##VIDEO ID:iCi2K151HUY## Michael Guida cork hly hen Office of the general counsel Michael tubiello facilities construction David Dolan uh facilities manager David Porter corkle cork Barbara Myers Construction purchasing Dan Porter over in the corner sir Mar Canyon facilities construction D facility construction Carson Proctor the proct construction John lens and ra Enterprises representing Morton Smith's scovic Architects and one blood my longest client and I'm encouraging everybody at the Holiday to please donate blood Tom Jacob is Wen Smith Sean Anderson Construction George FR facilities construction r ray Rand Construction Group Bob Bliss office of Inspector General Mark R facilities construction James Campbell Chief Operating office J Jacob cats P construction James Farrell facilities construction sea M Core Construction good morning Lisa King verdex construction AR okay this is as many as we've had in the room in a long time go ahead online please okay we have John chesher here Michael galand he had excused absence I thought he did but he joined oh he may be by phone but he is with us Virginia Ferris here Francesca wores here Bruce Alexander here and Kevin Wilkinson here okay we also have Mr Barbary here and Mr Sanchez here too okay great um Gil fans presid okay Michael thank you um all right how about we introduce our two newest members why don't you take us Dave since you have met these two gentlemen okay um last month you may recall we had the uh the pleasure of introducing um at the time our newest uh member which was uh Miss Franchesco warish um this month we've now doubled our introductions uh to our cork committee um we have uh both uh both are representing um Mr Frank Barbieri uh so the first first gentleman um on our on our team now is uh Mr Bruce Alexander welcome and um thank you second member is uh Mr Kevin Wilkinson now Mr Alexander is uh Community representative and Mr uh Wilkinson is going to be the cost accountant position okay um to welcome you both on behalf of all the staff uh you will find that it is uh our committee probably has the most reading to do per month we are usually 800 to 1500 pages um everything doesn't have to get ready because a lot of it's duplicates of contracts with Architects and contractors um I've been on cork Now 23 years I know Virginia's been on even a little longer Mr hu's been in the room here been on quite a few years um I will tell you what you've already probably been told that part of our duties is to serve on selection committees for picking Architects and contractors when purchasing sends those out so if they fit your schedule um please sign up for one of those um that will help because cork gets a seat at the table for all of those selections and the other thing I'll offer up uh to all cork members that we're out of covid we've been out for a while I know we're allowed to do virtual um I still think it's a better discussion the more people we have in the room so if you can physically attend uh at some times we invite you to the room so so I have be public uh there will be in a minute uh anyone today with a conflict of interest or been approached by any lobbyist that needs to be disclosed all right hearing none public comments just uh I got an email from Lou doctor and uh he indicated that he had found my email to him in earlier part of this year but that he's almost back the way he was and he had had his stroke December 16th of 23 and it's been a long road but he appreciates everybody who did email him or reach out to him but he's he he sounded pretty good on the email so oh great thank you for reporting that that's good to hear yep exactly any other public comments okay let's start our consent agenda fc1 I wanted to pull that anyone else okay fc2 fc3 [Music] fc4 fc5 [Music] pull that one you want to pull that one maker it's always the engineer pc1 ec2 EC3 well I tribute that to very good job done all the time by staff by responding to our questions that we said and as I know that eliminated two or three that I was going to pull because I got a more complete answer I was only want to pull oh go ahead Virginia I'm just going to move the items forward that were not pulled on consent agenda yes need a second on that I'll second second by Michael Guida any comments discussion all right Dorothy polish please Phil Hook here hi David yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida Yes Virginia Ferris yes I want to mention also I really appreciate it all the answers the questions and the answers Francesca Warnes yes and also as a somewhat well definitely a new member I was also impressed and just I'm yeah this is very helpful so as newbie thank you Bruce Alexander yes and thank you also for the privilege to participate in the session and Kevin Wilkinson yes okay I was going want to pull the fc1 and my question goes back to the first item on there about moisture testing of slabs uh one of the comments I had sent in was should we be making this kind of a standard requirement um I know flooring has come to the point that every manufacturer has a restriction in terms of the moisture content that they'll allow their flooring to go down and we used to have to come in after the fact and use our decks because it was the only thing we knew about at the time which was pricey to seal the slab before we could put the vinyl tile down now there's some other products and they can go down as part of the adhesive um should our spec just require a you know a flooring compy and and a cm to do a testing I mean I brought a simple Gadget that I used that you know cost less than probably 50 bucks and that's it why can't every flooring contractor have this and part of the spec be required that they test the floor if we have a problem we can do further testing yeah so part of the issue is that with the flooring manufacturers um they require to followm which is pretty specific on how that test has to be done we talked about getting an internal company which we still may do go out and solicit to have it District owned so so we kind of control that process which probably is the road we're going to go down to so we would have that in-house service or not inhouse but a a contract vendor on term that can go out and do that work um what we have run into you're absolutely right with the products um the product for the higher moisture content adhesive is still substantially more expensive than what's needed in most schools so when we do the moisture testing um a lot of times there is good value in that when if it does come back that it's not needed that extra you know moisture product so I think there's good value there our process um it takes a little while to write up a new RP go out solicit those responses right find the right vendor so um down the road I I agree that's probably a better way to go um in the meantime we put it in the architect scope that's just how we do it right now yeah but the architect really can't do a moisture test because the flooring is still in place and you won't really know the moisture of the slab until the flooring's gone they do a a destructive test where it's not where it's kind of hidden where you don't see it kind of thing okay