##VIDEO ID:foAUn4HMPCE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e one two e e e e e e e e e e e e e e allowances and that we make decisions based on what's called substantial and competent evidence that's evidence that would allow a reasonable person to reach a reasonable conclusion on the matter of at hand doesn't mean you have to agree with it but if it's an evidence that would allow a reasonable person to reach a conclusion that conclusion deals with whether there's a violation of the city code uh this city will be making presentations today regarding alleged violations of codes uh after giving notice to Property Owners of those violations and the uh City will have an obligation to show that the violation relates to each element of the code and they provide what's called substantial and competent evidence to show that violation what we mention uh one of the requirements of law however is that the evidence shall be sworn and what we're going to do before the any of the hearings we're going to ask that those members of the city staff who will be testifying to please take an oath as your case is called I will be asking each of you to take a oath that you don't have to take it at this time but miss low and Mr Green have stood do you saw me swear or affirm the testimony should give to day should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes and let the records show that both have answered in the affirmative we normally take the cases in the order in which they appear on the agenda however we do give preference to those persons who appear in person I do understand we have three cases where there will be uh appearances in person and for the record there are two cases which appear to relate to the same piece of property but have separate violations under separate notices is that correct yes all right so we'll treat those cases separately in terms of what's going on that being the case we're going to call case number 24009 and the owner of that appears to be kirat k i r a t l l C property located at 102 North 19th Street is that correct and do we have a representative from kirat please come forward and if youd speak into the microphone make sure we hear you we are recording the hearing for the record and what is your name sir Jack Jaton and what is your relationship to kirat LLC I'm the manager of the property you're the manager yes okay uh how long have you been the manager um about a year I'm sorry about a year a year yes are you have you been uh familiar with the the process before actually this process no this is my first time uh have you been in contact with the city regarding these violations uh not directly uh the owner he got the violations and he explained me what we need to fix and uh that's why I'm here uh okay on that subject I'm I'm big on due process that is making sure that the owners have knowledge of the hearing and knowledge of the violations before they show up what going on you said the owner who is the owner his name is gurprit Singh okay where is he located uh St John's Florida I'm sorry St John's Florida okay so he Liv next County over yes okay um it looks like the city sent the did you send a certified letter out yes you send the certified letter out on this case yes sir on 15 compliance and noce appearance all right it looks like the certified the the statute for statutes require that a notice be provided first by certified mail to the official address of the owner as shown on the property phaser and Tax Collector's roles and Miss low you did that is that correct that is correct and this address appear to be 323 St John's Forest Boulevard St John's Florida 322 by 59 correct yes sir is that the owner's address yes sir all right so he got that letter yes he did get that letter he didn't sign the Green Card which was the return receipt from the um Postal Service did you post the property Miss L I did post the property sir and did you get a see a posting on the property it's a basically a sheet of paper that the city leaves behind to let you know that the property has been subject to a code enforcement actually action he sent me I didn't see that sorry I I didn't get that I so if you talk with the owner about this yes and you can represent the owner with regard to these violations yes sir they're going to be presenting testimony about the violation and they're going to be making recommendations which I'll have to consider if there is a violation if there's a fine that might be appropriate for this in order to help cure the violation yeah sure okay yes there's no fine today fortunately but uh nonetheless so what's going to happen Miss low is going to be presenting a case on behalf of the city with regard to the violations it looks like that only one code provision which is section 30-32 A1 failer to repair replace remove broken broken fencing is that correct that's corre and fencing is in disrepair and just for the respondents consideration believe you have the pr of the code included in the record and that predict section shows that [Music] um be to PR Place remove broken fencing screening or decorative elements on a developed parcel or lot and then pretty straightforward situation basically we're talking about fencing around the property correct we're talking about the fencing around the dumpster sir the dumpster all right she's showing you some photographs that she took has to be fixed and Anthony was supposed have it fixed he started taking it down this is what needs to be yeah okay on this case okay okay I'll get you pictures okay and she's gonna these will also appear on the screen as we discuss them okay very good they won't be appearing on the screen no problem I saw the pictures you have you have actual photographs which is good that you've seen them and if you need physical copies of them for reference they'll be glad to show them to you or I'll give you mine whatever you need to make sure you have them all right Miss Lo you've got one alleged violation tell me about it and yes sir we have um this case was first observed on January 22nd 2024 it was set for the hearing and a notice for this hearing was sent October 4 2024 um complex posting and site posting were both done October 4th 2024 and we only have one violation and if you look at photo 1A in your packet the first photo was taken on February 7 204 and it's the fening around the dster all right and by the way did you take the photographs you're about to show us that's and do the photographs accurately represent the condition of the property on date in which you took some yes sir all right I have photo 1A yes 1 a it was taken February 7 2024 okay and this you can see from four four different sides so you have re Street most Avenue St John's Avenue and Street all right and it's basically I'm looking at one a yes sir and it shows it's basically boards missing from the fence is that correct that is correct sir anything else about that photograph that's a violation that's it it's just the FY dis okay what about 1B so 1B is just the current picture um no excuse me it's just another side that was taken on U February 7th 2024 okay and again we're showing missing boards is the all right and so if you go to 2A this was an updated photo taken October 7th 2024 you can also see where the are completely so what remedy is this would solve this basically they just need to um put back up the right and what's the time between the time you first contacted owner with regard to this the original before I did this Cas I was speaking to theer managering on the building um he said just going to have this fixed and when it didn't happen um I had to open up a new case because it was on in the original case all right so this is the case we have now before us that's corre so the last time you talked to Anthony was when it's been I talked to him back in February right have you ever talked to this gentleman before yes sir okay anything else all right the the city's looking basically for the owner to repair the fencing around this dumpster which does any have any questions concerning whether there's any problem with the city's evidence in terms of the violation no sir she's totally right Anthony was our hired contractor and I think uh the owner put Christie Miss Christie with the Anthony straight contact but there was some I think misunderstanding or something he started the work he did when we got the first violations and there was few other violation he corrected the others but he couldn't finish this one he started it but he didn't finish it just needed some time and I will take care of and maybe next few days Okay the reason I bring that up usually these matters don't get to me unless there's been some effort to try to resolve the problem and and it is required by law that they make an effort they being the city to try to resolve the problem before it gets here yes sir the city doesn't really want to find anybody they don't really want the money they want compliance yes sir so so you're saying that the reason that it's here is basically some misunderstanding concerning what needs to be done or what yes CU Anthony supposed to finish all the work was given to him but um like owner and him some Mis there was no agreement or something so he said he's coming he's coming but he never showed up so I think he with the owner and him and he never got to me where he actually told me straight As okay you go ahead find another contract and do it and but then I just find out and I'm going to get it done in a few days this all right just so you know the if it gets to me this is basically about motivation yes sir the city really wants you to get this done on behalf of the company uh in 30 days and by that I mean um November 14th is there any problem with being able to do that um probably just finding the right contract to finish the other jobs so we looking into a Miss Lo does this require permit to replace just speaking this one not the other