##VIDEO ID:EEuNqJrLmHM## followed by a workshop special meeting and special meeting for school safety security fsat findings would everyone pleas stand from Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice chair mcquinn iedge Al FL United States of America stand indivisible with liberty and justice for all at this time we will begin the special meeting for exposion Mrs Sinclair please call the row district one Barbara mcquinn here District Two Alexandria aella here District three Karen BR here District Four Erica Whitfield here District Five Frank barbier here District Six Mara Andrews here District Seven Edwin Ferguson here okay also joining us though the record will reflect that we I'm sorry we're fine it's me um I don't have any items to add for good cause Mr superintendent do you have any items to withdraw no Madam chair okay board members do you have any items to PLL okay I'll take a motion to approve the agenda motion by Mrs Andrew second by Mrs Whitfield any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously any disclosures or extensions okay we don't have any agenda item speakers I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda motion by Mrs Whitfield second by Vice chair mcquinn any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously we don't have any new business so I'll take a motion to adjourn the meeting motion by Miss aella second by Mrs Whitfield any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimous ly I apologize for my voice good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I'll Now call the workshop to order at 2:02 p.m. the record will reflect that we still have a quorum with seven board members present also joining us is superintendent Michael Burke general counsel Shan Bernard Inspector General Teresa Michael and board clerk Tony Sinclair senior staff members will join us periodic as directed by the superintendent viewers and listeners can access the meeting today by either watching on Comcast channels 234 and 235 Erse channel 99 or by using the YouTube link on our web page at pom Beach schools.org in the event that the link is interrupted for technical reasons please switch over to the TV channels all board meetings are recorded in their entirety and posted on the district website within 24 hours we also offer a listening only option which the public can access by calling 561 35759 or tollfree at 1866 930 7015 the meeting ID is 51561 88 0124 pound I'll now turn the workshop over to the superintendent thank you madam chair and is my pleasure to invite up our good friends from Education Foundation Mr James gavros and Miss Teresa West they are going to be providing the annual report and sharing with us all the all the efforts on behalf of our students and schools throughout Palm Beach County so we'll just give the team here a minute to I know they've got a presentation they were going to take us through welcome Mr gabos Miss West thank you superintend a more formal uh overview of the work we will be covering covering fiscal year 2324 the fiscal year for the Ed Foundation begins July 1 ends June 30 so we'll be looking at the report for last year's fiscal year in the interest of brevity today we're going to kind of move through the overview I think you've heard me four minutes a month for the last seven years you know who we are and what we do and how we do it uh I do want to just pause on this slide where we talk about our board of directors and specifically recognize the members of our board who are from the school district starting with superintendent Mike Burke Deputy superintendent Ed Tierney Chief academic officer Dr Glenda Sheffield we now have uh Erica Whitfield on our board uh Karen you will always be a member of our board family uh Leanne Evans who was down here earlier uh doing some signing for us and our newest member Dave Dolan and we want to thank all the members of the school district who are active members of our board of directors let's get into uh the heart and guts of what we do when we talk about the work over the last couple of years but specifically in fiscal year 2324 you'll see in total we uh provided just under $3 million in value to the school district and let's look at that breakdown on the grant side of the house we're going to look at two different categories if you look at the left side of your screen this is a Consortium of Florida Education Foundation matching grants uh last year the matching grant program totaled $53,500 [Music] some money from the state budget which we then match dollar for dooll with local dollars so every one of those programs that you see there for example the Atlantic Eagles Finance academy uh the local partner being Bank of America they put up 50% we get 50% of the funding from the state budget stepping up stem and pooki one of our longest running and most effective and impactful programs the local funer being Ventus charitable Foundation as well as aerojet Rocket dine the behavioral health Technician career p uh pipeline that local funer is quantum Foundation rocket powered robotics we want to thank aerojet rocket dine for being our local fun digital inclusion I'm going to say more about that as I will with go teach educate affirm and Spire with the Spire reading program is our partnership with the Chamber of Commerce in Boer Ron their Golden Bell foundation and then building oral language and vocab in VPK is our partnership with PNC Bank all of those local funders put up 50% the other 50% coming from the state budget I would remind the school board uh and all of you who are listening at home that item comes up on the Tallahassee budget every year and we certainly encourage you to reach out to our 13 local officials Our House of Representatives and our state senators encourage them to continue uh to approve that item in the budget uh it is now a six million recurring line item in the state budget and as you can see just do the math there our portion of that in Palm Beach county is about $300,000 on the right side of that slide there you're seeing the program specific grants those are just fed strictly from us at the top of the list we're very pleased with this grant we received uh for the police department that came through our friends at ADT we want to thank Bob Tucker for making that happen uh I don't think our school of police get near enough credit in this community for the great work they do and we were privileged to make that Grant the rest of those I think are things that we've talked about at the board reports so again in the interest of brevity I'm going to move on and we'll certainly take some questions at the end our digital inclusion program uh we picked up a stray a guy named Mark Howard who was is doing a great job he's now part-time working with the foundation you got to hear him last month at a forthcoming board meeting uh Mark will give a formal and more in-depth presentation on the digital inclusion plan and how that is working with our partnership between the school district and certainly Palm Beach County so again in inst of brevity it's out there but we'll give you further details later resilience to the community I would be remiss if I didn't thank Keith oswal and his team for doing great work with Jennifer Ethridge uh this is a federal not a grant but a contract provide resiliency training uh for our teachers we've spoken about this in past board meetings so again I'm going to move through that but that is a huge program which is continuing this year we are now looking for since the federal uh contract is sunsetting we are looking for local funders who will continue that superintendent Burke because we believe that the mental health of our young people is Paramount uh one of the programs that has had some outstanding uh outcomes is funded by PNC Bank and our board member Kim reckley you're going to see that 98% of the kids participating in this particular program uh demonstrated an increase in their star early literacy assessment scores we are all very concerned about reading and the reading level of our young people this program is helping them get uh kindergarten and first grade ready so all credit to PNC Bank for that program we talk about our goate teach quite a bit uh quickly as you look at last year's goate teach grants we awarded 88 of them totaling about $185,000 uh involving 61 schools 1,000 769 teachers and over 24,500 students were involved in the various goate teach programs these goate te grants range from one to 3,000 and with the the generosity of Dr David Nicholson and the Styles Nicholson Foundation we do award $5,000 uh uh financial literacy and stem grants at the elementary middle and high school level so at all three levels in those two categories thanks to Dr Nicholson we are awarding those $5,000 go teach grants this year on Thursday evening October 24th at the Boon Beach cultural and arts center we will be awarding this year's go teach grants and I believe there's 91 of them totaling $190,000 we are awarding more funds this year for go te than ever before our career academies continue to do very well as we continue funding the hva program at Royal Palm thank you to carrier the cyber security program is in its final year of funding from the Frederick a DeLuca Foundation I've already mentioned the finance and Behavioral Health technician uh programs the F fire science academy which we were able to secure the original funding through JP Morgan Chase and the othery as well I'm moving through that slide again I spoke about the cyber security program last month another program we provide as a service to the school district we administer a couple of different scholarships uh we administer the winter scholarship which is now I believe in its 20th year uh there are four of our elementary schools participating in that particular program for the last last three years we've been administering a scholarship program for HCA providing scholarships for our young people who are R into careers in medicalm and I am pleased to announce that as many of you are aware our board member and beloved member of this community Kelly smallidge uh recently lost her son uh the business development board has started a scholarship in honor of Rhett smallidge and we are the Fiscal