##VIDEO ID:SBrP0Jb2vUU## we're going to open our meeting ladies and gentlemen thank you for uh being here in our December 10th planning meeting Terry can I ask you to do our invocation and lead us in the pledge sure thank you sir our heavenly father we come to you thanking you for this day and this life you've given us we pray for our town and we pray for the citizens of it and we ask that you guide us that all we do here tonight is for the good good of both we ask these things in Jesus name amen amen thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you K okay Madam clerk will you conduct a roll call please mark here Rich Hall here Kyle Merritt here Terence ster here Tim Sloan Mr Sloan is here say I'm here that way he cany we have a one you are um normally we would move on then to approval of the minutes but we've been a little short-handed uh our uh new clerk is this is our first day uh so I would anticipate that our next meeting will get a a slurry of previous minutes to review before we move on okay ladies and gentlemen thank you for being here and for your interest in what goes on in our city uh today we're going to be reviewing two partial combinations uh one partial split an application for a new hotel here in Parker and then we'll be holding a public hearing on a potential variance request for a new drive-through coffee business uh during the public hearing we'll be swearing in the applicant and then any audience member that wishes to submit their thoughts or questions will also be SAR in uh then we're going to wrap up with completing our annual review of our comprehensive plan our council members uh re requests that we do that and today we should wrap up that that task I also wanted to take just a moment to welcome our new city clerk ingri Bundy this is her first day on the job we're darn glad that she's here thank you at this time um anything that is any audience member that would like to address uh these Commissioners uh regarding anything that is not currently on the agenda is there anybody that would like to come up and speak hi would you say state your name sir Dave Mr way Dave way on September 10 yes sir I remember you discussed U the situation I was um trying to resolve with everyone we came to unanimous decision and then sent off to Anchor and apparently they don't have representation uh they don't monitor the recommendations of the committee or what have you they came to something completely different my issue is that I have a conforming lot that has a single family home on it uh that I want to demolish because it's terribly damaged and it's for all intens and purposes unable and to put a a new home onto that property um I think that meets the intent of what Parker wants to do um I'm going to take out one single family home and put one new one that is much more functional on a conforming lot the question or the issue that anchor had is that lot is actually um attached to a parcel and there are non-conforming properties on that on the parcel other the lot but and Mr Sloan addressed this that as long as that lot is legally if that parcel I remember you Mr will so you had you had a parcel of property that had been legally separated into various lots and then you wanted to build a single family home on one of those lots and that it didn't uh exceed any of the density rules or didn't exceed the minimum 7500 ft is that right that's correct so what was Anchor's issue Anchor's issue is that um well that it it throws the entire property into um the nonconforming exemption would be lost by me um and they have sever re besides the footprint which if we are looking at the the lot that is legally defined that I have the warrant for and I have a survey for and I have a site plan for that meets all the requirements and all the ldrs um they want they want the entire partial to have a a a site plan and survey and a drainage in engineering and and basically to lose the exemp would mean that um I I can't I didn't I didn't remember you needing an exemption because I thought you had a parcel of land that was legally segregated into Lots it is that correct and and that single identification number though oh and there are existing mobile homes on that parcel okay I I've talked briefly with anchor so okay I I don't think this body should make any final decisions that based upon limited discussion here I think you need to hear from anchor and and we we did Anor responded with a multitude of issues that are that we resolve every one of them in this meeting with a unanimous decision and um and I I do have the legal I do own that lot legally I have the warranty deed I I have the survey whether you have a warranty my my the only thing I can the par ID number separately I don't necessarily I mean I don't think that's the way to go I I think that I mean if if the committee forces that on me I will do it but under the you know the agreement that Mr why don't we do this to not try to take away my exemption for I can't develop the whole thing at once yeah let me let me do this uh I remember that uh because we had asked if if it had been legally separated into lots and the answer was yes let me let me do this uh tomorrow morning uh I'll come into City Hall and I will ask for Anchor's responses to what was going on because I remember you you're right we we voted unanimously based on the information we had they didn't even recognize the Lots they only speak to the parel they don't even recognize that Parker has subdivided these into Lots so they're completely missing the whole discussion they weren't here and um yeah I I remember what you wanted to do and and we had asked had it been legally separated your answer was yes and that should have allowed you to move forward uh but let me let me before I say anything let me go ahead and uh find out what their beef is and also speak with Mr Sloan about what limitations or what other options may be and then let us get back to you because I I can't I need to be able to see a survey I need to be able here I've supplied it and we went over that at the last meeting I agree I I would like an answer and I don't want to press you right now but I got August 5th I got the demo permit tomorrow morning I'll come into the city hall and uh meet with our new clerk uh and is that paperwork you have in your hand can we have some of that is that duplicates by any chance because I'd have to go back three or four months or whatever that came before us and grab it and if it's the same I'll do that I gave Donna the the large cop but I can have some more made and and dropped off to tomorrow morning that would be great and and what we'll do is we'll get together uh figure out what's going on with this and then uh that way because that way we could surgically take a look at what their issue is and see if we can get it sorted out say at the bottom of that the decision is up to you well it's actually up to the council members yeah we're not the governing body uh but they do look at uh because we're the techie guys that kind of review the the details right in effect what this looks like to me is Anchor saying that they know the ldrs better than we do and I don't I I disagree I and I'll be glad to go through it Point by point but um I apprciate you looking into it we will and I'll I'll make a a point to come here tomorrow morning and then sit down with our new clerk if you don't mind dropping off whatever packet you've got okay uh and then what we'll do is we'll have the advantage of being able to look at details and and see what's up and then we'll contact Anker and and see if we can work through it yes sir thank you Mr wayy appreciate your time Mr wayy would you give her the address please 10K a new address that we voted on the last time because the way that the be situated need to change addresses very good thank you Mr Willie anybody else once again anything not on the current agenda very good okay let's get to uh our first item on the on the menu here then today this was an application for a partial accommodation 101 and 103 Mor drive is it Miss Wilkins Miss Wilkins nice to see you again and I have to apologize to you we were trying to put together a special meeting so that you didn't have to wait a whole another month so thank you for your patience we had a couple of illnesses within the group and some uh some issues with regard to low staff members at City