##VIDEO ID:NqsN7UQe3TM## [Music] it's supposed to be Jason [Music] because um this is a work session of the mayor and Council notice was given as follows notice was filed January 4th 2024 with the record and Northstar Ledger all the official newspapers of the burrow notice was posted on the building board at the B Hall and at the B website copy is preserved in the cler's office pled Allegiance and a m silence brought to you by Council w flag United States americe thank you please mayor here counil J she's a so I don't think she can make tonight Council Kim Council Kim yes Council yes Council here Council not here yet wait C herey yes lator here great we have total of four councils present thank you very much for participation can we for go for with the adoption of minutes okay adoption of special meeting of mayor council September 11 2024 work session of the mayor council September 16 2024 regular meeting of the mayor council September 23rd and 2024 great um the minutes are there um please council members take a look at the minutes and we will we will vote on it on next Monday let's go with the ordinance introduction okay introduction ordinance 2020 for this 16 Bond ordinance for authorization for various capital any questions about B orders [Music] 20246 again no questions for bot 20 24-16 okay let's move forward second reading public hearing a 202 for 15 creating ordinance chapter 169 entitled lead against the C inspection yes this is our second reading for creating ordinance for L pce pain inspection we reviewed it um any fur questions before we vote next week Monday again any questions concerning the second reading of ordinance 20245 That Base pain inspection all right let's move forward okay discussion item for consent agenda tonight resolution 2020 for 246 through 2024 there 264 guys take your time review uh considering agenda from 246 all the way to 264 [Music] [Music] [Music] I have a question yes the four page resol resolution please claims claims so resolution 24646 what page please first page thank you the mwhere county count utilities [Music] 594 471 who what's this Roy that's the buron County utility bill it's paid four times a year ,000 that's what we pay to the county to treat all the work s what so we spent about 2.4 million a year it's in the budget it's in the pen I guess that's not part of my taes give anything else good fine IPS is uh there for IP PA did you uh did you conclude with the uh the cards gas cards what was the status on that talked to the officer in charge Captain the other day he said be able to handle that excent thank you maybe you could tell the council members thank you this uh question Roy um page eight is number eight it says 257,000 for bous part for R uh for res for payment of debt as per budget and Ro Reserve what was that the 257,000 that is going to be a che check to current funds which is the reserve for debt it's in the budget and that's the money that we have to turn over from General Capital to the current fund uh as per the budget which ultimately reduce the taxes on the homeowner thanks how often do we do this how often we do this yearly yearly just once a year towards the end of the year page six unex okay it actually listed twice is that is that I mean it's p number same check number is same but it listed twice oh I see you take it out twice in page one six p is six unidex how is it unidex okay 4,785 then you pay again then you I guess you uh so much zero yeah Prett much is a zero let's pull it I don't want to guess y uh page number five rental of parking lots in the amount of 4149 uh and change which which lot is this we're pull we'll pull the bills list it's going to be one of the lots that we have at least agreed with we're going to pull it now okay pull is yeah Ro IPS Bill how often do we pay is that cly or uh the park meter The Meters usually every other month every other month other month whatever we get the invoice this might be uh contractual you have a contract in place concerning council's inquiry for parking I mean we'll pull it up but I think it's the extra parking L the burrow we have a lease that's attached to the purchas ex 6022 I think it's the onion Sal about yeah we just been using it with the same rate continuously month and month because the will change down a little bit to the right back to the FR of take a right and it's on across the street the left oh you talk about the big parking lot anybody know exact address that's behind the onion never heard a vegetable produce guy we'll find out cu the anything else of these question again yeah I'm usually usually those programs run by a year it is it is the Microsoft I want to pull email maybe 25 that's email let's go with the top of the page the first one that we pulled out is on page page five oober AKA Joseph this the when of you guys come to the podium can one of the fire department come to the podium to explain since you pulled out the the records than Roy okay so on the bills list you'll see a 97 5 7140 I'm so sorry can we start from the beginning I think we all started with page five first all right and we have to go down to in AKA Joseph rental bucket l 4,149 so that is quote The Onion seller that's a uh a lease that you've had in place for decades good do you know the exact address 62222 lock BL BL thank you for the address verification M all right pleas continue we have the same page at the bottom K computer service for that's the yearly subscription the 1800 it's been server the 255 is for the uh email address those are licenses server yes they're licenses one is for the server and one is for the eail server for our documents