it's a quorum we're counting though just to make sure good morning good morning good morning this is Cesar morning am I in Mr oswal you're here Mr roads you're in all right we're we're do we're doing good when we have uh the Glades represented here appreciate you being here do you have the okay Mr chair we like to call the meeting to order we have a meeting to order we would like to have a roll call t05 okay be at 10:05 10:00 yeah we call the meeting to at 10 reconvene at 10:05 okay all right adopted family Jessica Pagan here present online best foot forward Debbie Elman presid online Black Chamber of Commerce candra Oliver present M card at FAU Jack Scott Card at FAU Sabrina degois pres online Coalition for black student achievement Dr Deborah Robinson Coalition for black student achievement Deborah Stewart Compass Amanda cannedy Compass Rex Barnes connect to Greatness Dr Cassandra Corbin Thaddius president online and connect to Greatness Andre Thaddius present online okay District ESC advisory committee Kimberly Spire o present online District DSC advisory committee Michelle Bey present online division of blind Services Caesar vgo online he's online yeah okay all right looks like Economic Council of Palm Beach County Craig McKenzie El Soul Jupiter Suzanne witbeck Florida Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Juan pagon present Florida Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Evelyn Vargas for the children Reggie durandis hold on please Gold Coast Down syndrome Sue Davis Killian guatemal and Maya Center Mariana Blan present online Hispanic chamber of commerce Maria Antonia Hispanic education Coalition of Palm Beach County Hector Pedra online thank you thank you uh NAACP dedri straw pal Beach County Council of ptas Charmaine Postal presid in in the room Palm Beach County Council PTA Marcus Brown uh Marcus told me he may be running a little bit late so he may jump on soon uh Palm Beach County Human Rights Council Emmy Kenny pres online okay Tri City education committee Eddie rhods pres online and Tri City education committee Mary Evans glaz okay Urban League of Palm Beach County Terence Reed present thank you volunteer Association of America whid line Pierre volunteer Association of America carlen Paul classroom Teachers Association Gordon long Hoffer and Palm Beach County School administrators Association J blabbit thank you that concludes attendance we have a quorum Amanda did you I she said did you call Amanda Amanda Ked she came in maybe after you just put in the chat box H compass yeah I got okay next next item on the agenda is approval of the February minutes we would like to have a motion for approval of the minutes I hope you have the opportunity to read it that were sent to All of You V to approve no necessary corrections I stand it a motion a motion for approval did he just said a motion so we need oh the motion we got from Ed roads yes we need a second we need a second second approve for cassand second we got see second from Cassandra Oliver okay all in favor any oppos pass move to the next item of the agenda next item of theend public comments for the speaker any public comments there's no one in the room here and doesn't look like anybody online so we move forward with the next item yes okay update from the ddec ad hoc subcommittee the subcommittee have 50 minutes subcommittee representative um the subcommittee has completed its best foot forward can you be on mute please we're getting feedback thank you um the subcommittee completed its work on our recommendation that we um want to present to DEC and ask the dec approve it to go to the board um is there any way to get it up on the screen because I didn't see it in my email yeah you sharing you want me to share want me okay thank you yeah will share M um we just want to say that this is our um initial um main recommendations and there are a lot of details that need to worked out and we would work with DEC to develop those we have some points and questions um under each one of these that we will be pursuing if and when we get this approved and um it did not go out so I'm just I could read it out loud or I could let you all read it um paragraph by paragraph the first two paragraphs are introduction and what we're trying to achieve um I'll let you all look at it you want to scroll down yes please can you scroll put it a little yeah the first part is launching a media campaign that um is going to reflect student voices of successful black male students the second one is to create a database of both school district and communitybased um organizations and um groups that are responsive and supportive of the successful black male students um and making parents and um School staff aware of these programs and also the students themselves um did we miss part of the one wait Janina we're down to third bullet I think we got that and then um creating environments in in schools that um help to enhance the sense of belonging and connected connectedness for successful blackmail students um and we provided some examples but we will develop more with the help of DEC and then um having a communication between school administrators and successful blackmail students to Foster dialogue allow the students to present the challenges and the things that are working for them and work with the administration to come up with Solutions and make it an ongoing process um so there's continual Improvement and then providing um professional development to um starting with administrators um and then also um School staff school-based staff and um we are going to use the best practices of teachers who have been identified as successful then um presentations um would be made to all principles as part of that and I know that that process has started and it would include as I said best practices and hopefully um would follow up with um implementation of some of those in the schools and then um really focusing on promoting connectedness and sense of a belonging for these students because they feel very isolated right now um and then this public campaign will include things like bumper stickers social media PSAs Etc and the emphasis is on posit positive affirmations I see myself and CommunityWide narrative for the public um the next one is providing training for administrators on how behavioral health professionals can play a critical role in this process um and I think right now they don't get a lot of training on this and may not be assisting as much as they could um and then the final thing is providing professional development for teachers on creating classroom environments that um are positive for successful blackmail students and we're going to kind of focus on success es that have already existed um and then try to come up with new um ideas as well so that is kind of a nutshell of what we're trying to accomplish all of these things need to be developed further and we are suggesting that we're going to recommend that the board recommends these um items be implemented and then we want to ensure that um the DC is part of the process and provide proving guidance on it um as school staff um works on it so we're hoping that the board will recommend to the school district leadership um that they put this into place so just a set context we spent a lot of time last meeting going through this and then I asked for some time to meet with the subcommittee which we met a couple of times to refine these a little bit um and so I think Kim you're looking for a motion um yes I'm looking for discuss question um Eddie uh yes uh it's kind of scanning number two uh inter reference to the community and parents and uh being available knowing that this program is available yes uh the strategies in doing that would that be something that you can put in place or something need to be put in place or something that the school board would put in place or that something that the the program would do um we would have to work with the school board on this um and reach out you know seek um different organizations that can be on the list and I think the Keith can help us and some of the other school district with what is already already exists within the school district but yes um we would help provide guidance on it but it would be implemented all of this we're recommending um would be implemented within the district working with key staff that would be identified right now we're trying to get it um recommended by this well first DEC to the school board and then the school board to senior um you know senior staff okay the superintendent and the other key um people yeah my Reas asking is because so many good programs come into the communities and and the parents and the community is and the organization that will help is not aware so uh and and looking at going to the school board uh if we had something in place that that can give them some insight of how it needs to be done uh uh and make them priv of what we're trying to do and our plans are as far as getting this to the community and the parents and I keep saying parents because they're a very important entity which is left out the loop sometimes yes and and to get and to get involved will be an asset to making this thing happen you know what I mean absolutely and that is part of the per a main reason that we have that in there is because parents don't always know about all these resources yes yes that's I'm that's why I mentioned I'm glad you did that thank you thank you and any subcommittee members feel free to jump in if you want to expand upon or correct anything I say and you have a hand in here uh raised Miss posto thank you Duty chair so question for you have we consulted or have we had any conversations with students um given that this is a student Le organization or a student L initiative then that's I guess that's my next question is it an initiative is it a program are we asking based on what I see it look like we're asking some things of the school district is it to be embedded is it to launch new programs but my main question was have we included students um because often times we're talking about students what we're going to do for students without them so have we included the students in this specific yes Dr Corbin Thaddius yes um that's that's the foundation of this so that's even how this conversation got started because um the research with students directly with specifically not just students but with um High academic achieving blackmail students and that's where that's the foundation and um the spirit that's where the spirit of this comes from um it was Corbin thus research that initiated this um we heard her presentation and then we said how can we um take these uh recommendations and what the students said and create something within the district that supports them um to your to your um follow-up questions there um Charmaine I think it was um if this is an initiative isn't a program um I'm not I don't think that we landed specifically um I don't think we landed specifically on if it's a it's not it's not a program I would say um but I think these are activities that we feel um could continue to promote um the success and um and and the success and to support um these students to continue to thrive um in environments that um really support them to do so so I think these are um activities um more so than initiatives um but um I'm open to others thoughts on that I think if we had a motion um on the table it might help kind of think through I think the motion would come from the committee because the committe yeah because if it comes from the committee there's no second because it's coming from a committee right I'm gonna just address more on the question everything on here is addressing what the black male students who were interviewed uh successful black male students um stated they needed so we were trying to address each one of those and things that we're working for them we want to promote those throughout the district so every single point we have here is addressing things that they brought up now I'll allow anybody who wants to to um submit a mo motion okay I I'll make a motion um I motion that the DDC recommends that the school board and District leadership collaborate with DDC to bring awareness to the high academic achievement of blackmail students throughout Palm County um and provide solutions that will cultivate and maintain their success specifically focusing on inclusivity respect and empathy is there a second I second the mo there's no second needed it's coming from committee oh yes I'm sorry um is there any discussion we have uh Dr Robinson and then we have Oliver yes thank you I'd like to offer a friendly Amendment for that motion uh to clarify that the request is that the school dist the school I don't know if you said border or District but that School District staff uh be directed to work with ddec to implement these recommendations because the way I heard the motion it it it could could have been interpreted as they need to come up with a plan to address inclusivity and so forth so I'm just trying to clarify because we the committee put a lot of work into this do we need to restate the um the motion with the friendly Amendment you're going to need a a second to the to the amendment and then a vote on the amendment if it's supported so right now Dr Robinson put a a friendly Amendment a motion for a friendly Amendment to the committee Mo so we need a second to that um I'll second that just don't ask me to restate it I know so okay Dr Robinson can okay so can we vote on it then well I think you want to repeat that Dr for yeah Dr Robson can you repeat can you repeat your