##VIDEO ID:sllXFOcCvi8## e e e e e e e all right good evening everyone I'm Jason link manager School enrollment demographics welcome to the 2025 26 advisory boundary committee cycle uh we'll first commence with introductions um I'd like to First acknowledge any school board members in attendance I'm not seeing any as of now but if any do join we'll acknowledge our Schoolboard members and we'll move on to uh next our ABC members as so as we're attending virtually I'll read the names of each member of the committee when I call your name please introduce yourself to include uh stating who appointed you to the committee I'll do this alphabetically uh to make it easier so miss beon yes I'm Cynthia beckon and I was appointed by the superintendent and I live in Riviera Beach and I've been on the committee for a few years just you uh Miss Blanco hi my name is Mariana Blanco I was appointed by superintendent Burke and I've been on the committee for two years and I live in District Two Miss damos hi there my name is Dana deos I was appointed by Frank barbier and this is my first time serving on the ABC committee welcome thank you Miss Donaldson hi I'm Carla Donaldson I'm appointed by the ESC advisory Council and not as many years as Miss Cynthia but more years than I can count Miss Ferris hi I'm Virginia Ferris appointed by the superintendent um I have also been on the committee for quite a while and I reside in Lake Clark Shores thank you um Nancy I don't think has rejoined us yet we'll come back to Nancy uh Miss Hall hi uh Sylvia Hall I am H the pan Beach County PDA president uh for the next two years so I am representing the PDA here thank you very much welcome to the committee I am from B yes welcome Mr Levan uh Stephen Levan I resid in the Village of Wellington and I was appointed by miss Andrew I've been a member of the committee for more than a few years mayor litho hi I'm Karen litho mayor of the town of Anana I'm been appointed by the Palm Beach County League of cities and this is my fourth year [Music] right welcome uh let's see Hello Jay can you hear me Mr Link yes sorry I'm I'm figured out how to turn the camera on my phone but I'm gonna uh enter my laptop now okay well thank you okay thank you okay uh Miss Salvador hi there H Kathy Salvador I always appointed by um Barbara mcquinn it's I believe my sixth maybe seventh but I think sixth year and I reside in Palm Beach Gardens Mr [Applause] Thomas Mr Thomas is your audio hearing everybody I don't know if you can hear me or not we can now we're hear you I'm I'm having a problem hearing everybody I'mma try to switch to my um laptop of my try some headphones now we hear you okay I can hear you better headphones almost dead Okay um okay and how about Mr [Music] zumar we not I don't think I maybe the only one I'm not hearing you anyone hear his audio no yeah we're not hearing you Mr Zar but we know you're [Music] here all right somebody's audio is on and well how about Miss Gribble you're back yes I'm back thank you uh Nancy Gribble um pointed by by School Board member Erica Whitfield and I live oops in the lockah hatche area okay thank you and I see uh board member Marsha Andrews has joined us I'd like to acknowledge Miss Andrews is here welcome Miss Andrews okay I think that covers it for our ABC me Members if any join during the meeting thank you Jason I'm here this is oh hi there you are absolutely thank you so much all right thank you for joining us thank you good to hear Jason I'm not sure if I did a proper introduction I wasn't able to hear what the uh the actual um directions were do we need to say who we were appointed by yeah just your uh yeah introduce yourself and then who appointed you uh yes my name is Cedric Thomas and I'll uh was appointed by board member Edwin Ferguson all right thank you and welcome and Mr Zar you want to try again maybe you're you hear me yes we can very well we yeah Mr L say he don't hear me are we do now okay all right good evening my name is Kon Zuma uh living in District s I'm represent volunteer Association in front of Florida okay thank you I think that covers it for our members that are currently in attendance all right thank you very much uh ABC members we really appreciate you volunteering on this committee um and taking the time out to serve on on this committee it's uh um very much appreciated okay uh next uh for those speakers that require translation services we do have two translators in attendance uh for Spanish translations uh joining us is Lauren barreras Miss barreras if you'd like to introduce yourself thank you and for uh Portuguese transl translations we've got Adriana yes thank you for attending okay and we also have some District staff and attendance to provide information or um answer questions as needed as as the beginning meeting I am Jason link manager of school enrollment and demographics we have H Mr Sipple in attendance who is a demographer and I also see the Chief Operating Officer Mr Sanchez Mr Joseph Sanchez is in attendance and director of planning intergovernmental relations uh Miss Chris Garrison is in attendance we also have have I see Jerry and nyman from the Transportation Department if there are questions regarding transportation and then I see from the central regional office uh Miss Vivien green is an attendance who is instructional superintendent so thank you everybody okay so let post the agenda share it [Music] actually everybody see the screen yes coming through clear yes okay great okay so before we begin uh some folks attending may not be aware how the resoning process works in the district you know what the ABC is so I'm just going to briefly run through the process the rezoning process the the function of the ABC and some of the criteria the committee and staff review when when changing school zones so the ABC is the advisory Bounder committee it's an advis committee that makes ATT tenant zone change recommendations directly to the superintendent so the resoning process includes presentation of resoning studies to The Advisory boundary committee to include Community input ABC recommendation of a final recing in progress ABC recommendation of a final study to the superintendent and then the superintendent's final recommendation to the school board which may be the same as the ABC's recommendation or may differ then we move on to a Schoolboard workshop and then Schoolboard rule development rule development meeting and then Schoolboard approval of adoption meeting in which at that final meeting the the attendant zone change becomes official and would take effect for next August August 2025 okay so what what guides the criteria that that we are to consider so the that comes from Schoolboard policy 5.01 which is the District student assignment policy so first and foremost is the requirement that we must review a school's capacity in an attempt to achieve optimal utilization so so that's the mandatory criteria an attempt to achieve optimal utilization then there are 10 secondary criteria that also are listed in the policy that we are to consider but don't necessarily have to be achieved based on the need to best optimize utilization and I'll run briefly run through some of these it's uh creation or modification of boundaries should not knowingly promote inequitable student assignment as related to Transportation time and distance for all racial and ethnic groups Zone boundary should be as compact as possible uh the student capacity of each facility facility should be considered and initial enrollment set to ensure optimal utilization while allowing for growth whenever needed uh the movement of students from current School attendance zon should be minimized to the greatest extent possible if not in conflict with other parameters uh avoid the creation of island or finger boundaries that isolate distinctly identifiable eth no racial groups um then it's feeder patterns what you know we should two to three middle schools should feed into a high school and between two to four elementary schools should feed into a middle school um the majority of each school student should come from a minimum number of feeder schools uh sub dividing of subdivision should be avoided if feasible with a note that um developments such as plan unit developments May consist of multiple [Music] subdivisions and then we've got a free reduced Lune where consider socioeconomic diversity which is free reduced lunch considerations uh health safety welfare of students and finally the district's ability to meet class size reduction without added Capital expense and finally uh we respectfully ask that written comments not be sent to individual ABC members but rather to our public comment email address which is posted here uh this will ensure that the entire committee reviews and reads your comments it's public. comment palmbeachschools.org and then to monitor the the school resoning process including proposed attendance Z studies and future meeting dates you can visit our website at PBC School zones.in info okay and then couple of these green little lines appeared I'm not sure why but and now we move on to the uh electing the ABC chair for the 2025 26 boundary cycle so do I hear a motion for election of the ABC chairperson I move to nominate Cynthia Von second the motion motion okay was that Carla yes and Virginia you made the motion correct yes okay we have a motion and a second to elect Cynthia beckon as chairperson of the advis re boundary committee for the 2025 26 boundary cycle all in favor please raise your hand how to do that I can't find it but I am my hands up okay you can raise your uh your virtual hand if it's if not we'll uh we'll we'll count the real hand okay um those opposed oh there it is okay all right seeing none the motion is carried uh congratulations Madame Cher uh thank [Music] you are you going to proceed uh we'll proceed with the election of Vice chair I make a motion to elect Virginia Ferris as Vice chair I second the motion okay we have the motion that was Nancy yes and a second by Carla yes to elect Virginia Ferris as Vice chair of the advisory boundary committee for the 2025 26 boundary cycle in favor please raise your hand I think I found it all right those opposed I seeing none the motion is carried congratulations Miss Ferris as thank you Vice chair thank you you're welcome okay shall we continue on you certainly uh shall um thank you very much uh I don't know how many people are new this time versus the ones that were here last cycle but uh it appears that um it's going to be a little different so we we'll see how this works out you're on Jason thank you all right we'll begin the um staff presentation for to establish the attendance zone for new Elementary School 15E uh which will be located in in Western unincorporated Palm Beach County right at the Jason uh right at the entrance of the ardan community um which is very rapidly growing Community um and we'll commence with the presentation and we do expect that school to open the new school to open for August 2025 so we are looking at an opening for next school year everybody see the screen okay yes yes okay so we're going to begin with a Binks Forest Elementary Capacity Analysis this is the the the current zone for Arden um we also have some future new development coming within that zone um the school is currently overc capacity and we still have homes to be constructed within Arden um so Binks will continue its overcrowded status to an even higher degree as we we move throughout the years so we look at the school's current fish capacity it's original its original design capacity pre-class size reduction was for 1,000 students uh its permanent building capacity is for 774 students there's a two-story modular building on campus which contains 12 classrooms which uh its capacity is 360 students and then there are four additional modular units on campus uh with the capacity of 72 students the note is 13 of the modular classrooms were added to the campus the campus to rightsize the school for CSR um because you know class size reduction came about we needed to you know take down those those capacities and henceforth for some schools we needed to add capacity uh so the total fish capacity with all the the permanent building and the mods is 1206 the building code parking capacity is also 4,000 and the dining capacity per state formulas is 1790 that's based on three Lune periods uh considerations include the twostory modular building must remain for at least 15 more years per state requirements so in essence that modular building is is too young to move at this point so it needs to remain on campus due to site limitations the four individual modular classrooms can only be moved after the two-story modular building is [Music] removed so the school currently experiences significant traffic congestion which negatively impacts the school and Community the typical elementary school capacity is approximately 970 and Regional leader ship has requested that we don't load Binks Forest Elementary Beyond its original design capacity of a thousand students okay so we will move on to the studies so we have three studies we compiled the numbering doesn't mean there you know it doesn't indicate number one being our favor number it it's just the order in which they were compiled so this is study one uh this was just looking at what what would it look like if we shifted all students north of Southern Boulevard um and you can see the Green Dot that's a location of 15E the light blue is the current Binks Forest ATT tenant [Music] zone now this map shows the current development within the Binks Forest zone so we can see um Arden with the Green Dot that's where the new school will be located um that's currently under construction you know we're about 3,300 homes um in that in that range there's still we're estimating 100% buildout at 2027 so we still have quite a number of homes to go um we've got Deer Run just north of that that's an existing um community next door just to the East and adjacent to Arden is Lake Haven which is just was a recently approved uh development that is going to contain at full buildout it was approved for 480 single family units and 54 town home units so that that was approved that's a total of 534 units to come within Lake Haven um then just to the east further east is Fox Trail which is an existing uh community and within those development we've got about 21 students currently within Fox this is these are students attending Bings Forest 21 within Fox Trail attending Banks and the deerrun uh Community we're looking at 29 and then just further east grab my annotation here and just further east which I'm circling in red this is an area that was recently annexed by the Village of Wellington it's going to become official in December but this will be the first portion of the village that that will uh reach north of Southern Boulevard so the the plan is to develop a residential units and and talking to a village official there isn't a set number but we're we're looking at somewhere in the range of right about 600 residential units so we're going to have 600 res residential units in the future to come within that that new annex area and that's that those homes are highlighted in that yellow in that yellow um box rectangle so that there are no students in 420c no students in here so that encompasses the areas you know that that are north of Southern Boulevard all right we'll move on to the projections let me um clear this annotation I'll zoom in on this so let see easier to [Music] see okay so you can see without changes we've got Binks Forest next year projected at 1339 111% 1429 that's that's the first year we we are projecting the initial students from Lake Haven uh would be generated and uh attending Bings forest with that Lake caving development we're projecting full buildout at at that final year 2930 so year 2 1429 118 year three 1519 126 that's still Arden coming on line and then 2728 that's the year we antici that's the final year of Arden we still have kids coming out that year 1519 and then in 28 29 that would just be Lake Haven projected you've got Binks at 1551 129% in the final year we've got B Binks Forest at 1569 130% utilization so with this particular change you can see 15E with a capacity that's the current estimated capacity is about 972 we incorporated two capacities for Binks Force the the current 1206 because as I mentioned we do need to keep maintain those modular units on campus for 15 years but again you know as mentioned in that footer we're we're looking to just to really avoid loading the school Beyond a th000 so when you see the utilizations we're we've compiled it for both the 126 and the Thousand so for banks moving all all of um everything north of southern you know also a one a state which is very important and it's stated in the header the school 15 is projected to open with two units of prek so that's incorporated into the projections for all five years so we do have two prek units within the projection and also as as has been done in the past with elementary schools the projections assume that current fourth graders that are entering fifth grade as well as that are attending Banks attending Bings Forest currently in fourth entering fifth as well as any siblings those fourth graders may have K through three also attending Banks as well as any incoming kindergartens that aren't there yet they may be an incoming kindergarten for next year that's a sibling of that fourth grader attending Banks would have the option to remain at Binks forest for next school year and then those siblings could remain for the remainder of their Elementary School years so the projections include um that those students would choose to remain so for this particular study we're um year two 15E is 88% you see the two utilizations for banks if we're just sticking with the Thousand 70% um then 15 is at 100% Binks is at 69 year four 103% for for new school Binks is at 70% with using the Thousand figure and what we did was we estimated the 600 students in the in the final year you know you see in the blue includes projected students from an estimated 600 potential currently unapproved future residential units located in that in the annex area so we we calculated the estimated number of students to be generated via 600 units and looked at bink's Binks Forest attending rates and then projected what that would look like in the fifth year now is it guaranteed to come in the fifth year it's not a guarantee you students could come a little sooner they could come a little later but we wanted to show we didn't want to you know just not include the students that if the impact from 600 units what the students would look like in that fifth year and you could see all those students in this particular study would be attending 15E that would Place 15 at 115% utilization and Binks at 69% using that thousand figure and then we've got school data information and the next page and then this is this is more just informational the sac population um comper patterns which is important uh all the schools right now Binks feeds 100% into the Wellington Landings uh middle and with the study 15 students at 15E would also feed 100% into um Wellington Landings and then mentioned in the notes um students attending both 15E and Bings fors would continue feeding from Wellington Landings middle to Wellington Community High at 100% rate and then also mention is feeder patterns could change in future years if there are changes to applicable middle and High School attendance zones so you know we'll we'll continue to monitor the middle and high school enrollment you know throughout the years these are the two M walk zones want to clarify stated at the footer in the legend walk zone is for representative purposes only the official two- mile walk Zone will be created by the transportation department so this is just giving us the sense of what the current two mile walk zone is for 15E and the current walk zone for Bings Forest which is in the red 15E green now again although some student may be within the walk Zone you know Crossing Southern Boulevard um and the transportation department would assess that you know there are stipulations that if it's if it's a hazardous walking area even if they're within two miles that some you know students still could be provided Transportation if there's a hazardous walking area and the transportation does their due diligence to assess that and these are the estimated drive distances and again just want to uh clarify these are not official distances measured by the transportation department uh they're approximate and may vary by residential location so uh we just we pulled locations at uh five different areas of Arden the Central north south east west and just uh measured what the current drive to Bings Forest is and what the drive would be to a 15E and you can see on average it's about four and a half less miles driven for Deer Run it's it's it's a very small amount it's you know a tenth to two ten0 of a mile less for Fox Trail it's about the same a very small differential in distance about a tenth to two ten of a mile depending on the location of the home um but in totality you're looking with those three communities about 24 miles less distance uh right now with Arden you know that probably will negate the need for you know number of buses that are currently uh picking students up at Ardon and transporting to Bings for so that will likely negate the need for some buses okay and then this just lists the um developments which I previously mentioned and we'll move on to study two so study two the difference is study two shifts ardan and um let's just put up so study two shifts you know just the Ard area and then dear run which is about up here to 15E while Fox Trail the future Lake Haven development that well Annex area again which assumes 600 estimated residential units would remain you know zoned to Bings Forest okay and there you get a view of the development locations and now we'll review the projections for study two reviewed what Binks would look like without any relief that's pretty daunting uh so study one and again that's that's the big chunk of of you know fourth graders and their siblings uh being permitted to remain at bank so we've got 15E that's why 15E starts low um 64% BS at 83% take using the Thousand um year two we've got Arden at 82% Binks at about 75 5% that's still Arden coming on board we assume that's the first students from lak Haven year three is last year of Arden more students from Lake Haven we've got 15E at 90% And Binks using the Thousand at 78% year four 15E at 90% Binks at 81% using the thousand and then in blue that's the impact if all 600 residential units were complete the students generated from those units um and the the applicable attending rate you can see we've got 15E at those students would be you know zoned to Banks 15E at 89% and then banks at 94% taking into account just the Thousand or if you're looking at the full 1206 they'd be at 78% everything else pretty much Remains the Same um we've little differential in students by Sac uh we need to create a new sack because 420f is you know it's that's the sack that contains all the the students are residing so splitting that sack we would create a new sack which we've got proposed as 420i that doesn't currently exist that would be a new sack Feer patterns remain the same and uh that's just a here's a sense of the Walk Zone with a different zone line which which is in green for 158 and then here's the drive distance so we would only have we would have ardan and Deer Run shifting schools and you can see it's about a in total about 23 miles less denance drive with the majority of course the students residing in Arden that would be the uh you the larger reduction okay and we'll move on to the final study 15 E3 now this study this study shifts might be probably nicer with the development here we go the study shifts Arden your run shifts Arden shifts Deer Run uh shifts Fox Trail shifts the new Lake Haven future Lake Haven development to 15E so the only current portion of the the BS Forest attendant Zone north of southern would be the Wellington Annex area with the 600 homes that would you know still remain at Binks [Music] [Music] okay right probably us a way to clear all this but haven't found it yet all right let's review the projections so for this particular study we've got 15E at 67 Binks again with the two the two capacities um 80% year 1 year 2 15E at 88 and again I'll reiterate it's year one we've got more students Arden year two we've got students from Arden students coming from Lake Haven we've got 158 88% being said 70 taking into account the Thousand Year three that's the the the estimated final completion of Arden um so last homes will be conr ConEd students coming from Ard within brand new constructed homes we've got 15E at 99% Binks at 69 we also have additional students at Lake Haven estimated year four we've got 15E a bit over 100 at 103% Binks using the Thousand marker at 70% and then year five we've got 15E again a little over 100% um and then Binks Forest where you've got the students coming from the the 600 units in the annex area projected at 80% utilization taking into account the that thousand um [Music] limit okay School data is the same students by sack feeder patterns don't change excuse me there's the walk Zone you know although the walk Zone does stretch north of southern that would be up to the the transportation department would need to assess if know it would be considered a hazard um and then the estimated drive times so we'd have existing students in Arden Deer Run and Fox Trail currently zoned to zincs currently zoned to bank that would then be zoned to 15E and then you can see the um the differential and drive distance okay that covers the presentation on the three studies okay we have um question questions and discussion from the uh the committee prior to going to public comment uh anyone have any H discussion Miss beckon I do this is Stephen Le okay Stephen and then I see Nancy in Virginia go ahead sorry I couldn't figure out how to raise my digital hand no no no we no sometimes the voice is better Jason while I'm talking can you flip over to study three please sure uh um and as it's neighboring I'm curious why lockah hatche Groves uh wasn't included I don't know anything about their occupancy their overrun or anything else it would seem to make sense that the bit north of southern east of 420i where there's a potential 600 future homes that will overcrowd ardan um might shift into lockah hatche Groves just curious what that does to the study well lockah hatche Groves is also part of the zone for West Lake so there students coming from West Lake entering Locke Groves I think right now their utilization Patrick if you want to check the October can I think they're they're in the in the um I want to say in the low 80s in the 80s range they do have a large uh es population so they they do need it require a lower programmatic capacity so we can't overload the school but the key point with Blatche Groves um we are we have a new school in in the plan to for it's in located in West Lake that's going to relieve Golden Grove and lockah hatche Groves so students you know we haven't obviously drawn the zon but we assume you know the large majority of students likely attending the new school will come from West Lake and once that school opens we're going to have large relief for lock toache Groves and Golden Grove both schools currently uh where we've got kids in West Lake which is still also under construction attending both schools so we have locks of Hatchi Groves we still have students coming out of Westlake attending Lo locks Groves and then um we've got a new school plan to relieve that school the time table on that Elementary uh initial in the current plan it's it's 2029 but it's likely we're gonna we're currently analyzing moving that up um just because more students than anticipated have come out of Westlake this year so we're nearly actually complete with that analysis but that may be moved up you know we'll know shortly but it could be moved up and an additional ardan high school or middle school that would uh act as feeders later on what's a time Target for those yeah there isn't currently a a new Middle School plan um you know we still have space at Wellington Landings which is currently at um also want to say Patrick you want to check on that I think that's right around 80% utilized um do we do have a new High School in the plan to relieve all the schools out west that's Triple A that's located just Northwest of West Lake so that's going to relieve you know likely in the future seminal original we've got avanir in in Western palish Gardens we've got um West Lake we've got the new Indian Trails Grove GL Homes which has not yet begun construction that's Northwest of West Lake and then of course we have Arden which is zoned to Wellington High so we have a new school in the plan to relieve all of those schools I believe it's currently slated for I want to say 20 August 28th um he just so Wellington Landing is at 77% utilization currently plenty of room all right thank you yeah and uh lockah Hatchi Groves currently um a one again they they've got a large es population so we can't fill them up to 100 but we have plans for that school with the new school okay Nancy then Virginia and then Kathy um so at this question time and then later we'll get into discussion I just want to clarify correct you don't want to hear a lot from me right now right um I just I I live just for disclosure purposes I do live in the community of Fox Trail that is on this map so um when we get into discussion later I just wanted to provide some historical information about our community um also Jason um when did you say that the lake Haven was included in your study which year uh the first students coming in the second year that's that was the estimated very first students in 2627 they haven't turned dirt on that yet at all right uh they're currently I I talked to our planners [Music] um so as of mid-september they were seeking they were in the development review approval process for final subdivision plan then after that um they would need to apply for applicable building permits have to be issued first so if things were to move along at a fast pace we could see work on the site could start by early next year okay and just to clarify this new artan school is not opening in this fall it's next fall it would be August 2025 so not yes next school year the 25 26 school year um and and just uh for clarification perposes if anybody's wondering what the blue box is north of the Fox Trail Community that's Lion Country Safari so there aren't any students but uh Madam chair I I have more but I'll wait to hear from the public thank you okay Virginia then Kath thank you um I just wanted to clarify the the figures for the three studies on the um projections for the projected enrollments for the buildout