a time is there is this as time sensitive to the to the point to where we're going to it's $35,000 right so is is is it okay would it be okay to read advertise and allow for others to be able to apply for the property sure so there are some time constraint rints the the Bliss contract which is the first one for 35,000 has a deadline of April 12th tomorrow for the city to approve um okay should the Commissioners accept the the seller as a scrier eror in the second Fen contract um that that time for acceptance is a little later since that contract was just submitt subed to the city today the final version was submitted at 120 and just to be clear the property has not been listed yet um this is office prior to it listing going up M are you m I believe it is currently listed however we did get an offer before it was listed and that's the offer that's before you and the one today came from the list yes that's correct and that's why there is a commission involved in the second offer as opposed to in the first offer I have I know it's scri as ever but I do have concerns from my realtor background that it was not filled out correctly so mayor uh I did review it did come from another agent um and just for clarification it has been on MLS for three days okay thank you so it's my understanding if uh the a commission does not act today that the based on the offer that it would expire and it would be up to the um the uh potential purchasers to either allow it to expire or to make another offer with another expiration I just I just want us to do best practices I don't want us to put ourselves in a position um to make it appear as if we're not being completely transparent or um things of that nature um and that that's just my only concern with this matter outside of what I've already stated but um again when the citizens look to us um they look for transparency and I just don't think as of now uh not saying that we haven't been trans and I just think that the way that things have played out doesn't appear to be as um clear or precise or even um a system was in place for everyone to follow and so if I have any reservations those will be the reasons why can I make a recommendation perhaps resol transparency in this whole do a highest and best with they certain right I I was going to suggest something something similar have have a drop dead dat of all offers to be on the table then we can take it back for City commission approval of all the offers that Tot so moved thank and we do have somebody for public comment too and before you make a motion if you could make a recommendation on the time frame as well yes what's what's the given time frame what's their Standard time frame I'd say two to three weeks would be sufficient so why next meeting next meeting um in the motion we do have a public I don't want to say by next meeting because if it Clos right we need a date um meeting after that can we do the first meeting in first meeting in May give you first meeting in May to be clear we would set the date prior to the agenda deadline just so you're aware yep deadine does that give you enough time attorney West got it right I got it right I'm Miss Bliss Mrs Bliss could you please come up name address for the record Hollis Bliss 134 Cedar Creek Road excuse me plka and I thank the commission Commissioners and mayor kareah for listening to me uh frankly I really don't understand what just happened uh so we put forth our offer uh we didn't I wasn't privy to the phone conversation that my husband had uh with um Jonathan Griffith regarding uh the reverter Clause but in hindsight after thinking about it and discussing it between ourselves we're not really very happy about that uh whole whole situation also in hearing that the the second offer uh is wanting to include some sort of a clause where the offer increases in increments of I think it was $500 above the previous offer we're absolutely not interested so we could probably cut this whole conversation short we're not interested in getting into some sort of a bidding word over War over that lot I mean it's frankly it's not worth it to us so um you know I don't know where that leaves the whole situation it might make it easier for you but we're not going there so um if you want to just perhaps take our offer out of the mix it might be easier because it's getting way too complicated for a small residential lot in in our opinion but we really appreciate your consideration and we appreciate your consideration too so and uh thank you thank you okay so with that we need a motion we make a motion to um um set for a date certain set for a date certain uh all bids must be in prior to our first meeting which the date which date would you when is pre- agenda for May yes the deadline for agenda acceptance it would be the 30th of of May for staff I mean April so the deadline of April 30th and if I can make a recommendation uh for none of the offers to have an escalation clause and if if the commission so desires for this reverter to be included in the contract give me that direction and I will include it um as a requirement for all offers that reverter is uh basically if no construction activity has commenced in a fiveyear time period then the city has the option it doesn't have to has the option to buy back the property at the purchase price um the point being that we don't want a piece of vacant property sitting there for so yes so they reverted to a maximum of five years I would like to not have it at at five years because you have property that is tied up that somebody else could be potentially just give me a time I would no no more than three okay so commissioner Campbell has to add that too she said a lot um so just asking that the stipulation include a revered CL time frame is until the April 30 April 30th reverting the reverter Clause down to three years yes and no escalation and no escalation second thank you second that we have a motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you all right that's clean okay my agenda with that said um do we have any commissioner comments I just want to say um thank you to everyone that's pushed the St John's Avenue repavement we are finally seeing positive things being said within the community um whereas before we know we've gotten beat down but we're happy to see um that take place and we're looking forward to seeing some more Ro repavement within the city of Paca thank you commissioner Bor I share that same sentiment as U commissioner Campbell and there will be more St John's Avenue um completion with uh the city portion of that uh I just want to give uh kudos to um Mr Bell's father um big Bell he's little bell his dad is Big Bell he gave $1,000 for for our youth to be able to go down to um The Magic versus the Clippers game in Orlando on the 29th and we took about 25 um students down and we had 10 chaperon so that all went well the experience went well and also like to um thank um Sarah and Associates for um the uh the bus down and also the tickets uh associated with getting into the game and um want to thank all the chaperons who assisted with that process so um everybody had a wonderful time the kids had a chance to go down and cut the Nets down at the end of the game so in most cases you never get a chance to touch NBA floor so and most most of our students don't get a chance to much go out of putham County so kudos to everybody who participated and help and I returned I returned the additional portion of the money that we did not use so just wanted to have that out into the public we return $300 out of the ,000 so we use S uh $700 all right and with that being said I want to see if I can get the detail um departmental report I don't know what the status is on that I requested for that Mr Bill and also um putam Boat House Marina contract uh the performance on that particular contract where we're at on that we this thing has been going on for over TW um since 2012 and so we want to make sure we get that uh into play other than that I want to thank staff for the wonderful job that they do on a day-to-day basis and continue to do the work and uh we'll support you where we can and likewise I hope you guys support us that's all I have Mr mastle very appreciative the staff share the same sentiments as the other Commissioners that's all same here thank you um with that we have a motion to address okay thank you all