e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everybody Welcome to the Paca City Commission meeting June 13 2024 I'm calling this meeting to order we'll start with the invocation from Pastor mberry who's in Zoom land and then the Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner mcco father we thank you again this day we give you praise and glory for your kindness towards us we thank you for how you brought us together once again to do the business of the city pray God that you will bless the leadership of this city God that we will move this city in a positive direction even in spite of we pray God that you will help us to make timely decisions that's necessary for the good of our community keep us civil in all that we underg to do for your glory and father we keep praising you and thanking you for all you do for us in Jesus name we pray amen amen Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all call please miss CR thank you commissioner Tammy MLL here commissioner Justin Campbell present commissioner will Jones pres commissioner Rufus borm present mayor Robbie C present all members present and accounted for and thereby we have a quum thank you moving on to approval of the minutes has everybody had an opportunity to review the May 23 2024 minutes motion to approve second we have a motion to Second all in favor I any opposition thank you unanimous on to public recognitions presentation the first being the sons of American Revolution firefighter of the award please give your name and address for the record and can he please turn the microphone on please put your mic on yeah there you go my name is Paul sap I'm uh with the St Augustine chapter of the sons of the American Revolution and we uh we'd like to honor our first responders and we every year we solicit um you know inputs and recommendations from the agencies in St John's and putam counties and this year we received a nomination from Chief Taylor so I'll proceed with that if it's okay yeah absolutely still on okay good all right you don't have to V so we're gonna present the uh s fire safety uh accommodation medal to firefighter Lauren futch let me uh let me just briefly read this um we're pleased to award the fire safety commodation medal to firefighter Lauren futch this award is in the recognition of what Chief Taylor says is quote Miss futch's shining example of the type of service and dedication expected from our members in her two years of service Lauren has consistently demonstrated her unwavering dedication to the Department's Mission she approached every task no matter how challenging with determination and a smile on her face her willingness to tackle even the most undesirable task speaks wum about her character and commitment to Excellence LA's commitment to her professional development is truly commendable she has eagerly participated in numerous training sessions ranging from a fire inspector to Hazmat and Fire officer courses her dedication to continuous learning not only enhances her own skills but also contributes to the overall effectiveness of our department moreover Lauren's ability to communicate effectively and compassionately sets her apart as a valuable team member she is always willing to express her opinions and concerns in a thoughtful and considerate manner fostering a culture of open dialogue and collaboration with with our shift firefire Lauren futch's unwavering dedication commitment to Excellence and compassion approach to service makes her an invaluable asset to the department and the community she serves and makes her an ideal recipient of the s file fire safety Commendation Medal so congratulations [Applause] all the pictures great app we have this little thank you very much okay thank you very much thank you come up here and take a photo you should come up to you sir okay noove we're higher I don't mean it that way more got back I'm sorry I know you would just come into the city commission congratulations that our first Proclamation is pride Proclamation June 2024 Mr Abed you thank you Madame mayor Roberto MC mayor of the city of pla together with the members of the pla City commission you're hereby Endor and proclaimed the month of June 2024 as pride month in support of the LG lgbtqi plus Community we urge our citizens to recognize all lgbtqi plus residents whose influential and Lasting contributions to our neighborhoods make the city of Palanka a Vibrant Community in which to live work and visit and in celebration of the pride that powers the movement for lgbtqi plus rights now therefore I witness and witness whereof I have here on to at my hand and call we fixed the official seal of the city of Taca this 13th day of June in the year of Our Lord 2024 thank you do we have a motion I'll move second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you and everybody that's here and supported that if you would like to come up for a group photo that would be great do one more FL [Music] sorry thank you our next Proclamation is in celebrate in celebration of juneth June 19 2024 Miss crant thank you and Madame mayor I believe uh Eddie cutright will be accepting on behalf of Community Affairs Department Robert MCA mayor of the city of Paca together with the members of the Paka City commission do hereby endorse and Proclaim June 19th 2024 as juneth in the city of Paca and to earnestly employ all habitants to partake in the array of commemorative events orchestrated in homage to this momentous occasion thereby collectively celebrating the chairish tenant of freedom and equality I have he and to set my hand and cause to be affix the official seal of the city of Paca this 13th day of June in the year of Our Lord 2024 thank you do we have a motion so second a motion second all in favor I any opposition thank you thank you is there anybody else here can I make you can actually I'm stepping this for Miss Ruth Benjamin she couldn't be here she's stuck in Jack be thank you [Music] [Applause] yeah to presentation City ofth a little bit of both um and if we may ask um the mentor to the youth Ambassador Cen sessions to come to the podium all right there we go k session 200 Dogwood Lane Paca Florida hello commission hello everyone in attendance today we will be showing you a video of our amazing poaka youth ambassadors this year was an amazing year um they got to do a book drive at the Blue Crab Festival they went and visited different department heads around the city and to finish they have to complete a mock commission meeting to finish the program and this year it will be online so Sunny can you please cue the video welcome to today's commission meeting I will now call this meeting to order roll call commissioner Uma present commissioner Ray present commissioner Riley present I am mayor Reagan and we have a quorum the first item on our agenda is presented by youth Ambassador coordinator Miss CR thank you Madame mayor and commission for the opportunity to present this year's uh community service project of the youth ambassador program the youth ambassadors are asking for permission to give away the books that they've been collecting over the last few months for local youth we would like the city's youth ambassadors are asking to do it during the city's Blue Crab Festival and to set up a table at the St John's river suent may I answer any questions you may have I'm gonna go back out of it and do a take two hold on to give away the books that they've been collecting over the last few months for local youth we would like the city's youth ambassadors are asking to do it during the city's Blue Crab Festival and to set up a table at the St John's river sum may I answer any questions you may have um what is the goal of the book drive the city asking for permission to give away the books that they've been collecting over the last few months for local youth we would like the city's youth ambassadors are asking to do it during the city's Blue Crab Festival and to set up a table at the St John's River Summit may I answer any questions you may have um what is the goal of the book drive the goal of the book drive is to provide us community service opportunity to our City's youth embassadors as well as to uh donate books to benefit local youth thank you and how do you plan to advice for advertise for it we plan to advertise through the city's social media channels as well as Flyers we will also have signage directing the youth's traffic into the St John's River Center and where have donation boxes been located donation boxes have been located at City Hall Panka Public Works pan gas Authority as well as the St John's River Center seeing no further discussion I will now entertain any motions motion to approve second all those in favor say I I all those opposed motion carries 4 Z seeing no further business um is there a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn all those in favor I I I I motion carries 4 Z meeting adjourned right can we get round the Applause Madame mayor and Commissioners I'm very very proud of these three young people standing before you today also i' want to extend my pride to umai and Ry G who were our youth ambassadors who were transfer students from Asia Rey came from Mongolia and Uma came from Taiwan Unfortunately they could not be with us today because they had to return to Asia but we definitely thank them for being a part of the program and and having Palaca as their stop in their in their on their resume and in their career so with that we've already presented Uma and Rey their certificates um offline because of their return to Asia but we just want to mention that we're grateful for them but allow me to to share some some pride for the ones standing here we have Reagan and Riley Blackmer as well as cenne session Regan and Riley recently graduated from Qi Roberts um [Applause] so they served as interns for the city of Paca last year and I'm pleased to say that we now have them as interns again this year um and it's part of efforts due to this program for the Youth ambassadors as well as the internship program that we we can connect with our youth in this manner and I just thank you guys so much for the opportunity to serve as the youth Ambassador coordinator for the city and to continue to be a part of the internship program this program u means the world to me um and I'm very pleased to to continue to support it this year I would mention that HR actually placed two interns with me so uh thank you again for allowing me to participate and with that we're I'm GNA turn it over to commissioner Campbell to present the certificates if I may and there's also a little card in here from me this is for Riley Blackmer Reagan Blackmer and last but not least Mr cenne session although he was a college student this year and technically uh means that he was older than the program calls for for high school students he said hey Sunny how can I be a part how can I give back I was an intern last year and I want to be a part of this program somehow so he helped me coordinate and organize this program this school year so with that we'd like to extend a certificate of appreciation to Cayenne session e okay um we're now going to employee of the month Ms Jones mayor Commissioners um I would like to say thank you for affording us this opportunity to recognize employees um we're going on year three and so our um candidates I want to thank our department heads for continually submitting um nominations for people that are do out um doing outstanding performance during that month and this month we would like to recognize officer Matthew Dickerson thank you you so kind mayor Commissioners good evening thank you for this opportunity once again come to you to be able to highlight one of our employees but before I go into Lieutenant cassity's nomination for officer Dickerson I want to also say thank you to uh City staff and ref to obtaining or setting up this program because it's been um special for us for to be able to show uh the positive things that the officers of the police department are doing and also sit back and watch other employees of the city uh be able to obtain a positive uh opportunities to highlight uh things that they are doing and achieving with the city so I want to be able to say thank you for that with that being said Lieutenant Cassidy wrote Chief Shaw I would like to nominate officer Matthew Dickinson for employee of the month since coming to the plaa police department officer Dickinson has done a outstanding job and does not hesitate to sign up for different uh excuse me to sign up for different duties at at the police department he signs up for numer numerous details and is quick to cover a shift where is needed while at work officer D