thanks for joining me it is 2:00 and I like to get started on time we've got a nice group of people with us already uh and we have started recording our meeting today uh it is our first meeting for the calendar committee and uh I do appreciate your time today with us for this meeting and for this endeavor it will be a a nice uh uh group of meetings for us to get to the end of this task so I do appreciate your time and your energy for us to get through this um and we've got quite a few on our meeting at this time um let me go ahead and share my screen with you that has my presentation for us and share the window so that I can move between that we go thank you and for those of you who do not know me I am Diane Wyatt I am the director of HR compliance and processes and it is my task this year to be over the calendar committee brand new at this so I uh uh appreciate any assistance from anyone who is uh not new with this who has done this and we will get through our process together uh we do have a task where we are going to be um going through today going to go through who our committee members are uh what our requirements and expectations are for today's meeting uh we're going to talk about some of the rules and requirements that are going to govern the process uh for it Identify some of the holidays and um I uh things that are provided for all employees and for uh staff that we need to make sure that we consider talk about the potential start dates uh that are there we have looked and done some review of start dates for other districts that do have calendars created so that we can give you some ideas of What's um happening at this time and um the uh I can see that I have a couple things coming up in chat that uh I uh want to make sure that I see and that's coming from some of the AI pieces uh that are coming on okay um we will uh go into some input from you on the start dates uh some talk and discussion about uh what's happening with those start dates earlier start dates later start dates that type of thing as well um I've got another person that's asking to join so hold on all right believe everyone is in the room okay thank you um I also uh want to talk about a survey that we will be uh um sending out to parents and staff uh in addition to some input from you and a survey that we'll be doing with our committee as well and our timeline uh and activities along with the next meeting for us so let's get started our committee um committee is made up of a lot of different stakeholders within the Comm uh group and again someone else to join uh Caitlyn I am not sure if you're able to assist with joining from outside yes you got it thank you so much Caitlyn I appreciate that um so um we have our Union and nbu me uh Representatives on our meeting um Caitlyn was able to invite and get uh the members to join us we've got representatives from elementary middle and high school principles uh this year we also have PTA Representatives with us uh communication department has representation here along with our uh School transformation labor payroll department FTE School uh reporting research and evaluation for assessments academic representation with our elementary and secondary uh curriculum uh departments along with our Athletics representation so we've got a large variety of um representation here to help come up with calendars for us so let's look at what we need to accomplish so expectations um the calendar for next school year 20242 school year calendar was approved on June 1st of 22 and it was revised uh December 6th of 23 so that calendar for next year is already ready what we have been tasked to do is come up with two additional school calendars one for uh 2025 26 school year and one for 2627 School year so we need to come up with uh those two school years we need to do three options for it so we are coming up with three different options for different start dates different holiday options that type of thing that we will take to the board uh in the fall um uh you know when in the fall I'm looking for for early fall October is but if I were um guidelines get us to needing to take it a little later because we're still working on it then this is flexible it's a fluid process and if we need a little more time then we will take it um this is a little aggressive timeline so I understand that if we are at that point to where we are working on it then you know we will adjust um our first meeting today is to collect that input from you guys what are the priorities what do we need to make sure that we are uh making uh putting forth that we're looking at are we understanding everything that's before us uh I do have on our calendar and Caitlyn will be sending invites for a second meeting uh on July the 18th um to review the three calendar develop you know looking at development for those um based on different input uh I've got a Google form that I'll send out at the end of this meeting to kind of get some of your thoughts and processes um in addition to we will release a survey to parents which we'll talk about uh a little later in this presentation um August 22nd uh we'll be reviewing some of that survey feedback as well and finalizing the three calendar options hopefully and getting District leadership feedback and uh doing a review before the board as well uh and getting it ready for the board feedback so let's look at some things that we need to uh make sure that we keep in mind uh Florida Statutes and rules uh we do have Florida statute that uh does say that we cannot have a start date earlier than August 10th so we know that we cannot have any start date before August 10th at all for either of our uh two calendar years we also need to uh make sure that we adhere to Florida code 6A 1.01 0411 which says that we've got to have the hourly equivalent of 180 days 900 hours for full-time FTE so we've got to make sure that we are looking at that as well um as we are looking at our credit program we need to make sure for high school credit uh and for our um student performance standards that we are making sure our time is adjusted for this statute here as well uh in order to ensure that we have no payroll gaps we have to ensure that no salary payment can be paid to any employee in advance so I've got a place a little later that we'll talk about what's that payroll Gap uh looks like um and we've got Nancy Samuels that can kind of help give us an idea of what that means as we're looking at it too um and Florida statute says that we can only have a maximum of six paid legal holidays so there's a good bit of things that statutes and rules govern Us by that we need to make sure that we're in compliance for so those pieces are there um and and Gordon I see that CTA is unavailable on the 18th so we'll look at uh what we need to do for uh for that thank you for being that in I appreciate it Diane that's a there's also was another comment there at summer graduation that day um as well as the it's the district W well it's for for the union it is a huge um leadership training event for our union members that day uh that's going to basically take all us out of pocket so I appreciate any flexibility we can have on that date absolutely I I will relook and get back with you no problem all right so so we do need to make sure that we do look at these uh you know statutes and the rules and make sure that we stay within the governing pieces for for this collective bargaining agreements and Provisions that have been placed we know that the teachers are guaranteed 196 Duty days with six undesignated paid holidays per the CBA um we also know that with our um bus drivers and attendance they're guaranteed that 182 Duty days with no paid holidays paid holidays are for that 12mth employees and asop have paid holidays only for the 12-month uh employees so we've got those considerations to to look at as well and our general calendar task first day of school for teachers and students 10th is the earliest we have our duty days uh after each marking period nine week and trimesters uh for it um I was just talking with Caitlyn about this I'm new to to this piece of it um and and I'm not absolutely certain of this and I I should have looked it up beforehand uh whether or not it's an absolute requirement that those are the day after the marking period I would assume it would be because I know that that's when I would want it to be for uh for me but I don't know if it's listed specifically in the bargaining agreement um I did not look that up um but it has been traditional I've been with the district I only have two years of retirement it doesn't I can't remember a time when it wasn't um but uh holidays for students and teachers we've got some very specific you know holidays with Labor Day we know there's up to two fall holidays um Thanksgiving break um I've got some questions and and comments for us to talk about with Thanksgiving break winter break as well Martin Luther King Day Spring Break um spring holiday as well along with Memorial Day and then some special considerations that we have to think about you know election days primaries con uh need to be considered Veterans Day during non election years hurricanes and that attempt to have um the 90 days in the first semester you know before winter break so that exams happen beforehand and avoiding that payroll Gap um now since we're talking about these considerations here um let's let's kind of talk about them in a little more detail now um first day of school for teachers knowing that they can't be before the earliest we're going to get into a little more detail I actually have a um a a jam board