e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome everybody we are here for the student of the month ceremony for May 23rd 2024 um I'm going to ask for commissioner Campbell's assistant and we are going to try to organize this so we pass out certificates and theno [Music] Elena canning Browning Pier Elementary I'm gonna give these actually to commissioner Campbell there you go Jordan Perry children's reading Center chart [Applause] School Hill Crest Academy Jena Rivera wasn't out of water okay one second sorry folks my confusion now these are the two e I think she has two of them she has two stuck together yeah she has two first [Music] one Tada Tada um Liam Bates James a long Elementary here okay Logan CR Kelly Smith [Applause] Elementary Jason K Ki melan learning Center prek Justin Winkles melon Learning Center K through 12 thank you John Eubank Mosley [Applause] Elementary Christopher sharley Paca Junior Senior High Allison Crouch P [Applause] Baptist and Mariah Charles Pam Academy of Arts and Sciences thank you everybody um we're always honored to honor students of the month they are our future and our hope for our city and our community and also you I wish you all a happy summer now you're almost over for the summer yay teachers and a special thanks to the teachers and parents obviously they would not be here without all of your help okay we're going to take photos yes go I'm sorry go ahead J you want to say something e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ready good evening everybody I'm going to call this meeting to order welcome to the Palaca City commission meeting May 23rd 2024 um invocation will stop first with the invocation by Pastor mberry and then the Pledge of Allegiance by commission commissioner B let us pray father again we thank you for this day thank you for how good you have been thank you for how you brought us together once again Lord we thank you for all your many blessings all of your many benefits thank you for how good you have been we pray God you will bless us now as we come together to share the business of the city God remind us of who we are and whose we are remind of Civility as we come together help us to know God as a unit as a people that we can work better together and we thank you for all that you will do for us it is in Jesus name we pray amen amen FL United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call Miss CR please thank you so much commissioner Tammy M here commissioner Justin Campbell pres commissioner will Jones presid commissioner Rufus boram present mayor Robie C present all members present and accounted for we have a quum thank you has everybody had an opportunity to read the May 9 2024 minutes motion minutes is written second have a motion all in favor I any opposition thank you want to move on to public recognition presentations the first Proclamation is for Hurricane prepared this month thank you so much Madame mayor and joining us today is is um Danny with the putam County Emergency Services now therefore I Roberta mraa mayor of the city pla together with the members of the pla City commission do hereby endorse and proclaim the month of May 2024 as hurricane preparedness month in the city of Paca and we urge everyone in our community to act now and make ready their families and homes and stay safe and alert during Hurricane Season thank you do we have a motion so Mo motion a second all in favor I any opposition thank you you m Rich would you like to come up and say anything this time yes M so we talk about hurricane preparedness a lot and a lot of the time it's I've done this before I know but every person I've ever talked to who's actually experienced it and especially last year being deployed over to Dixie County where they had never experienced something like this it was kind of Truth bringing I guess um you really get to see exactly the extent of what is capable of these storms and when people are unprepared it makes it harder to bounce back not only personally but also as a community the County's ready we do as much as we can we work with our jurisdictions we work with the city of Palaca we try to get as much as we can done as the government but we still need to take into account personal responsibility and at least have your basic preparations have water uh sports drinks it does not have to be water it can be your tap water just get some bottles fill it up get some hurricane snacks don't eat them before the hurricane gets here um batteries and just have a basic kit that you can keep around at all times and make sure to check the weather and listen see if anything happening thank you thank you yeah set thank you I didn't know what was going on here behind me okay thank you H May are we photographing yeah but I don't have oh you gave it back to me I'm sorry this R we going to end up taking a photo she oh there she is okay [Music] yeah got a little single no it's it's not not no I don't know where it is back up take some photos just stand up here behind go and then Peter can take thank you thank you for your patience with us moving on to presentation from the northeast Florida League of cities donation to putam County School District with project praise Comm uh good evening everybody but every I'm I'm the um president of the northeast Florida Le of cities and um just the northeast Florida Le C I didn't say Flor Le C but Northeast Flor Leo cities and every year we try to find a um organization nonprofit organization to um provide GI funds to we have a number of um organiz not organizations but cities that participate within the northeast Florida leag of cities is nine counties and we got about um 25 uh cities who participate in this um process and what we do we we each city that is has a representative and we have nine people on our board and as a board we decided to select um the putam County School District um project praise this year for all the things that they do in the community as it relates to um helping the me the needs of our our students um who are are in in many needs that they have as it relates to uh food insecurities shelter uh um clothes uh housing all these different things so basically we we we have $500 to present to the putam county school district um on behalf of the Northeast Flor Le cities and we're super proud of that so the Northeast Flor cities board of directors are pleased to encl CL this $500 made out to the putam county school district project praise this is a chable donation for the organization benefit in you so I'll be presenting this to Mr Nathan Edens on Monday well Tuesday when we return so this is what we have and this what we try to continue to do help our community move forward thank you in the spotlight Employee of the Month Miss Jones Madam mayor Commissioners thank you so much for this opportunity once again as we enter into our third year of recognizing our employees here at the city for different um characters that they possess during any given month um this 20 2024 is flying by but we still want to take time to slow down and recognize these employees we don't want to just bypass that so we do take time out for that and this month we would like to recognize Mr Jane pierce with our water and sewer [Applause] department all right like to say a few things good evening uh mayor commissioners today I have an honor of recognizing an outstanding member of our water and sewer department this individual exemplifies dedication teamwork and safety in every aspect of their work James bull Pearson shows up to work every day with a positive attitude and a Readiness to tackle any challenges that come his way his willingness to lend a hand no matter the task has not gone unnoticed whether it's helping a colleague with a tricky repair or stepping up to cover a shift he consistently demonstrates spirit and cooperation and that support strengthens the entire department please join me and thanking James for the exceptional service and for being a true asset to our water and sewer team you're the best man you don't no no you don't get to leave that easy oh not yet [Music] right you could stand in you could stand in front [Music] [Music] on to city manager administrative reports update on Hank Bryant Park okay update on the uh Hank Ryan Park currently the bid has been put out the invitation to bid is on 628 um I pretty much I think that updates you right to where we're at with it any questions okay all right thank you thank you update St John's Avenue Road resurfacing Mr griffi looking for Miss gno she said she wanted to give this report but uh Commissioners we had a prepa meeting with pns that's the contractor that you awarded the contract for the resurfacing from Fourth Street to the railroad tracks it was a good meeting uh they believe that the work all in all at least the majority of the work the milling and the resurfacing will take about 3 to four days it is to occur at night from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and we are expecting a schedule from them we're shooting for sometime after blue crab most likely towards the end of June but as soon as we have that schedule and we issue a notice to proceed we will advise you and we do plan on having a community engagement meeting with the downtown business owners any questions not on that project but on the road project that's going on right now on 11th Street would that be uh completed before bluecraft start uh which section are you talking about Sir uh coming here actually was on 11th uh in the between the Main Street and Reed I don't know if they're going