##VIDEO ID:lA6Ua3jrA3o## I'm I'm ready what's uh we're going to get the meeting started um I am remote today because I got a monster cold with 101 fever so that's no fun thank you Dave Dolan would want me sitting right next to him breathing on him so uh figured I'd be remote today so we attendance darthy start us off in the corner there please Dorothy boseski facilities construction Michael Guida cour Holly Han Office of the General councel David Dolan Chief Facilities Management uh Barbara Myers Construction purchasing the okay thank you J Dan ver construction Colin Stevens fex construction Jacob cats P construction Mark Rog facilities and construction Bob Bliss office ofp General John Anderson thir construction John levenson with real Enterprises representing scovic Architects and Warton Smith David Brook facility construction Carson Proctor Proctor construction Maris Canyon facilities construction and I want to go on record just for those in the room if you have not already signed in on the sheet outside as Dorothy will say if you haven't signed in on the sheet outside you're not here today you're not here all right virtually we have David Porter yes John chesher presid Michael Gand present for now U Mr chair I've got to leave in a few moments I'm just here to help you get Quorum okay thank you darthy will we retain Quorum when Michael leaves yes we will okay thank you continue I'm not [Music] even Tom burger here Virginia Ferris present Bruce Alexander present and Kevin Wilkinson presid hi I'm Gloria Branch scho Excuse Me Gloria Branch school board members on by phone I'm at an event excellent thank you welcome welcome to our newest School Board member and our representative for uh for cork um board member Branch um welcome to have you and look forward to seeing you in the future yes thank you so much and we also have Joe Sanchez is on with us as well yes good morning everyone thanks Joe David just so I'm clear it sounds like we have Seven Courts yes with Michael I believe yeah no I think we have eight with Michael we have eight with Michael gal okay and we the reason I ask because I have to leave at about 11:05 oh we're not gonna be here that long okay last they've already warned me not to talk so Mr Wilkinson has to leave at 10:40 yeah so we should be done in plenty of time okay yeah I'm probably gonna do more of the talking here right now uh Chairman's report um I haven't given you an update in the White Construction program at SEMO Ridge in a while and last Thursday and Friday we installed the house number 11 out in South Bay and so for uh board members cork members and staff members who haven't seen this in a while it is a construction Academy at s Ridge High School I actually co-founded it with the teacher who's retired Rick turkovich now is a new teacher in place who I will talk about in a minute and we build one house per year in the school shop um and then ship it on seven tractor trailers and a crane for two days and 10 volunteer workers from the whites Construction Company um onto a habitat foundation so it's a habitat program they provide all the funding and all the materials right to the school's shop door and uh the students do all the labor and you as you'll see it's you know everything from bare slab up through finished drywall wiring Plumbing um and it's a 126 square foot house three-bedroom two bath so I'm going to give you a flash by slideshow where we started and where it ended up last Friday darthy that's where we start with the floor systems laid out in the shop all 1,200 square feet laid out in four different house modules next students frame up the walls next plywood sheathing goes on and again every bit of the labor you see here is all being taught and done by up to 170 students from freshman through seniors uh I call the Freshman a bunch of scattered ants because they're just learning and by the time they get to be Juniors and seniors they are foreman to help teach and guide the freshman and sophomores so they're already into kind of management training next Roof System and we frame up the entire roof trusses inside the shop it's really nice that the shop is that big so it's a 12200 foot house roof uh in six different roof sections with the trusses next plywood sheathing goes on next they dry it in next all the electrical and plumbing is all roughed in by the students uh the teacher brings in an electrician and a plumber and they work with the students they Mentor the students and then students do all the work the whole house is electrically and roughed in to different modules so that an electrician can get to the job when it's installed and bring everything down through the conduits and and set up the final for the panel next put the windows in building wrap on the outside next all the insulation next dry wall drywall and painted students do the drywall then they come in they put knockdown finish on they paint the wall and this year they actually we had some extra time because habitat was getting tough time to find a property um so the the students installed the door ockle onto the floor because habitat then comes in and does thin set next all right this was last week uh Thursday at the school crane loading up the roof sections next two sections each on a tractor trailer next students put push the house modules out uh on four industrial rollers that's that's the teacher there in front go ahead sorry that's all right next ahead you that's all right and you'll see it's not much of a clearance so I had to to f out the door we have two and a half inches at the top and about four inches on each side and so far out of 11 houses it's all worked keep going next next next next okay um train comes in lifts it up back to truck underneath down and truck heads out to South Bay giving it the hurricane one hurricane category one test going 70 miles hour out Southern Boulevard so we have to make sure stays together this is uh Friday last week installing the modules onto the foundation the first two house modules are installed third one's sitting on the truck next third going in place next fourth module setting in place that one is the kitchen and the air conditioner and the washer dryer closet next and this particular house is the first one under the new teacher um Todd Williams and he grew up in construction we didn't have that ability with the previous teacher who was still a good teacher