[Music] for e e e e all right we are live we have just gotten a quorum so we will get our meeting started um still have a quarum right Dorothy yes sir okay and we will start off with the attendance go ahead Dorothy start us off Dorothy banishes facilities Construction polyan office of the general councel Michael tuello facilities construction David Dolan Facilities Management David Porter cork Barbara Myers Construction purchasing Bill H Cor work Tom Hogarth building code Services Mark Lodge building code Services here in the corner sir Tom Jake Bon whorton Smith Jim Milo Dan bdex construction Jacob Cats parle Construction James Perell facilities construction bob L Office inspector J James Campbell Chief Operating office Joel Campbell facilities construction Roby derell moson Associates Sean M Core Construction okay darthy you want to do online for us please we have um John chesher here Michael galand president Sam Shannon here tadrick McCoy here Virginia Ferris here and for the school board we have Frank Barbary here we see and also have Mr Sanchez here as well okay very good thank you everyone we get more in the room if we have an afternoon meeting N9 o'clock must be too early in the morning for contractors all right um I have nothing to report anyone with a conflict of interest on anything we're reviewing today or has anyone been approached by a lobbyist of any kind on anything being reviewed today all right nothing in the room and nothing online so we're good with that darthy continue doing our cork reports they're very well done thank you for doing that I think the board appreciates getting that kind of reader digest version of what we talk about staff updates okay um good afternoon everybody it's really odd saying good afternoon good morning on this but um good afternoon everybody um lot of things going on of course we're uh ramping up for our summer work um in fact last month was probably the last agenda items that we could uh approve that will get us to uh starting construction in June uh this year our summer construction starts on June 1st um so a lot of our folks are already very busy as well as our contractors you guys are all probably very busy shop drawings and getting everything all sorted out uh ready for construction um we've got a lot of uh exciting things going on these days uh um I think last month I told you about our our groundbreaking at at Windbrook and um yesterday we were fortunate enough to have a groundbreaking at our West Riviera Elementary School it was a great great event there and um later uh this week actually yeah later this week I.E tomorrow tomorrow we have uh the dedication ceremony at our um uh elementary school maluca elementary that's with uh purle and um we will also be having our uh earlier this week we had a uh a community meeting with the for the West acreage Elementary School uh that's the the new school out by Arden out in the Arden area uh uh we had it at Binks Forest because that's who's going to be affected by the building the new school Binks Forest of course as many of you may knows quite over capacity so this will be a huge Advantage we're uh starting construction right away on that one um and we are also going to be doing a groundbreaking um I think it's in the beginning of May um uh for that site so we got a little bit of that stuff going on um we uh as a reminder we have a uh early board meeting and there an early cork meeting next month the month of May uh as we all know month May often uh involves uh graduations so uh the board definitely does their work um earlier and um one my my final item that I wanted to um point out to the group is um to today is a u a Bittersweet day for me um since coming over to the district I've had the pleasure of working with such incredible people um and I've really been um pleasured have getting to learn so much from so many of them one of the people that I've had such joy and pleasure working with is Tom Hogarth our director of building code service Services well from those of you who don't know um Tom's last day is April 30th um actually Tom's really last day is tomorrow but um we will be losing Tom at the end of this month and um I can't tell you how sad I am because there's there's so many great qualities and so many such such a talent there that I uh I I feel for the person that will come in behind him because it's heck of a set of shoes to fill now the good news is the person that I will be uh filling those shoes with is uh Mr Mark LJ who has been our uh our uh I guess our general manager our manager of the building uh code Services uh for a while now and um while it is those are big shoes to fill I'm certain that Mark is uh more than capable and will do a great job as a matter of fact I was reminded do you know that when Tom started Mark Lodge trained him so so I I feel we've got a good uh a good team uh going forward and uh Mark welcome and and you know you've got our our utmost support and uh can't wait to see uh the many years you've got with us at least that's what I'm gonna say right yeah Tom thank you so much for everything been a pleasure U 22 years around here is like a short term compared to some people many on the cork it's amazing how long they so I enjoyed working with all you B A pleasure there are openings on cork now so you can put your resume in three different military boards and this one works harder than all of them put together yes that's a no okay uh yeah it's gonna be odd not uh seeing your your face around here either online or or in the building so you will be missed and Mark will be uh filling in nicely so good okay um anything else for staff updates no did you no no we're good okay very good public comments anybody with public comments all right see none moving right along down to the consent agenda here we go fc1 I'd like to pull that okay I'd like to pull it also okay fc2 fc3 fc4 pc1 PC2 PC3 pc4 ec5 I wanted that one pulled okay wow I move the items forward on Virginia one second Mr gelfan yeah um I missed fc4 Addison Meisner i' like to pull that please okay you missed the deadline Michael sorry no so now I'll move to have the others forward all right need a second second second by Sam all right darthy Bill hooko no yes yes okay David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes Sam Shannon yes tadrick McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes okay thank you fc1 Virginia go ahead first by the way do you do you know that I'm here Tom Tom oh Tom bur no I did not see you add his vote so you ask him okay Tom yes thank you okay that's great okay Virginia now you're up okay my questions are on uh numbers two three and four um all of them from um song Associates that there didn't seem to be any contingency amount in the in the balance there money was added and and spent exactly so I'm just curious where the money came from and how the approval went forward if there were no contingency amounts available so the um The Architects contingency isn't usually as as robust as the construction contingency because we often don't need a contingency there but there was pulled from Project contingency so we do have a fund that's that's set aside for things unforeseen so since those were design changes we pulled it from there should that be explained well um sure yeah I mean the reality is it's it's a very unlikely occurrence that's why we don't generally fund the um Architects contingency um the presumption is the scope we generally know what the scope should be and have very little risk of needing additional funds um in this particular case because it was um a project that's been on well the Fon Holland was going on for for a while um there were adjustments and I think you saw that in some of the responses the written responses all right right I didn't get the written responses so I don't know I'm still having trouble with with my email so I have to talk to you about changing my email did you get did you get our okay those questions yeah some of those questions were in there but we'll we'll make sure you get on that list you have get a new email let us know yeah we're sorry about that Virginia if we we'll we'll find another way to get it through to you thank you yeah Virginia I had similar questions and they were answered in the responses that you didn't get so all thank you very much yep Michael gelfin Michael I know he came on and came off is Mr Gan are you still on yeah I'm still here Kicking and Screaming as um with reference to the first item Coral Sunset the parking area so it looks like we're the 86 vehicle spaces who are they for they're they're for staff um they right now it's a it's a field that they have they Park in when they need to so when they have um additional you know public that come and stuff like that they have to use that overflow lap which is just a field um and was there a reason why that wasn't in the original budgeting so when we did the facility conditioning assessment we set aside a certain