south or they just gonna be working in that area the road was closed earli Madam Madame mayor yes in fact I I did send out a notice to the commission uh letting you know that that work will be completed today that is uh work that's being done and as part of the warranty along L Street it will not impact the Blue Crab Festival want know thank you thank you any additional questions okay with that we're going to open up the floor to public comments alra kitchens hi there alra kitchen 1027 South 12th Street malaca Florida I just want to uh give you all a protest against The Marked parking spaces reserved for the city commission as four spaces out of our parking lot I did not notice that the for the sign two of the signs have been moved further down where they weren't the last time so I pulled in and I saw the sign decided I better move in case I was going to get arrested or towed but my deal is this and I don't care if you're a commissioner I don't care if you're the president of the United States if you can't get here on time then do like the rest of us walk from where you park but we this taxpaying and voting citizens of patka I don't think the rest of the citizens are real happy with those reserved parking spaces most of y'all do get here on time sometimes you don't big diggle I don't get here on time sometimes I park at the Schoolboard parking lot and walk over but I do protest the public parking lot for Citizens being reserved for the pla City commission no offense to any of you I think all of y'all are friends of mine but I don't like it thank you thank you m Roberson okay should tell them that not appropriate um anybody else here for public comment on General items not listed in the agenda thank you with that we'll close public comment and we'll move on to commission and staff responds to anything well I'm just glad you brought it to our attention because I had no idea I had a parking space I've been parking over there and walking so I had no idea and I declined a reserve a spot so I don't have okay thank you um anybody else Commissioners um staff comments yeah I'll comment on that uh over at the courthouse when you go there they're designated parking spaces for employes so what's the difference um let's not have a we can't do this we yeah you can finish your statement but Al go ahead I'm sorry it is the purpose behind it so that you can have a park cuz there are employees that come here before 5:00 or six o'clock so they're Park here in this guest so um that's I said that's not to go back and forth but there's it's the same deal the the superintendent have a parking space there's nothing said about that that's a public school public parking lot so just because it's us thank you we're going to move on to the consent agenda are there any items that um want to be that somebody wants to C commissioner Jones what do you want any items pulled from I didn't mean to ask like that but um I don't need P we can make a motion to approve the consent agenda as so there is an issue on the the last agenda item J there was a a concern raised regarding a potential conflict of interest so what I would suggest ising that um commissioner Jones I I would recommend recusing and then vote on that with the remaining Commissioners okay is somebody going to pull I'll pull J what was the conflict the conflict is that it inures to a the the voting conflicts this is what it says no County municipal or other local public officers shall vote in an official capacity upon any measure which would inure to his or her special private gain or loss or which the officer knows would inure to the special private gain or loss of any principal by whom he is retained of the parent organization sibling corporate principal uh a relative business associate and it is come to our attention that there is a a familial relationship between commissioner Jones and the uh participants the sponsors of this particular event So to avoid any P potential appearance of impropriety it's my legal recommendation that you pull this item recuse yourself from that V the best and so we will pull J we have a motion to approve Madam May I'm sorry to interrupt you if you wouldn't mind going into explaining what familiar relationships is sure it's the FL statutes 112 D or excuse me 112. 3143 uh very broadly States relative and that has been defined under case law to extend quite far um to even cousins so this is just acting in an abundance of caution to avoid an appearance of [Music] impropriety motion to accept consent consent item consent agenda items a through I second there a motion is second all in favor okay J I'll make a motion that we accept uh item J second motion a second all in favor I I any opposition thank you and just go ahead and let the record reflect Madame Clark that commissioner Jones did not vote on that particular agenda item I can before the record he would need to for fill out a form8 yes he's going to have to fill out a form8 I'll meet with commissioner afterwards on to regular business a7a adopt resolution 2024 r114 authorizing the name of facilities at Booker p a resolution of the city of Paka Florida and this is a typo it should say naming certain facilities located at Booker Park naming the complex say John Henry pooy sports complex at Booker Park the north softball field is John L Williams North softball field the south softball field is John session senior softball field and the basketball court is D Eric Williams Senior basketball courts providing effective date and providing forers SS thank you Mr Commissioners mayor uh just a little background on this uh I think you're all aware there's a section of your code um that gives guidance it's section 70-105 on the renaming of City facilities including Parks um this is related to the booker park facility uh of which we have had a significant investment in the last few years um these names have been proposed and pursuant to your ordinance we had a commissioner request that this be placed on the commission um agenda for discussion and consideration I do believe that we have someone in the audience that's willing to speak to the proposed names but I'm also here to answer any questions if you have any any have any questions of Mr griffth um bring the person up so do we have the motion before we do it open it up for discussion or this I think we can bring the person up first and let him Madam mayor Commissioners terl Hill 805 St John's Avenue P Florida today's a special special day because it's the culmination of about a decade's labor of love it's an opportunity for us to look at everything that we've done with the booker Park project uh as it relates to funding as relates to design from inception to today when it's a reality John Henry pop lyd is one of the greatest baseball players of all time you've heard us talk about that over history 1977 inducted into Major League baseballs Hall of Fame and a Negro League Legend babe Ru says he's the greatest baseball player he ever played against but as we talk about Recreation and where we want to go in this community with the violence and the things that are going on with our youth today John O Williams is another person who grew up right on the North side and public housing who ascended to the highest ranks in his profession as a firstr draft choice in the number 15 pick in the NFL in the NL draft in 1986 Mr Williams has been a part of this community sponsoring many youth programs school programs um and he's been a an icon in this community when you talk about Paca you have to talk about John ell and Jarvis Jarvis Williams was the second round draft choice grew up right on Seventh Street played with the Miami Dolphins and he played with the New York Giants but he coached here in Paca he sponsored a pop warner team him and johnelle were the initial funders of Pop Warner here in Paca and Jarvis died doing what he loved to do and that was coaching football on the day he died he just left practice before he passed and he left and he left us with so many memories but Johnson session is the the foundation of all of that Johnson session started coaching during segregation he was refereeing in Hastings and at Central Academy High School when Recreation was separated and in 1971 Bobby Wilson tells me that Johnson was coaching back then sweep sweet Owens came in 1973 and swe confirmed that Johnson session was the first black coach to coach at Palaca Recreation they work together in tandem to to bring this community together so that we're better as one Johnson session was also the first black referee and umpire in pac's history played for the Simmons a he coached in baseball football and basketball he was a champion in everything that he coached and he taught young men how to be great citizens as well as great athletes but he continued on and he umpired from the 60s during segregation until 2016 he was still umpiring Recreation games in the city of Paca no one else who's ever coached or refereed in Palaca has ever been out there as long as Johnson said session Johnson session tore down barriers he tore down walls and he put his own money up to make sure that Recreation is what it was today so when we talk about pop reaching back and getting Lefty Turner and taking him with him the Baltimore Elite Giants and the Pittsburgh crawfords we also have to talk about guys like johnon session and John El Williams and Jarvis Williams reaching back so that they can train guys like Willie Alford and Darcy Johnson and some of the other guys that came along the way and they stay they were right here in this community