you want to get right [Music] delusional after 5' the e e how we doing said there's speakers on this on this I don't see any speakers I'm doing how you doing sir there's internal yeah inter just said there speakers okay e e e e e e e e e e e e the TV has no speakers TV okay number one you need to e e e e e e this meeting to order we're going to have the invocation led by Pastor malberry and then the Pledge of Allegiance led by commissioner Jones good evening everyone father we thank you again for this day we thank you for how good you've been all day long father we thank you because you blessed us to come together once again pray God that you will bless the leadership of this city God we pray for directions and instructions in righteousness pray dear God that your hand will rest upon us continually continue to lead guide and Direct in all Affairs we give you praise and glory for all that you doing for us it is in Jesus's name we pray amen [Music] amen bless aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we have the roll call please Miss Grant thank you commissioner Tammy mccal here commissioner Justin Campbell present commissioner will Jones present commissioner Rufus boram is an excused absence attending a conference on behalf of the city mayor Robert Robbie carea present thank you Madame mayor we have a forum in the chambers has everybody had an opportunity to read the minutes from the April 25th 2024 meeting motion to sub minutes is Freon second a motion of second all in favor I any opposition thank you we're going to move on to public recognition presentations presentation Veterans of Foreign Wars firefighter of the Year Matthew Pope and police officer of the year Shelton Williams come on bro well it appears I have the mic up here don't I our commander here Jerry Donnelly he's usually the one talking uh I'm the quartermaster of Veterans of Foreign Wars pacor post 3349 and we're here for an awesome responsibility to just recognize our public servants and the outstanding work that they do on a regular basis and we have two of our best here tonight our firefighter of the year is Matthew Pope and our Paca policeman officer of the year is Officer Shelton Williams I'm going to read both the citations that were sent to us by by the their um bosses and uh I'll read the from Jason Shaw first this will be for officer Shelton Williams it's a great pleasure that we The Command Staff of Paca Police Department select officer Shelton Williams at the VFW officer of the year his exceptional dedication towards this department and outstanding service to this community makes him an ideal candidate for this prestigious honor officer Williams consistently goes above and beyond the Call of Duty demonstrating an unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards of law enforcement he has shown exceptional leadership displaying a rare combination of professionalism integrity and compassion in all interactions with colleagues and the community in addition to his exceptional performance and routine law enforcement responsibilities officer Williams has been instrumental with his proactive approach to strengthening the Department's relationship with the community while significantly aiding to crime prevention and Public Safety in conclusion we firmly believe that officer Williams is exceptionally deserving of the police officer of the year award his contributions have not only enhanced the reputation of our agency but have also made a lasting positive impact on the community Reserve thank you for considering this nomination I'm confident that recognizing officer Williams with this award would be a fitting acknowledgement of his outstanding service and dedication to the principles of law enforcement submitted by Jason Shaw Chief of Police video and not to be outdone from the Paca fire department this is from fire chief Chris Taylor our department is extremely proud to recognize engineer Matthew Pope as our firefighter of the Year Matthew has been a positive force in our department since we hired him in 2015 Pope worked in the puam county volunteer fire service from 1998 to 2015 Matt has a work ethic Second To None a master welder whose reliability and creativity are unmatched engineer Pope designed and fabricated our latest brush truck his design has created new efficiencies in our brush fire attack strategies Pope has deployed across the country to fight Wildland fires help hurricane victims and he always shows up to work early that's a good man who do that a true team player engineer Pope is highly regarded chainsaw instructor for our department Pope is always training the newest employees on everything fire department his dedication to service does not go unrecognized by his crew and the other crews in our department he is well respected and trusted his fire department family loves him dearly he is always willing to teach others what he knows and his ethics are of the highest caliber he is someone who always takes responsibility for his actions and words Pope is an incredible employee whose work ethic knowledge dedication and Leadership is a breath of fresh air he's always ready to step up for anything the fire department needs Pope has made several trips to South Florida to pick up trucks and other equipment we truly appreciate our brother and our friend Matthew Pope who is a true leader always showing his can do attitude and helping those in need we appreciate the opportunity to recognize the service of this young man and celebrate his friends and family as he lends his services to our community we would also like to thank the Veterans of Foreign Wars for all they do in our community in our country large thank you fire chief Chris Taylor and we appreciate that from the VFW ch good one okay [Applause] oh getting smarted sorry have my mic on I'm sorry Sunny um anyway we're going to start with Proclamation National safe voting week May 18th through the 24th request a US Coast Guard auxiliary I was busy putting my life Jack thank you Madame mayor I know you want to get the life jacket off Absolut Roberto MCA mayor of the city of Paka together with the members of the Paka City commission do hereby Endor and Proclaim that May 18th through the 24th 2024 is safe voting week in the city of Paca and we encourage all our citizens to participate in the local US Coast Guard planned activities so like to say a few words thank you hi my name is Kathy Fisk I am with the Coast Guard auxiliary I have been serving can you hear me yes I have been serving putam County here for 18 years um our main goal is children's education believe we start with the kids then as they get older they will pass it on to the adults that know everything about voting one of the good things we try to do is do free vessel exams um as you saw the bassite proed was just here I don't know if anybody noticed but on the on the port side of their most of their boats they have a sticker and that means they have taken the time before they started the series to get their boat inspected which means it has all the state requirements and federal requirements so they are setting an example for everyday voters but especially for the kids because if they take the time there's no reason the rest of us can't to do it and this is our biggest thing we have so much Waters Rivers we have everything here water and the biggest thing is there's no reason for single death if it could be stopped by just having a life jacket but biggest thing is you have to know how to turn put them on correctly so we do this we also do free safe boting exams there is no charge to you we come to you we meet with you we show you what you need to have what you don't have and if you don't pass that's okay because you can call me again we'll come back and do it so that is our goal for puam County and it has been for all these years and we appreciate you know how the Bass Masters supports everything we do and they make sure every single year whether they start here in putton county or where wherever they're starting that there is Coast Guard auxiliary doing all their boat exams before the events happen so we appreciate everything and we appreciate everybody here going to wear if you're wondering why we have life jackets okay next Friday is wear your life jacket to workday so we are now setting the perfect example that we're going to wear life jackets so that next week when they bring their own but this way we can show and hopefully get in the paper showing everybody everybody no matter what where you're at whether you're County City whether you're an ambulance driver whether you're a firefighter sets the example because we are waterways here in Penton County so that is why we have these in this thank you for letting me [Applause] speak we are our life jackets folks come on guys on here I'm a good sport oh my gosh was a little bit [Music] [Music] we didn't take last time app [Music] onto our next Proclamation for National cities towns and Villages month Miss thank you Madam mayor Roberta MCA mayor of the city of Paka together with the members of the Paka City commission do hereby proclaim the month of May 2024 as National cities towns and Villages month in the city of Paka and we urge everyone in our community to join us in celebration of America's local governments and the national league of cities historic Centennial anniversary by ringing Bells with us on May 22nd 2024 at 1 o'clock Eastern CER time thank you do we have a motion all in favor I any opposition thank you is there somebody here to accept we have we have our lobbyist Becker and Paia ah y Cash Jackson and LaToy shs this is a trick but uh just a thank you to the Paca family um you know someone said y all came all the way here absolutely um you all have been a family to us and we really uh honored to represent you and I'm going to not say anything else because we have