##VIDEO ID:cHI53r5wwzw## welcome back to school I hope you had a good summer and for me I I had a very busy summer I didn't go anywhere else I was surprised that the school administrator are even busier during the summer which was very different knowledge that I had so thank you for working hard during the summer Dr C Mr Kowski and me too so and I'm great to see you all back and um so that's back to school night I was want to ask you to to that is going to be tomorrow tomorrow is the high school I believe we've had the other two buildings already right and also thank you for all the STS and students and parents who participated one house 125th anniversary events dated on SE um September 14th and it was great students sing a song and it's similar experiment that I was in the concert spring concert in the and it was it was very happy to see that all the children in town and thank you for your working there too and then also there's um cor making try outs and then thenk uh Dr Ser to put out the ads in the school websites and sh the events information with or those pattern students it was very very successful that in the first 30 minutes or the spot was R rent out and then they all participate and have theid okay um next Dr do you have reports yes uh so just a few things I too would like to welcome everyone back I hope you and your fam had a great summer um I'm I'm actually extremely excited I think we are on the cusp of doing some extraordinary things this year I'm already pleased I'm not going to say it yet next month is our test score presentation but uh preliminary numbers of graduation rates are extremely um encouraging uh so again kudos to everyone involved in that I nothing is official yet and many of times unfortunately there are edits that get performed uh last minute but uh next month our presentation as we are required to do annually uh I I really do believe that we um are all moving this this ship in the same direction um we're pulling the Rope at the same side um so hopefully we continue to do that and it will lead to future success for all uh a special thank you we had two groups uh with so many donations for so many of our children in this community but two specifically came to me a few weeks ago it was the United Methodist Church Church of Leonia and the uh Rotary Club of the Palisades um so many of our kids both here at the ECC and at Lindberg um that are in need of school supplies backpacks you name it uh were able to receive from Anonymous and you know very generous donors so publicly I would like to recognize them and thank them um and I to um wish the board a successful school year as do I do with all teachers students and staff thank you thank you Mr have nothing to report so meeting Mee approval so there's two um two meeting minuts we not going to um it's going to be so separate because anyway I have a motion to consent those two since it was not consented so I have may have a motion to approve the meeting special business meeting July 29th August 28th September 12th and just for the record the September 12th will reflect the comment by Mr Shin in deleting the last sentence in the condition of changing the last she is may have a motion I make all in favor no objection so number two may I have a motion to approve the objective session minut that was um revised for April 17 I like to make a motion to approve April 17 objective session minutes may I have a second second all in favor motion pass so in fin we have 17 consent agenda to approve we have a motion I make Mo I work please Mr yes Mr Anthony Kim yes M Rebecca Lee yes M Young Park yes Mr Charlie Shen yes Mr William Kim yes Mr Young you so and ground we have three consent agenda have motion any second second all in favor no objection so Personnel we have 17 consent agenda for approval may have a motion to approve 17 consent agenda on the personel just have a quick question person number six to 17 Dro is that would that make an immediate change or is it still November 1st what number I'm sorry number six number six uh no because number 17 uh has to wait until she is released from her District so I'm going to have to hold that candidate got it thank you no problem anybody make a motion have motion I make a motion please yes Mr Anthony Kim yes Mr Rebecca Lee Yes M S Young Park yes Mr Charlie Shen yes Mr William Kim yes M Bo Young U CH before you continue I would just like to congratulate and formally recognize Miss Diane nikolov thank you for your [Applause] service thank you really all your am we're not an audience relax relax so we have two consent agenda on the you have a motion to approve before we proceed it is on October 24th the date for the PSA as you said right yes have a motion I like to approve curriculum agenda number one and two can I have a second in favor negotiation Mr will no report policies m is not here and we don't have actually agenda newg scard okay so count scoreboard as Mr is not here and School Safety and Security committee Mr Anon okay so all BU as I mention working session I'd like to make a motion to separate municipal government auditor to with um scoreboard auditor second are you are you going to you want to amend the the policy regarding Professional Services yeah should we draft like a actual revision to the policy they the new policy I don't know that a policy exists that Professional Services but I think it's more a request that such be considered just add on in political communities it's going to be hard but you know I'm not saying this is one I'm just saying my experience is uh we can have a policy but one doesn't exist so I I again I think it's a very good suggestion name my is give us our opportunity to kind of draft try to draft the policy to do what you why don't I call New Jersey school boards and