I mean I would think we could just write it into our flooring spec and make it part of the flooring manufacturer to use a simple little Gadget like that and test it because 90% of the time we're going to find there's no problem and it doesn't need further testing yeah we found when we leave it up to the flooring installers and they all pass they all fail they all fa they all fail yeah they want inside the waiver to you know to wave I see no responsibility the warranty yeah uh I see Jud has his hand up Jud yeah I just wanted to add a couple things to that um every every flooring installer and manufacturer does come out and do a test with one of those probes into the floor we can do it while the floor is still there um but if you ask them when the last time they've had them uh calibrated or when if they're following the ASM guidelines properly none of them do um so have leaving it up to them is really a bad uh a bad result because they always come up failing and then when we reach out to an independent lab who does it properly they pass and we don't we no longer have to pay for the extra glue and we contain our warranty okay when we've done the testing I mean our schools are big you could have a moisture problem at the North End and not at the south end so do we do multiple tests or just kind of one sample like a test boring no so if you look at that that um this amount of tests equates to I believe that there were like 80 or 90 test locations oh based the ASM requires like uh two for the first thousand and then one for an additional every thousand it's something like that square footage we read through it when we looked at um the cost and the number of tests for this to make sure that it was in line so this is this is to test quite a big portion of the school and that's why you have such a large um upfront testing but uh you know you can talk to some of our Spas who have been um have had projects that have required significant Ardex and whatnot and it can lead into the hundreds of thousands of dollars of added costs so to to prevent demoing a floor and leaving it in a condition where now you're now you're kind of uh uh held against the gun because you've got the summmer ending and you have to get a floor down and they're like well it's too moist so doing it beforehand you can determine okay we have a moisture problem we need to plan for it instead of being rushed to act and and eat the cost yeah good plan okay thank you for that yeah and I've had some um I just came back from a conference and I had some the chance to talk to a couple of uh vendors and have this had similar challenges with them and of course uh one of my favorite things and hopefully ker from ECS is not on but um their support was for carpet um but not carpet carpet um now that the the rubberized uh carpet fiber material they have a different adhesive that is completely water resistance resistant um and uh and certainly there's there's advantages there certain locations we might be interested in in that for um but I think the U our vendors um the vendors that we used uh they're some of the top-notch people like like Mohawk and things like that I think those are ones that are are uh going to be able to help us get to the in the future um what the best Solutions might be uh what we see right now might not be the answer we see in six months or a year from now so yeah Michael [Music] Gan think you're muted Michael yep sorry can't hear you still can't hear you can't hear you Michael think he had that problem last time too yeah and I think it's I I've been having this a lot on my computer it's uh I have two different microphones one that's in the Monitor and one that's in my laptop and might have to just switch the microphone selection in your I'm not hearing anything Michael sorry sir come back okay he's gonna the rejoin um let's give him a second to rejoin in case he had a question on the one we [Music] pulled oh we're waiting for that for our new members test one two three all right Michael now you're there go ahead Michael PR there's something about this connection I we work well on teams and zoom um I have other questions on fc1 when you're ready to move on go ahead my question was answered all righty uh with reference then to items um 15 and 17 the HVAC duck work connections HVAC duck workor connections is that something that we should be adding to our checklist now because you know we've got a couple of them here and down the [Music] line I think this is an unusual situation typically when we have duct work run above ceiling even though it's rigid there are flexible connections to where the the vents and the exhaust grills are um in this case it was actually hard rigid duct work connecting to those things it's not something we typically see all right just because it popped up twice in here um yeah there they were sister schools built at the same time so the the same set of duck work drawings and the same spec for the rigid duck work at a time when rigid duck work was used yeah yeah and and those are older 40y old plus schools with a reference to 14 was identical schs yes Michael 14 uh for the uh Jupiter High was there any additional cost other than the installation was there any other special site prep for the additional flooring that was required that wouldn't have been done otherwise no all right no there wasn't well I've got the mic for a moment I just want to introduce Bruce Alexander he's a very well-respected attorney in town long history of construction law sport certified uh and uh professional very well respected and he's going to make a great addition to the uh to the committee as long as the Thousand page uh agendas don't cause them to go AC crossy Michael thank you for reading exactly what I just texted to your and Bruce you probably don't remember it's probably been at least 25 years ago uh I did a bunch of work with Joe arrian who used to I think be in the office next to you at boo Casey and and you and I worked on a couple cases where I was your architect expert witness so there there are a lot of people on screen who I know we can start with John cheser and work our way it's great great to see everyone and truly a pleasure to participate thank you thank you okay good selection that's right all right anything else no thank you want to make a motion for this to go forward sure I'll make the motion that cork has no objection to the board considering uh fc1 second want to second that second Virginia seconded okay any further discussion comments darthy Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Gand yes Michael Guida Yes Virginia Ferris yes Francesco warish yes Bruce Alexander yes Kevin Wilkinson yes thank you okay that was a very quick run through of the consent thank you staff all right we're up to staff updates okay yeah I guess the the big um Global News is the referendum passing which is just fantastic for the school district um as you know that'll be somewhere around $2 billion do for the district some between 2026 and 2035 um it is a lot of money um we're a big District though so we definitely have a need for it um the bulk of that work about half of that a billion dollars of it is planed