##VIDEO ID:iHEd5NPCBAA## e e this is a test to the city of Paca audio system e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay good afternoon everybody Welcome to uh City commission budget agenda uh City commission budget Workshop rather on August 29th 2024 at 3:30 p.m. I'm going to call the meeting to order Miss cran could you read the notice please certainly to Commissioners Tammy MC Justin Campbell will Jones and ruus borm you're hereby notified a special called Workshop of the pla City commission it's hereby call to be held on the following dates the city hall 2011 North Second Street Park Florida 32177 the purpose of the workshops discover discuss the fiscal year 2024 25 budget August 29th uh City commission budget workshop at 3:30 is included in the list please govern yourselves accordingly sign Roberto mcra and mayor thank you um Pastor mberry will stop the invocation and Mr Bell can you please to the Pledge of Allegiance good evening everyone father we thank you once again for the opportunity to be in another meeting pray God that you will grant wisdom to make decisions that are sound move forward in this city we pray God that you will continue to bless this city putam county and and uh all of the constituents we ask God for your help in all that we underg to do for your glory pray your blessing upon each and every person now it is in Jesus name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please miss CR commissioner Tammy mcal not present for the record commissioner Justin Campbell present thank you sir commissioner will Jones not present for the record commissioner Rufus boram not present for the record mayor Robbie CA present mayor C of course this is a a workshop and you don't need a quorum but I just want to note that you do not have cor very obviously yes um I'm going to open the floor to public comments is there anybody here for public comments seeing none close public comments discussion FY 20242 budget fifth draft of the budget for 20242 Miss C or Mr Bell uh thank you mayor I'm going to ask that Miss cardi walk us through uh um the presentation of this balanced budget you yes good afternoon good afternoon sorry mayor Commissioners those in attendance um city manager attorney okay so today I just wanted to say that um the Commissioners approved a budget calendar and it included like five budget workshops and this is our fifth Workshop uh the budget is now balanced um and so hopefully I'll go over it with us today and uh if we were to compare to uh last year's approved budget originally uh it's a difference of about 4.5 million however if we were to approve it to where we are today without amended a budget with all of the various grants and so forth we are only a variance of $413 compared to right now today um the balance budget did uh require reflecting financing so we are uh showing a possible debt of a million in order to uh maintain this balanced budget with annual Debt Service of 133,000 our fire assessment rate also the revenue new uh is being reduced instead of the fire assessment rate being at the 2.46 is reflected at the revenue generated is $2.35 for the variable tier so there's a reduction of 11 cents so those are the highlights that um allowed us to actually have a balanced budget uh the balance budget number is 75 mil 845,000 765 so we've worked a lot uh since August 9th when we were last year if I was to go over the breakout of that 75,4 28 million did did I say 75 million 845 765 okay good yes so 28 million 600,000 is operating cost Personnel is 16 million and the grants portion of that 75 million is 19 million and the capital part is 11 million or almost 16% in our packet I gave us um a document that emphasize some of the budget uh highlights uh we could say the major aspects of getting ourselves um or or coming to a balanced number arriving at a balanced number uh some of the highlights as liability insurance increased for this year uh our inter fund transfers increase by about 300,000 um the loan proceeds in general fund we had to increase by about 300,000 and uh this year we have the planning comprehensive study which is Al it's a grant of 75,000 Police Department Personnel costs increase however almost 200,000 was Grant funded um our Public Works streets Capital costs increase by about 700,000 but then that's including Paving Renovations of 800 85,000 so I think that's giving us a snapshot and if you'd like uh sunny I can go into the actual document place and that would be the budgeted expense document yes thank you so what I did initially is just mention some of the um major changes compared to Prior year or highlights for this year so starting on page one this is the uh Commissioners um not too much deviation if I had to look at anything that's new or interesting it would be the special events and special projects and that again like last year that including um the amount that we expect to not be spent this year plus that 10,000 going to page three of this document that would be City Hall okay and what's of Interest here would be that this year we're reflecting City Hall and an called Building Maintenance in two separate lines but additionally uh we're recognizing that we expect to do Renovations for both the city hall and Annex on page four we're looking at city manager um mainly we're reflecting the salaries of three persons in that