dollar value for parking it was I think it was in this P it was under under $200,000 um so we did uh it was a higher priority to resurface the existing lot because it was in really bad shape um and then design the um overflow lot to be done as a separate project as a minor project so that's what we decided we looked at as those fcas it didn't say exactly which parking lot to do you know but when we do the assessments when we get on site we do the worst of the bunch for what money we have right so that's why we looked at the existing parking lot and it was in really bad shape so we um re um recoded that and restriped that and then we had enough money in there to design this future lot but not necessarily build it as part of the FCA and the per um car or per vehicle cost for the parking lot is that you know I've not seen breakdowns on this before is that a reasonable price for that is that in the backup thy where is that I don't know what that's yeah what he's arguing is 86 divided by 8 800,000 is that a reasonable amount so we're talking about 100 a rough order of magnitude estimate yeah that's a that's a budget number it's not our our final cost it helped us make sure that that we looked at the for the architectural services we look at the two different ways we look at the cost of the project and as that percentage seem appropriate for the architectural civil engineering design and also then we look at it from that point we really detail down into the actual number of hours to do the work described in that scope so that's where we come up with that that 800,000 just kind of a a cross check to verify that we're in the right range all right um there was a followup I saw on the pooki number five the softball where the designers being asked to incorporate the Florida high school standards should not that be a standard for all Fields yeah it is so this particular project we hired a a structural engineer and the plan was to go um demo and rebuild the eight um dugouts that they have in place and not do any other work um once we got to the school and and um started down actually the construction we talked to the um the coaches and they made us aware that the actually they're having baseball games canceled because their field is non-compliant that they're their Dugout is too far away from home plate and there's no Outfield fence and there's all kinds of issues with the field so before we didn't want to put new dugouts exactly where they shouldn't be so the other six we replaced exactly where they were were at and the baseball field doets were actually moving those up closer to the lines of the field so that they would that way they can have a compliance and then so in doing so we're also going to have to move the back stop along with it but there's just a a huge gap between home plate and the back stop that's non-compliant so um and we didn't know that we didn't even we didn't have an architect on board we didn't have um we didn't we weren't planning on touching the fields at all we wanted to just do the dugouts and then as we got there we figured out no sense putting the dugouts back where they're non-compliant on the baseball field so prior to construction you never had any baseball games canceled they they had some canceled they had it depends on the ref some of them let them play um some of them cancel it and some just warn them and say hey this is not compliant um but we're not on the the that side of things we don't always hear about every game that goes on you know on the construction side so it never got to you guys we weren't aware of it until we went out there and started doing work at the school and then they made us aware of it and we're like oh that's that's good news he's absolutely right we we find out after the fact about lighting issues yeah sometimes the light Banks there might be a light out and the Umpire says might might say all right well you better have that fixed the next time we'll play but it's it's almost almost non- compliant and what not so every then we'll hopefully they tell maintenance and we send a crew out there and repair but in this particular case when it came to the Dugout no we didn't really know about it until that right when we were getting ready to start they said yeah and this particular project actually started out as a maintenance project they the dugouts were deteriorated maintenance went out there to see if they could repair them so oh it's more than we can repair so they kicked it over to our side and and so the original scope of work like I said was just to replace the Dugout and then six out of the eight that was the case we did that it was the other two that were the the baseball month uh how long ago was this field um constructed because I I seem to recall that we built the School like what six or seven years ago so keep in mind um pooki is a little bit of an oddball case it's a junior middle school so there's two schools combined into one um one of the the school the middle school I think it is is more recent the high school is very old um the fields have been there for a long time um we're working to address it they don't even have a an outfield fence so they have to put cones up and raise their hand when the ball goes for a home run so we're we're trying to get them up to the to at least the minimum standard to be able to play out there um and while this came about you know the the staff is just working with what they have out there doing the best they can not complaining which is is fine but um we didn't know all this till recently so we're trying to get some improvements out there so that they can have a a legitimate field out there so um you've opened up a couple of different lines yes for me to discuss here um so like for the Outfield fence and these other items do we have a timeline as to when those those items will be done so we're looking at the um the what called the the back the back stop to go with this project and we have a design now for a um we're working on the design for the back stop at the same time so that'll have all the structure because the back stop needs a lot more a structural reinforcement than just your Outfield fence right so um but we're working on both those simultaneously to hopefully get um by the end of the summer have them where they have a back stop new dugouts and an outfield fence that they can actually use um we are planning for some future at some point to do a a scoreboard um and that kind of thing so we're just trying to move some power out in the right location um and then the um the a different group in maintenance is actually taking care of making some Field improvements with the clay and things like that so there's half a dozen different minor projects going on out there trying to improve things but this is just one part of it can I interrupt for a second because I was just told that I'm supposed to be at a deposition so I was wondering where Tom was on this because yeah so I have to leave but I do want to say that I think you should make clear to the coaches that they have an o obligation to let you know when there's an issue course especially in a place like booki where you're not going to be there every day and with that I have to leave and I do apologize I hope we still have a quorum we do we do thank you and I apologize by you don't even need your body Tom I'm out David I need Porter I need to talk to you about something else later yes thank you Mr bur he's he's right Mr gelfin you're right if that's where you were going as well we do need better lines of communication with our coaches through their ad through the principal through the maintenance department um for us to hear about them and and sadly we have I I probably can count off three or four in the last few weeks uh of circumstances like that when it comes to athletic facilities that we don't really find out about it until it's a oh hey by the way I randomly ran into today for example we had a u a principal leadership today a leadership Summit all the principles come out uh for training and and for um getting a lot of feedback that's an opportunity for all them talk to talk to each other and then also talk to District staff leadership uh District staff and that's where they catch us and go hey by the way I've been meaning to tell you you know we've got this problem at the field it's yeah find out that it might have been years ago I I appreciate so let me take this one step at a time if I can where we had left off um if we can get a followup report let's say July 1st as to where we are on the needs to bring the field back up to what are appropriate standards uh including the scoreboard issue and the playing field issue and of course the fencing uh issues back stop and the The Outfield fence so I'd like to just make certain that this thing you know moves forward um I am Tom sort of preempted me on this and this may not be a work issue but I don't know that it's being addressed elsewhere so I'll