##VIDEO ID:34dGqg7lQ78## e e e test test e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we have gathered board members ladies and Gentlemen let's go ahead and call our historic preservation board meeting for December 5th 2024 to order we will start with the the invocation I believe Chaplan mbery is online with us hello and happy holidays if you could please lead us in prayer all righty good evening everyone let us pray father again we thank you for how good you have been towards us we thank you for allowing us to come together once again uh to do the business of the city pray God that your blessings would be upon the directors of this board pray that you would give them wisdom and they're undering to do what they do for your glory and father whatever you do we'll give you praise and honor for your good name it is in Jesus name we pray amen and if we could please let's go ahead and continue standing for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Peter come on down come microphone [Music] I allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated and thank you Peter I didn't mean to put you on the spot it's just something I enjoy doing well right we'll store that away we'll have you do the Women's Club collect next month all right Madame city clerk if we could please the roll call thank you so much Madame uh Madam chair uh Brianna Pierce not present for the record Mr Hollister present present thank you um Miss vote not present for the record um Mr Jefferson present thank you Mr Sheffield is not present for the record but Madam share I understand he's going to be late um Miss Rosa present thank you chair van rensburg present thank you you have a quorum Madam chair thank you very much um next on the agenda is uh oath of office Christopher Hollister uh just letting everyone know that Mr Hollister has gone ahead and completed his oath prior to the meeting so we are done there and we are of course very pleased to have him serve with us again you're a valuable member of our team and we thank you I see new faces in the room I wonder if if you introductions to our board yes ma'am it's it's throw everybody off their game day seeing as the city manager and uh their director isn't on the office I uh will introduce some new faces to you some you may already know um starting with Miss Renee Brown in the front row Miss Renee Brown Ser previously served as the planning clerk for the city of Paka she has been promoted to planner one well done um to the rear of the audience dressed in black you have Ryan Michels who has also taken a position with the city of Paka as planner one welcome lastly seated behind the monitors and also dressed in black ironically is uh if he will totally laugh if I say his full name but it's Alexander Alex Romero who recently took a position with the city as planning clerk welcome thank you madam chair for the opportunity to introduce our staff absolutely um at this point it gives me great joy and it also gives me a Little Bit Of Heartache um to if I could approach the dis and uh give wonderful wonderful love and acclamation where it is do wow wow wow Larry Larry Lawrence Larry Beaton I I hardly even know where to start um my goodness you became a member of this particular board with the city of palaka the historical preservation board back on May 22nd 2003 before that back in 2018 you were named the honorary City historian for the city of Paca prior to that I met you at the putham County Historical Society uh you were one of the first people that I met when I moved to town um I my love of history is crazy crazy and um I wanted to know all about the historical society and that just seemed like a perfect fit and at the time you were very much I I believe you were either president or vice president you you've done all of it haven't you yes ma'am absolutely so we have been friends since I believe uh I moved to town 18 years ago um you have always always been the person that everyone goes to when we would like to know the history of something whether it's trying to put together for a program for the Women's Club uh to find out the history of the homes that are on the tour or whether it's your guidance here um letting us know the properties that we're reviewing and and have under consideration for um improvements and restoration you're always right there I was going to say Johnny on the spot but let's go Larry on the spot Larry on the spot um for everything that we need to know to make an absolute informed decision about the history of Paca um on a personal note I would just like to say what a dear friend you've been Larry and I'd also like to say what an amazing help you were to my husband um when he established his Paca postcard collection Larry and Conrad spent Untold hours and untold amounts of money because I never got to hear that part um figuring out what postcards would be the perfect part of uh his collection and you didn't need for your collection and the Historical Society already had for their collection so we um we have a plaque for you which is about the minimum that I feel that we can do I feel like we ought to oh I don't know at least take you out to at least five dinners I'm not sure if that's in our budget by oh well I was gonna say I have the postcard collection at the moment but I get in a lot of trouble if I did anything um so if if we would remember of board could you join me please and um what we're going to do is we'll gather around Larry so oh we're going to gather over here are you okay with that Larry and then I'm gonna you too bend my microphone around and i' just like to read this buttons on body w that's all right Larry this plaque is given to you from the city of Palaca Florida in grateful recognition of your 21 years of dedicated service to the historic preservation board from 2003 to 2024 for your steadfast commitment and passion vision and tireless efforts in preserving