Hall so thank you for your patience so would you just sort of uh remind everybody what we're trying to do here oh okay so I had bought 101 and 103 and 103 uh the way that the lot is shaped is kind of it outlines 101 in an L shape so it's really not foldable my original idea was just to buy 103 realized I couldn't do anything with it not even tin on it so um I bought both Lots um there's a home on 101 and then I want to combine 103 and just make it one one address one parcel very good so that was you just simply wanted to combine parcel a with parcel B parcel a being about a uh shy of a quarter acre and then parcel B being uh probably about a tenth of an acre is that about right I'm not sure on that um on that survey parel A and B I think are part of 103 I don't know why it's segregated like that can I walk up to you please yeah come and take a peek all right where are we looking here so this is the parcel um that I live on okay this outline and you this is the weirdly shaped excess and this and this go together so which one do we want to add we want to put this we want to put all of it together actually including this here yes okay so so this is B2 B1 and B2 are 103 uh Morris partiel a is 101 that I live on now okay I don't know why there's a B1 and a B2 for for that address but okay so is B2 a separate parcel from B1 I don't think so I mean um when I look them up on the Bay County um property appraisers this has one description and this has another so B1 and B2 both have the same description Mr SL this what we're looking at here so uh originally we were thinking it would be this one added to this one and and uh she is identifying that it would be this would be added and this would be added and it would be all still face moris Drive correct so if you combine so what's the purpose of combining those other two lots these other two lots are not in any way buildable um based on their square footage and the setbacks that I could fig here okay so so this one when they separated out this lot from these um they kind of took the the cream of the crop here and then they just kind of left some oddly shaped but if you combined these two would you not have enough to build no this is the same address and it's it's all one um property description and that's what I was originally going to buy and then I came here and talked to you know see what the the limitations to BU was and they said no that that's a really odd-shaped lot and because of the setbacks you wouldn't be able to build on that lot if you combine it this is low low density residential is that right I think it resal yeah res okay um just just be aware if they are all combined and there is a house here right now if your intent was to build another residence on okay it's not it's not okay I eventually will probably expand this home that would allow you to expand that home because then you've got cous nature and coverage more towards looking at the water type thing off the side here very good you know instead of just kind of I got in that corner of the lot so the intent is not to build another home or anything on here because if it is low density residential which I believe this is then ultimately it would just be a matter of having more land connected to this all facing moris drive and and as long as she's approaching into Alford Street which is what we litigated years ago then that's up to her if she wants to combine yeah and um when they did do the survey I had them put the Stak so I could see and Alford street is um the stop sign for alred streets about five to seven feet from the first state that Stakes my property so I gotta okay um so other Commissioners what we have there is I think original the paperwork we had we were looking at parcel a being combined with parcel B1 it would actually be parcel a with B1 and B2 um and quite frankly low density residential area um there's nothing that would preclude her from doing that nothing in our rules so what I'll do is I'll ask for a motion please make a motion we allow the the combination of these Parcels all right I have a motion on the floor to combine for Miss Wilkins or allow her to combine partiel a B1 and B2 do I have a second I second and again that's just to recommend to the council recommend to the council right of course all right uh Madam clerk can we ask for a vote please I have a did I do get a second right yes Mr Hall okay very good thank you commission Hall yes yes commission Meritt yes commissioner Striker yes and commissioner re yes please and Miss wilin so the council members will get our advice but we are an advisory committee so we'll just ask that you do the same thing with them uh and uh Kim I don't know uh would they be would miss Wilkins be able to get in the next council meeting for this just a simple land combination Poss okay okay Miss Wilkins thanks again for your patience and Merry Christmas to you thank you thank you all right so number item number two thank you gentlemen appreciate your your help here do we have a Mr frell in the group Mr frell how are you sir and if you don't mind just uh once again thank you for your patience because I know you showed up last month as well well and once again sorry we could not conduct or put together a special meeting um understand thank you sir we have a quorum today so we're cooking with gas uh will you just do us a favor and kind of give us a brief understanding of what you're doing with that land uh division yes and just having looked at the agenda right now it looks like there's two that we have two Parcels two addresses that were submitted to be split so 512 11th Street and 518 11th Street both Parcels that we own and kind of of need to together because of EAS we have on 58 11th Street will be the common drive so looking to split uh 52 into two parts it will be35 Acres uh for each lot um and then the two uh future Lots the current parcel on 518 those lots will end up being 45 Acres a piece and maybe you guys have the information just looking on my phone I only saw 5 121 I only have five plus so package that we submitted which looks just like that this was the we' received this back in November uh all of the Commissioners had received it in November so he might just be talking about the December meeting probably just wasn't included but this is what we received my point it wasn't on the notice so no one no public can come and speak to it because it's not on the my memory was that on the last meeting's agenda that it possibly said 512 and 518 and then I don't know the the only application that we have is 512 yeah so the submission that was made had all so understanding that maybe because of public notice and otherwise we might have to do this again with 518 I would ask that we move forward with 52 it because that will allow us to maintain our construction financing the bank some things so Mr SL is there any issue with us not uh at least recommending to the council uh one way or the other on both of these two separate appear to be then you can take them one at a time yeah one request at a time so why don't we do that we'll handle them separately but we'll do that right now uh Mr frell we can follow up and find out I don't know where we miss but like the package that you have there yes sir the problem that I have Mr chair though is in essence he is splitting the parcels two Parcels into two each I guess and creating four Parcels without plating and I don't know look I I haven't studied his deed um to know whether not this description includes both addresses or not but but that's that would be the issue Mr frell is the Parker has a provision in it's Land Development regulations that if you split property into more than three or more Lots you have to Plat it and so corre this is two parel ID we're just going to split so if they're two separate partiel I that's one thing yes so it'll become four Parcels out of two good all right so this deed that you've attached does not include the property of 518 Well's two applications two separate I have the I have the application for 512 so my question there was an application for 58 also that included that property and then we had two separate surveys one for each [Applause] and and we Mr slon we do have that because Mr frell did come before us and okay April I'm sorry last month and U so I think we're good from agenda do one and then do the other okay very good