##VIDEO ID:mW6wlh6NICQ## we're ready very good we're going to call the meeting to order Terry can I uh ask you to do our invitation our heavenly father we thank you for this life you've given us we thank you for this day you've given us and we thank you for our community we pray that what we do here tonight will be pleasing to you we pray these things in Jesus name amen amen thank youg to the flag of the United States of America repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all than thank you both Madam clerk can you call rooll please Mr Hall here miss here Mr Meritt here Mr Striker here Striker chairman Ria here thank you yes sir very good uh any additions or Del to the agenda tonight and I do realize we do have a debate tonight so uh we're going to be right to the point in just about everything okay uh the last time we were here we had uh the July and the August minutes that we had to review for any changes everybody get a chance to review the the minutes why don't we do this for expediency sake why don't we just review both of them for any changes and then we can vote on the both of them the only one that I'm going to going to recommend is on July I'm sorry uh in August uh just a roll call cold by Donna Purdue okay very good if you guys are okay with all other items on the agenda if I could get a motion please I'll make a motion to approve uh for both July 9th and the August 13th is that right very good can I get a second very good Mr Hall gave us a second can I get a a vote Please Mr Hall yes Miss Hut yes Mr Merritt yes Mr Striker yes chairman Ria yes and thank you nice job in those minutes too those are hard to do very good okay ladies and gentlemen thank you for being interested in what we do here in the city um there's usually a lot more uh that goes into this than most people are aware so we appreciate your interest and and your your attention at this time we're going to open up uh anybody who wants to come to the podium and bring forth any uh items that you may have that are not on the agenda very good if nobody yes sir please do and if you'll state your name for our clerk that would be terrific my name is David Michaels I have a residence at 5114 Lance Avenue would you spell your last name Sir Michael m c h LS that okay very good um I'd like to know what I can build on that back of that property I have a residence on the front half of it I what I can build on the back half uh are you PL is it large enough to split yeah split the front half is built it's 20,000 plus square feet and there's a manufactured home on the front half okay for two units I know if I can put another manufactured home or mobile home on the back Mr Michaels is it uh low density residential or how is it how is it how is the district it's mu1 okay um this really isn't yeah yeah yeah I'm just I'm just yeah I get it I get it we're just we're just trying to get some some uh I wanted to give you some instructions there uh are you able to get online uh to go to uh go to section four okay uh you're going to what you'll find right there is the land use districts okay and that's why I had a couple of those questions for you uh so what you'll find there are uh the seven different land use districts that we have and then go to where your land use is and that will show you everything that you can do on that property and and if there are any prohibitions you say it's an mu1 or mu2 mu1 mu1 okay very good so just read through the low density residential area and then read the mu1 because what you'll see is what's accepted and then what uh any prohibitions that may exist I have some papay there it says a single mobile home unit manufacturing home um is it is okay for this property just want to verify well there's a lot more involved uh it it may be if there was one there already it may be the location because the land uh the ldrs have changed about two years ago so um if it's a mobile home uh there are certain districts where they're now prevented from from being placed uh so what I do is encourage you to go ahead and go through that and then the other thing you could do is if you want to go ahead and bring a uh get on the the next agenda where it's something that we'll get a chance to pre-review before you get here in terms of where it's at how big the lot is whether or not it's able to be split um what the adjoining districts are those are all things that factor into what what you can build on it I've got a copy of the survey will that help tonight yes sir but I'd really like to give each of these Comm commers the the advantage of being able to review it before you know they have to make you know quick decisions like that Mr chair he really to distur with City staff yeah I think not the planning yeah yeah yeah I went to the city he did and I suggested that he come here to speak before yeah I mean we just don't know so what I what I would do is uh I would go to go to the article fours of the ldrs okay and and look at that and then and then Don is our acting clerk what I'd recommend you do put together a plan of what you're wanting to do so that these people will have the the advantage of being able to review it like I say there's a lot to review and I don't want to give you a quick decision that would be wrong so you'd spend a lot of money and then you know be not be able to build something on it or move a trailer in there um and there's a lot to be uh there's a lot there there's districts within Parker where you can do exactly what you want to do but there's areas now that you can't so it'll be important that we have a chance to review it first I mean I have a mobile home on there on the front half of it already I just want to know if I can't put one on the back half um it would be much beneficial to us if we could see what the size of the property is because