maintenance so as we're we're transitioning of a of a ideology basically from break fix to planning our maintenance ahead of time which um actually saves money of the longterm duration of school facilities so um that's very exciting to be able to continue to do all that maintenance work um 250 million of it is uh Security money so we're enhancing the security of the schools different means we're still ironing out the exact projects what that is but security measures um 250 million is school-based initiative so basically improvements on the existing campuses um anything that's a capital item it could be even you know equipment and things like that for the schools um small projects that will go on at the schools there a lot of exciting work there and then the other 500 million is split between Charter Schools um school buses and Technology efforts so um we're looking forward to getting a lot of that stuff going in about a year and a half and gives us an opportunity to wrap up yeah we're we're doing planning we've been planning for it and and uh hopeful hopefully that it would have passed and it did so we're we're not like starting from zero we will be really ramping up our efforts to get organized with it and get staffed up and make sure we we do a efficient job uh spending that money Virginia congratulations I'm very happy that it passed um and I just wanted to be sure that um darthy you're able to put that information in the minutes because I'd like to be have it right in writing in front of me so thank you absolutely question I have um our current referendum that expires in about another year wasn't that to take care of all of our schools and renovation needs of certain aged schools uh it was predominantly deferred maintenance okay um we had we deferred maintenance on our schools because of the the taking away the one mill exact um and so our schools were sorely in need of a lot of so we've now we've raised all boats together right to a certain level um now our next referend of is to ensure that we maintain that level that uh those things that we replaced now there's lots of lots of uh disciplines that um we need to replace them in a few years well and I know we we didn't have money to put roofs on and because Tallahassee had yanked that rug out from under it so this will basically be a maintenance fund yeah and it does yeah half of it is yeah we're doing a a new another facility condition assessment that we'll be going forward U very shortly and um so we'll have a clean view that's that's something most districts do it every five to 10 years and and that's where we're at our 10 year point so um that'll be kind of a lot of the basis for uh spending uh uh of that money the last facility assessment we did was basically an in-house uh take a sample High School Middle School elementary school figure out what they're going to run and then use that for all those types of schools is this and that was really a staff done project instead of putting it out to a consultant what's the plan for the current facility assessment same thing uh no um the first phase was we took existing data um before the voting and went and did a tabletop looked at all the existing schools a little bit different approach it was system based based on how much money we spent in the 2016 referendum what the age of each of our equipment was and we broke it down that way but the second phase that is actually have professionals go out and visit every single school and do a detailed analysis of all of our equipment okay so that way we'll get a list a year yeah so we'll get a list of hey air handler in this room is is 21 years old or whatever that needs to be replaced about this time and actually do a physical assessment of it is it tracking along that date or is it older than it's or doing better than it age and that kind of thing so um it'll be a very detailed assessment we've done uh we did a pilot already we did two schools and we got a long list of of items that we can look at with pictures and details about every piece of every component in the building of this lifespan how much it's going to cost to replace and when it should be replaced so wow we'll have a lot of data to use to um spend that money so well and I think what it will do too is it will eliminate a lot of unforeseen condition change orders like we've had on this referendum because okay we didn't know all the air handlers had the wrong switch right you know all the air handlers had hardboard duck connections well I think the the big thing it does it'll help Define the scope better before we start the project um and for the professionals too we was always harped on the MEPS and The Architects like why didn't you see that during your field investigation um Mr tuo you mentioned also about the school buses is that part of that money going towards the EV because we earlier about EV I don't know that that's been fully decided so we have a grant right now where we're putting in charges at three different bus facilities and we're purchasing buses for those so we're we're running out as of the pilot so I'm sure those buses aren't going to be day one it's going to be spread out you know over time so depending on how that works um we talked to some districts and really the The Benchmark of those working right now with the current technology it's gotten a lot better over the years as you know for EVS um buses they don't run a short route and that's it for the day they take one school and the next school they say have multiple six up to six routes in a day um for all these different sites we have to be very strategic with the turn how long the battery lasts and how quickly it can charge to place those routes so you don't want the Tail Wag in the dog but as technology improves we we are looking at putting infrastructure in all of our um we have some upcoming um uh Transportation facilities putting enough infrastructure in there to support expanding on that program yeah I also like to note I was in a 24 story building yesterday doing an assessment and um they had these pucks these uh digital pucks that sense water you know you seen them and you put them in your house and they make a noise but these are now Wi-Fi connected pucks that communicate with a hub that could directly send anybody a text signal hey we got an issue we got water leakage I thought that was a great technology that they implemented into the building I'm just putting that out there for the staff to see if maybe that technology could be implemented or to replace a float switch you you put that in the pan all of a sudden it's like you get a text message instead of waiting for the pan overflow because the float switch didn't work finding at at 6:00 am as opposed to um 900 PM the night before anyway thought that was interesting um any other questions or comments on the referendum okay your so for your lead into your next item would be um but as mentioned in order to get there we've got to do an FCA but we've also got Staffing up staff up and so I beg pleaded and even cried and got Dorothy to stick around for one more year but in that process we've hired I so she'll be um finishing out this year and then working uh