##VIDEO ID:AlvGco4uxCs## e e e e e we all right good morning everyone we have a quorum so we will now get the meeting started uh um I have no introduction should be a quick meeting we'll see if we can break a record here so um but we'll start off with attendance yes okay starts off with attendance um sir many things let me say I'm retired I'm not working anymore wow congratulations wow okay radliff Brown representing technical advisory committee George elore Committee Member Sher Brown representing advis Rick Miller finance committee David Porter construction oversight committee conru Leanne Evans Treasurer uh Dave Dolan uh chief of facilities management Joseph Sanchez Chief Operating Officer Heather Frederick Chief Financial Officer Gordon loffer president of the classroom Teachers Association GE Morales Deputy General counsil to the school board all right members of the public John Enterprises representing arits andth okay we need to go through the members online stay online we have Mr D if I can read them off we have uh L venor yes I'm here from the liance of delil R thank you we have uh Maria antuna Maria antuna with the Hispanic chamber of commerce Palm Beach County uh we have Michelle Jacobs morning Michelle Jacobs Economic Council of Palm Beach County and we have Warren Dan there okay we can see we can see Mr Dan on okay we're set all right uh public comments any comments from the public not seeing any all right uh minutes any everyone have a chance to review the minutes from last month or last meeting uh any comments Corrections move approval got a second on that approving the minutes second got a second um any objections hearing none minutes are accepted lean I think it's on to you okay and I'm actually going to let Miss Frederick speak up just a little bit about the election Tuesday ah yeah so I just wanted to I'm sure the committee is already aware but wanted to um just thank the committee for the the committee's ongoing support the sales tax was approved with 60% approval on Tuesday and so the the committee is going to be in place for another 10 years you know so thank you for your continued support and we want to thank the uh the community for their continued trust in the school district and a lot of that has to do with the oversight provided by this committee um so I wanted to to thank you and and thank you for your your ongoing you know an additional 10year renewal so so we'll be around a while so so thank you do do we get a raise from our 60 minutes per hour okay Leen okay so I'm gonna go right into the presentation um and the sales tax the receipts have come in um through September we're at 1.2 billion compared to the projection of 987 million that's 128% of the projection for this time frame we've now collected 94% of the total receipts for the 10-year tax and 76% of the time um that sunset provision it did we were watching it to see if it got triggered for September 1 2024 and it did not um but it absolutely will be triggered for September 1 2025 um so we know it's going to end um um in December 31st 2025 the new tax will start January 1 2026 so they will dub tail each other um the expenses and interest earnings we've um spent 769 million um we have 144 million in outstanding purchase orders right now the interest earnings to dat at 45.3 million and that line of credit that we had that's been paid off for over a year now the total fees of that for that was 487 th000 and it came out of the interest earnings um the summary that we have for um the committee to see everything um it really goes through and shows the original project original amounts from the budget how much it has changed um and the changes for this meet since the last meeting we have one proposed plan modification to go over today um the cumulative change funded to date expenditures these numbers when you look at the sales tax total that ties to the early report that I gave you the grant total includes other funds to fund other items on the project list such as using cops um borrowing for some of the new schools it shows the purchase orders um committed to date is the sum of the expenditures and the purchase orders um so it shows the referendum committed to date and then the committed based on and it looks like that calculation didn't work quite right it's supposed to be based on the funds available and I noticed some of those numbers are the same so I'll need to go back and fix that my apologies um but it does it just shows um it well no it's it is correct it's because the total referendum is so close to the amount received at this point we received 94% sorry it was trick of my eyes um so it is I've got this as Excel it all auto automatically works so that is correct um so we we're working on spending it I push Dave and his team to spend the money as quickly as we can we have expedited all the funding for the facility renewals so everything's moving forward as quickly as we can get them get the projects done so the last two columns will get to kind of 100% and we still have extra money to spend because we'll be over 100% correct we may we may remember we're dealing with cost escalation and prices coming in higher than we thought so what we'll happen is more and more of the funds will be used we'll be spending more than we thought and we are getting more than we thought so hopefully those two come in very close to each other if we really do have money left over and we won't know that until all the projects are awarded and we're still the transportation centers will be the last ones and they're um working on those now on bids so hopefully I'm not sure the timing but six months to a year we'll know how close we are and if we we may end up over depending on the price of those Transportation centers we do have the authority to borrow from them now that was a legislative change that happened last year so if we do run out we'll take one of those Transportation centers and flip it over to another funding source but I'm really hoping we can fit it all in the sales tax so the the next to last column um that's always going to be based on the original referendum number not necessarily what we collect right so that one would go over that's what I'm saying that'd be over 100% it would yes okay I may tweak the spreadsheet as we go too if it if it goes to 100% it look going to look a little strange so yeah um if we tweak it I'll make sure to point that out as we're going along okay the cost escalation update um I wanted to go through this this is what we committed to show to you um back in June we went to the board June 2022 we went to the board and came to the committee