e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah you can go thank you very much for coming today we're going to um bring thiso this uh meeting of uh June what is it day 4th June 4th um planning board meeting together um if you would uh please [Music] stand we will have the invocation is uh no okay um we'll do the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mr Bernett please join me in the pledge pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and now I will do the invocation Heavenly Father we thank you for this day we thank you for the weather that you've given us Lord God and for the people that are gathered here to uh talk about things that need to be done Lord God we just ask that you guide us and move us through this meeting in Jesus name I pray amen you have a seat I I can call the role but I can tell you you won't have Quorum so do you want to just announce that we're waiting on for yeah um we got another member coming I didn't realize that before we started me I mean I knew he was coming but I just didn't think about it to the right sorry I sound so scatterbrain today and just got a lot of things going on um just one Mr Barnes is on his way according to everybody so um if y'all just hang with us for just a few minutes um noted for the record that Caitlyn Owens Edie Wilson and George deer excused for the record e e e e e e e e e this all right all right we will reconvene this meeting now that Mr Barnes has showed up okay um to do the Roll Call of the members that are present Mr Wallace here Mr Bernett here Mr Barnes here and Cher HW here we have a Corum now sir thank you very much okay reading of the appeals and procedures any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the planning board with respect to any matter consider considered at such meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made with with record include which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based on Florida statute 28615 okay now we need of approval of meeting M minutes for May 7 for the May 7th meeting make a motion to approve the May 7th 2024 have a motion to have a second second all those in favor say I I all those opposed hearing none passes unanimously um okay I'm going to open the meeting up to public comments uh this is not necessarily for if you just got a comment to give to the board or whatever you can speak if you're here to speak again um towards or against anything that's on the agenda you can speak at that time okay seeing none we'll move on into regular business um who's going to present pb2 24-9 that's the one we're doing is that you case alrighty uh good afternoon members of the board uh my name is Casey chep again urban planner here with the city of Paca this is case uh PB 2409 this is a simple rezoning application I do want to point out that under General does say flu Amendment but we're not we're not going for a flu uh future land use Amendment here it's a rezoning uh the address is 2418 Krill Avenue partial is there applicant is Mr shag George shag I believe it's here uh the official ownership I guess of the property is 2418 Krill LLC um I'm going to try my best not to read word for work because I don't want to be too boring um but there's a lot of information here uh so I'll try to pack this up nicely as nicely as I can uh so this site is a third of an acre 33 acre parcel at 2418 Krill Avenue in the blacka city limits uh the future land use designation is currently that of residential low and it has a residential single family r1a zoning classification site is surrounded by and you'll see on the map in a bit the site is surrounded by uh several other r1a properties to the north and east as well as intensive commercial zoning to the South and West the reason this property is coming uh before you today is is because the it exceeds the allowed maximum density in the r1a zone zoning so I should clarify here too that there are three units that we're aware of on on that parcel uh so at the suggestion of City staff there's been a little bit of History here uh the applicant agreed to rezone from City of Paka residential single family r1a to City of Paka multif family residential R3 we advertised R3 just want to clarify we advertised R R3 but we are going for R2 today that'll be clear in a minute so just quickly built in 1948 the original House on this lot was a single family home and surrounded by a mix of single family homes and some commercial properties along Krill Avenue the former garage structure behind the house facing Fern Street the Fern Street side of the property is subsequently converted into two dwelling units since the construction of that home uh but we don't know exactly at what point uh according to the putam County 911 the former garage that that is now two dwelling units uh in that structure was assigned an address on January 20th 2022 according to the war D the owner has been in possession of the property post that time that's May 24th 2022 the zoning non-compliance of this property was brought to the attention of City staff when the applicant applied for multiple water meters on the single family parcel in October around October of 2023 um you do have a letter here by the way that I'd like to point out didn't make it into the agenda but I had passed it around to you and if you don't have a copy I've got one extra here just from the city attorney to the um to the applicant here about some of the options to kind of bring this parcel into