##VIDEO ID:LkVA9pUdoYg## I'm going to turn it over to our chair Laura Felman who is actually here in the boardroom with us thank you so much Laura is great to have you here with us great to see you to you okay you is your mic on La there it is now it's on okay can everyone hear me now yes well great to hear you welcome to our meeting um do we have a quorum just to check it okay we'd like to call attendance Nate Collins School Board District Four member Reginal dures Ai and Axion Inc and Cher Felman is here with us Cher rman yes here Rachel frisber Randy Gabriel School Board District 3 member Karen bur oh I'm sorry ESC advisory Council cherelle golden School Board District One member Barbara mcquinn here Lon hilard Coalition for black student achievement Gabriela Mendes Hispanic education Coalition I'm here Charmaine Postell Palm Beach County Council of PTA PTSA I did hear from um Sharman Postell and she does have a conflicting meeting she may try to listen in at some point okay Sheila Scott Luben Palm Beach State College here Imran sadiki School Board District 5 I'm here thank you and Christine tib Schoolboard District 2 member sure thank you so we have one two three right now we are one short okay since we are one short we will I'll not be calling the meeting to order instead we'll be um at recess until five until 6 o'cl yes until 6 o'clock and we will uh reconvene then unless we somehow get a quorum before that time thank you all e e e just okay I believe we have uh one person who just joined us is that Randy yes this Randy sorry about being late I got a new computer I'm trying to figure out how to how to work it we're we're just glad you're here thank you so with this thank you Randy for joining because with this we now have Quorum so I will call the meeting to order at 551 and uh before we get started I'd like to recognize and thank our school board member Barbara mcquinn for being here with us for this meeting so thank you for coming tonight and we'll go ahead and move forward in our agenda now to um for approval of the minutes uh do I have a motion to approve the minutes this is Randy I'll motion um I have an observation or um for the for the M minutes thank you uh before we do the observation do we have a second on the motion I'll second thank you very much it's Christine thank you and now um we'll have discussion so now if you would I can't Gabriel Gabrielle if you would please thank you it's hard it's much easier online um if you would go ahead and share our our your observation that would be great yes sorry about that I jumped ahead I'm too excited today it's Monday so um I don't on page four and under other suggest suggestions made the second item it's expressed as a look at data of students and schools that may have not being be progressing as much as the others I remember I asked for this and I was more specific uh and asking for data so asking for the team to bring back data to to our uh committee specifically about Title One schools and schools that are not doing well to see how we can suggest add additional support for the schools that obviously need it so it's not just to look at it but to share with us specifically of the data of those schools and I also ask for um looking at uh subgroups if I recall correctly you mentioned um subgroups by demographic data and socioeconomic levels exactly yes and I I don't see that here unless it's somewhere else but I read it couple of times and I couldn't find that and you remember better than me right so you're you want to not just look at the data you recall saying not just look at the data but also to look at um well if I if you read look at the DAT okay who looks at the thata right what I want is I I want from the team who presented is to bring back the data specifically in terms of schools that are under performing and looking at the data for title one school and also in general looking at the data for subgroups because sometimes a school is doing great but there are some some groups that are behind and we need to support those students so I thought that the general data was wonderful and and we it's something to celebrate but besides celebrating we had to look into the details to see where else we there is room for growth thank you so would you like to amend the minutes to include those so would like you like to make a motion to amend the minutes to include those details yes I'm making a motion to um and um the second item in the under suggestions made and if you want I can write what they said unless someone took notes of what I said so um do you need but excuse me if I can raise a question about her data that she requesting now I wanted to make sure that when the team brings it back they're not doing double work so is this information available to her anywhere else do we know because it sounds like they're going to have to do a deep dive and we don't want them to do extra work or do double work when it's already available to us is this do you know uh Glenda do we know if this is anywhere for her to pull or anywhere that is available it appears um it appears Vice chair that she's asking for the data that was shared from Mr attorney Attorney at our last meeting is to have the data breaken down by subgroup and I can work with the assessment team because I'm sure you know that's some data that our assessment team can can pull um the question is is that um I don't know is I mean are you expecting the assessment team do you want them to come and review that data with us or do we want to have a review of progress monitoring one after our students take the first set of data and have that data reported out by subgroup so there is a variance here but we can pull that data that she's asking for yeah I think that