our community's history that's yours Madam chair if I may can City staff have a picture with Mr beaten C weather Adam Cher did I say just something briefly course absolutely you know it and you know Larry and brief Larry and briefly are not usually used in the same sentence but three y I'll try to keep it three minutes or less no I just want to say thank you to this board and the previous boards I've served with um actually I've been on this board longer than 21 years I think the records probably got lost in ancient history at some point I actually took over from Clinton Snider who started Conley Snider murau committee I think I've served on this board about 27 years but I'm not sure about that but I just felt like that it was this was not a life it wasn't a supreme court appointment and I I felt obligated to step down but I just want all City staff and the board to know that anytime if you have a question about a case if you can get permission to talk to me about it um or if the city can send me word I'll be glad to help I I know we've got some some very good researchers here and I'm going to share as much of my knowledge with them about where I go searching for material uh which is it's not that many sources maybe about three or four good sources but I guess one of the things that I always try to do is find two sources for anything because newspaper articles and even the uh FL Master site file has mistakes in it and I find those on occasions and sometimes if it's a bad mistake I let the Bureau of historic preservation and tell hasy know about it just to correct the record while I'm still around to be able to correct the record but thank you all very much and it's been a it's been my pleasure to serve the city and the citizens thank you it it did strike me earlier that that our um current historic preservation board is made up of mostly new members and um I was doing some math but if Larry says 27 years of service to the historical board when you throw in the 15 that I've got between the two of us honey we have 42 years and you know what that makes us good old boys all right let's move on to our meeting purpose disclosure the purpose of the historic preservation board is to Stewart the architecture of properties in our City's historic districts by applying the guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior standards for historic preservation and now we jog to our appeals procedure and exp parte communication which jumps around in the agenda and here it is any person agreed by a decision of the board May within 15 days thereafter apply to the city commission for a review of the board's decision such application must be filed with the city manager in writing thank you moving on we have the approval of the minutes from the September 5th 2024 meeting has everyone had a chance to review the minutes if so looking for a motion to approve motion to approve thank you Mr Hollister and a second second thank you Mr Rosa all in favor please say I I the eyes have it moving on we go to public com ments as we know public comments are limited to 3 minutes we don't take action on items and we ask that everybody be super sweet we'll begin with actually we'll begin with and finish with alra kitchens one oh gosh sorry 1020 you know what we don't have to do that anymore uh Allegra kitchens Paca Florida yes ma'am sorry you can't read my handwriting it's 1027 South 12 Street I'm here to make a public announcement the annual Christmas tours of Home 2024 it will be Saturday December the 14th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 4 pm the tour begins at the Woman's Club 600 South 13th Street Palaca Florida and this year they have seven homes on the tour which is wonderful last year they had 13 I actually managed to get to eight of them and couldn't make the rest of them and that's traveling as fast as I could travel so I'm really pleased to this year they have seven and I think everybody will be able to go to all of them um uh you can go online and find out how to get the tickets or you can go in person they are available at the the urban farmhouse on St John's Avenue downtown they are uh available at the gosh I can't uh the Lemon Street Market uh which is owned by the mayor of pacum that's also in St John's or at the uh they can be bought the day of the tour at the Women's Club clubhouse on the corner of president in Quill Avenue so this is a very wonderful thing it's very wonderful for the community it's loads of fun you get to meet some of your neighbors if you don't already know them so I urge everybody to um attend this and if you have a question you can call 386 93731 96 for details and the tickets are $25 and I'd like to say something about Larry Beaton I've known him since he was a baby he's always been wonderful and he talked about his two sources he's got three sources of information folks that he didn't tell you number three is his wi he has so much in his brain that if he put it out in a book it'd be a 50 p 50 Book Encyclopedia so the third the third reference for his knowledge is his wonderful mind and it's been my pleasure to know him all these years we call each other cousins because we sort of are by marriage and I'm really sad that he's resigning from the board but I'm really glad that he is available and you don't need permission to ask him see y'all later thank you Miss kitchens I did wonder about that as well because I believe that that Mr Beaton is still our honorary City historian is that correct yeah so we should be able to reach out and we will all right moving on to uh regular business this is HPB 24-18 a request for certificate of appropriateness for various improvements to 120 Kirkland Street black of Florida um we were handed a little bit of extra information um when we came into the meeting but it was um looking at it pretty much just information from the master site file which we probably