##VIDEO ID:EAG1chq39Ps## I call a meeting to order this is a regular meeting November 20th Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. we are in the only Char Center in parisite park in the yeah um so okay so the pl to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indice Miss pres Mr Charlie Shin pres M Rebecca Lee Miss Suk Young Park yes Mr Aaron pack pres Mr William Kim pres Mr Anthony Kim Miss boou Young U here miss Yun men pres Dr sill here Bush Law Group here thank you in compliance with the open public meeting act I hereby States the notice of this regular meeting has been provide to the public by the brsh dated January 14 2024 the notice has been email to the members at the district C School locations communicated at to at least one of the board's designated newspapers by with the border of p park now we'll start the working session and will review and discuss resolutions to be voted in the regular meeting to be follow after discuss about the boarding minutes that will dated October 16th last month do you have any comments and discussion on this meeting minutes move on to the finance okay uh the finance commit we have 14 items to discuss the first is Food Service vouches second secretary and trous financial reports third ratification of the board secretaries monthly the certification budgetary line item States and uh four is approval of payroll two payrolls and five approval of the November Bill list and six transfer funds and seven the Student Activity accounts Financial pay report and eight the Professional Service reg service and nine change of order request for Lindor Rock room project 10 staff member visitation and workshop 11 Grant acceptance of the computer science High School courses and 12 commission for the brand and Visually Impaired contract school year of two uh 2024 and 2025 the is approval of the project the network licenses and Putin is title on the salaries for the full-time steps and I'm sorry one more item the 15 the grand Carri of 20 school year 23 to 20 24 so it total 15 items thank you do you have any questions fin number eight what uh time period is that for uh so that would take us through the end of this calendar year through December 31 potentially into the reorganization um and then obviously at reor we would start the clock over and I started with in January uh I believe slightly thereafter we started with the bush Law Group did that cover any issues prior to the year that started prior to the year no prior to January of 20124 correct is your question no they were not attorney of record it may have had some carryover from previous um attorneys obviously catching them up to speed or any potential litigation that we've had uh but nothing prior to the January or probably February if my memory served correct but it it may have covered issues that began before it may have yes absolutely anything that was outstanding with the previous attorney that did not continue and and if I if I may I just speaking on behalf of the firm most I I and I I don't have the bills here as a breakdown but we look at a pi chart here I would say significant percentage of our attorney's fees have been expended as a result of matters related to either carryover from the prior firm uh or resolving matters that have been handled by this board uh before we got here and obviously the in addition to you know negotiations obviously that was my question the negotiations were have been a larger percentage of our of our bills otherwise it hasn't been as much actually not for you when the negotiation was there like the five four or five years ago right for the negotiation that time was theor P was more than like 9,000 something right well again not just attorney fees for negotiations so attorney fees but I to this one is including the total the pce that don't was same situation right that was also including negotiations at that time yes correct 3,480 uh do we pay that every month no we do not a year one year this is twice a year M men annual that should be 2425 on the bill list page four $348 480 the large number of the bigest in number five right that is for the full year M there's a typo there that says 24 24 it should be for 2425 to November 30 correct I was conf correct so that's the contract they charge just once a year right that is correct that's I was confusing okay thank you thank you any other questions to move on to the breing and grounds Mr re is not present there's a six consent agenda number one is Garden State CLE us facility PP High School number SE is learning academy holiday concerts to us High School auditorium number three is PDA us facilities on those upon January 17th January 18 March 28 number four person safy evaluation School building check 2024 to 2025 number five number six sh to use a high school G for for who sh on Sunday January 5th 2025 do you have any questions and discussion under by consent agenda on the building and grounds yes Mr yeah I have several issues the first uh we are getting like the liability insurance certificates right okay please make sure when you get the certificate okay make sure that's the formal and the correct the right the insurance certificate because like the we remember that like the basketball team before they submitted some kind of like The Unofficial and the kind of the P certificate right so fortunately there was no accident but if there was any accident happens we would be responsible for that too so please make sure we have like kumor and correct liability certificate okay and second uh number five pide Park R League okay uh that starts from the beginning of February and there is some conflict with the basketball and baseball but there is one more contract as far as I remember like indor Saka is until like the February 7 or 8 so like for one week beginning of February there is a duplication of three parties right so please when you get this kind of the application please check if there is the further duplication of the application or like the time compli the beginning of