years of 2930 so if you could review again plan 1 2 and 3 compare them sure okay so here's study one that would have all areas north of southern Zone 25e and that would have projected again as I mentioned numerous times that's with the 600 homes estimated in the annex area at 115% and Binks with the two figures the Thousand figure that we're trying not to to to breach you know at 69% study two St two which just to remind everybody what this does study two moves Fox Trail Lake Haven so the two aside from Mar which is underdevelopment the two future new development plus existing Fox Trail to Binks and then you've got 158 projected 89% and then using that thousand marker we've got Bings Forest at 94% of the Thousand marker 78% taking into account all their all the seats at the 1206 and finally study three which refresh everyone's memory just shifts all areas to 15E except for the the new Wellington Annex area would remain at Binks and you've got 15 projected at 104% and Binks at 80% taking into account the Thousand or 66% at the full 1206 thank you you're welcome Kathy I apologize I don't remember the convention but is there a staff recommendation no no s thank you um and Madame chair I'd like like to also mention if I may that we we do have the principal of new Elementary School 15E on with us um Miss Mor Ross is also here so if there are any question we want to recognize the princip because when in these studies and prior years that's been an invaluable resource for for us when we are discussing these uh these particular changes um did the principal have any comment sorry I'm I'm limited in who I can [Music] see not at this time or okay she perhaps not at this time she may not be available but I I okay all right she was here but if she's returns perhaps give her the [Music] opportunity okay there is there any more discussion there there are two persons from the public that we know did anyone else yes Miss be I would like to ask a couple questions please oh yes please go ahead um can anything be built in Sac 420c no okay and the other question I have is for the 600 residential units that are going to be built in the annex do we know what what type of units they are will they be single family tow houses condos I don't think that's been officially determined yet um it could be a mix uh from what I understand there's some mixed use that that's planned for the area so I don't think the the definitive type has yet been planned it could be a mix of of different types of we just don't know yet any other questions or or discussion from the committee before we go to the [Music] public okay seeing oh I'm sorry we do uh Sylvia yeah and then and then Patrick Yeah I have a question I was looking at the projected enrollments for the three studies and all of them it shows that the new elementary school will be over capacity or I would be over uh so that means that if that the case in another four or five years we're going to have to revisit it this situation to make sure that the school that then is you know is not our capacity is that correct well two of the three do do have the the new school at a little you know over a 100 should say a little the first the first study yes it's drastically over 100 115% that's that's quite High study two it does not push the school over 100% um you know because you've got more areas remaining at so you've got 158 projected at 89% I want to clarify you know these are projections so it's you know you could have slight changes but this is our best projection at this point um and then study three yes you 15 is a little over 100% it's at4 um so it is slightly projected over 100% again there is there prek also included in that which which is a program um but that's what's planned thus far for the school but two of the three uh do have the school over 100 with study one really drastically over 100 and study three at 104 and study two um just right around 90 Patrick and then Don mam chair just a real quick clarification since it's hard to see uh all of the members on the screen uh would you be able to tell me who stated the last question of can anything be built in 420c and what type of units were the 600 that were coming okay it was me which which one Dana deos okay thank you sure and if for all of us if there's any chance you could just provide your first name just prior to answering uh asking the question that way can get your name in the meeting minutes that would be great okay thanks thank you okay Don good evening hi I'm dwan the principal or the future principal of um West acreage Elementary and at this time I do not have any comments but glad to be here okay I'm gonna have to get my phonetic uh my my phonetic pronunciation on because I have to really get that W in there don't I okay I'll I'll get it together that's interesting okay Carla I understand that Miss Cynthia I just always drop our first name and just stick with Miss Ross I don't even acknowledge the more um I just wanted to clarify Jason so the 600 units and the annex of Wellington they did not share about it being a retirement community not that we're aware of okay thank you yep okay is anyone else before we go to the public don't want to that doesn't mean we won't be coming back to this okay all right let uh if we could uh the persons that have signed on for the public if we could hear them please I do want to share you know hopefully we've had an opportunity we did have some public comment that was sent to us in advance and uh but uh we'll go over that maybe after the two persons speak okay if we could deal with the speakers first please okay Don if you haven't already if you could please uh bring the speakers into to the panelist room yeah I see uh I do see the first Speaker uh did we set a time uh Madam chair are we going with three minutes we're going to do the three minutes however um we're we're not going to we want to make sure persons have an opportunity to uh to speak uh let's be let let's let's try to make sure we're we're hearing from the community okay all right um when I call your name you can please uh unmute and uh commence with your comments so we'll start with Mr Raymond pen Mr Raymond penella [Music] good evening my my goodness you know I have so many people that have a tough time pronouncing that name and you got it spot on so thank you for that thank you um so I'm Raymond penella I reside in Arden and I have a six-year-old and a three-year-old who are both very excited about this new school as are the uh many of the residents in Arden as well and I had a whole thing like ready to to go over but you guys really covered most of it in the presentation and discussion so I just got a couple of points here I think overall it seems like study 2 is the one that makes the most sense you know it doesn't push either school over capacity seems like it's the most balance and fair for Binks and 15E uh the other two seem like it just over 100% doesn't quite make sense um I did want to point out that I was wasn't aware that lockah hatchee Groves had a bit of a capacity concern due to the ESC program over there so my younger son is actually part of that prek ese program at lockah hatche Groves and I've heard rumors that 15E may have like a robust ESC program I'm not sure if that is quite the same as what's being offered at lockah hatche Groves but if that is something that's to be then I would assume that that would truly make study to the only option out of the three because then you couldn't have anything over 100% or going over 100% uh just from a pure capacity perspective and I guess looking at the studies and not realizing that the Wellington Annex piece that was in study 3 or in tronda acres is going to have so many people um it does get me concerned that capacity will be a concern at the school going forward like just it looks like for all time here so there was talk that the school could potentially be a k through eight school that there's a couple of places on the property that could be expanded for an additional building or two but I suppose um one of my questions is with that if we have capacity concerns would that instead just be an increase in in space for the elementary school just to hold that many students because um we don't want to have an overcrowded school out front and that that's about it I still got 32 seconds but I'm good with what I've said so far thank you very much thank you okay thanks for the comments [Music] um Don do we have our next speaker in [Music] Jason I'm trying to move it the next speaker in but it's not moving in [Music] [Music] [Music] well Madam chair we can uh yeah move on or you know this yeah we can go on and we can we can come back to um we we'll try to come back if the if the speaker is able to come in we'll we'll certainly come back to that uh one of the things that's on the agenda please keep in mind as we start to deal with this is that simply because we were going uh virtual we had started to make the decision uh you know public comments could come under the umbrella of comments but we could also try to deal with it be flexible as it relates to community input as well and of course the community input is uh uh more more flexible and more expansive than just simply public comments because public comments are are interwoven within the committee meeting itself and the committee uh input is basically for the committee uh we don't have a lot of speakers on this and because of that and even when it came down to the comments that were sent to us uh we didn't we we didn't receive that many so uh we're we're going to try to make sure that we certainly don't leave anyone that has anyone from the public that has comment out so GNA you know those of us that have been on this for a while let's make sure that we're fair and we I think we know know what we mean by that having said that I'll go back to the committee for continued discussion yeah I see your hand Nancy because I know you had some you had some uh uh specific comments and uh if you don't mind if if when a couple of people speak uh there were a couple of points that I I have on on the studies as well and if the the committee doesn't mind I'd like to have an opportunity to speak as well Nancy thank you madam chair appreciate it um just for historical information for um those that are either not familiar with this area or those that are have not been serving long on this committee um I have had the pleasure of serving with Miss beckon and several other folks for a little over 20 years the area known as 420c that you're seeing on your map is sugar cane field if you've ever gone west on State Road 80 you pass it going out to the belglade area um Mike um Jason I have a question that for you is there a reason okay let me back up a little the study too that has um just deer run with ardan attending the new school um I I am not for this study and I will explain why deer run with what you say 29 students and Fox Trail has 21 students we we our children ride the same bus together the bus comes up Lion Country Safari Road and picks up the students from both of these communities to go to Banks so I I just don't think that is a good study and I don't know that 29 students is going to help the capacity that much at Binks Forest my question for Jason I was interested in looking at a study that had just the ardan and the lake Haven Community going to the new ardin school is there a reason that that was not done uh do do you have something off the top of your head you can give me number-wise uh there wasn't a reason that wasn't done you know it's you've got deun that's you know North [Music] but there's no ENT we all same country the distance is is not it wasn't a big difference it was a couple tents of a mile quicker to 15E based on the drive analysis um but you would essentially be sending two school buses one that would be going to ardan and one that would be going to Bings forest and that just is nonsensical to me I just I I also want to stress to uh staff and also to all the members and the public that's here ardan Lake Haven are they're new communities and um foxt Trail Deer Run white fences are very old communities we've been here since the 1980s late 1980s and just you know kind of feeling like we're getting pushed out so to speak but um I I would like to look at the numbers with just Lake Haven and ardan going I think the issue with Entrada Acres as you said it was just approved recently and you don't have it until your six year or the numbers I think that is going to have to be addressed once those buildings and the children's you know are coming I know in the past we have assigned new developments to new schools and I think it was I'm not sure who the speaker was uh Mr oh Mr Levan um I I think they should be assigned to lock Sai Groves that's just my personal opinion so they know when they're moving in and it's going to be a a five it's a seven-year project it it's it's off there so um anyway I'd like to look at Lake Haven and ardan going to the new school what the numbers look like there for both Binks and the new school and uh to leave the other communities at Binks right now and just for folks uh the 501a big blue area is a storm order treatment area owned by uh South Florida Water Management so there's never going to be any development on that side that south side of Southern so that I think is my input uh for right now okay if if I if I might the the question that I had as it relates to the studies was on um on two as well and I looked at it from this standpoint and I would like the the discussion I was uh when I looked at it I was wondering why Fox Trail couldn't be included into and so it would be um there that would be I didn't see whether the numbers would go up that much but um no I did not have the historical information about the youth uh from the different Communities going to the school together I mean to Forest together but I looking at the map and walking and going through but with deun and ardan and uh going into the lake Haven and Fox Trail I was wondering why all of those could not be could not be linked into well I think Madam chair sorry I think that's study one because no it's study it's study two that I'm talking about correct but if you include Fox Trail you're going to have an enclave because they didn't include Lake Haven so that that was the problem no it's it's if you look no it's study it a minute no it's study two that I'm I'm talking about mhu it's study [Music] to it's study two with the uh including Fox Trails but I but to your point about the other um Jason could you comment on the the the points that came from uh from Nancy but that's those are my that's my point about study too right you know dear Ron that was included um it's it's you know it's a straight Geographic line du North all north of southern it's it's the northernmost portion so you know again there's not many kids so we decided to leave that to rezone that to Arden um just looking at the at the geography I mean you know again it's it's 30 students um it just makes for for cleaner Zone um now for Fox Trail oh and then she mentioned inle in acres excuse me to lockah Hatchy Groves um yeah we've got we still have Westlake students coming into lock to Hatchy Groves and then that would really be dependent on you know when that new school is built so we don't want to you know we want to be careful on the timing on that [Music] um that's what we didn't include locks actually grows in these studies just because we've got you know we've got relief a significant relief coming for that school in the future um correct depending on when that school is the new school is built so we decided to you know not and that era is already in Banks so then you know to shift a different school that they're already there's not many kids in there now I mean there's a there's a handful I think there are yeah there are two students in that area so there's not many there are a lot to come and um right I'm just saying since it's so far out in the sixth year you can just keep it at Binks I mean I I don't think that's kind of a non-issue it's kind of throwing the puzzle off to me anyway but yeah and Cynthia for your question I mean you have Fox Trail in this particular study to include it without changing anything else we'd have to create you know a bow tie it would just be connected at the very Eastern tip of deer run otherwise as Nancy mentioned we'd need to start we'd need to shift other areas perhaps you know Lake Haven and that area just east of Lake Haven to connect it we'd have to connect it somehow right now the only connecting piece is the very tip of deer run which would create a bow tie okay I see what you're saying okay yeah and that blue area next to Lake Haven between Lake Haven and Fox Trail is um it's farming it's row crops and there has been nothing on the table yes we inquired about that because right but right now you're right could something come in the future it could we're not aware of anything there's no there aren't any applications currently correct it belongs to the Leonard family and they as far as I know have no desire immediate desire to sell that property I guess the only concern that I would have is that especially as we you know and we I hope they we had the other person to come in to um hear from the uh Community because I want to if we have if we we do then let me be quiet okay yes okay um so our second speaker would be that Michelle I think she's lifted as she's registered okay so is that Michelle M male michella michella yes oh hi hi Miss Levy okay sorry so I'm the principal at Bings Forest Elementary and when we looked at these studies and you look at everything so even though Binks says that it can hold 1,200 kids it cannot it cannot the dismissal takes 45 minutes it blocks traffic you can't get in and out of the neighborhoods we couldn't get a we couldn't get a fire truck down through there for 45 minutes in the morning or in the afternoon you your teachers have to come in at 7:00 a.m. instead of 7:30 because they can't get in the parking lot I mean they people don't realize and then they say your parking lot's built for a certain amount when it's really not because the way that they the engineers organize the kids to get in or the parents to get in to drop off it blocks that whole back row off so you can't pull in or pull out of there so it's not true I don't have the parking I don't have the playgrounds I don't have the cafeteria you have a Drilling inside that building the building holds a thousand you have kids J jammed like it it's not fair that that you know you put more than a thousand kids at beings Forest Elementary we can't hold it it doesn't work I've been there 15 years it doesn't work people will not listen it's not safe it's not safe for children to put that many parents and that many and then you have to dismiss so you're miss an instructional time because you have to start dismissing so early to be able to get kids out of the hallway so they're not jam-packed in there I don't think people realiz that you know can't overcrowd Binks any more than what it already is we you know we've been drowning for about three years now and so a little bit of relief would be great but if you're going to make any of those developments are going to grow just like ardan grew I mean I have I have if you take Deer Run you take foxt Trail and you take Arden that's 679 kids so Jason I don't know what your numbers are but I know what my numbers are that walk in the building every single day so there's there's 6 I think 49 or 79 students students that are coming from those three areas alone you know and not that I want to lose my dear Runner Fox Trail I you know I don't want to lose any of my families I love them but I there's no room at Binks and so I understand you guys are looking at study 2 study three I met with dwan the principal um and we both felt like study three would be the best study for both schools so and um and I know that somebody asked for that earlier which I'm grateful and and I appreciate that you ask and want to hear from us personally but when we look at the studies we both feel that study three would be the best study them all Miss Levy can I ask a question the answer to this I know that the the big um issue with the traffic because I live in this area does the Village of Wellington have any plans to increase the put a a new Lane on Ben Creek Road or into the uh connecting what is it asley farm right no I asked too and I asked him to even put in a crosswalk I've asked for there's no plans to do that what so what if so folks understand it's one lane in and one lane out and this is a nightmare and it's gonna be that way whether you're at capacity or over but so they The Village has no plans to assist you by doing anything which is very it's very uh disappointing to me thank you you help I mean they have they come out they send police officers they put up these little white barrier things but when you have too many people for a school that wasn't built for that that's what happens correct but a thousand kids there you're still going to get a lot of traffic it's still my son went there many many many years ago and it wasn't as crowded and it was traffic every day because it's one way in one way back up into Southern Boulevard in a turn lane to get around into the school it's bad yeah okay uh Carla Carla will you yield to Miss Ross and then we'll come to you certainly I'm not going to step on any principal's toes if I can get this sorry everybody but um just a piggy back off of what Miss leevy said we did meet and we did discuss the options and I have to agree with her when you look at option three over the fiveyear period of growth it makes um West acreage we're going to be a little over a thousand students but it brings a lot of relief to Binks and it's to us as principles it's more Equitable when you look at it from year one to year five and I think for us when we're managing kids we want to make sure that safety is our first priority number one and I think with that particular option it gives relief to Binks over the next five years but in the end it helps for overcrowding at her school and it's going to balance both schools as well so um we talked about it we looked at the study and as principles who's going to be managing the kids and the staff we feel that would be a better option for us we we do we really do appreciate you you uh your input Carla you're on mute oh there y I got it thank you I um I agree with the explanation of the traffic um tie up at Binks I I actually live in the Western Community I'm on this committee representing the ESC advisory Council and our students with disabilities within the district but I actually live out here in the Western Community I'm actually at these schools um my own children attended Banks um I can tell you it has always been a congested mess I can tell you that there have been more times the KN where a bus leaving the Bus Loop actually gets stuck in the traffic because of the roundabout at the end and bus drivers are frustrated the parents are frustrated I'm sitting there hollering at his car like what do you want this where do you want this bus to go so it is a problem um if you're at the school uh parents are arriving at 12:30 for a 2:00 pickup that is no exaggeration because I have been on that campus for a 2 o'clock meeting and I have to go no later than 11:30 to 11:45 because I cannot get into the parking lot so I totally agree and what they're saying is absolutely no exaggeration whatsoever so I when I first looked at the studies um I was in favor of study one and we all know I like my clean lines we all know that when Binks was actually built Binks was built in a non-growth area no it was yes yes it was it was built in a non-growth area and then we sold all the farmland and all of a sudden we started expanding in the middle of this um we've also there's town homes that were actually built um inside Wellington on the south side of Southern so that is added so but when Binks was built to relieve pressure from Wellington Elementary it was actually built in a non-growth area so all these communities that were spoken to earlier Deer Run Fox Trails they were established communities at that time so when I was looking at this I'm like all right you know let's let's move north like we have been with other School boundaries Southern Boulevard that's our cut off and then when I was looking at study three the only difference actually is is the 600 um residential units that are projected that um it's my understanding that they were um going to be re um 55 an older community I could be wrong I don't want to start spreading any rumors that's just with my understanding Mee so I um is there any other difference other than that between study one and study [Music] three and just to clarify we have not been informed that this is strictly gonna be 50 I do not want to spread rumors that's just what I was told it could be wrong I I've been told wrong information before I just my only question is is that the difference but is that the only difference am I not if I missing something please tell me between study one and study three yes there here's study three um that yes this is the only difference the the future this Annex area shifts remains at Bings forest in study three in study one all of everything north of southern would shift to 15a so yes okay Carl I think you're partially because Lake Haven was initially to be a 55 and over Community but it got turned down and they came back with the one that is present with the four whatever the units 480le family maybe that was it Virginia oh sorry that could be I don't want to assume anything I just just going off of what I've been told so I just okay I don't want to spread anything thank you um I would like to ask the principal I I first thank them for their input it's very valuable U but I'd like to ask the principal of the new school since you're going to be almost at capacity the year after you open what are your plans for like the kindergarten or the special programs and how are you going to handle that if you're going to be at like 99% uh within two years is that our job so I know hi danan danan I'll I'll take this one good good I'm Valerie Haynes I'm the regional superintendent how are you thank you for being here I also participated in uh the last round of boundary so um thank you very much appreciate you being here too anytime so um in regards to ESC programs um at this time uh the school is is expected to open with two VPK inclusion classes what that means it's half the classes regular education students the other half that uh could be you know some sort of um students that need some sort of um uh Services uh but that's about um it as far as ESC programming to be um assigned to this new school to start with um all schools are prepared to service students um with um disabilities um but we're not planning on any uh programming per se that's specific where students go to the school for that program specifically that is not uh the plan for this new school as of yet so the two prek inclusion classes are already um into account when they're looking at Pro enrollment um and then the rest of the K5 thank you thank you very much and and we and we do appreciate you being here those resources are so uh vital at these committees meetings uh Nancy you're on mute okay thank you um I know that Binks Forest is a gifted cluster um Can staff address the children that are Ungifted will they stay there or are they going to start a new gifted at the new ardan school I know it's the cluster for the area elementary schools could you give us some information on that please hi Nancy we haven't been a um a gifted cluster in five or six years okay six years ago they divided it all up and said if if that was your home school each home school had to offer their own gifted program awesome thank you right now I only have I have 12 classes on a grade level I have one gifted class on each grade level not a gifted site any longer I haven't been in year that's great because I think that drove a lot of the numbers thank you for that the ESC Department uh actually was through the school board um the ESC Department did away with all those clusters um every elementary school has a gifted program now of some sort some are gifted some are enriched but every Elementary School does I should I sorry M no thank you for thank you ESC representative Carla okay where are we uh committee I I still I um I don't know if the committee would like to entertain the study with just ardin and Lake Haven I mean the Fox Trail and Deer Run are 50 students total um Jason I don't know if you had time to look at the number or if if no one you know if how other boundary members feel about that would you explain again Nancy what you're looking for it was pretty much what you were saying I was looking at just a study with ardan and the lake Haven and keep the deer running the Fox Trail at Binks and and trada is gonna similar to study three but you would take gear run in foxt trail and keep them at Binks it's just 50 kids they ride the same bus um I I just was interested in seeing what the data look like because as you were questioning I mean with all the communities moving over to ardan they are going to be over capacity rather quickly third year out that is a concern at the new school [Music] we Madam chair is that a motion yeah we need to take a look at the numbers because Lake Haven you know it's not just moving a shifting a group it's the projection was looking at increments of you know when those particular units were projected to coming each year so we need to you know shift those students to different school and uh recalculate the projections could could you turn this off from the development part and put it on just the regular map CU those developments are confusing me so this would be it there you go so right now the sacks that uh you're talking about Nancy are 420d and 420a we're actually 420f there right right Jason the whole area is actually 4 right let me put on this this is the existing 420f is Jason was gonna split off the new ardin into 420i I think yes that that would have been the new Sac where the existing 420f whichever communities remain that that would remain at Binks because Binks has had that 420f for many many years so we would create the new sack for the new school yeah so I was looking at putting 420i with the the lake Haven and the blue spot next to it into ardan and then keeping Deer Run in foxt trail with in TR acres and 420f but their run is a boow tie then no because just as I kind of explained if you look at the blue box next just to the east of deer run that's Lion Country safaris so the entrance to Deer Run is at the bow tie so their kids come out and they catch the bus there it comes down that um West Western line of ox Trail and picks up the kid you know it makes a couple of stops and it picks up the kids in Deer Run as well so there's only one entrance into Deer Run which is approximately where that