went ahead and looked up on our own but thank you very much all right to begin the process yes ma'am good afternoon everyone today I'm presenting the request for various repairs and improvements on a structure located at 120 Kirkland Street the property is located in the South historic district of faka according to the Florida Master site file this is a frame veicular residence constructed between 1892 and 1897 the style influences are Victorian with a steep Gables and irregular plan located in a well-defined residential district one and 1 half story house with a major wall Dormer and the center Front the porch across the front has metal handrails and columns with scrolled metal inserts which are clearly not original House appears to be marginally maintained with signs of deterioration in the house and yard so the uh frame vernacular architecture style of the building that uses Simple Wood local materials a traditional construction and te techniques to create structures that reflect the local and environmental and culture sorry I'm a little nervous um the requests are in the uh agenda and did you need me to go over those at all or had you had a chance to look at them um I'm certainly we have all had a chance to look at them was there anything specifically that anyone would like to have additional information on I was just going to go through if you've seen them that'll be fine go ahead and go through them I just wondered if there were any areas that we we knew we wanted more information on which will be for the applicant okay um he's going to remove rotten or compromise sighting with a new Elite treated wood sighting painted extra white uh replace in the front door and paint along the porch ceiling sofits with eucalyptus wreath green the paint outside the trim and accents are going to be a rooftop garden green so it's white and green on the outside uh wrap or repair The Columns he has to get into them and and see exactly what needs to be done there uh replace the front door with Tucker Door and Trim fiber blast door and eliminate the screen door replace existing fence with a wood stain cordovan Brown replace the porch and propos back porch with woodstain cordovan brown as well um the items the owner has identified will closely restore the house back to its original design and make the structure a positive asset for the historic district and the City of Palaca public notice was issued by the city including legal advertisement in the black Daily News property posting and mailed notices to properties within 100 ft of the subject the applicant is here and present to answer any questions that you may have did you receive any comments back from property owners in here okay no ma' thank you do we have any questions at this point for Miss Brown if not let's welcome a new homeowner to Paca from St Augustine come on up and if you would uh state your name and and uh place of residence for the record sir okay hi my name is Warren Barry I'm currently not living in the home that needs quite a bit of work I just got it termite tinted So currently I'm at 1140 Bay Forest Road in St Augustine um anything else tell us about the project okay or you know the question we're of course dying to ask is Paca why isn't it wonderful we're so glad you're here well um I actually ended up here because I was Project managing a restoration project across the street for and Walton at 111 Kirkland Street and then I saw this one come up on the market and I've been wanting to you know get my own old house like can restore it back to as well what I thought was original looking at but I'm talking to Larry it was a lot different when it was first built so um but yeah that's how I ended up here I saw that and I bought it and now it's my project to fix it up and I'd like to get the deck fixed out front so I can sit there and look at the river it looks pretty awesome I grew up in Jacksonville so I've been down here for work and you know now living in St Augustine and here I am to get it done and bring it back to what it used to be when it was built fantastic um we we have quite a few different things that our applicant is requesting is there anything that anyone wants to pull to ask questions about um I I personally did not see anything but that doesn't mean that somebody else didn't yes sir on page 20 here it has um a column with a different look than what's on the house so I'm wondering if you're just using part of this column as an example or the complete entire column um no I was hoping to add the little accent pieces at the top just to give it a little bit more detail than the square and I was trying to find something that looked like from the time that would you know I mean I'm not going to go put like a vinal column or something up there but old wood and like this type of look as well for thank you thank you ladies gentlemen anyone else yes ma'am um a mention was made about the front door being fiberglass yes uh we like wood front door okay yeah yeah yeah I'm not hard stuck fiberglass I'm trying to go to what it used to be as my goal so see what I mean I understand why you would want fiberglass but y it's the front door yeah I can do thank you so much does the St look okay to everybody that kind of put up there just with wood Instead at the same you know I find this house fascinating because I look at part of it and and it looks like Dutch Revival because of like the shape of the roof and the way the sides of the building are yes and then the front porch looks like sort of typical Southern front porch and the and the existing door is French yeah and that's actually an inter door that somebody yeah modified I think you'll find a door because I know they architectural places here there's some in Jacksonville I believe you probably find a door that more suits the architecture of the house okay um the one that I submitted with the picture of is that close to