##VIDEO ID:5jAntwcSkWE## I would like to call the meeting to order this is a workshop meeting for the mayor and Council notice was provided January 4 2024 with the record and new or Star Ledger both official newspapers of the burrow notice was posted in the Ballo board at the burrow Hall and the B website and also copy is preserved in Clark's office pledge of legance and Ms brought to you by Council k to the flag of the United States of America to the republ for stands na indivisible andice for all thank you roll call Mayor here counc J here counc Kim counc here counc here I'll be right back I left my phone C yes attorney up here Ador here sorry about that all right did the roll call yes would you go ahead with the adoption ad minutes please oh I'm sorry well yeah right I'm sorry you're right U please review the adoption of we have a is there any concerns about the regular meeting work session regular meeting special meeting on June 24th July 15 July 22nd and August 13th good introduction audience of 2020 for 15 creating ordinance chapter 169 entitled lead basic paint inspection yes any question about those ORD so this is for the U premises that was built after 1978 That's the Law of the state of New Jersey and probably the rest of the rest of the other other states as well um it's because 1978 because after that they start to reinforce it before they could have put left left Bas P there and now they're saying that from now on if you can do left Bas you cannot do it and after that they go to inspection if they get into trouble you know that's when they start to regulate it we just didn't have this ORS right but then do we have IDE no don't do that anybody else all right let's move forward second public hearing Ain 2020 13 amending chapter 48 entitle officer and employee to reove The Residency requirement for the municipal all right resol ordinance 2024 d113 any questions about this we already did this is our second reading as you know the reason why as you guys know we did this because the ordinance stated that that only Pal Park residents could apply to become a ba it was restrictive and we're opening it up for the best candidates any questions no question but you know I just want to mention saying that you know we need to start U advertise um on a certain uh Source yes and we start looking for BA I spoke with the ba ba willing to help us out VA is going to um post up at Indie and and um LinkedIn LinkedIn and also post off for the municipality legal municipalities website for now but I will find another source where they charge a nominal fee and a lot of vendors go there to take a look so I'll find that and I'll report to you guys I'll report to the ba and he'll do that as well yes thank you um can I go back the first reading I have a question which one sayal hous but it doesn't apply to the owner they don't chip off pain they ask you when you buy a home they ask you these questions if they lie they're going to get a huge penalty and a huge problem they they do not do sample checks every go ahead knowled you don't do that buyer PR have to WR or say yes that is conf PR not re so that's why it's not required but the rental is new and they don't know either something happen or not that's why they thank you we're back to 20203 everybody's okay with this yes okay yeah go ahead 202 14 we're still at 13 right now go ahead I'm yes we're just changing it for to open up the market to residents beond hous all right let's go 14 orance 2020 14 amending chap 48 entitle officers at employee to amend the salary requirement for the municipal administrator any questions about orance 20244 no all right let's move forward okay discussion item for consent agenda 20 uh resolution 2020 for 30 resolution 2024 d243 all right so as you guys all know who enjoed who came for the special meeting the special meeting was because for the 125th um the finance department that certain bills uh should you know they were just pay right now during that opportunity they could have waited but then because um you know they they feel like some of the Bills should be addressed before make their life a little easier we approved it that's why you don't see the big stack it's like half half on right now so you know take your time right now there any questions right now is time to ask Amazon account I have a question who has an Amazon C account fac manager facilities manager would you please do me a favor verify which employee in our in our staff has Amazon credit I mean the my question goes to same uh goes to the same it's Amazon corporate corporate credit card right why why is being used to uh L well let's do this right you pull pull out Amazon all the Amazon corporate credits ask the finance to bring us the the invoice Reis sh in approval thank you page got page one which one first page second page first page this is the one that um the um yes for the electrical build I mean which you call the um LS and stuff we'll pull this out as well ba please ask the finance finance department bring any more questions than good time service or two say that again which oneth department yeah Richfield Health Department what do we do yeah this is a shared home you want to explain it's a shared shared service with with Richfield is okay for the uh our health officer you know you knowon 41,000 that oh he he heard that threat last time he's like we got to get paid we're not going to serve you um I have another question here it says gun gun purchase I thought the police department had the budget to purchase guns this would be on just second page yeah Eagle Point gunshop we have about a little over 6,00 I thought ba that the police department have their own budget so my question is to pull this out and make sure um why are there asking us to pay for buds I've never seen this for a while on page two we actually two okay pull that out too and my question to the finance is why are P to have their budg honestly I don't think it's a I don't think excuse me I don't think it's aun but but we're going to pull it out anyway I'm going to pull it I'm not sure if that they're buying a weapon or not with that it could be something else the bottom line is that question is I think they have the budget why are you bringing the budget to me to us I can you let me know that he's a police commission insic Institution for forensic 500 50 that's for the I know what it is that's for the um the cat that we uh sent out to the Bur County so this is the policey yes sir thank you the matural nursery corporated could you pull this out too this will be the first second third fourth fourth page mata's Nursery and I would like to know um who out of which department takes this it says streets and Roads DPW so why is the DPW asking us the same question goes as well it says fuel here so I'm not sure exactly yeah so let's get take this out out one thank you Public Library Michael stores a um Michael stores same page F fifth page a& printing it comes out as it says it says U solution yeah this A and E and I think this is for the library is why is Library charging this library is part is it okay