correct correct and you have a contract of kab to do this work as well okay the next one is Page Six unidex there's like two positive and two negative which equals z right so what happened was we adjust did the bond I didn't feel comfortable charging the bond so we went to the current fund the money was in there uh it's the opposite we're charging the bond not current fund uh for [Music] 9,571 and the reason you'll see a plus and a minus is because we took it from the current fund we took it out you'll see Zero out and then we paid it out of capital F four okay joh get say everybody yep and the next one is of page eight we we just rece uh we just been explained that the 257 is for the general Capital uh for to clean IR water right that's [Music] thec that's it got one more one more Peach six uh we're just going to go back to the the mutex part yes uh right off that mutex right there's amount of uh 3,750 of the rental parking lots again that's Liz it's another parking lot where liar reality you have lizar reality in that's a parking lot also okay the Exon station The Meters behind the Exon station and it says R parking lots under the appropriation Al so Mike what's the address for is 220-228 Broad Avenue 6 it's 20 to 228 it's block 602 22 I'm sorry 602 22 602 2 22 is block 220 2 220 228 Broad Avenue the block is 62 6 602 lot 22 correct any more questions I see again any more questions before we move on all right let's move away from claims any other uh questions incre for 247 all the way down to 264 22 above resolution yes um counselor the performers settlement for 4125 yeah if you if you take a look at the uh settlement agreement it's self-explanatory I can't go into more detail because it's a potential litigation this it's not litigation it's potential litigation but if you read the settlement agreement which is attached to the resolution it's self-explanatory okay so that's not a just potential ofation right well it's a potential lawsuit this is a settlement that we propos to the govering body so we could settle it read please read the contract if you have any questions please contact counselor scr and he'll he'll answer you privately okay thank you thank you resolution 2 263 hiring fulltime DPW employ we ever up advertisement um okay this is when uh Jason C Council kid Council kid okay so you you're not the uh the DPW committee chair but you are part of that you're you're one of the council member supporting Stephanie Jang Stephanie Jang unfortunately could not make it because she was sick she is sick right now but what I've been told from from the ba and from Kenny Bruno was that Kenny Kenny Bruno proposed to allegedly was supposed to propose what he wants in the DPW because they're they're lacking staff they're they're on man and uh whatam call it um he should have have talked uh spoken with the Stephanie Jang about his recommendations his recommendation was because we're in a a stage where we have to clean we have more work because of the Fall cleanup and he needs he needs employes immediately so he recommended that the part-time uh staff uh staff there to be uh to be hired as a full-time and uh he is request he is requesting that you know we open uh we open uh job opun uh job advertisements for the two part-time uh positions that we need for the W um we do have spaces but there are other uh management issues there we checking Personnel here but I I would recommend that you speak with Stephanie and also Kenny um that is a story go ahead councilman so it was recommended by the superintendent of DPW it was recommended to Super DPW and I didn't get a reply from the committee chair Stephanie Jang Ray her responded by saying I'm okay with that I support that and here we are right now so he's currently she didn't share any information about this to me so it's totally new M so I don't think I can recommend anything no absolutely I don't want this is a work session we're not going to vote on anything right now but I appreciate if you could talk to Stephanie Jan I did send her emails and try to call her but uh she needs to uh perform her duties and give us a recommendation because she is chair and she has to work with you on that it has to be brought up to the governing body and and we should all decide with the rest of the governing body that's the procedure okay okay so you can make sure make sure that she acknowledges the request of the DPW superintendent and and see if she breze or not she has to still propose what she would like to recommend to the rest of the governing body okay so I before the next meeting I will call her up and find out either she is recommending uh I'm moving the recommendation from the uh P yes please discuss with her if this is okay with her or she has separate uh you know recommendations you know we have to we have to listen to the we have to first listen to the uh committee members and the ba approv it as well okay yeah I I check upon uh what is status and uh what is our recommendation thank you and get back to you by next meeting thank you thank you and you could you could just even email me or or or you know just so I could give update to everybody else um Council men do you have a question uh I I'll I'll address uh once once he finds out once the councilman K finds out what's going on I I'll talk to all right good would you do a favor and also send uh Stephanie an email let you know that she has to give us a recommendation she committee chair there we can't just you know Goot without her recommendation so he's he's currently a part-time employee at DPW right yes yes and he's actually in a process of getting a c c well I don't