for us to pull up and truly get into some discussion in it so we're going to get into that a little more deeper um the marking periods nine weeks uh and the trimesters uh do we have any um principles that want to give any feedback for markeing period days anything Pros Cons with that that they want to give feedback to us now on could you be more specific as to what you're asking Diane I'm just uh non-negotiable it's makes perfect sense we should always look at having a uh Duty day PD day right after the marking period that makes perfect sense we should always think when we're planning that we do that or is that something that we should put on the table for discussion I think Miss Williams are you speaking um I think that we should um definitely open that up for discussion for example if I understand what you're asking correctly a huge teachers were a huge fan of having uh a teacher playing day the day after Halloween huge fan I mean that was one of the biggest things I heard this year and so when it fell around that like that um I heard such positive in feedback on that and I hadn't heard that before so I think that it would be something that would be open for discussion so having it the day after Halloween uh made sense for them just because of the the activity level of the child and such that and the students are out so late late so absenteeism was high the day is is often high that day as well as well so you know looking at how that might work so having that consideration around Halloween um definitely okay um so and then we're just thinking marking period so it might not always need to follow the marking period as much as you know so have leaving that open okay any others there's another one is having the five PD days uh before the school year starts for teachers it will be a game changer this upcoming year as far as teachers having time to set up their classrooms um having uh enough professional development time where the principal it doesn't feel as if the principal's robbing the teacher of their classroom setup time um we haven't had five days in many many years and this year will be the first day time we've had five days many years um I'm curious as to where CTA might stand on that but having the the five days before uh the students return I think it's going to be a game changer as far as teachers being able to get ready thoroughly for the school [Music] year yes Gordon five days is preferable to four absolutely okay and it is preferable for PR principles I believe Eugene do you agree Miss Evans do you agree I I definitely agree because we have always tried to figure out how to have the meetings we need to have in order to get the building up and going while also leaving a whole day for professional development along with leaving a whole day for them to work in their classroom so five days gives us a little more leeway on that I think the main way we were able to do five days is when there was 179 student days just putting that out there 179 versus the 180 day calendar Nancy I believe that's just historically that's when we've been able to do the five days before school starts is when the students were in for 179 correct okay um and then we've got our holidays there I do have a as part of your Google survey a list of some holidays and things just to get some feedback from you um and then those special considerations days um Nancy Let's uh I've got you could you give us a little bit of a um a one-onone or a 101 on uh payroll gaps and what needs to be uh she gave me an education of what payroll gaps and considerations were could you help with that and what we're con uh thinking about here and what might need to be considered okay well the the fact that you write the word avoid a payroll Gap um I I would tell you I'm going to say what I always say um for anyone that is not a 12-month employee payroll gaps are inevitable every 11 to 12 years the reason for that is if you do the math with the number of days in a calendar year being uh 365 or 366 on a leap leap year uh and you divide your two we paycheck which are is it represents a a 14-day period times the by the 26 weeks you get 364 so those extra day or two each year eventually turns into a two-e period so in the past we have a we have avoided pay gaps um and pushed those as far as we can um mainly by moving the calendar to as early as possible remember we used to start a little a little bit later and as we've moved it to as early as possible we have been able to avoid pay gaps however that will not always be the case and we have had a couple of groups that have had to take their turn at having a pay Gap um but they are inevitable so depending upon when we decide to start um school for you know the the 26 year and the 27 year the years that we're talking about um will determine whether or not there are pay grabs for some of our groups and I will not know those answers until we actually set a calendar we'll have that we have a lot of work to do once we do that because we have to identify each each group um and each Union with their Duty days okay that's real brief right that that's that is perfect though um but they are evitable I hate to say it but they are they are something that we have tried to manage as best we could um employees need to work at least one um work duty day in the pay period in order to not um uh be in in order to be in compliance with that statute you listed earlier about no early payments okay um eugina I was just going to say that since they are inevitable as soon as we uh set the calendar and those groups are identified if we can notify those groups like right then yeah as soon as the board approves yeah as soon as the board approves the calendar we will be able to make uh you know have a communication we we appreciate our um our Union um unions help us with that communication as well um but yeah when when when we have a final list of the impacted employees we we will share that as quickly as we can and and as we put together our calendar options each option when we put them together we will notice the you know the benefits the pros and the cons and and anything that should be alerted to the board and if there are any pay gaps in within any calendar option we will make sure that we bring that to their attention for any option that we have so that it's you know very clear to them whether or not an option will have a pay Gap in it um Phillip Nancy if I can make a suggestion um often as a school principal the ex explaining the cause of those pay gaps are often left up to principles to try to balance that or smooth it over for for lack of a better word might I suggest because this was a huge issue in ours this year this past year was uh 206 assistant principles that had the pay Gap and it was a huge a huge thing might I suggest um doing like a two or three minute um video with the 10 Network just kind of explaining it so that when that group gets emailed out there's actually something that they can see explaining with a background as to like how you just explained that 11 years with leap years gives you a two-e gap that's what they don't get that's what they don't understand and they think that it's just the district randomly picking a pay group to save money with and I mean that I'm just being honest with you so I'm just putting that out there that that that would be very helpful overall right because everyone's salary is already divided by the number of paychecks they'll get for that you know so no one is ever short changed their their salary is they are going to receive exactly what their contract says for their salary but yeah it it it's not pleasant so a two to three minute uh explanation from me is what you're saying okay I have to make myself camera ready well you don't even have to be on the camera but but but it would be your voice but what I'm saying is a it a huge back and forth with us in the superintendent this this year because our members just didn't understand and it it's it's it's a tough concept especially when it hits the teacher group it's tough to understand and I remember back when we did the bridge pay that was even worse yeah okay uh definitely the good suggestion Phillip Miss Bennett hi there um qu so I'm a parent um so I just had a few questions um I noticed actually just the other day when I was looking at the calendar it President's Day looks like that is no longer a holiday we had it last year um it's no it doesn't I I I have to say I can't find online the 12 20 or whatever the last calendar was for what's coming up this year I still see the one from I think June 22 that being said I see that there wasn't pres there isn't President day planned for 25 25 what are we going into 25 I think and then it doesn't look like it's on here not not I'm not like raising my hand saying we need presence day I just am it's just a question is that because it looked like we had that off this past year it wasn't uh one that was on the approved calendar for this coming year uh listed uh the as they're going through the considerations for what is on there Nancy uh I see your hand up were you on the committee for the last uh grouping um yes but I I believe President's Day wasn't an actual holiday it was a day off from school okay it happened to be okay school was closed right I don't know if it fell around a marking period or what it is because for they're off on the 24th which is the week later which happens to be the end of a marking period so many times it coincides with a marking period uh but the they're off the week later of which is the marking period okay so that was helpful another question I have granular