the all of 2025 for us so that we're glad to have her on board as long as we're nice to her yeah there is that caveat but she does a tremendous job as you mentioned today most of that effort took a it it's obviously a whole team but lthy leaves the charge in making sure those narratives are correct making sure the answers to those questions are accurate and get those back to everybody so she definitely leaves the charge so um we have two um new general managers that she's going to be training over the next year and a couple months I want to introduce Maris Canyon um if you can wave your hand and David Bros um they both come to us from outside the district they have a wealth of experience in construction and owner representation a little bit different background but they both have a ton of experience so uh they started um one week and two weeks respectively so they're still figuring out who's who and what's what so this is their first cork meeting they're trying to figure out where they want to stay they keep coming back so far so that's good news so they'll be in these meetings and eventually we don't know one of them will be taking over Dorothy's job over the next year and a couple months and they're going to be phased in and um so we look forward keeping in mind that Dorothy Dorothy has like three different jobs so each might be taken part of Dorothy's responsibilities so nothing against these gentlemen but I'll just ask I mean Dorothy's position has always kind of been a bump up from somebody that's already been here with the established systems true was there no one that kind we actually had really good candidates all and it was it's a good problem to have we had um three internal candidates um which were well considered um and we interviewed them and discussed it and really wrestled over honestly um and we had few external candidat these were the two best that we came up with so um we're excited to have have them both um on our team we know we're trying not to scare them just yet we want them to think that this is a nice normal quiet place and we do nice and normal quiet we appreciate the the meeting today with very just to say this is not our typical cork meeting not at all no we will usually have three4 of the consent agenda items pulled for lengthy disc and staff pulling their hair out why do we do it this way um okay with the referendum um what's up with aeom Once their contract is over is it considered that it might be renewed or go inhouse or how so we're looking at different options of how to staff that referendum uh their their contract will phase out as we phase up and ramp up um we're trying to decide and in part of that next referendum do we do a um like a staff augmentation or what we do for help managing that next referendum so they may be involved at some point but it would be a separate contract and a separate RFP if we go down that road um so we're still figuring that out yeah and we knock on what for the last several years we have been ramping up yeah um a lot of the um services that aeom was providing us several years earlier we've now taken them in internal a lot of our like for example our accounting our our project controls um a lot of that stuff has been taken over to District um run as opposed to supported by aom so we're heading in that same direction we we would expect that we will continue to do so but right now there are still a great number of services that aom does provide us um not the least of which for example our third party um estimating but that's something that we're working on um we're working on a whole lot of other things uh ways to improve our processes uh for uh pay applications and uh getting our our change orders through the process faster we know that's that's certainly an issue that's come before this committee and uh We've we've heard what you have to say we we we agree we have so we've got a bunch of things in the mo in motion now to try to improve so that the next round we look like we've be doing this let's way forever yeah so okay good is that it for St I one more thing and I think they might have a few things so um we were fortunate we don't really design our schools necessarily to try to win Awards um but plle um nominated our project to the South Florida Business Journal for best public Civic project for Garcia High School um Dave was able to attend with them and actually we won the award so nice that's all I have okay um the only thing that I had um happy that he took um just knowing that um the softer side of what we do um it is now we are coming upon uh Thanksgiving and it's that time of year um gets a little bit stressful uh but it's also incredibly uh a gracious time we get to spend a lot of time with our family and our friends and I I hope that everybody takes that opportunity over the next couple of months to enjoy and appreciate your loved ones and um have that special time with them um I want to make sure that uh try to focus on uh we're really fortunate I I say that with a great deal of Pride we're we're fortunate um in what we have and there are others that are less fortunate so I'd ask that everybody consider trying to help out another ways whether it's volunteering at soup kitchens uh and things like that um there are lots of opportunities there's a lot of need in our communities uh these days um as a matter of fact you those of you in the in the room will notice that I look like a garden gome now um more so than normal um because in fact I'm doing a No Shave November I've got uh anybody's interested I am uh um sponsored for U uh it's a cancer Alliance um so uh any opportunities to make donations um but again I I I want to say thank you to everybody because we we do a lot of crazy stuff here it gets really busy we tend to lose sight on what's really important but that's my my goal was to um hopefully get everybody to step back enjoy life a little bit enjoy your time with your family and your friends and that's it fores okay one other thing um Barbara do you and Darcy want to bring up your issue yes um so in true purchasing fashion I'll bring us right back to work um we are Darcy I don't know if you're on the line if you wanna if you want to take this one or if you want me to no I I am I am on the line and I I thank you for letting us share this with the committee and welcome our new committee members um I'm Darcy Garb I'm the director of purchasing and Barbara Myers is our general manager and construction purchasing we were notified earlier this spring that um our bidding platform was going to be retired uh with Periscope and we will be moving to the company's new platform which is bidet direct it's got some increase of uh cyber security that we're you know all dealing with with cyber security nowadays and making sure everything does not get hacked um we've our team's been working through the spring and and the summer um learning the system it's very easy uh the district is going to be moving that way effective January 1st so all of our solicitations will go out on bidet we've sent a letter out to everyone there will be a webinar if you are interested on Monday November 18th to register probably is going to take you