bow tie it looks like at the corner where Fox Trail and Deer Run meet are you talking about Deer Run plate to also um well they have a gate they can go out the northern border and I don't know if in white fences I don't believe there's that many children if any individual yeah I do have a question coming from Cedric Thomas okay um can you hear me okay yes okay so I was just trying to follow along I heard the uh principal of is it Binks I think it was yeah both schools have spoke both principes spoke yes well I was more concerned about the one who was saying that um the capacity of the school may be one thing but what her experiences every day is something different and I just Ley is that the one you mean I believe so I don't know if they're still on or not but I just want to make sure what we're discussing now is that because I'm so new I just want to make sure that we're not um uh avoiding trying trying to relieve that compression that she said she's having I just want to make sure that that's what we're discussing I'm probably one of the newest members I think it's only my third meeting so I'm just trying to to to follow along but I just want to make sure that we were trying to entertain um alleviating that compression that she was having thank you um I I would um I would share as it relates to the um the studies and the reason that I was looking at the inclusion of um and see I looked at the the sheet that that speaks to the uh establishment establishing the attendance Zone and if you take a look at that one the estimated drive distance it actually lists the uh communities so in each study the communities are listed so study the studies one the studies two they're all listed those are the existing ones and of course the new one is would be included on each one and that's why I was sharing it as it related to two however also heard the discussion coming from the principles as it relates to study three and that would be um because the capacity if you take a look at that capacity issue with study three you're talking about going out going all the way out the capacity would be at 800 at um at at Binks with an 80% uh we're talking 80% basing it on that thousand capacity uh and we're if we're discussing capacity and we're discussing some things and I'm I'm very sensitive as it relates to students who are together as much as possible staying together and the studies if we're talking about uh students at dear run and students at Fox Trail being together now that keeps them together it puts them at the new school but it it it still keeps them together so study three is you you're saying study three would separate them no it wouldn't so study so study three would also take care of the what the principal feel that is compression and it also keep them together yeah study three is was the recommendations from the principal and it keeps deer run and Fox Trail together okay okay thank thank you right study two splits that would you'd have one Community um Fox Trail attending remaining at Binks and dear run attending the new school Virginia I really appreciate the the principal's uh recommendation my only concern is the capacity issue and I would just hate to see this brand new school within a few years needing a a um portable um so that's that's just where my concern is I could appreciate the line seem better um it's keeping most of the the the schools the the students together in a in a compact area rather than you know V ties or anything but because I'm also on the construction oversight committee I worry about needing to add U things to a school I need I I worry about having to add Portables um so if if if you somehow can have ease my mind I'd love to go along with that okay can I principal or the the area superintendent speak I probably need a couple of other points but I know that when I look at that 100 4% in that um in that first year out um you know we've we've we've had that within our our margin of error uh so bet maybe we need some someone with more with some additional insight as it would as the discussion of that 104% it's just cutting it really close crossing our fingers then coming back years later have enough space uh I also worry about you know the media center and how many lunches you need to have so anyway those were my concerns but I do like the way it looks so let me go to Dana well Dana and then Nancy but yes I I'm sorry Virginia I didn't mean to cut you out thank you mad chair so I also had the same concerns with Virginia regarding the overcrowding in study 3 so quickly out but we're also taking into a account that that new annex could have 600 units but we don't know what kind of units those are if they're going to be condos that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be populated with children so if it's going to possibly be single family tow houses and condos then that 104 may not be accurate it might be substantially lower than that is there a way that we could find out what is going to be built in that Annex I think it's too early for that there's still a lot of approvals that need to to to come through first um before we reach that point it's you know very early in that process my understanding is it's you know could be two to three years before you know something is built because there's a lot of approvals that need to go through first but uh all I can say is you know we weren't informed it was 55 plus and it's not yeah okay all right then it could be a silver lining to lower that number I can maybe um I had attended the Wellington meeting although Jason is absolutely correct there's nothing planned their uh preference what they're looking at is what they call Affordable housing so it's like town homes and three to five units residential units on the um interior res the existing residential lots so you're not looking at condos you're looking at tow houses and um single single duplexes single family units like that but um just to address some of Miss Dina's concern um I you know just to piggyback a little off of what Virginia said I mean it just kind of stands out about the 103% the overage and yes you're correct Cynthia we do deal with this all the time but my concern is that the communities of foxt Trail and Deer Run are going to be caught in the middle again and get moved again in 3 years four years along with the Entrada Acres wherever they decide to send them once they know what the building will be so that is that's kind of one reason why I asked maybe for a new study just to look at what the numbers would do if you just had the ardan and the lake Haven you know that blue spot to the east of um Lake Haven in a study and kept Deer Run Fox Trail in inada at Binks let me go to miss Ley please thank you I love yeah so I pulled my numbers and I have 95 students from the foxt trail Deer Run area and I have 480 I have 584 students from ardan so right now I have almost 600 from Arden and I have 95 from Fox Trail Deer Run area like we don't have 95 kids living in Fox Trail yeah we're not we're not showing that many no yeah I pulled a report to this morning well that that I don't I'm not going to argue with you you're the principal but there's no way we have I was surprised to hear we had 21 I thought we had 16 I was told we had 16 so that I don't believe I'm not sure Jason you're the data guy we pulled 54 students between amongst the the communities the extras that she talking about uh are those bad addresses that we don't have any ability to track on what was that Stephen sometimes in the past when we've looked at Blue Lake and some of the high school issues we found that there were people attending a school claiming an address and wasn't actually their address is that possibly The Vig that the difference that M Miss Levy is referring to I don't think she's inventing a number no no something I pulled up zip code not inventing that you're not inventing the the the youth that you know so okay um everyone uh we have been presented with um three studies we have had enough a lot of discussion uh Nancy has proposed a um a fourth alternative where are we M beckon I I would move to approve study three as it is I don't think that there's sufficient uh reason based on everything we've talked to the experts we've listened to those that have crafted the studies I don't think we need to uh spend much time on an extra study I would move to approve study three as it says I'll second we have a motion from Stephen second by uh Cedric to approve study three as is okay we need any any discussion on that motion who was the second I'm sorry it was Cedric Thomas thank you does anyone see any hands cythia sorry does the principal have her hand raised no I think it's from the her last discussion I I kind of I I sort of dismissed her isn't that is that terrible okay Roger yes I just wanted to make sure on because I know the motion was made for study three and there was the questions about that potential future development site how far out U Jason did you say that development site would be potentially built are you referring to the Wellington Annex area that the 600 residential units yeah it's it's not definitive we were informed it could be two to three years before Homes Construction commences so right now there there there isn't a definitive plan but we wanted to show what the full impact at 100% would look like at that fifth year this could be outside the F five years and that number for study three that you're looking at for beings Forest then would be lower the utilization would be lower so there isn't a definitive timeline but we just wanted to rather than say well it's not approved we don't want to show anything we know something that those homes are coming so we wanted to place that in the fifth year just as a snapshot that fifth year what if all those 600 homes existed here's a projection of what you based on the generation rate tending rate what it could look like by that fifth year there's no guarantee they're all going to be there by that fifth year we were trying to you know display what that would look like if they were there in that fifth year okay just don't have enough information yet to place them in a particular year and then I know I know the concern also the second concern was whether or not it was going to be a 50 an over over Community but that that's not something that's disclosed out yet as far as we know no I've have not heard anything about it being planned for 55 plus at this time okay all right thank you may before mayor did we did we introduce you no I apologize I actually no no no no no you do not have to we want to make sure that we we do what we're supposed to do so good good let's make sure you're introduced if you would introduce yourself please absolutely um my name is Roger mad um I am on this committee through the league of cities um I am also a mayor in my town of the town of Lake Park Florida which is uh Northeast of this area here and uh I was on the committee last year that was my first year and uh it was quite a intro to say the least and uh but I enjoyed it and I'm happy to be here again serving on this committee as well as with all you guys okay thank thank you all right thank you thank you so much I don't know if we I think we covered every is there anyone else we missed I know we have a motion but I don't want to miss anyone that's a we may have another ABC is Hector Pedra here in the meeting I thought I saw his name earlier Mr Pedra he may not be I thought I saw his he he may he arrived late I think but he may not be here now okay okay because we want to make sure because you we're talking about people who are voting and certainly we want to make sure that right I thought I saw his name earlier but okay doesn't appear to be in the meeting now okay thank you all right there is a motion the motion was made by Stephen and secondly by Cedric uh LaVine excuse me Steven LaVine and seconded by Cedric Thomas uh Virginia you have discussion yes um I I would just want to say that I really appreciate what Nancy is trying to tell us and um since we're not going forward for another study uh I'm s sincerely hoping Nancy that this one will work out uh for your communities thank you Virginia I don't have kids in school so this is not personal please don't even think that I understand that yeah but um we're we're being put in the middle of very rapid fast growth and our kids are going to be used as dominoes to fill in a map with numbers and really 50 kids at Binks is really not going to hurt their capacity that much and it will allow for the massive growth that's going to take place is still taking place at ardan and Lake Haven and you know that's why we're here because of ardan so you know my concern is we see the map Virginia you see 103% we know what that means we're going to have to do another boundary change it's going to be on the watch list for those that are new we have watch lists Etc and that's my concern it's if it was five years out I wouldn't be as concerned but it's three it's in their third year and if they get more students than they anticipate you know how people are going to put in for a new school you know we're just going to find us ourselves in a bad spot and we've been back here before we've done this before where it's come back to us again because we didn't shipped enough K you know we shifted too many that's just my concern it's not personal I agree Nancy that's my concern too that we're gonna have to be looking at other another boundary change or Portables but um since this motion is on the floor I guess we we don't have the option to look at another study so I'm kind of styed myself actually um Let me let me uh remind uh all of us as we start to move forward with some things that we do a few things as this at this committee and once we finish with this I'll I'll I'll share share those things um is there any other discussion on the motion itself Carla um I just also want to remind the mentioned of the next elementary school that is expected again Palm Beach County we have gotten congested from the south working our way North so this is nothing different than we've done with any other of the boundary changes in the last I don't know 15 year how long have I been on this committee you tell me Miss cythia it's don't tell don't do that to me I can't count that okay any other discussion okay seeing none I'll put the question to you all in favor of study three as as is would you please uh raise your hand or indicate if you are in agreement and Patrick you I need your help okay I'll go right down through the uh the lists that I have okay we'll go for the fors fors or against so y or Y or Nays uh Miss beckon yes uh Miss Faris yes with the caveat that that I am concerned that we're going to run out of space in this school but I will go along yes I've noted that in agreement with what the principal were recommending with reservation Miss Blanco I see you a yes yes Miss Salvador yes uh Miss Gribble [Music] no uh Miss damos no Mr 11 yes uh then of course Mr Thomas would be yes as well yes uh Miss Donaldson [Music] yes uh M Hall Sylvia Hall uh I'm gonna say no okay uh miss [Music] lifo m mayor still [Music] here are you talking about me and Miss mad no mayor [Music] lifco I don't see her on the the list here any more unless she stepped away okay moving on uh Mr Mich you're next yes Coulson Zar yes and I think that's it we have Miss lith litho uh it doesn't appear to be on so we have one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 yeses and one to three NOS so nine yeses three NOS okay thank you very much the motion has passed um please let me uh remind you that as a committee we also have made notes that we include with any uh action that we've taken so that as there are those those resource concerns or those program concerns or those other types of concerns that we've had discussions about we have included those so that even if we made a recommendation to uh the superintendent for a particular study we have also shared with the superintendent that there are these this these other uh discussion discussions um so do you want at this time to make any additional items because please remember we need to agree on that if yes you you um I I conform to the will of the the the the majority so if I make if I present as the committee that's the presentation so this motion has passed so we'll be put moving it forward to the superintendent but are those are there other items that we want to also add with this particular motion I think the item is the capacity issue in year three capacity issue in year what I think it's the third year the third year is that the year with discussing uh yeah the 20 study 29 yeah in in study three year five we used to do these by three years yes five okay I'm guess going by school year 28 29 I'm sorry right that's the fourth year that would be okay so we okay so you're also at 99% let's let's let's take one one item at a time and then let's make it sure we're agreeing to that so speak to the capacity item I'm I'm I'm sorry Virginia what now please you want to speak to the capacity issue that Nancy wants to be sure has brought up and right and in year three I think it is we're at 99% that's just about full so I think it needs to be mentioned that there is that capacity concerned from some of us yeah I think it start with the school year 2728 I'm sorry thank you Virginia in in study in study three three a concern is the capacity in year what is the specific year oh thank you so much I love it here are here we go uh what year is that please 2728 Sy 2728 that's the 99% correct and then it goes up from there yes okay 99% okay that is an issue all right okay may we get that one on and then let's let's decide if that one is going to be um if we're we if we're in agreement Stephen you had some discussion I saw and I see uh Cedric and then Carla Stephen oh are you are you muted you're muted you're muted how's that you feel that's better yeah right that's good P Forest Elementary was built in 1999 making it to 25-year-old school that wasn't designed to handle capacity that's why the logistical issues exist with one lane going in and around and not being able to have fire trucks or teachers arrive and dis missile and so forth when we're looking at the school that's being built uh ardway es15 um we have a brand new school with all pretty door knobs and uh technology and so forth that is being built to logistically handle the traffic flow and the crowding our our mandate is to keep it under a certain capacity not 99% but I think that goes as high as 104 uh so remarking on school year 2728 where we're at 99% capacity is not the issue should it go beyond that and the projections are uh uh smaller wrong U then that would be a surprise but all we can do is go based on the projections in front of us Binks Forest Elementary is also US News and World reports number 30 Elementary School in the nation so there are many kids that are going to find a way or want to go there their parents are going to send them uh from some of these areas um that are outside of where their address is uh they always figure out a way uh I don't know how that is uh but so I think that the Bings Forest Elementary numbers numbers will remain higher than what we see higher than the 80% and you'll see uh reasonableness in the forecast for uh Elementary School 15 and to add to that if I may you know there's always options if even the say beings force is below that number there's always options to increase enrollment you know we've got controlled open enrollment which you allow any student to attend a school um outside the zone so there there's options to always increase enrollment if if need be you know when when when a school's full you know that that becomes there's more challenges to that but you know there's always options to increase enrollment if if need be okay Cedric then [Music] Carla you're on mute there It Go um my hand was up from the vote I do apologize from that okay oh that's right Carla yeah unfortunately we do not get to build schools um and place schools with projected growth before needed you know um as you all can remember when the district was fighting for triple Zer which is Garcia High School um the district had a jump through hoops to prove we even needed it we don't have that luxury it would be nice if they did it'd be nice if all of our schools stayed at 80% um it's just it's the state just does not allow us so we get to build a school we could already fill it to Capac that's just the way it is right so I think that the numbers are not bad and I have all the faith in these two ladies if they're staying at that school again I don't want to assume because you know that what do we call that principal Shuffle over the summer but it's I I think the both schools and I I have not seen the site plan for the new school so I don't know what it looks like for the entrance and the exit and access to the school but I do know Binks and I know it well it's it's in my backyard and I there are times where I'm at the school on a monthly basis and I um like uh as Mr L had said it it was not built to handle all this it's not built to handle the traffic so any relief that they could get it's it's way past two Carla just to add we do have a there was a presentation done April 8th 2024 at the uh at Binks forest and that there there are really really you know beautiful Renditions of the school and the egress Ingress and um so that's in the ABC agenda um page so if you'd like to take a look at they're just pointing that out that that's there it shows a lot of um you know cool stuff the in interior exterior traffic flow so I I I'm at the school quite often I yes it's it's right it's actually right in my backyard yeah this is for the new school for 15 this is the new school oh the new school no I have not had a chance I yeah this is the new school so that you know a lot of you know diagrams Maps charts and pretty Renditions of the interior exterior so just pointing it out if you like you know take a look at it I will I um you know I like to watch my board meetings and see what happens when I miss one yeah it's definitely worth looking at okay uh folks if we could go back to the uh verbiage let's see if we we can get this up so that we can uh decide if that's one of the things that we're adding Nancy um I was hoping on to piggyback on what principal Levy the principal of BS Forest her comments regarding the number of students she had versus the number of students that Jason had in in that um area of deer run and Fox Trail if if Jason can you look into that to see if there are boundary jumpers or what the issue is with the numbers why the data is so different and off we use GIS to pull the numbers which which geographic information system so we geocode the students based on their address and then we select out those points to specifically calculate how many kids are in that in that area but I'd be happy to uh you know Patrick probably has a system up now he can double check right I mean maybe you guys can compare notes because that obviously is a problem it's almost double almost double yeah but yeah but you know what that's that has that's not a uh that's really not a new new situation and that's something that no I disagree but um it may be something that we need for the future if we're g to you know we we we recognize it as a problem a while back so right I I maybe Jason can square that tie that knot up for us we we did uh as per policy we did initiate a schoolwide address verification for Forest um I'm sure miss Levy was probably tired of receiv evening there were a lot you not I would say a lot but there were a number of them so we did verify the entire School uh to you know last year we sent that to the school and you know I'm sure she did her thing with her staff to try to look into those so you know that was part of this process so Jason we had 79 kids that had to look up make them verify addresses and half of them did half of them you know um did have to leave Binks but my so only thing I can pull is from the sis system and a sack code and based on that sack code um that I'm allowed to pull from it says I have 679 from ardan Deer Run and and fox tail but it could be it could be you know maybe there's somebody that lives in Lion Country Safari you usually get one or two kids from there every year or you know somewhere in that area okay so where the the the information here is in study three beginning in uh the school year 2728 there is a concern for the capacity utilization at new at at the new Elementary School 15E okay that is the first bullet could you please insert just for me because I'm I'm one of those uh between at and new put the word put the I just need that the new elementary [Music] school thank you I'm just one of those okay uh is there another bullet yes ma'am yes steep sorry I'd like to have my comments reflected that um Binks was built in 25 years ago uh the site maps from the presentations certainly indicate that uh new es-15 can handle the capacity at 100% 103% which is what we're that's our directive in Binks with its traffic flow and situ cannot okay Madam chair can you can you see my screen while I'm typing yes okay thanks bars Elementary School well it was built 25 years ago okay um and uh so your statement was that that the new elementary school is better equipped to handle a larger um enrollment it's being designed to logistically allow the traffic flow and other things that b simply can so it's it's the it's the it's the facility but it's also the tra it is the the whole Logistics of it not the fish number and yeah it's not the fish in the capacity number it's the ability to access the school I'm heavily involved in The Vi Village of Wellington and the pcab and some of the other boards and when you don't know what an application is for a fox Haven or one of these future developments it's because they haven't made the application uh we don't know what permitting is going to be in this place that can handle 600 residential units but we know that es15 has the traffic flow the capacity the roadways the infrastructure to allow for um capacity enrollment at the school Mr Levan is there a reason why the Village of Wellington has not addressed the traffic issue there is housing on my kids went to Banks all three of them yeah there too yeah so there's housing residential housing on both the North side and the south side correct and there is no way that the Village of Wellington I don't think they own that road they own they no it's not a County Road and they own the east but they they haven't addressed it I mean even when you take all these kids out it's like you said it's still going to be an issue yeah well that would be a that would be a point for the Village Council certainly not for me correct but I I just don't think what what you're bringing forward I mean all new schools are going to accommodate capacity so it's irrelevant that Banks was built 12 25 years ago that's just my opinion well 25 years ago the traffic infrastructure didn't expect it to be 107% capacity Virginia I just want to remind everyone that it isn't a matter of yeah we can crowd in a few more students we we are stuck with the size of a classroom so for every well what is it Elementary School with every 18 students you have to have another classroom I mean it's not just yeah we can squeeze in the extra 3% we'll just put extra ones in every classroom you you have to meet the I don't agree with saying that the the larger infrastructure to accommodate larger capacity I don't agree with that it has to stay with if it's 100% then you you then that's when we're in the the problem of having to add Portables and Virginia that's fair so it's not that the infrastructure can handle larger capacity than the school is permitted Jason what's our directive we're supposed to keep a school Under what capacity there isn't a set number we're just try the statement is we're supposed to try to best optimize utilization achieve best achieve you know optimal utilization what that you in the old days and Cynthia is aware there was concurrency so 110% was the magic number where we had to do something we had to once the school hit any school hit 110 we had to act somehow some way with relief and often times that it include a incl included an attendance zone change so we're no no longer under concurrency so there isn't a a specific number any longer um you know it's just try to best optimize um our capacity you know and Achieve uh as as best and optimal utilization is possible but we still are the class size but but keep in mind infrastructure as it relates to um the the the year and everything is a factor they made there there was a tremendous difference and you look all you got to do if you look at older schools versus the newer schools the that is that is a very very significant Point um I can't get over that Western area you know I that's that was my way of going to work because I've worked in the Glades for years so s o Pratt Southern was my way to work um now I need a GPS to go from Southern to okobe Boulevard I mean you know I can't get over it but it it's anyway that's that's another story Miss Cynthia those of us that live out here we feel the exact same way okay all right Valerie yes thank you Mr Lovin for bringing that up if I could just make a recommendation for the actual note for for the bullet point I you know I I agree it's not the matter that it was built 25 years ago but it really is the impact of the arrival and dismissal and the way that that school is nestled in that Community um with you know with housing that it really um is more about the ability to be able to um uh allow you know for so much traffic flow um over anything over 900 students in the building so it really needs to be below a certain number and it's still going to be you know there's always traffic coming in and out of school that's just that's the way it is but the amount of traffic um with anything that even reaches quote unquote capacity even though it was built for a thousand students I mean you're looking at even some um rooms within the building that are typically not rooms that are used for classrooms I mean they the fish count counts everything so um I just want to that bullet point could just indicate that it's specifically the concern is about the number of the the the the number of students enrolled and the traffic uh congestion for arrival and dismissal that it really needs to try and maintain below a certain number preferably 900 or below if you're going to throw a number out there is that okay with you stepen you're not muted yes okay that was quick yeah I I'm gonna tell you even when when we start talking about some schools what what generally and and Valerie I'm not sure if um I don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but infrastructure has a great deal to do with and that's um egress and Ingress because it that that flow makes a big difference especially when you start looking at some of you know some of the schools um I look at some