##VIDEO ID:5npsY1VXr9Q## welcome to the city of Parker council meeting for the 20th of August 2024 anybody please stand Reinhard is gonna do the pastor rein go ahead sir let's pray father we certainly Thank You For Freedom Liberties that we enjoy this country and thank for our city I pray for those position of leadership help them right C amen Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible lice all right everybody please be seated Madam Clark will you call the roll for me please miss Barrow here miss bford here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here mayor Kelly yes I'm here thank you ma'am and minutes are are delayed we haven't been yeah okay the minutes are delayed so you won't be voting on those tonight but you're get him soon because we're sure to help um at this time is there any items from the audience if there are please come to the podium state your name and address for the record and we'll see if we can answer your question 16 loln Avenue City okay you know we have no jurisdiction over that address right I understand that okay but I'm here yall because I victim like so so many other people tol restoration I sent you an email going back basic my car was unsafe to drive the hood was not attached I couldn't even pull up to a gas put gas when iil complaint with State he sent me a certified telling me that he was going to charge me $65 a day for storage I was wise enough to bond it out through the court system and your two of your police officers actually had to help me push it out to get it tow they're going to kill somebody the they've already lost several cases um the hood was just sitting there but yet he was finished with it um the fender only had three screws and there's 20 something people that they may have been trespassed from there that have paid for their car because he won't let them see it and then they find out how bad it is excuse me talking about the business down 98 so I'm asking you all because Florida statue 5994 gives you all the authority to revoke their license or shut them down at least till they pay all their fin there's a couple that they're sending $50 a week and they owe them thousands of dollars okay chief H are you familiar with what he's talking about yes sir we wasn't so we don't need any further information we have everything you need right oh they did okay okay sir does detective Purdue have your contact information uh yes sir and also emailed you and I'll I'll give it to anybody but okay that's okay that's okay while they're investigating they're going to kill somebody okay it's not the person driving the car it's somebody behind I got to have a little bit of time to fix it yes sir all right because this first I'm hearing of it so tomorrow I have four appointments ahead of you okay and when that fourth appointment's done I'll talk with Chief Hutto and we will find out what it is we need to do at least for the city of Parker's concern you know I can't speak for anybody else and we'll find out where it's at and I will call you back with a with a an answer from the state or from our police but you were satisfied with what our police did you're telling me right well they helped me get they actually learned something because the sheriff department was busy they always thought it was civil and it wasn't okay that's fine so they learned something okay that's fine I have a question for you sir have you thought a complaint with the Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer service and that's when yes sir in the the middle of mediation is he sent me that letter telling me he was going to charge me $65 a day then I bonded it out and the vehicle was not D but that's what he does because according to investigations there's been some when you come to get it yes or when you come to complain well I've heard the Great Vine about his have you familiar with John yeah I mean he calls the he calls the police and gets you trespassed okay and so that's just part of his trick and until we shut him down he's going to kill or them down a husband and wife kill some and he takes the money ahead of time and then he don't get the work done okay thank you sir and I will look into this fourth person tomorrow all right is this um Council would would how if this ends up being factual how would you feel about suspending or removing his license not a problem okay okay well let's get through the investigation and find out what they say first and then uh then we'll look at that suspending the business license of Mayor is not the remedy there might be other other things in the ordinances that you could use do yes yeah because being in that type of business anybody can go get a business license they they have to have a state of Florida license license to be able to perform those duties work so now that he's brought this to us the city doesn't have jurisdiction over that but are we vicarious responsible now that he's brought this to our attention in a public for if you no you're not vicariously liable if that's your question you will be moving forth with to see what kind of right uh action the city can take right because there the state does have jurisdiction on the licensing that he's talking about all well if you just if this is the first I've heard of it give me a few minutes and I'll get on this bricky take okay we have to have a vehicle number okay um is there anybody else that has anything they like to talk about please come to the podium state your name and address sir name's Oliver CID 713 commit Avenue I'm here to ask the council for permission to leave my boat park in the front yard work been the last 15 years off and on Cod yeah um you came here the last time to ask for an extension I was I thought I going to get the permission to either do it or not do it but you said the code enforcement officer