just vocalize it um for a school administrator a coach to have games cancelled because the field is not within um the association specs I I don't understand how that did not get to us if not the first time the second time or if not to us up the line and uh David I'm not expecting your staff necessarily to have an answer to that that's all outside I presume of your line of command unless Joe wants to pop in and correct me on this but um something if we're dealing if if the same administrators are in that school today as were years ago when this started something's wrong and someone needs to take a look at why this isn't being reported up um you know I can I don't know the impact necessarily of having an outfield fence but if the dugouts are causing games to be cancelled that's something we need to know just as much as we need to know that you know there's tile being you know lifted up in the cafeteria that's causing a trip Hazard and someone's going to get hurt am I wrong on that and again David I'm not putting you on the spot on this I'm not expect I don't expect that you have an answer to it unless you know you can give me one now but you know something something's rough well no and forgive me I I I can't argue with you in that I think we're coming from the same perspective I mean what we do here on staff we care about doing what the kids need and we can only do what we're asked and so we we we yeah I was gonna sayna thank you you me some time Mr Sanchez Mr s what I'm looking at is on the other side of the um District organizational chart someone needs to be going out to that school and looking at you know the chain of command and saying you know are you afraid of telling us that your games are being cancelled I mean yeah I should have to be rais in this someone needs to be finding out what's going on in the mindset of the administrators in that school Mr Sanchez yeah good afternoon everybody I don't I don't want to draw conclusions yet because I I don't know all the facts and you know I don't know if this is a if this if the if the athletic director is a new person or the coach is a new person or whatever the case may be and you know even as far as back as when we built it originally what was the intent back then what was the code requirements and all those kind of things so I I I don't want to I don't want to put blame on anybody without knowing all the facts yet so I think that's the first step is understand what the facts are but again what's key for us is getting it fixed and making it right um I can tell you from my experience not just with facilities but with transportation and other areas of the district you know you the the glazes community in general I wouldn't say this to a person but you know it this is stereotyping but I hate to always do that but I hate to do that but um they complain less frequently than other communities do and even when they should you know I remember a time when I was out there proctoring an exam and the desk were broken and I'm like I couldn't understand why nobody pointed out to me before that the desk were broken the kids were sitting on a broken desk and um and I immediately you know make sure we got we got those DES in place but that's unfortunately you know there there's a there's a certain mentality that you know this is what we get out here in the Glades that that shouldn't be the case but um you know I try to make sure that we do our best to provide equity and um getting students what they need regardless of where they where they go to school good answer and um like I said but in this particular case I just don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves without knowing the particulars of the situation agree with you on that that's why I said you know I don't know if this is we have new people in there or not but someone on the academic side of the chain of command needs to take a look and let the folks know that you know when you've got a problem like that you got to report it I know if it was my daughter's school you'd have 10,000 folks screaming at you you know before the the ref made it to his car all right so can we get a followup let's say July 1 as to where we are on this we we will do our best yes sir yeah we're not asking for to be done by then that's why I saying that's why I didn't want to Comm all answers but you're right and your schedule will say we finished this this and this and here's when the next stuff's getting done that's all Mr Dolan is there like a800 number to call for turning in sports complaints yes that on the wall somewhere cell phone number any number of things right you know there some of these may be stemming from years ago years past where when when maintenance didn't have a lot of money in years past and we may be fortunate that now we do have um the the benefit of the sales tax and we can say when somebody calls and says hey our scoreboard is not working all right we'll get a guy right out there no problem maybe it comes from a different mentality from before that you know if there wasn't always money to to solve everything uh that we're we uh we're now in a position to say as Mr sanche just said get out there and get it done let's get it fixed michaa you want to make a motion for this um of this particular one because I got a couple of other questions that I'll try to get right go ahead now go ahead 10 cunning K Cunningham um I may not understand the GMP as well but shouldn't the unanticipated costs be incorporated into the risk of the GMP so um the way our contracts written it says that they can come back and and rectify those in this particular case this contractor accepted I think it was like three or four projects with this um estimated his bonds and insurance on all four of them low because we had a a couple of these in the past few months um and just did an estimate on all of them and then when he realized he got quotes from an insurance carrier that it was substantially more than he had guessed so he has provided those quotes to us um so this is the actual dollar value of what he's paying for the bonds and insurance um but the way our contract reads is that they can use the um contingency in the project for that so so this is the cost minus the estimated yes this is just the over and above cost okay anything else on that one Michael no then um on the cost escalations that we have 11 and 13 um the process that we went through to make certain that this is an appropriate because I see these are at um 12 and 15% respectively or the other way around um at what point are we looking at um you know saying no to these things so I I in generally speaking the Market's kind of leveled off um so hopefully we'll we won't see very many of these going forward but there is still a lot of catchup you know this isn't yesterday the we're playing catchup with when the actual work went down went down on lakew worth high in melca obviously melca we have a dedication this week so the school's done uh we're processing the paperwork for this um they provided it in when it happened but our process just takes some time to go through the paperwork and vet it to make sure it's accurate you know get those trade sour make sure um that we're we're only paying for the material cost that kind of thing and in addition um just as as a reminder from way back when when uh when we actually started implementing this program of consideration that's when Dorothy came up with that worksheet that they have to fill out um uh with a um there was always an understanding at that even back then that um there's kind of a threshold and I think where you're going maybe where you're heading Mr kein was that um if the threshold was so if the percentage was so small between say 0% and 5% we look at we looked at that and said those were those were escalations that the contractor needed to Bear they they those were within the risk the tolerance that we'd expect a contractor to bear and if the risk if the uh escalation was an astronomical amount of 50 or 75 or 100% that was also kind of those had to be considered differently but we kind of had that range where it was if it was in the uh 5 to 10 to 15 to 20% range those were ones that were um out of the ordinary and within reason that the district would be considering um uh uh taken care of so that's why I said there's that may be that threshold that 0 to five was probably or maybe 0 to seven or something like that was no that's the contractor's burden say seven to 15 or 20 that's something that we needed to to consider that the district understands and recognizes and any of the really big ones we'd have to consider those independently as why would they have been so dramatic like you may remember a couple years ago when we did have 40 and 50% es escalation so there has been a model in there and and again the other thing that we want to make clear like this is not being going on in vacuum a lot of these things are being evaluated with our ating team and um