as C you as the academic committee we it would be good for us to look look into more that more detail um data to see if we can this is data that we've reviewed in the past I believe this is standardly looked at within yes it is and this is the data um this is the data from our last year's fast school year 24 fast now that we're in school year 25 I you know recommend I mean we can get the data and have it broken down if that's what you know if she's asking for school year 24 end of year fast right but a recommendation is that now that we've entered school year 25 our students are getting ready to take progress monitoring one so we'll get a report out to how our students perform are performing where they're starting the year off and then if indeed we would want the assessment team to come and do a report out in regards to where our students starting the year with progress monitoring one this that's the State first round of assessment we then can make certain that that data is broken down by subgroup so there are two different ask so before we go down this path of redetermining what the ask is I do believe that the motion on the table is to amend the minutes to reflect what was discussed during our last meeting and so while this can be a very useful discussion to pinpoint further what we want to see in the future let's keep ourselves focused on the motion at hand which is to amend the minutes to reflect the request so last time there was the request to um have this data presented by school with uh socioeconomic and demographic data um which is something I've standardly seen in in over the years in reports and I believe many of those are even accessible online for the lay person to take a look at um through like data for good or whatever it's called at this point I don't remember um but so do we have a second to amend the minutes so for this this is Randy I'll second for the amend amended minutes thank you so all in favor of amending the minutes to reflect this information please say I or raise your hand or indicate in some fashion support I thank you any opposed motion carries and I'm going to keep us on the agenda for um dealing with the minutes so we can get these approved um um does anybody else have a motion to amend the minutes okay I do so I move to amend the minutes to reflect also on the suggestions section that the discussion about um it's third from the bottom the opportunity gaps in accessing Advanced coursework it's not just how are we addressing those gaps but it was what is um to compare those those gaps over time to see how we have improved stayed the same or not improved in closing those gaps over time it's a through so it's the opportunity gaps and accessing Advanced coursework over time if we could add that because that's a different perspective than what we've looked at in the past do I have a second for this motion I second thank you any discussion questions all in favor please indicate I yes I thank you any opposed motion carries okay any other amendments for the minutes great so now for the minutes as amend do we have a motion on the table to approve the minutes as amended this is Randy I'll make a motion thank you do we have a second I second thank you all in favor I I any opposed thank you motion carries minutes have been approved um with regards to the discussion about how we look at the data when we look at the data which data we look at let's um table that until we get to the Q&A section of our meeting and then we can go over that then and put that into our lineup of topics that we want to talk about in the future do we have anyone here for public comment Madame chair there is no one here in the boardroom for public comments and observing online I do not see anyone online but we can ask to open their mic if they are but I do not see any guest online okay great thank you so um now we have on the agenda the voting of meeting format so um do we have particular dates that we want to consider for in-person meetings um that you had want to make a suggestion for or how do we want to handle this well um what my I was the one that asked that we consider that we had this as a discussion for this month's meeting and what I would like a recommendation that I would like to bring is that if we can go to at least meeting going like every other month um where we do the hybrid um then the next month is in person just so that we can try to just get accustomed to coming back to some of our in-person conversations the meetings are um the meetings are great I definitely appreciate everyone um we've made great strives but I also would like to have an opportunity to where we're able to collaborate in person so that's just a recommendation from myself a suggestion to the group that I would ask to consider so um I know we've already had our August meeting um this is September that came around less than a month um because August was smoed um due to the start of school so even if we said that we're going to start um you know know and next month we can continue in um continue hybrid but say um that's October but say November if we could move to inperson then December go back to hybrid to every other month that's just a recommendation I just wanted to open it for a discussion and to get feedback from the group does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions comments Laura I have a question certainly um so when we if we decide to do this would we be able to come up with a suggestion for the month of December as well as the month of well December wouldn't be a question but the month of May because normally in the month of May we we don't meet because of graduation um so would we at all look into something where we can schedule the May meeting a different