work so can you get the fencing done in 30 days yes okay yes you don't need a permit to do that sir I'm not going to suggest to you how you do it but I'm sure the materials are readily available yes and a hammer and nails might solve the problem but it has to be relatively consistent is that correct M Le all right you have to have the same appearance of the fence yes ma' and the old I'm not sure where you're going but probably need to replace it all to make it look consistent you just basically need to replace all the boards but those are pretty readily available to you yes we will replace the whole new F so understand that on the 31st day um which should be November 15th uh the city is asking for a $25 a day fine to start acre on this property so that's the motivation all right yes all right any questions about that no sir all right so like I said they don't want your money they want the fence put out yes sir all right anything else for anyone if not based on the evidence and testimony presented and finding that there has been sufficient due process that the owner has been notified and a representative of the owner is present um we're going to find there's a violation of section 30-32 A1 of the city code due to the fencing and disrepair that is specifically missing boards on the fencing Sur rounding is the dumpster located on the property at 102 North 19th Street the remedy will be to repair replace remove the broken fencing probably to replace all the boards with a consistent appearance um fencing material U owner will have 30 days from today's dat to bring the property into compliance that will be by the end of business on November 14th 2025 in the event of non-compliant is it for the 14th the 30th day or the 31st day the 14th be the so the first fine will commit on November 15th not the 14th of $25 a day will commence on November 15 2025 just just so you know if it doesn't get resolved and the fines continue to add up it can eventually turn into a lean on the property yes sir all right yes sir understand what I'm talking about yes sir so make sure the owner understands what needs to be done with regard to this like I said um these aren't complaints that happen in a vacuum usually somebody complains about it so there'll be people watching what you're doing out there yes and the city will have an interest in making sure it gets done please be sure you stay in touch with Miss low and let her know when the problem is solved sure because you do not want to come back here yes okay yes sir we'll close that case and next case also involves the same properties that correct misslo and this would be case 2023 93 again the respondent is curat k i r a t LLC property located at 102 North 19th Street in patka now just so you know this is a separate hearing so I'm going to ask you to identify yourself again yes sir by name Jack jet sing and you have been previously sworn have you well raise your right hand for me you saw me swear from the testimony you give today be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir all right and tell us again who you are Jack jet sing and what is your relationship to kirat LLC I'm a manager of the property and you are hired by what specific person G prit Singh and he is the principal of the curat LLC yes sir all right and he received a notice of this hearing in the violation yes sir Miss L tell us about due process yes sir um this was first case actually went to First Hearing in September excuse me August 19th 2023 we did receive the Green Card back um it was posted complex Insight posting back in august24 and then this go around uh the notice for second hearing was sent out October 4 complex posting and site posting is also o okay and the owner got the message and told you to appear at this here yes sir all right um and the official address of record is 102 North 19th Street patka Florida 32177 is that correct that's corre and have you had any contact with um this gentleman or the owner of curat LLC neither one of these gentlemen um sir or the actual property owner um my contact person was Anthony and had a from the actual property owner from that gave him permission but I haven't had contact with him in a few months and just for the the property owners is actually the corporation but you're talking about the principal of the LLC all right you have the owner has received notice and a representative is in fact here and you have personal knowledge of the matters that yes we're looking at all right um Miss low is going to be uh discussing uh the violations and appear to be two violations and then the evidence to support those violations and has he seen the photographs no sir you let him take a look at the photographs so the photographs from question are going to be section 3169 um R and weak wood and the other also be9 talk about those after he looks at the photographs so when we say root and we can okay and I'll make sure you get copies okay and we can [Music] walk this bigger this the recent one these are recent this is October 7th so that's what it looks like and then Anthony was supposed to come pressure wash this and then repaint it yeah can I show you something real quick I don't know he mean it was a before pictures mhm you're correct and then yeah he fixed a lot of it yeah so most of them was fix he did fix a lot of it so this is what's left okay and I'll and if you want my copies i' be glad to give them to you referen because we be talking about a few things the the violations are both of section 30-1 169 of the city code one of the violation deals with subsection a which talks about all deteriorated structural and decorative elements visible from a public rideway should be repaired or replaced and they should be structurally sound rotten or weakened portion should be removed repaired or replaced in a manner compatible with the rest of the structure or to match the original materials and construction techniques while exposed wood shall be stained painted every part should be clean of graffiti litter dirt or debris where surfaces of once pained stained not more than 10% may be free of mold Milos should be clean from buildings having Street visibility loose wires shall be secured no more than 10% of the building having Street visibility may have mil VI and then the other section is of 169 um see is that both of them they're both they're both that was all the sections so basically they're looking at Rond or weakened wood around the trim of the building and secondly mold or mildew on the um building visible from a public right of what you mentioned sidewalk it's so it's the front of the building it's the sidewalks got a bunch of especially where the yellow line is and it's it's kind of slippery to all right so you have some photographs to show me as evidence did you take the photographs you're about to show us yes sir I did do they accurately represent the condition of the property on date in which you took some all right please proceed so this is going to be a second hearing and the first photograph was take September 14th 2023 this was going to be the 1B the followup from the original um and then if we look at one C still see where the damage is hang on 1B was taken on September 14th of last year last year yes sir right they were looking at uh damaged wood on the corner sopit of the building and this was visible from 19th Street this is visible from yes sir St John's mosle and St John's all right where were you standing when you took the photo okay next so this is going to be 2B taken on September 14th and then 2C is taken from the same angle um standing on St John's Avenue there's now a sign up there there's a business in the store now but she put the sign over rotten wood about of so basically still looking at the corner offet visible from that corner okay and then on 4B some of this has already been corrected this is just what's left so 4B is going to be 914 2023 and then if look at 4C um standard from North 19th Street you can still see where it's piecing and falling apart again we're looking at what is that seet it's the trim work um right on the front of the building this the space in nor 19th Street is there a little Al Cove there is that what we're looking at and this is over that Al Cove sir do you understand where both of these locations are building yes sir I I when I saw the picture right so what is the you need to replace the sofit on the corner what needs to be done to bring this into compliance I'm talking about 4C you're looking at 4C it is that s Board needs to be removed and a new one put up um he did excuse me not this gentleman um the other contractor did replace the other part there's about 12 foot that he did replaced but this part did not get replaced okay what next so the next one was taken on 914 2023 got the M Milo on the top rim of the building and it's also on the bottom and on the sidewalk it's mold and mdeo you can see it visibly from the roadway and if you look at the arrows you can see the top and the bottom the bottom part on 9B the photo I'm looking at the the two arrows yes sir the bottom it looks like there's a two parts of that one is looks like lower half lower part of the building is that part of the building and then is that how much how much of the those parts of the building are so you're looking at that it's about right if I did my math correctly it's 38 to 40% so basically the cure for that is pressure wash and getting the r all right what's next and the next one I just did an update just a closer view of what you could see the steps how you have to step up onto the buildy anything El so I'm looking at three things one wooden sopit at the front corner of the building it needs to be replaced I'm looking at some sop at work on over the AL Cove of the building that needs to be replaced and I'm looking at some concrete building portions that need to be pressure washed is that what's all right so we got three things right just