thank [Music] so uh you're the chair for the library committee right Council one you yeah so you know their bills good we approve the bo approve it well board approves it but I want you to know what they're spending is that okay mayor did you pull out um mata's Nursery yes I did yes okay that that's the a company who uh who does the uh Parts also uh they no more care service so I think those are the inves who uh you know multiple Department actually uses them oh for their parts uh you know anything that related to the the law more anding use that too right my question is just very simple is just that okay they're all under L budget I get it but there's a budget for each department there's a reason for that so my question is if you guys have a budget for each department why are you doing that back to us that's my question oh I yeah I as the same question because recation office so it's everything is coming in as a revenue and then it always execute out from the accounting office directly so then we we have to identify what they're allowed to invoice us and what they're not right Recreation has a budget have throughout the whole different departments yeah so you are the CFO as well try to find out what our what our boundaries are and what are what are we have to pay in certain circumstances and what other they you know how how do they know what we should pay and what we should not because the government body doesn't know even though we're all under the we they're all under our division but they have their budget there's cases where they're like okay you know you're going to pay for this is not part of our budget they can't they can't purchase anything if it's not in their budget it has to be in their budget they have to money for and the department heads generally know what line IRS they supposed to be charged against and the finance department double checks to make sure that there is money available and the CFO signs off on it make sure that it's going to the right and also they don't even though Recreation has their own budget they may not have their own account bank account and that's probably incl your current right oh yeah nothing about the bank account I want to identify what the budget is used for in each department that's how you know they're allowed to give us additional invoices so uh so basically you know if you see the first page of the the build play list right you know you see all this you know funed line item like fun one fun two right fund 14 fund 28 we need to identify which ones are uh which one is been actually uh used for different used for the uh actual budget line items anything that's uh coming out from uh you know not budgeted items then it should be uh uh should be the current fund is the largest budget that's where all operating expenses and salary and wages come from starts from here that that's the current fund only and saling Wes come out of fund number one the capital is anything for longterm projects that have to be bonded sometimes like streets and Roads or or buying products that are very expensive the pool is its own utility they have their own separate budget for the pool but that's considered a separate utility recycling trust is again another trust for anything that's used for recycling the unemployment trust affordable right seniors and going down the line those things are separate trusts by themselves okay so main main two that you're interested in on the current fund which includes all borrow departments the big one as and the capital fund which can be used for any Department depending on whether Bond ordinances been pass and the pool has their own operating budget because they're considered a utility and they are separate from the common club and separate from all of the department thank you right so I was going to if we can also see the revenue account like that will be also very helpful each report that every single month at least we don't see it on here so CFO know right so I asked for like what is for example how much po is making each month did you ask the PO director today I asked to direct so you're going to get get let us basically we know how much we [Music] that's why I wanted to see it okay anything else guys I'm going to continue now all right please continue Sor this is this is yeah that's what I said oh I got you I'm sorry right right right thank you for reminding me okay so guys um this is because this is a consent agenda my question to you uh honorable council members is that from resolution 2024 d2302 resolution 2024 d243 any questions so consent consent agenda is usually when guys you love Summit you guys ask question all at once should be 231 to yeah to 240 I like to know sweep cost more than 220 I need to know what's our warranty you know warranty and also the support that usually exra yeah there is a this is just the purchase and we need we need a warrantee what services provided thank you very much uh Council one you we need the additional information this is just a contract that we signed right and then I just want to uh let all the council member know uh that this whipper will be buying all from the bond ordinance that we passed last year remember that $8 million that we passed 7 million is for the and renovation that we pass and the remaining bounds is the uh you know part of the police budget and the DPW budget and they're going to buy all from that budget so so we need the warrantee what kind of service you provide um I have a question for 234 yeah um I've been told by the fire department fire chief that you guys should know that if I was worried by the fact that if the fire department does a background check because we do but um what I've been told by the um one of the fire chief is that if it's under 18 they consult with their parents somehow to background check you know it's a minor so you have to talk with the parent but if it's over 18 years old what the fire department does is request the background check to the police station now ba you spoke with uh our B attorney Alan Roth that was improper that was the reason why we have to get our own separate verification service correct credit check I mean not credit check not applying for a credit card but background check in in yes we do that so so when they when the fire goes to the police and police does it I believe it's the same issue you know the police have to do their own you know background check for their they can't be a service free service for the rest of it yeah it's not about free it's about conflict of interest right there's a conflict of interest when a police department on own guys does it we need a independent verification program that you rep that you uh you wanted to propose and we passed that yes yeah so they should know that from now on if it's 18 and over um you know like they need to do a verification you have to come to us secondly I request that the chief because someone has to send us an email either to you or to the attorney saying that hey simple hey we did our backround check that's it no verbals thank you so I would like that email as not PA as long as you