some schools you know and if I you know I can think of some of the schools that are around you know I look at leson City Elementary that one you know anyway we could go on and on and on about different schools and some of the problems so do we want to take the 25 years out but make sure make sure we deal with the congest and the oh the arrival and dismissal yeah the traffic congestion for arrival and dismissal and uh ideally maintain an enrollment of 900 or below does that address it I mean the 25 years I mean that's just a fact built in 1999 if you want to be factual yes I I remember my um oldest son was the um no he was there he started right after the first year so he was there for a year two okay um so that's just a fact okay but the um the maintain enrollment 900 below I and I agree with um Miss Hines it's when you've been stuck in that little road and you can't go anywhere and there is a bus trying to get out and literally you feel for the bus drivers because they inch little by little by little try to take up every space every time someone in a car breeds and this is no exaggeration I have been there I've been stuck in there you literally I you understand why parents get there you know at noon for a two o'clock pickup it's ridiculous but it's the truth okay so that one would address that Virginia um I'm I'm still questioning the the reason for keeping the last sentence in the second bullet the the new Elementary School's being designed to accommodate it's not larger traffic flow but it's better traffic flow and include a larger modern infrastructure it's only Built for 7 970 some students okay that you know better is that's fine better you know I don't think we should have that last sentence at all because the school is still only Built for 970 yeah I agree with Virginia I don't think I may I'm sorry you the way you have that I'm okay so the new elementary school is being designed to accommodate better traffic flow and would would include a larger modern uh infrastructure no no we're asking for that sentence be removed because it's not applicable we didn't design it we don't know that it was designed for that reason it's designed to carry students because Binks is overflowing sorry I agree with the first sentence but I I think the second one should go really I'd be okay with Miss in leaving new elementary schools being designed to accommodate better traffic flow and if Jason wants to go to the board dock that we were sent uh on the new school plan from April the halfway down the page it says overall site plan it clearly shows phenomenal traffic flow designed to resolve this issue specifically that Banks has there there's no confusion about that 971 students versus a thousand students or whatever the capacity is the access the egress the Ingress to the school is wildly different I I don't disagree with that I think I guess what I hear you saying is that Entrada Acres development will never go to Binks because there's no way they'll have capacity I just brought it up Stephen their clearance there is amazing wait you know what that that's that's going to looking at trying to predict what I mean the area is changing the area is just changing but I don't see how we can you know and I'm not going to um I can't put words in in in Stephen's mouth either but as far as when you start looking at a school I really believe strongly that traffic flow is an issue and if you're going to if if they're building new schools they there that needs to be addressed and apparently it has been addressed with this new school so that is a I I don't see why it would need to be removed I should think that we would want to say that do we have another bullet uh V Valerie comment Valerie did we uh I'll come to you Kathy in just a minute I see you uh Valerie did we address what you were saying yes okay and we wish to leave the 900 in there we want we want to specify that figure do we want to state 900 I just threw that number out I really I mean if it was my first choice it' be 800 or below but I just would not want to throw out numbers you know what I mean I just um maybe we should include uh below the fish capacity of 1,000 maybe keep it that way instead of throwing out a number okay it just it's already listed as the capacity of a thousand but we you know we we really don't believe that the school truly has that capacity but okay well the fish is 1206 so we do we want to say and maintain enrollment below below 1,000 well the the fish is on 1206 when you include 24 Portables right which which that's the official right fish so that that that alone is an issue right so we're we're hoping in the future um you know we'll see how it goes that maybe we can find a removal of or movement of those Portables in the future because again we're going to go back to the original issue at hand which is the inability to accommodate arrival dismissal and flow okay um and not only that our fine arts classes are not even in their own classrooms there because there's no capacity so it's just lot to take care of do we wish to it sounds like it sounds like some of this here again and we we've got to be very careful because I understand that there are a lot of issues I mean we could bullet we could bullet uh you know we we give 10:00 as our as our timeline to uh in these meeting this unless we extend but and Kathy I haven't forgotten you but it appears that we could go down and and bullet the low but where is it that the boundary committee stops and the school district starts because remember we've said we cannot address all the issues because everything is not necessarily related to capacity with that let me go to uh let me go to Cath my comment is just when you read the second bullet there's there's some words missing I think at the end of 25 years ago you need the words based on need what like based on so yeah I was thinking of that as well found a number of students enrolled the school yeah just there's something missing there thank be like two sentences actually the two like after 25 years ago should be a period and then it should be yeah for the flow thank you you're welcome okay Virginia then Marana and I'm sorry one more comment is the park sorry the parking capacity was a th so you have a reason to put a thousand I mean it was designed to accommodate a thousand vehicles I guess I thought that's what it said but well we initially had there was 900 was in their last so do we do we want to State a specific number I mean the study State a thousand um we want to State a number yeah since the study says it let's put it let's put what the study says but Jason that that study though does not the the Thousand does not include any of those 24 concrete Ables correct um well do it the study would I mean if the building is for 774 I think going back to the studies we would need to maintain some of those but GNA go back to say that the school was not initially designed for that you know typ when it's nestled inside of a community I go back to say yes it can accommodate you know a few concretes as many schools can but 24 is excuse me Virginia excuse me Virginia would you take over I got someone at the door that I need to answer okay be right back um you can see with the study we're at 800 so you're a little over even that 774 it's close but and as I mentioned in the introduction you know we've got to maintain those all those mods on site for a while oh it perhaps principal ly leevy I'm not sure how to say your last name you can address what is the what the school was built for and what you're comfortable with we cannot say fish because that includes where you are now you crowd it so the main building itself was built for 774 and then they added in 24 concreta bles in the back or Portables so what number are you comfortable with I'm with Valerie at 800 all right so then that's what so should be enrollment below 800 is that the will of the committee i' yes I would yes yes okay all right have a child that has been in those Portables to a parent of the child that was in a first grade classroom with two first grade teachers CU there were not enough classrooms um I yes all right and Jason that the school was filled for close to that number 792 did you say or S 774 774 okay is a good number are there any other hands raised because I don't see any would anyone else have a bullet to add I'm scanning the list I see no other names are we finished then with what we want to add hearing nothing going once going twice up sorry just really quick I don't disagree with what you're saying below 800 but that's not the number that we Ed so I I just don't want to have any confusion with you know going forward that's all I'm going to say I'm not trying to throw a monkey wrench here but we were given a number by Jason to use for the boundary study but now they want less I agree they should use less I just don't know why we didn't use that number in the study that's my two cents Jason that was the that was the design the original design capacity um park for parking that that was the number we used that was the original design capacity so that that's that's the number we use now that's what's on paper and you know I think the principal spelled out you know some of the issues with that but that's the original design capacity was a thousand so that's the number we use rather than coming up with an arbitrary number that's you know we're using the actual number for for that design would would you be comfortable saying below original design capacity as again you're saying ideally so that is the ideal below instead of the number below original design capacity um Virginia but I believe the original design capacity was 774 or 7 whatever and then plus the 24 um that were added well it was actually a thousand but class size reduction reduced the number so you know the school was built before class size reduction and it was a thousand then here you know state approved class size reduction so we had to reduce all schools so that's why you know that's taking into account CSR because we're still there that's 774 but pre CSR the school was built for that building was built for a th so maybe we're back to the Thousand again that's the the number you used in the study Jason but wasn't the studyed the 24 Portables in the back is what they're saying and when you we take that out then you're going with the actual structure that was designed 25 years ago which is just under 800 but those those uh that those 24 are pretty permanent pretty permanent permanent Portables based on right it could be it looks like be there about 15 years so we're back again to to a number Nancy had her hand up and then sedric mute it Nancy I meant to take it down I'm sorry you've heard enough from me oh okay fredric well I just want to make sure because I I thought we agreed on a motion or a motion pass and it seems like we're kind of um undoing the motion with all of the bullet points I just want to make sure that I'm still following along in on are we going with the study and the number that the study had or did we just undo the motion with all of the bullet points the idea of the bullet points we're always able to add some extra information even though we're putting forward that study these are some of the concerns that we're we're letting the school board know about so it's not changing the study but I'm I'm back again to do you want to maintain an enrollment below a thousand if that's what's in the study well Cedric did you want to finish and then we'll go to Mariana sure I mean you know I I I just would like for us to you know I mean add the points or whatever but if we if we you know had a motion to pass um I just want to make sure that that is you know that is what we're still doing and if we if we need to change it I'm I'm you know I'm okay with that it's a committee I just want to make sure that I'm clear on what our direction is in reference to giving to the superintendent again we adopted the study as it is it will go as it is these bullet points are just to pull out some of the uh discussion that we've had we've had quite a bit on the capacity issue so we're and the park the driving issue so we're just trying to point those out to the school board we're not trying to change the um study okay Mariana um just in terms of the number if you know the idea is to let the superintendent and board know um the issues that we're addressing it seems like capacity is a big issue and so I I would suggest staying at 800 based on what we've heard from the principle and some of the capacity concerns I don't know that um it would make sense to bring this bullet point forward with a number if we're suggesting a number that's higher than um what the school principal suggesting the school actually hold would it be clarifying If instead of after the first comma um we say school should ideally maintain an enrollment below a thousand because the what we're doing is sending the the U study which is affecting both schools and this identifies which school we're talking about that suit everyone but if the building in the traffic was built for 774 I think we should keep an 800 please okay I'd support that okay Valerie my S my suggestion was just going to be for clarity purposes that maybe we just spell it out in that bullet point that although the study indicates a thousand it is inclusive of the 24 concretes um and indicate that the the school was originally build for a capacity of 774 which ideally Binks you know should try and stay at 800 or below maybe we just spell it out exactly what the Thousand means and what the ask is and then go with that I think we just need to be clear as to why the Thousand is there it includes the 44 concret Ables but they're not able to be removed or moved because they're not old enough and so if it's clear then the board will understand okay that makes sense and and move [Music] forward do you want to phrase Jason or whoever is typing this in if you do another bullet and then we'll decide between the two bullets which is the language that we want to go with so would you again Valerie State how do you want that bullet um I would just say in study three uh the Binks Forest capacity is listed as 1,000 which includes the 24 for concreta bles and and the school should not go over that amount or no then it should say the the the school was initially um designed for 774 students so ideally Bings Forest should maintain an enrollment below 800 and leave it like that all right that there would make sense as to what the traffic flow issue is so based on the number of students enrolled then you can just copy and paste that part of that sentence it says based on the students enrolled in traffic congestion for about should ideally yeah so that can go in front of the word ideally and it should be two sentences right and now I'll reread to see if it makes sense and I think Mr Sanchez is on but I'm not running this committee I'm going your voice is as important as anybody else all right do we have that am pretty much so we have two suggested um languages it was I'm sorry um if I could I interrupt Mr Sanchez has his hand raised yeah I just I don't want any anything to be factually incorrect so I just wanted to make sure so I don't want to disagree with my colleague but um as Jason pointed out the school the school's Capac the school was built for a th000 it's this when the school when we got class size reduction that's what reduced it down to 7 whatever 774 so it's that that third bullet is is not factually accurate at this point so the original capacity was a th000 it just the building the it's the original building now only holds 7 74 because the capacity was reduced due to class size reduction I think we started with the idea of trying to get across that BS because of the traffic conjection [Music] congestion that that things should try to maintain a lower attendance but now we're caught up in what do these all these numbers mean yeah I mean if you wanted if you want to keep it to under 800 that's fine but I'm just saying that the the capacity of the school you can't we can't say the original capacity was was designed for 774 because that's not accurate okay AR they going to get the staff report that has all that data in it like why are we trying to recapture that here I I couldn't understand you cing I'm think going to get the staff report that has all that data in it about the design how it was designed and the modular units that were added the that aren think going to get that why are we trying to rewrite all this this was I think this is what Kathy's referring to yeah where it states so the number again looks more like [Music] 1,000 okay sorry Jason if I can make a correction then go back to the sentence and just say ideally below a thousand enrollment below an enrollment of a thousand go back to go back to paragraph two this one initially designed that's the one that's currently not accurate it was initially designed for a thousand just get rid of the entire bullet period and then go back up to the bullet the second bullet 800 just put a th there is that a thousand with the the other structures or when you say originally without the new structures that were put in it was that was the original building way back before class size reduction the original building was for a th students was designed for a th students so was the port was the Portables put in at that time or they were put in after class siiz reduction to assist the school with meeting class size reduction mainly because at the time you probably had an enrollment that that you know couldn't that building when class size came in about that 774 there probably you know too many kids at one point the school was a gifted Center so it enrolled quite a few students you know well into the 1100 maybe close to 1200 range so we needed additional classrooms on campus to meet CSR so yes those mods came you know after class size reduction yeah just just a little clarification Mr Thomas is that just think about if a classroom prior to prior to a law changing for class size reduction may have held 30 kids in it but when class size reduction came into to effect we couldn't put more than 22 kids in that same classroom class the classroom size didn't change at all we could just put less fewer kids in that classroom that's why we had to add the modulars in order to accommodate those EXT those eight extra kids per classroom it's the same number of kids but we had we had to put more more classrooms on that campus in order to hold the same number of kids because of the law changed okay but prior to the law the school was built and designed for a thousand students that's correct okay and so now that the law is in that's when the module the modules came in okay all right so now okay I can understand okay okay U I think Dana you had your hand up oh Cynthia you're back did you want to take yeah no no no no no no I had a hand up I have I my hand up is to speak yeah I mean when I'm when I'm reading through all of this and I'm reading these bullet points I mean it just kind of seems like we're favoring Binks and all of this which you know to be fair I understand you've been overcrowded for a while but on the original Capacity Analysis it request Regional leadership requested that we don't load banks for us beyond the original design capacity of a th students so I think taking it back up to a th is fair however I mean we address the concern for capacity utilization at the new school but that school's only Built for 972 students and we're going to be well over 972 in the fourth year so we're not addressing both sides here with the numbers I think that's the point we were trying to make those of us who talk about capacity yeah but I mean we also really don't we need to kind of focus on the actual numbers there just like we're focusing on the actual numbers for Banks I think that's what the first bullet is saying that even though we're recommending study three we still have a concern with capacity at the at the uh new school right but Banks is going to be way under capacity when we're looking at the study three so it's kind of a moot point I mean in five years Binks is supposed to only be at 800 um I believe that I mean everything you are saying is fair I do think that a part of it is the um the traffic issue as well it B so I think that that's what this bullet point addresses more than capacity I think it's just to let the board know that I mean and I would say bullet 2 you know says that better than bullet bullet 3 is all about capacity but I think the point that was trying to be made initially and we kind of kind of went awall and that was yeah I think we're just over complicating it just bullet number one as you know there's concern for cap capacity utilization and bullet two is just there's a concern for traffic flow at Banks I I agree with that but it also talks about ideally maintaining the enrollment below a th which is utilizing the um modulars or they contables but that's but that's addressed in in uh it's addressed in study 3 in study 3 it's not going to be over a th000 capacity for the next five years that's true do we not need bullet two we don't need bullet three we can get R of bullet three I was gonna ask delete three delete three yeah I think bullet two just address that there is a traffic concern at Banks Forest based on current capacity for sure um but I mean according to the study it's not ever going to go above a thousand in the next five years I think that's a good point yeah uh perhaps what you want to just say in the bullet that there was discussion around the traffic congestion uh for Bank school just letting alerting them that because that doesn't show up in the the study all right C you had your hand up next yes um I I did uh I I I um I think we having a lot of discussion and we're we're sort sort of circling the wagon um we make these we do this discussion so that we can share with the superintendent let me make sure that that point is made this recommendation goes to the superintendent not to the school board superintendent puts uh shares with the school board and there may be some changes that the superintendent makes to the school board so that's the other thing it's not an automatic it's not a uh as as we say it so we're we're saying some things that are that's in addition to even though we passed a motion for a study there was some discussion where we said hey we've got a situation here in a community and we want to share uh a couple of things that couple of three things that are being made so if we could go on and make those make those points and move forward it appears that we capacity was certainly an issue and if we don't hold the capacity of banks lower there that the traffic flow is an issue because they just simply can't accommodate the cars and the buses just because of that so I I we're it's like we're not and and yes it probably wouldn't have happened to Binks if it had been been built now like the new school is but it was so if we could go on and get the point down so that we can share this with the superintendent because the one thing that we the superintendent has always been in the past is open to the comments from the committee which is why these comments are important would are you taking over car Cynthia um sure I'll do that I saw Carla oh I'm not muted I thought I was um and Miss Cynthia you actually said a lot of what I was thinking so we have we have a study that we've approved to go to the superintendent with approving that we've got a bullet point saying that we are concerned within the study three of the capacity of the new school the reason why we're concerned with that is because of supporting Binks and the it's the it's design it's the road design there's no way to Wi it there's nothing that we can actually do so that is why we're putting in bullet to that's why I thought bullet to was important um again we can you know recommend to maintain it at 1,800 again the superintendent can send to the board whatever they want and the board can do whatever they please it's just where our mindset was going so if our mindset is yes we're approving study three we are a little bit concerned about the utilization um and over the being overc capacity for the new school but we are really concerned with the Binks access um and also safety I I think it was missley that even mentioned about getting a fire truck in there that's that that's I guess that's a Wellington Village problem but it's um I didn't I never even thought of that until until she mentioned it because it so bad but I think bullet to is important so they actually know why we still approved three and didn't go back to the district asking for more studies and breaking things down oh and I and I also want to remind you that we we have had and and it is good we have had comments from uh Resources with the uh with the School District staff and we certainly do appreciate that thank you very much that's been very helpful did we have did did we have any uh another member of the committee to join us I want to make sure yes that was me my name is Lyn lever and I apologize for coming on so late I just got this email but yes that's me I came in late good evening how's everybody good evening I thought I I thought I saw your name I've been I've been clicking through here okay you were appointed by uh Mr uh our NAACP chairperson contacted Mr Jason link okay who who who is that uh D stra we're Palm Beach County South oh you're South okay okay all right thank you so much thank you for joining us we have we did have a motion to pass study three that motion has passed but now we're discussing uh bullet points because we did have some points that we wanted to make to the superintendent in addition to uh that particular study uh so that's what we're trying to wrap up right now okay is there anything else committee Miss beckon I move to adjourn that is a priv motion there's a motion to to adjourn sorry Mr stepen you took my [Music] assignment is there is there a second I second then second it by Maran uh okay all in favor of that motion let me that motion to adjourn is there a a point for I'm sorry discretion sorry Virginia I just want to know I I assume we do not need to meet again and my question is for the school district when will this be going uh when will the superintendent put this on the school board agenda uh that'll be determined uh we'll need to you know uh set the schedule for that we will we will definitely keep you updated the next step of course we'll forward your recommendation to the superintendent then the superintendent will review that recommendation then uh make a final recommendation to the Schoolboard and then the next step would be uh the workshop and usually we combine the workshop and that first development meeting we try to do that in One Singular meeting so um you know we we don't have the date on that yet but as soon as we do we will Absolut absolutely let you know Jason do we not bring this out to the community anymore well we can we combined the ABC meeting we are now permitted to combine the ABC meeting with the community input meeting you know as long as we're providing over at least an hour of input so we had did you send out cards to people because I had been contacted by folks in our community they had no idea about it yeah yes Parent Link emails and phone calls went out to uh the current K through fourth graders within the zone so they're only option is to attend a school board meeting now were they are they are they attending are they in the Zone like K through fourth grade yes okay well we they were we uh sent out the the apparent link notifications to all K through fourth students residing not just attending residing within within the change area and then within the the area not proposed to change we actually sent two messages is to all the areas that are involved in a change and then to the areas that were not proposed to move so like I said the only option now was to attend a Schoolboard meeting I didn't realize the process had changed well it was a work yeah it's the next step would be a workshop and then the first development meeting so there's two opportunities and then I'm sorry there will actually be three then you've got the final approval meeting so it this the um the process going forward now we're not going to the community I know that we had long prided ourselves on bringing a boundary change to community for input right in the in the agenda next to the diamond footer it states when a community input session is held in conjunction with a regular ABC meeting the community input session will constitute the public comment portion of the meeting we'll commence first and will not exceed one hour subject to the following so we we are the policy changed I think it was before we we we commen with the uh may have been the the Garcia High yeah the policy change uh came about uh with with the virtual because if you recall because of the virtual and everything we were able to uh bring in a lot of community input and uh so yeah and if you notice on the on the agenda that was a reason for actually stating specifically how we would win a community input session is held so that we even but it's even went so far as to put on the on the agenda specifically what we would do as it relates to community input okay so they were sent a text message or a phone call is that correct Jason email and phone call email okay perfect thank you you're welcome so to finish I realize those are points understand we have a motion to adjourn I understand point I understand about point of order is is is in place yes go ahead I was still finishing with with uh uh my question about um will we be giving the superintendent's recommendation as soon as we you know what it [Music] is uh separate from separate from the meeting well you know when we prepare for the workshop we will have that final recommendation as part of the workshop materials that out to all of us yes okay thank you the yeah when his when when when the superintendent makes his recommendation to the board that's then what you know we'll prepare for the workshop materials okay and then we'll send that to you thank you okay any other discussion there is a motion to adjourn okay okay all in favor of that motion to adjourn I I okay let let's do it this way is there anyone that is opposed okay uh Patrick I'm gonna consider that everyone on has has uh uh agreed to adjourn at uh 7:53 yes ma'am are we in agreement so the mo the meeting is adjourned at 7:53 uh thank you so much uh for a fantastic job I know that uh the um the you know and we certainly want to thank everyone from the staff for being here to help us with this um we won't be meeting on November 20th however ever it is uh November and so uh it's Thanksgiving and uh that it is always good to be thankful and also to make sure that we're doing things for others that helps them to be thankful this is a this is a giving time so if you find your find it in yourself uh a way to give to others an act of kindness do that this is an