##VIDEO ID:bx7oeEYZsRI## turn the mics on I just did Dorothy they were off the mic's on oh okay all right I've been talking to thin air uh good morning everyone online we now have a quorum and we're going to get the meeting started going get to order and we'll start with attendance around the room and then Dorothy will pull people online so start us off Dorothy please Dorothy benesi facilities construction Michael Gua cork Joseph Sanchez Chief Operating off it's been a while H you look that way I was like okay Patricia Morales Deputy general counsel David do and chief of facilities management David Porter cork Barbara Myers Construction purchasing Jan Porter Mill H cor John cheser cork over here in the corner sir TGA construction facilities John L ra Enterprises representing zovic and Wharton Smith car Carter Wharton Smith Tom Jacob Eon Warton SMI George facilities construction Bob Bliss office of Inspector General cell Chief Operating officea Patricia Neta Architects Jacob cats CLE construction James barell facilities construction Park facilities construction Ian nestler pgs PG okay go ahead Dorothy hit us online people we have Tom Berger here Virginia Ferris way I'm cork Virginia are you there maybe she can't get her mic working probably and we have our newest cork member Francesca wores here Trad just joed TR joined us as well welcome Francesca thanks okay frerick we got you yep thank you and Michael okay Micha Gan and Virginia there you go we got your mic Virginia Virginia you're now live again thank you I'm here all right I have nothing to report on Chairman's report my next question anyone having a conflict with anything today or have been approached by any lobbyist that they need to disclose work members uh hearing none we will move on um cork report darthy that process still seems to be working nicely thank you for taking care of that uh public comments any general public comments not hearing any all right and uh you briefly touched on in attendance we do have a new court member uh this month who has now uh been brought on um Miss warish um welcome and uh she will do our voting membership okay very good I think you've been somewhat kind of trained in what we do and how we do it Franchesca yes yes okay um darthy will poll everyone online when we get to the voting part and the people in the room um that's how we've worked it since we went virtual and we make sure we get the vote recorded at that point uh fre feel free to fire away with questions um it probably will be like a six-month learning curve yeah okay good thank you yeah no no for for lots of new members that have come on um I think Virginia is now our longest surviving member I think I'm the way you put that surviving I know I'm with you Virginia don't know uh I've been on for 21 years and Virginia's even longer than that so um welcome aboard thank you consent agenda so we're up to next FC one yes those John yes fc2 yes yes okay virgin was that Virginia yes okay and Michael G okay fc3 fc4 yes and I also wanted it I did too okay fc5 fc6 yes who is that Michael Michael fc7 pc1 go back to fc7 I'd like to pull fc7 okay pc1 was okay PC2 I want that one PC3 pc4 pc5 J we're ready for your motion I wasn't sure if anyone pulled the four and five because they kind of go along with uh um do I'll pull that yeah they go along with the other the other um one PC trying to find so do you want PC pc5 yeah yeah just some clarification yeah we can pull five and six just because I think they go along the other one all I move the items not hold on hold on before we yeah says looks like Michael gend was trying to speak but we couldn't hear him can't hear you Michael he typed in a message and said Can can you hear me and so I suspect he may want to discuss something wants to pull before we make the motion to approve those that we go consent okay no we cannot hear you Michael um while Michael's figuring this out can I really quickly ask when no one says yes to one of these what does that mean that means that we will we will vote coming up on accepting the non pulled items as being accepted without comment discussion or disagreement okay thank you so Mr said four and five pc4 and five so we already got four and five youd like to have PC one I'm not sure what one two three and four means yeah and is said pc1 and four is that fc1 two 3 4 uh is that yeah I'm thinking FC and then he's got PC separately listed yeah maybe the first for FC so I think he's got one two three and four for FC uh one two three and four only leaves fc5 and PC3 can he yeah can sorry fantastic sorry about that so Michael if I understand your note right you want fc12 3 and four pulled correct and then PC one uh four and five okay right so we only have PC3 fc5 n fc5 that didn't get right so I move those two forward on agenda I need a second I'll second it second by Mike Guida any disagreements darthy polus please bill hooku here yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida yes Tom Berger yes tadric McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes Francesca Wares yes yep all right our first correct that was a vote Yes all right very nice all right we will start with fc1 John ahead chesher uh Dorothy number six oh just for the record Michael tuell is online just some clarification on this the it was a defici deficiency in the number of pressure gauges on the new equipment and this is identified by the inspector um I got the right one yeah at number six is pressure gauges okay um could you could someone just explain why the pressure gauges couldn't be added to the equipment rather than the piping and draining everything cuz the description says on the new equipment usually there's connections on the equipment for the pressure gauges I'm just curious what happened here Jud that's Jud yeah the the way I understand it is that the um the pressure gauges go on the piping the chilled water piping that leads to and from the chilled water air handlers um so it's not on the the unit itself it's on the pipe that's adjacent to the unit that connects to it so these had to be tied into that existing piping isn't that standard to have the pressure gauges on the chilled water piping uh yes there are there are pressure gauges on the chilled water there were there were 20 that were deficient on the 10 Air Handlers so there were there were two that were missing on each air handler the way the way it has been described so the design engineer list them that is why it's being listed as a design Omission yes oh I thought it was an inspection but it does but the cause emission yeah okay and then I had another one and I don't know the number if you could scroll down a little bit you know which school yeah it's the one with the GFI outlets on the on the water coolers that was like 30 that's um actually fc4 oh it is that that was for Garcia High School I don't know which high school it was I believe that is correct Dorothy but it's at John it's not on the fc1 it's on four we pulled FC you also pulled we'll get to I'm done Michael Galan um I had the same uh uh misstatement if you would mine's on actually fc4 so I will pass thank you okay uh they were the only two that P someone want to make a motion then no not for one a motion to allow fc1 to go forward I'll make a motion to um for fc1 to go forward to the board without objection okay I need a second a second second by Michael Gua any other discussion all right darthy polus please no hukill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida yes Tom Burger yes Shadrick McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes Franchesco Warnes yes okay all right uh fc2 um let's see Mike Gua on FC 2 to Rivier Beach prep guess this was a credit uh given back um to Kaufman Lyn or from Kaufman ly to the school board but yet it looked like there was a remaining balance of $99,000 plus or minus and that amount was for what if it was cancelled that the project was canceled at preconstruction did they mobilize did they have equipment on site $99,000 paying for I think this whole thing was preon it is because no construction started correct yeah so what I know but they stopped the precon they got to a certain point the school district got to a certain point on the project decided no we're going to we're going to change course but precon had already been done to evaluate the design we thought we were going to build correct that is okay what was the actual work being done they did preconstruction pricing yeah preconstruction pricing uh valuing Val the existing conditions of the facility um we hire the contractor and the architect at the same time to make sure the contractor use the architect on budget so they're already pricing out based on prelim drawings or even schem you know even conceptual drawings paid to provide a bid well they're paid to provide pricing do their estimating Department estimating to create the budgets like that no it's to validate whether the project that the architect is coming up with is feasible under the budget and if not then they have to tell the architect uhuh right value engineer you ain't doing that 40 Story Tower here time to change your design so there was you got you got some kind of service for for that money as monies correct that's that's all I really okay need a clarification on okay uh Virginia um that some of that clarification helped but I just wanted a fuller understanding of of how the change occurred and why when you first looked at the school that wasn't the option just a fuller understanding of the change if if I may and Michael Michael tubiolo is on here too so I welcome him uh piping in on this but just so it's understood um This was um originally uh part of a like a facility renewal and the expectation was we were going to renovate the existing uh it's it's it's a dual campus at Rivier Beach Prep North Tech uh we uh the expectation established way back when was that we would do a renovation of the existing buildings uh if you're familiar with the campus the two buildings out in the front right up Garden Road are Rivier Beach prep um we hired the we hired an architect and a contractor as Mr P said and ultimately started the design process based on renovating the spaces uh during the course of that design process that you're referring to um it became apparent that the design that we were proposing to do to renovate the space wasn't going to satisfy academically the the needs of the the programming needs and and in fact the costs were going to exceed the amount of money we had so they really it put us in a very limited spot this is predominently this program was uh we selected the architect and the contractor on a renovation basis it was supposed to be renovating this basis only not building something new um when we hit that point at which we realized we were not going to serve the needs we were not going to meet the program needs in the existing building we had already gotten through schematics and we were starting into the design development phase and that's when it became apparent that we were we were going to have that problem so we stopped the program right then and there and worked with the contractor and the architect to try to come up with the a more thorough evaluation of what we do need to do what we would what would be the best servant service to the school to the the programming needs and that's where we worked with the architect and the contractor through this existing contract came up with other other Alternatives as to how we would be able to do this and what they would what they might cost we presented those Alternatives those ideas up through leadership and Leadership was having been fully informed of the better options um made um helped us make that decision as to well rather than renovate a a space and not fully meet the needs it was in our best interest to stop uh cancel the contracts and I forgive me not terminate the contracts terminate the contracts and rebid it under a new scope and this new scope ultimately would involve constructing new facilities knocking down the old existing building and building new facilities and by doing that by heading in that direction where we would be bu building new facilities we we're we're now put in that position where we've hired an architect and a contractor with expertise focused on renovating the spaces um if we now change course completely and go to a new construction you know new design new construction that is deemed a cardinal change to the contract and thereby uh put us in a position where we needed to do this termination um for both of the contracts uh School District's expectation is now that we've gotten that point where we know what we want to do what we need to do we are going through the process of canceling terminating those contracts and we would immediately expect that we're going to put out an RFP the new RFP for a new scope new construction um of that facility immediately after this is approved so during this for the so for those funds that you paid a new scope was defined yes we had uh we had U Got Alternatives from the architect and the contractor working together based on on the academic programming we had already gone through in the original design we knew what they needed we knew what they were asking for you know the existing program plus whatever additional programs were needed um and that's where they came up with those options we presented the leadership they made uh the they took the recommendations and went with the new construction version my question is why wasn't that done earlier as to meeting the needs of the school why did it go through to this point were there changes in in what the the staff wanted in the school no not really not really the the the academic programming remained generally as it's been they do have an option an opportunity for um um I'll I don't know cross-pollination well uh northtech is an adult education continuing education type of uh facility whereas Rivier Beach prep is more of a k through is an K through 12 academic program to help kids get back on on course on track um the expectation is going forward we would probably try to merge the two not merge but um as I said cross poy make it so that those C the high school school kids have an opportunity to look at an alternative uh academic program they might want to go into the trades rather than traditional uh College Bound uh uh programming so that's where we're kind of slightly expanding we're more or less making the north Tech adult education uh trades uh facility available to the uh the high school students that would be there that's where I say there's there's a little bit of an expansion or a change but essentially it's remaining um the the program for Rivier Beach prep remains an academic program to help them get on course and get back into finishing High School Michael to thank you yeah I just want to add on to what Dave saying so the vast majority of this work that was done is not work that's gone to waste it'll be used in the next design um the the contractor and the architect really did a fantastic job and looking outside the box and and challenging what that original scope was to make it better for the school district so that's what we we asked them to do and they did a great job with that so this is no no knock on them they did they did exactly even more than what we asked them to do um there are some challenges on the on the project um for instance um the existing Campus of River Beach prep um in order to renovate that we would had to either create a holding school which would cost money and there's really no value to the district and as Dave said we're already over budget or we would have to move the students in the existing campus and draw out the construction for almost three years so for students to be living in construction for three years isn't a good thing either so this option allows them to continue um going to school in their existing building build a new building and not have to be disrupted by it um in addition to that the existing um River Beach prep building has all CMU walls on inside um so those that when that building was originally designed it wasn't designed for this purpose it was designed for something totally different so when we started programming the space out with academics those those spaces didn't really fit into what was there so that that's what drove up the cost a lot of moving all those structural walls that we didn't plan on doing because we didn't know what the what exactly they needed until we really dug into it my other question is where's the money coming from there's no amount here set aside for a new building so it's it's the same money but we're adding to it this will be borrowed money so it's a cops issue um so we're going to take a credit back for what we didn't use here and apply it to the new project so do you have an estimate of how much more you need we do um Dave do you happen to have that in front of you it's about 25 $25 million more on top of the budget that we have I see lean yeah on camera where it's coming from yeah Dave I think we we increased the budget for this project significantly as part of the capital plan and I think we've already included that in the budget we did yes so it's already in the budget um I haven't borrowed the money yet because I've learned over the years to wait until there's a GMP because with Rising construction cost and the market being what it is um until we know what the actual budget is I'm not