compliance so those options are listed there you see the one two three eliminate one dwelling unit seek a variance or seek rezoning we're of course seeking resoning based upon the options suggested in the letter the applicant filed for a variance however after the review of the variance application it was determined that density limitations established in the comprehensive plan are not eligible for variances at that point the city staff contacted the applicant informing him that a and I'm Crossed Out Future land use Amendment we're not doing that but a a zoning change is needed to retain the three dwelling units on the parcel I'll take a quick break I know Miss CR is um already put the map up there so just figure one kind of shows the subject area of the property I think we've all driven past it quite a few many times um out that way on Krill Avenue it's kind of across the street from that Island and then figure two on the same page just so it shows some of the surrounding zoning it's pretty solidly r1a on one side and C2 on the other side uh the next page shows uh figure three shows a satellite view of the property the site in question where the dwelling units were added is in that in that red box that's currently 7-Eleven Fern Street and you can see the table there just show some of the surrounding uses table one at the bottom of the page just really quickly um uh based upon the file of the case staff initially believ that R the R3 zoning District District which allows up to 18 dwelling units per acre was the adequate District however after further review it was concluded that the introduction of a high density designation would be detrimental to the established single family subdivision staff then considered that a more suitable designation would be the R2 District given that it yields a total of 2.64 dwelling units per acre that's that's 2.64 based on the the onethird of an acre uh for this particular parcel so rounding it to the highest number would allow the three dwelling units maximum for this parcel um if we do if you guys go ahead and approve the potential change from r1a to R2 it'll bring the property into density compliance per the pacco municipal code section 94-1144 f2a um so just really quickly in addition the resoning to R2 does not trigger an amendment to the Future land use map since the existing r1a and R2 zones are consistent with low density residential land use designation and finally to the recommendation staff recommends approval of the rezoning uh of this property from City of Paca residential single family r1a to City of Paca residential two family residential I'm sorry two family residential R2 and I can stand for questions I know that was a lot and of course the applicant is here as well to answer your questions thank you thank you anybody have any questions okay real quick staff so there's no other R2 anywhere in the immediate vicinity correct R2 um off the top of my head I'm not sure not terribly close that is correct Mr Barnes most of is a subdivision that La established subdivision yes sir with single family homes all of them are are one um the only thing that you have is a long CR little bit of commercial commercial yes sir but the all the subdivision behind it is all s family and in y'all's experience as staff how common is it to have spot zoning like this I know it's not a big difference between R1 and R2 but it's not it's not a proper spot zoning it doesn't qualify as a spot zoning right not proper but it's still less than ideal I guess is the best word is that kind of not incredibly uncommon your experience it's not uncommon uh and and like Casey pointed out you know first we thought that we needed a three and residential three but we consider that to be just too much of a density and we were concerned about uh the the the effect that we have in the neighborhood Crea a precedent you know that other property owners could seek the same high density and that will destroy the the character of the community of the residential community so R2 is a more proper uh it's not U too out of consistency with the with the single family homes that surrounds the property so that's the reason that we recommend that uh we recommend to you that you approve the art tool zoning and that will bring the property into compliance thanks you sir any other questions would the applicant like to speak to the board well I guess this be a little hard for you would you like the handheld mik if you don't mind we get your handheld mik you got it now in after sorry yeah I don't know what uh where to start but I bought this property my name is George skage s h k r t I purchased this property you can see I have pictures in there the way it is was almost finished completely except we had to uh do the electric connect it and that was done so we passed the inspection I rent it out and I find out that there's a not in compliance from Elco uh Elco whatever their name is a wholesaler that time and they're out of business so now I'm I'm the one who in trouble but I'm trying to do my best they're all the units you know what I mean they're you know occupied rental they're good people and I have a lot right next to it it's 75 by 75 it's completely vacant there's nothing doing any purpose at all so I'm not sure why so density what the gentleman said there on that neighborhood there I don't know what but I like to keep them all three because this house is separate and it has two units one above the other I