##VIDEO ID:FuajiaySoxQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e must be swor officials who will be testifying to stand and take an oath persons from the city who will be testifying today if you could please stand we get to do it again no we don't all right Dent tones yeah she had a we ready all right and now being 133 we're going to commence the proceedings before the code enforcement uh special magistrate for the city Paca we have previously briefed um the members of the the respondents who are present as well as the members of the staff and we're at the process of taking an oath on all those members of the staff who will be presenting today and i' like to ask those persons to please stand let the record show Mr Green low of stood do saw me swear or affirm the testimony you shall give it be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes let the record show both have answered in the affirmative we will take the cases in the order in which they are listed on the agenda the accepted for that being if there are persons who are here who are respondents in the case understand that we have two um the first and we take those in the order of their appearance those who come first get to go first so therefore the first case we will hear will be um case 2224 property located at 105 Viking Manor Street patka Florida 32177 owner of record Sher a cook Miss Cook are are you here please come on up and you just stand behind the podium please and yes we into of the mic we have to record these proceedings and we want to make sure that uh you we have everyone and you are Sherry a cook the owner of the property 105 Viking Street yeah all right and could you raise your right hand for me you saw me swear or affirm the testimony you should give today should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you have you been here before were you here at the previous hearing two years ago and I'll discuss that in a minute um time so you're here and Mr Green is going to your case right yes sir Mr Green's gonna make a presentation and let me me just ask right away it has been two years what has been the issue that has been two years before this got back to us I'm catching up put all the cas old Cas now I'm sorry catching up all the old cases they have um okay just out of curiosity why is that fair to the property onor oh I think Mr cutright answered that question better I'm sorry Mr cutright he's on Zoom I think he answer that question better and the reason I bring that up to fines been acre yes sir now there was an order entered in this case what the previous order signed looks like 6622 yes all right now miss cook you were here at the previous hearing right and you understood there was some compliance that would be required right did you ever call Mr Green and tell him you were in compliance well when I came into the courtroom that day I showed you pictures that my yard had been cleaned up and everything and the box of debris he's talking about was gone now the stuff on my carport is not trash and debris it my mother died and I had her stuff there to be distributed I understand that but whatever happened two years ago in terms of the findings there was a finding of a violation correct and the only thing it was required and there was no fine at the time was to take care of the issue and that was to get it out of sight I believe was the correct solution is that correct Mr yes sir so all you had to do was call it Mr Green and say I took care of that well I'm not necessarily taking his side that it's been two years as this came back up on the other hand all you had to do is call him up and say you know I've taken care of this and in that two years I had never heard anything I didn't get another certified letter saying it wasn't compliant or anything well but you were here for the hearing right you got a certified letter after the hearing finding the violation and that certified letter had in it a notice of a time for compliance before a fine would AC so there was no cost at that time until the compliance time so if you knew about that you were here at this hearing and that date was announced my question to you is how come you didn't call him and tell him list I got this taken care of why are we here two years later well like I said I'd already shown you that the it was done by pictures I brought in but I didn't know I had to call him I mean I've never done this before tell me about this Mr Green where are we I mean why is this why is this here I mean is she out of compliance today yes it's still out of compliance sir well did you ever did you yes sir I did go out on um 1123 2022 I reinspected the prophet and the prophet was still out of compliance and that's when the the finance began so you went out there yes sir did you tell her you went out there no okay so she didn't know you were out there no sir did she live there you live in this property why aren't you guys talking to each other I mean I mean I'm I'm sitting here looking here somebody got explain to me I'm sitting here looking at $ 36,6 fine that you say as a result of the fact that the city's overloaded with work and can't get the job done she's sitting there telling me well I thought I was in compliance but I never called the city back and then you come and tell told me that you went out there and didn't tell her you went out there and that's how this ended up with a $6,650 fine I have a phone number our email for Miss um cook and I I'm not allowed to go on property all right I tell you what's do at this point so just for a little bit of clarification um this matter was actually sent to to me I'm the City attorney for foreclosure um because the fines had gotten that high and that happened back in the the spring um when I looked up the property I noted that um it was not homesteaded um which obviously makes it eligible for foreclosure by the city because it's not homesteaded property um not sure why it's not homesteaded if if you do actually live there um if that's the case why is it here I you understand I'm not trying to be unfair with anybody at all I'm just like how does this happen yeah um so I we were going to move forward with the Foreclosure proceedings um to either get the fine paid or possess the property and have it sold on the courthouse steps for foreclosure um and I I believe um reinspection was done do you have any of the images uh that you don't have any images