yes sir we're ready are we recording good good good good afternoon everybody thanks for taking the time out of your day to come and spend some time with us we've only got about uh eight or nine things on the agenda tonight so it shouldn't take more than a couple hours uh Pastor Davis would you do the invocation please let's stand father we thank you that we still can come to you and ask for you to help us and give us wisdom and guidance God in this meeting tonight we Lord to let every word that we say God be acceptable in your side God be with us now God and bless these your people that's in power toight God they can give the decisions is right in the kingdom of God these say rest in Jesus name Amen to be thank you sir Mr chap I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all be seated right all right let's see what we got here would you call the role please mam I absolutely will sir Miss Barrett here miss Barrow here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here mayor Kelly I am here ma'am thank you so first item would be the uh approval of the minutes from the last two or three meetings that we had everybody should have a copy of those in your package I'll make a motion that we approve as second we have a motion in a second Madam clerk you call a roll Miss Barrett yes Miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes so uh before we move on to items from the audience council do you have any additions or deletions that you'd like to make to the agenda okay so at this time if there's anybody that would like to come to the podium state your name and address for the record um let's discuss items that are not on the agenda for tonight now would be the time to come up and do so okay very good thank you um I need to open the floor for pu here right yes sir okay should we have them come to the podium first not necessary well he'll need to come to the podium whether you do it now or later now or later okay the person that's uh going to represent the public hearing for uh 531 South Highway 22A would you please come to the podium your uh name and address for the record please and then I'm going to open the floor to public hearing Michael car 531 okay very good the floor is open ladies and gentlemen this gentleman's asking for a variance for the setbacks this is the uh the house that's got the Caven roof is it not yes sir right there yeah and to remind the council there are seven criteria IA for the variance and it is incumbent upon the applicant to show by clear and convincing evidence that he is entitled to the to the variant uh by getting uh an affirmative vote on each of the seven items correct um on uh April J march on May 14th 2024 the B uh the Parker planning council did that variance test am I correct right assuming that's what my notes say and that he did he the planning Council agreed that he was uh in need of this variance in order to be able to repair this property but the council also just needs to confirm the the passage of the variance test all right so before we give the variance test is there anybody would like to speak before councel before we get started okay thank you public meeting is closed if you would Mr Sloan give the five seven seven seven can I can I speak the seven criteria hold on Mr slow we okay i' like to speak on this in order to this this a a Triplex townhouse right don't understand it might be fourplex actually a duplex two two together two together but there's more than one right there a brick across the street from the park of school there in order to for this man to correct the problems for his neighbors that are living in that adjoining property that's correct he needs to fix this house yes he does I don't see why he needs to go with their variance request in order to repair this house to to to keep the longevity of the neighbor's house yes that I don't see why it needs to do a very I totally agree with you and I'll tell you for a personal reason why and he doesn't know this and you don't know this but I went there on a med call and the water had leaked through the ceiling of the damaged house that he's asking to repair and went under the wall of the neighbor's house and his two or threey old child slipped on the Wet Tile and pushed his teeth through his lower lip and I thought to myself well that's a heck of a note because you can't stop the water from coming in so is this is this something you're saying Mr Haney you want to move on without it I I I would like to make a motion to approve his uh building to repair the property for the safety of the of the the whole dwelling besides going through a a very we'd have to put it to a vote so we is you're making a motion for that I'm making a motion I'll second a motion okay we have a first to the second Madam CL call a roll yes sir Miss Barrett yes Miss Barrow yes Mr chap yes Mr Haney yes mayor C yes thank you sir fix that house make it look pretty make it all right sir next item is a bid award for the srf Mr good evening Council this is the award the bid for the Water System approvement project we open these contracts open these bids back a while back um but through the srf process of reacquiring a new loan for a different for the different amount of money that was open in the bids we have acquired that srf loan now we're in the process of getting the contract documents finalized so we can move forward with this um but the recommendation is to award the lowest bid War American in the amount of 6,144 264 um for this water system Improvement project right conditioned upon the actual srf loan being approved what is it you're asking for sir we need a motion to approve the recommendation to award the bid okay yeah for the on already okay yeah we need a first and a second to vote it I'll say well condition upon the with the condition involved right so you making a first job yes sir okay and we have a second call roll Madam