there are limitations um you know there are limitations for mobile homes and we'd have have the we really would prefer the benefit of reviewing it extensively before we come here so if I go over to your office you can help me with come see me tomorrow last time you told me to come here yes sir because I want to make sure I had it right so come tomorrow and I'll give you some paperwork and we'll talk about it tomorrow and I'll get you on the agenda yeah and and and that's going to be the best thing because we'll have it you want a definitive answer from us and we'll be able to do that if we get a chance to study it first okay okay no sir thank you appreciate your time anybody else all right let's do this one let's get right into we have a potential address change at 41 Wood Avenue um is that Miss whan or wayy is that right okay very good and who are you sir Dave Dave wayy okay Dave okay very good I just start bying you all for your service here that's made a a big difference in my life I'm just in my 40th year of uh being in the US Army and this is my retirement year I'm looking forward to spend all my time here in thank you for what you do and also thank you for the advice on that home that um I built and finished in June I think put a picture of it in uh there it's um it's pleasing and it's um highly functional and so my request for tonight is I'd like to build that house again um and I'd like to do it on a different piece of property um and so what um if there is an existing single family home on that property right where I want this one to sit um but uh property was um built in the 50s and it was um badly damaged in the storm and uh to I wouldn't live in it uh I me just I I've been in it once and um and it's awful um so I'd like to I already have the permit to remove that but um so what I have actually included is a um a survey of the parcel and then I hopefully we blew up a survey or that lot 11 um what we have there um and um the reason for the address change what um how we got here is because the house won't sit um the the current house that I I I like it won't sit uh that way on the lot the lot is 145 by 65 and it won't meet the meets and Bounds or the setbacks excuse me if I set it that way so I'm just asking to turn it um 90 degrees to face black sh and um the county didn't have an issue with it and they um offered the address of 100 black she as the um new address as address um so as far as the issue that I'm facing I would like to approach this as um a conforming property because I believe lot 11 is conforming it has a single family structure I'd like to replace it with another single family structure there was obviously a trailer or or multiple other trailers uh on that property I'm not requesting to put that back I'd like to put another single family home basically on same footprint that that home sits on now it's a little bit bigger a little bit more modern and um I um that's what I'd like to do and I'd like to get some advice uh from the committee on I I think we know what you do you mind if we ask you a couple of questions Mr will okay so um that's one large parcel at this time right yes sir and has it legally been have have has it actually been split into legal Lots it has it has okay so is the lot we're looking at for this particular one Lot number 11 yes sir is there another would there be two residences on that lot 11 no sir there would only be one only okay um and you have at least 0.2 Acres there yeah okay the the reason the reason for the question Mr wayy is because when we looked at the at the plat here it looks like um I can see that it's one parcel but as long as it's legally been split into lot 11 Lot 12 then it can be a conforming home okay and we can remove it and then the requirements under not legal non-conforming do go away because as long as you've got 0.2 Acres there it's a low density residential area uh you can build a home larger that that's there as long as you're not more than 04 uh you know consume more than 40% of the property for impervious reasons but uh there's a picture there where there already where there is a another residence there has that other residence been removed like that what would be considered 29b and 29a has that been removed REM not he he's really got three different issues I think one is the demolition of the existing house the second is the destruction of the new house and the addressing of it and then the third issue is that there are other mobile home or there are mobile homes on what appears to be the balance of the property um so the property consists of two duplexes one single family home 12 to the parcel or the parcel or the lot I'm sorry the parcel I'm sorry the parcel consists of all of those yes sir and this lot only has this single family home on it that's um so if you want us you're you're asking first is to to split that lot 11 out from the rest of the parel no sir I'm hoping to not have to do that I'm hoping that this is if we do decide um Mr ra pointed out I don't think that this is going to push us into nonconforming and um because it's already legally been split into lot 11 from the parcel yes sir and it it's a okay very good it reads that way in the legal description meets in bounds plus it incorporates lot 9 10 11 and 12 okay well uh even though it's one parcel if it's legally been split into a lot which no longer which would only have one residence is there any barriers to uh it there wouldn't be any barriers to him rebuilding uh a single family home on that legally defined new lot right and spending it to Black new lot I mean it's it's platted Long Point par first edition plat so got that lot 11 is for the individual lot I have the deed for lot 11 Lot 12 have you apparently have eight nine 10 11 and 12 yes sir and you're just asking to have a address change