Amendment please so it it wasn't the full amendment I was just trying to clarify that um in my mind the the motion should be that we are DDC is asking okay let me see if I can get it together so asking um the board to direct staff to work with ddec to implement these recommendations do the okay so thec recommends that the school board and District leadership and staff work with no they're gonna direct staff oh through the chair can we post the original motion and maybe that will help us clear up what Dr Robertson is saying Okay um let me can can you we type it in the chat in the chat yeah let me I'll drop it here okay stop sharing let me share I'm gonna I just I just dropped it in the chat I think though okay it's in the chat so what I'm what I'm trying to clarify in my amendment is that the school board and District leadership will direct other staff to work with us unless you're saying that you really want the school board and superintendent and the chief of this and chief for that to sit with DDC on this because okay I am changing the dgc recommends that the school board direct District leadership and staff to collaborate with the ddec to bring bring awareness to the high academic achievement of blackmail students let me go down throughout the Palm Beach County I would say School District okay I think I got the amend the friendly amendment in the chat if you can see if that is correct but it's not to provide Solutions it's to implement the solutions that are being provided by this subcommittee right that's really the part I was pushing back on I think the language about District leadership and School Board collaborating is um like like the commercial that's just not how it works you know okay I I'm trying to fix that so amend the provide Solutions we don't we don't we want them to take the solutions that we have and move them forward implement the recommendations correct I'm working on it I think I've got it wait I'm not the best typist okay how's this we'll get rid of the two oops let me fix that again okay now try that wait I thought it didn't take is that what's in there Dr Robinson that she wrote is that okay hang on let me c up please the only thing I would suggest is probably after the word recommendations I would put of the DDC it's not letting me change it I don't think wait right because you're talking about the recommendations that the subcommittee came up with yeah correct yes yes okay let me you got it you want me to do it I I'm doing it right now implement the recommendations provided by ddec yes that's what we're adding at P okay okay turn out okay yeah okay it's the very bottom one so so there's a motion a friendly Amendment motion and second you still need a vote now on this amendment from the amendment um one more one more I'm sorry one more thing um and I I don't mean to turn everything upside down but uh the last sentence I'm just looking at this in it um it doesn't for me connect back now I just thought about this so specifically focusing on to the very last sentence right where it says cultivate and maintain their success specifically focusing on and it i' I'd like it to read we can keep the other the the three that are there somewhere but I'd like it to read focusing on connection belonging and Trust because that's where that's where we um have that that's where we kind of started to make sure that this was embedded so you have a friendly Amendment um that's currently on the table so so you need a Amendment to the friendly Amendment unless Robinson wants to continue to fix her friendly Amendment only can have one I don't know you can do another one I'm just trying to keep it straight okay Dr Robinson has yours been addressed no can I or she could you could withdraw yours the amendment failed for lack of a second and start again because there was a second rules in just a second Dr status uh second that your Amendment robt did the friendly amendment was second go ahead I'mma accept whatever she says go for so the SEC so Dr Robinson's friendly amendment should have been accepted because I second it correct it is okay so Shew she could withdraw it okay so then we need to vote on the current and then you can go ahead and offer another friendly Amendment sorry yeah so we need to vote on The Friendly Amendment okay anyone those voting those voting on favor of the friendly amendment of The Friendly of the front Amendment hi hi hi any any oppose nay nay so passes so pass one yeah 2 to one 3 to1 what with one one and deci well one undecided not one on one oppos one one oppos right so passes with one oppose now we're back to the original Amendment which is what's in the last pie in the chat box okay now um is there another motion for a friendly Amendment but Cassandra I don't think you Dr thus I don't think you can make a friendly Amendment since you're the original motion okay why can't she because she made the original motion the original motion didn't come from her it came from committee so she would be able to it would come from committee it didn't come from anybody in particular it came from the at talk subcommittee I think I'm the only one that can't make the motion anyone can make the motion the original motion came from um the motion as presented by the ad hoc committee it was not from anyone in particular it came directly from committee so this motion and even if you did make she can make a motion correct okay so go ahead Dr Fus all right um so I would like to make a friendly Amendment um to the motion on the table able to read um the same except for the last three words I'd like them to read instead connection belonging and Trust do we have a second okay second a second are you uh capturing that Kim um yes the motion has oh let me second okay it has been second so let's just retype it in there if you look at the very bottom I retyped it okay any discussions Cassandra I know we had several discussion moments last meeting but I don't recall please refresh my memory what was the timeline for this to get to the board and what we're expecting for Resolutions or getting on to agenda items from the board what is the expectation there the next school board meeting is April 17th I believe and we if we approve um whichever Amendment you know whichever if we approve it it will go at that time our uh D ddec chair will present it motion to extend Time by 10 minutes sorry I didn't cut you off motion to extend Time by 10 minutes on this topic second all favor all in favor motion to extend tments motion to extend any oppose any oppose let's continue okay um April 17th is where it's when it's going to be presented to the board and the subcommittee plans to meet the foll at the following meeting um as we do just before the next ggec meeting which I believe is on the 24th so we should get input from the board that we can possibly start implementing and expanding upon the document that you see here thank you and that would be presented um through the chair's report um but also in written format um probably via email and a hard copy as well thank you okay so any other questions there's a motion and it was seconded so now we vote BEC unless there's more discussion yeah any other discussion any other discussion back to Regional motion on the floor all in favor I any oppose the motion carries y okay Dr Robinson has her hand up yeah thank you so I see um the school board member that is the lia arus committee is on the the meeting um we have done this before we asked the school board member to like bring it up as a discussion item and so my question um is if the school board member is willing to do that so then it could be that the recommendation comes from the DDD ddec chair at the beginning of the meeting right and then at the end of the meeting the board memb is champion champion this are you saying during committee reports no I'm saying you board discussion items at the end of the meeting so it would be book in it would be it would come under committee report at the beginning of the meeting and but then the board member who is the leaz on here Mr Ferguson could Circle back and bring it up as discussion so it's not hanging in the wind at as a committee suggestion okay and then the board members can discuss it and I'm you know I'm working on the assumption that the board members would say yeah and kind of direct the superintendent to have staff work with ddec on how this could be implemented because each one of those steps you know we said has to have further conversation on how to get it done like that we weren't just going to recommend it and walk away okay do we need to make a motion on that or do we just add no Mr Ferguson is on the call Mr Ferguson it's she's asked Mr Ferguson to put out his discussion item at the end he's willing to do that on here hello okay did you hear the discussion I did you asked me to make sure that we put it on as a discussion item so I I'll get with um Mr oswal to make sure I have the proper language or what have you um that won't be a problem great thank you and in that way it to be book in so it's not just the committee but it's also the board and then and then the superintendent will be looking to see if any board members have any push back when um when the board member brings it up and if there's none then you would expect it to you know move forward okay sounds good all right right so we move on on the agenda with the next item update from Chief of equity and wellness Mr Oswell so I'm going to defer that time so that we have time for um right now for the new business for the presentations as well as a presentation on classic learning test and an update on the stronger connections Grant so so we're going to move for the next one the Guatemala May Center Miss Mariana Blanco okay yes uh one one moment thank you uh Keith will you be pulling up the presentation um yeah uh I have it from I have that one from last month right Mariana Blanco's presentation yes no she yeah I know yeah give me one second she did no problem okay Miss P here we go okay thank you can everybody hear me yes we can okay wonderful so uh my name is mar blano I'm the assistant director at the guatemal May Center um and I'll just be quickly going through some of the services that we provide so just quickly our Center has was founded officially Incorporated in 1992 um father Frank our founder and executive director has been doing this work long before then and when we initially started uh the center we began doing prenatal care the niku at St Mary's was completely overwhelmed with uh premature babies primarily indigenous Maya babies they didn't know how to navigate the health care of those women and um so that's that's kind of how the birth of the center started um uh navigating the culture and the language barriers that the women were having um at the hospital and so since then our work has um evolved based on the needs of the people that's something that we are really proud of our services always are constantly changing um based on what we hear that the community needs or that the community needs more support in the building that is um on the screen is a brand new building that we are operating in we have for a long time operated in very small areas and we were lucky last year to be able to move into this new area so we're directly across from Lakeworth high school now and so then some some of our services that we provide at the center and these are just some of our set programs but um there's a lot of other stuff that we work on throughout the years depending on uh the the need of or the focus for that year but I'll start with uh our set programs our parent child plus program is a program that we have it's funded by Children's Services Council and it is um for early literacy for starting at two years old a case manager navigates them all the way through four years old making sure that those two-year-old or those children in our meeting um all of their uh early developmental stages and if there's need to intervene at an early age we could do that um and each parent is matched with a case manager that would speak the language of the home and um and that would you know have this the same culture of the home we also have our esita May our esita May how I got involved in as a volunteer when I was 15 they are are after school programs for um school age children Elementary age children they operate currently one is at Highland Elementary the other one is at Our Savior Lutheran and um primarily we serve children of day laborers children of Farm Workers um those programs uh are very low cost there are only program that has a cost um at the bami center but we always try to work with parents in the event that they can't afford to pay So lately we have been um accepting a lot of the the children of um some of our survivors of domestic violence if we're if we're working with a person that's dealing with a domestic situation at home we certainly want to make sure that they have child care in order to um go to work so that that's kind of the the uh purpose of the escalas and we try to serve as the bridge between the parents and the children there um so while they are after school programs they're open you around and um we operate full-time uh Spring Breaks or anytime that the school district is closed to make sure that those children have um have care while their parents are at work our outreach program is our most random program it's our program that's not really funded by anyone and we do that on purpose to make sure that um we don't have limitations on the work that that team could do between the three of our Outreach case managers uh they see over a thousand people a month and they do anything