[Music] h h Johny can you hear me hi commissioner we sure can we're just waiting on getting Quorum okay thank you didn't think it was working thank you welcome everybody to the Palaca community redevelopment agents meeting on February 12th 2024 we're going to call this meeting to order we're going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance commissioner Bor please the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all oh okay I didn't know he sorry um now we're going to stand for the invocation Pastor malberry father again thank you for your loving kindness and for the multitude of your tender mercy God we thank you for this opportunity to come together once again we pray God your blessing upon this leadership we pray that th would bless uh the work of their hands God as we move forward this city For Your Glory thank you because we believe in what you're doing for us we thank you for the promise that you made towards us continue to bless us Lord I pray in Jesus name amen amen can we have the roll call please miss CR certainly commissioner Tammy mccal here thank you commissioner Justin Campbell not present for the record commissioner will Jones present thank you sir commissioner Rufus moram present May Robbie kah present commissioner Terry Turner pres representative Teresa Jackson pres we have a quorum Madam chair thank you uh moving on to approval of minutes has everybody had an opportunity to review the minutes for December 11th 2023 motion to accept minutes as written a motion a second second all in favor I I any opposition thank you we're going to open the floor up to public comments is there anybody here for public comments seeing now we'll close the P public comments regular business just discussion recommendation allocation of hmer call 429 Kirby Street sale proceeds Miss CI um last the last meeting we had was December 11 I'm sorry I can't hear you thank you thank you thank you okay so I was requested that um I perform more procedures try to gather more information and actually three days later I was able to complete that assignment uh what I was able to perform was I I uh we identified all of the cfers for the years of 2001 through 2006 which were actually the the relevant years that allowed confirmation uh of the loan balance being reflected on the cafa as well it was reflected as appable from the downtown rate Redevelopment fund and uh I did attach that in the agenda I was also able to trace to the recognition of The Debt Service payments within each cafa for each of those years per the Auditors retained at that time uh an amortization schedule was prepared based upon the loan of the 59,000 which was secured from sunrust at the rate of 4.5% over a 60-month payment term and also reconciled the amortization schedule to the cfers so that was uh enough procedures to confirm that the balance of the loan was correct and that there was in fact a loan however as I reviewed the cfers I was say able to see that the Auditors uh reflected all Tiff uh districts under the title of the downtown Redevelopment fund there was no reference to a South historic district or anything of that nature um in conclusion my opinion is that the loan payments based upon the caers reflected that the total payments were made loan payments were made by the downtown Redevelopment fund the loan uh payable balance stated on the cfers reconciled to the amortization schedule as well so based upon that is my conclusion that downtown Redevelopment fund is entitled to receive the net proceeds of the property sell however the general fund did expend $7,595 and as such it should be considered to reimburse the general fund that amount of money uh the money the amount that we're talking about the total amount of the sell I believe was 39,44 was received as net proceeds of the loan sale of the property sale in November 2023 what this means is that 131,00 should be allocated to the uh downtown Redevelopment fund and the uh that that's pretty much what that means thank you okay you have a question okay question anyone have a question in this cot thank you thank you okay with that said um is there a discussion recommendation about how to allocate those funds obviously they're going to the downtown Redevelopment fund but it's not specified south or Central Tiff um so would that automatically mean it goes to the central Tiff in that regard no the specifically the recommendation is to go to the South Tiff okay in the past they just reference the Tiff funds as the downtown Redevelopment yes um okay with that said I do have a question so was there any cost for general maintenance that we used to do for that building [Music] uh prior that should be recouped by the city from that came from the general funds or I know that in the past since cut right was responsible or his Department maybe even before him uh for upkeep when we had to do some repairs that building so is that recable yeah I can speak to that um commissioner so historically we did budget somewhere in the bar Park of $3 to $5,000 annually for just general maintenance on ham I call there were also South chff funds used in the past to rehab um a little bit of that inside did we use South tip funds because we did do some work inside and South tip funds were used for that for floor interior painting Etc to build that little closet in the past it it's always been a mixture you general fund covered some of the maintenance costs South Tiff would cover some of the Improvement costs and even the shna would contribute funding from time to time since they were the primary um occupants of the building thank you so again based on that information and discussion um are the thoughts to allocated to some repairs and restoration of Tillman house which solely needs it which is going to be the next item on the agenda anyway so we can segue right into that um Tillman house 324 River Street the pictures are in your packet you see the work that needs to be done um in the past Jonathan you can correct me if I'm wrong about this total South Tiff funds were allocated to Tilman house in my mind it was overtime approximately 260,000 but I could be wrong on that um there were significant funds allocated be it from the general and South Tiff and the city also secured a Department of State historic preservation Grant back in the early 2000s but I believe the best course of action