September of 2022 to talk about cost escalation and how we were going to make sure that we finished every project that is on the referendum list and we came up with a plan um to fund everything and at the time our program manager um aeom had come up with with an estimate that it would be $190 million extra that we would need to finish all the projects so we're constantly monitoring where we're at with that and to date we had spent 18 we've got 18.2 of it committed for facility renewal projects and we also shifted the Roosevelt full service back into the sales tax at the last meeting so that ate into some of that funding as well so total use to dates 45.5 million but we also have all the interest earnings that are going to come in on top to help to help fund it so right now it's very close it looks like we're going to spend it all we might be a little over it depends on how much more interest we earn and how quickly the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates and how much prices go up so um I'll keep in the loop and and let you know how that's going but we're we're very close and we have the relief valve of flipping another project to cops if we run short so there's no question that we will absolutely be able to finish every project on the list so in a perfect world if we end up with extra money um I assume we would spend that with projects we would just slip in there that we were hoping to get done but didn't or there's there's two options we have um would that carry over into the next sales no we would we wouldn't want to keep them separate what what my we will bring a recommendation to you but if I was making a recommendation today I would SE suggest that we use it to make Debt Service on the projects that we financed instead of funding them with sales tax and try to pay off some of the borrowings um but that's something we we'll bring to the committee what options we have at that time okay I think that's what we did with the last sales tax when there was some leftover at the end we used it to make a Debt Service payment uh yeah I remember we pulled two new projects into the loop I think North Palm Elementary North Palm we had said we weren't going to be able to finish it and then we were able to bring it back yep okay yeah Mr Miller did you have a question no okay okay and next is the proposed plan modification I should have taken the yes because there's only one um and I will let Mr Dolan review that one uh okay uh good morning everybody um as you'll note we just have the one item on here uh additional uh request uh for $456,000 for um our mechanical scope and our shortage in in FFN um the FF ironically um and Mr Porter you can probably appreciate this what we started with what we thought things were going to going to cost um a lot of our materials for making our furniture has uh Gone Gone up considerably so we are seeing that in order to meet all the needs of the schools as we're going through those costs have um gone up a little bit mechanical Scopes we we we can appreciate that uh you'll notice that um we put we followed your uh request uh from the last time we put that note in there that says the last time in my projected my Futures slide I had identified a $1.2 million need that we had projected and we only need 456,000 um some of the scope um was taking care of in another project in another funded Source um and we pulled pulled the contractor back down on some of that so it worked effectively for us and so again I want to say thank you for allowing us that opportunity to do that Futures slide so I'm assuming because this is it we have no futures um increases that you know about to give us ballparks at this point for the next three months no no that's we're uh only one yeah we're we're in there for those who are familiar with the construction process we do go through ups and downs we go through where um our cork our construction oversight committee will review eight items eight new projects all in one month and then two months later they'll be one um and so we do hit those abs and flows in uh in our our processing of projects and that's I think where we're at now um in my own projects I'm finding a slight downturn and costs are flattening outat are you finding the same thing they are I don't want to say that um they're dropping down I don't think they'll ever get back back but they're flattening but they are softening the increase is less they increases are far less yes okay okay and uh um oh okay um my next uh this is where I always get in trouble because I end up talking way too much so I'll I'll I'll try to skip on through these as quickly as I can um our uh facility renewal projects um as I've as I often say to everyone um to the rest of the world these aren't pretty projects they're kind of boring nobody no no parents may not necessarily look at them and say boy that's great but it's really important you'll you'll notice am I going to be able to do this there we go um some water fountains now you'll notice that uh picture there is a bottle fillers um that's a huge thing especially from back our days in in covid we are now replacing standard water fountains uh with uh with these bottle fillers uh in order to allow a lot of the kids walk around with water bottles a lot of the schools even fund them so um that is a a good touch for the kids HVAC and water heaters not pretty but they're really important they're really important in our World you'll see some of the uh gutter work Windows that's how we always talk about BM making sure that everything's sealed um um flooring at uh pooki Junior Senior High School uh that's uh and then our restroom Renovations as you'll note uh are uh upgrading for the future so these area some of the traditional ones these are one of our some of our more recent um projects in Pro process now moving on to um the major construction projects I'm um I'm excited to point out um this is our new West acreage area elementary school we refer to it as 15E um it's out in the Arden area it is uh relieving it is intended to relieve uh Binks Forest predominantly and um this will be opening up in August of 25 so we're we're 10 months away from uh getting there and as you'll note um and these are a little bit couple weeks old um tilt is up and um all the infrastructure uh underground infrastructures in so we are certainly on track um for having it uh ready for early summer so that if I may this is Maria antuna how many students will that school hold yeah our our traditional number for Elementary School this is a 972 student school okay thank you okay um moving on to my next one uh Pine Grove