know all I know is just written WR all I know is what my understanding is I written on is that Sean was supposed to get a CD and then become a fulltime I remember that and and um I don't know if that's you know it's conditional writing but uh we are lacking CDL uh drivers we need at least one immediately um and and more to follow later but what about the other two full time that's being hired to get they were all for uh cdl2 they're going for it yes all of them but only need one no he needs more later but right now he needs one right now he needs one immediately and I guess I guess Sean is is the one who's very proactive about it um I do want to make sure that the superintendent uh take responsibility of making sure that if Sean becomes a full-time he has to get the cdl ASAP po um but other than that let's pause this for now and get some information from Stephanie Jang and then you know Council can come back is that okay y thank you any more questions about the resolutions all right I ask am could you repeat one more time Cil K what is resolution resolution 26 2 260 16 there is no 16 oh ordinance ordinance ordinance about the orance the orance B amount I don't if you have it is the amount of $1.2 million say that again $1.2 million 1.2 million $1.24 million one and a quarter one and a quarter close to it and this is all the uh improvements that we need for the roads and whatnot there are there are roads that uh does not apply for grants for example dead end roads that never apply so we need to uh periodically update uh and you know uh repave and and and you know update the roads that are not you know scheduled because it wasn't part of Grant and there there are roads that needs to be immediately fixed for example uh Broad Avenue there's some sewage issues that has to be addressed as well all that stuff was provided by the engine2 milon you said 1.24 1.2 yes thank thank you any more questions I have a question regarding resolution 260 26 What's the total amount of money signing up5 we're under the Ser share service CL T inspection correct and where is 80 cents see here TV INSP yeah per fo 95 foot 98 foot so what's the total minimum 500 Nobody Knows the answer I think we did this share Services agreement before correct two years ago two years ago um find find records of the two years ago agreement for share services and also we had try to find out with the Northwest utility guys how much General ballpark figure will will cost us for the amount of service a lot of going how much we use for I will get the thank you thank you thank put that okay 264 it says authorization wait hold on a second you didn't do 261 either it's the same a different price for different so it's the same question okay please continue okay 264 it says authorization of adver for hiring part DP labor yes so this is part actually the one we just talked about with John Min and Jason we're talking about the same thing resolution 263 and 264 are both part of DPW what the superintendent recommend up to now it's not decided is that he is recommending that Sean Kim the part-time uh employee become full-time because he needs it at promptly because he needs like it's fall season and he he's really lack of Manpower and the automization dver wereing part for part-time dpws um this is something that I asked Jason also Stephanie J should talk to uh the superintendent but what I've been told is that there is um we have a list of part-time uh workers there but the superintendent feels like that he has to hire more because some of them are you know because it's part-time you don't have to come sometimes how many positions are we talking about it says parttime labor right right so you want to identify that well well we have to ask we have to ask Stephanie again for ring told by the superintendent is that he is thinking it about two part time but again that's why I left it let's let wait until SE comes back to us hopefully she'll come back to us with the email giving us an update any more questions I ask again any more questions council members all right great thank you very much let's move to the council reports oh oh shoot I totally forgot well you used to come in a little bit early for my my apologies could you please come and tell us about the uh the audit for year 2023 and corrective action plan all right so your clerk has all the documents they'll be ready for next Monday I'm my La have to appear before you since I'm not here next week I'm going to go off the corrective action plan the audit was actually very very good you're going to see multiple comments from previous years however some of those comments will be off next year this is for the 23 AUD so very quickly and briefly number one has been corrected it was resolution 2023 -256 and 257 I don't know why that appeared in the audit it did it remains however we have taken the corrective action on that number two greater effort should be made to spend the appropriated Grant reserves that is being done that's on page 107 of the audit we're spending down those grants specifically clean communities and recycling tonage grants all contracts awarded via resolution being ComEd at the time of the award we did not do that last year we are doing it now quotes quotes uh have to be obtained purchases that exceed 50% of the PID threshold we have one po that was caught it was for the fire department during the co we did not do the resolution on that it's an order comment hopefully that doesn't happen again uh po uh number five purchase ORD be utilized for all expenditures to Ure proper approvals and certification prior to payment so the POS have been approved by