that the people need at the time um that they come out access our services so a lot of a lot of what they do is um DCF access so helping with Medicaid and um and food stamp applications but also uh if there's a victim of domestic violence uh wage sta um if they have any issues with the school district then they need us to intervene um we do that their cultural interpretation accompanyment to court um so that team is really flexible to do whatever it is like home visits anything that the community asks us to do our Outreach team would be the first to know and and could direct to to the appropriate service um from there we have a food pantry it's open to anyone um all of our services I shouldn't say are open to anyone but our food pantry opened as a direct response to the pandemic in uh 2020 unfortunately we have seen food insecurity and the need for food grow and so we operate every Tuesday and Friday uh in the morning anybody's welcome to come starting at 9: until the food finishes we recently opened our Clinic Amaya our Clinic Amaya is uh a free clinic for uninsured folks we are partnered with a lot of different agencies to help navigate Women's Health um we navigate a lot of the Farm Workers who typically don't have access to healthcare um or just anybody who really needs the services we have been providing School vaccinations onite every Tuesday uh with an appointment so we we do a lot of that work at the clinic Amaya and one of the things that we really tried to bring into this uh Clinic knowing that access to healthcare is something that's incredibly important for our community but that there's still a lot of mistrust with health agencies um we are really trying to bring that traditional medicine along with the Western medicine to make sure that our our folks have a full uh level of care and that they feel comfortable accessing that full level of care and then just other informal stuff we do a lot of advocacy work uh wherever it's needed missing persons we work with the local uh Sheriff's Department to find missing persons in the area we do family reunification so for the school district that means um all of the unaccompanied minors we can help those parents navigate the process of um sponsoring a child if they're looking to bring one of their children translations in the Indigenous languages we do carry M and Koval in our um it in our in at home and then we also obviously do Court assistance and any any issue with the school with the school district that a parent might be having we serve really anybody who walks through our doors currently we're serving uh people from 28 different countries um most of our uh population we are the home to recent arrival migrant families because we um recognize that typically those folks don't qualify for a lot of other services or they have a hard time navigating other services a lot of our uh population is primarily non English speakers um and while anybody can come and access Services through us we are a home for the indigenous Maya and then I don't need to talk about the barriers the population faces I mean a lot of our students you all know um especially if there are recent arrivals they they will uh face issues with cultural competence amongst uh some of their their classmates or um even with staff members language barriers if they're coming from a country that doesn't speak um English there that's a big big problem and then accessing Health Care even accessing just regular forms I know we have the Welcome Center we're trying to work with them as well right now and the multi Cal Department to make sure that um folks are really understanding the services that each one of us provides so we can um you know so we can support the families in a culturally competent way but I'm sure everybody here knows the barriers or population faes so you can you can move forward Keith and so then this is just um our contact information how to contact us um you can always contact me I will also uh write our my my assistance number in the um in the chat if you have uh a high need case but we do a lot of um different advocacy work so last year we focused uh something that was an issue to all of us and to the school district with kids um not going to school or missing school was s SP 1718 we're seeing a lot of those things also happening so know your rights classes power of attorneys if if a parent needs a power of attorney we can help them access that very very easily so you can always connect with me our info email is ran by our admin staff as well you can connect through there and I will write our um assistance information also on the chat uh and our our contact information will be the most direct way of getting in touch with us and that's it that's all I got for you thank you Miss Mariana Blanco any questions all right moving with the agenda the next item is the volunteer Association of Florida carlen Paul um I don't know if it's morning or afternoon at this time my name is Colleen Paul I am a board member of the volunteer Association in funds of Florida and I'm looking forward to do my presentation if Dr aswell will help me with the present the slide presentation YY presentation mode yeah your chat okay are we ready yes okay the volunteers Association in front of Florida's information where you can contact us we are located in the great city of Dar Beach um you can move to the next slide try just want to go yeah okay the volunteer Association in Florence of Florida was founded in 2011 by Mr Carlson zulma he served as a volunteer Patrol police partner and saw the needs for more representation in dur beach in the Haitian American Community he created an organization that advocate for Haitian American in Palm Beach and its needs Joint Forces with Community organizations such as SEIU new Florida majority now known as Florida Rising these connection created Pathways to connect with unity uh uh unify of Palm Beach County the set neighborhood alliance in Del Beach just to name a few we are everywhere in order to connect the africanamerican community and the Haitian American Community using the resources that are available and one of the biggest problem is the language barrier and this is the importance when our partners uh come across Haitian Americans in needs they refer them to us so we are grateful to have an array of organization that overseas and concern yesterday we had a press conference about the issues in and we were there our organization was represented because we truly believe that politics play a very big role in the lives of Haitians living in the United States and abroad uh we'll move to the next slides please uh it's a picture of our partners um to the right we have Miss Deborah Miss Deborah is a voter registration icon she's a good to I mean she's next to you she will register you at 17 years old and tell you they will send it to you when you turn 18 and the others are members of the set Alliance we also have Miss Anne here from Florida rising and many others we can move on to the next picture our call values next uh we believe in putting our community first and when we say our community we talk about the needs of black immigrants uh brown people Haitian people but the fact that we have a language barrier and the Haitian people need a place to go to where they can communicate in their native language what their needs are sometimes I remember working in Salsbury Maryland with Haitian migrants and I was doing translation at a clinic for these Haitian migrants who were picking cucumbers and tomatoes when I was a college student and one of the doctors told me Teach how you going to say um how you going to say uh there are certain expression that they give you and growing up in America and not accustomed to these uh uh words if you try to do direct translation the doctor is in trouble so um it's it's it's important that we have a an organization that can understand the roots of the people and this is what the volunteer Association is fighting for because we see the needs with what's happening in Haiti there's a great number of immigrants that are coming all over South Florida I'm flying to New York on the 13th to go to a town hall meeting about the situation of Haitians in Haiti that are migrating and the mayor of New York said I can't take anymore you know and if it's not just Asian it's all Latin American immigrants so um we we stand uh for uh every American right to have their voices heard through their vote we educate our community through a monthly people assembly meeting our weekly radio show along with our activism during election cycle which is right now this is election time and we know our vote counts this is why we got together with the africanamerican and called it one block because we are putting our vote together and when we do that it makes it's it becomes powerful so we trying to work with our partners on all level in order to find results for our community the next slide please our mission we are a not for-profit 501c3 Haitian American organization we are dedicated to empowering mobilizing educating and preparing Community leaders to share their values and maximize their voting power in in in Civic engagement we aim to address social educational and economical inequities that our community faces every day next slide please this is a picture of us in the community and you can see my beautiful face you can't miss my glasses and and and and and the team of Haitian we are all volunteer we do not get paid for what we do and we are a lot and we you know what we do we we schedule our time you go into the office there's somebody that needs something it must be done in the office are we going to take them to this office in order for them to find the resources these are the people that stand together behind volunteer Association thank you team our stakeholders uh we find we fight for our children and our elderly we advocate for Haitian in Palm Beach County both existing and newcomers and and the needs is very very great for the new immigrants that are coming and we speak up for the dish francise and the Forgotten voices that's what we do at volunteer Association everywhere we go we have a mic we go to Schoolboard meeting we go to community uh uh meeting we do everything in order to answer the need of the Haitian American community and being part of this board uh brings us give us a platform to let the community understand that the school system is willing to work with different organization and when you go to a school there's an approach for you to have with the principal of that school you catch more bees with Honeys so these are some of the work that we are doing at the volunteer Association Next slide please these are some of the pictures you see our youth uh they go out the canvas they were supporting uh the great Biden in the in the 2020 election and Florida Rising is a nonpartisan 501c3 organization that does a lot of advocacy for issues such as housing uh and and and and and and children rights uh Reproductive Rights and we travel with them all over the State of Florida in order to get our word across and we have millions of people that marches we go to Tallahasse on uh uh uh uh well in Miami it used to be dat day now we call it Palm Beach day you know so this is some of the pictures that we sharing with you next slide please okay some of the activities that um we get involved in the community it's very popular Thanksgiving giveaway senior appreciation dinner that we do every year and the Christmas storage Drive these things are things that connects us they will call us on the radio teacher Colleen when are they giving the turys teacher Colleen when are they giving the toys so we always give them a date and then they look forward to the date and they bring toys too they we have boxes they deposit one or two toy and we have organization that donates a whole lot of toys in Turkey to us but it's never enough so um wherever we find help remember the volunteer Association we are there key um we talked about that already Key Program initiatives um getting involved with the reelection campaign for the we talking about a significant achievement that have made an impact with uh the organization when we got involved with the reelection campaign of Dr Deborah Robinson our support for her campaign solidified the ongoing relationship with the Haitian community and assured her a win though this new found partnership with Dr dbra Robinson helped help us achieve one of our greatest dream the installation of the Haitian cre dual language program in the Palm Beach County School Board ladies and gentlemen now we are three and going and I want you all guys to know that our present School Board member Edwin Ferguson continued in working with us so we can have more programs and I want to thank everybody in the school system with the help of Dr Robinson everybody came together and it's you're going to see next side I don't want to talk anymore uh uh where it is first program started in Rolling Green Elementary in Borton Beach three Elementary School in Palm Beach now has the program implementation into all subject rotating program within Elementary student that's where we are today where is it going integrated as a full dual language program provide Choice option at school district level expand in more school particular Pine Grove Elementary and Village Academy delway Beach we are working on these two and com and and Schoolboard member Ferguson is help helping us and we got it and the community want it and we know with the support of the school board we will get it what we want to see how much teachers with Haitian creal competency in the program hire more Haitian