if I may wanted to let the committee know in addition to what we do now um we've got a lot of we're we're making some adjustments to our cost controls system we do a lot more work um we do a lot of work now and we are actually uh moving towards implementing a third-party exterior es um um estimating team how we're going to go going about that we're working on that right now with procurement to make sure we have a um a process in place um because right now we do have the benefit of of Acom they're um our partners in this or part of our team um but we are also looking at um working in a an outside group um to make sure that we have uh again same same premise we need to make sure we have good numbers that they're reasonable and in addition to just having good estimated numbers we also need to know what what's the industry Trends where are where are materials trending are there are certain concrete escalating whereas Steel's coming back down we want to be able to understand that get that information from uh from this uh the the outside guys so we are making a lot of internal changes to make sure we have double checks and triple checks on things but we're also looking into that outside estimating from yeah so the first part of your comments somewhat zeroed in because when we had those tough discussions on the escalation yeah we were looking at 25 to 50% cost increases that were Beyond anticipation and Beyond we'll just be on anticipation uh I'm seeing these percentages move lower and lower and um you know uh I don't know how my colleagues on the uh uh committee feel but this is sort of testing my limits of tolerances on this and I don't know that I'd approve a 12 or 15% without some significant explanations on it in the future Michael from from my point of view this wasn't asphalt B yesterday this was asphalt bought eight months ago maybe a year ago by the time it was bought out and so you have to take yourself back in history as to you know these might have actually been low percentage markups of inflation at the time that the materials were purchased well I think as a as a practice I I think I would caution against um not allowing some of these lower ones because what happens then is the every sub ends up building that into their cost of that 10 extra 10 15% and you'll never see that money come back if it doesn't escalate so if you start denying things and say you're no longer allowed a 15% escalation what are they going to do they're going to cover their cost because it's actual numbers so then we'll never see that money so I think that's a I think it's a pH philosophical um discussion that we need to have a little bit farther and make sure our contract is updated to match what we all agree to but um right now that's that's kind of what we have in the contract so I I tend to agree with Mr Mr Porter's analysis that I'm looking at the two that are on here those were from um quite a while ago so the pricing was established close to a year ago and in one case a little more than a year ago so I think those prices are Michael even in my own projects I mean there's an escalation Clause understanding that you know contractor and sub can only give you the best number that they know at the time and a month later if they get a letter from the drywall guy saying you know you got a 10% cost increase coming in a month they can't plan for that neither can we so as long as there's proof of what the increase was and not just the sub saying yeah I want 10,000 more give it to me there's proof I mean it's just the way the game has to be played these days I hear you um just you know I'm just sort of wary of this and I will agree that you know looking backwards in time does have its uh issues but I would expect that the staff would still have the documentation that would show the justification for it abely that we probably do need to have that discussion if we're going to be seeing more of these coming down the line um last but not least uh 24 seminal Trails um at what point do we say that we need to resurface uh you know a parking lot in its entirety or a substantial portion of it uh when we're putting down new utilities under the surface because I would expect this is going to occur you know hopefully not regularly but it does occur from time to time yeah I mean it it really should take place in the design phase and clearly identify um how much needs to be um resurfaced you got a good point um in this case it would identify just the trench and when you once you do that it's it's better to go kind of corner to corner to make look make it look like it wasn't all Patchwork um so in this case it was you know bit out one way and when we looked at it we said no it really need to have a little bit more asphalt pulled out to so it's not doesn't look like a patchwor quilt after you know ideally it's in the design clearly joint to joint or corner to corner something like that so that when you get done it looks finished I believe that we were act actually already milling and resurfacing the main parking Lots we just weren't addressing back in the service areas and so they figured well if we're going to trench and Patch why not just make it all look you know just just like painting a patch you know you can paint the patch but it's always going to look like a patch whereas if you paint from wall to wall you're not going to notice it Michael I didn't pull this one because I thought it was pretty cheap at 2,000 square feet for 6,300 bucks all righty those are all my questions thank you everyone for your patience and contributions okay I need a motion for fc1 to move forward move to go forward okay need a second I'll second second by Michael Guida any other comments discussion right polus Dorothy Bill Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes yes Michael Guida yes Sam Shannon yes Trad McCoy charrick are you still here yes thank you Virginia Ferris yes okay thank you okay fc4 Michael gelfan you pulled it um yes it's always great to get money back especially when it's in seven figures so I'm not going to you know test that at all my question is is what type of auditing or confirmation occurs uh to confirm that the district's being reimbursed for its expenditures I saw I think it's on page 22 of 25 um there appears to be a chart or a spreadsheet with a PO U that um but is you know what type of check or double check do we have so that we're capturing everything that we've bought I'm sorry I missed that basically he wants to know how we're verifying that they're returning back everything that they're supposed to and that basically is my weekends and my Christmas break and my Thanksgiving break there and I go through every change order and every CCU way but in addition to that it's get sent over to Treasury and treasury also reviews it to make sure that that everything is accounted for and then we've got our own internal people that are looking at it as well our project controls people Leanne go ahead yeah I just wanted to chime in um the the big amount of number that's coming back is the the line item that says um reconciliation of direct material purchases the way that works we're taking money out of the construction contractor out of the PO and we move it into a separate line and the district is issuing purchase orders for each to those items so we're issuing a PO for concrete and for air conditioning units and the reason we do that is we don't have to pay sales tax on those items if the contractor did it we would so that's at that point that's then running through our regular procurement process and we're tracking it um just like we track all the other purchase orders and it runs through all the rules for purchasing I know Barbara is there she she works with my team directly um as we're managing those individual purchase orders so it it's really that money is not sitting with the contractor we're pulling it out of their contract plus the sales tax and then we're spending the money uh on the items so that's the vast majority of that seven figure number the credit that's actually coming back um the other part of it is 876,00 and that is a change order coming out of the Construction contract and moved into project contingency so we're actually moving it out of their contract and it's cash and reserves within the project until the projects closed out it's complete yeah no I when the district started doing that it made a whole lot of sense because of the sales tax issues I'm just looking to make certain that as we move along so Dorothy can enjoy the uh the the holiday turkey without spice added to it but you know so are we whatever it is properly do do we have a system of coding so that when these things are done they can be pretty simply grasp and you know we we capture them all when we take the money out of the project out out of the Construction contract we actually have I'm sorry I'm gonna get in the weeds very shortly quickly for you um the the pro the project budget is