the mayor and Council there's no exception however the resolutions also have to be approved by the mayor and Council it's redundency what we're doing uh we already spoken to the health and construction Department to make sure that we get all their revenue in by 1231 it's almost impossible but we're going to try because we still have deposits and Transit as of 12:31 but we will do our best on that uh we now have an outside company doing the uh outside employment of police officers I think don't quot me on this one this has been resolved as well what do you mean I'm sorry so what happened was in previous years we were paying police officers however money so with the company at hand now we're getting the money up front before we the Poli offers so we're not going to have to chase people for money okay yes we hired a third party vendor to to do overtime correct correct they're supposed to do it equally and fairly correct and they are from what I gather you would have had some issues by now from the police um second vacation payouts very controversial here in C CLK um they are approved by the Barrow attorney and Bar Council um I'll stand by again for record those medication pays were legal from GetGo anyone was0 you have a sidebar agreement through the B attorney you have resolutions also I believe that are going to be presented at sideon for the they were I believe last were approv were appr I believe perfect those will be out next year meaning all um temporary budget so the temporary budget was over the threshold value January 1st that was my era won't happen again again it's the minut what was what was your eror so the error was when we did the temporary budget we were over to 26.25 the law says you can't be over 2625 were so this year I'm going to make sure that we don't have that error again again there was nothing material uh in this order as far as I'm turn to CFO you a clean audit uh the things that have to be corrected and we're doing it now this audit is is also reexamined by our by our BL so the ordor which was Steve will coxy 2023 did the actual it's done it's complete the B clerk has the documents I'm presenting to you this is as bad in the order that I'm going over which are your recommendations um our current auditor review article 2023 audit he was sent to him yesterday okay good would you please come back to us check if he feels his coer as well okay okay any questions any questions about our our corrective action and and what is it we got 10 out of 14 no we we've corrected a whole bunch of I don't have the exact I would say 10 out of 14 we've uh examined at least four should come off next year okay next year now councilman were you do you think it's a trend or coincidence but you want to talk to the CFO about your observation yeah um comparing I was comparing last year [Music] o23 and also findings are very big statements so we can actually I can have a more detail why we have this finding because of this and that will be really helpful her question is kind of like okay last year was 1014 we we still we we fixed it so you're going to have the same there's at least six of those comments the same such as the DPW the police buying materials before a purchase order I can't stop it we try um in the incumbrance when we award a contract for uh DNL or whoever it may be doing the pav once that is approved we have to incum the entire amount in the bonds okay we do that we're going to do it we're doing it this year all right good let's have a management meeting with the VA and whoever whoever did violate that I'm put that resolution when it went over the amount I think we should sit down ready and then give them a official you know sit down and let them know that this shouldn't happen again now counil do we have to set up a resolution anyway for that get resolution no they're done they will fix this year okay good one more question regarding swimming pool uh it says fee changes related to swimming pool has to be approved of be ordinance so and the way that we have the current ordinance in swiming pool regarding pool regarding fee we have a editors note which says that the current you know Fe will be maintained available at office rather than the Audi but it says we have to approve the audiance is that really necessary so your membership fees for the pool I thought they were approved in March or April this year February if they were February so you won't see that uh comment next year this is for 2023 by resolution resolution ordinance on my on a personal level I'd rather do it as an ordinance for attorney to make sure that reso is cified as an ordinance that will be done we can actually do it uh November if there was a resolution in February let's make it an ordinance all right the thing is swim pool fees membership right but the thing is I don't C confirm with me confir with me but I don't know if in the ORD you have to put in how much really that's what it says though yeah but we don't have to that's why I think the ordance we see I a list of ordin that I want to talk to you about as well that need some cleaning and updating and and revising but I think that's one of the things that councel you want to think about I don't know why we have to put in price in the ordinance that could be done by resolution no saying they're saying the ordor wants an ordinance when it comes to money because it becomes permanent the resolution as far as I was concerned was suffice the ORD can not agree with me I I'm just trying to say is let's change the we have to put the price in the ordinance make the resolution in ordinance yeah okay say okay no arm no foul because you