so just two separate votes on them assuming they are two separate partial ID numbers then it would it would take a vote this month and a vote next month the par ID are listed oh so we'd have to separate it by even if we have to separated by month two months your meeting is yeah is that because can't be done in this meeting because the public hasn't received notice that you're going to they would haveed notice on the agenda today so we can if we can get a recommendation to council on that parcel then we can if you're okay with moving that till yeah doing one today and then and then I don't think we have a choice okay one question I do have is it looks like uh so on 11th street so this is going to be we're going to segregate it and then we're going to have a parcel in back of it and then you're going to create an easement through that front parcel in order please do yeah yeah yeah so this is lot one and two are 512 mhm lot four and three are lot uh are 518 there's a 20 foot Common Drive easement that will all four will have access to I see there will be a private Drive CU deac here and so we'll have four single family homes facing inward toward the private Drive I see okay so that'll be a permanent easement for all four Lots okay and that's in in the legal descriptions also thank you sir and 512 will have lot one and lot two on it correct and and the city if it's going to have to provide Utilities in there the city's going to have to have some kind of easement also yeah and and that 20 foot easement will work for utilities I mean there's just a there's a uh the utility Stu should all be private and and I know you had a conversation with Tony right uh our Public Works and and our mayor utilities mostly water right right and just for the other Commissioners Flor there's a new Florida house bill 799 it was effective June of June 26 of 2024 even though this looks a little unorthodox in order to put you know take a parcel of land put one in back of the other there's nothing in the law that states that he can't do it right and as long as Mr so Tony wanted to meet with Mr froh just to make sure that if this was a mistake we were going to try and save him money to correct it on the front side but uh he does have uh a permanent easement uh on the plans that we're looking at um so which one Mr frell are we we deciding today that would be lot one and two lot one and two lot one and two all right any questions gentlemen so if we recommend a split it we're recommending I know the plan is for 518 to come next month but for 512 for us to split one to we potentially are splitting it without access until 518 is done correct it looks to me like Mr F like even so lot one and two it looks like that easement would be in place for lot one and two despite what happens next month right no I don't think it would work that way I mean yes we we could find path forward if let's say there was a reason to uh recommend against splitting 518 because you could flag lot that um and I don't know that we would want to do that like I probably come back and combine the parcels and we would build one home um but you know the idea is that we build four Lots around the CAC create you know little neighborhood fil Lots little bit bigger homes just Mr chair the only way to get to parcel two to the lot two is off of 11th Street unless I'm missing something and so if you allowed the parcels split the only way if he were to sell lot to that person had unrelated to 518 the only way to get there is that easement that we're talking about you're not incorrect that we won't have until would have been submit both together which we did didn't make it to the agenda that way so you know yeah so it does put us in a not puts us in a mind but it is what it is you still want to you still want to do that I'm fine if we split it because my assumption is that you know there shouldn't be any issue with 518 but um you know Mr SL is right that we would have a different issue of access to a lot two lot one and two would have to be part of a single if for some reason something goes ay and and lot three and four can't be split or somehow they it's decided to can't be could a new easement be uh put in place you doing the doing this through an Express Grant easement or no uh reservation easement I don't know what you're saying different really words that that's how you legally grant that easement to be in place so that everybody would have access to it well not not only whoever gets part to but the city has to have that access city has to have an easement to even be able to service that lot yeah I agreed would private I understand you're saying it's a private survey company and there one of the pages in there is the legal description and easement langage that we're willing to go ahead and vote on lot one and two today recognizing what it is uh but here's the benefit of it uh this is an Advisory Group if for some reason uh it would have to go to council for final for final approval anyway so we could at least get that moving uh either approval conditional approval or denial uh and then and then have you come back for the second one lot three and four next month um knowing that no matter what we say it still has to go through the council members and if for some reason you choose to withdraw that then you you'd still have that option yeah so it's up to you yeah I I I would say let's do that let's keep moving forward there are other things you know a little bit of money that we could do to reverse it you know come back have to do a combination combine Parcels fix it so that any approval from the city standpoint any recommendation would have to include a recommendation that uh in order for the for the split to occur that they would have to Grant the city an easement for utilities and access to be able to service that and he and Mr frell did speak to Tony specifically about that and I would imagine that meeting went in your favor uh wasn't there yeah we're waiting for some feedback on on the drainage on the storm water plan okay but yeah we should okay well let me just give so to our commissioners uh section 704 in the Florida code identifies that um Mr frell absolutely has the right to do this if he chooses um in order for that easement to be in place he would probably have to conduct either this Express Grant easement or the reservation easement which either can be done it's common it's comes back to common law Old English common law uh but he absolutely has the right to do this and then he still has options so no matter how we vote next month he would have the option to remove it from the council members if for some reason that uh you it derailed the the situation so he's asking for us to move forward on uh making a decision about lot one and lot two I'll ask for a motion please I make a motion to to uh recomm to the council okay can I we have a motion to recommend we have a second Madam clerk can we get a a vote please Hall yes yes yes yes and Mr verl sorry for that uh having to make this more complex than it was but uh Mr Sloan's exactly right we need to make sure that we give the public adequate notice when we do these kinds of things so we'll uh we'll tackle that next month okay thank you sir appreciate it all right very good we're going to get on to item three is it Mr Lazada Mr Lazada if you don't mind uh kind of telling us what your project is Sir we'd sure appreciate it uh I have AAL property is and S that I want to combine both of them uh this properties over where the wind superet reason right now there's people living on the yeah yes please please there's neighbors walking over there he's uh oh I got you okay very good this is what it looks like Mr Sloan right here so he's wanting to combine this to this what's in the middle between the two concrete stoop please so right now this is the property this is uh here I have a a property two buildings uh where it's one building with two offices let's put it that way this is commercial basically so with that on this survey these two lots yes these two lots all right and so what do you asking to do now so I want to combine both of them because uh IND the end I want to do uh sorry don't worry about that they're they're kind [Laughter] of hey don't worry about that don't worry about that hey we got a decorated committee Oh Hey listen I was thinking of retired anyway that's okay don't