have it I'm okay with it I also want to talk about the handicap parking space resolution 235 okay so this is a typical uh request for a handicap because she's she's physically unable to park a car anywhere close but close to her residence I read this over there's a police department saying that it's okay I went there you know there's plenty of parking spaces Rosemary El is a resident of 3181 Street right second floor now if you you read it says that that her brother is this is his brother's house my brother Fred S Jr owns this home now if she's Le legally living there or or or as a roommate right why isn't she using the driveway in the front that's my question so so if they're trying to the driveway you know for themselves and use a public is issue I need to know why they use the uh street parking right next to them when they could have parked their parking space here it seems like you put two cars in there so I want to know what the residential situation is I want to know why she's saying that I cannot park here in the driveway or in the garage when she is a resident there is that okay y good so I want to know that answer and I have another question for resolution 239 first I want to know who po logic tech services who are these guys it seems like they're they're they're providing service to provide un un un uh justifiable issues that we have to address through audits on tax refunds and tax payments no there are very large that hand taxs for people inations through theate of Jersey thank you thank you at 29 let it be resolved that Anthony Juan Kim 221 12 Street in paly park has been granted 100% disability status of the Department of Veteran Affairs 100% disability status 100% right so it's not partial what I understand is Officer Anthony Kim is was is is or was a active police officer in 40 for many many years I don't know if he retired yet I think he still works there my question is I know I know the Department of Veterans says hey he's a he's a handicap yes and then and then if you look in the back so my question is if he is a full employee police officer for Le how does he get 100% disability benefits my question is does for uh uh the the uh the police 40 police hire police officers who have disabilities I have no idea how they um this is a more of a legal matter wasn't available right I being counsel would you find that for me thank you anything else ladies and gentlemen yeah I want to discuss resolution 2024 d233 233 so this is regarding appointing a representative from our town for the Bergen County community community development committee Sophia would you explain that there will be appin represent this is a standard dat need representative in our staff um this is a pro service it's free actually but in order to get this benefit we need two representatives to report to them and get information and bring it back to us luckily Joe Ferguson and John grala still wants to participate Pro I say thank you very much how and do we get updates from our Representatives after right so what happens is they'll they'll disclose it to us and they have to sign certain documents once a year every single time before they do that they come through US hey I'm going to get this signed here it is check it out everything's okay and we sign it off to the B get so how often do we get once a year we do this every single year much to get this uh service and one other question yes resolution 224-236 236 so we want to hire a temporary assistant to the class yes um I don't know if you was aware I will not speak details uh due to the hippo law but one of our employees full-time employees in the tax collector's office is not feeling well went to the surgery multiple times recovering right now but it seems like we would be lucky if we could recover within three months okay um the VA spoke with the uh uh the tax tax Mike Ella and uh ba uh offered Mike Ella the tax collector and our Treasurer to find out if if you could find a suitable temp fill that's why we were looking for yes and I I interviewed that person as well so they got their St on it so you can blame them I know it says may may I know it says temporary taex cender right but can we uh put a not saying that you know certain hour that is mix for week yes this is something that we have to talk about yes we talked about it we forgot thank you for the reminder uh Scott what you said it was um 30 hours it was 30 hours 30 to 35 wait what's the max before you hit go you can't be a parttime anymore it's 30 to 35 depending on what the ordinance in the municipality so go with 30 so uh before you know we go into the regular meeting next week we want to uh know what the actual orance that we have says a part time so and then we could you know put uh uh up the resolution okay um we might we might have to I think we could expedite this process Mel is over here I would like to know ba through through Michel Pella how many hours are you expecting to uh use this new um the my understanding is a threshold for uh medical and for pension is no more than 32 hours she's she's happy to work 30 hours so it's it's agreeable between her and with the ba so let's make sure through the legal council that we do not bring any laws that make to full employment we it's a workshop so make sure that uh that's just inside here how many hours to become a part okay and also mayor can I add one resolution on the bottom for uh Das 244 the next week tell me this counselor councel what is this so this is regards to the the police matter right now we have to actually write up a resolution to appoint a officer in charge so I'll talk to the details with the uh I mean she left but the police committee actually talked about it and we came agreement so I'll share with the counil and you could you know prepare that for next week sure this is the the the um wait a minute wait a minute is there a proper procedure to advertise as well and go through an interview process guys go through that yet the resolution all right all right and then go ahead councel thank you for the remind I forgot about that please I see and you will discuss with the uh Police director and you'll discuss with your your your your sub uh Committee Member you're the chair you're the chair your voice matters the most that's it me yes anybody else all right if you don't mind I'll go to the council reports then let's start with house warning please we had a library Bo meeting last week and there we passed cap plan uh to improve Library building Library building below the B however the library agreed already several months back to use the fund of their own fund can improve Library building but in order to use that fund this fund is the excess fund which is for many years they didn't use the money and they accumulate those uh so that in order to use them fund the state level requires to have the capital in so that's why we had our work with the to you know provide that Capital plan and that's the several months back and we the board reviewed it and then last week we uh we passed so now officially they can actually start the process to improve the building