amount that's city manager assistant city manager and also our PI person public information we can move on to page [Music] five there's nothing too much other than um in regular salaries we are reflecting a new position there and our regular salaries which is um the 81,000 is for two positions not one if we can move to page seven and we're looking at Information Technology it's not too much of a variance last year it was 357,000 this year is 369,000 and that's just you know nothing major other than cost of expenditures increasing finance budget actually went down some compared to last year um if we can turn to page number nine which is uh we're looking at Public Works facilities maintenance um again there's not too much of a variance and on page uh number 10 you can see it's only a 12,000 uh increase but capital outlay for facilities maintenance the 45,000 is there and uh we are reflecting the reimbursement for Fleet man uh maintenance we started that last year Human Resources uh no major change up well except on page 11 if you could turn to page 11 Human Resources Capital outlay um that's where they're asking for that new software um between the installation for the first year and the annual is 44,500 but annually it would not be that amount would be less moving on to page um well everything is pretty root nothing major so far until we get to page 14 so we kind of breeed over illegal and we're at um page 14 should be other governmental let me see okay Human Resources oh someone had a question Community [Music] Affairs my page 14 it's my P well is it I see what it's doing okay so if you could go to page 14 right so page 14 is other government services and the big difference is two things uh we've had an increase what workers come and also um liability insurance and you can just see like you know last year was 139,000 this year it's projected to be 2011 and that's me taking the proposals that they sent in for the year that's coming page 15 um we can look at the blue crap uh last year we budgeted 52,000 this year we're budgeting [Music] 75 also on page 15 of interest is the Deo strategic revitalization Grant and that also mean there's actually a grant for this amount for this 40,000 just as it was for the 75,000 for the comprehensive study of in the planning division so even though the cost went up for other governmental but we do have uh at least a part of it being Grant funded um okay we can turn to yes where where is it place right we as far as um as far what page is that page 17 I I don't know if a grant for that one last time it was budgeted was uh 2023 so what's not budgeted for the year we're currently living in and it is not budgeted for next year either however if we do secure funding we that's why we have the process of budget amendment okay Community Affairs since we are on page 17 and I think I did mention about the 75,000 that that is uh we also have a grant awarded for that the community planning and planning department Community Affairs Recreation we are reflecting uh new positions there and I'll go back over the new the proposed new positions after I finish this um that's pretty much that part of it on page 18 uh we did have to in order to balance the budget you know one of the things that we were we had to do is um not have such uh we reduce the capital outlay so it's down to 64,000 but at least there is an amount there in Recreation and going to the police department there is a new position that's being advocated for executive uh salaries but it didn't affect it too greatly as you can see 421 420 uh there is a position over in clerico again didn't affect it too much with page 20 which is still believe the police department our Capital we were able to hold on to 110 they did request 147 on page 21 um there is a Capital grant for cars police cars 250,000 USDA Grant and our interest in debt the debt that's their principal and interest is based upon the agreements and the amortization schedules that we have so far code enforcement on page 22 I'm trying to see what was the major well we we increased that line uh 5120 abatement oh no actually we split it we we spread monies in other areas fings and miscellaneous legal feed we put something put an them out there 13 prior year was only 1,200 and finally fire department on page 23 and I need to correct something with the police department we did not have an increase in executive salaries okay uh the increases of in uh regular salaries however those four positions are Grant funded primarily there's a small portion that the city puts in of about 64,000 25% of the cost projected costs so Fire Department uh that's the one where we um the executive salary is from 191 to 317 which one position also with clerical of the 36 to the 76 uh and administrative position is being requested it's been reduced from the 880,000 to the 65,000 also it's no longer a deputy chief instead it's um a training officer something like that yes sir yep okay um so looking at the fire department U it's pretty comparative it's comparative to last year's budget the on page 24 the Capital outl we were able to keep in 205,000 they did request 368,000 [Music] okay page 25 we're on public works there are some positions that are being requested and regular salaries and uh in the packet there's that handout of proposed new positions and also the decision units page 