won't hear you didn't know it that's right G me 30 days I gave you 30 days I decided to come back tonight and request again okay well that's great so in counsel in your packages and I have a copy here also including the photographs that he took of your property um this is a code violation the council doesn't intervene in a code violation okay uh you're going to have to go through the code enforcement process but my understanding is that because of the condition of your property and because of the amount of vehicles and boats that are on your land are your windows sealed shut my windows have some plywood over them and I've painted them so it looks like a window yeah I had if I had had that plywood up there I would up North Carolina came I left a week before it even got here right I wouldn't have a house right that's a fire issue isn't my issue yeah um my concern is a problem and my neighbors haven't had a problem and they just had a house sell one house over for me on the corner yeah a Comm $490,000 they did ain't hurting the value of the property no okay so we have ordinances in the city of Parker and the code officer in accordance with his responsibilities has issued you a citation a notice of Citation for a code violation and you're going to have to answer that code violation or you could come before the code enforcement magistrate and pled your case is that here too oh yeah okay not with me I don't get involved in that we don't do that but if that's the route you want to go that's fine but we got to go through the process first okay and how many years have those boats been sitting there of and on I got here in 1991 okay I never seen a move yeah at the time I got here that street usually there was three or four boats parked in the front yard every one of them hous right now there's only well there's one that's parked down the side of one house and my house is the only one that's got the boats on that side of the street you're not interested in putting them in your backyard I a I got no your backyard you can't get to the backyard to put nothing back oh okay okay well um like I say sir I I gave you 30 days because I was unfamiliar with the case what we had on the agenda that night needed to be dealt with and I couldn't go on for hours and hours he he's giving you this citation I have a copy of it right here and I have photographs I only have one question that's got nothing to do with code enforcement are you familiar or are you aware your flag is hung upside down it's like that deliberately and on purpose okay and each president since Bush was in office has been a wire off I sent them a picture of they ain't balancing the budget and the Democrats are just a damn sorry of the Republic okay that's why that's by my little protest all understand and the etiquet is it's a distress signal and I think the country's in distress with the budget y okay all right sir everybody else thinks it's a joke or whatever but hell I'm serious about that c okay sir I understand our money it's worthless yes sir um the code officer will did you talk to him today I talked to him today and I told him I'd be here tonight and okay can this be settled between he and I if if we agre or whatever no cuz it's already in play now this is the thing that's fine it's got to go all the way through the process and he's not allowed to negotiate anyway it wouldn't be we have a magistrate and the magistrate would be the one that made the final decision if that's what it went have a a Parker magistrate does our code enforcement code enforcement on magistrate it'll be fine we he hears cases all the time that's okay we okay all right sir thank you anybody else would like to come to the podium nobody okay we're going to proceed on with what we have uh this is uh a public hearing second reading we have to open the floor for public right comment yes sir okay ladies and gentlemen the floor is open for uh the second reading of a public he for public hearing um ordinance number 20 D 2024 days 421 mayor okay that's the uh do you want to read it Mr SLO if there's no no nobody from the audience wants to uh comment on it maybe you should just tell them what it is it's the uh the ordinance dealing with some amendments to the Land Development regulation right we heard the first reading two weeks ago sir does anybody have anything they want to speak to on it because if they don't we'll move forward with getting the council to approve it okay um public portions closed we need a motion that we have a second reading okay I need a second okay very good and your first name um new name um Mr Sloan when take a vote please Madam clerk Was the vote I me Miss Sparrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes ordinance number 2024 d421 in ordinance of the city of Parker Florida amending the land devel ation ordinance number 2022 d49 is amended to amend certain Provisions relating light manufacturing providing for severability providing a mechanism for the correction of scrier Errors providing for the liberal construction of this ordinance providing for a repealer clause and providing for an effective dates we need tion to adop adoption of ordinance that's written okay we need a second second we have a second Madam Clark will you please call the role Miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you Council moving on to item two which is the uh public hearing first reading um this is for what's this we read what it's for Mr SLO yes sir 2024 d423 mayor it's a uh Amendment to the Land Development regulations to update the date of the flood insurance study and the flood insurance rate Maps this uh is being promulgated by FEMA yes and it needs to be adopted by every uh jurisdiction to uh uh stay in line with the female requirements okay open the floor to anybody in the public would like to discuss this