going to go out and borrow the money for it but we do have the money in the budget for this project based on their current estimated cost so you did that once they the district decided to do a new building we we did it as part of the capital Plan update so every year when we do the capital plan I ask the team what do we need to change they actually go line by line and look at every project and let me know if changes are coming and sometimes I say okay sometimes I asked them lots of questions on it in this case I knew what was going on here you know there was a lot of people involved in this decision and it went to leadership above Dave and M head a lot of people looked at this to decide what was the best um track to go for the district okay so this is just the first time we're seeing this yes we've been looking at this for months thank you if there's no other questions I John Chester yeah a couple clarifications please um David you said the the change was addressed in during programming and programming is usually done during schematics yet the architect is being paid for his schematics and I believe all of his design development anyway 7 75% yeah how did he get into design development I'm G let I know the answer i' prefer if michaelw yeah so the the the building would actually work um a renovation it's just doesn't work as well so we program the space out of exactly what you know what size classrooms how many classrooms what ancillary spaces as you know that typical programming and it's not just one building that we're talking about we're talking about a whole campus so the rest of the campus really hasn't changed what we're really focused on the Cardinal change of is that Rivier Beach prep building um so that building they designed it to actually function not ideally so we had kind of wasted space in that building so they went through and into DS um figuring out the details of do and when they got into DDS that's when they started looking at the structure of building the mechanical systems and all that stuff and and saw that it was going to be even more than they had thought so that's um that's where it really came up and Michael you also said that this work that they've done that you've paid them for can be reused in the new design how's that a vast majority of for instance developing the program of what those spaces are needed will be moved and the rest of the campus would be absolutely used and they actually went through and started the design of A New Concept building so they know exactly how big of that is so they took that through and designed a new building know what size it is know what infrastructure for the site we need to do so yeah a lot of that work would just roll right over either to a new design team or to the same team if they were to happen to get it again plus the work that was done at in the design process this caxs and the initial DDS for the northtech portion of the campus which if you're familiar with it those are essentially the garage bays and for those of you that know the campus the back side is is a lot of garage bays and that's where the technical uh programming uh goes on a lot of that stuff a lot of the design work that was done early on a lot of that stuff will be reused directly into the new design so when Michael's referring to like that whole project northtech Rivier Beach prep northtech essentially stays the exact same scope essentially the Rivier Beach prep part is the part where get to take advantage of the programming work that was done but design is essentially that's the part that is goes away got it thank you okay any other discussion on this one gelf has Michael gelfan so first I congratulate you know staff when you perceive that there's a change you know willing to pull the plug um I do though have some questions on the timing am I correct that the program has not changed it's still the same as it was before for go ahead Michael yeah the program that yeah was developed as the schematic part of this project so um in this case in some facilities we have a very defined specific program ahead of time like a an elementary school we know exact of us going into here um with Adult Ed and Rivier Beach Press it's a little bit different we only have one Prep School like this we only have a handful of adult Edge spaces and each Adult Ed campus is different so that programming was done early on in the SD phase to to to meet with those academics and say how much space do you need for each classroom how do you operate that kind of thing and and that that was developed during this project um not ahead of time um like some other projects um did that answer your question yeah so I I guess the question is um who made the or or who made the programing change that so it wasn't necessarily it changed the academic so we dealt directly with um Fred B who's our adult ed coordinator and we dealt with Rivier Beach prep and um academics on that side of how they operate because they don't operate in a traditional model like classrooms do um so going in like I said we didn't have a clearly defined program of exactly what space everything needed like some projects we do um so it was developed during this project so during that development they figured out what size classroom we need as a typical classroom because DOA gives us guidelines um but there's some flexibility in there that we have um based on the need of the actual School itself and that's where I've got my rub is that this seems to have occurred way too late down and as a result uh we're now going to be needing a 25 million bucks um and I don't know what the answer to that at this point is um you know we've got 100K invested in this um lean where does or how do we take what was a renovation and now it's a a a in essence new buildings um in the prioritization that we have for the fiveyear plan I mean doesn't this also well this this project is actually on the referendum project list so we we need to do it it's um it's it's partially the new northtech and partially facility the fa facility renewal of the old Rivier Beach prep um and I I wanted to ask a question of Michael because I want to make sure I understand it I thought that by building the new building we were actually going to save some money because it was going to cost so much to renovate that space that by bu building knew was actually more efficient it was going to be better off for the kids it was an easier construction and we have permission from doe to hear those buildings down the river Beach prep building is the old old old northtech um and we've had the castaly to tear those down so when part of it is also and let me add one more thing before you jump in Dave the other thing that has changed since this started is cost per student station we have a waiver now so when we were building when we're building schools we were looking at building what we needed to new and then renovate whatever we could because the renovated space was not subject to student Station cost there's no way we could get buildings done with its student Station cost and the state has now waved that un for any project started up through 2028 so there have been times when we've actually spent more money renovating a school than we would have been tearing it down and building new so I think this is a combination of multiple factors at least that's the way it was explained to me and Dave and Michael I'm sorry to put you on the spot but I wanted to clarify that because that's the way I I had heard it yes yes that is correct and um the the the $30 million that the original budget would have uh that was available through the sales tax um as Lan mentioned would not have addressed the full need of just a simple renovation it wouldn't have been enough it would it we would have exceeded it in addition Michael mentioned the holding campus that would have been required that was something something that was never envisioned um when we did this because uh I'll say when the sales tax was um initiated on this particular project there was never an explanation of oh it's a substantial amount we're going to have to move these kids around where do you move the kids around inside the building while construction is going on in rooms next door there really wasn't a uh a vision for that when the sales tax P was passed that's where once we got into the programming realizing all these challenges that we had that's where to Leanne's question we would have spent more money than what we're going to spend by building new when we renovate um to meet the needs or to try to meet the needs um and it would have been a longer period it would have taken us what 33 36 months um to do that uh all of those things would have led to addition um more costs which would have made it more um more painful for the academics for the students um and equally as painful for uh Finance for paying for it so you said moving students around so if you're renovating all the buildings and building new on the campus doesn't that mean you still have to put students someplace no we're going to we're going to leave the the students in the two existing buildings um that we were initially going to renovate we'll leave them there while adjacent to it uh okay we'll build a new building campus let's say maybe over by wherever somewhere else on the campus there will be a new building constructed the moment that new building is completed we will then literally pick up the kids in an afternoon bring them over the next day they can go in the we won that way of course but but they will not miss any academic time it's like we do modernizations how we do modernizations we build a new school in the ball fields in the parking lot and then tear the building down and they become the ball fields in the parking lot correct whereas if we were to continue on that renovation program we would have had to renovate inside the building right next classrooms right next to where the kids are at yep okay any other comments or questions for staff yeah um this is a close one for me I I would suggest as we deal with what Michael when I paraphrase as as non-traditional uses or building uses that that uh whoever's in charge of the program you know they're sat down and they make certain that we know what they want before we start jumping in I think also we need to or the staff needs to let the board know that this is not just a simple credit but there's going to be a you know requests up to $25 million coming down the line for this that's not you know shown on here I think it's on forgive me I I could be wrong with darthy I believe it's on PC four or five we do make the notation on the other items about the um the use the uh future use um I don't believe we actually said the part about the uh um the additional costs that's actually in an approved in the capital plan which the board already approved that those additional funds and um just to add to that we offer do hire The Architects to develop that program for us and to refine that because we just don't have the staff to and time to do all that leg work so it it's part of it and David knows there it's it's traditionally is part of the architect scope to develop that program verifier as you get at the start of the project what what I would say going forward is now that the architect has already gone through and help you refine the program for what hopefully everybody now agrees will be going forward yeah I would say that don't come back with you know Monster changes saying well we didn't think about this that time's passed now it can be part of the RFP and we go to town we would agree good point David we would agree yes okay uh if nothing else on this someone make a motion please move move to go forward without objection right need a second on that second by John chesher any other comments questions darthy pois please Bill hooko yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida yes Tom burer yes tadrick McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes Francesca warish yes okay fc3 Michael gelfand um just as a procedural matter Mr chair I'm going to have to be off for a 10:00 bar meeting that I have uh coming up if there's anything that we need to do because of a quorum issue um this is the time to think about it otherwise I'll just proceeded forward by comment here um on hold on Michael hold second we will still have a quorum darthy have a quum all right thanks Michael I wanted to confirm that go ahead I guess my body is not even worth 97 cents okay um so on FC three um you know I don't know what the exact threshold is for me these days but I'm looking at a 100K plus change order with was this bid yeah you got two bids yes not a third no any reason not third that's usually standard go ahead Michael goe um so we have a a a school district has a contract with um CI for um these services and it's a state contract so they pre-negotiated a rate for some of this work so um that's what we initially had that in the scope of work we brought it to the construction manager to see if we can get a better deal they reached out to the um electrical sub that was already on the project got a quote from them to add it in and it was less than the original quote that we had to go through the district so the district was planning on doing this on our own um but it just made Financial sense to go through the contractor in this case all right thank I'll make the motion then to Pro I have a question I have a question I I just want an explanation of what a BDA system oh very good point okay good point um bidirectional uh amplification is a um I guess I'll refer to as a security measure but it it's a a safety measure um it is um if you've ever been inside a concrete block wall facility and if you've ever tried to get your cell phone service in there or if you've had a radio you know the school police or maintenance guys have radios if you've ever been inside and then you try to communicate with somebody outside those concrete block walls oftentimes make it so very difficult for any transmission of signals we have that often in our schools we do tilt wall construction on most most of our schools that ends up becoming a barrier for a lot of radio signals um primarily let's call them School Police radios or or maintenance radios um what this is bir directional amplification system is we basically put a receiver inside the building and an antenna on top of the building connected to that receiver and that receiver um has uh like I'll just say legs that go out throughout the building so that it far areas of the campus if you're using a radio um that signal from outside the walls goes through the antenna out through the receiver and can be distributed inside the campus and and vice versa of course um so it's basically a way to make sure that the radios work p primarily in a in an emergency situation but of course in all situations and yes the theory is um it will also help with um um cell Services as well so this is in all of our schools it is it will be included in all of our schools we're putting it in the new ones now we need it right what what an assessment determines as it's necessary yeah we've done we've done we're doing assessments Now with uh Communications International to make sure that those schools that do some schools only need it in certain areas some schools may not need it at all they have good transmission um but quite a number of schools have um areas of Challenge and that's what this system will um uh will will solve for it isn't a simple explanation it's a it's a signal booster it is yeah yeah like Virginia in your house if you had Wifi right right I'm familiar with that yes I've got an extender I just didn't understand what this was that's what this is have a hold on Michael yeah School Board have a BD uh have the BDA in their design criteria now we do part of it okay Michael gelfin yeah this is part of the uh postor Trade Center Life Safety recommendations for First Responders particularly so that the radios would work and you'll see that many of the high-rise uh condominium projects are right fitting uh that budget breaking numbers unfortunately yeah I just finished a medical office in theca office building and the BDA system we had to have testing done to make sure that in the office suite all the signals were sound so yes okay I'll move it for without objection all right yes second second second by uh John chesher any other comments PA Dorothy please Bill hook yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael gelfand yes Michael Guida yes Tom Berger yes tadrick McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes Franchesca Warnes yes okay fc4 four of us pulled that one um start with John chesher change order 33 this was the uh drinking fountains to add GFCI Outlets um per the latest electrical code apparently which says you need to access the GFCI without the use of tools but the response to my question was the manufacturer of the water fountain requires the GFCI outlet to be located within the shroud of the water cooler however the Shroud cannot be removed to access the GFCI without the use of tools so this says we have two GF eyes on each water cooler one inside the Shroud which could trip and one outside which could trip and you could hit the one on the outside but you still got to take the Shroud off to get to the one on the inside and let uh Jud go ahead got an answer uh yes sir so um the way this is done currently is that we install these water coolers per