that we're going to get into is you have here um I see the 10th is the earliest for students is that what is that giving what the principals are requesting of the five days would would the teachers have those five days with the 10th and I guess part of the question is that's the earliest they can start when's quote the latest they can start is there a date for that there is not a date for the latest okay so a comment I will make that obviously this calendar is done and I believe it's correct but a comment I will for coming year it's something for us to think about as we look at it is the fall 24 so the kids start on Monday the 12th I believe is the students start dat right then the next Tuesday due to primaries they have off I it doesn't matter now that calendar is set but like realistically that's like six days then they have a break in the middle of the week like why didn't we just start on Wednesday verse like having that break I mean I know Labor Day comes shortly after too but it's a little different so just something voicing as a parent that I'm like huh that's interesting we have six days of school then they're off for this and then they're off again for Labor Day so again just as we're looking at the dates that's just something again I I know there's things that need to be done according to calendar for teachers and school and all that but just from a parents perspective it kind of it threw me off a bit that we have you know six days of school a break in Tuesday why don't we just start after that yeah and there'll you'll see as we go through this there are multiple complexities as building when you're looking at marking periods and such uh which we uh as each of the groups that are represented will start talking about okay all right so when we look at the holidays for uh paid employees um uh and before we move to that uh Gordon would you uh you want to go ahead thank you Diane yeah just to respond to uh uh Miss Bennett our uh parent uh individual on the committee um to that time one of the concerns that we have as teachers is to make sure that in effort to maximize time for learning before the state tests as much instructional time that's possible before the big battery of tests that goes on really across all of the whether it's the state mandated tests for uh State accountability or the ace IB uh AP testing batteries that go on in the month of May U getting as much instruction ahead of that is a is a huge important uh piece and getting enough instruction ahead of the winter break when we are considering uh having taught secondary a number of years in my career the the the loss essentially of two weeks if we put if we do too late of a start we kind of force semester exams for secondary for high schools to uh the month of January afterwards and they're really is the need to teach everything before the break anyway because by the time they come back there's that huge separation rather uh the break offers a perfect spot between two semesters so that really is one of the reasons for starting as early as the law will allow so that we get sufficient time on task ahead of those semester breaks and ahead of the big battery of tests in May I hope that helps on that uh level of understanding as you engage fully in this committee right and Valerie uh I I am so glad you were able to attend Valerie hi good afternoon thanks for having me um I just also want to note that for athletics uh you know our full Sports season starts the last week of July and so we're typically starting practices at that point in time but we have football games that usually start the second week of August so this year we'll have uh football games on August 15th and 16th I believe that Thursday and Friday and so School transportation is an essential component for our student athletes um to make sure that we can get them to school um for for those events a lot of times with parents working and things uh that becomes a difficulty they're able to get to practice in the evenings at times but you know when they have a away games and everything so getting the kids on campus is really important so just from the Athletics perspective um starting school in our in our usual timeline is very helpful and and I don't want to speak out of term but I think our supplements may also be impacted if we don't get coaches started on time so you know if they're starting coaching that July 28th 29th time and then we're delaying school to almost the start you know close to Labor Day after after some of those you know unique days offer there it's just gonna it's going to present a few issues so just wanted to give some feedback um from from the education based athletic sites yeah thank you Valerie you we do have our holidays for our employees um now we are at this wonderful time which Valerie just led us into uh to discuss this unpacking for school start dates um what I wanted to do was try to be able to capture some of the impact for early start late start so in order to do that I did uh look at and I didn't want to click that yet I wanted to get my link so get me click right back over here to get that link for you guys so that I can and I'm on do it second time I'll just pull the link from here there we go I'm going to put this link into the um chat and if you are at a place to where you can open it up I would like you to participate um if you've not used a jam board before all you need to do is over here on the left hand side there is a sticky note section I'm clicking on it now and it opens up a note and here you've typed in what do you think are some of the things that we need to discuss concerning the start dates what might be an impact for the earlier start starting earlier starting late Gordon eloquently put that it can impact assessments well whether it's those assessments for uh you know us having that assessment time avoiding pay gaps those things but if you could type that in then hit save move it over to one site or the other then it's going to give us an ability of being able to see what are some of those bigger things for us to us to see could be those impacts that might work with your area Valerie just told us that it would you know impact Athletics Valerie uh I I got the impression you might be driving so I can put yours up for athletics for you if you are um thank you Diane that'd be helpful yes okay so and I'm gonna make it orange because you know me at Valerie I know because you're a Clemson gal I know yes ma'am so and I'm going to move it to the uh early start because you know if we got that early start uh for it it's going to um impact school existing and I'm not sure where you think that might go you can move that one whoever put this in um but just give us some ideas here of things that this uh you know as you're putting them in I'm seeing quite a few uh and it might do both and you might want to put it in the middle uh for it just so that we can have an idea um but we definitely you know a later start would definitely get us you know less instruction before the midterm exams um less instruction before you know our assessments during uh the um uh may all the assessments for the state assessments are going to be at the same time and if we start later we're going to have less time to prepare but this is just going to help us get to a place to where we will be able to kind of get an idea and see I appreciate you guys helping you're going to think of things in your area that might not have thought of and that's why I didn't want to just make a list myself I thought well this will help us be able to to kind of get an idea of what's out there which ones you know a later start might impact um I I was on the phone with a uh a parent that talked to me about the fact that their child does attend camp in the northern uh uh States and that camp doesn't get out until after you know right at um Labor Day so you know that was an impact for them for us having an earlier start um and they you know had those summer programs exactly so those are things that we do need to consider overlaps to Hurricane Seasons you know so I you these are just things for us as we are charged with this task that we need to consider well hurricane season goes through November first so we can't delay that late that is correct just saying as the person that files the claims with FEMA yes so so let's look at some of the things that we have here you know Valerie has already talked to us about the Athletics and that you know football starts early coaches you know would be starting and that would have an impact there um we've got that moving down on this grouping um early start allows for semester breaks at the same time as winter holidays um maximizes instructional time ahead of mandate assessments more time for some days in before the busy September October hurricane season um time before the holiday exam breaks we've got a couple that are overlapping summer programs out of state runs into the start of the school year another summer program here natural semester breaks and I see a few of you are helping me move some things around thank you uh time for instruction um puts the graduation ceremon is in the middle of May which is right in the middle of AP and IB and Ace testing VPK programs in elementary schools um some want to help explain give me a little more about VPK programs what's the impact there um gild gild Morgan Williams CTA vice president the impact for VPK programs would be that those programs typically start at 8 and go to 2 um it may impact parents transportation for some of those kids that are in VPK not VPK the VPK inclusion program so we have straight