date or would that already had to have been pre-planned because typically if we do am I is everyone understanding me has I right because the second the second Monday in May is May 12th and that's that gets us into graduation season right and Madam chair I would say that we have enough time so if Miss Wood needed to update Tony Lynch with a revised schedule for a meeting date for May we do have enough time to make that correction so if the group wanted to vote and make the recommendation to move that may meeting up to the first Monday instead of the second Monday um that is something that can be done because we have enough time for public notice that's great does that first Monday May 5th take us out of graduation season absolutely okay so I don't have a problem with it so it sounds really good to me um I'm good that was my only question thank you so you're so what we're talking about now is doing November January March and May in person Gabriella oh sorry no did I didn't say anything oh okay I so it looked like you mic was on so um does anybody else have any questions comments or thoughts um Christine no no I don't have any can you just um can you give those dates I just don't have the calendar right in front of me I was trying to look for it quickly but I couldn't well one would be November 11th would that be is that oh that's Veteran's Day that's Veterans Day but um I think in the past we have had meetings on that day maybe no but we have not no we have not we have not yeah we okay I I know there have been some holidays where the schools have been closed but the academic advisory committee has actually met um but I would think that November 11th we might not I don't think that's a school holiday um I right but there there there I was referring to other days not necessarily Veterans Day I know we've had that in the past but it does just because we've done in the past doesn't mean we should do that in the future but I think a lot of people are off on Veterans Day and are in a very different mode of thought on Veterans Day um and perhaps do we we have enough time to change the date of yes um Madam chair we will so if we're need if we're wanting to have that discussion about moving the November meeting and the May meeting tonight would be a perfect time to do so so that we can give those changes to Tony Lyn tomorrow okay is there a different night than Monday nights we could choose um what we would what we don't T typically want to do is run up against another Advisory Group or another group so I don't have those schedules in front of me okay and then of course making certain that we have the um the meeting space right so perhaps for November 11 we could change it to the 18th because of the holiday it you schools used to be off a few years ago and that day but I don't know maybe not this year I think like maybe we could move it one week behind but not more because then is Thanksgiving Thanksgiving or we could move it to November 4th which is the week before that too which might be easier for people because they're less in Holiday mode and planning mode and I'm looking at the calendar and I don't see a meeting for November our meeting would be in December there's no meeting on the calendar that I see for November I have it in my calendar I don't I have it December 9th and then I had the September meeting I have all of the the invites and I have February 10th I had I didn't see anything for November do we have that information I have a November one on my calendar so I don't know I don't I don't have one yes yes it is on the calendar I'm going check um Miss golden November is it November what day 11th yes Monday November 11th I see it on the school district's calendar online okay as November 11th all right okay so first let's divide this out before we start switching the dates of November and may do we the first question on the table is do we have a motion to meet every other month in person and the other months as hybrid meetings can somebody make that motion this is regional I motion to approve our meeting every first Monday in person in every other Monday you said virtual no that was not no so okay so you want us to switch to be the first Monday of the month is that what you're saying she just got to mix yeah and then you can have the other meeting virtually are we are we okay I think there's a little bit of confusion so my question is is do we have a motion to change not the dates of the meetings but instead to focus on the format where we would meet in November January March and May in person I'll go ahead and make that motion this is thank you and I'll go ahead and second the motion thank you this do we have any discussion about the motion yes so what's the plan B in case uh someone cannot you know something happens someone cannot make it there is there a plan B to to make sure we have Corum we would I assume go back to the old system that if you here you can make Quorum if you were not here you cannot contribute to Quorum but you can call in and listen in if I recall correctly so you can call in speak that shouldn't be maybe we need to make a motion to add where we still have the Google meet meeting has a backup because that would be a plan B and we will also all you know stand to have a quorum each meeting is that something that we can add or that gets into the legality I think of what we consider to what's required for an in-person meeting okay um and I'm looking at Dr Sheffield to see sorry if that's something that we can do where the primary focus is that we hold them in person but still maintain them to be hybrid meetings yes the primary focus would be for those four months the primary focus would be for in person however we do understand extenuating