I always ask this question because I always ask you know how these matters got to me uh usually there's been some effort to try to get compliance and it hasn't happened so how come this hasn't been addressed before now first of all do you disagree with any of with the city say no all right that being the case how come it hasn't happened before now uh like I said earlier with that other situation Anthony was doing it like Miss Chris she know but somehow I think he he didn't finish the whole job he was doing it and then he left uh there was other violation too he corrected it but like she said uh he finished the 12 foot one and left the 4 feet one so he he didn't finish the all the job properly as he wanted him to do it he only cracked a halfway and left the halfway so but to my knowledge I would like to have these pictures and I will get it done sometime well where they are with this is not the first case first time is that right Miss love we're here for and we're here for which to have lean place on the property C's asking the reason I ask about the delay is this this was apparently thir [Music] um first hearing was it's been over a year ago and these violations were found over a year ago and nothing has been done to bring them into total compliance is that correct um I'm sorry if you can take your discussions out outside of Chambers thank you thank you um so the result of all that has been that the $25 day fine has been clicking along since last year and that fine is now $4,650 and the city is looking to have a lean placed on the property which is something that they're entitled to unless there's some reason it shouldn't be and right now there's been one constant owner since the beginning and that was the curat LLC is that correct yeah and that owner did they appear at the first hearing property maner property but a representative appeared so we've actually had someone who got notice of the hearing and made an appearance at the hearing and understood what needed to be done and nothing was done to complete the problem and not permit is not required for this is that correct Miss L that's correct so none of the none of the remedies require permit the cities entitled to their lean um give you chance to respond all that I mean I know you're new to the situation but you're the one who's here yes so the city really wants to get this done and um once the lean's placed on it the city commission is the one that gets to to reduce any amount of that I don't have that opportunity at that point just so you know anything you'd like to say it all I'm asking is H you know just if you can forgive us and just give us one last chance and give us like a two week and I will get everything done and I will stay in touch with Miss L and make sure I will meet her the property and get everything done as soon as possible well again City's entitled to it I I leave it up the city where they think it's appropriate remember this has been going on for a year and it hasn't had a solution so it's last chances are hard to come by sometimes this is on me now I know you're you weren't the one who was here but unfortunately you're the one who showed up today is a representative of the owner yes and the owner is not a person it's actually a corporation so you're happen to be the one who's hearing this news so they entitled to the lean any inclination he's asking for some time I he's not necessarily entitled to it but um the city stance right now we'd like the official lean on this case um and then I'm giving him all my information now sir and then we can once it comes into compliance and we can discuss everything else on the back end they're not enforcing the lean right away but it does create a blemish on the record that needs to be resolved at at some point in time all right anything else I would just like to let you know that as um officer loow just indicated once you bring the prop into compliance you can come back to us and ask and apply for a lean reduction so as soon as you get that into compliance it's in your best interest to come back and talk to us about getting it reduced but it has to be in full compliance first sure and keep in mind the 25 bucks a day keeps adding on until you get this solved yes okay then you can come back and apply all right yes sir there's a motivation here but it's been a year yes sir yeah if hearing nothing else we're going to find that um in regarding the case we're going to find that there's been uh continuing violation of section 30-1 169 of the code regarding to rotting or weakened wood around the U sofits and above the U Al Cove of the building as viewed from public Street and that there's mold and mildew on the building and steps that are part of the building uh in excess of 10% of the the area of those areas uh this has been a problem going on for um almost a year since the date of the last hearing um the city has requested and I will grant an order uh allowing the city to place a lean on the property at 102 North 19 Street Ela Florida 32177 the findes will continue until abated or satisfied okay yes please go back and tell your principal yes it's needs to be addressed sooner than later and no permits are required this this is fairly straightforward yes sir we need to get this fixed okay sure thank [Music] you should ex all right do we have someone else who's present who's next well I had 809 809 is next and then 522 I'm sorry 809 is next and then 5 and you have someone who will be appearing by what method yes I guess see if you can find them I say that advisedly they're in the ne world but they're out there somewhere and we will not be able to see them only hear them is that correct who's the name of the principal sorry do no no there's not a real person somewhere is there a real person at the Luke Joseph is the property owner now Luke Joseph the transfer talk Luke Joseph corre and that's who's going to be appearing is it Luke Joseph or Joseph Luke Luke Joseph I tried to I just tried to text him and find out the actual date that he brought the prophet so y'all would know but he hadn't responded either resp officer I'm going to have you if you don't mind um go through the chronology of ownership once again I'm going to look it up on the proper site because this is one that I flaged for so you sent out you know you know to call in at a certain time also send direct message he has respond yet can you hear us a to if M Joseph Luke Joseph can hear us please unmute so that we can hear you we're ready to proceed all right call me now okay he say he can't he say he can't unmute for some reason canar let's do that and tell you what you do when you when he speaks make sure you get as close to the microphone as possible and see what's going on all right we're going to proceed with case number uh 20 22233 property owner is 5T Wealth Partners LP property Dockers um now I understand that the owner is Luke Joseph is that correct sir are you Luke Joseph sir yes sir all right very good glad glad you were able to maintain contact with us uh the property is located at 809 North 14th Street in patka is that correct yes sir whose case is this it's mine Mr Green's case all right Mr Green is going to be um Mr Joseph and my your last name was Joseph correct yes sir all right you had you had kind of two first names I want make sure we had them in the right order sometimes they get reversed so you are the owner of record of this property at 809 North 14th Street yes sir all right I'm going to ask you to do something very bizarre I'm going to ask you to to please take an oath from me I'm taking your word as to who you are with regard to this but one of the requirements of law is that our testimony must be sworn and one of the requirements is that we swear you in so would you take the following oath for me do you saw me swear or affirm the testimony to get to days be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I all right right and what Mr Green is going to do he is going to present the city's case that there's a violation of certain ordinances and looks like they've got four alleged violations um one of section 30- 2131a of the city code dealing with insecure entryways that is uh this the building is not protected from entrance by you know anyone uh especially someone who might not ought to be there trespassers or who ever also a violation of section 30-32 A1 overgrown grass on the property section 30171 broken windows and 30-1 169 wer weakened wood and deteriorating paint and mold and Milo on the property so these are mostly it looks like cosmetic issues as opposed to anything structural with the property but there's still violations of the code now my understanding that this started with contact with the previous owner of the property 5T Wealth Partners LP did you buy this property from that corporation uh yes sir I got it ick two weeks ago two weeks ago he brought two weeks ago did the did the owners tell you about this p in VI uh code enforcement action he says there were violations but not I not know it was a l I spoke to um to Mr David the other day so did you know about these when you bought the property the violations violations I said that's not problem I can those violations but I know all right all right well Mr Green is going to present the city's case regarding the four violations and the evidence that the city has now one of the disadvantages you have is that Mr Green is going to have some what we call demonstrative evidence that means photographs and he's going to identify those photographs and explain to us what it is um we're going to do our best to try to include you make sure that you know what these photographs are are you you familiar with the property you visited the property correct I emailed him a p you did email him the photographs did email it to me today all right and you so do you have copies of these photographs yes I do sir you have copies of the ordinances that were alleged to be