our state representative here and uh certainly want to turn all of my time over uh to him and if I could take just a per point of personal privilege at this point to recognize representative pay um anything that we accomplished in Tallahassee would not have happened uh with without him without his leadership and his ability to work across the aisle and to work with leadership and be in leadership and so uh I don't know if I'll get another chance to say it but on behalf of Becker and everybody else of the lives that he's touched I just wanted to say thank you [Applause] [Applause] thank you Commissioners and family it's great to be here with you tonight and uh I just want to thank uh our lobbyist your lobbyist that have done such a great job it's been a pleasure I'm humbled by the opportunity to be here and speak to each of you but just to let you know um it's not a it's not a single person that gets this done it's a team effort so the city of of patka lobbyist jonan former mayor Hill we've had a great relationship and it's been an honor to uh to work for the community that I'm from uh platka is the center of the district now District 20 was District 19 before the city putham is the center of the district city of platka is the center of the county so I'm I'm been proud and been uh privileged to be able to work with a great leadership team in Tallahassee with speaker rener uh for a few years in speaker sprows um we've had an impact and we'll continue to have an impact Jonathan Griffith has made a certainly an impact for us on the water side Mr Bell I've not had a chance to meet you but could to and Jane it's great to see you as well mayor thank you so much for just a few minutes to spend and spend some time with each of you and let you know that I'm really excited about the future of city of platka and the growth opportunities we have here not only economically but the the quality of life that we can continue to enjoy for all of us so thank you so much thank you the next Proclamation is for Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month Miss CR thank you so much therefore Robert Roberto MCA mayor of the city of Paka together with the members of the Paka City commission do hereby proclaim the month of May 2024 as Parkinson's disease Awareness Month in the city of Paka and we call upon volunteers researchers caregivers and medical professionals to work together to improve the quality of life of persons living with Parkinson's disease and their families and we commend The increased research education community support and services of found of organization sorry including Parkinson support group of Orange Park and the Parkinson's foundation for working to provide access to Quality costeffective Care thank you do we have a motion so Move Motion is second all in favor I any opposition thank you sir would you like to say a few words for the thank you our next Proclamation is for Public Works week Miss CR thank you therefore Roberta MCA mayor of the city of Paca together with the members of the Palaca City commission do hereby proclaim the week of May 19th through the 25th as Public Works week in the city of PLA and we urge all citizens to participate in activities events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals Engineers managers and employees to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health safety and advancing the quality of life for all so thank you second all in favor I any opposition thank you Mr McMillan would you like to say a few words I would love to um ladies and gentlemen it's my honor to recognize the men and women who work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep our community running smoothly um if you drink a glass of water you flush the toilet drive to the store um these are all things that we take for granted on a day-to-day basis but recognize that there is someone there's a face behind those activities making sure that you are able to do those things and again it's it's an honor for me to you know manage them every day and I would like to call them up here if they were able to make it that includes those from the water treatment plant um to stand up here with me actually just put on a my Public Works official hat um again these are only a few of the faces that we have in the department again this this cross is more than just Public Works you also have Paca gas which is a utility in this community again all these services are essential to the uh the the operation of a successful and safe and happy community and again I would just like to to recognize them for that stop trying we also want to acknowledge everything Mr McMillan has done he is moving on to a new opportunity our loss um Dot's gain but we wish him all the best and we will truly miss Dell and everything he's done for this community [Laughter] open it up there you go right ad thank you again I will be brief uh we have provided for you yoland cash Jackson from Becker po call for Lauderdale Florida also have with me Latoya Shields who uh works on the Becker team I just want to thank the commission for coming up to Tallahassee again and being successful again um and I was kind of recapping what you guys have done um and certainly have to acknowledge May Hill and Jonathan as well um probably over the last three or four years well over $20 million and I hate that represent pay left but but that's under his leadership so I think he deserves a hand for that so in terms of this session um you obtained uh the following Appropriations and then we'll go real quickly over some bills that have are importance uh to you uh the city of Paca police patrol cars 250,000 we're waiting for the governor to sign the budget but I think you'll be okay all right and then the city of of Paca portable water a $3.5 million amazing and then city of Paca um city of Paca um home rehabilitation program another $367,900 so you had a pretty good year for a total of a little over $4 million so I think commissioner you can take a vow uh for the work the advocacy that you did on that as well and the City attorney came up too so thank you for that but we uh had an overall budget uh in the state of one point uh 17.46% um the highlight of highlights of the budget and I'm go through this and then uh just talk about a couple of bills but the budget maintains a plan Reserve totaling $10 billion some of the uh biggest reserves that we've ever had in state government at least since I've been doing this for the last 25 years uh the budget provides 450 million for toll relief uh programs and the budget uh repurposes a portion of previously a uh uh Federal uh dollars um um to um other funds so $100 million for HomeTown HERO program $77 million to sustain mental health um uh capacity 4 point uh $ 41.8 million for construction of special facilities uh projects $20 million to purchase generators for elig eligible uh fiscally constrained counties so on and on so we had a full budget we don't don't know what the governor is going to do uh we know that we're not going to have a special session we understand so we expect the governor will sign the budget sometimes the end of the month uh he has to sign it by June 30th uh because that's the new fiscal year uh in terms of bills uh we continue to struggle with um a home rule it's something that you guys have us looking on uh preemption is continues to be uh a concern um some things that you don't have to worry about as much but uh there were some bills having to do with unauthorized public camping that is camping for homelessness which puts uh cities um uh in The Fray uh for liability for homeless encampments of vacation rentals something that you have a little concern about and uh there there was a bill that was passed on vacation rentals a lot of preemption in that bill but still gave us some local control some still remaining and then uh expedited approval of residential buildings of Permitting uh that was another bill so there were a lot of bills dealing with preemption type issues that are usually left to you we will continue to track those uh and continue to have concern about those because we believe that all politics is local um so with that I am going to uh stop and I don't want to go through all these list of bills of manag just looking at me say you got five minutes uh but we certainly want to once again thank you for your time and and thank you for the opportunity to to represent you thank [Applause] you good evening again um Sunny do you have the survey that we have uh so as our last meeting you know we updated we were awaiting the survey from the surveyor we've got that now um and what I've done is I've reached out to the County engineer to start overlaying in scale um for your selection most likely the next commission meeting um the I guess most probable spots for the restroom um if you want to show the survey and if you really want I mean we can point right now and say hey this looks like a good spot and we can you know there's two that we've um outline but if there's something else or another location you think is better we're willing to entertain that and at least show it but um once that is done actually and we we we outline a location what our intent is is just put that out to bid and come back to you with with a construction cost so the scope specifications everything is done this was the last component in other words the site survey so I think at some point in the past there was a request um potentially to have if I can point if you can scroll down a little bit um consideration for restroom somewhere in this area um you as you can see the Contour it's okay the Contour Line's a little tight here so we would potentially you know look at putting it in a flatter area or producing some set work but if there's another you know location that you'd like us to consider for the drawing is there is there an