uh Library building and improv Improvement of the building requires kind of coordination with the Bor so going forward liary and Bor F right is you know is going to communicate to start the process thank you thank you for that as you guys all know the library is a property of the B we are considered as a landlord there as a tenant if there's a problem we Rectify it it's you know we should get it reimbursed by that but it's they have no idea of of any they don't have any resources to to man a project to renovate the necessary needs for the libr uh Library thank you for that anything else um I mean I just want to you know thank you for allot of folks ESP that also mayor we all work you're still doing the yearbook yeah I am still doing the yearbook but any last Saturday event was I really it actually shows that Community is United being united so that's and we we have a committee the his forish for the 125th anniversary so that's taret the end of December so we collecting a lot of stories from different department organization and we did advertise to the public that whoever wants to write the article about what is like living in us thank you the governing body thanks you very much that's a big work that's a that's a big project we're glad that we got pretty good sponsorships and I think I'm very secure in CFO to print out that here so we went it's a win-win situation thank you again for that hard work it's going to be long but I I think you're the person that can get it done thank you thank you Castle cast K yeah new is going around so has Department very very careful very contagious and so try to We The Mask again and try not to go to the place that is open I mean many people are there okay good yeah so 125th was okay we're outside yeah but you're right C cam I do recall that people who got the with the K shot they're suffering you're right it's it's a different strain and you know we we all recommend um like Jason Kim said Council Kim said that we should don't get our booster shots new strains are coming out recommend that you know you're right everybody should get their shots anything else than you Fork you Council uh I mean same thing goes to myself too you know um I want to thank everyone who actually participated in 125th anniversary and I I was glad to see everyone come together as a one Community that's that's the most important thing and I was happy to see that um also the uh police department uh we're actually uh going through a lot of changes and myself as a chair and Stephanie uh Council Stephanie Jang as a uh Committee Member we're doing the through reviews uh make sure we do the right uh decision making for right direction so bear with us okay thank you thank you very much again Council M thank you for helping me out on a crutch moment I was too busy doing something else would you help me out on that day setting everything up was chaotic but I'm glad the council president was there help is supporting that so I can get my work done I appreciate that thank you cancel um so an update from the school board so a director from the high school reached out to uh set up a field trip to the town hall just so that the students understand how the local governments work and another idea that mayor and I have brought to the school is perhaps it may be a good idea for the students to have like a model mayor and council meeting at at at the school just so that you know they get the opport opportunity to really understand how local government works and for them to really you know participate and um kind of speak up about how what their views are and get get that opportunity to gain you know leadership skills and things like that absolutely that's in the work so we'll we'll keep you updated if there's um progress with that and coun brought that I my boat went up I was like wait a minute are the good towns are doing it they you told me that the the students want to come here one day as a field trip to see the the roles and responsibilities of the employees and you brought that up saying that why don't we just do a model mayor and Council other towns are doing it it's absolutely not absolutely legal we provide them with with over probable information and we we see how they act I think it's a good cross reference I think it's a great idea thank you thank you um I have a little more two something I want to talk about I I hope all of you guys know what I'm trying to do is called Adu Au dly units this is I think if you guys didn't get it let me know now I'll send it again but what it is simply and I'll say that it's again in the regular session is that out of 50 states we the only state that had that are required by law to provide affordable units depending on the population and the the amount of growth uh uh development potential in in the TX um there are build Remy uh uh lawsuits that's happening right now we're fighting fierce fierce fiercely in court trying to get our prerogative back this whole this whole story comes back the year 2000 this is when the Mount Laurel act came out and and before that and then the New Jers State invited all the towns and said hey show me how many affordables you guys have we'll work together with you we'll have enough time let's work it out together we'll help you if you disclose and let us know there were a lot of TTS that didn't take that offer and there's many reasons for that but all those reasons are unacceptable because it is the law now we are against Builder remedy issues right now that is a lot of so many units right now they want to come in and if we come if they come in as a builder remedy they have the right allegedly so far to build whatever units 7th Floor 10th floor 20 floor on on residential areas that shouldn't be there so if the Builder goes I have a build a remedy and I bought three homes next to the homes they have the right to they think they have the right to build our promin there we're in court right now trying to stop it now this is a specific New Jersey problem and Phil Murphy Governor Phil Murphy two years ago a few years ago like that decided to allow Adu Adu stands for auxiliary dwelling units he wanted to remedy the lack of affable homes units in each town by allowing the landlord who lives the who's in the location who's a resident in his lot to legally Legally allow units to be rented for affordable housing what am I talking about the basements the basements is a big problem in our town but not only that right now we have to remedy let's just say there's 100 units right that we're lacking just I'm give you an example round number 100 units right if the building remedy comes in he goes oh you oh you have to make 100 units they are only allowed they only provide 15 to 20% of their buildup 15% going to keep the afford we're using for 30 years or 20% they're going to give us some money so we could build affordable using somewhere else if so that means they they could build 100 units and give us 15 units for me that is not a good Roi return on investment and right now we have we we have plenty of uh uh duplexes that that that we don't have to build