I just wanted to ask we do have somebody um that called in and their number ends in 32 yeah this is Patrick Franklin okay thank you Mr Franklin I didn't hear you did you hear me yes thank you okay for okay we're good okay all right going to call the meeting to order and we do have a quorum thank you all for being here and we to start off with introductions uh Michael you're first Michael Dixon uh Committee Member Sherry Brown from the budget advisory committee Debbie Murphy Committee Member George Elmore member Heather Frederick a Chief Financial Officer Leanne Evans Treasurer Gordon long Hoffer CTA president CH VAR Garcia legal Patricia Morales from the office of general counsel all right and then virtually we have Mr Dumars um and Mr Franklin which are both uh committee members and then also want to welcome welome um Miss brell okay um any public comment don't see none okay move on um need to you copy the minutes you're in your packet from November 17th to need a approval so moved second second second thank you all all in favor signify I I I any opposed I doubt thank you all right okay okay now new business okay first item we have our report from December uh 31st of 2023 uh we did not have a quorum with our last meeting so this meeting we have two reports um our second quarter report as well as our third quarterly report uh so starting with the second quarterly report ending December 31st we were projecting to uh collect um in current millage this year $319 million uh $25 million of an additional $25 million is was carried over from the prior year as being unspent so those were one are one-time funds we have available um we then have to break those funds down um between District operated and charter schools and and looking at the portion of the 319 uh total generated 281 million is for district operated schools 38 million is for charter schools and of the carryover funds we had 25 the $25 million carryover from the school district we also have the charter schools carried over6 uh8 million in carryover the charter that $6.8 million in charter school carryover is actually has already been submitted and sent to this dispersed to the schools the charter schools so that's why it's not included in our total carryover at the top we do track it we require the charter schools to report to us the amount that they spend um but that's the total that's available within the charter schools um fund balance of 6.8 million I have to budg you back I'm in a meeting and the in looking at the total projected spend for Teacher supplements uh we have supplements of approximately 120 million that will come in I believe slightly less than that but we're still projecting 120 million may come in around possibly 117 um and then the teacher pay increase uh that was something that we added this year based on the increase in the property values over the last two years we were able to negotiate a 7% increase for the teachers uh this year which was the highest increase uh I believe that we've ever given the teachers and we were able to do that because of the increase in property values um and we took a part of the raise and funded it through uh the referendum so a total of $35 million which will just carry over from from year to year uh we continue to fund the uh fine art teachers approximately 950 teachers um projected to be $79 million in spend uh we have our mental health initiatives which include one mental health professional at each school as well as co collocated services uh which are agreements with Mental Health Community Mental Health Providers that are on site at each of not at each of our schools uh but at at many of our schools that helped to supplement the work with the behavioral uh mental health provider um so total projected spend for mental health is 22.6 million and then with our um School officers the next part of it is school security a portion of that is uh for uh school police officers and that's to supplemental officers over and above um the one officer that's mandated by uh the state statute and then we have additional Security Services uh and allocations U that are directly allocated to the schools for them to spend on specific U allowable security U initiatives so total projected spend is 31 million uh so the total recurring spend um through December 31st was estimated at 288 million and you know that was you know slightly more than what was projected to be brought in 281 and then we had uh $18 million of um carryover funds whatever you know the difference was would fall into carryover um as of December 31st we didn't have a plan to spend those funds but subsequently you'll see in in the next report we do have a plan to spend those one-time funds so the district is projected to um not spend all the funds I do anticipate we will be carrying funds next year um because it is difficult to spend one time funds in one year but we do have a plan to spend those and then Charter Schools it does appear um will most likely have continue to have carryover funds as well but we'll continue to track that each year so that's our first quarterly report first report yeah for first questions yes um Miss Frederick the the column the column to the I guess it's kind of in the center of the three to the right of the text um it the bottom number there on the chter pass was 17 million what column is that I did not catch it at the top yeah just the title of the column today uh that that is the year to date okay what's been allocated year to date thanks that's all because we do allocate and send each month um an estimated amount to the charg I yeah I was just curious I didn't know what the column was thanks that was all all right any other questions okay you want a motion to approve this one yeah all right we need a motion to approve the December 31st report so moved second second all right good all in favor signify I I any opposed no thank you all right move on to March okay so now for the the third quarterly report uh the revenues projected revenues are are the same those are unchanged the teacher supplements those are unchanged um I did make uh the Fine Arts um allocation of 75 million um that is was relatively unchanged from um slightly down from the uh second quarterly report that's based on actual filled positions um actual salary uh plus encumbered whatever the encumbrance is through the remainder of the year uh for the mental health um there were some adjustments I believe we made no Mental Health projection is on track with what it was for the second quarter we did make some adjustments with the security allocation it was originally uh through the second quarter at 31 million the total spend was reduced projected spend to 28 million uh based on those additional um supplemental officer positions at the school sites not all of them have been filled U so we did adjust the projection down slightly uh for that um and then for the projected yes potentially so now well it dep well when we get down to the total the total projected spend right now is 281 mil 23,000 which is slightly less than the recurring allocation of 281,000 so so that difference right now of $150,000 would be carried forward I do expect it will be a slightly higher than that U but not not significant and uh I like I told you we now do have a a plan to spend the carry forward funding the the available carry forward money uh we have a plan um from school police uh to replace all the School radios um at each of the schools uh the handheld radios that they have that is not something that's going to be done in a few months that will easily take probably a year um to phase in um that estimated cost is $14.7 million uh we also in in addition to that purchase some um uh there's a plan to purchase additional school police vehicles about $3 million worth of school police vehicles so we're looking for onetime initiatives um that fall within um the categories of the referendum so right now um based on what's available it we have about $10 million unallocated from the additional carry forward um from 23 and an additional $150,000 a carry forward related to 2024 but those are onetime funds so we're looking for one-time initiatives um in order to to utilize those funds all right any questions what about about the charter schools in this uh the charter schools I they're still projected at the same um we've passed through more money so we passed through so far they've received um $26 million the amount that they have not um um spent is um I believe it's that pending allocation of the 8.6 million 8.6 yeah okay okay all right and they're slow they're a little bit slow in submitting their reports to us so not as quick as you they are not they are not but I mean that's why at least with our last report it's a more accurate picture of where the charter schools actually actually stand and um they did receive you know settlement money from us from the district in October and November so they have more than enough money at this time to to spend okay okay is there any fight in them about who gets what no we've already settled we've already no I mean with among the charter schools are any of them uh disagreeing with the their share of it they did not disagree with their share no so we were able to settle with all of them we distributed the funds back in um part of it in October and part of it in November it's unrestricted so it does not fall within the referendum they're allowed to spend that money on whatever they want uh we did not well within ffp guidelines within State Statute guidelines uh but they're not restricted to um spending it on referendum activities because the district did not use referendum funds in order to pay that settlement okay good all right any other questions if not we need a motion to approve the March 31st report all right second okay all all in favor signify I I opposed none all right that takes care of that now we just talk about future meetings yep our our next meeting is August 23rd and so you know put that on your calendars I did send out calendar invites in advance so that you should have those on your calendar okay all right so any other questions then do you need a motion to adjourn I guess or we can just adjourn okay done thank you all right thank you for your participation