violated yes I okay so Mr Green's going to talk to us about what the uh violations are and what specific ordinances they are so you're going to hear making references to photographs and his photographs are numbered um and so he'll be referencing those by number and the violations that he sees and claims exist in each of those photographs and then after that you'll have a chance to answer any questions to ask any questions to make any statements and present any evidence that you may wish to make okay so right now then this is the first hearing is that right Mr Green no for the second hearing second hearing so you're seeking a lane on the property when um wow how much are the total acred Le fines at this time um 69,000 how much 69,000 69,000 how long has this been going on since um 718 2022 where's it been for two years that's a lot of PS yes well getting up on our cases our old cases now all right all right well the city seeking a lean on the property which is something they're entitled to under the law um the fines have been ACR for two years now and they've come to quite a bit of money with regard to this did the own previous owners tell you about that there were actually fines ofre no he said there were C violations yeah you might want to talk to them about that but I'll leave that up to you and your legal counsel to sort that one out but nonetheless you're now in the middle of a lawsuit uh not a lawsuit but administrative action and there's some things about it unfortunately the way the statute that governs these activities reads uh the new owner uh is still the one who's going to be responsible uh at this point once you've taken over ownership uh you did indicate that you knew about the violations you didn't you didn't indicate you knew about the amount of the fines is that correct no I not the amount of this not nonetheless we're here with regard to all of that all right Mr Green go ahead is he still with us yes he all right go ahead and talk to us about um the violations and I believe legal counsil for the city's ask that you give a chronology of the case and let's go back and start at the beginning so that um Mr Joseph understands alliv has happened until now okay 5 first 62222 he why David make sure you get close up to the phone and speak in the mic so they can pick you up case first reserve 62222 the no hearing to 5T Wealth Partners LP no green call returned um the first case hearing was held on 0718 2022 a daily fine was assist on 11:16 2022 fines up to $69,000 how much were the fines per day um $100 $100 yes that's $25 a day for each violation yes sir $100 a day okay yes sir um the next for when did you find out about the change of ownership um 10 0224 how did you find out through M prop prais and tax collector they have two different address for the property own so I sent um a not of hearing to 5T wealth and property doctors well before the previous owner which was 5T Wealth Partners is that correct yes before the previous owner sold the property have you been in contact with him about this issues no did you what attempt did you make to contact them um I sent a not of 15 day violation on com and then I send a notes of hearing to them and did the anyone representing the previous honor attend the first hearing no sir right did you have any contact with the previous owner after the first hearing no sir all right and this is and once you got the notice from the property appraiser you then contacted the new owner is that correct did the new owner know about any of this before you contacted him I didn't have any contact with him well okay so you did or did not contact so this is the first time you talk to Mr Joseph um I talked to Mr Joseph on the 10 11 2024 that Friday and he was out there working on it and he told me he just brought the property told he just brought the property and um he was GNA clean it up and he will be at the hearing all right so he here he KN and he has all the the information and the notice and the violations and the the code references for the violations yes I sent him an email right so what we're going to do now Mr Joseph Mr Green's going to go through and show us uh each of the violations and the evidence he has in support of them and you're about to show us some photographs Mr Green yes sir picture one did you take each of these photographs yes sir and do the photographs accurately represent the condition of the property or date in which you took them yes sir all right please proceed this is picture one it's taken 62222 and you see the rotten week wood and unsecure entryway the rotten weaken wood I'm standing on North 14th Street the rotten weaken wood is above the door the saet and the unsecured entryways the front door and some windows um the day I took this picture was so much vegetation to we couldn't see anything else but you will see the difference in picture 1 c 1 C was taken all right so just for the reference picture one which references code violation on 30-1 169 of the code and 30- 2113 of the code being R and interiora wood and unsecured entries mainly there's no barrier to prevent entry through the window door no sir there not and then the wood was the sopit over the doorway that's the front doorway yes sir okay next on picture one see was taking 101 2024 um as you can see you can see more violations and you can see the broken window is better and you can see more rotten weaken wood over over the um front door and front windows and I was standing on nor 14 Street at this time and Mr Joseph this photograph which is number one C appears to be a photograph of the property at um 809 North 14th showing uh significant amount of rottenwood over the front doorway an O completely open doorway it looks like an open back doorway it looks like window frames or transoms with no windows in them are there any windows in this house at all no sir okay uh which allow unsecured entry into the home and what about the roof on the left Mr there was so much vegetation we didn't see any we couldn't see that so what needs to be done in one C to bring this property in compliance um either put one and doors in the building or put plywood to the windows and secure the doorway and remove the rotten weing wood with components compatible to the Stu so windows and doors or secure them could you just board them up yes sir boarding them up with plywood would be sufficient yes sir all right but repairing this the soet over the doorway and the set of Windows to the left of the doorway looks like that's rotten off is that correct yes anything else that needs to be done there board the windows up and okay board the windows up repair the s yes sir it looks like some of the rotten wood goes up into the Gable over the front door yes sir like like I said we can see everything now since the vegetation does any that require permit no sir so you can do that without a permit yes sir show me what's next number two number two this is taking 622 22 and you see um the rotten weaken wood done secure inway and you have mold and M do 20% of the wall on the left hand side is this a different Elation no I'm still standing on 14th Street so it's the same elevation as one yes sir it's the first um still in the front of the house it's just um left to the front door it's another entryway another door there's another door other than the one and one C yes sir it's got two front doors yes sir the duplex no sir just the side the side door okay yes sir where were you standing when you took photograph to um nor 14th Street that's a public RightWay yes sir okay and what violations are you looking at in number two on Rotten and deter Woods unsecure entry and molding milde so you're looking at 30-1 169 code rot deteriorating wood wear can you verbalize that for me sir can you verbalize what rot and deteriorated wood the city finds as a violation um the door um all right the doorway the door just the door itself door yes I'm sorry the door the wooden door right there was blocking yes the the wood is coming down a little bit and then it's torn ripped around the door and the reason I asked you have 30 D 169 rotten interi rating wood and 30 D 213 unsecured entry yes sir so basically you need a you can get plywood or a door yes sir you can get through that door yes sir I'm sorry you can get through that door it's just rotten weing wood on the top the only thing rotten is the door yes sir okay so I'm asking and what about mold and milde on left side of that door or the right side and can you give me an estimate how much of the surface of the home is or the building is covered with mold and mil 15% how much 15% and based that on how how' you come up with that me being a Cod for M for the net for the past two years okay okay what about 2C 2C was taken 11 I mean 10 11 2024 and you still see the door still there in a rotten we wood and unsecure so it's the same door of what's left of it in the same condition yes sir and the unsecured entry was yes sir so that's reference 30-1 169 and 30- 213 yes sir uh number three number three is showing the rotten interior wood is this still the front elevation yes sir is this over the three windows to the left to the front door yes sir okay that's the kind of thing you need to articulate okay uh what about 3C 3C was sewing the same thing it's taking 10 11 22 and4 I'm standing on North 14th Street and it's showing a rot and we can wood soft it over the three windows so still the front door rottenwood over the door and the three Windows set to the left of the door yes sir and some looks like some rotten wood up in the Gable correct yes sir we couldn't see anything it's essentially unchanged no sir it hasn't been changed in two years no sir what about number four number four was showing some mold and MW on the side walls and the remedy for that is what pressure washer that's all it needs yes sir and number four C it's sh with vegetation gone now so you can see it better and this picture was taking 