##VIDEO ID:Z3Hc-iyCy7I## everybody Welcome to session three of negotiations between the district and this classroom Teachers Association um I will get started I think we've gone through uh introductions enough now I uh I think we're good right um so I'll get started with some discussion items uh left over from last time so some of them you see here and some some uh we I'll just hit on um number one Theus I think um what what we've uh talked about through our is is um we will bring for we will be putting together a uh a page that will be entered into the CBA to outline where where to go for any M that are are not in uh that are uh that are come we reach agreement after the ratification so that everybody can always find a way to to you know review the most current and the complete list ofus um we've we've developed some uh committees uh in addition to what we've talked about in previous sessions um one uh the assault language uh committee we we would we were open to having further discussions on that we don't feel that uh I'll I'll be honest our our opinion isn't we're we're not trying to take any rights away or or anything like that we're trying looking for clarification and and making sure that what our process aligns with the the law um we do also have have some committee language for uh additional period supplements uh to to continue to review that um in terms of supplements we we've had a a a little bit of back and forth we had some proposals from CTA talking about it across the board increase um for some and and those who got something last year maybe not as much we've had I've we've gotten some input from principles on which ones they feel need to be increased and and what I feel feel is that it is a situation that would get us to somebody will be left out and and we're and and some we might just be increasing just because they're on a list and and they're they're Market you know at market right now for the responsibility that they have so what our recommendation is for supplements is to have a uh study committee and and something that I think we should be doing every single year to be looking at our supplements to find out you know what make sense for this this responsibility and and continuously bring those forward each year as as recommendations for for increases or or appropriate pay so that's we have a study committee uh language that we'll share with you uh for that for the children of employees for after school programs uh there years ago a form was developed for um teachers who were teaching at an a um a school that had extended day to to be able to um come late because they're they're at extended day schools and and that by being at that it would impact when they'd be able to pick up their kids uh from after school programs so we worked with our after school programming department on that form that Diane Wyatt here has and will share with you so that because I think it's not really well known but what it will do is take the language the the Lang language currently as it states is Middle Schools thought I would remember it but I didn't middle school with mandated change in school hours so what our our proposal and this allows them to pick up their kids up to 445 without an additional fee right I know you guys your ask was five o' and and and we respect that and the Our concern is that when we push it back that far the additional staff Factor starts to come in and and then there would be an associated cost what we are proposing is that we will change the language on this to just say middle schools so if you're a middle school teacher and you have a kid in elementary Aftercare you have up until 4:45 to come pick up your child without any penalty in in in fee so I think that's a very good ask by by the union and and we we feel that this is somewhere I think something that works and and um would provide them you know some time and so that they don't not rushing and speeding from from their work to the Aftercare program to get their kids so that is uh one of our our proposal on that um already talked about the supplements for case manager joint study so um this is why it has some um job descriptions for we have case managers um case manager joint study we we have case manager job descriptions that we're trying to make sure we're not mixing up right and and um confusing it so she wrote a study committee that we'd be happy to sit down I think that's kind of where we left off last time of we'll we'll look at this throughout the year to understand you know more about this and um and and so we have that uh study joint study committee as well on the extra days for ESC teachers um The District's position is status quo on that um there we we have some some real concerns with the you know what that means for for us being able to meet their educational needs overall we just weren't sure we're we're not prepared for that at this time to to go down that pathway and recognizing that in in our opinion right now it's maybe not in the best interest of the kids' education of kids who need it the most so our our position is status quo on that um and then I know last time we met we we left a salary proposal on the table so I I know it is um cta's turn to to come back with the counter on that so um with that I think I'll turn it over to CTA to for discussion or cus whatever you'd like thank you and and we appreciate um the district's thought movement on some of these items um quick question as it relates to form 2469 so is the dist is the district willing to codify that in our contract so if in the future that form were to somehow go away because it's not really right now it's like a form and a and a district grants it um is the district willing to incorporate some version of that into our contract so it's not subject to like a yeah my hesitation isn't that I'm I'm not willing to to do something I'm just trying to think of how to write that where that makes sense and and where to write it um while we're in caucus which I'm sure we'll be doing at some point we'll we'll talk through that and and see what we could come up with okay okay pass thank you for that um pass down so I guess I'll run I'll run through our