VPK VPK inclusion which includes ESC students and then the other uh prekese programs that involved students who would um speech and language and other developmental needs so when we start to change those times that affects assessments as well for the evaluators because I'm a diagnostician so if we're starting later therefore it's going to affect the evaluations of two and a half to um 5 year olds being evaluated and then there are programs that are ESC based that are um two programs per day meaning five days a week There's an 8 to 10:30 and 11:30 to 2 um and so how does that affect those programs and how are we going to work around it with those schools within schools work sites within a School site many of our child find programs are housed in elementary schools and high school campuses okay thank you so let me just understand so that means so is that a pro or a con for the earlier or later start um in August if I may take it from a personal Well Point anyway want yeah just so I can understand it yeah I think it's a negative in reference to how are we going to do those programs are we going to change the whole program process being that they're going to start later end earlier the whole transportation pieces a nightmare when transporting pre um students in the district anyway and and does it affect the fact that the staff that typically would start at a particular School site that starts at 7:30 or 8 o'cl are they going to have to delay their evaluation process all right and and we're talking about the earlier in August versus later in August not the time of day we're talking Ian but but for this discussion here we're talking about earlier start like early earlier in the month versus later in the month not the time of day correct so so which one is it related to just so I understand you're muted I was speaking of start time okay sorry all right so yeah this isn't for this commit so and for this one we're talking specifically about the the time in the month like earlier in the month versus later in the month not the time of day I don't know how to take those out sorry about that I can do that okay thank you yes that's a whole other yep there yeah whole other Brain Trust is dealing with that one so then this one here too for transportation yes okay all right may all right so and the other to that too prek program mhm okay and the one above it to make this a little easier M I suggest the I think the word impact kind of threw us off if we had early start Pros versus late start Pros or and then we because I had a hard time sometimes putting it under which like pay GS can go under you know like so the pro would be it avoids more pay gaps and then we don't need the pro the you know what I'm saying okay yep well well the pro isn't the pay Gap later start Pro wouldn't be a pay Gap later start Pro would be yeah don't know okay there you go if there's any specific cons or disadvantages I don't know in changing the words like that if there I don't think that overlapping two hurricane Seasons would be a pro yeah well I'm thinking more of I mean I'm just wanting more discussion what what are things that people might not have thought about you know early CU I needed more discussion items from you in in thinking about it you know what were the areas that we needed to consider especially since you know I knew we had Valerie coming in from Athletics we had our academic groups coming in I wanted to make sure everyone was able to give us their voices there uh Eugenia well the comment about graduation in the middle of um AP I don't know that that's a pro that's a I think would be a con because it puts that the high school students who are graduating right at the same time that they need to take those high stakes AP IB and Ace test so I think that one needs to be moved over now that it's a little bit different with the columns over to the cons because that is a big concern and then let's do considerations uh find it starting later wouldn't allow them to have as much instruction what it well it would push back graduation I mean they wouldn't graduate until the end of May after all of those tests are already done and and we wouldn't get out of school until June yeah you wouldn't get out of I mean we wouldn't get out of school until really late also but right which would mean they wouldn't get as much instruction before the state exams either well the state exam window is really large too at the end for pm3 but I know I see polic raised without that so with the AP a ib tests those are all you know date certain nationally and internationally set um so you know to Nancy's Point later we start the less instruction they have before they have to get to that test and just you know going back as as long as I've been here and in the prior County I was in um you know those students still come back and take those tests when they are after their graduations if they need them for college so I don't know that that's a huge barrier Diane if I may jump in on that so the barrier is designing the schedule you know when you're when you creating uh 33 ceremonies in a twoe span there are going to be schools that are affected by the the the testing uh IB ends the earliest in May and naap but Ace goes into June we all know that just let you know that if a next year we'll start graduations on May 12th which means that seniors will get out very very early in the month of May anyway missed almost the whole month of instruction instructional time it's just that uh you know there are multiple schools that offer all the same exams that take the same exams and it's just almost a real challenging piece to make of a schedule even if you can eliminate uh conflicts with seniors you're having conflicts with siblings in the school and we've actually used the fairgrounds as a testing site uh multiple years with conflicts and exams so just let you know that that there's really no great solution onto that schedule but that's the difficulty to make it there's going to be a difficulty with it right but this at least gives us an idea and a definite uh this will grow but this gives us you know just lets us know that there's going to be a lot more coming to the table to consider as we continue to go through you know that natural semester break and and such as well um so let's go back and look at the um options and things that we need to consider as well um we've had quite a bit of uh continued talk about whether or not as a district we want to continue to have a full week for Thanksgiving so you know is that something in which we want to continue to do um it has become something in which uh we've used as a uh a tool for marketing you know that it's something we do uh in order to um show and a lot of people you know depend on it some say uh it's it's not you know one thing that they they need so that's a consideration in which we need to to look at and see whether or not uh it's a place we want to continue um for it uh I I I think you would have picketing on Forest Hill if you take it away um and and you know it's a question in which we need to ask uh for it um so we want to see you know what the you know with people asking whether or not that's something that's still you know I love it it myself uh but I you know definitely have to ask the question um we've already heard from you know Gordon as a former uh uh um secondary teacher um for it and before I take the the hand that's phrased the ending the semester before winter break uh losing that two week period might not seem like a lot but having taught you know middle school and and high school myself I you know I see the amount of time having to review if you do have to do semester exams after the winter break uh that academic time uh so we need to look at is it going to be you know trying to get winter break prior to uh the end of the or semester being the before the winter break is being an option there um I do have a hand raised from our pbcc president-elect oh I'm actually this is Sylvia Hall I'm actually the president of the pamit county PTA I just don't know how to change that in there all right thank you syia so sorry about that I um talking about the full week of Thanksgiving I think um many for what I you know the my last child just graduated in May I had had to say one thing based on what I remember previous years many students are missing the school that week because the parents you know they're going away so you cannot really do full instruction because you have already kids missing the instruction so I think it works well for many parents and families I would not I would just leave it that's my opinion when we initially just to give you a little bit of history when we initially decided to um have the Thanksgiving break it was due to absenteeism of students and staff it was it was a it was seemed to be um you know a time when there were a lot of students out like you were saying as well as um as teachers being out so just to give you a historical background as to why Thanksgiving week became a week off yep yeah so so those are you know things that we are consider considering as well you know looking at those options feedback regarding winter break um December 19th 25 and December 18 26 are both Fridays um Christmas in those years uh will be a Thursday the following week a Friday the following week respectively the question to consider is whether or not you want to split the week so that you have a um make sure I say how I can say this um think my easier way to do it is pull this calendar up let me pull the 25 up um as you see on this one the 19th is a Friday um it's whether or not you would want