##VIDEO ID:Q4CW29JYgxc## very good are you recording me yes good evening everybody Welcome to the city of Parker council meeting for the 17th um we've got five or six items to go over um before we get started the invocation tonight will be delivered by Pastor Greg Reinhardt is he here no guess he must had something stop him Mr Chapel you want to deliver the invocation for us everybody please come to stand dear Lord go and help us uh make the right decisions tonight for the city council um we have a lot on our agenda and we need to make sure that we do everything appropriate and right I ask this in your name thank you umate some what it be amen I'm I'm getting go ahead you I pledge allegiance to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all right please be seated let see what we got here first Madame Clark would you please call the role for us miss Barrow here miss bford here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here and mayor Kelly yes ma'am thank you very much um before we move on to the agenda um if there's any items from the audience that's not on the itinerary please come to the podium state your name and address and tell us one of these you'd like to talk about hi um you just want to start Problem whatever you like to talk about um there's a couple of us here we're here to talk about the nuisance that is 29 Avenue you want to talk about the nuisance the nuisance okay criminal everything it is a known drug house we've recently had a pregn woman due to a drug overdose y from his home we're waiting and hoping that due to losing half of the police force that something is still going to be done about that yep the owner is still in prison and incarcerated y his sister did wind up paying his property taxes after I asked the city multiple times should I go pay them should I go get it paid not for him but to you know take over his property don't know how exactly that all works but we have had oh my gosh I would say 100 calls in the last year to the Poli dep about the drugs the people coming and going the code enforcement violations currently they are living in a home there's a bunch of squatters living in the home there's no water there's no sewer it's dog so we're just trying to figure out if the city is going to be able to work with C enforement to get theist involved to cond that let me ask you a question just a couple refresh my mind you said there are people living in the house now that's correct you know that for a fact that is correct okay and there are there's no water or were there at all at this time that's correct okay but the taxes have been paid they were just paid by his sister just a few weeks ago okay sounds good he very historically not paid his taxes row I'm really familiar with him I'm familiar with him and uh you know our contacts over the years abely um unfortunately very often the the law um protects people like that and it takes a long time to work it out that that they could be removed D um let me look into this in the next couple days the chief is on a call right now car accident I'll speak to him later but we um he could tell you about the calls that have come in the neighbors but the calls that have come in now since the squatter have m in to be out there multiple times let me ask you this ma'am the the neighbors around there can any of them see into the yard without getting on a ladder or having to climb a fence the backyard is wide open so you can see it from both sides yes and we have told code enforcement this as well but he says that he can't see the backyard and it's like well I can drive by and I can see all the washing machine sitting in the backyard the dilapidated meth lab trailer that's back there that came from the the RV came from the house that you guys are also taking consideration of that's over by fly by coffee on the corner of black yes I don't know that address but that's where all that stuff came from and wound up in his backyard um but we have made multiple reports of it because he was actually he brought that in through the property behind him that he doesn't own right drove through their property and put that on his property um code enforcement has told us that they have told them that um they're supposed to be removing that never happened um code enforcement has told us about the water being capped off and all of that and asked us to come to a city meeting so that we could put it on your agenda that way he can go to the magistrate okay we just don't know how any of that works figure out what we can do you you've made the first step he's making it hard to want to live in Parker and we moved here with a desire to retire here we love the area we love Long Point Park we love being close to the water that's where he fishes this our likelihood we've been here for 20 years and this man has ruined it for everybody as well as all of the and all of your neighbors agree with you right 100% that we already started ation we got a signed by the neighbors with the um State statutes about condemning that property um due to the cing we're trying to do everything by the book so that we can do that I don't have accurate information on how many calls that we've made to park of police I was hoping that Chief would have been here well he's in the car accident so that he could corate multiple times and then of course they just had a domestic violence situation where one of the squatters threw the other squatter out the window and so she went to jail he got dropped charges now she's back again well some of those charges weren't dropped it a murder charge and it still stands that's good because she think the main character over there her name is Candace lug she still locked up um she is not she's back out and you can find online her criminal record from California Washington all the way from Pensacola to here of all the theft the fact that we're having to have cameras up constantly because of