list of just where we're at on everything language wise and then um at the conclusion of that if you have any questions uh we would then caucus um to look at our salary proposal which we intended to bring forward um given some of the the positions the district's taken on some of the other elements we might need to adjust that so uh just running down the list kind of to to do housekeeping on where we're at on everything um we've agreeded to the Preamble already as it relates to the assault in the line of duty items proposed by the district we do agree to to have a committee meet to review possible changes we're not committing just like any committee we're not committing any changes necessarily but we're open to a discussion if there are valid concerns about the language and if it's aligned or not aligned with the the law uh so we're okay with the committee for that discussion purpose um we agreed to incorporate appendix A5 into the ESC differentiated pay uh last time we were here and that would bring the uh Royal Palm and Indian Ridge schools into the the more appropriate section of the contract I think both parties propos that on Theus we agreed to to Sunset those that have expired make sure to add any that are currently active and signed and then also to add some sort of verbiage in the contract around the appendicies of Theus that would Point people to the website for labor relations with the district to say if you want the most upto-date version ofus please check here so we agree to that um additional period supplement so we we accepted the increase from 25 to 30 did you say that you said that you're in agreement on a committee to look at yes okay on the children of employees so the added language of before care middle school and K through sites and then the possibility of the incorporation of that form so thank you for that I apologize I've been under the weather um the ESC items I think the district had previously agreed [Music] here uh the district had previously agreed to add School psychologists to the list of eligible positions for the ,000 differentiated um uh $1,000 ese differentiated pay um and we agree aged to that um and uh District agrees to U we we requested AA a study a committee to study the case manager issue attempted to find that and we're in agreement on that okay um let's see and I think that brings a oh and uh we have spons right this is and I think um given that information that the coach isn't sponsors I think on the the coach sponsor that's also uh with the district to a committee study on that as well on the what uh coaches and sponsor supplements on the supplements yeah to again to engage in that uh periodic joint study to look at those coaches and sponsor supplements um as they may need to be increased from time to time the comprehensive discussion that you all had mentioned last time that would include uh market analysis of uh of some favor some appropriate and favorable uh comparison studies uh we would agree to that also okay um and I think other than that we're prepared to caucus at this time on uh as Justin had spoken to earlier um regarding uh these particular things and how they would inform u a couple couple of other moves couple of other things that are before us at this point okay so uh we have room C and D next door thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are we ready with the everybody inside yes we are good okay uh thank you uh Mr kubri um for giving us that time to caucus um we're going to start with the Middle School we're going to start with the uh school age child care the uh the employee issue that we had talked about I believe that was Article two I'm just double checking I don't want to make any mistakes here um yes uh children of employees Article 2 Section o um we appreciate the the district's movement on the uh the on the possible additional language you all were discussing uh we just want to ensure having reviewed the form itself as it currently stands we wanted to ensure that the protections that are already there in that form stay in place and what we're simply doing is extending those protections to include any uh Middle School teacher who has children in those Elementary uh programs because they are already assigned to work till after 4:00 giving them until 4:45 which is essentially the same benefit to pick up their children at those after school programs without a a late penalty yep that's that's where we're at okay um did you have any language to that went along with that or is that going to be no we we'll we'll clean it up we put it up put it together and and put it in that article that you you referenced so we talked a little bit about where it would go okay but ultimately and and having looked at the form we know there might be some subtle changes that would occur over time with that form but forms review can handle that uh when we've got that all codified uh in the agreement so at least in principle I would say that that will be uh something that CTA will absolutely agree to with respect to Article 2 Section z um let's see the next item that we'll present to you is um the ese request that we had had you had uh preferred status quo on both of our requests for days for ese teachers to have release time to do paperwork um I want to take one more stab at this in slightly a different way um it's a given in our mind that the Zs teachers are doing additional work that's necessary that is either impacting their time at school to maybe do other tasks if those that was available but more than likely it's impacting their personal time by staying late to complete the paperwork and so in recognition of that um we would like to see an increase in the ese differentiated supplement uh from $1,00 to $1,250 uh kind of basically as a salute to some of that time that they're doing and we would respectfully ask that you all consider that very carefully um and get back to us on that um as soon as possible okay um and then with respect to salary um we do have a counter for you I'm this is a significant move from the last uh one that we had um uh the last offer that we had made did have teachers um at 7% on the high side um we have Incorporated we've had we've we've chosen to increase the tsia compression a little bit more than was on our last one rather than having that float we wanted to make that a fixed amount um so we're asking for a package that will provide six th uh six% uh to highly effective teachers who are on the performance schedule and with the other numbers here meeting the again the state requirements pursuant to all of those uh things that that uh show up in Florida teacher pay law and uh then down here on the grandfathered schedule these numbers would apply uh based upon the increas of inclusion of the TSI compression increase uh we don't uh regrettably we don't have this in a printed form for you this is a little different than what we had talked about ahead of time and prepared but in light of the other discussions earlier already in this session it seemed prudent to make this much larger move uh in this direction uh to see if we can't uh move more quickly to a settlement oh if you need to take pictures go ahead all right well thank you I do appreciate you guys coming back with some counters making some movement on these items um we'll have to caucus and and think through some of the you know the ESC differentiated pay on the on the salary I just want to bring us back to a couple things one um as discussed in previous sessions the state gave us 1.27% for for salary increases this year um in in a 2.27 base student allocation increase only um last year we gave you know the best raise that we 've seen for teachers ever uh at least as far as I can remember at least 25 years probably um I I would love to be able to go to those numbers that you see there it's just it's it's beyond it's far beyond what we have were at we have allocated for this um and and knowing that you guys were coming back with something we we do and and we did chip off a few things from the table and and um recognize that we needed to make some movement in some other areas um we we do have you know we moved a little bit on our salary nowhere near the amounts that that you're looking for here um it's just not it's just not something that that's funded it's just a little too far for us um to be able to give and an understanding that this is a very large this is our largest employee Group by far um you know these percentage percentages and in the number of employees that you have in the in the unit the M money adds up real fast um so what we have is a um one of our our our fourth proposal here going up from three and a half% we have 3.76% um where we can our highly effective teachers would get a 3.8 effective is a 3.1 and a grandfather of um a 4.1 uh is that right 4.13 3.8 yeah 4.1 um that's 1% of the tsia um increase you know compression increase uh pushed towards the grandfather schedule to bring them up so they're not penalized for being on that that schedule um and and we don't have a whole lot of movement that we're able to go from from here um we we can you know look at maybe something else but um that that's where that's kind we're that's our current offer right now um so we're at it's a 3.76 blended increase coming to a a 38 and a 41 for grandfather's schedule we'll certainly uh take some additional time to discuss that offer we might uh be able to come back with something else as well okay and um I think maybe then maybe we could both caucus since we we'd have to talk through the differentiated pay supplement and and you guys can maybe talk through some some salary to see where we're at and when we when we're done we'll let you know by way of a text and if you're still busy then uh you'll uh continue to work until you let us know that you're also ready and then we can agree to come back at that point okay and likewise if you all Finish First sounds good okay thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for oh I'm sorry all right I wanted to make sure you were all set down ready sorry about that uh well we do have uh we talked uh we have another significant move we're prepared to make um in the interest of getting getting an agreement this is down another full percentage point for the uh highly effective teachers on a performance schedule uh we continue to incorporate the 1.5% TSA compression increase um we hope that uh that finds a good point with you um we know that uh the state has done a lot of damage at times to veteran teachers and their morale over the way that they funded salary increases and um if this is something that you can continue to support as well uh then it gives them at least a solid year of uh of a really a significant piece that makes a difference and builds some of that back um for those that still remain uh doing that work at that point um so this is uh this is our next move to see what that might uh bring for you all where that might be if you need to talk us about it uh certainly we're willing to allow that to happen so so yeah I I appreciate the movement on that um and and we you know as as demonstrated I think over the past three settlements we've we've always included something for out of the TSA money to address the the grandfathered schedule so I I need a couple minutes um you guys can stay where you are you don't have to leave um and and I'll come back to you all right e e I you're in the hospital e e e e all right thank you for that time um I want to thank you and and your team for working through these proposals I know we we've gone back and forth a lot today and and I I like that it's a productive meeting um and so we we would like to make a counter to your proposal um first thing for your ESC differentiated pay increase going from $1,000 to uh $1,000 $250 for that differentiated pay supplement um we agree this is a very challenging position um it's also the subject area with most vacancies in the district um so we do agree to to make that increase um we do feel it makes us much more competitive and and we'll you know go a little further in recognizing the work they do so so we we are in agreement on that um for salary we we recognize the need to be competitive uh We've prioritized teachers um last year with with you know one of the highest raises and and your your proposals have really pushed us um we're doing our best to come up with the you know another strong raise for our teachers and keeping in mind that what the state's given us with the 1.27 for salary and and just 2.7 for um you know the whole base student allocation increase the The Proposal that we have here is is we feel is the it's the best we can do um so for our highly effective teachers on the performance schedule um and we recognize you you you've pushed to try to get them higher and higher and while while addressing some of the compression from in The Grandfather's schedule still keep them up and and we've we're trying to to to come somewhere near where you guys are there uh we have a 4% increase base salary increase for those teachers that's highly effective performance schedule for effective on the performance schedule um it's it would come to a 3.3% increase and for teachers on the grandfathered schedule we're prop we're proposing a 4.8% increase so almost 5% that's that includes the uh a one the 1.5% TSI compression adjustment increase that you guys have proposed that's that's what we've got uh we appreciate the movement on the ESC differentiated pay um and the acceptance of that so thank you very much for that uh we appreciate uh the remarks understanding uh where veteran teachers uh on the grandfathered scale have been so adversely impacted and sticking to the 1.5% with us so we appreciative of that um I would really like to see if there is any way possible to maybe add another 310 or 410 of a point to those um those individuals on the performance scale um as big as that number is and appreciated uh those are individuals that are carrying the lineon share of the work these days uh doing a Yan's task um they really responded uh to the raise the the very large raay last year and have returned this District to its a status with the work that they've done with their students in the classroom um clearly I think they're deserving of it um and I would be remiss if I didn't make one final uh one more request about that sure you you you wouldn't hear us say that they're not deserving of it they they definitely are um the the the problem is is you know we're kind of stretching ourselves as I mean beyond what we we really thought we were going to be able to do in the first place when we first got our budget and going through this and seeing what the state gave us the bulk of our teachers fall into that category that you're talking about um so that those you know few tents of a percent that any movement from there really impact all the rest because there's so many individuals in that in that group um I I definitely you know I definitely understand your request appreciate it and and would love to be able to do that um but working through this I I I don't see how we can do that I think this is the the best we I think this is the best offer that we could put together that closely aligns to what your asks are as well in terms of separating it out by you know grandfather versus performance schedule we'll take a brief caucus to to consider that thank you very much all right e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e there's a lot to sign for all right ready when you are thank you very much Mr kubri um CTA wants to acknowledge your uh your large movement in the direction of where we uh of that range in which we had hoped to get to um in an effort to reach a settlement uh we definitely agree with you and understand the state does not fund education the way that they should um if they did we wouldn't see the average teacher salary in Florida drop as a result of some highly publicized efforts to raise teacher salaries which is exactly what we've seen and we know that uh our job here is to make the best of that situation um I do appreciate on behalf of my team and all of the teachers in Palm Beach County your acknowledgement of what teachers did last year to uh lead the district to regain its a rating um I know that uh that I know I'm extremely proud of my colleagues and I sense that you are as well um I'm confident that together uh when we're collaborating we can do more uh to let teachers know that uh know that uh appreciation to acknowledge that and to even encourage the state to fund schools in such a way that uh we together are able to get agreements that will compensate teachers more in line with what they deserve um it's it is a tough job um and it does make all other professions possible um and we are here to make sure that we do the best that we can and make sure that uh teachers are still able to pay their bills um with all of that in mind um we will accept your offer [Music] um and I think we can agree that representatives from both sides can meet in a few days to review and sign those finalized documents I know there are a few things parts of the contract to cover with these percentages numbers to put in um the the uh the placement salary to review salary schedule uh for new hires to review to make sure that it covers as many of those cases as possible um Mr Mitchell always does a really good job on that and I look forward to seeing that result and uh working with you and asking any questions that we think might be necessary um all right well thank you that's that's great news um and and congratulations I think we got a great deal for our teachers so I I too would also like to extend my thanks to uh the bargaining team our principles who took time out of their day to come here and uh the the rest of the department leaders as well uh also like to thank M Frederick um Mr Burke the board members for always prioritizing salary increases to keep us competitive and Mr loffer Mr cats the rest your CTA bargaining team thank you for your collaboration through this um this has been a what I would call a very successful negotiations in in getting what's best for our teachers so I appreciate your collaboration and your efforts to to reach a deal as quickly as possible for our teachers and um yes we'll definitely schedule some meetings to to meet and and work through the Tas and and this the uh placement schedule over the next couple days so thank you everybody again and this will conclude our negotiations have a great day [Applause]