see if such exist so we can potentially not be charged yet sorry Aaron tell Jonathan I said that I spoke with Jonathan Bush for to this meeting last week his answer is he haven't seen it but has no problem to so I to do we can do it I think we justed like in terms of actually having a policy sure okay so is it still okay with that condition to motion I you can you can do that but my recommendation is that there be an actual policy that the board be voting that like actual language so since we don't have that yet I would wait till we do but yeah I didn't we just create the policy be the trend Setter that's a good move yeah sure you can move to I guess have the board said uh enact a new board policy that prohibits the auditor from hiring an auditor that's also doing municipalities a add the the board so we are actually creating the poliy because I I don't have your policies in part of it so there is one on there I don't know which one it is I don't know how to so if you want to do it right now I think that's the best I can suggest okay I like to make a motion to create our local of school um par Department Bo of Education um to prohibit municipal government auditor from school auditor may have a motion may have a second second please so if we decide today okay so that policy will continue right until the new board says they don't want that policy thank you sir sorry Rebecca we're dealing with a small uh concern internally and I again I I applaud Miss Chun I think this is a very good suggestion I don't think it's a bad idea it's just going to be hard to enforce it going forward but I'm not saying we shouldn't do this let's do it and then let's worry about the next problem when we get there is common sense that the the Board of Education the AUD shouldn't be should be different from town is it common sense anybody any Board of Education member is common sense would know that so why do we worry about that thank you Mr Right Mr M yes Mr Anthony Kim M Rebecca Lee yes Miss Suk Young Park yes Mr Charlie Shin yes Mr William Kim yes Miss Bo Young u i motion passes thank you so next new business is the motion I would like to make a recommendation that the board consider the student representative um to be reflected from unfortunately it's not going to be at the September meeting but from September through June um and repeat that and amend our existing policy I'll make a motion to reflect dr's recommendation I all in favor yes any objection by the way so the motion passed then um are you going to address this issue to Mr Garcia so I'm going to look more specifically at the policy which I'm doing as we speak um there is a sentence that speaks to the selected Representatives shall be appointed by the Junior Senior High School principal again these are already adopted by our board I can't just arbitr change it right but what I can tell you is there are qualifications there are not many students that probably want to hang out with us monthly some might and I applaud them for that but I also know that this is a very um important role one that can be the voice of our students in our community not just at the junior senior high school so I will speak to Mr Garcia I will keep the board updated and I'm hopeful that we can amend whatever needs to be amended next month and hopefully have a student sit with us going forward okay so after speaking with Mr car and please share this with the board members so we can look up this well I I I looked it up but we need to share and their op um get their opinions as we to members why were there why was there an election before understand how I it was an appointment but then it was there was an election y so so the election I think last year was more to see gauge interests of students and you don't want to appoint someone that doesn't want to be here so there was an essay requirement from Mr Garcia last year there was actually a survey I believe issued through uh Survey Monkey or Google Classroom one of the other um and we did have data um I did have have results that warranted our former student rep uh to be with us so I want to make sure and I'll I'll solicit information from other districts we don't need to you know be the first to the race all the time um but let's see what is best practice again we have to ensure that if we're doing something it's not breaching what's here but I'm sure we can come to Common Ground on what is best moving forward I mean if we are being one representative I would like the board of um the schools of the grades to be invited specifically also read that I'm sorry they have a each grade has their elected class officers yes yes so that's completely different from the student rep to the board what I'm going to do I'm send this out yeah I'll send this out to the board members and then the idea is to have one it could be multiple student reps uh but class officers sometimes from my experience could reflect up to 5 to 10 individuals yeah so they can take turns that's something we can discuss further yeah discuss next you mean next month next meeting or before next meeting we will have discussion on this I'm sure before the members be um first look up the policy you can just okay thank you so the come up by the key word student rep I just did a quick search on student representative for the board of education on our website okay thank you any other agendas do you want to be added and discuss in in new V are you okay I feel wonderful thank you glad to hear that thank you so may I have a motion to close our regular session and open to the public motion all in favor no objection so no now so the meeting is open to the public and each speaker has three minutes and please state your name and address Hi how are you sty I'm the negotiation chair for our association um