clerk Miss Barrett yes Miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you sir are you going to give uh Chapel some of that dirt I don't either I just was okay we just talking about dirt I figured I better cover it one more time people yelling at me you be yelling at me oh good lord uh 4395 Highway 95 98 partial split and I believe a Miss jod Daniels was okay there she is he here she she yes cuz they couldn't make it from Tennessee or wherever they were coming from right and you're you're the folks who are going to be buying this piece okay and it's on uh 4305 Highway 98 where is that at exactly what's it near it's right it's right around here okay right in the curve right there nice nice yep right across the you go build a house there build a home put something there very good is that a waterfront lot will yeah fantastic next to okay very good very good that's good that's nice and I I have on my notes here that see Mar on May the 14th the planning Council agreed that it was a doable viable option by the planning Council uh for the ldr so they're here asking us to give them permission to split that lot so they can build a home I think the uh when I was in the planning committee they they they uh summarized that it was like a patio size width of property would wouldn't permit them to build a house no no no that that's not this this was number one yes that was the D yeah that was Miss Williams I got you we need some more dirt Tony good God man this this one actually had plenty of space for so there was no need and so you'll notice off Street yeah you'll notice in your packet you already had a property appraiser approval letter that means it meets all of the ldr guidelines yeah different property yeah is it like there's like a dirt road goes between the two right there come off 98 you got to go on what's off offred yeah so be off 98 be right on offer then on the dirt road back there do we need a motion to approve this we did need a motion to approve it to approve thank you Mr okay we have a motion to approve second we have a second you figure what's that Miss barl now on your mind as you going around the curve well I know around the curve in Offer Street right immediately behind it right over by the alley yeah hor or by Horn Avenue coming through the alley right that's there's Al Street there's and you should both know that you can't obstruct that road right because that's the only way back there for ambulance and Emergency Services that's the only way back there which I don't know why it was never paid but it never was looking at y okay Madam clerk we have a first to second you call a roll yes sir Miss Barrett yes Miss barah yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes good luck build a pretty house and I would like to say this I would like to say that um we are loving Parker like we're new a great place to live yeah we're we originally from Lin Haven so we were just across the pond but we came over here and I just fell in love with Parker and so I want you guys to know that if y'all need anything I mean we're we're we we're excited to be here to that's what we need we need neighbors that love being here that's what we need voted yes because I like him husband's hair the hair oh my gosh that's funny very good okay who made the motion second uh John Haney made the motion and Miss Barrett so two weeks ago I brought up to you guys about the uh pickle ball on my pickle Ballers here tonight they are all right if you would come to the podium please I don't don't think I explained it properly the last time and uh I I've invited them to come and see if I can explain it again and then catch my mistakes okay I've known these people for probably a few months since they've been coming over to the sports complex and there's a large amount of them that like to play pickle ball my understanding is they like one sat Sunday of every month for seven months reserved where they can play pickle ball on the courts for their league that they've got and that then return to help us out they they'll they'll tape the tennis courts so that they can use one side for pickle ball and the other side would still remain for use of anybody else that wanted to play pickle ball and any of the council members I know Mr Chapel has been going over there and has conducted a straw ballot because before the question was uh would we uh stop Parker people not a straw Bell just Parker people from being able to uh use the courts that was one of the questions I didn't have an answer so Mr Chapel you have the floor yes um on the eth of uh May through the 22nd of May there's been 141 people playing pickle ball uh that why I was there during the survey on the 9th of May which was a Sunday there was a man from Parker with a the church group that played on Thursdays and on the 16th he was there playing on Thursday I talked to him and he says the only time he plays is with the church group that goes over there which are about 10 to 12 people and he only plays on Thursday that's the only man out of 141 from Parker that plays pickle ball I don't know if there's anybody in the audience here that plays pickle ball but uh my I haven't seen you you might have come when I wasn't there but anyway I've got one man out of Parker that plays pickle ball on Sunday the 7th uh I'm sorry Sunday on the 12th at uh 5:20 to 6:30 there were seven people playing pickleball at that time I talked to some of them there and asked them what they would thought about if uh we had a group come over here and reserve the court on a Sunday uh of the first of the month and they informed me that they would like to see it and maybe uh see how the thing runs and maybe they would uh try to get a team up to uh join in the competition let's go so I said well I don't know about that but I'm sure you'd be welcome to come over and take a look and see how things are run then on the 21st of May which