had the resolution in place anyway a price will change we're not going to change Oran the price changes you have to you have to you do that spe once a year you'll do it again in March so I'll talk to Karen I don't know who who sets the fee the pool commission commission Karen would you're thinking about increasing the pools uh in price as well so it's a good time to figure it out a committee that will be Stephanie again yeah okay we got two things for Stephanie current aordance about sing pool there are a lot of out of information so I think we to ask Stephanie to take a look at it and update this is what I thought about guys um yeah yeah Stephanie could do that too she has ative but one of the functions that is this is one of your functions when you get a chance waiting in line or sing for the doctor's office we you our E36 and see what's outdated what has to be modified with the change of times making sure that hey are we hiring to the state statutes because we had mistakes in the past right we made ordinances that are against the state statutes so let's if you can do that I will do it as well yes so for the record I want to make sure the advocate is signed off by everyone hopefully this evening or tomorrow by next Monday that'll be next week the resolution that I appeared before you this evening to turn back thetive action if we can have that passed for the next meeting also next Monday synopsis awarded is going to be published uh sometime in the next week or so um you has all those documents um once they're pass next Monday Wednesday we will upload some pass we're one of the few communities left with the AIT that has been filed okay that's fine um to help this you need to help us would you what just said right now that simple corrective action that we did and what we have left you can send that email to simple bullet point summary what we done give it to Ray and give it to the council members who didn't make it so they don't have any excuse say you know why I didn't get it R so could you send that email to Ray C towards me Ray will send it to the council members who are not here okay what I'm trying to do is I we got to correct this right we got to make sure we correct all this action plan right yes who has to do what right first we need to know exactly what need to be done and by who's going to do it right by when we can do right those plan has to be there otherwise you know how can you correct all I mean for example give us an example yeah for example swiming uh it says the ordinance has to be changed and all the adequate record detail receip be maintained by the PO right so this is very obvious right somebody has so this is what we're going to do I have about this the governance committee is good job to do this with Ray sit down and see what you can do to fix it you have to sit down I only ask Ray to sit down with um um with the uh with the bu uh what is it the fire department that that did the PO and spend it without getting resolution as much you guys let's review this work with the VA bring them over there sit down with them and let them know that this shouldn't happen first Bo and I will talk yeah and I then then I will go to any individual departments or yeah we'll get it done like let's say within three weeks sit down everybody make sure they don't repeat their mistakes next year that's a good good thank so three weeks within three weeks we'll sit down with everybody all the people you know coning you know getting getting spending money without the uh with the resolution that is a no anything else all right great um they have a motion to I don't uh Cil reports uh since no one actually uh I mean this is regards to the uh the resolution 253 since nobody you know mention or bringing up their question I'm just going to volunte share with the uh members here because it's part of the police matter right yes uh in that Reg we have a multiple vehicle actually uh um is is going to break down we a couple of the uh the blown engine from the police department right so I know earlier this year we have made the contract with Enterprise Fleet Corporation right yes which deals with the uh the the vehicle um including the police department epw any vehicle that the Bor possess right so we contact the company trying to trade this vehicles in the value is not there well we're going to spend more money of the fee to trade that in right so might as well we'll take the you know over rout going through the auction part it out um sell it through there right so when you know Police Department is actively seeking new vehicle through the program right when the time is come uh we might have to uh I just need you know you know Council support to uh make that decision but we're actively searching vehicle but it's not there because of the uh you know um the equipment of the vehicle that that that that uh requires uh simply the lights and stuff right if we're looking if we're searching the vehicle from West Coast the color the flashing of the vehicle right am I am I saying it correctly yeah it's different from what we use here in the East Coast for example blue red white some of the some of the stay using different color of the of the the sence right so uh we're we're actually having a hard time to find the vehicle right so but you know AC at the time I'll bring I'll bring support to make that thank you ask question rather than yeah so when do you think that's going to uh so before this problem uh occurs right the first vehicle for traffic was around uh earlier next year but I told uh the director and the police department we just had a meeting a committee meeting and I told