broken down into about 30 or 40 different cost codes that we call activities so there's one for the CM um and then there's a portion of the CM that's for um exempt costs but when it's going into one of these District purchases orders it moves into a different activity called direct purchase orders so nobody else can access that it it's set aside in separate categories and we are we spend a lot of time making sure things are coded correctly um it feeds into the cost of construction reports that we have to do to make sure we're in compliance with cost for student station so there's a lot of people that have their hands in that to make sure it's done correctly all right thank you questions on that question I've got uh um all of these savings coming back reduces the overall contract price right for the CM that's so we also get a credit back on the cm's fee because the job didn't cost as much and their fee was based on the overall GMP at the beginning at at the when they when they award the contract the CM is giving us an estimate of what the sales tax savings would be and exactly what they're planning to have us buy so that's incorp in the GMP when we W the contract if they're able to do additional items or more spent then that is extra sales tax savings and we are tracking all that at the district and in my office we're actually tracking it yeah I guess I'm looking at like contingency on this one 627,000 would the contingency amount been have been what the cm's fee would have been determined on or not for instance if they determined part of their fees is on the 627 that we now don't need does their fee get reduced because they didn't have to do as much as they thought there the contingency is below the line so their fee isn't oncy so that's why some of the contingencies that you see that have overhead and profit attached to that um the cost escalations ones are on that we exclude overhead profit because that's an unforeseen that only goes to direct cost for the material okay so um yeah and there's a topic I want to go go into um you can either do it now or related to this go ahead kind of well and and it's it's it's again going back to my my estimating and and whatnot but um uh our staff is working um with some of the other departments and in particular with our purchasing department and we are we're looking at making changes to our CM at risk contracts some language changes because well the some to some sense there is uh there are confusions between the contractors and how we interpret things and uh and some of the questions that I know Mr chesher is he's been a master at at um figuring out where the monies should be coming back and how Chang changed around and we recognize those changes so we have uh Michael I'll let Michael tell you the rest of it but there's a lot of um U additional controls adjustments that we're looking to make to try to a make it smoother but uh and make make it more clear um not necessar make it completely in favor of the district but more in line with um industry standards and and such you can bring that put that at the next meeting yeah add that into the meeting because I don't think that's a drop dead thing and it'll be just information from you to us okay and we can have some input then if you want we just want to let you know that we are meeting like weekly going through these things because it's not something that we take lightly we know that always got to be improving on those and uh okay anything else Michael that's it thank you okay that answered my questions as well somebody want to make a motion for fc4 move to go forward s second by Sam okay any other comments questions darthy please Bill hook yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida yes Sam Shannon yes tadrick McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes okay uh pc5 I was the one that pulled that one um I saw the responses back I I guess my gut is just telling me maybe I've been on cork too long that this school just feels to me extremely rushed and I don't know if it got put on the planning process later than it should have but I mean we got gmps we're proving that you know stuff that's not yet designed um it just doesn't seem like the type of operation that we've done before that's why I'm getting the feeling that it's just like got to get this done yesterday got to get this started and just like okay man we're not ready um so someone that's there's some partial truths in there you know uh we're we are you know this project was originally scheduled to um be a year later um and it got pushed up to try to get it done and um we said we could do it as long as we get all hands on deck and we do a reuse of another Elementary School and um uh we got the right contractor for the job they they won the award and is ready they're ready to turn dirt the end of this month to get it going to be able to get in in time so the that there was some parts of that that um were bid out we got really good sub responses we got really good prices there's just a handful of things of the ReUse adaptive reuse that weren't fully vetted so the school itself is fully vetted designed bit out for instance uh one example is the we um change some of the locations of card readers to add some more security which changes your Hardware spec which change your electrical which so we have an allowance in there to cover that so as that's we have an addendum coming out next week with all that information so we're going to go back out to the hardware group that we have and get competitive bids on all that scope so we'll have competitive bids on that scope we just couldn't get that in the first group so that's why we did it as an allowance like there a bunch of I mean security we always run into that stuff so I didn't have one of the items seems like we're doing exterior design changes to suit the community which is okay but again that that to me is stuff that we've always worked out beforehand before it ever went to the GMP yeah we we would love to have that we we have a basically um a rendering of the school of what it looks like and we have design drawings that we're working through um one of the changes it's not a ton of changes but we added a roof feature to uh the end of the building at M over the media center so we were concerned that that additional weight may increase your foundations change your tilt wall design and add roof trashes so we put an allowance in that since then we found out our foundations are good our tilt panels are good we just have the cost of the the trusses and the roofing so we wanted to make sure that no matter what once we vet that out and do it is is accurate and part of that the challenge there is that we don't just design in a vacuum we designed with the contractors so that they help us weigh out well is there a better way to do it is can we look at you know concrete versus steel what's the most cost effective thing to do here what's the best system to use for your best value um rather than just design it and bid it um because you could have just designed and you understand it if we just designed it and bid it we probably would had a number but it may not have been the best solution for the district so you would have had a number to know that you're redesigning yeah that we're going exactly that's what the member would have told you yeah I guess maybe I still don't have the the answer of why we push this up a year are the schools that this is going to relieve they're overcrowded I understand but they've been overcrowded so they're getting about I think they said 86,000 students per or I'm sorry 86 students per year at the school in addition to be in 120% capacity so it's like uh we could go add in a bunch of Portables but that's kind of a was you know there's a demographics um are are often what drives it we recognize that we we stay very closely to that and in this case lenar homes is building massively fast and the ardan community changed also that you know we typically have a new community comeing in and we can pretty much project out a certain percentage will have you know Elementary age kids in ardan it was just unbelievably skewed to have families with young kids and we didn't we expect kind of a normal range of community and in this particular Community everybody had little kids um so that's what kind of threw us off so instead of having time to for the community to grow it was just everybody that moved in had a little kids and part of that had to do with the developer and the type of housing that they changed up partway through um had some more cost effective homes and actually uh reduce the number of or increase the number of homes by putting there by putting some tow houses and things like that which are more affordable that was fantastic but there's more kids than what they were expecting so that kind of snowballed and we said wait a second our projections were a little slow um we can certainly wait another year to do it but