26 okay uh this is still the streets department and um we just mainly tried to keep it close to last year however we there were small incrementals and uh these small the biggest one was this uh we wanted to make sure that traffic light repair which is government funded I want to be certain that I put in the full cost there that's 76,2 42 also pay paving road repairs 5330 is in there and also sidewalk repairs her in there as well and the streets the uh on page 27 though is the most uh the biggest change in this particular uh department or unit costs and that's on page 27 where you have paving road Renovations and that's at 885,000 the 45,000 for just general capital outlay and so for Public Works uh streets um there's an attempt to really focus in on repairing the streets last year budget was 1.5 million this year's 2.4 the cemetery uh no major changes on page 28 culture arts at the bottom of page 28 is uh showing that there's I believe a part timer being requested in regular salaries and on page 29 I believe it was ground maintenance let me see if I can find it okay let me look here um yeah so there is an increase in um line item 4910 on page 29 special events for the St John River Center okay on page 30 we're looking at parks and rexs so literally the salary budget decrease compared to last year went from 178 to 167 um that's because we're tying specifically Direct ly job Personnel into the budget to that salary study so it's a much more accurate number other than that the biggest change is on page 31 for this particular Department which is Parks and Recreation and that would be the maintenance for the riverfront so you know we've gone up from the 50 to the 7 73,000 and also all of the maintenance went from 6,000 to 10 I think this uh from the explanation that the department had gave was directly tied to having the staff on board to now maintain the properties so more uniformly okay uh on page 32 significant increase here in this same Department Parks and Recreation last year budget was 169,000 this year 56200 that is including the uh Splash Pad is is and also definitely improving the park I think some of the items they were trying to improve was uh the equipment I think also included in this is the uh dog stations I think about 30 dog stations so that's some of the reasons why the budget has gone from 169 to 562 City yes throughout the city about 30 different stations is what we budgeted at least you know all righty there got you excited okay so price Martin on page 33 um there is um a desire to improve there that's why that 30,000 is there for Price Martin my memory is that it was primarily related to audio and visual improvements it's important to note that um you can see that the city is improving honestly because when you look at transfers the fact that general fund transfers decreased in the approved budget from last year it was $991,000 at the bottom of page 33 and this year general fund do not have to transfer that much only 59,000 and that that but you know that things are coming together better place had a lower amount of transfer golf fund required a lower amount and airport we kept it uh level airport last year experienced a different year so this is the year that they expect to operate uh full capacity no change with the reserves and just to point out with uh the airport it stayed flat even though their tanks were down for a good portion of the year yeah it's amazing that they were able to keep it going like that without having basic equipment almost we're now on page 35 which is actually airport didn't mean to do that okay airport here we go um again on page 35 you know the the salary part is kind of level and just reflecting again the step salary study um however note that liability insurance went up from 67,000 to 84,000 so that's throughout the entire theme of the budget and other than that most of the items are pretty level there uh the grants the capital you know if we go to Capital outlay this is primarily [Music] um It's a combination with capital outlay of one FDL West Taxi Lanes that's like a grant but only 15,000 left and then there's $9,000 there for Capital Improvements the grants this year is reduced last year was 2.6 million on page 37 and this year is 1. n55 um the airport was successful in paying off a debt that they had had for some time and now as a result they're focusing on other the debt one of which is General fine so this year they're budget it to um pay towards whatever a debt they have with general fund 50,000 so again that's showing that airport okay um going to page 38 this is the final portion of airport the amount that they're paying towards uh general fund for administrative Services uh it's a small increase of is from 164 to 177 that's your report so now we go to public works on page 39 and the again the salaries I'm tying it I I will make an effort to review I'm going to review again with um Human Resources I just want to be sure of something I just see something that last year regular salaries was uh 380,000 I just picked that up just now that is gone down to 279,000 I want to follow up and make sure that that's accurate a little bit concerned about that but I do know that uh we checked it a couple of times to be certain that the salaries are tying in by individual and position to the salary study so it's probably accurate but I still want