circumstances so we can continue with the hybrid for extenuating circumstances but I will like in good faith is just to try to get you know the 51% here in person but we will leave the hybrid just for you know for extenuating circumstances Madam chair okay so in case of extenuating circumstances would we have a capability of calling or emailing somebody easily you know even if they're down here not at a desk kind of a thing so that we can um make sure that that information is communicated if need be you mean emailing the link what if someone's like planning on being here but something happens no we will leave we will still set it up as it high hybrid meeting we will set leave it set up the way it is set up now um just with an understanding with we we will know as committee members that this is a meeting that we're going to do our best that we've committed to to try to do in person and then for those that have those extending circumstances then yes they will be able to you know to join us virtually got it so uh I think forg my lack of understanding but I think we need to change the wording on the motion because we are not changing the format of the meeting what we're doing is we're keeping the meeting hybrid but then amongst our committee members saying please show up in person every other month you got it Madam chair okay and Randy you said you had a question or Reginal no that was the question that I had because what is the reason for us changing making a motion to to change the meeting to every other month if the format is not going to be changed therefore it is really the the resp is of us to know on those days you guys are really pushing for us to be an inh house and if we can't we still have the capability of joining online you make an excellent point so um I guess instead of a motion can we have consensus that we will make every effort to be here in person come November January March and may I'm all for it I consent to it great yeah I consent terrific okay so that is our thought process and very excited get to see you all in person in uh couple months so that'll be wonderful so the next yay so the next item is uh the discussion about changing the dates let's take these one at a time uh let's do the I think the easiest one first which is May can we have a motion to move May's date from hold on I have to put my calendar again from May 12th to May 5th uh I think it's May 6th and May from May 13th to May 6th uh the 13th and the 6th are Tuesdays and we meet on Mondays oh I'm sorry I'm looking at the wrong c yeah you're right sorry does anyone want to make this motion this is em I'll go ahead and make the motion thank you second please this is Randy Al second thank you any discussion great all in favor hi hi I do have a question a yay okay sure what what are the dates again changing from May 12th to May 5th from the 2 Monday to the 1 Monday in May I must be looking at a different calendar than you're looking at because I have that May May 5th is a Sunday maybe I'm not looking at the right C May 2025 oh I got May oh May 2024 is what I have sorry that's why okay thank you I'm sorry about that no problem okay so we had all I think everyone voted uh those who voted in favor did any opposed thank you motion carries so we'll meet on May 5th and now let's go to nov uh currently the meeting is scheduled for November 11th 2024 and do we have a motion on the table to move it to November 4th this is Reggie I move to move the meeting to November 4th second thank you any discussion any opposed thank you motion carries so we'll meet November 4th and we will meet on May 5th thank you very much and thank you all for your patience with all of that and if we can move on to the next agenda item Dr Sheffield for your update I'm Madam chair I'm going to um because we just met it hasn't even been a month and the the updates that I had were light as we just finished up our 11-day 11-day count adjustments on last week and working with budget meeting with the Regional Offices um and doing those unit adjustments accordingly that has been the big bucket of work um since we have re since we've met um three weeks ago I can hold my other updates because um in essence of time I do have with we have two guests with us um our director of Elementary Ed I'm Miss Adrian Howard who's going to spend some time for the request from our last meeting around updating us around the K2 lassinger initiative that's the work that we're doing with our k2's um teachers and understanding small group instruction and of course building the instructional pedagogy and also um Mr morari our director for our executive director for ese um where we're going to have for those that had some questions around the initiatives and so forth teaming up with Miss Howard the work that we're doing around our K2 phonics initiative with fundations and youly with the University of Florida so those are really two big pieces that we have this evening that I want to make certain that we are able to cover um so I will foro in regards to the soft updates that I did have thank you but before turning it over to um Mr mcari and Miss Howard I I would like to move um Miss no um Mr Nolan R up he is our library manager um the manager follow Library Services just in case he have any updates okay Mr R if you would go please good afternoon everybody at this time there's no updates uh the process seemed to work really well last year so we wanted to keep the process going for consistency purposes uh I did want to say thank you to all of you um after the last meeting we have been receiving a lot of really good comments uh so please keep that up keep asking questions uh and keep everything going so thank you thank you very much and thank you for taking the