showing the carport now now I I haven't put it I to like last month yes I do okay and if you look at the pictures they're entirely different the two years ago one was taken care of this new one is I'm fixing a move in a few months and I'm packing up stuff and it's in boxes and bins I don't know how you can call it trash and debris personal stuff hang on the back up you said it was going to foreclosure we were going to file a foreclosure case um that mean there was a lean already there was a lean you entered it that's okay now I'm trying to get up to speed with the case so they're already at a lean stage why are we here today I believe it's a new violation no I didn't I didn't I second hearing I didn't know it's the second hearing I didn't know the lean on I know it's the second hearing and like I said I have not been told any of this you know and all of a sudden I get see something $36,000 that I didn't even know was being acred so can I advise on the lean reduction if your property is currently in compliance and it sounds like you may be moving or whatever the minute your property is in compliance you need to come back to the city tell them that you're in compliance and only then can you apply for a lean reduction um you can't apply for a lean reduction if your property is not in compliance so the minute you get the bins boxes whatever they are out of there um regardless of the characterization trash debris whatever this has been going on for years now um as soon as they are removed contact the city we can do a driveby very ify that it's in compliance and then you can apply for a lean get that reduced can go check what that does that help not if I'm still responsible $36,000 I that's okay so that's what I'm trying to explain to you once you bring the property into compliance you can get the amount of that lean reduced from $336,000 to a significantly lower amount um that's up to the city commission to decide but frequently they can be reduced by you know up to 90% uh so you would only be looking at a lean of potentially $2500 or so instead of $36,000 but none of that can move forward until the property is in compliance and then you can apply for that lean reduction how long do I get to getting compliance I mean like I said this is all new to me here so uh special magistrate Brown you can set some time frames um well here's the thing once the way this works there was a finding of a violation there was a period of time for compliance originally that apparently passed and there was apparently another hearing or how did that how did the lean get put on did you just put it on as a result of the lack I have to do the lean on already this initial findings the first case that so there was a lean for record at that point statute can allow that and you know you got to sort out the notice requirements the so what's happened is that the lean was put on the property um like I said it's not Homestead Property it is subject to foreclosure but once that lean gets put on the property the special magistrate loses Authority on this and now goes to the city commission to make any decision they have regarding whether or not they want to reduce the amount of that and so that's the next step with this so I'm kind of out of authority in terms of what I can do today so I'm not sure why this is here today but the Le's been filed and so I don't have anything I can do with this case so this case here would be considered a second hearing well here's the thing if the lean is filed if the lean has been recorded usually when you bring it back to the second hearing that's what you do if that lean's been recorded we're P that and once that leans recorded and the findes are still out there the next step's going to be with the city Commission because now I'm out of authority yes sir okay so since you're out of authority I'm I'm going to provide you some guidance get your property into compliance as soon as possible Circle back to code enforcement let them know it's in compliance and then you can apply for that lean reduction in the meantime um and this is completely aside but if you're living at the property you really should apply for your homestead exemption say where do I do that I mean I've never heard of it right that's at the the tax collector office um where is that property appraiser property appraiser excuse me you know where the old Bank building is on Fourth Street that's the property appraiser office okay go over there that way actually Fourth Street and let them know you may have missed the deadline for the upcoming tax year um but your your property is in Jeopardy of being foreclosed upon if you don't provide that protection so um I would get that taken care of and for what is worth to you my observ I've been doing this for a long time I've been in local government law for 37 years helped me um and I've been doing this Code Enforcement issue for seven eight years and none of these jurisdictions want your money they just want compliance now whether that's happened or not and how the the history of this particular case which is very entertaining and to to me perhaps but not to you I'm sure it's frightening to you is still out there and it's something they got to resolve as to how all this transpires having said that where it is is that there's a lean recorded on the property for the violation for lack of compliance then fines have ACR as she's indicated there's a way for you to get that resolved make sure you get with Mr Green get compliance then you have a chance to apply to the city commission to have this fine reduced okay and the homestead exemption keeps you from having a leans enforced on your property Florida has a very friendly law when it comes to Homestead and foreclosure so is very very important that you do that I'm not your lawyer you need to get your own legal advice so where this is today is make you with Mr Green get some satisfaction as to compliance and they will they can discuss with you how to make a application to the city commission to have their fine reduced and you can make your case there well guess I live alone I understand I have to move all that stuff myself so I need to know how much time I have to be in well here's the thing at this point the fines just keep aw in until it's resolved you can take all the time you want but the fines keep recru under under the circumstance so the fines are a motivation to get it done and