worries sir right now if you see all these picture is garbage going to my property people throwing stuff so is all this in the middle between the two buildings is that what you're saying yes this is the concrete building and this is the property right this is the back of this one and this is the second lot I want to combine both of them because all the garbage come from here people throw stuff here there's a carpet here you want to be able to fence it in or something yes so they uh people thr a carpet this is the proof oh so they're dump they're dumping on it okay so this is like this is a bag of clothes that was there and socks and everything so that's the reason why I went to buy Kim I'm sorry H you you just happen to be likely to answer this better than anybody else is that property on um Tindle Parkway is that commercial or it's commercial okay okay okay so what we're looking at here is and there's okay so commercial General commercial zoned and it looks like he wants to looks like he's got a 52.2 foot by 135 foot um which I think they're calling lot three combining it to the first lot Mr SL I don't I don't see any reason that this couldn't be done I mean there's no there's no rules and our Land Development rules that would prevent that it's a commercial area he's want to do it so he if he owns both Lots now why couldn't he just put an overall fence up anyway why does he have to combine the L so uh he told me because the second L is a lot I have toer to get like an exception oh so if he owns the whole property then then he's exactly right cuz there's land development rules that prevent uh certain thing certain structures from being put on vacant Lots that's exactly right all right um I don't I mean I don't I don't see an issue with it so I'll just ask for a motion please make a motion that we recommend combination of these LS to the commission thank you madam clerk can we get a vote please absolutely call yes okay Comm yes commissioner yes andion yes absolutely Mr lzada thank you sir now it does have to go to the council meetings uh I would contact City Hall tomorrow to see if you can get on the very next council meeting I'm not sure exactly when it's going to be a couple of Tuesdays from now perhaps very good very good and Mr lzada thanks for trying to clean up Parker uh I hate the fact that people are dumping on your property that's just just fou that's okay so if we call you the grinch just don't take it personally thank you sir all right and do we have Mr Bianca from the Marriott group Mr Bianca how are you sir and um we we thank you for very complete uh detailed plans on what it is that uh your corporation and your organization is trying to do we've gotten an opportunity to review it but we do have some questions if you don't if you don't mind but if if it's possible for the benefit of the audience could you sort of give us all kind of a a general understanding of what you're attempting to do yeah absolutely uh so U we're a real estate development company out of Atlanta Georgia uh and we are in the progress in the process of rolling out a program of four story wood frame hotels flagged by the major brands Marriott Hilton Hyatt Choice um and we are looking at putting up a a marot studio res which is their newest midscale brand uh all SES Hotel uh 938 South tle way okay it consists of 124 guest rooms um with uh limited amenity space u 126 parking stalls uh we're doing a short or small offsite Improvement to Northbound Tia Parkway adding a left turn end to our property uh as well as onsite storm water management so very good you know uh hoping with our uh recommendation for approval tonight and approval with city council we could be in a position to uh break ground probably second quarter of 2025 very nice um a couple of things that citizens of Parker are very concerned with and also um the U council members and Commissioners are things like storm water uh but also trees and when I looked at your plans it looks like you're putting a lot of foliage in which I would think people would really appreciate and embrace would you mind telling them about what that's going to look like around the of that building uh certainly uh I'm going to refer to my drawings here so don't missp too much but um you know our our intent with this type of property is to have um you know is to enhance um you know the local landscape with you know typical um trees and Shrubbery um that comply to the local code minimums um as well as any recommendations or um you know added features that that might you know be beneficial to the property um you know we do have um so we have a large storm water area uh that surrounds two parts of about basically two sides of our parking lot on the Southeast side uh so we typically perimeter those um with trees as well as shrubs just to kind of Shield that area from guest view we also have fing in that area um and then between us and on the north side of our property which is there's a church in the north side of us uh we also have screening uh with trees and Shrubbery uh based on your uh Parker's code requirements landsc Landscaping buff in Thea sir yeah yeah that's it's in a it's in a commercial area but it's also in a a community redevelopment area so city of Parker General sees those as sort of what we want to be the Crown Jewel but I looked at your landscape plan and it looks like you've got many many many trees uh deciduous trees palm trees um all kinds of other plants and being a Marriott guy myself in terms of a you know staying at your that Hotel chain they usually are exceptionally well landscaped um but it looked to me like you're putting in 40 50 trees maybe even more and I I just felt like the audience members might want to hear that because the plans we looked at looked like there were a dozen or so palm trees right at the entrance coming off a Tindle look like there might have been um surrounding the entire perimeter another 40 or 50 trees uh of the Deciduous variety and then all kinds of other plants and and things of that nature yeah we you know it's in in this part of the country especially we really feel that a robust Landscaping plan is important to the you know just to the appearance the curve appeal of theot ties into you know just the coastal feel of where we're located um as well as you know just um you know being a a new brand for a new flag for Marriott you know we we're trying to be we're the pioneers of this brand us and a couple other developers in the country right now and so what we're really trying to do is make a statement with this brand as far as you know the feel the look and that it's you know is it does add you know to the areas that putting properties so is that is that new brand the studio residence that is AUD yes that's Mar through a couple of different naming auction before ultimately landing on that earlier this year very good yeah any questions gentlemen considering four year five years ago we lost all of our trees that's big plus a couple of questions I might just that are and some of these may have already been resolved and I suspect they have been uh but uh having reviewed our engineering report I just have to do a due diligence here real fast so um it looked to me like fire protection plans with regard has that been completed yet uh I it looks to me like you're going to sprinkle the whole building and put stand pipes in yes we are going to do that so to your first part the fire protection design has not been completed it it has not been started yet our logic there is we're trying to get through uh the the planning approval city council approval and then we'll engage with our designer and Engineers to do a full side adaptation of the property but so to answer your second part of your question yes it's a full 13 um fire suppression system um with with full stand pipes and either stairwell and if PA 13 FPA good deal okay um and did you guys acquire all of the land to now have it be at that 2.89 Acres as well that is correct we haven't acquired it yet we close uh tentatively 1231 is what but yes 2.9 Acres total Disturbed area is just over three as we're doing some work to um uh give some emergency outfall to our and that was and that was key because the engineers originally had some concerns over uh actual coverage and then impervious nature of the of the area so having that extra land brings us exactly where we