##VIDEO ID:AxvVVBI28BI## we have a motion to exit the exact session come back to a regular session a motion first and second from Jason K all in favor coun reports coun yes I thought you already did that okay the uh the respiratory virus is on app and all around us so we are there is a new string of uh covid virus is going around it's not mortality level is high but is spread like great if you get like I mean the temperature high Mak sure product for that also um we have uh working flu vaccine cleaning is going on on Thursday 1 p.m. to 3 pm at Health Department so if anybody need a vaccine make sure you flu vaccine making sure there thank you and what what are the dates for that uh it's uh I think it's one day it's Thursday Thursday is it possible that weord with our with our senior bus because is it isfield I I guess so I think our EA should arrang that okay if anybody comes because of your news and they they're interested and seniors need to go there I think we have a we have a senior bus that we could use services for that this Thursday for3 yeah also uh tomorrow 10 to 12 there is a free blood pressure screening at the pal par Senor citizen uh Center at the Highland apartment yes 300 Highland Avenue at the senior activity center run by the County there'll be a blood pressure and there nurses there if you want to ask about prescription any General Health uh questions uh there they attempt to answer some the questions that's it thank you great no no problem thank you because I this is remind me u b u if if people have a cold or or Co what happens here do they allowed allowed to work here or or if are there symptomatic is there a safety measure yes and even the mold exposures I remember a long time ago I wrote a memo and you wrote a memo saying that you know people who feel like they're mold exposed they should wear a mask we left masks everywhere and and I I believe that I saw a couple of the employees who complained are still are still work they were working here so I want to make sure that you know we don't you know the employees one who would like to work here with a complaint they should really you should really tell them hey we a mask or something I had the uh Health officer here send an email out to all departments telling them and Advising them of the ongoing Co problem and the increase in Co and steps that they should take uh we did have one person who is working off site primarily to get that uh taken care of until we can ascertain that you know completely as best this old we have recently done thanks to the help of the bough attorney and air quality testing of the entire Hall and we are still waiting results on that we should get this week very good thank you very much um I just want to be sure because if employee complains we have to provide safety measures like you said they he you whoever it was you need both to work there I think that's a good idea uh I the flu vaccine working Clinic is on September 26 1 p.m. to 300 p.m. also October 7th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. great the on address that our patients could go there for it is 725 SL [Music] Avenue thank you very much I appreciate that information very great councilman uh some of some of you actually uh waiting for this topic to be bring uh right it up I guess uh the parking meters uh I did the uh the reviews on the contract and we're actually approaching at end of the contract and we got less than a year right now so uh myself and a CFO Roy is actually doing a through review see what we can do about it um once assessment you know there's a lot of factor that we need to be actually go through so once the assessment is over I'll bring it to the council and see what we can do all right I'll keep you guys updated so you're going to be uh spearheading thanks to you we're going to do a do an assessment uh report about what could we do next what services what type of Hardware what not and you you'll provide us with options right uh we may have to uh stick with the program uh the contract but with the better uh service or better um you know uh updates what is the reason why we have to when the turn expires within the year you said that our contract expires in a year correct yeah less than a year but there's option so so do we have to be with them after no okay good thank you very much appreciate that that's that's actually a very big concern for patriot who come here to enjoy our Commerce restaurants seniors who are kind of bewildered about all those numbers there I hope I excuse me um so so please uh you know take that into consideration thank you Council J okay I like to ask him more question sure would you please consider um having a survey with the business owners kind IDE they also your survey of the business is it certain the business survey of the customers who come just just asking you know General survey right General survey not just for the nothing but what kind of U you know Loop they want you could even contact the Chamber of Commerce because they're really in tune with the Commerce as well can I another consideration um Can is it possible you could uh analyze for the you know contract time what's the revenue what's the expense and compare with the before the contra right okay all right thank you mayor I want to report on PO 2024 summer season is over and we made total revenue for 428,000 782 and um I think compared to other years uh it went well and this year the weather was so so hot so one Sunday uh they made 14,000 for just one day so it went well and then we had a work on a pilion roof and the pump house roof has been done and for next year we're planning possibly to have new pumps you know it's been outdated it's been there for long so we're going to look for the possibility of replacing the pumps and also if um our financial uh situation is low we we would like to U make a splash pad like if any of you um list to Fort Le the community center they have a very nice uh splash pads for kids just when they walk around you know the the water splash is coming out and it's a much um safer than the kitty pole so I think that will be a good idea and