staff provide continuous professional development training increase resources and create additional exposure I got to tell you ladies and gentlemen when I just came to Palm Beach and came to our first board meeting parents were calling me cuz I spent 31 years on Haitian radio in Miami D and I came to Palm Beach County and I'm like we got to build up the Palm Beach Haitian American Community just like I did in Miami day and I went to a few school um the people were lost when they arrived they didn't have anybody to talk to in their native tongue and I educated them I came to the school board meeting and I'm proud PR to say there's not one school that I go to today that do not have somebody at the front door that can speak Creole with these ations our work is great it's working and the school board is listening I am very proud We invited the superintendent at our radio show he came so there is a great relationship between the Haitian community and the school system but we also educating the parents on an everyday basis how to approach people we tell them they don't know how to read the code of conduct so we are taking that responsibility little by little to teach them this information this is why our goal is to get a center in Palm Beach County with the name of Haitian American Resource Center volunteer Association in front of Florida we will not stop until we get that next slide please you're doing a good job I got to you too uh play play play play this little clip and listen to this oh God I was a drama major in college guy so I I I got to put life into it you know in Florida um Rolling Green Elementary our state has a large population and so this program will serve a lot of students that go to this school now the way that it works is students will be in a classroom where teachers AEL group of kindergarteners at Rolling Green Elementary in Beach are taking their education to the next level is there this got a better idea is this one getting presented to is this the one that's on the native or trying to work on our way to better share that so come yeah can yeah just give a second just in another okay Jonathan I sent it over to you technology it's slide 17 when it IT refreshes it'll be an inbox say it but there's a big file [Music] so I just Jonathan if you want to keep looking for we play it maybe at the end and let um Can on it Paul finish okay so we go to slide 17 so we'll we'll come back to that video so we'll go to 18 yeah exactly no we going to go to 17 did we do do process for Haitian students yeah that's where we're at now okay so um Haitian families felt bitted and undermined by school personnel and what we meant by that these are things that happened in the past and this is why I say this partnership and working with the parents and educating them on the radio uh we have seen changes par par were not provided proper assistance with language Services again like I said it's it's it's a thing of the past the verbal and nonverbal well I think he's got it so I'm sorry to interrupt you okay I apologize okay we can we can show it's a one minute um a news clip that came out with the great work that we did on the opening on the opening day of um this great program that many parents are excited about Jonathan it's not coming up on uh Google meet you might have St I did there you go okay yeah crosscultural education program in Boon Beach some kindergarteners are getting classroom instruction in English and Haitian Creo this is the first of its kind in Florida R Jo carbiner got an exclusive look at Rolling Green Elementary our state has a large Haitian population and so this program will serve a lot of students that go to this school now the way that it works is students will be in a classroom where teachers are teaching in both English and Haan Creole a select group of kindergarteners at Rolling Green Elementary in Boon Beach are taking their education to the next level it's a first ofit kind program in the state the school district of Palm Beach County offering dual language learning in English and Haitian Creole this is kind of groundbreaking for us according to the district 9500 students in Palm Beach County identify as Haitian creel as their native or home language superintendent Mike Burke says the program will allow students to attain high levels of academic achievement and develop cross-cultural [Music] competence well I think that's it because um we did not want to make it too long but we wanted to show you that it was highlighted in the media and one good thing since this program the principal has in invited the volunteer Association to every single activities that is going on and we make sure one of our members either a board member or volunteer of the organization that love what we do are present at this activities so I want to tell you that um thank you Dr Robinson and thank you uh Schoolboard member Ferguson that is continuing in the struggle with us now let's let's go back to let's continue to page 18 with Civic engagement uh the Civic engagement the volunteer Association has worked directly with local and state organization to advocate for the rights of black and brown people in Florida we have addressed the Florida House of Representative held press conference in March for our rights we work diligently to register more eligible citizen to participate in the political process we are dedicated to continue our work with the current board members and staff of the public school system to continue the Implement to implement positive changes for our students in their families and the next picture is a picture of us participating in an activity and of course teacher Caren is in the picture with the pants with the stripe uh so uh that was May May 18th celebrating haian Flag Day we went from cities to cities to cities that day I was EX was exhausted and uh it was a great day for the haitian-american community where we saw Flags Asian flags in different city were risen were Rose and people were excited and and the kids parents were driving by because they felt that they were part of the community so Florida Rising was involved in all of these connection to make that day such an important thing that's pictures with Florida V rising and volunteer Association at conferences that I tell you they pay for us we go we learn we come back we Advocate and um we do a lot of work in the Community Partnership our partnership we're moving to partnership our partnership organization like I mentioned earlier SEIU Florida Rising UniFi uh Palm Beach County the set neighborhood alliance to name a few because we have a lot more organization that we work with but I was giving a to talk uh Susan say no more than 20 minutes maximum and the video took 10 minutes uh collaboration feeding South Florida we work with them eat better leave better it's an organization that help feed people Del Beach firefighters they came and did uh work with us during the pandemic where they gave uh uh um uh uh uh kids to the community Vice uh V Medical Center also is a medical Center that work with the community that we work with VIP integrative healthc care that's Dr Martine one of our board members that's just to name a few and Community Partnership uh we have Captain Coleman he was a for former uh Dr uh assistant chief volunteer recognized we recognized Captain Coleman in lakew worth um uh because of his dedication to the Haitian American community and the community at large uh we did a press conference where we organized uh to speak against Governor desen support for Bill 1718 which affect immigrants so we we get in there we get political and we get people elected and we get people out of office too Haitian appreciation day we worked on that because uh we have to show people that volunteer we appreciate D so after we worked diligently in the community we came together with commissioner M Ben Senator Bobby power attorney Al jacket and members of law enforcement for a special appreciation dinner on May 20123 so we are there we are moving we are hot and we want to be hotter with the school board this particular uh um year coming what we'd like to see more cooperation with our association to implement changes see better treatment for Haitian families from current Administration increase funding for programs and resources to support Asian-American student as partner to promote family involvement and you can tell us how to do that uh uh uh uh uh uh so we can you know increase funding that's important to us uh we we the little kid that don't understand the process yet so get let us in there include more haian American in administrative position through the school district install a Haitian Caribbean Resource Center in Palm Beach County that's our dream and partner with district with the district to promote programs and to educate the community Through Haitian media having said that I build the balance of my time does anybody have any question for us thank you melie melie thank you very much for your attention thank thank you we question any question I yeah what is there an event happening on the 30th with your organization and on on the 30th of this month yes because you said you had a press conference yesterday and yeah and then there's a March yeah there's a march on the 30th and a and they're demanding certain things that I'm not too crazy about the first two things but the rest of the stuff we agree on and that's why I'm going any other question any other question meru meru thank you for your attention job both organizations again just reminder that we're here to you know learn about each other's organizations to be able to collaborate and leverage each other's resources and the reason why we're going through each of these so next one is going to be classical learning test by Paul Hawkins Paul thank you for being on today you uh not a problem sir uh good morning everyone um I will share or you going to share I'll share okay or at least I'll try okay good luck all right so you all should be able to see that uh classical learning test kind of just a brief update um so uh as you probably know the state approved the use of the classical learning test for um concordance scores Bright Futures couple other things uh College admissions um in Florida schools uh late during the summer um many of our schools started working on that in the fall uh you know providing another opportunity uh for students to make a a concordant score to graduate um you know if they're not able to meet the score on the FSA or the fast um so what we've done basically you know the the students can take it on their own just the same way they would a Saturday sat or act um schools and the district just recently um have offered kind of a school day Administration somewhat like we do for sat um but you know there there students are able to do this on their own as well and you know as such you know it being an State accepted assessment and all of those pieces you know that that test is being used by students and schools and a District administration uh just recently for concordance um we're still kind of learning the test because it is relatively small and relatively new in anything other than small uh private schools and HED Fields but uh you know we're working with the organization to um you know provide the best opportunities for our students to take these assessments uh looking at it kind of compare and if anybody has any questions just speak up because I can't see you um with the the presentation going um but just kind of a a quick comparison of the three options we really have for concordance testing um you know ACT SAT and CLT uh you know cost breakdown you know when the student student purchases the test on their own it's roughly the same very similar pricing um all three organizations offer fee waivers for students um you know through their own application process if they're doing it on their own they also provide discounts um you know for district administrations as you can see the CLT is actually quite a bit uh less expensive when the district administrations are are are going through uh particularly compared to sat um moving into that third col colum on the time uh you know it's it's a very similar time structure to act um kind of a similar breakdown to the assessment as well um where you've kind of got an English and a reading section a verbal and a grammar section for CLT uh that are really testing the students reading and um you know English abilities uh then a math section uh the outlier on the timing piece is really the sat in that um for both the Act and the CLT the students can just take the section they need like if I'm a student who needs a concordance score in math you I don't have to spend effort and time on the um English and reading version or uh sections of the the assessments um which is something we are running into in terms of frustration for our students who are working towards concordance with sat is they have to actually sit and work through all of the assessment or all of the sections of the assessment um you know to get that concordance score um for uh act for the ELA again as I mentioned uh for act and CLT there's two sections that come together to form that score um for act the the the the scoring is for the graduation requirement is based on the average score between those two sections uh essentially a student getting a 17 a half or better um whereas CLT they're actually doing the sum of the two sections scores so um each of the sections on CLT have 40 items one point a question very straightforward scoring um which is a little bit um you know a positive on the understanding side of things you know you got 20 out of 40 