like I said how this got to be here two years later I'm sure there's a there's a multi-sided story that deals with that uh I think we've only scratched that surface a little bit but nonetheless um I mean I'm sure I can't speak for the commission I'm not them my sure go to them and say you showed up here today and this is a situation that you're in and and you'd like some relief you know especially from everything from the day forward but then perhaps for various reasons you might want to make a case on for the previous time and as Miss West indicated um you know they're have a history of being responsive to that in a big way okay but your dilemma is get compliance get with Mr Green make sure everybody's on the same page with getting that done he should be able to issue some kind if you want you want to get something in writing from him he'll be glad to provide it to you that in compliance in that part of it in the fines then go to City commission get a reduction okay well if he hadn't come through this last time it would have just kept acre because nobody told me that I was in I was in fine well let the record show you're informed now he's informed now well there are remedies that's what Miss West was trying to tell you they're remedies here and you need to take advantage of those okay thank you for coming today all right next case uh looks like we're going to go with a 2021 37 property at 501 North Third Street patka 32177 own of record appear to be Patricia Walker are you Miss Walker good to see you Mr this Mr Green this your case yes sir all right what's the posture of this case at this point is there a lean on this property it shouldn't be the second hearing it shouldn't so no lean yet shouldn't be the paperwork that you just pay me showing $25,000 in hang on let's we're gonna get through that you're Patricia Walker the owner of the property of 501 North Third Street correct all right can you raise your right hand for me yes swear from the testimonies you give today should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I did were you here at the previous hearing yes I was all right and you testify at the previous hearing all right Mr Green we're back here for lack of compliance is that correct and city is Seeking a lean yes sir all right um and did you get the certified letter regarding the notice of this year not okay the I take issue with the fact of non-compliance because I out of this meeting last time I you're not running the hearing today okay yeah and we're we're creating a record I want to make sure we've got a decent record and I appreciate your your an but we're going to try to do this in some kind of organized manner I just want to make sure we you didn't okay you didn't get the certified letter it looks like the mailing address is 501 north3 Street Florida 32177 all right Mr Green you sent the certified letter to that address did you get a green card back or no sir you get any reference from the Postal Service no sir well I got a green card here this wasn't signed yes sir that's when I mail them out I take a um photo copy of and put another some that I did send it out to the correct address so you never got it back no did the Postal Service give you any kind of receipt trying to like they try to deliver it no sir all right did you post the property yes sir all right and your Affidavit of service is included in the the record is that correct yes sir and you posted the property when uh 11:30 well hold on this U the 6 of um November yes good and Miss Walker you are here how'd you find out about the hearing this time the posting um you put a notice on my railing that's the post that's the posting required by law I don't know why the letter didn't get delivered did you get the previous letter of the previous hearing regarding okay you're here that's the important part and thank you for showing up today all right Mr Green why are we here today again this is the second hearing what is the city seeking at this point uhen Al Leen okay um Miss Walker you mentioned that you thought there was compliance or wasn't after the last meeting everything was cleaned up actually before the meeting occurred and the gentleman who was representing code enforcement had gone by my house that day the only thing I was told I had left to do was to to clean up my porch finish cleaning up my porch and did you do that which I did okay did you call Mr Green yeah and he said that it would be he'd come by Mr Green she says she was in compliance no sir well why wasn't she in compliance the stuff on P now okay well let me ask you this let's look at the issue of compliance after the previous hearing because the previous hearing was well this one not so long ago yes um well it's was so long ago it's been three years we've been allowing this to happen yes so what's the issue with three years um not catching up Sir all right and that's the owner's problem why I think Mr cutra answered that question better I'm sorry Mr cutra answer that question but I think he's on Zoom now yes uh Mr Brown Can You Hear Me yes yes I can yes though again uh before we came miss miss Mr cutright Mr cutright I need to swear you in all right I need to swear you in you saw me swear or affirm the testimonies you get today be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do all right please continue all right all right I'm just curious what happened as it's going on for oh no those are these are several the cases that we've been trying to bring back to the hearing and clean up those long long times when we had a 10,000 or more threshold before we brought I understand that part the question is the the owner what you're telling me is a city because it was underst staffed couldn't get for this for three years and the owners have crewing these fines the owner is saying that she contacted the city Mr Green in specific and said there was compliance Mr Green denies that and now where we are is it's trying to figure out contact Mr Green she contact Mr Green and we could if she got documentation that she contact him and and we can find that she was in compliance any date at that time we would back dat all find to the day we had contact or she said she contacted Mr Green and and I thank you m m walk U Miss Walker what about that you did you write Mr Green or how did you contact no I was to call because I was told it need to be reinspected after everything was everything was