but he didn't have the construction background the to this particular house was perfectly plum and square to the foundation and this is a joint between the two modules this is the first time that these modules have ever come together in the shop you saw when we started they're separated by about six feet apart so each set of students that works on a different module has to make sure that their unit's going to marry up perfectly with the next unit and this is the best house we've done yet um and I think it's again a tribute to the teacher having a solid all his life construction background next this quarters worked out perfectly square with the foundation and again when you build a building normally you got Foundation that goes all the way up so the guy in The Field's responsible for doing all that well we we built the modules disconnected from the foundation and the first thing we check is make sure the foundation's square when we get there so that if our modules aren't Square we know who's to blame and this was within 5/8 of an inch so that was pretty close next first roof section goes on next second section next and again the roof sections you'll see that joint between the two this roof went together so seamlessly and perfectly planed out in every house we've done previously we've always had problems of having to jostle the roof around and get it to plane out again I think it's a tribute to somebody that you know his whole life has been in construction and is a really good teacher with the student to get this all to plane out perfectly next third sections in place again the roots are just perfect uh what we now do is take a uh a roll of 6inch wide uh Roofing tape and go up and over that seam and that same day we installed it's got a perfectly dried inh house this is the inside first time the modules have ever been together I'm standing in the kitchen module the one to the left you'll see that black joint between with plywood that's the living room module next door again first time these two have ever been together and so the right module and the left module that opening had to align and it perfectly aligned again all done by different students and different classes next that's what it looked like when we were done at about 1:30 we also knocked an hour and a half off of our previous installation time so from at 7:30 8:00 in the morning till 1:30 in the afternoon four modules and six roof sections were installed habitat now takes it over and the three peers you see in the front is a front porch that they build there's a shed that gets built under the back of the house they do all the concrete work drywall interior doors cabinets finish out the electric and the plumbing do all the Landscaping work put up fences and then the homeowner can move in most likely around March by the time they get that done next there's the floor of the shop ready for house number 12 which is going right next to House number 11 in South Bay and the teacher was running out of things for the student to do so you'll see he's already got three floor sections sitting there to the left that are already framed up and as of yesterday they were starting the plywood sheathing on the systems so that's our program that's House number 11 wow do the Mr Porter do the kids um uh get to observe or participate in the installation process I know they're they're assembling they assemble they uh they work with the crane operator and whites at the school to push the modules out they do a bunch of the straps and the rigging they work with whites out at the site for installation um they observe uh I think there were probably at least a dozen seniors that went out with the teacher um they don't do any work during the installation process I just get you know flying things through the air and cranes you just need a little bit more experience and I don't know I mean whites is managing that process a donated process I don't think they want that risk David congratulations on another house that I'm amazed every time you show us these pictures and I love when it when it it makes its way out of the garage entrance like that remind everybody who pays for all of the uh supplies all the wood all the it's a it's a habitat program that I got habitat engaged with the program um let's see 13 years ago um I've been the architect for seal Ridge since it opened they they nabbed me because they found me through C somehow um and habitat then provides all the materials they have them shipped right to the shop door uh the trusses are actually getting delivered today um and uh so the students provide all the labor um habitat provides a cying for any tools that might get broken the W company I got them involved probably 18 years 15 years ago the named partner uh in the program and they also have a stien that they pay the school to cover any miscellaneous costs that we might have that would we have attack cost um so doesn't cost the district a dime um when the construction program first started the district was funding it with $500 it's like here's your program and here's 500 bucks and that wouldn't have been enough to build some herd houses um so with this program it is just perfectly ideal because all the funding is there the family is there the real estate is there the foundation is there so it's ideal because I work with another school and they had the the house on site it was a problem and then they have to sell the house so now you got to get real estate in and it just this was just it's ideal and it still continues to work well habitat loves the program because it helps them even with other funding that they try to do because somebody donated this program is not just donating to help a family they're contributing to the education of 170 kids per year that's right construction trades and about life and they're giving back to their Community yes I talked with a few of the students during the move process of you know how's the new teacher and they could not praise him enough they said he's fair but he's Stern and when I've been out there doing inspections because I'm also the building inspector while it's at the school um they just said that they want to learn they you know they they want to be out in the shop and it was nice to just see no students staying in the classroom in construction they were out there working so that's great and I know Mr Sanchez I know you you uh hold