##VIDEO ID:3tMHcVAvvmM## Mark You' want to do it if you'd like to Mr happy if you would yeah thank you absolutely uh let us pray Heavenly Father we come to you with thankful hearts for bringing us together today as we prepare to meet each other I ask that you fill each of our hearts with your presence help us to use the time we we have together wisely I ask that you would remind us to place one another another's needs above our own please help us to seek the good of those around us grant us patience towards each other and help us to be respectful of each other's input in jesus' name amen it be I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated counil before you you have your itinerary and I've made one add-on for you to review while we're going through these these uh things for this evenings itinerary let me just get my glasses on so I can see what I'm talking about uh would you call a roll please absolutely miss barell here miss bford here Mr Chapel here and Mr Haney is absent and mayor Kelly here does anybody in the audience would that would like to come to the podium St your name and address um you now be a good time to go ahead and do that anybody no yeah come on sorry I thank you I just see what she did did you see what she did I'm a tattletail 13 she held your hand up for you oh good thank you Diane 1344 Stratford um happy New Year everybody and I just wanted to follow up on something that we talked about at the last meeting you m and I'm sorry Mr Haney's not here but Tanya and Katie are and of course Mr chapel and mayor Kelly the fence yes ma'am we discussed it on May 7th 2024 at the CRA meeting we were going to use um there was $887,000 left sorry my apologies there was $84,200 left in the arpa funds yes ma'am and we had 182 and change in um CRA yes ma'am and we should be getting more and it was a unanimous vote that we proceed with the fence I thought we voted to to look into the look into the operational expension see if it was necessary or not I can give you uh the time stamp it was at 49 minutes and 52 seconds into a 1 hour and 8 minute video okay um there was the initial discussion that started at uh 29 minutes in when or roughly that 26 minutes in when John Haney brought up the question and then it was sort of like okay we'll look at it we'll do this we'll that the city council meeting adjourned and then the CRA committee meeting began and as we were discussing that mayor Kelly shared with us the bid for melindy for the pond was 887 th000 way back when but it was 1,094 so far so we were already 306,000 over budget yes and you said how can we do this and can we do it with paying the 300,000 and the fence and you estimated roughly 100,000 you said I it may not be that high but so we are going to need to take 400,000 from the arpa money and from the um CRA funds and Miss Barrow made a motion Katie seconded it um I Believe Miss rer was the city um Miss Rea was here pardon Miss rega was yeah she did the roll call and it was a unanimous vote okay so I I apologize for Miss not remembering the everything I thought we I thought we agreed to check it out to see if it was legal you did ask for Tony to look into it to see what the the legal the the angle of the water and all of that kind of stuff was they took me out in the field the next couple of days and showed me other you said it may take a couple of weeks for me to get the pricing but again the vote was taken I'm I'm just you know it was the unanimous vote and we had the funds okay let's let's vote it again then Council since we're sitting here um Miss uh M for has brought this up do we want to thank you you're welcome ma'am do we want to do we want to put a fence in or do we not want to put a fence in I will tell you this there's no legal requirement to put a fence in sir can I speak e may state your name and address for the record thank you Mark R 1503 do Road and I think the issue was that there was still uh some concerns over uh whether or not it was legally required by the city what liability there would be and uh several council members including the mayor and Tony and I all looked into it and there may be some new developments that perhaps some of the some of the crew here doesn't isn't aware of that we did share with council members and the fact is is that that particular retention Pond was built so that legally it did not require a fence okay um the the requirement by the state is that you cannot have more than one footed depth every 4 foot for at least two segments that's exactly right so um if you look at how they built that particular Pond for the first 8 feet of that pond it never gets more than 2 feet deep right and the State of Florida built it that way because that is their their building requirement that was their safety requirements and that's exactly how that particular Pond was constructed uh so that's information I'm not sure that we discussed at this time but the mayor and others asked us to look into it to see first of all it was required secondarily what the safety ramifications might be whether or not there's liability involved we looked into each of those issues and that's what what the state requires and that pond is built to that standard thank you sir ma'am yeah sorry I'm going to one more comment that's quite right at uh time stamp 29 minutes and 32 seconds even Mr Sloan said and I won't quote but something to the effect of you know mayor I think this is probably something that we should discuss there is potential liability we built it there was a lot of discussion about what's the difference between the bay and the park those are natural bodies of water this is man-made right and we have made it and Mr R even said this we have made it an attractive nuisance by putting lights up and a sidewalk so people can