Agent for that as well so we'll be running three different scholarship programs as a service to our students speaking of these various Service uh Services super attendent Burke you as a CPA will appreciate this uh ladies and gentlemen the board you know about our grant programs you know about red apple and Teresa will be speaking more about that momentarily another service we provide for the school district is we serve as the Fiscal Agent and I believe right now we're up to about 50 accounts totaling some $748,000 under management uh we do not take a management fee for this this is a service we provide to the school district it's another way that we help you carry out your mission as you can see all of those various Fiscal Agent accounts are involved in our schools in our in our students lives and here I want to thank Sam who was sitting in the back Sam Pasley our accountant uh who is himself a former teacher in the Palm Beach County Public School District he saw the light superintendent and came over to the good side of the force uh in the nonprofit world but he administers all of these Fiscal Agent accounts again I repeat we take no administrative overhead on this it's a service we provide to the school district our signature program is of course Red Apple Supply at this point I'm going to turn it over to miss Teresa West who was going to walk you through the next few slides thank you James and hello oh hello T all um good afternoon everybody we're excited red Apple supplies as you can see has really grown throughout the years um you can see the impact numbers there but last year just almost $1.9 million in school supplies distributed and since opening the doors in 2016 eight years ago we've distributed $7.5 million of school supplies and resources and I think this gives you a nice visual of the different numbers starting from 2016 when Red Apple supplies first started all the way to this year and we did see a big increase with the students served and about 20% I would say um so it's very exciting and will continue to grow especially um which we'll talk about in a few minutes the new building coming up in a few months this slide I think is really important just because starting with the first year of 50,000 which we thought was really big and now fast forward eight years with uh $1.8 million uh this past fiscal year of supplies distributed which was about a 58% increase so that was really exciting and we got to see more teachers we have the online shopping available um and we'll continue to reach more and more teachers and students backpack initiative which a lot of you are involved with or know about but this year was our largest year and we distributed um it's actually 24, 640 backpacks uh delivered to 44 schools we did have a few backpacks and schools along the way um one really exciting thing that came out of all of this was our volunteers we almost doubled the number of Volunteers in volunteer hours to make this happen and we held it all in the month of July so two shifts per day five to six days a week it was a very busy July but very um a lot of smiles and a lot of good impact at the end I talked about our volunteers but on the bottom left of the slide you'll see one of our we call them our Apple Core volunteers that's Barbara Jud if you've ever met her she is amazing actually a former teacher as well her daughter's the teacher but she is at Red Apple helping us and we cannot do what we do without our volunteers we do a number of events throughout the year um obviously this Sunday hopefully you're all early risers we have our heroes and education 5K this is the 10th year Teresa was actually uh on staff when that was started 10 years ago so we're very excited we have I believe we're projecting over 1,600 uh registrants uh to be running in the race so we're very excited for this uh the Sunday's event the go teach classroom grants I've highlighted we also administer for the district the celebrate the great where we recognize our teacher of the year principal of the Year assistant principal of the year and School District uh employee of the year our distinguished alumni and Leadership award uh is held in the spring where we recognize one of our alums who has gone on to great success superintendent Burke you planted the seed in us a couple of years ago we are exploring the formation of a Palm Beach County Alumni Association uh graduating 12,000 kids a year my guess is we've got a couple hundred thousand alums uh we just need to connect them so we're looking at the mechanics of how we can actually make that work with a staff of 10 full-time and two part-time it's stretching our capacity a bit but superintendent Burke I do want you to know we are exploring that and then of course in partnership with Joe Sanchez and your amazing facilities group The Bill Malone for our school's golf tournament which we hold in the spring as well those are the major events that we do in addition to the corporate fundraising and grant writing that we do that provide the income to carry off all these various programs back to Teresa so the capital campaign we're uh nearing the end and the building is almost finished we were there yesterday and they're working on all the interior finishes and which is very exciting if you haven't been by we're doing a few hard hat tours coming up but we plan to um do all the close uh the final punch list and then we'll hold our ribbon cutting on January 16th so we hope you all can join us for the ribbon cutting and we'll also be stocking our warehouse so that way we have all the supplies and um we not doing the tour with an empty Warehouse so we'll U more information to come but we hope you will join us for stocking the warehouse as well on our stocking the warehouse we'll be reaching out to our Champions organizations individuals I won't look at anyone in particular to get your checkbook out even though he may no longer be on the school board Mr Barbary but we will be working on that uh on the capital campaign itself um superintendent Burke as somebody who runs a system of 182 schools you can appreciate this is probably the first time in history this has ever happened ladies and gentlemen as we have shared with you Proctor construction is now about six weeks ahead of schedule and significantly under budget I don't know the last time a building was built in Palm Beach County that came in ahead of schedule and significantly almost um 8% under budget and so we want to thank Proctor construction for all the work that they have done they will be turning over the key to us uh in the next say three weeks we'll be moving in November in December when we come out of the holiday break on January 6th we will be fully operational in our new facility as said doing our ribbon cutting on January 16th we're looking now at a building that's going to cost originally we said about 14.9 million it looks now to be more like 13.9 um Sam's in the background and he's not throwing anything at me so I think I'm pretty safe on that number um thanks to Teresa and Rita and our fundraising team we've raised about 12.5 so in order to close that Gap while we're still actively uh cultivating additional donors uh just literally minutes ago uh we are signing documents with TD Bank for a .5 million line of credit we will access what we need and then as we raise the rest of the funds for the capital campaign we will close that line off but as school board I did want you to know that we have taken out that line of credit through TD to make sure that we can get our bills paid in an expeditious manner some fun facts um I wish I covered the 69,000 but I thought that was a pretty amazing number to share that the new building will have 69,000 pavers but you can see a lot of the different facts and figures and the numbers that go into building this amazing new facility as Teresa said we were just there yesterday it is a 32,000 ft facility Proctor is done with the outside there we are putting the finishing touches on the inside uh we are offering these hard hat tours uh there are four of them set aside in October and November if you'd like to come and get an advanced look uh give Teresa a call and we'll get you scheduled um and that is our very very brief overview um I want to thank superintendent Burke certainly starting with you uh chairwoman Brill not only as your role now as the chair of the school board but for over a dozen years you sat as a member of our board directors you know you've been involved in the weeds with us uh Erica Whitfield you know now you as a member of our board Dave Dolan if you're here somewhere we want to thank you as well uh Ed Tierney Dr Sheffield Leanne Evans all of the school district for your incredible support for the work we do at this point we will stop and take any questions you have about the programs I can bring back some of the program slides whether it's the program site of the house the red apple or anything specific about our Capital campaign before I call on the board members I'll be brief because you don't want to hear my voice just to say that thank you for all that you do we couldn't do what we do without you the transformation of the Education Foundation over the past years has been nothing short of amazing and I can't wait for the ribbon cutting so thank you thank you thank you Mrs Whitfield thank you so much I just wanted to take a minute to um thank you as well I um was thinking about it the other day and I couldn't believe that there was a time where we didn't have an Education Foundation that looked like this um it has been so helpful for this community for our schools the work you guys do is definitely more than the staff that you have it is incredible how much is happening and to see the new building in action I cannot wait to be able to see it completed and to be able to be in there and to have our meetings in there um it has been uh just wonderful having you all as a partner in our school system and I just want to say thank you so much if I can respond to miss Whitfield and I I do need to say this about the staff you've heard me say this and I don't say this with any uh snarkiness or false humility I could be replaced by a trained squirrel but if you took our staff out of the picture