another unit there's already a viable unit and I did talk to uh The Specialist special attorney North grave and I I got confirmation from the the the Burl uh Burl engineer Burl planner the the experts of special attorneys that's fighting off to build the remedy cases right now and they're excited to sit down with us soon to have a Clos executive meeting so you guys could ask all the questions you want I believe this is a win-win situation let me tell you why because we don't have to build more if you could allow uh you know those basement to have affordable homes that means they don't have to they can't build 400 units 300 units and secondly as you guys all know there are people who are who are who are very bad people who actually victimize the illegal tendencies in the basement they act all nice as soon as they go inside there they go you know what they going to have to pay me a lot of money because this this is illegal the law usually in our court says if you get busted to the landlord for doing that we have to pay six months of back pay up of rents no matter what if they pay or not and also the moving expenses they are having a fun time with this fraudulent activity the illegal tenants and these guys are renting three and four that's a pretty damn income now they and and if we allow that to happen which is physically possible because it's a Adu all you the specs of for example a duplex illegal basement qualifies it's a simple fix you don't have to change anything for the duplexes there's a lot of duplexes I found out at least 50% of the duplex owners own that property and let me tell you the residual uh benefits of the community is that not only we're going to reduce the required uh affordable homes with units they're legal they're legal to rent the basement which means they could get that income and report this our IRS legally and also their value increased as well because of the income and also guess what we get the tax as well we use that tax for areas that we need for surplus of uh students uh parking lots we need to regulate this we need to you know we couldn't do this because we feel bad that you know making illegal you know uh you know you know income there and we only act if someone made a report and I had a very big problem with it so I think this is a win-win situation we could reduce the big buildups of big Apartments we could also allow this to be legal by law and also regulate the place this has a residual effect as well so I gave you guys the information about that any questions I'm going to refer you to North in the meantime we have the meeting North grave is at your disposal Council North grave and you give him you ask any questions but still we're going to have an official uh uh executive meeting and I would request after you guys are content with your q&as have a special meeting to uh make this into an ordinance is once we make an ordinance second two readings two months it doesn't necessarily mean that every duplex have to do it it's a it's a option they don't have to do it but I believe that they're going to be very welcoming that you know what I was so scared I couldn't rent it now we could they could rent it legally and we could regulated they could get their value up and we could get our taxes read it over guys you have you have time to review it now all the way to next week and after that I'll give you the contact of of council North grve Cocker and Cocker all the specialist and you could ask that question we'll have one more executive meeting to before we start that okay can I mention one more benefit of that um is that once we get to regulate these people who have been living in paly's park in the illegal you know basements then we would also be able to get a better understanding of you know people registered in our schools so that's another benefit that could come out of it because that's that's a problem that has existed in our town for so long but we just couldn't regulate it because we just had no way of tracking these people down but you know it could also address the excessive number of people that are that apparently have the same you know home address but we just couldn't regulate them yeah so basically you know does Adu act ultimately controls the maximum occupancy of the each unit that's been um either um basement you know full floor the whole thing yeah now once that comes effect we can start enforcing those kind of things I totly agree I'm here to present this I'm not I did I did tell you the residual aspect of it but our main reason why we're doing this and I want everybody to know it's not because of that that's a residual that's going to happen naturally what we're here is because we need to fight off the build of Remedy cases that we're facing they want hundreds and hundreds of uh units and in order for them to provide us 15 to 20% we're talking about over thousand where they're going to put it wherever they want we are in the process of trying to redo the master plan assign Redevelopment zone so if there is a need for redevelopment they can do it there not in front of areas that that shouldn't be in the residential small streets where there's going to be a problem with with traffic Health uh health concerns fire concerns emergency concerns so this is where our main reason is the residual is beautiful but I rather focus on the reason why we're doing this because we want to provide affordable housing on top of that I the easier way to understand is I rather resolve this affordable housing problem ourself not re relying on those uh people who wants to come in here with the thousands of units that's my main goal is we want resolve this matter within us not from outside I agree I agree so let's just do a simple calculation let's say they're going to rent the affordable housing for 30 years at %. how much do we need right now we're talking over 2,000 units we got to stop this somehow we have the resource we have tons of illegal uh duplex homeowners who live there and rented illegally let's utilize that let's enforce it let's regulate it all right there's one more thing I want to talk this is I'm very concerned where are the Brower sisters I'm going to ask he they're supposed to come here but they're not here so I'm going to ask uh you know maybe maybe Mr Lorenzo see everything's okay with there but he is um they're not here so maybe um Sophia would you do me a favor would you ask if the sisters are okay or not thank you they're usually here and they're they're always representing the people on the other side all right now may I have a motion to close our session and open to the public I'll make a motion first and second all in favor you guys have three minutes please come up but we have to only talk about what we talked about anybody else please come up name and address welcome you guys you guys just left us I really like a lot of the topic that you mentioned it seemed like very exciting um especially the one that mentioned about those School U coming in um some of the student and be part of the government body and know more about how this mov I think that's