##VIDEO ID:t21P15tBYQo## this is a 2025 reorganization meeting of palis Park everyone please rise flly sales I and justice for all compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 pales Park Board of Education has provided adequate notice of this reorganization meeting dated December 15 2024 date of published notice the meeting notice has been emailed to all staff members of The District's three School locations communicated to the record filed with the burough Clerk of Palace a park I'm gonna uh release the election results the results for each three-year term is Su Chung 2510 votes Jun T Yim 2,216 votes Sergio Cay 238 votes I'll take roll call Miss Su Chung present Miss Rebeca Lee here Mr Anthony Kim here Mr William Kim here miss S Young Park president miss Bo Young U here Mr Aaron Pat Miss Yun men Mr Charlie Shin here Bush Law Group here thank you at this time we will uh allow the outgoing board members to give any remarks please speak yes sorry I got called so my voice sounds very sexy first of all I would like to apologize okay for not being able to accomplish a lot of things I wanted to do actually when I started this when I started the work of board of ucation member and and I applied the Board of Education member I had a lot of a lot of things I wanted to do but uh now I think uh for three years what when I asked as to myself what did you do there is nothing I could be proud of so uh I'm very sorry about this and uh also I'd like to express my uh deep gratitude to superintendent Dr C and all the Board of Education members and of steps to okay uh the school education system is the future of the town and the country I think and also the school is the level or evaluating the town so it is very important things but uh and uh even so how how much I emphasize it is not be enough but uh I have now I'm living uh not unom uh this works and I leave this work and this mission to the all other vation members and the other bation steps okay uh in my experience to be uh to do some work as a modification member you have to study a lot and you have to be well informed so and everybody the ucation member when you applied the PO the job like me uh you you think that uh you have to make this better schools in this town but uh while you are working and you busy you for at this and just three years pass by like I experienced so please uh remember don't forget what you intended for and what you dreamed for and your app for this job and I really want you do this keep in your mind and do work like that okay and all always collaborate work together with ucation member and all the residents and all the the B can steps together then everything will be much much easier and much accurate so I beg you to do so and uh I will be okay I'm living here but I'm still work for the town and as a councilman I will be the uh School commit member so there are a lot of things I can cooperate with the schools okay so I work in this table but later from now on I'll sit this table but still I want to do the same the consideration and the same works for the school so again uh thank you very much for all your help and for the support and trust in me thank you Mr Shin uh on behalf of the Board of Education the community of palates Park The Faculty staff and students I first disagree you've accomplished a great deal of work uh we are indebted to you you have volunteered your time uh sacrific so many things with your family for that here's a little token of appreciation I thank you very much for your [Applause] friendship that might if it's ticking I would drop it than you if it if it ticks I would let it go I didn't mean to but if you allow I'd like to make a comments Mr sh as bo bo president in 2024 working together with our vice president Mr sh thank you Mr shim for your dedication to our school district it was my honor to work with you and I'm very sad that I'm losing you but we are going to corporate you in your Cy me in Schoolboard so thank you for all your work thank you I know Miss Min is not here I would be remiss to not acknowledge publicly uh Miss yunman who uh I will definitely meet up with personally uh she sacrificed so much of her time as well she's an educator uh in the paramis public schools she too uh as a volunteer to this community has given so much I publicly would like to recognize her and thank her for that uh so on behalf of the board faculty staff students and Community again thank you to miss m thank you everyone now we will have a bush Law Group administer the oath of office to the D elected board members we do it one at a time or all at once um I think at a time one at a time all right so uh Mr C Mr C if you would like your family to also join you please feel free to can join you conratulations so we're I'm going to minister your oath of office um have you seen us before with it well I'll read it you'll just repeat say name um can either swear or affirm you want to use the word swear I I Sergio K do do solemnly swear read your right hand sorry where's the Bible we don't need it you want to put your hand on the Bible or you want a b hand up repeat after me um do SW do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that that waits for the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the of the state of New YY and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true fight and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established andto the government established in the United States and this state in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I I Serio K do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualification prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member for the office of member of a board of education of a board of education and that I am