##VIDEO ID:-IXTXURJcuY## are we ready men CL good evening everybody everybody please stand Mr Chapel call upon you to do the invocation please oh Lord help us to uh to see this budget goes through tonight U make sure that for doing everything right for the city and bless all our firefighters and our police force that they uh will have another Good Year and be safe I ask this in your name [Music] amen BL allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God liy Justice for All everybody please be [Music] seated mam clerk call the Miss Barrow M boder Mr Chapel Mr Haney and mayor I'm here um we only have one item tonight very simple um uh we're going to reread the budget like we did a month ago we made a couple mistakes and um it doesn't change the numbers or anything all the just the dates and um Suzanne if you don't mind would you please come to the podium and uh go over this with the council for me [Music] please is that coming from here no it's probably someone's feet honestly there's a wire or something your feet if your Fe one of the wires yeah mov go ahead okay so we were made aware from the state that we had advertised our budget incorrectly um we advertised our budget for our final hearing as a final hearing it technically had to be advertised as a tax increase the tax increase is coming because of a roll back rate I don't know if you guys are all familiar with what a roll back rate is but that is what the um property appraiser has calculated the tax rate would be that would be the equivalent to what we would receive this coming year based on property value increases so that rate if we had left property rates the same we could have said a 3 mil because property rates increased the roll back rate is 27178 that would have generated the same amount of tax revenue as it did last year we left the rate at three so because our rate is at three the state technically considers that a tax increase because the rate is higher than the roll back rate last year our millage rate was three this year our millage rate is three so the only increase is because of property value increases that generates more tax revenue for avalum so we had to correct that we had to advertise it as a tax increase the budget that you have in front of you the highlighted yellow items are the ones that have changed so we increased the budgeted avalorian tax that therefore reduces the deficit in the General government fund that is the deficit that Public Works the utility department uh funds when with the shortfall from General government um and so for this budget to go ahead and move forward that then freed up money in Utility Fund because they weren't having to transfer as much over to General government and so for this piece I put the remainer remaining balance in reserves that Reserve balance was originally $100,000 it is now $137,000 I believe um the council can always just through a vote of a minute move those line items to somewhere else we don't have to amend the budget as long as we are not increasing our total appropriation so anytime throughout the year we could move that budget line item out of and somewh else if you guys wish as long as we don't increase Appropriations Council any questions any questions okay we need the first and the second public comment no ma'am we need the first and the second there's no public comment you should let speak even the H already okay yep if you want to thank you Pat 46 1344 Stratford I just want to make sure um that I understand and maybe everybody else understands so because the values went up the value property value of the property we're still at three Mill but the city is going to end up getting more money which the the city needs okay mayor Kelly first started saying none of the numbers changed but I guess they did as if I understand what you said we're making the city is making another $3 37,2 20116 at vorum and rather than go back and stick that in somewhere in the budget you put it in the reserve so because I didn't see a difference I sure there probably was one it wasn't it went in reserve okay well then there's no numbers changed mathematical yes I'm look looking at the advertise piece right and both sheets of paper that I have show it at 137 so in the summary that we saw in July August September it was 100,000 okay so the number did change I just wanted to make sure and I understand we're not spending anymore we're putting it in the reserve but I just wanted to understand that and then um last question because we haven't you know it's December um we've we've got the CRA money coming in which is great I know Tanya and I had a conversation about that some months ago I'm not aware that that any had been spent to date are we anticipating based upon this appropriation here that we might spend some of it this year on the businesses and the C and the we will have um once the new year starts um we will have a meeting of the members that make up the CRA board which is you guys yeah and once we do we will formulate a plan on how we intend to spend but if you remember we chose to use the CRA income for some other projects that we already had going in the city well I thought one of those was the fence around melindy Pond which I hear we're not doing so and no there was never a fence around melind Pond there was a unanimous vote for that for what for a fence around the Mendy Pond well that's not it was never in the budget I realized that but the council said we're going to have it so is that what we were I thought we were going to get that from the CRA money but now I hear we're not going to put a fence we built the pond with the c money ma'am okay that's fine but there's there there's no requirement to have a fence there's no requirement to I don't recall us do you remember Council voting on a fence I remember the conversation absolutely you what I remember the conversation conversation we had conversation and there was a vote I'll I'll provide you with the U that's from CRA funds this this is a city budget right but I'm just saying it happens to be on this sheet of paper so I wanted to ask that question because CRA hasn't come up at any of the other City Council meetings so I'll provide you with the information at the next council meeting thank you mayor Kelly I appreciate it can you tell me the date that that vote occurred not off the top of my head but I will can you tell me the names of the identify the council members that told you that I was the council member that that brought the issue up about of having a chain