don't know what the purpose was before but I like to keep it like that you know what I mean that very familiar with that property when I was a young man it was a Mr Bowen I think it was his name he had a VW repair shop there in that garage so I don't know yeah I wish is anybody on the board have any questions but I've been here a few times I talk to you know Miss West and the prior who was U what was her name um I forgot yeah m as well so went through this you know a few times and they advised me to do the you know the variance I did I'm complying with any anything that you guys have or might need to but I if I didn't if I did know what the heck is going on I was excuse my language I was not going to buy it you know I drove all the way from Jacksonville to come and look at it and here we are now so I need your help and if if it's to keep it I'll appreciate it okay thank you again does anybody from the board have any questions of that okay thank you sir okay yes ma'am if you want to step to the podium give you your name and address okay my name is Mary Shackleford and I live at 2417 Allen Street and I live right behind this property and like he said there's three tenants they're all really nice they're quiet and there is a lot between my back fence and where the structure is so as long as we keep that vacant everything would be fine for our neighborhood everything in that area is one filming homes yes ma'am thank you she filled out yell speaker's card no I don't think so miss shord if I could get you get one of those orange cards back there and fill it out and turn it it's on the wall and turn it in please anybody else want to speak on the record yes ma'am if you would get one of those cards also but go come on up here come on up and speak afterwards I didn't hear some my hearing your name and address June Landry uh 517 sou 17 Street good I'm just wondering I don't know all the ins and outs of this but I live further down on krill and I'm just wondering it's mostly one single family dwellings and how is the putting in multiple family dwellings are allowing it going to affect the already increasing traffic in the area would you like to address that Mr yeah but in this case you know the the the units are already there is already in existence so the impa already happened it the usually the a single family home will create about u 10 10 trips per day well what I from what I understand is once you allow one it's easy for some more to come in well you set up a present and that's the reason we are not recommending to go to the higher density to the R3 that's we're recommending to go to the R2 thank you thank you anybody else yes Mrs K you already have a card on me but I'd like to make a comment uh ligra kitens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida uh I'm neither for nor against this if the neighbors are for it and it sounds like it's a good idea but my question my comment is this perhaps the planning board or the planning director or maybe this the City attorney I would would like to find out or would like for the city to find out why when this gentleman was is was gentleman was issued the permit he was not told what he couldn't couldn't do now I know the county issues the permits now so maybe that's something that either the planning board needs to give the directive or the City attorney or the city manager or somebody to make sure that when the county issues the city permits that the permit the person that gets the permit is told what the zoning will and will not allow thank you thank you Mr kitens any other comments questions okay I'll close the public speaking part of that and bring it back to the board do I hear a motion or I have a question for our illustrious attorney if she doesn't mind um since we are kind of setting the Precedence what is what kind of ramifications do we have if we get a bunch of applicants trying to increase their zoning and at some point we have to draw the line sure um and onesie twosies is very reasonable um but is is this opening ourselves up to profession there is no doubt that there is a precedent setting effect uh especially for the immediately adjacent properties surrounding this particular parcel if they wanted to up Zone to R2 there really would not be a basis for this planning board to make a recommendation of denial uh for a request like that based upon the precedent that you'll be setting today we are in the unfortunate situation and this this does happen sometimes where you're stuck in a position of putting a square peg into a round hole um and basically that that is the situation that we have with a a purchaser of a piece of property that um stated he had three units on it when he purchased it if the city is put in a position now of essentially depriving him of his private property right having all three of those units that also sets the city up for a predicament shall we say so you you are in a difficult position between weighing the precedential value of upzoning to R2 versus the potential legal ramifications of denying the the full and best benefit of his property rights and I would like to add if I can um you said the Pres each case is is review on its own merits you do set the Pres but it have to be reviewed based on the case that is being brought to you yes sir if I understand right G but did he cause the problem he you got the property after the everything was started there it started the way that I understand everything here I mean if I'm