time to come here and give us that short comment appreciate that and do you I don't know who prefers to go next whether Miss Howard Miss Howard okay thank [Music] you good evening everyone um good evening to the academic advisory committee and good evening to board member Barbara mcquinn um I would like to update you guys about the great work that we've been doing this is year two of our lassinger work that we've been doing with the University of Florida oh so I okay um I'd like to kick it off by saying of course we all know that the ability to read fluently and for understanding is perhaps one of the most important things that we can do to build skills um for our us adult citizens health and well-being and of course for their economic advancement um but we know when we study um and the data in the United States it is still a struggle that we have very low literacy rates for our children and adults in the US so today I'm going to briefly go over um aligning our vision and expectations that we've had regarding our K2 support I'm going to give a brief explanation between later and youly I think that's some confusion um in the building a little bit as we roll out uh two different things a little bit of a data discussion um what we're doing to support and monitor this implementation and then some of our non-negotiables and next steps so we started this work around our strategic initiative A1A I was gifted uh to be the owner of this initiative um and that is to ensure that we have consistent and effective literacy instruction in every prek through three third grade classrooms on that strategic initiative it's the goal of the district is to have 70% of our third graders be proficient by 2027 okay you could breathe with me because that's what I said when I got ownership um so what do we do to make sure that we can kind of Reach This goal you know how do we hold our grades K2 um make them as equally as important as 35 I think with testing um and the Paradigm Shift of what happened uh in our classrooms where schools were held accountable and given grades for three through five uh the the structure of the day would shift and principls were really concerned because they were evaluated based off that data the state is now taking a shift where they're looking at all grades data K through five um how do we also ensure longterm long-term success that includes sustainable growth and I am a true believer that if you build a foundation strong when we get to third grade those students will be strong readers and how do we get out of the Quick Fix mindset um people tend to believe that if I keep just pushing different programs and programs on teachers that it'll miraculously fit Stu fix students that need need help with reading and so we we're really trying to push a long-term um solution that can yield great results as I talked earlier and I mentioned that there's lassinger and there's youly Dr Sheffield talked about lassinger is just what it is it is building the skills of teachers to help with small group instruction um it's research base it is based in the science of reading it helps teachers bring Theory to practice in the classroom and it provides them an explicit five-step framework so it's actually allowing teachers to build those skills to build those readers um with a small group Focus uly which is also by the University of Florida is a systematic program that teaches students foundational skills necessary for proficient reading this year and Kevin will talk about it a little bit we are using youly as a supplemental resource during core as well as foundations to help build some of the phonic skills in students but again youly is designed to use in core instruction however it can be used as an intervention for struggling students in in any [Music] grade so when we talk about all the components of reading we are trying our best and I would say we're doing a pretty good job is making sure teachers understand the Florida's formula of Student Success and with those suc with that success is the six components of reading that must be taught um every day and it's oral language development phonological awareness phonics fluency vocabulary and comprehension the last and girl work that we're doing helps teachers make sure that they understand that they have to work on all six components um to reach reading success this slide really talks about how the instruction is broken down into five steps uh the five steps include reading for fluency they do Target assessments which is a core phonic survey so you can understand where the student needs help it includes explicit word instruction reading for meaning and connecting reading and writing I'm going to show you a little Snippets of some of the videos where we've had our specialist working with teachers to build their skills in teaching this um for example at day a uh they will do steps 1 2 3 and four and then day B they would do 1 two 3 and five small group instruction will take place in the classroom uh it takes about 20 to 25 minutes and with us making this shift um the last two years teachers have had really had to adjust because our small group group instructions was like maybe 15 or 20 minutes and they were um in the habit of giving everyone the exact same type of small group instruction so with this framework it has really allowed teachers to really differentiate the instruction and base it on the student [Music] needs this slide really just talks about some of the feedback that we've received from principals and teachers as they've gone through this professional learning um some of them I won't read all of them to you but uh Francis fry one of the teachers said good morning I just want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to