completed say here's the problem if there was compliance then that case ended this might be another case it wasn't compliance the stuff was on her porch all right so why don't you tell me um that see the previous case was 81721 so they had to approximately 9 what 16 maybe 21 to get in compliance yes did you go out there and look at 916 see was in compliance yes sir you did got some photographs of that no sir I don't okay well tell me about what you have and show me why we're here today and because she's saying she was incompliance you're saying she wasn't she said that you she contacted you you say she didn't that's in reply to the fines I'm sorry I that's in reply to the the fines because I was I had done everything I was told to do I understand previously Mr Green show me what you have today yes sir that was before yes sir this 2 a taking can you wait till we turn this around please all right this is photograph 2A yes said this was taken in August 6 2021 okay that's 28 this is this is from Third Street okay this is 11 that's what August when August 6 prior to the hearing yes sir and this is 2C this is 1113 2024 all right let me ask Miss um Walker this is a photo that was more than how much time did we give her to getting compliance 30 days so this was after the 30-day compliance period well this is long at this is today if you got something back in yes sir the previous picture 2A well that was before the here yes sir so the next picture you have is two years later yes sir three years later yes sir so this was taken this this year November 13 this was taken in the last month at when I was in the middle of clearing out two storage units well I will ask you this you've gone through this process before now you're back in the same situation now at this is as I said I had a 6,000 square foot antique shop which I had to close due to co I have multiple storage units which a couple months ago I started clearing out storage units a lot of the stuff is from the storage units that was there it's no longer there this is no longer there that is no longer there so this was taken 11:13 this was getting work done before I mean all of this was being worked on when I got the notice I was working on the driveway and I was working on the house because I can't stand it I have PTSD it's making me nuts okay well this is what day the 19th 13 19th 19 19 so this is six days after that photograph did this did your property look like that on November 13th did okay and six days later it's gone Mr Green when were you last out there I passed by that yesterday I'm still was it still there yes listen guys all I can do is take what I have very early so so what what's is anything different from what you saw saw then what's in this Photograph you're now showing me is photograph to see from yesterday no sir I passed by that yesterday morning then it was the same I always do a drive by before the him listen I can only go by what I see and hear in this hearing I don't get to make field trips I can go home and take pictures for I'm right down the we're here today and we're having a hearing today okay um all right show me what else you have Mr Mr do you have any photographs of today M and this is 3A this is taken 71 2021 and this is 3C this will taking 1113 224 we put a pause on this particular hearing andow Miss Walker is it go this is just a couple blocks away a block um take some photos of these same exact Vantage points and come back to determine whether or not it's in compliance SL how many here you have one all right here's what we're gonna do we're g to reset this and Mr Green and M Walker are gonna go over to this house because this isn't that far away let's take a look at the property and come back here and tell me what's going on so we're going to recess this at um 12 159 and we're going to go to one of Miss Low's cases and then when you come back let me know we'll get with you okay David Green Mr Green yes sir what property are we what property are we talking about 501 13 Street yes 501 North Third all right I'm on the way down we're in recess for a minute sry listen e e e e are we back on yes sir all right we're now going to go um reconvening the hearings before the special magistrate at 202 we're going to go now go to case 20231 100 uh owner of the property is Cynthia see it looks like the Burns family trust Jerry Burns and inz inz burns trustees is that correct that's correct sir property located at 1511 Bronson Street PATCO Florida 32177 is that correct that is correct all right do are Jerry Burns or inz Burns as Trustees of the Burns family trust or anyone representing either of them present right seeing and hearing no one um Miss L yes sir this case is up for a second hearing to have an official lean placed on the said property um there has been communication with the Burn's family um I've been speaking with Miss ANZ um but we are set for the second hearing because there's been no changes in the property okay and first hearing was held on first hearing was September 19th 2023 okay and I'll ask the same question I've asked the others where has this one been for over a year it's been been almost two years so basically this one here was it's a little over a year and um the property was being placed up for sale and we were trying to work with the property owners I was and um then the sale didn't go through um it seemed like something kept happening and every time I would speak with the property owners I would explain to them that the fines are acre they're you know they're continuing to cut to grow and they said well they're going to be buying it as is so when I did speak with Miss ANZ on Friday she came in and I discussed about the the fines and the fees and she said yes ma'am I do have a new buyer and they're going to take it as is and then I asked her I even showed her the pictures of what we needed for her to please come into compliance um they did do some stuff one of the property owners come out and they did mow the grass um but um we did receive another complaint on the property and I explained to that complaintant that we were currently working on that and she did say over the weekend they were going to try to have it boarded up and have some stuff done and then I told if that happened then I my boss possibly would remove this case from this hearing but that was not done so we are here because no actions were taken the with the original violations had