strongly to this type of thing you and the superintendent obviously we're really proud of the fact that the kids are getting this opportunity because this is not necessarily your Traditional High School to college program now some cases it is um but in in a lot of cases this is a great opportunity for kids to see other alternatives to a great career um you know going forward um this is this an incredible effort as Miss Ferris said that was this is a great great job what these what you and these guys do and I know we got a couple other contractors in the room and architect so think about the opportunities where we have more opportunities for for other other partners to participate in these kind of programs around the uh around the school district I heard interesting statistic which is that only 60% of our kids go on to college so that means 40% of our kids are either going straight into careers or into the military so there's a lot of students who um you know want to do something else besides college with the cost of college these days you know we I can see why they they want to look at these other Alternatives so let's uh try to give them a good path that they could have great careers so thanks again for this David you guys are you guys are the model for around the country I think yes thank you okay we will continue the meeting uh anyone with conflict of interest or um get approached by any lobbyist that need to be disclosed David before you move on from your report yes did did you want to mention about Sam Shannon yes I forgot um Sam Shannon needed to retire from um he was having some continuing health issues which we understand he over with at this point but he was moving out of the area to go live near family and he said that pretty much meant he could not serve on cork anymore so um I had sent Sam I believe an email on behalf of cork thank him for his service I don't know if he's moved out of the area yet or not please please have the minutes reflect how grateful we were for Sam over all these years and um I personally will miss his input [Music] okay we'll do yep all right back to my question anyone with a conflict of interest for anything reviewed today or has been approached by a lobbyist that needs to be disclosed all right public comments any public comments from the room I think we're clear okay all right consent agenda fc1 fc2 pc1 PC2 and my mic must be off it because I didn't hear anybody pulling I move the items forward on consent agenda need a second I'll second it okay so by Mike guer any discussion I guess not no we P dthy go ahead po us David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael [Music] galand not sure if he's still with us Michael Guido yes Tom burer Yes Virginia Ferris yes Bruce Alexander yes Kevin Wilkinson yes thank you okay we are all the way down to staff updates okay um I want to um uh keep with the expedition of this meeting and uh I don't have any comments other than um the season uh I want to uh wish everyone the happiest of holiday seasons uh again like my comment in November I wish that everybody takes their opportunity to enjoy their time with family um and and friends and has a very healthy happy holiday season because come January we're back diving in head first our um on the school district side um if you wondering our Capital budgeting and our operating budgets all kick off in Earnest um early January we have to have our our budgets all lined up so um on our side uh construction side and maintenance side we are working diligently right now to start preparing for our capital budget for the coming years Iden identifying projects identifying programs and also working to try to plan out the next 12 years of our referendum that was P so quite a bit of work to go on um but uh we look forward at to uh giving everybody updates in the coming months as to the progress of the capital plan so with that I will uh wish everyone a happy holiday and Mr Porter if it's okay I will move right into the uh in progress meeting report yes please do yep okay um you'll see the um U the progress and our uh our participation with our uh small business uh uh providers still a very strong uh commitment there moving along and by the way everybody they all told me don't talk so much so I know I got to get out of here faster um uh for those that are always looking uh remember I I know you guys want to see what's coming up there's a number of projects that are out on the street right now and I know there are a few more that are coming um but this list is on obviously this this report is on online and I think purchasing also has a projection as to the next upcoming uh solicitations moving on for our cork members this is a list of all the projects that will be coming forward in the uh in the coming months next all right um I'm not GNA um bore everybody with the details but uh this slide represents um a lot of the design processes that are ongoing um so quite a bit of work um and some of our designs that are moving towards gmps now our facility renewal projects uh again on this one I will I will have Dorothy scroll through relatively quickly um you're welcome to to check these out but these are generally the progress for each of our facility renewal projects um many of which are coming near to near their end um but we're rolling out new ones and of course I mentioned previously our facility renewals are now getting to the smaller range of projects they're not the the six eight million do projects they're far fewer of those there are a lot smaller uh uh projects smaller Scopes um love the photographs on this okay uh Bel Glade flooring got some nice designs there scoreboards quite impactful okay now on to our new schools um our our school that we will refer to just for our purposes here is the Arden School the school that's in the Arden Community uh West acreage Elementary 15E um is um well under Con well underway um we anticipate uh the school will be open for August um they're they're um they're quite far along um you'll see that the fireproofing is done on the floors and roof joist it's done now um Framing and the trades are in section A and B A is our big classroom building so when you get to the pictures you'll see there's a big three-story classroom Building B is the office area the front area this is uh this footprint is just like our Blue Lake Elementary School school and see as the