if you took Teresa or Jennifer or Rita or angel or anybody the the Sam things would fall apart um you mentioned our staff I do want to let this board know last week at the cfff conference um in Orlando Jennifer Ethridge who is our program director who many of you have met many times Jennifer was singled out out of the entire State of Florida there are 64 education foundations comprising about 360 employees Jennifer ethd was uh selected as this year's Superstar staff award awarde uh and she was given this award on behalf of the entire State of Florida not just because of her professionalism and and her dedication to her craft but what she has done for other education foundations superintendent Burke you and I have chatted about this many of the programs that we have spearheaded here uh the resiliency program the fire science academy the behavioral health technician because of Jennifer are now spreading through Maran County okachobee County and other parts in the State of Florida and so it is a first class sta Erica and I thank you for that Mrs Andrews thank you and I look through your packet and just love everything that you do and I don't want to go through everything because all of it's great but I want to tell you you communicate so well your partnership with the school district of Palm Beach County truly helps our children first our school centers our families uh our teachers our principles everybody actually uh get something from this relationship that we have with you and I've seen you grow from the very beginning and look at you now and now to have the new building but it's truly not all about the building it's nice to have that but what you do inside that building means so much and the stakeholders the partners those business partners HCA as well as all the rest of them that partner with you and go and do the grit to make it work and collaboration with the schools and the children it's fabulous so today is a day to celebrate all that you do for us to say thank you and continue to just keep on moving We Appreciate You Mr dbar beeri Mr gillos you're too modest um you do have a great staff but it's the the turn around in this uh Foundation is just unbelievable I've checked some of the other foundations around the state we must be the Envy of the entire State uh what you've done in the short time which is probably seems like a lifetime to you um as the head of that organization it has made an immense difference in the district and in our schools and with our children so um although I won't be here to do this again next year I'm going to come up there because I told you I plan on spending a lot of my time volunteering to help you all out there so uh I'll see you all again up there have I got a place for you to volunteer I'm sure you do well thank you James and Teresa appreciate your ongoing support it's a great partnership thank you very much at the end of the day folks uh we brought just under three Million worth of value to the school district in fiscal year 2324 and we look to improve on that in 2425 thank you for all of your support have a good rest of your meeting all right so that will bring us to our annual instructional review Workshop to be led by Deputy superintendent Ed Tierney and our chief academic officer Dr Glenda Sheffield I do want to point out where they're getting situated um that we we we challenged the team last year um Mr chne you know oversees all of our principal supervisors and re we re organized our Regional Offices and they got by last year with two fewer instructional superintendant uh but still had a a very good return and uh some great outcomes and then also Dr Sheffield and and other leaders throughout our building here in the department District uh last you know the second semester of last school year after the winter break we deployed nearly 90 people out of their offices to get directly into classrooms and and help work with our students and I think both of those things uh served us well and I'll turn turn turn it over to Mr Tyne to to kick us off here with this next Workshop chairwoman Brill Vice chair Miss mcquinn Schoolboard member superintendent Burke I very pleased to be part of the presentation on the instructional re review for fiscal year 24 I'm always pleased to work on something with our chief academic officer Dr Glenda Sheffield seated here as well your agenda for this brief Workshop we're going to look at last year's performance we'll look at school and District results we'll compare ourselves as always to the urban 7 districts we'll look to make sure that all students are progressing and we will give some academic updates show the board that this year will be better than last year if you missed our subtle reference to the school the district grade of a I'm going to call your attention to the top half of that slide we are pleased with that although not satisfied making that a all the more coveted this year was the state of Florida significantly increase the requirement and earn an a for secondary schools for school district and combination school so it has been 62% for a very long time it is 64% now a significant increase and Palm Beach County not only met but exceeded that threshold you see here the percent of District operated A and B schools the highest going back to since before 2015 and once again that is with a threshold that's significantly higher than we've ever seen in the state of Florida this slide combines third through 10th grade students we're looking at English language arts so a denominator of about 100,000 students and you can see that Palm Beach County moved from 49% two years ago to 54% last year so while of course still work to be done we saw a significant increase in our Ela scores in the combined third through 10th that 54% puts us in our ranking system we traditionally use as second among the irin 7 so we saw a 56 a couple districts at 56 and our 54 score puts at a second among the urban 7 and if we continue across that row our increase of 5% for ELA scores was also ranked second among Urban 7 regarding the increases from two years ago to last year so we saw strong performance and literacy rates in Palm Beach County and are dedicated to continuing to see that Trend this is the same slide layout for math we combined third through e8th grade math and you can see palmach County move from 51% to 55% that ranks us as third among the urban 7 as far as performance and high standards that increase of 4% ties us with the state and ties us for second place among Urban seven districts so plus four for ELA scores for plus four for math scores plus five for ELA scores very very large denominator difficult to move so so we saw strong academic performance on the ELA and math side purpose of this slide is to assure the board and the community that we are watching all students to make sure that the success of some groups of students doesn't mask the lack of success for other so the left side of this screen is Ela the right side is math if we look at Ela difference we see generally student groups performing similarly the one one kind of catches our eye is the English language learner students struggling with Ela standards so we are working hard to support those students in that area if we stick with English language Learners and look across to math it is nice to see that same population exceeding the average gain in math so they came in at 4.9% our district average 4.3% so otherwise generally performing similarly we recognize the need to support them in ela and please that that group is outperforming the average in math the board is aware that last year when we sat here for our instructional review that we had 90 people from this building being pushed out into schools for student facing support we appreciate the 90 people that disrupted their professional lives to do that and appreciate the schools that welcomed those staff members in to the students to whom we owed the most debt so we thought we'd put our learning gains here to review the results of that work and we see our learning gains for English ranked three low 25 were six Math learning gain sth and math low 25 9th I'm just going to call your attention to the fact that the the previous rankings were among the urban seven districts this ranking is among the 67 districts in the entire state so when I say third that's third of 67 evidencing the effectiveness of the teachers the school-based administration and the people who went out and supported those students who were pleased with that we will repeat it of course but we did think it was worth mentioning how much that impacted the students to whom we owed the much debt the board is aware of the emphasis that Palm Beach County puts on accelerating as many students imposs beginning elementary school then middle school and then High School this is truly an organizational effort all the schools in this District the Regional Offices I'd speak with superintendent Burke about this monthly when we're not scheduling in the offseason and we talk about how we can refine our processes to increase enrollment and success in academic in advanced coursework and then when we are scheduling he and I talk at least weekly sometimes more to make sure that we are accelerating as many students as possible you're seeing now the Middle School results of the last two years so we see black students in Middle School have an 11.1% increase in advanced coursework enrollment in advanced coursework our Hispanic students 134% white students up 4.1 and other 6.5 so we see significant increases and we're also seeing that orange line which is the current Year all getting closer together as we close gaps for all students in the district this does not include electives this is only core classes so we're only looking at English Math Science Social Studies so we're pleased with the results of Middle School Advanced course scheduling recognizing that goes to high school Advanced course scheduling which is the college credit scholarship generating classes and that's what you're looking at on your slide now we see over the past two years our black students enrollment in advanced coursework in High School is up 11.6% black students had the highest gain two years ago three years ago to two years