excellent time of the year to do that thanks for that reminder CIA yes what was that I said thanks for that reminder yes yes it's nice to see everyone it is good to see everyone okay uh let's let's go again let's go full screen so we can say goodbye all right okay good grief we still we had one person to drop off but we still have well actually some some have gone in and out all right I know uh Chris has played double duty we certainly appreciate everything that she's done uh thank you uh to the principles who certainly took it uh took their time out to be here we definitely appreciate that um uh Mr Sanchez I know you know you make sure that you will keep us on task oh miss Andrews is still with us I've been with you all the way I see that I see that okay that's why you go full screen so you can see everyone wonderful okay uh thank you everyone did anyone have any uh comments suggest is Virginia thank you again wonderful session you two ladies rock it together we're gonna miss you Carla yes for those of you who did not hear and we're gonna have to we're gonna have to do an inperson I'm sorry gonna have to have our smorg board for you uh Carla Carla is moving to Texas so I I you know we used yeah yeah we used to do that so you GNA have to tell us when you're moving and we'll have to organize and we have to come uh hey we just have we're gonna have to have our uh you know covered dish and say goodbye to you ABC staff yeah abcy y That's right thank you every huh it has been fun and you two these are awesome and I'm sure Jason will be more than happy to get rid of me that's not true at all Carla that's not I'm only teasing I'm only sometimes you ask tough questions they're fair questions so I I wish you all the best with the move and we will miss yes yes a thank you thank you okay okay thank you uh Jerry we appreciate your input uh we know that it helps us when transportation is here okay there anything else all righty then have a good night everybody thank you all right holidays good night all right happy thank you good night everybody good night good night good night everyone good night --------- ##VIDEO ID:JqKlCxzq_4c## police benevolent Association Incorporated versus the school board of Palm Beach County at 1M in the boardroom Miss bolat would you please take the role here here District here District Four Erica Whitfield here District five Frank barbier here District Six Marsha Andrews here District Seven Edwin Ferguson here thank you board members do we have any disclosures and extensions okay seeing none I am convening the impass hearing in the case of Palm Beach County Police benevolent Association Inc versus the school board of palom Beach County perk case number SM 20046 special magistrate Stanley h micheler on October 21st 2024 superintendent Michael J Burke filed rejections to magistrate ml's findings and recommendations on behalf of the board on October 23rd 2024 superintendent Burke submitted his recommendations for settling the disputed impass issues for the board's review and on November 1st 2024 the association submitted its recommendations for settling the disputed impass for the board's review all submissions by the parties have been received and made part of the record to allow the board to resolve the disputed impass issues pursuant to Florida statute 447 43 subsection 4 I will now turn the meeting over to our general counsel to the board Sean Bernard and Miss Bernard will provide an overview of the hearing Miss Bernard thank you madam chair uh I'd like to start with for the board and for our guests who are here to give somewhat of a a high level uh overview of the posture of where we're at uh now that we've had rejections that have been filed uh by one of the parties um and this and it's against the special Masters recommendations there is a shift in the legal nature of the governmental entity in our case the school board from that of the public employer to that of the legislative body which has a duty of impartiality once a special Master's recommendation has been rejected the public employer must put on its legislative hat and become neutral and then act in good faith act impartially and consider equally the positions of both parties the courts have recognized this is awkward but still required so with that the board has received all of the records uploaded to the agenda today and submitted by the parties which included a letter outlining Det detailed information regarding the scope and parameters of this impass hearing today I will go over where we are procedurally uh the board's charge and responsibility in the impass hearing and the legal standard for voting after I go through all of the information I will then entertain any board questions before we proceed this case is before the school board for review of the rejections filed by superintendent Burke as well as all submissions of recommendations filed by the parties for settling dis the disputed impass issues the superintendent is here today represented by attorney Jee Marie Middleton and V Danielle Williams I have not conferred with Council substantively regarding this case since the filing of rejections on behalf of the board the association is here today represented by Katie Mendoza the special magistrate made the following essential findings and recommendations at after the hearing on July 15th 2024 permit officers to accumulate up to 60 hours of compensatory time and roll it over into the next year in favor of the PBA extra duty pay to be increased to $52.50 or the officer's overtime rate whichever is higher with a minimum of 3 hours per assignment in favor of the PBA increase detective e emergency service unit and fi training officer assignment pay by 5% in favor of the PBA and add a training unit to the department with a supplement of 1,000 in favor of the PBA 7.5% reoccurring salary increase in favor of the PBA without a longevity pay plan in favor of the school board increase officer West area supplements by 5% in favor of the PBA no change to the calculation of the hour worked for overtime pay in favor of the school board no change to the to the calculation of hours worked of the overtime pay in favor of the school board no change to the K9 caraker Handler pay in favor of the school board and no change to the non-contract day compensation in favor of the school board the superintendent is now before you on five rejections with one rejection divided into two sub rejections regarding assignment pay and is requesting that the school board Grant those rejections the association is asking the board to accept the magistrates recommendations in total the board must resolve each disputed impass issue the rejected recommendation as it deems to be in the public interest including the interest of the public employees involved pursuant to Florida statute 4 47. 4034 e specifying as to each rejected recommendation the board should either Grant or deny the rejected recommendation of the special magistrate in its resolution the superintendent will be allotted 30 minutes to present his position on the rejected recommendations the association will be allotted 30 minutes to present its position on the rejected recommendations there will be no rebuttal and no time may be reserved for rebuttal the parties may make their presentations through any representative or representatives of their choosing including their Council and may refer to previously filed materials referenced in the recommendations submitted to the board objections raising evidentiary issues need not and should not be made during the hearing because the rules of evidence do not apply this is not an evidentiary hearing accordingly there will be no direct or cross-examination of witnesses by the party's representatives pursuant to Florida statute 4474 4034 C the parties shall explain their positions with respect to the rejected recommendations of the special magistrate after each party's presentation in support of their positions on the rejected recommendations board members will then have 30 minutes to deliberate including asking questions of the parties or engaging in discussion prior to voting board members you are not required to do so if you have all of the information you need are there any questions from the board are there any questions from the parties Madam chair okay thank you superintendent Burke you now have 30 minutes to present your case after which the PBA will have 30 minutes to present please set the time clock before the start of each slide's presentation I see we're set Mr Burke you may proceed thank you yes Miss Daniel Willam Williams will be representing our site good afternoon Palm Beach County school board members we are here today for the legislative body hearing on the impath declared by PBA on articles 17 and 20 of the CBA PBA declared impass on March 21st 2024 after six bargaining sessions the parties were able to resolve several issues through those session and additional issues through mediation however several still remained unresolved the bargaining team for the district is comprised of Chief negotiator Tim kuic Chief Financial Officer Heather Frederick the director of compensation and employee Information Systems Mark Mitchell chief of police Sarah money the director of HR and compliance and processes Diane Wyatt as well as assistant general counsel j marie Middleton and Senior attorney V Danielle Williams the through discussions with the executive leadership team the bargaining team determines the needs of the district with regard to staying competitive within the local market as well as the state what the team has found through these negotiation Cycles is that the stalemate that the board will ultimately have to decide on falls on needs versus want the district bargaining team has consistently negotiated based on the needs of the district and the union to ensure a competitive market position with respect to officer pay while the PBA has been operating on ons the school board is chiefly tasked with the education safety and Welfare of its student population in order to effectively handle those tasks the State of Florida provides the school board with a budget to accomplish the goal there is a single budget for this entire District this means there is only one income source for all expenditures of the district which includes more than employees salaries the district is the largest employer in palmach county and is currently comprised of three certified Union groups as well as an additional non-bargaining unit group of employees PBA accounts for the smallest bargaining unit with approximately 265 employees however they routinely want the most from the district the demand to concede to the wants of PBA is not in the best interest of the school board or the community as a whole the district proceeded through negotiations on the advice and guidance of the superintendent the superintendent engaged in negotiation based on the board recommendations in accordance with its knowledge of the district in its entirety and the public interest the board was negotiating in good faith through the superintendent altering the path taken by the superintendent at this stage will have a negative impact on the bargaining team's position and future negotiations the district must be fiscally responsible with taxpayer funds fiscal responsibility mandates doing what is needed to ensure Market competitiveness while also dictating that the district not acquest to every want of every Union group over the last few years the district has taken steps to increase the competitiveness of officer pay within local regions in 2022 PBA received a 5% base salary increase officers received a take-home vehicle iPhones um officers received uniform allowances and an option to switch to 12-month employee status from a 10-month employee status additionally in 2023 PBA received a 7% based salary increase these changes were necessitated by the reported retention and recruitment difficulties that have largely been eliminated to maintain a strong Foundation it is important for the superintendent to continue the course of insisting that the board only do what is necessary and not what is wanted if Mr Burke were to continue to make concessions as a result of impass proceedings there is a risk the district will continually end up an impass to avoid this eventuality it is imperative and incumbent on the board to maintain its position on the issues at hand and keep the bargaining unit strong on a path moving forward if Mr Burke were to Just Adjust his bargaining position for one group The PBA it is likely setting a precedent for all Union groups and the board should expect similar outcomes for all other units this would lead to the depletion of the district's fund balance over time leaving limited resources to manage the needs of each group effectively with that in mind our I would like to turn the board's attention to the remaining issues for consideration the parties have agreed to accept the Magistrate's recommendation for one which is article 17.1 a work week and overtime which deals with the calculation of hours worked therefore there will be no change to that secondly we agreed to article 20.4 non-contract dat compensation so it will increase from $50 to 5250 per hour so what goes into determining negotiation posture of each unit Mr cuber can you inform the board of that or it starts with getting input from the chief and her team um we get a thorough understanding of the areas of concerns that need to be addressed through bargaining we review Market data uh for wages to see how competitive we are with other agencies uh and also the available funds for wage increases and other initiatives that we might want to push uh we also look at Department status for uh Trend such as number of Staff uh the the hiring and turnover records and so that's how we get started with our our proposals for negotiations thank you so if we look at article 17.1 B through I we're talking about compensation time Provisions this the current CBA language allows for the accumulation of comp comp time each officer has the ability to earn up to 60 hours of comp time if that time is not used by the end of the fiscal year the time is paid out to the employee at their overtime rate currently our CTA language as you see on the slide indicates that comp time shall not be cumulative from year to year Miss Frederick are you able to talk to the board about um comp time what is comp time how is it earned so comp time is overtime that was worked uh by the employee and in in lie of being paid that overtime it is then accured as comp time so that they can use it as paid time off in the future are you able to tell the board about how it is tracked it's tracked within our Erp people soft system okay does an employee um how does the employee utilize their comp time the employee would elect uh when they would like to utilize that time that was acred for paid time off and so they would request that through their supervisor is there currently a process to allow employees to roll over that comp time no there's not would creating that process look different from what we have now yes we would have to rewrite uh the rules within our people soft system um to allow for uh the the uh the rollover of the comp time would creating that process require the district to expend additional funds it would because we would have to rewrite the rules in order to change the system that is set up now the PBA is requesting that officers be allowed to elect to either have their comp time rolled over or to be paid out how would your office manage that election process it would be a we would have to put a process in place and it would have to be built uh as part of the people soft system so as part of the rewrite it would have to be included within rewriting the system thank you the district is concerned with maintaining equity and fairness amongst this employees and fears that favoring One Union could create resentment and morale problems amongst the others this could lead to a domino effect of Demands for comparable benefits potentially straining the district's budget and exacerbating Labor Relations the district emphasizes that it must consider all bargaining groups when making compensation and benefits decision allowing officers only to roll over comp time could lead to service disruption particularly if officers decide to utilize all hours at once this disruption potentially could have a larger impact on the district as we'd have to obtain coverage for the officers throughout outside resources further the district would need to establish mechanisms for accurately tracking the acred time the time that's used the roll over time and managing cost and budgetary implications this can involve updates to timekeeping systems payroll software and accounting procedures in addition PBA would end up being the only unit that would be allowed to roll over their time how do we explain that to the others now we're going to move on to article 177 .11 which is outside detail and extra Duty Chief Mooney are you able to talk to the board about what an outside duty is and what an extra duty is yes an outside Duty or extra Duty detail would be something that is scheduled by an outside contractor so say a church comes in and rents out School space they need to have Safety and Security there they plan through the lease to contract an officer to work that detail so it's not affiliated with their day-to-day activities on a campus it would be additional to what they would normally do and is that different from comp time it is different is the extra Duty or outside Duty mandated it is not it's voluntary currently the rate of pay for an outside duty is $50 we've agreed to increase that rate to 5250 per hour with a minimum of three hours per assignment PBA is requesting that the officer be allotted 5250 or their current overtime rate do you support that um this is the change I I support the three-hour minimum mandatory because that's kind of the industry standard but the flat rate is is also the industry standard so that it would be Equitable for any officer to work and they'd get compensated at the same rate is every officer's overtime rate the same no but if it's a detail lease rate then yes it is so it's the same if it's a voluntary sign up as opposed to a mandatory detail thank you Mr C if the PBA is successful in convincing the board to accept the individual officer's overtime rate could you tell the board who would be responsible for paying the difference of that 5250 and that officer's overtime rate most likely that would be the district the overtime rates of the officers vary so it's difficult to account for you know what that will be when establishing the lease rate for security why would the district be responsible for absorbing those costs the current leases uh there are fixed rates in the lease agreements for security so if overtime rates are used the the rate actually paid will often be beyond what is collected um at the current rates and the district would need to pay the difference is there a time frame for when those rates uh could increase uh the the contract that we're currently under expires on June 30th 2025 what do you believe would happen if the increase rates are passed on to the lesie in order to cover the overtime rate we'd have to pass a significant amount onto the lesie uh this could push them to find other venues uh which would ultimately result in a loss of revenue for the schools and and even potentially for the officers Miss Frederick um are you able to tell the board whether there are officers who currently earn more than 5250 for their overtime rates uh yes there are currently 85 officers that make over that amount if the district were to lose out on leases as a result of the uncertainty of those rates would that have an impact on the district budget uh the primary impact would be at the school uh because we do allow the schools to maintain that funding um to help support activities at the school sites so if rates are changed our schools will not know what their what their uh income is going to be and it will be different for school to school now I want to focus our attention on article 20 we're talking about article 20.3 which is our assignment pay PBA agrees that there should be no change to the K9 supplement therefore the remaining supplements left to be addressed in the assignment pay are for the detectives the Emergency Services Unit and field training officers the district proposes that the assignment pay remain the same while the PBA requested to increase each supplement by $11,000 which amounted to a 25% increase to the detective in field training officer supplements nearly a 36% increase to the emergency services supplement in a new training unit the magistrate has has recommended that the district provide a 5% increase to the aforementioned supplements while this 5% is a drastic cut to the requested 25 to 36% increases at this time the priority of the district is to improve salaries for its employees rather than providing supplements the district rejects creating a training unit alog together Chief Mooney can you provide the board with the rationale for why the district has taken the position to increase um salaries versus supplements for the consistency and the continuity amongst all of the employees um having a specialized assignment sometimes has extra things that come with it anyway and and the pay is not necessarily the impetus to join one of the specialized units so to just add incremental supplements in those various units um would potentially only benefit one or two people and and it's just not consistent throughout the the organization thank you so I'd like to turn our attention to article 20.9 which is our West area supplement Chief Mooney can you tell the board um whether when you became chief of police did officers have take-home vehicles uh some of them did but at this point uh the the school board has supported us in outfitting all of our officers with take-home vehicles at this point and they pay for the the use of those vehicles in addition to gas does that mean that officers are no longer required to use their own personal vehicles to their workstations correct they drive marked police units does it also mean that officers are not financially responsible for filling their gas tanks correct that's provided for them by the district also is this a benefit for all other employees in the district no it's a benefit for the police officers so PBA asserts that the proposed language that it provides um should be accepted as these schools are not desired positions and the rates will match between the bargaining units the supplement in The Glades area is not to entice employees to work at undesirable schools it is to compensate them for the travel and the wear and tear on their vehicles to serve the students in our County to argue that officers who are already getting a take-home vehicle and gas cards need more money because being in the west area a predominantly African-American area is less desirable is offensive they can opt out they can choose not to elect to have that position teachers have to drive their own personal vehicle they have to buy their own gas and so we are compensating them for the wear and tear to their vehicles now we're going to turn your attention to 20.5 this is by far the largest issue of contention for this hearing during the last negotiation cycle with PBA the district agreed after impass to provide a 7% % increase that raise was 100% paid out of the referendum money The District offers competitive salaries amongst other school districts in Florida who have their own accredited law enforcement departments if the board accepts the recommended 5% increase that was proposed by the district at the time of the hearing the district would have been in the second highest in the county for the hourly rate of officers while the PBA argues that other agencies offer step plans longevity pay and more generous leave policy we are not funded in the same way the magistrate seemed to acknowledge this because he didn't recommend that we take any of those steps the district's current starting salary for a 10-month officer is $5 51,3 28 while 12-month officer started $64,500 while the lowest paid 12-month employee earns $ 64,66 as a base salary the current pay range you can see is 38 3208 I'm sorry minimum to 54.83 which is our maximum with a proposed 5% increase the rates would increase to a range of 3368 to 5757 the PBA requests that this board accept the Magistrate's recommendation for a 7 and a half% increase which would take that range to 34.4 n minimum to 5894 while the difference in these ranges proposed by by the two parties are 811 cents to $1.37 an hour that increase across this bargaining unit is still significant Chief Mooney are you able to talk to the board about whether that 5% proposal is sufficient for your department at the time that we uh entered into negotiations yes it was very consistent with uh keeping keeping us in the higher uh bracket of local agencies in addition to Statewide comparatively to other school police departments um obviously during the the time period other negotiations occur uh some of the other local jurisdictions have multi-year contracts which would lead it to look like their raises are uh much higher than what we're getting in a one-year contract so I think at the time that we began these negotiations the 5% was was very generous and fair and we began these negotiations at the beginning of 2024 yes is that right and so now we're at the end of 20124 and these numbers might look a little bit different in your opinion is a requested 7 and a half% increase necessary for the stability of your department at this point I think the 5% is is adequate um and like I said moving forward as as we renegotiate and we open it up every year in regard to salaries um we we have room for growth there but I think at the time that we began these negotiations that the 7 and a half% was not mandatory in order to keep us keep our heads above water basically so it's fair to say that it's appropriate now with the understanding that we are going to move into 2025 and begin negotiating for the next cycle correct Mr Mitchell um how does a district deter marketed competitiveness and its position within the the region the district uh seeks to look at agencies that are comparative to this organization as well as those organizations where we compete for talent so on the previous two slides you saw those two Market comparisons versus agencies that have a certified police agency with them you also saw the comparisons to local municipalities and other agencies where it's deemed we can compete for talent do you know the average salary of a 10-month employee yes what is that average salary 71,000 let's see 12month employee or did you say 10-month employe 12 month 12 month employee for is is 10384 for school police and do you know the average salary for a 10-month school police officer 7,912 is that inclusive of overtime yes do you know how many officers earn more than 100,000 per year inclusive over time 49 do you know if there are any officers um who earn between 90 and $100,000 inclusive of over time I do not have that data at this time okay Miss Frederick are you able to tell the board how much the district has paid out in overtime in 20123 approximately 2.3 million and is this just to PBA yes as of March 28 2024 how much did the district pay out just to PB a in overtime alone approximately 2 million 1.9 are there any officers currently who earn more than $50,000 a year in overtime alone yes there are are teachers permitted to earn this kind of money in overtime no they are not miss Frederick can you talk to the board about um what a 1% increase to the salaries of an officer will cost a district I mean so approximately $290,000 for each 1% increase and so a 5% increase would be what about 1.5 million and a 7 and a half% increase would approximately 2 million 2.2 million so the difference between those two figures is about $727,000 correct at the referendum that has been a contention during the entire um negotiation process does not pass again in 2026 will that have an incre impact on the district's budget yes it would be a loss a revenue of over $300 million a year if the board accepts the 5% salary increase would it be retroactive it would be do you know when it's retroactive too uh to January 1st of 2024 okay so if this agreement is ratified by December 31st of this year would an officer receive a retroactive check back in till the beginning of the year yes would they also receive the 3% bonus that we have proposed yes they would does the state assist the district in funding for officers per school they do can you talk to the board about how that is funded um so there is a safe schools allocation um but that does not uh fully fund uh the cost of of the one officer per School uh so that is supplemented by the district general fund and then the officers over and above that one officer required by School uh by Statute is funded through the referendum is a district able to generate additional funds like another municipality might be able to do so our ability to generate funds is only through the the going to the voters for the millage which is capped um as well as the sales tax which was recently approved um last night thank you as you've heard there's one pot of money to handle all of the district's financial responsibilities out of the money provided to the district from all revenue sources the district must allocate funds to Charter Schools voucher funding to provided uh for private school students through family empowerment scholarships and consequently after accounting for Charter Schools voucher programs Entre Employee Retirement costs and state mandated categoricals the remaining funds we have are used for salaries and reserves the district's priority is educating its students and it must consider all employee groups during negotiations the bargaining team was focused on the fairness and Equity to all employee groups when the board considers the request the PBA for an extra 2 and a half% it should consider the impact that it would have on all other employee groups which are 23,000 employees Miss Frederick can you tell the board what the cost of a 1% increases across all employees uh $3.5 million I mean 13.5 sorry a 1% increase is $ 13.5 million for each all of our employees in closing the superintendent requests the board to do the following accept the recommendation to article 17.1 a no change reject the recommendation that comp time be allowed to be carried over until the next year accept in part and deny in part article 17.11 so we accept that the rate be incre increase to 5250 with a minimum of 3 hours but we reject that the pay be at the officer's overtime rate we reject the recommendation to increase assignment pay under 20.3 we accept the recommendation to no change to K9 caretaker Handler uh recommendation we reject the recommendation to establish a new