cafeteria so you'll notice there you are you can see the um um large three story classroom building the building just to the left of it is the uh well that that one right there is the cafeteria building and then in between there is the main office area the administration space the good news is are we um we anticipate we are still on schedule um as a matter of fact I think one of the slides you'll see yeah the asphalt uh in one of the parking lots the main parking lot uh first lift is already gone down um still some underground work that's um um finishing up but by and large a lot of the site work is done um our deliveries of materials a lot of our bigger materials are expected to be delivered in January and and again I I know I'm cursing myself but we are on target to actually have those deliveries made in January um important items generator switch gear Etc um we also I know um in the past the committee has asked us about the uh coordination um with uh fpnl and we've had some challenges with our AT&T connectivity um they uh the construction company is working closely with FP they are slated to make their Connection in February and AT&T also they are making their connections in um in March so knock on wood those would be done well in time so that we can uh um make sure we have a nice smooth opening um for the summer uh Dave before you go into that sure uh back up to that picture what's the rectangle in the top left corner there is that a retention Pond it is it is I believe it's a um a drying Pond for one dewatering I believe I'm not 100% sure I think Joel might be on the call no he's out in the meeting oh he is out in the meeting I'm sorry I believe it's a I think it's the drying Pond for just during construction or permanent uh well I think it's ultimately going to be a storm Basin but it's being used right now as a drying you know dewatering Pond okay uh you'll notice on on the last slide um you can see maybe um if you zoom in on those photos when at your leisure there's a lot of uh uh embedments in uh in this you can actually see when these panels were formed um it's absolutely incredible that's actually shiplap look that side right there that you can see thank you D for zooming in it literally is shiplap it is more of a rural agricultural look to this building and it's truly phenomenal how it's coming out I cannot wait to see um how it it turns out with the paint and the uh the finishes the left photo looks like it's snow in the foreground yes um and and and as you say that I say h aren't we really thankful we're in South Florida and today is our terrible day of being so cold so uh yes we're appreciative in sitting here in December and uh doing sight tours and uh having great work uh getting done uh these photos you can see the asphalt first lift the main parking lot and our uh spray fire proofing um underway there um we'll have more pictures next month there's there's lots of lots of stuff going on it's uh going going quite well Pine Grove Pine grve is uh this is the phase two of Pine Grove as you may all remember we've opened the actual new school the modernized school and uh what you'll see here is we have demolished the existing building underground drainage is um underway and we anticipate our main parking lot to be completed by May of this year scroll through a couple of those photos there's the playground was the one of the key points we're still working on the covered area but there's your demolished site underground work going on there um Windbrook Elementary is also a modernization well underway um we are also opening Windbrook for um August um this is a couple of buildings that were being renovated and uh the new building uh new classroom building under construction and as you can see it's dried in it's pretty well along um still some site work ongoing but that's understandable and this would be um I want to say in the same time frame as what we saw with the ardan um site the 15E West AC site and it's all all messy too so but uh yeah and you'll even notice there on the um Windbrook site I I know it's hard to see but on the photo on the left it does say it has the word Cafe embedded because that is the cafeteria building but it's part of the artistic impressions of the of that uh that building still got some of the underground work going on in there and West Rivier Elementary also a modernization this one is one year removed it will be not opening up this August but it will be opening up next August so we just started this Construction over the summer so they have demolished all the uh existing buildings I think there's a couple of buildings that are to remain um site work is is well underway foundations um are complete concrete slab um scheduled for this month and you'll see in one of the photos they are starting to form up the Tilt panels there you have the tilts and those are a couple of the buildings that are uh being renovated interior work I think there's other photos that there you go and that photo in the middle is their um is their mockup for their windows so they're already moving on towards what finished products will start to look like so okay next school up is um our historic Rosevelt fa one as we'll refer to it this is the um the the gymnasium the uh what used to be the uh welding lab and uh a brand new two-story building and you'll note that they are moving along quite effectively uh the gym is is uh now back on track for uh for completion um the bottom the big building on the left is the gym little building on the the smaller building on the right is the brand new two-story building which we're building and you can faintly see in the back corner there is is that there's the welding lab that's um being under renovation this is a better picture this gives you a better view of the uh lab the gym there's the gym um the new building in the lab and then the old historic building off to the top right and we know that we are uh moving forward with our um phase two um of historic Roosevelt uh solicitations are out I believe yes they are on the street now c c Mar and um and we're also working with h Community Partners um uh as uh others will be operating the phase two buildings when we are complete but this is an early stages so of that one okay go ahead gotta put my glasses on I can't see something can you go bab can you go back to the photo you just had up sure back one more one more one