need to be including the uh impervious surface ratio ISR so so we're we're within the spec there that's necessary for the city of Parker so excellent very good through several iterations to try to resolve that so and make that work with that purchase will there still be a necessity for an easement or yeah we're entering into a private easement uh private easement agreement with the adjacent property owner which we have uh drafted and I think it's been executed being H es gr okay that will allow us to go it's you know it includes a temporary construction eement for to go for us to go onto their property and then a permanent maintenance eement for either party to come on and and M that that emcy out structure okay into the so that will the pond be entirely on your property or will will it be shared with the move it storage no it'll be entirely okay very good at at one point we had discussed maybe we would have it encroach on their property that seemed to get too complicated so bought decided to excellent very good and and same thing for the sign easement that's been resolved will there still need to be an easement for the sign or I to to be quite Frank I I don't know if that's been resolved or not that that issue is not ringing a bell with me it was just one of the questions put forth by our by our engineering staff so U look like a small look like a small detail and it wouldn't pass muster anyway unless it was resolved so I I get that our typical intent with this type of product is once we get our side adaptation plans um you know at about 50 60% where we have a check set to review we send that out to one of our signage vendors they'll start doing the code research and letting us know what we can and can't do what kind of easements if we need them what you know what kind of permits are necessary etc etc so it's quite possible that we just haven't specifically begun to address any of those sign issues the the one issue that I I know that um our engineer was specifically concerned with was um the connection to the fdot uh storm uh on the south I think it was the south east side sou e side has that been resolved yeah so according to to what our drawings show that you know we have an outfall from our storm pond on the Southeast side of the property that will tie into an FD man which is believe in the right way I was looking at that just a little bit earlier were a couple of comments even though they did recommend us for this meeting that there were that our our civil engineer was tying up due to storm water honestly they were technical to the point I I couldn't even begin to describe no worries no worries it was just the engineer had put it as part of uh and Kevin I just making sure sanity check with you that that was one of the key concerns right that's right is where that went to the fdot line there okay um um okay very good yeah so we um yeah basically where that got left is it sounds like our Engineers um had a couple of comments they addressed on the sixth and then they have a couple of comments that went back in but that was to the and I saw the email where they had addressed fdot fdot and the permit lady what was her name Lisa Ward I think anyway I I saw those emails uh I just hadn't known it wasn't clear to us whether or not it had been fully resolved to the best of my knowledge it is fully resolved if not I'm sure they're working through a resolution I mean it's it's a pretty small detail at this point where um we're show we're calling out on our drawings exactly what where we're passing through and tying into that mle okay good deal yeah and uh kind of engineer like stuff but for a lot of people in the audience this may be something you want to hear due to the type of soil that's there one of the things we look at are what they call curve numbers and that has to do with runoff and believe it or not with this development in place those numbers get better and I'm not sure exactly how you're doing it except that the reports we saw showed that because you're venting a lot of it to the pond some of it to the fdot and some of it to the South and a Bay County storm water line that uh only one of the curve numbers went up uh two of them stayed the same and two of them got better that's really a benefit to the city because it means less storm water uh coming from that property even if we left it alone so and those are certified engineer reports after the so they do the pre and then the post analysis so that was very beneficial U I'd like to take credit for that but I can't the engineers at all the thinking on that but now the the other thing that people may be concerned with is traffic uh 124 uh you know rooms uh and I know that you guys did a traffic analysis it's over there on the table we've perused it um you are you aware of some of the details there yeah I I am aware of some of those details um you know just broad Strokes um when we ini started talking to uh the do about the project U they they were concerned with the with the traffic count U we were able to get a traffic study done um and and they were um really had they lessened their requirements of the hotel uh based on on the information that we were able to provide them um but as as a result of that Tia um you know they've recommended and and were happy to do it uh to put that left turn in on T foress not imped that traff yeah so coming from the coming from Tindle there would be a 300 foot Lane there to turn left now is that right and then but it was not necessarily coming from the other direction I think I saw that we initially looked and discussed whether or not that needed to happen Our Hope was that we did not need to do that and KN we know about this type of of property we didn't the accounts to warer that and um and ultimately that was we weren't required to to add that to South and it looks like uh the level of service isn't going to be impacted virtually at all they said it it's going to be best case scenario a worst case scenario D and uh we just in our own concurrency rules we put in that it has to be better than D so and E all of those it looked okay okay any thoughts any any questions yeah one thing I kind of threw me hooking to the Sewer in Callaway and not in Parker yeah I I wish I could talk it at greater detail as to why that decision was made um but our our understanding was based on the the location of where our utilities are actually um our easiest path of connection to stay on our property was to connect to that sanitary that's that's managed by Callaway uh and that and that really honestly that was a recommendation from uh the due diligence that our our civil engineer made and agre that want to keep those runs as possible how does that impact Parker does it well it does because obviously Parker would not be getting the sewer revenue from that so uh I'm glad you pointed that out we hadn't gotten to that issue from the engineer standpoint because she wasn't looking at at that necessarily but um but that is an issue from Parker standpoint uh it's not getting the and I don't know where their water hooked up is either if their water hooked up is in Parker water would be Parker then I I I don't know but I'd certainly want to talk to Tony and find out you know what could be done to facilitate a sewer hookup and does Parker get the toilet tax well because it would be going to um Callaway the sewer we'd have to figure out how to separate out the water and sewer billing if that's done we'd have to have probably an agreement with Calaway uh to facilitate sewer going into their system uh I'm kind of surprised given the location Mr ban I I think your agreement with Callaway is already in place um um there was an email and one of those documents over there that indicated that the public works of Callaway approved it but the water would be coming from us uh because they specifically tie into our 8 inch line right off of um right off of of 98 right the only the only place that I'm aware of that that Parker has properties going into Callaway sewer is over here yeah it's right where it's going uh yeah residential subdivision but I don't know I don't know that that'll be a policy issue for the council I've got a speculation that um I know we wanted to not use doghouse connections and I think the think your engineer had recommended a dogghouse connection into our sewer line and sometimes those are really