training unit we would like the board to accept the increase to 5250 per hour under article 20.4 non-contract date compensation we urge the board to reject article 20.5 recommendation for a 7.5% increase to the minimum and maximum salary schedule in all officers um effective back to January 1 2024 and we expect uh request the board reject article 20.9 request for an increase in the west area supplement the decision the board makes today will have a lasting ripple effect on the entire community that is team Palm Beach the ramifications of the decision today will have implications across all 23,000 employees while it may be 265 employees in PBA the consequence of the decision you make today will span across all of your employees this impass relates only to 2024 we have not even begun negotiations with PBA for 25 the mission of Palm Beach County School Board has been to educ edate affirm and Inspire while the education of students of Palm Beach County may continue what are we talking about for our other employee groups that make up the entire District each and every one of our employee groups within the district is equally important and must be treated as such if the board opts to provide a s and a half% increase it will send the message to other employee groups that the PBA is the favorite while the board will continue to educate its students it risks negating the work done to affirm and inspire all employees and creating a financially unstable and inequitable system thank you thank you very much and thank you for staying within the time limit let's re we have the clock is reset I'll now turn this the hearing over to attorney Mendoza okay good afternoon everyone my name is Katie Mendoza I'm an attorney with the Palm Beach County PBA um I'm the main negotiator for our bargaining unit of officers and sergeants at the school police department so according to the last records request there are about 233 officers and sergeants in our unit um they are the smallest unit they're the only unit of high-risk employees here at the district um and the Palm Beach County PBA just as an overview represents almost every Police Department um in Palm Beach and Martin County including the Palm Beach County and Martin County Sheriff's Office so our president Mr kandrian he's the president of not only the Palm Beach County PBA but the Florida PBA and that really gives us good insight into to the market standards and Trends because you are hiring from the same pool of other law enforcement officers in the county in chapter 447 says you need to look at that local market and the peculiarities of the job so um that's two of the factors that we looked at at the hearing and um I just kind of want to give an overview of everything that's been going on at the PD I've been The Negotiator since 2020 so we represent the school police unit again that's officers and Sergeants in 2020 um we started making some good changes there have been really positive things happening we've worked on a contractual promotional process that's been very good it's starting to be followed um but there's still a lot of work to do and a lot of changes that need to be made to make the school Police Department as strong as it needs to be for our children so as you all know in 2018 the margerie Stoneman Douglas tragedy occurred and then after that there were a bunch of Law changes they did require the school police Department to increase the Staffing so you are looking at one officer basically per school um and you're going to hear from a lot of our officers today that they're still really struggling to even meet minimum Staffing requirements so in 2020 the department was in a state of Chaos in 2022 the membership came to us the PBA this is not something we started they came to us that's when there was merger talk they really said we need better support we need better pay we need better benefits um we had a meeting at the union hall there was an overwhelming vote in favor of the merger almost every single officer voted in favor of the merger just in 2022 that was over a 100 people also in 2022 um the superintendent and the board you guys made a great decision by hiring Chief Mooney she's great um and but that was after having five Chiefs in five years so um you guys are the ones who have to decide today what's needed to really keep going this moment um to build your Police Department up um also in 2022 we talked about the referendum at it was briefly touched on here but as you all know there's a four-year referendum to um impose a 1 mil extra on property taxes and um that's for five categories of things two of them are presented to the public for school police and school safety we wrote a letter to Mr Burke we did not receive a response to use that for improved um officer pay just like it's used for for the teachers that didn't happen in 2023 we had bargaining for reopener um we did declare impass in 2023 we went through a two-day evidentiary hearing um I think it was good to see where we were as a police department so in 2023 the hearing re revealed that you were 100 officers shy of full Staffing which is 315 officers in 2023 starting pay for 10 mons was around 49,000 the PD had lost 50 officers in one year that's just um what that hearing just last year showed so that's 20% of your Staffing and the 2023 budget had increased by 20 215 million and the referendum funds alone had increased by over 50 million so we got a really favorable recommendation from that impartial magistrate which was for 7% no bonus the district did accept that that was something that was really needed and and thank you because I think it did strengthen the department but you're still down in your Staffing and we would like to keep this momentum up so fast forward to this year 2024 um we're again dealing with the two main fiscal articles um and I know there's a lot of talk about the units across the board but again it's your smallest unit it's your only high-risk unit and the cbas are not identical so um the the police CBA articles 17 and 20 are summarized in our letter to the board we want to be fair that's why we recommended to accept the magistrates recommendation in whole um and and Danielle went through each item but I just want to touch on them so no change in the overtime calculation the magistrate did note that that was the industry standard but he said basically we need to focus on base wages so no change there that's fine we accept that um the next item is comp time so compensatory time that's a state across law enforcement departments if you don't um get paid for your overtime which is time worked um then you get comp time so we're not asking for an increase in the comp time right now in the contract it's um 60 hours that's actually 40 hours at the 1. five times rate so we don't we're not asking for an increase we just want that to be able to be rolled over um because right now 10ms have no annual leave they have six personal days which is taken from their sick leave bank and we just think as the magistrate recommended that the use of the compensatory time which they earn by working is a good incentive and we did talk about the programming issues at bargaining and I just think that we're willing to work with you all but the the what we hear is it's just too much work um and it's not fair across the units but I just think that something can be done about that maybe even manually inputting since since it is the smallest unit um so that's where we are with that extra Duty detail um this is something I think that you all maybe should talk about maybe with the chief in your discussion time because I think there's confusion amongst the terms extra Duty versus non-contract versus overtime um there's a lot of different terms used in the CBA and extra duty is actually I talked to all the Reps about it very recently they are paid at the overtime rate right now for their extra Duty that's like if you stay at a school and work a football game they receive the overtime rate that's extra Duty so maybe we just need to strike that language overall because it's confusing I don't think we even need the term extra Duty it's regular overtime that they get paid for right now um salary plan so 20.3 assignment pay the magistrate recommended um 5% I think that the district did accept $1,000 increase to detective at the hearing I didn't want to put that in my letter I don't know if you're withdrawing that so again maybe that's something we can talk about but the magistrate recommended 5% so we did accept that and we're looking at increases $200 or less for basically three items um there is a there's trainers right now they just don't receive assignment pay so that's for that item very very minimal increases non-contract day compensation fine we're going with the m magistrates recommendation status quo and then the wages I'll talk more about that that's 7.5% again very needed for you know to meet your min minimum Staffing and I'll touch on the market standards after all this West area supplement um any implication whatsoever that's based on race is ridiculous it's far people don't like to drive it that's why we recommended you know an increase and 5% is $150 to you know just over $250 so again minimal increases based on what the magistrate recommended um starting pay I know it was put on the PowerPoint I think the 10mon salary was incorrect right now starting pay at the um School PD for 10ms that was a good change too you now have 12 and 10ms that's great I think it's helped a lot with the coverage issues but again we still need to keep working on pay so 10mth now starts at 51,000 $328 12mon there start at $ 64,66 we're here arguing about the district's proposing 5% or a 3% bonus or $1,500 whichever is greater we want the 7 and a half% to the base no bonus we're basically arguing over 2 and a half% and it's it's just whether or not it's pensionable you know they're trying to avoid pensionable benefits to the base we don't want a bonus we want to keep building up the starting pay making it more competitive with the community we're not at asking for a step plan nothing like that um we just want to attack That Base starting pay and give good base wage increases to our men and women who work to protect the students and the staff every single day I think it's it's it's a lot of people so um the difference of that between 2 and a half% five and seven and a half is less than $2,000 annually and it's the minimum hourly rate it's around 81 cents that's what we're arguing about out here today and um I did a records request the last record request we got of the officers um basically it said that it would cost around 375,000 um for the the raise difference in what we're arguing I know that they have to think about the F FRS and the costs I think that's included in what Heather said around 500,000 with the pensionable benefits but again that's one of the main draws that you have F FRS and the pensionable benefit benefits you shouldn't have to give them bonuses to avoid that benefit when that's that's one of the great things that you have um when you look at funds the district admitted in its brief after the hearing that it has the funds available it can't afford it it just does not want to give police a higher raise than the non-instructional civilian employees and the reason I say non-instructional is because they are treated differently than the teachers we you know agree everyone does a great job but you have to look at what all of the employees are doing and getting the referendum funds which right now is 2022 to 2026 the language presented to the Palm Beach County voters is for an extra Mill in property taxes to fund five different categories two of which are school police school safety those referendum funds went up 43.7 million as of 2024 between 2023 and 2024 those referendum funds alone went up 93 million and we're arguing over two and a half% to the base and you're still underst staffed so I think that the voters think that these funds are being used to focus on school safety which I would hope and I know is a priority for everyone but we're here arguing over the two and a half percent to the base so um again that's what we're looking at we did a records request for all the teachers who received um the referendum supplements for one fiscal year as you know they can receive up to $10,000 which is pensionable and we got back a big list of names these are all the teachers who receive referendum supplements up to $10,000 and it's 87.8 87.7 million expended towards these pensionable supplements for one year for 12,000 teachers we're just asking for a little bit higher of a base wage increase in starting pay for our police um so market trends other agencies have step plans longevity more leave less Duty days they have comp time they have comp time almost up to you know over 200 hours I represent Boon they are allowed to roll over 195 hours so again um you looked at The District's wage comparison charts it didn't include the referendum supplements I think it showed you guys over Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office that's that's not accurate they have a higher hourly rate in three years they're going to be starting at 84,000 around there annually um so I just urge you also we're we're at another impass right now over Insurance you guys are proposing to increase monthly costs about $100 a month per employee now it's over two years but that's another reason why a good base wage increase is needed the district you also saw a chart of other District police departments they're not all fully accredited you have a fully accredited Police Department a great Chief you need to give her the tools that she needs to make it a strong Police Department um Chief money she's great she has a great reputation she if I I hope you did read the transcript of the hearing um she talks about a lot of the positive changes but she also talks about you are still 50 to 60 officers down 315 fully staffed you're just past the hump of panic mode every day everyone knows it so I hope you address this need in the base wage increase um at 260 I think that was the number she gave you should be at 3:15 that's 55 officers down um so you're going to hear from a lot of our officers and sergeants I'm not going to take up much more time and they're going to talk about their experiences what they see what they go through and why they do deserve a bit better base wage increase thank you I'm gonna call sorry Sergeant Dave for Toto good afternoon can you hear me okay I'm getting the age where I need glasses so bear with me good to see some of you or all of you actually but some of you are familiar faces uh my name is David Fado I'm a sergeant with the palmach county school police I've been here for 23 years I started in 2002 spent a lot of time in this board room with quite a few of you and there's some new faces now who I'm not familiar with but uh I'm sure we'll be seeing you through the years uh the reason I'm here is just to talk about some things uh that we're dealing with as an agency and I think I can speak from experience as to uh why we're here um I was listening so it it kind of changed what I have written down and what I want to address but uh we have one one to two police officers per school and and you know margorie stowman Douglas changed that we had to put a police officer in every school so we have one person on that campus every is responsible for one thing now some of you have actually come to some of our events and you've you've you've let us know how important Safety and Security is I have three children they're all older now but I tell you when they went off to school I want to know that they were coming back so when I said goodbye to my children I gave them a kiss goodbye I said hey you know I was I was really concerned about their education but more importantly than that I wanted to make sure that they were going to come home unharmed and safe and that things in the school were going to be be good you have one person on that campus who's responsible for that ultimately now I know Administration everybody else is responsible as well but that one police officer needs to be somebody significant when we hire new hires I'm in the training unit when we hire new hires we can we convin we let them know your job is to be that Warrior you're that one person and we show videos of unfortunate events that have happened in the past and are happening a little more often unfortunately and what their responsibility is make no doubt what that responsibility is and I want protecting my child that Warrior I don't want the least that money can buy I don't want you know what average money can buy I want the best we should be the department that everybody is seeking to be at and you should want that person protecting your children your most valuable asset and they're not property but the most valuable thing to you if you have children you know what I'm talking about when I started in 2002 starting pay was $38,000 right now starting pay comparable to the schedule we were on is $52,800 that's a 70% increase in 22 years okay that's not bad I bought a house that same year house was $132,500 in palmach County I don't live there anymore but I looked up the value of that house that the value of that house is $500,000 that's a 370% increase okay I'm okay I'm fine I've been here I've lived in this County but we've got a lot of new officers and people coming in who are trying to start families with young people young and that's a significant difference cost of eggs has gone up 300% since then cost of gas is up over 200% cost of bread I could go down a whole long but but we all can agree that the cost of living in palom county is significantly up now what are we trying to accomplish why do you give why did you I was there when when you all went and tried to get the referendum money for for pomes County School District absolutely you you guys need that you need that assistance to pay the teachers it was safety it was security and oh yeah we're going to give the the teachers some raises I remember asking the chief at the time are we going to get the raises too because things were getting a little expensive and he said no you guys have to bargain for that so the teachers got it what were you trying to accomplish you're trying to make it more affordable for the teachers I get it absolutely but I just listen to to the The District representative talk about fairness and equity and all bargain units and when you offered that money to the teachers up to $10,000 all the other bargain units noticed that and they felt left out now last year we did go to impass and the reason was because we live in this County too we have most of our people that we're hiring now are coming from Port St Lucy and other places where they can afford they're making that hourlong drive whatever so it is significant and we're just trying to to feed our families just like everybody and and I I know you understand that so um just to be comparable to what the teachers are making teachers work 196 days a year and we have a 206 and a 250 schedule so if you were to pay the the police officers now let me find this in my notes cuz I have it um the equivalent would be $50,400 if we work the 196 schedule for the teachers now I don't know what the teacher starting salary is but I think it's somewhere 53 $554,000 so we would fall short if we worked a 196 Day schedule we also talk about overtime okay I'll ask you some and I said they said 49 people are are making over $100,000 but if you're looking at if you're going to compare starting first of all I think the salaries that you're comparing are all starting salaries because if you compare a five year 10 year 15 year and 20-y year officer I think we start to miss the Mark here at the school district okay because I can tell you my brothers in blue and green at other agencies who are making who are have as many years that I went through the academy they're making significantly more that's okay with me because I like where I'm at I love working here I love protecting the kids I love seeing you guys and working with you everybody's a professional again we're just trying to to make sense of of all this but when we talk about overtime that's time away from our families that's our police officers trying to feed our families okay the teachers don't have to worry about I'm married to a teacher so I'm I'm not going to sit here and complain but I think they get everything they deserve okay now I know also they're they're overtime my wife says when she goes to tutor somebody I'm going to work my overtime but they make $60 to $70 an hour so there is opportunity for them they just have to do it in a different way they have the entire Summers off they have more time off than we do okay again 96 days compared to 250 or 2 206 but yes overtime is afforded to us because we're needed there and if we weren't there the sheriff's office or somebody else would be there and You' probably paying them significant amount of money but those that again that's time away from our hour so all those all that extra money that's being paid those are hours that these police officers are being away from their families away from and unfortunately it leads to unfortunate things children who don't see their parents hardships on marriage different things so we're all trying to accomplish ilar things I know I'm getting a little long but we do have a police officer just to put it in in perspective I'm not going to give her name or anything but she recently came to us from another agency um she's a single mom she gets up probably about 4:00 in the morning so that she can drive her child to her mother's place so that her child can get to school she goes to work she works a full day sometimes she does work overtime at the end of the day she goes back to pick up her child and she's getting home late at night now I understand they say oh we make overtime but you know the teacher teachers go to work and we say hey let's give them some referendum money so that they can you know they can survive but the police officers you get overtime so you know what what what what are we going to tell this officer don't spend time with your son don't even see him because you go make the extra overtime because it's afforded to you that's what she's doing but you know I don't know if that's the answer so we're just asking for something fair this is again you guys tell us all the time how valuable you are but you know there's you know I think they say actions speak louder than words we love to hear it but you know what it' be a great time to show it wouldn't it you know so seven 7% in three is what you gave the teachers this year I think that's fair I know they said seven and a half but I'm going to come back to seven and three because that's what was te again you I'm going to go right back to where we were talking about fairness and Equity Okay the reason we were in past last year and we got the 7% was because of the referendum money just to bring us up to speed now the teachers got s and three this year we said hey how about us I I think if that was offered we would have we wouldn't be here today we we're we're 10 11 months into this now and and the police officer is waiting so I'll go ahead and cut it off I'm going to let somebody else speak I apologize but thanks for thanks for listening to us and thanks for taking the time appreciate good to see you guys sorry he's tall um I'm gonna call officer Michael Lynch good afternoon thank you for uh having us I want to introduce myself my name is uh officer Michael Lynch I've been with the school district for approximately seven and a half years um I spent two years at be Lakes Middle School and the last 5 and a half years at Santa Lucius I've been in law enforcements for approximately 38 years and I want to say the last seven and a half have been the most rewarding but with that being said it's getting more and more challenging coming into school every day and what is occurring throughout our schools from conversations I have with uh my fellow officers violence is on an upswing and their workload is doubled example several guns have been taken off campuses this year just last week I took a uh a gun from a uh an individual just off my campus who was firing it in the area um that was probably my fourth gun since I've been here um I took an AK-47 off of um or AK AR-15 off a uh individual at be Lakes who was on campus with it um we handle everything on in our schools from rapes to thefts to robberies to sexual molestations sex crimes everything we do is with the exception of homicide since I've been here um the chief's making every effort to meet the state mandates of one officer in every school but we we are still struggling the morale is slowly dipping these issues will these issues will only continue our problems of retaining and recruiting the days of bumping fists and patting kids on the heads is over we are under staffed and it is showing there are many reasons for the Manpower shortage but I believe first and foremost it's the last lack of respect we are shown from the district we believe that you look at us as a burden on your party and you feel like the only reason we are here is because we are mandated I I believe that with this thinking you are also putting the safety of your students staffs and schools at risk we have to be more competitive within a law enforcement Community we have to stand out in a way people are going to want to come here Law Enforcement Officers want to see that they are respected and valued by their boards you folks not just an old piece of equipment you were keeping around in case you need it we all understand that schools are meant for education and that is your main priority most of us have had children gr through our or are currently going through the Palm Beach County School System but in this day and age things have changed without us at the schools they cannot operate if my children were still school age I would want the most competent teachers as well as law enforcement in those schools to educate and protect please show us your support of being here us being here and accept the magistrates impartial decision thank you for your time and just off the record I want to get out of the soap box here for a minute I find it very offensive um that uh your attorney would use this platform for a political stunt the statement was never here for an increase I mean uh for um demographics it was for distance of going getting out to the Glades I work in in seven and a half years here I've worked in schools that are probably 98 to 99% black and brown children by my choice I've been at every single one of these negotiations in the last five years and not once has demographics been brought up so I just want to make sure that that's uh for the record thank you folks thank you Sergeant Carol session good afternoon board members my name is Carol session I'm a PBA representative and I've been a school police officer for 21 years I look forward to serving more currently I'm a sector supervisor in the North End I can tell you that on a daily basis it is a struggle to be in compliance with the Marjorie stowman Douglas act this struggle is due to Manpower shortages I know the district has been struggling and they've been dig diligently trying to address the issue by hiring additional officers but it will be diff it will be a difficult task to attract offic officers when the pay is not comparable to that of our counterparts as a police representative I can appreciate the Dynamics involved with negotiations for better wages and I understand the district has other concerns that they must also address However I truly believe that when it comes to security We cannot put a price tag on safety if we are to meet the goals established by our agency and District it is imperative that the salaries of our officers are sufficient enough to attract the talent that is needed thank you um I just want to say because I think we're going to run out of time I appreciate you having us all here today and listening to all this I just want to highlight that overtime is actually ours worked if you didn't fill it with your own officers and sergeants you would have to use the contract deputies and those are at even higher rates so um now I'm going to have officer Joe laow talk um he handles recruitment hi officer Joe Lao school district has more population during the day than our state capital of Tallahassee which is the largest city in Florida Florida police departments have become highly competitive they have they offer a step scale besides contract pay raises cost of living yearly increases and a high starting salaries for experienced officers these are not new ideas these have been in place for decades but now it's on a much higher pay scale I have worked with recruiters from other departments which they get officers that are that are appeal to our schedule they refer to me uh when I get officers that have concerns about no step plan no Cola work into another agency becomes appealing uh new officers starting their career tend to use the school police as a stepping stone this is the reason why we don't offer a police academy sponsorship program they soon realize that there are several years of experience here that they go on to other agencies work 25 years and retire a millionaire here new the new the starting salary which you guys brought up before is 2,000 ballpark for a new officer I'm here just over 6 years and my base salary is $55,200 I don't want to keep any more of your time thank you so much I just want to highlight again the district admitted it has the funding it's a matter of can you know versus won't so I really hope that you consider the S and a half percent raise to the base that's pensionable thank you thank you so now before we go into our deliberations um Miss Bernard do you want to respond to the comments made directly towards you uh as as far as uh council's comments uh I think that this would be from from officer Lynch oh thank you uh from uh officer Lynch um certainly uh there there was no um disrespect um on the part of um the attorneys in my office or or or me certainly um I think that the reference was solely based on uh testimony that came out or inferences that were made about um the undesirability of the area um and so I understand that to be a specific reference that came out um um From Below uh so please apologies if if if you took offense to that okay thank you so the board will now go into deliberations for 30 minutes where it may ask questions or make any comments please use your pads if you would like to to make any comments or ask any questions okay seeing none I'm going to turn it back over to you Miss Bernard oh I'm sorry thank you gotta have faster fingers I'm sorry we're gonna go go with Mr Ferguson first thank you um attorney Bernard who do I direct the questions to I can direct it to each party my recommendation would be to direct any questions through Council and if you need you