existing waterline where an old restroom or bathroom existed in the past uh no sir there was no old restroom per se perhaps maybe when it was a water treatment plant um that is is no longer there um so there is a water line I guess if you'd look to that' be the Northwest side of the parking lot adjacent there's like a little dot that's a telephone pole we have water on site there additionally uh right next to power that was the uh original location that was proposed um specifically because of adjacency to utilities and and ease of access to the site for sanitary um du the elevations at the site we would look at you know having a a lift station gravity sewer for the locations that we've got here are a little difficult but that also means that we can put the thing really anywhere just it's a it's a matter of cost would it affect the cost um if we look at areas that have I guess tighter contour lines um yes it does uh so the uh the cost for Access through Ada sidewalks to the site obviously if it's on a hill we've got a regrade we've got different profile sidewalks um and the distance away from our utilities which are mostly on I guess the north side for sanitary could the point to it I mean sure I can't talk about so our sanitary sewer is is mostly along this side we have water right here and um again the further we get away from you know this northwest corner the the more the cost increases again we we would try to look at areas that have less rating required and don't really conflict with the the access for adaa you made mention about okay you I mean I'm fine I just wanted to take in consideration if there was another location um of course uh citizens uh made mention in that area that it wasn't as it was just in the corner um and that's literally off of the grid from some of the main thoroughfares that's why we're looking to see if there was another option to have it somewhere that was more as well as trying to water down the opportunity for vandalism um just in case someone would happen to be passing by they would be able to see it verses down in that corner so I mean if it's going to uh cause further you know complications I'm fine but I just wanted us to take that in consideration prior to us moving forward I think something that could help the conversation is Again part of the update here is that our lighting is still set to be delivered around September um the park is going to have an increased lighting presence the building itself as well is expect to have exterior lighting um so you know the darkness that may be considered in that specific area might not necessarily be a point that's or a condition that's going to exist as as the structure is completed in fact the structure would be a Source um so you know where we put it may actually benefit um you know an unlit area he spoke on the lighting he spoke on the lighting and that was my main issue so thank you and that's on 14th Street side um that that is the 15th Street side well I guess the the recommended side you know the original recommendation was on the 14th side there was a a request to see what it would look like for cost purposes on the 15th Street side near Krill so the 14th Street side is what you recommend yes sir yeah yeah the original side I any any other thoughts M May well how do we want to direct um give some direction here I mean being that I was one of the four with with regards to a new location I would like just to go ahead with the recommendation if it's going to alleviate some of the cost and some of the concerns of safety with regards to the lighting I'm f with the location that it's in okay do we want a motion just okay moot we have a motion a second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you for all your work can you comment about the the County's contribution to this oh well yes I I think that our partners with the county um have have done us a great favor I think you know we we had proposals before we put this out to bid for design $40 to $50,000 um just to design this and come up with specifications so we rejected that one proposal for that and and we reached to the county with the County engineer and and drafts person and this is all produced inhouse at at no cost for the city other than the survey of course but the design and specifications again you're looking at you know 10% of that original proposal which I think that's that's a wonderful thing for us to be able to kind of you know work together on a project and to benefit the community great thank J commun Center made a road map we'll call it well I I guess while she's pulling that up I can kind of update us um with with our deliveries of materials we received the last delivery of hbac equipment so the curbing specifically to to do the installation of the uh air conditioners on the roof is has been received as of Monday and um soon as we got our timeline up you know right now we're just working on scheduling that if you wouldn't mind zooming into 14 so that's the bottom there um right now you know we've essentially we've awarded the scope for hbac we've awarded the fire suppression and roof roof scope um we've gotten our funding issues addressed specifically to the uh critical systems um we have received uh confirmation from the Department of State to move forward and at this point we have have notice to proceed sitting on my desk ready to be issued um I just need one more piece of paper from I think a subcontractor just stating that they're IL legal business U once that's received that means our project manuals where the entire job will be complete that's an internal Milestone that we hold before we issue notice to proceed um once that's received most likely next week we'll actually issue those notice to proceeds and then we'll begin scheduling our preconstruction meetings um we expect that the uh fire suppression and Roofing vendor can be on site most likely working on the fire expression within four weeks of the issuance of the notice proceed and again um right now because we received the air conditioning equipment a little early we're trying to schedule with the vendor and the crane company they've obviously had work that was obligated um for a window but we're we're expecting to be able to move forward with that within the month thank you so we we've reached that the top of the hill we're just about ready to roll down into construction it goes pretty quickly so you'll you'll see a lot of pictures and updates from staff going forward as as we begin to complete the project thank you any questions thank you thank you update on familyfriendly Funday Mr B Mr cart yes Mr cartright will be speaking good evening everybody Commissioners mayor city manager City attorney and staff uh family F Fray from my knowledge from my background that I talked to people went pretty well this past Sunday uh I think it was a nice attendance uh a nice setup um I didn't have any concerns that I was brought to my attention I may the chief uh Matt Nukem uh more detail about any kind of concerns that was brought to him but overall it was a good event I think a lot of people called me said they enjoyed this time down now I will say that Mr Williams decided to move on from doing permanent events after this past weekend uh so he decided to scale down and do just in-house events uh at different local parks and I he was advised that if he do those events long as they stay within the guidelines of the confinement of the park and and the numers supposed to be in the park he would be fine so everything else seem to be going well I haven't had any conversations with Mr Williams since then but um do you have anything add to the there we had no issues on Sunday at all okay and was is it going to still be ongoing events but it's smaller at different locations well it be uned events from from this point on yeah so uh if it's not a permanent event if it exceed noise or or parking or traffic issues then police department will have been to close it okay any questions of Mr cartright thank you I do have a question ahead uh on the event um you mentioned other Park and just for clarification because I was asking I didn't know I was under this assumption that the park uh St John's Avenue all the way down past children Reading Center is that in Francis is that a city park or County I think Francis is the county understanding that the city responds so limits okay is in the city limits okay so that that'll be another part that he would have to come through he or anybody else will have to come through our special event yes just want to know okay we Rec any other questions or Mr cut thank you and you're on Deck again um update Fourth of July fireworks well Fourth of July fireworks uh behind sen we had some questions about is going to be on the 4th or the 5th but since then everything is on the on the 4th of July on the four on the 4th of July uh it's going to be next event we're going to have a fireworks uh show we're going to have food and festivities down in the riverfront like normal um the special event team is meeting on that next week to kind of go over everything and make sure it's vetted like it supposed to be vetted and then we the bring it you as form a perit request or special EV request probably in the next commissional meeting okay any questions about four dra thank you not off the hook yet okay so as I read about the could you tell us a little bit about the event that being planned for May 17th I'm sorry yeah May 17 do you have an event planned for May 17 the rooftop social the pre R social yes it's on the agenda but I can go ahead and talk about further on we'll talk about then you come back okay thank you um truth and millage finance budget calendar 2024 yes good evening mayor Commissioners all city manager all everyone in the attendance um the budget calendar for 2024-25 we're going to have at least we've planned for