Dickerson is motivated and eager to learn officer Dickinson always has a positive attitude and can lighten the mood in any situation although offic dick officer Dickerson has only been with the department for a short time he was involved in a recent incident that could not have been handled better officer Dickerson was dispatched to an unresponsive patient at a local business and once he arrived he noticed the patient was turning blue in color and not responding to his presence after assessing the situation he realized he was dealing with the narcotic overdose officer Dickerson quickly administered Narcan which began to wake the patient and she began to regain Consciousness shortly after EMS arrived officer Dickens officer Dickinson's quick response and quick action uh basically outlined the difference between life and death and after speaking with Sergeant Scott they both felt that it was important to be able to nominate him for officer of the officer the the employee of the month I apologize we get a number of different nominations so um excuse me for that because he his name has been coming through quite a bit he's been here for six months and I think I should highlight that but I also should highlight the fact that um he is very popular at the police department he is always smiling and uh to say that he lightens a mood um if he never comes in with any type of problems with any type of uh down Spirits no matter what he's been through and I just like to share something with you with officer Dickerson as a new employee it was very important for him how he came to work when he came to work he had trouble with his his vehicle and uh you would think and US looking at it the trouble with our vehicle we come in it starts off our our shift or our day in a bad mood um he was just happy that be arrived be able to arrive at work he arrived on time and he was just ready to kick off his shift still with a smile I looked at that and realized that no matter what we all go through differently is how we approach it how we uh spread it throughout the rest of the people we uh come in contact with and that's a perfect example of how we want our officers to be able to come with that positive attitude and be able to disperse it throughout the community uh officer D Dickerson uh we we applaud you and we thank you and we're proud to have you at the black police department [Music] get up there in the picture it's your grandson yeah sweet ready in a good way in a good way yeah big happy on to city manager administrative reports presentation Personnel policy update section8 benefits thank you Madame mayor for the presentation we have Miss Jones so um before you Madame mayor commissioner is the um section eight of our Personnel policy um this portion of the Personnel policy was b um before you all um at our commission meeting in October 26 20 um 2023 and there were some concerns and language that um you all represented um acknowledge that you would like to see in the um in this policy all of those um updates in the in this proposed policy here um the things that um have been added to the language of so we did add the full-time benefits to include the City commissioners as stated in there to um be a part of the benefits as well as the language about our pension to match the pension Provisions in our policy a as well as the actual percentages that were paid for City and medical and dental and added the supplemental insurance language offered by the city um at 100% cost to employees so all of the information that you requested in our October um Commission meeting has been added to this policy and we just wanted to bring it before you um for your final review so we can bring it back for adoption thank you you have any questions with M Jones questions thank you thanks for all the hard work appreciate you on the hard work and we thank you for your labor um we're going to move on to public comments I'm going to open the floor to public comments please limit them to three minutes give your name and address for the record and please fill out a yellow public comment card card rather and this is for General items not listed on the agenda all right how you doing I I don't have a cour uh you can fill that out after I have please name and address all right um Tyron Bennett heart and Soulful eery at 308 St John's Avenue um downtown Paca um I just have a a couple of um I guess statements to make um I think the city um commission and the city um event department has been working very hard to put on great events downtown Paca um working cohesively with businesses um I think the only um response that I would have my feedback would be is that I believe when um organizations um come to do events downtown pla that um there needs to be I guess Improvement on um communication to local businesses so that everybody's on the same page and there's no misinterpretation I guess Sops theyard operating procedures for how business should operate during anything if anybody applies for a permit to block down streets so that we know how to maneuver how to participate how to um I guess move forward so that everybody's on the same page so um because I think the the city is moving in a in a great Direction I'm a new business down there we've been there since December 13 um a lot of you have stopped by I've seen you in passing um and there's very great support from the event department and um the police department and fire department when these events are going on so I guess moving forward I guess we have to um look at um I think my perspective is that it should be a better piece of communication from organizations to private businesses um in that area that may be affected from the closures or anything that from the particular organization and I want to say this I don't think it's specifically I don't think it's the responsibility of the city nor the City events Department to do that I think that organization has um the uh the responsibility to do that themselves um because they're the one applying for the permits they're the one that's doing all the the footwork so that's just my piece um I think if we do that then we'll move better in a positive way thank you all right thank you Miss kitchens and Miss Lawson Brown together know minut I'm here for moral support now we came we came today address oh my name is Mary Lawson Brown and I'm kitchens and I live at 107 South 9th Street fakka 1027 South 12th Street fakka we came together we are part of an organization that came together and we have decided that we want to work on a history of Palatka and getting a recognition and maybe a walking trail for our people so that when we could draw more tourism in here but I also came to thank you all because you all decided a while back that you all would honor my grandmother and really my family by putting a kiosk up the kiosk will be um in place on Saturday the 22nd not this Saturday but next Saturday at um we doing it at the church yard on St John's Avenue because we don't want to block off the street want to be good citizens and we're having an Arts and Crafts Festival for seniors because H having that many people here we wanted to do something for other people and our seniors have stuff that they do that they cannot get rid of or not sell and they need extra money and it's strictly to help them and they keep the proceeds from what it is we just providing that space and bring the arts and crafts to show up young people maybe some of them will get interested in learn how to do it uh we're also opening up St Mary's Episcopal Church that was built in 1883 and letting us letting folks see how long we have had the history of Paka and the people who worked in it uh our family business now has been in Palaca for 110 years my grandparents came and started it in 1914 so I want everybody to know we thank the City Commissioner for recognizing the anchor we've been in this community for all this time and I'd like to add that uh for the dedication of the Mary Lawson Hospital kiosk at 1 pm on the 22nd we would would like to see any descendants of the doctors that worked at Mary Lawson Hospital like Dr ganus uh Dr Massie Dr heel uh any of them and then anybody that was born at Mary Lawson Hospital they're all invited to come down and join us in the city for the dedication of the Mary Lawson Hospital kiosk honoring this great Hospital which is one of a kind and the first of a kind in the United States which had both black and white patients from 1918 up until it closed in 1962 50 oh 62 yeah we take it down in 62 and I was born in the hospital era and me too and Mar too um Mr Deputy name and address for the record Sam Deputy 9117 Carl Street 623 St John's Avenue uh we love blue crab blue crab was quite a surprise for us because for 57 and a half years we've been on St John's Avenue as printers and during the festival we were part of the parking lot this year we were surprised because on Wednesday evening we noticed numbering going on in the 700 block and we had not been notified that we were a part of the mix well that was exciting and we went out to find out well we hadn't been notified they hadn't nothing let's just put it that way but we worked out our situation we got free spots uh you know to put our business we got all this they're closing at 4 o'clock on Friday like normal okay we can handle this we can deal with this although it's in two days and we don't even have work workers because it's going to be the weekend and we're going to be the parking lot so on Thursday we're getting our act together and then we go to preschool graduation because my grand niece is more important than anything so I'm at preschool graduation and we come back and our street is blocked and it's on the city website that afternoon that you're blocking my street I'm sure you saw it on the city website Thursday like the rest of us our streets blocked all all day Friday we're blocked with no business and no vendors we're just blocked off I came down to the city hall to ask questions we got the permit out there was no blockage there was it was just no communication to us as businesses so I lost Friday so one I'm asking the city since you blocked the street not blue crab blue crab can do that according to the a ordinance only you can the city does owe St John's Avenue some restitution for we lost business not even the courthouse knew we were blocking the street so there were some problems there and then we noticed because we're learning we're learning we noticed that some businesses towards the river had gone ahead on Wednesday and put their stuff in the street and they were allowed to do that wow next year I'm going to be on the mix which means if if the city allows that I'm going to do that well that's not according to the permit I know that I've dealt with this event policy for 20 some years I know the policy but the policy does say this written notification 15 days before the event and the list that's notified is supposed to be turned into the city so that you can hold accountability that this is done and then the other notice in there I want to point out in the event policy it says it shall not an event shall not unduly affect a business all day Friday with no business that affects everybody I mean we're on our own anyway I want to see the policy Revisited because it needs to be updated and uh can we hold everybody on the same accountability thank you thank you is there anybody else here for public comment saying none we close the public comment going on commissioner and staff response if any I do want to um let the commission know that we are in the process of doing an after action on the Blue Crab Festival and a report will be forthcoming uh identifying some of those uh issues that were mentioned in the last uh um commentary so uh we were happy to be able to work through some of the issues I think it was a good event overall my first event so my first exposure to that uh but we can always get better and that's what we're focused on in the after Action Report thank you um on to the consent agenda are there any items to be pulled I have a request to pull e is there any other items to pull on consent agenda mad mayor yes um we would like to withdraw uh item c c yes from consideration and bring that back at a later date with with um C can we bring that up temporar for a discussion even though it's being pulled because I think when you bring it back it may I just have a comment to make with that okay are there any other items to withraw is that something you'd like to discuss under commissioner comments or okay okay any anything else if not can we have a motion I'll make a motion that we accept the consent agenda excluding items c and e for discussion