more I just since I was talking about s Ridge I'll give a plug the the light blue house all the way at the very left yeah you go to the left no no right right left left left keep going left left left right there that is that is house number 10 that s Ridge did that was installed last year right and the house right next to it is our construction trailer we actually bought the property uh thanks to planning intergovernmental relations and that will be that is currently being used as the contractor's uh construction trailer and we be knocked down and will be a part of the design the store it's the storm Basin okay continue okay on there's some Interiors you thank you all right now we're on to the fun stuff this is where the real work happens there are minor projects darth's got quite a number of uh multiple roofs uh and uh quite a number of other projects she's gonna zip on through so we won't even touch on them but I I really was impressed by the photos this month um Pavilion re-roofing very impactful um I wanted to show this one the Chuck Shaw Adult Ed modular foundations everybody kind of always gives me a lot of Guff and says come on concretes they're nothing just slap a couple of those things together hopefully you all can see the effort that goes into generating just the footings for just a single one of those modular classrooms that is you can see the footing down the center the footings on each Edge all the way around it's it's it's a commendable effort it does take a lot lot of work so I know everybody gets on me about that oh come on it's it's a CH chintzy little nothing no it's it's it's a considerable amount of work we're putting modulars at the bo Ed yes I mean it's a brand new building we didn't build it big enough now we have we have other ancillary Services out there at uh at the adult at the Chuck Shaw site right okay ancillary Services meaning uh districts Services ah okay other other departments have Services out there that are not part of the Chuck Shaw Adult Ed program okay uh there you have um a re roof and our uh some of the Interior work on our Jupiter High School Fieldhouse and I think that's it I had a couple questions um back on your list of upcoming projects February 2025 Fulton Holland was listed again I mean it seems like we've done like five or six jobs over the last five or six years at Fulton Holland um wasn't there any way or shouldn't we have tried to consolidate all the work we do we wanted to do there so that it could be a little more efficiently done uh there could be some um truths to that um [Music] we'll come back to miss warish um yes there there are certainly opportunities for economies to scale um some of the services that have gone on have been um associated with um I'll say office churn moving some of the uh spaces around um we are now currently working on the facility renewal um we could have rolled in some cafeteria work into the facility renewal but it would have taken too long and we needed to get some of that some of those other projects moved forward facility renewal didn't come up until just recently we could have gone back to ISO and asked to have it moved forward but I will say one of my other challenges with Fulton Holland had been um when we when we uh when we went through covid it would have been an ideal opportunity to um do some of the work in there when when people weren't around um and we've we've struggled with that we're still trying to figure out what exactly Fulton Holland continues to look like so um uh I Fon Holland is the biggest moving part I've ever seen there's a lot of things going on in there and and they are adjusted based on uh needs um I try to focus on like the cafeteria that's something that I can't afford to wait on the facility renewal work is stuff um are are services that are needed but they're not critical they're not um the building's not falling down because of them um but they are are certainly we're going to get to them and get them taken care of um it's a it's a little bit of a balancing act for us okay can I see Miss Wes's hand yes Francesca hi I'm sorry I just wanted to let everyone know I am here and I'm sorry for my delay entrance oh okay thank you very much okay Dave the other question questions yeah um our facility our new facility assessment study what state what status is that in uh well we are anticipating uh taking a contract to the board um in the in the next couple of months um I'll say one of our challenges you guys don't need to know behind the curtain but one of our challenges is a associated with this assessment we need software there's a software package that the vendor uses and we're going through the approval process to get that software approved so we can take it to the board and um and we would anticipate that it will go to the board knock on wood in January and with that going in January we' um I think it's on goods and services side right yeah yeah um I think it's on yeah it is on goods and servic um in January and that we would hopefully start our Assessments in February so you've already done the in-house assessments is that correct because I thought it was going to be in-house and then you're were going to hire out to a consultant is that correct no we've done a phase I'll call it a phase one assessment um on all facilities to identify the uh the longterm needs of the facility that's our our referendum is planned maintenance what are we going to need to do over the next 10 years plan maintenance to keep these all the schools up and running um with that plan maintenance we need a detailed assessment of what exactly those things are what years do those things need to be done in does the air do air handles need to be replaced at this school in year three or is it more like year eight these are the questions that need to be assessed with that vendor and they will do go through and assess every school all components you're saying with that vendor is this something that does not have to go out to an RFP and somebody's already been selected we're piggybacking yeah we are piggy backing on an existing um uh um oh gosh solitation it's a there you go an original a previous solicitation okay um with a vendor and um our challenge um it's one of the legit one of the challenges in doing this was getting somebody to to be able to do all the assessments on these fac on all of our schools all 182 schools plus plus