about really five minutes to register most of you are on these online bidding platforms and if you're already registered with bidet direct um you can go into your portal and you can look for pom schools and you can add that to your portal um which is very easy but again the district's picking up the fee for that so there is no fee for those looking to uh join the Palm Beach Schools uh page so uh we look forward to you joining the webinar we look forward to you signing up we'll also be sending out uh letters just to remind people because as the holidays come up we want to make sure everybody is registered and that you receive our notices of our solicitations in your emails so if there's any questions be happy to address those so we do have like Darcy's saying we do have a very comprehensive communication plan scheduled to to get the and starting with Darcy's letter here to get the word out because we don't want to see anybody drop off of you know not be available for a bidding opportunity um we have like Darcy said we have the webinars scheduled and and many other events we had an event yesterday with um the office of diversity and we actually had a representative from bidnet there and she had computers set up you know laptop set up and was inviting people over to to get them all registered on the spot so um the goal really is just to spread the word um we'll we'll go through everything that Darcy already has planned out and then fails safe is you know good oldfashioned picking up the phone and we'll be calling people to to get them uh you know registered so yeah we'll be able to send courtesy emails to those that haven't registered which we plan on doing and we've also advertised um this switch over in the Palm Beach Post so I think the first uh ad making note of that change ran on Wednesday so you'll see it in the legal sections um on Wednesdays and Sundays so we'll have something on the on our website that's being worked on today so you know tell your friends tell your competitors everybody register you know we we definitely want um a lot of fair and open competition and we we look forward to uh to you all joining us we've been training on the page and it looks very easy and very simple so I I don't think it'll be much of a of a change for those of you that work on probably many different bidding platforms and just so everybody knows this letter is attached to the agenda so if you want to go back can take a look at it okay I know of other municipalities that use Periscope are they also going to be phasing out too is this like a product security thing that yes yes that's what we were told yes all right thank you Darcy you're welcome right in progress work hey Darth if you can bring that up I'm try Mouse doesn't want to go there because I know how much everybody really loves having me talk especially if we've gone so quickly through the actual agenda that doesn't mean you get more time I say buy me any extra does it okay um as you'll note we uh we we're at about 1.2 billion tax receipts uh which is about 129% of what we had projected at this point in time um we're still moving forward um the money's coming in Fast and we're spending it um but um that's still a good thing we've got a lot of work coming over the next year um different ways that Michael and the team are going to be moving forward with a lot of the current sales tax um projects um get through um as uh for those of you who remember I I've said before our our last years of the referendum are much smaller projects but there are many many more of them so it's a challenge of now trying to do instead of one big school with one big project to doing lots of little schools with lots of little projects all together so try optimize our efforts um moving on um okay um for purchasing yes when does our uh 10 architect 10 contractor continuing contract in we have another two what do we have two and a half years yeah yeah we'll be wrapping that um procure that that uh what am I looking solicitation solicitation yes thank you um that will end right around the same time as these wrapping these projects up that's the plan to have them all awarded through those um the contracts that we have in place right now and then you know when the when we figure out what work is needed for the next referendum that's when we'll develop the next solicitation to say you know to identify changes that we want to make right and we can we can you know name our price at that point too as to where we want that because the CCNA number has gone up so we can raise right our our yeah well I want to touch on I also want to touch on so some of the projects that you see a lot of them as Dave mentioned are the smaller projects um the other thing that you'll see is some repeat school and if you remember we we started this referendum doing cool safe dry bright um so we were doing limited scope and we've transitioned to promises made Promises Kept so um we've gone back and we're doing a Reconciliation of all those old projects making sure that any deferred scope that was missed is grouped together with some of these other projects and since they're small what we've done is regionalize the school so we may do two or three schools out in rollal Tom as a group we may do two or three in bokeh um and that that makes it more palal instead of having a $800,000 project and a couple little tiny ones they bundled up that Mak sense and they're still within the Wheelhouse of our CCNA contract so um that's a way to double check make sure that when we're done with this referendum we've really gone through and hit every item that we promised we're going to do to these schools so that's part of that process um for the future referendum we we are looking at several different options of how to procure some of this work um a lot of it's driven by what vendors we have available to us um so we're looking at either you know it's going to be a combination like this referend was we do a combination of pullout projects CM projects um minor projects different things that we do to make sure things get done based on the the scope that's needed so um we're looking at every option we have on the table and it hasn't been finalized yet so okay especially some of it's got to do with the that facility condition assessment right you know what it is we have looking forward um so we need to uh project on that okay um yeah you can move on from that for those contractors and and Architects you can always go on online and look at this um but also it should be in alignment with our purchasing departments uh projections of upcoming projects and this slide is always as I refer to as the court member so that you can see which ones are coming forward for you guys to consider we're doing more work at Fon done like five projects there this is the actual FCA project so we did um not people we ask that everyone Mr gin speaking but I can't hear what he's saying yeah can we ask folks that are not speaking that are online to mute themselves there's particularly one person we're getting a lot of feedback on thank you I just muted one of them thank you hopefully the problem one okay um okay so moving on I'm not going to touch on all