##VIDEO ID:ZfzDsHSPdqE## the city of Parker council meeting mark would you be interested in doing our invocation for us absolutely because uh you're the closest one we've got somebody please stand let's pray Heavenly fathers uh we appreciate all that you do for us we appreciate that you've continued to look over those that were in the paths of U the Hurricanes uh Helen and also Milton uh we pray that you will allow all of us to come together as a group and find common thought in Jesus name amen our pleas the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic it stands one nation God indivisible liy andice for all please be seated okay normally we would have had two items on the agenda uh one of those has been cut probably in the next council meeting or the council meeting after that we'll hear it then um if you would Madam clerk we we uh approve all the minutes who what was you on sir I couldn't hear you sir what what I what item are you on for the agenda no no no no he's not I'm just worri about hearing you oh I'm I'm sorry I don't I don't you don't hear me the agenda I'm not on the agenda okay wants to be at the end of it I guess okay we're going to be on the front of it because uh uh items from the audience will be shortly just just bear with me a second okay uh Madame Court um you call a roll please miss Barrow here miss bford Mr Chapel here Mr Haney here mayor Kelly yes I'm here thank you um we have minutes from September the 16th through the October the 14th is that correct the first yep first I'm sorry it's just 1.4 um you you've had a chance to read those are in your packages I'll make a motion that we approve them as presented got a first and a second we call a rooll please Madam Court Miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly here yes uh your turn sir come to the podium States your name come to the podium and state your name and address for the record Mr mayor council this a speaker yeah oh uh I'm happy to see that see the park is second Ser is cleaning up but I'm call a dilemma uh I'm sorry sir what your name took down a mobile home and Le on AR Street and we cleaned that up and put the fence around the shed to keep it clean but now I got a letter from the city Parker that they move the St at the at the fence and I asked for a kind of delay we tried to build on it but uh we had a disaster we have a house on deero Lake that we we refurbished after the hurricane bought of somebody else had very beautiful and then a tornado took it down generated here completely down so the insurance company paid off but not enough to rebuild about 130 140,000 short so that puts me dilemma about rebuilding on a street so as for a year delay to take that fence and things down so I can build if you be to see the letter and everything that it's got it substantiated uh I don't know what else to tell you that uh he's got a it's not pass absolutely it's not an all it's a long story it's okay but I'll try to make it short it's okay can we have this to read and then he hear it another day okay you give us such a short time frame to move it I haven't gave you a time frame in it's a code issue sir I haven't gave you a time frame yet yes Ma I have the last day thank you sir so uh um you got a phone number here for me uh no I don't think so okay give me your phone number don't here write it there so the whole world don't hear okay what's your name he's hard just your address brother not the whole it no it's it's it's the address is on the letter okay uh and your name is Joe yeah right no just your phone number brother is all I need it's on his page three okay there's also thank you call in a couple days you going to review this I need anything else just wait till I've had a chance to look hard story is I don't know what I'm I don't know what I'm talking about so I haven't reviewed it yet okay I understand the house that we were built at uh de Point Lake we had a lot on B Road wish could with it for the house build the house and T down give us a minute to look this over we won't make a decision right now okay the next meeting is fine okay might be the one after just depends thank you sir you can review that your convenience counsel yes ma'am I'm sorry your time is up next time I'll just jump over anamarie Morris 129 North Lakewood Drive I want to remind everybody about trunk Retreat that's October 31st Thursday from 4: to 6:30 if you want to donate candy you can stop it by here I'll pick it up from here or you can drop it by the VFW when we're open another thing I want to bring to the front is Christmas oh my gosh so last year the auxiliary did the stuffed animals and we're calling it Santa for Parker and we want to do that again so we've raised about $150 so far but let people know that we're going to try and do that again so the fire department can run around town with stuffed animals to so this year it'll be the last Saturday before Christmas I think it's the 21st let me see that's that's for the future it's always the last Saturday before Christmas okay all right well that's so we're going do the same as we did last year and you bring them to us in the morning and then we'll do a PR with news and we'll just get it all out there like that excellent sounds like a plan can sleep in that's right I enjoy that me too so anybody else from the floor okay sounds good like I said we had uh we had two items on the agenda and uh one has been postponed until the next council meeting and I got a couple