everybody being in that home up their arrest record to County CLK they're all thieves so it's like everybody is in fear of like what's going to happen next and the last straw for me was that we have an innocent baby that was killed in the middle of all this I mean there was a a pregnant woman who overdosed because the girl living in the house was supplying drugs to people goinging back doing all this and so we're just trying to see if we can't get any of the city's help to get rid of this nuisance okay ma'am it's about to start okay apprciate you you're welcome thank you ma'am owner name is anybody else got anything they'd like to talk about thank you're welcome across from 29 Avenue 18 Avenue um yes I'm going toate what she's saying right there uh sh has actually threatened me before me too um I don't feel safe with him across street I don't feel safe with the people that are across the street I had multiple times where I've had to call my neighbors hey I don't feel comfortable I don't feel safe can I please come over or can you come this way right um they have the dog in my in my yard um that dog has it's not leashed um you know we are told he doesn't have to be on a leash as long as he obeys commands as is telling the dog to attack me so I don't see how if it's not leashed how it's acceptable for him to say attack me yes ma'am and to get me okay I am not looking for to when he gets out um I'm not looking when's his sentence expired you know um I believe June June something so he's got a few months left in there yes sir yes sir um you think he's rehabilitated no sir no attorney uh actually had a case against him state attorney said I did not have to be at the uh at the hearing um and they actually Dro Cas because I wasn't there is what I was told okay I feel like attorney Ali let me down okay but I'm sorry nervous but it's okay you don't need to be nervous um but yeah I don't feel comfortable there I want as well so I don't want to touch anything that flies in my yard from their yard knowing that that that drugs was Ard no I agree with you completely let me um we have a training tomorrow as soon as that training's over give me a chance to speak to Chief and uh we'll formulate a plan real quick so if there's anything he can I'm telling you I know he's been working it I know he has and uh um some of these people are difficult very difficult but um so you guys are sure I can't ask my director of Public Works but you're pretty sure that the water and sewer is capped off on my property it it is it is yes okay so do you by chance see him bringing in five gallon buckets of water or anything how you do oh okay okay all right all right she need to come back to yeah ma'am we need to record what you're saying so you need to come back to the podium to state or you can ma'am you can I'm not going to hold you to the clock but I I just need to be sure because we're going to we're going to we're going to do something about this yes uh there's a U-Haul that's there I'm sorry to interrupt the I've got a friend that's watching they can't hear this audio is there a way to turn Le uh yes they have a U-Haul back there and they they Park up against the fence too not just in their driveway and uh they go back and forth to their to the backyard I can't say for sure but I I swear they're doing something with some meth up in there um just how they act they're okay you know fixing bikes in the middle of the night it's okay not going there so yeah they uh yes ma'am fixing bikes in the middle of the night I've never heard it said that way before but I swear we we hear saws and drills in the middle of the night working on bikes okay um shying their lights in my my front yard yeah from their bikes uh arguing their music just give me a minute to get with the chief when he gets back from this wreck and it won't be tonight I promise you but it'll be tomorrow afternoon we'll start yes sir all right yes ma'am you got to come to the podium have it on recording but um correct they go with cigan bottles down to the city they go get the water from there that like I said everybody here is paying for they bring it back to the house but they're where in the city do they go get the water um the the new pier that's put you have the restrooms and the water fill up stations but the U-Haul conversation that I was talking about is they had rented a U-Haul truck because they were told and this is this is here say from code enforcement that they were told that they needed to have the water turned on by the end of the month or they needed to vacate the premises M and so a U-Haul just one of the 1995 trucks not the actual big right yes that's been sitting in their driveway for the last three or four days and last night in the middle of the night we started hearing banging around um tow trucks were out there to tow the U-Haul so that I mean they're causing problems in the community with that kind of stuff too so don't know what that whole situation was whether they didn't pay for it but wanted to put that on there too just give the chief and I just a few days to take care of that thank how long has that water and sewer been turned off I was gonna say at least a month okay longer than that sewer capped off SE okay so they're dumping it on the property then yeah okay fair enough ma'am ma'am we'll uh we'll look at this tomorrow okay absolutely thank you guys you know there's no nice way to ask people not to do this right there's not there's no no nice way to to be nice about it I'm done being nice I've been nice for the last three years all right okay ladies I hear your plight anybody else before we start thank you you're welcome anybody else okay sounds good um it's the uh first reading of the did you want the people from the hotel started Cas they leave whatever they want I told you that okay yeah absolutely absolutely before the uh the next item which is number one on the agenda the variant request