manufacturer installation recommendations which when they when they recommend it they recommend the outlet be behind the the unit and that's the only place that the cord can reach without modifying the unit which would void the U the um uh uh it's not but you know the UL yeah thank you thank you the UL of the unit but there is no we do not install the GFCI behind the unit the circuit itself has to be GFCI protected the two options are to put a blank GFCI outlet below the unit where there's no plug for it but it that that is in series with the unit the um the uh Outlet that's behind the unit the other option is to run an entire new new neutral and everything else back to the panel and put in a uh GFI uh breaker which is a much more expensive option so so which one did you do uh in in almost every case we have opted to put the plane Outlet behind the unit for the manufacturer's installation recommendation in series with a GFCI that is blank plated which means there's no plug outlet for it underneath so that GFCI protects the outlet that's installed behind that is inaccessible while the GFCI is accessible but is also not electrical Hazard for anybody to stick fingers in or Etc and how do you reset the one outside the unit just by pushing the button how do you reset the one inside the unit there is not one inside the unit that is a standard outlet that is protected by the GFCI outside the unit in series so they response I received to my question it said the manufacturers require the GFCI outlet to be located within the Shroud I I think that's I think that's a a mistake that the GFCI is not inside the Shroud the GFCI is outside the Shroud the regular outlet is inside the Shroud thank you the electric the water cooler manufacturers require an outlet within the Shroud so it's a plain Outlet that's inside and it's just a single outlet so that's the only thing that can be plugged into it that is tied to this called a faceless okay and on the faceless all it has is the buttons the reset buttons interesting okay I know it's a yeah it's a nice little trick that's all right uh let's see um that was so that was cheaper than than replacing Breakers and adding a neutral yes typically okay uh Michael gelfan you had pulled this one too uh yes number 30 on this the concrete benches who requested this and what was the program change staff did staff ask for it no we didn't no no I mean somebody requested a lot of benches in the courtyard that were either missed at the beginning or at it so um these were originally designed as um like FF benches like metal benches that you would put in the courtyard um and what they decided was as they got into the the project that would be better to do concrete more permanent benches that would last longer so who is they the design team and the school and the principal principle yeah princip the one that selects the furniture um Mel the description doesn't say that though it says provide and install new concrete benches it doesn't so you you deleted the metal ones and then paid for an upgrade for the concrete yes all right FF wasn't included in the from what I what I remember Michael maybe I'm wrong but forgive me I might have be saying it wrong the FF isn't included in the general contractor fact for that um James Campbell would have had to go out buy benches for through through the FFN program for it got it so it wouldn't have been in in P's contract and then once we got into this we said purle go buy these cont okay okay and according to Angel he actually updated the The Narrative that I had had there um but after the fact after we had already released it so he said basically they were trying to provide ample outdoor seaing for students throughout the courtyard and to help guide student traffic during the day between classroom changes so a lot of these campuses the students like to eat outside during lunchtime and things like that so we were providing the benches for that purpose it's one of the questions I get all the time on the high schools just in general they want they'll want FFN um for additional ones not enough seating outside for the kids Virginia you had pulled this one too yes it mine is a general question I had questions on some of the specifics but my question is we've done a lot of change orders already on the high school and these are a whole batch more and the school's been open for a year so I assume these are followup or yeah they're everything's catchup um we we've had uh I think we've had is it three months now in a row we've had um whole laundry list of change orders and the the the cost of all these change orders was within the budget yes yes ma'am I I hope we don't see anym this has been quite a few I mean things like like 31 provide 234 new grommets I mean if you're an it you know you're going to have it why wasn't that part of the desk design there's so many of these things that that I wonder about and and the police again asking for the the U Shield at the at the reception desk coming after the fact um so many of these I thought could have been handled earlier without change orders that was kind of why I pulled it too because of all the change orders that we're seeing on on substantial numbers a lot of electrical work um that we've seen over the last three months on these I just wondered if there's kind of you know was this systemic where it was either architector me missing stuff was it the district not looking at our own drawings closely enough to find this stuff uh just seems like a lot of stuff that was missing that should have been caught before it became a change order you know were the drawings done too quickly did we rush this school to the point that we said architect give us the drawings now uh if I may I don't want to necessarily answer your question okay um directly as um had we done all these change orders in a timely manner during the course of construction we still would it would have been the same budget it would have been the same um uh needs um they just would have come in instead of 10 this month you might have had two one month two another month three another you would have seen them now we recognize that that's a fault that our our team should have um expedited these during the course of construction instead of waiting till now to reconcile all these things so they came in um as far as the the details behind it um I want to blame Architects or contractors but it there are a lot of coordination efforts that went into this and I think some of the things that you're talking about um some of them are add-ons let's say from a principal or or the academic team um there's no question of that we are always going to have those kinds of things on new construction I think a a number of them will will show up in that matter um but in general I I think there are a handful of them that are uh coordinating efforts and I think they they in order to stay on target some things may have um missed on occasion but by and large these are um I don't want to say di Minimus but um low uh in the in the value yeah I don't disagree with that it's just you know every job I've been on when there are multiple multiple revisions stuff gets missed stuff gets forgotten and you get charged extra every time because now you get overhead and profit added on to every one of these and maybe a time delay um I mean it it just seems like there were way too many things that were Miss missed and some of them could well be that we were trying to stay on on Target on on schedule and that um certain parts of the design might have and not necessarily on this project but in General on some of our projects we move forward with I don't want to say 75% CDs but we move forward with a an early phase project um and some of those design features may not have been fully vetted prior to waiting for the full GMP like we might do a a first phase second phase and I think sometimes we get um caught on those chair Michael gin yes I've got a scoot but I got a couple quick ones um going back to my benches thing I do not see any credit for the metal benches at all I could have that wrong but I you know went back into the detail yeah I don't believe there were ever metal benches included no that's that I'm sorry forgive me Mr gelfan when I was mentioning before the um metal benches would have been FF ande and I was referring to Dr Campbell over here who usually handles um purchasing the FF out of a separate budget line item it is not part of the contractor's contract so the original metal benches Mr uh Dr Dr Campbell probably had them but um because we he wasn't going to do them we now push that uh scope over to the contractor so there would be no credit this is just an ad essentially it is moving money from one pocket to the other we're taking out of Mr Dr Campbell's pocket and putting it over to the contractor but no from this contract you would not see a credit back all right um you know that's a bit of a difference than you know what we what I was told originally here the next thing is uh before I just scooted off with reference to that security glass and everything um you know I've got this constant issue with security issues coming up as change orders and would appear that should be part of the specifications at the front I don't understand why these items keep coming back up I I will request again that there be another look see at how we approach the security issues in the schools uh to avoid these change orders with that Mr chair my apology for just throwing these things output I said at the beginning I got a scoot so thank you very much hi Michael Michael to hello you have your hand up yeah and just to clarify the yeah the as Dave mentioned the benches were not part of the hurdle scope of work so that's the FF item so you don't see it in the change order but it was part of the overall construction budget um this project uh construction cost was right around 85 million give or take and the overall project value is 105 million if we were to repeat that it'd probably be double um we bid this right before all the heavy escalation took place so keep that in mind with the number of change orders that come through that proportionately to the project um it's it's it's not as much as it seems when you're comparing it to other projects we don't do many high schools you know so I had one final comment Yes Virginia um just that um so many of these you go down the list say School District request and I think we all would like the um this to be looked at carefully beforehand so we don't have to have all these change orders and I accept it it it was a new school it was trying to get keep on time and all of that but please uh try to have these uh ticks before they have to be a change order yeah the bench has worked out about $1,800 a bench I mean that's as cheap as we can get a concrete bench I guess yeah okay much more durable and longer we we might have spent $600 on a on a metal bench but we'd have to buy three of them in the time that the $1,800 concrete bench would like I move forward without objection second second by John chesher any other comments discussion all right paus darthy please Bill Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher Yesa Tom Burger yes frerick McCoy trer he's muted come back Virginia Ferris yes and Francesca Wares yes okay fc6 Mike Gua um I think I brought this up in the past and I think this comment appable to all of the other credits uh and this question is more directly towards legal now when we get a credit towards contract um is there any provisions I think John treer mentioned it to give back the overhead and profit as well from the original price I don't know if legal's necessar going to I don't know that I'm going to defer to Mr tubio um do you want to Michael could you hear that question by the way um can you repeat that please um the short question is why is a overhead and profit not given back as well as a credit just the actual um schedule of value item that was listed in the original contract so I think it was last month we went through how we we currently are doing that um and that's our current procedure we are working on updating our procedures to have that in the future so so I can answer this maybe um on this particular project the items that we're getting credits for are preconstruction funds which do not have overhead and profit in them okay contingency and allowance do not have overhead and profit in them when we do the GMP so we would not get overhead profit back on any of those the only thing really in question then is the unpurchased scope and that's money coming back from the divisions that wasn't spent right now what we say is that if it's money that the contractor saved us then they still earn their overhead and profit we are working on revising that so that there would be more of a correlation between the percentage of work done and the percentage of overhead and profit and that is a contractual uh situation that would would be uh modified in the future yes that's why I directed it towards legal actually direct it towards construction purchasing is that we end up putting it in the contract is there an ETA on when you think that might be the new implemented policy Michael to you know yeah we're looking at q1 of next year um to keep in mind that that's what we have a uh several um changes to the contract that we're making that's just one little part of it so um recommendation of recommend yep because there's there's also the other side of the coin on that the other side of the coin is you want to disincentivize your CMS to be you know get the best pricing for you yep there're the guys out there who are shopping the the subcontractors and negotiating with them to try to get the the best number for you so if you if you tell them you do that we take money away from you then it's a disincentive to do so like here's your number live with it matter of fact there's an incentive to pad the number so they they don't get hit with any additional yeah it's a catch 22 yep all right uh move I don't recommend for it to move forward the board second second by John chesher any other comments pc6 uh FC yeah fc6 fc6 all right darthy pois please Bill Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael Guida yes Tom Berger yes trck McCoy Virginia Ferris yes Franchesca Wares yes can you see Treck is he trying to answer or has he left us he's still showing but it shows his microphone um he might be on a call or something that he has to do so that's fine we can just listen is not voting because he's absent for the moment uh ft7 Virginia you pulled that yes um I was concerned about 871 days I know it's said that it was permitting delay um and the close out of the fire line but 871 Days please please talk about that permitting problem yeah this was one of two projects if you remember we had one last month or the month before of 900 days and it was the same situation on two different schools and and we talked about at the time that there'd be another one coming and this is that one uh this is problem with water utilities at the site um water lines got delayed through the so we went ahead with the project but they had to come back after and work out all the permanent issues with water utilities which took yeah about three years to do um don't tell me this is Palm Beach County water utilities again don't don't it is it was it was it's the same there was two schools that happen at the same time and it's very similar situations to each school so but this is the last of the two was the school able to operate it did it have water did it have the fire line both of the I don't know the details be on that side of it but yeah both fire Loops had were operated by a fire pump feeding water from the nearby retention Pond God this was to replace that fire pump system which we did to the county system so yeah Virginia there was a fire pump pulling from a pond that worked the fire system previously and this was to get rid of that and have it tie into public order instead okay so so the delay was on that line not on water to the school correct right thank you thank you I'll move to go forward second second by John chesher any comments questions darthy Bill hook yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael Gua yes Tom burer yes yes trck McCoy Virginia Ferris yes and Francesca Warnes yes okay Michael gelfan had pulled pc1 he's not here so uh because it was pulled I guess someone make a motion to go forward move to go forward second second by John chesher go ahead and paulist darthy Bill hooko yes evid Porter yes John treer yes Michael yes Tom Berger yes tadrick McCoy Virginia Ferris yeses Wares yes okay PC2 I had pulled that um my question is about Boe head Roofing which I've never heard of before I had to find out what a bowhead was looked up their website really doesn't seem like they've done a lot um I guess they're on our prequal qualification list they are I mean okay I mean they were a low bitter um so to get on our pre-qualification list they have to meet the criteria of the pre-qualification program and they met the criteria so um that's kind of in the words of my predecessor on low bid you get what you get and you don't get upset that sounds like okay a little bit Contex but um I worked with them when I was back in the industry and maybe some of the contractors here may we work with before too um this is they're a company that they they were birthed out of TNG contractors I think it is TG has been around for