things I'd like to talk about that didn't get on the agenda but we're going to move along to uh Mr bolz you're on the floor sir I do you do okay it wasn't that long ago when I was here before and we had kind of voted on all this stuff and when the agreement came back it was a little different than what we talked about so I tried to provide some paperwork here that make this a little more understandable so there wouldn't be any confusion about this vote tonight the picture on the front that's the in case you haven't seen that that's the the facility that we're going to if this is approved that we're going to put there we had the colors bathrooms and everything's there the open Windows we're going to put pain pain glass in there so people can see vending machines through the through the windows and then it's got that little porch so that somebody if it's raining or something somebody can enter the place without having to uh stand in rain or wait to get somebody out the door second page is a list of what the expenses are um best guess some of this stuff is very accurate some of it's a guess but it's going to be very close close um the biggest issue that we have which will come back to this second page is the fact that on page one uh uh section 2 C it says notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein City May terminate this agreement and the use of the site at any time for any reason upon 180 days notice to licy so essentially what that means to me is I don't have a 2-year lease I don't have a one-year lease I have 180 180 day lease and if you look at the cost here I've got unique to the pier there's $8,700 that are unique costs to the pier um things that if we were going to take a shed like this we wouldn't normally need to spend that money then we have the non-recoverable expenses which are things things that no matter what we can't recover them but so the point there is we'd have about $118,000 in money spent that could never be recovered or reused for anything and in 180 days the city could come to us and say uh we want to do something else there and I can't risk you know spending $50,000 on a project that can be terminated in 180 days um so my request is same as it was before that that be stricken from the uh you know from the agreement because you know I can't and I don't see how anybody else could afford to take that risk this site is going to be totally dependent upon and and supported by three vending machines we have to keep that in in mind the three vending machines have got to support a $50,000 project and the city going to get a 10% return no matter what when Lo to draw what the the the project does for us as far as a vending operation goes and so I have three suggestions one if you guys are willing to strike that then then we move on if if for some reason you guys are not willing to strike that then a few folks would like to handle the non-recoverable expenses of putting in the electric service and the sidewalk ramp then I would then I would do it um the other part it is if the city would like to do it themselves I'll be happy to turn all this over to them and and help the city make that happen it doesn't it's not a an issue to me I just think it's a good thing for the peer I think it's a good thing for the public and I think it needs to happen no matter who does it so U that's where my position is on this uh the other question um let me see uh on page two the license shall remit the monthly Florida sales tax report we can provide fact that we filed sales tax but the peer would be operated under our existing business so there's not a separation of numbers for the for the sales tax for the pier versus our whole project that would all be melted together so we could prove that we could that we have filed than our sales tax return but it's not going to have here's the pier here's you know our company we can't get that kind of a breakdown um because it's not going to be a separate business it's going to be part of our existing LLC the other thing is that we are going to be able to monitor the sales for the benefit of the city to know what part they get because we have set up we already actually have it separate checking account so any money that comes through the pier would be isolated by the checking account that we have that would tell us the total sales and revenues from the pier so that would be clearly separate from from the uh Pier 98 itself the vending machines be operated with um credit cards and whatnot and so the credit card Machin would be directly tied to that secondary checking account so anything that would go through that secondary check in account would be our credit cards and then when we what little cash there would be in the machines we would deposit those funds into the checking account so we'd know what the total sales are from the pier so that the city would get their 10% revenues from it and be trackable to know what's going on there and how it's doing I think there was one more issue on seven seven yeah um the I think that can be there was a let see unpaid monthly there was a place in here that said I guess that's it resume possession yeah okay resume possession and relicensing of the site what this thing is requesting that if for some reason we didn't uh the city could charge us for whatever kind of business went in there to prepare their site however they needed we're going to Our obligation is to leave the site as it's found which is fine expect