uh this is a reminder that the Jen meeting will be recorded okay let's begin with introductions you're going to please state your name and where you work I'll start us off Anthony Dy Department of Professional development director Paul hin director of research and evaluation Germaine English manager and Labor Relations Tim kuri chief of Human Resources Eugene faman principal Emerald K Amry Gilbert principal Cross Point Elementary Moren Thompson manager and professional development Gordon Long Haul for president CTA good morning Briana Coke cta's professional development coordinator also part of the PD department at the district Justin cat CTA executive director Patricia hatch par teacher professional development Lisa Roman professional development specialist okay and uh Dr Moss is not able to join us however uh Dr armas is the uh High School representative for district side uh Randall and Moren did you have a chance to go yes but I'll say again for anyone that may not have heard I am Moran Thompson manager in professional development hello I'm Randall AI H CT staff hi thank you everyone okay uh our first item from the agenda today is the confirmation of our Jen members and uh this is about the teacher Representatives now Patricia hatch Sabers is our elementary representative we also have uh our two other members to confirm um uh will chrisy sidel still be representing as the secondary uh to my knowledge yes um she may have not been available today for some reason I think uh Sun Coast kind of gets embroiled and busy with testing at times like this not a problem we'll still keep her on that's that's good oh dras is able to join us and and Anthony I do need to uh select someone to take my place that I had when I was on as a teacher and I'll be trying to handle that before we have our formal meeting in June okay that's great that was actually going to be our next item so uh thank you Gordon uh we'll be patiently waiting to find out who will be taking your spot representing mle and hopefully not waiting too long awesome thank you um dras we were just doing introductions just basically saying uh name and where you work sir hi sorry I'm a couple minutes late I was on the other side of Campus hey Su armis principal of John alard high school thank you sir you're you're not that late you're three minutes that's no worries we appreciate you joining us appreciate everyone being able to join us today all right our second agenda item today a recent grievance brought up the subject of the instructional practice Review Committee uh it's referenced in the uh collective bargaining agreement let me bring that up on the screen there's some uh conflicting information in it so uh share that my screen right now on uh page 30 so let's look at page 30 in the collective bargaining agreement and uh here's the area that uh we're seeing here the purpose of the instructional practices Review Committee the iprc is to provide an alternative process for resolving issues that arrive from Individual observations the iprc shall consist of three members appointed by The Joint evaluation negotiations committee Jen now let's look at page 33 section 10 procedural defects if a teacher believes observational procedures were not followed on the instructional practice Andor deliberate practice portion of the evaluation he she may request an appeal by a review board which shall meet within five days of the request the review board shall consist of two CTA members and two District members from Jen um you know besides continuing the language here we have some conflicting information between these two sections um the current language is also very limited so we have some things to consider do we already have a process in the CTS CTS handbook for addressing concerns if not what could be added is the iprc process needed if the ctes hand addresses the problem adequately if the iprc process is needed then what would the parameters look like is there a form is there a structure how would the appointments of members to the Committees work what would those appointments look like what would their duties and how often would they meet so um with those questions in mind we're going to take some time now to caucus so if you would please join the breakout room for your caucus discussion e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay looks like we're getting everybody back all right just a couple more cameras come back on just to make sure everybody's with us all right we had some uh Lively conversations on our end um Gordon Justin uh how about you anything anything you'd like to share from your conversations yeah we're we're open-minded to um consolidating uh parts of the contract that pertain to um observational concerns or errors or procedural defects I think that um the original language that's been in there forever but not really utilized paved way for the procedural defects which is recent we put that in there within the past couple years um and to your point there is some conflicting information as to the the number of members and an appeals process process absent in one included in the other Provisions so as long as the as long as the right for an employee who um you know believes a some sort of technical error or issue occurred during their observation or relative to their evaluation because the procedural defect also brings in the delivered practice in the pgp if there's some sort of defect or error we're open-minded to making sure there's there's an opportunity for them air those concerns um so you know we're happy to work with the district to tighten up that language thanks Justin um the way we looked at it was you know maybe there maybe the language when it was sometimes the first time you hit language on it it's it's not exactly what you what you want and maybe there's a different way to do it but you know I this is something that you and I have discussed many many times but when there's an issue between um an employee and their supervisor or AP whatever it might be I I think the thing that's missing in this procedural defect section is to is that we jump right to some committee right rather than letting it first be resolved with the employee and supervisor and I think 99.9% of the time the the employee and supervisor are going to talk and if there truly was some sort of procedural defect they'll they'll REM it they'll they'll fix it um so that that's sort of where where we landed on on some of this and if there ultimately needed to be some uh additional level of review um the the thing I see here is it could just jump right to something between CTA PD labor or or May to discuss some some issues um because I mean