them to actually uh go out in different state to look for not just the local um you know boundary right so which they're going to do so we'll see what the date is going to be so thank you councilman Council yeah rather than reporting I have a question about it service from county is it something that we can add meeting because we've been working on yeah but Cel one this is a council report so we need Council report after we're done I'll give you an opportunity continue for the library we had a library board meeting uh last week and basically the current we have a three Librarians their contract will uh will be re that's all great who's taking care of the contract who's reviewing the contract Mak be sure that La the lawyer I believe the contract should be fair and equable amicable everybody should have a same amount of increase um unless unless law allows it to happen it's not quite exactly the same but it's pretty similar okay that's it that's it great uh Council Jason Kim you have anything to report not thank you Council sang he do you have anything to report I don't have any report this time ah you're still there you're too far for me but thank you for great uh ba you have anything to say uh just that the uh gas cards that the police of DPW use instead of being handled directly from another company and through us is going to be handled by Fleet Enterprise who is handling all the purchases and Acquisitions of our police cards going be using them I think things will run much more smoothly with that with that procedure going and as you can hear for the noise the egress project what we call the egress project is in CL swing and we're making good progress on that now thank you thank you it's time that the Bor will comply with our own ordinances and our own regulations he been lot e for too long all right um any any uh report counselor no okay um I want to tell you in my report that first I want to talk to you about like Council one concering the governance committee was talking about I would like to ask the attorney to review certain things here concerning the ordinances uh for housekeeping updates and you know I'll ask about the questions um updates that I want to you know amendments of the of the ordinance that I want to ask the counselor to review and hopefully prepare for next year if you can next next Monday meeting is an ordinance Amendment through which the recent issue with advertisement posted on utility post we discovered that the ordinance did not designate the F schedule matter of fact the notice at that the whole article five miscellaneous which includes 258 2-26 to 28-42 has no schedule of findes so I I could you please take a look at that and see if you the schedu finds for all those violations y uh the other thing is the uh chapter Amendment ordinance Amendment chapter 622 DPW employees the PRI employee was Austin Ashley M proper ordinance set for the DP director uh uh roles and responsibility we need to amend the ordance to at higher to the state statute especially the fiveyear term limit I think that's ridiculous the the director has a longer term limit than me so we have to really figure this out will be applicable please check other director levels of towns and see if it comparable and uh make sure that make sure that there is um you know all conditions for the uh for the Police director is correct and according to the St statute for example I don't believe that the tenure uh was was was was proper for the director um Al and also um uh that the that the public work plan position with the B it's just 5 years it's just too long I want to I want to revamp this and also um to hire the best C and also there's a condition where the uh the director have to be working in palis park borrow for five years to be applicable to to become our director that means we restricted like like previously before I think we changed the ORS on that residency get rid of the residenc yeah please get rid of The Residency you know live working for the burrow for 5 years okay that means we could only get in house that I think that's unfair the other thing is uh we need to verify and potentially amend the ordinance chapter 58 d4.4 police committee has appropriate Authority there's is a little bit of confusion I wish you could clear it out um I I wish there was a if you could remove the ordinance because this is very confusing I think this is not up and another update is ordinance chapter 58- 4.7 Police Department appointment of officers we should identify the SCH statutes as you know the numbers you know we can't I don't want to just say State statutes go look at that there's a lot of ORD as kind of index State statue numbers that that is important it's hard for me to look for it so is a public who wants to know about it all um and one more like like chrisy one said about the fee schedules for the pool ordinance and um and uh you know we should figure that out and I have some questions about the ordinances um is uh well these are updates that I would like chapter chapter 847 which which is the hours days of alcoholic sale this is not updated with 360 uh this was a very Monumental thing that we did to curve public intoxication and this should be updated in the 360 as well also it hired we should it hired to chapter 53-3 parking committee was not appointed for the yearly appointments I never heard of a parking committee a I've been mayor for two years I've been a council member for a few more years uh but I never recall the mayor doing mayor appointments of you know yearly appointments for the parking committee I think this is a very important committee and like I said