is this last Sunday uh at 8:00 in the morning there was nobody playing pickleball I went back about 10:40 and stayed there till 12 and there were 12 people playing pickleball I talked to a couple of those about what they thought about uh reserving the court one Sunday a month and they said we have no problem with it uh we can always and they were from uh The Cove the people there so the people from The Cove come down and then at 5:00 to 5:45 Sunday I was over there again and there were eight people from uh Panama City plan so so as far as a man from Parker or people from Parker uh the Parker residents don't seem to be using it there were some U tennis court out I didn't spend too much time with the people on the tennis court but uh out of the days that I went I only saw four people playing tennis and uh one of the couples also played pickle ball but the other couple didn't so anyway that's uh kind of my survey that I been for the last uh two weeks or so so I don't see where U it's a problem for people from Parker to be uh upset if uh the team here that wants to go and reserve for one Sunday a month I don't see where it's a big problem so being that being said I State again that the things that they asked for that I brought up to the citizens and to the city council 14 days ago I would like for us to consider and approve them the opportunity to uh play their sport on that court on the first Sunday of each month uh for seven or eight months and allow them to have um maybe a sandwich truck out there or a Coca-Cola truck or whatever so that they have Refreshments the last time they had a tournament over there I personally went over and checked and there was over 60 people playing there was no trash they did not tear up the bathrooms no one set the pirate ship on fire no one had to go to jail um it was just it was just they were really good people and it was eventless so I ask you again Council I'd like for us to consider um based on Mr Chapel's observations which is pretty good R um allowing them to do what they're asking for you're saying seven months Sunday for the remainder of the year of and hopefully if it's successful we'd like to do it again that's right that's right that would be subject to an agreement they have to sign an agreement and provide Insurance well you know with any kind of agreement I don't know no because nobody else has been required to do it no they that you have that right with any kind of agreement you make even you go to a motel room you still have to pay deposit on on using that facility whether you got 10 kids or 15 kids or whatever you still have to deposit so how are you going to compensate the city for the usage the rental of the of the well John we're not legally allowed to rent it but they can make a charitable donation to Parks and Recreation and that's what we plan on doing what what about the uh the the Peak Park that's that's a rental but it's designed differently the way the land was obtained and the building was built the funds were differently obtained obtained differently than the park I see now that's what I'm being told uh Mr suin could you sh any light on this you know a lot more about the dirt than I do my understanding Mr Park can't make a profit the park can make funds to for lights power maintenance you know screens on the fences so the city can't make a profit of the park we can take what so in other words they just put in Parks and Recreation he spended as he needed it it's because property bought under a gr and that gr restri that City a revenue profit off the so unfortunately if we make a donation to you you can't use it maybe to help the fire department maybe anywhere else it would have to that's what I said to you in the beginning when we first started talking you'd have to take it that Monday after the Sunday the of play and made a donation to the ladies in the front out there and they have an account for Parks and Recreation and they would just slip it in there deposit it give you a receipt and then Mr suland uses that for not just this park but lots of parks in Parker to do different things you know and and that's what I would want it for too because part of the recovery for this project across the street is going to be more trees and then we talked about in the past the possibility of more pickle ball courts if you got your 501c3 you could get that Federal funding that's available and we could make a marriage between our land and your Grant and put some more over over there you know so uh I I just think that uh well we just need to get through today first so it would be a donation John would go go go to um Parks Parks and Recreation what would you consider a donation well I guess it just all depends how many people we get signed up yeah because every every person playing in this league is going to pay money do every single time we go to play do you charge a fee to join the League yeah there's a leag that they they charge I see so we're also making a contribution to a charity as well so probably go 5050 maybe but you know it may change every single month may not be the exact same amount of money what's your is it a monthly yes we're doing this every single month I mean as far as your your your dues do you have a monthly set of d yeah it's going to be monthly so what's your average set of dues for the month so this this is our first time uh running running this type of tournament um so right now the entry fee is is $60 per per person per person correct per person and how many people do you have playing this uh So currently right now we have 45 signed up oh so it's a good chunk of correct so we pay we pay back to the players so it's it's not it's not first second and third place correct extra money is going to go Parker and the charity well I'd like to see Parker being the winner the winner each buch amount of money for the you give lessons for free sir I don't play