here is if you agree with the recommendation to recognize the revenues and allocate them to the South Tiff fund that would be a motion and then there's a separate discussion item mayor that you're talking about which is potentially using those revenues and authorizing a budget amendment for the purpose of making the repairs to the Tillman house okay so would that say um well I'll make a motion that we uh um place the funds in the um South Tiff that that's allocated as such the 131,000 9 98 am I right 98 to the um downtown um South um TI fund and also the 7,532 to the general fund for the city okay we have a motion do we have a second discussion we had a discussion need a second before we move on disc yeah do we have a second okay I guess the motion I'll second for for the sake of a discussion okay now we can move on to discussion go ahead commissioner thank you madam mayor my question my question is it was 139,140 minus the 7,532 so with that being said it was the 1 31,900 so commissioner boram what will will your motion just be um the 131,00 going um going back to the district and then the then the 7,532 that was the yeah that was the recommendation based on what our finance director and staff um allocated now if there's any additional discussion I'd be happy I mean I'm I'm just going based off what we have here but if there's anything additional we need to discuss I like that no I just could I I was making sure I I heard that so I'll go I'm SE I will second that I'm sorry sorry been seconded but if for clarification purposes there was just a general reference to the tip we need to clarify if that's the South tip or the downtown redevelop motion is for the South South Pi okay okay thank you we have a motion in a second all in favor I any opposition thank you on to the next portion of the discussion discussion recommendation to House 3 for River Street repair I Believe Miss CR is going to pull up some pictures thank you Miss Grant um so if you could just kind of scroll through slowly these are representative of the siding damage um at the Tilman house located at the southern end of the riverfront uh so obviously we've got significant siding damage that has to be replaced that's a specific type of sighting there is glazing uh waterproofing that needs to be done around the windows and obviously painting of the structure right now that is the limits of the renovation but it's estimated in excess of $100,000 this is an eligible expense per your CRA plan it is within the South Tiff District uh so this is something that you can do and it's our recommendation that if you want to see these repairs happen um that you could reallocate a good portion of that $131,000 to this project otherwise this will become a discussion item for the city commission uh and how to appropriate general fund revenues for the repair of this Building Commissioner Bor yes on on those uh repairs now those repairs are just from the time we've been discussing years like last five four or five years in terms of repairs on the various buildings that the city own but um that's pretty significant um to have these structures um going forward I don't know if the city can continue to pay out this type money especially when you're talking about 125,000 just for this does that complete everything about the building itself or because is there any more things that we don't know so the the joke is historic buildings are kind of like scabs the more you pick at them the more they bleed um so this scope of work is going to get the outside of the envelope whole but I can tell you as a previous owner of a historic building built in the 1920s just down the block previous owner um the work never never ends um so with something like this with a historic structure you need to plan on tinting it every 7 to 10 years you need to plan on painting it every seven to 10 years you need to plan on redoing the glazing around the windows every seven to 10 years um it's just the nature of having something like that it is because I'm on my 10 year mark and I have to do that at my house it's just the nature of historic structures and this is one we can just discuss other things about this property in the future but right now as the stewards of this property we need to maintain it um and so this will be coming out of the South Tiff monies not the general fund if we agree to that but it does need to be done it is our responsibility and obligation what do you use that building for currently it's currently leased to the Paca Art League do they make any Revenue off of at all Mr cutright you want to speak to that they are a nonprofit um they do have events and they do have sales I don't think they make a ton of Revenue um Mr cutright yes uh Eddie cutright Community Affairs director uh we created a lease with them a couple years ago and they actually give us $300 a month to kind of offset some lowlevel uh maintenance to the building uh they do several different Austin craft events that they do bring in a little money but overall I think the $300 that we get a money is own kind of Revenue that we get from them they also did um primarily through donations cover the cost of tenting it a couple of years ago as well just to give them credit for that which is a a sign significant amount of money so related to this and I don't want to steal your thunder for his report but this is one of the buildings that the city owns that we have cited ourselves for a code violation uh and at the same time we're going around and in each Tiff District we're doing inspections as you know main purpose of a c district is the removal of blight um this is a blight uh and we're trying to set a good example um this building just happens to be one of those where the nature of the damage damage is extensive um the other buildings like across the street you've already budgeted for out of the general fund and I think some of the other citations which is a later report not tonight are minor pressure washing and pain of that yeah how much did we budget for I'm sorry mat how much okay commission go ahead how much did we budget for um for the other the building across the street Jonathan if I may of this discussion uh that was an excess of 150,000 okay thank you well I know we're trying to remove blight but most um buildings that we're using those funds for removing blight they're normally contributing