uh I really thanks to uh Karen nenti and their team for very successful summer and um especially the exceptionally hot temperature days they did a very good job and for a second Recreation team did absolutely good job for 125th anniversary Street Festival that really went successfully and so I'm thankful for Mr Dave teranova and his team excellent the rec team worked so hard and uh we uh had a very nice exhibition for 125th memorabilia in this area so you know we had lots of old pictures and little maps and I really had a good time and then um Mr ridington prepared for it for days and then um I than for him too and also we had a buan Korea who uh bringing all those uh Korean traditional ceramics that was beautifully displayed here if any of you saw it you know that was very nice so it really was a great event uh for for all attendees and the participated business people and um I think we had a really good time Al together for the DPW uh continuously working hard to um meet all our residential needs for you know communities probably aairs uh with Mr Bruno and U I actually asked him about the reporting process you know the who reports to who and Mr Choy uh Sam Choy is giving us uh beautiful reports every month so hopefully it will go continuously and uh I will uh put it into our Town's website so anybody can look into like who did what kind of a job and um today I was so happy to see our uh police department um the you know uh emergency rescue team they really did a beautiful job since you know there was an um incident in Fort B um you know in very near uh past one uh young lady got shot and uh it was a very tragic um happening and know I'm so proud that you know our town handles these kind of matters professionally with wholeheartedly and taking care of even um person who's sick and I'm so thankful that was a great you know I'm so honored to be here thank you if the same thing happened 40 I wouldn't be here right now I would think you're but thank you but I just want to add on to your report that um that the splash pad was actually part of a bond that was approved oh the grant that was approved with the with the full you should check out with Roy and find out that Grant I think that's already available it's available part of the splash po part of the so use that you don't you know it's already there um and what else is there okay we oh oh the the sweeper the sweeper I'll get back to you sweep for the DPW yeah so for the sweeper um it's been there for in our agenda to pass for almost two years and recently it got broke and we needed another like almost $10,000 to fix it so it cost $229,000 and I think we really need to pass it and then I'll buy the new one it's here so do you know when it will be delivered were that will be delivered yes to DPW no waad it's going to be a while it's going to be a while with about 6 months 3 months Mon and our old sweeper is still operational what do we with our old uh sweeper what are we going do with our old sweeper new sweeper no the old one the old one I have I don't know we fig that out keep it as a backup go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead ahead either up to the body they want to and with the recommendation of Mr Bruno whether they want to sell it or keep it as a back on as a back on thank you very much and the new one doesn't even need a special driver the license to operate so anyone with the driver's license can operate it so in case of emergency you know for anyone can go go ahead why months oh because uh they have to make it I think it's they don't they don't keep them on some of these parts are like you know have a longer lead time to specs and all that so it's not like notes and B that we could you know build this right away I mean it requires a you know tons of different parts I have a question after sking I oh I haven't a plan yet so can start great I think that's a good idea talk to Karen if you can talk to the PO attorney if not available talk to the board attorney about the legalities of doing other activities social income um but then there will be liabilities that we have to address sure everything El that's a great suggestion thank you so much are you done I'm done thank you last but not least Council Lee sure an update from the school board so a director from the high school reached out about doing a f trip to the municipal uh building as well as how the local governments work in these meetings and I mentioned this at the work session last week that mayor and I have proposed to do a model mayor and council meeting for the students and try to help them you know get engaged in these political activities as well as raise their voice um in the local matters and there was a student from the school at the work session who EXP exess interest so hopefully there will be good feedback on this idea and we'll keep you posted on how this progresses I will I will for you and put you in all the emails and just lay it off to you like a baton bring it back to us thank you thank you thank you I have a question yes I heard they building some classrooms new library do you know what what is about we haven't discussed anything I'll find out more about that the council the the library president is sucho you ask I even heard that room too because of a lack of space that's needed they're actually using somewhere where there's no windows I think right that's what I heard like a storage room converted into a classroom without window is that correct I have so maybe you could uh get some information from us thank you that's it excellent uh ba what I was going to talk about we already mentioned about the help off sending out uh letters an email to all the different departments about ways to protect themselves and let them know about the co increase that's coming and also the air quality test that we had done here in B Hall uh from the basement up to the second floor I'm still waiting results on that I let the governing body know as soon as I here thank you thank you yeah I think it's reassuring to get another one just in case good good um coun C no reports director your turn report for August um we