to do with 30171 missing and broken windows is that correct that's correct sir and then the other was 30-1 169 of the C Code Rotten in weakened wood is that yes sir all right so those are the only thing want is to somehow replace or repair the missing Windows or board up the windows yeah yes sir compliance and then replace the rotten and weakened wood that's correct sir all right the original compliance date um was when we had the hearing on September 19th okay so it's been a little more than a year original PL state would have been in and they were given 90 days they were given until December 18th 20 23 to come into compliance and the fines were how many uh $50 it was going to be $50 a day $45 a day per violation per violation yes sir so neither one of these violations have been cured is that correct that's correct all right let's do some due diligence on due process yes sir uh you sent a certified letter to the trustees at the address on the property appraiser and Tax Collector's roles is that correct correct sir and that address was 112 Robinson Avenue patka Florida 32177 yes sir did you get the any certified she had receipt I haven't got the receipt yet but she did sign for it uh she brought in the letter that I mailed to her the other day when we spoke she got the letter for this hearing yes sir for this hearing okay so when you spoke to her the other day you know which day the other day was um she said she got it on Thursday and she came in and seen me on Friday Friday last Friday yes sir okay so what did she say at that time so basically she was hoping that her grandson would come over there and boarded up and I went went through the pictures with her and it just showed her what we needed um to have this removed off for the official lean and uh she said she was hoping that her grandson would go Saturday and Sunday and at least board the windows up for her and uh that didn't happen and she knew the hearing was going to be today yes sir I told her was today did you post the property also yes sir I did and you have your Affidavit of service included in the record yes sir I do so did she go to the first hearing um no sir they um they did not would you have talk to her I did talk to her and you talked to her after the first yearing I've talked to her about total of eight times so she's aware of the hearings aware of the violations and basically for what you're telling me he's dependent on grandchildren to come in and help make the repairs so it that was her statement to you that was her statement and they've had it sold several times or trying to but there's an issue with one of the airs on the property um not to get into their business but there's some issues there so they are hoping to sell it as is they're really just as a matter of legal perspective I don't think they're any heirs necessarily as much as our are beneficiaries so and I believe what it is that's what it is however there are real people who are trustees in proper people yes sir right and you talk to specifically whom Miss inz inz Burns okay it's a truste all right so show me what we have today show me what differences if any there were uh from the original date of hearing for the original violation so yes sir this photo here was taken in September 15 2023 this is one B 1B yes sir and this is showing where the rotten and weaken wood is on the property um the panels are actually um coming apart from the actual structure and then if you go to the 1C which was taken um yesterday um you can still see where it's coming off a little bit more and we had to contact the police department because there was somebody coming in and out and I did speak to the family about that about the squatters so they still have the rotten and weakened wood on the back side of the house and this you can see from North 15 Street and then if you go to the next slide which is to be from uh September 15 2023 the view is from rson Street you can see where the the wood is still rotten and weaken so it's been unchanged it is unchanged sir actually it's a little bit worse um this piece is actually falling off this was taken yesterday and can be visible from Bronson Street and this one here was 3B taken on September 15 2023 where it was coming apart from the house this is on the sopit yes sir and this is the same photo same taken um yesterday 3C yes sir 3C and it's actually almost all the way off and then when we move on to the broken or missing Windows this was taken September 15th considered 4B broken or missing or cracked windows and then on 4 C it was taken yesterday you can still see where the windows are broken or cracked and then that's all my evidence sir so these violations Center on some rotten wood under the window transom or window Sash on the front elevation of the house and looks like some rotten wood on the lower right side of the front elevation of the house correct correct sir and then the sopit over the front overhang foric Co of the house that's correct and then some sofit so just make sure I'm clear on 2 C and 2B those different locations that one's the front of the house and then one's going to be on the right side of the house can be seen from 15th of Bron that's where it's coming apart he took those photographs from the public rway that's correct yes sir and then 3B is which elevation so that's going to be um you're going to be at I was I took it from North 15 this is the third look a third yes sir violation for and that's again the sopic the rocking and steing away from the house yes sir and 3C is the same look as 3B yes sir so basically we got three areas of rotten wood there that's correct sir and how many how many broken windows in total so we have a total broke of Windows there's six total broken windows and have any of those been repaired no sir they haven't okay anything else no sir that's all my evidence and the city is just seeking the a lean for recordation just order an order authorizing the recordation of a lean that's correct and the total amount of fines are $16,800 yes sir okay from the date of the original hearing until you started talking with her last Friday you say you talked with her about eight times uh total about eight times yes sir and when she wasn't making progress during the first or second conversation was there some reason why we delayed bringing this back honestly no sir um it it was just now coming up it's my last one for a second hearing okay