##VIDEO ID:BMQvYrhVryQ## actually saving one's life um CFO would you please continue that we have the best practice inventory online at our house so what I'll do is since no one had the uh checklist I'll hold off tomorrow before I uh submit to the state so if you have a question um this evening uh you can call me tomorrow email me uh you disagree with the answer um it's the inventory disree we'll fix it and that will submit Wednesday you will see there are what we call unscored surveys that does not count towards the 39 yeses that we have if it says core that that question is going directly to the survey which thir yeses and we obtain 39 the law says to go all that we are answered one so5 to qualify right we have 39 39 so we're well over it so the ones that we had no one one was uh question 15 15 so we do not have a compensated trust fund and basically the reason we don't have it is we didn't have the money for hopefully next year we'll be able to uh appropriate some of that money and what the compensa trust fund is is it's money that we collect for when people retire so that we don't have to touch the budget we will have that money reserved from prior years um the big one is number 31 we don't have an audit the audit is under review right now with the pre uh previous bur attorney and the auditor uh there will be some action taken this week to try to get our audit um as soon as possible um for 202 the 23 audit and will be done yes the work is done it's uh it's in a litigation phase right now the buo attorney is aware of it nothing to do with you mayor counsel myself um the other one is uh vendors uh number 47 what happens is there's a website that now we're going to start using that we can check if a vendor uh is quote unquote not in good standing with the state we can preclude them from our vendor list um and it usually has to do with contracts Paving larger uh type of uh con uh Construction so we'll be following up on that one so in other words this is um one of the vendors that we list and Endor somewhat we will check ITC we will check it on the web list to see if they are quote not vendor secured and then the uh the last one number 61 was a no because we have not uploaded the detail of the contracts on the perk system uh the bur Clerk and will work on that and we should have that fixed for next year um as I said the we did very very well the perk is not set yet no perk so what happens is when a contract is signed off by the mayor and counsel that contract is supposed to be uploaded to another to the perk system it was not so we are going to correct that and it will be a yes come next year is responsible uploading this information first well it's it works um tedly with the clerk the attorney the labor attorney and [Music] myself and those were the major NOS on the survey so as I said mayor we did very well on the actual uh yeses and this is my requirement CFO to you and I will hold off a day if there's something on there that you disagree with let me know I can always change the answer but you don't want to go below 35 because then you run the risk of not getting your full State a December [Music] 1st again any questions send them an email and he'll answer for you and address it before Wednesday he'll delay the submission of yes you ask abely sorry what's the size of this size there's four questions 50 approximately 50 questions are what we call scorable the 30 questions are questions that are going to potentially become legislation next year the big one was your affordable housing and your lead Bas paint which you have an ordinance on tonight mayor resolution so what's going to happen with lead Bas paint the building department is getting certified inspectors those inspectors then will be able to certify if that apartment has lead base paint how many people did you survey survey it just comes here the survey is only amongst you yeah it's onlyl how many people participated um an9 online online it's only for us there was no other participation the public has no say it's only basically the mayor councel and myself to answer the questions cler too I believe the clerk before everyone will help but I'm responsible CFO to present this so how many peopleim it's not like a survey per se oh the survey is us only just the council it's called the survey but I I see what you're saying it's called it's also called the best practice please go ahead this is the first time I saw laste number 11 have no and yes which is it okay so the annual financial statement is a yes I checked with the previous order it was filed on time I originally thought we were late okay so it's not a no it's yes it's a [Music] yes any more questions so you're saying is okay you answers wed up till Wednesday but I can tell you the answers are usually correct because they come from your building forment they come from your affordable housing attorney and from your B clerk myself and I did email the mayor on some of the questions I had as well St disal anybody else thank you very for the claims you don't mind sure thank you thank you all right let's move forward with our adoption of minute adoption of meeting regular meeting of the May Council June 24 2024 and the special meeting of the mayor council july9 2024 work session of the mayor council July 15 2024 regular meeting of the mayor council July 22nd 2024 executive session of the mayor council July 22nd 2024 special meeting of the mayor council August 13 2024 any questions about adopting these minutes from June 24th to August 13th I have a motion a motion yes Council King yes Council yes Council yes Council yes Council yes let's go with the introduction of ordinance introduction ordinance of 20 20245 creating ordinance chapter 169 inti basic painting inspection any questions about the introduction of theb based pain inspection this is one of the things that was talking about that you come yes I have a question yes sir ahead appes toes multiple words there's AIT if there's a perit issued uh building department has a right to swi check for they don't go something when they go through inspection multiple anybody else I have a motion a motion first second c c c yes coun 202 creating 169 was introduced and pass first reading at the regular meeting of the council held on September 23rd 2024 and in accordance with the law said a will consider for