seven budget workshops um in the month of um April our intent was to make sure that the Commissioners receed year to date of the information up until March so that Commissioners can begin um determining budget priorities we're hoping that you can submit or give us some feedback by May 24th and um the city manager and myself have begun meeting with department heads and developing requests and strategies and we uh we look forward to having one-on-one meetings in the month of June with the Commissioners um uh we are meeting with uh Finance well with the Departments and developing we our intent will be to develop a balanced bu budget in June to bring to our budget workshops and in July we will complete trim and by August we'll have the balance of our budget workshops and in September we will have the first and second reading so everything is incorporated here I just wanted to give a highlight thank you any questions Miss cot anybody else I have a question yes sir and it's it's not really specific to what you just said but it is about some money um on the Jenkins Middle School deal the community center can you explain that $37 that maybe it's not appropriate actually right now I'll wait yes sir I'll that okay thank you thank you um at this time I'm going to open the floor to General Public comments not related to anything specific on the agenda limited to 3 minutes please be courteous and respectful and the issue will not be addressed or action taken at this on the item at this time Mr best good evening everyone my name is Zen best I live with the mental illness me and my wife uh in Florida we mooved from from from New York to Florida 15 20 years ago um the international Clubhouse is so sorely needed here uh one a new one opened up in Orange Park we need one in the P putam County um they give you all kind of services they make sure you see the doctor they make sure your insurance is in line the people that sleep in the street they don't have to sleep in the street the people that stand out in the corners in the street with the money bag they don't have to stand in the street asking for they make sure that their insurances and things are covered so they don't have to do that you can't recover I know people live in the streets and woods you cannot recover if you can't do this at the end of the day and turn around lock the door and take care of yourself you cannot recover from mental illness if you can't lock the door behind you and have dinner in your own place um I've been saying this for years uh me and my wife went through a thing um Deborah we got divorc took me out some of ideas or some things that happened to people with mental health issues that you have to talk about uh my insurance all of a sudden it went away I retired with all kinds of insurance one day I turned around all the insurance is gone no one sent me a letter or anything Mr best you owe $115,000 you owe $9,000 my wife is gone I have two daughters up up up north the mortgage the house uh the the $10,000 that someone sold for me the $5,000 someone from the county took for me it's hard to keep it together but with the mental health Clubhouse you can you have some place to go that's in your neighborhood so you don't get you don't have to go spend the $15,000 in the hospital I think it's something like $1,000 a day a little more that same money could be invested in our community doing something else and the clubhouse funds their operation uh they make sure you can ride the bus they make sure you have food they make sure your family is taken care of there's you cannot recover if you can't do is behind you and lock the door and then that's when the G that's when the party starts which means in my case a merchant stole $110,000 for me another Merchant stole $44,000 for me another Merchant stole $3,000 for me now with no money and this is one of our big issues today uh getting civil help for people like myself getting civil help for we have aor that can go get some of our dollars back thank you so much we need you thank you Mr best is there anybody here for general public comment yeah yeah but yours is yours is for a particular topic no okay you didn't I'm sorry come up Mr roach I read the wrong address it's my fault Cheryl roach 312 DOD Street The Village is not just one park it should be a community meaning everyone should feel listened to and respected the commission has proven that you can act on an item that is in your best interest now prove that you can act on items that benefit the city as a whole the issues I'm going to focus on are public bathrooms public roads and City Light if there is one thing that trumps race Creed or gender it is the need to go to refus to provide public bathrooms downtown and at Riverfront Park for years is a blatant slap in the face especially after last meeting's handling of the need at Hank Bryant as we now stand with the marina in St John's River Center being retooled as private entities there are facilities they are available but again they are privately provided however to make St John's Avenue a viable destination the need is present and laboratory should be provided somewhere along the Avenue also at the last meeting blighted city-owned properties was an agenda item the commission would not act on a city request of just over $100,000 to fix the problems two questions number one with $3 million in reserves why not also why constantly use the excuse we need more time it appears me for you it is never time to handle pressing problems unless it benefits your own personal plan or an outside influen itinerary as far as the road workor on St John's Avenue being over budget to say City commissioners are tired of projects especially at St John's Avenue Road work constantly being over budget I know that you were all in for over $500,000 currently for the Jenkins Middle School project along with $500,000 in Grants change orders are going to happen and going slightly over budget is Norm on the flip side the real world which most of platka lives in going over budget is a daily issue with groceries bills and rent why would you deny City residents the completion of St John Avenue Road Project when you know that it is front and center in the residence wish list for City improvements thank you thank you is there anybody else here for public comment on resp good evening Madame mayor Commissioners City staff thank you for this opportunity my name is Tara given I live at 225 stillw Avenue here in Paka I just want to say that I'm very disappointed that the commission decided to tear down the Belton property um unfortunately we were notified last minute about a meeting which wanted the input of the community but even with that you made a decision to tear down a historic property so me as a concerned citizen I wanted to be known that I'm disappointed in wasting our time it seems to be a pattern of things sometimes where you know you open it up for the public to get our feet back but then you make decisions based on I guess I don't know where that decision came for but I would like to know what was the purpose of having a public meeting and soliciting us for our feedback knowing full well I guess that maybe your plans we're not going to be altered or changed as far as either considering to save this historic property I also want to point out that the Tillman house which I was here at one of the past City commission meetings and they were I believe the citizens or the art Le was asking for money to help restore that property from the city I just want to know is there anything that can be considered is there something that we can bring someone in to look at that property to see if it fits into the Transportation Hub is that a possibility or is it totally out the window thank you thank you is there anybody else here for public comment Miss Wise good evening my name is audre wise I reside at 1610 Edgemore Street here in POA the reason I'm standing is to ask a question I attended a community meeting in regards to Jenkins Community Center and the possibility of restoration of the community that Mr cutright and his staff put forth an excellent pre presentation at that time and the question was it was going to be referred to the city council my question is has it been referred and if so will it be bought up in today's meeting or future meetings or when it we supposed to get a projection of the input from the community to the council if it's going to be adopted or not that is my question because at that meeting we were led to believe that it was coming back to you guys and you're going to give him the okay and everything all these mechanisms going to start working together and we're going to start seeing some programs and all those things put together that is my question and if you can give me some type of feedback please thank you Mr Bell sure thank you Madame mayor so the uh plan is to have the feedback collected yeah I want yeah I want to finish the public comment component and then we can try Okay is anybody here for general public comment anybody else seeing now close comment and we'll move on to commissioner and staff response Mr Bell thank you Madame mayor so uh the plan is to collect the information that came from that event and have something available at the next uh uh on the next agenda at the next meeting yes yes that's correct as well as input from those folks who are interested in being uh part of The Advisory board thank you and this is really not a give and take session is there any other responses from commissioner or any other staff I do want us to I'm sorry Madame mayor I do want us to address the question that came from his given if there is a response to it at some point um because there seemed to be a lot of disappointment that have been coming forward with regards to um the process of how things are done um and I would just like to bring Clarity to