and during the during the the time between the time of the original order and today you've been in constant contact with this owner yes yes sir um I have their contact information and she's coming to the office office she's actually brought documentation where they tried to sell it and then it fell through and the city's position is they're seeking all the 16,800 at this time um we explained the the lean uh process to her I did the other day when she came into the office and there they just want to sell it as is and then whoever gets it will have to call for the lean all right based on the evidence and testimony presented I'm going to find it appropriate that an order be entered to um authorize the recordation of a lean on the subject property in accordance with Section 16209 Florida Statutes the original violations of section 30- 171 of the city code regarding missing or broken windows uh there were originally six windows that were broken or missing and those six remain broken or missing as of today and section 30-1 169 building fronts inside the budding streets are public areas the rotten and weakened wood in three separate locations on the structure are still there today and then actually worsened in at least one circumstance that's correct sir total fines have aced as of today's date are $16,800 fines shall continue to acre at the rate of $50 per day or one or $25 per violation until satisfied paid that's correct okay we're gonna take Mr Green is back i' e e a she's back are we're waiting on photographs is that correct we're going to do another case with w Wait trans we're waiting on getting the photographs back all right are we ready yes sir you're all right we're back on the record at 216 we're going to now hear the case uh 20 uh 202 2057 property located at um 9:15 car Street owner of record is Sandra Weber is that correct yes sir uh Sandra Weber here or anyone representing Sandra Weber seeing and hearing no one this is the case of second hearing is that correct yes city is Seeking a lean yes sir all right Mr Green can you tell discuss with me a little bit about due process um did you send a certified letter to the official address of record for Miss is that address 55913 County Road 35 2 Keystone Heights Florida 32656 yes sir and did you get a response to that letter no sir okay you get you didn't get anything for the Postal Service no sir when did you send it it looks like on October 30th yes a lot of times they send back the letter and indicated why they couldn't deliver it do you ever get these back on these cases i f the full envelope back but I haven't gotten anything from that one well just out of curiosity other jurisdictions seem to get the envelope back with a with a yellow leevo on it that says why they couldn't deliver it yes I didn't get that one back I do get I do get some back but I didn't get the one back from that does he ever come in after the hearing dat no sir all right um and did you post the property in accordance with State Statute yes sir and you have your Affidavit of service included in the record yes sir and when did you post the property um 11:30 of this year yes sir have you had any contact with Miss Weber anyone representing her or any member of her family no sir did you have any contact with her during the first hearing no sir when was the first hearing the first hearing was on on February 21st 2023 all right so it's been a year and a half all right peer due process has been satisfied in terms of notice of the hearing but again you never had any contact with her no sir do you know she her mailing address appears to be in Keystone Heights is anyone living in this property to your knowledge no for not in my knowledge you ever seen anyone on the proper no sir all right the original violations were section 30- 170 of the city code deteriorating paint on sidewalls and 30-1 169 mold and Milo what was the nature of those or you got some before and after yes sir did you take the photos you're about to show us yes sir do the photos accurately represent the condition of the property on date in which you took them yes sir all right please proceed this is picture one on ticking on 1213 2022 and I'm staying on car street so what was the violation specifically pain meaning what the pain is peeling deteriorating all right well the entire elevation of that wall yes sir all right and this is this is 1 C this was taken 1112 2024 same condition same um photo on standing on car so nothing's been done in the property no sir next yes sir this is picture two this is the west side of the house excuse me this is taken 1213 2022 and same condition deteriorating paint paint ping and deteri this is picture 2C this picture taking 11 12 20 24 to go back to the previous photo to two so that's the wood paint paint on the wood that you're looking at sir not the paint on the stone no sir the wood the walls and so number two c is it next two c Tak 11 12 20 24 so there's been nothing done to the property no sir okay all right this violation continues yes sir all right faint picture three it's picture 312 1322 saying deteriorating pain around the water this is on the screen door and yes sir and it looks like the the cross braces on the screen porch yes sir is that it yes sir nothing on the stone no that's coming up okay what's next this is picture 3C taking 112 24 same condition all right what's that in the door that's the no heing thank you for this here yes sir right this is picture four just taking 123 2022 and it's the molding me do on this is on the stonework yes sir and there remedy for that was pressure washing yes sir okay this is picture 4 see this pict was taking 11 12 20 24 and nothing's been done no sir all right next and this is the m m do on the steps and the the stones in front of the house and this was taken 12 13 2022 this is picture five this is picture taken 11224 and it's 5C and still molding me do is on the porch or steps rather and so that's it right so basically you have the two violations which are essentially un addressed since the time of the original hearing yes sir and again for the record been a year and a half we've got $28,800 in fines yes sir and the reason we're there's that length of time between the hearings is what see it's catching up we're catching up sir we're getting closer and I'll pose the same question to you for the sake of the hearing what why is that the owner's problem help me