hard to maintain so it's possible that our public work guy said no to that um and that may be why you're you're you're sending the sewage over to Callaway but I know that they are getting the water from us and I know that the I know that the Calla has been consulted and their Public Works director has agreed to take the sewage that way there need to be an agreement between us and Callaway yeah because it would be a yeah a totally new connection that has not existed yeah before uh before other than the ones the the few houses that were there many many many years ago probably before the LD was even in place gotcha so uh I I think Tony needs to be looped in Mr chair on this I I think what we could do is because Tony uh is aware of what's going on he's he's been all over this this is U these guys have been working with um uh C you know with City Hall for back to June I think maybe even sooner than that yeah and uh because and I've had conversations with Tony about it so um I think perhaps what we could do just so that we uh kind of move this to that platitude might be to uh remember we have the option to put a approval in place with conditions and the approval with conditions could be that our Public Works person is in agreement with with that piece of it unless something else can be worked out the council because it's AIS absolutely absolutely so you okay with that though a conditional approval recommendation that U that it would have to be approved by the council and the public works for the sewer to go to Callaway and we'd have to have an agreement with Callaway on that yeah yeah absolutely so uh and I yeah exactly so the city of Parker would have to have an agreement with Cal okay I think I think we we need to clean it up and have something where we all understand that that's what's going to happen because like I said the few houses that connected years ago yeah that caused some significant concerns over time with how that was playing into uh to their sewer and to ours so it kind of they kind of got connected and and we found out about it a long time later yeah I got you but I think that problem was created because maybe they didn't realize what city they were actually in going to yeah so I I guess so we have three options denial approval approval with conditions and the approval with conditions could be uh stated in in a way that uh so that our Public Works director and our council members agree uh with the utilities uh connections uh whether it be water or or sewer and I I believe our guy has already been informed I know he's been informed of what you're trying to do because I know he looked at that doghouse connection and I suspect although I didn't talk to him about that that he probably had some heartburn with that uh but um but you know uh so we could certainly put that motion out there uh as a conditional approval based on public works and council members that way that way this gentleman could move it to the council members and Bone up on whatever he needs to deal with in order to get it moving through the council member you okay with that I'll ask for a motion in that regard unless Mr Bianca you wanted to State anything additional did anything else you want further no very good very good very good so what I'll do is I'll ask for a motion either way approval denial or approval with conditions I'll make a recommendation for approval to the or send to the council for approval of the conditions of the public works and the council members uh agreeing to the callway SE connection good and if you'll copy that exactly that it's really motion to for conditional approval based on our Public Works director and the council members uh understanding and and uh approving what's going on with the utilities connections okay very good and then I'll uh I'll ask for a second I'll second it very good thank you Mr Meritt I'll ask for a vote then commissioner Hall yes commissioner Merritt yes commissioner Striker yes yes and thanks for improving our city we sure appreciate it Mr Bianca thank you Merry Christmas to you thanks for that tutelage there Mr all right uh ladies and gentlemen as I previously mentioned we're going to move to a point now where this is going to be a public hearing uh so I'll ask the applicant uh for the seven Brew Coffee to come forward and um we are going to have our clerk swear you in and then if anybody wishes to speak uh uh towards this regard or ask questions you also will be sworn in and before you start Mr car you need to have a disclosure among the the Commissioners here whether there have been any Communications between the Commissioners and the applicant since the filing of the uh variance request I will ask if any of these Commissioners have had Direct Communications with the filers regarding uh this variance no no no no do we have to take a vote on that or is it just open vote okay disclosure very good so gentlemen I'll ask you to raise your right hand inred if you don't mind do you affirm that the testimony you're about to give in this public hearing is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth outstanding thank you gentlemen you mind kind of telling us what you're what we're doing here that' be great I'll start my name is Drew I represent seven crew Enterprises who's the franchisee and operator of Theos seven Brew Mason event more decoration cph our civil engineer I thought it might be beneficial since this will be the first seven Brew in the city of Parker just to give a very high int we are and then I'll pass over oh absolutely Brew is relatively cof started in 201 the firstes were opened in L Texas as well as Melbourne Florida today there are 302 stands Nationwide about 15 of those are in Florida we at seven crew Enterprises again we're franchisee we're working to infill the Florida Market um our Target markets are the Southwest coast as well as the panle here so hopefully St here soon um so when you enter seven Brew we're all about not only delicious coffee but bring a positive and great customer experience so customers who enter a seven bider are greeted by our texter who are employees who are in the drivethru lanes taking orders from customers and of course answering any questions they might have and then as those customers pull forward to the service doors um as long as weather permits the doors will be wide open they and hear little music playing in the store they can see the preces making their coffee we really pride ourselves on you know the customer really being a part of that experience and feeling like they're almost a part of the process not only does seven like to engage with the customers but we we like to you know also engage with the community we don't want to just be a store sitting on a corner major intersection we want to want to be a part of the community soing with every store that's open there's a a $10,000 um donation made to a national charity and then we also choose a local a local charity and and give a contribution to that as well um very nice we we also you know try to engage however we can with any local schools or youth programs really just we like to find any opportunity we can to engage and connect with the community um and that is also included um giving 50% discounts to active military members and you know First Responders and people in uniform um so you know aside from from engaging that way there's also you know the economic impact that we we know we can make a positive impact for for the city um our store a store like this would usually provide 45 to 60 permanent part-time drops for the store um and then also on top of that was usually around 25 to 30 temporary construction jobs um and all that is on top of you know the yearly tax revenue that is s up is usually bring to to a market like this and that's that's usually around $100,000 so with that being said I'll definitely be available for any questions that you guys have on the seven we have a process here as well and Mr Sloan is our attorney uh so so that we could get this component uh out of the way you all have answered uh the variance application or variance uh uh detail so uh what we're going to do is just kind of go down through this uh first and then and then we'll have some questions after that if you're all right with that um so remember Mr chair they have burden yes through by clear and convincing evidence uh of the entitlement