reading if I read some I read something somewhere that said that basically the only reason you were doing this was to put in three water meters no sir no I didn't read that somewhere okay so the the trigger was there is one utility service for this parcel this this situation came to the city's awareness when a call was made to put in three meters so it reflected all of the units that triggered you our Utility Billing well that's how we discovered the issue nobody told me that I didn't we got me water and two me electric yes sir I understand that's how it came on the that's what I thought I read that somewhere okay how long has that non-compliant building been there since I was a little boy 63 years ago well it was at residential units then it was just a garage right I'm not sure there was an apartment upstairs no I'm saying when I before you came if I'm remember it's it's right there across the street from rips one hour um well given the fact that it's right on the highway um and the immediate neighbor seems to be in favor of it I've got no problem with it assuming if we get a crazy wave we can sit down as a board and draw a line somewhere and it's my understanding that we can do that to protect the Integrity of the neighborhood if that were to come those are unique factual circumstances Mr Barnes and I would work that into your motion so it can distinguish from future applications that might be seeking the same Upson fair and reasonable I'll make a motion if you're okay sir yes [Music] sir um I move that this board recommend since the property is adjacent to commercial property and along the major highway uh that the board approved the resoning of the property from the city of pla residential single family r1a to City of pla residential two family residential R2 I your motion to get a second second okay Motion in second all in favor there any discussion before I go any further with that okay um do I hear moot or we got a motion all those in favor say I all oppos motion passes unanimously thank you sir thank you good luck Now we move on along [Music] to case PB 24-10 request to Annex um that you said that was going to be continued yes Mr chair the applicant has requested a continu the July meeting uh because they have acquired additional property to the project so they're going to have to amend the application the additional properties to the north of the property yeah they will have access to toward St John's Avenue and the joins and nor yeah so I will ask a motion you know to to Grant the continence to the July meeting okay do we have a motion to Grant this continu Mr chair I move that we table project pb2 24-10 to our next state of communication Motion in second second all those in favor say I I I all those opposed passes unanimously thank you now we're moving on along to PB 24-13 establish conditional use for a club Lodge or family organization um oh she's up there yes sir Mr chair if I may I'd just like to introduce Sher farmer you know to to the board thank you this is her first presentation uh being a project manag of this application you have in front of you well you know how tough we are M Miss former you know say um just for the record Mr chair the date of the next meeting is July 2nd at 4 okay thank you all right good afternoon Mr chairman and members of the board I am presenting case 2413 for a conditional use you may know it as the former Lions Club at 318 alola Street currently the building is a non-conforming vacant structure owned by beex loan properties and the agent is Mr Jim trano and he is in Chambers today to represent the owner the site is zon R3 residential multifam and as such it does allow as a conditional use clubs lodges and familial organizations the owner of the property has received a request from The Bert Hodge American Legion Post number 45 located next door to the property as you can see on figure two uh they want to occupy the space and allow their women's auxiliary to use it as a meeting space section 94 uh 115 of the municipal code allows the reestablishment of a non-conforming use within a 36-month period however this structure has been vacant longer than the allowable time and so the owner therefore seeks to reestablish use through this application uh the table immediately following figure two lists all the adjoining properties their current use their Flume and zoning and you will see that they are mainly all R3 except for the mill property to the South which is a PUD uh as we move on the property owners are compliant with most of the requirements for conditional use I will just draw your attention to a few of them uh section 94115 are free multif family residential district lists clubs lodges and famili organizations as a conditional use and when analyzing 11 requirements must be met per section 94 3-4 criteria and responses as follows like I said I'm just going to focus on a couple of them off street parking and loading areas were required if you uh want to just take a look at figure two while I describe it um the existing structure has a lawn area that was previously used for parking but it has not been updated to conform to current code nor Ada standards uh Americans with the Disabilities Act um off street parking and loading uh uh sorry the code does state for off- street parking and loading that all parking and loading areas shall be surfaced with asphalt concrete brick or other similar material however upon request by the property owner for which the