ago and then two years ago to last year so for two years in a row the students who we needed to make the most progress with has made the most progress Hispanic students up 99.8% white 6.0 and other 7.1 so we're seeing gains across the board with the largest gains with the students who needed those gains we're very pleased with that we're continuing to find that practice and anticipate continuing to interrup rooll and accelerate more students and then we'll get to some of the highlights you see 113 dis operated schools ranked A or B recognizing that ARB was harder to earn this year great successes among high school middle school and Elementary regarding increases and percents of a and Bs 53% of the district schools improving a letter grade and our middle schools did well when we're ranking them against other middle schools in the state thank you Mr attorney as we continue to just talk about some of the highlights from last year before moving into talking about what we are continuing what we're going to continue to do in the adjustments that were made is that we are excited to thank you Jonathan we're excited about you know right now that first bullet talks about you know the district had the second highest percentage of a-rated schools um following that's following Miami Dade amongst the amongst the seven large urban districts and of course we are tied with orange for the second highest percentage of a-rated combination schools again that's among our seven large Urban um urban districts and as we move into to talking at looking at some of our core instruction we definitely celebrate the growth that we had with algebra 1 we saw 11 points increase um in algebra one the first we are the first among the large Urban large seven urban districts and then in 3 through 10 Ela we saw a Five Points increase there to where it tied a second amongst the large um the large urban districts and again with math with three grades three through eth we saw a Four Points increase there that tied us second among the large urban districts but before we move to the next slides we cannot move forward to not really talk about the success from our glaze region um in last year in FY 24 so we do want to just say you know the teachers there in the Glades the principles that Glades Community um a job well done Miss Moore Angela Moore the regional superintendent and Dr mctier the instructional superintendent the work that they have done in terms of working alongside with the principal the teachers and those students they had an unprecedented year um for fy2 24 so we just want to really celebrate the achievements there from Al Glades region also we want to really look in regards to and celebrate the twetter grades um jump from pamosa Elementry um going from a c to an a they had not been an a since 2012 and then Canal points also um went two letter grades they had not from a d to a b and they had not been in B since 2019 so kudos to both of those schools and there you see that last bullet there our seven schools that had been prove their letter grades reaching historically high ratings um that we had not seen in decades and I know for the essence of time but they are deserving for me to call their names and I'm going to call them real quick okah middle pooki Elementary pel meow spy seminal Trails South grade and Westward Elementary congratulations so again job well done in regards to the performance of our schools our teachers I mean everyone that has just been involved in maximizing the learning opportunities for for our students but alongside with that as Mr attorney indicated and the and the constant support that we're receiving from the superintendent and of course here with our partnership with Dr Parker and her team there at Palm Beach State College we had to put this slide in to really celebrate the success that we had this past year in 24 with dual enrollment board we had over 4,700 students that participated in dual enrollment courses and the number of courses was over 13,000 700 and with that you see the high number of students the courses 95% pass rate in terms of those students earning a grade A B or C with an average GPA of 3.47 but more importantly board we saved our students and their families over $4.1 million in tuition that is a lot to be celebrated and also last year in fy2 24 is the first ever for this District that we've had 110 students that earned their AA degree at the same time graduating high school and seminar Rich LED that charge for us as a district Mr Hatcher and his team there with 35 students John iard came in second with 22 students and then of course the work that Dr H is doing there at Bear Lakes Middle School to where he's accelerating his students at be Lakes Middle School with the opportunity there with the early college summerbridge program there at Palm Beach State as as well at our September principal leadership Leadership Summit the superintendent allowed PM Beach State to come in and you will see the picture there to where we recognize those three principles in front of their peers just for a job well done and the other photo there that's up in the top my top right are our students that earned their AA degree where they participated with Palm Beach um Palm Beach State at their spring um commencement exercise where they had our students there front row in terms of earning their AA degree so thank you to Dr Parker her team for the partnership that we have there with Palm Beach State College continuing talking about the acceleration and our commitment to our families here on this particular slide we talk about the number of students that earn their a diploma there in FY 24 you can see the increases from 22 on up to 24 where we had 2,145 of those students that earned their Ace diploma and you see that we had 191 that earned their a key Capstone through college board more importantly there we had 2,428 of those students where they were all eligible for a full bright future scholarship meaning their college tuition being paid and Mr attorney and I worked very closely in calibrating and collecting the number of scholarship dollars for the class of 24 and what we gauge from calibrating the survey that came in is that we had over $148 million in scholarships for the class of 24 and as we talk about you know career and college readiness well let's look in regards to the number of Industry certification exams that were ministered in FY 24 14,7 95 CT exams were administer administered to our students with a pass rate of 74% so as we talk about we celebrate the successes from FY 24 we know that there are always room for academic Improvement so Mr attorney and I we work very closely um together in terms of doing our SWAT analysis these um the progress we're making is great but how do we continue to close the achievement gap of our students and meeting the needs of our students so this is where this is coming into now I'm just highlighting very briefly for you particularly around that first bullet that talks about Ela in K12 mathematics and that's where we have Incorporated um what we called our achievement level descriptors into our look for documents for our teachers so we're really spending a lot of time in terms of looking at what we're providing to our teachers working closely with our teachers making certain that our instruction is on task and aligned to State Standards um in is of meeting the quality I should say um in regards to our you know um DK's what we call it you know achievement levels 1 2 3 4 Etc then of course we modified our summative assessment our fsqs and our usas to ensure that our students are receiving the necessary practices that they um that they should be receiving to make certain that they are prepared for their progress monitoring State examinations and from the feedback that we receive from our teachers from our principles and other users is that we take we took the feedback we looked at our scope and our sequence um mapping that we were providing alongside with our pacing calendars and we have modifi modified based on on the feedback that we have received and more importantly you're going to hear on these next few slides where we talk about being intentional around the professional learning opportunities for not just for our teachers but also for our administrators and making certain that it is aligned to those foundational literacy um literacy components we have um we started last year with Al phonics initiatives we're continuing that work this year um particularly around K2 because we understand that's where our students are learning to read so we have to get those foundational knowledge and what we want to share with you um in regards to the phonics initiative that we are involved in as a district because you've probably heard a lot about youly you probably heard a lot about foundations you probably also heard a lot about estralita think I said it correctly um that we're utilizing there within our dual language schools we're going to show you just a very snip video in regards to what that work looks like the I says is like it so me first when Mama Echo looks at you you repeat okay I it is I you got it now we're going to also look at the I over here mama Eko wants us to learn them on these cards also so what is the name of this letter I I and what's the picture we're going to use to remember the but what are we going to say for the monkey and what sound does this letter make [Music] um thank you again um It's always important for us to show you the work that is actually occurring so we've providing a lot of training for our teachers you can see those are our teachers but the teachers are not the only one that are being involved in the training out principles are involved in the training our regional staff is being involved the curriculum team here in the district office myself Mr attorney everyone that is close to this work we're being involved because we are committed because we want to make certain that we are I should you know we are enhancing the instructional pedagogy of not just our teachers but all of our adult Learners so that was just a snippet in regard to the work that is taking place so again alongside the work the work that is taking place around our phonics initiative