had um 1888 summonses issued and I'd like to commend um SPO Nelson Fen who issued 255 summonses which was the top for all of our officers um and I also like to point out this past year the number of tickets that Val Park issued we place fourth in the county and that's compared to every every municipality in buron county and the highlight of that is that we issued 26,6 64 sum which which is actually more summons that we have in in population and that's what was highlighted in the article um and then I would like to um introduce to you someone that I've been working with the past year um Captain James rundo he was um voted on tonight he's becomes the officer of charge um we have met daily for the for the for the past month um since ch know retired we come up with a lot of great ideas and and we look forward to moving the department forward James has 17 years he he has a lot of ties to the community has a lot of great ideas and and I think they'll do a great job great great thank you for uh mentioning our new uh officer in charge uh officer in charge please come up and con [Applause] just want to thank the mayor and councel uh for putting your trust in me uh to run the police department uh you know we got a lot of great guys uh every day I I I bring them in talk to them give them some pep talks uh we got to you know move our department in in in the right direction into the future I look forward to doing that working well with you guys uh I know you guys will be great to me so I appreciate you thank you I guess that's it um um yeah yes yes yes we have a motion to uh close and open to the public for public participation I want to make a motion close and open to the public first J second one un you guys have three minutes please propose please raise your hands if you guys have any questions concerns just want to remind yes go ahead just want to remind the council that any response to public comments needs uh need to be recognized by the here first as it we follow the Robert's Rule the council members should not entertain their request it has to come through the mayor and I have to ask you guys okay good anybody please come up yes you you're you're the you're the lady on Four Street correct yeah okay so as I told you we got a new engineer and I'm seeing this from everybody because you can follow me nonstop um we have a new engineer and I and I recently we just started this we met with him last week and we we we requested to ass sign to check out your Fourth Street CU when I went there there was there was any drains on your side but there is a there is a pothole in the middle which means there should be a main drain going down yeah so this is a big project but we are going to get the engineer there he is one of his assignments and when this is done I'll you'll be the first person to know from me Yes actually we're doing it you can't do that you got to look at me ask me to ask the council please look at me to do that because we're doing I have number I can contct yes you oh yeah you he was there with you call us both call her call him call anybody you want but as soon as we get some kind of information you'll be the first person to know from me of course of course thank you thank you anybody else please come up name address hi this is 51 519 Second Street uhuh so I sent the email gam September 2nd about Second Street issue you know floing issue and speeding issue so this is my I prent in the Second Street neighborhood so I got the sign petition so it's a pleasure I'm so happy leave in know paride Park as house owner I know you know just the ID 2002 we have a lot of string you know BR issue it was okay you know government you know tried helping us you know but you know unfortunately AUST 15 you know 2 minute habit raing my house 4 my house or my neighbor house is Fring you know and then how anymore I'm not happy I'm very anxiety anxious whenever it's raining even though you know I can't make any plane you know my travel because I can't leave my house I don't know what happened you know during the my you know travel or that's why I begging pide the park you know mayor and then you know everybody you know please fix you know problem you know I think you know I'm really you know strong suggesting you know making you know big train under the road like First Street also problem you know side of walk and load is pretty evil right now our problem big problem is water from the Ria so we can you know protect anything you know any we can any action right now only thing you know just the waiting you know just that you're you know helping you know protect you know our asset house so that's why I'm here you I'm really strongly begging suggest you guys do something for us absolutely yes the these petitions thank you very much you listen to my advice this shows that it's not more than one resident who has the same problem there's about nine residents or scientists they all affected with uh more than above average uh rain I mean average rain average rain or flood yes it's not like a FL where a lot of lot of flood one another in our house is more worse than us but they all flood a normal amount of rain Yes understood um I would like for you to just do me a favor right down your phone over here okay before you go yes and because it's a Power Authority the the but with this ahead um I'm sure you guys are okay with it I'm going to ask a new uh engineer at DPW to go take a look over there and see what the problem is and as soon as we find what the problem is and what we're going to do will'll let you know again it could be a simple fix it could be a qu the drain it could be a lack of a draining system yes it depends what it is if it takes a long time you have to budget it yes but you know like it is always possibility for Public Works not to flood on a normal average amount of R so we have that just do me a favor okay you have you have you have 5 Seconds okay I have one more thing you second right the Edison and then Oak Avenue too much traffic I don't feel you know safe because parking you left side right side and then tway and the car is driver is high speed you know and