paving is required an exception to the paving requirement may be granted by the building official on a case-by casee basis for a proposed use that occurs on a developed non-residential site that does not require new construction uh Etc the code also calls for one parking space for every five members of the club and the applicant has stated that there are 30 members so six spaces are required Additionally the ADA compliance designates an accessible space be designed and marked for the exclusive use of individuals who have a severe physical disability minimum of one and uh the report goes on to explain those particular um requirements the applicant has agreed to the conditions for the ADA Compliant parking and the planning director has granted approval for a perious rock surface for the six necessary parking spaces so then we look at refu and service areas the building is currently utilizing City Residential curbside pickup and the only issue would be that trash areas um and storage areas visible from any public Street shall be planted or screened and um this must be installed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy signs uh would need to meet the requirements of section 62 and then the special requirements at letter J um outlines the general landscape requirements uh change of use requires Landscaping in accordance with this section and uh the report goes on to explain that off street parking areas containing five parking spaces uh shall contain at least 10 square feet of interior landscaping for each parking space and so um every other uh every other element uh and requirement for conditional use is uh met by the applicant they are in compliance and so staff recommends that conditional use be granted uh with those following conditions the parking shall be updated to conform to current code and Ada standards screening shall be placed around the trash pickup locations and data landscape the parking lot to code minimums uh we believe that we've presented the necessary material to demonstrate that conditional use will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and would not be injurious to the neighborhood but would actually allow a previously vacant building to host a new Civic organization that would provide a service to our community uh we've spoken with the applicant they've agreed to the conditions I'll invite Mr troano to the podium uh to answer any questions or if you have any for me does anybody in the board have any questions for Mr for thank you thank you you did good for your first shot yeah good job thank you and I've left a couple of these here for you Mr chair and members of the board I am Jim trano uh my address is 200 Reed Street Palaca Florida I do represent beex loan properties we've had the great opportunity of working with the American Legion Post the auxiliary we found that they had a need they do great work for this community we've had a building that sits next door it's vacant and they have a need and so um we've looked at that we've stepped up and we're going to allow them have access to that building they occupy um a very small area of the current uh Post building and having a a larger footprint for them to uh be able to do their work is something that that we believe is very important and it's an opportunity for us to give back to the community uh today um there are several members of the post here I think some are going to get up and speak um in regards to this item um but our cooperation has been moving forward we have plans in place hopefully if this is passed by you all today uh we'll Begin work working on the items that Miss farmer identified as well as other things so we can expedite the process and get the uh the post auxiliary into this building um so we appreciate the opportunity I certainly appreciate City staff very helpful uh through us for us through this process and I just want to have that on the record and if there's any questions that I may ask or answer of you um here to do so does anybody in the board have any questions Mr troyana okay thank you Mr thank you Mr chair um we have a couple speakers cards for this um Le kitens alra kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Palaca Florida I fully support the bird Bert Hodge post 45 and anything related to Veterans I think that using this for the Legion ladies meeting place is a wonderful idea however I would like to make a comment as Paul Harvey says the rest of the story I talked to Lester Shephard last night a member of the BFW and he told me American Legion yeah s yeah American Legion uh Lester told me that uh they did not go to Mr Beck Sloan properties Beck loone properties came to them with the request now once Beck Sloan gave them the opportunity then they did make the request but I just want to specify that b Bert hod did not go to Beck Sloan beckan went to bir Hodge first I want to clarify that in the comment and the other thing is I do have a question about I have no problem with the conditional use being granted for um section uh par paragraph six which is clubs lodges and fraternal organizations I do have a question for the City attorney under the conditional use which is e under that section there are eight conditional uses including uh retail sale of groceries Food Service medical dental office public offices Etc and what I would like to know from the city attorney with the legal opinion if you all Grant this conditional use which I think you should for The Lodges