they contribute to the tax base whereas this is a city-owned property and we're taking those funds and then we're so I just would like to see a little bit more contributions um coming in I mean from my standpoint uh you know we're spending 125 or we are expecting to spend 125,000 it could be more as you continue to move the scab off the source and so uh we don't know what that number is and so how do we know the health of that structure in terms of if we pull if we start digging in what is the U I guess the overall health of that building and uh are we really you know spending these are what kind of good return on our investment we're going to get as opposed to we dump the money in and then we don't know the the viability of the structure so board members really as a c board um if you're not interested in this the only other matter before you would be allocating or budgeting those additional revenues uh it's not advisable and it's against statute that you hold uh that large of a contingency uh in reserve um so if you could give some direction to staff as to where you'd like to see that additional $125,000 allocated if not the Tillman house that will at least result in a productive um result from this discussion because what you recommend today will be going in front of the city commission next week for ratification and we can speak to some of the other budgeted line items that you have for your your work program this year if you'd like or if you have additional questions for tomman house we're here as well however we do own that building as the city the CR funds are intended to eliminate blight and Revitalize we have an obligation to maintain our structures which we've been negligent about over the years and um the money just came in from Hanah call from that sale uh this building the structure not that it's a discussion for this time in place but it is on the Surplus real estate Le uh list is that correct Mr Griffith no this was not identified for potential Surplus and again that can be discussion for future though if if we so desire I'd like to repeat that for the record this building was not included on the Surplus real estate list just woke me up I got a question you're talking about tman house is is that what you're referring to yes so H I think we should be careful of how much we're going to dump in it before it next be on the for sale list um because I was sitting here thinking uh are we going are we heading down the same road we head with the U sorry when H call that's what it that's what it sounds like we could be headed there you start talking about you know once we fix something something else could be going on or or a deeper dive is going to our C that's going to escalate so going back I think Mr cut right I would like to ask him a question Mr C right what are the code violation are we going to talk about that later what we going to talk about that later what where the code the violations on this building is what you're asking yes well the code violation on on the uh tman house was structure we had some structure issues we had some windows issues we had some deteriorating paint and mold and me do they did pressure wash it we do have a a little bit of port uh configuration so you will look at probably they actually going to the hearing next month if they don't get those violations somewh in compliance or get a permit to fix but you're looking at probably five violation that will be on that building if it don't get in compliance the day is the city in this case yes okay that's not working for um wow was that the same reason why we got rid of ham call sort of well part of the reason we got rid of hammock Hall at the time when we was doing the the structure of the Dollar Rentals we was having some issu with trying to figure out exactly the agreement that we had when it came to the the leasy or the person that was there take care caraker of the building uh and we then when we start looking at the fixtures and some of the structure issues and repairs the price got to the point where it was a question and then at the same time they was trying to I guess free up some expense and fixing some things and one of the things they was they thought about selling the house so to answer your question I can't give you the definite definite answer to why we got rid of hammock ho uh but I know we had some issues with the structure of hammock ho you answer my question I appreciate it thank you um also we we are Role Models if we expect other people to live up to code requirements I think the city should be that role model that does as well um it isn't easy to spend money on a historic structure or any structure but again we're stewards and if we're expecting other people are going to site them for code violations expect them to do the repairs why are we different as a city what's going on my man turn okay I'm sorry go ahead Jackson a couple of questions uh how long is this lease how long is the lease twoyear lease twoyear lease and it's coming up for renewal at the end of this year okay and I guess I I want ask is there any plans for future sale for this property or it's kind of all up in the air that I can't answer ma'am Mr Griffith just said it's not on Surplus list at this time okay commission is that commissioner MCO I'm not not finished I'm so sorry that's my fault I was looking at the hand I guess I would just my my last thing would be is um I I would think that we do have a an obligation for renovation I mean to consider the neighborhood I wouldn't is definitely a eyore and I don't think renovation would be bad for the property um if it was on the Sur so coming up for the Surplus list so that's all thank you commissioner mcal thank [Music] you um is uh I the code violation was one of my questions but is this something that we have to uh we can have we can hold off discussing tonight are there any time constraints on it um director cutri when is the magistrate hearing the magistrate hearing for the City properties is going to be in March uh but we can if we need to be to for giving you more time to discuss is we can move this one this piece of property to April uh we can actually we have a little flexibility moving it to the m here okay just for the pleasure of of the commission when I see what you all think about that Madam mayor if I may yes you may um the CRA meets by monthly so this