because it's going to face another direction inad of is there any drawback to that the the only like I said the only confusion was uh on the picture we got it's low density that's low density residential and then the property across the West Cooper Drive that's mu2 and that's the one where you've got a bunch of additional um items there but the um yeah the the mobile homes that are actually in Lot 12 that's a separate lot so it's not it wouldn't come into play here corre so have you obtained a demolition permit to tear the house down yes sir it's been approved and um Jamie said it to me before she left and I'm just withholding doing yeah okay very good well here's here's the way I see this Mr Sloan uh it's legally been split into a lot so we have one parcel but it's been segmented into Lots it's going to be on Lot number 11 uh as long as he doesn't exceed the 40% impervious um uh our engineer by the way our anchor engineering has said it's okay to spin the home for towards blackshare uh as as long as all other setbacks are are appropriate now she went a different pathway here because she thought too that there was another residence on there so the only way that's why I had my questions about legal non-conforming Mr wayy because if you had another residence there it's a a low density residential area and that would complex things and you could do it but it would have to be done a different way in the same footprint and that was what she gave us so that's why I asked those questions um so if there's just going to be a single residence on it you have at least 02 acres of land on that so that that is um 948 something I think it was 145 by 65 yeah you need 80 8100 to be like a02 so you're you're over what you need good okay does the size of the house matter does the size of the house matter as leaving The Improv yes sir um it' have to be less than the 04 um but uh as long as is less than 2600 square feet about 2700 Square F feet it's actually right at 2000 okay under that yeah well it's a good question though because what Mr Hall's talking about is that includes driveways sheds everything has to be under that point4 Parker floods as you know and we're pretty sensitive about that um but really you're just at this point wanting to uh demolish the home and you're wanting an address change to spin it towards Black Shear and as long as everything you just told us is right uh in terms of it being um single one residence in a low density residential area that lot has lot 11's already legally been split off of the parcel um am I missing anything Mr I think as long as the first one comes down before he builds a new one oh yeah abely got to do that right so you're going to pull the old uh concrete and everything out of there before you put the new one in all right all right so really you're just looking for an address change and the option to move forward and one residence lot 11 uh and it'll have a slight it'll have a larger footprint than the one that's there but you're well within that uh you know the 0 2 acres and well within the floor area r so I think you need a motion are we recommending to the city council for them to review this I'll make a motion we recommend to the city council for them to review to review or to approve to approve it review and approve yeah very good I'm looking for a second now okay very good Madam clerk can we get a uh a vote please sorry Mr Hall yes m yes Mr Merritt yes Mr Striker yes and chairman R yes and Mr wayy thank you for all the good information you gave us and it makes it a whole lot easier for us to kind of review it and get down to what you're trying to get done so thanks for beautifying Parker and and now you do have a another step you got to go before uh council members but they'll get our you got a unanimous yes from us and I can't imagine why they would say no because everything looks like it's uh uh completely compliant all right very good um next Tuesday next yeah next council meeting next Tuesday which is the 17th okay Mr whey thank you did you say you're military former military I am thank you for your service sir we appreciate you very good thank you everybody okay the next one is is do we have a a petty bone in the in the is that Miss Petty bone well thanks for telling her to stay home because he's just getting over it live in her house she and her siblings own it at the end of the street here 4756 and I need car cuz my car is getting ruined on the Sun the birds I got the perfect place for it where nobody will even notice it from the road next to the shed and it'll match the so that's very good M Stuart are you pretty familiar with what they're trying to do on the site then so you know if I asked you some questions you'd be able to answer them probably not my son M temporary with me so okay um so what let me let me just kind of give everybody sort of a summary here real fast so uh what Miss Stewart is doing uh is Mary Petty bone is your okay what they're wanting to do is they're wanting to put a carport on the property um it looks the setbacks are all appropriate the one thing that would require the variance would be that they have a current shed that's on the property and they want to put it within three feet of the shed now it looks to me this is my first question to you it looks to me like they've got plenty of room to move it towards the road so that you'd have that 10- foot uh divide between the shed and the carport is there a reason they just didn't move it it looked crappy thank you for your honesty M Stuart okay okay that and I appreciate that Honesty because it helps us kind of get down to business okay so let me they did answer the question long though yeah I I saw that so I want want to give everybody sort of u u what I found out so I dug into the Florida building codes about building