to do that but we would not want the obligation that if we defaulted some way or another now all of a sudden whoever if anybody did want to go in there we'd be responsible for whatever site that they needed because that's um so I feel like we should only be responsible for what it cost to put the site back in its original condition if we didn't do that which we would and hopefully this will go on indefinitely but if that were to happen then you know you guys are covered to have have a site you left in the condition that it was when we put the building on there so at any rate those are the issues okay and so I would you like to approach this okay Mr bolz councel this is would be the time for any questions you have or questions you might have from Mr B well any business lease ever sign anything you attached to the property if the lease ends item stay with the property that's been leased no that's every business lease ever sign you mean us put a building in and then 180 days later you guys own it that's just saying that's what I've signed before you don't want that but uh well that's not in here and that was struck from the last meeting that people voted on and that change was made in the agreement that that was remain our property and if that's going to be changing again then that's also going to be an issue that we couldn't live with are you going to be able to ensure this building so if somebody gets on city property in your building if they fall and break the leg you're going to be able to provide Insurance yeah our liability insurance policy already confirm that is transferable to the site yeah we won't be able to get insurance on the building of the structure because of the nature of where it's at and the hurricanes and being but that's our risk not yours and it would be our risk if that building got wiped out we'd be responsible for the terminal lease but it wouldn't be you know that wouldn't be your guys's fault so there's a lot of risk here for us for you know not much in in return that that the big thing to me is that it's um it's a defensive move on our part because we're actually going to be moving the bait sales from the Pier from our place down the road because people are already buying the buying the bait and stuff from our store and we just really don't want to put somebody else in a position to cut us off from the bait business so it's not it's isn't a revenue producer in our minds it's really just we'll be very happy if it breaks even you know in the in the Optics of of what it does for the city of Parker and the people on the on the pier and our position is anything is better for Parker is better for pier 98 regardless go ahead so working backwards Mr B the the last issue that you talked about the in the event that you were to default under the terms of this license uh the city would have a right to come in and um and re relicense the property for the balance of the term that you are on in other words just like any other commercial lease as Mr Haney talked about in a commercial lease you have a situation where if the tenant doesn't stay the entire term or breaches the term of the lease then the landlord has a right to come in and release if they take the property that's what that provision is intended to address so it's it you are correct in the sense that what you indicated had been changed is still changed the portable building that you were putting on the property doesn't remain if you terminate the lease that's what the council had directed me to look at I changed that and so that when you terminate the lease at the end of the term if you defaulted under the lease whatever happen uh you you have a right to take your portable building with you but if you breach the terms of the lease before the 2-year commitment that you have made then the city should be entitled to recover the difference between what you were paying and if if it got another lensey in there what that lensey would be paying so it in other words the city doesn't lose money if you decide to breach the terms of that license so that's the first one right well if I can finish on that statement number one we would have to pay the term of that lease we'd be responsible for that but my point there is if another company comes in and they want to have a foundation for a building and they want to not put a temporary build and and build something then we shouldn't have to pay for a foundation and all those kind of things you know that you know we didn't have we're already going to have to pay for it our term and we're also going to have to be responsible to clear the site like it was found the the intent of that language was was that in the event the city licenses it to a another company that you're going to pay the difference and if if that wording is not clear enough if the council wants me to I can make it clear I just don't want to be responsible if somebody comes in and says I need a foundation for a building you know a lot more extensive what we have I'm happy to be responsible for putting the site back to the to the condition I'm happy to be responsible for pay the term of the lease right but that's just a provision in the event you don't for whatever reason you don't honor the terms of this license got then the city has the opportunity to to relicense the property you'll remove your portable building you'll restore the property and then that you'll pay the difference if the city can't get another person to uh