for the application why it should be granted absolutely absolutely so so the these are the seven questions that both the Commissioners as well as the council members will go through so I'll read them to you and just kind of have you give us your your detail okay says there's a specific hardship affecting the development of the property resulting from the strict strict application of the visions of these regulations uh you answered yes and would you mind giving us the the detail on on some of that in terms of why that was yes yeah I'll take my name is hey cph engineer9 LC and to answer your question the lot size world7 Brew is only 0.39 Acres so you're very limited to the space that um luckily seven Brew is a smaller building um the main building being about 510 ft and then the storage building being around 274 Square ft um but due to you know parking requirements and code requirements and being able to you know have the drive lanes and byass Lanes like I said we're restricted on what gotcha so and what you okay very good very good so building the the size of the of the lot is really impeding um is is the hardship essentially yes okay very good the second one is the hardship is not a result of the actions of the owner it is not based solely on a desire to reduce development costs and you answered the affirmative to that yes much the sameon that just restri of parcel size size of the parcel very good all right and then uh item three is the proposed variance is necessary to preserve a substantial property right where such property is generally available to other property owners of adjacent or nearby Properties or other properties in the land use category and you answered affirmative to that as well yes so um this is the Zone The parcel is Zone General commercial um and you know by the size of the site the proposed um development you know so well just kind of circle back so there's kind of two items table here you got separation right right with this which we can meet the surface ratio in general but also you know theil separation also depletes what we canet so with that you know just by the nature of the proposed development you know and The Limited size of the parcel restricted to what very good all right and then uh let's see the proposed variants will not materially increase congestion on surrounding streets increase the danger of fire or other hazards or otherwise be detrimental to the health safety or general welfare of the public and you answered the affirmative to that as well yes the proposed variants will be compatible you know if approv to the adjacent near devel nearby properties um won't be any increase it's really just about increase and I I think wasn't there a what was there before Terry Church's project okay so I okay so your traffic may be real darn similar right yeah right I access better access points I don't think the variance is going to affect yeah that right what we're asking the variance ask it was yeah just the yeah not Material increased congestion in surrounding streets yeah then item I'm sorry if I may add positive note to you know the variance the the variance specifically for the Imp purpose service ratio um I don't believe that the city has a a requirement that we have a bypass lane however it's a basically a corporate standard so that we do have good circulation and we can avoid you know any congestion so the variance kind of contributes to us to to be able to avoid creating you know congestion actually helps that problem and and Terry's really right on it was more specific to the 10- foot separation of the building and uh and then also the ISR uh which is just I think just breached by 0.2 is that what the yes yeah because you use the the papers that's right and then uh and then item five was the proposed variance will be compatible with adjacent nearby development and will not alter the essential character of the land use District yes will not commercial as well as adj property to the west and to the South Bank very good in the effect of the proposed variants is consistent with purposes of the regulation you answered affirmative yes other than you know these two items were here for the the variance all L requirements yeah very good and item seven is the the effect of the proposed variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan you answer it affirmative yes kind the same thing as far as previous question what very good very good um now this parel I think is in the C is it in the yeah it goes It goes right up to Cherry Street is that right all the way yeah yeah yeah yeah community Development Area it's pretty much the same thing as what the Marriott was talking about there are certain requirements for there uh that particular area when you're bringing a building a building um we want them to be nice buildings we want them to be unique and uh be consistent with the area and beautify uh areas we also ask people and and by the way they they're doing that by they're put they're using pavers and their parking lot and things of that nature those are the kinds of things you're in a sub area three I think is that right gentlemen are three of the CRA I think so too yeah and uh yeah yeah three I think it I think I think it's right so uh what Mr Sloan was just talking about is the style of the building that you essentially put there it's got to sort of enhance the the area and um just ask that you go ahead and read what what that is in the Land Development rules because it talks about consistent colors and um like pavers which I know you're already doing and then uh certain foliage and things in order to enhance the area two rounds of submitt oh okay okay that's the first time I've been see that's that's why he's the highest paid guy in the room right U gentlemen any questions for these these fellas I looked at pictures of the establishment and it's it's a nice looking driveth through coffee place I definitely enhance that area more than Church's Chicken did before and after the hurricane [Laughter] church I think it looks good I had chuckle when it say it be a be compatible to the adjacent development it's could to be a lot better than the adjacent it's going to be a lot better yeah yep very good so we're dealing with here are two two um concerns one of them is that they have the main building and and you guys correct me if I steer wrong uh you got the main building which is about 510 squ ft and then it looks like you've got a cooler and a storage area that's just going to be located about 5et from that primary building and uh neither of these are going to be um dwellings right these are both going to be businesses one's going to be sort of a cooler and a storage area and the other one's going to be where you service your your customers out of and then it looks like you've got one two three four five parking lots and then one parking spaces along with a um a handicap parking space is that right six okay and I think you've been in communication with Kevin about uh so you're actually exceeding the requirement there because you got 510 ft and the Land Development rules do allow for a cash and carry or a drive-through business to be half of what the original recommendation is I think you really only needed three so you're exceeding the requirement by putting in six um and by putting in the U so we have two two standards for impervious area we the two standards and sometimes they get confused so one of them is lot coverage and based on the size of the lot uh the first one is is that the buildings can't cover more than building and concrete uh and everything that you put in can't cover more than 90% and I think you're below that on that one right the second one is um impervious surface ratio and that's where you can have lot coverage but if you do things like put in decks or uh pavers water seeps in so you don't use the same coefficient so you have taken it gotten it all the way down to originally was 087 but when you put the pavers in you took it down to 72 put the in we also decre the WID of one the Lan East and also Lan decreased itre very good get as close as possible as we could okay so we're talking about point72 versus 7 okay so that's that's one of the the variances and then the second one would be in regard to building separation my take on this is this whenever you go to the Florida building Cod codes whenever they talk about that 