and here's an opportunity for this commission to Forever commemorate their existence and so today we ask you that you go ahead and name the John hery pop Lord Sports Complex tonight that you also name the John El Williams Field the Johnson session field as well as the Jarvis Eric Williams basketball courts so that when those kids that come along walk around and they have dreams they can put their hands on something that's a reality for what they can do from the same streets that they walk every day and so that's my request to you um and this is a opportunity for us to gain National Acclaim not just local Acclaim on something that that really just gives the history of this community and it shows just how important Recreation and those activities are to us on a daily basis thank you Mr H thank you any questions just um just thanks for all that Clarity all the history that you that you brought forth some of the stuff I mean I didn't even know about so want I just appreciate I thank you for bringing that forth because again some of that information we did not have and so it's really enlightening and if I can commissioner Johnny Williams is in the audience tonight and with everyone else's family members of johnelle Williams Jarvis Williams and Johnson session will y'all all stand for them as well as teammates you didn't you didn't have to say anything about Janelle um there are other public comments but if we want to um make a motion first second motion is second and um with Miss kitchens alra kitchens 1027 South 12 Street PAC Florida is not on pull it down okay algra kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Palaca Florida I was already familiar with uh These Fine men uh knowing a little bit about their history but after hearing uh former mayor Hill give some more history I'm even more impressed with them I fully 100% pardon me 150% support renaming these fields after these uh the two williams' uh session Johnson a Johnson session and pop lyd rot I've been familiar with them my whole life and I'm just really proud to see that we're going to get honor them with our Sports Complex renaming thank you thank you [Applause] Bob that's from Mr y'all yes my name is Bobby Wilson I live on 53 East Oak Street 1971 when I met Johnson session I was on a softball field with drill team he was down with the football team 25 and 30 kids we had a softball field in Booker park with kroer with sand for basis Sweet Orange wouldn't give us the money because there no m in the budget John said Bob never got me about said B said we gonna do something about this johnon went and bought bases for those fields put the kroer sack and Sands out of the way we three bats four balls no gloves on session the N said Bob I'm going to be late for practice the BS is Stu for being a Dugout 10 bats 20 balls 15 gloves shoes and socks a icon JN went to school and made sure the kids had good grace he talked to the parents he would go fishing have fish fries for a softball team football team baseball team and basketball team he started a recreation at North Side neighorhood Center I work for 20 years he started the program for le le basketball in that gym at booger par had a gym called a bond he started there with basketball football baseball a icon in the community of pill in post if anyone other than johnell and J session should be recognized for working do in the community from 1971 until he could not do anything else he still would come out to that ballpark donate money do what he can for those kids a lot of young people in here came up on the Johnson session in his days and time the man need to be recognized for what he done in this community thank you thank [Applause] you any discussion we have a motion in a second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to B proposed plan and Direction Jenkins Community Center Community Affairs Department need to read some first you think you need to read first or you want me just go into it son do you need to read read anything first I don't believe there's a resolution on this item I just making sure I'm just trying to follow the protocol well Commissioners mayor city city manager um I put a little something together to present yall about what our direction we want to do at Jenkins to kind of give some guidance from y'all to see how we can move forward uh we want to kind of reach out to some organizations and kind of fill some of the spaces that we have in there on this map right here you can see the suggested usage that we have for the community center uh um if I guess once she finish but before we get to that map I did have some verb in here I was not going to read it but if you want me to kind of elaborate on some high points about some of our goals what we want to do for the community center I can but we have had over the last couple weeks have created a a uh a focus team to kind of bring some afroamerican culture uh stuff to the community center uh we have went to a couple places in gainesfield we got a slated to go some places in D land and also Palm Coast to visit some more African-American centers to kind of get some ideas some kios and things that we want to put throughout the building to actually make sure we meet the spec for the grant and also meet the spec of the need of making sure the community of Paca knows the history of Paca uh and some of those rooms you see as the multi-purpose room with number two that'll be filled with a lot of stuff on the walls with kiosk codes uh the senior activity room back there have some similar and then the hallway in the front where you walk in we have the trophy case that that will try to house some of the uh Central Academy also some of the Bel we got some things from the Bel house that actually has some hising value to it and any other things that we can find yearbooks and stuff that we can find to kind of make sure the kids in that Community Center sees the history on a daily basis what house did you say Sir the Belton house belon oh belon yeah we we got some some music information some music stuff from there that what they T it down um and then as you can see we are officing the room number eight it can be commissional office driven or we can use it for lease lease lease space to different organizations uh the concession stand is just what I like to do to kind of get gym space total so people have concessions in the corner they can actually come out and get their stuff and go back into the gym uh the four can you go down a little bit Sunny no not just go down on the slide so I can see the top of the GRE here there you go four and five we want to utilize that for after school programs or any kind of day school that we get to come in there and kind of use that and rent that space uh and number six speaks for itself is the gymnasium so we're GNA run programs out there so what I'm asking for you just guid us to move forward with making these relationships with these community outreach program and start allocating some of them rooms to some organizations right now the building is not slated to be open to probably mid August if not September for total occupany but once we can start generating those relationships and kind of create some contracts so when we do open up we can move people in so have you been in touch with any any agencies like the Social Security Administration that moved away from here that we should try to at least get back into our County so that people will be able to go to get Services there any of those kind of agencies in the beginning we was reaching out to different agency like that but then when we was told the hold off we stop but we want to get permission to start back reaching out to them and kind of see who get engaged to come back into the building so think that's definitely an uh Avenue you should pursue so that I mean we're talking about helping people helping having Services back in the community I think that is yeah a very important one um and and some health care agencies um I think so that's just my opinion but that was some of the things we wanted this speak almost like a one shop stop for the community over there where they can come get some of those programs and some of those help so it won't have to go all the way downtown or wherever you have to go to get that service so it can be a walking distance for the community um that's key points yeah but um certain communities are impacted a little bit more than others in a number of different ways and so whatever services that we could put in there to help improve uh those areas uh key things are health care you know Health mental Wellness um we already got the um you know Recreation we got things for seniors like commissioner Jones was saying the Social Security office um just trying to think about all the different areas that uh impact um communities that um we can help improve on them you know health is one of the big things that we have in mental Wellness in in that area as well as social needs and those organizations that we still reaching out to we still would go through the city manager to come go through y'all before we make any approvement or any kind of contract agreement but I just want to have the commission now to start moving forward to make these relationships I'm down for the um moving forth uh for the relationships but I'm a tad bit interested in knowing how the lease or how would you go about U marketing as far as the rate for uh the use of some of those rooms or that's what I'm interested in knowing um how would you is that something that's already be has already been established