and the clubs if you grant it for this section c uh six does that only apply to that and if when they decide to come back and use this for their real estate sales office for their pending and development will they have to come back get another conditional use or if they want to use it for any other use other than the BFW ladies meeting place would they have to come back and get another conditional use for one of the other seven uses or once they apply for this is is it this and they have to come back or does this give them opportunity to use all eight conditional uses M West I think I understand the gist of what she is saying but in order to provide a clear legal opinion I would like the opportunity to review the code and get back to her on that okay appreciate it just want to make sure that can we touch base because that was a you know the question presented was quite lengthy well I didn't think about it being a legal question I was going to just ask the planning director and then it occurred to me that it's actually a legal question and that didn't occur to me till you know but I do think we need to you all need to know what you're what you're passing in other words if you're passing it for the VFW uh for the American Legion go for it it's great but if some other thing that's going to happen then you need to think about it thank you so and maybe Mr um ago can weigh in on this but typically it will travel with the applicant um but I would like to be able to research that before I respond okay Mr yeah the conditional use will run with the land uh is some some other use come in the future you know we have to RW that use against the code what is permitted or not uh in theory I don't I don't know what the use could be you know well there's eight uses here under conditional use and I want to know if if uh there applying they're saying they only want number six and there's seven other uses and I want to know if if if the board that grants the conditional use is it does it limit it to number six or Does it include all eight of them and that's what Miss West has to research it would limit to all the conditional uses that are permitted it would be for all of them for sure I appreciate that I still would like to hear Miss Wes legal opinion but I appreciate you saying that because that's what I need a clarification on I mean if the ladies are gonna be able to use it that's great but if they're going to use it for a year or two and then be kicked out then I have a problem may I sit down there or does any more thank you you can sit down now Mr K thank you so you know again this really always comes down to how the motion is crafted by the members of the board right um if you want to provide conditions for the sake of clarification moving forward that is something that is within the discretion of the board yes sir Mr Waltz is your microphone on we've granted a lot of conditional uses but they've always been for that specific purpose only and once it was no longer and I'm not saying this is the way it is that's for y'all but once that use was no longer needed it went away and they had to come to us for another one if they wanted something else that was allowed under a condition addition use did I make that clear yes sir okay clear's mud do you understand yes sir I did I'm just picking it so you say that it's for all of them you sure there was that are permitted in that District say again for the ones that are permitted in The District in the zoning District so conditionally uses that are allowed they will permit it that's exactly what happened with this particular property he used to be a liance club so they had the condition of use in existent then he was vacant for more than six months and then they have to reestablish the condition of use that's what they're doing today they're reestablishing the line use as a conditional use in that District but so maybe I'm not my hearing aids aren't working like the lady that lady right there mine don't ever work so if we Grant a conditional use for the lodge anything that's in that granting a conditional use for that purpose also yeah I think it's up to to the to the board if you want to say that this is only approved for this particular use the conditional use is limited to the Civic type of use then you can do that and then it will only be limited to that use and we are allowed to do that this is a condition of use yes I didn't think so you can put as a condition May yes you're hanging just minute Troy on Mr Troy on um what are the what are the uses again in that particular just not in our packet me I don't I mean me personally I don't think it's a big deal I mean it was built as a Lions Club that's what it was built for to be what it what they're asking to use it as thank you s okay so it says professional business offices um public offices medical and dental clinics hospital nursing and convalescent homes clubs lodges and fraternal organizations cemeteries retail sale of groceries but no food service and no motor fuel or special fuels and no alcoholic beverages so Mr tro Mr chair if I may just to stipulate our intent was for Section six only we have no other intentions for that property other than to work with the auxiliary and allow them to have that opportunity there our entire intent was number six and that's what we'd like to ask for okay thank you Mr chair thank you Mr there would be no problem with us putting limits on it as for that Mr chair can miss farmer please