that's a quasi judicial proceeding mayor so uh first the council would have to make any disclosures of having conversations with the developer or the applicant in this case Okay and then second you would have to have the potential Witnesses sworn in okay and take testimony this is for the coffee this is for the seven Brew Coffee variant yes sir go ahead Mr SL I'm unfamiliar with this portion of the elements of law about the council uh this one your uh Mr Mayor is a an advocation for variance requests from Seven Brew Coffee uh I would suggest you take testimony from uh the applicant certainly and anyone else who wants to speak uh they're requiring uh or they're requesting a variance as to separation of the buildings and to the impervious Service as you're aware there's a seven part test that the council will have to go through if uh if it so chooses uh after that all the evidence testimony uh is presented so uh my suggestion is to uh request whoever's going to speak on this item to do we know who's here from the S Brew Coffee hey how are you sir good but before you hear from him mayor any disclosure anybody had any conversations with the applicant prior to this counil anybody I I'm not first time met him okay and so you may want to swear everybody in at once mayor yeah cler can do that Madam clerk we SAR all well anybody who's going to talk okay that's right are you going to testify and is there anybody else going to testify just me just you yes sir okay raise your right hand she's going to square you do you affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you sir so go ahead and tell the council what you uh what you would like them to Grand aarian yes sir so my name is Mason silvant I'm with cph engineering here on behalf of um ov9 tendle LLC and 7even Brew um we're here today to request a variance on the impervious service ratio requirements the requirement for the city code is 0.7 and we were able to provide 0.72 in coverage and also um request a variance on the Fielding separation between um the structure and accessory structure which is required I believe 10 ft we provide 5 ft um give you if y'all like and give you a little background and history on seven brew and what they are before we go in or we want to yeah tell us about it yeah so seven Brew is a drive-through coffee shop there established you know started in 2017 um they're committed to growth in the Panhandle they're excuse me they're trying to um you know get into this area um they provide a unique engaging and fun customer experience so with it being a drive-thru they come up and they're they're called as greeted by texter who are the the folks that take the customers order and answers any questions they have um they go themselves in kind of providing to get the customer to fill out their part of the process by being able to pull around and see them you know doing the coffee brewing it um with the Baristas um and they're also engaged in the community um you know each store they open they give um 10,000 to a national charity and then also 1,500 to a local char charity and they're um big Advocates on the military and you know teachers um they provide 50% off on all the drinks they make and you know they want to they want to serve the community as well you know not just be another commercial site and Company but they also want to serve um this this stand or this drive-thru um here would create 45 to 60 permanent part-time jobs and 25 to 30 temporary construction jobs and it would also provide a estimated annual tax sales tax around 120,000 a year so um with that um that's just a little brief background on who s Brew is this U this U schematic is going to be located at the corner of Cherry and 98 right there by the bank 104 um T Parkway 10 14 Parkway yeah that way the people in the audience know where you going to build it okay well do we council do you have any conversation before we what you what would you like to do well remember mayor he Bears the burden of proof and persuasion and so you may want to go through the Seven Elements as to why the reason I asked Mr SL is the last time we started to do this the council they they shut it down and said we want to just go ahead and get it done you know so I just wanted to see what you wanted to do this time I think it's more prudent mayor to do it allow the applicant to present the evidence of the seven okay part test and then the council can weigh in on on that evidence okay that'll be fine so Mr SLO you want to read the questions to him all right the first question mayor is there is specific hardship affecting the development of the property resulting from the strict application of the provisions of these regulations so what is your response yes um there is a hardship with that the site itself is only 0.39 acres and it's very limited to what we can provide um so my response in that packet was due to the size of the site the um previous area is limited due to traffic circulation parking and buildings and um the required 10-ft building separation and P possibility to maximize you know the prvious area Okay that was number one number two is the hardship is not a result of actions of the owner and is not based solely on a desire to reduce development cost yes we answered yes to this the hardship is not a result of that um this hardship is solely due to the restricted size of the parcel okay next the proposed variance is necessary to preserve a substantial property right where such property right is generally available to other property owners of adjacent or nearby Properties or other properties in the land use category yes this variance is um is required in order to develop which this would be considered a qsr quick service restaurant turn it sent for the drive-through coffee um decid is on on Commercial so it is allowed um in this parcel and due to the size of the site and the nature of the proposed development requiring prvious