or is it a case by case um because I want it to be fair and concise across the board um and I think that's something that needs to be taken in consideration before any conversation is had Within any organization so that it's not an opportunity for it to appear as if an organization is getting differentiation um from any other so I would make the recommendation prior to engaging in conversations that uh some kind of price um be implemented or provided so that it leaves less room for any confusion or lack of transparency yes we actually the city manager and the city attorne I was going to get together and kind of come up with a fair Market uh rent for the space size so we can be kind of even ke across the board when we rent those rooms out and kind of be in the same line within different organizations around this surrounding counties and move mayor I would make the recommendation that that come before the commission before any conversations are had okay have a motion to second on that particular item all in favor what about having that the price setting for the leases some with some with some leway I would say I I I'll say yes but with some leeway where uh we're not stuck with whatever we um approve and I'll explain why but I can it's coming to us as a recommendation with it um again we are if we're looking to be a resource to the community we want to make sure that they're provided with with as much information prior to not saying that they were turn anything away but if the prices come to us and we deem it not to be appropri or it may be too low or may be too expensive I think that would provide us with the opportunity to have the necessary conversations or provide a uh a frame of where it can fall so this is just a recommendation to come before the commission nothing that would be uh set in stone at that present moment yeah I can I I approve that but yeah so what what we um should not look for in terms of like price structures in a way to where if you could bring a um organization in like U the Social Security office which we had before and lost and it's hard to get them back if you put sometime rate structures on those organization that could be uh a service to the community that we so badly need um those are the type things that we we need to make those Provisions for to say all right well how can we assist or Aid this organization coming in to be able to help the community provide the services that we so so dearly need so we just need the flexibility in there to be able to accommodate for that yes and I we would definitely take the the need of the community in consideration when we making any kind of prices but again it would be a recommendation from us and I forgot Miss Carter will be in that on that little team to of making that decision and um and then we'll bring it to the see the manager and then he can bring it to y'all and then go from there yeah okay so basically we did have a motion in second that we would like to see the the the rates that were established prior to and we would like to approve them prior to them being in place so do all in favor other motions made by Justin by commissioner Campell excuse me and second by commissioner Jones all in favor I any opposition thank you um on to C adop resolution 2024 R1 122 thank you m mayor presenting to the commission resolution of the city Commission of the city pla authorizing the execution of an agreement with underground Refuge Systems Inc for the use of space at the Public Works facility providing for severability providing for an effective day and providing for scers SS thank you Mr Bill thank you Madame mayor and commission um do you have before you a uh proposal for a contract to an agreement to work with a vendor who's looking for space there has been one update to the agreement that is before you and that is that uh the vendor did confirm that uh he was able to assemble two additional trucks at the facility at the city of CMI so that would no longer be part of our agreement and going forward um we would be asked to use space in order to assemble trucks at a rate of $110,000 per uh Truck those trucks would be assembled by uh the third party vendors uh traveling in to do the assembly um the request is for the space uh which is based on what we have available to us at the current Public Works facility and at the new Public Works facility uh the conversations have gone on with uh Public Works and they have done a site visit they feel that the space that we have available in both locations is appropriate for the level of work that they would like to conduct so I'm happy to answer any questions that you have Campbell do you have any questions I do not mayor thank you commissioner Jones if we are building new public work facility because we didn't have the space for that's what you guys told us you wasn't here but there wasn't any space or appropriate space for the mechanic to do the work that they needed to do on our trucks at the time so my question is how do we have this space miraculously now to do contract work and that we get duped into purchasing another another area out at the airport or where the space come from that's my question the big push so commissioner as as you're probably aware I came out of uh Public Works myself started at Miami Dade Water and Sewer and was responsible for Public Works services at the South Florida Water Management District so when I had an opportunity to review the facilities that we have at Public Works currently uh it did appear to me that the current facilities are Antiquated uh they've been there for several years um so with regard to the new space requirements that we have in order to provide services to the community going forward uh these are less than ideal locations for it is a less than ideal location for us to be able to provide adequate and efficient Service uh for Public Works to the community and I believe at least that's what was explained to me that was the reasoning behind part of the reasoning behind uh identifying and selecting a new location again as you said I was not here when that took place uh but based on my assessment um and the years that I've worked in public works I could see that distinction for this particular purpose however uh there is not a need for High-Tech this is lowtech what they're looking for is space and the ability to have cover coverage uh we have the high top facility coverage there are spaces that we're currently using and you can also speak with the public works uh that's here now uh but based on the uh space that we're currently using we can relocate things that are in that space currently and utilize that space for the Assembly of the trucks so if a vendor does if we do decide to assemble uh uh take on assembly of the um uh trucks uh we have the flexibility to move things in and move things out in order to accommodate the Assembly of those uh units and where will we be moving them like so space comes from all a we have uh low-level space that doesn't require I that we're currently using High Lev space that we're using for low-level objects so we can move those into different spaces uh we have storage spaces that are currently in storage equipment that is currently in high level spaces we can move that out and move those units in so we have the flexibility to move what we have around uh with the space that we have available at the facility commissioner B so the city has all of these locations the city of got all at Public Works facility yes what we currently have yes at the Public Works yes so I think that this represents an opportunity to generate revenue for the use of that space and that Revenue could be dedicated to various uh or earmarked for various uh usages throughout the city whether it be for Parks whether it be for uh housing affordable housing but it is additional Revenue that we can generate so so it'll be there'll be assembling and moving things right in the current location that's correct where Public Works is now that's correct so would that present any noise and how would that work in terms of um you know just from a zoning standpoint and the type of work that's going on the facility is currently zoned for that purpose uh there are no new or additional z uh noise uh requirements associated with that uh it is typ the same typical type of uh activity that goes on when we're repairing trucks or repairing Vehicles m m okay um I asked that question as well so I'm glad that you asked about the noise um that problem that it may pose the assemble time the assembly time frame for the trucks that it will take yes and moving again using space because we rolled down there together yes and it looks as if all the space is taken so you have taken that into consideration that you'll be rearranging things for our folks and that's not going to cause any issues that's correct and Mr Vero we had that conversation to make and let me go ahead and ask another question while he's up here okay so you said that parts will be coming in from where so they will be shipped in uh some of the the units will be shipped in from Italy and and if Parts come in that are not the right parts they have issues where we to store those parts what I'm concerned about is it becoming a savage yard and I don't want that to happen so I want to know about the time frame it will take to put these trucks together I want you to explain to the community the type of trucks we're putting together because there're not trucks that we can utilize and you spoke about Revenue so you said that it went from the 2,000 per truck we