questions as opposed to working through scale scores um like act and sat um and then the other really big um uh difference you know again it's a 40 item test and the the concordant score for CLT for for the math for the algebra requirement is an 11 out of that 40 um so that that is definitely um while that's the concordance scores that have come through the state and vendor studies that is you know in terms of actually number right uh lower than the other Assessments in terms of that that minimum threshold uh and then again like I said earlier they can also be used for Bright Futures and those scores are are roughly equivalent in terms of um what what they they align to uh in use for Bright Futures Mr hin we have a a question in the room no no it was just and I know when you say it I'm going to know what it is but what is FAS and FMS um that's the academic and the Merit it's the levels of Bright Futures um the academic is the the higher threshold uh full futes and then the the Merit is I don't remember the number off the top of my head but it's the the lower tier of the bright future scholarships they have two different sets of thresholds because of the two different layers of Bright Futures thank you you're welcome excuse me um so uh you know when this assessment rolled out you know obviously it's not something we had been familiar with prior to this year at all um so our first step was really kind of look at it with our our our academics lens uh so we we shared the sample assessment materials with our teaching and learning team and they really look through it um you know Ela the the the the classical learning test you know their kind of theory of action is they're going back to a more classical and I'm air quoting here um education uh to what's going on now um whatever that actually means in in the real world uh but basically in terms of looking at the items the the questions are are a little bit more straightforward into the point not quite as complex or rigorous as what the students are seeing on a fast or an FSA um for the reading in the the grammar section and then for math U the content it's well it's within the uh instruction um there's a little bit more uh higher level math on the math test than there is on say an SAT or an act uh you know some small percentage of items at least on their sample materials um that uh relate a pre-cal calcus um logic based number sense items um you know as this is going through this year being the first year um our schools uh and teaching and learning have kind of been incorporating some of these kind of pieces into those uh intensive reading courses or the the algebra recovery uh uh concordance focused uh courses to to kind of help making to help schools and students use this is a more as a viable option as well um since it's new obviously it's the first year it's being built um into the the programming right now so what I'm sure you're all kind of interested in is what does it look like so far um so here's basically the participation and passing results um and when I say passing I mean for concordance uh because that's really kind of the primary focus that we have for this assessment at least right now um and so you you can see overall of the students um primary primarily 11th and 12th graders who have taken CLT so far uh roughly 18% of those uh have met the graduation requirement um on the reading scores and 48% on the math and that's the real the real big disconnect from the SAT and the act in terms of uh that success towards concordance uh you can see also kind of broken down by by subgroup um also kind of closer in terms of Pass rates than um you know some of the other assessments uh but you know looking at CLT compared to act and sat overall um readings pretty close uh you know in terms of the the rate at which our students who need concordance scores pass those tests um one of the big pieces is for the SAT for the seniors needing concordance though the seniors needing concordance who are you who are taking sat based on our historical data um only about 10% of those students are hitting it on sat and I really do think a lot of that is the frustration aspect of having to sit through all the sections of the test just to get the to get the reading score um but for our seniors taking sat for concordance scores the the success rate's roughly 10% as opposed to you know 18 to 20 when you look at the other grade levels and um tests but again as I was mentioning earlier the real large difference in terms of concordance between the other options in this is the math with the 48% of students who have attempted CLT making that math concordance score compared to again roughly speaking um 20% for the the other options s SAT and ACT so uh our schools are continuing to you know administer this to to get more students across the the graduation stage um and like I say instructionally speaking incorporating kind of some more of the the you know CLT focused strategies um to those uh recovery type courses that are are being used for students to meet these these requirements um and that's that's really it that's where we are on CLT at the moment um you know we'll know more as we um move into the end of the year in terms of students who are meeting concordance across the board um you know because in terms of timing you know we're just now wrapping up just recently wrapped up the um the spring school day so we've still waiting on a lot of those scores to come back and then we have an act for concordance that is being offered in our schools um in April again so those students are getting another attempt at that graduation test before before the before the end of the school year and many of our high schools also do summer programs as well um and we're in some discussions to incorporate CLT into that uh as well as some of our schools also offering April CLT administrations in addition to the act so in a nutshell that's the that's the the CLT so far um with that I'll open it up to questions I have a question question chair uh yes um you mentioned high school will be having summer school and this is one of the things that I would like to know and maybe um be uh more proactive to the parents about their participation childrens that are not doing well will there be summer school um if they are graduating seniors and will they be able to take the CLT again in order for them to graduate for graduating time um these are some of the questions that I have and will summer school also be in in all the schools for students that didn't do well in a few subject area that wants to catch up so they can move to the next grade so in terms of summer programs um many of our high schools offer I believe most if not all of our high schools offer um you know those summer remedial uh kind of Boo boot camps for their their seniors who still need to kind of get out or get that graduation diploma before August 1st um but the the specifics are run through the schools um you know we support them when they need to give assessments but uh Mr Oswald you'd maybe want to have uh one of the regional officers bring back specifically what they're planning on doing maybe teaching and learning each I I know so that each of the high schools will have summer school for seniors that have not graduated so that can be anything from course recovery to test preps such as CLT ACT SAT um if that's what they're missing for the concordance score so we continue we've been doing that for years and that will continue um for those however uh some Juniors will probably end up attending depending on the school's capacity um typically 9th and 10th grade at school by school depending um on how many Juniors and seniors they have attending so then for the lower grades there's no summer school there is it depends on which grade level so for example uh third grade we'll definitely have uh the summer reading Academy for any student who does not get a level two or higher um on the um the state assessment uh fast thank you um they keep changing so fast um no pun intended um there's also a couple other grade levels that will the districts offer I'm trying to remember I think it's one two and four say it again four uh one two and four are definitely they've got programs going I'm not uh I'm not sure about middle school yet Middle School will definitely have any student who needs to progress definitely have jump start jum yeah jump start so students who have been retained two or more times are two years overage and then uh any student who needs uh similar to credit recovery but uh they need to complete to move out be promoted to the the next grade so the best way for a parent to know whether or not these resources are available uh is to contact the counselor at the school your counselor and their school administration yes and the school administration okay because that's one of thing that I do on my weekly radio show I have a Palm Beach school counsil counselor that comes and give advice on the show and when he doesn't come the community cries because he's doing it volunteer sometimes he has a conflict so I know the volunteer plays a very important role and we've been emphasizing that to the community so a lot of people are going to be calling about summer program so that's why my question was asked and I have a question one is to follow back um piggy back on the previous speaker um one is if those parents don't reach out or don't know yet how to reach out at what point will the schools Reach Out is do they find out towards the end of the school year when they get the report card do they find when will they find out if their child have to go to um summer school also as students families are prepping for summer vacation so we can start getting that message out well for for example like third grade f fast results Paul do you know when fast results will be ready um so they'll be I mean so for third grade as the example there's fast and then there's some alternate assessments the students would be taking um in May to if they don't make it based on Fast make it based on others but for the Elementary programs I know the the list of atrisk students have been recently shared with the schools and um again I don't have the process off the top of my head because it's run out of teaching and learning but the communication between the schools and the parents about students who are at risk I believe if it has not already started is starting shortly um for the elementary side of things for the for the middle and high um again I believe they they do their Communications again starting in the next bit because you got students that are you know more and more assuredly behind if they've got some of the the the preliminary indicators you know in the next couple of weeks it's it's it's the point where it's like you're probably not going to recover this if you haven't recovered it by you know mid April I would yeah I would say for secondary I know for my own experience typically it'll be towards the end of April with graduations trying to make those graduation decisions but it really depends on each student at the secondary level especially for seniors and what they're missing you know some kids will end up coming every night night trying to do credit recovery some may not you know some are more motivated than others so some could be literally like an hour before they walk across the stage so um it it varies at that level but yeah as Mr hin indicated this Elementary they should the school should be beginning Communications soon okay and then the other question that I had well it kind of ties in the other two questions I had kind of ties in where we talk about that approach like um I know we have talked about it in this setting before and in other academic advisory setting where a district approach and so we we saw what you did with after care programs every you know from the district is no longer teacher or school by school is now the roll out is at the same time for all this is something also like hey maybe start having that preliminary conversation with families like this this is the by this dat all schools should be having a preliminary conversation with famili like hey here where you at if we you don't get here this is where you're going this is what you're going to have to do but that's just a suggestion my other question was regards to that first slide I think it was in um it was the money slot uh slide that it was discussing um the breakdown between the a ACT SAT and cl so those yes this slide here um for the cost how are we addressing the needs of those students who possibly can't afford this um in certain schools and you know how are we addressing that need or what what is the protocol for this we put a lot of f it's it's twofold one of the reasons we do the district level administrations is exactly to your point there are students who who can't afford to do it on their own so those District costs are basically when we do it as a district um either for like sat school day where we do all 11th graders and pay for it um we also do ACT SAT and now a CLT where all of the students who need it for concordance are funded by the district and then um that's what excuse me each of the organizations also have a waiver process where like for example if a student wanted to take sat on a Saturday but qualified under free and reduced uh lunch they would be able to get a waiver uh up to one or two waivers from you know that cost by applying through you know they apply directly to college board and schools um guidance counselors uh help students fill out those forms so that they can get those you know as many waivers as they need or as they're able to get from