i' like to uh have a motion to close the exective and and and start the special meeting I want to make a motion the session and open to I have a second all in favor great so we have ladies and gentlemen we have four resolutions I'm very happy um that that were continuously going forward to rectify the building issues um the resolution would you read the resolution resolution 20232 of B service yes this is for uh John would you like to explain this yes so for that resolution it'll be a uh it'll be a uh architect drawing uh that we have to address the fire safety issue so this will be the alarm system and the suppress system that we have to draw so um yeah that's that's the resolution it seems like there is a little bit of discrepancy about the price it says uh total amount contract of $17,000 they should be really 14,700 is that correct uh well mayor 17,000 177,000 is correct for alarm system and the Surplus system only okay uh the $4,000 will be the uh one for uh the erass plan so we're going to bring that up on the work session that uh and the end of this month so we'll talk about that later so right now we're going to just go ahead with the professor contract for the uh excluding The RK correct yes all right good so whatever that's WR on the resolution we're going to pass that first all right right we have a motion to approve uh with this consent agenda so uh next one is any questions all right next resolution please resolution 2022 229 hiring of Labor Council yes this is concerning uh uh labor special la Council required to labor Council to required to uh to in case where we passed a resolution as well but I I need the support of the governing body to get a professional service agreement for special I mean labor councel to address uh employees uh grievances or complaints against the members of the Gover body excuse me go ahead are you going to read all four of these resolutions or are we going to vote on one and then vote on another one no how are we doing we're just we're just revie the con agenda right now we could all we could all vote all at once it's not it's not off consent next one is could you go to the next one a resolution 2023 d230 and the hiring of a bember from the group for replacement bidding great the most important everybody agrees that we have to fix a leaking roof and that's how we start to really address the mold remediation um any questions no I have a question yes I think that we should be first of all I think we're doing this illegal without a burrow attorney here or even on the computer talking to us second of all you're going through a different resolution this is not a consent that we're just going to vote we have questions the public has a right to answer each one of these resolutions now what you're doing is what you want to do is pass the of them through all at once and Shove It Down The public's throat where it's going to cost them extra money that we've spent before but this is wrong like I said I think it's illegal you didn't have the Bor attorney here you gave me you gave me these resolutions which I never seen until I walk through that door and saw and now you want to vote with I I can't even ask an attorney a question I have a right as a councilman so I spoke with the B attorney bur attorney stated that you know um you know he'll record resolution was prepared by the B clerk if there's any issues he'll come back to us unfortunately the B attorney could not make it just because I I I have been I have strong belief that just because a BAL attorney is not there doesn't mean we cannot function so we have to get these going because it's very desperate people are saying they're sick so we want we don't want to delay this any longer it went through proper procedures root placement b b architect went through proper procedure neighbor counsil went to proper procedure hiring V we're getting there but so far until 228 and 229 we went through proper procedures did you read the other uh oh no and then 230 which is hiring a vendor for moof placement Ving that went through all proper procedures man you said you spoke to the burrow attorney and he told you that I don't have a right to speak to the borrow attorney you could you have not you have right you just handed this to me you want me to vote on this where it's going to cost the public more money and you're saying I should take your word that the borrow attorney told you that's why we have a borrow attorney here you have every Liberty to call right now please add okay I would like to make three very clear with everyone here and myself that first of all we informed our Boral attorney about this meeting and we told him to be here and even last time and this time he's the one could not make it it's not that none of us said you better not come or you know we don't really like you here oh no it's not like that and they cannot make it you you know it's it's some of their duties they should be here and we believe that okay since we're having a special meeting it's not our regular meeting they have right for not to come you know and that I think it's it's okay please please listen to me and also second our meeting can be done without the Boral attorney present that's please you'll get your public participation you can find it and check it and then give it to us but for now that's what I believe that's what we heard that's what is been done so yes we can very much argue with everyone but you know please and also thirdly uh unlike what uh our councilman be says all of these things were discussed couple times already and also uh it the informations were all in on email so you know whomever the council members open our emails uh on time you know we knew what is going to be discussed so I just would like to make that very clear with everyone one so from my opinion today's uh meeting is very legitimate and also our making decisions are not on the base of not knowing anything what's going on you know we already at least twice or more discussed about each matter and as we all know I think whatever happened in the past but from now on there would there should be no delays of our promptly required attention so we would like to go forward with everybody's interest and do it properly so that's what I believe and then you know some of the things we will find and know I'm sure that you know I was told that we could have a meeting without sometimes no Clerk or no attorney go ahead please youry will call a motor session go ahead question to councilwoman Jane yes I did not receive any emails from any of these Pro these resolutions that you have that's number one number two we've been dealing with this three years plus it was back and forth back back and forth now all of a sudden today we're having a