that you've seen there again I have to thank um the superintendent and of course our CFO that's holding the checkbook because anytime that we have our initiatives and we are and she sees that it's impacting our students um she really worked closely with us and making certain that we have what is needed um and we have a big training that's taking place here um in October around our youly implementation um for our schools so again thank you so now we go on um leaving the phonics initiative and the work that we're doing there is that we going to continue to work and build in regards to our Universal gifted screener for our second grade students last year in fy22 we provided that um Universal grifted um screener to 73% of our second grade students and it gives the number of students that were impacted there and out of that 73% 21% of those students um showed the potential for giftedness so one thing that we are doing this year is that once we've provided the universal screener the team now is we're working in regards to solidifying and making certain the follow-through occurs in regards to the next R of testing for those students that are being identified and you can see there um with the work that we're doing around our Universal gifted screener that we saw an increase of 22% in identification of our potential gifness students in our elll population as well as other underrepresented um subgroups from FY 23 to FY 24 so I spoke earlier in regards to the professional learning and the work that we're doing in terms of closing the achievement Gap is that here this is just a snippet we did not do a video but this is just a slide here that's showing what the learning is looking like when our teachers are participating and so forth and this particular one here talks about you know our expansion of grade levels and the quadrates that we are providing that it's aligned to our scope and sequence and so forth and again our Flamingo literacy small group framework this is the work that we are doing with the University of Florida around K2 and small group instruction again building the instructional pedagogy of our teachers and other adult Learners the end users Also I spoke about our administrators being involved in their professional learning as well we're being real intentional making certain that the learning that we are providing to our teachers is carried over to our administrators as well so here in this particular side you will see where our administrators are also being um indulging into this work as we continue to close the achievement Gap um again this was just a snippet in regards to the work that we're doing here as a district progress is definitely being made but as we are working we are always looking for those areas in terms of approvement as we are trying to continuously close the achievement gaps of all of our students and ensuring success not just for our students but also for our teachers thank you thank you so I know that um Mr Ferguson has a question but I'll take Mrs Whitfield first thank you I actually um just wanted to bring up yesterday at first of all it was unbelievable but you just showed us is unbelievable was really really good and I don't want to take away from that um especially because I have to pay for college soon and so the impression that I'm having as a mother of a 17-year-old is like wow what a great school system we have so I'll just put that out there um but yesterday I was at the Highland Beach city um council meeting and I was giving them a presentation and one of the questions they had was how do we rank nationally as a school system how does the Palm Beach County system rank and so I reached out to Dr Miller and he said there aren't national rankings on school systems so that seemed tragic to me I feel like there should be some way to compare us with the rest of the country to show how we are preparing children for College and Career and all those things so there must be something out there that we can that we can say like going to school in Palm Beach county is just as good or better than going in New York or New Jersey or wherever you end up being because we have families that are from there so I don't know how we can do that but I think we really should have something because this district is incredible and so I think not just comparing ourselves with the rest of the State of Florida but showing how we are when we're talking about other places in the country that you can live that Palm Beach county is just an amazing place and I'm sure the bdb would also love that so that's my comment thanks thank you Mr Ferguson thank you madam chair Mr tney I'd like to direct your attention back to I think it's yeah page seven of 22 of the slides where we discussed the third through 10th grade ELA scores in third through eighth grade math scores can so these these scores these are the number of of our children who are scoring threes are better is that how I should interpret this correct proficient all right do we have an idea as to why the children that are identified as white are um for example in ela they're 4.2 and the over the average is 45 for the district at large and in respect to math they're at a three as opposed to 4.3 do we have any idea as to why our white students are lagging in that respect for white students specifically yes I don't have a I don't have a specific theory for white students traditionally have done well over the years in testing and I think the cohesion between the regional office the people who work to support schools and then Dr Sheffield's office and providing the training and curriculum are going to continue to elevate all including white and we have a very tight system this year on observing classrooms meeting with Dr Sheffield's team in real time so that we are refining the training that she referenc so often in order to improve instruction and therefore outcomes yeah because I mean obviously the white students proficiency proficiency level is much higher than the other demographics I can see that but obviously from my standpoint I like to see the the tie raise All Ships so unless unless you're saying that a a extremely large number of the white students already at a five obviously you can't go any higher than that but think if we can kind of look into to that that would be helpful for next year probably performing higher had the least room to improve so just we saw greater gains for the students to whom we owed the greatest debt and we still saw everything one going up but I would think someone is going to lag behind in each list and I think they it was this group yeah I know but I mean it's still at least 30% that are not at three so and again I'm not assuming that everybody who's at 70.8 or 70.5 is at a five in fact I'm I'd be willing to bet my next check that's not the case so just for me for next year if if we if there's a way for us to kind of qualify that as far as you know what's going on because all students need attention so that's that's the point I want to convey to you all but as usual good job great presentation to both of you thank you thank you Mrs Andrews thank you and I just want to say to the superintendent uh the administration and especially the school Center the teachers and the children we're just so proud of that a rating people had to work really hard together as you heard here members of this District staff went out to the schools and gave time to really work with our children to work in our school centers so I the trajectory going up for the school district of Palm Beach County we have our a again and that's to be celebrated and certainly uh tonight we're going to be talking about raises for our teachers and and our non bargaining unit and our substitutes we have to just honor the people that truly get on the ground and do the work so I'm just really pleased that we have a tra trajectory going up and I want to say I'm so proud of The Glades region I mean I was just there this morning and I just know it's 40 miles from sitting right here and a lot of the children don't get a chance to have all the things that many of the children in Palm Beach County have and for everyone that went out there and worked so hard to show that the the the skill set is there the children want to learn they want to be recognized for their abilities and we need to give them every opportunity to have the best teachers and success so I was just really proud of my Glades region and I'm going to be celebrating with them as we move forward and I've spoken to Mr Burk as well as Mr tney and and Dr sherfield I I I love Miami Dade and Broward we're part of the Council of great uh uh City Schools as well as uh the urban 7 and I'm hoping that we're going to spend some time collaborating with them I mean we've we used to be on top of them you know we used to be the main kids here in in the process of being right at the top so I don't know what they're doing to kind of move it a little faster than us us because we are moving but they're moving a little faster than we are and so I'm hoping that we will get some field trips to go and talk to their leaders I know you'll see some some of them at the council but hopefully we can schedule some time so that we can get together with them and figure out what is it some of the little uh aspects of what they're doing uh that's making them move even faster and uh but we're just appreciative of all the things that's happen with our children and I was really I'm excited Mr tney because I walked with you when we actually worked hard to get those uh advanced coursework in the elementary school the middle schools and to work with the the counselors and the teachers to do that that's a big deal and when you show these graphs we're just go we're going up up up and we're just going to have to go up up up faster to beat Miami D and Broward and I know we can do it because we beat them before and I was just really pleased with when you look at all of the uh the uh Ace programs and uh and all of the dual enrollment programs you know our children are so excited their parents are excited they're starting College already I was in a high school today and one of the children told me I'm already in dual enrollment Miss Andrews and I can take it right