then I saw you know speed Bumper in the Leia side at least you make the bum is something that we don't decide off hand it goes to our traffic engineer however the directors over here director would you take attention what what the street again Second Street Second Street of what and then and the reason why is because they are Speedy yeah every single time do you see police presence there do you see police presence there do you see police presence there did you make a call to the police and made a complaint yet no I didn't a complain yet you did not you're supposed to call the police but since you're here this is the director here and since the new YC is here right now what they're going to do is they going to take a look what they could do and then if they could find a simple remedy we'll let you know please put your phone number in the back of this petition thank you very much for the petition next please come up name and address you have 3 [Music] minutes A New York Transit buses constantly from about 5:30 to 8:30 through we have quite a few children on and a lot of them have schol so they're in the gutter the transit buses should not be com this has been like an ongoing problem you speak to them a couple of weeks they stop and then they go right back to it again something permanent so what this usually happens what we do is the government body or authority will say hey stop using the public roads it's unauthorized and they won't do it for a while so tell me the rout that you saw the bus goes from heavy to how does it use heavy why does it use heav from Ro goes down Henry turns on brand that's a shortcut for them I guess there's no traffic white on Henry all right B would you please uh see contact remember how we contacted Clos from Brad Avenue 125th we should do us a favor and contact them let them know that I to we not to happy thank you thank you please come up name and address you have three minutes thank you for Avenue um I'd like to make a comment in the agenda you have the 24 224 14 14 yes 224 be 24 yeah 24 24 14 14 the ordinance thein thank you um yes thank you I know that you guys passed that now um and um I would like to you know make a comment as a resent that we don't make a mistake that in the past as um those salary we have finally we are released from that and now there be very caution and how we have that because it's going to help the town as you know um save money so I would like you know I like to see that um getting better um I like the idea that Christine have about using the pool in winter time um I know it's going to take time to decide what we in doing that but that would be very good especially that we don't have much thing to do here as Recreation for our kids so that would be very beneficial and I have a question for the mayor I know you mentioned about do part that it was in plan yes uh I would like to hear about that I want to get back to it too okay I want to know what happened on the progress and I'll get back to okay and um also um the same thing with the Glen Avenue I I spoke with the officer then um who was very diligent and take care of Glen Avenue as of leaving garage there is still contining so I would like the officer in charge to go and check that we find every kind of thing in that street sorry and Glen lber it's a very part um spay to park so they park there in the nighttime they leave um kind ofal bottle um clothes like clothes like personal cloth are they are they are they drivers uh well they Park in they I don't know who they are I don't go today I just see it in the morning GL where I'm sorry um it'll be like by the field side but GL GL with the fuel side the back of the Liber well by you know the jar of the the B jar like that parking space there it's in Glenn Avenue Glenn Avenue by the school close to the School field yes by the school field and you're saying that there are there are people Park that car and party it was um like people go there they Park in the night time and also you know even in daytime they park there they eat they use that parking um space of just having some kind of spend time there if you go there right now it's like Corona bottle light of very anything you can imagine they litter they drink inside the car and they also go and stay in the car and do every kind of kind of stuff in there and it been better and now we went back to you know to to the grp so and also I would like to know I didn't know that we didn't have a officer like the chief police so now I see that we have a office in chart and how that work if you could explain to me who's going to be next or how this work because I'm not a very um I don't aing that how that work like he be the officer like police how that work well basically at this point the police director will take over as I understand the day-to-day operation of the police department the officer in charge will be almost like the Police director you want to answer that police chief police chief has the authority of the of the managing highest Authority the director uh cannot manage Day to-day activities of of of the the police he has his own duties he's been he's been briefed by the prosecutor's office as well both know their duties what they need to do but it's almost like consider him as like uh in a chief position he is the highest manager day to-day manager for the police department Day activities so they change how long well the resolution if you read the resolution it says 6 months okay okay thank you anybody else thank you please come up name name and address three minutes uh councilman was talking about the parking stations Etc and how that works how did we make out MoneyWise with this system um I the cfo's not here but I what I could do is I can send an email well actually you could open brother that I don't have that information right now to see if was not here I can't ask that to you right now you also said seniors get bewildered by it I think people your age and younger get you think everything in offense what I mean is there is actually seniors who can't speak English who are bewildered by a lot of numbers there were there were there