come to the linger training they're so excited um they talk about take it step by step I love the El Conan boxing lessons and the step-by-step direction for how to efficiently run small groups the importance of giving specific corrective feedback it will make my small groups a million times stronger [Music] and then bonda Daniels the principal from Galaxy says thank you for everything my teachers are [Music] buzzing if we go into a little bit of data um before we jumped into this work um I had the pleasure of watching pelis County present uh the work that they had done with the linger Center and if you look at the data uh pelis County is outscoring a definitely Palm Beach County as we compare the data they've been doing this work for about four years with lassinger 62% of their third graders are now proficient um and pelis County outperformed the school district of Palm Beach County and Ela grades three through five and I do I do believe it is a direct result of the work that they've done with lassinger and small group framework this this is this slide really just talks about how they rolled out the work they started with eight schools um and they really had a good impact of 32% of them reaching um the proficient rate 77% of the students gain teachers gained knowledge in the science of reading and they served over 5,000 and something uh teachers in this work uh the model included it was for teachers coaches and administrators and District Lev personnel and I'll go into how we kind of did our similar to them but with lesson learns with rolling out the first year we've made some adjustments for the second year and then the partnership components it's when you hear lassinger or you hear fla Flamingo literacy coaching or small group that is all the same work they just call it the flamingo small group so a little bit more about about panel's County briefly is there an a rating for the ever first time they had uh no elementary schools were a DF um they did a multi-year collaboration it has been a multi-year approach and it started by providing that FL Flamingo small group framework leadership was committed to build capacity so they were included they did the Train the trainer model and a master of instruction credential uh they've made great strides strides in Panela County and I'm hoping in Palm Beach we will continue to do the same um but it's not a quick fix so with a mind shift that we have to make in the buildings not just quick fix not just other programs but continue this work to build teacher capacity so this is just the comparison between panell County implementation and Palm Beach County's implementation so last year when we rolled it out uh our intensive nine schools were imp imped uh with K2 teachers uh it was 10 schools that were invited one school had a leadership change um so they kind of fell off I would say uh in the process um but they the the UF linger Center supported the schools we provided lab sites with UF they come in and they work with the teachers oneon-one and they do coaching we also trained 32 additional schools with the literacy specialist in my department um and that shift kind of was interrupted last year when we were pushed out to do some um in-person student student support student facing support uh but 17 of those lab sites were completed uh we did walkthroughs in the spring in the four schools and a look for look for form was created for those walkthroughs and we've kind of even changed some of that um for this year so this year we had six more schools that were added they are UF is supporting a total of 11 schools we have our lab site scheduled matter of fact they are kicking off next week we held our 3-day summer literacy Institute for small group that took place at the end of July um we have added administrator sessions this year where last year when we rolled it out um we kind of gave the information to the teachers first I think I was just so excited about getting into the work and so now as you reflect uh and I've reflected we've decided that okay we need to have everyone on board invested so we are now having an administrator track to make sure they understand the work that should take place during small group and then in one of our North Area Schools um she's doing eight of her schools and they're being supported by our literacy specialist oh did I click too many no I'm sorry yeah it this slide is just more about one of the things that's different um in pellis county is their implementation supports that all of the schools that they did um have do this work had literacy coaches assigned to them so that would help that's not that's not how um every school in palmach County does not have literacy coaches um but we do try to pick lead teachers or ssc's anyone who's going to touch k k through two in those schools we ask that they be trained in this work to help support the work and then the district literacy support was in the targeted 16 schools every day and they worked in those schools instead of going to the office and this is just um we know from change theory from Michael fulan that it could take three to five years for the effects of educational reform to be evident so with that being said we've we're we're continuing to push forward um to make sure that our teachers are prepared and understand the why um for the small group framework come experts s in differentiating that instruction that can impact students to become fluent readers here we have the list of schools that we are doing this work in um these are the 61 schools that are receiving the K2 small group this year each of those portfolios at least have two literacy Specialists from my office that is that is assigned um and we continue to do this work and it