separation and uh that's going to be chapter five and seven uh within the building codes and Miss Stewart um the reason we do that is because much of our ldrs and our comprehensive plan is based on uh what Florida recommends that municipalities do so found some interesting things okay what Florida is primarily uh what Florida building codes are primarily interested in is the separation of dwelling and the separation of accessory buildings from dwellings however when you specifically go into the uh Pages which talk about uh non- dwellings or um accessory buildings to accessory buildings they don't have a they don't have a standard we do our standard is 10 feet however I almost wonder if when it was written it was sort of an unintentional consequence there's two things that the State of Florida is interested in when they look for separation of buildings fire because they don't want if you have a shed and you got a dwelling next to it and you g gas cans and you know lawnmowers and all of that stuff in your shed they don't want it to start your house on fire now their home is significantly distan from the uh shed and also the possible carport uh so what she's asking for is a um is a variance there to um build it within that 10 ft um now what Mr Sloan is talking about is when you answer these questions about the variances um it's seven questions and they all have to be in the affirmative in order for us to move forward um however I'm sensitive to the fact that uh in several of the questions we have double negatives which means that it's sometimes a little hard to follow for example it'll say the hardship is not a result of the the owner and is not you solely Etc so it's hard to kind of Follow that sometimes so your answer may have been yes but we don't know that um so sir yeah and I I get that I I'm familiar with it and sometimes it's tough for me so at the end of the day um what the intent of the separ sear ation is is according to Florida code is separation from dwellings where you're going to be living and primary structures primary structures would be if you had a business on it because they don't want your business to start on fire but we've got a shed and we've got a carport okay neither dwelling and neither a primary structure so that's the way I see it I wanted to give you that you know verbage uh so that we could um uh so that we could um you know be making sort of a if I may say something because this the area where she wants to build this buts to my rental properties yes ma'am they're a good distance away there wouldn't be any kind of issue there I would prefer that they build Aus AED garage because then it would take away from the water used neighbors and what yes M K appreciate that uh so now I have to ask our our our legal uh advisor here so I know what having boned up on the Florida Statutes and the Florida code I know what the intent was in terms of structures separation uh and uh I probably reviewed 500 pages of it I could not find a single thing that talked about separation from uh from two accessory buildings uh everything was referred to separation uh to a dwelling a residential or a primary structure when it was a business are we appropriate as a advisory Council to despite how the answers were were answered here to make a recommendation to council either yay or nay based on uh the fact that these were answered wrong well again the applicant Bears the burden uh clearing by clear and convincing evidence of demonstrating each of those followings so they've got to do they've got the burden so at this point you've got a form that's not properly filled out no explanation um other than we heard really the reality of it um but but they have the burden of of demonstrating to you and more importantly at the end to the council I got you and of course I would re remind the chair this is technically a quasi judicial proceeding so got we should have sworn in oh the very good okay the applicate and anyone who wanted to speak very good techically okay very good um can we still do that still do that I'm not sure at this point what you're going to do with it but okay well here here's what I'm here's what's going on so what our legal advisor has just informed us is is that because we're we're kind of stuck because we're in a position where the VAR it's you file for a variance and the decision that the city has made was that if these are if any of these essentially are no then we have to we have to follow those those rules um I I think what's what could probably most likely occur would be if uh if you would redo the variance application based on how you feel the answers should actually be um because again they're hard to follow double negatives some single negatives and actually give explanations that be helpful yeah and then um you know if it's for vanity sake as you had identified um you know then identify that just it's for vanity purposes and then they'll have an option to you know say well we get it uh especially since you have a neighbor here who has said yeah it be it would be they just put up a huge bar across the street right up on their house enormous yeah and I I don't know how they got the approval to do that get a car well it's not that you can't it's just that however the information was filled out in the in the variance report it it it was not appropriate it's not right uh it's a yeah it's it just really just needs to probably be redone yeah I mean if someone was to pull that record we would need to show that we did our due diligence and making that the paperwor was F will have to have her revisit that I mean nothing else yeah every everything else um m Stewart uh looks good except for that variance so you're asking for a variance uh or she's asking for a variance and it really is just a matter of re viewing those questions