board wouldn't have another meeting until April unless a special call is done okay thank you what you just say April cut right' Mr cutright you just said April no it's the it's actually scheduled for March but he's saying it can be pushed until April that's what I thought you said April right yes okay okay so I'm asking the board would y'all like to have time to kind of think about this before we make a move on this defin sorry I definitely would like to have some time to think about it if that if that's all right I uh I think it would be uh better to think about it a little bit I I'm not assure that it's the best interest of the CRA to use CRA funds to remodel us build building um I know that it that it's a building that's in the in the district and what have you but I just don't know if that's the proper use of CRA funds or not I'm I agree with uh Mr Griffith that it's probably allowable but that doesn't mean that we have to do it um you know I'll go along with a group on whatever y'all want to do but I think you should sure think about what CRA funds should actually be used for in Tiff District funds should be used for which is something that would theoretically when it was started it was uh started under the premise that uh you would do things like the big grants and things like that that you would take that money and put it back into the community to actually improve the tax base and help the TR the the Tiff District funds grow or either at least pay back the money as you spent it out of it and it was never intended to be for lack of a better word a slush fund for uh to do projects that we didn't really want to do under withth out of another pot but uh I think that over the years some of that's got away with it and a very small percentage of it is actually going to what it needs to be going to which is improve the district um and I I know that it could be said that um that fixing the Tillman house is an improvement to the district but if if the city's thinking about taking that and using it uh and doing what they did with the hammock house or the hammock Hall then uh if that ever hens the would get their Tiff District money back out of it when the sale came down didn't bring enough money to pay them back then they then we've basically wasted the CRA District money on building in the district that uh that might that the city may not keep in the future so I think those are just things that we need to take into consideration when we're making this decision on that money thank you madam mayor thank you does anybody else have any discussion questions if not we have a public comment Miss kitchens Allegra kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida first of all comparing the Tillman house to hammock Hall is like comparing pecans to Cadillacs hammock Hall was a commercial building used for meetings built in the 50s the tman house is a significant addition to the South historic district and is listed as one of the buildings that helped it become the South historic district the tman house is built in the 1880s the tman house has been renovated and restored by the Art League over the years many many many times Florida pest control about four or five years ago or less donated $10,000 to tent the house for termites prior to that in the '90s and early 2000s definitely in the 90s the Art League got grants they repainted the house they repaired the windows they did a lot of work to say it brings nothing to the district is a load and you know a load of what that is a big draw just like the golf course is a draw like the airport is a draw like the lmer is a draw like the Bronson hous is a draw it brings tourists to patka it brings people downtown to Paca at the Christmas house alone which runs from before Thanksgiving to after New Year's several years ago the minimum number of people that attended during that short period of time coming from out of town was 7,000 people coming into downtown patka that is not insignificant to the tax base when you talk about sales tax when you talk about bed and breakfast tax and when you talk about publicity for the city it's very significant further this is in the South historic district and the money for the CR ra is to repair the houses in that area and repair the blight the problem with this house is there's an underlying behind the scenes not with the city government but there's an underlying thing where a developer is waiting in the background waned to get this house and build something and tear it down build condos you all don't know that probably I know it but this house is very important to Historic District certain number of houses you have to have to be in the district to qualify the other thing is talking about oh we got to get rid of all our city property get rid of city property but let me tell y'all something when you get a grant and you have to match it with dollars where do you think those dollars come from they come from the assessed value of your property whether it's taxable or not the assessed value goes as a match for your grants the more city-owned property you get rid of the less money you have for to match for grant money so y'all better think lonart about this you've got the money from the sale of hamama call and it's to Mr Turner's a remark about it this house sells if it sells you'll do just like you did hammock Hall the majority of the money will come back into the Tiff what's the D problem fix the house up I don't I don't suggest no way put it on Surplus it's not Surplus fix the house up if you decide four or five years down the road to sell it you get more money for it if it's fixed up uh Mr cutri I believe said there was five codes violations this takes care of three of them at least let the Art League deal with it get historic grants get it fixed up you got till April codes board meets the third Tuesday of April you meet the second Monday of April or the first Monday no problem save the house it's significant to the district Nob brainer you got the money coming in from hammock Hall put it on this house go for it thank you thank you any Madam mayor yes commission attor um I didn't really mean to offend Miss kitchens because I don't don't really I wasn't advocating what the city does with their property I guess I didn't communicate well um my only uh thing that I was advocating for is I wasn't sure if it was uh if we should