February for one week there is three parties conflict of the use of the gym do any of the times conflict Mr Shin or is it just the days that the gym is utiliz dates so I'm sure it's again first and foremost I want to be clear with this any function for our students and our schools takes precedent over any other program first and foremost second if it's Recreation um I'm sure they're probably not running concurrently space so they're probably different time frames and we'll look at that and be in touch with Recreation but thank you we we are not being paid for it um we so we we encourage more participation from our our students and unfortunately in the past uh the El's hoop shoot is something that I remember doing as a child myself um and it is something that was normally done on a Saturday I believe last month uh we passed a resolution that the hoop shoot would be done during the course of the day obviously we have a lot more participation during gym class and we were very pleased with of being able to host that in our school day uh with that being said this new request is being asked for I believe a second round or students who Advance um but there is no Financial incentive for us is that I thought we were doing for outside organizations we were going I believe the Elks is uh and again don't quote me on this but I believe they are non for-profit so do question regarding this application yes to use form right to use the form before request the use us of the school facility yes so I don't think this needs to dis me V approval or just in your disc it doesn't there's no policy yeah there's no policy uh what and what Miss Chung is referring to is the form that I generated over the summer I don't know if you guys can see it on that end um but I think going forward it is a form that in the past an email was sufficient I think this would require additional information from uh the requested party uh I believe that this would allow us to have more checks and balances like Mr Shin said earlier so I proposed it uh to the board president um it's an application for school use and Facilities um and I believe if the board's okay with it effective January 1 would be a good time to start this okay is that good with you um yeah I was going to ask when are you going to start imp yeah I would like to start Jan I said July January January janary I said January okay I wish it was July all right thank you is there any question discussion on the ground building and ground was there was there any further discussion on uh the borrow providing a financial support for use of school facilities by the rec I was hopeful that our new uh liaison or no it's going to be a new council member uh it maybe one of his first um actions would be to help us as he knows all too well our financial constraints Mr Shin so again I know it's come up in the past and I know you're going to be charged with uh wearing many of hats but in your last two months with us I would ask that you please uh go there knowing the challenges that we are faced with um and one of them is asking for additional support financial assistance from the recreation program for the use of facilities okay first thank you for the congratulation and I don't promise anything but I promise I'll do my best okay thank you that's a promise yeah just want to add to that is to clarify um the this form has to be or the private and nonprofit or uh even governments anyone using our facilities they were used the same using the facilities will be required to fill that out okay have further discussion if let's move on to personel Mr sh please person I have the 10 items to discuss first is the approval of Home in instruction teachers and second hourly adjustment request third is volunteer girls basket coach the approver and fourth is winter track coach approval and fifth blackfast Club program approval and six is request for re over the steps and the Seven is ESA curriculum staff revision eight is appointment of two staffs and nine is high impact toring Grant after school toring 10 is leg regation of these steps I have we have 10 items to discuss thank you questions personel school year school year be it resolved that the pales par upon the recomendation of the superintendent approves the submission of the preschool projected enrollment to the 2025 2026 school year number two 2025 through 2026 threee preschool program plan resolve as a Power Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent approves the submission of the division of Early Childhood Services 2025 20 to 2026 threee program plan including form survey statement of insurance and the district contact Charge number three field trips to Bergen Community College barley Dickinson Catch Air catch air again Palisades Park Pool AMC movie theater theater again and AIO do you have any questions regarding this three consent agenda so what is the number of students we expect in preschool next year very good question Mr Shen um next year is the year five it's our fifth year of the program so when we started uh we had to project what it was look like next year we anticipate 210 students which is our Universal number that the state was expecting us to have so and the CEO was 180 from 180 to to 10 that is correct including all the students who are in private ability to that is correct by the way in the I don't know which one is in or 3 years but private facility means yes that's considered private so when we we we are getting the subsidiaries from the state right for the phys schal absolutely yes sir so is there any limitation of the number of students 210 15 students per classroom uh with a universal number of 210 I'm sure if we had additional space and uh there was still students on a wait list if I petitioned the state for more money I'm I'm pretty confident that they would give it to us but we don't have space for the wrong ter the par by the New Jersey the par Park needs a lot of affordable house that's correct right so there are a lot of R spending so in worst the case like the