be microphoned I'm sorry can miss farmer please Pi the mic okay she just I was bringing SE please stand in a microphone I brought up section 943 for conditional uses and it says a p a all petitions for conditional use shall be cons considered first by the planning board and a written petition shall be submitted indicating the provision under which it is sought and stating the grounds on which it is requested um did state that we are seeking fraternal organizations and I understood that but it was just hard for my little brain to go back and see all that so um I I think based on what she read I'm I'm heing half of everything and don't understand the other half but um based on what she just read a conditional use it's for one purpose only that you seek it for we can we can make it that way Mr W just what Mr West said a while ago divis the definition is of office person professional that's professional business uses a public office it's conditional use uses are permissible if after public notice and hearing is subject Provisions conditional use and structures in the R3 District are the same as the R2 District so I mean I'm thinking we can do and I don't think Mr tryano has any problem what we're talking about doing going to just if we if we made the um motion just just limit it to number six clubs lodges and fraternal organizations Mr chair that's exactly what I just mentioned when I back up I just wanted to make sure okay thank you um okay we were in the middle of public comment when all that came up so uh Miss coward hi I'm e coward and I'm the I'm sorry address PO Box 595 Crescent City Florida 32112 I'm the president of our local American region auxiliary we're a service and Leadership organization and just one ction we're no longer called women's auxiliary I believe we're the first auxiliary in the state to accept a male auxiliary member his wife is an Air Force veteran in the post um this year's florid Florida's auxiliary is ranked number one in the nation in membership growth our unit is ranked second in the district and in the last two years our active membership has doubled we are fast outg growing our small meeting space our mission is to support the aims of the American Legion and Beyond that we serve our local veterans their families and our children and youth some of the things that our membership does include serving free coffee and snacks at the local VA Clinic we adopt lowincome veterans in Palaca and we provide extras for all year long we send local girls to girl State we award scholarships to putam graduates who provide Project funding for classroom teachers we support the Gary s Foundation Gold Star Family amilies program we collect aluminum tabs for Ronald McDonald House we collect donations for Toys for Tots and last year we col we served 2,225 children in puam County We Lay flags on Veterans Graves we make gifts for Camp Boggy Creek for handicapped children we sponsor Veterans for Honor flights to Washington DC we support the volunteers for veterans who build ramps for those who are in need we donate to Florida's auxiliary program s we are digitizing the more than 100 Years of artifacts for our post and our unit as a centennial post there's a rich local history that spans Nationwide and year round we bake and cook and bake and cook for our local veterans and our Legion we are a separate Financial entity from the legion and we do all of these things through bake sales drawings and mostly out of our own Pockets this expansion will help us tremendously and thereby help this community that we love and serve thank you for your consideration thank you man is there anybody in the anybody else in the audience who would like to speak to this seeing none we're gonna close public speaking um bring it back to the board is there any discussion I would just like to personally say that the um the building in question I think is perfect for what y'all want to do with it um that's just my opinion it's just I mean it's sat there empty for a number of years now um if this you know the the Rex properties if they're willing to do that for you I think that's just an awesome thing you know um and so I that's just my opinion is anybody okay seeing none i' call for a motion before you make a motion um your motion needs to include that the board has found there's not going to be any adverse impact to the public interest so if you could just work that into your motion thanks a lot as he turned to me uh Mr Barnes I'm gonna let you use your skilled um tongue and tie that all together Mr chair uh seeing that the board has found no adverse action from the to the public um I would like to move that this board recommend that the conditional use be granted for the explicit use of a club Lodge or fraternal organization and subject to the three conditions outlined in the staff report pertaining to parking screening and Landscape I have a motion to have a second second have a motion in a second is there any discussion amongst the board on on the motion seeing none I call for a vote all those in favor I I all those opposed passes unanimously good luck ladies we appreciate you very much okay now we'll move along [Music] to case PB 23-27 um is that one going to be continued to uh well I'm just going to tee this up I don't have a presentation uh but I do see on the zoom or I saw on the zoom we do have a couple of members from uh from Matthews I think Autumn and Christina Evans are on there as well as somebody named