to do the the amount you're willing to pay but that's just to finish out the term to finish out the term that that two years that's cor yeah the second issue that you talked about about the sales tax in a commercial lease as you probably know from other properties in a commercial lease you typically have to pay sales tax and the the um the only mechanism that uh that I have written in here about the sales tax is that that you're going to remit it monthly you're going to file the return uh if you need to incorporate that sales tax into a part of a bigger sales tax I can provide for that but but somewhere along the line you need to pay the sales tax resulting from this license understand and I agree with that 100% but what I'm just saying is I can't provide you a sales tax report that says this is the peer and this is the the amount I can provide you a sales tax report that says Pier 98 Marina as a whole has paid its sales tax and I can also provide you with the amount of money there should be sales tax on because the way we will handle it will take the sales from the pier and we'll make a deposit in or our accounting will take those figures as income to the pier and taxable income and add it to our existing taxable income for the pier and so we can provide that report but if you got to have it separate that means setting up a separate tax number separate business I can write it so that that you provide a copy of of uh the percentage amount the breakdown of the percentage amount so that the city can calculate it if it needs to and that then you will indemnify the city for any sales tax not paid yeah that's fine I can write that and then the follow the the final issue is the uh is the issue that was changed from the original draft uh the original draft had 6 days uh this one bumped up based upon conversations I understood had taken place bumped it up to 180 days uh that is is typical for the city to have an out uh it as long as I've been around we provide an out for the city uh I understand you've got some upfront cost the intent would be for you to recover those cost in 180 days so that you know that if the city decided on day two to cancel the lease for whatever reason you would be able to recover your at least your initial investment in the we couldn't recover that's the point that's what this list of things are these are things that are irrecoverable you know we can't recover the service that's put into that site we can't recover that we can't recover um the sidewalk and the and the and the concrete sidewalk we put up there is no recovery and the unique thing to the pier is the fact that we would not take a portable building and put Windows in it like that or the installation factor to protect it so the point there is there's $188,000 that's unrecoverable and even the part that's up there the remaining 31,000 we'd take a loss on that too because we couldn't go retail the building for the same price we paid for we couldn't retail the the snack machine that we paid for it so we would even lose we would even lose fun there well that that's an issue that the M the city council has to decide so if they want to let that strike that that's up to them that's not my decision now another thing I mean if the city wants to participate and take the nonrecoverable expenses because they could use electric service for the next person that put in there and the ramp and a sidewalk and if they want to put that in then I'm fine and I'll take the risk on the other $88,700 but it's just take the entire risk of $188,000 plus the depreciated amount in the $31,000 it would be because also you got to keep in mind this is being supported by three vending machines this is not a you know a big business thing I think we'll be very lucky in five years to recover Miss bar what do you think well I think he's doing the city a very nice thing he's doing and I think the city I think think part of it we need to strike and if we go back to the part where the last one if we could put in there somewhere saying that you know if he does terminate it um he pays the bee but then return it the site to what it was before you know what if that would good in that in that section and I could be sued and for he's paying his insurance he's putting the building there he's doing all the stuff at his cost something the city's going to be making 10% off of and the benefit to the customer exactly I I I I I don't have a problem with it changing it Cher what do you think well course you know I go down there at least three or four times a week and I talk to people about uh having this bait Tacker shop down there they're all for it and uh I I think I think it once it gets going because we're getting more and more people down there all the time now not just on the weekends but I go down there like I say maybe even like after tonight I go down there and there'll be uh a half a dozen people fishing down there now Y and uh there people are course they not all from Park they're from Callaway and surrounding cities but uh they all want to have a an ice machine down there they like to have an ice machine I talk to some boers that go out there at night and said well right now we have to go over here if we're can have a nice machine right here they would you know buy the rice right there uh the peer people on the pier they would like to have some candy and snacks and stuff like that uh so whatever we need to do to get this project going we need to do it so Mr