here at pooki middle senior high school so we're doing a lot of great things uh and we just need to celebrate ourselves and know there's still much more to do when we look at our black population our elll uh students with disabilities we see all this growth but we don't have to kind of try to do it all by ourselves so I just really want to want to work with the uh Urban s especially the ones to the south of us because they cop it off of us to get to where they are so we just have to come together as a team and work together but congratulations to our teachers to everybody the district hiring those teachers recruiting them and making it happen all of the substitutes the retire teachers that come back and take the advantage of teaching our children we're getting it done here in Palm Beach County I'm I'm just truly excited about it so congratulations to everybody it's especially our students our teachers in our school centers Miss aella thank you madam chair well thank you both for the presentation I wanted to say that I appreciate the perspective with which you presented the information on the progress that's been made um I really think that there's a lot in here that gives me hope about the trajectory of the realization of who needs the most support and how to do that so I really appreciate that and especially your comments Mr Tierney on what we're going to do to make sure that El students are supported in their success because in most charts they are the lowest performing group um so to that point I wanted to ask um if you could share specific strategies that have proven helpful and how we plan to continue expanding that for supporting our teachers in that instruction as well as our students and absorbing that English language Learners yes please we're we're making sure that the support in the classrooms that the schools are staff with are spending as much time as possible possible in those classrooms and that's from you know reports we get from school and then observations for when we are in visiting schools and then we are constantly I referenced this before we are constantly refining our professional development so that when we do classroom walkthroughs every Tuesday we get together with the academic team Dr Sheffield and her direct reports and then we we kind of look at the highlights and we look at where we believe there are deficiencies in instruction and student outcomes where it's just something the school should be doing differently then the schools are asked to adjust whatever practices they have in order to address that when we think it's a professional development issue or something that we need to be have additional training on as I said before in real time we are kind of interacting with the team that provides the professional development that Dr cheffield spoke so much spent so much time talking about to have it at the next Cadre training at the next school-based leadership training to address right away any deficiencies we have and then of course with our new executive director for Multicultural we walk very work very very closely with her she's important part of all those meetings to insert herself and her team into the success of those students as well thank you I'm really impressed with the outcomes and feel confident in that uh I wanted to say that I've seen uh I think it's Eko the snowy owl in action with foundation so very great tool in our classrooms I think we were in a classroom together where I got to see the owl interact with the students and get them engaged the phonics piece is so important as we're seeing and I think it's huge for Ells as well making sure that that Foundation of understanding language and two or three is is solid so really great presentation very heartened and positive about a lot of the progress and it's just about continuing to stay focused so thank you all thank you all right thank you I'd like to thank the board too for all the support and the resources that you provided to to make this work possible and and thank the team for executing and I do think we're heading in the right direction we we'll stay on top of it so Mr Cherney Dr Sheffield thank you for the presentation there and I'm going to welcome up Mr Tim kubric chief of HR he'll be joined by Miss Diane Wyatt our director of HR compliance and processes and then our uh Miss Jean re Middleton our assistant general counsel also be helping us out and this is a new policy that was uh really initiated by some changes in state law it's policy 3.28 five teachers requests for special Magistrate all right good afternoon chair bril Vice chair mcquinn board members superintendent Burke uh today as Mr Burke mentioned we're introducing a policy establishing a process for the teachers request for special magistrate and presenting an overview of that process to be followed by our teachers principes and the District staff when uh teacher submits a request for a special magistrate the process outlined here mirror State Statute and Rule language and while a policy is not necessarily required we feel it's the best way for everyone uh to to be aware of this process when a teacher feels uh that they have been directed to violate a law or state board rule the teacher must submit a written complaint to the principle within five Duty days that complaint must contain the specific provisions of law that they feel are being or or rule being violated uh the ACT how the act or Omission thank you how the act or a mission being directed to do violates a law or a rule and the resolution they seek for the school responsibilities when a when a complaint is received the principal has 10 days to respond in writing to the teacher's complaint when this happens immediately the principal is going to get support provided by HR uh the resp response provided that the teacher must address the disputed school or District procedures or practices in question and include a recommendation to resolve the complaint or clarification of how the direcor or procedure does not violate a law or Rule and really at this stage any issues with directives that do violate a law or Board of Education rule should be resolved at that time however if the teacher is not satisfied with the resolution or the response the teacher May complete a request for appointment of a special magist r on the Florida Department of Education website if a complaint is elevated the to the doe the district respondent which would be the chief of Human Resources must provide uh the following in 15 days confirmation that the complainant is a teacher with the district the steps t uh previously taken to resolve the complaint and any other relevant information to address the complaint as well as our rationale for the doe to dismiss the complaint the doe reviews the complaint notifies the teacher or the district that the complaint has either been dismissed or that the special magistrate has been appointed and if a special magistrate is appointed the district will secure payment to them within 30 days or I'm sorry 20 days and then participate in the following hearing this chart here outlines the key responsibilities of each stakeholder for this process and we will be back for for development on November 6th so open it up for any questions well nice job Mr kubric it doesn't look like there's any questions at this point so uh questions if there's no questions that concludes our workshops for this afternoon thank you okay so that's going to bring us to our special meeting I'll give every sorry okay need a motion to close the workshop motion by Mrs Andrew second by Mr Barbary any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously okay we're going to move to our special meeting okay I'm now going to call the special meeting to order at 3 3 pm. the record should reflect that we still have a quorum with seven board members present also joining us is superintendent Michael Burke general counsel Shan Bernard Inspector General Teresa Michael and board clerk Tony Sinclair senior staff members will join us periodically as directed by the superintendent board members we have one two three seven sets of minutes take a motion to approve motion by Mr barbier second by Mrs Andrews any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously okay I do have an item that's been added for for good cause item is re- N1 Balon ises Charities Foundation Ben Carson reading room at Timber Trace Elementary good cause exists for adding this agenda item so that work can get underway on Timber Trace Elementary School's Ben Carson reading room within the time frame requested by the Balon Island Isles Charities Foundation which is generously agreed to financially support this initiative of the Carson Scholars fund board approval is necessary to get this project underway and to avoid further delays Mr superintendent do you have any items to withdraw no Madam chair board members we have one item pulled lr1 any other items to be pulled seeing none I'll take a motion to approve the agenda motion by Mrs Woodfield second by Mr Barbary any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously do we have any disclosure and extensions seeing none superintendent comments uh just one comment this evening I want to say shanat TOA and wish everyone celebrating rashash Shana happy New Year uh we our schools are closed tomorrow of course but I know the this the celebration recognition of the holiday begins this evening at Sunset so that concludes my comments Madam chair thank you Mella Mrs Whitfield Mr Barbieri Mrs Andrews yes yes I do have a few uh I want to just thank the uh the Orange Bowl and the uh football uh Foundation uh playoff uh football Foundation the NFL for really uh doing a great job at KC canel Point uh elementary school media center what a great day I'm hoping we have some of the slides up if not we'll just keep moving it was big the superintendent was out there the children were so excited to have their new refurbished media center and I think I saw it online with the school board and so maybe many of you saw the video that was on the website everybody's excited we're so thankful to have another media center right here uh within our school district with all of our business partners helping Mr Keith Oswald is the