it's pretty pretty extensive if you need any information on it probably couldn't give you your answer right now oh nobody okay we need to first we need a motion to read right yes sir first read got a motion we need a second second Mr Chapel second okay Madame Clark Miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank number 2024 d423 and ordinance of the city for FL amending the land vment regulations ordinance 2022 d49 is amended to update the date of the flood insurance study and the flood insurance rate Maps providing for applicability providing a mechanism for the correction of scrier Errors providing for the liberal construction of this ordinance providing for repealer Clauses and providing for an effective date okay thank you yes sir um item three is also a public hearing first reading for Mr Sloan yes sir it's a first reading on 2024 d424 uh this is an ordinance mayor that uh the council uh had discussed some time ago and and imposed a moratorium uh on off premises signs uh the Planning Commission then took the direction of the council and and uh took some information gathered information and and at the Planning Commission uh they recommended approval of 202 24- 424 essentially in the uh form that is uh that I provided tonight yeah uh it included some uh paragraphs that originally were were part of the strikethroughs but do relate to General signs and so they wanted those put back in and um and so the 2024 d424 is up for uh public hearing and then if the council so chooses a first reading I open the floor to public hearing for this ordinance does anybody have this is what we talked about the signs the Billboards and so on and so forth they the the planning Council has been able to uh get some language prepared that we can put in our ordinances to control those Billboards and those signs nobody okay I need the first to read yes sir motion read motion to read second got a second call rooll M Miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes ordinance number 2024 D 424 an ordinance of the city of Parker Florida amending the Land Development regulations ordinance number 2022 d409 as amended to amend certain Provisions relating to off premises signs providing for separability providing mean for the correction of scrier Errors providing for the liberal construction of this ordinance providing for a repealer clause and providing for an effective date thank you Mr okay Mr Mr Chapel do you have anything personally you like to discuss uh no other than our U memorial wall over there is got uh TW 10 names on it right now I've got two more that's being printed up so anybody wants to put their name on there for a deceased or doesn't have to be deceased um but military function welcome to do it they still got forms in here at the uh City and just fill the forms out I will tell you though that uh I had one form that uh they put down all the metal was the guy won and there's not enough room on the plate to put everything and U things like Good Conduct and stuff like that um just leave those off we we need to put like if we had a purple heart or a silver star bronze star something in that light but U but uh they're they're looking good over there and uh plants that uh was planted they're uh growing and looking good so looks real good looks real good Mr Haney you got the floor sir I was just curious if anybody has heard anything from Mr Libby I have tried to call him that we could get through I was told that they moved him go ahead sir okay he he's where oh incompass okay for Rehab I stop very good yes ma'am I heard my neighbor across the boat Park yeah it's notat Park it's Park he's supposed to if he returning home on the 25th of a very good which is Sunday and that's kind of an OD right well long as he comes home that's the most important thing that's good Miss Barrow Miss bford nothing I got one little thing Council you may remember uh three Council meetings ago a gentleman came here um and during the hurricane I know this has been a long time ago his building apparently was blown down or damaged and uh he had put up some kind of a uh uh I don't know what you would call call it but canvas carport I guess to be kind it was a canvas carport that's very right and so I was of the opinion then and still am that he should put it back the way it was before the storm no big deal we agreed that that was a good thing to do and we we told him to go ahead and do that well to prove that no good deed goes undone uh he and his neighbor are still at odds with each each other over a multitude of different things uh he is a renter he doesn't own but all of the houses around him are owned property the neighbor slightly down the hill I met with her she's very nice easy to talk to has their family has been parking where they've been parking for 50 plus 60 years 70 years and he wants me to force them to move and to expedite it and I know this to be true because I went saw it with my own eyes he put his garden hose so it would flood their front of their house right so before I asked the police to do what we must do if I would like to try to find uh some common ground excuse me find some common ground to resolve this childish behavior so what I'd like to do is I would like the council to support me to allow her and her her grandmother whoever else lives there to park in front of their house it's on Davis Lane it's the road is narrow it's a day in the street right it's at the End of the Street next stop is the B you right right all I'm asking for you to do is to support me to let this lady and her grandmother whoever Park their cars in front of their house the way they have for the last 50 plus years she's a property owner I don't know either people but all I'm saying is that I don't think we should make this worse I don't think this should be a code violation I