be spending CRA monies on Tillman house I didn't I wasn't advocating that you sold it or that we didn't fix it up or whatever I'm just saying I didn't know that it was if it was proper we Ed the CRA money to do it I just wanted to uh try and uh and clear that up a little thank you does anybody M GTH do you want to um speak to the fact that it is a proper or improper use of CRA funds to put money back into the structure which have been using in the past actually um sou chck funds yeah it is and I'll just reiterate um even if you don't want to consider Tilman house you really need to consider a motion which budgets the additional Revenue that was realized you could simply put it into capital outlay for All We Care it just needs to go into a line item um and we can bring this back at your April meeting if that's a pleasure of the board well I think Madam mayor yes commissioner Atty I I I really think that it would be better to put it in capital outlay at this time and then that would give us time to decide the CRA time to decide it maybe the April meeting on if they want to go through with this or whatever I think uh commissioner pre uh previously made a very good point that this is kind of quick to put to do this and my I agree with her thank you no that'll um we just go with what we here um I I can understand that people feel rushed ham Hall sold a while oh I'm sorry who was here um commissioner I mean excuse me hammer hlea a little bit ago we were just waiting for the final numbers so we knew this was coming the house continues to deteriorate it's not going to improve and age well over time these repairs need to be done and again we should be a role model for the community at large so I I think postponing is postponing but I think it doesn't hurt to just get things done sometimes anybody else have thoughts anybody want to make a motion about whether to um repair the allocate the funds to tman house or put them in to the capital Improvement line item I make a motion to put motion to put them in the capital capital we have a motion do we have a second I'll second it okay we have motion a second all in favor uh any opposition nay okay we move on thank you um next we have um revitalizar pak's request for funding for Planters along St John's Avenue is Mr afno coming up okay okay thank you yes see you okay give your name and address please cannot here I think you think right so the intent was to get these out and actually Place some of the aeras that were going to be selling in some of these pots for folks to look at and be able to purchase and so forth not the pots there alas so that's that's our intent uh we would certainly appreciate your help in helping us accomplish this thank you anybody have any questions of Mr hner I'm waiting to see if anybody on Zoom how much do those planers cost commissioner they're various sizes but the ones we previously purchased which are about yall or $700 a piece just for the planner and then it takes a specific potting soil mix that goes inside of it so I'd estimate somewhere around $800 a unit $800 each yes sir they have a large water reservoir as well so that the plants retain water um commissioner B do we have any um I guess r conditions of it what it look like any kind of picture or there's one at the corner of seventh in St John's Avenue some in place on I have some in my phone pict that's not I'm just trying to think well so with around 700 a piece you're not going to get many you're not going to get many of those um many of those plants I'm just trying to see what they look like in the locations of M Grant can you pull up that location locations on the U right up so while she's pulling that up um this is something you've done in the past um and revitalized historic Paca actually volunteers to replenish the plants we budget a small amount annually because it's over and above what the general fund does for maintenance downtown I think the request was specific to the four blocks that aren't getting touched with the upcoming streetcap project so RHP was looking to do something in the 400 300 200 and 100 block obviously this is going to be replicated to some extent with the street skate project uh because we're looking at having less cutouts in the sidewalk for planners and having more raised planners just to improve the walkability of downtown there's one right there y thank you [Music] Sunny yes and also Miss Jackson and I'm not sure who was up first but Miss Jackson and then we'll go to commissioner MCO and how many planners is that M how many planners did you say total as many as we possibly can ask okay so their requests said 40 to 50 but based upon based upon your budget I would suggest only approving about 10 to 15 um because we're still early on in the year and what you had allocated for site amenities uh is currently 15,000 so we should be able to accommodate that with the existing budgeted line one minute commissioner MCO was on Deck first commissioner MCO oh I was just going to ask um if this this is for the community and if I could uh help out of my um special event funds if he couldn't uh get get them so I guess if you said that they could meet quota for it I guess you don't need the help am I right am I right I'm having I wear hearing AG I'm having different louder Mr not hear you said that you all have the 15,000 to help him help him get that already can you all hear me 15,000 is in the budget site amenities okay so 15,000 is that enough to get what he needs if not are we allowed to use am I allowed to use any monies that's in my special fund special event funds to help our to help out so commissioner M um Jane West the the special event allocation can has to be used for actual events and not the purchase of Capital Improvements okay thank you problem well we need assistance with the aelia festival too so there yeah you did get that at the last commission meeting you did get money for that commission Bor yes just just the question so this is what we're dealing with now with the 20,000 for the decorative landscape that's what we're talking about so that's 20,000 so you can only I think it's the most you can get out there is 28 28 planners for the most part you said 15 15 oh he was being conservative never mind I like your bigger number sir no I mean if you got 20,000 divided by divided by um 700 800 say 800 though for soil but even with