to review it um this is Public Works they reduce the amount for uh Professional Services from 119,000 to 62,000 and on page 40 if you would okay now here's where they see big increase is chemicals and fertilizers and they can explain it better than me but basically they were explaining how their activity was going to increase significantly this year and so this amount was doubled from 125,000 to 250,000 um their capital outlay is primarily based upon a grant of 1.3 mil and then General Improvement would be the wells update and various other uh improvements that will not should not exceed 500,000 so but when you look at the total Department budget last year was 3 million 17,000 this year is 3, 293,000 so the biggest component of that increase is the uh 125,000 for chemicals and fertilizers then the fact that grants increased by almost 300,000 so that's justifiable in a sense Public Works sewer Oh wrong word reclamation facility sorry Reclamation okay so um it's the salaries is just following the salary study the um prior year budget to this year for operating expenses if you go to page 42 you will see that last year the budget was 721 th000 this year is 769 th000 but generally speaking uh the increase is like a 4% it's um nothing too significant ific and capital outlay it went a decrease from 3.8 million to 4.2 million and this is because we have different grants like that Deo lift station you know 16 expansion we expect to complete that 1.7 mil and then we have that WWB biosolids was 1.3 last year that was 2.9 and um Capital Improvements um the person that is taking this over are attacking major major improvements for this particular uh Department I think one item alone was like 350,000 so but there's about 10 different items that are being improved with that 1,1 159,000 and when you you go to page 43 you can see that the total budget compared to last year is an increase of about 42,000 yet this year we are uh improving the capital for that department up by 1 million uh the distribution for water sewer no real change with uh personnel or operating cap outlay on page 45 it has changed significantly last year was 3.4 mil this year it's only 1.8 mil and our biggest uh change really are this uh particular there was a grant that we had in Paca Heights um it's funded by the State and so this year it's only 593 th000 okay uh we have other grants um last year under the grant we had 8.3 million this year we have 5.9 and again this is Grants and the numbers that are being placed in the budget is what the oper Ator manager city manager or Grant manager or director is what they are expecting to complete in the coming fiscal year so on page 45 there's a big difference between the budget for last year and this year like it was last year was 13 mil this year is 9 mil so it could be that we're trying in the budgeting process to better predict what we think we're going to complete in the coming year on page 46 we're looking at Water Administration um the only major the major change would be the liability insurance went from 249,000 to 346,000 on page 48 looking at transfers so last year the transfers was 2.9 Million this year is 3.1 mil so that's an increase of about 240,000 they uh contingency reserve is kind of static so overall for the utility department last year the budget was 28 m736 this year is 26 million 9,000 going on to the golf course um the operational expenses is pretty didn't change too much um however we're looking at operating and the operating uh was reduced some by about 11,000 Debt Service so nothing now so just a small change of about 9,000 for golf fund on page 51 on Fleet Maintenance page 52 I believe there was a position requested so regular salaries went from 100,000 plus with the step to 143,000 there's an increase with build and maintenance from 3500 to 10,000 so the increase from last year to this year is almost 100,000 about 880,000 85,000 and mainly that's with the position and the step and the building maintenance and sanitation on page 53 no major change in personnel however in uh operating expenses liability insurance again went from 70,000 to 91,000 um rental you know from 4,000 to 26,000 that's the biggest uh increment of the entire operating expenses primarily Li ABY rental and leas uh jet no okay uh one thing that sanitation did this year they were able to okay so last year we had 499,000 for vehicle purchase and and uh Capital outlay but this year and they did secure their vehicle purchases during the year we're currently living in this year they're um I forgot what this was for the 85,000 and the 15,000 but it uh they really explained it when they did their presentation so it's 100,000 there that's what they expect to spend this year not 500 or 700,000 okay sanitation the um transfers on page 56 there is an increase of about 60,000 and that's for franchise transfer and the administrative cost and finally we're on Tiff which has already been uh approved and so forth in the CRA meeting so I can skip that um let's go back to the 15 and 85 yes sir sanitation uh that was is the procurement of a vehicle that would and surplus in another vehicle a vehicle that would allow us to go out and service the vehicles on the road with yes sir tow them back to the okay thank you okay and um the CRA budget we it's already been approved in their meetings so it's okay if we move