second the motion is second all in favor I I any opposition thank no no opposition okay so moving on to C discussion um I just want to bring I want the city to be uh kind of in the know with regards to the way that we brand or and label stuff um I think the concept is awesome but I don't want it to appear as if the city is promoting liquor or drinking um so I would make the request as we move forward that we take in consideration possibly changing the name because it also um weaves out uh some individuals that may want to attend but based on the name uh they don't want any association um with that so I would make the recommendation as we move forth with branding things that are City functions um through the actual City that we take in consideration not having entitles anything as it pertains to alcoholic adult beverages absolutely share the same sentiment yes you know once we and once we got wi that and we kind that's why we pulled it but it was just a theme we were just trying to come up with different things each week to kind of bring the crowd down there but you are correct we need to be more considerate about the alcohol label and maybe tacos and and tomatoes or something but we'll come over with something we'll come up with something creative to take a look out of yeah I mean like I said I'm totally um for the events that have been taking place but um again it was brought to me on multiple occasions by citizens so I just wanted to make sure that I did my due diligence to bring it up in this form so that they know it was brought up and again for us to take in consideration because again I do believe that that's a valid point as you reiterated as well so right thank you um e Miss CR thank you resolution 2024 r129 a resolution of the city of Pala Florida granting a special events permit to Big Homie Inc for the family friendly Funday setting forth the provisions of the permit granting provision for closures and providing for scrier SS thank you okay this is event for M Mr Mr Keith Williams it's a a reoccurring event that we have had earlier in this year and when when he took us SES from it and he brought it back to us uh back in uh early May to revisit it uh we vetted it through our special event team uh we actually gave him some contingency just in case we wanted to make sure it pass he chose to continue to keep it at Hank Bryan uh so uh we put in some Provisions inside the resolution that if he's going to keep it at Hank Bryan then he should be responsible for the the restrooms um and then also he called to Captain Williams the count of of the officers support uh and we just going to bet it each week to make sure and if it's team to get out of control then we help them have Guidance the council L sh it thank you Mr cutright does anybody have any questions on Mr cutright actually M Miss kitchen's asked to have it pulled ask me to have it pulled she would have to come has your concern been answered no okay come come I was we're getting to that point I was asking first this no no come on up Miss kitchen's name and address for the record please alra kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida I had two concerns first of all as as happened a couple of weeks ago commiss commissioner Jones I think needs to recuse himself because that's his in-laws and second uh these for a class A or B permit you have to sign it 60 days before the event Mr Williams signed this on the 2 1st of May which is 53 days before the event the same time frame happened the last time and I've noticed that it's become a habit for the city to pass permits that have not been filed within the timeline usually if somebody has to do it sooner or later I should say you can't make the 60 days then they come to you and ask for a waiver of the time Mr homie or big homie Corporation did not ask for a waiver the last time they did not ask for a waiver this time I don't think they knew about it so the thing concerned about is there's a communication gap somewhere between the city codes saying you have to sign it 60 days before the app before the permit for class A and B and this is this is a recurring incident not just with Mr homie or Mr Williams but I think this needs to be addressed by the city and is for the recu if that's no longer the case it's the same situation then I'm fine with that and I didn't intend to speak I just thought the city could handle it internally why on this event what she why is it brought up about the time frame again that's the Miss West answered no I'm asking a question okay because I noticed it before and I thought it was just a glitch and when it happens a second time in a row you either follow your city code or you don't follow it it's that simple and I don't think I don't think the applicant is a problem I don't think the applicant is being told because when he signed that on the 21st and it was 60 days till the first date it was 53 days he should have been informed he should have been informed and the city didn't inform him is what I'm getting at there have been other events that have taken place since that time that you've been in meetings and you have not stated anything with regards to that yes and I apologize for not being Johnny on the spot and speaking all the time the commission should have called it instead of me but I have to catch this crap and you don't thank you okay okay thank you West or Mr C right the the timeline on M Mr Williams event uh we started this conversation about his event back in early April so he well past the 60-day window uh he did do several events before Tu a break and came back so that's why we felt that he didn't have to wait the 60- day time limit because the vent had already been bed a couple times and we had enough time to V it and make sure was a be approval event for the city okay thank you Mr Bell and I would like us to clarify what the ordinance says as well as what the policy says M West so um we have the policy in terms of conferring with the applicant the 60-day policy however we have completely adhered to um our Municipal Code section 50-49 the deadline for filing an application for permit shall be made at least 10 working days prior to the date requested so we are in complete compliance legally with our code as to the recusal issue uh Mr Jones did in fact recuse himself before the last vote and I believe he has every intention of recusing himself this time so we're in compliance on that as well thank you and then with respect to the uh policy that we have in place with regard to class A Class B and Class C Class A and Class B uh is 60 days and Class C is 30 days and that is just given us enough time for the city to vet it and make sure it's a approval of it thank you with that said do we have a motion to approve motion to approve second a motion a second all in favor I I any opposition thank you reflect I recuse myself from that vote Miss thanks Madam Madam mayor I have a form for you commissioner Jones on to regular business discussion Direction resolution 2024 r123 M gr hello good to see you again I was here in March and in April my name is Diane Kelly 123 Lakeside Lane Crescent City Florida I'm representing animal um animal rescue Consortium in Crescent City and you may recall that I came here asking for financial support for a spay and neuter capability it's a portable trailer capability and what I mentioned at that time was that we were working with the USDA in attempts to get a grant for the majority of the funding and on fortunate and I did mention that while it looked positive there were no guarantees and that if we did not get a grant from the USDA then we would get a grant somewhere else or we would find another way to fund so what has occurred since then I wanted to give you an update and then I also want to ask that we'd lock in a funding commitment please today but what happened is the USDA has put the entire program on hold this fiscal year monies were not released from Washington for Rural Development grants unfortunately but the good news is we have a private citizen who is granting $50,000 out of their Donor advised fund toward this so what I'm asking for today is your support to continue to move forward with this and with a commitment from patka and also with a commitment on the actual amount of funding reason is we uh currently have secured a commitment from putam County BCC for 25,000 we have 50,000 excuse me from the private donor we have 5,000 committed from Pomona Park and uh we have a meeting coming up a budget meeting with interlockin on Monday an attempt to get between five and 7,000 from them and then uh certainly patka and then Waka we're still finalizing uh work with Waka but I want to try to lock this in so that we can move forward um and that's really why I'm here today so is there any background information that would be helpful to this group at this point I want to be sensitive to my few minutes does anybody have any questions and I want can I share a couple of things real quick uh statistics I was looking at the trailer we were able to find one a brand new one uh it hasn't been built yet but it will be obviously built but it is less than what the initial estimate was so we're happy about that and I did it's $103,000 and I did look at the cost per citizen in putam county and that would be about a134 with patka having over 10,000 citizens technically patka would probably harness uh over $113,000 of the the balance but of course that wouldn't be really Equitable because the BCC has to play a big role here so what I'm asking P Paka for is set ,000 I asked previously between five and seven I am asking that you consider seven only because patka has the greatest share of municipality uh beneficiaries for this capability so that's what I'm asking for and it can be either in October could be your next fiscal year or it certainly could be this year but I think last time you mentioned that could be a challenge this year thank you anybody's thoughts on this we did we did say that we were going to make a commitment um once they uh went to our surrounding uh councils and so I think it's now time for us how much how much yeah so what's what are everybody's thoughts on that 7 just mean $7,000 I mean I think the city of Paca is the C is the county seat so we have uh more density here here more animals and more people so yeah I think it would be prudent that we do 7,000 it was less than what I was thinking anyway so me too I was actually thinking a little higher so I I was thinking around 10 but okay okay I'm not getting my hopes up we got to get everybody's thoughts out just I mean I think we're comfortable with seven go ahead I'm yeah I'm comfortable with seven however the however the tal of interlocking did say five to seven were a bit larger than them if can do 10 I'm there for whatever the whatever the flavor of the commission is there just the that we're willing to commit you have any F Well funds can go from your commissioner line item right can use that so you have to have balances uh would like to kind of lean towards that I think that would be a I thought for events that's an event is for anything that thought it's a daily EV I would I do have one comment or actually two one I would ask that the commission consider um making a commitment contingent on them actually establishing the uh mobile clinic so um if for some reason they don't do the mobile clinic then you would not be provided the funding and then the uh second um request would be I think you had talked about possibly wanting some uh data on uh the uh number of spays and ERS that were done here in the city of Paca as part of their um demographic information collection can you clarify a little bit about when you say a stablish the clinic do you mean the acquisition of the vehicle are you saying not per not contribute until after it's launched because that would mean we would not probably get the funding to purchase it so if you if it came down to the requirement uh for the funding in order to purchase the actual then that would be something that uh it's at the pleasure of the commission but my recommendation would be yes that would go towards the purchase of the okay what we could do maybe to address that is the it would be an installments onethird right up front 1/3 mid and 1/3 at the end we could put patka toward the end so that you would have reasonable um confidence that the vehicle is actually um in existence we could do that and we could certainly report the statistics to you uh as we as soon as we launch it how many are we doing in patka and certainly all the other areas as well others have asked for the same thing sure we can do that I mean she's been overly um flexible with us and she has come back multiple