Haney I hadn't thought about what you said and now I have so does that rule that you mentioned apply to Portable Buildings or only permanent structures because this is going to be on blocks question not well typically any furniture fixures equipment and or buildings anything constructed on the property at the end of the lease would be would remain on the property unless you provide otherwise and in in this case the council's direction was to provide otherwise to allow him to remove the it was the portable building so that's why it's written to allow him to remove the portable building that being said um you know the city's not got anything constructed on that property so um you know if he were to if he were to do something other than put a portable building on it he does it as his own risk if he such that that is correct he you know he he leaves a sidewalk he doesn't go out there and tear it up when he leaves so really mayor based upon Miss Barrow's comments I mean it her comment would be to remove paragraph 2C to um to clarify 4 A1 on the sales tax to include it as a part of a larger return and indemnify the city for any unpaid tax and then uh to clarify that he would only have to restore the property to its original condition if he decided uh in the event he ter he he Brees the lease uh and the city decides to relicense it to a similar uh to a similar type business okay Miss bar what do you think about that well I would like to know how he feels that what you want with that that's fine I I just yeah that's fine and also just know I'm a team player for Parker and if if we find out there's a traffic this will tell us what kind of traffic there is and if we feel like it can support a ice machine if you want us to do we'll go put one in or we'll you know you can but but the ice machine I checked into that the ice machine was $38,000 all by itself and that one only produced 500 500 lb of ice so the first time in snapper season the first three boats that went in there wouldn't be no ice left anyways right yeah so you know is there enough room in this parking lot to if you got people going to Mexico Beach or St Joe they stopping that pick up or somewhere they not parking for the other people that are bringing the boats in that want to launch and all that is it's tight down there John it would be if the parking lot was full you do see a lot of out Parker boats and cars down there you I knew when we decided to put this pier in there that we would have a lot of traffic we just do and uh Chapel was right every day it's full on weekends it's extremely full but I ha to be Debbie down about the whole thing think all the worst aspects that could happen well if you drive up there and you can't park and can't get in there you leave you should move on that's right and they're going to get out leave boat and trailer or truck and trailer ride right right get their eyes come back up cause a 10 pile up back behind them it could be it could well he don't have eyes so there's no eyes there not at this time I looked at the one in pen City Mexico Beach got the best one by far Mexico Beach in pen City got beautiful boat landing way better than ours but we have a pier and they don't so that if you don't have a boat most people don't that's a great place to come and take your kids you know so well in my opinion if if he's happy and we're happy and he can change make a motion then I make a motion that we uh change what Mr Mr make changes and approve it I have one more question if I may time's up these people are riding me really hard because that building's been sitting on their lot for about 70 days we're going to vote right now time mean if you vote can we have it put in before we have the contract or we got to wait to get the contract signed before we have the contract by the end of the week he said he get it by the end of the night have it by the end of the night this we have to vote because we've already started we have a first I need a second to vote on not second we have a first and a second would you please call the role Madam clerk M Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney yes mayor Kelly yes Mr bolz Mr SLO will have that written by Friday to stop you from having any heartache I went there today with Mr suin so I was clearing my mind tonight of how it was going to be positioned and that's he he is already moved everything in anticipation of this happening so you're ready to move y thank you all thank you sir you're welcome when do I get my first 10% check I can tell you this I hope you give oh we get 10% of the sales no matter [Laughter] what that's a nice building little shadowing wasn't it okay so uh Mr Mr choel you have the floor for anything you'd like to talk about Sir yeah got one thing on this water bill I was hoping Tony would be here but you know I show uh the overall um total water sold was uh a million4 and then over here it says uh total loss was almost 25 that's 2.5 million to 25,000 25,000 and uh that's a good month Ron that's a quarter of our of the water we lose we do lose a lot and uh I just I know we're putting in new pipes and stuff like that in meters but uh like that's I mean like we had that major break seems like that's quite a bit I don't know I just so sometimes you know it goes through the bulk meter and if I if I'm overe explaning this tell me Shut up but we have major breaks that happen all the time that no one's even aware of because they happened at 2 o'clock in