first meting and deduction at meeting on October 2824 at 6 p.m. in the council chamber at which time all persons interested may appear for or against the passage of the ordinance the copy of the ordinance will be posted on the B board in the B Hall and it will be available at the office of the B thank you let's move forward with the second Reading Please second read August 2020 for 13 amending chapter 48 entitled officers at the employee to refill The Residency requirement for the municipal administrator any questions we've been through this but you have the opportunity to ask more questions before we pass may have a motion yes go ahead oh we have the public participation the second thank you thank you all right um do I have to close this and then go to public or okay good we have a motion to close our session move to the second all in favor thank you any questions about ordinance 20243 so we have a motion to close public back session I want to make a motion to close s first second thank you have a motion to pass 202 24-13 I have a motion thank you I'll second it thank you Council J yes Council Kim yes Council Lee Yes Council yes Council V yes coun one yes Orin 2020 amending 48 ire officer and the employee to R The Residency requirement for the municipal administrator the ordinance 2020 for this 30 was passed at the regular meeting of the mayor coun held on September 23rd 2024 a copy of the ordinance will be posted on the work board in the ball and will be available at the office of the B great thank you very much the next second Reading Please ORD 202 is 14 yes amending chapter 48 entitled officer and employee to amend the salary requirement for the municipal administrator this is our second reading of this we had app time to review but you get another opportunity council members any questions on resolution 24-14 oh yeah so it's after right right we have that moment when we pass the salary that's what we decided but then we created the range right no asking the range not the ex want to know for this year yeah but this one we said that we changing this right so that's the municipal Ed from time to so with the municipal Sal ORD so what is the procedure let's just say we hire a ba right now what's going to happen with the salary you would determine the salary based upon it falling within the range of of the you know the current Municipal salary range that's determined usually in January January yeah in unless it's been amended but it has to fall from that range but obviously when a newba is hired a salary will be determined and it will come before mayor and councel to vote and approve whatever we have so far it could be changed could be changed changed any more questions all right now I close our session and and open to the public make a motion thank you all in favor public you guys have minutes you we discuss about order 20243 I'm sorry 14 14 please come up St your name and address I was just give be a quick one what's the salary range you guys have the same question we just explained reality she just want to make a simple question get you have to ask the I I don't know if any Council do you have an idea anybody else we have a motion to close the public uh bring it back to our session have ation be an answer for that will we a to find out what the range is well you know like we just said said that we just asked Roy and Roy will find it in the ordance there something you find in the ordinance I think right E60 Pal Park what about all right may have a motion to close the public and bring it back to our regular session I already had that opportunity but yes you know what go ahead please come up they an address thank you [Music] sure all right the r we found out then to uh quick uh Sophia's figures ranges from1 to $200,000 excuse me1 to $200,000 range so 100 to 200,000 yes ma'am please go ahead sorry about that M um in regards to this in Seeking a candidate what will be the criteria will we will the council be reviewing resumés or applicant or are we going to use a firm to say we need this specific you know work set and work skill to cover a a ba which is pretty specialst well I think I know what what duties and set skills are required for the ba I believe you do and also the uh people I believe that's going to be will be the will be the VA as well and also the governance committee are we using p doctors to go out after this position or just we advertise but we need to advertise a little more and we're going to do a public advertisement and post it up on indeed or New Jersey websites like municipalities municipalities make sure that we spend enough advertis resources to make sure everybody and once you have say certain amount of applicants who are you know worthy and and interviewed who makes the decision on a council is it the mayor the governance committee I would recommend that the governance committee Rie that with the ba as well I'll be part of that as well have a motion to close s back to regular session I first by J and second by Kim now we have a motion to pass ord4 [Music] please yes I have a second second thank you J yes coun 202 4 offic and employe to am for thep administrator 202 for this was passed at the regular meeting of the Council on September 23rd 24 a copy of the audin will be posted on the board in theall and will be available at the office of the B all right let's go with the uh the consent agenda we don't have any off consent right good please go ahead okay discussion item for the agenda resolution 202 for 232 resolution 2020 for 244 thank you considera we grouping together so please take your time considering ire please you have any questions uh Roy concerning claims uh could you please give us an update about the issue that we're having with the ser and U that we may not have the full deck of claims right now please go ahead so claims are up to we Thursday last week last week that we had a problem with the server so the server is down uh through the tax collector and the assistant CFO uh most of that data has been recovered it is now going through the process of updating through the software if everything runs hopefully fine by this week we will continue to claims list and whatever is not on the list will be on next month as a ratification so not one check will be the B Without You approving right or if there's an inial meeting