times and we've absolutely kind of kicked it along so I would definitely like us to go ahead and try to finalize this especially if we're going to determine if it's coming out of this or with budget season um up upon us um getting with you know our staff to make sure if it's something especially if she's saying she's willing to put it towards the end I show that's just another step of her compromise in I'm being a good Steward uh of her word so again we need this service in the city and um I would love for us to make that commitment tonight I expect that we would it's time so again now is the decision of how much of a commitment I'm willing to go with the 10 again with her being as flexible as she is make a motion I motion to for us um the city of Pica to um to um commit 10 $10,000 to the arc um The Arc rescue um with contingent upon us being last to make sure with with um sure quarterly checkins we can do that second you got make by the mobile the mobile mobile mob the mobile vehicle and the statistics with along with the mobile mobile vehicles and statistics conditioning second we had a second we had a second already motion a second all in favor I any opposition thank you well I just want to say on the recet too I mean I I don't think the city uh we we didn't drag our feet on this we we supported this out right we just wanted to make sure that things were done um proper and done right as opposed to just um doing out funds we want to make sure that the money that we give out that we're just not handing it out and not seeing um the the the fruit or the product that we're actually looking for and so I think we're just doing our due diligence as it relates to that and thank you for you're organizing and doing this your organization and thank you for your patience with us and we all do deal with I call it catville sometimes Paca is just full of cats cats cats so we appreciate it thank you well thank you all very much and really your support is highly recognized and I appreciate it Mr I just want to make sure that we um follow all the financial limitations so I want to um take a moment and ask the um director Finance if she has anything I did have a question or concern I wanted to make sure that I understood whether or not you all were going to transfer some of your money to this or just you want me to try to find the funding any guidance enough somewhere else thing and it's not it is an event but it's an ongoing issue it's not event so thank you just want coming out of General funds that will that will be where it would come from yes sir I just ask I just want to know clar it's impacting the general public oh okay on to presentation thank you presentation acceptance of the audit report fysical fiscal year rather 2023 24 Mr Harvey mayor and Commissioners all that are here today thank you um we have successfully had the audit completed I'd like to introduce Mr rodri Harvey the managing principal of the firm HCT CPA and Consultants good day good day mayor Commissioners city manager City attorney city clerk my name is Roderick Harvey I'm with HCT I also have with me Brandon Brianna and maiki we will be presenting the results of your audit for September 30 2023 I am hopeful that there we go will you have or we'll see the slide presentation we have performed our audit we have performed a review our review of internal controls and P performed substantive test and will be issuing a clean or unmodified opinion the date of our audit report is set to be June 14 2024 next slide please over the next few minutes we will spend time discussing audit results supplemental slides and the tripod of responsibilities the commission management and us as your external Auditors next slide please we were hired to and we did perform our audit in accordance with gas generally accepted auditing standards and in accordance with the single audit if needed we performed our planning there were no changes to our planning and we have or will issue all of the required Auditors reports there are no outstanding issues and all significant accounting policies and practices are noted in note one of the financial statement next slide please we deem significant accounting estimates as allowance for doubtful account depreciation and the fair value of Investments significant risk management over override Revenue recognition and cash for all related entities there is no new pronouncement that impacted the FY 2023 audit report next slide please as relates to uncorrected misstatements no matters to report any matters that were noted were adjusted by Finance during the course of the audit and there are no outstanding financial statement presentation or disclosure omissions next slide please control deficiencies none to report related party issues none and we ask that if our audit report is used in another offering I.E a debt offering that we are made aware of it next slide please we are required to provide certain disclosures or Communications to you as those charged with governance you can see the deck that is before you you can also determine that there are no matters to report I will highlight a few no illegal acts no disagreements with management and no consultations with other accountants next slide based on aicpa guidance we are deemed as independent next two slides over the next few minutes we will discuss the financial reporting we'll delve into revenues expenses Capital assets and long-term debt next slide again we performed our audit in accordance with gas to ensure that Finance is keeping the financial records in accordance with gap generally accepted accounting principles on to the numbers revenues for the year ended 2023 37.1 as compared to 3 34.2 in the prior year we took a sample of significant transactions revenues and tested those revenues for existence accuracy and presentation expenses for the period 2023 28.1 million as compared to 32.3 in the prior year 22 and again we tested those expenditure transactions for completeness accuracy and presentation next slide please Capital assets grew a little bit over the two-year period 88.8 million as compared to 76 for the same time period and long-term debt was relatively flat over the two-year period 24.1 as compared to 22.8 million and we did confirm the debt balances with third parties next slide please based on our audits we are required to give an opinion and also to look at the control environment how do you do how does the city do do what it does next slide please if we were to find any deficiencies there are two types there are significant deficiencies which is a internal control weakness that is less severe than a material misstatement but important enough to be brought to the attention of management a material weakness which is the stronger of the two that weakness is one such that there's reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented detected or corrected on a timely basis based on our audits we have no mlcs for the current year we are also required to follow up on prior audits which we have noted before you the audit uh 001 dealt with payroll in a subsequent year we have reviewed that discussed it with finance and deemed that finding from 2021 to have been cleared or implemented moving forward to the 002 finding which dealt with matching pay rates in accordance to what was paid to what was approved again we have done an in-depth review finance and also determine that that finding is clear next slide please as relates to the tripod management is responsible for the man for the financial statements management is also responsible to provide access to us to people and paperwork the commission those charged with governance is required to maintain an organization of oversight as relates to internal controls and to maintain a control environment that's designed to prevent protect and correct fraud next slide please again our responsibility is to audit and to ISS an opinion or how I say it is to audit and to report to you and as you can see on the next slide we have several required Communications should those things come to our attention we have none to report and at this time if next slide if the mayor will allow we will do our very very best to answer any questions that you may have of us anybody have any questions Mr har I don't he's been very thorough and explaining it prior to this as always so I'm grateful I have no questions no further question from Mr my uh no further question in fact I want to you know just give them kudos for the work that they do we think they always do an awesome job as well as staff working with uh our Auditors um and we've also got to give our finance director uh her Kudos because uh my understanding this has been the cleanest U audit we've had and she put a number of things in place and so um thanks to her with her um level of knowledge and um everything that she brings to the table um while we had a a clean audit I mean I would like to see a little bit more from uh scope of work standpoint from going back 24 months uh we've had a lot of movement in our structure um and I like to see a little bit more of a uh deeper dive in terms of from the 20 from January 24th back okay 24 months uh in terms of uh a number of things I mean we we we look at things how we can how we comply with maybe even things that are at at the airport with utilization of uh the grants and different things of that nature um making sure that we are in line with how the grants are supposed to be operating uh so that we don't lose funding and um in addition to other things so when you look January 24th and back uh I think that will kind of help give us uh a better understanding if if how how clean we are and it's just not just that but it's just projects as a whole from January 24th back 24 months through the mayor if possible I would like to just add yes we can do a specialty engagement I would recom commend agreed upon procedures where we can agree with City staff and or the elected and perform an audit specifically for certain elements certain accounts or certain departments for a specified period of time which it seems like you're set on 24 months and so we will be happy to do that as a breakout engagement and we will report and can report those results directly to the elected officials so that is a separate engagement yes it would have its own scope and this is still America so yes it is a separate charge clear on that great question M no further questions at this time I want to commend you on the great job that you've done and the fact that you took time to meet with each of us so thank you for that thank you again thank you I don't have to reiterate what ibody said but I appreciate it as well and appreciate Miss Cy and the whole financial Department's efforts so thank you all thank you for having us thanks thank sir I would like to thank you as well job well done and they're running to Miami M by be safe remember we do need a motion to accept the audit second second somewhere we have a motion a second all in favor I I any opposition thank you okay mayor uh just to make sure that we have the necessary authorization on that previous item um with regard to where the source of funds are I believe um Miss cardi has some suggestions of what okay oh okay there is a slide there right after the audit I'm just or maybe it's right after staff report and it has arpa I want to take the a moment and just remind us where we are with arpa funding I believe that's right uh page 84 of 251 so to be page 85 maybe I think this is what so just using this moment as you know let's know where we are kind of thing uh arper the American Rescue plan uh started out if you can go to the bottom like five million is what we actually received I can't see that number but I'll assume is 5, 234,000 and um the Commissioners have uh made certain votes and allocations and so as of this moment what I was trying to do is let them have an understanding of where we are terms of money that have been spent go back up yeah so I what I'm getting from uh from the staff is that everything that's in yellow is something that um uh starting with small business 100,000 vocational 40,000 homeless 50,000 mental Health 100,000 Public Public Health 50,000 sport complex 25,000 so all of those that are in yellow uh we haven't had any movement or any what we consider precise Direction in those areas so I think we had a question well we had commissioner MCO had a question just want to be on the same page you're doing a great job but I I just want us to be on the same page and be able to see it as you go along it's kind of difficult see to see that it's that that they have it on it's on the back of page 84 like if you look at 84 2501 it's so tiny I can't read it sole