a long time I think the owner of bhead is actually the son of the owner of t one of the owners of TNG yeah and um they they've done a lot of work in Miami they've done a lot of work for Miami day college and and other places further south than us so um they they're pretty decent okay part of the pre-qualification program is to look at their experience that they you know that they have provided and all of that is vetted so okay they did meet the criteria and oh you're gonna add something okay uh okay we should probably just keep an eye on them is is that the name of a person bad the name of a whale it's it's a name of a whale if you look at the website they give you the definition thank you move to go forward okay second by Mike Gua arthy polus please yes David reporter yes joh chesher yes Michael GLA yes Tom Burger Yes Virginia Ferris yes Franchesca wores yes give you one more chance tadrick McCoy yes right trck welcome back can I say one more follow yes please that one so when we have any bid that goes out when the bids come in we always hold a post bid conference with everyone of the the with the lowest bidder and we make sure that they understand the scope of work and that they they can you know we have it in writing that they do understand the scope of work and that they are qualified and capable and bonded and ready to you know complete the work okay so there's some level of confidence there in them I got real curious because they were a little bit against other roofers that have been around fores millions of square feet of roofing for us for us and I'm thinking myself okay all right uh pc4 um John go ahead and start us yeah I just my comment on this one is I just feel that the board item should provide more information just like we had here we had no idea what was going on I mean the board's going to see this and or other people reading at the public contractors whoever oh they're firing a contractor why be nice to have some sort of indication in the board item and I believe um forgive me in this case I guess it's the architect but this one's architect yeah this one and the next one I believe um we are we are going to be communicating through the superintendent with the board members um on this yeah we don't we don't we don't have formal um agenda conferences like the county or has but we do have one-on-one meetings with the board members to the walk through the bo what's going on that's good but in this case the public doesn't know another contractor architech reading this oh this guy got fired and I know for me personally I I I was piing back by the term termination I know it had been brought up and I felt like ow that hurts I don't want them to be the the contract in the architect did a great job on this project they really helped us out like the idea of termination but it is a legal term and that I guess the ter termination it's our it's in our contract since right right for as opposed to for cause meaning they did something bad and for convenience is simply I didn't realize that at the time but it it hurts when you see the word termination I appreciate your p position on to Mike Wy you pulled this too yeah but it was answered when we um okay answered the previous one related to make a motion then if you want I'll make a motion for it to move forward second second by John any other comments questions Dorothy Bill Hill yes David Porter yes John Cher yes Michael Guida yes Tom Berger I just need to make a comment cheser is seconding everything before allowing anyone else yes I'm on it today we got him on the last onee usually come to the meeting here I'm gonna be useful Tom Burger I'm G to reserve the next one so that you can make a motion yes not yet too early chadrick McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes Francesca Wares yes all right pc5 uh Mike Guida and Michael Galan who's not here what Mike Gua anything uh page 57 please Dorothy it talk about uh the termination Clause 17.32 it talks about documents have to be turned over by the contractor and I just want to know what those are and it may have been answered from the previous FC when you talked about when I asked the question what did you guys get for the $99,000 so I I guess you got a schematic design with a new building well I think Mr tuo yeah today so that's I was gonna say that's kind of this yeah I don't want to repeat it for sake of time so I'm gonna move if there's no other objections I'm G to move it forward to the board I second hey all right any other comments questions all right Dorothy Bill hook Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael Gua yes Tom Berger yes frck McCoy Yes Virginia Ferris yes Francesca Wares yes wow that's the most we've pulled and had discussions in a long time part of our and I I when I when I uh I told her we normally only talk about one or two items I I when we had our briefing with Miss warish I had said to her like well you know sometimes cour will pull one or two items and we'll have discussions and details and when I saw the list I was like oh boy this is good I'm getting practice for the process so I apprciate are that's right all right staff updates hey Michael do you have any um staff updates that you'd like to convey no not this time well I actually have a question you can talk about we have any damage from the exactly I was going to go to I wanted to let you know um we were thank you um we were um knock on wood the school district as a whole our facilities were um we were fortunate we really uh did not have uh much damage at all actually no damage true damage trees and and things like that debris um that but uh no damage to the schools wall panels are still vertical they are they are um yes so we're we were quite happy and and again I I always want to thank my staff because the the between the construction and maintenance department the efforts that need go in to re-evaluating what condition the facilities are in in advance to be able to make you know get school open um was was Monumental and have a lot of staff that comes in we also have a lot of Staff believe it or not that actually um mans the uh shelters we had five shelters open during this most uh recent hurricane we didn't have any shelters open during the first one two weeks earlier um but this one we did have five and we had a number of Staff members that were there um onsite through the storm to be able to make sure that the facilities kept running and like like every place else you have power outages and we have air conditionings that go out and and leaks and plumbing things and whatnot it's really good to have a lot of our staff and I know U Mr Sanchez can probably vouch for the food service people that actually work the shelters to make sure that our our most in need um customers get the opportunities get that those services so um we were really fortunate we're really happy and in fact we never want it to happen again just want to make that clear but we did uh take advantage of it even yesterday Mr Sanchez had a uh a Lessons Learned opportunity to see what we could improve upon on how we mobilize how we work with our our vendors U better communication between us and the and the schools the administration because if you know shelters aren't run by the principles um I guess it used to be unit way and things like that but essentially it's now run by us in the county and um um and we have we have some good things that we learned from that um but by and large we had a a good event for us we want no more hurricanes okay um unfortunately sadly our hurricane canceled our op X3 uh session that was scheduled for uh this past monday um we will have it on February 24th so for those that are watching and listening um please know that's that's still on We're Gonna Keep we're going to do the same thing we're just going to have it at a a different time when we can have a PDD day right uh and I think that's it um Michael nothing else from on your side right good no no not this time all right in progress okay as I warned Miss worsh um I talk way too much so I will try to limit that um this is our traditional monthly uh report of what's going on uh this first slide is U indicative of the amount of money that um been accured from the sales tax uh uh project uh program and how much we've expended um we're still staying pretty pretty well up with it we're falling further behind because I guess to our benefit we are um acre a lot of money in excess of what we had anticipated so that is actually a good thing for us um this next list um again I always remind everybody this presentation is online so if our contractors and Architects are interested in knowing what projects are coming up and uh what rfps and uh other solicitations um this list is is out there for them right now the difference between the Reds and the Blues um I think the reds are the uh continuing contracts there you go and the blues are the standard RFP uh procurements next slide um this is a as I always say this is a slide for you Court members to see what we would anticipate we will be bringing forward um in October in the Grove uh project um Royal Palm Beach um Elementary facility renewal and um you can see a lot of them are the red ones are the um continuing Contract Services so I'm not going to go through the details on these but the development activities um for those of who not familiar this is more in telling everybody what we're anticipating putting out designed projects um are we doing rfps are the we call them formes that's that's in order to hire those CCNA uh consultants and contractors uh through purch ing uh that so that that's what the slide is representing you can see there's still quite a bit of work to go on um U these are the design the projects that are in design and and heading towards GMP um the next series of slides we're going to scroll through relatively quickly these are all the facility renewal projects at each of the 30 some odd schools that we have um with uh the projects underway um next slides are um okay sorry two more there you go and now some I I always remind everybody uh the work we do on our facility renewals these sales tax projects they are not necessarily the pretty projects that everybody likes to see on websites was that remote trip on the GFI C on that we went right past that it's under there but yes these are not the pretty projects but these these are the ones that are critical to the well-being of our schools our waterproofing and windows and um our Renovations and our bathrooms flooring okay now we're moving on to our new uh new work our larger larger work um West acreage area um normally I at this point I usually end up turning this all over this all goes over to Angel these aren't Angel's projects anymore this is actually uh Joel Campbell's project um the Tilt panels for West ACD area elementary school are up um as a matter of fact I think this might be Joel could probably correct me but I think this is probably um a week or so old because I think they've tilted up a number of more I think we now have all panels I think we're at 100% um or pretty darn close to having them up and um as you'll as you'll notice um the grass area behind it that's that area that leads that's a future Park and it leads right out to Southern Boulevard that's Southern Boulevard on the top of that so PR your pictures of the work that's underway okay Pine grve this one I believe Mark right Mark is Mark Ruff for those of you who have not had that pleasure of meeting Mark Mark is one of our newer Spas um Mark has been taken over Pine grve it was Angel's project at one point um you you may recall we opened up Pine Grove uh the new buildings that were constructed uh and we've moved the students out of the old building this was again one of those ones where we get to build the new building on the same campus while the kids went in stayed in the old building over the summer they were moved into the new buildings now Marcus picking up the project and demolishing the old campus the big referred to as the donut um and that will be demolished for the parking lot and for the Bus Loop um and before we demolish it you have to remediate all the asbest and such so they're in the process of doing that now so that we will see progress over the next several months on it being demolished and ultimately building the new construction and there's some photos of the the work that's gone on there Windbrook Elementary as you may recall Windbrook they are current C ly being how the students are being housed at a temporary holding campus at uh Crestwood Middle School and um the work is underway um two of the buildings are Renovations and one new building um and it is all this two new two new buildings sorry two new buildings um yeah don't know the the details as well as well as I should oh that's that's right the one the long big long building the building behind and then the one in the top is the renovated one um as you can see that one's a little bit further along the this school will be opened up in August okay and West Rivier Elementary uh we started this project in June um there's been some remediation work that had to go on we've demolished the buildings now as you'll notice storm work is on on going sorry it says finished most of demolition I I could be wrong on the details but um floor pores in the kitchen area of building three that's a messy construction site for you so um there are there is at least the one building that is to remain um and underground work is underway that's the PO of the inside of building three um historic Roseville full service this is with P construction and Joseph's working that uh you may recall there's the shop building U that's going to be a renovated building the gymnasium is a historic facility not historic it's of historic nature and we are renovating that one and we are building a two new two-story building um and it's moving along quite nicely you'll notice in this in this image the uh building up on the top left that's the existing old campus that will remain for the time being while we construct the new uh pieces um eventually what we've been referring to as phase two Roosevelt Phase 2 um we will be renovating some of those buildings and um working with uh Community Partners to outfit them and uh turn them into um beneficial I think we have a we have a museum and a library media center planned for that phase two project but what you see right here at the bottom right is the uh is the lab building that's um being gutted and and renovated um to the big right that's the gymnasium right now now it looks like it's tented because we are actually remediating lead paint on the exterior of the building so it is tented and then uh down there in the center is the new construction that two buildings if you go to the next slide you'll see a little the new building a little bit better there we go so the big one on the left is the tinted gymnasium two story building the um second floor walls are up and heading towards uh enclosing that space okay and um going forward now we get into the fun stuff which is dary's work and she's just gonna slow slowly SL slide right on through because she doesn't want to make any reference to any of the work that's ongoing there as we always say Dorothy's um the hardest working person here she's got more projects than everybody else combined in the minor projects Ro and that's it Michael that's it yes Dorothy on the reline sewer piping project for Spanish River High School what's that go there um it's a rubberized epoxy type lining that they inject into the pipes so cast in place piping yes okay because of cast iron failing yes some points okay yes all right continuous leaks continuous problems yeah and uh and with Spanish River it's it is one of our older schools um but it certainly needs for regardless of when it would be modernized in the future obviously that our intent we got to make sure we keep everything running in good shape so we do have remedial efforts like this on quite a number of our older schools my Studies have shown that around 1970 this region of the country transitioned to PVC yeah anything underground before 1970 you got a real good chance it's scast Daren the Spanish River was 80 81 82 opens 83 uh I actually had a couple questions on your followup there and maybe it's for purchasing when we do the CCNA uh pre-qualified list that we selected 10 Architects 10 10 contractors and you issue jobs out I know when we have rfps they have to present superintendant project managers project Architects all of that stuff and we make sure that they have the capability that they're not doing 10 other jobs when they're on that team do you do the same thing when you're about ready to kind of hand out a job to a CM or an architect the facilities um Spas are are working with them and to make sure that they can take on that work when it's assigned to them right and we ask them anyone that pool of The Architects and the construction management firms we ask them to keep in constant communication with us in purchasing to let us know when they're reaching their capacity so that you know we're not setting them up for failure to assign them a project it's always better if we um get have that word from them that they're reaching capacity and we can you know Dole out the work in a in a you know more Equitable manner than if we give it to them and then they say we can't handle this thing right now that's that impacts them a little negatively in our Dorothy