e e test clerk mic 2 222 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e alrighty folks we're going to call this meeting of the planning board of the city of pla for May 7th 20124 to order thank you all for coming uh we're going to start by asking Mr jelo to lead us in an invocation followed by Miss Wilson to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance grateful for all that we have we're thankful for the city in which we live we're thankful for those who live in and around it what they do and for those who look for the betterment of it we're grateful here to be the planning board to look at the things that would be best for our city and those that might not be that we might have the wisdom and knowledge to turn those things down th bless all who are not here these things we pray for for be thy will in the name of thy son Jesus Christ we pray amen amen one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all Miss CR would you lead us in roll call certainly Mr Del here Mr Wallace Mr Bernett here Miss Wilson here Miss Owens is not present for the record and uh chairman kbu is not present for the record and vice chair acting as chair Barnes here we have a quum Mr chair thank you okay I'm going to read the U appeal procedure and exp parte communication notice any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the planning board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a Verbatim record of the proceeding is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based foror statute 28615 uh with that we'll move into the approval of the minutes uh is there any discussion would anybody like to entertain a motion say that again my hear we're going to move into uh reviewing the minutes from the meeting of March 5th 2024 is there any discussion I'll make a motion that we approve those minutes as second all right we got a motion and proper second to approve the minutes for March 5th 2024 any further discussion all those in favor say I I all opposed same sound motion passed uh we'll move on to public comments uh is there any member of the P public that would like to speak to the plan board about any matter that is not uh on the agenda for today seeing none we'll close public comment and move into our first order of business uh final plot approval for 400 North State Road 19 and with that I'll turn it over to staff for a presentation all right uh well Mr Vice chair members of the board uh this is case PB 2327 the pacal final plat uh this case has been before as in a preliminary in the preliminary way has been before this board before uh I don't see the applicant here right now but I I believe somebody from Matthews was going to to be with us um so the applicant is approve uh requesting approval of a final plat to subdivide the existing parcel which is the pla Mall pla Mall property from the uh into four parcels creating three new out Parcels intended for future development if you look at your agenda packet page eight that's where the staff report begins figure one shows the entirety of the subject parcel that we're talking about we all know where the mall is it's on State Road 19 on agenda page nine you can see in figures two and three cover the uh commercial future land use designation of that site as well as the C2 zoning in figure three again that's page n just a quick background on this agenda page 10 the preliminary plat for the subdivision was reviewed and unanimously approved by the planning board on December 5th 2023 the approval was contingent upon the applicant addressing staff concerns included in the report the property in question has a future land use again commercial and zoned intensive commercial C2 uh new out Parcels to be created will continue to have the same designation and Zoning the proposed new Parcels are are not required to meet minimum dimensions and will'll have the following sizes you can see there on page 10 of the agenda packet um we're referring to the out Parcels as a b and c the full parcel being D if and I hope that's clear I know um again I thought the the applicant would be here to to clear some of this up but all the parcels will uh use the existing access from State Road 19 as well as an internal roadway the existing mall is served by a storm water system previously installed new development will be needed or will need to be designed and permitted by the local and state agencies again the applicant would have a better idea of what they plan on doing with that or what may be done with that in the future if they are sold or if they have you know people lined up to buyers lined up that's um not really what we're discussing today uh the proposed subdivision parcel meets development standards and are in general conformance with the city of plaa uh Municipal Code section 749 and 74- 9 as well as section 74-2 and within Florida State Statute chapter 177 the final plat is in general conformance and consistent with the previously approved final plat the applicant has addressed and satisfied the 18 items noted in the staff report um I do want to say we should probably look looking at the actual plat and Miss CR already has it pulled up uh figure four and figure five on pages 10 and 11 are actually there's there's the larger version there that she's found Pages 17 and 18 of your agendas um page 17 shows sort of the northern uh boundary or the northern half of I guess of that property and page 18 is the South half if any of you would like I I printed um the Tabloid style plats there but we also have larger copies I know U Mr Wallace had had requested those as well and he could also uh pass it around so just with that um seeing how the preliminary plat was approved before and the applicant has addressed comments staff recommends approval of the final plat and um I can stand for questions as well as the I think the planning director probably has better knowledge on this case than I do and thank you for your time does the board have any questions for staff [Music] uh there there's there's several things about clap uh aren't in compliance with State Statute or our code or whatever and just I'll give you some that uh there there is no index uh map on any of the pages uh both our code and state statute say that you got to have an index uh map on every page there are none uh his Parcels he's got some identified as out Parcels some of them he's calling Parcels an out parcel is a piece left out of a plaque and none of these are out parses but he's got some he's got one identified as an out parcel yeah out parcel and out par he's got two identified as out Parsons and he's got one identified as a Parson when you want me to stop no please list there's no easements there you got lots or whatever he calls them uh uh by our code and state statute they've got to be on a public right of work none of them are on rights of work uh no index sheet no prms no pcps and Paramount a plat are prms and permanent reference monuments and permanent control points those If part of that plaque gets wiped off the face of the Earth for whatever those points are what put it all back on so that everybody ends up with their house on the right part so when it's over there