how we arriv to the point that we are now go ahead are you doing that now okay go Mr Bill so I I'm not exactly sure because those decisions were made prior to me arriving here I know could you transition it over to Jonathan I just want because I don't want to seem like it was a last minute thing and this has been a discussion for quite some time and um because I wasn't here I would defer to Mr Griffith so I'm assuming I'm speaking in reference to Jenkins correct no no the belon house the belon property okay so uh uh my recollection is that when the commission uh determined that they wanted to move forward with the acquisition of the property there was some discussion related to the inuse and demolition was discussed at length uh at the was a past meeting I believe uh the commission confirmed that and that was following the public input meeting we were given specific Direction at that last meeting to move forward with the Demolition and also start the design on an interpretive kiosk to acknowledge and kind of communicate the historical and cultural significance of the site um I don't mind giving a further update about where we're at with that the contractor uh is moving forward soon we're making modifications to the fencing around the site and we've been working with the family to allow them to remove some of the belongings that they wanted to take with them commissioner Jones do you want to say something yeah because I don't think that's gonna answer Miss giv's question about this because I have a question H we already had a meeting you just said and you and I'm I agree with you we had already decided what we were going to do with it the property I want to know why did we have that community meeting because I was blindsided at that meeting uh and so how did that meeting come up because it would give the community a false sense of we're going to now have additional input because we may not be going that way um and I thought that was already a done deal myself and can take I can respond to that and take blame or credit I was on the commission when the decision was made to demo the building when I became mayor afterwards I requested that we look at give it another look and see because of the significance of the history of that building not the architecture the history of the things that occurred there the significance of the community I ask that we have some Community input meetings to take another look at that and reconsider the possibilities um and so I will take responsibility for bringing the topic back up and if I could add something um I don't want to make the representation that public input meeting was solely for the purpose of determining if we were going to preserve the building or demolish it it wasn't it was to get input on the site and the cultural and historical significance of the site and how we incorporate that into the whole plan for the A Philip Randolph Transportation Hub and I believe that we got a lot of valuable input from that meeting uh there were some people that showed up some great ideas uh and if there was any M representation about the decision to demolish um or to save the structure uh staff apologizes for that that meeting was not solely for that purpose and there was value in that meeting from my perspective yeah just to be clear not saying it wasn't any value or wasn't important just like that structure it has meaning to some folk um however as a commissioner because I can't say it to my fellow Commissioners any other time but now um I like to be more informed on these type of meetings it's just like the Jenkins meeting as Miss Wise is saying we went to that meeting I had no idea who scheduled a meeting whether it was uh Community Affairs whether it come from the mayor's office whe it come from the city manager assistant city manager and when we got there we had already that's a duplicate meeting we already had that same type of meeting before but the public is their expectation is a little different we had either we Define exactly what this meeting is going to be about because it does seem like we're either thrown under the bus because of actions that are taking place and we we're ill informed um I don't like that I'm just for for everyone City Manager on down I am saying I don't want any more meetings like that unless we are thoroughly informed and we need to inform the public what's the purpose of this meeting and why because it does seem like it's misleading so I wanted to say that to my fellow Commissioners because I definitely felt that way I felt a little blind side and that's not point a finger any individual it it happened to be that way and that's how it felt matter of fact you probably felt that way because we bought you up to explain something that you kind of you got blindsided so and and I suggested that I apologize for that because you were in the same boat as I was so um it doesn't feel very good Comm no apology necessary um we're more than happy to take constructive criticism if for the betterment of the community yes thank you thank you any additional comments okay we will move on to I do want to know how moving forward we're gonna address that like are is there going to be a plan in place when the meetings are you know set up if someone's gonna you know inform the commission do we expect to hear from one particular person and educated on what the meeting is going to be about I want to know what that's going to look like or at least hear some ideas are we going to expect to hear from it from the city man hear about them from the city manager or what just if we can I don't know Mr B do you want to speak to that please sure I I think it uh there's two pieces that that I would suggest um one is then when the commission uh agrees to or decides to have a workshop we should probably be clear about exactly what that purpose is and what the objective is and the second I would suggest is that when a a workshop is designated that we provide this we the staff provide an overview of the objectives for that workshop and what the outcomes are we can commit to providing that to the commission so we're going to rely on you Mr Bell to shepher that and let us know about meetings that we don't we don't ask for the some of these meetings happens that we didn't call for so with that being said informing Us in time thoroughly informing us and properly informing us in a timely manner so we'll know is there any type of protocol checklist that we could possibly create um in order for us to just have something tangible that in years to come we will have the we don't want it to change this week for this meeting that week more just like something a protocol policy with regards to community meeting meetings um I think that probably would be the best way to possibly address it uh a lot of times we get caught up from the day today but then again if there's policy in place with regards to moving forth with Public Town Hall type meetings of sort I think that probably would eliminate some of the confusion or some of the concerns that have come um from the DI so I think that probably would be just the quickest and fastest way just to avoid any more um confusion with regards to um public input meetings everyone had very valid points I too wondered how it came about um and hence the reason there but we're here now but moving forward that would just like us to be a little bit more in the no so I think that's a great idea and we can uh certainly provide that a review of our existing policies to see if we do have anything that speaks to that and if we don't um clarifying adding a policy that uh at least clarifies the distinction between workshops and uh uh public input and exactly how those are defined and carried for and to add I just want to be a little more specific because you still may go without knowing here's what I would like to see the pre- agenda meeting and then when we schedule meetings the mayor is the only one of us that's in that meeting so the mayor is privy of a little more information than we are so at this point the direction that I would like to give from the dce is you actually inform the rest of the commission on what was discussed or what's coming forth and detail sir please are are you referring to the agenda for the the agenda is a little bag in the generic but conversations happen in the pre agenda meeting that pretty much the the direction is given there that we're not privy to so Miss Wise and Miss given I could sincerely apologize for you guys taking the time out to be to those meetings and not getting what they were expecting you follow me because I would I was expecting the same thing was I what I was expecting is we were going to get something from Community Affairs saying here we are this is what Jenkins uh Community Center is going to provide that's what I thought I didn't think that the commission was going to say anything and it didn't feel good to be asking questions or it wasn't fair that Mr cutri was asked a question even you with history that you had you had no any knowledge of and Mr cutre was just carrying out merely what he was told so just just communication I just think it's a a gap in communication but I'm asking you at this point to relay any communication out of the pre- agenda meeting to the rest of the commission so disseminate that please sir and you're referring to the pre- agenda meeting for the commission meetings commission meeting and going forth there was a those two meetings that were scheduled that we just spoke on we had no thorough knowledge the mayor said that she scheduled a meeting I no excuse me I brought up the topic I didn't schedule the meeting it was on the agenda it was on the agenda no I'm talking about the U it was on the agenda the belon the belon house the belon house and that we met that that week over there and we giving microphone to talk on a subject