the SDA projects um you can again I welcome everybody these are the the up that this is the details behind what you just saw uh the projects that are in development the projects that are um in design and going forward to gmps um these are our facility renewal projects uh as Dorothy will scroll through them um mightily they are uh quite a number of projects with a lot of activities going on um and then there's some photos of the traditional uh work that we've been doing at the schools uh right after that there we are um that one looked like it was at night I was going to say Sunrise Park and you took it at sunset but uh yeah um many of these are as I always say these are the ones that they aren't necessarily the pretty ones but they're the ones that matter the most to the the teachers and the students and and the administration um door painting seems like a nothing but it's very important um okay moving on to our new construction um West acreage area elementary school um Joel Campbell's working on this this is uh moving along quite well um there are um I like I like the fact that uh our project is moving on constructionwise in such a good Pace to be able to be ready for opening um next August um now it's all the other fun stuff I know there are um other parts of the uh development of a new school uh that are going on including I think naming and color boundaries color selections all the fun things that Dr Campbell gets to work on and I think Dr Campbell is that correct that there's they're starting off processes um yes uh the committee is meeting on the naming portion starting next week they're hoping to have it done before the holiday break and they actually had boundary first boundary meeting last week and they'll be revisiting that hoping to have them set by January okay Virginia I was just about to mention that that that our boundary committee met last last week we reviewed three different plans and we did recommend one of the plans to the superintendent not sure how he'll whether he'll accept the plan as presented or whether he'll have any changes but um it was going to greatly relieve U bink's uh school it's a very good plan so uh I just wanted to report that that we did meet and we only needed one meeting which was amazing very thank you very much thanks Virginia appreciate it I'm i' scrolling through some of the pictures you can see it I mean oh wellow where yeah and and um just so for comparison when people are wondering are you really going to be ready by August we did a side by-side comparison in October of 202 and October of 24 because 22 is when we opened Blue Lake Blue Lake and October of 24 where we are where we were just at and this is far ahead of the status we were at with Blue Lake same contractor same architect same design yes um so knock onone wood we're uh we're and I know that um Moss has gotten a lot of their uh procured items already secured on site so hopefully not the same change orders okay so moving on I'm certain that that was a big issue that they'd been keeping an eye on um during the design process yeah I would hope the drawings got updated to reflect previous change order so that they got included in the GMP yeah and that particular School although it's a it's a copy floor plane wise we've done some different things to fit in the neighborhood out there as you start you can't really see some of the detailing on it right now but there um it's going to be a totally different look on the outside um compared to Blue Lake so it's exciting to see panels have fenestrations that are completely you know outside of the norm okay Pine grve um as as as everybody remembers we opened the the new portion of Pine grve and uh we are now in the midst of demolishing the old building uh and turning it into the parking lot and the Bus Loop um and there were some other play Court work that needed to go on and if you'll scroll on down you'll see some of the photos um uh that play cord work was completed and I think it's the springtime when we will have the parking lot done I think it was brish that was projected this the one with the donut build yeah the donut building is now 90% down oh it is yeah that was uh sorry those photos were kind of the they were ground level yeah yeah that's that that's what's left of of that building okay uh moving on Windbrook also a modernization um this is a not not unlike uh Pine Grove other than the fact that the students did not stay on campus that's uh this is renovating a couple of buildings and building a new one [Music] um and as you'll notice it is certainly on its way to uh being able to be open in August as well good I say that with with the uh the caveats you know we know that there's always the challenges but um knock on wood we've got some really strong contractors is hedric Brothers working on this and um they're I think they're um staying on schedule and have a lot of their procurements taken care of oh notice we haven't gotten any uh Advanced purchase orders in a while so I'm assuming the supply stream is back to normal scheduling so that they can order the things in normal fashion and not ear yeah it's not quite normal but it's back to more reasonable than it was um so it depends on the project we do look at that on every project and if we have to pre-order stuff um we just don't have a lot of the big projects at that phase right now correct um but we you know but we we do look that every project ahead of time you know well I'm just saying it it feels like 3 four 5 6 months that we haven't seen anything here because it always go here for $2 million purchase of air conditioning equipment or something absolutely and and in fact you know we're we're always looking at that regardless of whether it's a a down or or up on on the material uh availability but um we're we're not going to let the opportunity pass Us by however our challenge is where do we keep them yeah and I don't I don't need to to tell tell you guys all the challenges we have of having a contractor keeping an AB Bonded Warehouse or whatnot and and ensuring that unfortunately that gets delivered and our warranty that warranty clock starts when it's getting delivered so while it's important when we were in dire need of it uh we kind of have to balance that out we're relying on our our great CMS that we work with to make sure that they give us their best vision of uh of where we stand on at we even had some internal discussions a couple months ago when had that Port strike and what that was going to do to us and we started making plans for that and it fortunately that ended quickly so it did not have a big impact on us but yeah good yeah there's Port Port uh stage Port steps for the stage okay um West Riviera um this is a this is not opening this August it is opening next August um it just started Construction this summer so it's demolition a lot of the start work ordered a lot of their um equipment I think that's one of the ones you've seen recently I think they uh Wharton Smith did do uh some of the early procurement uh on that but they were in the early stages of uh site layout and demolition we have chillers that was some of the challenges that we did that early by