maybe you know this answer Michael tuil with the water fountains and the GFI stuff we talked about um is that somehow getting put into our specs yes that you know maybe another electrical engineer coming along isn't aware of that and all of a sudden we end up with the same change order it's um yes it's being incorporated into the district standards okay I'm sure this has been discussed before but do we really need chilled water coolers I understand you need a water it's not required water fountain is all you need it's all you need right I mean maintenance I bet you hate some they got to always have problems with them we got all these costs just something to think about if you haven't we were just talking about why do we have chilled water instead of just regular the water at a water fountain because chill water is not required are you talking about in the school building yeah yes oh come on it's got to be chilled why well because any time when I was a kid and went to the water shop and wasn't chilled I was pissed drinking out of the garden so Tom Tom your whole problem in life has been because you didn't have chilled water in school right that's not the only problem there was lead in my paint but other than Mr Sanchez do you know if that's kind of a district policy that they want chill order or what because it's not a code requirement no I don't know I don't I don't know if we've had any discussion at the board level about whether it's chilled or not but I can tell you at the um PE shelters you definitely want that to be chilled water because those kids are out there doing PE and that water can get pretty warm out there and and with with with regards to the the fountains it's usually two electrical outlets right because the one actually needs the pump because the water pressure of the water fountain isn't necessarily strong enough really on where you are so that I think there are two out two outlets because there is a pump in the water fountain as well as the chiller is that is that isn't that correct he's looking at you Mr electri engineer me yeah I believe that was on single outlet oh yeah yeah sing single outlet for more often decades a lot of the ones when we do our our bottle filler ones those do have pumps built into them for obvious reason trying to push the up the P water off the PIP okay water presser would do that have a water pipe in that wall going vertical and the water's going to get up there yeah without a pump all right I mean it's just a consideration because you know obviously the code has now made it more complicated now we have two outlets to get put in now if it gets forgotten now we end up with another $30,000 change order my recommendation is go with the GFI Breakers the way they're doing it in the future yeah yeah okay to put it in and you you hide the receptacle and you don't have to worry about kids getting to it right all right uh we didn't give any questions for Dave any other comments for Mr Dolan about the uh in progress work all right followup anything on that that anyone has something I wanted to bring to your attention um two things Mr chesher you brought up last month about the one item that we didn't bring back after we had re yeah so so it was an item that was brought up in the May meeting I did send this information out after the meeting right and then the other one was you had mentioned about um you weren't notified on the Manatee Elementary prodject y Mr Porter brought that one up but I don't think I was either or I don't recall neither one of us recalled it okay see so actually the agenda item for last month was the First Amendment to the cart's contract it wasn't the actual invitation for bid right initial that was actually done back in early 2023 and those invitations were sent out and time and participated good so there wasn't anything missed good okay uh along here talk about number four Dave that's a question for you guys we actually have Chief Mooney is on here I don't know if we're gonna have time to do that plus Mr Sanchez's presentation discussion about uh well it was one of Mr galan's issues too and I'd rather wait for Mr Galan to be part of the meeting for that um I'm sorry Chief then if that's okay we we'll um we'll uh see if we can do this again yep let's let's put this on the beginning of the next meeting so that the chief knows that we'll do it and then Chief can go back to work she a little bit yeah the only issue with that is we try to get the voting items done early for when cork members have I don't think that'll be a real long discussion I mean all we're looking for I think is to know that we've got a qualified plan review person to really catch 90% of the things that we're seeing after the fact yes of basically doing planned review 3D when the building's done so okay if that's okay we we'll we'll defer thanks Chief and DC snow we will certainly uh um line you up for the next one and we'll get you a time specific uh appointment great I would say I would say next time staff let us know that you've got you know important staff number on hold waiting for that we would have just re readjusted the agenda because I didn't think a follow-up comment meant that you were going to have somebody actually talk about it if we knew that we could have B the beginning of the meeting all well my my apologies I I will uh certainly do that in the future if we have a specific uh person to present um because these yes absolutely we've always done that like when Food Services used to come to us it's like okay get them in first let them get back to work that way we know they're done and they're out they're not waiting the whole meeting to be heard we'll certainly do so okay all right uh I guess we're down to a discussion item for local preference yep Mr Sanchez okay I'm up so um this has been probably a long overdue discussion right this was requested a while ago um you can go to the next slide so I I'll take as much or as little time as you guys want on this um so the agenda this things I'm going to cover during this presentation are you know what the purpose of this is some of the pros and cons of a local preference um what the regulatory review shows um what other some other school districts are doing the different types of contracts that where we have and the current state of our CCNA solicitations and then some options going forward and I just listed a few and then the map is really just for reference there um there's different definitions we talk about uh msas and csas just wanted to let you guys know what those are those are so the MS the Cs the combined statistical ER area is all those I think that's uh eight different counties where the MSA is really this the three Mary day brow in PES County next so it's the purpose really cork has asked us to as to discuss this issue about local preferences um in addition to that um a number a few contractors fact a few Architects mostly have have asked us to look at this issue about local preference and the timing is good too because we're we're asking voters in on November 5th to approve another half s sales tax so it makes sense for us to have this conversation at this point as well um I do want to point out the second paragraph points out really is that we're looking at um rfqs or qualifications or based proposals that's sorry not rfps but rfps yeah versus uh invitations to bids um so we're we're primarily focused on those um the CM CM at risk and Architects is what we're looking at so just list some of the pros and cons um some of these things were shared by by Court members with us and I didn't disagree in terms of the pros um you know boost the local economy utilizes local businesses you know um employees local residents you know we find that you know more local contractors use local local residents generates local tax revenue which supports the school district um obviously you spend money here you generate a lot of revenue from sales tax which then turns back into other projects uh supports local residents who pay local taxes for projects local firms are closer to proximity proximity so they have to provide class FAS service avoid uh consultant travel expenses you know they coming from outside they somehow work their their expenses into the bills and then local firms may be more invested U if they have kids in the school district or grand kids in school district they may be a little bit more more invested um some of the cons are potential potentially limit Project funding flexibility um as we're going to talk about in a few minutes there's some federal restrictions that um prevent us from having local preferences and we have to make sure that um we didn't have those conflicts in our contracts and in the way that we fund projects reduced competition which could result in higher fees if we uh if we turn off firms from outside of our our County uh we could possibly turn some off and then that can possibly result in higher prices especially if you know only the local firms if they feel like they're only competing with each other they may in turn raise their fees encourages retaliation from other jurisdictions we're going to see that there's some other school districts that don't have uh local preferences and by us adding well by Us increasing our our local preference we could in turn encourage other school districts do the same thing which could hurt our local firm's ability to do work outside of pom County um possibility of not selecting the most qualified firm um this is if those those points for local preferences are very high is a chance that you can end up selecting a firm that may be local but is not necessarily best for this particular project so you may pick a a local firm who great building condos oras the outside firm maybe better at building schools or whatever type of project it is uh the cost for administering I'm going to take my time going through Dar sorry cost for administering rushes me course we administering the enforcing the preference so if we add more if we add more complexity to the the criteria there's more complexity to to enforce it somebody's got to check on whatever the criteria is so that has to happen and then there increased risk of protest so again more complex we make it the more more protests we can have good the next one so um I'm trying to do in the next two slides is really answer the question what problem we trying to solve right so what or is there a problem that we're trying to solve so we looked at both the architect Awards contract Awards and the construction the CM at risk contract Awards and I got this information from construction purchasing we looked at since uh fiscal year 2017 which is um about when the referendum the current referendum started current referendum started actually um in January of 2017 passed in passed in 2016 Revenue started coming in in 2017 so this is halfway into the year our fiscal year starts in July so this incorporates practically all of the referendum and we looked at the individual Awards as well as the CM at risk or or the continuing contracts CM at risk and Architects so includes incorporates both those those pools of uh of of firms so on the architect basis um approximately 70.5% pretty close 70% 70.5% of the work is being done by um has been awarded to Palm Beach County architectural firms um 22 almost 23 for Miami and about what that almost less than 7% for Broward firms and I put the note there this is based on local business tax receipts because that is what our criteria is for determining what is local um so you have to you you qualif if you qualify for local business tax receipt your number is included in there um and we could we could talk about that that criteria in a little while as well go ahead next one on the CM side um actually the number is pretty much the same about 70% of the CM work has gone to to local firms uh Miami firms has got less than 5% and then Broward firms have gotten a little less than 25% so again um is that are we doing a good job if you figure 70% is a pretty sizable number next so just looking at some of the regulatory issues so first we look at at um the federal law um right so just just the the I want to read the slides to you but um basically what this is telling us is that um we can do evaluations but this can only apply to architectural and Engineering Services um those those are the only time that you can use Geographic um location as part of the criteria is when you do on architectural and Engineering Services that's not to say you can use it's not and it's not architecture engineering firms because sometimes architecture engineering firms do Services outside of architecture engineering um it has to be specifically architectural engineering uh services that they they could have so other than that it's prohibitive to use um to use location that's only if you're getting Federal funding correct that's right and we and if we if we plan to ever use our contracts for any kind of feeman reimbursement type related project as well um then that would apply as well but we said we're never going to have a hurricane yes we're never have a hurc but most of our typical rfps are just our straight tax base paying for it most of them are yes I don't get a lot of federal funding right that's what I thought okay um so also looking at the the female requirements more specifically um so that when they talk about when we can use uh when we could use ifications based elections is really on for for opportunities where we're not bidding the project so we cannot you know we cannot again we don't use architecture Engineering Services for for these qualifications based selections otherwise price has determination all right now turning to the state so this is everybody's familiar with CCNA um and I just wanted to point out what the language in CCNA say says that uh that we shall consider such factors as one of those S factors is location and you'll see later on that we do use location um and location can mean a couple of different things there's some options location can mean Palm Beach County Miami day County brow County or it can means distance from the site and we'll see a little while that one of the other school districts uses distance from the site versus the county thanks so um just this past year this law was changed um 255 was changed previously the state said was this has gone through a couple of different mations actually it's this law this law originally said that um any state funded project you couldn't have you couldn't restrict firms from outside of a geographic area from from participating then they changed it to say any project that's partially funded but by the state couldn't have any Geographic rtion and now they're saying that any project that's funded either locally or by the state cannot have any Geographic restrictions so um fortunately we don't do this well fortunately well we don't do it I don't know I put a qualifier on it we do not this is really for ctid so for I give you an example so Miami day county has a county based Enterprise program in only firms now I'm talking about the county not the school district but the county has a a CBE program and they be in order to be a CBE a certified as a CBE you have to be within brow County and they have solicitations that are only for cbes that's quote unquote a set asde right so only CB cbes are competing against each other we don't have we have a SB program which you have to be within the Three Counties um to be in SB but we don't have only we don't have solicitations where only C sbes can can compete on those projects so we don't have set as sides so this law does not directly impact Us in the sense that because we don't we're not currently doing set of sides at this point all right so um we asked construction person went went out and asked some of the other school districts about what they're doing we didn't get a response back from Martin County but maybe some of the contractors who here who do work with Martin U can tell us about what they do but Broward does not have a for the designers or the contractors they do not they do have they do not use location as part of the criteria um Miami Day School District and the numbers they represent percentage of the points that their location um counts towards the total because every school district has a different number of points we have 165 points somebody has 100 points has 125 points so I wanted to demonstrate what percentage of the points the the location represents so for Mi dat 8% of the of the points are are towards location and you can see notes that if you're in mi Miami day County you can get 10 points if you're in Broward or Monro County you can get five points if you're sorry Miami Broward Monroe or Palm Beach you get five points if you're anywhere in the State of Florida you get two points towards that criteria for CMR cmrs um the point points represent 3.5% of the total points and it's distance from the site so if you're within 30 miles of the project site you can get Five Points you get three points if you're between 30 and 50 miles and you get one point if between 50 miles and 100 15 100 miles like I said Martin County we don't have the information on uh St Lucy does not have any criteria on the we looked at the continuing service agreement but they didn't have any they didn't have any location on the CMR ones they five it represents 5 perc points for St Lucy Martin Indian River and and um ok which are I guess the counties that are adjacent