Council yeah I think that's a nice program for the kid um I hope is is you know it's get together and who get interested they learn more that's what nice thing another thing that I see I would like to get more INF about the what you just mentioned about that pro project that you mention it's called Adu what you have to do is a school online Google Adu New Jersey Adu Singapore everything is there yeah you don't think it would be very beneficial if we make like one special meeting for our town to get more about because not everybody's going to know about like I come to the meeting I know now I could go online and check for our community to know more about the beneficial and get a little more info about um like one special meeting people interested to and learn more about yes have question and that way you know if we come out with that that would be very informed for the community you know I'll be honest with you uh the community residents who buy half a duplex for $1.2 million I was hoping that you know as they buy their homes they find find a little responsibility a little little pride but as you know what happening and I told the rest of people doesn't know the reason why we're one of the main reasons why we don't have street parking all right it's not because the duplexes as if you really think about it 50 by 100 each unit could put in four units I mean four cars cars two in the driveway and two in the parking lot now there are people that want to pay they want to rent the legal best basement make that money and then pay for the tax it's kind of fun I get it but but the problem is it gets really bad they they they need use the garage double car garage as a storage facility or a business and then what they do is they rent the illegal basement tennesses the driveway for 300 bucks and they Park their car on the street this is why I Circle back that as a governing body I don't blame them for it I think it's good start to start ourselves we have to bring Pride we have to show that we're improving that things are being clean and and everything's being maintained so when they walk on the street when they see a trash can they're going to pick it up and put in the trash can we're far from that but let's just show our pride first so it could it could be contagious and tell every you know show that hey we're trying should try to the the the factor of you know like this Pride for residents who are multi-million dollar owners it's not there it's it's not there but we're going to we're going to get there and another thing I think this is a good idea because we been like Miss Lee say we've been dealing with a regulation about you know the basement we can track leave here believe leave as a school um having that trou I think that would be very beneficial for our town to regulate that so hopefully they fre can do it and another thing I really I was here in Saturday for the 125th anniversary I really think it's come out really good thank you thank you for the hard work we miss some the government body like some of the council member like Mr Jason and uh V we was there it was very nice if I could see all of them but I know people have things to do but um where it was there was very nice and another thing I know you said to mention about the topic but now that we heard a lot of gun shooting school and all that so I know the police office is very active around our school I would like to ask me you know to make sure that they go around the school shck who is around and just and doing school time to be you know be alert in that thank you thank you thank you for that anybody else pleas pleas come up you have 3 minutes please come up may address are you s 27 is Center um why the liary committee chair was speaking that you mentioned that the library is the property of the borrow yes I just make sure that you see the documentation that it belongs to border including land and what you could do is you could question okay yeah because that question came up when I was best looking for our school properties as well then I came ACR to the library but I couldn't find any so I that's you it we also own properties behind the high school which is one of the reasons why we're going to utilize it for something that could supp the uh uh the affordable homes elements and also the property the correct me if I'm wrong the Border uh building you know where where Jo Jo and all those guys office that's also ours as well and also the back end of the Lindberg school that field that's the property of ours property of yours labored as but then you know like what I know is that it's a property but the B event takes care of it okay but how do we determine that that should we request what do I request the or something no again Ask the OPA request and just give you some more hints instead of just doing One op request there some multiple op request okay and confirm it with me too I just ask you to do a closer for me so thank you okay thank you yeah Joe maybe you could Enlighten us come up 3 minutes I'd like you to enlighten me actually I'm the guy that cuts that on our field L field I'm also a long time resident in pal Joseph 85 Pal's Park um library library used to be Central Boulevard school it wasn't Palisades Park property I don't you know living in this town 68 years my grandparents moved here in the 1800s before Pal's Park was even Palace Park uh property has always been school property so the library you're saying that isber school that was a Central Boulevard school was was was did you know that the uh our senior apartments in 300 hland Avenue used to be our toide yeah they they gave it off to the county we gave a lot nice lot over there in the apartment during the past administration and gave it to the county say you take care of it I was here when they rebuilt 1974 they put up the uh board offices on that property that property I didn't know facto was was principal of high school at the time uh Mr cats I believe was our superintendent schools way back and I've never seen anything ever giving that property away so I'll I'll bear witness with you I'm not positive but I would like to see it opened up and checked out also the field the field was taken over by the town you say the not taking over by the town what I know and I I could be correct this is why I I want I'm going to verify right out by next we I'm going to find the answers now all three of those locations that we talk about um the thing is what I've been told is that that is a property of the Pal Park B and we're allowing the school to use it that property was always Lindberg field field well I got to go back to 1920s and I wasn't there so I I wish you would handle it now the problem is though with that like I was also given to the county to use as it was a park set up with the county [Music] approximately I'm here 36 years in the school system approximately 25 or 30 years ago that reverted back to the school the properties from the from the county the county state because they they set that up as a field through funds to redo that and they did it because it was really a terrible field