don't we're not doing that it's all every truck that we assemble will get 10 ,000 that's correct and so uh the the units that we're talking about are uh $3 million units and they are designed to do underground Refuge collection uh uh and dumping and so they're unique trucks that allow that system to operate so the idea well let me first talk about the time span it's two to three weeks I'm sorry two to three days up to five to six weeks okay in order to assemble a unit that's five to six weeks would be on the long end but it can be done in as short as two to three days and so those three you mentioned about having parts that would be sitting around it would not be Refuge these are high dollar high value uh pieces of equipment and this company is sophisticated enough that they've done this um multiple times and so the possibility is always there you never know what's going to go wrong not saying that it's going to be Refuge but if it's parts that are not that come in and something's wrong with them where you going to store those and then waiting for the new ones to come in and then you got to consider weather conditions and all of that what if it goes outside of the five to six weeks and then we got to remember we're using the SP our space you know making sure that we're not um putting our folks in a disposition where they got to work around these folks and then making sure it's heavily monitored and that they're they're getting this work done you know who's going to monitor that again I'll be transparent with you you got a lot of projects going on right now this is another project and this is something else you got to make sure you watch and then we don't come back get into this and come back having to do change orders making sure that it could get done another I'mma Be transparent again if cmia was doing this and they had five trucks that they were doing at first they did three and they decided they they they couldn't do the other two all of a sudden they can they wanted us to finish the project why and we're doing again we're putting trucks together that we're not using there they all the municipalities across the State of Florida how did they how did they find us and decide that they wanted us to use our space to put their trucks together just let's have a conversation so be transparent so um doing the investigation and speaking to the city of CMI where the trucks are currently being assembled they have never had a truck assembly that went over four weeks okay never okay right in the time that they've been doing that okay stop right there they never had ones to go over four weeks but they got into a five week a five they agreed they had five trucks to complete they only did three but you did clarify that they they didn't say five at first they said they only do three correct so the other two they were trying to find someone else to put them together but fin decid that they would go ahead and do it anyway right for the 2000 the contract gives us the flexibility to be able to decide when we want to do an assembly or when we don't want to do an assembly the same flexibility exists with the city of kazmi city of kazmi decided that they did not uh based on their time commitments uh have the ability to do the additional two uh vehicles and so um subsequently they've been able to re re arrange their priorities so that they were able to be able to do those two additional trucks so that's no longer a concern of the vendor the vendor is seeking uh alternative locations to be able to do trucks at a rate of $110,000 per truck and we can de decide if we want to or if we don't want to allow for that assembly to take place so I do want to uh give Mr Rio an opportunity to address the space limitations and our ability to be be able to manage that and just to step while the show is coming up um whose concept who who negotiated this and who idea was this this was negotiated with me okay I'll Mr close then we we'll ask him I have some questions as well how did how come about answer do you want she just asked he negotiated it he didn't answer but let me let me let me ask this because I want to make sure that when that question was ask about the negotiation is that something that that is something that falls up under his no no no no I just want to make sure because we we pointed that out but I want to ask the reason I'm a little concerned as to the reason why that was act um and then left alone so I just want to make sure that if we're operating in complete transparency that we eliminate any room for confusion when it comes down to not only us that sits on this diets but anybody that may be listening in or sit a moer so I want us to it was just asked and left alone but I wanted to make sure that we expound if there needs to be I had intended to I have more questions and also commissioner Jones had kind of asked or brought the topic up when we saying the reason for the new Public Works site was because there was not enough space and it implied that this was something Public Works was working on in light of the fact so I just got that but that still does not have anything to do with the question that was posed as who negotiated it it does because the suggestion was that perhaps Public Works negotiated this even even though they so we'll let Mr speak first and then I'll ask my additional questions that will tie in as well uh so I I met with the people they came out uh on site and were tried to explain to me what exactly they were looking for and how much room they needed I made it perfectly clear to them that uh any we did could not interfere with our space our mechanics in particularly they can't use indoor uh any of those type facilities they were quite okay with under the pole barn us moving one of our gar trucks and utilizing one of those Bays outside away from where all our active work takes place and that's pretty much the scope of what they ask for as far as space is a bay and a half outside not inside or anywhere near our working facilities you said a bay because I thought you told me it was it would be two spaces you were asking for yes ma'am that'd be two two bays Bay and a half uh outside right next to each other at the end that's about all we have and we'd have to move what's existing in there to to outside which are not used at this time anyway the two trucks so I'd give a bay and a half for them to utilize that space okay thank and I do have concerns one of the main one of the other main reasons for moving public works out to near the airport was the fact that it was in the middle of a residential neighborhood zoned R3 and now we're going to be adding I you you at least told me that it wouldn't be a lot of truck traffic but we're increasing the traffic and noise again when the intent was to reduce it and get out of there and so that's one more factor that I have a concern about and and just to address both that question and the previous question so uh in a we would be able to do assembly in the new location as well as in the old location the existing location so um I have seen the underground storage underground Refuge solution overall uh the vendor has been at multiple icma conferences and when the vendor uh uh was looking for additional places to assemble the two trucks that needed to be assembled in order to meet the requirements of that contract he reached out to me and asked me if we had the space my response was I'm not sure exactly what your needs are you need to come um do a visitation and assess for yourself whether or not what we have available is uh adequate that's when the conversation took place with the public works folks uh there was a realization that uh we did have the ability to provide the space as as required that uh there was clear in the contract that they would work around any of our priorities and our needs um and so that there wouldn't be a conflict understanding that our needs were the priority and so that's how this contract came into uh existence and the agreement was negotiated to make sure that we covered all the spaces commissioner Campbell mayor I'll say this in hopes of just pushing this along um if they're putting out trucks to that magnitude and they're willing to give us $10,000 off of a truck they should have their own facility to build their own stuff so with that said mayor if you're looking to entertain a motion I have one to present okay I make a motion that we deny a second second we have a motion a second all in favor I any opposition thank you okay that's on to D adop resolution 2024 r95 no next one thank you again resolution of the city of Pac Florida authorizing a budget amendment allocating 64,000 $ 77254 and additional funds towards the Reconstruction of St John's Avenue from 19th Street to the CSX rail Corridor and providing for scrips thank you Mr Bell sure so um this is an item that you have seen before it's coming back before you in reference to providing the additional funds that were requested in order to complete this project um I think uh the clarity is provided in the the documents that you have in front of you shows uh that there was an item that was missed um and so based on the fact that that item was missed uh the county is coming to us with a need in order to fulfill that Gap uh there um was an effort put forth by do to provide half of the funds that are required and uh in conjunction with the $50,000 that we have already provided um an additional $65 5,000 and I'm rounding the numbers would provide the the second half of the missing amount that's needed so I believe there are Representatives