101 2024 and again the remedy there is pressure water yes sir so what I'm hearing from you is uh with regard to section 30- 2131a of the code needs to secure the entryways and that's basically the doors and the windows since the windows are open yes sir and either you put in doors and windows or you board that you don't replace yes sir number uh section 30 days 32 A1 overgrown grasses you didn't I didn't see anything in there about that oh I took that one out but it was still there there we're not looking at overgrown grass as an issue it was it was still there at the time he was there working on it so I left it in because it was it was still there after I sent the no hearing for the second lean so I'mma take it off until the finds um that he get the rest of well 25 bucks a day so there's compliance yes sir is there compliance yes sir okay so I'm gonna take that one off but the fins that he has rolling now will still continue until take them off starting when today right but the rest of the finds the rotten weaken wood unsecure and the M mle we still going to all right cor Bas so we're not looking at 30-32 a anymore but let's look at 30-3 171 that's broken windows this is relates back to unsecure enry ways you needs to have Windows put in or or you need to have boarded up boarded up yes okay and as to 30- 169 rotten weaken wood that needs to be replaced over the uh front doorway and the three windows on the front of the house to the left of the doorway and there look like there's a a plank or two in the Gable above the doorway yes sir and then detering pain and milde requires pressure wash yes sir does any of this repair require a permit from the city no sir how much and you're today you're looking for a lean on the property based on the and with the precise amount of f fines that have recruited a $69,000 was even yes sir really yes came out exactly even yes sir all right all right um Mr Joseph from what the city is telling me they're claiming that we have these insecure or unsecure entryways that means that a a door needs to be put on the front of the building and windows need to be put in the building it looks like the back door is also open and that needs to be secured in some way I can see through the front the house that still allows unauthorized access into the house creates a safety issue either the doorways and the windows need to be replaced or they need to be boarded you have any comment about any of that concerning whether you think those issues exist or anything that needs to be done about it oh no there everything need to be done and also lot more than what inspector was able to see because he was not able to go to the back so what we are doing currently we started since last week we are going to not only clean the entire yard completely and also completely the entire building okay well it's important it's important that these be done as quickly as possible because where this is there's no grace period anymore I mean there's already been a violation that has been found and finds have been acre for a couple of years now on this and you don't want to have those fines continue to ACR because Mr Green indicated they're not going to charge any more fines for overgrown grass but findes for the other three violations are $25 a day each that's 75 bucks a day so it's important that this be addressed what about the rotten and weakened wood and deteriorating paint in milde basically that's going to require some replacement of the sopit over the front door and the front three windows and have the house pressure washed all those will be done by um this weekend by Saturday everything should be complet all right anything else you'd like to add to it um no sir so we will uh what we will do is to make sure um everything that's that Mr da David showed to us will be completed this weekend by Saturday but the remaining items um it's going to take a while because we have to have permit for what we going to do and back of that house because then of that house is we have to demolish it and then we build it all right what city's asking for today and and quite frankly they're entitled to it is to have a lean that can be recorded on the property once that lean's recorded there's a process you can go through um to apply to the city to have all the fines reduced uh in some way based on whatever case you can make for that and that's not something I will deal with but just so you know that's available to you however the city's entitled to their lean and that will be recorded on the public records and it's something that'll have to be removed and that lean at that point time belongs to the city commission so it's going to be up to them as how they want to handle that but do you understand that process yes can can you give me at least a week before the is recorded because I promise I can get everything done by this we always started like um inspector when he went there my dad and I and the guys was working on it we will get it done well here's what you need to do you know how to get in touch with Mr Green Oh yes I've called him all the time all right well stay in touch with him and make sure he knows exactly when you bring these properties into compliance okay and sooner the better because you want to you don't want to have these finds continue to acrw by this weekend all right anything else you'd like to add no no really um as soon as I my dad and I finished on Saturday call Mr on Monday for him to stop by and then take from them all right and just make sure I've got your correct address do we have that correct address Mr Green um no sir can you give us address have you got it you email the address okay make sure you have it because they're going to start sending your testimony day is that your correct address they're going to start sending you notice is and any other information about this to the address you give them yes at this point in time you have the property appraisers correct did they have the correct address no sir they do not all right neither how did you find out about it if they didn't tell you they call so he contacted you yes sir okay so the property appraisers role still don't show it no it still shows 5T wealth and property dolls okay very good all right anything else any as as I get it and I tell we just acquir that place and we stop working on it while all right um Mr Jud thank you for appearing today we appreciate it I know it's been a little difficult uh we do encourage you to you stay in touch with the city with regards to this I think you'll find them Cooperative in trying to address the issue uh but I think the main thing is is that you know people watch these properties in the community um they will complain so it's not like you're operating in a vac there will be people watching what's happening and they'll be asking the city to keep doing something about it so it's important that you address these issues as quickly as possible then try to resolve some of the other matters dealing with what's transpired before you bought the property okay no yes sir I I understand that and I would have because right well thank you very much for coming today sir thank you so much sir thank you bye bye all right you too thanks well who's next on 522 520 yes okay yeah let's go let's go back you make sure I make make a firal statement that in because we find that violations as to three of the four not including um 30-32 A1 overgrown grass continue uh we're going to um find it appropriate to authorize the city attorney's office to um prepare and file a lean on the property um and we issue an order to that effect okay thank you okay yes sir which 522 this is 522 North fth Street yes right we're going to move to uh case number 2024 1222 property located at 522 North Fifth Street Alka Florida owner Richard L huddleson Jr would that be useful yes you are here thank you for coming and waiting through all the others um and you're the owner of the property of 522 North yes right you know about raising your hand for the oath you saw me swear or affirm the testimony should get today should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes all right you've uh perhaps seen through some other hearings um whose case right Mr Green is going to be making a presentation regarding alleged violations is this a first case yes sir first case um he's alleging three potential violations one of 30-1 169 rotten and weakened wooden deteriorating paint um visible from a public right of way is that correct yes sir and 30-32 A2 overgrown grass and it's parenthetically living matter on the building are those different things or is it just living matter on the building living matter on the building over growing grass I can't wait for you to tell me what living matter constitutes um Ivory hang on 30171 broken windows and uh which need to be repaired or covered and 30-32 A1 trash and debris we talking man-made debris on the property visible from a rideway or neighboring property yes sir okay and you have go ahead and tell us about the case some the due diligence yes sir due process and then what you have I'm a to um appearing on 102 2024 it was returned unsigned from the unopened from the um Post Service I posted the property on 10224 I did S pro posting at City Hall at 10 on 102 did you send a letter to PO Box 41 Lake C Florida 32157 yes Mr hson is that your correct mailing address no it changed it's changed yes and when did it change it's been I don't know eight months or so okay just so you know state law requires that the city use the official address of record as exist on the property appraiser and Tax Collector's roles just so you know that's apparently the address they have for you that's why I wasn't getting this stuff so I didn't know well just letting you know that the city that's what's called A Safe Harbor provision where the city can knows where to contact you and state law has provided a means of how they go about contacting