the board has stated that there is nothing need to report to declare that this is the current status of our negotiations there has been no progress we are currently working without a contract the board's last salary offer was below the county average the unfair Labor practice charges that we with Pal stes Park ation Association filed last March against the Coles Park Board of Education is still open that charges those charges have not been closed because negotiat negotiations have stalled and the board is still not negotiating in debate ground rules were broken by the Board of Ed and that was the one reason the ulp was filed the palates Park negotiation team has never broken the ground rules agreed upon by both parties at the first meeting and once we entered into mediation through the state those original ground rules no longer appli the board is trying to rewrite our entire contract with 69 page proposal no other districts in our area are making any of these demands this staff deserves a contract immediately we have committed our careers to palates Park but if this doesn't get settled many of us will to go work at other districts where we will be better paid and respected there is a mediation meeting scheduled for October 8th which we are very much looking forward to it would be nice if the board came with their proposal and not the proposal written by their lawyers so that we could get work done and get this contract done as we start this new school year we want nothing more than to settle a fair and Equitable contract please yeah um just um Board of Education and I actually negotiation team and we have been working through the summer regarding this negotiations but most of parts that you st I don't I disagree but I'd like to deer that to our attor because I don't like to break my the ground Ro so there were delays at the beginning in January then the came together and offered meeting dates and proposals the association instead of coming to the table and accepting or listening to proposals and having good faith negotiations decided to engage in gamesmanship by find finally unfair practice charges by declaring uh impacts before any legitimate negotiations had taken place and have since refused during the first mediation literally refused to have a discussion with us uh about the about the board's proposals since that time there has been some productive meetings uh especially at the beginning of the summer but then when the association was asked for additional information there was dead silence for I think like over a month so we are also very much looking forward to the next mediation and we are very much eager to get this contract negotiated and to have a new thank you any other participant Pap for Glen Avenue um I have a question for Dr Cell um I know we are of in a very situation right now as of space wi for the our student every days getting more and more like we don't have a space to put it I know you in the past you um submit a referendo they didn't go through because political issue and this St unfortunately um have you ever think about to uh redo it like a referend of to see if it this time that we don't have some of those people who was blocking that in town to subit again and see if this pass that's my question for Dr celo and I have a comment as a parent um and the like the contract with the teacher um I know you guys negotia and we don't know the whole detail because it's internal but um for the best of us as a president as a parent um we need this to get resolved because I know it's a lot of lack or teacher every why like where I work is like we need like six teacher that is empty there so it's really worrying me that we lost our teacher and we have to be having no teacher for our kid and also you know um it's can give it peace for them to be more like focused in what they need to focus so I really as a parent I would like I know you guys working hard in that but I I want to see final result I want to see this getting ending um for the best of the teacher for the best of the kid because this is important this is very important to finalize this and make them working and get what they deserve I don't know everything all the information unfortunately as a parent but I've been coming here and I really want to see that they get what they deserve please and now if Dr Siri to answer me um about the referendum because this is something that is really worrying me because I see that we are talking about going to use one of those room from here and there and it's getting it's getting I know um more dup more houses is buil and we have unfortunately the same school and isn't fair for the student who is in there and isn't fair for the teacher to have 36 39 gift in one class is very very un fair and I know it's not you know your failable we need to find a solution for that and I know you try hard in the past um maybe now we do it again and see what happen uh so clearly referendums are something that the whole Community needs to accept uh be behind and want I applaud you for speaking on behalf of it I would like nothing more than to take all of our efforts from the past to continue those conversations and move forward um I also know we're living in times where Financial concerns exist for everyone um so so we have to balance the two and ultimately it has to any referendum has to make sense for all Community residents so the benefit would again have to include um that of seniors not just our students because they will be voting on something um so I think a committee should be created to look at this I think a you know I can tell you wholeheartedly we have applications sitting in Trenton as we speak on submissions for additions um hopefully with grant money that does not cost taxpayers exorbitant numbers um