package and we had that stuff coming so we had to get it in place so we literally have chillers in the building done a fantastic job of pivoting through this project and and staying on Pace and keeping communication with us about how we best you know keep this project moving so okay um next project that we have up is uh our Ros historic Rosevelt uh facility uh building seven that's our our new two-story building uh uh adult education or continuing education uh building uh building eight that's the shop building that's being remodeled and building nine is the gymnasium which is also being remodeled um we're now kind of moving I think we're I don't want to speak for for you guys Michael but I know we're moving forward on uh on the idea of what we're doing inside the gymnasium now yeah building nine was it was the the building that was existing building where we ended up having lead paint on the exterior wall so there was an extensive process to get rid of that lead paint painstakingly you know it literally scraping It Off the Wall tending it and it's not something that um we'd like to run into but unfortunately we you know we dealt with it and we're finishing that up so that we can turn loose that building here and so there you see um if you're if you're looking at the the uh photo right there you see the building in the bottom in the middle that's uh with us that's the welding building the lab um the building off to the right top right is the gymnasium that's the one that has the uh sheathing around it right now I think on that photo and then the building to the left is the new twostory building that's underway and there's a lot of sight improvements that are going on out out at that site you want to talk about phase two at all duve tailing that um um as you'll you'll notice uh a lot of the underground work because this site was built in the 50s and there was no such thing as storm water and a lot of our infrastructure the water and sewer is just not reusable so we are re completely revamping a lot of the underground services to ensure that this facility will live long into the future we're not relying on Old pipes and such now what you see there on the right is the um we'll call them the finger buildings that's um part of that uh that's that'll be our phase two project and which we're not going to talk about too much of phase two because it's out on the street right now Fe me too that's all I was going to say was it's right now we have solicitations out on the street so there there is a scope of work to be done um that will involve um the uh renovation of a couple of the buildings uh for uh I'll say outside purposes we talking about I know I've presented it before uh potential uh Library um Research Center um as well as a museum so uh and that's in Partnership with uh Community Foundation so but we're looking forward to getting that project moving and that's all I'll say about that right that's good thank you stay within the bounds but there's here's some of the photos from the inside work um on a new on the new building and then we get into minor projects and I'll just say that the next two slides yeah please feel free to go back and review them she's got a lot a lot of work on um an exceptional amount and um kudos to darthy staff um we affectionally refer to as the minions um they are doing a magnificent job of staying on top of these projects because as we always say minor projects are only minor um to us they're major when it comes the schools that schools and Facilities that benefit from them uh so we're really appreciative of uh team work that they're doing on those okay questions any questions or updates all right thank you uh followup we had a follow-up document that was in our packet and any comments or questions on that yeah I just wanted to make a note one of the follow-up items was to have school police have a discussion and we actually postponed it for this meeting because Mr Galan wasn't expected to be here so we delayed it for you um we'll get it there when we know you're going to be at the meeting thank you very much my plane is delayed until 12:30 so I thought I'd stop on in okay Michael do you think you'll be here for the December meeting what date is that going to be it is uh 12th just here for a moment yep that way we'll know whether we can yeah Chief put that on her schedule no I I won't I'll be at a board of Governor's meeting uh Upstate um all right we'll have to kick it to 2025 I'll talk to and as a reminder um we're we're looking at our court meetings for the upcoming year uh but um now that we have new board members uh coming on uh the reorg is uh in process Wednesday uh there you go on Wednesday um and that will establish um when the board meetings are and as as you are all aware um our cork meetings are often driven by those dates so while I believe they probably have a working idea of what they are we hope to know very shortly when our new cork dates are and then Dorothy will I assume right you will distribute that no everybody likes to put on their calendar well in advance so that will be coming up uh very shortly okay uh in terms of I guess new board members uh for instance my my appointing board m member um is changing so how does staff resolve that with the board member to let them know to either retain the people that were under their predecessor or to make suggestions for Replacements we beg the board members to keep you on because we know how valuable each and every one of you H are and have been to us and I know that uh The General Counsel Miss Shan Bernard she has had some on board meetings with all three members um so I I believe that that's on her agenda to mention that hey you all have appointments to Cork and it's you know here's how it's presently set up okay so for any of us that are under the new board members we will just continue serving as the policy states unless we're replaced and are notified so we keep our jobs for now yeah a salary increase this year the bonus I I want double pay double pay yeah there you go all right uh oh I had to put on here for the iso alternate um I am the cork appointed uh representative on the iso committee the sales tax uh oversight Review Committee uh I represent cork on there and I don't think I've missed any meetings but we have an alternate that was on there and it was Ken Lasser was the last one that was appointed Ken's no longer a uh cork member so we should should have an alternate that gets put down for serving on the iso committee um you don't have to show up unless you know he as the representative can't make it to a meeting and then the alternate can show up and those meetings are also virtual they don't have to be in person uh at the school district headquarters so this do we want to nominate somebody does someone want to throw their name into the hat to just serve as that alternate um we review the referendum the referendum list of the current referendum we look at any plan modifications that staff is bringing forward for either shifting money around making projects get done uh earlier than they were proposed um we basically are there as the public oversight to make sure that the public gets what was