##VIDEO ID:NFdIxTJPZ5g## the 1st there's four items on the agenda tonight I'll just give you a heads up before we get started item four we will be moving to a workshop it's the CRS so without further Ado Mr Chapel would you please uh L us what you want me to do I'd like you to pray prayer prayer yeah oh Lord rest this Council as we go have another night of uh decision making and make it make sure that we make the right decisions and bless our firefighters and our police force that they will stay out of Harm's Way I ask this in your name may be amen thank you brother CH I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all demat Madam clerk please call the rooll Miss Barrow here miss bford here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney mayor Kelly here thank you ma'am uh approval of the minutes from the last meeting Mo there's two meetings on the1 and okay yep approval of those meeting I'll second you were first Katie Katie Katie was first okay first to second you call a roll Miss Barrow yes Mr I'm Sorry Miss bord yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you Council um do you have any items from the audience at this time if you do yes man please come to the podium Amry Morris 129 North lakeood Drive I'm just here reminding everyone that the VFW is going to do the trunk Retreat that's going to be Thursday the 31st of October if you want to donate candy drop it over there or you can let the police or firemen bring it over that would also be fun so um if you want to participate we're going to have 4: to 6:30 so you need to be there about 3: put your car together trunk retreat at the VFW on the 31st okay thank you ma'am I appreciate it very much Mr Chapel was there one at the church also the same time different times it's a different time that's good that's very good 60 530 7:30 okay that's good we can hit them all then um and then do we have any other items from the audience where we proceed forward no okay very good ladies and gentlemen um we're going to move on to the regular agenda and it's going going to be the manhole lining is that you Mr Summerland Miss Moore Miss Moore thank you ma'am sure Elizabeth more anchor um as you know at the last meeting we open the bids for the cdbg manle uh lighting and Rain pin installation project um we received four five we received five submittals for that um they they range significantly in price um we talked about that little last time there's a lot of different materials we reviewed the materials to make sure that low bid met the specifications um but there is a wide range it's like buying a car there's just a lot of different ways and different things that they can submit um however the low bidder was Atlantic pipe Services um and we recommend awarding to Atlantic pipe Services contingent upon we have not worked with this company before and we have not worked with this product before therefore we have asked them to submit references based on their most recent um projects uh we've received one of those we're still waiting on the other two so what we'd like to do is just ask you to award this if you please um contingent upon receiving favorable recommendations from the two we ask for three Council we need a first and second to vote make a motion we have a motion on the floor second I have a second Madam Clark Miss Barrow yes Miss bord yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you ma'am that's good to know um the outfall bid award who who's reading that to us do we know well that was last um meeting that it was award they re made their recommendation for H now we got to vote for we have to vote for it we didn't vote last so who was the recommendation was harders wasn't HD harders Council we have a recommendation for the outfall I make a motion that we uh go with HD harders okay very good do we have a second yes we had a second Mr Haney call a roll please miss Barrow yes m bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes very good Council thank you item three Mr Summerland clean up your backyard day is that what it is yeah our annual net clean up day basically just to bring awareness to everyone that um that cleanup day will be October 12th so we ask everyone to try to do a little extra that weekend clean around your gutters are we going to pick up the stuff we'll pick up the stuff the following week and then that whole week we will try how many cubic yards that we actually Pi pick up um because we track it every week anyhow but we'll know how much more might have got cleaned up okay so we're just trying to make this a public announcement for everyone to clean up on October 12th help the waterways okay very good thank you sir allowable to put I mean you're talking about putting stuff on the side of street what's allowable any paint cans be allowed or well we we try to tote the line best we can I mean like I said if someone puts out a random 2x4 four piece of sheetrock that's fine but we can tell that you've gutted your kitchen or gutted your bathroom and you put it all out there or you've cut a complete tree down and you've put it out there um like I said you know we we tried to judge it how it is you know some people try to take advantage of us but we just we pick up we pick up a lot more than any other city will pick up you