plus uh knowing that anyone that works on those assessments will not be able to work on any of the projects over the next X number of years right so we do have a vendor that is uh on this um Consortium that is U uh will be doing the assessment so that with that knowledge with that understanding okay um I think under the previous referendum uh we were told that triga would be the end all program to be able to document all this stuff know what pump motor went to certain schools so that maintenance would be able to hit a button and know what pump motor had to go out to get replaced I'm assuming we're putting triga to rest and getting something new not necessarily not necessarily um TR is still an effective tool um with the district and it is very much actively involved in every transaction we make Financial transactions it is um likely that the results of our assessments um will be able to be fed right into triga and it will be able to be tracked both financially and Fa facility based so we it will still be a useful tool okay I guess my concern would be to make sure that whatever we're tracking and we're documenting as to what air handler goes in a certain school that that becomes a giant database for maintenance just to all of a sudden pull something up and know what air handler has to be replaced we are we are going to ensure that that is the case um how it's going to get done there's more work to be done on that that's once we have the data we'll then be able to um make sure we populate triga effectively and can do what you're referring to whether it be through triga which will be our asset management or if there's also something like and I don't want to say like but like a procore a project management type of software to know what's going on in each of those projects we are that's why it's it's we're trying to marry data from this assessment into a number of different uh pieces number of different softwares yeah I agree with that I just think whatever we determine needs to be something that just flows right on through without having to re-enter all data to get into a different system so it's useful for maintenance I appreciate your your sentiment and um in order to not hurt anyone's feelings on this meeting um we'll move along you're right but yes it would be nice to have it all one place but we can't necessarily do all that all the time so we're working on marrying everything together well it does know have to be in one place but you know it's like uh you can take a a Google doc and import it into a Microsoft Word file and it's seamless so if we have something like that where the data from whatever software is being used to accumulated by the consultant somehow is able to just be imported into whatever system you want to use to track it for maintenance yeah it's fine but if you have to re-enter manually every letter and number at a time then no that's a complete no no you're right we we will our system will be all will be fully integrated it's just a question of um there are challenges on what systems can talk to what other systems yes you know like the finance system doesn't want anybody talking to it and legitimately there's there's a good justification for that we we have to make sure that um the data that comes out gets fed one way out of the financial system gets fed into the operations system and vice versa and that's the challenge that we we're always uh working through right now uh over the last year okay uh just keep us updated I think I don't know if it's monthly or the other month so that we kind of know what's up with the new facility assessment you yeah we will and you will certainly see Michael's not here today but Michael will do uh a lot more um in-depth dive into all the cryptic nature of what I'm going through I don't want to promise something I'd rather have Michael be able to convey to you the details once we're ready to roll them out yeah and I think even go through an example school or something as he gets it more refined because anything you develop from that will be something cork will eventually get to approve because of the costs associated with those plan changes couldn't agree more you're absolutely right okay I'm done okay all right any other questions for Dave on the updates progress something to share um regarding the upcoming solicitations and awards for AES and crrs I just want to report we are in our final implementation phase of transitioning from our current eprocurement software system to our new system we will be 100% live January 1 although we won't be using it until January 6th when everyone's back in the office um so at that point we in January we plan to advertise um a bunch of solicitations so I invite the the the newest cork members to participate in our selection process and if you're not familiar with it please feel free to reach out to me I'm happy to share uh the information on the expectations of what a remember you know what that looks like um Dorothy that's okay if they reached out directly to me right okay yes um please feel free to reach out to me yeah and perhaps it might even be better to um when when I had the uh board uh the Court members the new members I actually had to sit down with them you may want to just do a Google meet with them uh to kind of introduce and walk through that that process we can do that everybody Mr guita can share how how exciting it is to sit on yeah I was thrown on the fire I can thank you very much it the cour members the uh part part of our job as Court members when you can is to sign up to be on a selection committee for either Architects or contractors and for some of the projects there might be 10 to 15 Architects depending on the workload that's out there and the interest in the project and so each of them will put together about a seven page proposal once you've gone through a couple of them you really get to the meat of the matter in about you know 15 of the pages that are enclosed and the rest of it is the boilerplate that they have to submit you know drug testing requirements and all that um and then you attend a meeting and uh then the committee goes around the table and discusses Pros cons what you saw in the proposals um and then you vote and there's a whole scoring system you go down the already set up for you so you kind of pick the range of scores you want and then the staff rallies it up right there at