the population over the par could be increased by 5,000 6,000 something then the accordingly the number of students will be increased a lot so long term we have to prepare for that in the school correct not just pre not just to prate the other schools too correct thank you this J by par that's this is not it's just a senior this is looks like if it's senior advisers this would be a senior pool party the senior that is correct that is done annually and Miss as we discuss a briefly prior to this meeting so we reive this regation pretty late and I know you and we both have a day time job we didn't have enough discussion regarding on this number one and two so but as Dr mentioned that we need to approve to December would you like to approve the two item later on in the regular meeting in the conditiona questions and discuss lat I think number one number think that through and I think what Dr cillo had suggested would be we would do a preliminary approval and then um conditional condition and if there's any concern or reservation regarding uh the submission and or what is involved in it uh we would obviously take that under advisement I think we can move forward with it unless somebody feels like we need more time to review it but I think we have a deadline of November 30th so probably best to continue forward with but okay so any other questions [Music] negotiations Al I don't have count scoreboard report SC security committee Mr is he here so all the VIS you didn't write any but I just remember from reading the meeting me from October 16 so we say we will discuss the student rep next month which is this month so I don't know I actually hly don't recall what was our last question regarding those things but let's just discuss little by so we can be ready by the real meeting in January I agree so do you remember what part we stop discussing that time yeah I believe we were going to when I shared with the board um we were going to revise the existing policy because currently it speaks to the principle making the recommendation and I do not believe that it should be solely placed on one individual I believe a committee should be formed we do have students who have expressed interest um this last year a survey was conducted a vote was conducted VI a Google Classroom I believe so I recommend that we definitely move on this before January and start this at reorg like we said we would so the you think the the board should take action is to revise the policy absolutely okay that be M Mr Bush than all right then um so we only have one more meeting prior to the January we and today we don't have well because it's just a revision we don't need two readings we only need one reading so revising it can be done at the December meeting Mr kski let's have the Corum par to be to be ready to distribute all the board members for discussion and then we will discuss upon then in December meeting thank you so we don't have new business here right so we have a motion to close the working session and going back going back um opening to open the regular meeting I make Mo all in favor obje so I starting with the board of President report I don't think it's a report I I just want to make a recognation of this clean Community things that will take a place in the Bor Hall this Saturday this is Saturday November 23rd 10 to 12 p.m. in front of ball 275 B Avenue uh I was informed from the clean community in the border of paride Park and I was told that this information as a share has been shared with the school members on the website but I'm not sure if it's on there but I don't believe it's on the website and if it is I wasn't asked to put it there but I will make sure it's there tomorrow thank you so the students who can ignore and then sign up so they know how many people are participating and the credit will be given to for sub Community Services okay thank you welcome so next the report of the superintendent Dr thank you Miss ch um I have three items although there is only one bullet there and that's probably the most important and will Garner the most attention uh first and foremost I received a very nice correspondents um our schools participated in the tunnels to Towers foundation and on behalf of the foundation uh they are Thanking us for the contribution um for the continued memory of um fire fighter Steven Siller um who lost his life on September 11th 2001 um thank you thank you to all of those who participated this is very nice to receive this uh you know who you are thank you for doing what you do um second well I guess preschool eligibility has made a decision we are receiving in excess of 2 million I am very proud to report um we are recipients of $2,406 for preschool expansion which means not what Mr Shin asked um but what Mr Shin asked we are eligible now to construct um what we had submitted for seven new classrooms under the parking garage of the town library when will that happen I'm not sure we just received this uh this is fantastic news for us this is an application that we had to submit I shared with the board I'm very happy to report that this will benefit potentially in excess of another 100 students so I guess it's a start in the right direction um that's all great news um that's just a local share of 40% we need to come up with additional funding to Pro for this project to be at its completion uh regardless when someone gives you 40% of what a project costs you run with it um so I'm very excited to say on behalf of the board uh $2 million is nothing to Blink an eye at so we did a great job with this kudos to you all last but uh last but not least um to you and your families I know it's creeped up on us but next Thursday is Thanksgiving so let's be very thankful uh for what we have for each other Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families thank you for what you all do each and every day for our kids thank you thank you I been forgetting of Thanksgiving um also thank you Dr s for um making this happen to receive this preschool expansion grants