know um tires and paint cans and stuff like that pretty much anything that we can dispose of the steel field but anything that we can recycle metal wise we recy we don't haul it off concrete we recycle so that's why we want it separated off the poles right um but we try to recycle as much as we can and we try to be fair to the citizens but a lot of times they go to a little too far so that's like see on 22A right now where someone's completely moved out of the entire house and put the whole house by the road that that happens more often than but you charge at residen correct clean correct very good all right before you leave do you have an estiment on what it uh would cost our people to uh cut the uh business 98 and or not tendle Parkway grass and stuff like that I can work on that for you if you want me to we've reached out to them this week to find out when they're going to be out there because it looks really bad oh it does it makes makes the whole city look bad because we're after our people to go and cut their grass and then we sit there and we got all that it's two feet high or some yeah I'll work on that for you and get back with um I mean if it's not too off expensive I I'll support it and uh well like I said I I'll work on it I'll work on that let you know if that cost is and then I'll present it to you I know we don't have the contract for it but correct you ever extra mower Mr CH can go mow it with I can mow it but I was talked about that one time and they said well we got if your debris goes out in the street put insance insance surprised I mean a lot of people don't know how many car windshields do get broken um we actually just had a traffic accident last month that the state was out there mowing it the guy that was running the bush hog merged merged off the median into the traffic back into the median Under The Oaks and caused I believe it was a three car wreck right there um and they had to CH they had to chase him down to the Y before they got him to to stop for the accident he caused I bet you're glad we don't know that contract I don't CU like I said they come back we've had people pull over we've scratched their car we've dented their car we've broke their back window out and it's kind of we you know if it's very very obvious the glass is in the back seat but if you've got a dent I can't I don't know if we threw the rock out or you know it's it's that's why it's a lot more liability for the state but it does look really bad and it is a reflection of us we will probably be out there tomorrow the three medians at the intersection cutting and training that intersection up but I I I'll work on getting you a feet and let y'all let y'all know what it okay thank you sir as I said item four is the CRS and we'll have that in the workshop sometime in the next couple of weeks so that's the last item on the agenda Mr Chapel do you have anything to talk about tonight no I just want to thank our Public Works people for uh working on the bridge down there we had a lot of blood stains and stuff like that on the p and uh I was down there last night and uh it's all cleaned up it looks good um I wish um if you go down there and walk on the pier uh check the faucets because I always find them turned on and I turn them off but U I think the peer looking real good I appreciated it how many gallons a month do we using down there Mr some I have to look to see but we we monitor it so well that we just don't let it run we thees off right I agree Mr Haney you got the floor on that note would it be more feasible for the city to have like a salt water wash down instead of fresh water out there I'm not really sure and I'll tell you why because they won't even let us wash fish in a sink and throw it in Bou the state so we couldn't do that in order to have the peer so maybe we could look at that and see if we could have a I'd rather have fresh water on my engine but Mr Brian went to a place they said that did you go to meeting talk about fish station was like $200,000 oh that was at Snug Harbor and and the citizens bed at it they said we can't spend that kind of money on Snug Harbor they were down on Snug Harbor any fish CLE station was 200 we we wanted a fish cleaning station and they said no State said no when the new bridge goes in we got to capture the rainwater it runs off it yeah sure did sure go ahead ma' Kathleen o'b 1455 Parkway Drive this is this goes back to when Mark McQueen was the city manager they they do have a nice rinse off uh something you can use to rinse your boat and trailer off down at Snug Harbor and I don't know how much that was but that that past month P mustard with the citizens yeah that would be nice wouldn't it to have Rin down Place yeah think I'd rather have them bring their boats back in their house there you go well not not everybody has that to use but that was less I don't remember what the expense of that was but okay that's kind of an unusual thing to have it's kind of nice if you had that people be down there taking baths besides going they already are in the in the bathroom yeah doing that yep do you have anything Miss bar I have nothing Miss bord nothing Madam clerk no sir okay I have nothing also ladies and gentlemen thank you what was say a world record 12 minutes I appreciate it