there it is if you could make it better so I can even see it I think it's two categories we could use so that's good um now can we get like a whole page public scroll scroll down right yeah so can we go down to the very bottom and see what the total of the yellow is are you able to see that is that 300 $365,000 so that's Opera funding that um that we either need more Direction on or when we have um uh activities coming before the commission and we're trying to figure out okay where are we going to get funding from to the extent that it can be uh oper spent we would look at that as well I'm just putting that out there so I think uh the point of today is letting you be aware of the 365,000 that you may want to give uh staff more direction as to how to move forward and uh when we do have a need that needs to be met we will be looking at those funds so as as an alternative to taking funds from the general fund you do have the option of taking funds from the American Rescue plan and there are two categories there I think are directly relevant that you might want to consider if you scroll up Scroll up please to where out the Y you have public health y right homeless assistance so right you have 50,000 available to you under public health and 50,000 under homeless assistance so if you were to direct us to make a budget transfer uh out of either of those funds to pay for the item uh concerning the the mobile spay and neutering Clinic that's an option public be well you take it from public health I would I would think say choices I I put a motion on the floor to take that money the 10,000 that commissioner cast um bought up earlier for the cause of the animals from the public health line item of the Opera fund allocation second Motion in second all in favor I position thank you for direction thank you well while we while we on can I comment on it so while we're on the uh arpa funds we still need to get those things uh like committed funds rolled out we need to get those things in in terms of the um housing the um housing how's that that's going I know we supposed to been collecting uh applications we have 2.5 million that we're going to be um dispersing 2.49 whatever so we just want to make sure that um we get some updates on some of these things and how they're rolling out because I've had people to ask me of what's the status on that so we can get a feedback on that it'll be great okay we can set aside time to come back to you to get uh specific Direction on the allocation of those funds that are not currently encumbered yeah may I say something uh as it relates to that Homeless matter um we are moving forward aggressively with the housing uh repair matter of fact we've had a meeting it's recently I believe it was yesterday right or day before yesterday I mean we're doing so much okay but uh yeah we we've met we've uh you're involved if you want to address it a little bit also and I just noticed that Mr Griffith walked in the room he's been working with Bill Lazar he could provide a a comprehensive update well we just like to stay informed because again the constituents are asking uh us uh for feedback and what's happening in different things of that nature so I just like to see regular reports if at all possible going forward we need at least uh every two weeks I mean a month we we need to get these reports so that we understand and know so we can be able to better answer the constituents so do you want Mr Griffith to come up now report thank you Commissioners uh I'm sure you all recall um you awarded to St John's Housing Partnership the contract has been drafted the program documents have been revised for your last conversation and recommendations and we're looking at July 11th to bring it back before you for acceptance and as soon as it's accepted we will open an application cycle okay thank you since we're still talking about the allocations may I yes you may uh and the chief may be able to talk a little more on it about this but I was uh approached by one of the pal administrators director P Athletic League uh in reference to education for we had some money allocated um for Education vocational education covid-19 education that's $80,000 um and we've already I guess taken 40,000 away from that um pal needed some of those fundings and I think she probably contacted everyone up here no you sure uh but Chief sha know about the trip that they take and they requested it so if we could help in any kind of way I would like to entertain speaking on the need right now and maybe helping I think Lisa uh Lolita Thomas would be better she does plan to bring you a presentation uh on the need for that and the request for it I think it'd be better if uh she actually approached you and provided that information for you we have had uh limited discussions on it and uh what it would go to but I think uh in light of what she has prepared or prepared to bring you it it'll U be better if she does it in the presentation so that she can uh make sure that I don't misquote or miss anything for it you know estimated a ballpark figure of that trip that there she's trying to take with her counselor so we have a couple and I will say um there's one that our youth director's Council that we were looking at taking that is coming up in uh um the next couple weeks as far as for Disney um the funding for that has not been established and I don't believe we're going to be able to make that that deadline but we uh outside of that we have the Team Summit um that's coming up at the end of this month um that's going to Charlotte and it requires us to spend uh allocated funding um for the teens to uh for the um mentoring program to travel to um Charlotte receive the uh week of uh conference and education that they go through as far as the mentoring portion um from the national pal organization um one of which I'm I'm a part of so I can tell you they do throughout the whole day receive an enormous amount of Education towards um just positive light uh in the direction they need to move in not only in education Career Development um as as far as how they carry themselves as individuals um they'll have a number of guest speakers coming in um just in short the cost of that uh how we get the the children to the trip and the lodging for it is a large amount on us as an organization just kind of to piggyback um to answer that question I did have the conversation with her with regards to the approximate cost and the cost for approximately 13 youth and four adults is somewhere along the line of $1,000 so that's an approximate and she as stated um Chief Shaw as Chief Shaw stated I apologize that she was working on a more formal presentation to bring it to us that will break down um the uh cost basically per person and things of that nature but just to give you a ballpark figure she did give me the number of approximately 11,000 and I can tell you that we are um we have to take take not only the youth but we have to take the the the mentors as well so um on that we will be taking 16 individuals to uh Charlotte North Carolina uh as as uh our our local chapters Paca pal and all of that responsibility falls on our local chapter so um with that and you said the deadline that's why we trying to get ahead of this because the way we meeting right now I would like to entertain a motion to uh give pal the $11,000 or at least set set it aside for that purpose at this time if uh can we set aside a greater number just in case again this was Madam mayor I did have a meeting with Miss Selen today and she indicated that she was gonna she was planning to come back in 30 days with a formal request um we did discuss some of these items one of the uh challenges that we have in Tak action today is that it's not on the agenda and we haven't noticed it at this point well well we can because time is of an Essence and we do want to help and we already know about it so it's our kids and our program that we're trying to help well I think again in order for this to be properly done I'm all for setting aside but if she's willing to come in and give us that formal um presentation I think it allows for that transparency that we so ask for for sitting on this di um and again it gives the opportunity for it to be properly noticed to make it appear that there's nothing that's when is thisp just well the trip within itself U the trip is on June 26 through the 29th um and the the funding portion for it on our behalf sh you have time for the next meeting and we wanted to make sure that we were able to bring it for that to be transparent to the the commission so they covered not not only um what we are doing uh what it's for and who it's affecting so we ask that she prepare that documentation and we've already discussed with the National Power Board um to where we're able to uh be able to make this trip under our current Grant and be able to um return to you provide those documentations so we can then um in essence replace that money reimburse that money um the she has the numbers and the reasons and everything that she's asking for so I don't want to missp misspoke misspeak on what she's requesting but I I I would love for the commitment because that is something that's very big for the community right okay so I I may agree with commissioner Campbell that if we if we do have the time and we can put it on July's agenda then that would be the preferable way to go if time is of the essence and that's something we have to do now that's fine but I think if we can wait that' be great so he say agenda well that's that's our next that's the very next one yes and again the trip portion has already been as far as for us to be able to make the trip is it's been allotted um and then we'll be able to address how that funding goes to it at later okay no set it aside okay okay okay yes thank you thank you and I just wanted to caution that one of the things that we'll do is make sure that the funds can be spent consistent with guidance guidelines and that's why extra time is beneficial um on to public hearings a adopt ordinance 20245 Miss CR thank you so much presenting to you for adoption it's ordinance number 20245 an ordinance of the city of pan Florida revising chapter 2 Division four of the code of ordinances of the city of black Florida entitled General employees retirement plan amending section 2 171 pension adjustments creating a 4% onetime cost of living adjustment for all retirees effective October 1 2024 repealing all ordinance in Conflict providing authority to cify providing an effective date and providing for scri thank you Miss cot do you want to speak to this uh yes this is the second reading and uh previously we presented that uh there had not been an increase in 20 years and how the cost of living had gone up significantly uh the fact that currently we're at 32.7% and uh for the year that's coming in October it's going to be like 29 so even when we add on this onetime addressment we are not going to be spending more than what we're currently spending and for that reason staff recommended that we comply with the Actuarial uh report thank you is there any questions um is there anybody here for public comment on this item seeing close public comment do you have a motion to approve second the motion is second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to ordinance 20246 give peeps a chance all we are saying thank you Madame mayor presenting to you ordinance number 20246 an ordinance of the city of Panka Florida providing that Urban homesteading standards for raising and keeping of domestic foul in the residential zoning prohibiting roosters providing for conflict severability repe scrier erors and providing for infective dates thank you does anybody miss who's speaking to this ordinance I I can okay mayor um according to the US Department of Agriculture the city of Pak has a relatively High number of households 19% without vehicles that are more than one and a half mile from a supermarket uh which constitutes a food desert um this particular ordinance would provide Urban homesteading opportunities to allow those households to have more convenient access to fresh eggs uh essentially this um ordinance merely provides standards um by prohibiting roosters and other crowing fowl that may create a nuisance um but it does allow for residents to engage in self-sustaining food production through the keeping of backyard chickens um and it does promote Urban homesteading to provide for food security and self-sufficiency for the residents of the city of Paca by sourcing eggs from backyard chickens residents can reduce their dependency on expensive groceries store items and fluctuations due to inflation and Aven bird flip thank you does anybody