well with others maybe you need to play sing no no no no I don't so the idea is so you know to give you guys a little history on pickle ball so pickle ball is the fastest gr sport three years running in the United States there's 35.5 million players players it's grown 223% over the last three years and it's projected to grow 7.7% year-over-year until 2028 uh it's it's an exploding sport um everybody you probably know somebody in your family that plays it and if you don't they just haven't said that they play it yet um so we're here to to give the pickle ball Community uh something that they can count on each month and then also give back to the community Through pickle ball could you obligate a certain amount of money per per usage of the park so the only the only thing with that is with this being our first tournament we have no data points to go off of to say okay uh Mr Hy we can do this because historically we make you know $500 every tournament so we can guarantee you're going to get this based off historic so um right now we can't we can't tell you we can't tell you because we don't have any data points yeah so we're just coming at you with first time like give us a chance to show you that like we can get this growing we can get this off the ground and then you know we can uh you know the more people we get to the courts the more money we can give back to Parker for your generosity and let us well I'd like to see the park being used but I don't want to see the city sucking eggs oh yeah of course no no we wouldn't expect you to suck eggs is that a sport whiffle ball can can I get your I know Karen but I don't know your name I'm Gavin man Gavin Cho what's the name of your entity uh so it's uh sunsets and dinks LLC sunsets and dinks LLC can you spell yes ma'am there we go got it ending no get get his h o k c h o o s a k oh you're asking for my last name yes sorry ma'am that's okay you got confused oh okay sir are you good did you get that I got that and can you spell your name again I missed it let nrow this down to two minutes can we I mean c h o o s a k u l musical but okay so who's Binks uh so it's an actual move in pickle ball so it's like a light hat over the kitchen yeah well my thing is is I'm kind of withraw on the situation I mean basically when it comes down to it you can't have people a Parker mad if people at Parker are not using don't you can't be mad at something if you're not there so I'm all for it really even put on a free clinic and invite through your website invite the people from Parker to come out and learn how to play maybe and maybe there are people in Parker who need something to do corre and then if they don't that's kind of on them so this is something that people can use to hey I might want to try it so this is this is where we kind of see our relationship going cont you know granted we maybe maybe we're not giving you a monetary value where you like to see just yet but we're here to offer our services for free so like we would love to host a clinic for anybody in personally me personally I'm not focused on the money part I really don't care if it was $10 $200 all right regardless it's being put back into the park so I'm happy with that as it is and I want to see it being used like I said maybe get some people for Parker to want to try it so I make a motion to approve before we motion I I need discuss go ahead sir four tennis courts four pickle ball courts and four tennis courts but they're going to split one into a pickle ball court with tape on the ground what the difference between pickle ball and Tennis Court um probably about nine and 3/4 inches or something like that I don't know so pickle ball court smaller smaller yeah but but one tennis court we put a here's the center n of the tennis put one pickle thisle and it off and then they've done it already I watched them do it I watch them do it they're going to use one whole tennis court you have a tennis court you have two sides of a tennis court each side is going to have its own pickle ball game so you'd res reserve one tennis court no they reserve the pickle ball we're going to use yourt correct we only have one you only have one One tennis that they're going to be able to turn into two pickle ball they're going to make that into two pickle ball courts instead of one tennis court well so what what sorry what we're going to do is so we're going to use your Four Courts to run our league and then in case there's any Parker residents or any other residents that that want to you or play pickle ball during our league time they'll have we're going to set up a temporary court on the tennis court so they can still come and enjoy and play pickle ball so if I show up and want to play tennis by myself I wouldn't be able to play no that's right no then we'll set up minut the only one in that plays tennis techn you could sir we could move the net out of the way and you would have a tennis court back in Action I feel comfortable that the last time you play tennis by myself ever so well I'll tell you what this guy from Parker that did play tennis I mean play parkall he's got a machine that he throws a bunch of balls in there and it's like a baseball machine or so and it kicks him and first time I saw him that's what he was doing he was by himself and he was playing by himself well he probably doesn't play well with others either so can I get a word in here so couple of things that I need to talk to you about that we haven't spoke about yet um we have a standard contract that you'll have to sign for the use of the property over there it's like same for the basketball or whoever whatever they whatever they do and Sloan's going to provide a copy that City Clerk and we'll contact you to get all that taken care of and filled out how would you feel about half of the net profit going to the city and half go into your charity I think you said 5050 5050 and