don't think this should be acceptable behavior to flood a person's yard with water so that when you walk out of your house you step in mud that sinks down over the top of your shoes and that your vehicle makes ruts in the ground and difficulty getting out of there I just don't think that's right isn't that more water revenue for the city well oh it's well City water let them do it I don't want the revenue that bad man I don't need to I don't need the money that bad is the of the water the water's going to be stopped keep okay okay if if the council first of all agrees with me will support this we'll have to make a motion in a second and go through the voting process and I will go down there and I'll tell him don't do this no more because first of all it was told to me that he was watering his plants okay so I went down there several times to look because I didn't get that feeling the last time I went there was about five or six days ago sometimes we went in the city vehicle sometimes I went in the POV but the F the the the the it wasn't watering the plants it was going through the chain link fence and flooding this people's home down there beyond their house well that's that's just that to me that is ridiculous so what do you think Council we can have some conversation on that's what you want to do go cut his water hose I guess we can't do that neither we can't do that neither is that not a liability people live in that out's ma'am there's not any yeah but you don't know from day to day if a visitor may or may not come there right I mean someone might come with a big plate of uh apple pie and say we're bringing you an apple pie and they fall over in the mud and then break your ankle okay if yeah and you're right somebody's vehicle stuck theud and bring issues but we we have no teeth right now to enforce by any measure any rule because we don't have a rule saying are you are you stting that you want to be able to allow them to park on the easement in front of their home the the easement is about that wide okay right it's been that so that was a dirt road when that house was built the other the other houses weren't there right and it was paved there are 11 paved dead end streets in Parker you're not supposed to park on them however there is no place to park and I don't want this to escalate Council to the people on the opposing end because this gentleman already told me that they were also in violation they on the opposing End of the Road have lived there in that family's home for probably 15 Generations I don't know a long long time but what I'd like to do is to be able to tell these people that you can park there because home owner has prec over a rent um we don't we don't have a rule as it stands right now no no no I don't we could get to that maybe but what I'm asking the council to do is to give us permission me permission to tell them that they can park there and I'll at the same time tell him like we did him we gave him permission to rebuild his shed and I don't understand why these folks are fighting because there's no reason to fight over this get through they par there yeah I would suggest if you do it mayor that that the motion be time Limited in other words give them permission for a period of time and then come back and revisit to see if if there's still a need for that at some point okay the deadline so Mr Sloan gives me advice as you see him here he thinks if we're able to approve this it should be time Limited in other words we'll come back in five years and re revisit it I was thinking something shorter than that well four years I would suggest maybe a year something months five years 11 months we got on the table I'd say a year I'm sure they'll have something resolved I hope so I hope so so I also will tell tell you if we start coding the rental property he does not pay the fine the property owner does and I'm trying to avoid that I'm trying to avoid making this worse so that they they I want everybody to be happy not unhappy but until I have something from the city council I have no teeth to be able to stay yes ma'am did it did it already I covered every base I've been fighting this for a month so I asked the council one more time what do you think yes do what let them part is that a motion okay long five years like Mr Haney says a year if they haven't resolved it in the year we'll resolve it for sure I'll stick with that second per year okay Mr Haney is second can you call a roll please miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you Council that is good government um does anybody else have anything they'd like to talk about M nothing nothing at all okay you want us to talk about something no not necessarily I'd like today to end it's been a long long day um want to just mention r yeah so for those of you that don't know Mr Davis is leaving us after 21 years of extremely loyal service we're going to close the city a half a day and have a meal for him um if anybody would like to come by and visit with Ray uh at 1:00 on the 30th is it next Friday next Friday City will be closed half a day uh they'll be down in the community building and if you'd like to come by and say goodbye to him come around 1:00 and uh you could say goodbye and uh Mr Mr su's already got a new guy to replace him and hopefully uh it'll be as good as it was when Mr Davis was here and uh I have one last thing to bring to your attention um on uh Monday I don't know what time I think at 9 o'clock you will be able to go to Culver's ice cream and buy yourself a cheeseburger or r or whatever it is cver cells and it will be open for business Monday at 9:00 yeah yeah it's good stuff good stuff okay thanks everybody 30 here so he owns a piece of property any problems the other day it forever any problem and we thought the road going through West oh only a little