if he did 800 it still it shows 28 2 so maybe we could say to if somebody wanted to indate a motion to a maximum of x amount of dollars right so if if it's 20,000 you can get uh it's 700 if you did 800 you probably get less a few less but it's gonna be in the 20 range 20 something range because it's only I'll entertain a motion for the M maximum maximum amount I didn't hear that but do you have a budgeted about specify the motion I'll entertain a motion for the for the maximum amount that's in the budget okay the maximum amount okay we have a motion wait wait okay sorry I'm a s um for landscaping in the budget we have 40,000 and he's requesting 20,000 correct right right right you're suggesting 20,000 so um commissioner mcal did you hear that okay can you say it again so in the budget it's showing uh $40,000 when you said the maximum the maximum would be that $40,000 but I but I want to make sure that we're only entertaining 20,000 correct that's yeah that's what's before okay maximum of what's here correct yeah that it it will be a big help if we can get that many it will be a big help you you said 40 to 50 oh yeah we could get 40 to 50 but that is that's a large expense no question about that sound like you might have to get a discount on them if you so commission MCO um your motion was to the maximum of the budget and that's 40,000 um so so just to clarify so 20,000 I need I need to say 20 ,000 right right okay so just change the numbers from but the uh the maximum amount to 20,000 okay is that okay Miss West for her to correct it yeah so the the motion is to approve this funding request for a maximum of 20,000 for the purchase of Planters and dirt permit do I have a second second second all in favor uh I any opposition okay thank you are you also going to maintain the plants as we go along in time because that's a bigger factor for me and somebody who does that on my block we always have and I'm sure what you know one of our goals will be to also have some of the merchants downtown participate adopt them and help help in maintaining these things and and other organizations that we can get to help us out on it okay thank you yeah well are we gonna have anything to kind of lock them down lock oh try a lot of [Laughter] dirt I think it take a fork lips questioner I think that's an important part to to to pin down now who's responsibility going to be keep them up you just have planners everywhere and then it's just gonna be a sidewalk Hazard um honestly but if you have them up there we're paying for significant amount I think should have something in place of who's going to be responsible well RP's intent is to maintain the things and again we're a small group of folks we try our best to earn money however we can by sponsoring events like wine strolls and things like that uh so certainly we're going any money that we make in any of our U events that we do will be put back into the city of plaa and this would be one of the places that will be put back so so are you saying you going to actually maintain them yeah you're saying want to take the lead make sure they're done and even if they recruit others there you go thank you all right thank you um now we're going to report Small Business Development Center Mr Paul Rick Paul at 1100 Reed Street for the Small Business Development Center good evening everybody hope you all are doing well um in front of you is a quarterly report I've been changing this around a little bit to simplify it when I first got here it was 15 some odd pages and hard to read and it's still a little hard to read so we're talking about the impact report that you should have in front of you the main thing at this point is the timing of it so you guys are on a fiscal year uh normally we report on a calendar year so your fiscal year begins October 1st so this is for the first quarter of your fiscal year here um the question is I always report year-to date um when I bring you up to speed which I'm about to do so are you happy with the dates on the report being last quarter or would you like just to do it on a calendar year basis or bring it up to year-to date like I normally do verbally with you is there a preference does anyone have a preference I don't think so okay so we'll just leave it as is yeah okay um so at the uh at this time frame uh there were six to eight uh projects that I thought were going to go through but a very quick recap of some of them um well it's it's a little strange but one of my clients who had a really good U uh business was getting a loan for 50,000 but her brother got killed in a bicycle wreck on A1A in St Augustine so that's been delayed um I did have have uh a deal go through for about 200 but I don't know if I'm going to get credit for that one or not because the clients become unresponsive after they get what they want because we have a free service so that's two um the third one is even better I guess you could say uh the loan actually got approved and before he could sign the paperwork the building he was buying burned to the ground that was 750,000 um had a disaster loan of 600,000 that FEMA never picked up and right now I've got a $125,000 loan um somebody's got plenty of collateral plenty of equity but the banker never got back to them so I'm trying to rework that one so out of 6 to eight loans that were you know pretty much a sure uh bet um pretty much none of them have have come out at this point uh anyhow I will continue to update this and bring you um current information as it becomes available uh the main thing I'd like to talk to you tonight is of course the CRA uh meeting that we're having on February 20th at aelia City Brewing Company uh this is where we're going to be talking about the business district uh again the the reason behind it is to increase awareness of the CR attract new businesses to the CRA retain the existing businesses that are there improve relationships amongst the city and the businesses and between the businesses um I will started off with a quick round of introductions where everybody can uh have about 30 seconds to say how they can help the the businesses that are there but the focus is on the future trying to um basically replicate I guess what's happening from say the 700 block to about the 900 block where uh things are moving along quite nicely uh to see if we can expand that growth and that uh viability