regardless of what it is right yeah okay Miss Barrett made a motion I'll say we got a motion in this I think we no barl wants to have conversation she's been waiting go ahead no no Miss barl please we can go play tennis well I was going to say that a lot of reason why people aren't out there is because it's too hot to play it out there in the middle of the day there's only certain hours that most people are going to get out there and play is going to be early morning or in the evening and two didn't we have a group maybe this group did last year or there was them that was a yeah that had that one little tournament thing where we had the 60 people or whatever it was but it was good it was fun I mean what I saw you know yeah we had a great time y yeah so and that was actually part of the Panhandle pickle ball Club okay that was an event that we put on there so what do you think Miss barl what about your times Ron that was morning noon and night right you I went every day in the morning and then uh I went at night then when I left there I went over to the pier every day to see how many people are fishing too so I've did a lot of traveling for the past two weeks okay so what hours do you do you want it so 9:00 a.m. is when we're going to start five was it 9 to 58 to five let's say 8 to five yeah and it's probably going to be over sooner again we just gave us extra buffer time until we get some some that'll be fine fine no no lab music or nothing like that or no I mean we'll have some music playing but it's not going to be reg it was reg when I was there like that disturb the neighborhood no when was the first June June June 2nd yeah that'll be your first day inent we need the contract signed before then correct yeah we'll get it done tomorrow next day I'm stand by ready to go we got to vote on it first yes sir seven months that would be all the way to December well if he can if he can if the if the attorney can email you that copy tomorrow we can call him and get him down here to sign it and then hand carry it back so but I will say one thing um it was a Saturday it was raining and there was a couple playing and it was just kind of sprinkling well the balls designed for that Ron i s around there in the rain out and I said how come it you playing in the rain they said well we haven't finished the game yet that's dedication right dedication compin and if you put the tape down the night before and it rains like I do have a question though this is my last question and my last thing in the event that it does rain on a Sunday what is your action as far as probably it's our action is actually to reschedule for the following Sunday okay in the okay any more conversation councel good we have a first and a second would you call the the role Madam clerk yes sir Miss Barrett yes I'm sorry yes Miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you Council thank you guys have a good uh a good event thank you so much have a good pickle ball Donna asked Donna asked if they'd have an orthopedic surgeon available for the clinic yeah oh Lord so uh second item that we talked about 14 days ago that we'd like to go over one more time because again I was poorly equipped with correct answers and uh item five on the agenda is the Parker Sports Complex trunk sale and that's basically uh a yard sale they call it a trunk sale because it's coming out of the trunk of your car Mr Chapel you had the floor okay we had a little uh citizens uh a Parker citizens group get together and they put the flyer together and uh talked about this little U map on the back and uh I think we had five people at the uh meeting and uh they thought it was a good [Music] idea got three or four of them here fact I here I'm the one that put everything together the map and the little flyer map is so you have an idea of what we were talking about as far as location at the park near enough to the restrooms underneath the trees in the shade where we would put parking um things of that nature not taking up parking for the courts and things of that nature which we'll have someone kind of guide folks to where they need to be um and then of course uh if you look at the front of it uh no charge but we're going to ask for a donation to The parts and Recreation Department as discussed earlier um vendors have to be set up by 7:45 um of course you know you can bring your own tents tables um there will be no electricity or water provided so do what you got to do and then you responsible for your own clean up and trash removal and we will have someone when things are set up go around and get name and phone number at least for who is out there vending and that way if there is trash or something of that nature we can say you know you're not allowed anymore because you left a mess when you were here last time definitely and I only called it a trunk sale because I didn't know what to call it so we can call it a we can call it a community sale so they sell out of the boot of their car which is the trunk boot so to make you aware Mr Chapel you will have to sign a contract with the city so um that would I guess be you signing that if we if the council votes to to allow you to do it yeah otherwise each vendor would have sign yeah so okay so very good thank you ma'am um Council we need some guidance and some conversation and uh decide where we want to go I so wish we can go back to the Parker Heritage days we had back they were great weren't they years ago they were good may eventually if if this works that we can incorporate that together as I love those I did they were great that was awesome if any of you lived in Parker back then they we used to do a Heritage uh Heritage uh day and we would uh all gather up in the sports complex and uh that was Miss Barrow's brainchild from it was it was her brainchild and uh and we would have uh like a vendors come a lot of vendors one year and we would have a