out guys well the owners uh the situation with that is we had at one point we had a 10,000 threshold before we even started bringing back to a second hearing since Miss West has came on board we have changed it to a different process that we're working on also when we have communication with the owners we tend to work a little bit more with them but when we don't have communication we try to get get the cases Circle back in at a timely amount at you know earlier at one point we had a short staff so we had to take our time to get the cases back to and the reason I bring that up is that once you enter this lean uh any further request regarding the amount of that fine goes to the city commission so we'll make sure all on the same page how this works yes right anything else no sir last call for sandre Weber anyone representing sandre Weber seeing and hearing no one we're going to find appropriate to uh enter an order authorizing the city to impose and record a lean on the subject property all in compliance with Section um can't remember the forward statute old age it's 6 16209 for a statute good grief at any rate uh and at that point in time uh any request for reduction on leans will go to City Comm right yes all right any news on your previous case she's back where are we with photos they not sh up all right let's hear one more can I make a request you may okay we're going back on the record uh this will be case uh 2021 37 um owner Patricia Walker property 501 North Third Street Miss Walker okay can we table the request for aink that's fine with me it's okay with the say give me 30 days I would like the gentleman we're all out of my house he said that we would discuss what else needs to be done when we got back here have that discussed should give me 30 days to get it done and I will get it done and it won't get like this again okay I as I explained to the gentleman I have PTSD my father was killed in a car accident 93 a year ago things got bad and I'm coming out of that I am working on rectifying things now thinking request 30 days and you can do that what's the city want to do with the fines that's keep acre at the rate of 50 bucks a day asking if we can may I for conversation that we had at her property uh as you and once Christie do get the pictures of you'll see that the violations are still there but she has been working on them and she has stated her situation uh and like I was telling her that we're not in no need of trying to get collect money so we're trying to get compliance uh I have no problem with bringing this case back in 30 day well in 60 days because we have right Christmas Day holiday break uh if the it's not in compliance then we would definitely move forward with what we're trying to do today is that okay with you miss it's fine with it's fine with me and just make sure we understand the parameters of this or there going to be fines acre in that 60 days the fines will continue to run but we will we will work on reducing those fines once the property come and compliance with the lean reduction process that we have in place I understand it I the lean has the lean has already been imposed on this one so that goes to the city commission yes we do and that's fine with me if that's what yall want to do okay now I'm hoping to have all of this done within the next seven to 10 days well by all means you two stay in touch yeah I was gonna say if I do that then can I call you yes and you can that would cut off the acur of additional the they you call us is the day we will stop everything Miss green might not go out there that same day but the day you call is the day we will cut everything off and whenever he validate that everything was in compliance then we will start the lean reduction oblation to help you reduce the pass down to whatever the reason what that all right but due to the agreement of the parties we're going to agree to carry this case over and continue it until the December hearing on December 17th 2024 is that agreeable to everyone yes sir yes Mr Green yes sir okay thank you very much much I look forward to hearing it again in December or not hopefully not you is that it are we done yeah yes yeah one more oh we're not done what else is there one more case 917 one more case I'm like you're done with this now we're not done done we're done with that case at this point thank you for all you've done today appreciate your coming all right final case it appears is going to be case number 20 22058 property located at 9917 car Street patka Florida owner of record is Sam Deputy is that correct Mr Green yes sir all right is Sam Deputy here or anyone representing Sam Deputy Ste hear anyone Mr Green tell us about due process and notifying Mr Deputy um send a notes for hearing to the address that was on the property tra also same address was doing tax collector also I posted a not for hearing on the property it also was posted Ina Daily News all right and you sent the certified letter to the official address of record for Mr Deputy as on the it appears on the property phaser and Tax Collector's roles yes sir and that was 623 St John's Avenue P of Florida 32177 yes sir it's like across the street yes sir okay um but you didn't get back a green card no sir you got no you haven't gotten the certified envelope letter back from the post office no just just for your own reference yall might want to go down there and ask them about that because I just have to tell you other jurisdictions are getting these back yes they don't get them all back but sometimes they least get a receipt that they got the thing and they've been trying to deliver it yes um because they'll they'll give you some indication as to why they didn't get delivered because sometimes it's unclaimed you know they try to deliver they indicate the number of times they try to do it we have been getting some of them back sir like that and then um I did speak to the mail carrier uh in reference to not getting the green cards back and he said that they're not making them sign but they some they will give them the letter so sometimes we've asked they'll tell us what's going on um but there's been a few times here where they have accepted the letter but refused to sign this is just an abundance of caution on my part to make sure we've analyzed the due diligence part to make sure they have notice notice is a big deal with this all right the you posted the property in