the reason why we want to revamp and update our ordinance because we ourselves have to follow our own ordinance we don't even know our own ordinance so it is our fault we can't blame other people not following our ordinance if we don't enforce and AD hire and understand our ordinance we need a part community and I was hoping it's a very well scheduled where it's a different of classes and they're there to make sure that the public the F prepares for the future to have enough Mar bases this was this was this was dismissed it was excluded from the mayor's appointment in the early appointment and I feel this is not again we're not adhering to the uh the ordinance that we have the other thing is the um now the questions now questions I have is this is uh concerning chapter 56-6 payroll um we we have to designate uh an approval approval officer do you know does anybody know who it is is it is it are you the approval officer for chapter 5-4 I'm sorry chapter 55-6 payroll we by ordinance we have to designate an approval officer I've never heard of that what's in the ordinance yes please heard yeah it's in the I never heard of approval off in the yearly appointments as well now now other question that I have is uh chapter 62-1 DPW uh the court enforcement code enforcer was transferred to the management of the PD about few years ago one or two years ago do you guys remember that used to be part of vpw I think we created an resolution please verify councel if it was passed by a resolution on ordinance but we do have to properly go through an ordinance to transfer coding Force officer to a different department um the problem is I I'm not really sure where Court enforcer should be because he does a hybrid work for the building department uh and and and you know private private properties and also for the for the police so we need to find out if if if the transfer of the of the management of the Court enforcer to the police station was done properly and secondly we have to find out where he belongs and which department is he under right now who is cing person right now it's John gr and he belongs to right he used to be belong to DPW but he got transferred to the police station so traffic is traffic right we have teos we have police officers give out traffic well if you recall May uh T the traffic department was also thew at then got transferred over to a police department last year so we do have to figure out where the Teo but to is actually traffic right so it has to be in the police department it should be but we got to find out if that transfer was also through an ordinance or if we if a resolution will we we'll just make it happen right good the other question I want to ask is um is what does the state statute and Bor or say about hiring police Advocates with the criminal record I would like to find out counselor what our what our procedure in a c statute and also in our own uh Management in the police department probably comes with policy um I'm not sure if if what position on on the levels um say yes or no I would like to find that out and other thing is could you please verify chapter 58-48 Police Department special law enforcement officers in the ordinance it states that that the the special law enforcement the special that we're trying to hire right right now the the resolution right was the ordinance there's a resolution it says appoint them from time to time special law enforcement so I'm trying to see are we abusing hiring special officers because it says Point time to time I would like for you to Define what time to time to time means in the legal sense because we are active in hiring special police because we need um the special offices by this are no more than onee term so counselor I was hoping you can find out if if that means it's going to be a yearly appointment of the mayor with the consent of the with the consent of the councils great another question is to verify um concerning the ordinance or state statute that requires how many local police papers at that we have to use for our public meeting which you know which is the work session uh which we call a regular session we have the zoning board and the plan board correct all those got to be advertised but us we always advertise two newspapers if my understanding is correct I believe the opma OB states that only one local newspaper is required please verify if that is true if it is I would like to Sure save some money because we don't have to send two last but not least is the general uh also I this this relates to the just background checking uh counselor I would like for you to find out what our Pro protocol is for hiring new employees concerning drug screening with background checks I know we did background checks but I want to know if we provide we Fe it's mandatory for employee candidates to come to do a blood test before we you know before he qualifies to become H thank you that's about it good um they have a uh can I ask everybody that the chief is not here director is actually um in a sick leave hopefully he'll get well quick um there's no police there's no there's no uh OIC here so I I I'll make a motion to close our our meeting and and give to no we don't we don't do that I'm sorry do we give to the public participation yeah we do um and make a motion to open to the public motion first on John may have a second rece can I have a question sure sure ask I've been trying to ask about this it service what's going with stat can we can you put at the regular meeting good question if we if we make sufficient progress then we can put it on the agenda so what do we has to do concerning BCI contract