special meeting without the burrow attorney and you people want to pass these resolutions one two three because you want to get it done and get everything rolling but the problem is every time we've had a resolution important as these for off the public was able to speak what I think what you are doing first of all I think it's what we're doing because I don't have a right to speak to the attorney to ask him questions that's number one number two the public is going to end up paying more money in their taxes because you're not following the normal proceedures you can't tell me you're going to have four four resolutions that's going to cost money without a borrow attorney did you not know that we're doing this really really I did not know this what do we do executive session that's what I just found out when I walked in here you know we didn't go BD didn't you know we did bidding processes were you like in Mars yeah I guess I was I guess I was like forgot about the EMA that he cannot make it I asked the why I have to believe in you do we do are we going to address the problem the violation please need the attorney building building officer please make sure that they don't speak out of line go ahead so are we going to address the building problem the mold issue fire safety or not we have all right next one is resolution 23 resolution 2023 231 hiring of traffic engine yes um he is a traffic engineer that works with thei board as you know there is a builder uh remedy that we have to address he has been part of an integral part with our special Bor attorney he has been requesting that he has to be reimbursed um I'd send emails to the Bor attorney to to the special attorney who's handling the uh the 15 grand uh Builders remedy case and I think it's okay he saw his uh you know he works for the zoning board he he has he has all the specs I think he should get paid so we're going to do resolution that he gets paid we saw that any more questions on concerning agenda think it's you said that last time please out go out I would like to make a motion to pass resolution 228 to 231 may have a motion the CC agenda resolution 223-228 through 223-231 yes may have a motion make a motion could I have a second second roll call please Council Jen yes Council men present here Council par yes Council V definitely not I don't believe this is legal do that b attorney is not here and I have questions and I'm a counsilman and I have a right to ask the burrow attorney legal question if the B attorney feels that what we did was improper and unlawful I am sure cuz I've been talking to him he said he'll he'll he'll see what happened and make sure everything's okay so you have every opportunity to give him a call my other question is if the Bor attorney cannot make it why are we having a meeting Sophia Sophia we're on call it's done right we're done okay good Council reports um I have no report Council woman I have no report Council no rep Cil me yeah this is actually that as a committee committee report or announcement that the public knows first of all I have receiv received uh a letter from the attorney who complains about myself and to the mayor I will brief couple of things in it please make sure that it's please make sure that's not that has nothing to do with privilege privilege information um that's only for us maybe you don't want to please you're out of line you're get opportunity please go ahead okay if it is illegal to announce or to say something based upon this letter I want as long as the letter doesn't uh involve internal information that we should not tell the public not go ahead it's it's yourself and myself go ahead do Itor attorney here um public may have a motion to to open to the public make a motion can I have a second second all in favor all right now please three minutes name add forgive me but you don't have to forgive me I don't believe everything you say mayor with all due respect to the position maybe not the person what is the statute that says for a special meeting you don't require an attorney can you quote me that statute you said you believe yeah what's the statute okay said you can do this Mr cins when he was here last time Mr cins our Boral attorney okay he said that so I believed what he said okay but I'm hearing this can you give me the state statute I'll ask him to find it and then I'll send it to you but if you had an attorney here you can give it to me I don't think even if he's here now he can give it to you I don't think so but you don't know I'll find out and I'll send it to you would you swear to God you heard that remember attorney colls stated that with Stephanie J but I'm hearing I'm not hearing it from last time the bur attorney did not come and we facilitated so far there was a lot of complaints that it was illegal because there's no B attorney I challenge anybody here to say that we're wrong okay okay challenge taken I think you're wrong thank you all right I'm not my three minutes uh well one thing that is not on the agenda you did hire a Police director who has a job here but you're not worried about where he's going to sit but you still haven't hired a clerk for the records in the police department is that correct we talked about this whole thing with I know but is it yes or no I don't need a whole story mayor honestly you were there and I need to read literally because you're asking me the same question remember the B attorney stated I told him right I I'm very scared of the new employees coming in they don't know if they if this place is mold or not we need to find some kind of disclosure uh the world sayate we'll figure something out I'm ready to get somebody in there as long as there own liabilities that's it saying the cop in there it's okay for them to stay but the new Kid come in there he can't stay but the cops are fine they're Expendable that what you're saying I did not say that people s like that you're saying I don't want any more liabilities for new employees right now as long as talk well then we direct okay why don't you talk to munch and ask that hey how come we if he was here if the B attorney was here I could have a lot of these questions settled he's not here he chose us to here for what reason I don't care he you don't care that's the problem I care I care about the [Laughter] public please please please Focus funny now now me everybody tell everybody don't sh up tell everybody BL it is for everybody to be quiet anybody for everybody to be quiet and let the meeting everybody everybody [Music] quiet please please don't call me b okay you your father your mother and everybody be more me are you coming please why you coming you [Music] [Music] I list I can do [Music] my about how it works all [Music] [Laughter] you