it's just kicking the can down the road well that answered my question yeah Mr Sanchez I know you had your hand up do you want to comment on it as well I think Michael answered better than I could have okay voice he he did a really good job Binks most of these kids are coming from are in Binks forest or we coming from Binks Forest which is way overcrowded and it's it's simply um wether spend a couple of million dollars adding more Portables to Forest if that's even possible to accommodate them uh or you know we get this project done a year earlier so um okay best that we try to get ear the simple answer is the demographics changed from what anybody could have predicted yes and so let's build the new school instead of putting more money into temporary stuff exactly yeah understood all right that's all I had on this anyone else have anything if not need a motion where is it located community at West vir thank you need a second second Michael Michael greet a second uh any other comments questions Dorothy Bill hook yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida yes Sam Shannon yes tadrick McCoy tadric okay Virginia Ferris yes okay to uh in progress FCA work update okay all right as you'll see uh there's quite a quite a bit um of work coming up um we have our ongoing uh upcoming solicitations I always remind everybody especially if you're sitting there jotting down the projects the the red are the um uh continuing contracts and the blues are the um sorry there you go Blues are the I'm looking at my own screen you're all laughing at me wondering why because I'm looking at the screen going of course I'm talking about this sorry TR were you able to vote on the last one no I I actually came off of mute and my browser crashed so I was Voting yes okay I just got back in so okay you thanks okay as you can see U the previous slide that she had up there talking about the the amount of money that's um um the revenues we've seen and the expenditures um still have very high participation both in uh contractors and designers next Slide the Reds and the blues the reds are are continuing contracts um so we've got a lot of those projects that are um moving forward um a handful of the um RFP items in blue this makes it a little this slide is always what I refer to as the uh the cork slide so you guys can start preparing as to what you're going to see looks like in um in April and June there's um some items um but the mays are all the Reds which are the continuing contracts and we certainly will continue to update you on um we're working with purchasing we to make sure we update you uh the committee on those continuing contracts what's Who's got what levels and uh and whatnot so I know we've been talking through that so the the blue is June will be selection committees that what that is oh those are gmps that are going to be coming to this committee to vote on I see yeah yeah we'll have um those are I think um two of the three are facility renewals and the U South intensive modernization is the big redo of of that space okay of the Old South Tech space um okay um next yeah next one's I'm not going to go through this because it's it's kind of a Sim similar but it B basically shows the our process of going through the development stages um what we're doing with formet we always refer to them as our procure proc procurement forms um next slide is the uh GMP activities um this is pretty much giving you a uh a vision of what the next several months worth of the projects that will be coming forward uh whether they come to Cork or go through the uh CCNA process okay um next series of slides are all the ongoing facility renewals are all in alphabetical order um so we're we've got a ton of work um that's still going on um and we're I don't want to say we're slowing down but we know that come May uh we start doing a lot of testing in the schools so we try to limit the activity so our our teams our construction teams are working around those uh those activities and here's some of our photos of some of that work that's going on and know that those urinals by the way it's a distorted picture they do not look that I know I when I put it on there I was like how am I going to explain this all right I'm just going to tell them uh yeah they're not that's just a distorted photo new fixture I wasn't aware of okay U and you can see a lot of the work it's uh some of it's not pretty it's you know switch gear and things like that but that's important for us so Grove Park we're basically at the Finish Line it looks like we're going to be getting TCO within the next few weeks we been going through all of our final inspections and uh we will be prepared for moving in the summer there's that great entrance down at the corner of military yeah there's the big open play area in the back again I always love these things I want to remind everybody when you look at that photo all right can you tell me which buildings were the ones that we kept and renovated and which ones are the new ones that's symptomatic of the great work that's done we make sure that these buildings are they are not just getting a Band-Aid they are getting a full modernization even if the shell stays so and on Grove Park we are in fact doing the uh the addition portion the addition will be done I think it's this summer uh I think J around it's getting close yeah well the shell is already done yeah Shell's done we're already working well yeah it's all inside work good go ahead Jud I know you wanted to respond on that the uh the expansion section is we've we've just requested final inspections for it so we should be getting inspections on it any you know any day now and then that'll also go for TCO so we're hoping to have the entire project uh you know uh seed before the summer starts so that's excellent so all right next one up is um now we get to the Angel um Garcia show um next one up is uh Pine Grove um I'm not going to read through all those but as you may know building one is the new building building two and building three are the two of the two of the remaining buildings that are being renovated right now you can see the difference between building two and three are the two ones with the big white roofs there building one is the z-shaped new construction um roof Roofing is all done um on two and three and I think it's just about done on building one and again reminding everybody that big donut in the front right there is where the kids are right now and that will be um abandoned at the end of the school year so the kids will move into over the summer we'll move all the activities into the z-shaped building building one and then building two and three and we will knock down that building and uh work on the parking lot so as you probably can see in the top right or on the right hand side there's a little parking lot that will remain in place while we do this work um uh starting uh next school year Windbrook I mentioned earlier um we we've done our groundbreaking and um a lot of the demolition work site clearings is uh complete um the um installation of the fencing is um about to start and uh that is one of our bigger challenges but that's what we do is making sure that we've uh established our boundaries because um we we certainly want to make sure we stay on top of the uh the legal front and the the control the boundary controls on our property boundaries and you can kind of see there from the photos that building pad is is getting started still it's all white and dirty so okay um I mentioned earlier um uh was quite excited yesterday we had a great um groundbreaking event at um um West Riviera Elementary School um you see the big picture on the right that's all the the the the dignitaries that were there but I'm more proud of the picture on the left you can see the shovels are taller than the kids there a lot of the kids because and it why I say it's really special is because it meant a lot to this community uh yesterday was a day off for those kids all those kids came out and we had an opportunity some of them are adults former students at that school uh but we had a lot of kids uh come out and uh made sure we wanted to include them in the activities let them know that they're that they're what we're doing this for okay next one up Del R full service we just got uh TCO on the gymnasium the new building and the uh modular are coming shortly so um and we're already moving on to or we're starting to move on towards the phase two design which is we always refer to it as building one and building 12 so that will be a new project to design uh renovate the existing historic buildings uh to the to the other historic buildings okay historic Roosevelt um full service center um his Roosevelt High School um phase one demolition we've completed uh they started putting up some of the fil silt fence and we're working on some of the infrastructure in that area we're moving towards getting some of our um some of our outstanding