yes we we had a good talk he's very uh pable very flexible I think 90 95% of the uh subject matter that I was concerned is rectifiable I wrote it down in in a in a note I have to transfer that leg believe so the counselor could understand what the new conditions are that was agreed by both parties they'll have to implement that into the contract and they he'll double check if the legal uh concerning the legal uh protection is in place right and and then we're not doing anything illegal about that and hopefully I'll get I'm going get this week so I want to present it next week okay and there's one more there's one more uh the other one is the yes the library we had a meeting with the library right yeah so we have we have decided to do share service they're going to rely on us to manage the the um uh the uh help out not manage but initiate and Broad broadside manage the Reconstruction the Redevelopment uh the the the uh Renovations of the library board that I have all the doc ation I'll also digest that all this week and then hopefully I'll talk to uh the library and also our counselors I want to talk to the two counselor of the library and we have a counselor here and I'll make a recommendation to have a big bit packet ready because we probably have to do the bit packet when do you think well the bit packet first has to understand we have to have another meeting the whole first meeting was about Discovery so we found out exactly need all the documentations I have that what I'm going to do is I'm going to ask Sophia Jang to to copy that and I want them uh the library commity to have the same documents and then we'll review that over and then we're going to have to meet with them again just to finalize once everything set in stone then we can move forward to do whatever we do a bid or create a bid for them and whatnot all the cost that that is that that that is there to facilitate this uh this project will be paid by the not the B the B will not make a single dime for this share service regards to the uh the bur County it service right are we including all the department server into one single and transfer well whether it is one uh one single server or not is actually they have to decide according to my understanding well I I have an understanding that the whole reason why we're doing this one of the reasons is to unify all the servers we have too many servers all left and right well pleas Department can help it I mean police and the build department and the Fire Department fire department I think that is included right no no the court Department police department is part of the uh the law they have to have their own server transfering to a Bergen County it service any any departments that are not required to be have a you know separate server are we going to put everybody into a one transfer and give it to the B County that's one thing I didn't ask actually I have to ask the representative if that's all possible are you talking about we're going to use a single server uh then we all going to use it is that your question or another question is are we going to move everything together at the same no not what we have we're talking about BCIT we got to we got to implement and merge all the servers except for the like you said the court and the police department correct police and the cours so we would like to implement that because their servers when it get old we have to spend a lot of money again that was all purpose to do it there's more service going to go down sooner or later there's no point leaving you know other department um using their own server what's the point of you know going with County it service then yes yes they should be capable that's the whole marketing pitch that they accept probably majority of all softwares that we use in the world so you can't could you verify that me when I work on the when I work on that with with the okay thank um one more thing regarding that it service I wonder we have't add Internet service but we having a problem the B has a problem internet service on and off last I think probably it's better to add that internet service to where to the to the IT service agre yeah I mean in that last meeting when I was there yeah yeah yeah that was of they were actually talking about the the cable the the fiber line whatever it's already out there putting it in is not going to cost any uh not much we're service they will and and right and then the speed of the the service right it will be more uh than what we have been getting right and also it'll have a failover so even is it's backed up it's backed up so okay don't forget what we said we we're going to make sure Chris you you're going to counselor you're going to make sure that that part that the internet service and also if we could all unify our departments into one server there okay and we have these five offs already set you see those holes on the walls okay any more questions before I go to the public that's it so I'll second second no I'll second for oh thank you okay good all in favor I great the first is John and second is one un to the public you guys have three minutes please come up please talk about just our resolutions subject in ahead I request again public to come up and talk about their questions about our agenda today if there isn't I would like to make a motion to close the public session and and back to our our work work session may have a motion I'll make a motion may have a second thank you second first from one second from John mid all in favor I um I have a motion to close this meeting motion thank you I have a second all in favor thank you very much