to them we're just one County away from them so I wanted to look at some of the other ones the ones in blue are not directly adjacent to us or related to us but I wanted to include some just for knowledge for information so Charlotte County 22% of their design and construction uh refers to location and they specifically talk about location of Key Personnel so it's not just where the office is located but where the Personnel who were assigned for the project are Hillsboro doesn't have any any qualification We compare ourself a lot to Hillsboro because they're very similar size to us Orange County is a little bit larger than us and they in each case it's 10% for the design in cm and um and they use their statistical um area as well for counties up there closest to them and they require that it has to be five or more years there uh we don't have a a timeline on hours right so it's if you have a local business tax receipt if if you see a project on that list that Dave showed you earlier that you want to go after in December and you don't have a local business test receipt today you can get one tomorrow and you can qualify for local for the local those points that you get for us so that's something that we might want to consider if you want to add a time frame to that as well next you don't want to do business with Martin anyway do business Martin okay nice people I'm sure up there all right so just looking at different types of contracts so we have Professional Services contracts which are talked about is CCNA um so the so under architect Engineers we have the project specific ones and we have continuing contracts right Project Specific ones you know so you take Wim brook or you know uh the new Western uh West Acres area school you don't really want to use those for a federal project anyway that's you should really focus on the continuing contracts and I put it in in on the the bluish color there um because this the federal government as I pointed out earlier does allow for you to use local criteria so you can technically use the rfps what we have for continuing contracts uh for Architects and Engineers as I pointed out earlier on the construction management at risk those Services construction management risk Services you cannot use um a qualifications based and use for federal projects so you're it's kind of out of the out of running for us under construction same thing when you have a Project Specific contract if you hireing a you know we're going to be proposing we hire bhead construction to do a roofing project for us that's a spe a Project Specific one you don't necessarily want to use that same contract for federal project so I didn't include those are not really for consideration but we have a bunch of term contracts we have term contracts for General Contracting glass Plumbing all those things that you see down there we have these term contracts where these contractors are on a list for US list of approved contractors and then they we ask them to bid against each other uh for a specific project and then we could use utilize their service to do whatever you know that we need to do those contracts are all being modified if they haven't been already to include the latest female language they already included female language but we updated whenever the female requirements change so that we can use them both for our purposes and we if we need to we can use those for FEMA um related for for Hurricane related projects so those are green and we can use those as well so we have the option to use the CM we have the the architect for continuing contracts and we have the option to use the term contracts for construction those are the the two options that we have so what does our current solicitation say for our design solicitations and you can see that you guys have seen this if you sered on the selection committee before we have six categories for Design Services um criteria number five is for business location and that's two points it represents 1.6% of the total points so it doesn't really have a significant impact but you know some of our some of our selections are pretty close it's enough to make a difference on some cases but it's not a huge difference again um I wasn't here when we decideed to put the two points in there but if we wanted to uh you know if we wanted to change it to some other number again you got to think about how that affects the other ones because it makes anytime you increase that if you increase one number it diminishes the amount that the other ones represent in in solicitation all right the next one and this one just basically tells you how you qualify for that as I mentioned um it's two points and if you have a business tax receipt but you could be anywhere from Palm Beach Broward in Miami they qualify for it with a local business tax receip um so you all and then you says that you have to have a you have to have a evidence of a business location within Palm Beach Broward on Miami day those are the only requirements that we have in order to qualify for that so these numbers make up that 70% which I talked about earlier thanks so for businesses in Martin County they can't get a business tax receip Beach canot but my my my issue with all of that has been you know you could rent a little Executive Suite and get a business tax receipt and nobody is even in the office and yet that would qualify under this and we could and we could talk those might talk about the options we could talk about what how if we want to change any of that so just same information for the construction management at risk here we have seven criteria for it it represents the two points represents 1.2 1% of the the total points in the next slide looks very similar to the one previous to this one which was the criteria is anybody in Palm Beach brow and Miami day can qualify for those two points for the local the local business tax thanks so what are some of the options um number one is you know do nothing right if the opinion is that the pom County firms are currently getting adequate percentage of the contracts again 70 and 70 for design and see them at risk change the scoring feror to be eligible for local B for local business location points so you know you know is it not is it something more than just the the the local business tax receipt should it be business tax receipt off is number people all that kind of stuff number three is differentiate the Lo the business location points for pomes County firms from Broward and Miami dat right now if you're anywhere in those Three Counties you can get those two points or create or I mean in addition these are not these are not mutually exclusive um create a separate CM risk contract for Fe fem related projects that one again it's it's challenging I don't even know if we could qualify for that I should really say for federal related projects not necessarily FEMA because FEMA is more restrictive even than the fer other Federal projects um and there like I said there's other things we can look at but those are kind of the main topics of discussion um what I will say is those if that if it's the recommendation for cork for us to continue to look further or do something additional to this that I would like to give um some of the industry Representatives opportunity to weigh in on it as well we have a couple associations AGC ABC who may one to weigh in AIA they one to weigh in as well I I would recommend that we before we go any further that we make sure we get give them opportunity to provide their feedback too y uh I guess I'd like to see what the specs or the stats might be from like 2021 to 2024 um I felt just on recent selection committees that it was more outof count firms that were being a Ed then maybe back to 2017 so I mean my opinion would be if we have 70% in both categories that are going to Palm Beach County firms there's no change needed but that hasn't been my perception of selection committee Awards well when you say out of County are you referring to their offices in Broward or Miami Dade yeah not in Palm Beach right so they still have a local business tax receipt for Palm Beach County so that's why they're getting the points for that so even if they only have because that's our criteria 10 by 10 little office here somewhere and it's not even manned that's our criteria right now yeah David on the business tax receipts I'm I looked at this a long time ago so maybe things have changed but it's my I have a couple thoughts on it exactly anybody can get a business tax receipt in Palm Beach County if you have a little office that's all you need one person there pay a 100 bucks or whatever it is you can get a business tax receipt if you can go back to slide I think was 11 um it as far as I know like I say I haven't checked in a while as far as I know it's a requirement if you're going to do business in Palm Beach County you have to have a business tax receipt that's not the right one the one where um we talked about the business tax receipts five and six I guess for the down then page five I think oh I'm not sure yeah look at page five I'm not sure where this 70% came from I mean how you did the data to come up with this 70% but show you the data too behind it if you want to if you have a firm that doesn't have a business tax receipt in Palm Beach County it can't work here no um I think you go to that slide I guess is they have business tax receipts but it goes back to the same issue where you know they they set up an office someplace nobody's even in it no this says they don't have one yeah they don't have a I don't think they have a they don't have a PM Beach County correct me from wrong Barber they don't have a Palm Beach County so this this this table shows you where the firms are located based upon how they fit into that that chart so column B is Palm Beach column C is brow and column D is Miami so this is the Architects um so you can see where they're how they how their attributes that that that table I just ask you to look at that because that's my recollection is you have to have one so I don't think the criteria should have anything to do with business tax receipt you need to Define what local means to us and that could be your principal place of business has to be in Palm Beach County that's pretty stringent but you could have that or you could have a um a office in pal Beach County where the majority of the work will be done a substantial portion of the work will be done out of the um workers the management that are located in the office in Palm Beach County and you can give different points for those if your principal place of business is in Palm Beach County you can get 10 points if you have a substantial office in Palm Beach County where the work is actually going to be done you can get Five Points so you need to look at your definition of local I think and then if you could go to I think it's slide 11 Dorothy if you could go to that question on how the other counties do it now I know for a fact that Broward has a local preference or ordinance Broward County now for some reason the school district has an exemption from that I'm not aware of that but that they have a pretty substantial local preference code where it's not only CM selections and architect selections it's contractors instruction to bid or um invitation to bids hard bids they give a hefty preference to local biders contractors CES right sorry cbes they have County business enterprises I don't know what that is that's what it's called yeah okay um there so I'd look at that again with Broward but I'm pretty sure you have to have a principal place of business in Broward to get points for the county for the county yeah I'm not sure about that so I ask you to look at that as well um think that's it any suggestions recommendations I mean yeah they need to come back with answers to those questions I think and I'd like to have at least 10% of the um points for selection be based on whatever local criteria we come up with the two points that we have now is is nothing I mean it's it's never that close yeah but I guess I also look at let's say we got a school being built in bokeh um somebody in Deerfield Beach is going to be bicycle distance from the school as opposed to a firm that might be at a Testa goes back to what's your point here my point is the money needs to be spent in Palm Beach County you hire a contractor in Palm Beach County he's going to hire a who's a local Palm Beach County firm he's going to buy paint in Palm Beach County and all that money gets recirculated over 10 times and comes back to the school district as a part of sales tax let's say they have a they have a better relationship with palmach County subcontractors and subc Consultants you buy you get somebody from what happened uh last month or the month ago where we have a Miami day cm all of his biders came from Miami dat he didn't get any bids from palom Beach County firms that's just not right in my opinion so I guess are you hearing what to come back with yeah I think Virginia has a hand oh Virginia yes thank you for noticing I had like like three three points uh first um I guess there's no way to figure out how many of our our our businesses get hired in these other counties is it is there no we're doing 70% here and the rest somewhere else do we know how Miami and Broward are hiring our firms is is is it like equal I I don't know I wouldn't say it's impossible to do it's just a lot of work okay okay well that was that was just one issue the other two were trying to understand for you to clarify what federal funds we receive for construction or whatever other than FEMA because you discounted some of these um types of contracts based on federal law but do we get any federal funds for these Le you you want to time in on any of that yeah I I can um the the cons the biggest concern is FEMA we do have federal funds occasionally and it's not that often honestly um with the last time we had it for construction projects when we did the the Q skib projects that were funded from the era stimulus program in 2010 so it's been a long time since we've done that it pops up with no warning when there's federal funds I mean school districts all over the state are dealing with it right now if they used the eser funds for maintenance or construction they're had it's Federal fund and they didn't even know it was happening and they're having to fix things after the fact and they're having all kinds of issues so we don't always know when when we're getting federal funds and I know one of the issues that we've got with FEMA is that while we may not be using the contractor that we awarded for a big construction project the contracts that we use for concrete and um other all our other contracts may be used with FEMA at any time so you know having everything set in place to follow the federal guidelines is really helpful so we don't need to have multiple contracts for the same type of work um but when you're talking about a school construction project hopefully we know if it's federal funds or not I I really did get out of a meeting with a lot of small school districts that are building schools that did not know they were getting federal funds until after they' started and they're dealing with nightmare situ ations in those districts um hopefully that would not happen to us those are small Deuce districts so typically we would know on a construction project but all the other disciplines and contracts and the contracts like under the two million and under four million those smaller contracts could be used on work that we would need to do for FEMA so having that language in there is very helpful but I'm not purchasing so I'm I'm getting outside my wheelhouse when I'm talking here and Barbara may want to chime in or could have Darcy come in and talk about that later um I just think I just think it's important enough for the majority 90% 95% of what we build is all our money it's not federal money so if we needed two contracts to make sure that we can keep as much money within the county as possible I think that's important it well the the concern you've got is we don't know when the Hurricane's coming if we had had damage with the last hurricane that we had to deal with schools we would not have time to rebid and come up with new contracts for all the different disciplines that we would need to do we want to have those contracts already in place so that would mean doing two contracts for all the different components of buildings and that's a lot of work I mean that that's that that's my my two cents which you know it's valued at two cents um not my area of expertise again oh Darcy is on the call so I don't know Darcy if I misspoke there no I just I just wanted to chime in and build on that that would be completely impossible I mean you know we could do contracts for federal um projects if we knew but to your point A lot of times we don't know that so these term contracts that are in place for concrete or demolition when those are put in place those are the ones that we rely on going back to for FEMA reimbursement so you know it would be impossible to replicate two sets of contracts the volume of work and it's it's not not something uh I would want to see us do because we them across the board from many different things and we want to get feema reimbursement on those so is that basically saying we can't do local preference local preference is not part of the district's policy right now I