walk around it at night are you suggesting I have it filled back in no sir I'm asking that you go with the vote okay that the council voted I hear what you're saying and I and I know you're right with what we voted that night however however the the following day what's the matter I just want to make sure that's on because it's very hard to hear the um the following days after that night when we talked about it Mr Sloan and I were both unaware of the rules and the laws and the regulations so the following day I contacted anchor engineering and the lady that 's anchor said that it was not required because of the angle of inclination of the dirt about the amount of fall going into the middle of that pond and it was exactly uh what Mr reer says in fact if you ask Mr Sloan he'll tell you as soon as I found out the the circumstances and why the state did that I called him immediately and told him that and he was unaware of that so I think probably what we ought to do to to clean this up Council we need to revote it either support it not support it but to answer her question what do you think I know that after after we did all that um it was brought to my attention which I had thought about it to go around and look at all the other ones around correct that's what m r asked me to do and I did and and U and I agree that it does it meets the requirements as far as I'm concerned as the other ones around town I did the same thing okay Ron did you look by chance Mr Chapel yes I did and u i just I'd vote against it U I don't think we need it uh if you're going to put a fence around you'd have to put a fence around the pond and not the walking path to PE I mean the whole idea is to keep people from falling into the pond that was the discussion and uh I don't think that's going to look the place looks good now why mess it up okay okay do I have a yes ma'am it sort of like runs away from you and you're running after him all the mothers here would say you you can't run fast enough sometimes to catch a job and he rolls down and he gets stuck in there now that's not going to be nice beautiful sand that's mck it'll get monkey can I ask you a question sure have you been to the park in L Haven you realize their playground is within 15t of their rtion we have no playground they don't that's what I'm saying what happens if this does happen Parker is just if it does happen it's like what Murphy's Law there's water all around us I know at any time it sure does but if it does happen here and some kid falls in and drowns who's responsible and the mother was running or the father or everybody around was running after the kid okay and we all have kids and we know how fast they run thank you for your consideration I understand want to know I I understand your point does the city get sued well the city uh can be sued for anything at any time well that's true and so you know the question would be ultimately based upon the facts of the case you know whether the city would be liable or not it it would depend on the facts of the case so the kid falls in the water as one fact he drums is another now what's the fact can't speculate based upon a very limited number of facts but um but suffices to say there are other jurisdictions in the county that don't have fences right now it's a business decision for this Council to decide whether or not they believe that that the the one they're required to have it and two whether or not they believe the uh the the issue Rises to the level of something that they need to put offence and so that's really the question well if LH Haven doesn't have it and they got a playground right there I guess I take a look that that that was my big concern when I after we had discussed it that was a big thing I did go to Lin Haven because I knew because I've been there and I knew that playground was so close to that water and I mean it's within 15t of the retention not to mention they've got the bridge that goes over it so yeah that that was a big thing I took into consideration afterwards okay fine thank you thank you ma'am okay Council we need to make a decision what we intend to do leave it like it is do we need to vote on that Mr SL yes sir we need a first motion that we leave it like it is we got a first we got a first and second when you call a rooll okay Miss Farah yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes and mayor Kelly yes thank you ma'am the vote was to leave it as it is okay so anybody else before we move on we got a lot on the agenda tonight so first item Mr SLO uh this is the uh planning board recommendation for the plat would you read that on Morris for us yes sir the applicant uh are they here tonight the applicant Morris Drive on 103 and 101 moris Drive are they here no I don't see I don't know them okay no bo moving forward that is there table that table it please Madam clerk until the we can get a hold of them find way we can put them on the agenda that they could be here item two is the uh planning board recommendation for uh as Mr s this yours too uh the planning board was recommending the U combination of two parcel uh is the applicant here on 212 cth play South yes sir all right can you come to the uh to the podium and state your name and address and give the council a little brief on what so my name is uh well first thank you for allowing me to be here uh phelip loala and my address is uh 22 s uh Place 32404 um what I want to is combine my two lots that I have at the moment um part of the reason is uh I want to put a fence on my Lots at the moment um I have a lot of garbage uh people sleeping on my lot people trowing cloth on my on my lot uh using my lot to pass trucks uh using as a passway for the people who's living on the woods so and I want to combine the Lots because that's the