10 foot which they use consistently there it's always about dwellings it's always about where people are going to be living it's not about businesses and coolers or or things of that nature so um just just if you if you I think that's in section uh wrote it down here somewhere 63 of the Florida building codes in terms of where you see the the the separation and I think you found that there as well yes it's about uh fighting fires and about impervious area because they want the this moisture to the moisture to seep into the ground and they want to be able to get a fire hose in and and save the place if it starts to burn down this has very very good access all the way around so my take on it is is uh is just that neither one of these are actually dwellings and uh the other take on it is is that uh they originally the plans that were originally submitted had a 0 87 and they work very hard in order to get it to 72 by going to pavers in the parking lot which is consistent with what we're looking for in a CRA and then they also um lessened is that lane two you say yes sir okay Lane and Lane on and and there you go we want to bring the down more than very good so uh yeah that's yeah that's actually uh also that Florida building codes that's also um chapter five it talks about U you know that 10 foot being related to dwelling so what I'll ask for uh if anybody has any additional questions what I will ask I will ask the audience at this time if anybody in the audience has any uh if if you f and you guys can stay right there if you'd like does anybody from the audience have any comments or questions very good okay well then I'll ask uh for a motion either to deny the variance to approve the variance or approve with conditions I make motion to approve the variance both right yes very good I'll ask for a second a second very good Madame clerk can we get a a vote please yes commissioner Hall yes commissioner Meritt yes commissioner Striker yes chairman yes and gentlemen thank you appreciate all the detail you provided us and for working really hard in order to meet the actual requirements uh but you got darn close on both of them so I appreciate that thank you thank you now you'll you'll you'll probably ought to call uh City Hall tomorrow either talk to uh the young lady who just left or oh actually I'm sorry our new clerk uh and because she's witnessed everything we just said here see if you can get on the docket to get before council members uh in order to essentially tell them the same thing okay so with this hearing we have to go prior to the council as well yes we are an advisory committee uh we're the nuts and bolts guys the the Techno nerds that wean through all the data and then the council members are the people who take the detail that we provide them and then make a final actual they're what's referred to as a governing the governing body of the city uh and that will be necessary to to move forward yes sir I'm sorry if it was already said but do you know what the day would be for the next year be to I asked for the the people from The Marriott I think she said next Tuesday next Tuesday yeah yeah yeah gentlemen thank you Merry Christmas to you very good guys uh uh because this meeting's already gone long I'm going to just kind of uh go to the last piece here which is the completion um we we left off on uh section 10 which essentially just left us with uh eight pages remaining um I know you all and and I uh Terry has identif identified that he has been through these Pages uh and has identified that there are and Terry don't let me no say anything WR had zero marks in those P absolutely zero marks in the last eight pages I'd sent a email to Mr Sloan you probably got that those are the 10 changes that we had prior recommended uh and um so ultimately what we're saying is that the last eight pages do not require anything on our part because it's pretty much about fish and School requirements and then the only other thing would be that uh we've got these black and white Maps here which are a little hard to uh decipher uh but um but I know that Mr Sloan keeps these up to date uh this is about your community where the community redevelopment that hasn't changed uh future land use has not changed uh other than some of the uh districts that we we've changed and I believe that Mr Sloan has submitted that to the state uh for certain things certain areas that have gone from like mu1 mu2 to commercial or what have you and then and then the soils certainly haven't haven't changed um so those are the map pieces essentially is what I'm saying um and I know the wetlands have has not changed and then the uh the last one would be the coastal High Hazard area that may have changed uh because of the latest uh FEMA firm map that came out I don't I don't know if it has or not but uh Mr Sloan I guess what we're saying is that um the last eight pages of print have no have no conflicts with the ldr just the 10 that I just that you already received an email from me and then the 10 that I just handed you here um the only thing that I might be concerned about is the coastal High Hazard area I don't know if FEMA would have change that uh but possible because the county is the one that that oversees that and so I would have to contact the County to see okay if they have made a change to that matter very good so I think what I'm going to do is uh ask our clerk to take a vote about whether or not you're all happy with uh the uh or or in agreement with the uh you know the first sessions that we had to make the changes so we could put the comprehensive plan to bed for another year so I'll ask for a vote uh uh a motion to um that we're that the changes we are recommended to Mr Sloan that he makes uh be sent along to the council members for their review and final approval and then we don't have to visit this bloody thing for another year unless we change another you know uh future land use well and keep in mind Mr chair this any changes to the comprehensive plan uh requires an ordinance so depending on when the council wants to uh enact these changes uh if they want to enact all or a part of these changes or whether or not they want to do it as a part of a different process yes uh that's that would be up in the air but the fact that you've identified these and that they're now available for the council that's an important step and it's a it's a it's a council requirement that we review it annually for conflicts or changes recommended changes so I guess where I'm at is we've done our part and then balls in their Court balls in their Court to determine whether or not they agree with us or not or partially agree and then make those I'm sure they'll inform Mr Sloan and his Law Firm to uh go to the state and make those appropriate changes whatever they might be so I'll ask for a vote uh if uh if you're okay with the changes we've made and that we then send it along to uh Mr Sloan and the council members for their review I'll make motion that we send it to the council for their perusal very good can I get a second please second for very good very good and can I get a a vote please commissioner Hall yes commissioner Merritt yes commissioner Striker yes and chair rean yes and thank you all for your hard work on that and uh I let me just say I'm happy as a clan that we got a great new planner and a terrific uh new clerk uh give her give her a couple of days to kind of fall into the job before uh you know we put too much you know pressure on her because today is literally her first day and uh maybe3 two and a half Terry I'll ask you do you have anything that you want to bring up before the group yeah nothing right now very good Kevin do you have anything you want to say or bring up before the group that you would like to talk about okay sir thank you for all your input you've been thank you this guy here has been on a a very very steep learning curve and he's just handling like a you know like nobody I've seen so great background and ingred anything for the the group okay you've got good experience in your background too having come from St Joe so we're we're looking forward to great things Mr Sloan anything that you'd like to tell us Mr Merritt anything you'd like to share Merry Christmas everyone Mr Hall anything from you sirar good to go very good we're going to shut the meeting down merry Christmas everybody