is it is a hard push um but we are seeing the change some of the things that we are changing is to make sure that we are monitoring this work a little more closely um and really holding people accountable for following through and making sure that the teachers are I would say prepared and supported uh as they work through uh this work so again our professional learning uh we did the small group framework it was a 3-day summer literacy Institute during this year we will be doing the science of reading which is full three full day sessions and then of course we added the administrator track [Music] sessions I mentioned that we will be monitoring and evaluating the implementation so all of the schools and the teachers and the principles will be using this form as we conduct our walkthroughs we will be using this form to make sure that we can support teachers in this work this is not a form to say oh I don't think you're doing something right it is not evaluative in any way it is how we can continue to support through professional learning to make sure teachers are receiving what they need and this is just really our tracking sheet from our department to make sure as we're meeting with leadership uh Dr sheffi Mr tyy and the principal supervisors that they are aware of the work that is going on in their schools and we can follow through and up if necessary and then some of the other work that we're doing up in the department of literacy uh is that we offer cadres so teachers can have an understanding of the ELA standards and we also offer training for literacy coaching endorsement last year I sent I think about seven of my Specialists um within the last two years to become literacy coach teachers and then those they can now train reading coaches and they can become literacy uh endorsed literacy coach endorsed so again in summary again our focus is two big buckets of work uh small group Focus building the capacity of K to teachers across 59 schools and again help making sure they have an understanding of the best standards in K through five our non-negotiables is that we're going to continue to do ongoing support for principles and P principal supervisors we ask that they attend at at least the minimum one of the lab site visits we will continue District litery staff develop developers will continue to provide support in small group and then we're going to monitor that work conducting classroom walkthroughs with Administration uh with reading coaches to make sure that we're building the teachers capacity as they work through it because we all know you go to three days of training and you come back I was a teacher and you'd say I I learned a lot and I'm I'm eager to do it but sometimes they're they're afraid to make that next step um and so we're here to support them and say start small and then it will yield results at the end um we're going to continue to work with our performance and accountability department so we can get data and be able to give that specific feedback and then we're going to schedule our monthly meetings with our principal [Music] supervisors and then I wanted to do I have time um to show you a little bit of the work um that we did with some of the teachers last year so you'll get to see a snippet of a a day and a b day you won't get to see all of it cuz it's they're like 20 minutes but this was a training video that we provided for teachers so in case they wanted to go back and see the work or I should say the how to I want you to take out the book a hub is fun and I want you to take out your yes our whisper phones and I'll take your bags so they're out of the way let's take those thank you we'll put those back here all right and as we are reading I am going to put my hand down in front of you which means that I want you to read a little louder so that I can hear you just so you know this one of the literacy specialist with a white te so I will help you if you get stuck we'll work through those words together you may begin I like the way that you look through the word and fixed it excellent keep going is time for a snack it's yum yum I love the way that you're can you go back a page for me go back one page I love how smooth you're reading and I love that every time you get to those periods and when you got to that exclamation point you you knew to stop and at that exclamation point you need to raise your voice a little bit gross looks like tack you're right but look just like L watch this you have that silent E again which makes the a say it name so let's do that together good go back all the way to the beginning let's hear it cup is and his D okay now you will see a little bit of bday you do see a little bit of the beginning of the same lesson because remember we repeat steps 1 two 3 4 on I keep want to say day one and day two day a and then on day B we do 1 2 3 four and five one two three and five right yep one two three and five okay [Music] What's the title of this [Music] book perfect okay so while I am going to be uh listening to my friend and listening to each one of you read into uh while you're reading to yourself and the whisper phone okay make sure that I when I come up to you your reading and I can hear you okay right let's take our books out of the [Music] bag take out our whisper phone and I'll take your baggies so we can cook that later there you go all right go ahead and start you can say it loud enough I am am am I AMF slop to slum so let's try it with our fingers ready [Music] a four sounds there you go that's right so I'm going to change it to slum and a slum is a place where the houses are kind of in a bad shape it's not a really great area yeah now I want you to change the U in slum for the I change u y i okay what is the word