but yes I would be more than happy to say let's do a referendum what I don't want to do is put all the energy into a referendum um and not have the right people supporting it I think that's critical so uh I will speak to our board president I will speak to the vice president and I'm hopeful that we can create a committee referendums can go out I believe six times a year we just saw one last week in some districts uh the good news is the last time it was a very very large number and a lot of those items slowly but surely have been chipped away fortunately we've received money from the federal government unfortunately it was at a cost of many lives covid money it doesn't happen all the time um but that money went to repair many of our infrastructure needs HVAC related um obviously that's no longer needed in a future referendum um but I'd be more than happy to talk more about this with the board I know we cannot go back and forth but if we continue like that our house is going to look value because if I come around to buy a house in this town and I see the the quality of the school I want to buy a house here so let's put it that way our house is losing value because we the either I'm going to lose I know I know I'm going to lose but I'm going to tell you your house is not losing value well if if they see the the way of the school are here people who have school student is going to be like in a good condition I don't disagree with you I'm not I'm not going to argue I'm not going to disagree with you are there schools that are in better shape absolutely and how do we fix it we have to invest a lot of money we have to make sure everyone is on board I'm not opposed to it but many of people might be so let's make sure that first we identify the most important projects we're trying to do that slowly but surely it's easier to get a whole lot of money and fix it all at one time but that's a Major Impact already in troubling times for people so again I will give you my word we will follow up on this thank you in this town also play A Part this is all going we have an older retired population that is not as I don't know invested in the schools so there is a little bit of that going on in town too acknowledge that and somehow figure out a way to convince is important to our schols so the way is so the way is to encourage more senior programs in our buildings to have recreation centers available for our students also for our seniors after hours that's not something that's new it's not like this life bulb that went off it happens in other places it's not that hard but it's a very expensive undertaking what how many years ago that remember last referendum was didn't pass it was like s years ago maybe I could double check seven at the time I really disappointed just because at the time I was not a board member I just with parents and residents but I heard that um School needed to approach to the community um by working and cooperating with Municipal governments and politicians as well and they were involved they are right they were yeah but I I think there has to be more time need to be spent and more more consensus has to be before we reach out to the residen community because they are pretty strong in their opinion regarding the tax money I believe it was in 2017 so we're talking about seven years ago Al so now if we think about it then I hope we can really cross and more thoroughly working with with this part governing body there C me here so you are here so I hope you could deliver our meeting this conversation regarding randoms to your may coun as well thank you any other participate audience participation Mr Longo yes uh Peter Longo 60 Cent Boulevard um I'm just again concerned um because I I'm speaking more as now a grandfather of a student who attends the school here and I'm concerned that when I was a teacher as well you know um for many years we went through the same thing where they we never had our contract I went through it many times and it was very frustrating as a teacher uh our school's morale was low and I really don't want to see that continue here um teachers do more than people think everybody says oh they have the summer off uh they go home and they grade papers and and they work during the summer and we don't they don't make the greatest salary okay and now it's even worse because years ago at least when I retired my benefits were are excellent these teachers do not get that so I I'm real I empathize with them because I know how much money they spend on their own to decorate classrooms especially I think in the elementary and and the Early Childhood Center even though I did that in the high school too I spent my own money but I know Elementary School teachers really spend a lot of time and it concerns me because I feel like if the morale is low even though they're trying their best it affects the children and I don't I don't think there's a need for that I want them I want them to get what they deserve uh financially and I want it to get done I don't want this to drag on like it's been doing I I went through this many times that's number one number two I'm very my brandson is going to the preschool so far I'm very pleased with what I see I'm happy you know with the class size with the teachers with the AIDS I think he's getting a lot of good help what concerns me though I hear that some people were not able to enter in I think the four-year-old class and what concerns me is that they were supposed to have room for them and now they're in the process of I think they're doing something at Lindburg I'm not sure maybe you know and I I would like to know why did that happen I thought that it should have happened before so in September everything would have been been prepared and I'm concerned next year