to start a winter break where the last day of the week uh um semester would be uh on that 19th and they would have starting the winter break on the 20 um going through that next week or whether there would be a partial week partial day or two during that that they would come in and have and come in a day say they came to school on Monday or Tuesday of that week instead those are questions to think about the following year it is the 18th is a Friday would there be anybody that would want to come in on the 21st or the 22nd since it's not until Friday I don't know that that is optimal for anyone but it is a question to consider of whether or not coming in at any time on the the week of that would be worth it um so that is on you know just something to think about um Miss Sylvia oh no I just was looking at the at the dates and uh where everything falls on the week but what you mean uh yes for the students to come into class right yes when you're planning the calendar week it's you know would it be um a would anyone be thinking about it being um I don't want it to say split week or or partial week because that makes it sound like it would be uh less than possibly a two- week period but it would be would you consider starting a winter break on a day other than Monday uh for that calendar period is basically the the question we did that a few years ago so I don't know if we have feedback from if if staff that had to deal with it has has any feedback if you know if you're traveling out of town it would be you know a little more difficult because you'd be traveling during that same period and it kind of depends upon you know how early um in the that part is so uh Miss Bennett Miss Bennett I I lost you I don't know if you're off on mute yeah I was on mute sorry I just bringing up we're talking in the chat there's some conversation about too I think it kind of similarly I really appreciate when I was bringing up a later start and what that meant hearing you know from the education and you know uh the Athletics of how that affects things so I guess do you know one thing posed is by these Fridays do we meet you know those those those exams Etc are complete so we can go on break and then I will say same thing that was being discussed with Thanksgiving um so I will say I I I grew up in Palm Beach County so I I was I've been here I had all my schooling here so I've been used to the schedule that we've had down here um and I would say I know from the Thanksgiving break that we now have with our kids is it is um we we enjoy it and I know as my mom who was a teacher she agreed it was what school Monday Tuesday it was movie day pretty much some sort so I do bring that up because it sounds like that can become some of the issue with um leading up to some of these holidays and going into these split weeks um because I do remember we used to travel for us the the week leading into Christmas like I feel like everything started a little later um now um so just from a parent perspective again this is some of this is going on in the chat um yeah and I see that and and Philip I see you know it would mean you'd come back on a a Wednesday or a Thursday because you would not be getting out on a natural break time period definitely uh and kilid said that too yes Phillip so Diane I was just it would be helpful I mean we've had two leap years so I'm guessing that this year's calendar is maybe the same as 2019 and for this committee to have a look at 2019s calendar whatever day um in the past oh I see Nancy turnning around whatever day in the past where um June 17th was on a Monday whatever was the last time we had a calendar where June 17th was on a Monday is the calendar we need to to kind of I think it'd be a good jumping spot how did we do it the last time June 17th was a Monday the last time August 10th was a Monday the last time or I'm sorry August 12th was a Monday or August 5th was a Monday what did that calendar look like that would be a good um what do we remember from that year what do we um because did we have a natural break did we start I did we start the holidays on the 20th if you know I'll pull that for us and if there's a link still out there somewhere that's even better yep I I will pull that um and we do need to consider you know what's our past practice with the select holidays are we considering any additional or different holidays and we've already talked about some of the PD you know PD days after the nine weeks um I have pulled uh Caitlyn was able to go in and look at uh the start dates that are on other districts uh that do have a 2526 calendar already approved we haven't been able to find any with a 2627 calendar so looks like the majority of them are listing um August 11th as their start date uh with Monroe as August 13th for school calendar I can also make a folder um uh and this was for 2025 um I can make a folder for um the for these so that you can have a copy of them um August 11th is a Monday and the 13th is a Wednesday so these are for 2025 um so I can do a folder so you can get an idea of what their calendars look like and which days they have off so that just as a reference to see what they are doing um federal holidays for FY 26 and 27 are listed here for your reference along with the major religious holidays for 26 and the major religious holidays for 27 we will be doing a survey to the parents um Communications is going to be launching that survey in it we're going to get some feedback from them concerning start date uh uh holidays winter and spring break days as well just so that we can get some information and of course Philip has already found the calendar for us um and Kim I already have some blank calendars those two that I shared I will put them up for you so that you can have that 25 26 26 27 blank calendars for you so I'll make a folder and we will share the folder with sample calendars the blank calendars and the calendar that Philip has found for us for it um and and uh the you know we're we looked for all of the Miss Bennett all of the districts and of the districts that had them published and had them approved those were the ones that we gave um the we don't have the Broward Miami dat because they do not have any approved yet so all of the districts listed were the ones that were approved yeah I believe I had heard that I think Broward like did their planning for this coming year very very late I think it so we're continuing to monitor so that as any approve them uh we will be able to keep giving you updates there um but we will launch this so that we can get feedback from the the public on what they uh uh have and be able to do that uh and uh yes I will make sure the files are for outside the district Gordon so that everybody in this committee can get them without having any problems um for it philli yes sir yeah does anybody remember there's a revision on this calendar from 19 that they revised it on December 3rd of the same in the middle of the same school year and it what looks like they revised was the PDD in March and I think I want to say that had something to do with the election does anybody remember that I believe that was a a storm year and 19 fall of 19 we had a storm it might have been a makeup day but but I could be wrong it doesn't show that we lost any days it just shows that they changed the duty the duty PDD March Day from the 30th to the 17th and then they actually had the first nwe spring break in the middle of it so I just I I have a feeling that that Tuesday is a a primary it might I think that was primary presidential and they didn't realize it till after the calendar was done so we have we have to remember those extra election days this year because that no that would have been this year so it wouldn't have mattered so good but the well yeah FL yeah the extra presidential election primary would have has already passed this year right Gordon I was just about to concur as he was talking with Mr predy about the 2020 uh issue being a presidential primary situation that was unaccounted for that's the only thing that makes sense at this point right okay all right so what I wanted to do before we ended this meeting was to kind of go through and see if there was any specific um like last things that you guys wanted to make sure that we had on the table uh that were priorities that we might not have mentioned or that we had mentioned that you had uh um wanted to make sure that we're high up there that was on it uh Caitlyn's taking notes for us but uh our Union and mbu uh Representatives anything there Gordon what what is sticking out that you want to make sure that we keep high at the top for everyone to be considering we're here for students uh we're here for student achievement uh time on task prior to any kind of mandated assessments and any way to maximize the opportunity for kids to do well at any point that they've got required exams whether it's semesters or driven by the state or other entities who are offering credit especially those credit ones because those are are huge um the earliest start dates possible uh give us the best opportunity to most infrequently have to deal with pay gaps which as uh was already spoken of eloquently they are inevitable because this is nothing but the world's biggest math problem for hund for about 200,000 teachers students uh and then parents on top of that uh so that's really what we're dealing with here um those those for us on the CTA side or the biggest pieces um the rest of the thing however we massage a day here or there for uh this particular primary election or election day to make sure that our campuses are secure