so that this commission can go ahead and and have a little bit more information about what it is need to do those and come before this commission again that's appr appropriate thing for variance month away yes ma'am oh yes ma'am it is likely yeah and then you have to go through another hoop after this well generally that's within a week or two or yeah that's usually within a week or two after our meeting because then the council members are going to review it themselves take our recommendation and then move forward okay I'll give her a report of the people doing and here here's the other par the only one that requires all this they're doing them everywhere else no ma' most of them do that's not at all true we're very familiar with what Callaway and everybody else does if you have a building you need a building permit then then it generally goes through planning uh especially in a flood zone especially if it's in a circumstance where has been there since 19 40 in his family and never had absolutely absolutely yeah just I was giving you examples of of why other communities do review uh new structures new construction before it it gets built um but here's the good news for you is that Don is our acting Clerk and she heard everything that was just that was just said uh so I would suggest that uh Miss Petty bone go ahead and kind of go back to the drawing board and uh review that and then the next time what we'll do is Mr Sloan is absolutely right I messed up uh and that uh I needed to make this a quas Judicial so that any neighbors could come before us and offer their opinions here as well and um we're there are a lot of communities that don't have these kinds of commissions and you know who they are um I mean U and what municipalities like Parker are trying to do is avoid another Panama City Beach where you can't see the water for two miles that's why these people exist because we're trying to make Parker a better place than some of the places we've seen built around here and this certainly doesn't this is relatively straightforward um if there's any way that uh you know Miss Petty bone could move that to the 10 foot uh away that would be the easiest thing to do H the only reason it's a variance is because of where you're want to build it if you moved it another 7 ft which I can't imagine would change um you know uh the way it looks all that much then this young lady right here approves it and it doesn't come before us so the only reason it's here is because you're asking for a variance outside the rules so I'm just trying to offer some perspective to you okay all right okay thank you m Stuart there you go thank you very good okay all right lads it's 5:30 uh we're going to make the 7 o' debates all right so um got to make 615 615 let's do it here's the good news we're now on to the the next thing on the agenda the next thing on the agenda is to review the comprehensive plan for the next 15 pages uh so let's go right to it okay we're now on um and Mr R yes um so I I pointed out to Donna earlier that in that picture that and this is just sitting on me so I'm just going to put it out here sure in that picture that we saw of this prior piece of property there's a tree and she of course they want to push it up against the thing that tree is being removed today I asked Donna if she knew if there had been approval to remove that tree and she said she did not know I don't think so but if that tree is being removed yeah is it diseased or something I didn't get out and asked you have you still have to have it permitted I mean it's it's a huge oak tree y so just well let me let me ask you a question though she lives there now that lady does she and Miss Stewart's the one who's taken the tree down yeah children for all Mainer but unless it's a Heritage historic or Champion tree if she's the resident of that we have an exception she can take it down yeah yeah no I'm just saying believe but if we take that tree down then there's technically room it's probably one of the three I'll show you the picture it's huge Oak but there's right there I got you well OPP not a bad idea to uh probably send Randy that way it would be my guess we're planning and quite frankly uh I get it but I you know I think I think logically um the only reason it was before here is because we're asking for a variance and another seven feet would make all the difference in the world yes y y I just happened to drive around the properties today looking and I'm like okay okay I love how much y love oh my God they suck water we need them desperately all right so we're on page 4.1 infrastructure element uh this section is about maintaining the infrastructure water sewer drainage solid waste removal um this is completely uh in alignment with what the ldrs are uh this is talking about uh you know sewer we we identify that uh we'll make sure that from a concurrency standpoint the City continues to maintain uh that they can remove 100 gallons of sewage per day per person um you know and uh that's in exact compliance with with what the the rules are does anybody have any recommendations that's kind of straightforward stuff um I don't really see anything that that's aable water straight forward yeah yeah you're exactly right the next one's the next one's potable water uh we identify that we're going to deliver 108 gallons of potable water at 50 psi per day uh and we're going to follow all the rules particularly the the Florida Administrative Code we're going to follow all of the rules with regard to um this is really about concurrency we're going to continue to make sure that we provide each of these Services as the city grows okay very good and then four do I would point out the that um on page 4-2 the bottom policy the city will adopt a water supply facility work plan every 10 years make sure