##VIDEO ID:TqdodgmiyM8## okay s good evening everybody Welcome to the city park council meeting for the 17th of September um could you hear me that for the recording yes sir okay good um Mr Davis Pastor Davis would you do the invocation for us please please stand everybody let's bow father we humbly come before you tonight and ask you Lord to be with us as always we thank you that we live in such a great nation and state and County and a city we ask you Lord to guide our leaders tonight God as they deliberate God issues that will affect us be with us give us wisdom and knowledge and say we in Jesus name amen am amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible libery justice for all you please proce all right so uh would you please call the role Madam Clark Miss Barrow here miss bford here Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here mayor Kelly here um for first thing will be the uh items to be approved items in the minutes need approval you should have a package in your so these are corrective minutes these are corrected minutes from the last meeting not the the meeting before last wasn't it correct it was from we don't have the meeting minutes from the last meeting yet so what you're reading is the corrected minutes from the meeting before the last meeting and I highlighted the section that was added well I make a motion that we approve the corrected minutes second it first and the second Madam clar will you call a roll Miss Barrow yes Miss bford yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes thank you Council appreciate you um now anybody that's in the audience that has something that they would like to discuss that is not on this agenda please come to the podium and state your name and address for the record nobody okay sounds great we'll move forward with this um we have a uh cdbg uh water sewer a rain pan Grant bid opening that would be Miss Moore I'm told that is NE thank you ma'am thank you all right so this is the cdbg this is part of the disaster recovery Grant funds um and this is the bid opening for the um rain can and um sewer lining project um so it's going to line the water Ms and the um Pump Station wet Wells and then we're also going to put a rain pan in there and this purpose of this is to um help reduce the inflow and infiltration of storm water that's getting into the sewer system which in sa the city some money um so we have five bids um the first one is Atlantic pipe services see their total is 431,000 010 43110 111 so that's 431 01011 they do not identify the lining material they are using that may be further in the packet the second one we have is by GCU gcu's total is 48988 and55 So 489 886 I'm sorry 35 that looked like a 55 that's 35 they also did not identify the lining material Marshall Brothers is next their total is 628 069.0 also not this one is National water main cleaning company sorry did you say cleaning yes National Water cleaning company all right their total is 1,239 47264 and that is Spectre Shield is they're using for that so that's two39 47264 they recognize the they specify the materials he used so what we the we did identify Spectre Shield as one of the materials that was preapproved actually the only material that was pre-approved was spect shield and another um material called HR um so but we did allow we said that they could submit other um an alternate material to use the the the sewer system but um they had to identify what it was in advance and provide documentation as to why we want to why we want to go with them instead Spectre Shield Spectre Shield has a and AGR liner both have a 10year warranty which very few other uh manufacturers have so and we've used them a lot uh that product a lot and it's just tried and true right last one I'm sorry I didn't say who this was the last one is Vortex um their total amount was 566 37450 I'm sorry 566 37450 so that's 566 37450 Miss more could I have the bid from the first packet please one more time1 okay and this isn't hugely abnormal that's the problem with these lining different liners they're all so very different they all have a lot of pros and cons to them it's like going to buy a car there's just a lot of different prices there's a lot of different um opportunities there we went we we specified the ones that we um were comfortable with the ones that we've used in the past um but we allowed other people to bid on it as well so that accounts and uh one was GCU we've done business with them before yeah yes is it the one we met in Mr Sloan's office about correct thank you ma'am okay um that's all that we have uh we'll review these bids and get back to you all with a award recommendation at the next meeting thank you ma'am very very much item two tonight ladies and gentlemen is the outfall bid award on the H hurricane Sally who's who's doing that Mr uh is that you also yes sir thank you ma'am okay so this is the Sally outfalls project this is the one that we opened at the last meeting this is to as we discussed to remove um sediment from the bay that has come through the storm water system and dumped into your your bios um those bids unlike today's bids were a lot tighter um we received three bids the low bidder was um HD harders at $6,295 since um and um he has submitted all of the correct paper work we've gone through his bid and that is a solid bit so we recommend award to HG harders okay your recomend recommendation is for HG harders okay this St on a grant or is this a City match or how does that work out on this this bit I believe is this one this one is a FEA FEA FEMA funded feed it's under Sally so it's going to be a 12 the city will have a 12.5 responsibility should it should be 7525 12.5 State 12 so deem is putting up 125 Tony that's what you're saying but was a 7525 and DM kick it into 1.5 okay we have a letter from the governor stating that don't have a from the governor on for the match then S letter from anybody no I mean like I said I can we will we will check into that so all the prior Sally coverages have been done that way so we don't see how this one will be any different okay every s project that we have this is our last s project right so how did you know that the given is 125 from De well that's how the reimbursements have already came in from the other so all the others were that way so assum the last S one that we' had to wait on so much environmental and and everything to get perit the yep yep yep yep all the otheres come in all right thank you sir appreciate you Council in your packages um you have some information on the uh [Music] CRS should look something like this I'd like we're not going to discuss this today I'm going to move it over to the next the following council meeting we are not in a tremendous hurry but it is time sensitive um uh I'd like you to get a chance to read that because this is something that's not easily digested um once you've read it if you have any questions at all the person to ask is Taylor she works for Mr Shan uh any questions you have just approach her and she'll be able to give you the answers way better than anybody else can I've asked her to be the the point person on this and she's been working on this for some time so with that there are no other items to discuss tonight in the council there's only three and that's going to be moved so with that Mr Chapel do you have anything you'd like to talk about no nothing okay Mr Haney all all safe good everything's going well um Miss Barrow I just want to say last night in the meeting that I realized uh the reason why I wasn't understanding what the agenda usually on the agenda when we do those things all three of them are put on one line instead of doing the individually yeah hearing and then the uh second reading and then the adoption usually goes down that's why I just looked to it was okay we're going through a little bit of a learning curve because we're short of help apparently uh we're sure to help so anybody anything man CLK cl cl no oh cl cl cl cl cl say that's a joke inside that's a joke yes ma'am go ahead not you though I have nothing nothing Mr SL no sir you're good thank you Mr slow Madam Clark I'm good are you sure I'm great cler clerk clerk clerk all right thank you everybody appreciate you oh