you and so they start with a certified letter to the official address of record that came back and what was the notation what was the notation on the letter Post Service on came back UTF um returns and sender not delivered as address unable to unable to forward and so after that he post the property is that how you found out about this yeah like lower for render he said this is posted on your the front door and I immediately came over and you posted the property accordance with State Statute correct Mr Green yes and you filed your affid of service in the record yes sir all right it's just requirements to make sure you know about it and you're here thank you for coming I tried to fix whatever I thought he wanted but I okay all right Mr Green tell us about the alleged violations um this picture was taken oh okay back up back up so you're GNA show me some photographs yes sir and do he have a copy of them yes sir he's got a copy of the photographs and each photographs references the the ordinance in particular yes sir all right and did you take each of the photographs yes sir and do the photographs accurately represent the condition of proper and date in which you took them yes sir all right please proceed this picture was taken 0731 2024 which picture is that on 18 okay and this references to the broken wers 171 broken and there's how many um there's one there here at 1 18 and I'm standing on Bronson Street this is the rear of the house so this count is three broken windows or one there three broken windows all right there three panes missing yes at the bottom okay and the remedy is place the windows is this a elevat is this a second story window yes okay anything else on that one no sir okay this picture 1B this picture was taken 1014 224 um all three of the windows are now out new cardboard um standing on Bron Street and this is the rear of the house uh second level of the house right side is it the same color on the house on both photos yes okay all right so the three lower pains and this picture was taken from Fifth Street yes it was taken from Bronson I'm sorry Bronson Street all right just house on the corner yes sir okay very good next this is picture 28 this picture was taking 731 224 um deal with session 30- 171 broken wonders where is this window located um this is the bottom left side of the house real side of the house um still standing on Bronson Street this is a side view side elevation it's the re rear of the house okay you can and you were standing on Bronson Street when you took this okay and is the glass there it looks like the transom is broken yes sir is the glass there at all yes sir so what needs to be done there to fix the the slash so Sash and this repair I mean what needs to be done just take that one piece of wood and put it back up the first piece on the top and the bottom piece also was um starting to deteriorate so you need to take both pieces off and replace them with components compatible to the stru or the window are they rotten or just not painted yeah look like they're rotten they are rotten okay right next looking at 2B this is 2b this taking 10 11 224 and it's showing the same elevation standing on Bronson Street same Wonder all right again it looks like the two pieces of wood in the window casing need to be replaced is the city's position yes sir okay next this PCT taking 73122 and4 it's a 38 I'm standing on North Field Street and it's showing trash and debris on the front porch um if I'm facing if I'm facing the house it's on the right side under the um window on the right side of the house so just for the record I'm looking at this photo number 3A I'm looking at a chair I'm looking at a number of man-made items looks like it might be an umbrella and some other items I'm not sure I can necessarily identify a chair a grill and there's a peak bicycle in the front yes sir so what part of that's VI I have um arrow pointing at the trash and debris beside the window okay so the Grill's okay yes the bike's okay yeah what about the chair chair is okay also I'm sorry the chair is okay also okay i' be okay yes sir both chairs or just there two chairs there I only see one chair oh I see the other chair yes well there are two chairs there's one by the grill and there's one on the left side of the picture okay I see it no chair both chairs of the grill Grill and the bicycle okay just a trash to be that's on the on porch floor just the manmade material there in 1 3A okay what's next and this is um was taking 1011 2024 this is picture 3B I'm staying on nor fth Street and Under The Wonder of the right side of the house and you still can see trash and debris on the floor of the porch is the trash can okay yes the trash can and the chair is okay just trash that's on the floor debris on the floor for a and we're looking in the yard is that yes listen to this is on the if you're facing the house it's on the left side of the house I'm standing on Northfield Street okay and it's a yard specifically what what am I looking at that you at mattress u a couple of pillow cases a tire um pie like a piece of wood stove next to the mattress okay all right uh 4 B 4B they cleaned up a little bit but they still have um little band made material there a box look like a a toy or something and debris right there on the smaller at I couldn't tell what it was but it's some manade material that shouldn't be there and just for my understanding this board fence I'm looking at in 4 a and 4B is that on the neighbor property oh should be their proper should be his fence so that fence doesn't go all the way around the property no sir okay so you were standing on Fifth Street yeah and no fence between you and Fifth Street no sir okay this is 58 Tak 7 31 224 and showing rotten weaken wood around the windows and this is viewed from which Street Bronson Street I'm sorry Bronson Street yes and this PCT take s is this on the back or side of the house side this on the side of the house and so what needs to be replaced there just that one vertical board on the left side of the window both sides both sides need to be replaced you'll see it on this picture 5B oh okay that's in 5B yes a 5B um was P taking 1011 224 rotten weaken wood okay and add the point to the rot and we wood on both sides and need to be um replaced with components compatible to the window all right show me 6A C is overgrown grass Del metal in the house I'm G to ask you something yes sir is it against the LA PKA or does PKA have like Vines growing in your house no sir it's overgrown rest what the code say so the code on this is 30 -32 subsection A2 excessive un of and untended growth of grass weeds brush branches and other overgrowth you see where I'm coming for I do I mean I'm having this vision of Vine clad Halles or something like um on some kind of English ivy English ivy or something like that that's cultivated um let me ask Mr i l in a question while you're here are you cultivating this these vines or are they just growing I took they just keep growing back well I mean that that's different that means you're cultivating that mean that you're rather cutting them off rather than letting them I I personally didn't I think they look nice kind of growing up in there but if if you want me to take them sorry take it down I will it can get a little untended that's the only problem with it is assing what's going on all right let me give some thought to that okay so the city's position Mr Green is that correct is that do we know what what genus of plant this is this English ivy it is not this is an exotic invasive and just so you know it will totally destroy your plaster you didn't plant this did you no okay I don't Mo dip it Cruise BS might have been better from my viewpoint if you had planted it but it's not all right um Mr Green go to 6B he removed some of the living matter on the right side we still have some on the left side of the side of the house and I'm standing on um what are we talking about this looking at the a yes sir where the blue blue arrow is at okay and go to 6 7A 7A we have more living matter WR bre and then you have deteriorating paint so basically we're just talking about these these plants growing up the side of the house is that violation yes sir okay and then you have the deteriorating paint with the other the big blue arrow on the back side of the house on the left side of the rear house under the window and then on the other side so the only deteriorating paint is in 7B that's 7 a and 7B okay so what specific remedy was the city looking for in terms of deteriorating paint on 7B um pressure wash and does it need to be pressure washed be a Fresh coat of paint put a Fresh coat of paint on it yes well on this photo you got the clabber side of the house it looks like it's a blue color and then on the right side of that house where the arrows points you've got which appears to be another material I'm not sure which it is is that plywood or is that birdy board no I'm not pulling at that area you fixed that it's another like when the carane came through and pushed those plants back and you see more deteriorating paint at the bottom of the um back side of the house under the real window what I guess I'm trying to figure out is it's fairly uniform on the top I see mildew kind of on the bottom right yes sir but I'm looking at some missing paint like some white splotches is that what you're trying to solve yes sir and then this the right side of the house is darker than the left side of the rear of the house is that a violation te rating thing well that's not necessarily mean it's violation I mean it's different color it's a different one's faded and one's not okay I me just asking I mean I'm trying to figure out what the city's definition of the violation here is is if it fades as opposed to being miled or missing colors or something of that nature well that's the lightest side of the house and I'm going call it deteriorating and so when