the morning and we lose millions of gallons of water instantly and uh I can tell you for an example I was in my my backyard in that last storm event and my wife said where's all that water coming from and my neighbor's yard next door was hit by lightning and the bolt of lightning went 8T down in the ground and split a pipe blew a hole in the side of it you never seen so much water come out of the Earth in your life but it wasn't until Public Works got there and stopped the flow of the water but the pipe had a hole from the lightning hitting it but it had a slice in the side that big and just millions of gallons of water come out of there when was the last big break we had that was the one that was no we've had one since then oh I'm sorry oh that's right it was last week yeah and that's where the bulk of it comes from R little drips from your faucet that's what we end up paying for they don't even really impact us that bad but um these big brakes plastic pipes down in all these locations schedule schedule 80 yeah thick blue pipe you may have seen it 6 in 8 in that's what the srf is for the state revolve in fund loan that we're working on so we can upgrade all of that infrastructure so we can put new hydrants but most importantly quit having broken lines or leaking lines more than anything else well I just like to see us get a handle on it because yeah that just seems like an awful lot of weather well I'll give you something that people don't even think about so the police call us at uh 5 4:00 in the morning to meet him on the little bridge going around the curve by Miss uh by Captain harder's yard right there there little the little bridge on the passenger side going to tendle there's a hoopy hoop in the road you think what the devil could that be well huto picked me up took me out there at 2:00 in the morning 3:00 in the morning there was a pipe leaking and it had undermined the bridge and made a sinkhole in the road about that big right and people don't even realize that they're out there fixing that stuff in the middle of the night and they had to feel it full of concrete from the middle of the road to stop the erosion because we don't own the road and they've got to come and got to dig it up and they you know they the time constraints are such they have to wait until they get an opportunity to be able to do it but that happens all the time that was that was the reason for the srf but U that that that amount of loss is correct the more you sell the bigger the loss sure you know and the only other thing is that uh we're still putting plaques out there on the on the wall uh had a plaque made wrong on the date so I'm changing getting that changed it won't cost won't cost any more good what he's already paid excellent and uh of course we've already mentioned about the Halloween party at the VFW and there's also having a Halloween party the same day at the Methodist Church so um there'll be plenty of plenty of places to go to get candy without uh traveling on the streets so okay Mr Haney you're up sir I just have a question how we're standing with the clerk hiring process last one she's the he or she is the last one how many apps we have um yeah so in the next couple days we're going to call them down to meet minimum requirements and then bring them back to the council to pick out the ones you want and then we'll have a have a sit down like we did the last time and see if we can't chisel them down to 10 or whatever is meable to all of us thank sir you sir ma'am the only thing I have is the uh Christmas tree lighting will be December the 7th same time everything we'll let everybody know as we get along with it and we'll be having meetings are we going to be doing the uh cookies and hot chocolate and all the stuff like we always do everything we always do we're going to be doing hopefully it won't rain this year it rained last year and we had to do it in the community building but maybe this year it be better so well get boot CTS to sell umbrellas yeah you think mayor I do have one other thing okay I forgot about was that U forgot keep thinking you jump back in there try to think but doesn't happens oh uh click for the ones that goes fishing down at the pier yeah this weekend on Saturday there'd be a fishing rodeo down there right well um no I'm not sure I haven't had a chance to read it yet you jumped the gun oh so um are you done is that all you had yeah thank you ma'am so um we were approached about two months ago by the uh youth Alliance they are mandated uh a state organization non for profit 501c3 but it's being headed up by the air force uh last month they had a fishing rodeo uh on Tindle Air Force Base and they approached me about about 5 weeks ago and said uh we would like to have a fishing rodeo on your pier and so um they're not going to close the pier they're going to they're going to as I said they're a 501c3 they'll be rallying on the pier at about 8: a.m. and um uh they're going to have fishing tournament each group of children say three to two to three to five depending on the age will have a sponsor and and these people are all uh vetted by the youth Alliance and um they're going to take the kids fishing they've gotten um rods and reels donated by different folks in town uh I don't know of all of the fish and tackle companies but uh Walmart and places like that have all reached out and gave them uh rods and reels in order to do this moving forward um the next time they do it maybe