not disqualified and I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to as a voter pursu to to R pursu to pursuit to RS 19 4-1 19 4-1 uh nor disqualified nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense due to conviction of a crime or offense or offense listed listed in njs 18a 12-1 njs 8 a 12 D1 and then I will faithfully and I that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] Prett long congratulations never heard that before my life Mr y congratulations welcome to and also says swear orir swear all right all set all right right I J do solemn we swear doly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and all to the state and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I state your name I Jun do solemly swear do Solly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications crib by law for the office prescrib by law of the office of member of a board of education a member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 pursuant to rs9 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in NJ j s 18a 12-1 or offense listed under njs 18a semicolon colon 12-1 and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me guys so help me go congratulations you want the Bible raise your right hand me I state your name I Su do s we swear toon swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true fath and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I I do we swear do swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office prescribed by the law of the office of member of a board of education a member of the Board of Education and that I am not disqualified as a voter and I'm not disqualified as the voter pursuant to rs19 col 4-1 to a of person to RS 19-1 nor disqualified uh due to a du due to conviction of a crime or offense you are disqualified due to conviction of crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 listed in njs 18a and that I will faithfully and that I will Faithfully partially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God help me God [Applause] congratulations congratulations thank you thank you already did board members we will take roll call with the new board now miss CH present M Rebecca Lee Mr Anthony Kim here Mr William Kim here miss S Young Park Miss Bo Young U Mr Aaron pack Mr Jun Yim present Mr Sergio Cay here push present thank you now I will uh request nominations for the Office of the President of the Palaces Park Board of Education may I have a nomination I nomin I any other nominations I see none now I will have a motion to close nominations for president I motion to close second thank you I'll take roll call suun I V for myself Sergio K oh no this is to close nominations for president this is yes I'm Rebecca Lee right now yeah why don't we just do you don't all in favor now do a roll call for president of the board of ed for Miss CH do I have a motion we already have a nomination on second we need a roll call for the president of M there only one Nom there should be a vote yeah there should be an affirmative vote okay Miss voting for myself again Sergio Kay Rebecca Lee Anthony Kim yes Jun Yim yes Bo Young Yu Suk Young Park yes William Kim yes Aaron pack yes congratulations m thank you Bo members to V for me in the belief of me capable to doing working as a board of presidents I will do my best and I'm asking you if your help as a members for 2025 and now we will nominate position for the vice president of the Board of Education in paliside park they have a nomination I like nominate Mr for vice presidence in our Board of Education if there's any other nominations if not we will close the nomination for the vice pres all in favor Mr kski could you please such yes Sergio Kay yes Rebecca Lee Yes Anthony Kim yes Jun Yim yes Bo Young Yu hi S Young Park yes William Kim yes Aaron pack yes congratulations [Applause] thisp um electing President and Vice President is our agenda today and later uh from now on we were approved for some business we have one to 18 agenda then this is not conent we will go one by one or you want to go as a conent agenda if which you for you can make a motion ask can just a motion to approve item to motion don't do so before we approve the 1 to 18 reation business agendas do you have any discussion and comments and questions has there been any uh change in item six the the banks or is it the same as previous year it's the same as last year yes what are the rates we're receiving from those Banks sorry what rates are we receiv receiving from those Banks interest rates um it's around 3.5% at this point for PNC Bank connect one conect one is around 2% have we considered changing to receive higher rates as of now we moved um some money into NJ arm which where we receive about right now it's about 4.75% since the rates dropped a little bit F cut rates uh it was over five so we have about $4 million in there accumulating I'll just go on the it's one by want but we can vote on all together so number one we are establishing the board Education meeting schedule for25 is we are keeping for now as you see on the agenda we are keeping the same date which is the third wedes day every month at 6:30 at early Char Center where we are here now but exception was the February and F just because there's a winter distance prior to that third week also spring recess on Airport that's why we moved our board meeting to the end of the months except those it's mainly third Wednesday of the month and one another ex is this month due to this meeting our regular board meeting in January 2025 will be January 22nd Wednesday that is first week to Wednesday so if anybody member want to move suggest to move to other days then you can make a motion as well so number two is the adoption of the C of a I have