surface ratio the building separation cannot be provided um as far as the neighboring properties it is in use and um sorry the same land use categor is to the adjacent property such as the bank to the South and Windixie to the um windx to the South and Banks to the West sorry okay thank you the proposed variance will not materially increase congestion on surrounding streets increase the danger of fire or other Hazard or otherwise be detrimental to the health safety or general welfare of the public yes the propose um variance allows for an additional second drive-through Lane and emergency bypass lane U to site elements decrease congestion on surrounding streets and allow for fire and other emergency vehicles to circulate the site safely um it is a net benefit to the health safety general warfare of the public and the reason we focus on you know that drive second drivethru thing bypass lane is to be able to keep traffic flowing through you know quickly as possible and be able to get you know customers in and out and not be congested in that area okay all right the next one is the proposed variance will be compatible with adjacent and nearby development and will not alter the essential character of the land use district U we answered yes to this and the proposed variant will be compatible to the jent nearby developments as as I said earlier they are s commercial um and is consistent with the amount of perious area and existing developments nearby okay next the effect of the proposed variance is consistent with the purposes of the these regulations the Land Development regulations you talking about yes the variance is consistent to the regulations as it allows the site to meet the required building setback all street parking and other elements of the regulations other than what the variance were here to request and finally the last one number seven is the effect of the proposed variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan we answer yes to this as well the proposed variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan um other than you know the Land Development requirements of the imper surface ratio and the building separation um which like I said earlier is restricted due to the size of the U parcel but additional designs were implemented to reduce the magnitude of the proposed variant to the greatest extent possible okay this work to planning already up uh the Planning Commission uh reviewed this mayor and uh you may have I don't know if you have minutes in your package probably yeah but my understanding from their vote was that they were recommending approval of okay very good Council any converstion I make a motion that we Grant the VAR we have a motion we have a second would you call a roll please absolutely yes M yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes may yes thank you very much counc build the build build it's a nice building there man everybody come into Parker will pass there first public hearing regarding the possible adoption of the resolution blah blah blah blah BL yes sir you want me to talk about I do um your Public Works director Mr Summerland uh is aware that uh as a part of the cbgd CBG grant program that's kind of hard to say um that the uh cdbg folks are requiring specific resolutions relative to uh Parker's adoption of the uh Americans with Disabilities Act the uh equal employment opportunities Act and uh we is not really that but the EOC guidelines and the uh HUD regulations and I had drafted this in one resolution they didn't like it in one so uh they asked that it be done in three uh separate uh resolutions so what you have before you is 202 24- 403 404 and 405 uh which is being mandated by the CD BG FES motion read Ro M yes M bord yes Mr chap yes Mr Hy yes yes thank you resolution number 202443 a resolution for the city of Parker Florida certifying the city's commitment to the Americans with Disabilities Act providing for separability correction of scrier errors in construction repealing resolutions in Conflict here with and establishing an effective date and I will fix that extra space in the head on that okay so now you need a motion to ad yeah yeah I was waiting for someone to motion to adopt your correction got a motion to adopt we have a second second we have a second call a roll please bar yeser Mr T yes yes may yes very much so all right then the second uh resolution mayor has to do with the um equal employment opportunities protection uh and so that's 202 24-44 you need a motion to read it what we need we have a motion and a second you please call a roll M Barrow yes M Mr chap yes Mr yes mayor yes Mr SLO resolution number 2024 d44 resolution for the city of Park Florida adopting a policy for Equal Employment Opportunity protection providing for separability correction of scriptor errors and construction repealing resolutions in Conflict here with and establishing an effective date first and second call Ro M barell yes M Mr CH yes M yes yes 2024 d405 mayor is for the fair housing plan so you need a motion to read y need a motion to make motion to read number five do we have a second we have a second card roll M Bar yes Mr CH yes Mr Han yes yes resolution number 2024 d405 and resolution for the city of Parker FL of certifying the city's commitment to affirmatively further for fair housing and adopting a fair housing plan to ensure appropriate and acceptable actions are taken in administering Community Development block grants providing an action plan providing for separability correction of scrier errors and construction repealing resolutions in Conflict there with and establishing an effective got a for first and a second you call her up M yes mord Mr yes Mr yes yes thank you very much I lost my agenda yeah public hearing regarding the um the resolution on the SR yeah it was yeah go ahead just a little background for the council if you remember uh this uh there was a different