recommendation cuz one of them is uh improv lot and the other one is part of the property and I have here what I want I do so I don't know if you want to address for the council's consideration that piece of property back there has a has an easement through it and it's maintained by public works for their maintenance and for the patrol to be able to see through there at night time but he's right um he is right A lot of people sleep in those woods uh if they had haven't been maintained and before he got them they weren't cut they had tents back there and a variety of other things when you mow that grass you got to make sure they're not in the woods or yeah and when I had the property I probably remov probably like 15 bags of garbage right uh grass and everybody else I know belongs I know so and uh in the other uh the past meeting I broke uh some pictures also people walk on my Lots uh they walk with their docks docks poop over there and it's like and I want to trying to have beautiful I understand I understand are you planning oning the whole the whole area so right now so this is uh the way that it is right now this is uh s this is at the moment I build in something 6 ft here and then 4 with a gate here that way uh the city needs to come inside they always going to have access to the lcks for the sewer portion you can't block that off I know so that's why but what you're here on tonight is just the combination not the fence right just combination right and the planning uh agreed to it recomended I saw that on there y well I'll make a motion that we allow him to combine the ls okay the second you got the first and the second Madam would you please call the RO Miss barah yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes mayor Kelly yes thank you make a nice fence whatever is you're going to do everything is going to be pretty that's the whole purpose I Tross in Parker yeah and since I moved here in 2016 I think that Parker has a lot of potential a lot of potential yeah okay thank you sir thank you sir okay and the last item Council for review before we get to item four item three is to approval of the city clerk for use of or access to the bank accounts and to give her a credit card got a first got a second got a first and a second call a roll all right Miss Barrow yes Miss bord Mr Chapel yes mayor Kelly yes absolutely thank you ma'am the last item I added to the list right here you had it with your package to review for some time the Planning Commission has been uh short uh one of their members um before you counsel you have an application for Miss an powering and she lives over in um uh Logan court and um she comes highly recommended highly recommended uh uh she's been a longtime citizen of Parker and she has Parker in her heart best interest of our city and uh I think we should consider her for that vacant position on the planning Council and that would be for the unexpired ter for unexpired term which I think is a couple of years isn't it uh the term is a couple of years but uh the unexpired portion is at least a year probably anyway it's from the unex will be one year from July remember the council went ahead and said the vote time would be July yeah and I think the this come in July soly Miss Pango sit in the seat till July if you vote her in and then after that we'll have to revote it to see I think you're saying July of 20 26 26 oh 26 okay you have votes every year but they're twoyear terms so half of them are different from this particular one okay all right I'll make a motion that we go ahead and put on there okay we have a motion for Miss power rang to be on the planning Council we have a second yes we have a second when you call a rooll please all right miss bford or Miss Barrow I'm sorry yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes and mayor Kelly yes thank you very much Council um Mr Chapel do you have anything you'd like to talk about tonight that was not on the agenda no the only thing I'm gotten my mind right now is trying to form a uh parade but it's just uh I'm just trying to form it up so um if there's any citizens that uh object having a parade here in Parker I like to know about it before I go and do all the leg work trying to develop one okay that's all I got all right what kind of parade you don't have for what uh Christmas or or yeah just something like a valentine parade or something like that some some holiday parade but uh I got a lot of leg work to do first before I can really bring it to the council and see if we want okay all right M bner do you have anything I just want to say thank you Miss Bundy for coming to work for the city of Parker I think you're doing an excellent job and everybody seems to be happy oh what a creeper just for that I'll leave the police Kate you're good okay ladies and gentlemen that's it for tonight thank you very much what is second oh I should just did yeah this is uh Miss Bundy police oh the police chief right I know what you said the I this is um Paul Paul Baxley new police chief in the city of Parker comes to us from the state of Florida and I am very very happy and we all should be very happy and congratulations Paul and Miss Bundy sounds good he actually was a police officer here so he know Paul was a policeman here many many years ago and he left and went became a state police officer and decided to come home now he at the end of his career and uh and uh the only thing I have was um thank you for looking up that uh day for us when we voted on the fence I can't remember everything but I appreciate you checking it for me absolutely I absolutely appreciate that City like in the future that's what I said I wish the city like in the future we don't have a problem yeah yeah okay thank you very much ladies and gentlemen yeah you