in 90 days maybe in six months I'm not sure um what we've talked about is the possibility of the next time um having a big fish fry when we were done and um let the kids uh uh get some experience scaling fish and cleaning fish and doing that kind of stuff then cook it and eat it it's part of their day of of fishing and um if you're interested in participating I'm not saying this week because I don't know any of the details but I have this piece of paper uh the alliance it's it's the youth activities Alliance Foundation and they are uh a Florida organization and I'm sure they're looking for sponsors um but they've got they had last week they had 19 children signed up to do this so they're fully insured so that's something that you might want to think about Ron joining that group to to to um help with that in the future I have uh a couple of other things here that are quite important uh one is uh we currently you know I'm a big Time Saver and uh over the last four years in our savings account we've been able to uh gather up 4.6 million and change in our uh savings account but the problem is uh the interest rate is only 0.50 and I would like your permission to leave the money in the same bank move move it to a account that will yield uh 5% um but I I I want your blessing to do it before I I make the decision to do that in the morning um so I'm I'm asking you now uh if if you'll let me move that money from the account that's in to the 5% account at the uh at trust smart Bank do we need a motion for that yeah I think we should I'll make a motion that we allow the mayor to do we got a first and second roll please miss Barrow yes Mr Chapel yes Mr Haney mayor Kelly yes I have one last item I wasn't going to bring it up tonight but I can see you're you're excited about moving that money uh Tony's already spent it for [Laughter] me so I think it'll make about 125,000 in 12 months um we've done some basic math not me but our our uh our bookkeeper our audit lady um I think I think it's possible at in 12 months in next year's budget we may not need to do this we may just be able to take it out of the budget next year because we got more and more things being built so we have more and more money coming in that Bor but uh the Mr soman needs $127,000 for a 2026 excavator the two we have one's shot to bits one's okay okay he would like to dispose of those at public auction use whatever change he gets out of that at most it'll be probably $20,000 we've not had a new one in over 20 years I'd like to buy Miss I want you to just think about this we're not going to vote on this today but I'd like you to be thinking about uh purchasing Mr somand a brand new excavator for $127,000 and um I'm not willing to do this just yet I'm waiting for uh uh the srf to be approved so our debt to income ratio is more evenly balanced and um that should happen when do you think Mr SLO six weeks maybe somewhere in that time frame in about six weeks we'll have that srf she is reviewing the water and sewer income right so what we had to do because uh they wouldn't accept our low avalum we had to look at some other form of Revenue to move the money and they would not accept the um uh water Revenue only the sewage revenue is that correct or vice versa well they currently have a pledge or actually two pledgees of the water Revenue okay I I was uh hopeful and still am hopeful that they will agree that there's enough income in water side to uh take a third pledge for this current srf that's being considered okay if not then the pledge would be of both Water and Sewer what that means is even though on paper we spent that money for the srf we would take the money from the the um tax the ADV valorum tax and move that to the water and sewer until we were able to pay that pay off that srf loan and if you don't know the benefit of the srf loan is not only will we improve the water supply for the city of Parker but places where you have no fire protection will now have it and places that aren't developed will now have uh uh developed infrastructure and uh that's all I have Mr SL do you have anything no sir Madam Clark I got a question for you okay yes ma'am I thought that we had bought what was that piece of equipment we bought a couple years or so ago I thought it was an it was excavator no it was excavator that's an excavator it's got long arm and you pinch stuff like that is that the one no no no no no no no we the back hes are small they're like eight tons and uh excavators move very very slowly and you use them to pick up really tremendously big loads the back C does oh so you're wanting to buy a back Co yeah you said I thought yeah you were saying okay I'm I me I meant it was it was a track hole bone about two years ago wasn't it yeah it was what we bought yeah a track ho then I bought SL we we got uh um the police got two new cars and he's been waiting waiting for this and we've done the research on it and um but I'm not willing to make another Finance or move any more money until this srf is put to bed if that happens in six weeks or eight weeks then we'll be able to know exactly where the money stands because the payment's going to be about 250,000 out of that Ador tax to fix the infrastructure but when Bridges start to fail and pipes start to collapse then I have no choice but to fix them so um that's that's where we're at with that so anything else Mr Chapel okay all right everybody thank you Chief Patterson I got a letter for you here