part the Lindberg field was more of a mind field than it was the baseball field that one I was playing on as a child and uh I just don't ever remember I was a little kid you know so it's it's a long time ago and I don't remember that being given to the town the town doesn't do anything you would even cut the damn I beg for help with a lot of things there but oh that's your proper don't worry will so I take care of it I'm the guy sitting on that track for the last 36 years coming wasn't the town even when it was a county park through the state you know pluming I cut the grass with the rest of the custodians and maintenance men that school system now you're going to tell Parkway of doing things for 100 years and then you come back my minutes are up minutes are up minutes are up okay sir you talking about your knowledge right I'm talking about my knowledge too let's get to the bottom of this shall we all right good something check with my board office let that do let lawyers work it out no lawyers required we have we have l l use records in the municipality so who wants it so we're going to ask what we do is now you're going to ask that's the whole question to me you know I don't listen what I believe in shared services this is pal St work like I said we're one we're not talking about that Joel we talked about the library because Library needs to renovate now past practices that you're talking about the B took care of the the renovations all right anybody else please come up name and address oh by the way I'm sorry right no Jason you want to add concerning the I'm sorry just give me one minute what was the thing that you wanted to talk about in the conversation that I said for would you like to inut about the property wounds of properties yeah please go ahead me being a board member me being counc M for many years that question read up many time and then I finally I found out that our town has Le with the school le which one which property okay and we also have le to the library as well we have the lease or they have the lease lease means both library has aase with the school board property is a town okay good the order is a school and the library do you have a do you have proof of that you have we have a I saw the proof the least actual proof because he Diane mon actually di into that and then she gave that lease and I afford to our PA for that so I sold the Le but the leas like changes every like 40 Years or or something like that so I know that you never saw the town at that central school but in the time town still only we always R out and change the Le like every 40 years or 50 years like that that's why normal people don't know they never see the Le it's always internal between the governing member of that time period with a superintendent of that time period the last one that I saw was the uh the one of the councilman May one of the mayor over there name actually signed the paper with the one of the superintendent of Lal school because there was a historical background that comes with it I don't want to take it too long on everything but yet abolutely belong to I'm have a copy of it as well would you please is it okay you ask for a copy thank you so he s to the to to Scott he's a library how about the library too Library property Library do have actually leave but property belongs to town to be in some form of record with tax office with the clerk's office or even the LI in the library board let's find that out you're going to find out that's why I stopped it no no no no we need something to work with if you have it for the Liber School he'll it I'll search some of the old Deeds I have some Deeds back to 1900 thank you we have until next week good thank you thank you sorry about that go ahead your name and address my name is is 519 second spe your name is Mr K yeah actually the king is my wife my wife sent an email to mayor uh maybe September two uh she got email about the floing problem is someone without the drain yes okay I spoke with your wife and I she got really like kind of annoyed I'm not going to lie to you she doesn't believe me that I'm working on it you know what the problem is right I saw it what is the problem is the the drain drain uh there is no drain there yeah that's the problem yeah now I need to get an engineer and I'm going to said that to your lovely wife numerous of times I'm going to tell you this as well we need to get an engineer we need to work that to see if you can create a drain there it's not easy job but we're going to get it done okay hold on a second hold on a second I'm not done yet so if you didn't notice that we just hired a special engineer one of his projects is for is to review that please patiently rate a wait I know that your wife and you contact a lot of council members we try to help you out I can tell you as a mayor I'm working on it and I'll get back to you go ahead and come coun I think you refers to the house of sister this is the house of [Music] second you said how many doesn't your wife come here to complain several times yeah my wife unfortunately abent did she come here every single time and complain no oh I'm so sorry okay this is something else yeah but we have can can can you speak no it's okay okay right now she can't come together you're right now we're talking to you it's okay she'll get an opportunity my thing is my apologies I thought I thought was your wife that was talking about Fourth Street but now you're seeing that the Second Street Second Street is the first time you're approaching the mayor and Council and you want to find you want to proclaim a formal formal complaint that why because the same reason there is no there's no drains no drain and then uh the the the low the height pitch pitch okay right is your driveway pitched in yes okay all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask I'll get somebody over there I'll ask a DPW and the new engineer will take a look and I want you to before you go you don't want to display your phone number to everybody else but please write a piece of paper your phone number and give it to Sophia J she's our clerk so we have a form of contact okay all right thank you and additionally we need the speed B on the on the street we need a speed on your street or yeah Street the section between the uh the Avenue and let me ask you we're running out of time right now but let me ask you why you think think you need a speed bu uh the that Ro is the two-way R so so every time the the the car passed the uh very best so uh we need okay so I'm going to ask the engineer this all depends on the engineer's opinion so I'm going to put in also please please consider the the one one street please why do you say because uh the yeah the the other Street on the second Streed is on one but you specially our the section is a 2 a so that's why the car is so best so are you asking a speed BM on a second street or o or you want speed and and Second Street this way this way on the Second Street okay and then please consider the one way all right thank you very much anybody else what's your name and address 129 