and that kids are not having excessive numbers of people on campus when they're there uh those are key things um uh without uh wishing any bad weather on any of us um part of the genius of the week off at Thanksgiving is if we have to grab a couple of quick days to make them up early in the year without extending in June uh that becomes a possibility uh if there are early storms that take away time that we have to miss for and if it's much more than you know three or four days impact then everybody's dealing with it throughout the year anyway and so we're all in the same boat thank you anyone any other Union or mbu Representatives we've got several on the line I think we would just Echo what Gordon said we need to keep the students in mind and how we're going to develop the calendar and of course with the students to also impact families in the community thank you Jim all right uh any of our principles elementary middle or high anything you want to make sure is on the table I just want to Echo my peers had said earlier about the five days preparation time for our teachers obviously student achievement and our student needs you know are the most important but then we also need to make sure that we meet the needs of our teachers and staff I'd also like to say a full week of instruction rather than a Monday Tuesday and starting on a Wednesday is much better so are you saying full week as in start date full week or full week in all situations like for the winter break and that type of thing yeah I mean I was talking about the winter break does the thought of coming back on a Monday coming in on a Monday and a Tuesday I think somebody else said it you know it's going to be movies and parties um not as much instructional time um so you know ending on a Friday and starting on a Monday or a Tuesday like we've done in the past because it's it runs into that PDD time um I think that's important I this hasn't been put out there and I don't know how to fix it but I just thought I'd put it out there I am a multi-level school and we have many multi-level schools in the district now um K8 schools uh K12 school so when you divide and and I don't know how to fix it but when you divide those PDD you know PDD secondary Duty Elementary it is it is difficult to plan you know on a campus because you have a split you know some are doing this and some are doing that I don't know how to fix it I'll think about that um but just something is we have more and more of those schools maybe you know to consider okay thank you any of our other principles anything additional I I know I mean what are your thoughts are you is it high on your list that we finish uh first semester prior to winter break yes yes and I also think that looking at that calendar that we just put on is a great great starting point the 19 calendar is a great starting point okay it covers a lot of the things we already spoke about um and also with build some flexibility because 25 is not an election year there might be a municipal or something along those lines but it's not a big election year so it might give some flexibility but it it builds in a lot of that already that we I mean a lot of what we've talked about has been covered on there perfect okay right and and I'll go back and do some research because when they would have presented that calendar they would have had to have presented two to three options as well so I might be able to find that presentation to the board uh for it when it went to the board for approval and see what I can see for the other options too um Kim Evans he um I'm just looking at the one that Philip put up the 2019 one I agree with him it's definitely a good starting point it has a lot of things on it that we are looking for um I just want to go back to the one day um that I think all the principles were in agree with that day after Halloween it it's it's if we could go if we if that's the only tweak we need to make on this 2019 calendar to make it work for 2025 that's that's a huge day because it's it's a loss of instruction day because kids it it it is what it is but kids are out late they just don't come to school the teachers were were appreciative of having that day to um kind of get their stuff together as a work day um if we could somehow put that in there I I I like the 2019 and November 1st is a Friday to boot there you go okay thank you um all right we have several representatives from our PTA uh anything that you would like to add to the conversation um I I think I I agree with the five days prior um I do believe that the day of the Thanksgiving could be a good you know could be like a um the kids don't go to school because like you said many um uh many you know many kids don't don't go to school that they it's a late night for them and based on what my kids used to tell me they wish that the Hallow you know the day after Halloween was actually a you know they even had to go to school um yeah and of course I Thanksgiving Weck I think that is that works for everybody okay thank you all right um good afternoon I just Diane yes ma'am hey it's charmain I I reserve my time and and all of the conversations to the incoming president um Miss Sylvia Hall as you heard her um but I also wanted to uplift the holiday and anyone who's celebrating this holiday this um these couple days and today just wanted to uplift that as well um for those students that are celebrating today thank you shman um we have some from our Communications Department anyone and it's okay if we if everything has been said School transformation I believe was not able to attend today um payroll anything specific no I don't have anything the only thing I would like to add is as soon as um the sooner the better for us because as Nancy said it takes a long time for us to go ahead and we have to manually calculate um all of the days that each Duty day group at work so the sooner we find out the better because Nancy looks at it one way I look at another way so um that would be great as soon as we find something out okay perfect um FTE School reporting uh Jason I know he accepted but I don't know that he was on all right uh Paul research EV Val assessments anything you want to add might have lost Paul uh Eva or Adrian anything from the academic side curriculum nothing on the secondary side I think the team has done a great job of lifting any concerns that I think we might have thank you sorry Diane I lost my mouse on my third monitor um nothing from the assessment side other than what was mentioned um you know that that tail end of the year is obviously you know fund scheduling absolutely all right and Valerie I yes I'm the last one so I plan to keep everybody here for an extra hour to talk about the importance of Athletics but I just want to go ahead and I want to Echo first Diane I want to thank you for and commend you for putting together this meeting what an incredible lift and really you laid it out so beautifully it's my first time on calendar committee I want to thank you for your for your leadership with this so that's number one number two I've already kind of echoed the same Sentiments of the importance of a starting early you know fall season is more than just football we have seven Sports at the high school level that are getting started we have a significant impact to a lot of student athletes um that need to get to campus from Transportation but not only that our coaches and athletic directors their contract won't begin until the school year begins and so therefore we really can't ask for them to report for sports you know without the school year starting a lot of our Sports the swimming you know uh bowling uh cross country you know a lot of those meetings and meeting start when the school year starts um and we are really going to be delaying the start of those seasons for those student athletes as you know there's a lot of our athletes that are college bounds uh we don't want to have any uh you know impacts to their recruiting and everything if we delay the start of the school year which will in turn potentially delay the start of their fall Sports season and then for our middle school athletes we usually get them started right around Labor Day with that transition of the fifth grader to the sixth grader and parents understanding what some of those requirements is are with paperwork and it takes us a little bit of time to get the wheels turning at the middle school level you know with a later start um that will impact that initial first quarter season of baseball and softball as well so just some things from the from the Athletics um side with that thank you sh thank [Music] you sorry I failed to ask this question um did you say when um this would did did I hear that I think I heard it did you say in October this would go to the school board meeting or did I miss we are hoping for early fall to get it to the board but if we do not have uh our three options developed by then then we will push it back some but I am hoping for early fall for us to have three options ready for the board so October is my my goal but uh I I'm not you know so so I'd prefer us all to just say we're hoping for early fall and October yet right okay and then I also wanted to highlight in Echo and and one of my colleagues if they did um highlight as well um that July 18th would not work for PTA as we are during that is during our State Convention as well okay yep I will I will get us a different date and get that back to you um as that is on July 18th is showing as our next slide so I will come up with a different date for the that I'll try for that same week so that we're