permits to make sure we get this thing staying on target I think here's a couple of photos of that you can kind of see the uh there's some buildings there in the front uh the the road on the bottom left is is tamarind and that's the historic Frontage that we will be working with on the second phase of the project back in the back corner in the top is the gymnasium and the uh lab buildings those are going to be renovated and there's even a footprint of where the new construction is going to be built right there yeah if you can see darth's cursor right there okay next up okay there's pretty pictures of the demo okay Timber Trace we're uh basically punching out we're closing out that project um that uh the uh the large cafeteria is now the expanded cafeteria is now um underway in use for that facility yeah I know uh s Trails same boat um this is we're coming up um nearing completion of construction we expect that this will be done um I think we actually said we'd be done in May but um somewhere in that range in the in the May time frame um minor projects design work um again please feel free if you have any you see anything that want to raise questions on uh one of the things we're proudest uh proud of right now is our media center Renovations Santa Lu's High School oh there we go okay so um pooki high school it's a before that's a before there you go before and after where' all the books Go Spanish River before and after see it's much more current glass enclosed workspaces uh you know maker spaces things like that and here's um that's dwire dwire B and after and a lot of these media centers are are multi-purpose you'll notice that a lot of the furniture that is selected or the kind of furniture which you can bundle together and then pull apart and set in separate areas because while you notice on some of those things these are these are te testing rooms for a lot of these schools so um putting in Great Furniture and having reading areas and such are are still important facets of media centers um but equally important is the flexibility to turn it into larger convening rooms and but I'll go back to my question where are the books I mean why do you need a sitting area for reading if there's no books to take off the shelf and read they just haven't restocked yet yeah okay not fully back in place okay and as a reminder we did um five now but we've got another group of seven and then another group of eight coming behind it so those Group of Seven are in designed in permits and hopefully we'll be getting starting construction on those soon and whatnot so okay these the that's why the media centers at the high schools are our first stop and they are getting the the state-of-the-art um uh uh furniture and uh equipment uh and and then knock on wood in the future we will be moving on towards middle schools and elementary schools as well so when you build one of these you have to gut the place first so you got to move the book someplace else you don't have a media center for what nine months a whole year so the kid end about four months three to four months months so kids really have no book to go take out I guess you move them off site somewhere the books and yeah and elsewhere other classrooms lot what do a lot of ebooks ebooks yeah again we're focusing on these are the high schools so um you know I think of where you're going is um is that what middle school and elementary schools are going to look like as well probably I wouldn't I wouldn't expect that to be the case this is much more digitally sensitive um but we do on Elementary School the shelving for the books is all on Wheels so that they can move it around and they can move it out of the way and make it larger space to be usable just can't put it in the hallways or you'll hear from Mark Lodge that's true a couple other photos we got the the Boker Boker tone field houses um well underway um hope we'll have that done this summer and um one of the items that I know again going to Michael's comment earlier about um and I think Joe Joe's comments earlier about the Glades um uh K Cunningham's uh new PE Pavilion so school that was built did not have the outdoor Pavilion like a lot of the schools we build nowadays um and this is very similar in nature to the uh facilities that we build at all our new ones uh with a big covered area so that the kids can be out there under shade um undercover uh restrooms coaches um uh storage closet and whatnot coaches room so we're excited about that we know that they certainly appreciate that um in their population question I've got and I think last meeting I I brought it up I think the new CCNA limit was passed and approved is there some plan to do something with that in terms of our continuing contracts um not yet uh We've started to throw around ideas um we have not gotten to any kind of consensus about what we want to do yet um but we we know it's there and it's something on our list to do it just wasn't some of those questions you know regard um the burden the burden uh of risk if it's up to S A5 million dollars that does not go you know right now the the $4 million projects are still I don't want to say small because no one would ever consider a $4 million do project small except for those big contractors are sitting on the outside of the room here um $4 million projects aren't small but they're small enough where we we can control them and they are you know with our project controls a lot of the controls that we have in place they're good uh we want to make sure that when we go when and if we go to a seven s and a half million dollar threshold that we're bringing those forward um you know H how how do we go about the uh making uh um a body like this and and even the board aware them so before we jump into it and say sure yes definitely we want to make sure we've thoroughly vetted the uh the burden on that how how does it affect our existing contractors and how do we do we open it up for new contractors at that point so there's a lot of do we have to abandon the uh the zero to two or the two to four if we go to uh seven Mr Sanchez I'm I was I'm Sorry Miss M uh Miss Ferris I know but I wanted to Mr Sanchez I know he was going to comment on the same thing yeah but I think you could go to four to seven and so you set up a whole different tier of contractors we already on that route that and to avoid the selection committee process correct you know of doing it one at a time that takes so long so involved uh Virginia you were up first and then we'll go to Mr Sanchez I'll let uh Joe go first I have a different question Joe no just just one is I just wanted to kind of echo a little bit what what Dave said and kind of expand a little bit further but um he he mentioned earlier in the meeting that we want to bring on a third party to do our our help us with cost estimating also there going to be involved with reviewing our gmps and um you know making sure you know just kind of double-checking what we're doing but also providing an opinion letter um for not just our individually um bid gmps for our CM risk projects but also for our continuing contracts so we want to we want to implement some some controls but we also want to bounce it out with you we don't we don't we don't want to give up the benefit of having the continuing contract the benefit is that we don't have to do an individual solicitation we don't have to you know bring it wait a month or two or three to go to the board before we get approval so but we have to balance um the speed of the continuing contracts with with better controls and that's one of the things that we want to bring to back to Cork and to uh let you know what we're proposing to do to make sure that um that we're reporting back out on what we're doing with those continuing contracts so you you know uh you know how we're managing them and you can have some some opportunities to to if if not pre-approve um at least have a review and say okay the district you approve these gmps under the these two or three on the last month you know we got these letters we got you know this is you know I want you guys to feel some level of comfort with how we're doing that so you can report back to the board that you are that you're seeing what you need to see to make sure that those controls are in place so that's that's something that that Dave and Michael and myself s or are working through to to bring back to Cork so that uh that everybody has that level of comfortability and we have the transparency that's necessary without without pying our hands at the same time good Virginia yes um I have a comment and and then a question my comment is of course as a librarian I'm very concerned about uh reading um and media centers being the heart of reading I understand them being used as multi-purpose areas but if they're surrounded by reading materials when they do come into the library that much more enforces that reading um than the uh importance of reading so I do hope