um I'm going to ask Mr there to introduce this AET for the because we have three new MERS here too sure thank um so the board members have to abide by all kinds of different rules and regulations but Chief among them are a couple different laws that are um collectively known as the uh the school ethics law the school ethics act and uh one of them njsa 18a 12- 24.1 is the code of ethics and every board uh has to adopt it as a policy and boards are required to discuss them uh at least annually so traditionally a lot of boards uh as part of that discussion and as a reminder of them at the organization meeting we'll we'll read through the ACT um and uh and and as a reminder and a chance to discuss so um I I believe that's what we're going to do tonight um so is that should we do that now yeah okay um so I guess May yeah yeah we can start from at the end or this left to right St just one paragraph each member can be sure so I'll read the first one the members of the Board of Education recognize that they hold Authority not as individuals but as members of the board in order to make a clear public statement of its philosophy of service to the pupils of the the district the board adopts this re can you take number one please um One I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures number two I will make decisions in terms of the ethnical educational welfare of children and will seek to develop and maintain public which meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability Race c sex or social standing three I will confine my board action to policy making planning and appraisal and I will help to bring frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them for I carry my responsibility not to administer the scores but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well run number five I will recognize the authority rest with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board number six I will refuse to surrender my independent judgment to special interest of partis and political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or gain of friends number seven I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if this Clos will needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in con concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for SCH number eight I will I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of chief administrative officer number nine I will protect School Personnel in the proper performance on their duties um Mr K could you finish up the last one number 10 I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and I will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative Comm thank you questions on these asses i f the C of ass as a of Education member very highly because this is a part of that I was mostly confused when I started my V membership in 2010q so if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask all the board members and president and our attorneys as well thank you and number three is Poli we are approving the policy bylaws and regulations number four there's annual appointments thatu and Julia associatees as our just right know posos and AA consultant and I'm not going to read all the provisions here I'll just over to each number number five we are designating the official official newspapers so the pration designate the record and the stage as its official newspapers and there are honorary media which is Korean Times Daily Central news Jud Journal dispatch number six is bank wire transfer and electronic banking so PNC and the connect to One Bank are here very designated as of the officer depositories for the fund of this board of education number seven we are establishing the pach fund in each three School locations or the Char Center in B school and high school and the Boe superintendent office and also charges office and number eight is TR expensive limitations as well number seven tax shelter imunity compies that is for the school steps and number 10 State Contractor vendors which we've been working working with for many years and we are adopting track of accounts for new public scool standard operating procedure and purchase meor of 2025 and um Mr Ki the business administrator for the secory the off he will be the official designate to make a payments of bills between both meetings on um as needed basis for the 2025 organization year the same as a fund investment with Mr cond world as well and number 14 we are adopting the text book and curricular and this is number 15 is transfer fund number 16 we where our school board keep the membership as a new part of New Jersy Schoolboard Association number 17 P Provider Services so pal Board of Education appoints new jorg School Board Association as the district policy provider for the 2025 organization year number 18 is about the reest and rece the be so now if do you have any questions you want to put on discussion if not they have a V for to may have a motion to approve this 18 newor agendas uh I have a question number n number n yeah that's that's a lot of is there a reason why we're working with six different tax shelter I'm sorry number nine yeah number nine and can I ask your question again yeah is there a reason why we're using six Financial companies taxel I can best answer that Aon uh many employees have the choice this is not a requirement to uh to invest your money with anyone uh similar to the business world where 401ks are very normal we have a 403b for the most part with our employees again ultimately their discretion to invest their money if some employees come from other districts and had already invested with other agencies we try to accommodate them uh instead of trying to transfer those money and potentially paying penalties so we