uh Pine grve as as you you all know um was the uh the original building was this I I'll say this rectangle this dut in in the middle um the uh students were remain there while we renovated these other two buildings and then constructed the new Z shaped building um this August this past August the students uh the school opened up and they all occupied the new Z building and these two buildings and as you'll see in the photos on the right we are now demolishing that old building because ultimately we are uh in in construction to uh uh make the uh par parking lot in that area parking lot and the Bus Loop and such um and we will return what is over here on the far left side the park we return it to its original Park uh condition do we try recycling the the shelter the covered walkway area it looks like it was put at that temporary parking lot uh that is actually it's it is truly a temporary it's not a yeah it's it's a construction one scaffolding and um but uh yes in in general we do try to recover the covered walkway way um whether it be the the actual cover or U columns are obviously a little bit harder to to um recover on with the demo happening you know like 10 feet away from some of the classrooms I mean how's that being managed with kind of noise with the students trying to even hear the teacher uh it's it's it's certainly a challenge well it was a challenge because remember all of the these buildings got built yeah when the kids were right they were still there so they've got two years worth of a year and a half experience seeing that so knock on wood this will be done by the uh by May that's our expected completion I think we've been saying spring so it might be March or April but um yeah we we hope to have it done as quickly as possible limit the disruptions Windbrook Elementary is uh very similar in in similar but different Windbrook is uh the students have been moved over to the Crestwood holding campus uh and the while the existing buildings there are a couple of buildings that remained and those are being renovated and then this new building is the new construction the new Tilt Mall two-story uh classroom uh building uh and again this is also a school that will be open in August of 25 we are also comfortable and happy with it with this one uh getting there okay all right my uh my latest start of construction is the West Riviera Elementary uh modernization um the students at West Riviera are now currently occupying um the second floor of Lincoln Elementary and uh we just started demolition in June so Demolition and underground work uh demolition is pretty much done uh underground work is um well underway and this will be opening in August of 26 not 25 okay historic Roosevelt full service center uh you what you'll notice in the big picture on the left is our uh our renovation and new construction project the big building to the left with the scaffolding all around it is uh the uh historic gymnasium um that project is uh that portion of the work is uh underway predominantly its interior work um and the building on the right there is our brand new twostory um classroom building it's a this is an adult education campus predominantly um and what you can barely see maybe back here is this other little building over here for those are familiar this is what we referred to back in the day as the welding lab um that is also under renovation um all the welding lab and uh this new building will be class room spaces and the gymnasium will be a multi-purpose space Community Based um meetings graduations that kind of thing the uh right the right photo bottom right where that rooftop is for the house didn't you buy that we did isn't that already torn down I no it is it is actually the um construction trailer for uh uh P okay and yes yeah eventually will be knocked down as part of the drainage system for that for this property uh because back when it was built they did not really have a drainage system so we are now including storm storm water capacity in that on the site okay and then we're also well on our way towards the phase two project working with the community and and others uh on uh moving that project forward and that is my updates um I'm not going to bother playing the video but this is certainly a video that our our community our Communications Department put together um when we did the groundbreaking on Windbrook some time ago I didn't have a chance to put it in any of our previous eyes socks so are there uh any questions I don't see any hands raised online nobody in the room okay probably do need to get a motion and approval for that one propos plan item um in a motion for the plan modification we were presented I'll motion to approve the plan modification Vore very good um any objections all right considered approved okay we have the future meeting dates here um and our meetings um we we lined them up so they match up with iro the meeting that happened just prior to this um they pointed out that August 29th is the Labor Day weekend so a lot of hands went up and said that was not a good weekend so we're going to look for an alter date for next August um so I'll update this and we'll probably send out calendar invitations um probably next week to get that out so you have them on your calendar but if there's any other dates that you see that are problematic it's easy to fix them now so just let me know if you see any issues on your calendars do you want to mention the badges to get through the door oh yes thank you um we also some of your badges you should check to see if they expire um a lot of them will expire at the end of the calendar year so if we need to get you a new badge um if you could let Brenda know and I think she's right up there she'll come out when the meeting ends um if we could let you know we can always mail it to you so you have it for the next meeting in February otherwise when you try to come in you'll you won't be able to get in as easily so you want to make sure you have an updated badge so just check your badge make sure if it's going to expire let us know thank you for reminding me all right all right anything by any other members for anything yes yes sir um um I came in late uh this morning I woke up today is my birthday I'm birthday 69 years old um October 4th um I retired from the Solid Waste Authority CFO um and I serve on the Iraq and the finance committee now you're retired we can add a couple more committees happy birthday yeah happy birthday and thanks for your service to the district thank you all right anything else by anyone all right if not we are adjourned thank you thank you second feels good