procedures are proced procedures and if they're outlined and they're not followed it should be pretty simple to say this didn't happen the way it's supposed to have happened right that's s so that's that was our discussion really uh I wouldn't say like you know I I and looking at this and and talking with principles that we have on on the line here this isn't something that is comes up often um it's not it's just not doesn't seem to be some large scale issue well and our main concern that we want to make sure is incorporated into this is is the the idea that you know as as a subordinate as an employee who's being observed by an AP or a principal your supervisor if you have to point out that they made a mistake it's not personal you're not trying to get at them but if if they did something incorrectly and you have to point it out to them we just want to make sure that um that there's a a proper and fair resolution process and and one of our concerns is that if if I'm the principal and I violate the ctes and don't observe people or Miss timelines I can't be the Violator of the contract and then the person who dictates the solution that's what we want to avoid so like if if the employee and the principal if there's an informal step before the committee is invoked or brought into it we just want to make sure that the understanding of the Observer the administrator is that it's to kind of dis discuss a solution it's not for the the person who broke the contract to then prescribe the solution to their own violation and we fear that teachers you know are as subordinates and as people being evaluated which influences their employment their compensation we just don't want them to be in a position to have to be submissive when they've been in a situation where they've been wrong um you know to their detriment so those are some of our kind of generic concerns where we want to make sure there safeguards that a a person who breaks the contract doesn't get to be the one who decides how to fix their error unilaterally and to their liking exclusively understood so would you guys want to you know on our respective sides come up with plans or possible language and then is the is the goal to to bring that forward at the annual meeting in a couple weeks well I don't know that we can in that annual meeting adjust language in the contract we no just to to come up with you know commonality and then through negotiations codify it through formal acceptance or if yeah I think we could do that okay comfortable with that that works for me absolutely I don't think any neither side here obviously is you know there's nothing gain here we're just trying to find the best way to fix to fix the errors when they happen and we acknowledge that you know with you know 13,000 employees in the unit two to four observations per person per year you're talking about tens of thousands of instances so they're inevitably going to be issues that require some sort of Remedy like this and we just want to make sure it's it's it's good so and I I I take the district that that's that's absolutely their motive as well absolutely all right well yeah I think that's a a fair plan to when we meet for our the CTE um session that that we'll have some ideas to have a discussion on this okay we appreciate that all right great and then uh just to segue now to our next Jen meeting which will be on Monday June 17th 10 am. to noon we'll be discussing the CTS updates for the new year uh this is similar in the last few years where it's just been date changes due to the academic calendar and then of course we'll also have student performance measure updates from Paul and his team uh what we're aiming to do is draft the updates in the CTS handbook and share it prior to the Jen meeting as we've been doing the last few years to give both sides some time to review and then hopefully uh we're in agreement as we been in the last couple years uh and we can kind of move forward on that item an item for discussion which I wanted you all to think about is the pre and postc Conference discussion for the formal observations during covid we switched to utilizing Google meet and then when we had retreated from covid protocols we pulled back the option for using Google meet for pre and postc conferences for the formal however we left uh the process in place for Palm Beach virtual and Hospital homebound uh we would like to bring back up the option not the Mandate the option for teachers that would like to utilize the feature to provide them you know efficiency and security so that would be another item we do want to discuss at the next Jen meeting Gordon or Justin sorry it's coming Miss Gordon on my screen sorry we have the same Gmail account for work our computers um so we reviewed that we appreciate that being on the agenda advance so we can kind of think about that and we'll certainly um come up with some ideas one thing we wanted to put out there as a preface to that conversation is that we're not fundamentally opposed to it but the the manner in which it would unfold is important to us similar to how the employee right now has the right they're supposed to be offered in August do you want your informal or formal first we want to make sure that if we were to proceed with the reimplementation of the option of a virtual meet for the pre- and post conference that the Observer has to ask the employee which is their preference because our fear is that if the Observer tells you you know let's pick a date and time to meet and you pick it for the pre-conference and then they say all right we're going to hold it virtually now the the subordinate the observe has to talk to their Observer about contradicting what seems to be their expressed preference so it's just like it's do you want your informal or formal first for one BS and twos if we were to move forward with this which we're not opposed to we just want to make sure that observers understand that when you go to schedule your your time and place that you say what is your preference not I want to have a virtual pre-conference give me when you're available because we just don't want to to a they feel like they can't express that they want to meet in person because it's already been established by The Observer that they want to meet virtual because it's it's just it's important obviously these observations and the implications to the employees agreed agreed okay okay I believe that concludes our agenda items for today I I want to thank the group for taking their time to be with us especially on one of the busiest days of the year so thank you everyone we will see each other again on June 17th sounds good thanks everybody