what you guys like the wood bottom the glass on the majority yep but with wood but with wood that's easy I can do that yeah thank you cool thank you all right well ladies gentlemen oh it could have say other comments okay I'm sorry no no you're fine so you're already got the ones on the the the the why coming up on the post and the fiberglass comment but the on the picture of the um the deck on the back and were you planning to change the single door to a double door there or what or that was just that was a concept that I had a friend of mine all originally but no there's not really even room with the panel and the way the cabinets are because that I believe at one point might have been the old back porch deck and maybe was changed into a kitchen at some point Through The Years got but no I don't have room for the double I want to keep it a single okay got you those are M thank you thank you uh do we have other comments or questions for the property owner or oh sure I was going to say or can we go ahead and open up for a public comment uh let's open up for public comment Madam chair I have noted for the record that Mr Sheffield's present thank you ma'am do I sit yes okay this is where Larry tells us about your home um Larry Beaton POA um historian putton County Historical Society um I just took a quick look at this just because I knew I was going to be down here and this was your only case so I wasn't going to have to do a lot of homework on this um the original address for this house was don't ask me how the city was addressing in those days but it was 304 and 305 Kirkland it was built as a duplex and so if you look at the house closely you can actually see that it had a fleet dividing wall down the middle of it separating the two houses um in in 1909 it was it was built sometime before uh 1897 U and after 1892 and you had information was actually built in 1894 which really would fit right into to that time frame um it was changed to um an address of 120 a on the Riverside and B on the North side in 1909 and then it was remodeled to be a sing Le family residents in 1915 um a couple of notes from looking at the sandborn maps and I'll present all this to City staff or if anyone wants to look at any of the maps or whatever I've got them here but a couple of notes just from the sandborn maps um the original roof on the main structure was shingle I'm suspecting that was wooden shingle is what it was originally the back part that appeared been a kitchen um on to the back was uh either slate or a tin roof and the chimneys were terracotta which I thought was rather interesting also and instead of brick and at some point it was replaced with a brick chimney that's on the house and that's really everything significant the front porch if you look at the structure in the different Maps was always an open porch and it also had an open porch at the rear of the residents also that went across across the back of the structure it's a really neat house and I personally feel like it's an important contribution to the South historic district thank you thank you you want me to um Sunny do you want this or you pass it right on or whatever I would think that that most of the information apart from possibly the sandborn maps are already in our packet nope I see the sandborn maps so I think yep I think we're okay yep but thank you very much and thank you much appreciated ladies gentlemen with the with the caveat that we are not fans of fiberglass front doors we' prefer wood um is there anything else that that we need to discuss or can we go ahead and move forward with a motion of some nature all right would someone like to to step up and make that motion I make a motion that we approve the plans with um one condition that the front door become a wooden door but we approve the plans other than that one item everything else is approv appr D all right we have a motion do we have a second thank you Mr Sheffield we have a motion in a second all in favor please say I I and opposed thank you very much sir and again welcome to the neighborhood thanks a lot uh moving on to our next order Business board member comments ladies gentlemen do we have anything that we'd like to share at this point no yes possibly the uh brochure and I know I've been out of town um the Brer has been printed right I know uh shanana said it was it was mailed to the house but I haven't been home yet I've just come directly from the train station you're from from from Michigan and so what is but I assume that meant that it went to the board or was it distributed it was published to the public okay all right that's the version it did come to the board and we gave a very very fite amount of time for board members to personally share with with Peter if they had any concerns additions deletions etc etc etc that finite amount of time passed and we had to get it printed yeah and I I had given my comments um a month or so ago um within and and I I hadn't seen the the version after that but Lobby in the lobby there's a stack of the brochures over at the annex and if any of you could help distribute them to local real estate companies and title agencies um planning department has sent them out but not in bulk um they the company just received one broke so we could use some help there okay great idea absolutely um and thank you Mr Sheffield moving on to staff comments anything for us today no nothing for you today but thank you all so much for all your time and effort I know Mr Sheffield mentioned he jumped on a train to get here and Mr Hollister a new term and Mr Beaton with his many many many many many many many years experience I just I thank you all so much for everything you do for the city of Paka thank you signing off clerk Sunny thank you very much um I believe ladies and gentlemen at this point we are looking for a motion to adjourn a motion to adjourn does anyone disagree fantastic