have any questions or Miss West yeah I have a statement I I was driving around just this morning and I saw chickens in the middle of the road so it's a difference with the chickens being in the backyard in the pin than they're being in the road because that's going to be another police call and code enforcement call stuff like that um it's different in the city um and yes I just think that if somebody else would have told me it been different I saw these chickens in the middle of the room they was actually at the front of the fence and uh some of them was but others right in the middle of the road so I I know what the statement you just read but um I don't know about that so if I may um commissioner Jones that's a great point and actually I think that's the reason for the drafting of this ordinance is to prevent exactly that um this would provide guidelines and standards and chickens walking around in the middle of the road would be prohibited you would have to keep them in a a coupe um and a and a defined perimeter and it provides for guidelines along those standards thank you and most cities these days have a similar ordinance um do you have something on I'm sorry no I I don't think I heard the the uh the distance between a a Family Market or uh you said grocery store what's the distance half mile from Supermarket um it's it's the percentage of households is 19% within the city of have do not have we got PL chance on what we got Uber we have LIF but you have to pay for U that if you don't have the funds to have a vehicle generally you don't have the funds to afford to go for regular shopping expedition probably not but anyway I think it's a I think it's a good concept I do have a question why 10 chickens is that a magical number I mean usually it's four or five I was just curious 10 seems like a lot yes commissioner actually there are uh quite a few properties already within the city of Paka that uh appear to be around that um some of them are my neighbors I hear them and they have and they have Rus so I don't know how what the r how we going to crack down on roosters I did this this was the actually came from commissioner boram at his request a couple months ago and I did do some research not to throw you under the bus commissioner but no I'm I I'm speaking on it yes I did do some research compared um Nationwide it varies considerably anywhere from 2 to 20 so I just picked okay I was just curious it wasn't any I have a question and I think kind of along the lines of commissioner Jones and Madame mayor with regards to are there anything that with regards to say for instance there's these repeat offenders who you are able to identify the chickens that that are in the middle of the road um are there any gu are there any things to outline that or address that and if we start having these chicken forms for lack of better words that just pops up in the in the backyards um is there a mechanism to address that as well right so um again this provides guidelines if those guidelines if you do move forward with this ordinance it would be codified in our code so if you violate the code Provisions that would subject you to code enforcement and you would get a violation um in terms of the the remedy um that the special magistrate or a code enforcement would deem to impose it it could oftentimes our code enforcement uh works very diligently with the homeowners to craft a remedy that isn't onerous uh but if it does get to the point of going to a special magistrate hearing there could be potential fines if this is something mayor um that is going to pass by the commission I would like some form of um public education um to be placed via the website so that a lot of times these ordinance are implemented and they're not really getting into the hands of individuals within our city um city limits so I would love for us to put together some kind of um know even if it's on our information there will be a foul campaign and that would be great because when the county um changed the ordinance and allowed chicken uh poultry keeping within the residential zones everybody in the city said we can have chickens and I was like no we don't it's not allowed within the city limits because it wasn't but there was a lot of confusion so I I agree with your point that information education is knowledge so will we set a limit maximum limit of that they it says 10 10 chicken that's what that say but can we we could set our own within the city of Pala that's what yeah so this draft ordinance uses 10 based upon the research that I did if you don't like that this is the first reading this is the time to instru yeah I think we should cut that in half that's no chickens in your backyard that's what I'm trying to do okay commissioner p and that that ordinance uh came out of the um the Town Hall had down at the golf course um we had a resident or so come in and um made a statement about the roosters and everything else with a loud noise waking waking them up in the morning and different things of that nature so um that being said we have seen where instances where uh the the the the roers and everything else is all over the city as well as we have dogs um um we've uh been getting a lot of calls in on and uh so code enforcement has been working um over time trying to help bring the quality of life U Back Into play as it relates to uh these um Quality of Life issues so that chicken thing was born out of the uh Town Hall but we've had other things that they've had to re revisit numerous times so we want to just help bring the quality of life back to the people um they so deserve thank you anybody else have any further statements and does this include the peacocks that live in the North historic district so this um the guidelines pertain to all domestic F so that would include includ those peacocks that are wandering around the north side and remember we do not have uh animal control we don't have that so we're not equipped not yet so let the people know um we don't have anywhere to keep from if we take them for example uh the owners out of town chickens get out and now then what we do so that those are things that we need to a violation we're not in the business what would you do with the chickens in the meantime while they while they out of town I think it's an individual situation homeowner is no with the violation we don't do anything with the chickens they just run we notice the violation and call them before I hear say I think we should think about it um I think we could think about a lot of things endlessly I think we have to it's an experiment of the sorts and if if it rolls out and it's really bad then we'll deal with it I think sometimes we have It's A Brave New World or with chickens and we need to just kind of move forward um commissioner Bor and commissioner MCO with her commissioner MCO Pati you have a comment I let you go I I five is good that what was in my head but I'm going tell you five is going to be eight if we said three it's going to be five so let's just consider that you know three may you said two all the way up to 10 at some point or 20 um but I'm thinking three because it'll be five or more it's y'all just help me just saying so what what's the for they can't be produced between each other as long as there are no roosters involved and so I was thinking four or five seem fair because City lots are small they're not most of them are are you know are not huge so 10 did compromise commissioner said said five mayor said five let's just say four how did that work go ahead commissioner let commissioner Bor go let's do 4.5 no I'll be happy with whatever they whatever come up with I'm I'm fine okay we just need to put some controls in place right so we said four four four okay so let's start with four we can always go up okay do we have a motion to approve sorry public hearing yes we got caught up in this chicken talk is there anybody here for public comment seeing none we'll close public comment thank you for reminding me um do we have a motion to approve second okay motion is second all in favor I any opposition go ahead say clck NOS for you clarity for the record it's his motion is with four chickens thank you yes four chickens four [Laughter] votes on to ordinance 202348 presenting to you for first reading although you'll be famili you'll recognize this property has come before you in the past ordinance number 22348 in ordinance of the city of Palanka Florida amending the provisions of a planned unit development known as Crystal code RV Resort Phase 1 located at 121 Crystal Cove Road to remove the requirement for a swimming school spa or like facilities allow up to 30% of the built sites to be used with the park model recreational vehicles and revise the maximum length of occupancy to no more than 180 days in any 12 consecutive month period providing for an effective date and providing for scri nurs G Madame mayor Commissioners the item before you is in application submitted by Crystal Cove RV resort and it's a request to amend visions of an existing approved PUD know as Crystal Cove RV Resort the the application was last considered by the city commission past December 2023 the prop just to give you a little bit of background U history in this on this parcel the property was originally Zone R3 residential height when it was uh annexed into the city in 2008 was then subdivided to include 20 single family lots subdivision then in 2017 the city approve a resoning to a PUD Recreation and open space which is the one that is in effect today and that was done through ordinance number 1724 that ordinance called for a maximum of 40 RV spaces and 31 bat trailer parking spaces as well as other provision and standard I had to there to in the approval subsequently to that and the new ownership and application was filed to amend some provision of the existing PUD the requested Amendment included to allow Park models up to 30% of the bill site second to delete a requirement for a subing pool and third to extend the length of State up to 180 days the request was considered by the city commission as as I said in December 2023 however due to concerns raised by the neighbors adjacent subdivision residential subdivision the applicant requested the item to be continue so they will give it the chance to meet with the community and address those concerns since then the applicant had had a community meeting uh this past May May 29th and as a result of that uh meeting the applicant today is requesting that the park model requested Amendment previously be deleted and leaving the two other requests in place uh this application was reviewed by the planning board which recommended approval back in December 23 staff recommends approval with one condition at stated in the staff report which is part of the record all of the Let me just point it out that if this is approved all the standards and provision that was stipulated in ordinance number 1724 will remain in effect uh the applicant is here uh to address uh the city commission and to answer any question you might have thank you could the applicant please come forward and give your name and address for the record hi good evening Madam mayor Commissioners my name is Tara Howell I'm with JB Pro out of Gainesville 3530 Northwest 43rd Street um the city planner did a wonderful job so I apologize a lot of this will be a repeat um if you could go to slide three just to kind of give you a visual to go along with it um so this is the property in question um as you see it borders right off of the water Edge next slide please so the location is 121 Crystal Cove Drive it is adjacent to the Crystal Cove R RV Resort um as he stated it was the ordinance was 1724 which was passed in 2017 uh it did go in front of the planning board December 5th of 2023 with recommended approval um came before you all December 14th of 2023 where the hearing was continued um again one of the main reasons was some concerns from the residents in the neighborhood uh so we have went um to good links to try to meet with them uh we did hold a community meeting next slide please um so on the community meeting um which was held on May 29th of 2004 uh we had seven individuals that showed up uh to the meeting um we had a presentation we discussed um we listened to a lot of their concerns uh some of the key points that they had were concerns about the impact on the current sewer system uh security and maintenance of the resort itself access points and traffic control and their neighborhood privacy um one of the things that we heard from them they seem to be concerned about the addition of the park models uh so it my clients conferred and decided that that that uh was not the largest part of