when my grandson is four years old what will happen then I I still think all the preschools should be in this building I would think it would be more beneficial for the teachers as well as well as the program but you have I think two classes I think are down at a where is it Commercial Avenue which is quite a not quite a distance but it is a distance um and then you have I think two are going to be at Lindberg then I hear a rumor about something underneath the library I heard that at the board meeting the barrel uh Barrel hall meeting so it concerns me for next year even though it's a year away I think we have to be concerned on what is going to happen for next year year I'm curious about that so I could speak to the uh new Christian Academy that was something that is strongly encouraged by the state in order to receive the preschool money they want you to partner with local providers the idea is not for us to put them out of business right right so we're partnering with them those are children from Palisades Park those are students that live in this community that would have been paying tuition to that location now they're technically receiving the same type of instruction our students are receiving Peter you know this all too well being a public educator there's just no room to put them here so it's either I continue to defer them and put them on a weit list or we become creative and we say hey we have this empty space at limberg what do we do with it locker rooms are not being used so fortunately the board approved a recommendation to convert the two locker rooms into classrooms but are there windows in there there will be windows would I like anything more than to have everyone in one place of course of course but in a perfect world Palisades Park is not existent just yet so the reality is the rumor you heard yeah that's one of the applications in Trenton yeah the fingers are crossed that we can create six to eight classrooms on the parking lot it's easy for me to just go out and say to the community hey we need about $7 million you guys pay I think they might appreciate it a little bit more if we can get subsidized upwards of 60% and you only have to come up with the difference again I'm I don't live here it doesn't affect my taxes but I think it's a easier pill to swallow when you don't have to pay for the whole thing what is the estimate we expect mber to be done only because a great question we need a playground there all so you can't have part of pro part of the project in order to have classroom I'm sorry finish your question no well that's it you can't have four-year-olds without a playground you're not allowed to have a preschool program without a playground so of we're killing two birds with one stone by putting classrooms there because the preschool money is going to pay for a playground because it's not just for preschool why can't first and second graders play in the playground they will they can but I can't put it there until I have classrooms the timeline is something and he'll tell you I know people get paid by the hour we don't okay Architects they're not here tonight so I'll say what I want I'm just waiting and then it's the contractors and I want weekly meetings and I wish it was done yesterday unfortunately those areas had to disc this there had to be an abatement I can't just put kids in rooms that we know we have problems in so we have to make sure they're safe they had to be ensured that their air quality was safe that there are no concerns going forward to put children in those rooms the building is the oldest in our district with that being said I know publicly and and he'll assure you of this they want to tell me it's December 1st I'm allowed to say December 1st I told them it should have been done already I told them November 1st is what I'm shooting for is it going to happen I don't know I know demolition happened but there was also some change orders along the way because when you knock down a wall on a 100-year old building you don't know what's behind it and that's what we're dealing with as we speak um but I will go on record and tell you you will see substantial work in the coming weeks and the goal is my goal is still November 1st I don't know if that's realistic as we are approaching October in a couple of days this is a I just want to add something you know is it okay yeah sure what you have for dinner okay um what concerns me too and I just thought of it as you were saying demolition is happening if you recall years ago we had the elevator put in in our school at the high school at the high school and with all that work many of us even though we were told we were lying we I was one of the people that had problems because of all the dust and whatever was going on and we had you know a lawsuit and you know fortunately we won but the point was it affected our health at the time we had rashes we had breathing problems Etc are they taking some precautions for the teachers at Lindberg so that doesn't happen I know they're kind of isolated so that's one of the good things and I appreciate you bringing it up it's somewhat secluded from our academic or instructional space but there are some classrooms on the ground level kids may be passing by the you they do pass by to go to the cafeteria so let's call it what it is uh the reality is air quality testing is part of this project throughout so it's not like we're just going to wait till someone has a rash and then say stop work we want to make sure we are being very precautionary in this because many of us had I mean I had pneumonia twice because of it and you know and uh they were other situations one person had to leave you know employment here because of that I'm just concerned that that could happen again with the teachers