version of this resolution that came before you all uh earlier uh and this is relates to the uh 8 in waterline project for Public Works uh this has to do with funding of that project through the srf program uh and this would would provide for a pledge of your water revenues which is subordinate to other pledges that you've already given to srf and a pledge of your revenues on your sewer system uh in connection with the the loan and the and the Grant from srf uh I have also provided a copy of the uh loan agreement uh that is DW 030720 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and and so first I would ask that you adopt the uh resolution uh and then uh authorize the mayor to sign the uh the loan agreement sobody need a motion to adopt questions public hearing mayor if you want to open yes ma'am open to the public Pat fosk 1344 Stratford just a a couple of questions if I may um first of all I I know how sometimes we um prepare the resolutions in advance and we say that it's going to be adopted on the 17th of December this is the first reading I believe do we have to have two readings no ma'am Okay resolution just has one reading okay because the contract says if we don't sign it by January 1st the interest rate could change okay so next question did the city get all the easements along Highway 98 along Tindle Parkway we got all the easements that we there we have all of the ones that are required and any that we did not obtain uh the engineers have figured out how to how to deal went to each house individually perfect um and with speaking of the engineer is ankor the engineer that's um the contract requires an engineer is Anchor that entity that serves as the engineer and are they also the ones that will follow up with the invoicing and all the things that they have to do according to the contract I mean there's a lot of stuff in there I didn't know if it would be the engineering company that worked on the design and the routing or rerouting and assisted in the obtaining of the easements uh I believe their task order also has them uh it is they will be in the actual construction yes ma'am okay and they'll manage the paperwork that kind of stuff on page 10 it goes through a laundry list of all the things that the city has to do in order to get the dispersement I believe they're the ones doing um oh it also requires a uh system Asset Management plan which we have I believe but I went back and looked at it and there's no date do does anybody remember when um what's his name Ron n put that assessment management plan together and is that meeting the requirement to the contract yeah the the uh I've been in communication with the srf folks and the only things that they indicated they're requiring from the city are the resolution the signature on the loan agreement and they're going to require an opinion from Council relative to the pledge uh and nothing else even though it's stated in the contract I'm just telling you what the lady has said to me okay okay she has she has accumulated a bunch of things over time the engineer been providing documents to her and and uh reports and and uh we had to get some financial information to her so that they were comfortable about the pledge uh so this has been a very long process I know it has been the first loan was like 2017 or something it said um and I just want to make sure because I know hopefully we're going to be able to move forward um just a a note and I'm sure this would be done but as I read the contract our first payment is going to be due August of 2026 not next year but the following year so somebody needs to capture that to make sure that we put it in the budget the um semiannual payment is $126,000 a year um and then last thing on page 24 it says this agreement she be effective February 14th 2024 I'm assuming that would be 2025 I have not gone back to her with comments on this agreement yet but I just need to get authorization for the thank you that's all I have thank you I appreciate your patience so mayor first in the order of priority the uh first thing would be uh a motion to read resolution number 2024 day 406 and then if that is adopted then uh just a motion to authorize you to sign the loan agreement uh with such changes as you may approve make a motion got a motion in second to call roll please M Bar yes mord yes Mr Cho yes M mayor Kelly yes and just for the record because you only had one speaker you closed the uh public hearing after that it's all over right that that one yes sir so uh resolution number 2024 d46 a resolution of the city council of the city of Parker Florida relating to the state revolving fund Loan program making findings authorizing the loan application authorizing one or more loan agreements establishing pledge revenues designating authorized representatives providing assurances is providing for correction of scrier Errors liberal construction conflict severability and an effective dig you need a motion to adop to adopt bar yes Miss Mr CH yes Mr Haney yes mayor yes thank you just even though the resolution authorized it just a motion for the uh to authorize the mayor to sign it with such final change as he may motion M Bar yes m b Mr chap yes Mr Haney yes mayor Co yes thank you Council very much sounds good was there anything else on the agenda okay I have one item um did um I'll go ahead and go first and then we'll start with Ron and his thing um last two or three weeks two weeks all of you have received u a package for individuals who would like to be the new police chief for the city of Parker and um Dennis's last Chief ao's last day is the last day of the month so this person would need to take over on her about the first um you have your packages before you I spoke to most of these people I spoke to Tom Ford the sheriff this morning and um I open the floor to you to decide what you'd like to do with what you have before you I've read through applications