accordance with chapter 162 yes sir and you've filed your affid of service in the record yes sir when did you notice when did you post the property um 11:30 it's been three weeks no sir 11:30 11:30 so this is the it's been just short of three week I'm sorry in short of three weeks ago any contact with Mr Deputy um he sent an email this morning showing that he had the fence repair but I I seen that's why um removed the fening and disrepair so he has the fening and repair that want the picture up there this is not something I have any knowledge of you may not is he still alive yes is okay oh very much so yes so he sent email this morning saying he had the fencing repaired so we took Def fense and and disrepair violation off so only thing left is um M and M do all right so when did he come in compliance because there were there were two original violations yes sir one of 30-h 30 32 a11 fencing and disrepair and 30-1 169 mold and mil rotten and weakened wood yes sir so when did he compliance on 3032 a11 fencing and disrepair yesterday yesterday yes okay I was going to do another case that I seen it I took pictures and like I said this morning he sent us an email showing us the pictures of being in um compliance do you have no man okay about half time like so you have been in touch with it yes sir all right and then the other was mold and buildo and rotten and weakened wood well the rotten weakened wood was along the fence have some demonstrative evidence for me yes sir and did you take the photographs you're about to show us yes sir and do the photographs actually represent the conditions of proper dat in which you took them yes all right please proceed you GNA talk to me yes sir please talk to me which one you want to do first the next okay let's Go's Let's help out let's go to one a oh that's gone so you might want to go to two so okay this is the remaining violation yes sir this is 48 taking 12 13 2022 and it's showing molding me do well I do want to ask one thing yes sir you're still seeking a lean for this whole $28,800 yes sir which included the original violation that you say was cured yesterday yes sir and you got a picture what would look like before yesterday yes the fencing and disrepair you talking about def fencing yeah yes sir you go back up Christie to 18 so this is 18 this was the fencing before um two days ago we'll say and this is the 12 13 2022 this is 1 C and this was taken 1113 2024 okay now all that been repaired along with the fencing and disrepair and the rotten ween wood was along with the fencing and disrepair right so all that so all this fencing that's on the ground there's gone now yes sir or and the fence has been repaired or just missing it's a brand new fence okay so what will happened now is that that Val will stop yesterday and the other VI the m m would continue to carry carry on okay but it took a year and a half to get this done do you know why did Mr Deputy give you any insight no sir I have no contact with him well who you been in contact with no one no one thought you said you did so the fence just magically appeared yes sir uh at the notice of this hearing today yes sir back yesterday I won't use the term magically but still okay this is picture 4way this is on mold and me do this is on the if you're facing the house it's on the left side of the house and this was two years ago yes sir and most this is on the left front elevation yes sir from car street yes sir right we good next and this is 4 a this was taken 12 13 well hold on go up 16 okay here we go that's 11:13 2024 and this is um showing the M me doing the house so is is it just the elevation or also the elevation in the roof the ceiling yes sir that's yes for the ceiling also yes sir okay and so what was the remedy just pressure washing yes sir okay and this is the upper side of the house this on the right side this is also more than me do this is 58 F taking 12 13 202 and I was standing on car street all right and more than do um The Upper Room this picture was taking 11:13 224 to a wi version of the first picture okay is that it so this still needs to be pressure wasse yes sir all right last call for Sam Deputy grean representing Sam deputy and the fence just magically appeared yes sir okay but the pressure washing wasn't done all right so so if you're asking for the entrance of a lean yes all right so for the record City's requesting the entrance for an order imposing allowing the county to impose a lean and to report a lean on the subject property in accordance with Section 16294 the statutes um as of today's date the total amount of fines and leans having acred is our fines acred is $28,800 so once we record that window is they got to go to the city commission L and the city's position is they'd like to go with that number at this time so I just need some clarification are we seeking the lean for the portion that has come into compliance because go ahead you're seeking the the FES and fees are ran up to 28,000 something before we know it was in compliance gotcha we actually stopped the defense uh find from grunning as once the green was not found out the defense was put up we have the mold and me doing the pressure wash and lean fees will still continue to run so we're seeking for everything right now because again defense was to our knowledge was not brought up before the compliance date and and then as of just recently the fence was put up we did that you tell me about the email we got this morning Mr deputy Sam Deputy sent us email this morning so we are moving forward that he's aware of all this situation okay and follow with Miss West question yes we're seeking city is City seeking all of it all of yes and you're gonna leave that with the city commission as what they'd like to do with that if it comes to that Deputy coming compliance he would have the same the right to F for reduction and we would do the same process we do everybody all right anything else based on the evidence of testimony we're going to enter an order authorizing the city to impose a lean and to record same uh in uh with regard to the subject property all in accordance with the section 16209 for the statutes as of today's date the total of fines having acred is $28,800 fines shall continue to acrew at the rate of $25 per day on the continuing violation of section 30-1 169 until compliance or satisfaction yes sir anything else we shall adjourn at 2:38 thank you