that we have to do thank any questions about lames I have please go ahead just what was saying you had the computer whatever it is in the tax office I don't I believe it was I believe was on the agenda I guess the special session I wasn't here but probably was taking off say see but I know that that's a very important it what happened Shar services oh the Shar Services negotiations contract terms finalized so wasn't ready for discussion I personally want to get that through but all the the contracts were being being uh should I personal point of view unfair and not advoc as a client so we're going to do a review I want to get this done ASAP so you guys could really see the uh contract that's been negotiated by our govern body and also all the questions that I have and some other C members have to be answered now this won't delay the fact that we will have to get that kind of Cloud Server from from the from from the county because right now we're in the process of trying to get our uh lost data from whatever server between you know fin tax department we have to pain that we have to hold it to a way where we could transfer to them so we're still in the process so it's I think it's a good thing to make sure that you know we been signing contracts that we haven't signed when I asked you guys about the contract nobody answered I did about four or five hours of review I thought there is a lot of issues and a lot of questions I expect that you guys do the same read the contract you have time try to figure out what you do like what you don't like thank any more questions about the cons agenda from 2024 23230 to 2024 244 I have a question yes24 232 232 authorization to open a checking account for stor recovery Reserve funds yes Ro Would You Do Us in favor explain this yep so the law about five years ago changed and we didn't take advantage of it but we're going to right now so what the law says because of the frequent flooding that we've been experiencing the last year the LA allows us to open up a checking account and that account will be entitled storm recovery so next year there's money in the budget we would appropriate dollars that going the checking account that money can only be used for storm related issues flooding snow removable uh things of that sort if you don't use the money that year that money stays in the account doesn't go to Surplus and it could be used the following year be used the verp okay my question is when we have the storm account as you said uh it will be cover the flood yes so the that means uh people's lws that would be up to the mayor and Council and your B engineer to make those decisions with the bar attorney it could be preventative you know what I mean if there's no drains or something like that right we could use it right so this money is not going to be for homeowners this is basically for S removal for the DPW uh massive flooding that occurred uh where we had the collapse sour system that money you wouldn't have to use the budget cuz You' already have it from the previous year okay then now how would you uh make an estimate or the decision for how much that will be reserved it w it will be an estimate on what the budget can afford next year so there's no dollar value it's up to the township you know it's up to the Barrow make that decision how much right and for me to think that we should go over you know the drains uh how many new drains that we have to put and how much uh work that should be done until the next year someone has to um you know survey or go around and check well the drainage would be under a capital ordinance this would be basically for snow removal um or like I said if is a collaps something um that wasn't foreseen that's when we would use so by the emergency declared by the governor or president of the United States so it's not for every well like you said it's it's called It's called The Recovery Reserve fund recovery res for like you you pointed out there for emergencies that stated once the uh prop Authority government with President of the United States for example we have a massive flood right those damages we could use it but you're right Council you it has to say we this whatever that created that we need to fix is from an emergency we have emergency in many cases only if I me only two people can announce that yeah the president or the governor thank you so much great good question anybody else all right if there's no more questions about resolution 20243 230 all the way up to 2024 d24 format please have a motion make a motion thank you have a second roll call counc J yes coun coun yes Council yes counc yes you can go thank you very much all right C report how about I withk Council it's not a report but I'd like to make a motion for the council to go into a Clos session and have the burrow attorney come in and explain this last lawsuit that come to come to light so we can have an understanding of what's going on I've said this in the past about having having uh our attorney to win to the close session with the council who this Phill us up Phil us you have to expect the legalities of of of this how you do processes please explain so you made a motion a motion s i can comment right now that if you're if you're referring to a recent lawsuit yes there's there's there's really nothing to discuss it nothing to discuss I'm as a councilman I have a right to know what's going on you're working for us we're paying your salary sure so you I as councilman have a right to ask questions on this okay so you can you cantion all right as you guys know we he needs a first and a second and a roll call is there is there a motion to stop this meeting right now and go to uh impromptu executive session so Council Council uh rri would like to get some answers but the attorney did say that for some reason we will talk over there inside that there's really nothing to talk about may have a motion no I'm sorry you may no you made a motion could have a second so okay okay second now we have to do r to go to Executive session PR to council chair yes Council Kim yeah Council Council me no council yes Council yes okay so we're going to we're going in no problem ladies and gentlemen sorry about that um I'm sure this has to take too long right so uh we'll be back have a motion to close and come back have a motion second all in favor