allowed those other companies to just be recognized here um again it cost us nothing but we have to formally recognize those companies thank you good question other questions if not may I have a motion to approve these 18 agendas I'll make a motion to approve all the AG Mr pleas s CH yes Sergio Kay yes Rebecca Lee Yes Anthony Kim yes Jun Yim yes Bo u i s Young Park yes William Kim going to abstain on number 10 yes all us Aaron P thank you so all 18 agendas are right yes good thank you the next one motion to open our meeting real meeting to the public motion to public participation second all in favor exension no objection okay now anyone in public can speak and the limit is three minutes please state your name and address and before that I like to recognize mayor poim thank you for coming and and then also C pres thank you comments yes uh hello hello my name is I am residental pales Park my address is 5:30 Hillside Avenue uh I just have message to share with everybody here um uh I'm an elected official serving uh as council president of the board of houses par uh I have to disagree with now I have to take uh Council Shin now I have to disagree uh some of the thing that he mentioned from his statement right whatever the time that you put in to serve as a board member of the school here it makes changes so I have to disagree on that right and our mayor always says mayor Kim always says we are in the process of Reform it is true uh I do support both the governing body and the school board here with that said uh from my personal experience from past two year as elected official it doesn't get done by you working Al loone it works everything comes change right everything you you have to come together to make that change uh in terms of either reform or you know making School better right so with that said I'd like to congrat uh congratulate uh the newly elected uh board member here and you you you'd actually have to come to get to make that change uh either you know better betterment school system of this far so thank you and happy New Year again [Applause] I'm okay I I just want to make an observation in one of your agendas which is pen cash I don't know if you all the honorable members know but this is 2024 five yeah are you sure $100 per account is enough that's I'm going to have to make a comment guys thank you very much for your service I hope that you guys come together as one uh we I believe as a mayor that whether you're red or black or any kind of form of stance the Gover body especially the council members are sitting together working hand in hand and really going the same direction we may come back fighting each other on election days but we do fair and square job but whoever wins we come back and we work together and I hope that you guys can do the same as well God bless you guys again happy New Year than happy New [Applause] Year respond to your first question that in my that was red from last year correct we are very responsible in our fisal spending we actually did reduce it m CH we did look back and see how much we would normally spend uh we are trying to um purchas that's the cleanest most transparent way of doing business in our schools petty cash is to be used in emergency type situations and we believe that those amounts at this time are appropriate such a valm yeah when we're counting for inflation and uh yeah when we're counting for inflation is $100 petty cash going to be enough for a whole year no so this is done monthly pett so the petty cash accounts are monthly so that's a an amount that is used monthly the best example I can share with you all in my experience for petty cash is in the event we have to send a certified letter home to a family uh in in place of going in our pocket and not being reimbursed by way of a purchase order we can pay out of pocket we can submit a bill from the United States Postal Service and be reimbursed for the 7 or whatever certified mail cost again situations that require no no spending can go over $50 by the way U but in the situation that it is over $50 a purchase order uh is generated with first a quote then a purchase order is generated so payment could be made uh before I sit one second Mr Shin I too want to publicly recognize a former Board of Education trustee Mr barnab W thank you for being here yes Charli 214 B par uh the I have just one question on the item number 12 okay the Board of Education appoints the board administrator as the official design to make payment of bills between board meetings on an as needed base for the 2 2025 the organization year this means okay uh the ba can make the payment between the B meetings as needed base right so does that mean that he can pay without the authorization of the Board of Education or the consent without consent of over the application if yes is there any limitation of the amount he can do that's my question this is for mostly emergency purposes anything after um if an emergency comes up we always put on the bills list afterward to be approved but this is very rare just for emergencies so then uh in any amount you can pay as needed base it is Ence any amount be back in Europe by now but no not Alex into three years as a board secretary business administrator have you ever had to utilize that I believe the only time we do this um honestly is during the summer yes because we don't have it we don't have a board meeting in July so I have to pay the bills so Mr Shen and the only bills that are being paid at that point is your I didn't see that experience for three years still I saw this and I just that's the main reason is during the summer I think regardless uh in my 12 years experience as superintendent uh I've rarely seen this if ever and the reality is if we are ever making such a payment