here and since uh this project started before I was here um Mr Griffith is also here to respond to any of the questions that you might have okay thank you Mr Stout I'm here to answer excuse me here to answer any questions that you have questions I have a comment but I'll make it towards the end okay commissioner Jones yeah um I had a opportunity to speak Stout on last week and uh he clarified this matter as what the Mr Bill just alluded to um there was an issue where this money should have been paid upfront and it had been caught um but I'm glad that we stopped and we evaluated and we looked at where we spending our money and what we've been asked that's important and I know it's important for as far fiscal responsibility of this board um at this point I don't have any concerns about paying that right uh but I am glad that this board was attentive enough to stop look and listen and so um I without after uh Mr Campbell's comment I would like to put a motion on the table to pass this and let's get let's finish these roads get them done absolutely m b have any comments well my only comment is that you know how you know it got missed by do and then the the county as it relates and then it fell within the city and the city had to pick up additional uh funds that um we did not commit to we committed to the contract we didn't commit to the additional fund but um the 64 $65,000 additional that we need to pay right now is not worth going back and forth uh with that I think uh our community deserves better yes U we will uh at least I know I will be U pushing forward to make that happen I hate to see uh the project not complete um is is super important not only for me but everybody who comes with visitors and and res as well but um again going forward uh any work that's that's done when we get a contract we we going to stay with the contract um uh and because that means that you know people can come in and say that they missed whatever and if it's something that you've had a contract and your contract all of a sudden Changed by whatever percentage that could really uh impact and that's not maybe within the city's budget so we have to figure out what we pulling that the other funds from but again our C our citizens deserve that so I'm good with moving forward with that thank you commissioner mastle I don't need to add anything further I'm in agreement with doing what we have a duty to do and that's completing this project thank you thank you commissioner kampbell um I just want to make a statement based on uh what I heard with regards to one of the Commissioners referring to us working over here with using the adjective dysfunctional I want us to be mindful if there's ever an opportunity for us to work together we have to be mindful of how we perceive how one is based on whatever reason we decide to do whatever it is on our side but again in order for us to work on Harmony and work as a unified front not only as a city but as a county we want to make sure that we don't build or label or give us invalid or incorrect adjectives which could possibly prevent us from working together in harmony um that's my statement and thank you but I'm in favor of moving forward with this project thank you we have a motion from commissioner Jones you have a second second have a second from commissioner MC all in favor I I any opposition thank you thank you Mr Stout thank you Mr Stout do we want to take a recess right now or do you just continue okay because I was just told that that was asked for it's I'm fine um okay on to public hearings ordinance 20245 thank you Madame mayor presenting ordinance 2024 r05 an ordinance of the city of Palanka Florida revising chapter 2 Division four of the code of ordinances of the city of Palaca Florida entitled General employees retirement plan amending section 2 171 pension adjustments creating a 4% one-time cost of living adjustment for all retirees effective on October 1 2024 repealing all ordinances and conflict providing authority to codify providing an effective date and providing for scers erors and Madame MiFi may this first reading thank you Miss con good good evening everyone mayor Commissioners all that are here um our actuary Foster and Foster during the pension period that we were in uh back in March and April um we did request that an actuary study be completed because our retirees were having a lot of problems with the fact that their money decreased and so I'm just going to read it real quickly uh as requested by the board an actuary impact statement outlined the impact of the city funding requirements to the general employees retirement plan if they provide each current retiree and beneficiary receiving benefit payments with a onetime 4% increase in their benefits and it would not increase each year going forward uh so basically the Bureau of lab and statistics uh stated that the CPI increased 22.8% Over The Last 5 Years uh when you compare February 2024 with February 209 and so therefore it means that a cost of milk is 23% higher uh in a fiveyear period the last time that an increase was provided to our retirees was October 1st 2004 that was 20 years ago uh the increase in the CPI from in that same 20 year period uh is actually over 60% so um we're just letting you understand that currently what our contribution hour being the city of Paca uh our current contribution is I believe uh 30.7% so for the new year that's coming October 1st 2024 our rate will be 29% so even when we add this 0.004 that we're talking about it is not going to be greater than where we are right now and so we just wanted to take a moment and explain that so just to read it verbatim from the actuary it says therefore the can provide this onetime increase to their retirees and the funding requirements for next fiscal year which is October 1st 2024 will still be slightly less than what we're currently doing okay all right because next year we're supposed to be 29% right now we're at 30.7 so when we at the 04 you know it's just going to be 29.4 and that's still less than 30.7 where we are currently thank you questions from this no okay we have a motion second there a motion in a second I going to open the floor to public comment is anybody here for public comment on this particular item seeing no oppos public comment all in favor I any opposition thank you on to B adopt ordinance 20244 [Music] section 7 thank you Madame mayor presenting to you for second reading ordinance number 22404 an ordinance of the city of Paka Florida amending Chapter 70 Article 4 and appendix a of the municipal code of the city of Paka Florida as it pertains to City docking facilities providing for cability providing an effective day providing for scers SS thank you Mr Griffith any questions for Mr Griffith is second reading yes sir we're not giving the um the custodians that's down there at the River Center not the River Center the uh what it's called The Water Taxi terminal yeah uh um so control over the entire do I had that question I think I asked the attorney about it um the most northern part of the dock what empathy it is so if we had an opportunity where a vendor wanted to come in and provide watercraft rentals something of that nature would that be prohibited under this contract is so control with vacy commissioner I was not prepared to address any questions regarding the Paca Boat House Marina agreement but I do believe it does speak to their rights regarding exclusive water uh rentals but again if you I kind of asked her that and I think she backed out of it after the meeting it's what I was told so she she's and I know you're not prepared right now but um that was that was kind of concerning to me but I'm sorry to put you on the spot on about that but I I think we I would like to have some clarity you got that Miss West on that uh Miss West Mr B Because conversation had commenced about having opportunity someone else come in that's even if uh cat out back so I just want to make sure and I want to know for our I think we should know about exclusive rights on that um because other someone else had a a interest and doing something like that that's why I asked that question I wanted to ask it in the public meeting because I didn't know I wanted to refer to the subject matter experts I'm sorry about jumping off of the skip part you think I'd know it you know like the back of my hand since we've been working on it 12 years go gu but I'm sorry I don't have any question no I'm here to answer any questions about the proposed ordinance anybody else have any questions of Mr G well I I was belief that when we did that contract a while back that um the they were supposed to be doing or had the opportunity to to do watercraft U sport meaning that they could do rentals of H jet skis and among other watercraft like kayaks and everything else so if they had exclusive uh rights then they um control that piece of it because they said that they were interested in doing that as well from what I understood from the original contract so I thought that was part of the original contract has that been changed because I know this it was completed like over a year ago so the the questions related to the pla Boat House Marina contract I'm going to have to go back to the contract to make sure that I can accurately answering your questions and I will report back to all of you good could I could I ask this question M West so this ordinance as being modified do that have any effect with the contract because I say I see day slips on both ends and I know that they control the day slips down by