still there um uh August 22nd is our last meeting that we that I looked for us Target is to bring it to the board in the fall uh I'm hoping for October but like I said fall is where I'd like us to just say we're hoping for early fall but that schedule is flexible um we are looking at uh bringing a um uh you know that form to the parents uh so that we will have that feedback for our next meeting I do have a um a survey that I have for you that I will send um just with a couple questions just asking you know start dates that you have in mind what's your preference on Thanksgiving uh some ideas about winter break as well uh and and um uh the spring break options some ideas about the holidays uh this is just for the committee itself not for the whole public this is just get feedback from the committee um I have that form set not to collect any um uh email addresses so it's just an anonymous form coming back in to give me an idea of the price priorities of the committee um and then we'll have the uh priorities coming back from the uh community that we'll be able to see so my plans to get back to you by I'll do it by end of the day tomorrow will be a folder that will have um the blank calendars for the two years that we're developing I'll make sure the 2019 calendar that Philip pulled is in that uh folder as well I'll also have a copy of this presentation for you uh in it and um we will I'll I'll look and see if I can find the other options to that 2019 that went to the board um that will go there too um trying to think if there was anything else that I was going to put in it and I will get us a new date for the same week of the 18th uh for our next meeting so that we can have that one advertised as well on the uh the district uh calendar but thank you guys is there any questions or comments or anything for the good of the order before we end our meeting today I appreciate all of you giving us some giving me your time definitely Phillip Dian could you stay on for a moment about something unrelated afterwards absolutely [Music] sir all right guys I appreciate you I appreciate your time and uh time with me today and we will get invites out to the next meeting and I'll get all this information to you by end of day tomorrow right have a Wonder wonderful afternoon everyone you too thank you YouTube --------- it is 10:00 uh we'll get started all right let's uh take a moment to go around I know we got uh a new face on the team here and uh we're just going to introduce her name and where we work uh I'll just lead us off Anthony Dy professional developments director nice to see everyone good morning Paul hin research and evaluation Gordon long good morning everyone sorry Gordon good morning everyone Germaine English manager Labor Relations Justin cat CTA executive director Moren Thompson manager of professional development good morning Briana KO cta's professional development coordinator good morning Patty hatch Sabers part teacher professional development good morning Lisa Roman professional development good morning Adena Kerr West Bon Middle School good morning R A CK staff oh I'm sorry whoever I just stepped on good morning Eugene faman andal coov metal good morning Angelina GES CTA staff hi everyone I don't know if you can hear me hopefully Christy Sidle Sun Coast High School um and I am in the middle of the AP read so if I drop off it's because our break is over no problem Christie okay I think uh do we get everyone I think we got everyone all right y'all um let's get started uh we have two major topic areas today one's the CTS handbook and the other is the observation instruments uh the first one with the CTS handbook updates are are there's nothing unusual with these the the updates are in line with what we've done in the last I want to say at least the last five six years but uh it's the updates to the deadlines the the teacher evaluation components are pre and postmeasures uh we'll also be talking about the bringing back of the Google meet option as an option not a mandatory it's just an option should the teacher be inclined to want to use it and then of course the typical uh punctuation updates so let me share the handbook really quick now as we're going through this if there are items that uh either side wants to discuss anything that we have some concerns please feel free to uh just go on mic and really what I'm going to do is pull us to the major items if we skip over an area that someone would like to address please just again go on mic and we'll we'll scroll back up to it but uh here are the student performance measures Paul anything sorry scrolling everyone uh Paul are there any items here that you would like to bring attention to to the group uh nothing specific uh you know the plan is to can kind of do what we've done historically you know we expect all of these models to perform as they have done historic ly um staff is currently working on the ones that are available um our time bound are is still the AP ibas model that's always been kind of our uh the one that pushes us into September because of how late those scores come back um but if anything doesn't perform as normal you know we'll bring it back to the group right great thank you Paul any question questions about the student performance measures okay there changes to the scoring matrixes those are matrices sorry those are the same uh there's some you know some of the housekeeping s we we had Florida State Standards here now we have the best standard so we're just updating language adding in people soft that was a piece that's in there for the final and midyear evaluations that was not in the handbook already all right here's the Google meet option that we discussed uh bringing back so uh we were kind of uh working on the language uh at least on our our PD team here and and the language that we were working with was Google meet may be utilized instead of a face-to-face meeting if both the teacher and administrator agree so this way there's not one party kind of pushing the other it's it's fair for both sides um honestly you know we we still see the positive that happens from a face-to-face conversation you know being together in the room however there can be some instances where scheduling gets in the way life gets in the way family uh pets you know there something could happen so we do like to have the flexibility for our teachers um but this has to be both parties agreeed similar to the language that we put in for the pgp and and using a non-classroom form versus the classroom form both parties really need to be in agreement for this so any questions any comments any concerns on this item go ahead Justin hey Anthony thank you um so again we talked about this in the previous meeting we support this we just wanted to make sure and this would be something that the district could stress on their end when they introduced this to the principles and administrators who would be doing this that the default setting so to say for this is face to face if as an administrator you want to do a virtual one you have to ask the teacher and essentially if they say no that means it's face to face and and just want to we want to make sure they understand that that it really by virtue of being a mutual agreement it means if both sides don't agree then it's face to face and that once one side has kind of made their position clear about that we would hope that the Observer would kind of just let Let It Be we just don't want to get in a situation where somebody somebody being observed feels pressured into doing it in a format they don't want or would have to in advocating for what they want have to get into a a minut dispute while they're being evaluated essentially so that that's our only concern but I think with proper um coaching the The Observers can understand that that that's at least if that's what the district agrees you know that's the intent here absolutely the the district agrees on that this should not be something where uh one party feels forced uh or that this would inhibit the relationship that should be positive and going towards growth so districts and agreement with that thank absolutely and I've made a note that that will be part of the the video in the training Series going forward okay and then date timelines have been updated um but the exemption dates for anyone who is exempt from midyear evaluation I this a typo I should say final um we also added some clarification uh language here you know an incomplete evaluation must still be submitted with notes explaining um situation now the reason why this was added we have employees that might exit the year early we have employees might uh get a promotion employees that might have situations that does not warrant that they've worked the contractual number of days for evaluation so to help aid in recordkeeping but also to not have an employee wonder what happened uh the supervisor should be still submitting uh a not evaluated evaluation with comments explaining the situation this is just helpful for down the line should another supervisor a look and say well why didn't they get an evaluation well if there's nice and easy to reference comments rather than having to dig through personnel file or or HR records that's that's really it the the rest of the updates here are more of little punctuation grammatical and then dates so um before we move on to the next item any questions any comments any concerns any items for discussion about the CTS handbook Anthony could you go back to page 17 real quick you got it at the bottom um 17 like numbered 17 oh sorry the the red comment there that's just a