the vendor paying for these tests should not be a barrier we've really evolved over the years in this space that any kid who needs it for graduation we're going to find a funding source to make sure they're taking it the schools work really hard it's their graduation rate and they're not going to let a $60 test being a barrier to the graduation rate okay so all schools should be finding the means to and the resources to address this has paid for many of them okay and and and to the chair if I understand correctly there's a fee waiver process and that fee waiver process according to what I heard is done through the college board and for for sat College Board the college board's fee waver process is for the SAT okay for sat how about the other test like the CLR organizations yes they all the same so there different they they should work through a school counselor or admin at the school to help with that okay that's it that's where we always go back to the on the radio and what she was talking about this is the relationship that we want to create with the school system is to understand these deadlines in date because we are on the radio I'm on the air Tuesdays and Thursdays Carlson zulma is on the air on Fridays and we have a Blog that we do every morning for 5 minutes on the morning show so the information we can pass it and the community listen to it cuz some people don't connect with the internet and all these funny things aged agreed totally it's a big barrier Mr chair I have a question Cassandra is this option available for the charter schools and alternative schools also or do they have to come to a traditional campus to take these assessments for the CLT um so the the charter schools can offer the clts we do not pay for them we don't pay for the charter schools but the charter schools can offer the CLT the AL in the same way that they offer SAT and ACT and the test come here or they take yeah where they take the charter the charter schools would have to do pretty much everything on their own and they're independent alternative schools that are district operated alternative schools we do it for but if they're an alternative Charter they're they have to figure out their their own place you have a question Dr Robinson question Dr Robinson please you're a hi um so I think I want to hold my comments until other people's questions about this are done because I'm gonna go a little bit left with my comments any other questions time to go left Dr Robinson yeah so all right so thank you Mr hton for this um presentation you know okay I'm really saddened again um when I was on the school board I eventually stopped going to graduations because I realized that all the children walking across the stage were not prepared equally right and I'm clear that that diploma is important and that sometimes it's like okay if it's by the hair my chinny chin chin let's get that diploma I get that I'm not discounting that effort what I'm saying is so look at this this slide which says it so clearly the difference in the score to use it as a concordance score whichever test you're talking about right um the difference between what's needed to use it as a concordance score and what's needed to qualif for bright FES right and then if you that whatever that is the State University whatever that is that shows like the average accepted scores at the different schools you know that would generally I think Falls a little somewhere in the middle but closer to Bright Futures but my point is this okay I'm trying to find the words to express the depth of my disappointment um but and it's not like I'm trying to point the finger at any individual but you know what the system still still does not work to educate our students right and like we need a overhaul or or we just need to come clean and say yeah well you know like we didn't really intend to educate all of them or like or we threw the ball their Direction they didn't catch it it's not our fault right um but for me I'm still stuck in that maybe it's pie in the sky that we need to do everything we can to prepare every child for a world we can't imagine if we hope for our children and grandchildren to live in a good place and this is clearly now and if you take this this chart and it's superimpose the percentage of children of different subgroups who end up requiring the ORD scores to graduate you know our expectations are just too low for some children okay and okay so I'm I'm gonna get off my soap box now but I just this is like painful this this is painful and and you wonder why you see some of the things you see on the news you know in my mind every time you see a crime it's a manifestation of the failure to public education system and and I I have as a young people would say receipts to show that the school district is sliding backwards you know maybe on the coat tells the state foolishness I don't I don't know but all I'm saying is for the people on this committee and I know you care about children you care about the children you advocate for and and other people's children look at this look at the two columns on the right and tell me do you want your children to earn their high school diploma with the concordance score or do you want them to reach the academic scholar level for Bright Futures and the question is what is the school district going to do in partnership with Community because I'm clear it has to be partnership to have each subgroup no longer require the use of the concordance scores I mean or or just like change the dog on mission statement okay I I I I'm I'm done but okay one more thing I'm say and if any point in time anybody wants to join the Coalition for black student chief TR I'm Saturday because it just starkly says what I've been seeing for a long time but it says it in numbers which is so much clearer to me if anybody wants to join the Coalition and raise their expectations let me know and I I get off my soap box but I mean I'm I'm I almost want to cry um to the here um Dr Robinson I'd love to join the Coalition I think we've exchanged numbers we'll follow up and and see how I can I can be part of it thank you thank you any other comment any other question thank you we move follow up to the next uh presentation stronger connection Grant Mr Oswell thank you Mr hins for for for that presentation appreciate it thanks for being here um real quick cuz I know we're at of time and I have a hard stop at 12 um I do want to share um and thank you all for your support I don't know if you recall but a number of probably almost a year ago earlier in the year um you all supported um uh our recommendation for the the district to go forward with this stronger connections Grant um we kind of put a wish list into this grant your receiv received this um earlier today and it's in attached to the meeting um so this stronger connections Grant we were awarded so I quite shocked that we were it's a $3 million grant for the next two and a half years um this is a summary of what the work that will happen within it within the stronger connections Grant um it does have a focus on ESC and elll students but also addressing uh chronic absenteeism a as well as the mtss uh school-based Team process and then the third piece around this is student voice so essentially what this will fund it'll fund um in each of the regions four positions for case managers to address The Chronic absenteeism work so everything from home visits uh really problem solving the challenges of Why students aren't coming to school um it will fund four position each region that will address the Fidelity of the school-based team process in our schools and then it will fund a stip in um at each of the schools for uh next year and the year after um a $1,000 stien for someone to uh kind of own to and work to lead the student voice initiative from the Strategic plan um and getting more student voice uh happening on our school campuses um and lifting that particular voice so pretty excited this will go to the board um on the 17th um and you are listed as an Advisory Group so um as we go through the next couple years with this grant we will be bringing this uh to you to give you updates on how that work is progressing but I want to thank you for your support in that um we're pretty excited um I can't believe we received it because we kind of did a wish list so uh pretty excited that we got that I have a question Dr Thaddius yes um thank congratulations um great work to you and the team that put that together and my question is Keith will you be the lead implementer and coordinator of this grant so it's uh yeah so I'm one of the leads I'm part with Kevin McCormick will also be part of it uh director of ESC so on uh Dr Sheffield Mr TI side of the house um on the student voice I'll be directly over that piece as well as the tcy piece um I I had a question the schools have been identified and is your is your mic on okay I'm sorry uh I my question is have the school uh that are be that are going to be part of the programs for this grant have been identified and will be presented on the 17th to the board so it's a district initiative all schools are expected to be to will Pro be provided support so the positions themselves will be work on targeting and working with schools based on chronic absenteeism yeah the the mtss process will be working through again each of the regions to make sure that people are trained that the meetings are happening they're happening with Fidelity which is often a challenge and then the student voice the stip in for someone at the school to manage it is for all schools m okay I'd like to be know more in get involved in that project because the treny a parent called me the other day and she said I take my child to school every day but he's never in his first grade class I said do you drop him off late he says no he just doesn't go I said then you go need to talk to the principal and then sometimes he skip school so that the parent want to come to me so I'm sending them back to the counselor because I have the educational segment first and then the politic part After People parents just are there to listen and call me for questions like my I know my child is not going to school what do I do so it's great to hear that we will have a program and I will talk to you about what I've done in Miami D in that effect fantastic yeah School attendance is a real crisis and we need need to address that I get yes I forgot it you forgot it okay all right well I'll keep you all updated I know we're just about at time um I uh just just one other quick update we are looking for two more agencies for to present uh next month uh so if you have not stepped up yet we're looking for you to step up uh till we get through through everybody um I think you all know who you are so I going to call you out but um if you haven't presented yet please email us so we're going to be reaching out to you all individually to present for next month um and I know I have topics from last time that we're working to get through and I think next month we should have released our latest seq data um School Effectiveness questionnaire we had really strong participation compared to last year so that will be enlightening um I know there's been alternative ad questions and then there's also some other topics that I need to bring forward to for the group so I think and we already finished the unfinished business Mr earlier y we did that ear I do have an announcement um so the bo foundation and I'll share it through staff if they want we have a $3,000 um scholar up to $3,000 scholarship um that is currently available and there there is some criterias but I wanted to share it because the deadline is April 15th for for seniors for seniors High School seniors yes if you sent to me I can send it out to all the schools okay I'll send it to you thank you thank you any other comment any other question would like to have a motion to adjourn second who will second second motion approved we move the next meeting will take place on April 24th same place same time same day Wednesday but a Wednesday it's a Wednesday it's a Wednesday April 24th come back with a smile and be happy looking forward to see you all hi sh thank you all for being here --------- Kimberly Spire o here I am yes okay uh Dr Deborah Robinson she will not be here today Marcus Brown good morning morning Mariana Blanco good morning morning and Dr uh Cassandra okay we have a quorum okay great um so we're pulling the document right now and our goal today is just to get it ready to present to the um entire DEC correct I'm gonna sign in upstairs so I'll be right back okay I'm pulling it up now um Mr oswal is going to sign in upstairs so okay um one second give me one oh wait let me sign into the meeting first H oh um call for public comment okay check there's no public comment thank you I'm just holding off because I think it's easy if we look at the document together yes I'm going to um do it now um Jonathan can you stop sharing am I using that computer okay all right let me um pull up the document what was it called Keith I just put Keith's name in it okay there it is all right um and then meet and then share and then share and then view I'm going to make it just a little bit bigger for you guys I can see it okay but yeah that's good is that better um yes Dr that is um Corbin thus is on good morning Dr Corbin Thaddius morning morning ladies and gentlemen how are you all hanging in there morning morning it's Friday Eve good morning morning Friday oh yeah makes it better oh okay oh I'm having I don't know I will turn off my sound I guess the microphone on as well as the um microphone on