you know up and down the entire uh stretch of the business District uh so it's on the future uh of the um of the business district and I appreciate Jonathan for setting this thing up U do you have any questions about the networking event on the flyer in front of you I invited you all the last CRA meeting you all said you could attend does anybody have any questions of Mr Paul I doesn't sound like it thank you fantastic I look forward to seeing you all there thank you so much thank you um update on the C District's code enforcement inspection Mr cartright so it I saw slow so you do everything fast I see yes yes all right back in October of 2023 the code enforcement uh Department did a uh initiative in the Tiff area to try to look for Mid to low level violations to bring them up to speed now this is just for your mid to low level violations we do have several properties in the Tiff District that has major issues and concerns and they already been in our works and we've been working those programs those violation already uh from October to October to January uh we did about 460 properties in business in in that area my officers did four hours on every s every other Saturday walk the street to kind of see the violations uh we actually had a total of uh 200 toal of 2122 homes and businesses that had properties uh that had issues 39 of them had cases that was at least two the three violation per uh 29 had uh probably one violation low low level violations M than me stuff like that the major concerns in that in that area that we walked was mold and mildew deteriorating paint and um and grass and debris uh then that's right there is just the low hanging fruit that we thought we could address the issues uh as we speak and try to get those fixed without going to the hearing half of these properties that we are going to the hearing in next three months uh we have put door knockers on the lowlevel offenses that hopefully they'll come in compliance before they get to the hearing uh most of the probably owners that's in that district has either reached back out to us to kind of address the concerns or give us reasons or give us ideas of how they're going to fix the problem so I do think that initiative that we took back in October was a success uh we would like to continue it but as you can see funding for over overtime officers on Saturday uh can be a premium sometime so if if that's the case if you want us to continue we need to look for find some money from the Tiff District if it's possible and I'm open to any question that you may have and so you do have before you um a draft interlocal Services agreement for this fiscal year has this been distributed it just hasn't been distributed to Mr commissioner Turner or M mastle okay so um at uh Jonathan's requests last week I drafted this agreement um to basically try and capture the full extent of the services that City staff was providing to the benefit of the CRA Tiff districts and you can see here it you know Eddie's team with code enforcement yeah they they do a lot of the the Manpower but there are other departments within the city that also assist um the city manager's office the city attorney's office the finance department the city clerk um Public Works and the public information officer so um my understanding is that there is already a lump sum that has been budgeted um by the CRA for City Services it's just a matter of how to divide it uh my recommendation would be the overwhelming amount of those funds should go to code enforcement because there the kind kind of the boots on the ground that are are noticing the violations and sheering them through the special magistrate process um but there are other departments that are helping to benefit um the CRA and its work and this Mr yes so I just want to add to this and um attorney West did kind of throw this together last minute but it's become an industry standard between Redevelopment agencies and the local unit of government of which you know they um occupying to put this agreement in place because the test is a CRA should only be doing it when it's over and above what you normally do that's why they've been doing this as an overtime exercise because it's easy to track and it passes that test um I'll point out within your existing budget um you currently have in excess of 150,000 um which goes from the Tiff districts to the general fund excuse me I grabbed the wrong number there for downtown you got it there miss cardi it earli okay so it's it's 21,000 in the downtown it's 27,000 in the South or that's utility 6,000 in the South and then in the north very similar line right around 6 or 7,000 so this would be over and above that so at your next meeting in April what you'll see in addition to this is a budget amendment which captures what director cutri anticipates to be those true costs to provide for those Inspection Services in the Tiff districts and again it's just being distributed for your review and consideration would be um on your next agenda so if there's anything that uh you notice in the your review over the next two months please um get those comments over to Mr Bell so we can work it into the contract and get it posted on the agenda for for your discussion okay thank you does anybody have a question any questions thank you um financial report as of December 31st 20123 Miss cardi okay um for the three months or the quarter ended December 31 2023 uh the Tiff CR revenues have been actualized and what that means is on page 74 that uh we have now received 89,4 21 okay thank you of course I can't see when I do that all right uh we do have the other revenues that 131,00 and we did receive contribution for benches 2,200 so that gave us an additional 134,135 3,529 and moving on to page uh two which would be 75 in your book The expenditures are very low and that's you know starting to bring up a concern at some point because we do need to spend these funds so uh at the end of uh the three months ended December 31 2023 for the downtown district we've only spent 14,31 and um and that's out of a budget of 1,460 when you look at the transfers and so forth that need to be done uh the South historic district has spent 2,33 on page three Department total and that's out of a budget of15 5,000 and then finally North historic on page four as of December we've spent 1,589 okay so at the end of uh three