link fence yes we had that conversation right then we discovered that the chaing fence was not required because of the safe aspects of it and I didn't know that we voted to spend any money on fense the reason for that was we didn't know much it was because there was discussion about how much is it cost we had no way of known what it would cost there was a vote I will provide you with the video and if I'm wrong I will stand up at the next uh meeting and apologize you don't have to apologize people make mistakes all the time I beg your pardon you don't have to apologize people make mistakes all the time so okay Council I do have to add please come to the podium ma'am state your name and address for the record Diane coats 1521 dver Road as we were talking about that fence it was brought up from maybe somebody behind me or another or up here when they talked about the fence because they thought it would be a risk because of that big pond and K and Mr Haney was the one that said fence should probably go up for any kind of lawsuits that can happen with the buildings next door in Cherry Lane those are a bunch of kids in there you know and if you already had motorcycles tearing everything up you're going to have more of a problem with kids in the summer with no fence there they know with a fence their parents will say you can't go there really okay so I don't what is your suggestion ma'am put up the fence so that the city's not sued for some kid that falls in there your response now I remember this your response at that time was we don't need a fence due to the way it was constructed it gradually slopes down you're right right well I remember that cuz you said so that's true but that doesn't mean fence isn't mourn you get these I would ask you this do me a favor Diane what drive around Bay County and look at all of the retention 's bigger smaller sameone of them let them put a fence over there by the storage place yeah they got a fence around there over there at the lumber yard they got a fence around there and we have one at the one on Lance Street yeah there are fences on Lance Street Lance and Lake the retention Pond between Lance and lake and arrow and whatever other Street it is okay there's a there well council do we want to put off fence in May you're here exactly yeah so thank you ladies for your comments I appreciate that put it in the budget the budget's already okay need a first and a second to vote voting to read voting to read just read it again I'll make a motion we read second we have a first and a second would you call the role please okay Miss Barrow yes Miss pord yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor K yes resolution 2024 d407 a resolution of city of Parker Florida adopting a budget for the fiscal year October 1 2024 through September 30 2025 and providing an effective date now you would need to adopt adopt them I need a first a second I'm going to make the motion to adopt and the only reason I'm doing it is because paperwork Corrections on this not because I agree with it but because paperwork needs to be correct okay got a first and a second you call a roll okay M Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr hany yes mayor Kelly yes thank you very much anything else Mr no sir that's it okay thank you ladies and gentlemen Diane if you have a minute I'd like to talk to you if I could --------- ##VIDEO ID:4ca32xFvI_Q## um if you would Madam SEC Madam Court could you please call the role absolutely uh miss barl here miss bford here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here mayor Kelly yes here thank you um Mr Sloan do we have any homework we need to take care of before we get started uh yes sir uh there's one item on the agenda and before you actually get into a public hearing on this item uh we need to go on the record since this is a posi judicial proceeding you need to go on the record and and each uh council member if they've had any conversations with the applicant would have to disclose that on the record just so that we have it on there prior to taking any testimony then once uh that process is completed then the clerk will need to swear in any uh persons who are going to testify in connection with this uh this application and uh at that point then you I would suggest you call on the applicant to testify to what he's requesting okay and then the scissors can testify okay thank you Mr St I will tell the uh the council and the people in the audience and anybody listen to this recording I over the last 12 months have had contact with the owners of the the hotel um excellent conversation back and forth inviting them to come to park or at any time to to build their hotel and participate in in anything we could participate in and if you have any other questions for me I guess feel free to ask you just have to make that disclosure that is my disclosure that that doesn't dictate how you're going to vote but it simply it was a dialogue between you and the owner that is correct that's all I have anyone else have any conversations with the applicant I all right having said that if that's all the uh disclosures we need to make then anyone who plans to testify in this hearing will need to uh be sworn in so if you all whoever's going to testify if you'll stand and raise your right hand the clerk will swear you in do you affirm and swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes if you want to encourage him to come to the podium I would sir if would would like to record your name and address and stand at the podium while you give your testimony sure it's recorded for the record your name and address sir my name is John biano uh and and my address well the project address is 938 uh South Tindle um and we're here today to request approval from the city council to move forward with the development of our um our proposed Hotel project to give a a little background on on the project we've been working on this since um the beginning of this year um it's a 124 unit uh four story U Marriott Studio resz which is uh a new brand concept for Marriott um we're we're a a preferred developer of of Marriott and one of the few developers that are uh have uh pledged to move forward with this brand concept um and so you know um through our uh uh analytics research uh we determined that that Parker uh is a good location for us to put one of the the first of these um that that Noble is going to be uh building uh we have a program that we're looking to put probably 50 of these uh in the Southeast and Midwest