in the referendum and that all the project work gets done uh where there's extra money that it looks like we may have then it's up to the committee to serve as the Public's voice to figure out what projects should get added to the worklist that's what that committee does they only meet quarterly four times a year the meeting is about a half hour to 45 minutes um does someone wish to serve as the alternate for [Music] that okay I could throw my hat okay let's put Mike guita down at this point is the only one that uh voiced anything and then we'll see how that goes I move to appoint Mike leer oh now you say something Virginia okay do I have a second on that somebody want to second that motion I'll second all right second discussion comments right Dorothy polus please Bill hook yes David Porter yes John cheser yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua you're not allowed to say No Yes Virginia Ferris yes Francesca wores yes Bruce Alexander yes Kevin Wilkinson yes thank you okay thank you day to our next cor meeting is December 12th so make sure that's in your schedule um anyone with issues on the minutes Virginia she does such excellent minutes she does all right so my two two new uh gentlemen that uh you heard that you heard that that's one of the stress bar I think secretary asking for extra staff already okay uh I would just suggest to the new gentleman to just review a couple months of Dorothy's minutes you'll see the format and how detailed she is for that um and that has gotten us through all the time and we can go back and look at the minutes and know it wasn't just discuss revelt no it's it's much more extensive than that so good uh Mr barbier you wanted to say a few words yes sir you um um I was at of school this morning I'm boxes of supplies so I didn't have time to get all dressed up to look pretty for you all but um I wanted to just you know this is my last meeting with all of you uh you know I've had the honor of attending these meetings for 14 of the last 16 years I've served on the board and um I want to thank Kevin and Bruce for accepting both my replacement on District Five will allow them to stay it was tough finding qualified people because you know you you all have the the expertise that you know it's it's tough to find people that can do the job that work members do um you know I I've mixed motions about leaving the board um I've spoken I said I've said goodbye to a bunch of different groups and every time I get Misty eyed and you know it's just it's never been a job for me it's it's just it's been I I know enjoyed every day on the school board well not every being on the school board days when when I sit down and adult pleasure I think we're having a little problem with your audio well um can you hear me now that's better I I don't know what did you hear anything I said yes we fine now okay good um I I do I do you know as I started to say my uh I I really would like to stay on the board but uh you know I'll be 75 my next birthday and my wife said I could run again but I'd be running as a divorced man living on of my truck so I I didn't think that was a that was a feasible alternative um I I am going to be serving audit committee Mr Ferguson is appointing me to audit I've also served as the board's rep on audit for all of these years um and I got I got a question from two of the board members Mr Ferguson and Mr from the district one asking me if I wanted to serve on cork um and and I I said no thank you for two reasons uh first I've always depended on all of you to tell me whether I should vote to approve a construction agenda item I don't have the expertise to make that decision on my own uh I've always dependent on all of you and I want to thank you for that because when it came for me to vote on whether to approve a project I always took comfort in knowing that if Court could reviewed it and endorsed it the recommendation was sound uh the second reason somebody's typing okay you're breaking up again how about now better yes okay so uh the other reason I said no to serving on cork is U I've been a thorn in the side for Mr Sanchez and Mr Dolan for many years and I'm sure they have a more descriptive ter than thorn in the side but um I I don't want to continue their torture incredibly responsive and I guess it's time for me to let them out of purgatory so I couldn't do that I couldn't do that to them anymore um but again I just want to thank you all it's been an honor and a pleasure working alongside each of you I'm gonna miss you know Miss Miss the the the relationship we've had together but um hopefully uh hopefully I'll I'll run into some of you at different places over the next few years and get to thank you personally but uh thank you for everything you've done for me and the board for all these years thank you Mr Barbary it's uh it's been our pleasure too to have you there as our liaison person and uh if you ever get bored in your retirement you can always log in to our meetings and uh be thrilled and not have to deal with it Virginia you had your hand up yes I just wanted to thank Frank for his years of service it's been wonderful working with you and I was going to ask you about serving on court but you certainly put the kabash on that I'm glad I'm glad you'll be staying uh active and uh with the audit committee and doing the great service you've always done for our students so thanks Frank thank you Virginia well thank you Mr Barber mran Mr Sanchez you're up uh thanks yeah I couldn't let this go too so see I was good Joe know I'd be lying if I did if I said Frank wasn't ever a pain in the butt because he was aain but you know it's all it came from a place of you know of Public Service it wouldn't make sure that we do the right things by our students and by uh the taxpayers so I I appreciate it so I never took it personally um you know I think you know I thinkk for everything he's done for the district and especially for Cork and for our our organization here with the with the operations I think we got we get better because people challenge us and ask us to to think about things so again I I have no problem with with being challenged and and and always trying to get better so thank you for Mr Barberry for your many years of service with the thank you Mr Sanchez thank you okay all right uh anyone have something specific for our next meeting in December that they want staff to look into if you come up with anything between now and then you can always email Dorothy and say hey what about something like this and she'll have St look into it um with that said anything by anyone else yes um I'm I'm going to be traveling to uh Texas for the holidays I'm going to condolences my sister lives there un yeah unfortunately the two of us are in these these states that oh would never mind um um I I just wanted to ask for an excused absence in case I can't get connected in but I do plan to be on okay yes Virginia thank you thank you all right anything by Court members all right thank you very much we are adjourned thank you guys guys being here thank you everyone Virginia raised your hand again Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving Virginia [Music]