reference to what we just discussed correct this has actually been in here um but we would we couldn't update the language let's see PR of the domain being marked to document a face to- face conference between the Observer and teacher must be place um I can put a conditional line here referencing but this line this line was actually in here just saying that you need to have the face to face um so your thoughts go ahead well so my so it was in Red so my my thought was that the district was indicating the application of that possibility for virtual do you want to keep it as just in this in this scenario this has to be face to face there is no virtual option no I'm thinking we might either we pull this to avoid any confusion with the updated line here Sor right so either keep this or add this language to the item down here on 17 I the goal of this was that for an informal observation that you couldn't Mark domain 4 without having a conversation so and I see Lisa nodding um maybe we could say remove the face to face and just say a documented conference Gordon you're on mute Gordon I was just going to give you give you some language uh a documented conference whether face Toof face or or Google meet or via you know uh between the Observer and the teacher must take place that was all I was going to add in there good thoughts thoughts from the rest of the group and just with the same same application of mutual and all that that we had identified earlier yeah I I agree with that update I think that was a good catch awesome okay yep good catch all right any other notes Randall uh can you back up to 16 please you got it one of the dates um uh wait sorry uh a little bit down final evaluation deadline entered an observation by there we go thank you all good it's it's one of those that it says you're going through next year you just forget so awesome thank you Randle and now I'm going to go back up here to make sure we got all our fives yep perfect and Anthony I think this might be more a negotiations question because I think it's contract language and relative to the the procedural defects or anything but there's some there's a date in the contract that refers to being able to challenge um for for category 1B and two teachers I just put it on a radar where like the deadline is is basically like the the day that the observation is supposed to be done by the last observation I just want to put on our radar that there's that 430 sticks out to me is that there's something that says like one BS and twos have until like 4 or five to like challenge something but technically they have till 4:30 to be completed in their observations yeah I think we were we were looking at that um in our last meeting right that was the language when we were talking about the the iprc yeah okay all right Germaine and Caitlyn got that for your too all right thank you for mentioning that Justin okay if we're good then uh we'll clean up uh Moren and I will clean up the CCS have a production copy shared with the group shortly and then the goal of course will be to share this by the last week in January out to all stakeholders that's predominantly our instructional personnel and their supervisors um we're also based on the updates here and then of course talking about our next item after this U Morin will be working on a short video to explain the changes so this way it'll be nice and easy to understand for both parties and uh we'll start communicating that out at the end of the month okay so the next item up for discussion is the observation protocols now um for those who have been evaluated by the original Marzano Legacy model um or those who haven't here's a quick refresher uh when the original Marzano model launched back in 2011 2012 in Palm Beach County the model went forward without any changes until about well there were tiny little changes but structurally there weren't any major changes until 2013 in 2013 there was the addition of more look fors uh there were some other additional languages to make it easier to understand so we've had a habit in Palm Beach County of making updates that are sometimes minor and sometimes major when we mooved from the Legacy model to the focused model in 2017 and in 2017 the model has been untouched until recently now we annually submit a state plan for our evaluation systems one for instructional one for school administrators the instructional plan has been under review for the better part of the year in fact the updates were submitted back in August and we only recently got feedback from the state of the areas in which they need us to be in compliance with Florida statute 1.05 and for those who have had a chance or haven't had a chance it's about discrimination anti-discrimination the state reviewed the observation instruments for the classroom teacher and the non-classroom teacher from our Palm Beach model of instruction marz's Focus model and there were some areas in which they wanted us to either to remove or rephrase so I'm going to share my screen one sec I did not mean to put the Emoji up on the screen that was sorry buttons are way too close together just share my entire screen and make life easier for y'all okay and then I'm GNA zoom in here for those who uh might just need as a reference point these were of course sent out in the Jank prep email um we have the classroom teacher model that we're looking at right now this is domain one the first element planning standards based lessons and units no change to the element name the focus statement the desired effects the changes are certain wording and wording that the state was looking for was concerning uh cultural relevance cultural competencies cultural responsiveness Equity sensitivity um and you'll see the red strikethroughs of the language that the state is asking us to remove and then the yellow highlights are what in some areas we've tried to replace and all of the language on the classroom teacher form and the non-classroom teacher form has been approved by the state um there's not much arguing that we can do with the state on this um but I'm showing you also the non-classroom form there's not a lot on the non-classroom form that was changed however you'll see there's items like equity and Equity that uh had to be uh redacted Equity student cultures uh that was changed to student backgrounds another reference to equity basically in the classroom and non-classroom forms any reference to the word Equity has been removed or rephrased cultural removed or rephrased to backgrounds student interests instead of a culturally responsive classroom it's a student- centered classroom instead of ensuring Equity it's ensuring adherence now the changes were made in collaboration with Marzano Center remember Marzano has created this evaluation system with Palm Beach County with our Jen group here that made updates back in 2016 2017 so the updates have approval of Marzano Center and the state um I'm presenting this really in a there's not much flexibility we have here um the positive is that we are still keeping the model there are no major changes but there are some of these tweaks that we have been using to help ensure um more Equitable classro and even that using the word Equitable is is still contrary to what the Florida statute is asking for so the language that we have here is in compliance with what the state is asking us to do so are there any questions about this notice I just I did I skipped over comments but are there any questions about this okay and as I give the appropriate weit time knowing that you guys still have time to ask questions um this as an update uh we will be having this information shared in the video I mentioned before that Morin would be creating uh but we'll also be working with Marzano uh well with I observation the Marzano Center to update the protocols in I observation and then we'll be updating documents on the website and the state plan as well so the the updates should be small ripples the positive is there are only a small number of people in the District that have memorized everything in the protocols uh most of which are probably in this this Google meet room right now um that could go through the protocols and tell you wait what's that what's that um so that that is the positive this this shouldn't impact the training that has already taken place but we will make sure that information is shared so others are aware but uh this again will help keep Palm Beach County in compliance with Florida Statutes that have recently updated okay yeah Gordon go ahead Anthony you said that these were all based upon uh recommendations or requests from the state uh as they did their review of our document submitted last year correct correct and this uh same process is happening with the school administrator evaluation so that that's uh next on the the docket for what we're updating yep okay thanks Gordon all right then the I believe that concludes our items uh for this Jen meeting um that the goal at this point will be to put the communications together for release by the end of the month um if there is some obstacle then it will go out at the beginning of August just to full disclos but the goal is to have everything go out at the end of the month so that everyone is aware of the changes right anything else for the good of the order right fantastic Ado welcome to the group it's nice to thank you so [Music] much and uh Randall I'm liking the beard it's catching on it's catching on okay hi everyone enjoy the rest of your summer Patty enjoy your summer love to see you soon all right we'll do take care everyone thank you for your time