before a board meeting we are Consulting with the finance committee and or the board president or vice president I recommend that to consult with the the chair of the finance commit if there is any case like they for the serious amount like the $10,000 or like $100,000 think regardless of the amount the base wait I is this new Rivage like is and that's so a lot of I would say the vast majority of the agenda and it might even be all of it is is just reopt what's already in place um and that's just kind of something that a lot of the boards do during the organization meetings because um a lot of the regulations and the laws and even the board policies require things to be done annually traditionally Board of Education elections have in April and and and the term start in April and then most move to November and you have the or the meeting starting in January so now boards have the organization meeting kind of smack dab in the middle of the school year and a lot of times they end up uh reopt things at the organization meeting even though it's really just keeping in the place what's already happened during the school year so for instance the board policies were reopt it tonight but they weren't changed the exact same board policies that were in effect last board meeting um and the curriculum same reopt it the curriculum it's already been in place nothing changed so a lot of that is what happened tonight so and I think that's this is an example of that it's the same as it was just to talk I guess the agenda or what we call a resolution c um I I agree with coun Council Charlie Shin by actually this is very important by wording right unless you guys say whatever in what ver ver verbally has been spoken and it's reported that this is only for emergency Appropriations I'm not I don't care about the frequency I don't care how much you use but I am concerned about the fact that even though we we don't have to think about the almost imposs that's going to be very unlikely wording is very important if it's going to be an emergency appropriation you should be saying that if you guys say right now that yes and we go for the library board and finance then whatever that is average so Al I just Alex can I recommend that you amend the minutes to reflect that number 12 is conditional with notification of the board president finance committee via email and the response before any payment is made and I just one last comment for me which is just that the expenditure of board funds is incredibly highly regulated um at the state level and there's all kind there's a whole group of uh Public School contract laws specifically that govern that uh um uh restrict things that can be done so even if a board were to just say oh yeah ba can do whatever they want the ba can't because there's laws and there's regulations that require things to be done through the board and through the the process where the purchase orders and the quotes and everything else just one last comment I just want to add something on top of what M said uh we we had from the the government comp body side right we had trouble paying the bill uh last year because we only having a once a year a once a month meeting right let's say the bill kicks in one of the one of the utility bill let's just say uh PS right kicked in a week before our claim list gets done right it it's not going to go on to that claim list right then it passed on to the next month which they only let's say just give 30-day not not even 30day 15-day term right this is just example right if they cut off the service right due to the pass through nonpayment right because we're having a meeting end of the month right so those are the situation where ba or uh Administration that could have a right to pay on time so you might want to put you know uh be very specific about the line item which you could have a right to actually pay so that yeah thank you for all the comments to update our policies so procedurally we've already approved this how do we go back and edit this now now that we well I think you I think it's best that you want to do it in a formal way you have to really you you can make a motion and you can amend it right now you can do that you take a vote um and yeah and you can so let's make a motion that we are putting this on hold until we've gotten all the verbiage or you can just use the verbiage so I think it's best that we make a motion to open item number 12 we need a motion to open number 12 I can't make it someone has to make it I'll speak to verbiage and Alex will reflect that in the minutes and once the minutes are ratified we're good to go okay so someone needs to make an O motion to open 12 I'll make the motion to open 12 we need a second I second all in favor all in favor so Alex for the purpose of this meet I'm so sorry we supposed to do a roll call um well this is opening up a resolutionary agenda don't do a all in favor ey a roll call right yeah I don't think you need a roll call to to reopen an agenda item and this isn't a it's not a board policy that we're amending so it's just it's an approval I'm I'm okay with it but just I want to make sure everyone's clear on what we just did which was is there any objection or we reopened item um 12 thank you uh and and now there's and I think there a was included in the motion to reopen also the motion to amend it to include to to pass it again with the amended language I think yes sure all right and you want to vote on that again or you that's already been done for the record the language will reflect that any emergent payment will result in an email communication between the business administrator the board president and the finance committee upon approval in reply via email the payment will be made again only for emergency cases