that Media Center stops um being all media and no book that just my comment but um question I've been following in the Sun Sentinel what's going on in um Broward County with the charter school what they the amount of money that the charter schools are taking from both Broward and of course Palm Beach County and Broward county is talking about having to close facilities uh because Chara schools are are taking away their students and I'm wondering have we seen any of that effect here are we looking into the future we're building new schools I don't know if that's new students moving into the county or if these are just students relocating or the parents just moving from one part of the county to another necessitating those Western schools and what effect is it having I saw Jason link was on earlier so I don't know if he still is on to talk about the demographics and the changes and and what what impact are we looking at here both from the loss of the charter school funds and secondly uh the move movement of the students I think that sounds like a good topic for maybe the next or the following cork meeting to have uh the demographics people just kind of give us an update of what they're seeing in their crystal ball as well as the finance people because that does uh dictate um you know knowing that we have not lost the number of students that Broward has but there's reasons for that too correct correct and we want to make sure we're we you know we always want to be their best choice and we continue to make improvements and again I I I I I thank my lucky stores where we have Mr Sanchez and is not blowing Sunshine but he really has come in and said we're going to make sure that we're doing everything we can you know the academic folks do everything they can to make sure our kids get everything they need we need to make sure that we're giving them everything else they need do we need um athletic equipment do we need Choice program uh facilities do we just need the schools to be better and cleaner and nicer and and more attractive um that's our Focus so um hopefully we make a make a better impression uh and uh keep it going wonder if Jason has a very quick comment I I agree it would be good to to hear that and focus some attention on it as we continue to build schools are we going to be in the situation that Broward is looking at closing some schools I would suggest that we have darthy put that down as our next meeting topic and staff can then work up you know a simple little presentation to give us what they're saying certainly and what about the funds that that uh we're paying off to the Charter Schools right well I think I think it's sens yeah Leanne can be part of that same conversation so we'll know where we're getting students where they're moving around to what our student total counts are up or down um and then the financing side so yeah and we we completely appreciate because we recognize you're looking at this from the perspective of are we do we need to be building new schools are we building for the future or will there be a change or is there a turn and that's where I completely appreciate uh are we suffering uh uh Financial burdens now or will we be suffering them those are both Miss Evans and and Mr Link's uh feedback so we look forward to giving you that that that feedback thank you good point for Virginia okay uh followup I don't think we had anything on followup so we already talked about items for the next agenda if you come up with anything else yeah uh Mr Gan on the uh follow up there seems to be items that are almost a year old now I'm trying to get back to that um followup list that's here well over a year old um the March 23rd item number one um is over a year old and the other ones are pretty pretty old also are we GNA do something on them or should we just remove them be with me I can't get this to open there we go thank we're all having trouble getting the item when was that posted I didn't see that three days ago when I went to there wasn't anything in followup I guess it must questions and deleted it all no it's it's in there and and for the the first two items we we definitely don't want to remove them um there's still valid discussions um what we talked about before with that um potential contract modifications we're meeting U making sure our policies procedures align with our cont contract um making sure that our processes are streamlined and it's it's clear in the contract so we proposed some changes which will um help inform these two items so we want to make sure it's we're it's we're actively working on it um it just takes a lot of time to go through and and do that effort and it's not just one contract I mean it's it is the language for one contract but it's it's virtually every contractor's individual contracts language has to be updated and and making those efforts is uh is part of our Challenge on that I would suggest getting rid of number three I don't think we need to have that discussion we we are AC systems have always been designed way above minimum code even above whatever lead required we were complying with lead before lead made requirements and we're outdoor we're outdoor air I mean that's one of the things that all the rest is 60 Minutes 60 Minutes was trying to sell air time so whatever they you know went and sensationalized I don't even remember what it was at this point so they don't use as much outdoor air in the rest of the country but South Florida we have to we we that's part of our every design it has to be so we we get more uh air changes per um per hour than any other else any other Area country I don't know about that ashray is ashray and that's a Nationwide Nationwide code bringing outdoor air changes that that impact so that's why okay so either way I don't think we need number three to stay on there or back to one and two I I don't know that we need to wait for all the contracts to be reviewed and updated before we have the discussion well certainly on number one I think we we're probably in a position because I know we've gone over overhead and profit uh we have we these Friday meetings with some of the different departments on this and I think we've gone over overhead and profit quite a quite a bit a lot of the different circumstances that lead from it um how that impacts others so I I I certainly think we can put something together really quick on that um the second one um you're waiting for it to go through the the policy process yeah Mr Sanchez is gonna yell at me because it is it's it's my push and I'm trying to push it um but I will I will certainly get the there's three items that I actually want to get pushed through and nothing too there's nothing more to discuss until we get the final policy correct that's all so number one staff will come back with something number two stays on there as a reminder and number three gets removed I agree all right good points Michael all right thank you okay um we got the date of our next meeting here May 2nd anyone have issues on the minutes heing none minutes are accepted we already talked about reviewing and setting the next agenda so if anyone else has anything else that they'd like uh staff to dredge up and uh come back to us with you can always let darthy know anything else by any member Mr chair Mr barar yeah I don't know if any of anybody on the cork responded to you but the administration would definitely like me to try and fill the two cork seats before I leave the board in November so I'm going to tell you what categories are open so if you can all hear me you know I would really like to fill those seats so that the new board member who will take months won't be able to figure out what he supposed to do with that but here's this here's the openings that we currently have on cour management information systems professional or construction project manager a cost accountant familiar with construction accounting construction estimator or construction accounting specialist an mwbe representative or a community representative at large if any of you know anybody that fits in those categories be willing to serve please get that information to my secretary in the board office which is Christina doctor or the board clerk Tony clear so we can get somebody appointed as soon as possible okay thanks and I did send that information out actually after February's meeting but I can resend it Michael muted is that list the same list that Dorothy you had sent out or is there a CH to that all right same same list I've been sending out uh some uh inquiries to some Community leaders um I guess you guys have scared them all away don't know what okay anything else by anyone okay we are we are adjourned thank you I just want to say I do like the one o'clock meeting time and again before we all leave I want to again RoR at my thanks to Tom best of luck in retirement and uh enjoy all that life has to offer yeah here Tom we've been together a long time Tom good luck