you look at this house this is actually how it looks to you darker on one side and lighter on the other it's darker on the right side of the real house and even on the sides of the house where I took pictures for six um a and 6B is darker than the S house Mr hon what did you paint this house no no did you have it painted no it was like that all right do you see what he's talking about in terms of being two colors there I thought he was just talking about the white spots here and there and I color but but one side of the house is going to fade more than the other because the Sun so is a city taking position every time the sun Fades a house we're going to have a violation of code yes got to keep the on the property up I have no problem doing spots with the paint the whole house because it's a little faded one side I mean you know know what do the code actually say um so um section 30-1 169 building fronts and sides AB budding streets or public areas um all deteriorated structural and decorative elements visible from a public RightWay shall be repaired or replaced must be structurally sound rotten and weakened wood shall be removed and replaced all exposed wood shall be stained or painted every part shall be clean of graffiti littered or other debris where surfaces were once painted or stained not more than 10% of the surface may be free of paint or stain I and from what she's saying what I'm reading I mean you can paint a house more than one color correct yes sir I mean is there some architectural standard we're not getting that it has to all be exactly you can't have a faded side or it can't be two different colors of blue you see what I'm coming from I just see where the owner needs some reasonable notice as to what a violation is on this kind of thing all right so that notwithstanding the last photo shows some milde that needs to be replaced the dressed on the house no sir I didn't I didn't see it before sent the um um not for hearing all the 15-day compliance letter out so did someone actually complain about two colors on this house yes it was a proac I mean it was a um complaint case okay I can speculate who it was but all right Mr hudon any I'll let you have your chance let me just go over the issue and focus the conversation if I can um 30-1 169 rotten and weakened wood deals with what number basically it looks like a couple pieces of wood in one of the windows on the house yes yeah those and then well that's part of a SC that's part of a screen could I just take it out really a screen nailed up on there is what it is yeah and I think what that's about is mostly just it needs to look like it's Main maintained just take that out take the screen thing out I'm sorry that's part of a I think it's part of a screen can I just take it out well we're looking at number um 5A 5B oh that's the side of though whatever it is whatever it is that deteriorated it is a it is a screen the screen's all I could just teir all the whole screen up well I'll leave that up to you how you want to remedy it it needs to be removed yeah remove is would that solve the problem from the city Point yes so you in terms of 5B with reference to 30-1 169 this is a with with a window unit in the window you say it's a part of the screen okay it needs to either be replaced or removed I'll remove it all right and make sure we'll talk about compliance in a minute but on the previous one on 5A it looks like the actual window uh itself had some rotten wood in it what's where's Five I show the the picture you got 5 a you have well I don't have it in order I was oh I I just replaced that yeah I just replaced that and painted and I just painted it before I came here well it's rotten How You Gonna How You Gonna no I just you didn't see that today I'm sorry 5D yeah because this one I just did I fixed all that this right here on the street side it looks like he's already replaced it yeah I I replaced it replaced that and today I painted it in your photograph that you took on 1011 so he's already replaced that part still rotten but now he was talking about inside of that he says that's part of the screen that doesn't hold the window in no the no that's not part of the screen go go back to by now oh wow so yeah that's a screen that's just a screen nail on there all right so if you take those two out the window's not going to fall out right no okay um make sure you get with Mr Green when you repair these because that's rotten and um I don't see a screen on it that's because it's like T up was the screen holder it was it's just all tore up you understand my concern I'm looking at this it looks awful like to me that those two pieces of wood on the um it's purely cosmetic out the window serve as the sash or guide for that window and I don't see a screen on it but there is a screen it's it's all it's all C up here's what we're going to do I'm going to find it's a violation because the wood's rotten okay but the question is going to be you how do you how do you fix this if you can fix it and take it off and secure the window because you don't want to create another violation by having an unsecured window now somebody made a screen and just nailed it up there um any I'll leave it up to you and Mr Green to sort out whether there's compliance not I want make sure everybody's on the same page of what five minutes to pill it off and make sure you let him know about that all right the um broken windows need to be replaced is that an issue no I do but the kid you got a kid is a little off and he keeps knocking the windows out can I board him up that's you know is that going to be compliance as far as the city's concerned I I I placed those three and I came up to today and they were all pushed out again and I and I put some here's the thing about the broken windows deal the broken windows gonna have two two reasons why there a concern in terms of city codes somebody had concerns about this they wouldn't have written this code whenever they wrote it one is unfettered access into the house that creates a danger to somebody somebody can climb into the house this is a second story window six the other one is appearance you got if you got six pane window and three of the panes are gone uh it creates an appearance issue that needs to be addressed and that's something the code can address I do but he keeps knocking them out to fix Windows huh how much of a problem is it to fix Windows I did I did fix them and he knocked them out and I did it again today and he'll probably knock them out again all right so he's saying it's fixed he today I will go by today okay that's compliance but right now only evidence fine go by there today and see if it's it's it's fixed or not because those are the only broken windows yes all right the one that's broken out except the one that get may I make a aesthetic suggestion here just so we can keep up with appearances please replace the glass windows but but on the interior if if you have an autistic child or whatever that's knocking the windows out install a piece of plexiglass on the inside so you still have transparency so it looks like the windows are working but you're not having that boarded up appearance that might resolve your unique situation is just a suggestion I just put the Plexi guys I put glass in there to all it's a they're trying to help you out here believe it or not yeah then okay I will but if breaks he's going to bring a break and I want the victim now the trash and debris on the porch I told him to clean up the place they got like three kids who's him the renders top I know that but you're the owner I know I told him to clean up and he clean it up but then you go back the next day and it's all messed up well I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to victim or something I I appreciate what you're telling me but the owner is the one responsible okay so you need to find a way to keep that addressed and I'm not saying it won't come back what you need to be able to do at a minimum is to get it cleaned up make sure the city's finds it's in compliance because you do not want to be out of compliance come it looks like they're giving you a long time to bring this in compliance no so since the painting The deteriorating paint won't be a part of the violations it be well you give it him until February 12th well that's what it says here when you find it on material paint as a violation I'm sorry are you going to find a deteriorating paint as a violation I'm not very happy with that one right now except in terms of the white splotches and getting the mildew off of it okay so if you don't find a deteriorating paint well I'm gonna find a violation it's just not repainting the whole building okay so yes it'll be 120 days yeah that's very generous by the way it could be 30 I get on today okay uh now you've got this living matter on the building um you didn't plant this it looks like it's a volunteer it appears to be an invasive species mean I don't think it's KSU but who knows I'm not I'm not a botanist in never but I'm not sure it's necessar something you want taking over your house so that's the only issue with that yes all right those would basically kill them and get them off the house all right so basically anything else you'd like to add to any of that so there three windows and put glass in and like she said put some plexiglass or something over it cuz he's definitely going to knock them out that's fine with them it's fine with me he's definitely going to knock them out I just all I want here's my deal I find there's a violation and I want to make sure that the respondant knows what the remedy is okay if everybody clear everybody on the same page I'm going to find a violation uh with the rotten wood that's left and that's the two pieces on each side of the air conditioner on that one window elevation which say can just be taken off without violating the the structure of the window U and whatever but if you