which is 2,000 um $2 million good new and the concern is how we get the rest of it so we're discuss on it and then um yeah so for to good news thank you is there a deadline for construction uh not to this uh not not share just yet at this point this is just a preliminary eligibility letter which means we are eligible it's preliminary um a final eligibility letter will be be shared after 30 days uh and in the event we wanted to challenge that we didn't receive what we asked for uh that would be dis phase but at this point we asked for the construction of seven classrooms um our Architects and the burrow Architects worked in collaboration because that is technically not our property um the submission of the application was clearly worked on by multiple people uh so the construction of seven rooms would come up with a dollar amount which 40% the state will cover so we're looking for $3 million have IDE you're quick yeah we do we have multiple ideas um and I'm going to reserve any further comment on that until we meet with our local municipal government and or other entities um but right now it's most important that we receive this uh this is round two we did not receive rounds one funding so just to be you know identified and shared um with this number uh we're very grateful so the will be the Bor the we are using our funds bre well we' yet to determine that if we go out to referendum uh it would be taxpayer funds so let's let's get through Thanksgiving first Mr T all right how about we get through this meeting and then we get to Thanksgiving the initial drawings for the seven classrooms was designed by who uh by our Architects at the time paret samjin and by the burrow Architects I believe uh Ed aari I might be pronouncing his name wrong but I've been in multiple meetings with both parties and that's who worked on this project that was three years ago when the plan was drawn two or three years ago I don't I don't remember exactly so it's underground so what not underground no it's ground level okay so where would the at this point um I think the classroom space is much more needed than that uh parking spot uh or spots many of those vehicles are able to be relocated um I don't think that our our library attendees are using that parking garage regardless there is another garage adjacent to it that is being utilized more frequently so we are using new Christian Academy as subract for the Ping right so if we if no classrooms is installed then uh we would use we don't need to use the outside contract very likely yes thank you so that approve the bo meeting minutes on October 16 may have a motion to approve the October meeting minutes make motion second all in favor no objection Finance um so we have 15 cons agenda to approve we have a motion I make a motion second broker please M yes Miss yunman yes Mr Aaron pack yes S Young Park yes Mr Charlie Shen yes Mr William Kim yes Miss Bo I you grounds there are the six consent agenda to have a motion to approve consent agenda on the breing and grounds second you can as in favor no objection so in Personnel we have the 10 consent agenda I have a motion to approve 10 consent agenda in person ums yeah I make motion I'll second please miss yes m y men yes Mr Aaron p yes S Young Park yes Mr Charlie Shen yes Mr William Kim yes Miss po young you thank you next the bus approve is curriculum we have three consent agenda um let's just clarify Miss for so you can just you're okay to just go for appr or agend and then you don't want to any condition well yes because of the time constraints we need to have approve by November 30th is what Dro said right so I don't know when we would approve it by email now but the condition that we probably have discussion after meeting next week dect any errors can email about it but I mean it's a holiday I don't know when any oh I don't think it's requiring another meeting uh just how about this I will not submit this until at least next Wednesday that'll give anyone on the board ample time to review it in detail if there are any concerns please be in touch with me okay okay sounds good thank you so it's a conditional approval on number two okay only number two that number one correct the condition what we setting is the condition in the event there's any concerns with the material that's identified in the plan that I would address that but we're going to submit it regardless say on the condition of the superintendent's theough review super on the condition of the superintendent's theough review is it okay board members so may have a motion to approve number um consent agenda of of three consent agenda with section of number two under the with the conditional approval with upon the superintendent review you have a motion any second second all in favor no objection so those negotiations policy us School Board cont Schoolboard for safy you don't have reports so I just skip to the public participation unless we have on the discussion or Debs regarding student is that okay with you guys may have a motion to open the public participation fa right so now the meeting is open to public so each speaker has three minutes please state your name and address M Naomi here's the uh wonderful news for you you get to be the first to stand out Podium oh no yeah it's a little more professional sorry that's what happens when you go first so we just exit forward to the podum thank you getting fancy here really quickly there was something that was inadvertedly omitted from the agenda it was January 10th request for the PTA to use this facility for ecc's first dance you mean the typle not even there I double checked it so January January 10th so we have the 17th the 18th and then March for limberg but it's not on we could add it to the December meeting I can tell you wholeheartedly I don't foresee any concern with that but if the board wanted to go back into I guess you would have to go back into PNG and amend it Mr Bush I mean it's up to the board you could add it tonight if you wanted but but again the