leader in this process uh belglade Elementary K Cunningham just getting it done for our children working with our business part partners and this morning at Glade Central High School we had thank a teacher and it was my honor to meet Mr Cortez this morning he was a student at Glade Central so we are growing our own Mr cubic uh he went back to school to get his degree and he's just a young man that's making a difference and he was honored by HCA Florida uh healthc care Palms West with a $350 check today his kids says hooray he's the best teacher ever and we just had a wonderful time the band was there there the cheerleaders were there and we were just so excited to uh congratulate someone that we grew right from the classroom into the classroom uh at Glade Central uh he's a Raider all the way so we're happy with him and I don't know if many of you saw the article in the Palm Beach post this weekend with Omar huuk uh Chief Mooney one of your guys out there with the badge I saw him this morning I touched his badge but he's also the football coach and they're winning winning winning but he's really working with the children talking with them about how they can be the best that they can be you don't have to win every football game you don't have to go to the NFL but you just want to learn grow and develop to be a successful Citizen and be productive in the society so I just loved uh Omar and he is part of The Glades region he came back home to make a difference and then I'm looking at the uh agenda I'm so excited for all of our teachers because they're going to get a larger paycheck uh our non- bargaining unit people and certainly for our substitutes we have increased the salary for substitutes we're paying them more and that's how come we're an a-rated District because we value our people so I'm just thrilled today to say that's a lot of great news a lot of great things happening within the Palm Beach County School District thank you thank you Mr Ferguson thank you madam chair so just want to update the community on a few events that I was able to attend since our last school board meeting on September the 19th um the official day is not take your take your child a school day and I'm sorry that it it's slipping my mind right now but in any event I had a chance to go to Roosevelt Elementary and uh get a chance to kind spend some time with some of the parents the dads the moms who took their children to Roosevelt on that day I know that was a a countywide event I think I even saw the district post a video as well at one of our schools so um it's good to see such a large turnout of um Family Support there and there's some photos up there on the screen I guess now I posted as well and then also our annual Constitution Day that was a big success um that the area was packed on that Friday with students from across our County a few of them actually I guess essentially was they were kind of acting like a pet lawyers uh speaking to the judges about a criminal issue that had some First Amendment uh right issues involved in it so it's really cool just to be here with that as you can see very large turnout as well so great job to Dr John and everyone else who helped coordinate that Dr Sheffield and every the entire gang who did that as well and then I also had a chance to speak with some who I anticipate will be future principles here in the district on September 23rd at Orchard View which is down in Del definitely outside of district 7 but it was good to spent some time down there uh speaking with them sharing my experience hearing some of their experiences as well a very productive conversation and then we had a great Town Hall 14 in Rivier Beach that was on the 24th day are really starting to uh run together here but in any event had a really good turnout uh a lot of interest in Rivier beach in terms of what we're looking to do in terms of reshaping Early Education I think that kind of falls into what uh the Ed Foundation spoke about earlier and some of the board members have expressed in terms of the importance of increasing the number of children who are kindergarten ready uh and how that ties into future success not just in school but in life um also the project uplift community cleanup was on September 28th again we had another uh large turnout we had more much more than that number there um we had roughly 60 people and we're going to of course have it again the fourth Saturday of this month and we definitely are expecting an extremely large turnout in fact we have a guest attendee I want to spill the beans just yet but we'll have a guest attendee out there uh sweating with us uh helping to make West Palm Beach uh beautiful and then last but not least yesterday I had a chance to go to the college fair uh and it was really good it was really good I was speaking with staff and they told me that we had even more more uh schools here this year than we uh did in the years past so I want to compliment I know you're all not here those of you who made that such a such an amazing success but I want to congratulate you and encourage you all to continue pushing to the higher Mark the children are benefiting from the hard work that you all are putting in so even if if nobody sees it uh if nobody Pats you every single day just understand you all are doing a really good job um and I just want to encourage you all to continue doing what you need to do to make sure that our kids always come first and with that I'm done thank you madam chair thank you thank you Mr Ferguson Vice chair mcquinn okay so I just want to also say shat TOA to all of those who will be celebrating wishing you a happy healthy prosperous and sweet New Year and I do want to just point out just to piggyback on what Mrs Andrews said you know the increase that we're giving our substitute teachers this is the first time since July of 2022 that we're seeing an increase for our substitutes and it's something that many of us have been asking for and just to our retired teachers who are out there we're now paying $20 an hour for our retired teachers who come back so come back and help us we miss you here at Team Palm Beach we have one agenda item speaker CTA president Gordon long Hofer come on up thank you very much good afternoon board members uh chair bril Vice chair mcquinn superintendent Burke and honored guests I am Gordon loffer president of the classroom Teachers Association I join superintendent Burke and chair BR in uh wishing all who observe rashash Shana a blessed and sweet New Year I am speaking today on agenda item LR2 today I ask you to vote in support of the tentative agreement before you but my recommendation comes with added information Florida is ranked 50th and average teacher pay and we can all agree that public education is grossly underfunded by the state and though we may do a bit better in Palm Beach County even our average salary lags well behind the national average and on top of that Palm Beach county is objectively the second most costly Florida county in which to live and work accordingly the last three agreements which raise teacher salaries by 4% or more are quite simply not extraordinary achievements rather they are necessary steps to recruit and retain teachers in our school system and enable them to live in or near the community ities they serve and pay their bills with a single job Indeed teachers are quite honestly earning every dollar they are paid Mr tney spoke earlier of the work that teachers have done to return our district to its a rating and they did that in spite of the fact that the state with its moving Target placed the goal higher than it ever has been before given the information I've shared the work done by teachers the costs they must bear in southeast Florida and the recent pattern of better raises I ask you to join me in a commitment to 4% as the new floor for annual raises teachers have done and continue to do hard work in spite of obstacles placed by state government and continue to excel we must therefore find and chart A New Path one that shows teachers the tangible appreciation we all know they have earned and deserve thank you thank you okay I will now that moves us to the consent agenda I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda motion by Mrs Whitfield second by Mrs Andrews any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously Mr superintendent that brings us to new business lr1 yes I recommend the board approve the proposed school calendars for the 2025 2026 and 2026 2027 school years as submitted motion by Mr Ferguson second by Mr Barbieri any discussion that's actually my discussion um I pulled it because um my my constituents overwhelmingly have asked every year that we not start school until the third week of August and so as usual I'm going to be voting against the calendar Miss aola thank you madam chair I had a different question that I was hoping to ask through you to the superintendent regarding the calendar um I recall that there was discussions last meeting with regards to juneth as well as other holidays and in looking at the calendar given that it is in June and that the district closes on Fridays during the summer I had a question about how that would impact community child care opportunities when we move it to the the Thursday closing as well if you could please explain how that will impact our community yes so uh yeah the discussion from the last Workshop we we felt there was a I walked away with the sentiment that we need to treat this as a holiday like we would treat any other like if it was July 4th or June 19th uh so we went back to the drawing board and adjusted the calendar that with the district being closed uh June 19th will fall in 2025 on a Friday we're we're already closed because of our four-day weeks so to commemorate that holiday we are going to shut everything down on that Thursday June 18th which will close our U we'll avoid scheduling summer school on that date and then it also impacts our summer camp programs Madam chair a followup is that the case for both years that this is approving it is because in uh in 2026 June 19th falls on a Saturday so we would and we continue to back that up to the the work the scheduled work day that normally would be in place