and I've noticed that Mr Paul baxley's name is in the mix uh with his extensive background with his city park and his character I think we'd like to select actuallyy as our police chief okay is that your motion that is my motion yes I second really moving first and a second will you please call the RO this is for Paul Baxley to be the chief of police for the city of Park of effective the 1 of next month misser Mr CH yes Mr Haney yes yes very good well um may I call P this Paul Baxley tomorrow and let him know that you decided to offer him this position and see if he gives me a a confirmed start date um and go from there Mr Chapel you have the floor yeah I got a few things U I need the citizens Help U I go down to Pier quite often and uh I was down there Saturday or Sunday and I noticed the bathrooms one of the bathrooms down there was plugged up the other bathroom somebody had taken a crowbar or something and tried to take the handrails off the U wall and I went over to the pier and the pier is real nasty they uh people leaving fish catching small fish and putting them just leaving them on the pier not throwing them in the water and uh I would like to request you get some help to just if you see anything like this uh I don't want you to con confront the person but if they uh got a license tag or something like that uh I appreciate you writing it down and giving it to the police because uh you know we're spending a lot of money trying to get this Parker Square it away and and be useful for the citizens and I'm sure it's not the Parker citizens that's doing it it's probably the surrounding areas and maybe even homeless but uh they're just tearing up things for no reason at all and uh I uh I I just think we need to go and try to do something about it um you know our Parks were trying to get them looking nice uh we got a man that's volunteered to go and put uh a bait and Tacko shop down there um I'm about ready to tell him to forget about it because the way the uh people go and treat these things like tearing you know tearing things up and uh I don't know why the kids or why the people are doing it but um it's very disheartening to go down there and see that we're trying to do things and it's just being vandalizm um now our park over here um across the way or Sports Park uh I haven't seen too much damage over that way uh of course I I don't look at that as much as I do as the one down the pier but uh we do need uh The Pavilion that's being built down there we need some funds to pay for the concrete and uh I'm going to donate to the city $10,000 to uh put some of the concrete down there and uh we need more but that's all I can afford right now so um if anybody wants to donate to the park as far as uh putting in uh the concrete I believe that Pavilion will be a very aspect uh thing for the people of Parker are plan on having yard sales down there um Farmers Market down there um family gatherings and all of stuff's free not going to cost you anything to to rent it or anything like that there might be a charge to uh make sure sure that if you mess it up there'll be a cleanup charge but that's refundable but I'm not even sure we're going to do that yet so uh if you go down there and take a look you see that the road is all the way U paved all the way down the pickleball courts are back in the operation the basketball courts uh the dog parks are back in operation um the the wooden fence railing down there so far I haven't seen nobody care that up uh you know we're like I say the council's trying to get this the city looking good and uh I think we really need to see if somebody's doing damage or something like that I don't want you to confront them because I don't want you to get in the fist to cup or anything but um at least try to get some information that we can go after them and and uh try to get them solv so uh but that's about all I got to say m thank you sir yes ma'am just a question Mr Chapel where are you talking about the sidewalk what the sidewalk that you want to put in no it's uh underneath the Pavilion oh the one that's up there put concrete down below we're put a slab of concrete underneath it okay and U any guesstimate what the cost of that would be right now we got to raise 25,000 for the other two wings 10,000 okay thank you thank you Mr Chapel Miss F second anybody interested could just leave your check with uh our assistant city clerk should be happy to take your money John man that's that's that's hard to follow a it it's hard to follow I mean we need are you let's give this man a round of applause that's right apprciate I love our city and I I want to see our city continue being a a nice place to live we just got to get some of this riff ra out of out of our city that's right right good job is there any money in Parks and Recreation where he get his own plunger and scrub brush to go so we talked about that so the lodge and uh we we will find the money Tony's got to use plunger yeah and uh I'll give him some gloves from the fire station right that's awesome M Barrow you're up nothing okay I don't recognize you now with your new hair so I it's a different year I do introduced our did you ever introduce our new clerk um no I didn't and I C two three more things one second yes ma'am I just had okay yeah go ahead come to the podium please just trying to man I haven't seen you in three years and I seen know right you've seen me more lately this year but um thank you for everything that you're trying to do because that's exactly what we're all trying to do too is clean up our home over here um my question to you is um under the Oaks has established hours for using their park correct that's not not under the Oaks but um that one has um hours established that you can come and go from that Park but do we have anything down there where the new pier is built that has hours or or of operation that it's supposed to be used or is that open to