question becomes oh sorry your time here the question was whether or not um you know when you have these reviews of use of facilities is there some back office uh review in consideration as to whether or not a building is available if there's something else I'm checking right now with that I do have the calendar of events for this building um in my calendar January 10th you said yes unless it's potentially reorganization for the board because we have to do that with the first 10 days of the right the New Year it's possible and I don't know when you're reorg meeting is is not we have not scheduled I would just I would just say this that if the board is Comm hold on it's a Friday right we're not reorg on a Friday if the board wants to reorg on a Friday I'm starting to feel sick sorry all right it's up it's up to the board you can approve it tonight but once you approve it once you approve it it's approved January 10th is going to be added and updated in the minutes to reflect PTA is it a parent or is it daddy daughter Mommy that's in limberg okay so what is happening here a winter wonderland them de DJ trying to do it up no yes for great fre three to five then the next thing is Mr Shin when you press wreck I would ask that you go above wreck and go straight to town hall because what ends up happening is that the fees go up and the children of this town the parents can't afford baseball went up double within one Year everyone is complaining while our fees are low it's still double so try to go above wreck because that's that's their ending they're just going to raise up the prices and it's not fair to the parents okay that's thank you thank you Rivera good afternoon I'm Bradley Rivera Glenn Avenue um um what's myt I'm the treasurer so I do got some insight on some of the stuff that R does and I want to give you my my voice and opinion because I'm involved with over 300 children not just in House Park Leonia Richfield and one thing that is concerning is the hardship that these prices come when you know you raise prices what's the end game what's your what's the performance indicator what how does this affect KS right um day you want to keep these kids active you want them to know each other so when they walk into schools they get familiar with the children they're working with I work with some children um some of the teachers may have seen me some children um do have some problems here and there you know talking to children and as soon as they come out with these programs you know they they they break out of their shelf um whether it's baseball soccer uh whatever whatever the kids are doing um it's important we we make sure that we recognize who we're affecting a lot of these parents can't afford and sometimes the attendance goes down and a lot of these kids are from this town I know almost all the kids from the schools because of this and I'm telling you it's making a difference academically because the parents talk to me the kids you know are listening the discipline translat if you want what's best for the future please consider the effect takes when you're charging a couple dollars I mean it's not going to really make a difference in your end budget um lastly I want to say something I've been doing some research and I took some notes I don't know how many minutes I have but I try to go through really quickly it has to do about academic achievement and uh impacts impacts it has so the learning policy Institute Center education politic policy analysis era open the cower Center and the Marco Center has shown that there's a decrease in academic achievement when teachers do not have a contract I'm not here to uh to speak on behalf of the teachers but I want you recognize that there has been a lot of studies that say that correlate uh the performance of students based on the the contentment of teachers I don't want teachers to be bitter when they come to school I don't want your jobs to be harder but please recognize if there's a collective bargaining issue you please handle it but their kids are going to be affected at the end of the day there's hard concrete study even the CIA discusses about I came from the Intel Community we discuss the impact of academic achievement comes to contract negotiations I don't know the ins and outs I just know there's a lot of teachers here there's a lot of guys up there we I see a lot of you guys during voting period and you guys ask for things so a perance a performance indicator is how you guys resolve issues so and that's what I look when I look at you guys' names on the tickets how you guys resolve big issues in my town thank you are we charging what were those programs you saying we were charging for so no there's a consideration to start charging for the use of the facilities right now it's the there's been no charge so the cost is not transferred to the parents and like I said I work with a lot of these a lot of these students and you know whether it's on the field it translates to school and I know some of the parents are asking for donations can barely afford to dou chares may I just respond to that real quickly I think what we're we're trying to achieve because the borrow and the school have separate budgets though the taxes come from one place we're trying to have the borrow contribute more to the schools that's the goal it's not for I I get it but if it gets transferred no no no it's it's not from the rec side borrow like like I think uh the individual before you were saying we should go straight to the borrow with this not the yeah that's fine just long as there not there's no goal to start charging no just want you I want you guys to recognize where it sits today and the effects it the impact has a negative result please do the analysis and become accountants figure out why it went up it attributed to the going to the burrow and the burrow somehow goes through the back and it charges the parents I mean we can say whatever we want but the results are the same wait are we talking about the recreation incre