months that ends in December ended December 31 2023 we uh generated revenues uh a total of 953 th000 but we've only spent 18,000 so uh we're at a profit meaning that we have more revenues than the expenditures as of December 31 2023 935,000 so I did want to point out that um when we look at the you know there is a possibility that we do need to start allocating funds the project and spending the money so that we do not jeopardize the CRA itself okay thank you all right anybody have any questions um I do uh what is what is the the time frame on spending the money well realistically and hopefully next uh meeting they're going to allow me to give more information but realistically we're supposed to spend how many within that year whatever we've budgeted also the funds that we do not spend we are supposed to go through a process of designating projects to spend that money and um you know each year we should be held accountable for the monies that we do not spend in that year that we say we're going to spend now can that unspent money go into a reserve account that no it is not I mean it's uh you're jeopardizing the C itself but I'm not prepared to go to detail right now hopefully next time I will actually to that question so into what we call a reserve account to where after you've allocated everything no you can hold a small percentage um but what you do not spend within a year statutorily you have to reallocate and spend it within three years now that doesn't mean that you can't in essence Bank funding for a capital project that you guys are working on two to three years out which is something that You' done with the downtown tiff with St John's Avenue you know that project is going to be quite expensive so you've been setting aside funding for different phases and that's part of the reason that you're starting to see some of the funds kind of Stack Up Now some of the projects you asked another question earlier um about what's the timeline for spending these that's the the legal response um there's also a question about what do you have on the books in your work plan so what you have in your work plan the two largest items between all districts are your building Improvement Grant category which the first cycle is in advertisement right now and those applications should be coming in the next couple months so you'll have before you after the evaluation committee meets and makes a recommendation probably a significant amount of requests um to spend money the other is for continuing the sidewalk repairs that you all have been doing in all three Tiff uh Tiff districts excuse me um the same contractor is used for the city projects and that's Mr Geck and he's currently been pulled to the eighth and Seventh Street project so it's just a matter of he can only work on so much with his Crews now Mr McMillan couldn't be here tonight his wife's sick but he did advise me that the next place that Mr gek is going after St John's Avenue is to move back into the Tiff districts specifically North and South so you'll see those $50,000 lines get spent down hopefully some before your April meeting anybody have any additional questions um with that said um and do we have an idea of the allocation of those funds for sidewalk and those other things Mr Griffith or should we be contemplating like a revision of the facade here we had one a long time ago I'm not advocating one way or the other but it would certainly debute update revise but is it another opportunity to do some of those things possible those are all things that were within your CRA plan uh I'd probably just encourage all of you to look at your CRA plan and see what items you want to bring back before to the April meeting and then miss cardi can probably bring a total lump sum amount per district for you to reallocate and direct us to process budget amendments thank you you and we'll send you a link to the S plan anybody have any other questions thank you yes ma'am Madam mayor I'm sorry go ahead commission attorney um can we use Capital monies that we just set aside for capital for the building Improvement Grant if we ended up getting more grants that or more applications that were approved than what we had money to fund or would that is that something we could do yes we could increase the budget for that I just didn't know if we could take the capital line item and use it towards that or not Mr yeah it would just be a separate motion where you would request a budget amendment uh taking a certain amount of funds from the capital outlay line and moving it to the building Improvement Grant Line thank you sir is that something you want to entertain or do we want to wait till the April meeting and see what applications come in first um what do we think as yes ma'am I think we need to see what applications come in first okay that's yes I agree okay thebody agrees on that thank you um other business discussion Direction Community input 300 North 11 Street the belon property that we just closed on the city this suek Mr Griffin so yeah the good news is um now the city holds title to that property it's within the downtown Tiff uh it is within the envelope of the A Philip Randolph Transportation Hub project in the North 11th Street project uh so we wanted to bring it back before the CRA board to see if you wanted to potentially hold a public Workshop uh to get the community's input on what they would like to see done with that building and it may also be an opportunity to kind to educate the public about some of the historic significance of the building I think that's a great idea because it is so significant historically to the city that we should have the community involved and give them an opportunity to learn more about that history and share some of the great photos we have so people can see its Legacy would the board be agreeable to a special workshop in March at the price Martin Center yes I'm in favor y is there a time of day that would be preferred the evening is best for most people to get community participation okay that's probably enough to go on I think we can reach out to all of you separately and try and find a a date that works best for the majority of you thank you okay anybody have any additional questions commissioner m yeah no ma'am thank you madam mayor do we have any other items for the CRA board do we have any motion to adour motion to