there especially you know you know it doesn't matter who they are and kids get it too 100% thank you thank you any other audience like to speak if not I have a motion to close the audience session and we are moving into the uh objective session and you could our ex excutive session ends but we don't know how long it's going to take no formal action will be taken when we return if you'd like to get a head start on the weekend well no it's only Thursday Wednesday you could tell it might be a weekend for me it might be the weekend for me have Peter keep on coming to meetings of what happens maybe I'll start coming you should be maybe you calling out how' you know I don't know and Friday we we need meeting I did motion they have a motion to um close our public participation and then moving into the second all in favor no objection --------- ##VIDEO ID:tM24ncZ_nw4## I meeting on Wednesday September 25 United States Amica stand indivisible [Music] andice Mr Charlie Shin pres Mr Rebecca Lee here miss Suk Young Park here Mr Aaron Pack Mr William Kim here Mr Anthony Kim here miss Bo Young Yu here miss Yun men Dr sella here push Law Group here thank you in compliance with the open public meeting acts I hear State the notice of this spure meeting has been provided to the public by the written notice SE September 18 2024 the meeting notice has been emailed to All State members at the districtal locations communicated at least to one of the board's designated newspapers part with the board of cler of pide now we will start with the working session and the former action will be taking follow by the regular session so we have separated two meeting minutes one is uh regular session meetings and the others are executive session um so we had actual last minute changes on regarding on the objective session minute um on April 17th I wonder if all board members are notified and aware of our last minute email if not you could recuse so do you have any discussion or questions regarding on both number one and two number one is the special business meeting during the summer dated on July 9th August 28th and September 12th and our executive session we approve last month but there there's one item was table dated on April 17 and that was updated today do we approve the minute in a work session no do you have any questions regarding this yeah there is something I want to mention about the uh minute of the September 12 should I discuss now or in the regular session September that wasal meeting for yes and the at the uh the minute the last place is okay uh if there is any case such as this I would like to discuss it in advance because the uh we had to pass this uh proposals or whatever the this plan like the just one days before the deadline so we didn't have time to discuss and we didn't have other choice than the passing these plans otherwise we didn't get like $2 million from the state okay so I pointed out that uh we had enough times in advance because the land associate suggested this in the May okay but uh the last part is as soon as I was informed by the state of New Jersey I called for the special meeting to take place this sounds like we didn't have any the state of New Jersey advised like the at the last minute but we knew about this in May so I want to delete this last phe which is the as soon as I was imposed by state of New Jersey we called for the special meeting to take place I I'd like to delete this place I suggest you understand the point the last sentence in my response Mr Shin just for clarification for the other board members I know it was a special meeting everyone could be there we had full intention of passing the lrfp tonight yeah when the state notified me that it must be done by Friday clearly Friday was not going to happen before tonight so therefore the need for the special meeting yeah I knew but uh because okay we knew in May okay L associate pointed out that we have to submit the long-term plan this year otherwise we didn't get the fund from state of New Jersey that's not true there's nothing that was tied to funding I receed the phone call there's no guarantee we're going to get the phone yeah I mean the submitting of the plan I'm not getting the money itself okay so your point is that the longterm facility should should have been shared with the board members ear came out yes okay and we had to pass this long-term plan okay just one days before of the deadline which the state of New Jersey G was so uh this kind of long-term should be so needed or should be the open to us like with the enough time to review it that's my that is my suggestion thank so let's move on to finance there are 17 agenda on the finance agenda Finance we have the 17 resolutions to discuss today okay the items is one food food service voucher and two secretaries and treacherous financial report and three ratification of both secretary is monthly the certification budgetary line item States um for the approval of payroll five approval of the bill list of the September and six transfers of fund and seven Student Activity accounts eight budget calendar for 2025 to 206 school year and nine St member visitation and workshop 10 tution reimbursement and 11 Clips side Park Board of Education agreement for 2425 school year and 12 Therapy Source agreement manew and 13 is Interstate tax servicing agreement and 14 is harly named Primary Care agreement and uh 15 is School Alliance Insurance Fund commissioners 16 non leg tution agreement 17 hour District contracts for 2425 school year thank you MERS do have any questions discussions regarding this um consent 17 agenda fin I question yes Miss uh number 16 ising one student that is correct this is a former resident who no longer lives in Palisades Park uh the student is in exceptional standing I