all sports all the sports in palates Park we hope a lot of the kids are from Palisades Park like 80% of Park and we pick up a couple from you know from other town oh so I I think to clarify this a little bit thank you not to belabor this point we only charge Recreation when our custodial staff requires overtime I think that's a common courtesy we don't have it in our budget to absorb the programs of our municipality when we already are concerned with being underfunded I think that summarizes it at best so I think what Mr Kim is is alluding to I I think it could be spread out a little bit better for all involved um is that maybe additional funds are afforded to us the Board of Education uh when our facilities are being utilized yeah I thought we were only charging when it's an entity that is making profit that's what I thought that's for the most part that is fair to say yeah and again I think that'll clarify this use of facilities form will clarify but again understand our Recreation program is is growing we'll say um but the reality is I do not believe knowing the type of students we have in our community that the parents should be responsible for that understanding we still have to pay our custodial coverages uh on weekends which is usually double time or it could be time and a half so the $2,50 of security deposit 250 20 2 250 yes right this is W for the use of the recreation Recreation does not pay that they don't pay us correct they are built accordingly knowing if there is a custodial fig okay and also board members when you respond to the public the need to first and then our okay right hiy negotiations chair so for the past year at these meetings the board of education has been telling the public that they value their teachers and faculty but at the same time they refused to provide us with a fair and Equitable contract I have been working here for 19 years when I started in 2006 the contract was a mess the turnover rate with the faculty our schools was extremely high since that time and especially in the last 10 years the negotiation team the superintendent and the passport of education has worked TIR tirelessly to close the gap and try to make our contract a somewhat competitive one we have made progress with the past contracts but what the board is currently proposing will set us back 10 years and undermine all that we've worked so hard to achieve palates park has some of the best teachers and support staff in the staff in the State teachers and staff who daily go beyond the scope of their duties to provide fun and engaging learning environments for your children teachers who are loyal to the district and have been here for years teachers who lost a relationships with your children and strive to help them succeed for example Mark arabo Mark arabo was nominated as pales Park high schools October teacher of the month he has worked in the district for over 20 years Mr arido is known to being extremely enthusiastic about his job and the kids at the high school absolutely love him and his passion for music he is constantly positive and has grown the advanced Band program to over 60 students I personally remember during Co Mr arabo learning special engineering Tech um softwares just so he could have his students being able to play together and harmonize over the computer while they were working remotely while the country was in the midst of a pandemic Mr arabo was working harder than ever to make the most beautiful music compositions and bringing Joy through music to those students while they were home Mr arabo is one who inspite of in spite of working without a contract shows up each day and gives everything he's got to create the best learning experiences for the children of Palace par and he's not alone thank you [Applause] good evening my name is Mary deio I'm a high school teacher um I'm going to speak about one of my colleagues one of our colleagues uh in September during Hispanic Heritage Month Mrs fori rented Pablo Picasso's traveling exhibit this exhibit cons uh consisted of multiple large neural works and information about Picasso's life and famous paintings and pieces these Works hung in the lobby for all to see during class students were taken to the lobby to view and admire Picasso's Works learn about the painter and discuss his contributions to the art world and Hispanic culture last year Mrs fi did this activity but with Freda Kao exhibit this is the second year students have been exposed to important painters from the Hispanic world and created Hispanic Heritage Month Mrs fi knows the best way to engage students learning is for students to be immersed in it and see the work first him Rosanna has been working in the district as a Spanish teacher for 25 years Rosanna cores is one who in spite of working without a contract shows up each day and gives everything she got to cre the best learning experience for the children of Pal stades Park and she is not alone thank you hi my name is Rachel Mor Jessie I'm a specialed teacher at the high school I've been there 17 years now um I want to highlight one of our teachers Jane show she's one of our Korean language teachers at our school um ever since day one she's kind of she's definitely gone beyond in the classroom she's always bringing in guest speakers she organizes activities in school and after school um to spread love of the Korean culture and a lot of it she pays out of pocket for materials to make it as successful as it can be for her students um outside of the classroom she's also advisor for the KHS the Korean Honor Society and the Hope Club so the Hope Club is a full year Club um and its main priority is to um is to raise money for student scholarships so they give out about 10 to 15 scholarships per year she reaches out she's n working all the time reaching out for businesses to donate money um and there's also activities within hope Club so there's a K-pop dance group um traditional Korean drum team I coach the dance team at the high school so we collaborate a lot we have