that that is on the calendar um yeah very good every 10 years yeah you Tony's probably already got that made would be my guess uh because he's in charge of all of that stuff I would imagine he's got uh that plan already concocted okay all right and then uh four Das 4-3 uh storm weather standards um so the first one was about you know sewage second one was about potable water third one's about uh storm water um again pretty straightforward um you know it's about uh improving and monitoring uh and exceeding the growth requirements this is more about uh just making making sure that we stay ahead of the game when it comes to services for you know any growth that we would have the only thing on that Mr chair is on page 4-4 4 c24 yes sir you you had been looking at changing to the 100-year storm event yes sir 100y year 24hour storm that's exactly right yeah that was 25 did I get ahead of you no no one page that's okay I I got a note right there I was just going to bring it up so that was one of my changes so what uh what we're talking about here everybody is uh in all of the ldr the Florida Administrative Code along with the Florida building codes had all gone to a much more stringent uh code and that was uh Rising water due to rain uh and ultimately they had gone to the 100-year 24-hour storm event that is an old one I think we probably may have even called that out last year when we did this but it probably just didn't you know didn't get well I'm thinking that maybe you change the ldr to that and we need to now change this to oh yes that standard very good so Donna if on your that's policy 4 c.2 do4 uh it uses the old standard of 25 years 8 Hour storm event and just so you'll all know the difference between that is really about 2 Ines of rain water which is a lot so you go from 11 uh 10.5 to like 13.1 Ines of water uh you know that uh with the difference between a 25 year and 100e Rain event but that's a lot of water yep so we all need to make sure that that yeah we need to change that the next comp amendment that we do very good so that's uh once again that's on page four 4-4 policy 4 c.2 do4 okay the next one is Monitor uh and protect Coastal resources uh this is Section Five um the items that that I focused on when I read through this is really we just need to make sure that from a management standpoint anytime that there's dredging and fill operations and wetlands and seagrass there's a lot a lot of sensitivity around that construction of peers docks Wars seaw walls and other similar structures if you remember in an earlier section we' recommend we bring that back to council rather than because it's it's a complexity issue there uh that I don't think we should just give to our clerk to make a decision because he or her is going to um you know there's you got to make sure that there's that you've got permits in place that you've got Environmental Protection standards already allocated that there's no sress that's there when you do that sort of thing and then this also uh is talking about any removal of Shoreland vegetation so if you're putting in a seaw wall or something like that uh you can do that but you've got to get the appropriate permits in place and the discharge of any pollutants that would exist all right very good and I don't personally see any changes that have to be uh administered on that page but that would be 5.1 any thoughts anybody no okay very good all right very good and then uh pretty much the same thing on 5.2 we're just asking that uh Parker remain in compliance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection the federal EPA and also uh Florida Wildlife Conservation when anything related to Wetlands protection of living Marine sources resources Shoreline stabilization any of that stuff is essentially done I think this is actually really written quite well uh so I don't I can't I kept thinking what would we have to add to this in order to improve it and I really couldn't find anything I thought it I mean it really it's really a good Bible for how we conduct ourselves as a city I put a question mark on 5.3.4 that's the next page being done pump out stations at the marinas 3.4 is that on page the next page okay I just hadn't gotten there Tony Terry no it's okay we're on 53 and you're looking at 534 yeah uh provide a hurricane mitigation evacuation plan now marinas with fueling facilities will provide pump out facilities at each dock I take that mean sewer pump out yeah with those with liveaboard transient traffic right so you don't have to have it unless you've got Li boards is that is that like Rodeo is that like Smugglers Cove if they still have a quote Marina if you've got Li boards I believe that's a state requirement I think that's St that's right out of the state requirements um where if you've got live boards you have to have a pump out facility so the question is now is that being liveaboards are not somebody who goes down and spends a weekend on their boat now uh there are standards for what a live a board somebody who's actually living on their boat uh um so but it's a darn good question um so but what we're talking about right now is do we change what's here or do we have a or do we have a or do we have a you know something we like an action we have to take in order to make sure that just asking if that's being done because I didn't see that that meant liveboard I think that I thought that just meant if you sell fuel you have to have that no it's it's not yeah it's commercial Marinis and and and it's an end and those with live aboard overnight transient traffic yeah but but this would apply to new marinas that are being permitted so yeah that's been long see that yeah I would also point out 533 which is U I'm not sure everybody understands that you've got to have a submerged land lease in order