that we had no idea what we were going to be talking about and for that particular meeting we did not have a pre- agenda meeting the only time that we do pre- agenda meetings is for the commission meeting and the output from that is the actual agenda itself so I think um what you're looking for if I'm interpreting it correctly and please feel free to uh help me understand better is um addressed by providing an overview for all upcoming Workshop meetings once their set the staff will provide an overview uh for what that agenda what that meeting is going to be about and what the expected outputs are yes sir increase communication okay are we all set any further comments we going to move on to the the consent agenda is there any items that we need to H it B Oh e elephant okay G1 anything else okay anybody else have anything they want pull okay I'll make a motion that we accept the consent agenda excluding e g item one second there a motion in second all in favor I any opposition thank you e Miss CR thank you so much a resolution of the city of palaka Florida authorizing the extension of the performance period with SGS contracting service for the RC Willis Water Treatment Plant yard piping project for an additional 180 days at no cost and providing for scers SS Mr griffth thank you mayor um so I think you're all aware that we've started um and we're in progress for the granular activated carbon filtration project out at the water treatment plant associated with this there's some kind of um ancillary projects that have to happen and we have excess State revolving fund available to us one of the things that came about after getting the filters in place uh is the ability for us to do some additional what we're calling yard piping um we're very limited in how we can utilize the different separate components right now so what our Engineers have done is they come up with a yard piping diagram that's going to afford our plant a lot of redundancy and backup in the event that we have to take certain ground storage tanks off offline for maintenance or if we have some failures in different components of the plan so since we have this available funding to us uh and we want to bring that future change order or scope increase to you uh we need to execute a 100 day an 80-day extension to allow us to work through those additional changes so go ahead commission so what was the original scope of work what was the timeline on that Mr Griff was I had six months that's half a year to complete the additional work yeah and again commissioner the reason for such a long period of time is because we're going through a redesign with the engineer to add this to the project this wasn't something that was originally conceived of and we also once we get that in front of you and it's approved there's still a long material lead time delay so it's almost in essence that you would be considering a a whole second project does that make sense sir okay that's the smoke I see so we don't know how long it's going to take but we asking for six more months on top of whatever we may comeing you guys they come up and say it's going to take them to complete the let me see if I can I can walk you through the progression here uh you don't necessarily uh know that you're even going to authorize the work to the contractor because what might happen is is when we get the final diagram and we get the final pricing the engineer along with staff is going to look at it and tell you as the commission if it's more favorable to move forward with your current contractor or to go back out to bid so it could be that this day 80 day extension is not even necessary but we're also we' like to be in front of things and we want we don't want to be coming back in front of you with a 30-day extension every single month I'm not an engineer but it just seemed a little weird way of doing business I just want you to explain it understood weird it's weird to me but thank you for explaining nobody else have any question is there anybody here for public comment on this item saying no oppose public comment a second have a motion do we have a second to approve all in favor I any opposition thank you G1 this m mayor presenting to you item G1 which is resolution 2024 r102 a resolution authorizing Award of invitation to bid 20244 an execution of a contract with pns Paving an amount not to exceed $ 46,8 cents using 100% Florida Department of Transportation grant funding for the St John's Avenue streetcape resurfacing project and providing for scer serves thank you Mr McMillan um well simply as the title puts it this is awarding pns Paving the scope of work and their bid total uh for this project um specifically noting that the intent is to complete this project at night and not to exceed $46,000 correct and that includes a contingency for unfor okay can you pull up page 193 sun please all right so pns and that's ping right there to the bottom so those members don't add up the uh 389,000 $6.60 is for the actual construction the $16,400 would be added to the $389,000 to account for as the unpen but I see 389,000 at um Halifax Paving their base bid was $375,500 to do that work at night you would add $25,000 to their base bit so that actually makes them more expensive than pns paving at $389,000 look at those numbers tell me something wrong look at them okay so base 389 78660 that's for pns look at Halifax base 375,000 or if they should put their base bid price so they made the call to put their base bid price we clarifi that with them in the bid opening that there is no increase in price over their base bid um so if you look at Halifax Paving again that $25,000 would be added to the $375,000 um that would put them at roughly $400,000 for their base bid and they would have an additional $24,000 in contingency for unforeseen Which is less than the $16,000 for pns Paving so follow me now I got a 25 and then 24 so you're telling me ah with pns is an error correct that should be zerar I don't think that should be bought up before us to approve and it's an arrow so because you add it up sure so commissioner this is something that you see from time to time on our bid sheet there's a base Bid And there's an alternate sometimes the contractors think that they're supposed to put the new total in the alternate and sometimes they think they're supposed to put the additive amount uh they were instructed to put the additive amount now the engineer is responsible for taking this that you see here the bid tabulation and all the bids and doing a review and giving a recommendation of the lowest most qualified if you go to page 192 which is just prior to this you'll see this is the complete bid tabulation that was included with the engineers recommendation that reflects the accurate base bid and totals as Mr McMillan was explaining with pns to the right with the lowest base bid and Alternate of 406,000 I probably if I could read it because it's so small can't see operation is zero and again the engineer out because I'm still I don't see it the engineer did confirm this with the bidder U to make sure that the entry was correct yeah so the 389 it's fine thank you do is alternate for operations Z yeah for the night y so their total did not increase are asked to complete [Music] this all right so their total will be the 389 78660 plus 164 correct okay I just want to make sure you see what I see and can I share some good news what's that this is within budget oh yeah well it was it wasn't according to this is not well it depends on how you interpret it but anyway I can count that's not that's over the any other questions thank you do we have a motion so move all in favor I any opposition thank you Madame mayor yes before we move to regular business I wanted to uh point out that there was a request by a member of the commission for us to group like items together uh so that it would be clear that they're related and so staff made the effort to provide you with G as the overarching um title for those two items G1 and G2 I just want to make sure that that addressed the the request and that we're okay with that everybody okay with that yes thank you thank you okay okay on to public hearings Miss public hearings a regular business for clarification oh regular business I'm so sorry regular business Madam mayor presenting to the commission resolution number 2024 r111 a resolution of the city of plaque authorizing the sale of 512 EMT Street authorizing the mayor and the City cler execute and test all documents conveying the transfer of the real property on behalf of the city and providing for scri nurs thank you Mr Bill sure so what you have before you as a result of the request of the commission uh that was approved for us to clear the ground and sell the property and so the demolition is in process we adverti for the property uh we originally had some proposals um those proposals expired and the request from the commission was for us to accept office offers not us the realtor of record to accept offers and um close this out as of April 30th and so what you have before you is the offer that we we received of $51,000 um now I do want to point out that that is less the commission and so the actual amount that we will net from the whole process is calculated to be uh 23,796 and when I say net that includes the cost of demolition the cost of taxes uh the permit costs and the purchase price of the property so if you accept this offer for 51,000 the net um would be $ 23,796 54 thank you any questions no we'll have to wait until the commission comes back into the room yeah what thank you sorry excuse me Mr Bell gave an overview of the sale of the property on EMT Street a lot um do we have a motion to approve so move okay is there any public comment on this item before I actually take a vote seeing none we'll vote all in favor I any opposition thank you