believe he is currently in four AP classes I would like to finish his studies and graduate with the senior class as for our policy he is a non-resident so in order to stay he would have to pay tuition and also for number 17 the school is that for special education purposes or absolutely yes how was the tuition um determined so Department of Education uh issues every spring for the following year uh the amount to be allocated per student in each I think they break it up between grades three school and second grade or third grade I'm not sure I can follow up with that uh then they have an elementary cost and a high school cost um if the student is receiving special education services uh the rate increases but that that rate is um determined by the Department of Education and what was the tuition reimbursement it usually says an amount don't am yes so we don't know the amount this is just the approval for the courses to be taken the amount is determined um usually in June when we the amount of teachers that take courses uh there's x amount of dollars in the contract that is divied up amongst everyone who is approved based on the Ruckers University um per credit rate up to nine credits per student or full get that full there's not enough money tose everyone any other questions more so next move on toing and there um agend number one is the fall Sports Camp that's run by the recreation department that's I would to ask is that from recreation center that is not for recreation is from school and this is the this is during the teacher convention convention that is correct this is only for Palisades Park students I see thank you you're welcome number two is the car wash for senior class three is the PTA U monthly meeting from October to June so number two car is already done as we we had to reschedule our meeting to what we push the meeting one week um this week so how how we wanted to memorialize it we wanted to just make sure that the submission was sent to us we did not want to punish the senior class obviously it was um not there duing to reschedule our meeting so I believe the weather was beautiful on Saturday and hopefully funds uh came in so do you have a questions under disp and ground Rec consent agendas any other questions next um next question now we have 17 consent agendas um chair Mr sh yes person we have 17 items to First request for leave of two teachers and second summer school Personnel the uh appointment and three volunteer coach for cross country and four curriculum uh curricular co-curricular position and five extra Class Type and and leave vacancies and six resignation of the three steps and seven salary accounts to preschool education Aid Grant from State and eight retirement and nine mentorship program 10 Title One lead counselor 11 option to after school program and 12 tiger team tiger Team Member Program 13 community outreach and translation support 14 black post Club program and 15 weight room supervisor 16 intervention and reper services and 17 appointment of staffs there seven items we have 17 H 17 I'm sorry before there's any questions I just want to make one uh edit on number 12 that is not just at the Junior Senior High School that should also Lindberg elementary school as well so junior senior and Lindberg will have the tiger team this year can you elaborate on what the sure uh so it's a program that we started at high school last year there's a lot of character building there's a lot of uh school spirit initiatives to improve the overall um you know participation of different programs for our student body but also just to improve the moral um and and to get more ideas from various sources thank you any discussions questions on the agendas uh and Dr can you explain the mentorship program we actually share yes number nine yes y so the mentorship program is something that when we were uh targeted with the unfortunate distinction of being a a targeted school at the Junior Senior High School uh we really wanted to streamline the process of keeping closer tabs on many of our students to ensure that they were not just in line with graduation um progress but also as needed uh periodic check-ins with teachers as we know a lot of our students um really rely on the faculty and staff for much more than what goes on during the 55 minute period so this is a resource um that certain number of students are allotted to certain faculty members beyond the contractual Obligations number the use of Transportation of the C B uh the students using hold on I'm sorry what are you okay number 11 sorry 11 are you on Personnel yes I'm sorry I'm sorry I it's okay is there a question regarding Finance it's okay yeah okay so um where the gr is confus me so number 10 is paid by to one yes number by number 14 from our fund I can pretty much tell you that uh 95% of our after school programs are all written into our grants they are all paid for by grants um 15 is not a grant uh 14 is not a grant um but yes numbers 9 10 11 12 13 are all written into our grants and all paid by um Grant mine any other questions discussion next the part um curriculum there are two consent agenda M number one PSA testing delayed opening for GR that's correct so the delayed opening would apply to 7th 8th 9th and 12th grade students do you have dat I believe it's October 24th but I can double check that number two field trips scur or Florida sh performing art Cent FS Dodge thank you any questions okay next negotiations Mr nothing new to report thank you is not present today to scho Al I have andun Mr AR is not here today so score Safety and Security committee no rep all right so to business Dr s do we have that we discuss no uh when we do go into our regular meeting uh I will need to go into Clos session to request um conversation on an