a lot of the same members so I see firsthand really how much time and effort she puts in because she really cares about her students and she loves them a lot um Jan show is one who in spite of working without a contract shows up each day and gives everything she's got to create the best learning experience for the children of Pal's heart and she's not alone thank [Applause] you good evening my name is mallerie I'm a special education teacher at Lindberg elementary school and I'm going to speak about a schoolwide event that was hosted by our phys physical education department lastek the Lindberg physical education department just hosting their annual Turkey Trot foot race which has been a limberg tradition for over 40 years this event allows the teachers and parents to cheer on the students as they race around the track the 12 winning students Reed a donated shoppr gift card perfect for enhancing their Thanksgiving dinners even without contract we remain committed to supporting our community and creating meaningful meaningful opportunities our kids this event refs our dedication to fostering a positive and supportive environment for students and their famili the limberg physical education department in spite of working without a contract shows up each day and gives everything they've got to create the best learning experience for the children of Pal Park and they are not alone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello my name is Katherine Clark and I have had the privilege of serving as an occupational therapist for this district for the past six years I will be sharing um a statement from another teacher and then trying to make a so this is Amy P who is a kindergarten teacher at given my 10e teaching background I am in a good position to make a great contribution to the pales park community I teacher at the ECC and I'm constantly Amazed by the accomplishments and goals we teachers have achieved and exceed together teachers work tirelessly stay consistent organized proactive and diligent with the planning and their craft they are constantly preparing work prepping to ensure concepts are taught and executed beautifully teaching requires strategic planning strong work ethic and devotion and our teachers here go above and beyond what's required of them their passion for their job means that they compl t quickly and to the best of their ability Amy and I would like to highlight a teacher who right now um who has invited the characteristics above for the past 30 years and that's Mrs Cheryl so she is the epitome of such devotion and dedication to the field she endlessly advocates for her students thoroughly enjoys teaching as we all know um and collaborates well with her colleagues me being one of them she always push stri for more she is more one of many teachers of Pal Park District to exemplify the true nature of what it is to be a teacher Char is one who in spite of working it out of contract shows up every day and gives everything she's got to create the best ear experience for children and she [Applause] is I would also like to express because been here for six years I have seen in all three schools um the unwavering Dedication that all these teachers bring to the to the um education field I also have seen the growth of a lot of special needs students and cical students and it's because of their exceptional care and support that they receive here at Pal Park um I have complete confidence in all of my colleagues and I have gratitude for all the they have help support so I thank you for your [Applause] time can you yeah I wait can you wait I want to sorry M Sor as I always say when I come here one of who come here I like to for the last few couple meeting that I'm been coming here I'm been seeing this teacher coming here over time and on late night 7:30 when they has to be in school at 7 in the morning because I have proof for that because my daughter at 10: at 7 in the morning and they are there at 7 in the morning so this is kind of worrying me as aent a lot because as I I enter here today I feel really happy and at the same time I feel really sad because my daughter was just mentioned to me about one of her favorite teacher she said Ma I really feel that I should move but I didn't want to move because I want to see this teacher in my graduation she Mars a lot that's means my she said that teacher I want to see her in my graduation please I need her number I want to see her so when I heard that from her especially today and I see Miss SMA it made me think what are we doing why and when we're going to resolve this because it's worrying me it's worrying me as a mother it's worrying me as a person because we don't want to lose teacher that is been here and teacher who Mark students so good like in everywhere we have we have situation with teacher but that doesn't mean we have to continue with this I really feel we should get on an end at this situation that is very important for the teacher for the student and for the parent that is me I really want to know when if you could I give me from the board member Dr cillo that we have at least a day that we going to re SE this I would like to know as a resident of P par if we have a Clues and also um I know we get very excited about the $2 million that we receive that's very good new very good job but how we thinking when we get that little school for the pre prek school what are we going to do when those kids go to first grade second grade third grade that we don't have Spade in limber and the high school because these is going to grow and they're going to go up and up so have we planned for that because we get it and the free school here fantastic we're going to have a space but what about when they go to first grade because Liber is over already full High scho same thing so that we have a plan so I don't think it's a good idea to just thinking now about getting the those school for those small kids when they're going to grow and they need to go out and go to a and classroom and we don't