can do that that's fine with me uh if it's fine with the city and that's a remedy with them you just have to let them know what it is as to the trash and debris you need to get that off the porch and let the city know that it's off the porch May create another violation down the road sometime if it comes back but you need to have a talk with your renter regards Bo all over the place you know it's terrible again it's not the renter who's responsible under this process it's the property own the um broken windows you have everybody in agreement on Solution on broken windows yes right that that covering needs to cover that opening yes and it needs to be something that is aesthetically um consistent if you will so that it doesn't just look like it's boarded of then um trashing debris broken windows the overgrown grass rot and weakened wood the four things all right anybody disagreement all right so this is the first hearing there's no money G to start racking up today the city's recommended a very long time for compliance I'm will find a violation regarding section 30-1 169 during rotten weaken wood specifically the uh two uh pieces of wood that are located on the uh east side of the air condition there was something else I thought anyway I need to move the grass no no that was another no yes it is um in photo 2 a it looks like there are two slats of wood look like like one inch slats of wood that somehow need to be repaired or replaced so there are two issues with the broken windows and deteriorating wood the overground grass is the weeds growing up the side of the house need to be removed the broken windows we've addressed trash and the brid just remove the items on the portch that do not include the chairs and the grill and the kids bik all right everybody in agreement yes sir all right the city has requested and I'll allow until February 12th 202 I I presume instead of 24 um to bring this in compliance if there's not compliance on February 13th $25 day fine per violation will start well everything we almost everything be done today all right well here's what you need to do you need you and Mr Green need to make sure you know how to contact each other and as soon as you bring these property in compliance need to get him on the phone get him over there and determine that there's compliance if there's compliance this case ends okay there might be another case down the road but this case you need a pressure wash on with return the inconsistent paint you need a pressure wife the mil do and I'm going to find that the inconsistency is the um white spots on the building you need to bring those in a color consistent with the rest of the house good luck with that but not I did some paint it's it's a little col saying but then you run into a violation that You' got an inconsistent paint scheme in the house if you got different colors that different shades of the same color on that side of the building oh okay it's got a match okay that's talk about that okay now you might have to you might be better off painting it or paint strips and haven't Tred to match it all right any questions all right thank you very much for coming today sir very quickly your address with the property appraiser is incorrect it's uh Lake Como and I believe you mentioned your from hannes well it is I live right on the border so it's it's confusing it is actually Lake Como yes okay well if there's a an incorrect address with the property appraiser we don't have the proper mechanism to reach you by mail so right address just take it up with them the property appraiser is over there on fourth in Oak you tell him the new address the right address he he can't change that for you you would have to tell the property appraiser your new address is that the same address the tax Wier has yes yes well I had to read our address and then I had the the PO the post office box whatever you call the rent thing you rent box is fine but apparently that didn't work and I just went back to my old house one and but you didn't get the notice all we're saying is that the official address for this property owner you at this property is the po. box that didn't work all right I didn't know that if that's not the correct address they'd like to get the correct address so they can be able to contact you by the way your tax bill is going to come to whatever address the tax collector has what you're telling me they have the wrong address you might want to talk with them I got it last year but this year maybe not just telling you and for what it's worth doing in Florida law even if you don't get the tax bill you're under law know you need to pay the taxes so well you know the tax tax and you know I have self-interest taxes pay me sort of so that's there but but that's not why I'm telling you this you really got to tax all right all right thank you for coming today all right I'll get on it immediately since I can right you know how to get in touch with Mr Green Mr Green get in touch with him you got like phone numbers you can change you my number and an email number because sometimes I don't hear stuff we're going to take a brief recess at 3 o'clock who cage is next how come Miss low doesn't have but like one e e e yes sir uh we're back on the record at 3 03 final case today is case number 20 [Music] 2239 the property located at 1905 Ocean Street PATCO owners of record are Paul um should be The Heirs of Paul is it anad Doris Paul anad Doris Doris Paul Anna that's how the that's how the prop appr has all right uh care of teni el Paul whom I believe is an heir is that correct yes sir this is a case of second hearing looking for the imposition of a lean is that correct yes sir all right Mr Green uh property is located 1905 ocean the original violation was a roofing disrepair and violation of 30-32 A10 correct yes sir all right tell me about due process what your reference to try to contact them I um send a not for hearing for the second lean for a lean for the second hearing to 108 um down the road and nothing came back um she had a roofing um perit back in 19 2020 21 and she didn't do anything with it and now we're back here for the second hearing and I said hearing but this the second hearing that's in 102 2024 and nothing came back all right so the official address on the property appraisers and tax collector roles is in care of t Von Paul 108 Squire Road Columbia South Carolina 29223 correct yes sir and you do have in the record yes sir the certified mail envelope yes sir addressed to that did that come back to you no sir how do you have oh this is what you sent yes sir and the green card never came back was this the green card you sent no that's the picture the back of front of the envelope and in front of the envelope the envelope came back with that on it okay and then you posted the property yes sir and you have your notice of posting yes sir in the record yes sir have any contact with Tangi leavon Paul or anyone representing her or any of the other heirs no sir all right and what's the history of this case TimeWise the first I'm tell 92222 the fines begin on 11 2122 and fines of the date is 17,350 at a $25 daily fine okay okay and the original violation dealt with 30- 32A 10 correct yes all right can you show me which show me some evidence concerning the continued nature of violation yes sir this is picture one did you take the photographs you're about to show us yes sir and did the photographs U accurately represent the condition of property and date in which you took them yes sir all right please proceed this is picture one this picture was taking 82222 um they're dealing with 30 32 A10 the roofing and disrepair the broken on was um repaired and you see that in picture 1B 1 C rather and this picture was taken 10 11 2024 dealing with 3032 10 dispair the roing is still in disrepair okay so it went from one to one C right yes okay so in one this was an 82222 with the original violation correct yes sir and so the roof is in disrepair and that it's basically gone yes and then there the right side window um upper pane look like the entire window is broken is that cor no so they um if you look at picture one C they repaired all that they boarded it up I'm just looking at number one okay the broken window was the right side window top and bottom correct all right and then number one C the roof is still in disrepair yes sir was there any evidence of any work being done no sir has it any application for permit for any work being done no sir and a permit would be required replace repair this roof is that cor yes sir and what about the window the window was boarded up boarded up okay and that's behind the label onec yes sir okay so when was the window boarded up that did when did that happen when the window the window was border before the violation time where window time was up border time so no fines ran on the windows so in 26 months is fine as 20 what two years is fine F's gone to 177,000 at 25 bucks a day yes wow all right you sent the notice of the violation the the order finding violation did that come back to you also no sir okay did you send it certified mail yes okay [Music] okay all right based on the evidence and testimony presented we're going to find that the violation of uh section 30-32 A10 of the city code regarding Roofing and disrepair continues unabated uh since the order of finding a violation um entered on September 22nd 2022 since that time fines have aced at $25 per day for the unaddressed violation totaling as of today's date $7,350 based on the evidence and testimony can find appropriate to enter an order uh allowing the city commission and City attorney to create and file a lean if you want to file the lean yes sir right on the property uh in the amount uh of the fine fines will continue however to acre at the rate of $25 per day until satisfaction of compliance yes sir okay thank else no sir we are going to adjourn today's proceedings at 3:10 it is