just just a really good it was a really good event I I'd like to see it happen again this fall it would be be a lot better now because you have so many food trucks right that would be good but but what you did before T was just phenomenal it was well and remember we did the um fish fry with the mullet yeah that was really good we made $4,000 for a charity that day so uh and car Crush we had a car beat down too yeah we put the car there and beat it for a dollar slick with a knocked it out with a hammer that was really good day too we going to use your Toyota for yeah cuz it's it's the oldest truck in Bay County I don't know about that one but uh Mr Chapel do you have anything you want to talk about other than what we've talked about no I'd like other than I'd like to try it see if it works we don't work it's nothing saying that we can't just say okay we're not going to do it right but uh I would like to at least uh give the community a chance to see if they want to or don't want to well see maybe we we could even get some folks come and sell like honey and stuff like that like and begin that way with their trunk sale get into uh not just a yard sale type of thing but uh might want to get into vegetables right Farms market and expand it she's got it on there Home Goods art right and see like Mr Haney says since we're talking about it I'd like to see it grow back to what it used to be and once a year have the have the Heritage day like we used to I mean it was really really good back when we did it and then just have this is a monthly thing that we would do uh anyway well I don't think we said monthly but U well how often would you want to do it people going to want to do it thing just see what happens let's just do it once and see what happens yeah cu the first time might be slow and then people will go wow i' like to do that then then do it a month later or whatever you know and the other thing I'd like to think about is getting the car show going out there some people have said to us you know that they like to put their cars on display uh is that Jamie hindrik you quitter um I I think that a car show once a month I used to go to them a c times at wind Dixie and it was really really good and I know a lot of folks live in Park got old cars and uh m is just old huh that's all we can afford is old car well that's what I say most people in park got a classic car already they just drive it every day so Council what do you think now we're talking about it for again well I don't see where we have to vote on it just let him do it well we got to vote on it because he's going to sign a contract just told me he I'll second got the first and the second Madam Clark call roll Miss Barrett yes Miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly absolutely yes do a good job Ron this's one last item uh and I'm going to cover this I think for everybody and then Ron if you feel like you need to jump in there please do um without getting into a lot of personal details um item six is the uh Sports Complex outdoor Recreational facility poar um for a long time we've wanted to put an outdoor educational facility out there in other words the kids could walk with their lunch from park or School come into the playground area in the back of the park up the new stairs and they could use the Park area back there not the the the the toys so much but this proposed building to have uh as outdoor educational facility they provide we would provide someone would provide chalk depending on the age to draw on the concrete or these boxes to move around into different shapes or ant nests which everybody laugh me about these damn ant nests because I haven't seen one but you this just glass box you put the ants in and they they and then it's like someone told me today if you shake it it's an eter sketch they start over again oh my God you know so an an sketch sketch yeah right which often in my day I want I reset sometimes you know what did you say you'd be doing yeah smashing them so um he'd be eating all the chalk Mr Chapel has been and we've slowed this role because we want to make sure we're right on this and I want to explain it to you properly Mr Chapel is willing to buy a 20 by 80 foot pole barn out of his pocket and uh we would he would give the money to Parks and Recreation uh and then it would be deposited and then Mr suland I would ask him to go down and select a 20 by 80 uh pole bar and then tone would put it on Mr sum would put it on his trailer or on his truck and then deliver it and then we would erect it in the park as an extension of that once it was up and when we get some extra cash I'd like so imagine the pole barn is like this and then when we get the extra money drop down a couple of feet and put two Wings on it so it would be 80 by 80 like that right and eventually maybe someone would give us some money or we could do a fundraiser or we get enough Parks donations or whatever and would' have the whole bottom of it concreted so we'd have an 80 by first of all we can have a 20 by 80 but then add on the other wings and the other concrete um so uh I'm bringing this to you because it's got to be voted on it would become Parker property at the time well it wouldn't become Parker property I'm lying he would make charitable donation to Parks we have we will agree tonight that we will take that charitable donation and we will buy the appropriate pole barn Mr somin will and however it gets here do they bring it you would you bring it they'll deliver it okay so they would they would deliver it to Mr somin and then public works and you notice put up two pole barns will direct this pole barn at the back of the sports complex we have haven't decided yet exactly where but it's got to have enough room where it won't impact the the ball field but it will have accommodate the two Wings on the outside imagine when that concrete goes in there if you wanted