surveyor I'm not sure who but I think they can speak I'm gon I'm gonna let them do the uh presentation on that just really quickly this is PB 2327 the PAC Mall final plat um I guess I'll let Autumn take it away good afternoon can you guys hear me oh hang on just a minute yes sir yeah before we do that um I I was going to ask for continuous on this item since we haven't got the report from the third party surveyor that is doing the review of the final plot okay however you know see we have the the applicant and agents and the surveyor from the applicant uh they might want to address some of the issues that were uh brought up at the last meeting when it was continued uh but I was going to ask just for a continuous of the item but if you want to hear from the applicant I think it's a good opportunity to to answer some of the questions that we had okay well if we don't have everything there I me yeah I'm I'm not ready to recommend at this point until I see the report from the surveyor that is reviewing for the city of the plat so is there any use in us going through the yes I guess I I would say yes chair only because um the applicants agent has been working to address many of the concerns that were raised by Mr Wallace at the last meeting we did have a very long in-depth meeting with Mr Wallace and staff it was delightful um I'm Sorry Miss W and and we tried to address a lot of the concerns that he raised during the meeting and we communicated those concerns back to the applicants agent and so to the extent that they can brief and perhaps address um any of those concerns now before heading into the July meeting to tease out if there might be any other loose ends that can be addressed I understand what you said Thank you and they're moving forward that they have already some of the things that we asked yes okay well go ahead take it away Miss whoever I'm talking to so um aam Martin a Matthews Design Group s Waldo Street St Augustine um really don't have a formal presentation prepared because as uh Lorenzo previously stated we are expecting this to be tabled until the July meeting uh but we are here for questions and hope to clarify some of the concerns that were had uh Paul Morris is currently reviewing the updated flat uh based on our conversations with City staff so um you know hopefully we'll have that report in the next couple of weeks so that staff can review and it'll be all ready and neatly packaged for the July meeting okay thank you so we don't really I mean unless you Mr Wallace unless you have questions in your mind right now I me we don't really have anything to do but I don't have anything to say okay then I will ask for a motion to continue item to the July meeting goad Mr B I just got a question for staff given that we might be a couple weeks away from the report and this is pretty detailed um is that going to give staff enough time to work back and forth for the July meeting or do we need to go ahead and tee this up for August if the applicant is okay with that no I I believe that it will be resolved by the July meeting fair I think we have enough time all right do I have a motion to table this Mr chair I move that we table case PB 23-27 to our next state of communication in July July second what' she say I was prepared that time so I already looked it up it's July 2nd I thought you said I second I thought you were seconding the motion sorry my Southern twine reason I looked at her what in the world we have a second thank you Mr Bernette have a in a second although there any discussion yes sir Mr bares no y'all y'all are wait I mean we're getting there guys and we're gonna get there before five o'clock okay so just stay with me um any discussion no okay so we have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed seeing none motion passes unanimously to table this to our July meeting thank you thank you man okay I believe that's it right okay seeing nothing else on the agenda I have a motion to oh wait a minute staff comments excuse me one of y'all guys I I don't have any comments Mr chair apparently I do miss W I would just like to take a moment to um thank Casey chap for his work was making I'm so sorry um this is going to be Casey's last meeting with the city and so um he's done a great job U you know picking up the reins from that very difficult transition with Miss Walsh leaving and uh it's been a pleasure working with him but he's pursuing his Masters and planning and Hope we'll get to see him again soon Casey I'd like to say it's been a pleasure working with you you you always came prepared you always answered our questions you know and and all that and I just want to wish you luck and in in you know chasing after your dream and getting a master's degree I mean that's very admirable on your part and we we we appreciate you as the city of Pac okay anybody else on the board got anything to say one comment just to piggyback on that I wanted take the opportunity again to thank Mr Wallace U for his time and expertise uh in helping with these plats and and this is some pretty detailed stuff and he's got a lot of experience and education in it um and I'm I really appreciate your efforts in helping us stay in line and I'd like to Echo that nothing I can give you okay all right anybody else got anything else to say or add to or um city manager Bell would you like to address the board in anyway you sure know better than between people and a okay all right well can I all we stand a jour