the marina what about in this North End closer to the bridge okay so as it relates to the PBM contract I'm going to have to review that Mr Griffith are you in a position to answer the question regarding the northern day slips that and I think would help um Madam Clark If you could pull up the graphic uh that's part of the agenda package and Commissioners it is on the last page of your yeah I'm looking at while miss CR does that I'll give you a brief overview of the park operating area so their lease uh is for the building obviously we have maintenance responsibilities um for the entire building and for the restroom the public restroom facility but it is articulated in their agreement that they have some what I like to term a policing presence so they're down there every day and they're monitoring the park and specifically the park operating area when it comes to the docks uh there is one dock thank you Miss grants scroll down it's the one labeled transient slips those are the ones where you could have long-term slip stays everything else that's highlighted there either with a yellow line or a box at the Northern end those are day slips and that was done intentionally because this is still a recreational facility where we have people that are out on the water on a daily basis they want to be able to pull up to the park come downtown um and we have people that want to use the pier for fishing and shrimping um the docks to the north they get used quite often for special events specifically uh fishing tournaments so it was important that we retain the ability to still facil those types of events now they still have a responsibility to oversee and monitor those docs to make sure that somebody's not staying there past the time limit and make sure somebody's not vandalizing our property and report back to us yeah and we do have a representative here from black Boat House Marina if you have any specific questions I just asked it so yeah I just I asked it um when you were here last we asked the same question and you say yes but since then have plans changed about the watercraft rentals and Marlene lay 125 Cypress Point Circle I want to follow the protocol here okay no sir uh we do have in fact we have three boats that were currently uh looking to three different size pontoon boats we also have kayak and paddle board rentals and then we were at Fernandina and they actually have water bicycles so we're looking at those also if someone wants to get out there just kind of toodle around the front of the ri Riverfront so we will have all of those in place well Mark was here last he couldn't be here tonight he gave you kind of the timeline of what we were going to do with all of these things um you know he's still in negotiations with some local people about the coffee shop and the ice cream and he's also talking to people about the food truck so we do plan on doing all of that um so yes we will have watercraft rentals um as far as the day slip docks down there one of the things that we're putting in place when if you're going to rent a transient slip you're going to be doing that online so you're going to put in all your boat information and it's going to show you what your charge is going to be and that's how it's going to work what we've talked to the city manager and Jonathan about is during those day slips I think sometimes you guys have noticed there's both that stay down there for a long long time less than desirable boats that are kind of making that their home so what it's going to be on those day docks or floating docks down there there's going to be a time frame and they're going to have to check in so they're going to scan a code and they have to put their boat information in so that you're not ending up with someone coming in tying their boat up and walking away from it and then you have to deal with it um there was a sailboat that I'm not sure how long it's been on the city dock um months and months and months and then when you have to deal with that judicially that cost the city a lot of time energy and money so people will have to register so that they don't just come and park now this weekend with blue crab it's a huge time where people are going to come come for the day they'll come they'll stay till night so we plan on having the transi docks just open we're going to open the gate because a lot of people aren't prepared to start paying for these slips because they've been free forever so this weekend we are going to have the water taxi running on Saturday so it'll start at 11: and it'll run till probably s at night and we'll go out about every 30 or 45 minutes so we'll have rdes and then um after if the ordinance is passed we'll be reaching out we'll be getting a list from mrut right of everyone that's used that facility for the last however many years it's been in place and we'll be notifying them that we're going to be handling the docks and that we'll be working with them and there's always special events that there'll be exceptions for because obviously the wolfon children hospital when you have 300 boats there um in the morning at 5 o'clock in the morning not many people want to rent a slip plus they really need that to come and go and do all the things things they need to do so there will be special events where there'll be times that it will be open and we will not be charging because it's the benefit of the community okay so any other questions that you might have restrooms okay well the public restrooms those are open from I believe 700 am to 7 P.M yes so those are open and and the city maintains those and they actually deal with them they clean them a couple times a day that's anything else all the questions I have the one the southern most slip that's the one that the public is able to use the sou most yellow no the just the ramp I'm sorry the ramp ramp ramp Bo ramp so the ramp those those um those are open to the public anywhere that's yellow okay yeah yeah the public can pull up there and there's no charge for that it's just if they're going to be in those um those floating slips and you want to charge because there's water there there's power there and you don't want people coming up and just hooking up and helping themselves anything else clean up along the the zone that TBM would be exclusive area from the southernmost to the other North North End so who who maintains that in terms of upkeep um yeah as far as like picking up trash and emptying trash cans and things like that the city handles that correct yes yes you can come up Jo along the inter coal that's that's our normal duties we take care of the parks and the riverfront and everything our crews are under standard daily rotation to clean that and then after so that is our responsibility and we take it very seriously it's our property when all that's correct we have the land we mow we clean we take care of it it's our proper but they they got exclusive access to it Well's a difference between the water can tell yeah I can tell you I pick up trash too the mayor came down to see the uh ship store and I picked up a plate of spaghetti out of the parking lot that someone so kindly left for us there because I do know I didn't make I wasn't here the last meeting but I do know from the previous time we did discuss it um there was some issues relating to um cleaning the restrooms and having the restrooms in a way where people can come in and pressure wash um the facilities okay so there's two two different sets of restrooms so when you walk in the main door there's the public restrooms that are open S to seven okay um if Once you walk into the door immediately to the right it's What's called the uh boers Lounge so there are restrooms in there that are just for the boers to use that's rent a slip so they can take a shower and things like that we maintain that half we do all the cleaning we do all the cleaning on the ship store and then the ship store you know picks up right around in that area so we work hand in hand with the city we want it to look nice all right we appreciate I mean I just I just know from the last completed contract or what I just want to be clear yes sir anything else any other questions no other question thank you so much yes Commissioners I I do have a little bit of guidance to respond to your questions um I still would have the caveat that I would like the opportunity to review the full agreement and get back to you in writing okay however I would like to just point out that um the the areas that are not included um under the Paca Boat House Marina are the parking lot adjacent to Memorial Bridge the boat slips by moral Bridge so those Northern slips and orange um obviously the amphitheater fountains playground and the parking lot so that is not covered under the PBM contract and again I I would like to follow up in writing with a more thorough review but I'm trying to answer you on the Fly good job appreciate it thank you okay any further questions with that said I'm gonna open up to public comment limit to three minutes does anybody have a public comment on this particular item seeing n close public comment do you have a motion to approve some Mo second have a motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you commissioner comments commissioner Jones I did that I don't have enough comments okay commissioner Campbell uh mayor I do have two things that I would like to bring before the commissioner very quickly um it's been a practice in our past that over the summer we switch to a casual business attire um is that something that we are taking in