have it so have do we have a plan for that I would like to know that please than you are other comments in public okay I'm sorry have a motion to close participation I'd like to make a motion to close audience participation all in favor thank you comments yeah so just I I think um I mean I think the comments for the association speak for themselves uh there's there's obviously a a difference in the board's position um and the association's position and how the board views um it members I could speak for the board when I say there maybe some disagreement here and certainly that's the nature of where where we are right now in this in this contract negotiation but the board very much does value with teachers um there's you know this is mediation and this is fact finding this is part of what happens sometimes in the process it's a normal part of the process it's not something that either side likes it's not fun but negotiations are are part of how communities end up getting to an ultimate result and you know I think I think the board wants to end this as much as the association and the board is willing to negotiate we don't necessarily need to wait for this official process which could take a long time we now have few further bureaucrats involved in this process than we necessarily want you know fact finding mediators this is the kind of thing that can slow these things down but the board is always willing to talk I know we're not in the same page yet but we're really hoping to be and soon and I also want to clarify something else um it's not accurate to say that the teachers are working without a contract the teachers are working without a new contract the teachers are currently working under exist the the the existing contract so I just want to be clear um but the value which clearly there's some disagreement with and we certainly appreciate the disagreement because that's why we're here a lot of you here tonight when you could be home you know giving your kids a bath and and having dinner with your families and other things but the reality is that we want this done as much as you can thank you Mr Bush may I just address uh the one comment is um to to to M pepp that's correct okay so first of all I just want to comments to the teachers thank you for your comments for each of you understand your concerns and and also we both members are parents most of us too and then so I want you to also think about it as well too and that doesn't mean the this um challenging and this Discord between both and the PPA does mean that we disr your bar work we appreciate it thank you um and and just to you know follow up here um because I think it was only one question directed to me um so 5 years ago approximately when we applied for the prek program um I did have conversations about first and foremost how would we be able to house the students hence we gave a fiveyear projection of getting to our Universal number of 210 students after five years year one if you remember uh we only had 30 students um we didn't have the space so unfortunately we had to move right students around clearly at this point we still don't have the space four years later and we're not moving them around we're moving them to other providers and part of moving them to other providers means we're sending a lot of our money our prek money to outside programs so first and foremost we need to establish why can't we build what I've been asking for for five years now at least start with the seven class classrooms it's a start bring some of those kids back not send out the money that follows the students into those private providers once they come back we have more space we have more money we have more opportunities I think the reality is right now there are only 30 students two classrooms being serviced outside of our schools if next year we are adding two more classrooms because it's an additional from the 180 we are at to 210 next year that is our projection enrollment that I reported tonight that is an extra two classrooms we are going to have extra space already if the seven classrooms is the start so I I believe firmly that we are moving this in the right direction with that being said I think we've seen over time what our graduating classes are we are averaging between the 120s and the 140s this is not Pal Park when I started plus years ago of 95 to 100 we are grown but I think we have seen with the exception of what Mr Shin spoke of earlier I don't know what the next 10 years looks like a demographic study should be done but we are 120 to 140 that's our average size at this point and I think we are sustaining that thank you m comments so if we're if the school district is growing at this pace this level like how are we like what can we do to sort of expand with it and the grades I I don't understand why well we're 20 years too late we started building 20 years ago in this community we are at this point we're not there's not much more room to build but what Mr Shin is speaking to what was in the newspaper today regarding Palisades Park and affordable hous uh that's something that we need to get ahead of and not be reactive to 10 years from now so do we form a committee to deal with something like this like how do we yes ma'am we have buildings and grounds we have finance and we have to sit down with the mayor and councel and see what the direction of the municipal government is any more comments and Bo members happy thanksg everyone so we approve the pts happening okay don't ask for reor on January 10th you want quick why you since you approve the other you just Qui motion I make we audience we need to do this back in buildings and grounds so i' like to make a motion to add January 10th 2025 under buildings and grounds for the use of the Early Childhood Center for the PTA I no I can't make make a motion I'm making a recommendation so no that's right so you so so Dr made the motion it's listed the motion and someone wants to say motion made a motion is there a second second thank you have a good