to have Marina a submerge land lease with the state yeah because you lease it from the state you is that like a well is that a um that is that a Randy thing uh well if if someone came in and wanted to permit a marina going forward they would have to comply with that lasic example out on the beach there is a there is a marina that was astonishingly allowed to uh be created by Excavating the Upland and therefore there is no submerged land Le on that entire Marina which they have I don't know 100 boats in oh so in Parker they couldn't have done that no my point wow this also has to do with the EM the County Emergency Management plan and again it's it's really just the verbage that we would live by but your question's a good one Terry are we doing it is the question and I don't know I don't know the answer to that I but I think that that might be a code guy thing yeah but I think he said this applies to new yeah it's 5.3.2 says all new expanded or redeveloped marinas shall yeah yeah very good well although you know some of the RV parks that are out there I think have put in boat uh that's what I was wondering CU smoko Cod used to say RV park and Marina and Marina yeah yep good question uh uh and and quite frankly that's a compliance issue and um I think it's one where it's a good we should probably ask Donna to maybe just talk to Randy about and just see if just I know he's still kind of new for all practical purposes and he's probably still you know got the brain drain going on in terms of learning all new things but that might that's a really good question um is he aware that but again to Mr Sloan's Point that's all new but we may have an expanded Marina and that might be one of the RV parks that's out there okay is anybody see anything that might need to be changed on five do 5-3 that page okay very good and then this is uh so this is a continuation of the emergency plan so um Parker is supposed to have standards for evacuating uh you know people uh during a disaster they're supposed to have construction standards as we do within the ldrs and then you're supposed to have a post disaster policy to speed recovery that's really what that's about it's sort of a ABC plan that makes sense to me in terms of the verbage that's there um we cover some of the things like how do we know when a home is you know has to comply to whatever the new standards are 50% of damage those sorts of things those things all match up with the ldrs okay moving on to 5-5 uh let's go this is about uh Recreation providing Waterfront access from the city um you know if we're doing a good job there guys I mean look at the new Parker Pier um you know look at some of the other things that we've recently done I know we recently rejuvenated that that boat launch over there uh but that's all about making sure that those recreational uh access to the waterways are are being developed and again I don't find any mistakes I don't find any conflicts with the ldrs I it looks pretty straightforward okay and then section six is a conservation element uh this is about natural resources maintaining policies consistent with the Florida Administrative Code uh it's about water runoff about controll and erosion um and making sure that we conduct ourselves appropriately with other municipalities to make sure that uh we work with them to have the same goals and I you know to Terry's earlier point I don't know if we do that kind of thing I know that you know it's a good idea but I don't know if we actually have steps in place to do it I know the police probably were talk to those guys all the time but this is about conservation you know and uh making sure that we have the same goals as they do but in terms of the verbiage that's here I mean they even talk about I'm not sure how this would get done I mean 61.2 the city will assist in limiting air pollution from auto emissions by maintaining and establishing levels of of service standards I've never seen auto emission service standards but that's in our that's in our you know that's in our comprehensive plan we put in sidewalks there you go that's actually you know what you're right about that that you're absolutely right because they do talk about minimizing driving because of you know uh sidewalks and bicycle paths and things of that nature here's those things yeah but again this is less about compliance and more about you know is there anything there that you would change or recommend that we change see very good okay and then the next one we just talked about trees this is about maintaining native ve vegetation like I say just uh you know generally if you're you get new construction or something of that nature and you're taking trees out we have a tree replacement program it's not you can't do it we want you to avoid taking out any of the champion or Heritage or historical trees that are out there um but it's also about making sure that developers ultimately put uh foliage back in and and Nice Landscaping that's FL that's specific to Florida so that they don't have to water it as often um or things of that nature but that looks pretty good too that's at objective 6.4 maintain procedures to protect native vegetation and stands for mature Hardwoods very good any recommended changes there guys any thoughts and listen if we get to the next meeting and anybody's got to go back to a page because they there's something that that's blaring and you see it uh and then the next page is really just a continuation of the conservation standards um this is really about just making sure that any developers any Builders do um you know uh grab the appropriate permits uh and that we maintain appropriate building standards that impact uh sensitive resources that we have like Martin Lake and uh and all of our Seashore all right see turnning the page okay that's