the um computer um so what I did is I added some midyear disciplinary data um onto the form um as well as some attendance data I gotta go back here all right so I added some um midyear disciplinary data as well as some attendance data so um I don't know what we want to keep and what we want to take away so um go ahead and review that um and how that how you want that worded can everyone see it do I need to make it bigger yes no we can see it on this one I want to get Dr Corbin thus is um thoughts before sharing anything can you repeat that I'm sorry can I jump in for second I wanted your thoughts on this section Keith were you gonna say something yeah I wanted so today I think all we really wanted to do was make sure that we go through just each of the recommendations for approval I think this part with the data Jina will come later after we like tease out and our last meeting I don't know if you were at that one we would tease out each of those with more details but the general recommendations that get approved by the larger DDC to right forward to the board and this part would come after okay so you want me to remove this from from this form from this particular well I think we got to take the one with some of the yellow highlights and just go through one more time we were pretty much there but at our last meeting we said let's just go through one more time prior to the T clock before it gets presented so we'll start with that um that was my understanding yeah I think that's right Keith um and I would say Miss Simmons can we when we get to the data piece one of the data points would be um the percentage of black male students are who are in um advanced placement classes okay so but that's later but that's one data point that i' I'd like to have included okay I would say advanced placement IB and all of that all of those yeah yeah what if I say advanced placement courses does that include all that do people is it does that mean just one thing because I always get confused about that langage it's called accelerated courses and so that would include Advanced that that includes umbrella that includes advanced placement um dual enrollment IB that would include all of those courses okay accelerated courses courses thank you that also does that also include Ace yes great that's my request then okay so are we not including the disciplinary data the attendance data because I possibly that as an attachment okay so I'm GNA remove this okay so the highlighted parts are were were like Keith Keith's notes and so what I did is he put student L voice in par in parenthesis and he highlighted it I just moved it up and said launches and maintains a student voic Le media campaign am I UNH highlighting that meaning UNH highlighting and keeping it yes yes yes so I didn't change any wording I just kind of um like created points where Keith had um where he had it in parentheses so and Pull It in bullet points so um he said um Team to work out details on how to use database what um CBO would be part of the database communitybased organizations would be part of the database and Define engage are we doing that now in this meeting or would that be something that um DD would be doing as a whole uh Kimberly do you wanna I thought that that was something we were going to do like a Next Step yes what I was about to say I'm sorry I was on mute is do we W to put this at the bottom of the document with next steps colon and list these or just put it on a separate document for us to remember so what I could do is I could do next steps because this would be a next steps for this particular bullet point I believe right and then but put it out Take It Outside of this part of the document what do you mean do you all agree that we just have this document and then we have like the next steps at the bottom separate and this document just flows with the main um language that we worked on what do you all think I agree with that okay that was three people talking so what did you say Marcus and then I believe somebody and Mariana or was it Mariana and Marcus that were talking so what did you say Marcus I said I would agree with with what Kimberly said okay so we're taking it out of this document and just having it as an attachment okay and the way we do it is could be like um 0.1 and then 0 2 so we know which one goes or which like work out details on how to use the database so bullet point one bullet point two so we know what they're talking about since we're taking it out okay so let's do this I'm going to make a copy okay and I'm just going to leave it over in the copy for right now and I'm just going to take it out of here okay does that make sense yes okay all right and so I left the highlighted thing there the highlighted um statement from um Mr Oswald there that says have they been created um I I I didn't know what he was talking about was he talking about the environments I think so so were we supposed to figure out if the environments have been created are we supposed to investigate that I think next steps once we get the main language approved then we're going to be studying um whether these environments have been created at certain schools or districtwide um kind of explore what has been done and what needs to be done um so we take it out here and put it on our to-do list for Point number two I believe which we can do later so we'll just take it out for now does everyone agree right I'm just putting it on the the copy right thank you okay I just didn't want to take out the um absolutely I agree okay all right and then this one was um create an ongoing advisory of SP spms to Foster open dialogue and then it had issue Solutions ongoing in two-way street so I'm going to leave that on the copyright are we put leaving this on this document I'm wondering if we put a second sentence that said this dialogue could include issues comma Solutions Ono well ongoing it should be the dialogue okay go ahead Marcus I was just saying just can we leave it like it is yeah yeah okay so just leave it like it is M okay and then UNH highlight right right all right would we need to capitalize or am I being too much of an editor no no no that's fine I can I I just I what I did is I all I did was remove the um parentheses I know I'm just asking the group you are taking what we created but I'm asking our own edit um okay do we want to use two-way street or do we want to um um replace that with collaboration or collab collaborative effort or do we still want to use two-way street when we're talking about communication and dialogue I I think two-way street applies more because we want the students to talk to the administrators and the administrators to talk to the students okay does everyone agree yes okay all right and then um ceu that stays the same there was no highlight presentations on spms um what is the intent what are the post presentation actions are we leaving that or those were questions that Keith was asking um so what is the intent of the presentations to educate them and probably initiate kind of work on that issue but Dr Corbin thadius I'm gonna ask you I I really appreciate this question because I I'd love to um ensure that it's be it's goes beyond awareness um to some action and I think we just have to think about what what is some like I always call these like mini moves that folks can do without it feeling like one more thing to do um and I think that's something that I'd like to kind of flush out here just thinking about yeah I'm g go ahead go I'm sorry Dr Corbin thus I was just gonna say I I don't I don't have the specifics but I definitely want um just to ensure that there's some U many moves and actions folks can take so I'm going to remove it from this document I just want to make sure that we get through the document before Marcus um leaves us at 9: so um I'm going to remove it from this document and leave it on the copy document and that gives us an opportunity to address that at a um later Dr Corbin Thaddius did you want to kind of build this out a little bit on this document though or no you mean today no uhuh no I want to get through the first phase we can come back to that all right thank you and I get that Dr Corbin thitis because I think that is going to take um some data and some some some data and and what and what's and what and what is needed like what what do we really need in the district for that yeah right and what what already might be present that we can leverage right okay all right okay here we are um this is the multi-level CommunityWide approach um this was the one about the bumper sticker social media PSA honor societies videos um so we can take this off and it'll just be kind of clarification for ourselves when we're trying to work on the next step so take these off do you all agree or do we leave it I really like that I see myself kind of I would like it okay I would like to leave it at this I'd say at this point what we have I think is great um and I think that the the less we we can make edits um but I think the the talking points and things that we have the structure that we have is sound and the thing I like about it is that and just from hearing this meeting and previous meetings if the ddec as a whole has specific questions on certain parts of this presentation each of us or all of us can answer the questions as we go along because we know what we meant when we put it together true so I'd say leave it together and let it flow all right and the other one was the training on behavior health professionals um there's nothing in highlighted for that one um and then the next one was professional development for teachers on creating classroom environments um and then that's it and that's it so is there anything um that should be do so I heard that um Marcus made the suggestion that instead of it being bulleted we should number it no that's that's not correct we can leave a bulleted okay no I saying I was saying that the format is fine every everything that that's been built so far U by by this by this subcommittee has been is solid um and real quickly if I could lend to I think a question was being asked about the purpose I was trying to type it in the chat but I can't um it won't let you type in the chat I was I was working on attempting and attempt at explaining the purpose of this presentation because I think that question was asked unless unless that been flushed out I think go ahead it was asked you're right okay so the purpose of this presentation I would say is to bring awareness uh to the the success levels of or the educational success of black male students throughout Palm Beach County and to provide solutions that will encourage um their their success specifically um inclusivity um feeling respected in the class and being heard that's beautiful that's beautiful did you happen to type it anywhere so we can um put it in yeah no I'm GNA I'm going to type it now okay perfect we love it so we can add that yes and I I really appreciate that Marcus because um there is a there is a unintentional tendency to lean toward the the um the deficit um base data and language and conversation and in this case that's not what we are up to right we are actually looking at the blackmail students who are who are thriving who are achieving academically and that's what we want to promote so I really appreciate you um putting that out there that was kind of my concern about the stats in this particular document is that we're trying to emphasize positives and some of those stats were not did not make me feel that positive it's like a lot of work to be done so if we make it an attachment it's not part of the we are trying to increase the positives and not we are trying to decrease the negatives but we're focusing on the positive or at least that's what I thought yeah that's right it's good to have that in the back in the background as an attachment because there are always going to be people who are there even though we're not and they might need they might need that so we could just have it like you said as an attachment oh I think it's very valuable but I didn't want to lead with that no it was more there for to what you were saying Dr that is for those who are like coming from a place of ignorance and don't understand right why are we working on this yeah okay yay so do we so what I'd like to try to do so is to have Susan email this out to the uh to the rest of the DDC it is on the agenda to come to for a vote so I'm assuming Kim that I don't know if I think you're the chair right yes that you would go through it and then um look for someone to bring the recommendation to bring this forward right to the to the board right um leadership can we leave it up or have the ability to pull it up when we're discussing that so that even though people have their own copies if they're on their phone or whatever um we have it up yeah we'll pull it up when we come to that part okay great does that work for everybody yeah and Keith is this just a pre a presentation to the committee or is this a discussion um we did pretty deep discussion last time end up taking kind of the whole agenda right so yeah that's try I I don't think it's I think it's any clarifying question not really presentation but these are the recommendations we we tweaked them right we went through them the subcommittee over course last month um and to see if there's really any questions I don't think we have to fully present hey everyone uh I I put a an attempt at uh purpose in the chat so if anybody wants to copy that you can certainly massage that if you like um but I just wanted to contribute that and and um we can build from that do where do we want that