were complaints and recommendations from the senior General Community for my research not yours saying that would you please may you know a machine where it's it looks easier to do yeah it's a pain in the ass machine is what it is my personal okay n you had said you were going to try and take up lining parking spots on residential streets yes how's that going well we we got to get back on on the wagon and finish that we're almost done to to finalize and bring that to Aid um I'm on a street where there are four brand new duplexes people will park anywhere anywhere and I'm constantly having to go outside and have them move out of my driveway or call the police it will I believe it will help all right so the soon you do that um then you said something that we have a new engineer is that in place of colazo we just we just we just we just passed the resolution to hire a special engineer a special engineer so stays as engineer more or less he's been the board engineer and all that that may we that's what ask no so that St is as is well I never thought about it what do you mean as is we got a special engineer because we need it what to do steeve well you kept saying new engine engineer so I know if you meant that you never said special so I don't know if you meant we're replacing or you're hiring someone else do we know what the new engineer is being hired at salary was it was by what was the resolution again you know we did some work again the resolution was not to exceed $50,000 is that so that's part time yes or am I assuming never mind I'm done anybody else please come up name and address you have few minutes to Central I'm just here to say answer question ra since you are all here it might be easier for you to for me to answer regarding those classrooms oh yes please inline us you are the uh pres ucation and regarding the three classroom in my 90s that idea proposed the three two years ago and um at the time yes because as or you may know that we are short or Shir is of the classroom with the new coming students so need needs more clroom and the currently we are using only one classroom upstairs Flo in the library but we need more and then you downstair where the garage are car garage are onne of the library next to it those it's open to outside right but that's the plan is to cover that up you talking about the garage exterior garage below the library this idea was presented few years ago right but did you discuss with the library board to make that happen at the time I was think I was your board member no my point is that involves a library right library is an entity right your border can I just go we're going to do it Library I believe so so might a brief conversation regarding um this issue with the superintendence that was told that at the time only approved about that plan to be addressed by our architecture not architect SCH architect you're you're getting there you're getting there but you have to really consult with your your school attorney well how to process properly because library is own entity we have share service agreement with them because we consider them as even they're all under the budget of the world right they're still separate they have to do their business they have to know would approve the right that's one of question that my last what is the you have documentation that library is for property or something is you know what you know like we go get the tax taxor but by the reford as far as I'm concerned is a property the building is a property of the world now that means we have to get involved too right right Alle but anyways but anyways don't work on that if you have any questions please ask you know come back to us or the library or the board of or the board whatever attorney my question is you say you got three classrooms that you guys plan no six six so how many classroom are you going to fit in the basement of the library that is open Air Park L where to be converted to the six classroom six classroom all down there right if you remove the parking lot and you close the class make a six classroom and currently I know that we that's there's a missing part based on you what you saying that the board should speak spoke with the library board but put out that after we are waiting for the our cation to be once it's a we might we will go for it you need to make meeting with the board so the the real realization of building that classroom is still distant away it's not right now a year or something like that six months you guys are working on right so meanwhile it's been like a couple of years so meanwhile we are now currently converting to rocker room in elementary school to be a preschool classroom we are under construction right and then there's another separate private um private Nursery School down there in commercial where we are borrowing their classroom as well for two classroom of PR students too what happened with the classroom That was supposed to be a deal with Jason would you like to give us a what about the first one well about everything because you were kind of involved with trying to get a contract with the grant to allocate uh places like swarm CH Church so so what was two and years ago there was a special Grand money available from the state it was special everybody can apply but we happen to be one of the category who can apply for that under the library so we applied and and she said many years happen so we are about I think that's what she okay but because the libr stff and the basement and the the parking lot belongs to the mayor I mean the B the Bor so I guess it's up to us so yes or not rather than rather than Library say yes or not well the library has to be part of that not they use it but itong but technically we're going to have to verify with the attorneys from all sides make sure who gets an inut thank you in that case what what is the agement thank you thank you very much appreciate thank you any more questions please come up leave even an address you got three minutes [Music] sir um this is not a question as a resident uh my opinion uh it is a newspaper report uh in 19 uh I mean 2023 last