think we've we brought that back to the committee several times if I'm not mistaken well I just want I want to say we can't do local we we can do the location criteria that we currently have in our CCNA solic solicitations we can do that's we follow estf and we do that so we're in compliance but we don't have an official local preference policy yeah I misspoke I just met I want to make sure we can still do what we're doing and if we want to increase the points for that purpose and Define what really defines a local business a Palm Beach County Business um I just you know it'd be nice if we can do that and not have double work and double contracts um I I had one other question yes Virginia um if you could uh go back to the state statute I didn't quite understand why it did not apply to us you said um one that yeah yeah that one yeah because we don't we don't currently do um setti sdes and setti sdes would mean that only certain biders only certain firms could bid on that work so what the what the state prohibits us from doing like I said is is those kind of things so what the state wants to do is they and this this law which this this law is trying to maximize competition is what they're trying to do they're trying to say if you're from anywhere in the State of Florida if you're in Tallahassee or Jacksonville wherever the case may be as long as you have a license you should be able to bid on a project that's pom Beach County um so we don't currently prohibit any firm from bidding on our projects so it does that's why I'm saying it doesn't it applies to us but it doesn't change anything that we're doing today because we don't so when you put the bids out they go out Statewide somebody can bid but when the selection comes up they get if they're local they get lousy two points oh no no no no two two different things we're talking oh we're talking uh R rfps versus invitations to bids this applies really to an invitation to bid so um so on an invitation to bid that's open to anybody in the state out of the state wherever it is as long as you can provide the lowest price you can win the project there's no preferences local preferences that apply to that today and I don't think anybody's proposing that we maybe somebody is proposing that we apply a local criteria to that but we don't it's simply the lowest price um now you have to be pre-qualified if it's a c over a certain dollar amount so you so that's that's that's a limiting factor but that doesn't limit where you located there are no points applied for it point but if the lowest bidder and the second lowest bidder are within 5% of the bid price the and the second lowest bidder is SBE and the I mean or excuse me is and oh no I'm sorry I'm misspeaking talking about SBA I'm s strike strike that from the record no it doesn't it doesn't it it's not out of context because in order to be an SB you have to be Palm Beach Brown my this is true so it doly yes are applying a 5% apply a local preference in the sense that you have to be one of those have to be one those counties however that doesn't stop somebody from like I said Orange County whatever it is from bidding on the project though correct which would violate the law John cheser yeah a couple things first one what Barbara was saying that is the way Brower does it I think they give 5% of the points if you're a local contractor they do and then they also if a non-local contractor is low and the second bidder is out is within the county within 5% they give him a chance to match that first place the lowest M that is another 5% Broward schools does it sorry that is how Broward schools does it well they do they do rfps which is based on price and other factors so they they consider your qualifications plus your price um at the time of the bid proposal they do apply that 5% and the other thing on the FEMA problem um I haven't been there in a while but the county it's not impossible to do the county does have separate cont contractors and Consultants I believe for FEMA and so it is possible to do and secondly if you wanted to you could always piggy back off of those contracts instead of having your own if if their contract is written that it's piggyback then we can yes challenge we have with the um FEMA version because i' I've already asked can we do an RFP that Awards two sets of contracts for one RFP because I I'd say well can I can I award FEMA and a non- FEMA because 95 98 99% of the contracts will be non- FEMA but I want the same guy otherwise I'll get we won't get anyone who will bid on the FEMA contract yeah it's not g to it's rarely ever used wa isn't the issue on a school that's under construction that may have FEMA problems because you'd want that contractor to go back and fix things up and then they have to fly to FEMA to get paid it's it's not under an existing school like pom high school it's already existing if we have storm damage we have continuing contracts with storm damage repair contractors okay so let those contracts be FEMA but it's not like the CM that would be going in to necessarily do that work like acreage the West acreage school if that had tornado damage it'd be the same CM that we would be hiring or paying extra to fix up the damage it wouldn't be a separate country contractor I don't know if we'd be able to I don't think we would that I think we would use our contract reimbursement and we would use our FEMA we would use our FEMA yeah contract so and we may have to Reid it depending upon the the amount of damage question yeah where bills come in I mean that would seem nuts that we would not use Moss's building that job I think not use can't put back up the panels that got blown over yeah yeah that's a mess and it's a it's a question it's a good question and I think only when FEMA when you have a disaster like that you only allowed to do temporary repairs you can't do permanent repairs you have to bid out the according to what I know of FEMA which is not that's correct Barbara okay that's correct you have to bid out the work for the permanent repairs right but I think what we're really talking about John Kirk may if I'm wrong in terms of your thoughts is we're not looking at at work that gets bid we're looking at the RFP right not work that gets bid for a price right it's really the RFP stuff right you know Architects and contractors getting hired to design schools and do Renovations so with those projects I don't know if you end up with a FEMA conflict or not with those projects or with those contracts well the rfps the RFP type projects if that ends up having some type Fe yeah well because the two Federal references that I have said you can only use it for architectural and Engineering Services so you could do CM you could yeah just a reminder 11:15 and we still have to vote on your extension oh right 11:30 meeting head to yeah don't we have U an item that we have to vote on still yeah we got the the waiver request I have some we have some homework to do so we'll bring back some all right I guess bring some things back but it it's U Mr Chester gave some ideas about what he thought the numberers should be around 10 10% of the total points I don't know if anybody else had any thoughts about where they think the the point should I think take a stab at that and come back with what you think you know a fair point Arrangement would be um I I agree with Mr chesher that it would be nice if we spend the money here and it stays here as much as possible not all of it but more than we have now maybe want what is 70% well it's 70% qualified right yeah yeah that's why I don't know if that's kind of a real number I think we're using the wrong basis okay I want to thank you Mr Sanchez that was a lot of work you did and it was very in informational thank you my pleasure and also Barbara help out yep thank you good thank you all right uh discussion item approval minutes anyone with issues on the minutes all right minutes are then accepted I don't see it on the agenda for the may not be on that agenda is it on on board dos okay I move I move that we request the move that we request the waiver we still a quorum we have a go left so good bill left Michael left but yes we still have a quum okay so there a motion to send to the board a request to allow a waiver of the chair term limits report Virginia's got a motion we need a second on that I'll second second by Mike WEA and for our newest member he might want to give her a little explanation oh yeah you you explain your own story yes uh as as an explanation for anyone who doesn't know um the court policy says that the chair is limited term limited to I think it's four years yeah I think it was four years it's either three or four years uh however a waiver can be requested by to the board done within 60 days prior to the election of officers for Cork and that happens the end of the January meeting um and so previously cork has wanted me to have the opportunity to still run for chair uh it's not a guaranteed uh that it will happen um but the board has to grant that waiver to allow Court to wave the chair term limit so that is what the motion and the vote will be on the floor any other questions comments on that pois Dorothy please okay David Porter yes John cheser yes Michael Guida yes Tom berer yes tadrick McCoy Virginia Ferris yes Francesca Wares yes that still gives us six votes so we're still okay congratulations mean it just means I have the opportunity that has the yeah the committee has the opportunity to either say yes or no all right um anything else by anyone did we approve the meeting yeah we did minutes are fine I offered up nobody had any objections all right if nothing else our journey thank you thanks everybody thank you good meeting thank you welcome Francesca it's nice to have another woman again how the heck are you --------- ##VIDEO ID:-2qi0eQJECc## so it is beginning to record uh I am also going to use the transcripts feature in order to take notes for me so it will just do dictation and take notes for everything uh so that is going to begin as well as our note taking process so now we have transcribe on as well all right thank you guys for joining us today uh I appreciate your time and your patience as we are beginning a little later than we had planned um today we are starting a joint uh study uh for the SEIU um contract negotiations process uh this is in no way part of negotiations but this was a part of the collective bargaining agreement for all three of the SEIU um uh bargain cbas from last year are the one that is currently in process so in the parah it is listed as appendix uh G in the regular it is appendix F and in the supervisory it is appendix G as well and what we're here today to look at is a joint study in which the team teams had asked us to look at and it is for this specific statement they want the parties uh agreed to establish an ad hoc joint study committee of six appointees from each party to study and make recommendations to the superintendent and the Service employee International Union concerning an education incentive award program such joint study committee is charged with completing its task no later than 30 days prior to the bargaining of the 2020 or 2025 calendar year that is the uh end of the um uh that 2025 calendar year beginning is when the new contract would begin for SEIU now then I wanted you to know that this week we did do anou that was between SEI and the district that waved that 30-day waiting period so we now can begin bargaining earlier than that 30-day period um which is a good thing because this year the all three of the SEIU um uh cbas are full books so this one is a bit more of a process to where we have the ability to look at everything within in the contract so we wanted to be able to not have to wait 30 days before we started negotiations so let's go ahead and look at today's objectives first thing is let's talk about who's here today uh I am Diane Wyatt I am a director of HR compliance and processes and Labor Relations so I am the facilitator today so I'm not on either uh Union district I'm just kind of helping move along the process of what we're doing today and we've got members from each side of that are representing the uh seui that were brought to the table to talk about our process today along with the district uh and they're representing each group and I'd like for you to introduce yourselves and tell us where you're located for the specific members for the team and then we'll have anyone else that's representing either group as well so if our uh SEIU members could introduce themselves and just go down the list uh and tell us where you're located and what your function is Doris Motley with maintenance um Logistics Warehouse lead support thank you it's blackshell I'm Maisha blackshell transportation coordinator North thank you next Jamal she might not be able to uh undo her mic johandra veren Jerry Thomas Elementary and and J Al Juni Jerry Thomas Elementary thank you all right and uh then our last Miss Miller did we lose Miss Miller she might not be able to speak where she's currently at but um she's Transportation South con all right thank you so much Iran all right and let's go ahead and the district members on the team yeah hi I'm Craig sary I am the general manager for main plan operation and I run day-to-day operations here in main located at 3300 Summit Boulevard thank you good morning everyone I'm Alison mblo I'm director of school Food Service good morning everyone my name is Kevin mccormic I'm the executive director of ESC good morning I'm Lori Barefoot I'm the manager for compensation located here in the Fon Holland building morning everyone I'm Terry Jensen I'm the general manager of payroll and dispersements and I'm here at the Fon fton Holland building as well and I oversee the payroll and and um accounts payable departments good morning everyone Shane Sewell director of Transportation good morning my name is MJ steel and I'm the director for the Department of early childhood education and we oversee the VPK and School Readiness Early Childhood programs okay and we do have uh a few others in the room uh irn yes uh irn SZ uh union representative for um seu Florida Public Service Union um yeah glad to be here and I think that might be it because Joseph I believe is only his notetaker yes I believe so and just uh just to reiterate you've already done so beautifully Miss Diane but just to reiterate to the members this is not negotiations this is specifically around an education incentive um and you guys get to give input about it and um also um negotiations uh we'll start we have the ability to start that after these sessions um we'll come with that date but this is not negotiations just want to clear that up and the mou actually says we don't have to wait until after this we can start while we're still in the middle of this so that is a nice thing and and I actually wrote it again irn you're in the same way I am the purpose of this here is the study is to hear what each site has to say about the outside of negotiations this is no way negotiations all right so our timeline even though this says 30 days the mou sign says that we don't have to uh wait that one um and we um this is to begin our conversation so we are have our history the previous uh cbas as I said had um the request to look at education incentive plans um I was not around during the previous incentive uh previous uh uh uh collective bargaining agreements so I was not there during that negotiation but SEIU had asked that we look at it and talk about it the way this works with the joint study is both groups has an opportunity for us to talk about it ask questions uh um explore the option of having education incentives applied um in the collective bargaining agreement that is coming up so once you've looked at it then each group the members of each uh Team then goes back to their um group that will be representing them at the bargaining table and they talk to them and say this is what we would like you to negotiate for us so we don't do anything here in the form of negotiations you take what you've learned from the questions ask and the research that you do and you take it back to your representative and you let them tell know what you would like them to do on behalf of you so knowing that uh and knowing that this came from a recommendation originally from SEIU I put the Union's P perspective and concerns as the next item on it um I'm not sure Irwin under Union Representatives who would like to share or what you if you want to give us some history of how this came to the table uh and what might be uh what we might want to be looking at questions that are there to get us started to to be honest I wasn't really bought in on the beginning of these conversations so it's kind of like a a ground floor thing I was um kind of introduced through the um coffee chats where was kind of speaking and Miss Germaine who wasn't long no longer here said this was a um deliverable that needed to be done but what she from what she kind of presented it was something that can be built out and worked out from scratch with the members being part of that there wasn't I don't necessarily know the history what's behind it but we kind of move forward with what we want it to look like and have the members input on that so that's kind of what I understood uh members of SEIU um thinking about education incentives um applied to you and what you might be interested in um what do you have