are none qu no please list anyway I'm gonna stop right okay but absolutely please two the afcan is not present some of issues today have to be addressed seems lotsu and make aist of all the ite can I say something else you you need to get a review and surveyor which is part of the plat process right uh the developers going to pay for him City you and right now on the plat it's going to be uh Wesley um county S last name continuation allow yeah and get him to review it before it comes back here and he's going to catch most of these things and then it can be corrected and when that final PL comes back here there's not going to be all this garbage pardon my terms um before we move on to uh any motion is there any member of the public wishing to speak to this matter seeing none I'll close for public comment and come back to the board would any member of the board like to make a motion to table this so moved as Mr ear Wallace brought to our attention things that we need to know so we appreciate his expertise in this thank you very much do I hear a second second all right um so we got a motion by Mr Delo a second by Mr Bernett to table this agenda item into our next state of communication uh any further discussion all those in favor say I I I any opposed same sound motion passed uh moving forward to agenda item five staff comments discussions on Plat and code requirements within subdivisions um Miss Wes were you gonna speak to that or yes sir very good thank you um so you have a memo that I provided to each of you I I'm sorry about the late delivery on this uh had a few things I needed to take care of but but if you recall this was stemming from the last uh planning board meeting that we had where Mr Wallace wanted a a little bit more explanation on plats and subdivisions and it appears that I did not exactly capture what he was seeking but that's okay that's okay we're gonna continue to work together to um resolve some of his very legitimate concerns that are within the code that quite frankly our our code needs work in a lot of areas um and honestly the sections that deal with approval of subdivisions and plats and puds some of those sections date back to 1981 with no updates and so it's it's just not relevant anymore so I'm going to go through it with Mr Wallace and our planning director and we're gonna have lots of coffee and lots of fun in the meantime oh pastries too huh well can we put some sushi in there we we can have beer and barbecue if she wants you know um but at any rate I I did want to just kind of touch on and I don't want to in any way be condescending to the the long expertise that the planning board members bring to this board um but there are some differences um just in terms of subdivisions which are increasingly not utilized in the State of Florida um because they are not as Innovative and as dynamic damic as a planning tool um and so increasingly developers have been relying on planned unit developments which which is all fine and good um except you'll see on the second page um I've listed out what our city of flaca code requires when it comes to plan unit developments and you're going to see this when you see applications for planed unit development come before you you know there's supposed to be um flexible and Creative Concepts of site planning they're supposed to preserve the natural amenities of the land by encouraging Scenic and functional Open Spaces um the whole purpose of having a plan unit development is if you have a swath of land let's say 20 acres and it's one dwelling unit per acre right you can cluster all of that existing residential zoning onto five acres of that parcel preserve the other 15 acres for open space or what have you um and then you have high density in that one 5 acre section and it preserves more open space you can't do that with just a straight um subdivision or straight zoning and so puds allow for that more Innovative um planning approach increasingly what we're seeing uh puds are constantly changing they're very Dynamic you see a lot of them here in the State of Florida with much larger tracks of land than what are within the city jurisdictional limits for blacka um but you'll see a lot of multi-use components being tucked in now so you'll see um medical facility hospital campus puds you'll have a a commercial I like to see more of just you know a Happy Nails and a pizza parlor being your commercial component because that's not really a job driver right but that that's what we're seeing more of in puds is kind of that multi-use function um but these are just something to to keep in mind as we go forward forward I've identified through the help of our um planning staff some of the existing puds that you have recently reviewed and approved but you might want to just keep this criteria in the back of your mind as we move forward um and then I kind of just gave an example of you know on the back page the third page the bottom boring black and white sketch is a you know just a straight up subdivision um where you have a plat that meets all the criteria that Mr Wallace has identified according to State statutes and that the the the land is subdivided into lots that are sold to individuals um and a PUD is a little bit of a different concept it's one owner and then they sell it and it there's a handoff to an association that continues that kind of one-owner capacity um but you can see in the colored photo how you have have you know a little bit more of a phased approach in terms of flexibility for the developer and uh more more of a mixed used concept there so that's what we're looking for in the ideal PUD um so just something to keep in mind I'm happy to answer any questions but this was more informational than anything else to me I like I think if you look back I ask why this one we just addressed was plan unit development when you got all kind of unusual circumstances uh the developer in the city get together and they draw up a contract basically and each one of them knows what the other has to do and if something unforeseen happens you can go before the planning board again and get it revised so that you can update it to the current uh circumstances but everybody knows what they've got to do and it gets rid of a lot of questions yeah I actually think that's a really good point this parcel would be ideal for a PUD and maybe that's something that we'll discuss with the applicant when we get the opportunity any other questions any other comments from the board on this I would like to briefly thank um m West for the information uh as I'm speaking for myself but I'm sure I'm uh relaying everyone's sentiments this is some incredibly complex stuff um and thank you for for diving into it thank you Mr Wallace uh for for pointing out some issues that need to be addressed um sincerely this really important stuff especially for uh our success in the future sincerely sincerely I'm serious thank you very much this is not the ination no this is this is important stuff so thank y'all for your work and um staff I'm sure you're going to be instrumental in that as well um any other comments from the board any comments from staff anybody want to adjourn