consideration for this coming summer in addition I would like to also um ask if we would be able to go ahead and begin the planning of a proper naming ceremony for the uh Fields the fields that we just recently approved as we did for the naming of the Mary Lawson Brown Marina um I think it's well-deserving and should be put in that manner so I would make that request that we move forward with the planning of that that concludes my commissioner comments thank you sounds like a plan commissioner Bor no further comments commissioner mcco n just okay we agree that we're going to do the summer TI mean I think we need to agree on that but well well I don't think anybody has an issue with it just want make sure thank you casual I mean normally just be casual yeah yeah okay and generally we tend to wear our commissioner shirt so it's not just more of a business casual versus don't come in in shorts okay thank you thank you Beach we yeah thank you um and we do still have some workshops on tap that we haven't schedule um we didn't schedule uh the goal establishing goals for the city manager and a performance appraisal we really need to get to that I do want to Mayor you brought that up um I did request that kind contract with uh regards to um the contract of the city manager to make sure that we were not going against anything that was put into the contract um and it's my understanding and I'm quickly speaking to it and I'm there is a part in there that speaks to um his first uh 18 not the 180 days but he would not have any type of evaluation um January January 2025 right within the first no no no no I just want to make sure that as we move forth and we're looking at that that we're not looking at a evaluation but we're looking at performance driven type stuff so goal setting for the city and fores and goals well that's something that need to be set need to be set or have been set prior to now supposed to be no no no goals and objectives so we haven't set them we haven't uh unfortunately you can't you can't hold him to anything we haven't anything done that that's I'm saying we need a workshop get we need to do that somehow soon prior to January 20125 so are we going to set a workshop so that we can give him those now we have not done it what are we gonna do us a workshop set I have sat with him I mean well I've sat with him um we had I'm just saying I know it's Collective but I have sat with him and we have gone over a number of things I think we collectively need to uh put in front of him so that we can prioritize whatever those um City priorities are and the goals and the missions so um that's certainly important so but I have met with him um and we have discussed a few things as it relates so we just have to reconcile what everybody else would like to have right so will they be separate goals no oh no well collectively the city have priorities example would be uh what our priorities are for this current year we had um infrastructure our water lines we had um recre Recreation we also have um the curb line the 90 m a road and we also had U police car so all of those were our priorities for this fiscal year and so we need to look at setting those for next fisal year and then any then any then any other things related because he because once we approve these things it's in his La the the next thing we do we need to finish up what we did as it relates to the strategy and U the the the the goals and missions of this the commission so that's what we all have to come collectively to do and bring those things forward I respectfully I think there's a difference in what it is that um that may be a fraction but I don't think that's totally what that uh concept is and I think it in order for us to properly address it that let's just go ahead and not engage in it tonight but properly set up some dates for Workshop I'm not I'm not saying we we're not going to do it I'm just saying I'm not saying but I think what you stated that was not totally correct but but anyway let's let's just dates for the workshop with Sunny's assistance and I need Clarity because what was not correct I said part of it was not correct debate it here excuse me well we need the meeting is not over and we were talking so I think it's always good to get clarity so I'm looking for clarity the driven and direction of the commission what you stated I didn't say was totally inappro was not correct I say a portion of it the meeting that we're to have with him is a little bit more in depth with regards to we set the priorities for the City versus setting the priorities for the city manager I think those two are different when it comes down to when we go to Tallahassee to fight for versus our our expectations of him as our employee as our city manager what we want for him I think again that's different than having the priorities as far as the police cars the the infrastructure and the things of that nature so that's what I was stating I didn't state that it was totally incorrect but I stated that the meeting that we're looking to have that's not solely what we're looking to accomplish in that meeting we're giving him direction from our perspective as his boss um I think you misunderstood what I said and if I did I apologize but I was the only one shaking my head doing it I well whoever was shaking their head I think everybody might have misunderstood who shook their head did you agree to Workshop absolutely I'm I'm all for it I'm not rejecting that but what what I am saying I had move forward with working with the city manager with the things in terms of his evaluation and a number of other things that we have not completed in terms the terms of an evaluation when he can't even have that conversation of evaluation until 20 in 2 I I would make the recommendation it said up to read the contract contract say up to attorney West I would make that could you please bring us back Clarity with regards to the conversation that we are looking to Workshop so that there is not any room for confusion or misinterpretation based on our personal opinion but we want to make sure that we have a sound bik going in so that when we get into the when we get into that Workshop that we're not having this conversation that we're having now do we have some dates my my key thing is I know I was moving forward with what we need to do in term because the first thing we say when when a when a city manager is not doing what he or she supposed to do as it relates to running the city operation example is if a city manager is up for termination or whatever then the first thing um I've heard in the past is Let's do an evaluation and I've heard that on a couple of other other um occasions so again if that is the case then I can't tell you guys what to do but I know what I was doing moving forward and I have done evaluations before two of them S missing than I'm just saying period there's a number of things that need to be there's a number of things that need to be dealt with in the city that we individually don't control other Commissioners and as Commissioners we need to make sure that things are done decent in order and proper so again that's what I was moving forward with and I can't make you guys do anything you m I can just share what the contract says but come up with some dates we asked we asked for cont do you have any dates Sunny I'm I'm sorry I'm looking to the mayor I hear one commissioner asking for dates and one asking for commission stat already made okay um I'm happy to provide dates where what what type of hours and time frames are we looking for afternoon morning um I'll try to make myself available whenever okay um starting with June 3 june3rd this this city hall is available what's the next one afterday June 5th not available okay um [Music] June 6 in the morning we do have a department head meeting this come out of town uh at uh Flor City's you have June 14 available in the morning that's a Friday June 14th in the morning yes ma'am okay if everybody's available I'm okay with that if let's make it happen I I would like to also have our human resources in uh they gotta have some kind of format and they they really should be leading this charge to be honest with you excuse me but also agree that so June I'll touch base with HR to make sure you have a with that contract and give us some guidance with this going forward thank you so we're looking at June 14th I guess in the morning one of I look back at my calendar June 5th is available I won't be in town June 6 okay did we say June 14th though stay with June 14th please can I get sending a call we move a date let's I need to look at my Cal thank you do we have anything else any of f the comments he do he's looking at his calendar you're moving fast may can I say this blue craft cust this weekend hope that it I'm good on 14 there's no hitches going on I see Public Works and everybody doing a good job and uh I want to get every by Kudos and um looking forward for a good time and that's it I want to say that on on another note going forward yes and you mentioned the blue crab we have passes available see me after the meeting and I can get those to you thank you all right all right thank you appreciate also remember the high school pla High graduation is the 31st and we should have passes for that sunny and I was told they'll be available next week okay can we make sure we get them or follow up on that because we've had some issues in the past we making sure that we were not provided the proper pass this is why I've been asking we make anything else do we have a motion