their business plan and so those have been removed they are no longer requesting that Park models be allowed in the park um so some of the key points as you see as you're being handed out uh we created a flyer uh this was mailed out to 66 individuals all residents within the residential neighborhood um again we have a flyer that addressed their concerns uh number one the sewer concurrency was approved during the original PUD approval back in 2017 um there was a concurrency impact analysis that would have been done that clarified that the sewer system was able to hold the capacity of the new development that would have had to have been a conditional approval while I wasn't part of that I'm sure that um that was in play uh we also assured them and notified them there will be a live onsite 24-hour maintenance security for the facility uh so they they there will not be a time that someone is not at hand whether there are issues of security or maintenance that need to be handled um you also have in front of you the rules and regulation book um when you have a chance to review those what you'll find is their business plan has some pretty stringent rules and regulations um to keep the resort to a certain level uh the RVs have to be a certain quality um the uh RV sites have to be kept in a very clean very orderly fashion um the behavior inside the park has to be kept to a very familyfriendly Behavior Uh and um as far as the number four in the neighborhood privacy uh they also added a specific rule uh believe it is Rule 15 on the list um um yeah so Crystal Cove Marina and RV Resort kindly request your understanding and consideration for the neighboring communities please respect their privacy and refrain from using these residential areas as walking biking or golf cart paths so this uh set of rules and regulations would be posted on their website and it would be given to each registered guest as they come into the park um and then I kind of skipped over number three with the access points and traffic control uh what they have decided to do and put in place is that each one of the Ingress and egress areas will have electronic gate arms those gate arms can only be accessed by either a code or a card uh so you would not be able to have just traffic coming in and out it's going to be registered guest only um the Ingress and egress will be directed um so the Ingress and egress that will um exit out onto the Crystal Cove road is going to be for exit only so it's not going to be traffic coming in to come down they will have oneway signs posted showing that it is for um egress only um they're also going to this is not on there but they're also going to invest in new and additional Insurance signs so that the insance way is clearly marked and easy for guests to find they'll also have a traffic link on their website um and of course now we have GPS everybody has GP GPS so but they will make sure that GPS is updated so that the directions are clear um next slide please so again just to remind you um these were the original request the park models 30% of total buildout uh that has been removed we heard the residents they were concerned so that has been taken off the table uh the removal of an approved standard pool spa or similar support structure that does still stand um the main larger unit um is going to have all of those features um which will still have the same registered guests giving access to it so there's just it didn't it wasn't a good business plan for them to have to invest in two right next to each other um the extended length of stay so they are requesting that the stay be up to 180 days and if you will allow me very quickly to elaborate on that the reason is because as many of you know um snowbirds into the State of Florida those coming from colder climates in the winter produce a large amount of revenue for the State of Florida and for any City County municipality that welcomes them um most of the snowbird traffic that come into Florida come in between November and April it is customary that they typically stay for a period of three to six months by limiting them to only 15 days that is C that is absolutely causing them to lose 97% or more of the snowbird activity that could be directed into PKA into their Resort which would then of course spill over Revenue into the city of pakka so that is the reason for the 180-day increase um is simply to be able to open their park up for that demographic specifically um and then the last page is just this is the conceptual site plan which you also have a copy of um and that's it I any questions I do have one just a just a minor question yes ma'am n I don't do RV parks or anything just explain the shower area for me just a a concern like it says all miners under under the age of 18 must be occupied and is it like tell me the makeup of that what yes ma'am if it would be all right I'm gonna call up uh Dave he is the developer who can answer those specific questions for you I'm David McDaniel I'm with M3 development um I live in maand at 220 Adams Drive um thank you very much for hearing us uh today uh to answer your question uh in most RV resorts uh there is always a common shower facility that is um actually the people who I know who who RV a lot uh the wives use the RV shower and they send the men to go do the showering in the other facility and I'm saying that with a little Jess the truth is is that is that it's just an additional way in which people can can get their get cleaned up and showered after a day of travel so it's it's it's available to to the to the customers of the RV Resort yeah did your question did I get to it yeah just just a little concern about safety and I don't want to you know maybe some predators hanging around at the shower making sure that it's heavily monitored the lighting everything just the location of it it's right it's right in the center this particular bath house is right in the center of the development um Tara mentioned the fact that we will have uh people living there who are uh kind of Park um neighborhood neighborhood monitors people and and uh it's this particular phase of the development is is 40 units it's pretty on the small side I think we're going to be able to keep an eye on on what's going on okay um so I also like to add one other item with regard to the length of stay is um one of the top RV resorts in Florida is one that was recently acquired by uh Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville and they have 180 days stay as their their uh maximum stay so we're consistent with the other high quality RB resorts in in the state thank you very much any other questions yes I noticed at first you guys had a plan to have a swimming pool inground swimming pool stuff like that you guys strike that out of the plan yes so that was actually included in the original uh back in 2017 which was a different owner uh that's since been purchased um and there is an additional site that's going to be connected to this one which is a much larger site and that one will have the amenities so again as a business plan trying to do things as cost effectively as possible not having two side by side right next to each other was the reason for that gocha and know we're gonna be bringing snowbirds in how would you think they'll feel about the chicken ordinance that's a good question though they they'd have to cross the road I me honestly I I I I from Gilcrest County so you're asking the wrong person about we got we got chickens everywhere a I mean you know I've seen some of those RVs they're yes they're high dollar they are yes sir and Crystal Cove area those houses are and all so that's why and I could explain my position on that um you know you could get one person that want to have a chicken farm and they know the neighborhood so that's my thought thank you I said it thank you for sure is there anybody else here for public comment thank you about this see none close public we have a motion to approve so Mo have a motion a second all in favor any opposition thank you thank you Madame mayor the next two ordinances are related being the same project ordinance number 20247 is presented to you for adoption as future L use maps have one reading and then ordinance 20248 is presented for first reading ordinance number 20247 an ordinance of the city Paca Florida providing that the future land use map of adopted comprehensive plan be amended with respect to the following parcel of land Which is less than 50 acres in size from the city of Paca commercial to the city of Paka residential low RL for the following property located on Kelly Smith SCH Road P Florida 32177 partial numbers 91262 13191 26023 20 and 91 26213 o30 continuous in the boundaries of the city of Paka and providing for SC providing for Effective dat Madame mayor Commissioners this is a request for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment and Aon like sun has stated is for a three L residential subdivision with totals about half an acre more or less and it's located on the north side of Kelly Smith School Road uh the request specifically is to change the existing future line use from commercial to residential low RL and to change the existing zoning from General commercial C1 to residential single family R1 uh the planning board has reviewed and approved the request on March 24th of this year the city commission have previously approved this if you remember the plot was approved by by this commission back in April of this year the application meets all the requirements for L Amendment and a resoning has been stated in the staff report and therefore staff recommends approval of the comprehensive plan Amendment and resoning as it is specified the correspondent ordinances represent any questions yes please come up and give your name please come up give your name thank you very much first I'd like to say this I don't mind this is not part of I was born and raised in puton to my name is Robert A wise and I was born and raised like some of y'all are have been I want to appreciate ma'am your address 150 Kelly Smith School Road but I want to I appreciate Miss Lawson Mary Lawson Brown for her effort to to keep the history of patka Forefront because this town has a great history and I appreciate what she's doing and that's not part of what I got to speak about okay now I live on 150 ktis Smith School Road can you can you show me the map up there please I'd appreciate it okay I'm looking at it right it say C R1 and C1 that right right there now this map is showing on this diagram I have that place off to the left that little outjet right there that wasn't on the original when they went before when this people went before the black the zoning board that little piece of property wasn't on in original plat and I'd like to know where you I know where it is it come right behind my property and if I remember correctly the three pieces of property on Krill Avenue there's that one and two more before you get to uh Gail Lane is owned by Mr f lator it was but I I don't remember this piece of property being on original submission but this property be on like it is now my question is this it started out this property was going to be divided up into Residential Properties in the course of action through the zoning board and all this they got it was advertised as been on Kelly Smith School Road the whole piece of property and I asked question at the zoning board why couldn't they make it the entrance off of Highway 20 I was told that because they would have to get to State of Florida to approve a turning lane and all this stuff now how come all of a sudden it can be had listed on Krill Avenue if somebody done change the rules of the game you know they got permission to get a turny lane put in from the state of Florida off of Highway 20 because they built this they built this one little house Kelly Smith School Road that's on that bottom part down there where it said R1 there's one house there I know you talking about and uh and I will be I know I'm I'm probably limited to time I appreciate you your patience okay but that house was buil on that property before it's even this paral lands ever even got past his Zing board you know I live right down the road and I watch what they do and uh now they have want want to change it from commercial to residential but the C1 up there has already got signs out advertising for sale and it's uh uh listed as commercial property so I don't I don't know what's going on thank you U somebody somebody needs to explain it to me if they want to wait a while I'll listen to them but you know something ain't right in my opinion thank you okay my understanding is that this parcel was a bigger parcel which