this is another page of continuing the conservation this one specifically spells out using uh Florida friendly plants which one are you on now 6 six six4 or [Music] 6-4 and if there are no changes to that I'm going to go ahead and turn the page okay and then this next one is about maintaining recre ation and open space element I I think we're doing a hell of a job here you know we've got the new pier uh everybody's probably gotten a chance to see Melinda park or melind Park uh we're right now in the process of rebuilding the sports complex and I understand we're putting new memorials in Memorial Park right now those are some very very nice things that we as a a small City a small municipality are are doing and I will note that those parks are all very nice nice Parks um I don't know we've got a name for it yet but Mendy Park needs to be added on here as number six because that is not actually on here great catch great catch the pier itself is sort of a separate item do we need to add that as an additional or can we do like Earl Gilbert Park and the Parker Pier it's a good point because it's a designated public recreational sites available to Residents in the city are and then we've got the five that are there so so you're so you would add the pier funded separately uh and uh that's probably nothing that's critical right Mr Salone but the next time we have to change we could add these so we' add the Parker pier and then add we're probably going to change the the name of melind Park to whatever it's going to be so but I get it right so so and then we're going to add mende park right yeah good catch so add the pier add the park we're doing so much work to both of those and we've still got people over there trying to tear it up already several times dude this is a dumb question what is Pete where is Parker experimental okay that's one to exploration there's too many Parker environmental Exploration Park Environmental exploration well I just didn't know the name of it buy it is there something that we could put in there that all the new parks or new facilities being built must have some kind of camera system either one like you know just the Wi-Fi cameras whatever just there these are goals for for land use not how you're going to there are plans for that and they do have access to cameras this is how they've been able to get some of these folks but the melindy part there were some people U writing I don't know if they were I motorized bikes of some sort around where all the new planting and stuff is and it's closed it says closed but there are plans for I think add add okay very good all right and then uh we're moving on thank you for that contribution B that was excellent okay and then we're on to 7.2 this is really about continuation of the recreational facilities we do a heck of a job here essentially we've set a standard that says we're going to have 8.75 Acres of parks and playground for every thousand people in this in the city yeah we're way over that because we have what 4400 people 4,200 people and that would be well know about 40 uh about yeah about about 40 about 40 acres of of land we we've got a whole lot more than that so that's excellent um and also the other thing we've done that we changed in the ldrs we added the green space that new developers will put in when they develop new subdivisions or what have you so we're all over this that's we do that primarily for you know humans uh for a standpoint of extra Recreation facilities and you know quality of life standards things but it's also because of flooding and all practical reasons as well all very good any recommended changes here okay I think a lot of this is these are just remember the comprehensive plan is really just sort of the general Bible for how the ldr will be written for standards and we put General statements in here like the city will require that open space be provided by developers as part of new development activities uh so and then we detail it in the ldrs okay and then um we're ending policy uh you know the seventh policies here 753 and 754 and this is really just about how recreational land is going to be acquired okay by the city uh and then uh what the city will do to accommodate public utilities and other uh easements uh that may need to be placed across those recreational areas really straightforward whenever you're dealing with fdot or D or you know Northwest Florida water management districts you got to be accommodating to them okay and then uh we will not we'll end right here uh just because it's just a few minutes till six uh but uh if we could get the next 15 pages after here so we're ending an 8.1 um and uh we'll we'll pick up the pieces there in in October okay uh the next 15 pages if we could yeah um Mr Sloan do you need the summary for the first uh the first 15 pages you let me you already can I copy it you can have that because I I've got that written down that that shows your page number right there okay page 1.2 page 1.3 and then what the reasons but I think you were the one who brought up that last one about let's see use the oh no that's just a recommendation here's the last one I'm sorry you brought up the last one there about objective 36 and 36 61 out of order I think they're like in 34 or something um Terry I'm camper good deal thank you glad you're feeling better how you feeling doing okay anything for the group here no very good T I'm good Mr Hall any uh any thoughts for the group okay or anything you want to bring up okay Mr anything we need to do to stay at a jail a little more effectively than perhaps we already are you won't find my number next to the phone at the jail that's all in that case so you better know it orks call thanks for everybody's I appreciate all the work everybody does here n you are amazing thank you foring