in the next three to five years and this will be one of the first um five that we get under construction later this year um we have um as you guys have seen in our submitt package um we have uh completed our civil design on the project which is a footprint uh along with all of our uh utility Paving drainage plans uh erosion control drawings that have been submitted to um Parker to the uh Florida do and to the Northwest Florida Water Management District we've received comments uh addressed comments and gotten uh approvals or conditional approvals from all of those agencies uh and got um a recommendation from the um Planning Commission a couple of weeks ago so um you know we're really excited about this project we've we've got it slated for a uh quarter a second quarter construction start uh and once we obtain our uh approval hopefully today uh we'll be able to move into our full architectural design um portion of that um uh of that phase of the project and then move forward with bidding to contractors and um uh formalizing those contracts and getting started very good thank you sir yeah Mr SL um mayor the the uh as The Advocate said the packet is before you from the engineer uh the one unique aspect of this particular development uh is that given the location of the sewer system of Parker versus the sewer system of Callaway that this um applicant would actually be tying in to this to Callaway sewer and not Parker sewer correct because it would require a manhole and lift station and some other things so Tony is aware of this and in discussions with the the utilities director uh it's come to my attention that we don't have a formal agreement with Callaway relative to uh connections whether it's this connection with uh with the Marriott or other connections because apparently there are some 124 129 uh connections that Callaway has made to the Parker system that we were unaware of uh and so um I suggest whatever uh you all decide if you decide to move forward with this that your motion uh to approve the development order be conditioned upon the execution of a an agreement between Parker and Callaway relative to the sewer and also would contain the standard conditions that you all include uh in any development order okay Council you have your packages before you do we have any discussion any questions how big of an issue is it to hook to another municipality's sewer system well apparently it it has gone on for some time decades apparently yeah and uh we at least Tony was unaware of it until uh he was U he he filed a public records request with Callaway and determined based upon that public records request that there were as I say 124 129 connections that have been made uh to the Parker sewer uh by Callaway and so um it's time to formalize that in an agreement U and and that's what I'm proposing as a part of this that you would obviously uh need to have an agreement with Callaway relative not only the Marriott but also to deal with the existing uh connections Tony uh and the Callaway uh Public Works folks have had discussions uh and it uh at least at this point it was going to be essentially a wash with the number of units the marott was proposing to go to Callaway versus how many units Callaway was bringing to to to Parker so um but because of the fact that it it has gone on for years and the Parker was not aware of of uh that situation and because uh the applicant is requesting to connect to Callaway sewer uh I believe it' be prudent for us to have a an agreement with Callaway relative to all of those connections and also to look at the future as far as if if additional applicants want to connect to Parker sewer that are in Callaway or vice versa how we deal with that because as you know you have a limited capacity in the current sewer system of I believe 699,000 Gall so you have to know where that capacity is going and uh and be able to address it sounds like an eye for an eye kind of issue well as far as the numbers with this particular applicant yes I it's roughly an eye for an eye as far as numbers but we need to address the the Bigg picture yes I think it's fair to say John that in the past there wasn't enough growth to even really care how much they use because we had so much space but that's going to no longer be the case as we move for the future and more and more construction starts to happen on the parkway um there's uh these folks here they're obviously uh Professional Organization they're ready to move forward with this and this should not stop us today and and and getting this taken care of no that I have spoken with their attorney and and I believe she can speak for herself that they they're understanding that there needs to be an agreement relative to the Sewer but correct if you uh if you your motion includes that that would be a condition however ultimately then the development order would issue upon uh the the signing of that agreement right well I would make a motion to approve the do y with the proper agreement with the city of Callaway and the standard conditions y go for it m barl we have a first and a second Madam cour we you call a rooll uh Miss faroh yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes and mayor Kelly yes thank you very much excellent thank you guys very much make us a pretty Hotel certainly will we all get rooms for a week we can work something out I'm sure hold you to it that's the only item on this agenda Mr Mr chap you anything You' like to talk about we have another meeting at 501 but this might be the time to talk about anything you want to talk about I didn't catch what you said Mr you have anything you want to add no um I was just looking at the picture it um IND the picture indicates that they're not going to tear down the wood area they're going to be on the other side of the wood area I think that's just an artist wresting there that'll be I'm sure all be all brand new every bit of it when they you're between the church and the the where the wood area is right that spot in there oh you mean wood by the you mean like the lumber yard no on the corner there where the bombfire is immediately behind it yeah you got that wooded area yeah that's yeah that's where it's at and I don't know how much of that stay probably none of it I mean they their Engineers are going to do what they got to do to get it where they want it to start building but okay Mr Haney I have nothing sir all right sir M barel miss bford all right ladies and gentlemen thank you for your time I appreciate it very much next