year uh I don't want to just like offend anybody here in this room and I really respect part police department but this article reports that uh H par po harmed by political influence and lack of leadership but not anymore I believe that but a reporter said uh boros's police department pled with a heavy heavy political influence and a lack of leadership blah blah blah and Report found that most most officer have contributed to or work with the political organization within the B and that those same officer believe the political influences had done immense harm to the Department Officer told the prosecutor's office investigators the influence had made it difficult to supervise manage an appropriately disciplined officer is a political effect in many of these decisions so like you know I don't want to read it everything but uh you know Prosecutors office last year began its assessment of the department in September after the jump in a number of investigatory and disciplinary issues investigators set out to review the department operational and administrative process and its Appliance to the law enforcement best practices practice office uh Direct uh you know like this is like all police officer they have to just you know like walk within some kind of like um political uh participation activities they have to just you know like contribute some money for fundraisings and all kind of thing and hand out door too and keep a political like ass signs and participate door too campaign I have collected all evidence through the SNS about like some candidate for um councilman surrounded by police officer happy to take sir right now you're talking about a political stop please stop please see right there you don't want to talk about elections politics you're here because you want to talk about our service to you as a resident not because we going talk about politics you just cited about 2 minutes and 30 seconds about an article that I read and everyone else read that came from the prosecutor's office and also the confence room you as well the reason why the one of the reasons why the the Police director was hired was to assess this to find out where is this political uh relationship that compromises the the the work work work work poity of the police department I I hoping that the uh the director continues his research and provides him with some kind of ways or measures to make sure that we prevent a political influence with the police department now that's all you can say about that okay you cannot talk about politics or campaigning or something like that you got a complaint there is actually a complaint that you call in New Jersey the Board of Elections you can make a complaint over there can I finish within a 30 seconds you have you'll get 30 seconds but please don't talk about politics or elections go ahead there are so many candidates that here so I hope you know um civil servant or like public employ to not participate any political kind of like pain they're supposed to be free from that feel like you cannot force them to go out and hand up a poli now you're talking about C again you're done thank you very much force please leave that's it thank you anybody else jeez all right yes yes sir you haven't you haven't spoke you're done sir you're more than 3 minutes you talk about politics and it seems like you want this everybody's running here this is the wrong venue please go [Music] ahead I asked you not to talk about politics Jesus no I said you shouldn't talk about politics you don't listen please go ahead you wore Trump hat a couple of weeks ago anyway um I'd like to talk I hear about the um putting lines for the parking I like the idea parking spaces Oh you mean the lines yes residential on high if if we do go forward with that please make sure that their their driveways and the duplexes are so wide that they take too many spaces away my car has a steering wheel where I can go in my driveway and maneuver why do they have to have 30t wide or 25t wide driveway when the car is only 6 ft wide because a dou double Gage door it's a double car yeah but it's only like a foot a half between the doors my car has a steering wheel let people learn how to use the car I learned I'm able to back up in my driver and all that but that will definitely remedy CU as you know people part that car for the reasons I spoke to you about for C and I think to draw the line right and they don't park they Park their car for properly so leave space like this any left space will utilize for bicycles or motorcycles or meeting cars we're going to read address the lines the yellow lines the safety lines we found out through thanks to the research of councilman and the police department that the lines are not under regulation so we're going to take care of all the concerning all the lines and try to make it safe as well the to continue on the on the lines I just lost my foot oh sorry I know what I did the uh fire Hy they look ugly they used to be painted every year the yellow curbs used to be painted every year what's going on well the DBW is supposed to start their seasonal fall repainting ba would you please uh make sure the ba uh DPW takes a look at fire HS and make sure they used to they used to do sorry for interrupt me they used to do it in the in the afternoon in the summertime with kids sometimes even but we'll make sure that this they do at least an annual repainting of the lines and include the fire hydrants if you have some fire HS in mind you want to point out to the VA we'll take that attention that that location I have one in front of my house okay what is your address again 329 East columia 3 East colia thank you very much which actually is used as a parking lot every day at least 10 cars well you call the police department they will enforce right director thank you very much may have a motion to if there's nobody else to have a motion to close public session and come back to our regular session have a second all in favor we have a motion to close and adjourn this regular session a motion first uh Jack second ladies and gentlemen thank you very much have a wonderful night