there was actually a a new price a high price for a lot in that neighborhood I can tell you personally so yeah that was a good good sale um on to public hearings Miss CR thank you Madame mayor pleased to present to you ordinance number 20244 an ordinance of the city of Paca amending Chapter 70 Article 4 in appendix a of the municipal code of the city of Pac as it pertains to the use of City docking facilities providing for separability providing for an effective date and providing for scrier SS thank you Mr Griffin thank you mayor um I'm just going to speak um on the attent of the uh ordinance related to the rate I can turn it over to miss lagacy she's here on behalf of Paca Boat House Marina but as you're aware you've entered into an operating agreement with Palaca Boat House Marina um for the operation of the riverfront Marina which uh includes the ship store um and the docks now their park operating area and I printed this just so I could read it aloud because it's different by the different areas the boat slips by Memorial Bridge are included except that PBM oversee the aluminum docks in regards to overnight dockage and registration and fees required for overnight stays if the city allows overnight stays I think some of you may recall um and if you if you don't I'll remind you when the city received the funding for the floating docks that are outlined in red and have the transient slips uh label uh in the middle of the screen it was conditioned on the fact that these were for transient boats uh so not to exceed 15 nights stays uh it was Federal funding that was passed through to the state and then granted to the city so what this ordinance does is it uh brings our current regulations in line with the utilization of the transient slips as well as some things that we have dealt with some issues that we've had uh in the recent past related to derelict and abandoned vessels it gives your staff a little bit more flexibility and Authority uh to make sure that we do not have those derel and abandoned vessels at our facilities uh I did want to outline and sunny I don't know if you can move me uh but that kind of blocks yes thank you everything in yellow uh it's also uh labeled day slips we still have what we call temporary recreational slips uh that you would not be charged for the rates in here are specific to the transient slips so everything that you see in yellow is still afforded for temporary recreational purposes and we still have the ability to dock the American Cruise Lines at the end of the dock uh also in here uh something that's been in practice that we're putting in written policy is that those tending docks uh at the boat ramp are not for moing and they're not for fishing and shrimping because they are specific to the launching of vessals do you have any questions of me or of Miss lagacy does anybody have questions no I'm going to open up the floorida public comment in a minute Miss Mary um also that includes the city boats the operation of the city I have to yes ma'am I failed to mention the water tax it does yes which we've got one in the picture right there so there you go okay thank you um I'm gonna open the floor to public comment Miss kitchens alra kitens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida I would like to ask you to table this till the next meeting for the first reading and hold a public Workshop next week on this I have found a couple of issues uh of vital importance in this ordinance uh the first one is under Section 70-101 use of City docking facilities I think Mr Griffith just explained it probably pretty well under C it says the River Front Park boat ramp is open to the members of the general public for the purpose of loading and unloading boats fishing and shrimping are not permitted on tending docks and gangways I think that needs to be discussed by the public and with the public because there's a lot of fishermen uh some it's recreational but some that they do actually fish for their food so I think just that alone should be a public hearing now the other thing that is extremely important on uh this the next page under Section 70-102 prohibited uses if you go down to paragraph I pardon me GH uh yeah de no I'm sorry thef enforcement the provisions of this section 7- 93 shall be enforced by the division of law enforcement of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and its officers comma the sheriff of St John's County and his or her deputies and the chief of police of the city of St Augustine and his or her deputies section 7- 93 is the St Augustine mun code and not the Paca mun code uh if you agree to this pass on both readings you are giving the St John's County Sheriff's Office and the St Augustine Police Department authorization to enforce your regulations in the city of patka and I know you don't want that now what I suggest in the tabling is give our City attorney the direction to go over these prohibited uses and in fact the entire uh ordinance where it's written in red check our ordinance as it's already written the PAC ordinance check the St Augustine ordinance and we out anything that refers specifically to St Augustine some of the things in here and I didn't I didn't mark all of them due to the length of time some things referring to waterways obviously refer to the Inland Waterway and not the St John's river which is regulated by the state of Florida so I would respectively request table this till the next meeting have a public Workshop so the public can give their input on the fishing and shrimping and and but especially even if you don't want the public Workshop that's fine have the City attorney go over this document word for word go over this in Augustine mun code word for word the Paca mun code word for word and make sure that this refers to the Paca laws and not St Augustine I appreciate it thank you thank you I did notice those and I did pass that along as far as the St John's and St Augustine um Corrections so that staff were aware of that the version in front of you and the version to be considered for adoption is correct it's the putam county sheriff's office in the city of CLK um Jones I still have public comment going yes it's still public comment so Miss Mary could you please come up name and address be careful Madam mayor while she's coming up I did want to add that uh the City attorney did provide review and update right we know that yeah that's I just wanted to point out I had noticed let know go ahead Miss Mary I just had the question name and address you have to the name address my name is Mary Lawson Brown I live at 107 South 9th Street black of Florida uh I wanted to see where they were going to dock the pride of Paca because I think it's important that it's being docked there some sometimes a day so that when people go across that bridge they'd have something to stop look and maybe come to find out how they could get on it those boats were done to help develop the whole Waterfront for the city of Paca and I'd like to see it do that to bring new businesses here uh I think in when we started out in usus Florida they they had 26 businesses that came when they got their boats and stuff started so um could they put the picture back up there and show me where they going to dock the boats please we were told at one time that where that red was that the end of that that was where the boats were would be docked during the day I don't know Griff wants to cover but it's actually docked in the picture if we can point it out can somebody show Miss Mary where it is exactly Sun can you point where the cursor where is right there so they're going to do them there instead of the end of that dock it's yeah it's currently parked there now do now all right just as long it's be it's to bring tourism here the idea was to bring those boats because we needed a carrot to have people stop and when they cross that bridge if they see something that they can come and and ride down our St John's river it brings tourism here thank you thank you Miss Mary is there anybody else here for public comment please come up and give your name and address for the Reon uh Daniel lton 120 Riverview Drive East Baca um I just had a question about that picture um so I guess what I'm hearing is the yellow as far as you know people that live here that's just going to be free to free to use orff is that correct yes sir like it is now nothing's changing this yes sir we're terming it temporary Recreation slips thank you is there anybody else here for public comment on this topic saying now we close public comment Jones I just I do have a question as Miss kitchen mentioned about recreational fish and on the dock um prohibited general public V fishing and shrimping are not prohibited permitted on ATT tendon do you keep it up minute would you like me to outline where those are commissioner yes sir just of course yeah yall mind hone is that the full width of the picture I me I can that's perfect thank you so these right here are what we call attending do a g way is any of these aluminum ramps you see here and as you access the different tops they all have railings they're for the actual pedestrian passageway so from a functional perspective it's not safe to utilize those for fishing or shrimping so we're just trying to put that into the code rather than just having it as general practice so where are we going to allow our local people the go the fish off the do and the shrimp off the do so everywhere that you see yellow or it's lab they Curr and fine that they go out there did someone say isn't that where they currently shrimp like yesr yeah they shrimp everywhere well well they they you rarely see them go over there but they do but they currently s that those are the most functional areas they're level dock areas you're not casting over a railing you're not on a SL surface so those are the preferred areas