the public 24 hours a day well the way I understand it the pier is open 24 hours 7 days a week the park itself is closed at dark okay yeah opens up that's why I understand correct the reason that I'm asking is the homeless population that is under the bridge at Tindle Parkway or Tindle is who is going and destroying your bathrooms they are locking themselves in there at night to have a warm place to sleep and using the Commodities to bathe in this has been brought to my attention by several of the neighbors so that's why I wanted to put it on on y'all's um plate to but do you know if we have police patrolling that area I know with with what's going on right now we're limited but do we have somebody that's down there every day every day and so they're they're coming and going and kind of watching for those and they catch them every day they do okay I figured so but I just wanted to put it out there and ask because the other the people that did it this week M um we don't know who they were yeah but they went there with equipment to do damage oh goodness I mean it's unfortunate you know so you know it's not 10y olds 10y olds don't bring pry bars and Hammers and things you it's fragrance people just doing they just they just did it you know and we discovered it uh Monday we discovered it and it probably been done Sunday night and they try to rip the doors off the inside of the building uh I mean why can't you just have something nice let me ask you this I mean at what point do we say okay we're going to secure the bathrooms or um we won't have them anymore because you damage them right and that's why I was asking if there was it's unfair if you go fishing and you're fishing you know 9:00 at night you want to use the bathroom and you can't because someone's damaged it and your city has designed it so that you have the every month that something new every month it's something new absolutely um I was eating a meal with Chief H he got a phone call while it was happening okay and the people were riding their motorcycles around the inside of the new uh melind park over there for one of a better word and tearing up the grass and the concrete so you know you do the best you can no no no I was just curious if if we're having Patrol constantly down there or if there were hours of operation for the peer or anything that could help stop it wouldn't make any difference it wouldn't matter and I'll tell you why because if you only have one on patrol or best yeah you can't have them down there you can't be in both places so we've put cameras in locations where not everybody can see them but he can see it in his car and but uh they they they do it more than we can possibly stay on top of it and it's every day and it's demoralizing to the guys that work in Parks cuz they clean it all up and then they get back down there and then haard someone's decided to take a pride bar and pull the sink out of the wall and there's no value in that you know I mean if there was a a reason we talked about this any reason we could think of why they do this tell me and I'll see if I can accommodate exactly but there's not exactly you know and after a while it becomes quite frustrating to keep spending money from Parks to repair these things because it's not free obviously and uh you know you put so much money into beautifying your city I mean and you just want to make sure that it stays care and when you triage the situations the two the two subjects you talked about for me as the mayor it's my job to keep you safe with the firemen the policeman EMS whatever but I have to triage in my mind what's worse right your individual or these Thugs That's destroying the bathroom and at the end of the day that guy has got to be the one I deal with first it just is well thank you for everything that you're doing where did we get to nobody else okay so I'd like to introduce you all to uh Miss Bundy she's our new city clerk very very very lucky to got her um she's been here about a week already and um I'm um I shouldn't say this out loud but I'm extremely impressed um she's early every day and she works late as she's doing right now and I just got through T before we started the meeting I wouldn't pay overtime so um she's still here she's still here right so uh she she was hired last week and uh took us a while to get get to that place where we needed to be um also Friday for those of you that are interested in participating um yeah by all means Clap by all means um Friday two meetings uh the first one will be at uh 1600 at 4:00 shouldn't take very long uh it'll be in this room um and we got some paperwork to uh finalize with our brand new hotel and um if you're interested in speaking to these folks when the meeting's over ma'am she was asking it1 that's the next one so at five at four o'clock we have to have a special meeting and that shouldn't take very long and then uh at 5:01 we have our last meeting for the day and that too shouldn't take very long but um um the the folks from this the new hotel are in the room tonight and um I invite you to talk to them press whatever this is a big deal for Parker this is going to make it's going to change the Topography of the land you'll be able to look down Tindle Park where and see this beautiful hotel if it's half as good as the pictures that I got a year ago when we started this journey it'll be fantastic fantastic and that's all I have ladies and gentlemen do you have anything else nothing no sir just the 4:00 meeting will be an application for the major development yes that's what it is yeah and and so that'll be a public hearing and and then the Quasi judicial determination by the Council on a development order right that's right so that'll be over on Friday okay thank you ladies and gentlemen for taking the time to come I know there's a lot of holidays this time of year and people don't have time but I appreciate you coming thank you sorry mayor I'm