in the proposal at the top at the beginning um before the ad hoc committee or after the ad hot committee um um paragraph I would say after okay yeah yeah that' be great I like that so much so does that work for everybody yes all right then you get um unless there's anything else you all get like a an hour and fourm minute break thank you yeah thank you team was great appreciate everyone oh then real quick so they say yes this goes to the board um so we bring it to the board board I I think to the board uh would be a a reference in the chair's comments about I think probably via me or via the probably via the chair um that it they they obviously get it uh email to them can provide hard copies as well through the board office so if we can try and bring that up as a recommendation too okay so that they get a hard copy to so that kind of force some people don't read emails maybe if we if the recommendation includes a hard copy through through the board office yes um Keith is this uh what What's the timeline for the board going to the board uh well the next board meeting is the 17th of April so it'll go then and it'll be in the assuming that DC gives full approval the chair it'll be the chair's uh report as well and then if anybody wants to come and sign up to speak to it they're not meeting before the DDC you all could sign up to speak as well if you wanted to obviously okay okay so I have a question um so we tentatively have a meeting on April 25th 24th Wednesday which is the 2 the Wednesday um before the DDC meeting I don't know why why wouldn't we meet the the third the morning of oh the okay so which is the morning of before DDC um this DDC isn't on the 25th because it's we had to move the meeting right so we're meeting on the 24th the morning of so are we still meeting on the 24th um so this would have gone to the board on which date the 17th so that would have all been done I think it would be then what is the role the DDC after it gets approved and sent to the board do we have a subcommittee that's going to work on trying to operationalize some of this to work with District staff or is the recommendation so I think the recommendation is going to be kind of important is it um the board and District leadership I'm just talking out loud to I hope I'm not breaking Sunshine talk about what a recommendation might look like but the board and leader and District leadership to to work on these recommendations um for the school district of Palm Beach County to um are you talking yourself through this or you talking to us I'm I'm talking to you all to think about what the because depending on what happens on 24 depends on how the recommendation is stated so is a recommendation that that they support operationalize uh work with DDC I'm trying to I'm just thinking out loud for the board what we're asking of the board is that what you're asking correct so we want them what is it what is the uh the ask of the board so the DDC recommends they prove to bring this this to the board these recommendation so is it just I think we need a verb right an maybe at the bottom of the document we ask the board to I would say operationalize where we're working with staff because they wouldn't get into the nitty-gritty would they the board members no so is it to to support we're asking so is it we're asking the board and District leadership to support these recommendations yes um and do you understand where I'm trying to go I'm just trying to think what that to support these recommendations now can they operationalize and give an order to staff to work with us or how I don't know what is allowed or what can be well they can they can give feedback to the superintendent to to support this work you know uh they can't they're not going to be obviously because this is just a board report and even they can't take a essentially from an elected official you would asking them to support this work and okay district and the recommendation could be to the superintendent or District leadership as well to support and work to operationalize it this work to collaborate and then GDC support operate operate operation what he say operate Rel Dr D was say yeah I I was G to ask I I was going to ask um uh we make the recommendation let's say that they agree and I think I heard you say that it would um they would be making that suggestion or recommendation or encouraging the superintendent level is that the superintendency level is that where District leadership which includes the superintendents and principles when you say District leadership would include like superintendent direct reports like myself tyranny okay um okay and and so I guess my my next question then from us we would flow down to principles and everybody else right but I'm I at you all's level is where my question is going to be because it's like it's going to be um volunt Haring right and so we would have to have us maybe the committee this is a question do would we here have like um to identify or have conversations with like how do we get a cohort of District level leaders to buy in and become a part of the process so what I will be doing like after today's meeting for our next District leadership our leadership meeting I'll take this forward first to the district leadership to let them know that this is coming to the board um I there's nothing bad here so I don't see um and then where I want to kind of be clear I think what our ask is so I can be clear to the district leadership people so the superintendent you know I mean it's gonna be superintendent tyrannies a couple others right our Communications team to to you unac this you know because it'll be the first time they're seeing it um and um that they're going to ask so to me is that you know that District leadership uh would collaborate with DDC on these recommendations to to operationalize them to bring about kind of what uh what Marcus said um scroll up to the beginning the top again uh to bring to bring awareness of the high achievement of black male students throughout palach County provide solutions that will cultivate that could almost be the recommendation right TW yeah I I wonder um and we don't have to solve it today but I'm it's just a wondering of mine um because you mentioned like the com team the communications team tyranny and maybe there are two or three um superintendents I I can think of a couple that were at the presentation that I did that might be interested in being a part of so maybe it's a small group that is now working to operationalize this um in their respective areas and then the communication team helps us to um you know make it visible correct yeah yeah I think that so that's why I don't want to get two to in the weeds in the recommendation that we're not trying to operationalize it in a in a recommendation but enough that keeps ddc's role in there to collaborate obviously yeah number of you all have the expertise in this space that and to show the collaboration of external and internal work and quite frankly it's I think comes stronger voice when you did those presentations that you're doing extremely strong right they come right and people listen so thank you I think I think the word collaborate I think the word collaborate needs to be somewhere in the recommendation okay let District leadership collaborate with DDC is that am I making sense do we want to put it up at the top in which case I would like to see the top well I don't know if that's I don't know if that's legal so so I'd rather not okay so I'm not with Sunshine line I don't know if we should be talking about what motions might look like so okay but you all can ponder that between the ne the next hour so whoever's going to make the motion okay and is Kim's being the chair I don't know if Kim can do a motion if she's chairing at that I don't think so so I guess that leaves Marcus and Sandra you two to what's what's the motion I'm sorry say help me again you're gonna there's going to have to be a motion right to the DDC to approve and oh go ahead tell me what it is he's not allowed to well I'm saying what I'm thinking it's gonna have to be something that the our recommendation is that the school board and District leadership collaborate with the DDC on these recommendations for successful black male students to bring awareness to the high academic achievement of blackmail students throughout palom County provide solutions that will Cate and maintain their successes specifically focus on inclusivity respect and empathy okay where did you get that from I just want to read exactly what you just said so I got a lot of it from Marcus the last yeah I wanna okay so I'll I'll have to grab this document and um Kimberly can help me sure H got it does that sound like something we would want like do that make sense yeah yes yeah so I move that the these recommendations move forward that the and the recommendation will include that the school board and District leadership collaborate with the DDC to bring awareness to the high academic achievement of blackmail students throughout Palm Beach County provide solutions that will cultivate maintain their success specifically focus on inclusivity respect and empathy Susan so you can cut and paste when you're taking minutes yeah thank you I'm gonna have to record that one yeah I I need to um can you say that one more time that was great and is that in this document because I can't see yeah the top part at the top I imagine a lot of it where Marcus contribut you can take can you scroll up it's in the chat too can you see the chat oh oh oh oh chat thank you I took I took from they want you to scroll up I started with like bring awareness um as part of the bring awareness oh okay the purpose is to bring awareness at hi scroll up they want to see the top part where you added Marcus's com and then the beginning part is that I move that these recommendations move forward to uh the school board and District leadership to collaborate with DC then then Marcus's part to bring awareness where's Marcus's part I'm not telling you what to do I'm just I know I appreciate I appreciate the coaching it's a discussion we're discussing how we're going to present that's right the DDC Comm I'm getting ready to cop so how many there's how many one two three four five bring can I I need to print that nine recommendations um Keith is there still a is there still a um there's still a focus in the district on student voice right that's one of the oh yeah pillars in fact I got some news on that later on that grant that we all you all supported us right in that Grant it's one of my report outs later oh I yeah I hope it's good news he's not gonna tell us it's not gonna tell us make sure you show up all right um and then so back to janina's original question so if that recommendation goes forward then I think the 24th you should keep the subcommittee to talk about what the next steps are right right got Janina Janina I just wanted to make sure is it is it on now okay these there new mics in here I just wanted to make sure yeah of course um I'm going to tell everybody in the subcommittee that I am going to be in California at the time of the board meeting so if any of the other subcommittee members wants to go and speak to the board at that meeting I can write something and send it to them but as Keith said if they don't read their emails and I'm not there to hand them a hard copy I'm not sure if it'll get through so if any one of us wants to go in support of the chair of the greater DEC that might not hurt but you said that 14th is the tell me the date again I'm sorry 177 oh the 17 at what time wait a minute where isn't it Wednesday 17th Wednesday 17th the board meeting starts at 5 typically depending on our agenda he'll do the chair will do his report probably between 5:30 and 6:30 okay and this would be just to give them a is this a giv them an overview or is this just I think whatever comments that kind of move you right that okay I mean if you want to urge them to support this and talk about its Genesis or just say we worked on this if you have any questions or I don't know but we can talk Kimberly maybe you and I can yeah okay on except that I can't yeah so why don't you why don't Kimberly you and I um get together prior just for maybe 20 minutes or so we're allowed to do that right Keith because we're not proposing it to the group we just right as far as sun no because this recommendation is already coming forward this is already coming forward so okay so we're just specifying how we're going to talk to the board so we're that's not right okay justy you could take some of the so typically the the chair gets three minutes earlier so so I have take that back so the meaning is 5360 for the chair's part it'd kind of be like a non-agenda item unless you take some of the time with the chair does he know take his full amount um I mean this will be one of the big pieces in his report so I think we just work with him I tend to write up his notes so we could keep the other parts shorter and you can take you know we have you know the chair and um a member of the subcommittee by Eng for the report you can split the time so you don't have to wait to that agenda unless you wanted to then you get your full three we'll discuss that sorry about my Alexa sometimes scares me when it starts just generally talking AI do we have um I know I know um do we have a motion to adjourn um yes I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 okay I'll second wonderful all in favor Mariana's on I see sorry I'll opposed okay the motion adjourns at I motion I'm sorry the meeting adjourns at 8 or 9:15 sorry all right see y'all shortly yeah