okay and 70102 B and I I talked to um about this on the phone in the intent are they going to do some recreational vehicles other than uh the pride OFA like kaying um I said c and stuff like that and U would you kind of like come tell us what would be available because I wanted to uh Miss ly come up please I'll put the picture back Madame mayor I just got to turn the timer off it's dinging on me hello commission I got excited so when we were talking on the phone uhu so can you share with the public because there have been other um I guess commercial vendor that ask about utilizing that riverfront so you tell us about other extracurricular activities that Marlene lagay uh 125 Cypress Point Circle East Palaca and this is Mark Allen he's our general manager that's Ram roding the project that's going on down there I can answer some questions and Mark can do uh timelines and stuff for you um and maybe if he goes over the timeline that'll answer some of your questions how about that and and then I can get into more detail if you want to tell them what our plan is for the next 180 days hi good good evening how's everybody okay so the timeline for the riverfront um currently now for those of you seen we have a bait and tackle and ship store that is just been opened so we're just getting that started that's our our main priority so our object is to build upon the foundation so that we fill the riverfront with a series of products and activities that bring people to Paca and for the people of Paka to enjoy so the first thing again is our primary was to fill the retail space which would be supporting those coming in and doing the major activities that are there like fishing shrimping and other things and boating so as you see that there it has everything from I it'll have drinks and those are uh along with all of the basic needs for anybody coming out there to spend some time in the sun in the water um the next next thing will be if you see in the back area will be a coffee shop so coffee and ice cream so it will have U uh the availability for uh outdoor and indoor service so the both the indoor window and the outdoor windows will be changed they'll be set for service and we're expecting to have a full array of coffee products along with ice cream vending as well uh that one should be um up in about 45 to 60 days at the most we currently working with our staff that will be going in there and looking to procure our equipment and get that thing built out following that we're working on a series of e doors uh with kayaks canoes paddle boards and potentially P paddle boats uh those will be going in shortly uh again some of that will work off of the the the dock and Pier itself and the ramps and then some of it we need to work into a space where the soft launches are so that it's safe keep in mind that majority of accidents and canoes happen load and loading on docks so we want to be really cautious with that uh we're expecting to have that up and going by the end of this month so we'll start you'll start seeing activity there the transient slips which we're talking about there uh those rates which are all set up into the ordinance uh once approved we will then be able to start bringing in those so we have not allowed anybody to utilize the transient slips yet uh with the exception of the fishing tournaments that have been going on uh those will be available we already have a sign amount of demand for current and for months going forwards so that'll be opened up uh right away we do have the uh online system where you'll be able to book your your transient slips uh that's a a popular system and we'll be integrated with both social media and with a website that we're working on building now so you should see that happening hopefully by the end of the month granted all the ordinances approved as uh specified uh following that we'll be building on that Foundation and adding canoe kayak paddle board water bike rentals so not just tours but rentals so we'll start working on getting our display out there of products and then be able to use that they'll be able to check in there both and online and there'll be staff available during the busy times when people will have demand for the use of those products so and you should start seeing that in 30 to 45 days taking place as we're already working with procuring the inventory for that and then the process to be able to implement that following that over the next 45 to 60 days you should start seeing boat rentals part of the the city's uh contract is we'll be providing boat rentals we're looking for the popular type so we're currently working on on procuring the mix of boats that'll go in there and you should start seeing the first few boats going in in the next uh 45 to 60 days so again getting a lot of this action going over the summer following that as you guys know there's a the process of putting in the concession so the food concession so that's under process now we're working with multiple vendors and chefs to see who would be the best likely candidate to work with us there uh we're reviewing Loi that we already have from several chefs uh currently along with other local and outside opportunities to come in there we want to put a great menu and have great amazing service and something that people want to use as a destination to come here by boat we're specking out the unit which um if you've seen that that uh in The Proposal we have rent renderings for the unit there it's going to be a a sizable U food trailer fully built out and then it will be refinished to look like the building which we've already worked with the uh Historical Society on I do have renderings for that for anybody who wants to see those and then once it's built out you can expect the full time from now till operation our goal is to 90 to 120 days for it to be fully operational thank you any questions Yeah question I have is young lady came up earlier about restrooms in that area is that restroom to the building what's the hours of operation and is it open to the public for public use what are what's the public use good evening again uh the restrooms will remain open to the public 7: am 7 PM um we have automatic locks on the doors so they should be open and closing every night okay my question just follow on that that public no on that facility I don't think know know I do not believe it is we can definitely put a signages um and the only reason I walk probably allate some damage and allate people trying to do that so I think it should be properly signed that it's 78 yes sir all right thank you guys thank you any other questions one of the things that I want to address for Miss Brown is the water taxes so currently we have pop two which is the pontoon boat and that is located at the floating docks pop one is uh enclosed boat we're still waiting on the Coast Guard approval for a few things on on that hopefully by the end of the month that will also be located over there and we are going to put that on the end I think for display um just because it is cute can I ask you a question yes ma'am okay and that's one of the things that we're going to have available we're going to have online tickets our current plan for the summer because you know how nice and hot it is here is on Saturday mornings we're going to have a morning tour like coffee and croissant type tour it'll be a two-hour tour we're going to have Sam Carr and he's going to come and he's going to do like the bthroom trail and tell us about PLA and then we're going to have a full moon Sunset Cruise so the month of June July August September the hot months those are probably the best times um we do have special events people can rent the boat we just had I think it was 1967 Paca High School family uh reunion this last weekend so we will still be doing individual whether there's weddings reunions funerals that type of thing um and then we're working with the Waterway committee because they're trying to put on some stuff they work with Bartram um to just get some more going on down there so uh we've got a lot going and of course now it's it's all rolling fast any other questions additional questions you tell them how many second greatest have gone out on the trips I do not know how many went out this year there had to be over a thousand every day I don't know what the total is but it's a lot yeah it was it was definitely thousand thanks Miss Mary you're supposed to come up you know that we're done with com anything else any questions I'm happy to hear the local giving opportunities for locals to possibly be in there um definitely if there is an opportunity for locals to H be housed there I would definitely like to see that so and there and and Mark is negotiating with several of course we're not giving any names out or anything but yes we do want we would love local people to be here and um handling all of that so and we will be looking for local help shortly thank you anything else any further questions no okay thank you do we have a motion thank you motion do we have a second said we look at well second motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to commissioner Commons commissioner Campbell commissioner Jones do you have I don't have commissioner all I I wanted to say is that um just to remind us Workshop wise the due diligence period for the property exchange if we're going to go forward ends on August 15th so we really need to have a workshop or discuss that further and there continues to be public information requests about the vehicle tracking device that was removed and it's been reinstalled in this in the city manager's vehicle most recently from First Coast News so it continues to be a topic of information or interest um just want people know that because of communication as we've said any and that's it for me do we have a motion motion to is okay thank you all