attorney m test um okay after oh just for disposure right yeah no formal action will be taken so at that point we can proceed well since I was not enough time to discuss with you well we discussed this about we we didn't put it to the agenda today but I just want to mention to discuss when more members are here that um I'm just trying to get the get to clarify our tax money underpaid tax money from municipality so we found what we found was that the auditor needs to be in my Bel separate from municipality and the school board so I'm suggesting to separate Auditors for the time by our policy the Schoolboard auditor is not the same Schoolboard U same Auditor in municipality government so I'm going to make a motion later on but I just want you to know and or do you want to share all the information prior to those actions we can move it to we can move this to next month I don't know if Allard members aware of much shared other body members by send email or emails regarding finance committee negotiation committee so think about it so the Auditors are the recommendation of the board that's a professional service so I don't know Aaron I don't I would defer to the attorney is that policy driven that's just a vote by a board member on who they would select as auditor I don't think it's a bad IDE suggesting to have different Auditors for the two entities but we can't control what a municipal government would to do no we can at least to exclude the person who is working in Municipal governments and then you can select so choose it's regarding under taxy I'm in favor I'm okay with legality I think I think you put in a board policy probably if you did request for qualification you don't necessar need to do but um it's best practice I like that we do that that that's just not from now it's a it's about the payments on the payments money in 2021 and 2022 sare year it's and we've been presenting it and address it we have not heard from that so okay one of things Dr so we are missing a school student to rep today and can you explain why you don't have I think they could be one in the audience although she doesn't hear me with her headphones on but um the reality is um our policy which we are trying to live by um speaks to the school student representative for the board uh be selected at reorganization I did share that with you um although we have not done that in the past it doesn't mean that we shouldn't do it right going forward so again if we're going to begin that reorganization as we know unfortunately is not until January I would love nothing more to have a student rep here uh the question is do we continue with the student rep from last year through January until a new rep is selected as per our policy or do we go with calendar year and amend our policy so that's something for the board to consider I personally like the idea of having a student rep from September through June I agree I think it's a school year vers January through December I don't think a student rep should reflect a Board of Education reorganization meeting I think so too and also there's a possibility that the students will elected in the school to be the red in in in January there she could graduate that which makes no sense to me to have someone new waiting until January again okay I would can make a book today I'd be more than happy in new business to ask the board for a motion to make it effective the school year and not the F excuse me not the calendar year year why don't we just instead of doing a separate election for such a representative why don't we just go with inviting somebody from student council are invited so if if it was that easy I I'm sure we would have done it unfortunately we have a policy and we have to abide by the policy there is a policy that um guides us on this regulation otherwise there'd be a student representing with us tonight I know someone that volunteers that wants to be here um and potentially is here but sorry you could potentially amend your policy you want to make a policy and I'll make a recommendation she'll be here in about 10 minutes watch she's not dressed appropriately I do think that we don't need to have a separate that's what I'm saying like I don't think we need a separate election we do elections for their representatives why can't the elected representatives be told or you know invited to come and a special again we can we just have to then abolish that policy because I don't need someone to tell me we're not doing what we're supposed to do I mean nothing's unchangeable really so we're hopefully the first change is September through June the second change is do we keep the policy and technically it's the principal's recommendation it's not even mine as we talked about in the policy defitely just kidding but if you do the student council which grades are you allowing is it only going to be for the senior honestly we can discuss it further I think there going to be a lot of opinions on this uh let's discuss it further but I think the first thing we should definitely decide tonight is September through June I think we are all in agreement on that okay any other agendas retributions in order bu before we moving on to the regular session no discussion uh may I just suggest given the length of the number of resolutions in today's meeting that we cons agenda as much as possible with exclusions you can exclude items that need to be further discussed and consent to all others it would help with time okay um so do you mean that we just separate this agendas that need to be further discussed right just pull out the items we need to further discuss and consent to all others may have a motion to close the working session and going get going into the regular session second all in favor no exension and objection