know to speak to uh Representatives who are here today the the best way to uh pursue that is through councel okay so my uh first question would be to attorney m there was during the district's presentation they mentioned that PBA sought a seven I believe 7 and a half% increase in 2023 um and I thought I may have heard that there was also a similar amount of increase in 2022 am I correct or incorrect in that no if I I don't think I don't know if this is on but in 2022 I think that we got 5% last year we got seven no bonus and this year we were asking for the seven and a half with no bonus because highly effective teachers got s and a half with the bonus what I was asking was what was PBA asking I understand after the at the impass hearing seven and a half seven and that was in 2022 in 2022 we didn't go to impass I don't what did you ask for in 2022 is what I'm asking you I don't that was two years ago I know we got five so so last year you asked for seven and a half last year we got seven which is what we asked for all right and this year you're asking for what seven well we're accepting the Magistrate's recommendation seven and a half no bonus all right so do you anticipate asking for seven again next year I haven't even talked about it with my Representatives we look at market trends and that hasn't even been a topic of discussion because we're still at impass here and we have another impass with insurance so honestly I haven't the Reps run the show and we look at Market standards and the fact that you're so down in Staffing so as far as the in regards to the public interest so how does the increase that you're seeking compared to what other agencies in Palm Beach County have sought year-over-year it honestly it's still lower it's much lower because we're seeing starting pay in the mid 70,000 up into the low 80s and they that's not even like the the district's chart shows only minimum hourly rates that's not and this was discussed in lengthen the hearing that doesn't take into account the step plans that we see at other places that doesn't take into account longevity um none of those extra bonit benefits like more leave time colas well what I'm at so I don't like to speak in ambiguity so you all do this both sides do this on a much more regular basis than me so I needed to be explain to me like a 5-year-old so for example I heard you I believe it was you attorney M do mentioned PBSO um starting salary or current salary so what is the increase in PBSO starting salary this year as it compared to last year their increase this year versus last year PBSO versus The District No they're personal so whatever they pay their uh employees uh deputies last year how much has it increased this calend well we don't do reopener at PBSO like we do here I'm constantly bargaining here at PBSO I think they got 13 or 16% over three years that's what brings them up right now from 72 or 73 starting to around 84 in the next three years so that basic my quick Mass says that's roughly 5% increase roughly 16% divided by 3 is 5. what three is that fair no I don't think that's that's staggered they they'll get less this year and more than the second two years all right um can you this is a term of art you use attorney M do I'm not familiar with it high-risk you said PBA is the only high-risk um Department if you will can you define highrisk for me please sure well when we say it we referring to our police officers our first respond and it also refers to F FRS because I think one of the main concerns with bargaining is that with a highr unit you have a higher multiplier but what does it mean to be just just oh First Responders are are considered high-risk that's a high-risk profession you're saying okay now as far as Chief Mooney I heard you indicate that she's great at what she does um did I hear her correctly in regard to her recommendation that 5% would be reasonable for this this year's increase did I hear it correctly I think Chief boony plays a delicate position because she is on the district's bargaining team but she is a clear proponent of Law Enforcement Officers so I don't want to put her in the Limelight or make her feel uncomfortable but I think that if she thinks it's fair but she also testified at the hearing that you have to look at the high risk and also consider that teachers do get pensionable supplements of $10,000 every year so I don't can't speak to what Chief Mooney thinks but I can speak to what we're asking for which is seven and a half to the base mentionable I heard that mentioned a lot on the p during the PBS presentation who pays the pension at the time of retirement the district or the state well the what we hear a lot from your side is that they worry about the their you know contribution rate so they have a higher contribution rate can I turn to um staff for the school district who what portion of the of a an officer's pension is paid by the school district um Miss Frederick can you answer that question well the the full amount is paid by the school district the rate is set at the state level and then the school district pays it but I I am I allowed to answer further I I believe where where the discrepancy is coming is why are we proposing a bonus and and not have it be recurring and the reason is is because we're using a different funding source we were using Esser funds and those are Federal grant funds that are that have already sunsetted um but we did set aside onetime funds and the general fund so that we we would be able to to honor that commitment of the um bonus that was paid to all other employees so that's the difference between the funding because you don't and when you pay a bonus it's non-recurring and it's not eligible for f FRS benefits okay and attorney Mendoza you made reference to the fact that some of the Departments that were listed in exhibit one or I forget which exhibit was listed by uh the district's attorneys during its presentation but you stated that some of those departments were not quote fully accredited so apples are apples for me because this is not a space I'm in on a regular basis which of those departments um are fully accredited I I think that question Joe you know the answer to that question right I think there might be only two or three fully accredited school police departments across the State of Florida so like I don't know if pelis was I don't have the chart in front of me or on me um oh no I'm sorry there was a I thought what I thought I read was a presentation in regard to how the district pays its officers in comparison to officers paid by other local law law enforcement agencies I don't know if I I don't know if I understand your question I was refer I was referring to the chapter 447 factors that the magistrate had to refer to which is local market standards and peculiarities of the job so you were referring to other school districts who may have off um law en I that wasn't my exhibit so I don't I wasn't referring to other school districts I was just noting that many are not accredited you have to go through a lot of accreditation requirements to be a fully accredited police department and I do know that Palm Beach County School Police Department is one of the few fully accredited school PDS in the district you want to jump in on that you want answer I don't know hear me hello yeah so a lot of these school districts are located all over the state so the cost of living is completely different so a state trooper that works in Sarasota whether it's a Sarasota school police department or SAR that makes different money than if they work in Palm Beach the same job accreditation requirements yeah the accreditation requirements is equal to like the Sheriff's Office like we have to have uh uh meet certain requirements and it takes a lot to become accredited so a lot of them are pretty much uh officers that are not departments that are not accredited but the bigger factor I think is the cost of living increase and where they live the supplements they get depending on where they live in the state you can't compare a police depart even a sheriff's office you can't compare the sheriff's office here in Palm Beach County to to uh Kobe County it's two different salaries it's two that did I misread the the exhibit attorneys Williams and Middleton I thought that you were showing I thought I saw a slide that compared um our district officers pay to other officers inside of Palm Beach County did I miss did I misre one of the exhibits no there was one exhibit that talked about the district salary compared to other school districts with police officers there was an additional one that talks about the salaries for Pb uh palmach County school districts versus other municipalities within our area yeah so let me follow up very quickly Miss Williams so how does um how does our officers pay compared to the pay of other officers here in Palm County okay Mr Mitchell can you take that question yes and and thank you that's uh exhibit two okay so if you look at Exhibit 2 it shows that's our local comparator group the other exhibit just to clear up the confusion uh didn't State anything about accreditation of the agency it stated that those were sworn certified officers so we're compared to other State just the same time everybody I'm not concerned about the other um agencies outside of Palm Beach County I really just want to know about Palm Beach County Law Enforcement agenes and how we pay in that regard to Mr Leo's position Apples to Apples cost of living in Palm Beach I want to know how our officers are paid in comparison to say City West Palm Beach PBSO that's what I was asking attorney Mendoza so I think I miss yes sir that's exhibit that for me sir I'd appreciate that's exhibit two sir absolutely Madam chair if I'm if I may yes I see several board members looking for the exhibits to the board the parties and their Council came prepared with their own presentations of which I would not have had a copy um so I would ask that the parties if you have exhibits that you show during your presentations can you please put that up for the board so that they can uh follow uh what along with what the testimony is it's up on okay if if uh if our um it can put the slide up apparently it is showing on their computers it's just not showing up here on the board not showing on the compu so you pull that up as you I want to wrap up my query because I don't take I've taken up more than enough time as it is um um representative officer Lynch in regard to Public public interest I thought I heard you mention that there was an AR-15 pull from be Lakes Middle School can you give me a timeline as to when that what happened March 2017 2018 uh okay okay you made me nervous for a minute I said it was over over my seven and a half years sure that I Tak all right and then you also made reference to again that there are some officers who have worked 20 to 25 years and they um I guess acrew over a million dollars in salary did I follow you correctly when during your speech I never said that but retire as millionair what does that mean Sheriff's Office yeah Miss I apologize sir yes example yeah the sheriff's office they have a step they have cost of living increase they have which is significant it's not hourly wage it's yearly salary you know that's that's what they take home and and when they work 25 years and retire they retire millionaires so their salaries are increasing by what 3% a year no it's more like 10 between Cola the actual negotiated price and then the step they get a cola and then they get their step raise and then they have a career officer program as well all right so wish I did million because no I was just looking at the number even if you were to work 25 years at 53k you would you would and if you were taxed 30% you would have about $927 almost a million dollars at that so I'm not the most mathematical person but I was listening and that's what I heard but I appreciate both parties for what you all presented and I'm going to uh cease with my uh questions thank you madam chair thank you thank you Mrs Woodfield you no longer want to speak okay so that will bring us to Mr barbier excuse me officer Lynch I take offense to your comment that this board has disrespected our police officers and that the only reason policemen are in our district is because we're mandated to have you here that is not true you were here before ston M Douglas this board has always respected the police officers especially since I was one of you so I take I I your remark was highly offensive to me you know since I've been on this board I've Lobby for you guys to get all get a home take-home vehicle all of you will get vest paid for now you have a uniform allowance we paid for a new radio system you year round I I worked closely with the superintendent to make sure all officers had the opportunity work year round so that your salary is competitive with other agencies in the in Palm Beach County so I find your comment offensive that this board has has disrespected you and the only reason you're here is because we have to have you here that is so far from being true um this board has always 16 years this board has always respected our police officers and done everything we can to make sure you guys get everything you possibly need to make you safe and be able to to live here and work here in Palm Beach County it's all I have Mr Barbie are you through yes okay Mrs Andrews thank you thank you and maybe each attorney can answer this um with the overtime and the comp time is there a process within our school district uh and maybe PBA you know this answer too that we have a set a set of rules so that when we actually ask someone to work overtime or as they're using comp time it's a process where we're not actually over taxing anyone I recognize people do need to be home with their families and and they have children and want to do what's what but I'm thinking there is a system here that we don't really overtax our people and we try to work it through an equitable process so can anybody help me with that it's set forth in the CBA they have to schedule it by a certain date and it even categorizes like when you should or should not request it if I might I don't think that was the question that was asked um I think the question is about about how we staff officers for comp time Chief Mooney are you able to answer that question yes uh primarily it is voluntary uh I can tell you as our staffing has improved the the voluntariness of that has in improved also uh when we don't have coverage and we have to order somebody to stay to to come to work because we have to have coverage of some sort um that's that's where you get into the you know time and a half compensatory time um at time and a half rate a lot of the details in the overtime that we're discussing here it's 50/50 kind of with those lease details completely voluntary if it doesn't get filled then the schools have the opportunity to hire an outside agency to come in and do that we we like to keep our school events covered by our school officers and that's our priority but primarily the officers sign up voluntarily for it there is occasion where we have to order them in um but that has gone down tremendously over the past couple years yeah that was my concerned because I do agree that people do want to be home with their families and there should be an equitable process some people love to work over time they are number one in wanting to do that so I just want to make sure that we're not imposing on someone who truly wants to be home with their family on any given night and there is a process thank you so much Miss Bernard I just I just want to remind everyone um as you're using the microphones please make sure that your red light is on so that we're getting a clear record um I Chief Mooney and Miss Andrews we well we pretty much have it down up here how to make sure our microphone is on but please just recall to do that uh as you're speaking so we can make sure we get everybody on the record thank you thank you and so before I go to Mr Ferguson I do want to just say that and I think I can speak on behalf of the board that we we truly do appreciate all that the the PBA does for our district for our students your mentors to our students and so I I do want to let you know that that is how we feel we have to make decisions today based upon the public interest and the district as a whole so I'll now turn the microphone over back to Mr Ferguson thank you madam chair and that actually is what I wanted to briefly speak to um I guess first PBA attorney mza so from the standard of the public interest um and I definitely Echo everything that chair brilla said in terms of the necessity for a law enforcement highly trained Law Enforcement Officers to be at all of our 180 plus schools and other other proper prop for sure but when you but when you take into consideration that we have the SEIU the CTA I think there are a few other um bargaining organizations up there as well and you also realize that the most important part of our public education system is our education of our students help me understand how the 7% increase for you won't have a ripple effect to the other organizations and how that ultimately would not limit or meter the overall quality of the public education of our students if you can answer that question sure and I don't know how to turn my microphone so it's on oh it's on okay um so I guess I could just put it back to you that the referendum funds like what's to say that all the units wouldn't want those because those are up to $10,000 per person per year that's pensionable but we in bargaining are very very fible and we proposed a number of different options if you look through the brief brief I think we proposed like four or five different options so we we that's why we didn't propose a step plan because we don't want to overwhelm the system again I have to note that the district admitted it had the funding I think we're looking at honestly less than $500,000 my math was 375 but I know that they do have to consider FS but I just would like to keep building up the police force because I don't have all the numbers in front of me on how short the other units are but you're still down 50 to 60 officers and if we had all the if we had more than 30 minutes you would hear that they're still scrambling every day to fill each school at minimum Staffing so that would be my response is that the cbas aren't identical you know we aren't necessarily asking for the referendum supplements we just want to keep building on the starting pay and giving good base wage increases because those are preferred over the bonuses and attract more police officers and good ones not just for a training ground but isn't the number of um open spots if you will in terms of law student resource officers here in Palm Beach County isn't it less than it was say last year at the beginning of last school year honestly our last public records request I think was you had about 10 more officers so you're not losing as quickly like like the year before you you lost 50 in one year I think this year I think Chief money said you lost 20 but you're still just you're you only went up 10 officers you're still down around to The District staff are we losing or gaining have we lost or gained officers in terms of what we had in August of 23 vvv August of 2024 I'm going to turn that over to Chief Mooney gained we've gained we're we're at a probably about a net gain of 10 um what's interesting with our our force is we have a lot of people that are not here for their first police job so there's a lot of intangibles and sometimes people change mind during the middle of a season or a year and say you know I'm I'm ready to actually be retired so it's not as it's not as um structured as say a municipality where somebody they're they're coming in and they're geared up for doing 20 or 30 years here if if we can get our seasoned people to stay for 10 years we're doing great so there's just a lot of turnover but we've brought a lot more people in over the past two years um so we are gaining ground so we're we're you're Chief are you representing that even going two years back we actually are reducing the number of vacancies we have in terms of our Law Enforcement Officers yes all right and does anyone from staff know um superintendent Burke or anyone how where are we in regard to our vacancies on the teacher side percentage wise we have about a 2% vacancy rate all right and so then law enforcement our percentage vacancy right now was at what about 18 I think the the budget the the Staffing for the police department is is higher than I believe they actually need I guess I'd refer it to Chief money on whether or not schools are being able to be covered by our officers yes at the beginning of last year we did not have a school police officer or School District police officer in every school this year we do when they make when when the comment is made that we're we're scrambling every day the scramble is to make sure that we have every single School covered and people have the opportunity to take a day off if they need a day off they have the opportunity to go to training if they if they want to go take additional training uh we try to plan that in advance which requires us to sometimes take a secondary officer off of a campus and reassign them somewhere else so the scrambling has to do with making sure that we have every single School covered every day um so it's more the manipulation of where the Manpower is going than trying to find a body understood 240 officers right now 240 in the 182 schools and the target if we had full um 0% um vacancy would be what three something 315 you somewhere AR that's in in a complete ideal State I think I don't it's not required though sure I understand okay thank you madam chair thank you Mrs Whitfield thank you um I do want to start off by just thanking you all for being here today and taking so much time out of your schedule um to come and to you know share your thoughts with us we really appreciate that I'm very grateful for the service of the police officers in our district um you guys take care of my own daughter so that is uh my most important thing is to get her home every day and uh that's a commitment that I think we all up here have made to our residents that we are going to make sure that they're safe every day um and make sure your children come home so um that being said I just want to really say thank you for being here um one of the questions that I had just come across in this there's so many different pockets of the way you get paid in the police department it it seems excessively confusing to me um when I was going through it with our staff um about the ways that you know there's overtime and then there's uh non-contract day compensation and then you have extra Duty days is there is this normal in all departments throughout the you know County and the state or maybe this through Chief Mooney po that's a chief Mooney question answer that thank you no no it's not the same um the the district has uh different different language as far as like even a contract day most municipalities you you work you work 40 hours a week 365 days a year you have your weeks are your 52 weeks a year here the the way the calendars you're negotiating a calendar every year uh you have the opportunity to be a 12-month employee to where you have 250 days that you're going to work in a year as opposed to 206 if an officer who works 206 needs to come in on a day off uh whether it's required training or or to help with coverage they have to be compensated but that's all been negotiated um I I can tell you it was very confusing for me coming in the door to try to figure out the different ways that they get paid um so to consolidate that would be wonderful but the way the systems are set up it it's working but it is confusing so um thank you that's very helpful so as we go forward in these negotiations you know maybe that's something that we can look at obviously not for this time but for in the future it's not even on the question for today but I think that that might make it more straightforward in pay so we can truly compare better um the other thing I really wanted to ask um there's been a lot of talk about the referendum pay and I can completely understand your side feeling that um you should be receiving referendum pay if if teachers are getting it of course there's the whole take-home car situation so that's not fair the other direction but to our staff um is it true I think it's true that we spend all of the referendum pay that we get every year or do we have extra left is there how does that work out when we have parsed it out at the 1,000 5,000 and 10,000 to our teachers is there any referendum pay left at the end of that how does that work so out there that to miss Frederick so when there is a an increase in in the referendum funds available um they are allocated for items that are uh within the referendum and so that was why we were able to uh take take the school police pay from two years ago and add that to the referendum so it was a full $1.5 million of their increase was included in the referendum the referendum is now um fully expended uh we did have a carryover from the previous year U but we have since that is one-time funds spent it on one-time initiatives um all within the security area um police uh new radios being one of those initiatives U but as of today I'll be reporting out uh actually on Friday to the independent referendum oversight committee that the funds are are expected to be fully expended at the end of the year including those onetime carryover funds thank you very much for the answer to the question if I may something you said about cars that's an industry stand in all police departments you uh give a car and also Miami date Police Department gives full referendum to their school police officers and a take-home car well and and just to be fair I was very supportive of you getting the extra cars I think that it um has an additional benefit of showing the community the police presence but when you're even not visible and you're inside a campus having the police car out front so that's something that I think it adds to the security at our schools and I am very glad that you have that but as we're comparing different employee groups you know transportation to the Glades and that additional supplement um I feel like maybe already covered by the idea that you have cars that we're paying for and the funding with it thank you thank you Vice chair mcquinn thank you I wasn't going to make some comments but I thought yeah this is my last school board meeting so of course I have to I do want to um support um Mr barbary's comments about the mandating having been an assistant principal and a principal in this school district I don't know how long we've had our own police force but it's been at least 35 years so it's nothing about a mandate I can also tell you that very recently I told a couple of friends I know that our school police officers would literally I think I used 99% would literally put themselves in the line of fire to protect any staff member and any student I can tell you at Palm Gardens High School 27 years ago I did have a police officer do that so I know it I abs absolutely know that that is your training to protect us and our students in terms of the percent of vacancies you can't now this former math teacher speaking you cannot look at something in the 300s and something in the 11,000 and compare percentages so I think looking at percentages in terms of vacancies is you're not comparing apples and apples at all and finally scrambling there's not a school in Palm Beach County that doesn't literally scramble every day to cover our classrooms because we don't by the time you get to Middle School hours there aren't enough substitutes to go around but again I have done nothing ever I could not have done pal MIT Gardens High School without our school police officers it would not have been possible it also wouldn't have been possible without our teachers in front of the kids thank you thank you Mrs Andrews You have about 30 seconds well just a quickie um and I was looking at the West area supplement just something in specifics I do want to say I see the offices everywhere especially in the west and I'm so thankful because they do such a great job all over Palm Beach County but this may go to one of the attorneys or to the chief uh when we're hiring and building a pool of offices to be in different spots uh is there is that just a blanket hire and they're placed anywhere where or is it a situation where you know you're trying to find the best fit for the particular location so I would just like to know what your process is I we allow you to just answer that question we're always going to try to find the the best fit the best the best fit for the the principes for the for the officer um when we talk about the officers that are out in the Glades if you ask any one of them uh every single one of them wants to be out in the Glades um whether it's whether it's because of a because that's just where they're that's that's where they want to be that's where they want to do their school policing um we do try to take into account where people live like if somebody's living up in Port St Lucy I try not to assign them to to bokeh um and vice versa if they live in Broward County I try not to assign them to Jupiter unless that's their preference so we would take into consideration also uh annually we do what would be kind of shift bids or assignment bids So based on seniority that the senior officers would have the opportunity to request specific schools so we take all of that into account um throughout the year if we bring new officers in sometimes they may get plugged into a school that they may only be in until we get around to those assignment bids at the end of the school year but we try not to move them around a whole lot during the school year but but we take multiple things into consideration thank thank you Chief money so I'm now going to turn the meeting back over to miss Bernard thank you very much Madam chair I'll now discuss uh with the board and the parties uh voting uh to the board there must be a vote the vote will be recorded when voting the board chairperson will ask if there is a motion to either Grant or deny each of the rejected recommendations of the special magistrates recommendations a board member will then move to either Grant or deny each properly filed rejection to the recommendation there must be a second to the motion the board must consider with particular ularity its public interest reasons for granting or denying the rejection of the special Magistrate's recommendation the forgoing procedure should be followed for each rejection to the recommendation following the impass hearing a written agreement shall be drafted by the superintendent and the association which incorporates issues agreed to by the parties the