alliance with on Krill it was I think it was sold just half an acre and that's what it was uh subdivided in the plat that you were approved back in April so the current owner of this plat these three uh Lots they have no control over the rest of the property and what they asking is the resing of three those three lots not the whole Parts because they have no control over it the owner of these three lots one lot up there by itself off the left no if I may yeah can you show us Lorenzo can you show us what what you're what he's talking about what you're talking about yeah can you can you go to the next one the prop future L use map there make it yeah no the feature langu is map that's is figure two there may I point out to you yes sir talking about which is part of this C1 which is a whole parel that they have no control that's so Sir Mr Lorenzo to his point I I'm questioning it see that I understand what you're saying that commercial lot that starts on Krill goes all the way through to Kelly Smith Road that what you're right so that's one piece that's one piece of property that's Zone commercial am I right that's correct so yes and now you're asking for it to be reson half of it no no not half of it only half an acre for those three lots right those three lot were created back in April when the city commission approved the pl okay so so I know the house he's talking about just recently built and it was built on the commercial lot I'm asking no it's vacon pardon me it's vacant I I I can't understand I said it was built on a there's nothing built on those lots are you saying there a house on that commercial lot it is it is a house on that lot a brand thinking new house new it is I saw it just the other day look what it says C1 C1 goes all the way through for for clarification the the house that's just been built is on a different residential lot it is not on so how many Lots on that corner before you get to the the new newly built new construction uh I don't know I mean the the new bill that we referring to is not part of this application so I'm talking about I mean you looking at that map could you tell me I mean I I cannot tell you what it is I went to the site to do the inspection and it's all vacant these three lots are vacant situ that's right I think some pictures some actual pictures would help bring that to us substantiate if the clerk could potentially go to the putam county property ofer's website thank you um sunny and if you'll do a property search for 911 address 7341 C thank you and yeah scroll down a little bit scroll down there there you go does that help commissioner mcal it gives you a a better View youve already approved of the plat and I'll I'll defer back to uh Mr agimo to take it from here but this might provide a better [Music] maping individual Lots was approved already by this commission so now we're we're seeking to rezone that's correct good the intend is to develop three single family homes okay yeah the it should yeah what happened let me let me explain this and it was before my time I don't know why it was not considered at the same time usually when you do a plat you also do the future line use Amendment and the resoning all are the same hearing that didn't happen for what reason I don't know but he went right he went to the planning board in March for the resoning but we didn't have the plot yet and the plat came back to you in April and that's when you approved the final plat and now we coming back to get the result in and the future language change well to his point that's what he was saying that the house was built prior to it being rezoned whether that's the house what you just said that well you confusing me too I'm sorry commission I don't know which house he referring to where that house is is is is built so you said on those four three like it's four BAC nothing is built on no there three vacant Lots I went to post a sign on on the property and it's still vacant is that three and I might even have some pictures of it it's three lots four Lots three lots look like 4 me but we're talking only abouts I I do understand that but I was on an assumption I thought you said it too that that lot goes all the way over to uh Kelly Smith Road right but the current owners only they only own those three lots you know the half an acre and right and that was zoned prior commercial yeah the whole parcel was so commercial any add questions I don't know if I feel comfortable going moving forward when we don't have all of the commission you know understanding the process I know it may be if if if you can help bring it home or something so that all of us can be understand what's going on sure um it it is already platted you did approve of that to break it from the parcel that AB buts um Cur right now to have these individual Lots along Kelly Smith Road um that plot has already been approved that's why you see it parceled up like this on the putam County property appraiser site so now they are seeking the the rezoning and the future land use map so they are able to proceed with the the residential development for those lots um we could potentially Mr agimo provide um some photographs if you wanted to table it so you have a better idea but that is not standard um but if there are questions like that that additional information could be provided we we have a a res there that's easy about it he asking questions and I think we we we he took the time out to be to this entire meeting it's important to him so it's important to me um and when we bring this stuff I want to understand what I'm voting on and I think we all should and to make it easier bring the pictures so we can see the real what we have I'm sure you have a file folder with it and I don't want you know because he's uneasy I can see it on his face I want him to go away from here knowing that we heard him we were listening and we want to address what he had to say sure what I would recommend is that we U take photographs and bring those photographs back to you uh so that the commission can feel comfortable moving forward I understand what it is that the concern is and I believe in those if you're looking at that drawing there in those numbered ones to the in the white there are homes there but the ones left in the pink there are not and that's kind of confusing because the the parcels that we're talking about are the in the pink and not in the white so in order to clarify that we can go ahead and take photographs and bring that back and uh provide that so you can move forward and there was some questions about three versus four just to clarify this these three not this so does somebody want to make a motion to table second motion second table all in favor opposition Madam may you just I'm sorry I'm sorry I just want to clarify your your motion is to continue this item to the next next meeting City commission so we don't have to read advertise again and that is July 11th at 6 o'clock okay and and if I may we just have to remember that we do have a a commission up here who is color blind so that does get in the way of are you okay because you did bring that up you know so just just making sure so I'm sorry that's okay so again I think it'll help we'll do that can ask thank you Kenzie m'am Madam mayor yes I think commissioner K ask you question okay go [Music] ahead the first question I got is the address this property on this piece of paper right here is krill Avenue those lots on that map is on kith schw road so something's not right it's not right in the subscription you know and can I make a suggestion that somebody go back to the original request to the planning board and look at the map that was drawn up for that request to reson it you won't see this little jut out on the left that they got on this map on this map so y'all excuse me I'm nervous yeah nervous but anyway that's all I got to say all right I appreciate your time app with regards to this and as we begin to move forward may we make it a customary practice to bring actual ual photos if it is something that we can do I think it possibly would eliminate it would eliminate and accommodate um the various forms of the various forms for Commissioners so if we are able to provide actual shots I would prefer that we move forward and let that be a part of our practice and that they give the you know the community people who come out to um attend the meetings a more clear picture as well so I think that thank you sir for bringing it for I I I know we're at commissioner comments I just had an announcement that I wanted to share when you're ready for that okay yes I just want to announce as we approach juneth there are several Community um events that are going on the first event that is taking place this upcoming Saturday which is June the 15th is hosted by Miss lafar Davis who is no stranger um to Palaca and no stranger to providing quality um events here in our city she is hosting her a her fourth annual juneth community cultural event um and it is set to take place at the calvary Life Center which is 1414 Bronson Street here in the city of palaka um the time is 12 to 4m she has a awesome lineup of uh acts vendors um that will be participating the African-American Cultural Arts along with Douglas Law Firm on the 19th which is actual juneth will host the inaugural Jubilee on the St John's river um it's an evening event that will be hosted from 4: to 8:00 p.m. uh we are looking um to have a awesome time there there's also a lineup of entertainers vendors that will be there and then again on the 22nd um as you see we approved the day um tonight that the city of Paka will be hosting um a juneth event as well again that was approved on tonight's uh agenda so we want to make sure that we support those events or any other events that we have within our community where would the city of Paka event be held city of palaka event will be held at Jenkins middle well J well the North Side neighborhood facility and I believe and that that June 22 is that movie that's the movie night you're no this is put on by cultural Affairs I'm just in support of it what I would like to do is see if I can tag on with um I need to talk to them tagging on to add something to that um that I need to talk with them about my funds and I'll see if it's okay that's I'm sure okay okay thank you commissioner Jones anything yes um I had sent a update for you I got pinged by um something that we already currently have in in the pipeline in terms of the updates with the due diligence and evaluation of uh the property so um where are we with that because we are coming up to uh the due diligence time frame so I've gotten pinged on it so I would like to know where we are because we haven't heard anything has been kind of De sure so um the due due diligence uh deadline that we have is August 15th if I'm correct um we have requested and I believe Miss crant sent out a request for a workshop uh for the commission to be able to come together and meet to look at the due diligence question concerning the proposed swap uh the staff internally has been collecting uh documents and data and information inclusive of the um appraisals for the properties um we are almost uh finished collecting that information and we can convey that um we can convey that independent of the workshop as soon as we have that information but I think the workshop is going to be the key focal point right absolutely just want to just keep the commission PRI because it's been been kind of dead silent and we just going along so just thank you for the update and the piggy back off that during that time we'll be discussing because we did have a as a citizen to come forth with a question what do we want to do do we have a plan if we decide to swap with that building correct so we need to be able to have that answer and have those discussions during that time absolutely thank you does anybody else have anything that said do we have a motion to adjourn oh sorry Mr that's okay in addition to that one announcement about the due diligence which we just touched on I wanted to make sure the commission was aware that the attorney Mark Lawson who was tasked to uh develop the um the number for the fire assessment has indicated July 11th uh for the public hearing to solidify the number that he has identified for the fire assessment so um just a heads up July 11th fire assessment public hearing for that amount you mean fire assessment for our upcoming um budget okay yes and I will be out of town on Monday for as part of the Father's Day weekend so I will be sending out a message to uh to the commission uh for contact information in case of emergency thank you we have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn