##VIDEO ID:ZaZ838BIIRw## e e e so um EXC conat conations so uh we'll see what happens there um that's all I have um any issues with the agenda anyone wants to change around the agenda all right anyone with conflict of interest or been approached by a lobbyist that need to be disclosed all right uh cork report Dorothy I think our process is working so very nice thank you um let's see thought we moved staff up down do I have an old agenda I don't know why that's still like that staff updates when we get down to uh on mine is correct in progress okay I have an old one then all right uh public comments any public comments right no public comments let's go down consent agenda fc1 Michael do you want fc1 you're muted yes please okay fc2 Michael okay pc1 [Music] accepted PC2 accepted PC3 Hill yeah I wanted that also pc4 same okay items not pulled on consented okay need a second on that second it second by Bill H dthy go ahead paus please Bill hook here yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida Yes Virginia Ferris yes Michael you're up for fc1 um thank you item number 20 the melca card readers I know that there was a request for additional information I read the followup and thank you for that um my question is is that we still have these coming up on a regular basis and it would seem that because these are excess uh determinative that there should be a better checklist by the district uh at the planning stage so that we're not coming back [Music] afterwards yeah I kind of have this the same opinion and I use the analogy uh HVAC um we wouldn't expect or want the HVAC engineer to go out during the rough in stage and find 10 more diffusers that he wants to add in because couldn't read the plans during design to figure out where they should go I mean I think it was what 27 card readers or something it was a lot um I mean no we don't control security but they need to have somebody that's not ible enough that can find 95% of what needs to be installed the first time and this is a reoccurring issue I may sound repetitive on this because I keep bringing it up but this is not a oneoff [Music] situation and all we can do is provide that feedback to staff and staff can address it however or if we feel strong enough you know you can go to your board representative um you know I suppose as Court a motion could be made that you know we really think this needs to be uh addressed from a better design point of view to minimize the field changes I'd be willing to make that motion I do know um if you don't mind I'd like to take it to school police and they can give you a response back um I do know that they've had some staffing challenges for about a year now um they had a couple people that were integral with the design process Le left and it got dumped on one person so they're literally doing three people's jobs and that's one of them is to review the plan so not an excuse but it is um an issue so they are in the process of getting more people involved to try to alleviate some of these issues so they're working on it I don't know their exact plan and Staffing because it's not my department but um I I could reach out and get a some feedback if you'd like Michael I guess you can make your motion based on that that we have concerns of this being an ongoing issue and we'd like to hear back from the Department responsible for this as to how they're going to address it exactly yes okay so that was that your motion yes I appreciate your um uh comments and all and the staffing issues the difficulty though is that this has been going on for for years literally so it's it's not just a recent Personnel issue but thank you has this been seconded yet if not I'll second it has not you want to second that I'll second it all right any other comments or discussion darthy you clear on what the motion was not completely but I'll figure it out okay all right uh go ahead and poll this okay Bill hooko yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guido yes Virginia Ferris yes hi Michael fc2 thank you um I also saw the followup there was a question and a followup regarding the excuse me a minute we still need to move fc1 forward but we just did what we just did motions for correct yeah the motion was the other motion it wasn't to move it so was Mr you're moving it Forward okay you're going to have to explain it to me then yeah I don't understand that Virginia we had a motion by Michael second by you to approve fc1 with those comments I didn't hear the approve fc1 with the comment I'm sorry yeah that's what we were doing and Michael you didn't have anything else on fc1 correct that was it thank so there was a confusing motion but okay yeah essentially our motion was to accept it but with a comment going back staff needs to okay come back telling us what the plan of action is to minimize these after the fact changes okay I think we all got the wording now okay all right fc2 Michael um apparently another person had concerns regarding the uh over twoe threeyear um additional time on this and I read the followup and I thank staff for that but it's still I still don't understand the ex seemingly excessive number of days that are asked for this project oh Michael I mean I won't answer but the way I read it it's all the same palmach County Water Utilities company that always causes problems and delays notoriously every project I can say that staff can so when I read that was the problem it was just like all right you know we really don't have a choice if you want is there some specific questions or do you want a summary um because there was the letter do you have specific questions to the letter that didn't look correct or I understand your concern is 900 days jumped out at all of us you know yeah the um is this systemic for yes yesing from that one governmental department and Private Industry isn't banging on the County's door on this also they are oh yeah do do anything all right I've said my piece and time so let's move on with the next one all right you need to make a motion for fc2 then motion to approve I'll second second by Mike WEA comments or questions garthy no hook yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua Yes Virginia Ferris yes okay uh PC3 Michael you pulled it and I pulled it go ahead uh two questions I had uh it's coming out of construction contingency it's not a sales tax referendum project correct um did the board approve the new program needs that bump the budget up big time they've been involved it went through to the superintendent and got his input early on in this because we um what this did start out um we didn't expect this much work and honestly a little bit more time should have been spent in that investigation purpose before we went out for an RFQ so we had it all worked out but we hired the architect and contractor to go out there and really assess the building and see what needed to be done and it was a lot more of of everything that was involved so it's the same components that we had involved originally it's just a lot more of it um you know we we looked at starting with the air handlers and we looked in it that the duct work had mold in it so then we had went to the mold had to take that out and then you got to redesign so it just kind of snowballed into it but it when it comes around um this is really what we feel needs to be done for that facility so it's not excessive work it's in line with the scope it's just a lot more than where we started we understand that my other question is coming out of capital contingency maybe my question is for Leanne as to how Capital contingency Works how it stays funded what kind of balance is there that you know we know we're not draining it down because it'll be needed for other projects Leanne good morning everyone Capital contingency is the big Reserve well it's not it's not it's not as big as sales tax Reserve right now but it's the main Reserve in the capital budget it is there to deal with emergencies we tapped it when there was a tornado damage there was tornado damage at DWI we tapped when there was a last year a um high pressure hose attached to an air temporary air conditioning unit blue and it was flooding and had to have a lot of work done before school repl was done opened um we ended up getting ured from um Builder Risk insurance it's there for hurricanes if we have to rebuild a school um it's we put money into it um throughout the capital plan um especially in the outer years um I'll look at the budget and we'll have I'm looking at the capital plan right now and there there's one year where we add 50 or $60 million to it by the time we get six years down the road we're going to have needs for those monies um so we have a lot of money showing up in future years for Capital contingency um currently we have about $120 million in capital contingency and then we have another 60 or 80 million and I'm sorry I don't have the breakout in front of me um we have some money that's in capital contingency specific speically to help projects in FY 26 and 27 um so there's money there it gets replenished um Whenever there is ex interest reserves whenever projects that aren't funded with sales stocks are closed out um we add money to it through the capital planning process when needed um but sometimes the number gets too high and it's a balancing act as to what's too high and what's too low there's there's not official guidance like there is for the reserve and the oper budget um but we had a lot of interest earnings in FY 24 and um we had ex more impact fees come in than we thought so when we did the capital plan we actually decided that the the Western West ACD elementary school that's being built out in Arden we planed to borrow for that we chose not to instead took money out of capital contingency and funded it that way it's part of the planning process there was ex extra money I didn't want to put it in capital contingency at that point we decided not to borrow for that school we decided not to you to go ahead and use sales tax for um Roosevelt full service because we had extra money and we had extra money in sales tax we earned 27 $24 million of Interest last year um in the sales tax Reserve so Capital contingency is always a balancing act and we add money to it when there's extra revenue onetime revenue we'll go in there um and then we replenish it as needed as part of the capital planning process does that answer your question Mr Porter uh it does when we have a non sales tax project close out and we might get let's say a million dollars back from the CM based on the CM process does that go back into Capital contingency yes it does okay yes it does and I work with the facilities Department they're always asking can we have money from from Capital contingency for something else so this it's a good question that you asked it's bad for me that you asked too because they they can see how much money is there but um we have a really good relationship between finance and facilities and they ask and sometimes we we can give them extra money sometimes we say no you've got to live within the budget um this is a project that the board specifically asked for and if if the board approves it it would be funded from Capital contingency and it did come up during schematic design once we did that assessment hey we're going to need some more money so that's when we went to lean is that is this the best way to go about it and okay so so the staff member with the biggest welts on their wrist from your yard stick are the ones that have asked for the most money I'm going to hide my Wrist all right Michael I have nothing else um yeah I was following up on that and you've answered a lot of the questions uh thank you very much uh as as a followup to that um my clients are going through the same exact types of balancing issues uh with reserves and differenti in between casualty and catastrophic losses and deferred maintenance and this seems to be more of a deferred maintenance and additional program needs is there a policy on approaching that so that it's easier for you when these things come up because it seems like it's a repetitive issue um is that question coming to me or to Michael well probably to you Leah okay when when we're talking about the the funding um when we generally I were as as you know I work very closely with them I have a heads up I know what's coming in most cases I know where they're going to need more money and we try very hard to have that loaded in the capital plan so it goes through the capital planning process this came up after the cap the final number came up after the capital plan was finalized so that's when it has to come into the board um there there aren't really guidelines I work very hard to protect that Reserve knowing that if there is a hurricane if there's a major catastrophic event um yes we'd be able to go to FEMA and um we are self-insured we have some we do have some um in property insurance for hurricanes it's probably not enough but it's all we can get in the marketplace so we know there's a reserve in the general fund that deals with the immediate um getting rid of debris The debris removal um securing the facilities and they there's a there's a now we have an insurance Reserve specifically to deal with money that is needed because the insurance and FEMA there are some schools that FEMA will not reimburse us for if we got FEMA reimbursement on a pro on a school years ago with Francis Gene and Wilma they will not provide money for those schools again so we have an insurance policy specifically for that and money set aside for that and the rest would fall the capital contingency so we we try to balance it the tricky part is how much would it be and how would we fund it and even if FEMA is going to reimburse us we still have a little bit of money that we're owed from Francis Gene and Wilma um it takes a long time to close those out and we know that we know that so um I'd like that money to be that Reserve to be as high as it can be but at the same time time we're now going out the public saying we need a sales tax referendum for maintenance and we have this big Reserve so it's balancing how much should be in the Reserve versus the needs of the schools um so that that is a balancing act and I wish I had good guidance on it um it's each individual government and I guess every company Works through that on their own so I tend to say as much as possible and Heather Frederick is the one saying it needs to be less than that let's spend some of it so we go back and forth even within Finance on what that number should be um and sometimes it spikes up at the end of the year at the end of the year when we get final interest revenues final taxable values come in the final tax revenue for the year comes in in July the year ended in June so we're already through the year before we get all the money that we thought and we're usually this year I think we were over by about a 100,000 it was really close so we never know what that's going to be and as much as I'd like to say I can predict the interest Revenue um I have no idea what the fed's going to do even next week how much are they're going to cut interest rates so we tend to be very conservative and at the end of the year we have some extra money and that's a good thing to have extra money and then decide how to use it the following year so short answer Mr gofin I don't have a good way of doing it every agency does it on their own and I think every agency has their own way of doing it based on their staff and you we know how often construction and they don't come to us very often for Capital contingency right now um because we have the sales tax reserve and most of our projects are funded with sales tax um if you went back 10 years ago we were tapping Capital contingency all the time it just depends on the nature of the work and how good our team is at managing those budgets and how often do they need more money sorry there's a lot of factors and I didn't give you a answer no I I understand because I see it in my clients lives also so Francis these are the Hurricanes from 20044 four and five it's not very much it's not very much but it's still out there and it irks me every year at the end of the year trying to do the but the accounting entries for it so so my daughter has made it through high school college law school a master of laws program an internship a job and now has a one and a half year old life all right so days doesn't seem so bad does it yeah I will tell you it's not very much money at this point it's a small amount it's just enough that every year it comes up and I said we have to do this again there's still a little bit of money out there and at some point the district's going to write it off that that that receivable just needs to go away but there's still a little bit out there and we are going through a new process this year where we're getting preap we went through and got preapproved by FEMA that's something that's new and available for governments to give them a lot of information up front in case there's a storm so that we would be able to be reimbursed faster so we have um a couple of people that attend the hurricane conference and meet with FEMA and so we're trying to do everything we can to make that time frame shorter in the future the um as you're looking at this and particularly fighting off the Galls at your gate if you would while the amount may see it it is a lot of money no question about it um I'll just make the observation that the capital footprint of the district continues to increase as well as the costs of repair and renovation so as you keep adding to that um I'll just say the hurricane or the contingency fund it does to expand for that um and you know pushing them all off on that I am concerned about the U changes in scope but it seems that this does make some sense here and I'll just add my concerns as I have in the past generally beyond the finance side um as to what we are doing to um try to protect our students and staff especially as I've lost track of all the assaults on schools uh students and staff I can't you know I keep forgetting the names now it's a horrible thing um but folks with these huge rifles keep coming on in and school districts are looking backwards as saying what should we have done and I've been told repeatedly ain't our problem but I'm not going to accept that so I've just hoping out there that uh the district is looking at those areas that have seen incursions and you know looking at what else can we do or if it is an outside problem that the district cannot control that we make it clear to our leaders in Tallahasse Washington that there needs to be some other I'll say it's systemic change if we're going to protect our students and our staff thank you all right Michael you had pulled this uh you want to make a motion sure I'll make a motion no objection to the District go to the the U school board consideration second second by Virginia any comments questions I darthy pois please Jo hukill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida Yes Virginia Ferris yes all right I think we got you in Michael under your time limit here he still had pc4 one more thought we did pc4 I thought he pull that was um that's my alarm I will let you you don't have to listen to me one more time I've got to scoot to this other meeting but thank you very much and I appreciate everyone advancing so I could participate and I hope it wasn't too painful for everyone else have a great rest of the week folks thank you all right darthy that was pc4 no yeah we had already done PC3 PC3 was pulled I thought we were discussing PC3 yeah we were P was South intense P that was a long discussion then okay manate might go P pc4 also but he's not here so um do we need to vote on that yeah somebody we have a quorum still right yeah yes yes yeah if we still have a quorum then does somebody want to make a motion pc4 is acceptable to move forward move forward okay Virginia is a first need a second second second by Michael G so questions excuse me the meeting minutes there's no discussion because though it was pulled there was no issue to discuss so we're accepting it because it was pulled right yeah it was still pulled okay whe that person is still here or not to discuss it it was still pulled so we're now saying accepted so you can pull us okay Bill hooko yes David Porter yes John ch yes Michael Guida Yes Virginia Ferris yes all right in progress FCA work and staff updates from a staff update point of view um we had a really successful start of school year um it started just a couple days um before our last cork meeting but you know for a week or two after we get students and teachers back in there there's always things that come up and we've um avoided any major issues knocking wood um so school is often running uh we do have an an operational excellence meeting coming up um conference which is October 14th and what that is is where we meet with our um the operations group everybody under Joe meets with our teachers and vendors and gets together and talk about um things going on in the industry what we can do better as a group together um so that's a dayong event that'll be at the West Pointon Middle School this year um so we're looking forward to that um that's all the updates you have anything else Dorothy from a staff update no um all right in progress work um you can scroll down a little bit um that's dollar spent um keeps going up every month as we go um I know this slide's important we have a lot of people interested as you can see a lot of the red up at the top are on our CCNA contracts um and you'll see a lot of those are really low dollar value is close to a million or even a little bit less than that um that's because as we're moving down with the last 50 so schools or so with the referendum these were the newer schools that needed less work um but it is a challenge because you have less available budget to do they still need work um and some so some of this stuff um uh we'll be working hard with our CCNA vendors to get this work done uh scheduling that out the uh blue stuff at the end you'll see that's some larger projects that need to go out for an R we have a couple Transportation projects uh phase two for historic Carver and historic Roosevelt um so those are upcoming these are our active gmps that will be coming soon in next few months as you can see a lot still are under the CCNA contracts um but we do have a few that were rfps um you can skip through the development activities um there's a lot there you can read that on the the minutes online um as you can see that's all the FCA projects we we did a lot of that work over the summer so a lot of that work that's reported there was done over the summer it's just making the report now so and we're actually start starting to plan for next summer um with some of the long lead time items and get ramped up to do that we do we do obviously work in between the Summers it's not just a summer activity um we work after hours we work outside the school um but we do definitely look ahead to get as much done the summer as we can as you can see some of the pictures some of the work that we did this summer parking lots um H Air Handlers um all different kind of stuff the flooring so um West AC uh this school is is expected to be open um next August uh they've got things tilted they're getting ready to stand up the panels I think there's some pictures there um you can see all the underground work is done they've got the panels poured and they're starting to stand those up so that's looking good looking forward to that school looks like you had a bright early morning pour yeah we're still we're back to that where we're doing you know 2 am 3: a. pores um Pine Grove uh the main new building was open for school um that was a success now they're moving forward with the Demolition of the old building and some of the you know uh site work like parking lot and the landscaping and all that you can see the finished building it looks great that doughnut building on the left will be the one that will be demoed um when's that starting they're doing it now I don't know when the actual demo is starting um I think they're working through the logistics of that now so that's some of the finished project lobbies and bathrooms and uh Windbrook modernization this is in the middle of construction walls are tilted they're starting to um work on the the roof now I think there's some photos of that too yeah you can see that's looking good um that also will be open for next school year in August you can see that's a little bit ahead of waste West acreage I got aead start um start and that's that's a ground up building too it was a modernization so there is there is an existing building that's remaining on campus y uh West Riv uh the demos done uh this will not be open for August this is the following it'll be done in between the year so we'll we'll have to figure out exactly when we want to open um but that's moving forward uh Demo's dumb they're GNA start working on underground now so looks like they have some foundations going uh Roosevelt full service this is Phase One um yeah the the new building's going great there's some pictures you can slide down there that's the new building looking fantastic uh you can see the gym that's building on the North we're still working through their lead remediation on the right hand side you can see it's tinted the um no on the right hand side of that top building there yeah right there so how that works is they basically have to fully encapsulate the lead paint as they remove it they're in like you know space suits out there with the with everything to get it all um handled because it is Disturbed so they're remediating all that lead paint so when we get done with that we'll be free and clear to start working over in that building gym but they're moving forward with the other two buildings in the meantime um looking good um similar Trails this was a core expansion it opened for the start of school year um they were just working on punch list so this involved expanding the the cafeteria the the clinic um some of the admin spaces um if you remember the these schools were designed for Less students um and then we we since added students to the school so the course bases had to be upgraded to accommodate the extra students so um design and procurement if you let's spend a little time with Dorothy's stuff because we usually skip through it but no next slide thank you Dorothy but there's a lot of good things going on here some of the work that that Dorothy does and again this is just a small sampling but um modulars we we we constantly monitor demographics of schools of where we need extra space where we can ecommission space so we move modular around uh so for holding schools obviously we use the modulars uh we are doing several ball field lighting U replacing those with LED lights as we go we've done a handful of schools now and we'll continue that hopefully as as as we get money to do that because it's obviously a lot more efficient lot more reliable some of those Old Fields actually had no Lighting on their ball fields that's true brand new ground up wow so they were really limited when they can have events um the Marquee program so we are um doing new mares throughout the whole District going from the old you know stickup letters to a digital Marquee um seems archaic but we still have a lot of those around um started with mainly the high schools then the middle schools um but we did have if the schools were able to provide funding we kind of moved them up the list or or a particular sign was in just such dis repair that they couldn't even use it that may move it up the list but we eventually we'll get through all the schools uh we have two vendors that are very good but they're kind of limited on the amount that they can get do at one time so it's one school at a time and as you can imagine these schools all get permitted through different agencies and some are pretty smooth and some take a lot more effort to get approval so that's some of the challenges with the mares um re-roofing with you know 180 schools and another 40 or so facilities um we're constantly re-roofing projects those are just a few that we have going on um we try to keep those roofs as long as we can but you know those need replacement the media center program that's for all the high schools and that's been very successful we have how many complete now Dorothy six or seven we did five in group one but then we had a couple that were done a few years ago so probably seven or eight yes So eventually we'll get through all the high schools we do three or four a year depending on funds availability and and how we can move those forward but basically I think you've seen of those um this is an athletic field project that came through there was a couple questions on this one at one point the pooke high school um softball and baseball athletic fields um their their fields just you know they didn't even have an outfield fence you know they didn't have a scoreboard they didn't have is one of those things so we're really trying to get that caught up with other some of our other facilities uh Jupiter High School is a new Fieldhouse that was mainly funded by a donation which was fantastic so that's under construction now um and that's a groundup Fieldhouse at right next to the stadium um doors and restrooms that's ongoing throughout the district as needed there's a lot of that type of work uh switch board replacement we have a program where we kind of go through and uh there's preventative maintenance that we do and then eventually if the the switch gear needs it enough then we do a replacement um those projects obviously don't come along that often but when we do have to do them it's critical that facilities can't operate without the switch gear but why wouldn't the timber Trace switch gear have been part of the 18 different projects we did there so the the so that if you remember the referendum work is just specifically I don't remember was that a pull out for that no just the inspection and servicing of switch gear was a pull out and when they inspected it and looked at it they said it's met its life expectancy it could go any time so that that's why those um the preventive maintenance inspections so critical we try to keep on those once a year in every school and and look at it make sure that we stay ahead of it because as you know if it goes It goes and you're you're in big trouble uh Forest Hill and everglaze that's additional parking lots um we kind of monitor that as needed um discovery key in Forest Hill there's drainage as you know drainage in South Florida is a big deal so we we constantly evaluate that and that's get that gets looked at once a year our BCS Department looks at every single School gives us what they call csir which is violations and a lot of times those drainage issues show up on those reports and we get those fixed as we can so barel high school is that getting a new parking lot or it just being looked at or what so it is getting a new parking lot um it's we had a parking lot there that expanding it out next to the old golf course um so we're adding that that school in particular is very short on parking and STA and space so any even adding 4050 spaces makes a big impact on just parking on so I hear about it once a week from my daughter-in-law who's an AP there yeah I mean that's a tough one so that's some of the stuff here's some pictures that go along with that this was um the VCA Fieldhouse which wasn't in the above slide but we did a fit out for that so we had field house that was basically just a shell empty so they used it with no AC you know nothing in there so we went in there and uh were able to retrofit that out um with some new lockers air conditioning and finishes so that's a great space uh they actually had an event out there um this is ky Cunningham out in Canal Point um we they had a pavilion uh we did a provided a pavilion out in the field so that when the kids are out for recess to have a restroom and a place to get under some more shade so that was very successful very important for that school so those are those are some more of the minor project stuff that Dorothy has going on and here's just some more pictures as you can see it's constant miscellaneous stuff any everything under the F so any questions question I had uh and it goes back to pc4 actually but it's not on pc4 I see the Beck Group is a company I I I've seen a couple of times I think on selection committees were they on the CCNA list no so this went to an RFP yes that was an RFP uh John chesher will probably back me up on this but I didn't see anything come out for any Court members on that this the first I think I'm hearing about and that's why I thought wait a minute why didn't I get a notification of that you're not on the CCNA list we can follow up I'll have to follow up with Barbara on it but um John chesher yeah I don't recall that that one either coming to the selection committee um but my question was on page three I believe if you can go back to page three [Music] and the [Music] bottom scroll down please right there um the five in blue that are coming out with rfps they're all it says uh January 2025 they're all coming out at the same time that's going to put a brain on the two or three of us that the Court members who volunteer for the selection committee I don't know if anybody from purchasing is in the room but can you can we spread that out a little bit because that's yeah I could there is nobody from person but I can comment on that so that's a placeholder um we have a couple um outside factors that we're looking on on scheduling those they probably won't come all out out together I'm almost sure of it um we have for instance um the purchasing department is going to be at the end of the year the uh bid syc which is Periscope now is no longer offering that platform so they're transitioning over to a new platform which is going to affect the timing of it um our um transportation facilities we're working with Transportation about the logistics of how we can move buses between facilities and make it all work so we're we're doing a little bit of up upfront homework to make sure that's all gon to work so it's probably not I'm sure it's not going to all shake out like that um so but that's just a placeholder that we'd like to get those going as soon as we can um so also the two there that are 30 million and 43 million I don't know when you decide to use a final selection committee or not but that's probably those two and but that'll be two separate meetings yes for short list and final selection so again yeah they just need to be um phased out a little bit thank you and um just to add on to that so the Del re historic Harvard full service and Roosevelt we have Partners involved with those um city and county partners that were working through some items on as as well as some calies and since their historic facilities getting approvals there so we're trying to time those out recently so um as soon as we we don't know when some of that stuff is going to fall into place but as soon as it falls into place we can go with it so it may be next week it may be six months we're hopeful you know in that January timeline but um those are some question marks on those as well Virginia uh yes I just wanted to comment on how happy I am that Point Beach High School is finally going to get a digital Marquee back in the late 90s when we were working on that the developer at that time would not allow it and um some 30 years later they're finally new developer out there new owners finally able to get the digital Marquee I learned that at the SAC meeting this week so um there is no problem doing it at Point High now is there not that I know of I think not that I'm aware of either okay boy's been very good to work with so far um there there are some municipalities that are really challenging takes a while but you bring up a good point because those marquee signs make a huge difference to the the parents in the schools how to communicate you know not everybody's reading their emails and and checking that stuff so they show up to pick up a a kid and they find out about a sack meeting and then they attend so there's it's really critical to get that information out and it's just so much easier for the schools to be able to update it digitally from their phone versus going out there and replacing letters that blow off and that kind of stuff I totally I totally agree and as I said trying when I was with the city working with those developers trying so hard and they were just horrible to work with they resented that the high school was there amidst them and did everything they could to sty it but new owners are out there now in that area and I'm I'm really very pleased okay any other comments questions for Michael all right uh I don't think we had anything on followup did we Dorothy um Yes actually we did um number one we started talking about this last month it's um our description of how we calculate overhead and profit right and we decided to hold off until this month to discuss it because John wasn't here and that was um John's question so way back and this is one that we can really get into the Weeds about but we wanted to highlight at least the the big bullets that we have on our existing procedures and and this is what way we've been doing it for a long time now um we are in the process of looking at our contract and in particular items three and four we're looking at simplifying that going future but we have to go through the channels to get that um all worked out but there's um yeah this is how we do it now so Mr chesher go ahead John yeah it's first time I seeing this I apologize I didn't reviewed in advance but um this is from like over a year ago if I recall right and the issue was there was a large amount of unpurchased scope it was called an unus unused I think General conditions and the question was why isn't overhead and profit returned on those I mean just by the definition of unpurchased scope it just sounds like there was scope that wasn't done so maybe it's just a terminology thing but uh you couldn't there was no backup associated with that yeah unpurchased scope or unused General requirements that I recall and and that was really the question what why was there unpurchased scope and if I recall correctly there was another uh close out earlier that the contractor did return the overhead and profit on those items so it was inconsistent with a previous one and I noticed today I believe there was a close out where a portion of the overhead and profit was returned with a closeout funds so it's just inconsistent it needs to be this doesn't really solve or or address what the confusion was at least confusion to me no um I'm not sure about the incentive to the CM to save money it sounds like he's being given overhead and profit because he overestimated something which would be a which would be dangerous to do I think um so I guess those are my comments I'm still not sure we know what we're doing here at least I know yeah and I think you're we we definitely uh appreciate your comments and we tend to agree with that that there it hasn't been 100% consistent and this isn't real clear on how to do that that's why with these contract that and really some of your comments spurred to look at some of those contract changes to make this so This is how we do it now but in the future what we're going to bring forward is a simplified version of this where it is consistent and all overhead profit is included and returned and it's very clean um so we'll we'll be bringing those forward to review with you so this isn't the solution this is kind of just how we're doing it now um and that the 2% thing really confuses things on projects because you have some that you know it really holds up the process so we're we're looking at getting rid of that and as well um just to make it easy everything's either included up front with overend profit and returned with overend profit or not included with overend profit and as we process those we include over proit profit on each one so we're looking at two options but either way it'll be reconciled 100% at the end so all right thank you yeah I just think it should be simple yes you know AG get paid overhead and profit for doing the work if the work doesn't get done you get the overhead and profit back we agree yeah simple y makes the math real easy y okay um David I have another thing for followup please yes a few months ago I don't know three four months ago we pulled an item um because there was a a uh escalation there was it was all approved by staff and ready to go to the board but there was no a backup on why the contractor was getting the escalation I mean he asked for hundreds of thousand I don't remember hundreds of thousands of dollars and he just said here's my old price here's my new price anyway the item was pulled and I'm just I don't believe we've seen that back yet I was just wondering what the status of that is I thought staff took that to the board because it had to go to the board even though cork had objected well I sure hope that's not true I thought that's what happened because it had to be done and I know I know Dave said he didn't want to do that but I thought that's what happened which is I think why we never got it back as a resubmittal well that was true of an item maybe a year or so ago where we wanted it pulled and it wasn't and the board approved it and we asked at the following meeting and the answer was well just because cork says to pull it doesn't mean we have to and that upset me at the time and if this has happened again this is going to be really upsetting so I'd like to have a followup on that particular item for next month I think we have D back through you know what was presented to Cork what the minute State and find that item and then give us a report of what happened to it there was there was one I don't remember which one you're talking there was one that we pulled and it wasn't resolved yet so it's that's why it's never come back yet um but I don't know which particular one we'll have to I guess that's the question though because that was that was literally at least six months ago when I'm thinking wait a minute somebody's not getting paid because of that yeah just just dig into it rather than us making assumptions yeah please Dorothy please put that down as something for our next meeting that we'd like a response on I will all right anything else on followup you want to tell us about the number number three looks like you now have something scheduled to take care of the baseball fields we've got a lot of things in the works um we we actually just had funding approved for the new lights that are going to go out there because they have no lights now and we just got funding approved for um new fencing The Outfield fencing The Sod work and everything that we're going to do in the new scoreboard out there so now we have to go out and get the the bids and things like that for those we actually have a proposal on the the lights we may not be able to do them until we get the fencing installed in it so what's up with the uh um baseball field I thought it was the back stop was back stop dugouts I thought the dugouts we replaced six of the eight dugouts um so on these minor projects so we don't always we don't go to a a cm and get it all in one package so there's all these different pieces um but this yeah the six of the E doets were done uh the issue with the back stop of the baseball field had to get resolved which you do have it now resolved to we're going to move that forward um 15 feet um because it's a middle school and a high school um combined out there so it's a little bit different case and now we're able to build the last two dugouts that fit with that and do the fencing around it we didn't want to do that if you know until we work out the location of it exactly okay John chesher yeah on number four there um I thought the last month or maybe the month before that was going to come back earlier are you still looking for uh comments or questions from uh committee members regarding our concerns there I think uh Mr Sanchez was taking the lead on that um and I know he missed a a session he was out of town for his 60th birthday and then he's back I think he's back now but I don't think he's here yet so that's why we wanted to push it where he can closed his age in public here no public record no he's I hope I'm in that shape at 6 um so that's why we pushed a little bit so he can because he's taking the lead on that so okay are you still looking for comments or questions from I don't I think he has what he needed from from input and he was he was reach oh Joe is on good yeah I'm actually in the parking lot so uh I could say that yeah I appreciate it going back to October because I was trying to get something together for this month um and we we just I just need to have an internal meeting with all our staff with purchasing illegal we did have a meeting back in early August um just to clarify that what what we're proposing is legal the the new law that just passed in in um this past legisl session does not prohibit us from um awarding points for um for location which we already do U but I want to get I want to get Cork's input on how many points that we use in each one of those criteria because you know small points will make a small difference bigger points make a bigger difference you know relative to all the other points that part of criteria so that's what I'm plan bring back in October is um getting some some thought on how much should the local preference or I shouldn't say local preference that's the wrong term how much how much yeah how much how much should location um the location criteria we into as a as a percentage or as a factor Rel to everything else so that's that's a key that's a key um point that I'd like to get courts input on okay But to answer your question John if you have questions or things you want us to address in that just send me an email with that information and I'll make sure Mr Sanchez has a chance to look at it okay I will thank you okay um that was it on followup I think right nothing else was left on there we didn't talk about all right um any other General discussion items by Court members all right date of our next meeting is on your agenda October 17th Virginia any issues with minutes minutes for very good okay good anyone else with issues on the minutes all right minutes are now accepted if nothing else last chance all right we're adjourned thank you happy birthday Joseph yeah [Music] yeah I know we I know we had a section committee but I don't [Music] know another one remember last month [Music]