boards vote on the rejections and the disputed impass issues which were resolved by the board at the impass hearing the agreement shall be signed by the superintendent and the association and submitted to the agency the school board and its employees for ratification if after the impass hearing the agreement is not ratified by the parties the school board's resolution of the disputed impass issues shall take effect as of today November 6 2024 for the remainder of the year I will now turn the meeting back over to the chair uh thank you Miss Bernard so the board is now going to rule on each and every properly filed rejection to make it easier for the board members to follow I'm going to read the rejection number and a little description so that then um we can get a motion so rejection one is regarding CBA provision 17.1 b i compensatory time the superintendent rejected the special magistrates recommendation to allow officers to carry up to 60 hours of compensatory time to the next year do we have a motion board members motion by uh Mrs Whitfield do I have a second to the motion second by Mr Ferguson any discussion Madam chair if we can just have the motion um in either to accept or deny so if we could have Mrs whitle go back and State her motion on the record please you thank you um for item number one I would like to um accept the superintendent's recommendation to reject the carryover of compens compens compensatory time to the next year Mr Ferguson does your second hold yes hey any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously I'm sorry um you oppose I'm sorry I can hear okay a motion carries six in favor one opposed with Mr Ferguson in opposition okay please make sure that you motion to me okay thank you I see that some of your board members can you repeat what the what the motion just passed or if we could have the board clerk is that what we you want to repeat excuse me Madam chair I just my question for parliamentary ruled can a person that makes a second on the motion then vote against it if he that's a question for you miss thank you no you cannot thank you Mr Mr Barbieri so so we need to have another second before we can go further with our vote so we have a motion by Mrs Whitfield a second by Mrs Andrews okay any further discussion okay Miss Vice chair mcquinn this this one um and I am agreeing in granting the superintendent's rejection primarily in terms of comp time compensatory time because it makes it very difficult if compensatory time is built up to make sure that we're staffed to protect and and I'm talking specifically to school centers it makes it difficult from year to year to be able to do that so I think that is very important in terms of the um the public interest in terms of the safety of our our students and staff thank you so those in favor okay those opposed motion carries 61 with Mr Ferguson opposing I shut off my mic um to rejection number two provision 17.11 extra Duty the superintendent rejected the special magistrates recommendation to compensate officers for their overtime rate if it's greater than $52 and 50 cents do I have a motion Mrs Whitfield please State your motion thank you I'd also like to make a comment on this one before I make my motion the um the comment Mrs Whitfield has to follow the motion okay then we'll we'll work on that um so this one I also want to accept the superintendent's recommendation to reject the recommendation and accept an incre inrease of uh pay to 5250 with a minimum of 3 hours motion by Mrs Whitfield second by is that a second Mr Ferguson any discussion Mrs Whitfield thank you um I just wanted to make a comment on this one this is something that only because of the issue with the lease do I want to reject it I think that it makes more sense to streamline as we go forward so I think as we go forward we really need to discuss how we can make the pay through the police department make more sense um but I understand the difficulty that it would cause for this the schools to have a lease item where it very depending on which officer came in and actually did that work so we're talking the extra Duty rate at 5250 um that's the only reason that I want to um to not go forward with this for you all I don't know if I'm allowed to speak but can I just clarify that we're talking about leases because I think that people use the terms in different ways because right now they are paid through overtime for extra Duty like after the school day which Chief Mooney can probably talk about so I think that some people use the term in regards to leases and other people use it in regards to overtime so I would propose just striking that whole I would say that um for me today I would like to see that potentially be in next year's discussion and that we just move forward with this today but I could see this as being an item that we should be discussing further um in making this I just I I the the amount of back and forth and if you're here on this day you get paid one thing if you're here on that day you get paid a different thing that just seems very confusing to me so this is just me speaking so I think we should clear that up for next time any further discussion oh thank you nobody else did Mr Barbary um could the CFO explain how is there a way to compens that so is there a way to build the contract for leases so that because I'd like to see the officers get the higher of the two um if they can without but I understand that that's a problem when the lease is signed it says what the hourly rate will be for the officer is there a way to build the Le the lease maybe you should ask the general Council if there a way to build that contract for the leases so that the school so that the off officer that's assigned there whatever officer it is if his overtime pay would be higher than 5250 that he would still get it so that the school doesn't get stuck with an extra extra bill is there a way to to do that so that the school knows in advance that this is going to be the cost if we if we have this here and the maximum could be whatever that maximum is but there's a range that says the range is going to be you know this off these officers at this range get this amount but if you get one of the officers that happens to be assigned to this um they're going to you know your your obligation is going to be high is there a way to do that because I'd like to see them get the hire if they can since it is voluntary you don't know which off officer is going to be the one who's going to actually be working the lease and then it also needs to be collected in advance and there could be changes in between as to who actually works so I I do believe that there would just be some some logistical challenges in in implementing that to have the U lesie pay the actual rate because it would be an after Thea adjustment but it's something that we could look for look into a as recommended going forward whether there's a possibility okay I won't be here next year but I would like you to try and work on that because I think the officer should get paid you know whatever that that officer rate is and there's got to be a way to work that into the contract so if a if an officer volunteers to take a position and he's paid more than 5250 that he gets he gets that gets that rate that's that's what his normal rate would be so if you guys could work on that somehow I don't believe we have the authority at this point to do anything with that it's either accept or reject there's no modification okay and so I will just add to that for through the superintendent that that staff you hear what we're saying for the next time round in negotiations prior to take these comments into consideration that you've heard now from Mrs Whitfield and Mr Barbary all those in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously so the rejection to provision 20.3 is divided into two subsections we will first address rejection three regarding the supplemental pay for detectives and officers of the Emergency Services Unit and field training the superintendent rejected the special Magistrate's recommendation to increase the supplement by 5% board members do I have a motion anybody with a motion Mrs Whitfield thank you on this one I feel like we could go with a special Magistrate's recommendation so my my motion would be to um accept the special magistrates recommendation of increasing the supplement by 5% and is there a second I will second it okay any discussion Madam chair I think you need to pass the gavl in order to second I'm sorry um I passed the gavel over okay is there second Mrs chairwoman BR excuse me chairwoman made the second to miss whitfield's um yes thank you motion and so now are we ready for dis is there anyone for um discussion no oh I'm sorry Miss bril has something she wants to say so yes so discussion I actually was prepared to tell you that I've reviewed all the documents very thoroughly and first I want to I want to express my appreciation for your accepting of many of the recommendations from the special magistrate the current supplement is at $4,000 and PBA bargained for an increase of about of by $1,000 per year to bring the supplement to $5,000 the special magistrates recommendation is that we increase the supplement by 5% which would bring the annual supplement to approximately $4,200 or less dollars that's less than a $200 increase or maximum a $200 increase So based upon my review of the issues and in consideration of the public interest I do support the special magistrates recommendation and therefore I do support this motion any further discussion Mr Barbary I agree with you miss bril um chair chairwoman bril I um it's not a significant amount and if it helps the officers uh meet their requirements their living requ requirements I I would I would vote in favor of that also any other discussion Mrs Andrews yes when I look at the assignment pay for the detectives and the emergency service unit and the field training offices those are the leaders and uh as we looked at the money it's hopefully uh at this point in time it's not going to be of a significant impact in the budget so I can go along with that and I do uh commend the leaders that do the training and the emergency services for our safety thank you any other discussion board members okay all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously okay rejection 3.5 is regarding assignment to pay for officers of the training unit the superintendent rejected the special Magistrate's recommendation to establish a new supplement of $1,000 for the training um unit do we have a motion now for rejection 3.5 Mrs Whitfield yes I'd like to accept the rejection of the superintendent for this recommendation to establish a supplement of $1,000 okay do we have a second second by miss aella any discussion okay why don't we have you all pressed because there's multiple people with their hands up I'll start with Vice chair mcquinn thank you and mine is a question if we can do that now um how many positions are in the training unit yes you can okay chief Mooney can you talk to that we currently have three full-time that and then we have um adjunct instructors throughout the year but we have three that are assigned to the unit okay thank you okay that brings us to Mrs Woodfield thank you my reason behind this and I just want to clarify if this is my reason um that uh Chief money had said that this would be something that could be very confusing due to uh different training in different groups so would you clarify that that is true if we were to accept this I I did propose rejecting it so um can you clarify that this would be a difficulty the difficulty is kind of that's a little confusing and how it I don't know how it came across um when we continue we have multiple units that are kind have a specialty um if every time we create a A specialized unit um there are things that go along with that sometimes there may be actually other perks to that position but if we additionally give extra money to those positions they're very coveted is number one but but number two I people don't go to those positions just for the supplement so if we just continue to add supplements to everything we might as well give everybody a supplement okay gotcha thank you Mrs Andrews that was my concern as to how many more even though you only have just a small amount now it could grow so uh that was my biggest concern it sounds like it could just very well grow now I don't know if there could be some Provisions as we bring it back to the table we're coming back to the table next year that we can look at this again because I do believe in training and making sure that people get as much training as possible so they can be the best of whatever they can be so that would be my concern that this could grow is that correct Chief yeah and I want I want to be cautious to to make sure that you understand that I I we really are fortunate with the people that we have in the positions uh especially in our training unit um but we have a lot of very talented people within the department um and and if every time I try to establish a new unit we've got to throw a supplement on top of it I'm not going to be able to continuously establish units so I I I just I think it is a better discussion point for maybe next year to try to make it make sense a little bit more across the board okay Vice chair mcquinn thank you um thank you Chief Mooney for that initially I was going to say that I again I have to go to school centers but we do give supplements to Department chairs and depending upon the size co- Department chairs um coaching supplements so we have a ton of supplements within the instructional ranks however it makes sense to me I don't have enough information about all of the different units but I do think it's something that you want to look at next year with more DET with more data regarding that thank you thank you all those in favor all opposed motion carries six to one with Mr Ferguson and opposition okay that I'm Sor the motion was to I think to approve do you want to read the motion back to yes to approve the rejection in okay so so again we'll we'll revote so all those in favor all opposed motion carries un unanimously that brings us to rejection number four provision 20.5 salary the special magistrate recommended that the officer salary schedule be increased by 7.5% the superintendent rejected this recommendation and recommended that the board accept the superintendent's proposal of a 5% salary increase plus a one-time bonus of $1500 or a 3% increase whichever is greater do we have a motion on rejection number four motion by Mrs Andrews please State your motion yes I'd like to make the motion to um affirm that I uh we will reject the superintendent the recommendation and accept the superintendent's position of a 5% increase to salary plus onetime bonus a, 1500 or 3% increase whichever is greater we have a motion by Mrs Andrew second by Vice chair mcquinn any discussion Mr Barbary oh I'm sorry excuse me um general counsel wants to comment I I I know we're kind of thror around except um Grant and then you know that that I just want to make sure for the record and the terminology if M Andrew could just clarify are you for the record so that the board members know what the motion we reject the the recommendation and accept the superintendent's position of a 5% increase to salary plus a one-time bonus of, 1500 or 3% increase whichever is greater so so for clarification you are asking the board to accept the superintendent rejections on this point just for the record and for clarification M Andrews no we we we are rejecting the recommendation and accept the second part of it okay so rejecting the magistrates recommendation on this one got it does the board is the board clear on that okay thank you okay so we have a motion by Mrs Andrew second was vice chair mcquinn Mr Barbary yes uh if there was any way we could afford to do this i' I'd want to do this for the officers to give them more money but based on the fact that theate of Florida seems to have every priority in the world other than funding education and giving us the money we need you know we just can't take a chance that if we put this kind of increase in place that we're going to be able to pay it in the future plus once we do this all the other unions are going to come forward and say well what about us so I mean last year we were generous with the police and then this year was for the teachers and hopefully you know we can continue but I believe the other unions are getting 4% this year and we're giving the officers 5% so we are giving them more I wish we could give you all more I I really do because you certainly deserve it and especially the younger people that come here to work the young guys and GS that come here as new officers and you know it's difficult to raise a family here and I'm sure you can't afford to buy a house unless your significant other works and helps pay the bills so if there was any way that the board could afford to do this certainly I would be in favor of it but I've been I've looked at everything I've met with it with the CFO I've talked to the superintendent it's just it's too risky for us to give a increase like this just continue uh the fact that you're getting the $1,500 or the 3% whichever is greater I realize it doesn't go into your pension but that's onetime money so we don't have to worry about whether the state's going to give us money next year or not we know we have the money this year so we want you to have it um hopefully next year we'll find a way to give you a better pay raise than than we can give you this year but we have to take into account the entire district and as U somebody said here on the district side is we only have one budget and it's got to pay not only employees but it's got to take care of all the other things trans transportation and the food service and everything else so um although I certainly respect all of you and I wish we could pay you more at this point I just can't support a higher pay raise than what the superintendent is offering you at this point Thank you Mr barbier and I want to chime in and tell you that we are looking at our legislative priorities this afternoon and I would hope that PBA would join with us in this session to go for more funding for we know we have school safety down there but for the salaries because again again similar to Mr Barbary I wish that we could we've got to get more money from the state because we want to be able to pay better Mrs Woodfield uh similarly uh to Mrs bril and to Mr Barbary I just wanted to say um that this is not what we want to do by any means um and I want to say that I understand Palm Beach County has become a ridiculously expensive place to live um you know everything has gotten more expensive we're all experiencing that um so I think that this is you know it's been our goal as a school board to give as many raises as we possibly can as much as we possibly can that's the direction we always go to staff with is to find out how we can um find additional funding um I do think you have a very valid concern with the referendum and so I think that as we go forward planning the next referendum which always comes up this should be included in it as well um because you know we say Safety and Security and teacher pay and so I think um you know spelling that out in a future referendum would be something that I would I would love to do um and I'm I really am sorry that I don't see how we can afford this right now thank you Mrs Andrews thank you I spent quite a bit of time working with legal on this and I just really truly believe that uh when I look at the principal and I look at the offices and the school it's almost equivalent I mean to be able to have security and academics moving in our schools we couldn't do it without you and this is why you know we really need to figure out how to do it and this is why in the past we did come up with the higher percentage that we uh that was more than what we gave our teachers and we're continually looking at that and so I just want to be on record to say that I really appreciate your service and we're not over with you're going to come back to the table with us again and hopefully we can find some additional funding to do better than what we're doing today thank you thank you all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously that brings us to rejection number 5 which is regarding CBA provision 20.9 West area supplement the superintendent rejected the special Magistrate's recommendation to increase the supplement by 5% do I have a motion now for rejection number five Mrs Whitfield thank you um I uh motion that we accept the superintendent's uh rejection of this recommendation um that we make no change in the um uh supplement for people out west a motion by Mrs Whitfield do I have a second second by miss aella any discussion so um before I turn this over to Mrs mcquinn um I'm going to vote against the um Madam chair there's discussion I I know I'm I'm I'm I'm discussing okay I'm before okay mine doesn't light up so when I press it it doesn't show you you show youself change for next time okay so anyway getting back to that um I am going to vote against this motion because I don't agree with the district's pos position as it was presented so I am going to vote in favor of what the special magistrate recommended by voting in opposition and now Mrs mcquinn thank you and everyone knows I read and reread and make notes of everything but I don't remember um this particular data point so increasing the supplement by the West area supplement by 5% um through general counsel to staff what does that look like in terms of our um teacher supplement or or any of our employees the um West area supplement what does that look like I'm going to turn it over to the parties to respond Miss Frederick are you able to answer that one so the the re the reason why we have the West area supplement is that the question for all the other employees is because they don't other employees do not have a vehicle and there is a long distance in order to get out to the Glades area they are not reimbursed for uh travel and commuting miles um so that is in essence I mean that is a uh the purpose of the the the West area or Glade supplement so I'm not sure if I answered your the ctas is higher than the pbas right now I'm trying to pull the exact numbers but I don't have them yes so let me follow that up while you're doing that have we increased um our other employees GL excuse me West area supplement um in recent years no okay thank you Mr Barbieri Yeah question for district um maybe it's not a question it's a statement I understand that um it takes longer I guess this is a cheap Mooney if I can through the conso chief do the officers have a say so whether they want to work in the Glades area or not are they forced to go there if they don't want to take the position everyone that's there right now is there by choice okay so I guess my point is I understand it takes longer to drive I hate driving all the way out there although I love to help Mar Mrs Andrews with the schools out there but it does take forever to get there but I think the difference here is that you all get a car and the board paid for cars for all of our officers so you're not paying for gas and you're not paying for the the vehicle you are paying with your time to drive all the way out there and come back and I get that but since you're there by choice um $3,000 supplement that you're currently getting if you have zero to two years or the 5,500 or nine plus years with the car and the no no gas expense I think it's fair so I agree that we should accept the superintendent's rejection of the of the special mes recommendation and I will vote against I vote in favor of the motion Mrs Andrew and I think all the officers that work in the Glades region I would like to make um uh make a comment that we bring this back uh and it may not be monetary but I just know that the offices that work the Glades do a lot of counseling I know all of our offices do a lot of uh counseling but I see them go above and beyond on because of the location because of the need to sometimes act uh as as as a extra layer of support for for the children who may not have some of the things that our children have to the east of The Glades so I really want us to think about what we can do and how we can actually uh boost this in a way that we can do something even more for those offices because they truly like being there and they spend the extra time there and I see them build those beautiful relationships with the children so I'm going to support the superintendent's uh recommendation but I really want us to bring this back to figure out some other kind of way that we can compensate because it doesn't always have to be about money thank you okay and board members I'm going to share with you the figures um as they were as Miss Vice chair mcquinn was questioning So currently the contract calls for um the supplement is for 0 to two years it's $3,000 2 to 8 years it's 4500 and 9 plus years it's 5500 PBA when they were bargaining was asking for 0 to2 to be 3,750 3 to 8 to be 4,750 and 9 plus to be 575 that's not wrong it's 5,750 that's a typo so the the magistrate came back similar to the one where we rejected the superintendent the magistrate came back with a 5% increase so what the 5% increase does for this supplement is it takes the0 to2 which is $2,000 and raises it I'm sorry 0 to2 which is $3,000 it raises it to $3,150 it's $150 for 0 to two years for three to F eight years they're currently at 4500 it brings it up to 4,700 25 that's $225 okay and then for nine plus years they're currently at 5,500 it brings them up to 5,775 so that's an increase of $275 so we're really looking at a very nominal increase and for that reason again I'm just going to express that I will vote against this um before I go to Mrs Andrews Miss Bernard wants to say something yes thank you Mrs bril um I Now understand the question that you were asking Mrs mcquinn so my apologies um the as outlined by Mrs Brill that would be the breakdown in comparisons and I'll just further that by noting um that the increase if you if you go if you were to go along with the special magistrate note that in year nine the PBA would be making more than the teachers so that's just the note for the board con consideration as well thank you any other board member comments Mrs Andrews and that was close to what my question was how many people were we talking about as we as we go through this I think this is prime for bringing back as we get back to the table again because I still think something has to happen that can just highlight this area okay Mrs Whitfield uh just another question um uh through the attorney to um our chief how many of these um officers out in the Glades currently live in The Glades percentage wise I can't tell you specifically in The Glades we have some that live uh west of Palm Beach County we have some that live north of PM Beach County out around the lake area I think we have about a dozen officers and supervisors that are signed there right now probably about 50% live at least within within a a you know 10 mile 15 mile radius well I would just say in this it um if it's the problem is transportation we we just talked about how you try your best not to have people move from bokeh to Jupiter and Jupiter to boka but that happens it's a long drive same long drive it's 50 mil by 50 miles in this County um and so if it's just about Transportation I think that it would fit many different schools if it's about the population that also does those align at different different schools as well there's a lot of schools in my area that have similar challenges to the glates so I I I'm going to remain um accepting the superintendent's recommendation on this because I feel like it is not clear to me that this is a a necessity to have people that work there especially if these are people that live there um in some cases I understand that they do live in The Glades and work in the Glades I love that I love being in my own Community as well um so I I support that but I don't think that it deserves an extra supplement so thank you Vice chair mcquinn I am going to ultimately how do I say this I'm going to vote to Grant the superintendence um I know this whatever his recommendation is I'm going to support his recommendation um not but I'm going tell you my primary reason it's because of the car because our other employees don't have a car um and and so that's going to be my deciding factor in why I'm voting the way I am Mrs Andrews and I'm certainly not trying to say that um we're comparing students different students to different students we have a lot of students in Palm Beach County that needs a lot of help but when we think about the region of The Glades it's a different region where when you come east we're 40 miles away from belglade pooki South Bay where there's no theaters and many times grocery stores and things that kids have to the east of here and when I see those offices that give their time out there I love that we're doing some things for them but I think we need to come back to the table and think about how we can even uplift it more because it's a different kind of place you have to be a great fit and really truly love to be there or you're not going to be able to be successful and we want our officer to be successful to work with our children I'm going to uh uh accept the recommendation from the superintendent but I really want to bring it back and let's have a different kind of discussion for next year okay we have a motion on the floor all those in favor all opposed motion carries 61 with chairwoman Brill um objecting in opposition okay so that now brings the voting of all on all the rejections to a conclusion and we now need a motion to authorize the parties to draft an agreement that includes the issues agreed to by the parties and the disputed impact issues resolved at the hearing today based on the rejections and recommendations concerning the impass do I have a motion now um to authorize the parties to draft an agreement motion by Mr barbier second by Mrs Whitfield any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously um this is going to conclude the impass hearing today but I do want to add that I think we had a lot of good takeaways I think you heard that the board really wants to see some some things on the table next year some discussion um I think that I'm hoping that you got an appreciation of how we feel I know that I got a deeper appreciation also of how you feel and so now I will take a motion to adjourn the meeting motion by Mrs Whitfield second by Mrs Andrews any discussion all in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously thank you very much um board members I'm going to give everybody a five minute break and then we'll be coming back to open up our meeting where we will be going into a closed door session