that's what the language should read Alex so you probably should have a motion and a roll call to amend it as such so now we have to have aoll make make sure we got the eyes and cross the keys and everyone knows what we're doing wores this language that any emergency user fund where it has to communicate between the A and the board president and and the finance committee M and the finance committee and someone should reply affirmative prior to that payment being made we can't just un author without your approval send that payment okay that was my question there I just sometimes I do just in my discretion I add questions I sometimes sign up for some beers without letting other right discussing with other board members but this is the case that I just need finance committee to communicate the someone just needs to reply affirmatively if you're not it will be the vice chair we have a motion I think we made a motion right yeah I did second so Mr kski please sorry second I second so we are voting to reflector language in on number 12 agenda that all this emergency user fund especially in summer whichever whenever it's possible that the business administrator communicate with board presence and the board presence with finance committee board members need to be discussed approv M CH yes Sergio Kai yes Rebecca Lee Yes Anthony Kim yes Jun Yim yes Bo Young Yu hi Suk Young Park yes William Kim yes Aaron P yes motion passes thank you so do you have any other discussion questions we already approved our agendas here no don't we didn't yet okay public participation there public this is something different from the for meeting that only one speaker speak one time but we open to any multiple time feel free to do it you come here an organization meeting special and it's nothing to do with the people who are making comments right um it's not I just like to have um short moments that I will say something as or you elected the board members and we have two more elected board members so um I like to thank you everyone to come here tonight to support and congr my second term and many of you supported to me during this election and campaign that we all experience this highly fiercely commutative and political air and action during the election time that's the kind of very um particular things living in the pide park one thing in this High competition and politicalized atmosphere that one thing is good for me is that it has insed me in me a strong sense of commitment um deep sense of responsibility to the justice as elected the bo officer so I will do my best to keep what I say and also I'm not going I really shorted my speech that I wanted to say but because it's ending of the we are almost ending the meeting um so I I really take School athlete very highly because of my experience in my Korea um or education in Korea so I believe our Stam members teachers community members parents we are very important we our Lord is very very important that we can change we can make in St success or also in Opp in opposite also we can traumatize them as well so that's one of the reason that I really take the school athletes um very importantly and I think you're familiar with during the election so I'm not going to read again or the promise that we made during our campaign but our slogan was quality School dist by AFA leadership and I will keep that in mind and you help me you support me and if you have any comments please to share don't hesitate to share with your share your thoughts and doubts with us too thank you um St would you like a comments coms yeah I mean it's it's it's an it's an honor to join the board this year um I'm sure there's a lot of things that I can learn from everybody over here I look forward to getting to know everybody and working together to make it a better Community uh some of the strengths that I guess I bring to the T that you know my just a little bit about myself is that I I come from a world of banking and I used to be a relationship manager at a bank so um you know have some experience that's my strength and especially in the lending side so any type of lending type of deal so U please feel free to utilize you know my strengths and U and also um you know I used to get a relationship manager so I I'm a listener so you I can listen and I can you know I think together together as a community we have to do it together to make it a better Community right so for for the kids right that's where we here so I'll do my best to do that and um and looking forward to starting the journey starting the journey this year so thank you very much and U thank you thank you Mr good evening to everybody uh um my name is Sergio K and I'm here to I me I'm new elected in the last past election um thank you to come to everyone to come for our Board of Education reorganization meeting um Let me please take me AOW to say thank you to everybody to for your vote and elect me for the for the Board of Education member um I promise I be vigilant and I me Vigilant in in maintaining the quality of our education system also I invite all the parents and residents become an intrinsic part of process we want to hear your ideas and concerns about your educational programs come and meet come and meet with us as whole Board of Education or individually we will listen to you we will support our teacher and students in their if for to maintain the quality of our educational system we will make sure that our teacher have the materials and equipments they need to educate our children and cooperate with our families thank you for your participation in this [Applause] process you have a motion to close the appri participation I'll make a motion to close all in favor OB I have a motion to this the meeting of 2025 in favor good luck guys thank you