that meeting and the firm is selected for recommendation to the board for selection and the same works for contractors um so it it is an interesting process um it does take a little bit of time I mean some projects you may get six applicants and other projects there could be 15 applicants so it all depends on the type of project size of the project um and what the workload is out there that wants it or does but yeah I would encourage all new members to uh at least try your hat at one of the meetings and it really doesn't fit your schedule okay yeah all right okay uh followup Dorothy had sent out a one pager on follow-up information anyone have questions on that [Music] joh uh yeah two things um under followup they said December was the month that the um uh revisions to the board policy for contingency use would be consider is there a date for that uh yes I do have an update for uh the committee it's not a good one um but but it there is a justification in it um I was slated uh to have have the three policies go before start the process in January to go before the board I think it was January 14th um uh recently um uh that that process has been postponed by leadership but there is a justification there's a reason for that um I guess I'll I'll open up another can of worms if you will um the um leadership has um supported the idea of having uh a uh an outside company come through and review a lot of our procedures and processes um primarily for for payments um but as well our operations and um that um audit firm um is expected to be hired and brought on um the the recommendation was well why don't you just delay those um policy changes until this audit is done because you don't want to take these polic these three policies forward to the board have them accept them and then two months later the audit finding says you know what you should do you should change them and do these following um edits so um the request had been um for us to to delay uh taking these it items to the board until that process is done my suggestion then would be that they whatever that entity comes up with it wants to change something that cork has already gone through like two years ago yeah that it comes back to Cork before it goes back to the board again oh that absolutely will there's no question if there are recommended changes right to there's really only two policies that that are the third one was a repeal there are only two policies that actually had demonstrable changes those ones that we wanted to uh take forward those two if if a single word changes from what cork had previously approved we will absolutely bring it back have full discussion with uh the committee uh to weigh on those comment on those suggestions okay so yes to I guess where I wanted to go is just because an audit committee is coming up with recommendations doesn't mean we're going to accept them if they come out leadership will review them we'll bring them to Cork for your consideration as well I see Miss Evans is on so I yeah if I could add to it um we've received a lot of complaints from members in the construction Community regarding payments saying it's taking too long and I know Dave and his team are working to make improvements and that's a lot of the work that they've been doing um the the firm we're hiring is a construction audit firm they're not doing an audit they're reviewing it and comparing it to Best Practices that they've seen industrywide we don't have to take their recommendations we want to see what they have and this has been um something that the superintendent and Leadership has agreed to do um to help um smooth the the ruffled feathers from the construction Community that's very upset that it's taking CH on get payments done so we want an outside group to review it just to make sure that we've caught everything we can possibly change there could be things that we're doing that we don't necessarily need to do with every payment maybe we need to do it halfway through the project and at the end um at the same time we don't want to um reduce our due diligence reviewing payments so it's a balancing act and that that's why we've got a firm that specialized in construction audits but they're not auditing they're do they're working as a consultant to to give us their feedback so so that that contract is is being finalized right now um they are used by school districts throughout the state I was at a conference um last month and Mr Dolan was kind enough to do a presentation at that audit at that at that conference and I heard from his counterparts from Orange and aola and they got up without being prepped um the audit firm was actually speaking next and they gave glowing recommendations about how that much this firm has helped them um to do their job better so I I'm really hopeful that the work that's happening is going to make life easier and better for the construction team it's not meant to hamstring them it's looking to make sure that we're doing it the best way [Music] possible okay well that's disappointing not going to be approved uh right away as promised well the other the other thing I would mention that Mr Dolan um didn't mention um the district is doing a districtwide review of all the policies and there's a backlog districtwide every single policy is going to the board right now so a lot of time I know there's been technology policies that have been shifted back a month just based on the schedule of how quickly we can get them to the board so I don't know that this that this um consultant is really going to cause a significant delay I think the delay was happening anyways [Music] so what it's worth the other thing I wanted to bring up or ask about was a couple months ago there was a presentation on local preference that we had a discussion on I just wondered when that's going to come back to [Music] us yeah let me let me this is Joe I'm going to check the calendar to make sure that the we have a make it to the cork in person because we have a lot of have a lot of meetings that conflict with cork unfortunately but um if if the January I think I make the January meeting so if that's the case then I'll bring it in January I don't think the cork meting conf the January cork is on um the 16th 16 yeah um I should be able to make that meeting a ribbon cutting oh Education Foundation ribbon cutting the same thing yeah say ribbon yeah foundations yeah um all right well I'll see if I can make that bring it back there at least if I can't make the meeting in person at least get something out to you guys to take a look at it I plan on bringing a proposal of the scoring the scoring sheet revisions and the um the criteria local identifying with the local businesses okay John anything else yeah Joe I just this is this is sorry this is Gloria Branch I just want you guys to know that to give kudos I just left the bokeh chamber breakfast and Doug Mosley head of the bokeh bowl went on and on about bokeh high in their facility uh James Madison and Western Kentucky have been using the facility and the the field they just went on and on about how great it was I just want to give you some Kudos and let you know excellent than we could use some Kudos every once in a while I know we we just got to get Spanish River up to speed but bah high they went on and on and on about it [Music] good John chesher anything else no that's it thank you okay anyone else for follow-up questions okay next meeting January 16th it's on the agenda list anyone with issues on minutes um I just have um a question um when I compared the minutes to the board report and I thank darthy for both she does an excellent job but one of them listed two members with excused absences and the other one listed three members with excused absences so I just want to get straight which one was correct um I don't have I didn't print it out so um you might just check that to see I I'll take a look at that I'll figure it out thank you okay I appreciate other than that um the minut is are are really good darthy thank you okay all right we got our uh anyone with any issues we know of for the next agenda except maybe what Jo might bring back for local preference and so David you're going to approve the minutes as the minut as corrected yes minutes are accepted as corrected if Corrections are needed um anything else by anyone um yeah I I was scanning down some of the other things that um are always on the agenda list the attendance report for one which um I think needs to be cleaned up now that you're starting um you just finished a year you need to clean up uh I know from for me it says one absence but I haven't been absent this past year so you need to clean up the the absentee columns not the not the little boxes but the to Jive that they go together am I making that clear what I'm trying to say okay and the other thing was the yeah and the the roster the roster that was given um just listed who appointed but we're accustomed to getting the list of the people with their email addresses I think of their local address but a fuller list because we have so many new members on the committee so I appreciate and the the one that's actually handed out that's sitting on our table um out here is the one you're referring to miss Ferris um okay it's not on my table right here it's not the one that's on the online you're right we'll um we'll make sure that uh yeah it looks like it's missing because yeah this one has the email address yeah eron checked I thought she checked with you oh wait um she checked with she checked with somebody and they they said that there was no reason to have that additional information there she she did um just because of you know we want to avoid any inadvertent Sunshine violations um so that's why yes Aaron did speak with me so it was my recommendation that the personal information for the individual members not really be provided just because we wouldn't want somebody inadvertently maybe you know reaching out to someone but again it was just a recommendation and an abundance of caution to make sure that there's no inadvertent violation of the Sunshine Law um all the years all the years we've had it um we haven't had a problem and I would appreciate having it back um there are times we may want to contact somebody on a personal basis and I would really appreciate if we had that information back again and I'll I'll defer to to Dave and team as to you know whether or not they they want to revert back to that it was just the question was posed to me and again it was just in an abundance of caution to you know um prevent any possible inadvertent violations yeah I I don't mind not having it um if I needed to get in touch with somebody there's other ways and you can contact Dorothy and say hey I need such and such as contact information for a personal matter absolutely Dorothy Erin with my office um will'll certainly be available at all times to well for for example now I would want to reach out to Sam Shannon to to wish him well when somebody is ill like Le L doctor want to wish them well there's those personal reasons and I don't think I should have to go through Administration in order to do that so I would appreciate having that list back again Mr Mr Sanchez yeah I say there's no reason why you Virginia couldn't reach out to to anybody directly I mean yeah give there's no reason why any Court member could reach out to another Court to you know say something that does that doesn't affect the voting that's not going to come up for a vote so um I don't want to get us going too far on those issues so yeah we can share the information thank you okay the conclusion is we're going to leave it this way but if you wanted to you could send the list to Virginia of all the contact information I mean quite frankly I'm glad my contact information is less publicly available I mean if somebody wants to get a hold of me they can get a hold of me but I don't I like the idea it's not that readily available um except it kind of is uh board docs light has month by month right so you can go so if I wanted to find the members list from February of 23 I would just go into bardock's light go back there and whoever was a cork member at that date and that report Still Remains as is with their phone numbers and all the information so it's it's a it's a kind of a mood point but we we understand what and what uh Miss Ferris is referring to and we'll will certainly uh look to make the adjustment thank you okay um anything else by anyone any Court members let happy holidays to everyone happy holidays and we'll see you next year yep we are adjourned thank you thanks everybody happy Holidays happy holid holidays thank you [Music] all right Who had who had on their bingo sheet e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e