in your perspectives or your concerns anyone wish to open their mic and and give us some ideas of what you're thinking about or questions you might have concerning it um for incentive program I mean for the employees or yes well we um stressed that like a lot of drivers since they do get up early in the morning you know and they have grade school kids we've always expressed the fact that we would like some type of incentive with child care okay and after care all right now that would be something you would bring back to your representative here our specific objective is dealing with education incentives so this would be incentives around employees that have specific levels of education and giving incentives to that um that's also um if we can get like a resource to help out with the cost of Education Program like I.E myself I'm in school for psychology right now and um when we were looking for like grants and things of that nature a lot of other school districts have a grant for their employees but Palm Beach did not they didn't come up as a partnership with my University so um I think that would be a great addition or incentive for an employee okay you know I got the incentive one time um I don't know like we have to do like those Point get like get like a certain point can we like wave this stuff because you know H I don't know I'm going to spend my whole day doing this to get the incentive um but are you asking for what to wave doing what specifically you know the inservice point I don't know like you know because you know I I did today I apply last uh last year um and they said you know I didn't meet the requirement or whatever because you know I'm not like I didn't I'm not like I didn't do the the points like it should be done okay so maybe more clarity on on what in service points what it needed yes yeah so or in case you know we can wave them because you know we have the other requirements like you know we like we have like a the degree like it needs and the other stuff um so so what I'm thinking is if you have other requirements maybe it's looking specifically at the requirements that you have and then looking at how you can write your incentive plan based off of your requirements so instead of saying I need in service from The District's plan say if I do these requirements then this it's worth this type of incentive which would keep it from being something extra so that would be something that you would develop and say I'm already required to do this this and this okay how do I show that I've done it and if I have done it then it should be equate equivalent to something else and and you list what you would say that would be equivalent to okay who do I need to talk to or to send an email that's what you do and present to your representative and they negotiate it as part of the contract so that's something that you give to your representatives to Irwin and to Joseph for them to use as part of negotiations okay because that's what we're here you know to kind of talk about you know how you know what's uh but here we're mainly dealing like with education so you know how could you know if we're looking at an education incentive award what type of structure could be out there to incentivize you for Education levels so you know that's you know levels that you've already earned not necessarily levels that you haven't earned yet but before like Miss was saying she had completed so much of the inservice courses and she was getting compensated for it why didn't she get paid for it last year when she did the same thing I I have no idea since you know but it's you know based off of the you know the program in which she was in or this the the scale that that they have I um but it's whether or not you know the program that is there if it if you're saying that the inservice points in the process to do it needs more clarity on it uh then that's something that that could be worked on okay so maybe maybe maybe that's where we need to start maybe that's where we need to start because she's Miss A has been here for a while and she's been doing the same thing and last year she did the same thing and still didn't get paid and she didn't understand why so so maybe that's the you know where you guys start with your plan of it needs to be more simplified okay and that could be it can present a plan that is you know that you say okay this would be something that would be uh equivalent for us to use okay all right can anyone hear me yes um I I think it needs to be clarified because I don't think she's really understanding what this this meeting is about I don't think she's it's clear to her what we're here for for so if someone could actually irn or you yourself can actually explain to her what we're actually doing right now all right so we have two different groups represented here we've got our SEIU and we have our district group and the SEIU group asks that we come together to study educ ational incentives for the union members now educational incentives would be incentives usually they are monetary money that is given to employees who have reached different educational levels so the union would come up with a structure that they would want to incentivize for members that have gotten that struct uh that level so far so you would say anyone that has worked with us for so many years and has a high school diploma or a one year of college two years of associates degree a master's degree or you could start coming up with some type of structure to give an incentive for levels of Education that would be considered an educational incentive plan that was what we were asked to come together to study uh Anin do you have anything to add to that um nothing that's that's perfect um other than obviously we're building this from scratch but can even though this is not a um this document is not necessarily um in use right now what I do know is that um ASAP at the time did have a sort of structure or something similar um is that something we can look at and work off of and you know edit and kind of create off of is that something we can do we doing you guys yeah okay yes yes yes absolutely you guys can pull from anything you want okay and say we like this and this is what we want to bring and recommend because like you said you're starting from scratch there's nothing there uh to I'll share that I'll share that with everyone on this call as far as the the members the AL other thing I wanted to throw in I know um again since we're building this when we say educational incentives I know obviously the first thing is you know um diplomas degrees things like that um is there room for also certifications that members might have to receive for their for their um positions or or job classifications you have room for anything you want to put on the table all right well that's that's okay that's you know because you're the one bringing it so as as and and the fact that it is an open book full book you're not limited to items of what you're bringing Okay so so you have that room um I I am seeing if I can pull up the asop right now so give me a second because because this will give you a a way a place to go back to the table as a group and and work on yeah and and then when we come back to the next meeting maybe you've got question questions from it that we can answer because um since there's not one okay hold on let's see if when I move this over if it takes over my screen there it is okay so this is from the ASAP which is uh an example and what they did was they wrote out that the education incentive awards are following schedule I think I'm at the beginning of it must make sure yes and they listed basic award high school diploma and two consecutive years of employment uh and they listed some items and that the employee this is not big enough for you guys to see hold on better yes all right uh and they listed that you know if they received a high school diploma and worked for two years went on to do coursework you know listed specific items uh then there was a $200 incentive uh for level one or and they listed a you know A and B they moved on you know a b structure gave a 300 they went into a level two for 400 that gate knew that would be for three consecutive years and five consecutive years so that the you know as they continue to build within service hours with the district or what you know ever they were able to earn more additional uh incentives at the uh in of the year and they structured it for advanced Awards with different levels and that went 500 600 and there's a professional award that went for certified administrators with organizational management okay and they listed that way so they built out a structure in which they presented and negotiated pieces and it went back and forth and that was their structured W um okay and and this still continues into it to where they did M you know how would you maintain it and what happens for those that are grandfathered into it so you so you're definitely this would be part of your research okay and that you could bring that you know any pieces of this that you thought were possible forward so so you're definitely starting with a clean slate for this and and you could you know come forward with it but you're this committee is specifically to talk to education pieces uh for it but if there's other items that your group wishes to study uh uh then you you know or wishes to bring forward then you work with that is when you come to negotiations and you take them uh forward on your side okay good do that that that example since you brought it up you know I could show it to you is that make it clearer um I'll ask the members how did members how do you'all feel about it absolutely I just feel like it's minimal instead of like it's helpful but I feel like it could be a lot more but see it's the balls in your court because you get to kind of design it and all and this is not a negotiation side this is where we're kind of talking about you there you've got options that you can present and and what you think might be possibilities yes yeah I understand I'm just my perspective in service I meant Miss barend uh I didn't quite hear you is there any way that they can wave in service points I I don't know that that there's a way to wave it because you waving a responsibility for an incentive is just giving away I there has to be something that they're that's being done for it I mean I I don't see just waving it but uh that that I don't see but because those those those um it takes over two days to do they only pay you 150 maybe they need to pay more for it then maybe I should rephrase that they need to pay more for those incentive for those incentive courses and and maybe that's part of what you asked for when you're looking at what you bring back to the table okay yeah I think um where we at and I appreciate all you have being a part of this but where we at is um if members if you if you choose is using what was just um um shown where um ASAP kind of did a little bit of work around um the educational cender program we could use that as a skeleton as a template but y'all have the free will to delete add destroy totally or add to it or whatever um or say we're not you know using this as a template at all but I was just adjusting it as something a body workor to work from but with all the autonomy and all the room um to make it fit what y'all feel um Mak sense for your job classifications or your Fields um in in in general so what I'll do after this call is definitely share it with all of you get some input as well we can go back to other memberships within those respective bargaining units get more input and um so this first conversation OB at least I think it was a good conversation because it led to at least this part led to you um all seeing what is involved what's kind of there obviously there was nothing um there for um our bargaining units um so now we have the opportunity and y'all have the opportunity to design and be the creators of what is established um and like Miss Diane was saying we're not negotiating it here this is where we're kind of um and I think we're this is where the work is happening where we're kind of um finding what is the research that needs to be done what are the questions that need to be raised and by the time we get to this next session next week um we'll be even more um ready for the type of questions um that may need to be cleared up and then when we go to actual negotiations we've already discussed what we want to kind of bring to the table officially um so we're at a good spot at least we have a template if so um want to be used to work from and everything that's been um said so far about whether it's in service points or being paid more for certain things or um like Miss MAA just pointed out needs to be built out more all of those things we have the ability to do um this is just the beginning of finding out um okay well from where are we starting um what are we actually thinking about and I think this conversation helps and y'all tell me if not helps kind of um kind of stage or kind of uh you know kind of phrase out what is it that we're we're actually doing here and working from hopefully that's a lot little clearer um there wasn't an educational incentive program um there is one that we just shown that was kind of created we can work from that and figure out what actually works for you guys and y'all get to be the creators of that so um so any of the things you're thinking there's no necessarily the no or come from this space um it comes later at negotiations but y'all get to anything that's coming to your mind we get to to look at and see what we can make happen all right so and I just wrote you know you're going to build an education incentive program using asop to start or build from scratch um and uh then since we're starting from scratch we you know don't you don't really have any questions right now for us be because you get other than what we've already addressed um uh District site are there any questions I I think since they're starting with a clean slate we're we're kind of waiting for the next step to see what they might come up with and and then then we can kind of go from there um for it um our you know our next step would be you know when we come back to the table you think uh Irwin you'll have you know some specifics to to talk about ask questions about in order to help finalize what you end up with for your you know your side's presentation anything that you might need from us uh you could ask at the table when we come back no absolutely this first this first um session was to get the grounding on on you know what we're really doing and just and I think this helped do that then from here we'll do the work to um through each bargaining unit to see you know what's the best um recommendations and then we'll definitely have um something by the next session Y and they can be you know they can be the same for each one of your units or they can you know be tweaked differently as each unit is needed uh you know that's completely up to you guys um all right so Irwin when do you guys think do you think coming back to the table a week from now or two weeks members what do you think I think about two weeks that'll give enough time to get everybody's perspective on it yeah I think so also all right well two weeks from today is Halloween would we rather do it that the day after Halloween do it that Friday morning is that possible or would we rather do it on Halloween the day after we'll be fine for me yes Miss Miller well maybe we need to do it in a week is that too short um of a time no I was I'm fine with two weeks I just wanted to give you plenty of time to work on your plan okay what what's your thoughts um I think week makes sense um what do our due diligence to come up with those recommendations from each brogy unit um I think I guess the question was on Halloween after Halloween on that Friday and what's a good time in general um I know there was a little bit of challenges for the nine that's that's my father just wanted to um get this going but so also a suggestion frame and would that Friday after Halloween work I guess would be the um question now okay that's fine with me because you know today we got like very short notice you know that's the thing right um this will give us two weeks um is is 11:00 on that Friday a good time yes that's fine Miss Miller says it's good uh am I seeing I see shaking ah heads for Allison uh um how long is the meeting an hour yeah that's fine for me and miss miss and I will send out notices to all the uh School representatives and let them know as well uh okay Kevin and we think we can do that or uh all right and MJ we think that works for you okay so I'm going to set it for 11 to 12 on Friday November 1st all right so good and I'll send out notices to all uh supervisors for our staff today so that your supervisors have two weeks notice okay okay that way they'll have plenty of time to plan and we will come back to the table then and it will be you know an hour that should probably be our last meeting we shouldn't need one after that because everything after that you would just take to your representative and they will use that at negotiations okay so okay thank you all right thank you all for your time and I uh hope you have a a good weekend thank you all for your flexibility thank you members for your inputs right thank you thank you guys have a nice day you too right bye