slim slim slim okay perfect now if this word is Slim can you change slim to slam let's make some room here room go okay so okay let's try it together ready I'm going to change put up our fist ready show me your fist everyone Johnny let me see your fist m what are you missing there yes ma'am okay uh that was our other specialist Gloria Arnold and she works uh really with a lot of our dual language schools uh when we wrote it out last year we did work with our dual language department and they created all of the work that we had done in English with UF linger they were University of Florida was very helpful in helping us also do it in Spanish for our dual language wonderful so that's it are there any questions for me does anyone have any questions yes I do um you said you're doing the in Spanish what they're teaching reading in Spanish or what is that they're doing in Spanish I didn't understand that the entire framework the entire framework that was done for the teachers in English we did it for the teachers that teach in Spanish literacy in Spanish for the for for the Dual language programs the Dual language programs yes ma'am okay okay thank you we you're welcome we do have dual language programs in other languages than Spanish correct yes we do uh I believe last year it was Haitian Creole um we did not created in Haitian Creo because they just kind of rolled out but we did because of the number of the Dual language in Spanish they were helpful in US transitioning the same lessons over for the Dual language teachers and the multiculture department did assist with that oh that's great so in the future when when this is rolled out to all elementary schools it will also be rolled out to yes um of course as well exactly so as you know as they created it for the Spanish then us understanding that now we've brought on our Haitian Creole which is getting all of those um translated into Haitian Creole hatian Creole is definitely in the mix of being attitude as well that's wonderful um you had a slide showing which of the schools were selected for which time frame can you go into a little bit more detail as to how those schools were selected if I recall correctly there were some areas that well there's one area that had no Selections in the South Region yes so it was based off of data so the state releases um every year uh raise identified schools and so they have three levels there is intensive targeted and there's Universal your intensive schools are schools that have um less than I think they changed the number this year but I would say less than 50% of their kids proficient let me let me rephrase it more than 50% of their kids are non-proficient I think it's actually 66% for FY 25 so on our list last year there was 10 of those schools which we selected to start this work in got it right so we feel like if your third graders are reading then there's probably a gap in your K1 and two and then for your targeted schools the focus for the state is second grade students if you have more than 50% of them reading um below a level three as well Madam chair you have a hand up I think it's Vice chair um Goldman gold Charelle yes I recognize you Charelle okay I just have a question so while we're on this particular slide is this broken down by your what you just said about more than 50% because I'm I see green yellow orange but I don't see where uhuh go ahead I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you I I don't understand where the focus okay so the Okay so when we picked the 10 schools those schools were directly supported by University of Florida so are they in green here they're they're not ranked that's colorcoded for us to know who UF will help directly the schools that are green receive support from the literacy Specialists here from the district okay so when we rolled it out the year before the first year all of the literacy Specialists were expected to get trained so they would know how to help support other schools in this work all right so that's really my color coding to help us know where they're going but the green um is K2 cohort so they're supported mostly by District Personnel okay if you are yellow you are supported by not only District Personnel to some extent but definitely University of Florida's Personnel okay all right thanks you're and I have just another question in one of the slides you said well while you were presenting I think it was a further back you had said that with the literacy Court I think uh you had the ask was that they attend the training or were trained versus I wanted to know my question is is that what is the difference between the AXS versus mandatory because wouldn't we want them to have the training before they actually go in and do or train these the kids yes and so the the three-day training um happens over the summer uhuh I cannot mandate Any teacher to attend trainings over the summer okay they are highly encouraged we do pay them um I believe we had like 180 teachers show up for this summer um so I can't mandate it I I wish could mandate it um so we're trying to look at different things for next year because teachers now get about maybe six days of preschool and so my wish is that we offer the three days during that preschool time because then it can might switch as I'm the principal and I can tell you that is what I want your focus to be and that's where I want you to go for your preschool training so we're working through some of the but Miss Howard for those teachers yeah for those teachers that may not attend attended over the summer I think there is an opportunity for us to provide um The Continuous coaching and PD to make certain that we are Fielding um their instructional pedagogy to make sure that they too