forward okay and so therefore we can skip over to page 63 mayor are you okay that we skipped CRA want me to go back is your microphone on Madam mayor um commissioner Campbell do you have any questions about the C budget I was going to mention the 75,000 is still listed there well oh you oh but I did correct it on they're independent um let me correct it here as well okay take out the 50 wait hold on where was it so the 25,000 p is Small Business Development Cent but then oh yeah yes I corrected that yes let me just put a note that the way how I corrected it on their CRA budget that I corrected here as well okay thank you thank you my question thank you Commission you have any questions about the C budget no ma' I don't with that correction I'm fine he said he was fine okay thank you okay all right let me just keep moving so but as a personal note I'll go back and really compare the CRA component of the total budget to the actual individual CRA budget just to be sure and so we're moving on to page 63 Opa fund and now that we're living in the last month of the year we have a better number last time this was at 1.3 mil uh but now we know that we're going to be next year we should have about 1,546 th000 and that's because we're Rose in the uh 490,000 for the affordable housing project and um everything else is pretty much was already there and so what's unencumbered in our opinion meaning that um we have not issued POS or anything like that uh I would say it would be that 1.5 we have to make sure I think pretty soon that we get that done on page 65 going to better place [Music] so I would say like for instance looking at Public Works building last year it was 3 million but we did actually secure the building and we do have the remaining amount of 1398 1, 398,000 on page 65 also on page 5 uh there's more funds here for roads and resurfacing and striping and that's 1,400,000 uh the city share oh yeah right City share downtown Street skate 999,000 but we did also that FPL re Street uh medium one bridge to State Road 19 we did include the 570,000 there and so um the total most of this pretty much all of this 90% of this particular fund is Grant funded there are some City match but most of it is Grant funded if you go to page 67 you can see that um the total uh department is uh 1 14 million 946 last year it was 12 million but we do have more grants um you know things like the federal raise Grant last year was 300,000 this year 1,500,000 so and that is it uh on page 68 you're able to see that I'll budget is 75 mil 845,000 do is look for fifth draft okay so um these this is the expected or budgeted revenues and it's based upon information is gathered from the state of Florida from the property appraiser most of the utility tax is is following the guidance of the State uh 2.5 multiplier of utt revenues impact fees is relatively new um that was it's not in there to that degree as it is now on page uh one as you can see 88,000 151,000 185,000 319,000 those are the budgeted or projected impact fees that we expect to receive in general f uh the fire assessment this number that is currently there the 2, 48,000 has been reduced um by 73,000 U because of reducing the rate from that 2.46 to 2.35 and then we have grants in here such as the USDA the cops Grant which funds the salaries okay the Deo Grant the Deo strategic Grant um okay I think I can stop there okay there are any questions by oh go ahead Mr B I just want to quickly note um the City attorney pointed out correctly that that we no longer have the department of economic opportunities Department of Comm we got to change the wording Department of commer what's that new word Department of Comm it's actually easier okay yes thank you not to be confused with Department of Corrections correct right yes ma'am okay Department of Commerce all right so if there if there's the most important thing this gives us the detail of all of the revenues and if you go to page five you'll see that is the exact same number as our expenses is 75 m845 765 so we do have a balanced budget uh the budget still can be impacted by any changes or so forth that the Commissioners uh would like to communicate to city manager but we still have that moment okay yes uhhuh sure soone need to take that out is it there I didn't think it was show show me fla oh okay say it right here we keep it there because there um the reason why it's on there because there was actual activity in this current year I think it was $3,000 okay the legal leans tax sales surpluses okay one don't you let me follow up on that because and then let's communicate and let me see if that would help with the revenue stream first of all what I would do is understand where are they currently booking at okay have we received any money at all this year from that Source okay I'll find out where we're booking it and then I'll tell you where it is in here okay thank you commissioner Campbell do you have any questions I do not mayor thank you okay I I have a couple um the reduction in the fire assessment fee I I don't honestly recall we did approve a resolution for um previously and I thought in that resolution we approved the most recent the current rate I should say 2.46 when yes when did we reduce that or how did we reduce that when we approved a resolution already so um it's my understanding that we approved up to that