before the holiday so we will be closed on uh Thursday June 17th in 2026 one more followup yeah that that's concerning to me on that front I know a lot of I've been hearing in regards to the potential changes in times for bus schedules given our opening that is being required by the state in the start times that one of the biggest concerns families and parents are having adapting that into their lives is the difficulty of finding child care so I'm not thrilled at making that more difficult when a day is already closed and off that's what I'm not understanding is the day is off it's a national holiday we recognize it we support it but we are now taking another day where parents have to find additional accommodations for child care the uh well the on what I would say is that I appreciate the board approving the calendars well in advance and that's why we we brought them to you kind of proactively so that our families can start planning well ahead and uh we'll be sure as we promote our summer school programs to make it known that uh we're going to be closed on those dates and uh that families will just need to plan accordingly okay thank you Mr fer Madam chair I just wanted to ask you a question you said that a large number of your constituents would prefer that we start after the third week and August can you just elaborate on that please actually it's the the third Monday of the month and it's because a lot of them some of the teachers that are in my district teach out of state some of the parents have their children in programs out of state and we're so out of out of alignment with the rest of the country in terms of well at least the Northeast in terms of when we start you know many of them the schools don't start until right after Labor Day so you know every year and I don't know that you've seen the emails I think that a lot of them have stopped they've come to me wanting to be on the calendar committee I know that it creates a pay Gap there are other unintended consequences but because it is an issue and some of these parents have children that do miss those first few days of school um that's why I vote against it okay thank you madam chair okay so all in favor all opposed motion carries 42 with Mella and chairwoman Brill and opposition Mr superintendent R 42 52 sorry blame it on my voice and my head thank you okay rn1 I recommend the board approved the contract with the Carson Scholars fund for the establishment of a Ben Carson re room at Timber Trace Elementary motion by Mr Barbary second by Miss Mrs Andrews any discussion Mrs Andrews I'm just so thrilled that we're going to have another Ben Carson reading room this is a big thing for our children here in Palm Beach County so I'm hoping that this will pass because it's good for our kids thank you Mr Andrew I believe we're up to about 40 now so we're well represented in Palm Beach County okay all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously I'll take a motion now to adjourn motion by Mr Barbary by Mr Ferguson any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously that will bring us now to our special meeting for School Safety and Security the fsat findings I will now call the special meeting for school safety security fsat findings to order at 3:18 p.m. the record will reflect that we have a quarum with seven board members present we don't have any any agenda item speakers so we'll move to the presentation thank you yes uh I'd like to welcome they joined us here Chief Sarah Mooney and deputy chief Vanessa snow uh this is an annual requirement that we submit our fsat report to the state and uh before we ask the board to vote on this item uh we wanted to do a brief presentation so we're we're getting that presentation pulled up now and we'll have a little time I'll just remind everyone that our school Police Department is fully accredited and received the highest rating of excel year Chief Mooney thank you for that recognition on the uh exceler again appreciate that every time um good afternoon um chair bril Madame Vice chair mcquinn and the rest of the board uh thank you for giving us the opportunity to present our fset um uh findings Andor overview for the for this year uh I just want to kind of reiterate the fact that um school safety specialist position is is has very specific respons responsibilities to it that is part and partial to the police the police chief position um and this fsat presentation is is going to be basically a lot of it's going to go through deputy chief snow who is our designated school safety specialist uh the difference in our in our jobs is we definitely work together like we do with every other department in The District in order to ensure that we have the most comprehensive Safety and Security plan on all of our campuses and Facilities uh but that school safety specialist position really keeps us in line with all of the requirements that the state brings forward changes that they have in the laws best practices um in addition to building a team that helps us support each of our campuses with following all those rules and regulations and trying to get through all the weeds on what they have to do as opposed to what the best practices are um I can tell you that in reviewing this the fsat from this year which were conduct they were completed in May and June of this year uh with the assistance of all all of our school police officers on each of our campuses um they're going to look very similar excuse me the findings are going to look very similar than they did last year uh and that I think that the county the the district has done a very good job of being proactive and kind of staying one step ahead of what the regulations are and what the mandates are from the state so we consistently see the same type of things in the fsat at least over the past two or three years which just asks for more things to to expand what we're already doing we've mentioned that we do a bunch of layering in our security um plans that you're going to see that in the in the results today and consistently we we are looking for more cameras we're looking for more Access Control readers we need uh more more options on on locks and that type of thing however we you will see that we're in compliance with everything that we have to do but that's not where we want to stop obviously we've always said that um you know there's no Finish Line to our Safety and Security plans but I think as you as we go through these um go through these slides there's not a whole lot of them and deputy chief goes through the things that that we have been in compliance with and the things that we go over and Beyond with that you'll see that I think we're on the right path and and with your support we continue to keep our schools safe um today's meeting is a review of some of the things that we already presented during the Clos session um it's statutorily we're obligated to present this in in a public form we we're more than willing to take feedback from you on on the results that we have today and then after the uh the vote at after this presentation we will be sending the results up to the state to advise them that we have presented it to the board in a public fashion so with that being said I'm going to turn it over to deputy chief snow okay thank you Chief Mooney good afternoon board uh as mentioned 25 security risk assessments were completed for FY 2425 and we're pleased to report that all of these assessments were 100% compliant with both state statute and the office of safe schools requirements and best practices as we've mentioned before uh these assessments are forward looking site in inspections that are completed in collaboration with our staff our school police and many of our district departments including uh facilities construction M&P equity and wellness purchasing and our security system shop this is all done for the purpose of making informed Safety and Security Site recommendations thank you uh two resounding themes appeared when we went through the results of these uh security assessments the first being that as Chief money mentioned schools do continue to request uh security enhancements to include additional fencing card access cameras and access control and also to augment their Lighting on campuses so with that we recommend the continued funding for these districtwide safety initiatives which we have so uh gratefully enjoyed those expenses expenditures by you over the years so thank you and we also recommend enhancing our tracking of these security systems projects from initial assessment through completion we know that each of us are pinged on the regular when we go to our campuses asking what's the status of our security upgrades uh this tracking will allow us to have real-time responses the second theme that we identified was that the recent approval of U procedural mandates by the state legislature has required us to adjust our current processes and allocation of resources on our campuses not just school police but also our school staff and administrative support So to that end we recommend uh supporting the ongoing training and review of existing District policies to ensure compliance with our school-based staff along with u maintenance and um maintenance and plant operations excuse me and we also ask that you consider the financial and resource implications of these new mandates and potentially adjust the budget if needed and lastly to discuss additional op options for campus perimeter security if needed so based on the forgoing we would request uh that the board acknowledge and accept these findings today and uh we open it up for any questions any questions board members okay seeing none all right then that'll take us to the uh agenda item sp1 I recommend the board accept the School Safety and Security Florida safe School assessment tool known as fsat finding summary and authorize the district to take action to implement the proposed recommendations motion by Mr Barbary second by Mrs Andrews any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously we'll now take a motion to adjourn motion by Mr barbier second by Mrs Whitfield any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously all right thank you for putting up with my voice