to have an outdoor party for your family you got this giant outdoor building where we can move the tables and chairs up in there and you can have a huge cookout in the back of the sports complex and have a building for everybody to be in not for rent not but just because um um it would be a nice thing but I will tell you uh this this particular thing will have a plaque on it uh it will be dedicated to uh Mr Chapel's daughter and U I told him I said if we're going to build it that's all he wants that's small price to pay for the citizens of Parker so there you go Council that's what the proposal is on the floor I'd like to if there's any conversation I we should do it now is this something we want to do I'll make a motion we have a motion do we have a second we have a motion a second you call a roll please yes sir Miss Barrett yes Miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor counc yes thank you very very much Council this is going to be wonderful so one last item Tuesday it's not on the agenda this is uh you guys will all get a chance to speak to this in a minute but you may remember several months ago we received uh two $1,000 donations for Memorial Park um yesterday Mr Chapel um met with the brick layer and we have agreed upon a price to Breck in the memorial Tuesday the flag pole around the flag pole yeah yep um Tuesday Mr suan another Public Works employee Mr Chapel and me if they'll take me are going to go to Freeport to spend that money to buy the appropriate bricks and mixture that you put with the sand is it mortar concrete whatever it is uh Mort mix uh and bring it on sum's truck and then deliver the bricks to the yard and then put the mortar someplace dry okay um the brick layer um is a Parker fifth generation maybe sixth generation their families were Founders here you may remember if you've lived here any length of time officer Baxley he left here went to work for the state of Florida and his uncle is a Pennington the whole family is of Brick Layers they do phenomenal work phenomenal and um the week after next if we get the delivery next week if we get the M material Tuesday which we should they'll start working the following week to build the memorial and he feels like he can build it in two days and um the only thing he asked me and I I the only thing he asked me was do we have um a way of transporting uh water to the cemetery because the uh Cemetery has got some repairs that need to be made down there and while he's doing this project he'd like to make those repairs not no C cost he just does it so I we have a tank in the yard we'll give him the tank and Tow him his water down there so he can mix up the mud he needs to to do this stuff but um uh that's my conversation I I I would like we're not voting on this it's just something I wanted to make you aware of um is there anybody that would not support putting that around the the flag poles so basically what you'd have is a wall how tall 36 in Ron 32 in 32 and 3 double layer wall Concrete in the inside with what did he call it connector brick turn bricks going around the top Ron's got Mr Chapel's got two angels He wants to put on each corner and the plan is um that if you have uh uh a relative DOD Navy Army or whatever that fell while it's active duty or even retire doesn't matter for that matter uh and you want to buy a plaque they're $20 each and uh ronal take care of getting it cut and then mount it on the brick on the inside of the memorial so as you walk into that the flag PS will be on the inside then the memorial wall and then the names will be on the inside of that and I'm open to anybody that wants to inject a little well that would be anybody even people that didn't retire but served in the military yeah yeah oh yeah yeah but but mostly it's going to anybody but they are going to be like we were talking about what about um people from um DOD employees that were working for Central Intelligence agent that fell in layos they deserve to go on that wall too you know so and that was bring us back to Sergeant Bean because although he was active duty Army he was working outside the scope of what we were doing as a military at that time so anyway um is that something that the council would would be interested in help and support okay you had the floor WR well that's all we're going to do is just U it has to be military or related to a and the PLS like you said they're about 20 bucks a piece and we'll put them on the on the bricks so when you got a relative or or a husband or something like that you want to honor uh we can put his name on there and uh do that so uh it' be an ongoing thing even after I pass away do we know what the pla things will look like what are the plaques going to look like um they're I did this at a at The Shrine building and we used metal but over a few years the metal tarnished and stuff like that so I talked to the guy that was doing the cutting out and stuff like that he said if you use this plastic that we got it won't um it's black plastic and then it's all white lettering carved into plastic and it says a plastic will last for years so um that's probably what we would go so just have their name and what service they name rank butan probably in honor of so and so U maybe it was in the army or something like that and you could put uh was in the Army for 20 years or something like that put down 1961 through 1960 or 80 right whatever you know it's up to the individual whoever wants to put it maybe got some Civil War people there's actually some Civil War Graves at the cemetery in Parker on the far right corner all right John you got the floor I'm all thanks appreciate it Miss Barrow okay sure ma'am sure Mr SLO no sir actually I'm waiting to see John Haney over there play tennis by himself I'm real fast [Laughter] you got anything I have not a thing ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming appreciate