amount but that we had the opportunity to go lower but not higher and so if you approved uh this budget we would go lower but if you if it was the pleasure of the commission to go back to the to the higher number then we can do that as well okay and I guess obviously we we don't have enough people here to disc it but we do need to discuss that it is a substantial loss of Revenue um and it once you cut it's h to go back up again it's just anyway I think we need to discuss that that's that's all I'm saying on that I also don't remember I remember just a lengthy discussion about how much funding to allocate the blue crab or not but I don't remember the 75,000 as being a decision made was that just a number to insert it a placeholder uh how did you get to that number so based on the negotiations that we've had thus far uh with u the pro uh event promoter um it's we have her original request was 150 and so we were able to come to an agreement in the neighborhood of 75 so we wanted to make sure that that was reflected in here so that's another point we need to discuss okay and the same with the splash pad I have no problem with the concept but we just again it's we need further discussion on that okay and actually the um the agreement I'm sorry to go back with regard to the uh Blue Crab Festival will be on the agenda for the September 12th okay those were basically my questions a clarification okay if there are no more questions I sit down oh did you no I'm I was going to offer that you know again it's not we didn't have public comment per se but if you would like to come up Miss do you have any specific questions Mr Roan if you do please come up to the podium okay chery roach 312 Dodge um on the cemeteries if there is any surplus um definitely need to clean up cemeteries I thought I saw 20,000 of surplus and I know that at the last year's um budget meetings uh Public Works definitely requested more money for cemeteries and they were just turned down so um I that's the final resting place there should be much more respect for that I didn't see anything for a bike trail the bike trail I thought we were a trail town and um is that customary to have like no upgrades or maintenance for the bike trail slight amount for maintenance on there there's also which we need to look into and I think the window for application is closed but um D has a new Grant specifically tailored to funding for grant for trail maintenance I'll get that information it might be tra I'll get that information to you I think we need to look into it for the next cycle because it is a need it is a great need yeah it is a great need yeah and I'm not talking about on Main Street putting in a new bike trail when there's already one there I'm talking about more when you get down to price Martin and you make that turn and the maintenance of area already in existence we're not talking about new yet nice to but at this point we're talking about maintaining what we have yeah and yeah okay and the other thing is the animal control nothing again and I don't know what happened with the you know the the spay neuter um you know I know that everybody thinks it's the County's responsibility but we have such a huge problem in this town for both dogs and cats we did when the ladies from AR came here we did agree to give them funding did we include that in the budget because I'm not I didn't notice it either yes was uh funding that was coming out of arpa for uh for that um but it was contingent on them um coming through with the trailer that we were supporting and I believe they weren't able to acquire the trailer so that money still sits where it was originally and I think that was that because the county was not funding a portion of it why did that why did that happen I'm asking trying oh that's right okay yeah okay okay I don't remember that reading that so just nobody is doing anything basically about it we have the money right sitting there but at this point we're waiting for them to take the lead is really but what yeah I I just I'm frustrated as you are as I think everybody in this city is we are data with cats dogs okay okay okay and and lastly um and this is just a comment not a question I know that um last year both the police and the fire department and I think maybe even public works you know did ask for admin and it was all turned down um I do hope and I know there's nobody really here but um you know I do hope that it is considered admin for those departments are Paramount in in my mind um you know they need that support especially the fire and the police and the public work of course and sure go ahead and come up uh uh but I was going to say that uh 9099 95% of what uh was requested in uh the decision packets from the police and fire department it was approved okay okay well it's in in this budg well it's not approved yet yes okay so they could it could all be acts and that's my point because I know that's what that's what happened last year they just simply asked it so I'm just saying as a you know a Palatka Citizen and constituent that you know admins for those departments are very important and I hope it's considered and passed on thank you thank thank you any other in input questions any other information commissioner Campbell do you want to make a motion to adjourn since I have nobody else motion to adjourn thank you to the