revelt placey 129 revelt Place go ahead sir um I was just I would just like to say that um I wholeheartedly approve of what Miss is trying to do with the model M Council I think that will really help with the Civic engagement in our school because I was a club leader of uh a couple of one one um Civics club and and by ourselves we really couldn't get like it off the ground and I think with the the burough support we would be able to definitely raise awareness of small town politics and things like that um also I would also like to ask about the fireman background check requirement because I don't I don't think I've got a background check done by um Mr mon Leon are you the applicat the Junior yes good um again I think there's a law if you're a minor are you a minor yes are you you're 17 and I 16 right now okay so what I've been told but I'm going to clarify that's why I want to make sure I believe that because you your parents your legal guardian they have to represent you so I think our part have to talk to your parents about it so don't worry about it I just need some proof from for example the police department saying that hey we did our job we're okay this this this this student this gentleman is okay that's all I want and the decision will be made next week Monday with all this you know necessary so if you want to come if you want to come next Monday uh 600' more than likely will be thank anybody else please come up we have to get that translator you supposed to get for us wasn't there somebody who spoke Spanish crean English flly yeah but the uh stat of I I'll speak slowly I am sorry that we usually have a translator then but then we're going to get it soon come over here name and address Second Street yes [Music] Street J okay same problem in the Second Street a [Music] lot five all this way too much traffic so and before in my car and the back and another car coming and another car in the parking we can see in the we car in the the CR car CR something in the i i i pleas in making the warning I know you very a hard job and Polie check in the working way and engineer another [Music] problemay First Street and the thir Street police make [Music] as engineer check divide the water all in the uh and theia and the water come not in the building nothing in the old lot come in the [Music] old trying to speak English because I have to [Music] translate we understand just try to speak English but I understand was it's the same problem water problem right Second Street you know same problem that okay nebor so do me a favor I want you to write your phone number contact phone number and give it to Sophia yeah and we're going to we're going to hire the engineer and I'm going to I'm going to ask him to go take a look and we'll get back to you okay okay and you I want to talk to him and I explain no you don't talk to him it's okay when we when he's there we're going take a look if you're there we'll ask you to come out I'll knock on the door and explain it the engineers more than more than more than enough uh uh ability to to see what's wrong I Liv in the more than the problem Street problem he he knows engine I know I'm living there what's the problem water coming water in the way which way to go there which coming sure I know the engine but the engineers not going to work with your schedule what we're going to do is when we get an engineer you give the phone number I'll give you a call engineer will give you a call if it's not there it's if you're not there the engineer will still go there if you're there you can meet it thank you but your your participation doesn't require for the engineer to do the job okay okay and onp go ahead no go ahead and on top of that uh the traffic matter right this is what I want to do I want to look into the last time the traffic survey we had uh the record actually the only survey that we had was recently been uh that been disclosed which you saw by the county which was dated 2023 I know but that's the uh that was only for the the bigger street that we don't own I think that was recommended by the county welle 46 when you come down take away the speed bump and all that stuff so I'm talking about each you know local residence street I'm talking about right but it's going to cost a lot of money this is work with this this is work with the ones that come to us and then that's where we do this monthly meeting we'll ask the new engineer to go to Fourth Street and Second Street CU every if you do every single survey it cost a lot of money no I know I know know I just want to know when was the LA for example right specifically Second Street right I just want to know when was the last time uh traffic got and based on that right based on that you know report um you so the traffic is as you know it's cell Simo he is our designated traffic engineer uh I will give you his contact number if you can give him a call and say hey this street what do you have any records of it then you could see how how it is good point Thank you you're out of time right now out of time this is way too long thank Youk anybody else please come up Sir name name and address aring 329 East Columbia um I it's not part of this meeting tonight but I'm going to say it anyway um I enjoyed Saturday you people I'm sorry I'm sorry a party let me hold on I saved a lot of money I got to enjoy Korean entertainment music thank you it was beautiful I sat there in front and and I also enjoyed all your comments pertaining to the whole thing another thing which is not part of this meeting today I did enjoy the benches one bench in particular on the Avenue because I had my sandwich and banana for lunch I didn't have Korean food I'm sorry anyway anyway but me being a a fussy person I noticed that the bench only had two screws on it yes there's a reason for that let me tell you DPW uh talked with the Govern with me and R her the reason why we're putting two screws right now even though is because exact going be the permanent spot we're right now trying to see how many people sit down on certain pages and not that's why the DPW said hey let me two screws first now because I'm lazy just in case you change your mind if you have to move into another location from a unpopular to popular location okay but be designated cuz my concern is the safety of the people plus people are uh some people are not good and they they all they need to to do is bend that bench back and it's brok because try let know cuz what I've been told the the the anchors about this long but it's only a three qu got too so if you think that someone's going to still it you got to let me know but I don't think s someone's going to fall off a bit but just wait until we're designated okay a makes sense s but I'm just trying to protect the bench absolutely thank you absolutely thank you anybody else I have a motion to close the public session and come back to our work session have a motion thank you have a second all in favor have they have a motion to work session all in favor thank you very much for your participation you guys have a good night I'll see you guys next week